Re: Negation

2010-02-13 Thread John Launchbury
I don't think this is a bug. I do not expect to be able to unfold a definition without some syntactic issues. For example, two = 1+1 four = 2 * two but unfolding fails (four = 2 * 1 + 1). In general, we expect to have to parenthesize things when unfolding them. John On Feb 13, 2010, at

Re: Proposal: change to qualified operator syntax

2009-07-09 Thread John Launchbury
that `---` and (---) are not dual. Can you regain duality by *also* providing a definition of `---` and (---) at the level of the context free grammar? John John Launchbury | galois | (503)626-6616 x104 On Jul 9, 2009, at 4:22 AM, Simon Marlow wrote: On 08/07/2009 23:06, k

Re: Status of Haskell Prime Language definition

2007-10-15 Thread John Launchbury
-- Skype: robert.will ___ Haskell-prime mailing list John Launchbury | galois | (503)626-6616 x104 ___ Haskell-prime mailing

Re: State monads don't respect the monad laws in Haskell

2002-05-16 Thread John Launchbury
Yes. Let me be clear. It is not the fact that `seq` operates on functions that breaks foldr/build: it is the fact that `seq` claims to be parametrically polymorphic when in fact it is not. The parametricity result is weakened to the point that the foldr/build proof no longer applies, and a

Re: State monads don't respect the monad laws in Haskell

2002-05-15 Thread John Launchbury
I watched with interest the discussion about the ravages of `seq`. In the old days, we protected uses of `seq` with a type class, to keep it at bay. There was no function instance (so no problem with the state monads, or lifting of functions in general), and the type class prevented interference

Re: Implicit Parameters

2002-02-05 Thread John Launchbury
My questiona are: Were the designers of the implicit parameters paper aware of this problem when they wrote the paper? If so, they probably did not think this was a big problem. Do people in general think this is a problem? We certainly were aware. It is a problem, and a big one. The

Re: n+k patterns

2002-01-30 Thread John Launchbury
I strongly disapprove of n+k patterns from a whole-language taste perspective, so I am most unkeen to broaden their scope. Because they are such a language kludge already it simply doesn't make sense to try to reason rationally about what the best answer for them is. It's like putting lipstick on

Re: fixity for (\\)

2001-01-22 Thread John Launchbury
I agree with Koen: \\ is list subtraction and we're all used to subtraction being left associative. John. Jon Fairbairn wrote: On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Koen Claessen wrote: I propose that it gets the following fixity: infixl 5 \\ Unless the it's common usage outside of Haskell, I

Haskell job opportunities

2000-11-16 Thread John Launchbury
Hi, A discussion thread earlier this year asked about the existence (or otherwise) of jobs involving programming in Haskell and other FP languages. Well, they really do exist, and we have some openings. If you're interested you can find out more at John.

Re: Results: poll: polymorphic let bindings in do

2000-06-06 Thread John Launchbury
Koen, If a language has the property that in one place, one can use a "let" block to define polymorphic bindings, and in another place one can only use it for monomorphic bindings, then I think that is bad language design. I don't think that's a very accurate description. The "let" in "do"

Re: Results: poll: polymorphic let bindings in do

2000-06-06 Thread John Launchbury
Jeff, Isn't that a bit of a dodgy argument? I don't know of any papers on `in' polymorphism, but many about `let' polymorphism. If I see `let', I expect polymorphism, and I'm not going to go searching for an `in'. Not true (or if true, misguided). Consider the type rule for "let". The

Re: Show class on ADT with function

2000-05-10 Thread John Launchbury
Note that these have omitted the behavior of the function on bottom, so even on a finite domains, the description is not complete. john. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: George writes: There is no problem with Showing functions with finite domains. For example, try: module ShowFun where

Re: core dumps when making use of IORefs

1999-09-14 Thread John Launchbury
I don't know any way to make unsafePerformIO type-safe without imposing some drastic or complicated restriction. Something in the back of my mind tells me that John Launchbury has another example of type unsafety induced by unsafePerformIO but I can't remember what; so I'm cc'ing him

Re: typing error?

1999-07-19 Thread John Launchbury
Jan Brosius wrote: I have read the online postscript paper " Lazy Functional State Threads". I think the typing (page 4) f :: MutVar s a - Mutvar s a is wrong, since the definition of f is : f v = runST ( newVar v 'thenST' \w - readVar w) I think you mean

Here's a puzzle to fry your brains ....

1999-04-28 Thread John Launchbury
Folks, My student Levent Erkok and I have been playing about with the idea of mutual recursive bindings in the do notation. Mostly it's clear how they should behave, but we struggle with the following example. I would love to hear some (considered) opinions about this. John.

Re: Standard Haskell

1998-09-09 Thread John Launchbury
I think I favor "20th century Haskell" myself :-) Hassett wrote: On 9/8/98 5:10 PM, Andrew Rock wrote If Standard Haskell is meant to be a stable target for texts and the like, why not Haskell-Ed (for Education), perhaps with a version indication like Haskell-Ed-98. Unfortunately,

Re: A new view of guards

1997-04-29 Thread John Launchbury
I love Simon's suggestion. It gives me all the right vibes. And - seems to me to be the right connective to use. At the risk of beating my hobby horse, let's not think of - solely in terms of monads. It is certainly appropriate there, but it is also appropriate for lists when thought of purely

My home page

1995-09-21 Thread John Launchbury
Folks, Soon after offering my home page as a source of the paper Phil mentioned the other day, we had a disk go bad which led to 403 Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL /~jl from this server. The problem has now been fixed, so you should be able to get through.

Re: Haskell 1.3

1995-09-11 Thread John Launchbury
I would like to respond to John's note. My response is largely positive, though I disagree with a couple of points. However, it is an independent question whether or not strictness annotations should be applicable to function types. And this is where I disagree with the committee. To quote

Re: Do functions exist?

1993-11-19 Thread John Launchbury
John says we can't go from a function to its concrete representation ie E - [E] - OK. He hints that implementations are from concrete representations to real functions ie [E] - E. I disagree profoundly. I'm not surprised you disagree. I hinted no such thing. Implementations manipulate

Re: Function denotations

1993-11-18 Thread John Launchbury
Greg argument's about function denotations is valid up to a point. However, when optimising functional programs we rely on *denotational* equivalence to justify substitution, not just beta equivalence. So for example, we can prove that foldr (:) [] = id :: [a]-[a] in the sense that given any

module Main

1993-11-17 Thread John Launchbury
I have a followup question to Lennart's motivated by the same IOHCC entry. The Haskell report states that in an abbreviated module, the header is assumed to be module Main where which makes all the identifiers exportable (and so the monomorphism restriction could bite the unwary). I tend to

Lifted Stuff

1993-11-05 Thread John Launchbury
Some people have referred to semantic issues and Abramsky and Ong's work when contributing to the lifted/unlifted debate. I think it would be fair to summarise them as follows. Pro lifting === The simplest possible lambda calculus has lifting in its canonical model as soon as


1993-11-05 Thread John Launchbury
More on liftings: In our FPCA 91 paper, Simon and I came to the conclusion that the "proper" way to give semantics to data declarations was, as follows. If data T = A U V | B W then the model for T (written here T*) is T* = ((U* x V*) + W*)_\bot where the x is pure domain product, the +

Haskell 1.3 (n+k patterns)

1993-10-12 Thread John Launchbury
I feel the need to be inflamatory: I believe n+k should go. There are lots of good reasons why they should go, of course. The question is: are there any good reasons why they should stay? My understanding is that the only reason they are advocated is that they make teaching induction easier.

Re: haskell

1993-10-12 Thread John Launchbury
It sounds to me as if the problem is with negative numbers. So, one more time ... What about the *natural* numbers? Doesn't anyone else program with these? (Maybe just occasionally? :-) The problem is only partly to do with naturals. Having these would certainly improve matters but I suspect

re ADTs etc.

1993-10-05 Thread John Launchbury
I think there is another problem with having strict constructors. It messes up parametricity even more than fix does. There are two reasons why this would be a shame: * Parametricity is cool. It lets you prove lots of interesting theorems for very little work. These theorems help with program

Re: Arrays and Assoc

1993-10-05 Thread John Launchbury
But I think we can have the cake and eat it too, if we get rid of the restriction (which I never liked) that operators beginning with : must be a constructor: just define a := b = (a,b) Unfortunately that won't work if := had been used in patterns. I think backward compatibility is an issue.