Re: another reason to use adblock and noscript... or just use Linux

2010-03-24 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I'm not missing the point. All holes are not created equal. While I might agree that there are some holes that are larger than others, and some systems where there are more holes than others, I apply the same logic to computer systems that I apply to using a condom to block STDsany size or

Re: another reason to use adblock and noscript... or just use Linux

2010-03-24 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
But... only somewhat: Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained. the realization came over me with full force that a good part of the remainder of my life was going to be spent in finding errors in my own programs. - Maurice Wilkes, head of the EDSAC project,

Souhegan High School

2010-03-24 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hi, Two weeks ago I went to Souhegan High School in Amherst to vote, and while there I looked up their computer technical person (they are mostly a windows shop, but also have MACs) and offered to do a presentation to the students and faculty on FOSS and free culture. They asked their community

Re: FLOSS-/hacker-friendly music-players?

2010-03-23 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
RD labrats producing `high-value IP' ... Yah, right. Like any of those types are going to leave that stuff behind. Sure, the rules say they have to leave them behind. The rules are ignored. Just like the rules about not bringing cell phones into hospitals, or turning them off

Re: Google Chrome

2010-03-19 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Chrome is also the only browser I know of that is planning on supporting both H.264/Mp4 and Theora/Vorbis as codecs. md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Google Chrome

2010-03-19 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Firefox 3.6 claims to support the latter (but not both). I haven't really tried it. Isn't MP4 patent encumbered? Yes, not only is MP4 patent encumbered, but if you use the video streams produced by H.264/MP4 for commercial purposes you have to pay a royalty for those streams on a per

Re: Google Wave?

2010-03-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
It sounds to me like that would enable Wave to be used as a collaborative whiteboard, which makes perfect sense to me. e.g. mind mapping: There was (and I assume is) an active discussion group around merging mind-mapping with Wave functionality, usually

Re: Google Wave?

2010-03-09 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
There is a Playback button, which brings up a VCR/web-movie like control. You can step forward through each change/edit made to a Wave. It will highlight text edits with strikeouts and colors. This lets you see the Wave evolve over time. (It's almost exactly like the Greasemonkey

Re: DECnet and other dead technologies (was: Linux for cloud computing)

2010-03-08 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Because they thought they wouldn't have to find a new solution to replace the old. And the new one won't last as long. A very Unix Philosophy type of answer. AND because the current solution did everything they wanted it to do (run the payroll)...another Unix-like reason. md

Re: OT? - Broadband Troubleshooting

2010-03-08 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I to not claim to be in the same league when it comes to networking as Ben, but I have noticed with some VoIP applications that I use and the people I call that it is often not the problem with my network. Some people I call are in far-off places, with really bad dial-up lines and over time the

Re: Interesting article,

2010-03-08 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I propose the rarely here is a function of the company in question. Even Apple falls into this category for they did not design every thing about everything they sell either. To that point, there is rarely a company worth much more than they are charging across most industries. =) The issue is

Re: Google Wave?

2010-03-08 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I have had a Google Wave account for some time through a company that I work with. I have found it almost useless, since it does not interact well with regular email, and since you have to be online to really use it. Also, unlike some other Google products that had useful real functionality even

Re: Google Wave?

2010-03-08 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
We've got like, 6 of us in the same wave. It's.. My brain hurts... To be fair, I also think that Wave does take a bit of getting used to it. It is not meant to be like email, where someone types something and someone else replies. It is more Wiki-like, where you interject something in the

Re: DECnet and other dead technologies (was: Linux for cloud computing)

2010-03-07 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Free Software doesn't mean it comes without costs, just the costs are different than a license fee (and a support fee, and an upgrade fee, and...). If nobody is willing to invest any effort in the stuff they use, they shouldn't be surprised when it disappears. Playing devil's advocate again, if


2010-03-07 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
While working on my paper about Linux and Cloud Computing (and thanks to all the people who sent me input), I went to the VirtualBox site: Over in the corner is the News Flash section, where for the past several months the news flashes start off with: New November 17,

Re: DECnet and other dead technologies (was: Linux for cloud computing)

2010-03-06 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Ben, That seems more like it was due to a total lack of interest. Could it simply be that most everyone has moved to Internet Protocol now? I agree to a point that the current orphaning of the code in the kernel is probably due to a total lack of interest, and that there is a good possibility

Re: DECnet and other dead technologies (was: Linux for cloud computing)

2010-03-06 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Ben, One other comment: I think widespread adoption of IP has tended to eliminate less-used network transports. Why go with something weird, proprietary, and expensive when you could go with what everybody is using, for free? I agree. But I also remember that in 1984 DEC was still waiting for

Re: Interesting article

2010-03-06 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Again, I don't have a good answer, but that doesn't mean the problem goes away. Linux still sucks. Just to be clear, in this particular case any freely distributable piece of code that relies on royalty bearing codecs sucks. That includes BSD, Hurd, Minux, Android, MeeGO, etc. md

Re: DECnet and other dead technologies (was: Linux for cloud computing)

2010-03-06 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I've already heard of people running an emulator on top of an emulator inside of a VM solely to keep some old application alive. One or two years ago I was at a small technical college someplace and the professors (knowing I had worked for DEC) offered to show me an ancient PDP-11 running RSX-11

[OT] Re: Interesting article, games and ugly pants

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
ugly pants carrying Windows laptops around. I must admit I never related ugly pants with Windows laptops. I sense a follow-up study, but firstwhat is the definition of ugly pants? md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Linux for cloud computing: Request for Input

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hi, I am doing some consulting about Why Linux is good for cloud computing (and for that matter Software as a Service (SaaS), which I consider more or less one and the same). I am going to start with the fact that Unix systems were designed (almost) from the beginning to be multi-tasking and

Re: Interesting article,

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
O.K., I will wade in here. :-) For the most part, Ben is right. Vendors who completely control both hardware and software can make the best products, if your definition of best is a limited market of items, and you are willing to pay for them. MVS, VMS, Digital Unix. Rock solid, stable,

Re: Linux for cloud computing: Request for Input

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Virtualization? Well, I did not mention virtualization before, since there are so many answers for virtualization for different operating systems, but there is an element of efficiency in virtualization and Too many choices. A good point, but I think it is overblown for uber cloud computing

Re: Linux for cloud computing: Request for Input

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Tom, Networking Linux can do vlans, VPN, firewalls in the base install. Its very flexible in what you allow to be exposed. AWESOME with the networking mention. The BSD guys often said in the early days that they had a better networking stack, but I am fairly sure that Linux has caught up. :-)

Re: Linux for cloud computing: Request for Input

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Mark, There is still some good stuff happening with VMS, for example if you are an hp software partner, you can get ssh access to a virtual machine running OpenVMS 8.4 EFT. I did not mean to imply that there was not good stuff happening with VMSbut VMS is and was not DECnet. Even when I was

Re: Interesting article

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Ralph, While I agree with some things you said: Not one Linux distro I've seen does a convincing job with consumer media, an absolutely basic requirement, and something we ought to be able to get right. Well, please ask the DVD people not to used royalty bearing patents in their codecs, and

Re: Why Linux has problems with proprietary multimedia... (was: Interesting article)

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
... which has me wondering: how does Ubuntu get away with shipping all of the stuff necessary to do DVD-authoring!? Ahhh, what does it meant to do DVD-authoring? Moving encoded bits on a DVD? No problem! Taking video bits from my video camera (encoded into Mpeg) and putting it onto my DVD? No

Re: Why Linux has problems with proprietary multimedia...

2010-03-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Ralph, So what it really comes down to is not who is in compliance with the patent but who the patent-holders permit to violate their patent, how well the patent holder was compensated to look the other way, and whether at some future date the organization in this state of grace manages to

Re: Interesting article,

2010-03-04 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I will play the Devil's advocate here: No gaming support - Mandriva has an entire product line devoted to gaming, but the gaming developers didn't work with it and the end users didn't try it out. It was subsequently dropped. Yes, and It was subsequently dropped is the issue. Linux just does

Re: Interesting article, games

2010-03-04 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Lori, A good list of game issues. Now add the fact that most Linux people are: o Open Source (and typically games aren't) o quite a few don't believe in paying for anything (and game makers have to eat) o game making is more of a science combined with art these daysfew people would be happy

Re: Interesting article, games

2010-03-04 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
... and I was trying to remember where I saw an analogous off-the-cuff flowchart for Windows. I just found it: Yes, and it is true that Windows probably has as much a mess in this as Linux

Re: I'm writing an opinion piece for the Concord Monitor -- care to weigh in?

2010-03-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I have created an opinion piece in my blog at the Linux Pro Magzine site that addresses the actions of the United States Trade Representative in placing Indonesia, Brazil and India on the 301 Watch List because those countries advocate use of FOSS: The link is here:

Re: New Toys

2010-03-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
After you use it to create the next generation Cupcake, can I have this one? md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Video card recommendation

2010-03-01 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Drew, With selective Googling I found this posting about the Radeon HD 3650 in Ubuntu Linux: And the link to the ATI site in the article seems to show that they are still supporting the board. md

Re: Video card recommendation

2010-03-01 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for; I did not think to include rotated in my googling, which was silly of me. 1050x1680 (order matters) code-editing screen, here I come! Well, in this case selective googling was a case of less(1) giving more(1).I just googled for HD 3650 linux,

Re: [NH LoCo] I'm writing an opinion piece for the Concord Monitor -- care to weigh in?

2010-02-26 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
The only `issue' I have in reading your response is where you write: Who loses in a true FOSS environment? The investors. Jason, I really do not want to start a discussion of capitalism here, but I do want to answer your question. I will be more careful in the upcoming document addressing

Re: PySIG ON for tonight, need a projector!

2010-02-25 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Bill Sconce, PySIG Fearless Leader, may not be able to attend tonight, as a propane truck accident has him evacuating his home. See: Brings new meaning to the old song: There will be a hot time in the old town tonight. md

Re: PySIG ON for tonight, need a projector!

2010-02-25 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Everyone's going to have a gas. The real problem with that much propane being released at one time is that, being heavier than air, you have pockets of Cascading sheets of propane styles. But I am fairly sure that by the end of PySIG tonight (or after the beers at the

Re: I'm writing an opinion piece for the Concord Monitor -- care to weigh in?

2010-02-24 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Yes, we know that it is crap and we know that FOSS is commercial software, but the enemies of FOSS (and this includes free information) have lots of money, hire lots of lobbyists, who takes lots of people to dinner and whisper things in their ear. It all sounds on the up-and-up. The Business

Re: I'm writing an opinion piece for the Concord Monitor -- care to weigh in?

2010-02-24 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Man. If FOSS is so great, how come *we* don't have all of that money to do all of those things? Very simple. Proprietary software is written for investors by non-users. FOSS, for the most part, is written by the customers for the customers. FOSS is written by the people that have the itch

Re: Introduction and Advice

2010-02-12 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
and Education run by Bryant Patten: Now I will shut up and let others have their say. Warmest regards, Jon maddog Hall ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: MerriLUG or Manchester meets planned? + Twitter

2010-01-22 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
It is easier and faster for me to get to Manchester from Amherst over Rt 101 than it is to get to Nashua over Rt 101A, particularly around rush hour. md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: The MySQL petition

2010-01-01 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
It is a sad situation, but one that happens every once in a while, and particularly when a profit-making company heads up a FOSS project. In 2008 Sun bought MySQL for 1 Billion dollars, 800 million in cash and 200 million in options. Someone got a lot of money, and quite a few people probably

Re: Linux Android Phone coming to Verizon

2009-10-27 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Joshua, First of all, let me say it was good to see you again last night at the 15th Anniversary of GNHLUG. Secondly, what you say is true about the signed images. The only way you could get an unlocked, unsigned G1 was to join the Google Developer's program ($25.) and then you could buy *one*.

Re: Fairpoint files for Chapter 11

2009-10-27 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
My personal opinion is this would be a good time for Verizon to come in and buy back the lines. They will get it cheaper than what they sold it for. Verizon would not want the lines back if you gave them to Verizon. Verizon does not want the rural land-line business. They have been selling it

Re: Doodle poll for GNHLUG party location

2009-10-19 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
A furious race! Neck-and-neck between Milly's Tavern and La Carreta, both with a staggering three votes each! Followed up closely by Strange Brew, with a tremendous two votes! What a contest! What a drama! Oh, the humanity! Well, I do not know what happened, but I voted already in

Re: [GNHLUG] GNHLUG is turning 15! Let's have a party!

2009-10-09 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
* Milley's Tavern ( The URL is No e in this millys. I remember it was a big place, and on a Monday night we might tend to have it to ourselves. md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] GNHLUG is turning 15! Let's have a party!

2009-10-06 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I also think it would be neat to have the gathering on the anniversary date. Well, to throw a little gasoline into the discussion: o The date you mention is the date of the first meeting of what-would-become the GNHLUG meeting. I still remember sitting around a few weeks later trying to discuss

Re: How Apple makes more profit on their systems...

2009-10-05 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hi, I have been watching this conversation for the past couple of days, and I would just like to throw in a small observation. People like Apple because of their design, because things plug together seamlessly, because everything works well. One simple reason for this is that Apple controls, to

Re: Listen to your log files

2009-08-19 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
LOL. What a fantastic idea! I'm gonna have to design a PCI card to do that... oh, wait. That would be better implemented as a USB device, wouldn't it? That way your smells would be mobile, and the device could be of arbitrary size. I think you should freely publish the hardware design of

Re: Listen to your log files

2009-08-17 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I think this is a good idea, but in reality your hearing is nowhere near as sensitive as your nose. I believe a good product for sysadmins would be SmellTrouble(TM), where systems that are in good shape would generate smells like chocolate, soda or good coffee, and systems that are in bad shape

[GNHLUG] Request for participating in Hugo Corbucci's survey on developer communications tools

2009-08-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
It is not often that I ask for your help, and this help is not even for me, but for a young Brazilian friend of mine named Hugo Corbucci. Hugo is doing his Master's degree and is doing a survey of software tools that a developer and his team of people might use in doing communicationswell,

Re: [OT] We Choose The Moon

2009-07-23 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Ben, Thanks for that email and those links. I got curious about the fact that MAC was the first high order computer language, so I started searching for that and found this link: which

Re: [OT] We Choose The Moon

2009-07-23 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
You don't even need to make your own rope memory. Now he tells me! :-) md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Nostalgia alert!

2009-06-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Yup, and I remember paying $25. for ONE of those serial line connectors (not the cable, just the connector). And that was $25 back in 1977. md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Unix plate on /.

2009-05-18 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Ahhh, Slashdot! Let no good article go unpunished. md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

The Telegraph Story

2009-05-17 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hi, The Telegraph story whose prequel started the whole topic of license plates is at: Thought you might like to know. md ___

[OT] The Boston Express

2009-05-17 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hi, In going to the airport from Nashua I normally take a private car, but today I decided to take the bus that leaves from Exit 8. Not only is it much cheaper, but it has free WiFi on board, and I am typing this as we speed down Rt. 3. md ___

Re: OT? Shipping issues?

2009-03-24 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
In general, I find complaining through sales is sometimes effective for non-responsive companies. I knew of many, many issues of non-responsive companies that were solved quickly by contacting your sales representativeparticularly one that was commission based. Unfortunately this happens

[GNHLUG] Merrilug Meeting March 19th Canceled

2009-03-16 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
will be able to reschedule it. I will have to discuss that with the other organizers. maddog -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member

[GNHLUG] The World Premier of the GNULUG Movie Production Studios

2009-03-11 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
budget, two elements in today's society that we do not hear that much. Another announcement will be going out as we get closer to the meeting. Yes, I filled in the Wiki page. maddog -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St

Help in making a Linux video needed

2009-02-24 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
a better camera, particularly one with a separate microphone input, it would be great if we could borrow it. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: http

[GNHLUG] Reminder of UNIX Time event: Today, Friday 13th, 18:31:30 EST (that is about 6:30 P.M. for Microsoft users) - Marthas Please RSVP

2009-02-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
. government will give us a bailout to study this issue. Who will join me as we watch the time of UNIX line up? md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: http

Re: Linux taking over

2009-02-12 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
a luxury, but a necessity) that can be cut off? Venezuela and other countries are making the same move, and for a lot of the same reasons. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst

Re: FYI: The Unix philosophy - the rest of the story

2009-02-10 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
to that discussion that night because he was too busy scribbling down notes on a piece of paper. Later, when Mike had written and published his book The UNIX Philospophy, he gave me an autographed copy. And now you know the REST of the story. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux

A little more story....

2009-02-10 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
foils. Scanned in and put up on the web, they can be found here: along with another great Mashey talk: Software Army On the March We stand on the shoulders of giants. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email

Re: :-) Please use [OT] for Re: FYI: The Unix philosophy

2009-02-10 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Look at its wirth instead. Ahhh, Niklaus Wirth...another giant! md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum

Re: Fw: [Python-talk] 64 bit question

2009-02-09 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
sizes, that is another issue. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus: USENIX

Re: Amazing Source

2009-02-06 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
-- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006) (R

Re: UNIX vs Unix (was: Time for Linux)

2009-02-03 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
is a design philosophy', is one common usage. You forgot to mention that is is also a standard, the Single UNIX Specification. md Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032

Re: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time)

2009-02-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
of our members. Thanks for your input. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus

Re: Suqashing Facebook (WAS: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time))

2009-02-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
-- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006) (R)Linux

Time for Linux is Lining up

2009-02-01 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
At 11:31:30pm UTC on Feb 13, 2009, Unix time will reach 1,234,567,890. Where will you be at this momentous second? - from Bell Labs This will be Friday, February 13th at 1831 and 30 seconds EST (1531 and 30 seconds PST). Now if there was any reason to fear Friday the 13th, I think this is it.

Re: Time for Linux is Lining up

2009-02-01 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Greg, Martha's has WiFi, so we can hook up to a time server. ...this will be useful for the 13th! Thanks, md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW

Stop! Unix Time

2009-02-01 Thread Jon Maddog Hall
Jon sent a message on Facebook. Y2K in the Unix Erawhere will your computer be? To reply to this message, follow the link below: ___ gnhlug-discuss

Re: Boston time_t party Re: Stop! Unix Time

2009-02-01 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
for me.and Ben is going to buy me a drink! Warmest regards, md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum

Re: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time)

2009-02-01 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
be interested in the source. The real GNHLUG event notice followed soon after, using the normal mailing lists. If thine eye offend thee, pluck it outif you don't like Facebook, don't look at it. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email:

Re: For all you outspoken people....and some of you quiet ones...

2009-01-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
with minimal tinkering.) Bayard --- On Tue, 1/13/09, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote: From: Jon 'maddog' Hall Subject: For all you outspoken peopleand some of you quiet ones... To: Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 1:54 AM I

Re: Thots on evolution vs t'bird.

2009-01-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
. Warmest regards, maddog -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association

Re: Thots on evolution vs t'bird.

2009-01-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
or slower for you, I do not know. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus

Re: Thots on evolution vs t'bird.

2009-01-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
this behavior for a while. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus: USENIX

Re: Thots on evolution vs t'bird.

2009-01-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
you to include as many customer headers as you want. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board

Re: Thots on evolution vs t'bird.

2009-01-13 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
it as it was with MH. And that is about the only thing I don't like about it. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum

For all you outspoken people....and some of you quiet ones...

2009-01-12 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I have been asked to nominate some people and products for the most or the best for 2008. Now I am happy to do this, but I also am a firm believer in the concept that (for the most part) a group of people usually gives a better answer than a single person, so I am going to open this up to the

Re: Thots on evolution vs t'bird.

2009-01-11 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Evolution supports IMAP, POP and local mail. It also supports multiple identities. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board

Re: free phones

2008-12-12 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
In the case of the hardware, I do prefer the term open to separate freedom from the concept of being gratis. :-) The G1 from Google's developer program is actually 474 USD (399. plus the 75 dollars it costs to join their developers program), and only available in low quantities. For larger

Re: Update (K)Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10

2008-11-14 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
(and to be fair, it is easier to show in a video than to write about left mouse-push swish). Stay tuned. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: http

Re: Update (K)Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10

2008-11-14 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I will write the article, pass it past my friend for his o.k. on accuracy and some URLs, and when I get it posted I will let you know. md ___ gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] [DLSLUG-Announce] TONIGHT: A Teaching Compiler Written in MATLAB - DLSLUG Monthly Meeting - 2008-10-02

2008-10-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Oh Great! Now that you tell them there will be coffee and donuts, they will come out of the woodwork! md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: http

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Excellent :-) Can you give a link to where you got these? They are actually cheaper than the $238., because you get a $20. rebate on one of themassuming you order them today, September 30th. And by wiggling my

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
This from the guy who brought core memory to a LUG show-and-tell. You always end up topping all the I remember when conversations. No fair starting them, too. ;-) Sorry Ben, I really don't mean it to be a contest. I just do it every once in a while to put some reality back into what has

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
for 'searching', capacity vs speed. Even today there are many applications that simply need to have the data online for that one weird old guy who would like to see it again every ten, fifteen or thirty years. Warmest regards, maddog -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
per buck. I will warn everyone that the rebates on both of these offers are only one per household, and with rebates Let the buyer beware, as well as this is not an endorsement of these drives, so do your own analysis. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
You might not really have 1024 GB in your disks :-/ Well, actually I would be happy to have only 1000 GB on my disk to have a Terabyte, but then we get to the whole discussion of what is a GB, and it is too early in the morning for that discussion and I have too much real work to do. Warmest

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
It's about 6 Mb/s or just shy of 1MB/s. The entire data contents of RP06 then could have been fetched in about 200s (let's say 3min), compared to 1TB at 300MB/s and thus approx. 3000s or close to 1h. All of that would assume that you were reading sequentially and not waiting for disk head

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Did the computer you were hooking it up to even have 16MB of main memory in it? Of course not. I had it hooked up to a VAX 11/780 that was running Unix System 3 from Bell Labs. At first we only had 1 MB of RAM, but I upgraded that to 4 MB (the max you could have with that system). If I had

Price/Performance of time

2008-09-29 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
(and that was when $23K was a lot of money). 8000 times the capacity for 1/80th of the price. So it goes. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW:

Re: Automated Teller Machines

2008-08-03 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
-- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006) (R

Re: Automated Teller Machines

2008-08-03 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
several instances of Linux being used in Lottery systems, both the terminals and the server systems. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: http

Re: OpenMoko Freerunner

2008-07-21 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
that are on their way. People comparing the software to the iPhone are, by this very definition, going to be disappointed. On the other hand, developers who want a truly open platform to develop some great applications on should have what they need. md -- Jon maddog Hall Executive Director

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