Re: [GKD] South Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2005-01-04 Thread Robert Davies
Dear Colleagues,

I am copying you with this situation brief on the Asian coastal disaster
and business engagement in relief and recovery. This went out from IBLF
today in Australia, London, Hong Kong and USA and distributed by our
IBLF International Tourism Partnership (whose corporate members have
100s of properties in the region), and will be published elsewhere. It
draws on our experience in working with CEOs of the major global tourism
and hotel companies. However, it is relevant to all business operating
in the Indian Ocean rim and concerned to review what to do in backing up
official and agency rescue, relief and recovery efforts. In our
conversations with the World Bank and emergency aid services and others
it is clear that the human losses will mount considerably and how things
are approached for the longer-term is critical. Please feel free to
forward it on to colleagues and contacts who may find it useful.

The brief was issued in New York, London and Hong Kong with a media
advisory with the kind assistance of Edelman Worldwide Media Services
and the document can be downloaded from

We would value your feedback.

International Business Leaders Forum 
International Tourism Partnership 


What role for business leadership in the wake of Asia's coastal

The undersea earthquake off Indonesia and the resulting freak surge of
tsunamis across the Indian Ocean, swept thousands of unsuspecting
villagers and holiday-makers to their deaths and left devastated
communities and tourism facilities. As the death toll climbs, hotels
have become makeshift morgues, communities mourn, health risks rise and
authorities and agencies engage in the relief task. Industry leaders in
the region and across the world may ask what they can do to assist? 
Business cannot escape getting involved in the rescue and aftermath for
both humanitarian and business reasons. Tourism is essentially
community based and engaged in the fabric of poor communities around the
world. The challenge for regional and international business leaders
will soon be to take a lead and engage in support of the public
authorities in an even more critical role - aligned to their valuable
management and logistical skills and infrastructure, applied to relief
and recovery. That is to help save economies and communities from a
further wave of social and economic catastrophe. This situation brief
drawing on experience of the tourism industry aims to help managers and
business leaders think through their longer term role.

Robert Davies
Chief Executive Officer
International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF)
15-16 Cornwall Terrace
The Regents Park
London  NW1 4QP
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 7467 3666/7
F: +44 (0)20 7467 3665

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Re: [GKD] South Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2004-12-31 Thread Gregg Swanson
A U.S. distributor of Iridium satellite phones has approximately 20
phones that they are willing to loan out at no leasing cost to NGOs
responding to the tsunami disaster. They will charge only airtime - no
activation or leasing fees. The Iridium phones will work throughout the

Interested parties should send me an email stating the name of their
NGO, number of phones requested, urgency of need, and contact
information. The phones would ship on Monday, January 3 (or today,
Friday, if the request is received by noon West Coast U.S. time)

Gregg Swanson
Executive Director, HumaniNet


***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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Re: [GKD] South Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2004-12-30 Thread Brian Walsh
NetHope is shipping NetReliefKits to the region in conjunction with its
member NGOs. NRKs are ruggedized, suitcase-sized, wireless-based voice
and data communications devices, with access to the Internet via a
mobile satellite station.

For more information, visit:

On 12/29/2004, "Global Knowledge Dev. Moderator" wrote:

> Our hearts go out to the millions of people affected by the devastating
> earthquake and tsunami that hit South Asia and Southeast Asia on Sunday.
> We hope that our members in all of the affected countries are safe,
> along with their families. If any GKD members have information on the
> use of ICT for disaster relief that they would like to share, we will
> forward the information to relief organizations.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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Re: [GKD] South Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2004-12-30 Thread Holly Ladd
Health workers and others involved in relief efforts will find links to
treatment guidelines and other medical and public health references for
the prevention and treatment of diseases prevalent in the aftermath of
floods and other disasters on our website . We will
continue to update this reference list and invite your suggestions for
content. Those without web access may request a copy of any document
listed on our site by sending an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and we
will respond as quickly as we can.

Please pass this message on to your contacts in the affected region who
are able to receive email.


Holly Ladd
Executive Director

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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Re: [GKD] South Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2004-12-30 Thread Amer Jabry
An excellent example of the use of ICT for disaster relief is the

blog website. It "emerged" over the last few days through the efforts
of volunteers and bloggers from around the world, and provides faster
and more comprehensive news, information and updates about the disaster
than most of the single agency "official" sites.

They have also worked to organise the information they are receiving
into an emergency database at Wiki:

Please pass these links on to people and agencies affected by or
responding to the disaster. Thank you.

Amer Jabry

Tel: + 44 20 8569 6765
Fax: + 44 20 7691 7801 

On 12/29/04, "Global Knowledge Dev. Moderator" wrote:

> Our hearts go out to the millions of people affected by the devastating
> earthquake and tsunami that hit South Asia and Southeast Asia on Sunday.
> We hope that our members in all of the affected countries are safe,
> along with their families. If any GKD members have information on the
> use of ICT for disaster relief that they would like to share, we will
> forward the information to relief organizations.
> Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been struck by this
> terrible disaster.


***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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[GKD] South Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2004-12-29 Thread Global Knowledge Dev. Moderator
Dear GKD Members,

Our hearts go out to the millions of people affected by the devastating
earthquake and tsunami that hit South Asia and Southeast Asia on Sunday.
We hope that our members in all of the affected countries are safe,
along with their families. If any GKD members have information on the
use of ICT for disaster relief that they would like to share, we will
forward the information to relief organizations.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been struck by this
terrible disaster.

The following URLs provide information on organizations that are working
in the disaster relief area and are accepting donations:

USAID Tsunami / Earthquake Relief

Medecins Sans Frontieres International - Tsunami Emergency Appeal

Oxfam Asian Earthquake & Tsunami Fund

UNICEF South Asia Tsunami Relief Efforts

Sarvodaya Relief Fund for Tsunami Tragedy

AmeriCares South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund

American Red Cross International Response Fund

Canadian Red Cross
South East Asia Tidal Wave and Earthquake Appeal

British Red Cross - Asia Earthquake and Floods Appeal

Australian Red Cross - Asia Quake and Tsunamis Appeal

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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