[Goanet] On language.

2018-09-29 Thread eric pinto
 The late Shashi Kapur was married to Jennifer Kendal and they had acquired a 
home in Baga.  He said this to his Juhu, Bombay neighbour Joe Nazareth twenty 
five years ago :  you are good people but you do not getjobs from being seen as 
English speaking people.

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2018-09-29 Thread Jean & Marcos Catao
Pinto Conspiracy

For those not conversant with even the barest details of the CONJURAÇÃO dos 
PINTOS (PINTO CONSPIRACY), this was a conspiracy conceived by a group of Goan 
military officers and men together with several clergymen, to get rid of the 
Portuguese from Goa. The plan was for the action to start on 10th August 1777. 
But, on the morning of the 6th, a certain Antonio Eugenio Toscano , clerk at 
the Comunidade de Aldona appeared before the Governor spilled the beans, giving 
him full details of the plot. The Governor did not pay heed to the news 
thinking it a laughable absurdity, probably occasioned by personal animosity. 
But, in the evening of the same day, a high ranking officer of the LEGIAO de 
Bardez came to the Governor bringing along a junior officer to confirm the 
story. While the Governor was still mulling over the matter, the following 
morning he received from the Archbishop the summary of a sworn deposition by 
three clerics, attesting to the same. There was thus little doubt that there 
was something afoot. My matenal granduncle, Lt. Manoel caetano Pinto, was a key 
The Governor issued immediate orders for the apprehension of the culprits. The 
first to be apprehended was Fr. Caetano Francisco do Couto in Piedade. The 
apprehension of the others followed.
After being tried, all the military personnel underwent the same execution 
process as Manoel Caetano Pinto. On the appointed day of the execution, Manoel 
Caetano's feet were tied to a horse's tail and the horse was taken all over the 
city of Old Goa until arriving at the site of the execution, where his hands 
were cut off and then he was hanged. After death, he was decapitated and the 
rest of the body quartered. The hand and body parts were then mounted on swords 
and taken by horsemen to the district capitals and villages of origin of the 
culprits. There they were impaled on wooden poles for the populace to see what 
happens to those that try to rise up. All the fifteen clergymen were spared 
their lives and sent into exile. Some of those were pardoned in later years and 
returned home.
Manoel Caetano Pinto's brother, Antonio Caetano Pinto was studying in Lisbon 
when news of the conspiracy reached there. He swiftly made his way to Paris 
from where he moved to Italy. From Italy Antonio Caetano returned to India, but 
not to Goa. He went to Poona where the Pintos had a strong lobby at the Peshwa 
Court due to the influence of General Cunha (married to Antonio Francisco's 
sister). There he fought against the British attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel. 
He was left for dead on the battlefields but recovered. The British, his foes 
of the battlefield, offered him a post in their administration because of his 
great learning (he had studied in Lisbon, Paris and Rome and was fluent in 
French and Italian), and his specialized knowledge of agriculture. But he 
turned down the post, as well as another offered by the Goa Governor as 
Professor at the newly opened Military Academy in Goa. He dedicated himself to 
agriculture and was the first to introduce mills for producing sugar from 
sugar-cane at Saligão
Francisco Caetano Pinto, another brother, and my great grand-father, also 
gravitated to Poona and fought against the British until the final defeat of 
the Peshwas in Sholapur in 1818. Lt. Col. Francisco Caetano Pinto fought with 
great valour against the British, who, nevertheless, awarded him an annual 
pension of Rs. 2,500/- (currency value of 1818) in recognition of his having 
saved the life of two British soldiers, Hunter and Morrison, who had been made 
prisoners by the Mahrattas and were being prepared to be put to death.
[GRANT-DUFF in the “History of the Marattas” and WALLACE in “Memories of India” 
spoke of them.]

Though the conspiracy has been named after the PINTOs, possibly because it was 
hatched in their house, the brains behind it were of two clergymen: Fr. Jose 
Antonio Gonçalves and Caetano Francisco do Couto.

Fr. Caetano Francisco do Couto was extremely intelligent and soon after 
becoming a priest, was appointed Governor (sort of intermediary between a 
vicar-general and a bishop) in Cochin. Due to factors too long and unnecessary 
to detail here, he went back to Goa, and was involved in the conspiracy. He was 
apprehended as one of the main instigators of the conspiracy and sent to Lisbon 
in 1789, landing ultimately in the St. Francis Convent there. It is said that 
he was seized with episodes of madness attributed by some to an extreme guilt 
complex as he had been instrumental in providing the most detailed information 
on the participants of the plot, which led to their detention and subsequent 
excruciating execution. No one knows for sure what was his ultimate fate. There 
is no record of his death anywhere, though there were reported contemporary 
sightings of him in Goa.

Fr. Jose Antonio Gonçalves 

[Goanet] Mhadei Research Center - Conserving Goa’s Rich Biodiversity

2018-09-29 Thread Iris gomes
Mhadei Research Center - Conserving Goa’s Rich Biodiversity
(Read the entire article at https://www.pruthagoa.com/mhadei-research-center


The study of various indigenous species undertaken through the Mhadei
Research Center has helped the scientific community acquire a vast amount
of knowledge about the flora and fauna of the Goan areas that are part of
the Western Ghats.

More articles related to Goa's environment at www.pruthagoa.com

Iris C F Gomes

Editor of Prutha (www.pruthagoa.com)

Find us on Facebook 




Re: [Goanet] Another Twist in FN Souza's Tale (Times of India,)

2018-09-29 Thread Eugene Correia
Good to see Dom Martin back on goanet.  Some years ago while visiting the late 
Prof. Jose Pereira in Yonkers, NY, our conversation turned to FN as I knew that 
FN would often bug the professor about religious matter As FN was an atheist 
and the prof was a lay theologian, both used to have a tense and, at times, 
heated debate. Since the professor was also an alumnius JJ College of Arts and 
a writer on architecture, both had a good relationship. The prof was concerned 
to see FN struggle in NY.
Once the prof to.d FN to go and settle in India as FN paintings had no market 
in the US. instead of running to India to sell his paintings. In India, FN 
commanded good respect and his paintings fetched lakhs of rupees.
On returning to NY, I called FN but he said he was busy. We spoke for a while 
on the phine and I asked him his views on MF Hussein, as MF was in the news as 
his painting of a Hindu goddess in the nude. FN was dismissive of hus 
ex-college in the group of seven that created a new wave of art movement in 
India. FN said MF has niw become a "pop artist". MF also did a painting of the 
Bollywood star, Madhuri.
I was once loaned a booklet of FN writings by a lady friend, but I have 
forgotten the name of the book.
FN was a class act, both as painter and as a man. He proudly announced that he 
was the second-best cubist painter after Picasso.


Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 28, 2018, at 5:13 PM, dom martin t wrote:
> The proliferation of “Blatant fakes signed with Sousa's name . . .
> outnumbering originals” is somewhat damningly inconceivable without
> the smug collusion or connivance of the artist.  In 1997, Souza
> addressed a memo to the Director of Sakshi Art Gallery, alerting and
> acrimoniously denouncing the promulgation of 'Souza fakes'.  Was his
> son, Patrick, also included in that circular?  Patrick, allegedly
> ran/runs an industrial size complex in Goa producing fake Souzas.
> One can claim to have successfully unrung the bell if everyone in the
> vicinity is stone deaf and confidingly blind.  With fake art, it's the
> resonance of one's legitimate money going tragically down the drain
> while the dealer boards the getaway train.  Souza, despite his
> outlandish histrionics, boarded the train to eternity: Penniless and
> ticketless! M.F. Hussein once remarked that if an artist does not
> have fakes of his art circulating around, then he is not an artist.
> I guess, I am not!
> Souza, on the other hand, continues to retain his stellar status.  And
> so it is.  You can concoct your own poison and succumb from it or
> become the unwary martyr from someone else's venomous sting.
> Dom Martin


2018-09-29 Thread MINDVERSITY




1st Oct. to 19th October 2018 



    GOA: Mindversity presents the Mobile Photography Contest 2018 - "MY GOA ". 
The contests revolves around photographs clicked by the residents of Goa using 
a mobile phone depicting the essence & beauty of our lovely GOA. The idea 
behind this contest is to promote mobile photography and bring out the hidden 
talents in the state of Goa. The participants need to be residents of Goa and 
should have clicked the photographs personally using their own mobile phone. 
​The contest will be running from 1st October Midnight to 19th October 2018 
The results will be declared on 7th November 2018. ​ 

1st Prize: Rs. 25,000 in kind. 
2nd Prize: Rs. 15,000 in kind. 
3rd Prize: Rs. 10,000 in kind.​ 

Top 50 Photographers and their photographs will be featured in MY GOA COFFEE 

To participate please visit:  http://www.mindversity.org  

This email was sent by p...@mindversity.org to goanet@lists.goanet.org

Not interested?Unsubscribe - 

Update profile -  

mindversity | Goa 

[Goanet] India's War on Women (Times of India, 29/9/2018)

2018-09-29 Thread V M

Highly distressing news last week, when the prestigious global medical
journal, The Lancet published comprehensive data on suicide mortality as
part of its Global Burden of Disease Study. It found, “India had 17·8% of
the global population…but accounted for 36·6% of the global suicide deaths
among women and 24·3% among men. The proportion of global suicide deaths in
India has increased since 1990 for both sexes, but more for women than for
men. Young adults are taking their own lives in alarmingly high numbers,
constituting a public health crisis. Suicide ranks first as the cause of
death in India in both the age groups of 15–29 years and 15–39 years, as
compared with its second and third rank globally in these age groups,

These are disgraceful statistics for men, because one out of every four
global male suicide deaths is in this country. But for women it is
indescribably worse, with the further shocking revelation that young
married women in the most developed areas are ending their lives at the
highest frequency. It’s no use blaming poverty, because The Lancet
determined that suicide rates for Indian women are more than three times
higher than expected for countries with identical geographic and
socio-economic conditions. It is now painfully undeniable that something
has gone dreadfully wrong with Indian culture and society.

It’s true there is significant variation across the population. For
instance, it is generally better to be born female in the southern states
of the country, and especially in the North-East region. But those are not
the areas with the largest numbers. Zoom out, and the big picture is deeply
depressing. India has the largest number of child brides in the world – an
astonishing one-fifth of girls are married before the age of 15.
Unsurprisingly, the National Family Health Survey reveals that every third
woman in India faces domestic and sexual violence from that exact age. In
addition, the National Crime Records Bureau reports an astonishing 83% rise
in crimes against women from 2007 to 2016, with “cruelty by husband or his
relatives” comprising 33% of that total.

There’s a similar bent to statistics on rape, which admittedly mask the
reality that most cases of sexual violence anywhere in the world go
unreported. Still, as officially registered across India, the number of
rape cases leaped almost 90% over the past few years (26% in 2013 alone) to
38,947 in 2016. Of these, in 36,859 instances (or 98%), the accused were
known to the victims. This does not include countless other examples of
husbands forcing themselves on their wives, because marital rape is not a
crime. What all these different studies reveal is a nation of women
rendered powerless by patriarchal superstructures, which purposefully leave
them vulnerable to everyone else.

Look at education, one of the towering failures of independent India since
1947. The national female literacy rate is just 65%, well below the
international average of 79% (while China is at 82.7%). But these broad
strokes mask a greater shame. States like Goa and Kerala are way ahead of
China, but others like Bihar are amongst the worst in the world, hovering
around 50%. Even worse is the virtual annihilation of female foetuses in
many regions, in an extremely dangerous demographic tilt. In Maharashtra,
there are 118 boy babies born for every 100 girls, in Haryana that ratio is
120:100. Again, this is not related to poverty, because the skewing is far
worse in urban areas than in the countryside.

As often happens with bewilderingly giant India, solutions to seemingly
intractable problems can often be found in unlikely corners amongst
overlooked people. In this instance, the rest of the country (and indeed
the world) has very much to learn from minuscule Minicoy, the
farthest-flung gem in the spectacularly beautiful Lakshadweep archipelago.
It has been known as “the island of women” since antiquity, for its
remarkable female-centred culture. Here, babies take their mother’s last
names, and young men move to their mother-in-law’s home after marriage.
Most of the men work on ships all across the world, but at home they never
rank higher than second mate.

Here is a middle-class, moderate Muslim society with high levels of
education, an ideal gender ration, and no crime to speak of. We all
remember when prime minister Narendra Modi galvanized the country with his
promise to take every man and woman along the road to prosperity. In
Minicoy, they’ve already done it.

[Goanet] MPT recipe for quick end to Zuari river fishery - Part 1

2018-09-29 Thread Sebastian

By any standard MPT has prepared so far best recipe to quick end Zuari River 
fisheries. After the repeated appeals of Union Shipping Minister Nitin Gadkari 
to Zuari river fishermen to get trawlers and move into high seas got rejected, 
through Murmagoa Port Trust (MPT), it now plans to speedily destroy fish 
habitats in the River. According to the EIA report on Goa State Pollution 
Control Board website details of how Zuari river will be destroyed are spelt 
out clearly. The Public Hearing for expansion of Port is slotted for October 
05, 2017 at Airport Road, Chicalim grounds in Goa from 10.30 am onwards.

Even though report claims in para 7.2 that port expansion will ultimately lead 
to the quality of of life of local people, quality of fisheries is destined to 
be poisoned. The scare of formalin laced fish imports into Goa has dominated 
public discourse over the past few months in favour of buying of local fish 
available in Goa. However examination of MPT plans of expansion would leave 
fish quality in Zuari poisoned. This EIA report has established connections 
between Zuari and Mandovi via Cumbharzua canal so the poison is destined to 
spread to these water bodies too besides Arabian Sea. The implications of this 
scenario is that not only fisher's livelihoods are at stake but also the health 
of those who will consume fish from these water bodies. It is therefore 
necessary that people should take up responsibility of defending Zuari river 
from the planned ambush by India's Ministry of Shipping rather than to leave 
Zuari river fishers to fend for themselves in an ongoing battle for this river 
waged from 2014. This battle is even bigger onw involving proposed 
modernisation and expansion at MPT under Sagarmala project of the Ministry of 
Shipping, Government of India as per para 2.3 of EIA.

Interestingly EIA on page 122 already acknowledges that these already loss of 
fishery resources and their habitats due to pollution, coastal development and 
intense illegal fishing; and their replenishment necessitates some strategic 
approaches. Irony of our times is that MPT after knowing that there is already 
loss of fisheries is working towards destroying them even further with 
irreversible changes. 

Pollution will spread through oil spills is admitted in para 4.5.2 and 
consequence is visualized too. It is noted "Only major impact on marine ecology 
is expected from accidental oil spills at liquid cargo berth. Oil destroys 
water repellency of bird's feathers, thus exposing these creatures to hard 
elements without the ability to repel water and insulate from the cold water, 
birds may die from hypothermia. Many birds also ingest oil when they try to 
clean themselves which can poison them. Fish, Shellfish and marine mammals may 
not be exposed immediately, but can come into contact with oil if it is mixed 
into water column. When exposed to oil adult fish may experience reduced 
growth, enlarged livers, changes in heart and respiratory rates, fin erosion 
and reproductive impairment. Oil also adversely affects eggs and larval 
survival." This is unacceptable risk of further polluting of Zuari river.  

After pollution this EIA report as quoted above points to coastal development 
as a cause of loss of fishery resources in Zuari on page 122. And MPT embarks 
on more coastal development! Totally insensitive and in fact arrogant decision 
to reclaim Zuari river by dredging and dumping specially recognizing that such 
coastal development causes loss of fishery resources. Terms of Reference to 
this EIA is for reclamation of 65,000 square meters. Page 44 under para 2.4.1 
exceeds this limit and puts this figure to 85,195 square meters. However detail 
calculations of the break up on the same page exceeds even this and totals up 
to 85,715 square meters - 520 square meters in addition! So actual difference 
from the permitted total is 20,715 square meters. Is this not river grab scam? 
For purpose of construction on reclaimed land over the period of 24 months 
60,000 cubic meters of sand will be needed and that will be procured from the 
nearby vendors as per page 47 para 2.4.3 of the EIA. Sand mining has a prowess 
to disrupt ecology and for this which rivers MPT plans to disrupt? Mandovi? 
Chapora? Tiracol? "nearby" vendors identity is not revealed in EIA. So in order 
to accomplish one ecological port expansion catastrophe more ecological 
catastrophes needs to be unleashed! This coastal development of port expansion 
is destined to further aggravate situation of marine ecology pollution. 
Sagarmala project has sanctioned Rs. 124.00 crore for fishing jetty as per 
Table 2.9 on page 48. Where do fisheries department allotted Rs.10 crore for 
fishing Jetty in Vasco will be utilized? Page 28 para 2.3.1 informs that the 
Goa Boat Boat owner's Association has been demanding a fully fledged jetty for 
landing of 

[Goanet] Deficiency in service

2018-09-29 Thread Nelson Lopes

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Represented by Nisha Kumari  & Paramjeet Singh-  Customer Care, Executives

Permit me to summarise for your considerations
 Ref.  1203881

The baggage with tag No KLO607082 was not forwarded to Lisbon on the  Flight  
KLO878 from Mumbai - Amsterdam- Lisbon on 10July 2018 2-.It took up to 6.45 pm 
of waiting and lodging the complaint after landing. 3- The pick up and transfer 
to hotel paying  been paid 100 Euros was missed  and hence additional fare of 
60 Euros was incurred. 4- The messenger waiting at the hotel  for  a planned   
meeting with a friend  between 5-6 pm left due to delay and I was unable to 
communicate. The presents for him remained in the bag undelivered. 5-  The 
missing report required to wait for 3-5 days and provide  details of all the 
contents in the bag The customer should have been provided information while 
applying for  luggage insurance.,6- The start of joyous holidays was ruined.  
We are senior citizens, pass 75 years and tensions aggravated medical 
condition. The supply of vital medicines. for 3 months was in the bag. 7-I had 
to purchase snickers(shoes) as  the tour involved walking on this pilgrimage . 
8 -The schedule did not permit shopping of this nature, the shops were closed 
at the end of days tour ,would have to  hire a special cab since only souvenirs 
were available at halts..The minimum essentials required due to uncertainty and 
5 days wait were purchased through tour guide like shoes, saving kit, with 
machine ,6 blades , lotion, tooth brush &  paste at 200 Euros, No receipts were 
kept as refund was not meditated..You could have  at least verified the minimum 
costs of these essentials in Lisbon before rejecting the claims as consequence 
of your negligence. 9 I did not make any specific claim, leaving to your just n 
 fair decision  nor did i  I complaint about the final decision. The mental 
agony, torture, cannot be computed in strict monetary terms Even the cost of 
phone from hotel cost 3,33 Euros to inquire several times
When the bag was delivered on 12 Aug, late at night, there was no explanation 
or apology note. On the contrary a message later asked us to rate your 
services,which was adding salt to wounds of torture and a cruel joke
10-The compensation of 100 Euros is not credited from 9 Aug and no explanation 
as to the delay  even in spite of several reminders . Why the baggage insurance 
suggested by you could not be invoked to grant relief  11-- The formalities of 
prominent airline were not streamlined calling back and forth responses and 
obliquely intended harassment. 12 After submitting details in the  format with 
bank account etc another message requested bills of expenditure and Indian 
account ,as no foreign exchange is payable, after knowing all fares were paid 
in foreign exchange only Why that information could not have been elicited 
right from the start 13  - Once  Nisha gave the decision, I supposed  it was 
final outcome 14.. Around 19 Aug. another Consumer Care Executive Mr. Paramjeet 
Singh denied the request quoting the limitations of 21 days without perusing 
the decision and correspondence had  started on 29July.  Mrs Nisha  never made 
an issue of the limitation period for claim. It is clear that there is no 
coordination and it is a deliberate attempt to delay, deny and  mode  at 
harassment. Mr Singh expected to ruin the remaining part of troubled tour 
further  suggesting to patronize their airline for satisfactory experience. Mrs 
Nisha in another message around 19 Aug offered 50 Euros in non refundable 
voucher to be en-cashed on future travel., without any reference to previous 
offer. Which customer would ever travel to buy a sandwich on a flight? Once 
again in Sept , I have received a whatstapp message to provide a fresh details 
of Bank Account..when it is already in their possession.

Just imagine the the volume of correspondence and time consumed from 29 July to 
date, Is there no period of limitation for the airline to act on a legitimate 
grievance without any specific demands? I am not asking for charity, alms or 
tips with  baggage insurance, I realised  later, The compulsory tips to bus 
driver and tour guide was 200 Euros.. Made  minimum essential purchases ,not 
luxuries as the wait period for bag was 3-5 days  and that too was  uncertain 
and tour movement every second day to a different location .Is this the reward 
for customer who consciously decided to travel by KLM for the first time,in 
relation to other options that were available? Mere repeated, standard format 
of apology  ad- nauseum is no balm to sooth mental agony , torture, anxiety, 
and winch was only after my request for consideration,and worry of  live saving 
medicines in the bag among other things. No message was received regarding the 
position of delayed baggage or the cause and action against the irresponsible, 
careless employee. On the contrary you have harassed the customer with 

Re: [Goanet] Another Twist in FN Souza's Tale (Times of India,)

2018-09-29 Thread dom martin
The proliferation of “Blatant fakes signed with Sousa's name . . .
outnumbering originals” is somewhat damningly inconceivable without
the smug collusion or connivance of the artist.  In 1997, Souza
addressed a memo to the Director of Sakshi Art Gallery, alerting and
acrimoniously denouncing the promulgation of 'Souza fakes'.  Was his
son, Patrick, also included in that circular?  Patrick, allegedly
ran/runs an industrial size complex in Goa producing fake Souzas.
One can claim to have successfully unrung the bell if everyone in the
vicinity is stone deaf and confidingly blind.  With fake art, it's the
resonance of one's legitimate money going tragically down the drain
while the dealer boards the getaway train.  Souza, despite his
outlandish histrionics, boarded the train to eternity: Penniless and
ticketless!  M.F. Hussein once remarked that if an artist does not
have fakes of his art circulating around, then he is not an artist.
I guess, I am not!
Souza, on the other hand, continues to retain his stellar status.  And
so it is.  You can concoct your own poison and succumb from it or
become the unwary martyr from someone else's venomous sting.
Dom Martin

[Goanet] Photos of the Week.

2018-09-29 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Donald Trumps big brain.

2018-09-29 Thread Con Menezes

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