Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell-mode.el mailing list (+ dpatch)

2009-11-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:03 AM, Jose A. Ortega Ruiz  wrote:
> (Valery V. Vorotyntsev) writes:
>> Is there anybody except me feeling the need for mailing list and issue
>> tracker for emacs' haskell-mode?
> FWIW, you have my vote too. I'm convinced that a discussion forum and
> tracker would foster contributions from the many emacs users in the
> community.

I would like to see this too. emacs-mode is important for my productivity.

-- Johan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Machine Learning Library (SVM)

2009-11-24 Thread john lask

look at:

this works but is a little slow and would benefit by being updated to 
use the bytestring library.

and generic data clustering ...

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Machine Learning Library (SVM)
> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 07:56:08 +0100
> CC:
> "Hector Guilarte"  writes:
> > Ketil, has any progress been made on that library? Specially in the
> > SVM part which is what I'm really looking for... 
> No, the SoC ticket was not funded, and I am not aware of any other
> Haskell implementation of SVMs (and if there is one, I'm sure it will be
> pointed out on this list).
> -k
> -- 
> If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
For more of what happens online Head to the Daily Blob on Windows Live
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Machine Learning Library (SVM)

2009-11-24 Thread Ketil Malde
"Hector Guilarte"  writes:

> Ketil, has any progress been made on that library? Specially in the
> SVM part which is what I'm really looking for... 

No, the SoC ticket was not funded, and I am not aware of any other
Haskell implementation of SVMs (and if there is one, I'm sure it will be
pointed out on this list).

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] surrogate code points in a Char

2009-11-24 Thread Mark Lentczner

On Nov 18, 2009, at 7:28 AM, Manlio Perillo wrote:
> The Unicode Standard (version 4.0, section 3.9, D31 - pag 76) says:
> """Because surrogate code points are not included in the set of Unicode
> scalar values, UTF-32 code units in the range D800 .. DFFF are
> ill-formed"""

The current version of Unicode is 5.1. This text is now in D90, though 
otherwise the same. My references below are to the 5.1 documents (freely 
available on line at: )

> However GHC does not reject this code units:
> Prelude> print '\xD800'
> '\55296'
> Is this a correct behaviour?

I don't think you should consider Char to be UTF-32.

Think of Char as representing a Unicode code point. Unicode code points are 
defined as all in integers in the range \x0 through \x10, inclusive. Values 
in the range \xD800 through \xDFFF are all valid code points. (§2.4 in general; 
§3.4, D9, D10)

Not all Unicode code points are "Unicode scalar values". Only Unicode scalar 
values can be encoded in the standard Unicode encodings. Unicode scalar values 
are defined a \x0 through \xD7FF and \xE000 through \x10 - All code points 
except the surrogate pair area. (§3.9, D76)

Not all code points are characters. In particular, \xFFFE, \x are 
"Noncharacters": They are representable in Unicode encodings, but should not be 
interchanged.  Less well known is the range \xFDD0 though \xFDEF which are also 
noncharacters. (§2.4, Table 2-3; §3.4, D14, §16.7)

In particular, note the stance of Unicode toward application internal forms:
"Applications are free to use any of these noncharacter code points.
internally but should never attempt to exchange them." - §16.7 ¶3

Accordingly, it is fine for Haskell's Char to support these values, as they are 
code points. The place to impose any special handling is in Haskell's various 
Unicode encoding libraries: When decoding, code points \xD800 through \xDFFF 
cannot be received, and noncharacters can be either retained or silently 
dropped (Unicode conformance allows this.) When encoding, code points \xD800 
through \xDFFF and noncharacters should either error or just be silently 

- Mark

Mark Lentczner

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Machine Learning Library (SVM)

2009-11-24 Thread Hector Guilarte
Hello cafe,

Does anybody knows if there is a Machine Learning Library for Haskell? I looked 
in hackage and couldn't find anything but something for Data Mining but that's 
not what I need, however, googling I saw a ticket for google summer of code for 
writing such library proposed by Ketil Malde.

Ketil, has any progress been made on that library? Specially in the SVM part 
which is what I'm really looking for...

Thanks to everyone in advance,

Hector Guilarte
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Possible FGL bug

2009-11-24 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
When developing my QuickCheck-2 test-suite for graphviz, I wrote the
following Arbitrary instance for FGL graphs (which needs

| instance (Graph g, Arbitrary n, Arbitrary e, Show n, Show e) => Arbitrary (g 
n e) where
|   arbitrary = do ns <- liftM nub arbitrary
|  let nGen = elements ns
|  lns <- mapM makeLNode ns
|  trace ("Nodes: " ++ show lns) (return ())
|  les <- listOf $ makeLEdge nGen
|  trace ("Edges: " ++ show les) (return ())
|  return $ mkGraph lns les
| where
|   makeLNode n = liftM ((,) n) arbitrary
|   makeLEdge nGen = liftM3 (,,) nGen nGen arbitrary
|   shrink gr = map (flip delNode gr) (nodes gr)

However, when I try to run this, I occasionally get irrefutable pattern
match failures as follows:

| *Data.GraphViz.Testing.Instances.FGL Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree> sample 
(arbitrary :: Gen (Gr Int Char))
| 0:0->[]
| 0:-2->[]
| 1:0->[('\a',0)]
| 2:0->[]
| -4:-3->[('U',-3),('#',1)]
| -3:3->[]
| 1:-1->[('}',-3)]
| -8:8->[]
| -3:2->[]
| -1:-5->[('\US',-3),('&',0)]
| 0:5->[('F',-1),('p',4)]
| 4:-1->[]
| -16:11->[]
| -2:-2->[]
| 0:11->[('@',1)]
| 1:13->[('u',11)]
| 9:-11->[('\231',11)]
| 11:12->[('\226',1)]
| 16:15->[]
| -10:2->[]
| -4:8->[]
| 1:30->[]
| 26:26->[('<',1),('K',-4)]
| 31:-21->[]
| -35:51->[('@',-29)]
| -29:21->[('\132',-11)]
| -11:-31->[('j',61)]
| -4:40->[('a',-29)]
| 0:6->[('z',-35),('9',28),('\170',-11),('\SUB',28)]
| 23:8->[('P',-29),('(',61),('\\',28)]
| 28:60->[]
| 61:44->[('q',61)]
| *** Exception: Data/Graph/Inductive/Graph.hs:250:26-59: Irrefutable pattern 
failed for pattern (Data.Maybe.Just (pr, _, la, su), g')

The actual error comes from the definition of insEdge:

| -- | Insert a 'LEdge' into the 'Graph'.
| insEdge :: DynGraph gr => LEdge b -> gr a b -> gr a b
| insEdge (v,w,l) g = (pr,v,la,(l,w):su) & g'
| where (Just (pr,_,la,su),g') = match v g

with the Graph instance for Tree-based graphs using this for its mkGraph

|   mkGraph vs es   = (insEdges' . insNodes vs) empty
| where
|   insEdges' g = foldl' (flip insEdge) g es

So, is this really a bug in FGL, or am I using mkGraph wrong?

On another note, why doesn't the PatriciaTree graph type have a Show
instance? :(

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE managing cabal dependencies using nix and hack-nix

2009-11-24 Thread Marc Weber
First of all: This is a release (very) early and often release
announcment. So expect that there are some minor glitches [5].
Linux is only supported at this moment. [1]


  main goal: provide an environment (= list dependencies) to build a
   haskell package with minimal efforts.

  The two repositories


  enable you to build dependencies required to build a specific cabal
  project automatically. In some way its similar to what cabal-install
  provides. However haskell packages are installed using the nix package
  manager which allows you installing arbitrary versions of the same
  packages at the same time on the same system. 

  Follow their READMEs to get latest updates.

what is nix?

See Brief: its a package manager utilizing a lazy,
interpreted language called nix to describe package dependencies.
Packages can be installed into user environments. Atomic updates and
rollbacks are some of its key features as well as allowing the user /
or system to install additional versions of a package without breaking
previously installed software. [2] I won't go into details here.

repo haskell-nix-overlay:
This contains a sketchy implementation of a dependency solver for cabal
packages using a brute force algorithm [6].
It also contains a set of patches to make hackage packages compile.

hack-nix creates a copy of the hackage index file 00-index.tar called
hackage/hackage-nix-db.nix which can be read by the nix language
applying some optimizations.
You run the solver by telling it about your target
packages and their cabal flags. [3]

  globalFlags =  {
base4 = true;
  packageFlags = {
Cabal-1.4.4.splitBase = true;
  targetPackages = [

  I only pasted the most important parameters here.

So what is this all for?
Many existing package managers assume that there is only one true way to
install packages - using the versions which got packaged.
You want to switch from base-3 to base-4 ? You want to use both?
Some package build with parsec-2 others require parsec-3?
Out of luck(?) Maybe you end up using different users, installing all
packages manually into local (user) databases. Also determining which
packages must be recompiled is a tedious job. So you updated a package
and you have recompiled depending packages. Then you notice that you
want to fix a small bug in an app you didn't update for ages.. however
the old versions of your libraries have been replaced with newer ones..

usage example
Let me introduce you to a small hack-nix workflow showing you how I
think you should use it:

# get a cabal package.
vcs clone 

# tell hack-nix about package profiles. A profile is a name associated
# with cabal flags:
echo "default:-split-base" > .hack-nix-cabal-config

# run hack-nix to build all dependencies required by  [3]
# and create a file exporting PATH and GHC_PACKAGE_PATH
# you should source that in your bash or zsh session
hack-nix --build-env default
source hack-nix-envs/default/source-me/haskell-env
ghc --make Setup.hs
./Setup configure # optionally repeat the cabal flags here [4]
./Setup build

# the package bulids? fine. Now you can register it at your nix
# configuration file ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix after creating a dist file
# and an unmodified representation of the cabal file:
hack-nix --to-nix
cat >> ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix << EOF
{pkgs, ... }: {
  hackNix.additionalPackages = [
# repeat the line above for each package

>From now on nix will know about your (dev version?) of the pkg  and it can 
used when running hack-nix --build-env in other cabal directories.
Let's compare it to cabal install --user here:
  base -> lib -> otherlib -> target

you build a dev version of lib.
When running hack-nix --build-env default in the target cabal directory
otherlib will be rebuild automatically.

nix can also create tag files for you. This is implemented but it's not
supported by hack-nix --build-env yet. (TODO)

Now you want to clean those many builds get rid of them and tidy up.
Just run nix-collect-garbage to remove all packages managed by nix
which are no longer referenced by any environment or their previous
generations. Generations? This means that if updating an environment
causes more trouble to than it solves you can temporarily switch back to
the environment you were using before.

How to get started?
See [5], read those READMEs. Tell me about your problems.
Right now HAppS-Server and hack-nix can be built easily.
More work has to be done to make all packages compile.
This usally means replacing "base < 4" by "base < 5" or such.
Another cause of failure is that C-lib dep

Re: [Haskell-cafe] implementing recursive let

2009-11-24 Thread Derek Elkins
The following code works fine for me, so it seems you are missing some
details that may help.

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
TypeSynonymInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M

data Expr = Let [(String, Expr)] Expr | Const Int | Var String

data Value = Data String | Function (Value -> Eval Value)

instance Show Value where
show (Data s) = s

type Env = M.Map String Value

example = Let [("x", Const 1)] (Var "x")

eval :: Expr -> Eval Value
eval (Const n) = return (Data (show n))
eval (Var x)   = gets (fromJust . M.lookup x)
eval (Let decls body) = mdo
  let (names,exprs) = unzip decls
  updateEnv env = foldr (uncurry M.insert) env $ zip names values
  (values,result) <- local updateEnv $ liftM2 (,) (mapM eval exprs) (eval body)
  return result

newtype Eval a = Eval {
unEval :: ErrorT String (StateT Env (Writer [String])) a
  } deriving (
MonadWriter [String], -- for warnings & other messages
MonadState Env,
MonadError String

runEval :: Eval Value -> Either String Value
runEval = fst . runWriter . flip evalStateT M.empty . runErrorT . unEval

evaluate = runEval . eval

instance MonadReader Env Eval where
  ask = get
  local tr act = do
s <- get
modify tr
r <- act
put s
return r
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] implementing recursive let

2009-11-24 Thread Ben Franksen
I am trying to write an interpreter for a very simple untyped functional
language. I have a problem with mutually recursive let expressions, for
which my interpreter loops :(

This is a code snippet from the eval function:

> eval :: Expr -> Eval Value
> eval (Let decls body) = mdo
>   let (names,exprs) = unzip decls
>   let updateEnv env = foldr (uncurry M.insert) env $ zip names values
>   (values,result) <- local updateEnv $ liftM2 (,) (mapM eval exprs) (eval
>   return result

Module M is Data.Map, the environment is a simple map from strings to
values. Values are defined as

> data Value = Data String | Function (Value -> Eval Value)

The Eval monad is defined as

> newtype Eval a = Eval {
> unEval :: ErrorT String (StateT Env (Writer [String])) a
>   } deriving (
> Monad,
> MonadFix,
> MonadWriter [String], -- for warnings & other messages
> MonadState Env,
> MonadError String
>   )

> instance MonadReader Env Eval where
>   ask = get
>   local tr act = do
> s <- get
> modify tr
> r <- act
> put s
> return r

When I test this with an extremely simple expression, something like "let x
= 1 in x", the code above loops. I don't understand why, especially since
in a previous version it worked. In the previous version I had a simpler
monad stack that went

> newtype Eval a = Eval {
> unEval :: ReaderT Env (Writer [String])) a
>   } deriving (
> Monad,
> MonadFix,
> MonadWriter [String],
> MonadReader Env
>   )

(Replacing reader with state was done so I can add definitions to the
environment at runtime. The ErrorT provides for errors, such as application
of a non-function.)

Expressions not involving let work fine. Also, if I replace the above
definition by one which does not allow recursion (not using mdo, evaluating
the defining expressions before the variable gets added to the
environment), then non-recursive let-expressions (like the simple example
above) work just fine.

I am out of ideas as to what causes this problem. Does the addition of
ErrorT make my monad too strict? How else can I implement mutual recursion?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where is `newTVarIO` defined ?

2009-11-24 Thread zaxis

thanks! Maybe the hoogle shoud add it

Ross Mellgren wrote:
> Control.Concurrent.STM
> On Nov 24, 2009, at 6:11 PM, zaxis wrote:
>> I cannot hoogle it. It appears in Pugs:
>> run' ("-d":rest) = do
>>info <- fmap Just (io $ newTVarIO Map.empty)
>>let ?debugInfo = info
>>run' rest
>> Sincerely!
>> -
>> fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]
>> --  
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at 
>> .
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]
View this message in context:
Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell-mode.el mailing list (+ dpatch)

2009-11-24 Thread Jose A. Ortega Ruiz (Valery V. Vorotyntsev) writes:

> Is there anybody except me feeling the need for mailing list and issue
> tracker for emacs' haskell-mode?

FWIW, you have my vote too. I'm convinced that a discussion forum and
tracker would foster contributions from the many emacs users in the

Purely applicative languages are poorly applicable.
  - Alan Perlis, Epigrams in Programing

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where is `newTVarIO` defined ?

2009-11-24 Thread Ben Millwood
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:11 PM, zaxis  wrote:
> I cannot hoogle it. It appears in Pugs:
> run' ("-d":rest)                 = do
>    info <- fmap Just (io $ newTVarIO Map.empty)
>    let ?debugInfo = info
>    run' rest
> Sincerely!
> -
> fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
The docs for it are in GHC.Conc but you probably wouldn't import it from there.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where is `newTVarIO` defined ?

2009-11-24 Thread Ross Mellgren


On Nov 24, 2009, at 6:11 PM, zaxis wrote:

I cannot hoogle it. It appears in Pugs:

run' ("-d":rest) = do
   info <- fmap Just (io $ newTVarIO Map.empty)
   let ?debugInfo = info
   run' rest


fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]
View this message in context:
Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Where is `newTVarIO` defined ?

2009-11-24 Thread zaxis

I cannot hoogle it. It appears in Pugs: 

run' ("-d":rest) = do
info <- fmap Just (io $ newTVarIO Map.empty)
let ?debugInfo = info
run' rest


fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]
View this message in context:
Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell-mode.el mailing list (+ dpatch)

2009-11-24 Thread Valery V. Vorotyntsev
> -- Description of the attached dpatch:
>  * make `inferior-haskell-find-project-root' respect export lists

No joke this time. Sorry for the glitch.

Tue Nov 24 23:48:05 EET 2009  Valery V. Vorotyntsev 
  * make `inferior-haskell-find-project-root' respect export lists
  A "hierarchical module" (one or more dots in module name) with an
  export list cannot be loaded (`C-c C-l') unless there is .cabal file
  That is because regexp current in `inferior-haskell-find-project-root'
  does not match module headers with export lists. Like this one:
  module Codec.Binary.MSCP (
  -- * Data structures
  -- * Parsing
) where
  This patch makes the regexp less strict.

New patches:

[make `inferior-haskell-find-project-root' respect export lists
Valery V. Vorotyntsev **20091124214805
 Ignore-this: 13944cebba542b12a6b02a7c8ef43c81
 A "hierarchical module" (one or more dots in module name) with an
 export list cannot be loaded (`C-c C-l') unless there is .cabal file
 That is because regexp current in `inferior-haskell-find-project-root'
 does not match module headers with export lists. Like this one:
 module Codec.Binary.MSCP (
 -- * Data structures
 -- * Parsing
   ) where
 This patch makes the regexp less strict.
] hunk ./inf-haskell.el 285
 (goto-char (point-min))
 (let ((case-fold-search nil))
   (when (re-search-forward
- "^module[ \t]+\\([^- \t\n]+\\.[^- \t\n]+\\)[ \t]+where\\>" nil t)
+ "^module[ \t]+\\([^- \t\n]+\\.[^- \t\n]+\\)[ \t]+" nil t)
 (let* ((dir default-directory)
(module (match-string 1))
(pos 0))


[Emacs regexes are not perl regexes!**20091120123455
 Ignore-this: 7adddfb072ffabb8e02457fd9f1d7179
[Add missing `:group's to defcustoms.
Dave Love **2009105701
 Ignore-this: c5126608a89343c907e6a03f77143a82
[Resolve conflict with mdo patch.
Dave Love **20091110143208
 Ignore-this: 48568e05d3b1d48d5a3c8014e5287fe3
[Allow non-ASCII names.
Dave Love **20091105212057
 Ignore-this: f46f407a19ae2a597f44317e4915e5ba
 The code already used char-classes unconditionally, though I didn't
 think they're supported in XEmacs.
[Various fixes for Emacs 21.
Dave Love **20091105211507
 Ignore-this: caae466ff29882fa42f44e081d0a8909
[Fix treatment of missing syntax-ppss.
Dave Love **2009111819
 Ignore-this: 284f4d7440592d4b7f4697d1bf2483c7
[Comment/doc/message fixes.
Dave Love **20091105212607
 Ignore-this: 15a2aa347da042465d652328b91324a1
[Parse the unicode syntax for (::)**20091106085644
 Ignore-this: f4d582279acbaf613b5d77b6788c8189
[Fixed bug in haskell-decl-scan.el when using unicode syntax**2009110615
 Ignore-this: 6e8eecb8bd1d7d5ddfc0496bee4d4f3f
[Indent mdo as do**20091109214749
 Ignore-this: 8cf3b448fcde1d8219c4c97ba1955c85
[TAG 2.6.4**20091107110901
 Ignore-this: d2d4c16df56f5bb4b749e886a99e0550
Patch bundle hash:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell-mode.el mailing list (+ dpatch)

2009-11-24 Thread Valery V. Vorotyntsev
Is there anybody except me feeling the need for mailing list and issue
tracker for emacs' haskell-mode?

Mailing list is a forum to discuss ideas _and_ the area of patch
authors' self-advertisement. And issue tracker is a TODO list; it may
be useful or annoying, and I think we can live without one for a

But I vote for haskell-mode.el mailing list.


-- Description of the attached dpatch:
  * make `inferior-haskell-find-project-root' respect export lists

  A "hierarchical module" (one or more dots in module name) with an
  export list cannot be loaded (`C-c C-l') unless there is .cabal file

  That is because regexp current in `inferior-haskell-find-project-root'
  does not match module headers with export lists. Like this one:

  module Codec.Binary.MSCP (
  -- * Data structures

  -- * Parsing
) where

  This patch makes the regexp less strict.

Have fun!

<#part type="application/octet-stream" 
filename="/tmp/XXX/respect-export-lists.dpatch" disposition=attachment 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Weekly News: Issue 140 - November 22, 2009

2009-11-24 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Nov 24, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Sean Leather wrote:

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 05:46, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
For example, "ai" in Maori means "to copulate",

Really [1]? It's amazing what Google [2] will tell you these days. ;)

Really!  Check

In fact if you read [1], you will find
"There is also another lexical ai which
is a verb with the meaning ‘to copulate’"
on page 4.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of TypeDirectedNameResolution proposal?

2009-11-24 Thread Richard O'Keefe

* For record selectors, currently written (x r), writing r.x is
exactly right

Algol 68 used 'x of r', which I always found rather readable.
COBOL has always used 'x of r' and 'x in r' with the same meaning.
BCPL uses 'f O§F r' which may I believe also be written 'f::r'.
Fortran uses 'r%x'.
Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" uses X(R).
Erlang uses 'x#type.r'.

r.x is no more "exactly right" than "x r" or "x OF r" or
anything else one might come up with.

Is there any need to still limit ourselves to ASCII?
Might we dare at long last to use the section sign §
and write r§x?  If any symbol is appropriate for getting
part of something, surely section is!  (If you want to
call it "Select", why, § is a modified capital S.)
Best of all, § has no other uses in Haskell.  (It isn't
_quite_ as easy to type as dots are, but option 6 isn't
_that_ hard to type.)  Oh, and if you think dots are
great, why, § has a fat dot right in the middle of it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pointfree rank-2 typed function

2009-11-24 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

It used to be, because GHC used to implement so-called "deep skolemisation".  
See Section 4.6.2 of

Deep skolemisation was an unfortunate casualty of the push to add impredicative polymoprhism.  However, as I mentioned in an earlier email, I'm currently planning to take impredicative polymorphism *out*, which means that deep skolemisation might come back *in*. 

Are there workarounds for uses of impredicative types, or do we lose the 
ability to express certain programs as a result?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pointfree rank-2 typed function

2009-11-24 Thread Bas van Dijk
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones
> It used to be, because GHC used to implement so-called "deep skolemisation".  
> See Section 4.6.2 of
> Deep skolemisation was an unfortunate casualty of the push to add 
> impredicative polymoprhism.  However, as I mentioned in an earlier email, I'm 
> currently planning to take impredicative polymorphism *out*, which means that 
> deep skolemisation might come back *in*.

Ok nice because I'm very used to refactor code like: 'f x = g x' to 'f
= g' for all f and g.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Pointfree rank-2 typed function

2009-11-24 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
It used to be, because GHC used to implement so-called "deep skolemisation".  
See Section 4.6.2 of

Deep skolemisation was an unfortunate casualty of the push to add impredicative 
polymoprhism.  However, as I mentioned in an earlier email, I'm currently 
planning to take impredicative polymorphism *out*, which means that deep 
skolemisation might come back *in*. 


| -Original Message-
| From: 
[] On
| Behalf Of Bas van Dijk
| Sent: 24 November 2009 13:34
| To: Haskell Cafe
| Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Pointfree rank-2 typed function
| Hello,
| Given this program:
| {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
| newtype Region s a = Region a
| unRegion :: forall a s. Region s a -> a
| unRegion (Region x) = x
| runRegionPointfull :: forall a. (forall s. Region s a) -> a
| runRegionPointfull r = unRegion r
| Is it possible to write the rank-2 typed function 'runRegionPointfull'
| in pointfree style?
| Unfortunately the following doesn't typecheck:
| runRegionPointfree :: forall a. (forall s. Region s a) -> a
| runRegionPointfree = unRegion
| Couldn't match expected type `forall s. Region s a'
|against inferred type `Region s a1'
| In the expression: unRegion
| In the definition of `runRegionPointfree':
| runRegionPointfree = unRegion
| Why can't the typechecker match `forall s. Region s a' and `Region s a1'?
| Thanks,
| Bas
| ___
| Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HOpenGL and freeglut rendering problems

2009-11-24 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Hello. I'm new to this mailing list, so I apologize if this question is 
inappropriate for this list, but I've been looking for a solution to 
this problem for weeks and I've had no luck.

I am trying to write a program with HOpenGL and freeglut, but I can't 
seem to get it to render. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a DELL 1555 with an 
ATI Radeon HD 4500. Right now my program just creates a window with a 
black background. However, when I try to run the program I get the 
following error:

"Unable to create direct context rendering for window 'IGL'
This may hurt performance."

I've read that this is because of the fglrx driver. The driver uses 
indirect rendering for OpenGL, but freeglut requires direct rendering? 
Is there a way to force freeglut to function with indirect rendering?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Announcing Haskell 2010

2009-11-24 Thread Simon Marlow

On 24/11/2009 15:19, David Leimbach wrote:

First off congratulations everyone!

Second, Oh shit!  Graham Hutton's excellent Haskell introduction book is
now not valid Haskell 2010 due to N+K patterns?

Right, but it's still valid Haskell 98, and we have no immediate plans 
at least in GHC to drop support for Haskell 98.  It will probably not be 
the default in 6.14.1, though.


I loaned that book to my boss and he's really enjoyed it.  I guess I'll
have to buy a revised copy.  Can we get an update to it? :-)

I realize N+K was considered dangerous

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Simon Marlow>> wrote:

I'm very proud to announce a new revision of the Haskell language,
Haskell 2010.  Over the last couple of months the committee has been
making final decisions about which extensions should be a part of
this revision.  The final list is:


You can read more about each one, including rationale for and
against, on its relevant wiki page, which are linked from the tickets:

Haskell 2010 is a small but significant step on the road that was
started by the Haskell' committee 4 years ago,  The process has not
been a smooth one, and there have been several changes of direction,
but the current process is actually producing concrete results that
let us move the language forward in positive steps, so I feel we're
on the right track.

We all owe the current committee a big thank-you for sticking with
the process this long: most of them didn't realise the magnitude of
what they were signing up for at the beginning.  The short list of
changes above tells only a small part of the story, there is a
wealth of wiki content and mailing-list discussion that future
language revisions can draw on.

So what now?

  * We will produce a revised version of the Haskell language report
   incorporating these changes.  That will happen over the next few

  * Compilers can start implementing the changes, and flags to
   select the Haskell 2010 revision.  In GHC we expect to have
   support in the next major release, i.e. 6.14.1.

  * Right now, we will start forming a Haskell 2011 committee to
   mange the process of deciding on changes for next year's revision.
   The current committee is still discussing how to go about
   finding a new committee (the plan is to at least have open
   nominations) but I expect to be able to announce more details
   very soon.

  * Everyone can participate in the Haskell 2011 process, by discussing
   and refining proposals.  Information about how to do that is on
   the Haskell Prime wiki:

   Remember: this is a community effort.   The changes that get
   adopted in each revision are drawn from the pool of fully-specified
   proposals, and those proposals can be written by anyone.


Simon, on behalf of the Haskell 2010 committee

Haskell mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Weekly News: Issue 140 - November 22, 2009

2009-11-24 Thread Maurí­cio CA

> Incidentally, I've always wondered about the politically correct
> way of referring to this programming language (and related
> implementation in the above-mentioned type system) in academic
> circles;

Is this a question of politically correctness? Since there's no
discrimination or prejudice involved, I think it's more of a
question of social rules. If you are using a word where it's
going to be indexed, like article titles, I vote for beeing
accurate. But outside that, it's difficult to answer
this in a way that extends beyond one's own circle of friends.
Censoring a bad word may be polite for some, and offensive for
others, what could we do about that? Regarding brainfuck itself,
I think beeing censored is part of the joke.

> In general, if a programming language-related term contains what
> is generally regarded as a profane word as a component, for
> what kinds of written material should I prioritize accuracy vs.
> propriety?

If we decide to allow * inside conids and varids in Haskell, and
have a rule that names clash when they differ only by a letter
replaced by a *, we have gone too far.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Status of TypeDirectedNameResolution proposal?

2009-11-24 Thread Ketil Malde
Ben Millwood  writes:

>> E.g. if module Foo.Bar isn't found in Foo/Bar.hs GHC could look in
>> Foo.hs (which would just contain a concatenation of what would currently
>> reside in Foo.hs and Foo/Bar.hs).

> The obvious question arising here is what if module Foo.Bar *is* found
> in Foo/Bar.hs as well as in Foo.hs - is the latter ignored?

I would suggest this situation to be an error, but ghc currently appears to
handle ambiguitiy by picking the first one that fits (according to my
experimentation with multiple source directories and the -i option).

> It doesn't sound like an insurmountable problem but one of the nicest
> things about the current module system is its simplicity and predictability,
> both of which are somewhat attacked by this proposal.

As mentioned, there is already ambiguity, but of course this proposal
would increase the number of paths to search.

> Also, it sounds like your proposal would disallow definition of
> multiple top-level modules in a file, because we wouldn't know where
> to look for them.

Yes, I don't see how to do that either, unless you introduce a
generalized --main-is option, or similar.

(Speaking about which, one obvious exception would be that the file
Foo.hs could contain the Main module in addition to any modules in the
Foo.* hierarchy.  So it'd allow more structure to single-file
applications. For what it's worth.)

> Presumably having the modules together in a file would also mean that
> they could only be compiled together and would produce a single .o or
> .hi file. 

Not sure about that, you'd still be able to build multiple .o/hi's, and
conditional compilation could be done by checksumming the indidual

Anyway, I think the main use-case here is for multiple small modules,
so the impact on compile times might even be positive (for trivial
modules, the compile time might be dominated by the IO operations).

> This is not to say I'm against the proposal, but it's probably not as
> clear-cut as it sounds.

Thinking about it, I guess I'm really wanting to address a weakness in
my development system (namely that it is cumbersome to work with a
myriad of tiny files). And it occurs to me that the compiler might not
be the appropriate place to do solve this.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Pointfree rank-2 typed function

2009-11-24 Thread Bas van Dijk

Given this program:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

newtype Region s a = Region a

unRegion :: forall a s. Region s a -> a
unRegion (Region x) = x

runRegionPointfull :: forall a. (forall s. Region s a) -> a
runRegionPointfull r = unRegion r

Is it possible to write the rank-2 typed function 'runRegionPointfull'
in pointfree style?

Unfortunately the following doesn't typecheck:

runRegionPointfree :: forall a. (forall s. Region s a) -> a
runRegionPointfree = unRegion

Couldn't match expected type `forall s. Region s a'
   against inferred type `Region s a1'
In the expression: unRegion
In the definition of `runRegionPointfree':
runRegionPointfree = unRegion

Why can't the typechecker match `forall s. Region s a' and `Region s a1'?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell-Cafe Digest, Vol 75, Issue 51

2009-11-24 Thread Johnny Morrice
> 1) the uncensored version
> 2) Monadam*
> 3) Monada**
> 4) Monad***
> 5) Mona

Putting stars in place of letters in no way makes a word less offensive.
Consider the word 'ing'.

It's about context.  I think it's wise that such a word have a star put
in it in the weekly news or a journal article as it shows the author is
less bombastic and doesn't want to use loud language - which counts for
a lot in other's opinions.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Status of TypeDirectedNameResolution proposal?

2009-11-24 Thread Ben Millwood
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 7:13 PM, Ketil Malde  wrote:
> E.g. if module Foo.Bar isn't found in Foo/Bar.hs GHC could look in
> Foo.hs (which would just contain a concatenation of what would currently
> reside in Foo.hs and Foo/Bar.hs).

The obvious question arising here is what if module Foo.Bar *is* found
in Foo/Bar.hs as well as in Foo.hs - is the latter ignored? It doesn't
sound like an insurmountable problem but one of the nicest things
about the current module system is its simplicity and predictability,
both of which are somewhat attacked by this proposal.
Also, it sounds like your proposal would disallow definition of
multiple top-level modules in a file, because we wouldn't know where
to look for them. This is not necessarily unreasonable, but it's an
unexpected special case.
Presumably having the modules together in a file would also mean that
they could only be compiled together and would produce a single .o or
.hi file. Then you might ask whether the ABI or whatever is
necessarily broken by a change to *any* of the modules involved, in
which case modularisation starts to become purely about name
qualification. Thinking about that, it's worth noting that importing
one module twice with two different names works fine.
This is not to say I'm against the proposal, but it's probably not as
clear-cut as it sounds.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Idea for a very simple GUI llibrary

2009-11-24 Thread
I dream of mostly generated bindings for Haskell to the native windowing
Eclipse's SWT proves, this is a viable path.

See my proposal here:

Sam Martin  hat am 23. November 2009 um 19:04

> Thinking of a parallel with Java for a second, is there a GUI library out
> there that's structured like Java Swing? Meaning, there is a GUI library that
> has a small platform-specific GUI foundation (e.g. a per platform
> implementation of the core AWT functionality) and the rest of the
> functionality is pure haskell?
> Supporting cross platform guis is often a bit ... complicated. Java attempted
> to resolve their debug-everywhere nightmare with AWT by making the
> per-platform bit as small as possible, and building everything else in Java.
> I guess in theory gtk and wxWidgets take on this support burden, but you do
> get some fairly hefty imperative apis as a result. Perhaps it would make sense
> to focus efforts on stabilising a small 'core gui' library that can act as the
> foundation stone for all manner of pure haskell gui libraries?*
> Or perhaps this already exists?
> Just a thought.
> Cheers,
> Sam___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Status of TypeDirectedNameResolution proposal?

2009-11-24 Thread Ketil Malde
Robert Greayer  writes:

>> > allow local modules.
>> >
>> > module Foo where
>> >   module Bar where
>> > data Bar = Bar { x :: Int, y :: Int }
>> >   module Baz where
>> > data Baz = Baz { x :: Int, y :: Int }
>> >
>> >   f a b = Bar.x a + Baz.y b

>> Independent of TDNR I would welcome this. Maybe Ticket 2551 ("Allow
>> multiple modules per source file") [1] should be reconsidered.

> Although ticket 2551 is not exactly what Luke is suggesting (which would be
> an extension to the language, whereas, if I'm not mistaken, 2551 is just a
> change to where GHC can find modules, not nesting of modules).

I think this would be great, and have very few negative
consequences.  Having multiple modules per file would make it a lot more
convenient to define tiny modules and use namespacing more actively.

E.g. if module Foo.Bar isn't found in Foo/Bar.hs GHC could look in
Foo.hs (which would just contain a concatenation of what would currently
reside in Foo.hs and Foo/Bar.hs).  So, Foo.hs could contain:

> module Foo.Bar where
>   data Bar = Bar { x :: Int, y :: Int }
> module Foo.Baz where
>   data Baz = Baz { x :: Int, y :: Int }
> module Foo where
>   import Foo.Bar as Bar
>   import Foo.Baz as Baz
>   f a b = Bar.x a + Baz.y b

Since modules are already hierarchical, and there is already a mechanism
for scoping/qualification, I'm not sure modifying the language to allow
nesting actually buys anything.  Or?

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Weekly News: Issue 140 - November 22, 2009

2009-11-24 Thread Sean Leather
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 05:46, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

> For example, "ai" in Maori means "to copulate",

Really [1]? It's amazing what Google [2] will tell you these days. ;)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list