Re: GWT for Web Development (again)

2014-12-31 Thread Joseph Lust
Can you cite an example metric of the SEO penalty you're experiencing? For more than a 18mo now, if you use Google Webmaster Tools and Fetch as Google, you'll see your fully rendered GWT page with the async content loaded and displayed. Given

Re: GWT - Get dom element's value from another page

2014-12-31 Thread Joseph Lust
RequestBuilder will return you the text of the response body. If, as you say, A.jsp generates it's content via GWT, then you'll not find the elements of interest. GWT is a client side JS technology. The content for A.jsp will not be rendered, you'll only be getting the raw HTML created by

Re: how not to cache background image?

2014-12-31 Thread Joseph Lust
Magnus, Since you want the image cached, but not cached, and to always have the same URL, you're got very contradictory requirements. Have you considered passing state to your app at startup with information like the proper image URL to use and then dynamically setting it that way? Then you

Re: Make GWT application to work even in low bandwidth

2014-11-04 Thread Joseph Lust
Same way you'd do it in JS; start a timer, request a resource with a callback to stop the timer. Benchmark against various connections and create your heuristics. Set a timeout as well, so if it's really slow, there is no need to wait for it to return. Obviously you'd want to make sure unique

Insights on GWT Usage

2014-11-04 Thread Joseph Lust
I thought that Ray's reply on HN might interest folks. Some nice details about Google's use of GWT. -Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop

Re: add mobile version to existing GWT app?

2014-10-24 Thread Joseph Lust
Check them out: - mGWT - GWTP with different device bindings (mobile/tablet/desktop) -J -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: How to update cell with timer

2014-10-24 Thread Joseph Lust
Have you tried using a timer within the Cell? You're going to need a timer somewhere to achieve this. -Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Medievan

2014-10-20 Thread Joseph Lust
Endi, Looks neat and very professional! Your server in Istanbul is very slow though. However, I noticed you've got some resources on Amazon S3. You can serve the entire app from S3 and thus via CloudFront, which will give worldwide players a great experience. It takes a little work, but we

Re: Medievan

2014-10-20 Thread Joseph Lust
Endi, My apologies. I mean that you can allow S3/Cloudfront to serve all static resources (html/js/img/tile/sound) so that your servers don't have to carry this load. Given that GWT makes all of the UI into static resources, this means your entire UI needs no dedicated machines. Since

Re: Is Crawl as Google working in GWT? Ajax Crawl problem...

2014-10-09 Thread Joseph Lust
Checkout the 174 posts!searchin/google-web-toolkit/crawl about GWT and crawlers. Also make sure that you can fetch the explicit page and see it rendered correctly from the Google Webmasters Tools page for your site. I'd bet your rewrite rules are

Re: Application with code splitting not working in dev mode

2014-10-09 Thread Joseph Lust
Error messages? Traces? FWIW, code splitting in GWT-P has always worked 100% for me in DM and SDM. -Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Application with code splitting not working in dev mode

2014-10-09 Thread Joseph Lust
I meant any errors in the browser. Usually you'll get at least something the dev JS console. If not, you can compile in pretty mode and step through your .nocache bootstrap JS file and see how far it gets through there before failing, since you're not seeing it get to your entry point. In

Re: GWT project not picking the css and images from some other GWT maven project added as dependency?

2014-10-08 Thread Joseph Lust
Don't depend on resources in the *public/* directory. Use resource bundles and all downstream consumers of your library won't have a problem with resources. They will just flow right through. Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit

Re: ie10 permutation causing browser errors? (gwt 2.6.1) really baffled here.

2014-10-03 Thread Joseph Lust
Thomas, Have you tried looking at the PRETTY print version of this code to see exactly what output JS is causing the problem in IE10? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails

Re: Unable to disable debug IDs

2014-09-30 Thread Joseph Lust
Create another .gwt.xml file that extends your base (testing) .gwt.xml file. Override the property there. Now you're got a testing app you can build for testing and a prod app you can deploy. -Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit

Re: How to calculate ages correctly in GWT?

2014-09-30 Thread Joseph Lust
This is not a GWT problem, but basic math. You've already computed the age in milliseconds. Years are quite arbitrary in the West, so you'll need to account for all those leap years, leap seconds, and edge cases. You should use Joda Time. GWT *does support Joda Time You've already calculated

Re: How to calculate ages correctly in GWT?

2014-09-30 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks Thomas. Google Groups ate it. - Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an

Re: SuperDevMode with -noserver and remote server

2014-09-30 Thread Joseph Lust
Try using the Maven plugin, should be able to feed it any remote server parameters you need: mvn gwt:run-codeserver, and just pass the needed ports and hosts Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

Re: ANN: flatbus 1.1 released

2014-09-29 Thread Joseph Lust
Neat implementation. I do fancy skipping all of the eventing boilerplate. It does feel weird, however, having to cancel an event's propagation not by an eventObj.cancelPropagation(), but via bus.cancelCurrentEvent(). I suspect this would not work in a multithreaded environment outside of JS.

Re: Is there a tutorial that explains Places and Hyperlinks?

2014-09-24 Thread Joseph Lust
There are various ways to place links in UiBinder based UI's. The most basic of these is to simply generate the UI and set the href property of your target element. Static URL's can be directly inserted in the XML using ui:with ... / as covered in the documentation

Re: good gwt mysql hosting

2014-09-22 Thread Joseph Lust
Just about any host. Nothing special needed for GWT. If you're using a Java backend, then you'll need a host that can support a war/ear deployment or get your own VPS. I usually use AWS, but you could do Digital Ocean or DreamHost too. Just Google for hosting. Joe -- You received this

Re: Can we build GWT app that does not have Captcha function but is still able to prevent spam?

2014-09-22 Thread Joseph Lust
Anything client side can be compromised by spammers, so implement some server side CAPTCHA or equivalent. Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email

Re: GWT 2.2.0 does not serialize/deserialize basic Java types if not referenced explicitly

2014-09-15 Thread Joseph Lust
Curious, is there a way to enable compiler logging to note just how many types you're RPC serializers are being compiled to handle? I think that might provide clarity into these blackbox situations and draw attention to the RPC type explosion problem from folks that would otherwise miss it.

Re: Unit Test for GWT Activities and Places

2014-09-11 Thread Joseph Lust
As Thomas points out, you can test your tokenizers and mappers in JUnit. Testing any higher level orchestration between them is more of an integration test. I leave these to some basic Selenium smoke tests that ensure that navigation between states works correctly. Joe -- You received this

Re: GWT-SL 1.5 released

2014-09-11 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks for your efforts. Clearly you've been working on this for some time. I'm curious what this framework does beyond the existing Spring annotation driven integration with RPC. Using SpringGwtRemoteServiceServlet

Re: Main Advantages of using GWT against other technology like [jsp,spring,javascript...]

2014-09-09 Thread Joseph Lust
Good points nestorjb, but I wanted to embellish a few: 2.- Because it behaves like a desktop app, when you test, you have to test from the first page which leads to long testing cycles. If you use a Places/Activities pattern, such as in GWTP (GWT Platform), then you'll have page state

Re: Main Advantages of using GWT against other technology like [jsp,spring,javascript...]

2014-09-09 Thread Joseph Lust
Amen Jens. If you're going to be a web developer, you'll need to know about the web. GWT doesn't hide you from JS/CSS/HTML/HTTP entirely, it just makes them work well with Java and Java patterns in a highly optimized way. Sadly, many a manager I've championed about GWT don't want to hire expert

Re: Make gwt website crawlable without hash symbol?

2014-09-05 Thread Joseph Lust
we would need to create some kind of redirection between # and not # urls if users want to share urls. That's the problem. The # and everything after it are not sent to the server. It's only on the browser. So you can't redirect based on the octothorpe. The only way to do things then would

Re: Make gwt website crawlable without hash symbol?

2014-09-05 Thread Joseph Lust
But couldn't you fall forward in that case? In the no cache bootloader you see that you've got pushState support, but a hash in the URL, so you do the reverse and forward to the non-hash version of the URL and then load the pushState permutation? OR You could do like GitHub does with their

Re: Make gwt website crawlable without hash symbol?

2014-09-02 Thread Joseph Lust
Most browsers can scrape sites, even with the hash bang. You just need to follow GWT best practices. No hashbang browsing could be possible, perhaps with the HTML5 PushState API, but your app will only work on the most recent browsers. See

Re: SuperDevMode and Tomcat

2014-08-30 Thread Joseph Lust
Jens beat me to the reply, so I'll just answer one of the questions: how to update the app when either client side or server side code changes are made. Joe says to cycle tomcat...what does that mean? Just CNTRL-C to kill the tomcat and then run *mvn tomcat7:run-war* to recompile and

Re: SuperDevMode and Tomcat

2014-08-28 Thread Joseph Lust
Tim, You might find the *Tomcat Maven Plugin* quite useful along with the *Maven **GWT Plugin*. I don't know why you need to launch from Eclipse, but you might find the command line just as useful. I've known people that live by Eclipse to launch TC because of the configs they've saved to

How to Detect Back Button Event

2014-08-26 Thread Joseph Lust
I've been using a HistoryStack implementation attached to History.addValueChangeListener() in my app. This works well, but it's not truly a stack of Places. If it were a true history stack, when a user hit back, then I'd pop off that Place and it would no longer be on the stack. However,

Re: How to Detect Back Button Event

2014-08-26 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks Thomas. I do embrace the web! The irony is simply that the browser has such a state stack that we're free to see in the History list (forward/back), but it stuck me as odd that the client code cannot reliably divine it. Obviously page are meant to be stateless beyond their serialized

Re: OnClick event fired more than one time for one click

2014-08-25 Thread Joseph Lust
Use the Chrome DOM inspector to see just how many click listeners are attached. Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: render a SVG graphic as bitmap?

2014-08-20 Thread Joseph Lust
Also wrote a bunch of map animations in SVG back in 2011. Used SMIL to markup the animations and movements of viewports. Worked out quite well in FF at the time, but IE was terrible. Chrome worked well, but there were a number of SMIL methods that Chrome either didn't implement or did so

Re: Transition from Web to Mobile Web

2014-08-19 Thread Joseph Lust
RPC utilizes class version specific compiled serialization policies. Any modification to a DTO will cause failure if said DTO us used with a non-compatible serializer. Thus the client and server code is coupled to a given compile. Use of mismatched pairs will cause serialization failure.

Re: GWT Plugin

2014-08-19 Thread Joseph Lust
There are many threads on this common topic. The most recent!searchin/google-web-toolkit/devmode$20firefox/google-web-toolkit/QSEjbhhHB4g/aGH-6zhNiHgJ . We should add an EOL message to the Developer Mode page

Re: Transition from Web to Mobile Web

2014-08-11 Thread Joseph Lust
Make sure you've got a plan for forcing mobile users to update their app when you make new releases. Remember that RPC will break on the next release. If you don't have a graceful means to fail up for users, they will not have a good experience. Since you're not MVP, now might be a good time

Re: GWT seems deprecated according to Thoughtworks

2014-08-11 Thread Joseph Lust
Bunk and bunk. It reminds me of when some Javascript Engineer consultants sent out an email crapping all over GWT several years ago at a major global bank I worked for that used GWT as their standard UI toolkit. They cited a whole bushel of straw man and red herring arguments while only

Re: use ajaxcomplete in GWT

2014-06-17 Thread Joseph Lust
There are many ways to contact a server in GWT. See the communications page and async callback information: Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit

Re: Stable .rpc files

2014-06-17 Thread Joseph Lust
If that works for you. Personally, I expected idempotency in builds. Sincerely, Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Can i get some URLs of live projects built using GWT.

2014-06-16 Thread Joseph Lust
- - - - login and most dashboards are GWT (i.e. EC2) - - - Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web

Re: Message Interfaces and SafeUri

2014-06-16 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks for the reply Thomas. You're right, working with Anchor widgets rather than raw anchor tags does not throw the warning as shown below. ui:with field='extUrl' type='com.example.client.resources.ExternalUrls' / ...g:Anchor target=_blank href={extUrl.exampleFacebookPage}Follow us on

Re: Stable .rpc files

2014-06-16 Thread Joseph Lust
@Michael, welcome the the Chicken and the Egg problem. In order to build the build number (I'm assuming you mean rev number from git/svn), you've first got to commit that code. Then, you've got be build it, but the code never had the commit number in it, since it could not be known pre-commit.

Re: Message Interfaces and SafeUri

2014-06-16 Thread Joseph Lust
Since the example supplied by Thomas does not quite work as written, I've included the working code segment below: In the UiBinder xml file: ui:with field='mktRsc' type='com.example.i18n.MarketingResources' / !-- Work around to insert SAFE URL's from messages --ui:with field=facebookUrl

Message Interfaces and SafeUri

2014-06-15 Thread Joseph Lust
Curious if anyone knows how to create a resource bundle or message interface to return URI's. For my site, I have a set of ClientBundles and i18n message interfaces used to generate different version of the product. I also have some external URL's that are part of this customization. I

Re: you can only use Chrome extensions that you get from the Chrome Web Store

2014-06-13 Thread Joseph Lust
If you're irked, you can let the Chrome Team know on their NPAPI thread!msg/chromium-dev/xEbgvWE7wMk/D_07G2lftacJ. It seems there have been a lot of people impacted, not just GWT users. I also threw the above steps up online

Re: Hi Ajax experts, can Google spider read the content of Ajax app (that does not have any code to to make it Crawlable) by itself?

2014-05-20 Thread Joseph Lust
I misspoke, *Fetch As Google *will show you the HTML and request headers, what I was thinking of was *Labs Instant Previews* In the example below you can see the rendered subpage of the site that is totally AJAX driven:

Re: Is there a good GWT/JS based ecommerce solution?

2014-05-19 Thread Joseph Lust
Michael, I know you said PayPal, but I'd offer that GWT Stripe been working pretty well for me. The nice thing about Stripe it is that it's completely transparent to the end user, so it looks like you're handling the payment processing, and you don't

Re: extend UiBinder engine

2014-05-19 Thread Joseph Lust
Zied, GWT is not JSP. In JSP you're rendering tiles/facets/pages on demand, so it makes sense to add authorization restrictions directly into the tags. However GWT code is compiled down before runtime, so there is no foreknowledge of whether a user will meet the needed security roles at that

Re: module.nocache.js security

2014-05-19 Thread Joseph Lust
Vendor scanners routinely complain about this href call, but such pattern matching scanners lack the context of the other XSS mitigation protects put in place by GWT. It pops up at lease yearly here. Use the tool properly and you'll be fine.

Re: Hi Ajax experts, can Google spider read the content of Ajax app (that does not have any code to to make it Crawlable) by itself?

2014-05-19 Thread Joseph Lust
Tom, To assuage your healthy skepticism, get a Googlw Webmaster Tools account, add your site, and then use the* Crawl Fetch as Google option*. I am able to feed it my GWT home page and sub pages (based on history tokens in the URL) and the returned page is the page as expected, filled with

Re: extend UiBinder engine

2014-05-19 Thread Joseph Lust
Zied, My apologies that my post was less than cogent. From you example, I thought you wanted some compile time enforcement of roles. Given your example UiBinder XML attribute: *visible={roles.admin} *, that would imply foreknowledge of the roles at compile time given that *with* pulls in

Re: Can you tell me Step-By-Step Guidelines of How to use HtmlUnit to make GWT app Crawlable?

2014-05-17 Thread Joseph Lust
FWIW, I've had Google crawling my GWTP based sites without a problem, and I've added no such servlet. I think they've figured out how to do the JS evaluation on their side. Using Googles Web Developer tools, they request and display my page and sub pages just fine and they're all GWT. -- You

Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

2014-03-04 Thread Joseph Lust
I'm surprised more folks are not excited to jump ship to SuperDevMode. I'd argue Eclipse DevMode is more pain than it's worth. Certainly, it is very cool to have your backend and frontend breakpoints set and hit on the same screen. Yet I've spent a lot of time trying to all of the *Run

Re: Newbie GWT 2.6.0 Question on inheritance - Maybe a bug?

2014-03-04 Thread Joseph Lust
Best practice is to only call *final* methods from constructors, or this kind of unexpected behavior can ensue. Sincerely, Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from

[gwt-contrib] Re: Thoughts on GWT 3.0 re: Java 8 and IE 8/9

2013-11-06 Thread Joseph Lust
Since Google officially is dropping IE9 for their Apps services, does that help move the needle to IE10+ for GWT 3.0? Sincerely, Joseph --

Re: adding basic auth to GWTTestCase?

2013-06-19 Thread Joseph Lust
That sounds more like a full stack integration test, rather than a unit test. You should disable auth for such tests as that is not part of the test case. That's what we've done on ours. We only test the stack with authorization in higher environments. Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this

Re: How to access WebAppContext's attributes while running GWT app as WAR file using Jetty?

2013-06-19 Thread Joseph Lust
This is not a GWT question. If you want to access context parameters from the servlet, use WebApplicationContextUtils the HttpServlet that RemoteServiceServlet extends.

Re: Beginning...Problems with navigation

2013-06-18 Thread Joseph Lust
Carmen, Can you elaborate on what you're trying to build and what it does? GWT is intended for Web *Apps*, not Web *Sites*. So, typically GWT would not be used for a blog, but it would be used for say an employee time tracking application. Take this forum reader as a good example of GWT. The

Re: AWS (CDN) GWT file deployment and 'Blocked a frame with origin' issue

2013-06-17 Thread Joseph Lust
Thomas, Sorry I didn't catch you at the GWTogether in SF last month. I owe you a number of beers. :) *That did the trick*. I'll bang out an article for on AWS (and similar) CDN deployments. BTW, I shamefully plead ignorance on the *xsiframe* linker. I'd only used the linkers

AWS (CDN) GWT file deployment and 'Blocked a frame with origin' issue

2013-06-15 Thread Joseph Lust
Hey All, I know there have been many!topic/Google-Web-Toolkit/PAaDf7a_5zI CDN!searchin/google-web-toolkit/cdn/google-web-toolkit/kuyQU4y0RTo/vDLANu9os2kJ

Re: AWS (CDN) GWT file deployment and 'Blocked a frame with origin' issue

2013-06-15 Thread Joseph Lust
Made progress, but the GWTP app is acting flaky after any deferredjs/hash/number.cache.js file is loaded. The error implied the functions being called are not in scope. The file is loaded and the request had the expected payload. So, curious if anyone has run GWTP or similar split apps with

Re: Uibinder inheriting and extending css classes (not just sharing them), best method?

2013-06-14 Thread Joseph Lust
Seth, Currently I can do this by setting ui:style src='relativepath/MyCss.css in A and B and it works nicely, uibinder takes care of injecting the styles and everything. However I'm not sure if this is the best way. There's also the issue that if I move A and B then the relative path

Re: Best practices for inlining build (revision) number into GWT App?

2013-06-14 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks for sharing. That's what I was using before. A real *chicken and the egg *problem while I sounds so simple in principle. I've also pondered a direct string replacement against the compiles JS files (i.e. $$BUILD_NUMBER) with filters in the war building plugin as ostensibly strings are

Re: CodeMirror and GWT.

2013-06-14 Thread Joseph Lust
Håvard Moås, checkout the Chrome Markdown extension format code for these forums. :) Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web

Re: Out of Memory during GWT compile

2013-06-12 Thread Joseph Lust
Note that distribution of the compilation is likely not going to cut down in memory much. The parallelization occurs at the permutation code generation phase, however the construction of the AST must take place first at the precompile phase. That phase is not distributed. I've not tested this,

Best practices for inlining build (revision) number into GWT App?

2013-06-11 Thread Joseph Lust
For various reasons you need to know the revision of the GWT app code. For example to verify that the server API is not newer than the JS code (i.e. if you deploy GWT JS to a CDN). Some common approaches which I find to be rather hackish: - Use Maven replacer to replace a sequence in a

Re: Application architecture question

2013-06-11 Thread Joseph Lust
Timea, Not sure what the implementation trouble is: 1. User makes some interaction (i.e. button click) so you fire and event (i.e. ShowSomethingEvent(id)) 2. A listener sees the event and fires and RPC with the data from the event 3. On returning the async handler for the call

Re: Application architecture question

2013-06-11 Thread Joseph Lust
Timea, If you've got the case of waiting on a multiplicity of RPC's to complete before continuing, something like Jen's suggestion is best. I've implemented it before with a multibit latches. However you get into the issue of syncing. For example, let's say you have N RPC calls for a given

Re: Best practices for inlining build (revision) number into GWT App?

2013-06-11 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks gents, Your suggestions were helpful. After going the code generator route two years ago, but I think this time I'll stick with resource filtering the version into the index.html and bootstrapping it into the app via the entry point. Cheers, Joseph -- You received this message

Re: Export Pie Chart to Excel

2013-06-06 Thread Joseph Lust
POI has the limited ability to do this if you can create a standard template pie chart for it to start from. Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To

Re: GWT dev team members blogs and way-of-work (WOW) advice ?

2013-06-05 Thread Joseph Lust
Ed, Just curious if there is a framework that you consider an exemplar in this respect? I've never seen that Hibernate blog in three years of doing Hibernate, and its CSS nearly made me cry. So curious what framework has a popular nexus of that sort that everyone rallies around. I'm a huge

Re: Testing GWT without GwtTestCase

2013-05-21 Thread Joseph Lust
Early on in the presentation Erik also mentions a recently released GWT Mockito setup that might benefit your non-GwtTestCase goals. Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit

Re: Offline debugging my gwt app

2013-05-20 Thread Joseph Lust
It is not clear what you're attempting here. By Offline I believe you mean when not using the DevMode debugging plugin. You can only debug with the debugger when running in debugging mode. You can however use source maps and set breakpoints in the browser (i.e. Chrome Dev Tools) if you like

GWT Application Amazon S3 Resource Hosting Question

2013-04-09 Thread Joseph Lust
Curious if anyone has had experience hosting GWT app resources on S3? There are two ways you can approach it: - Host all of the compiled GWT output on S3 and relay dynamic requests through S3 to your server (i.e. XHR/POST) - Host your static resources on S3, but load the initial .html

Re: IncompatibleRemoteServiceException : The response can not be Deserialized

2013-02-22 Thread Joseph Lust
When I disabled the RPC obfuscation option, everything started working again. However, I still don't understand why RPC Obfuscation is failing here. Clearly the deserializers created by GWT are using obfuscated maps, but for some reason the serverside sending serializers are *not* using the

Re: EAR application with war (GWT) and JPA

2013-02-22 Thread Joseph Lust
Kris, Read the GWT Hibernate docs, they detail why you're having this problem and the solutions. Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit

Re: Confusion with MVP.

2013-02-21 Thread Joseph Lust
I've seen many developers turned off MVP by this very issue. While not prone to absolutes, I'd assert that no framework/pattern should be used as a rule. Use it when it has benefits and makes sense. In the case of MVP to the level of buttons, that might have a benefit at some obscure point in

IncompatibleRemoteServiceException : The response can not be Deserialized

2013-02-21 Thread Joseph Lust
Folks, I try to answer as many questions on the GWT forums as I can, but alas this one has stumped me the last few evenings. I'm converting, my hobbist distance running site, from ExtJs to GWT having built GWT apps for the last 2 years since GWT rocks. I searched the old

Re: How to change css style during runtime?

2013-02-21 Thread Joseph Lust
You could try defining the CSS in a style element you've added to the DOM and then remove it and add another. However I've seen this done before and it can throw a lot of warnings and some DOM's don't like it. Better to consider another approach as Steve limns. Sincerely, Joseph -- You

Re: IncompatibleRemoteServiceException : The response can not be Deserialized

2013-02-21 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks as always Jens. I'll run through your suggestions tonight. Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: IncompatibleRemoteServiceException : The response can not be Deserialized

2013-02-21 Thread Joseph Lust
Well, seems things are quite odd. First, Tried all the suggestions: - Now on newer GWTP v0.8.4 - Confirmed only gwt-servlet-2.5.0.jar present - Confirmed that mvn (single prop is used) loads all GWT dependencies as 2.5.0 - Tested on Java6, Java7 Note: on Ubuntu 12.10, OpenJDK 6/7

Re: GWT 2.5.1-rc1 available

2013-02-15 Thread Joseph Lust
Added a checkbox to automatically scroll the log. I've been waiting so long for this! Sincerely, Joe On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:54:49 PM UTC-5, Matthew Dempsky wrote: Hi everyone, We're excited to announce the GWT 2.5.1-rc1 release candidate! There will be an announcement soon

Re: Parametrized Css class

2013-01-28 Thread Joseph Lust
Thanks Goktug! CSS3 and GWT have been the biggest issue for me in the last year. I can't wait! And, as TBroyer pointed out in a post last year,!searchin/google-web-toolkit/Closure$20Stylesheets/google-web-toolkit/jd5y7nHyUdU/m1tOVMJMSRkJonce this is

Re: Multiple GWT sessions possible?

2012-12-14 Thread Joseph Lust
All good points from Jens. But, perhaps I'm missing something, but on most servers (Apache with mod_php, Tomcat) set a session token in the cookie on the first request you make to the server. Once the user logs in, you associate this session with that user by persisting their data data in

Re: Creating widgets for use with / without GWT

2012-12-10 Thread Joseph Lust
Have you checked out gwt-exporter It should achieve what you're talking about with a minimal amount of overhead. Also, when exposing your widgets, I'd suggest using the ClientBundle so that all images/css/resources are included. This way when non-gwt

Re: Server class 'XXX' could not be found in the web app, but was found on the system classpath

2012-12-10 Thread Joseph Lust
Ran into this same issue tonight when setting my Spring/Hibernate GWT app up on Kubuntu and Indigo. I removed the Maven Integration for Eclipse I installed from the Eclipse Marketplace and installed the m2e plugin from

Re: RootPanel -- OutClickEvent -- how to detect click event out of the HTML Page it self ?

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Lust
To detect when the user has left the window, you can also look as the new page visibility API in HTML5. See the explication/example here: Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit

Re: Strange RPC regression in GWT 2.5

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Lust
A shot in the dark here, but have you seen the iOS6 Post Caching issue!searchin/google-web-toolkit/ios6/google-web-toolkit/CWkgCXLi8tA/fpOWNVQ0q3YJ? If your app was caching an earlier blank response, that could be the issue. Sincerely, Joseph --

Re: Anyone used GWT with Require.js?

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Lust
An update here. The external team writing in RequireJS was not so amicable about sending RequireJS packing into the night. So, we did 2 things: - Had them use the feature in RequireJS to compile to a single file with their Optimizer - Had

Re: gwt-dnd - Vertical (VerticalPanelDropController) and Tab (TabSelectingDropController) use

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Lust
David, You might want to make the default on those pages for the *user-select* css property to *none* so that people don't highlight random bits of the page while tying to drag and drop around. Nice work. Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: upload file on host from diiferent pages and get back response to the same page

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Lust
You're looking to achieve two things here: - Do a file upload - Return an arbitrary object from an RPC In that case, dig around on the forums as this has been asked and answered before:

Re: prefix on obfuscated function names

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Lust
What linker are you using? With the xsiframe linker the GWT code is loaded inside of its own frame and as such should not be susceptible to such namespace pollution from other libs. See the recent post that addressed this same issue as it is common:

Re: Anyone used GWT with Require.js?

2012-11-21 Thread Joseph Lust
Oh the irony. I had to componentize a widget created by another team which uses RequireJs today and the first Google hit is my own answer. Given that I wanted to just make a GWT module that could be inherited to use an external widget, said module would not have an entry point and onModuleLoad

Re: i18n generate keys instead of failing at compilation

2012-11-19 Thread Joseph Lust
It does not appear that this is an option in the SDK However, I don't know why you would want to ignore failures however as it would leave you open to deploying a broken, unusable application where any UI

Re: Creating a gwt.xml module for a 3rd Party Library

2012-11-19 Thread Joseph Lust
What kind of 3rd party library? Are you wrapping a 3rd party JS library, or Java library? Please elaborate. Sincerely, Joseph -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: Extend GWT app without recompile

2012-11-18 Thread Joseph Lust
Sidney, Yes, this is possible as I did with an application this year. I have a landing page (GWT) that has links to other available GWT applications (dynamic list loaded from server). This landing page acts as a frame (header/footer). The sub applications (each individually compiled as a

Re: Ways to detect a site is running GWT?

2012-11-11 Thread Joseph Lust
My apologies for being unclear. Given that the revision number they built with is potentially available, that could be used in some form in $gwt_version such as 0.0.11367. There are plenty of sites where you can find this rev number in their release JS/CSS/etc. Given that information and the

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