Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-04-04 Thread Thomas Hartman
   takeListSt' = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
 where k m m'= cutNull $ do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)
   cutNull m = do s-get; if null s then return [] else m

Not only is ths not that elegant anymore, I think it *still* has a
bug, stack overflow against

testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
  show $ take 5 $ pf (repeat 0) [1,2,3]
  , show $ pf ( take 1000 [3,7..] ) [1..100]
  , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ ( take (10^6) [1..])
  , show . head . last $ pf (take 1000 $ [3,3..]) [1..10^6]

where the first test (with take 5) is new.

whereas the version with explicit recursion and pattern matching
doesn't suffer from this problem

partitions [] xs = []
partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in  beg : ( case end of
   [] - []
   xs - partitions parts xs)

I am starting to think that the tricky part in all these functions is
that by using higher order functions from the prelude, you sweep the
failure case under the rug. Specifically, what happens when splitAt n
doesn't have a list of length n? The answer isn't in fact obvious at
all. I can think of three things that could hapen.

You coud return (list,[]) where list is however many elements there
are left. (Which is what all the partitions functions do so far, and
the default behavior of splitAt.

Or, you could print an error message.

Or, you could return ([],[])

My tentative conclusion is that good haskell style makes error
modalities explicit when error behavior isn't obvious, or when there
is arguably more than one right way to fail. So:

partitionsE = partitionsE' error
partitionsE2 = partitionsE' ( \e n xs - [])
partitionsE3 = partitionsE' (\e n xs - [take n xs]) -- corresponds to
the behavior of partitions

partitionsE' err [] xs = []
partitionsE' err (n:parts) xs =
  case splitAtE n xs of
Left e - err e n xs
Right (beg,end) -
  beg : ( case end of
[] - []
xs - partitionsE' err parts xs )
  where splitAtE n as@(x:xs) | n = length as = Right $ splitAt n as
splitAtE n ys = Left $ can't split at  ++ (show n) ++ : 
++ (show ys)

2009/3/26 Claus Reinke
 Continuing our adventures into stylistic and semantic differences:-)

 Comparing the 'State' and explicit recursion versions

   takeListSt = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

   -- ..with a derivation leading to..

   takeListSt []    s = []
   takeListSt (h:t) s = x : takeListSt t s'
     where (x,s') = splitAt h s

 instead of

   takeList [] _         =  []
   takeList _ []         =  []
   takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
       where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 we can see some differences, leading to different functions:

   *Main null $ takeListSt [1] undefined
   *Main null $ takeList [1] undefined
   *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
   *Main takeList [0] []
   *Main takeListSt [0] []

 and similarly for the 'scanl' version

   takeListSc ns xs = zipWith take ns $ init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 Depending on usage, these differences might not matter, but what if
 we want these different styles to lead to the same function, with only
 stylistic and no semantic differences, taking the explicit recursion as
 our spec?

 In the 'State' version, the issue is that 'mapM' does not terminate
 early, while the specification requires an empty list whenever 'xs'
 (the state) is empty. Following the derivation at

 the first step where we have a handle on that is after unfolding

   takeListSt = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
     where k m m' = do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)

 If we change that to

   takeListSt' = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
     where k m m'    = cutNull $ do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)
           cutNull m = do s-get; if null s then return [] else m

 and continue with the modified derivation, we should end up with
 the right spec (I haven't done this, so you should check!-). This
 isn't all that elegant any more, but support for 'mapM' with early
 exit isn't all that uncommon a need, either, so one might expect
 a 'mapM' variant that takes a 'cut' parameter to make it into the

 For the 'scanl' version, we have a more direct handle on the issue:
 we can simply drop the offending extras from the 'scanl' result,
 replacing 'init' with 'takeWhile (not.null)':

   takeListSc' ns xs = zipWith take ns $ takeWhile (not.null) $ scanl (flip
 drop) xs ns

 A somewhat abbreviated derivation at the end of this message
 seems to confirm that this matches the spec (as usual with proofs,
 writing them down doesn't mean that they are correct, but that
 readers can check whether they are).

 (btw, both 'takeListSt'' and 'takeListSc'' pass Thomas' 'testP', as does
 his 'partitions', but 'partitions' is not the same function as 'takeList':

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-04-04 Thread Claus Reinke

  takeListSt' = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
where k m m'= cutNull $ do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)
  cutNull m = do s-get; if null s then return [] else m

|Not only is ths not that elegant anymore, 

As I was saying, sequence/mapM with early cutout is common
enough that one might want it in the libraries, which would return
this variant into readability again.

|I think it *still* has a bug, stack overflow against

That would really surprise me. Not that it is impossible - as I was
also saying, I haven't replayed the derivation for the modified code.
However, the modification was arrived at by taking the original
derivation, seeing where its result deviated from the explicitly
recursive specification, and spotting the aspect of the implicitly
recursive version that was responsible for the deviation. 

Of course, the derivation itself could have an error, but equating 
the functions themselves gives me rather more confidence/coverage 
than any finite number of tests could. If I were to enter the derivation

into a proof checking tool and be successful, that would further raise
the level of confidence/coverage (leaving bugs in the proof checker).

Note that I'm not asking whether the original spec did the right
thing, only whether or not the variations correctly do the same
thing as the original spec.

|testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
|  show $ take 5 $ pf (repeat 0) [1,2,3]
|  , show $ pf ( take 1000 [3,7..] ) [1..100]
|  , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ ( take (10^6) [1..])
|  , show . head . last $ pf (take 1000 $ [3,3..]) [1..10^6]
|where the first test (with take 5) is new.
|whereas the version with explicit recursion and pattern matching
|doesn't suffer from this problem

I get identical results for 'takeListSt'' and the original 'takeList1'
(code repeated below). 

It took me a couple of moments to remember that you had been 
playing with Control.Monad.State.Strict instead of the default 
Control.Monad.State(.Lazy). That would invalidate the original 
derivation (different definition of '=', therefore a different end 
result after unfolding '='), let alone the modified code based on it. 

If you replay the derivation, taking the strictness variations into 
account, you should arrive at an explicitly recursive version that

differs from the spec. Which might make it easier to see what
the difference is.

|partitions [] xs = []
|partitions (n:parts) xs =
|  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
|  in  beg : ( case end of
|   [] - []
|   xs - partitions parts xs)

That version cannot be transformed into the original spec, because
it doesn't define the same function. As I mentioned:

(btw, both 'takeListSt'' and 'takeListSc'' pass Thomas' 'testP', as does
his 'partitions', but 'partitions' is not the same function as 'takeList':
consider 'null $ takeList [1] undefined' and 'takeList [0] []' ;-)

With the original spec

takeList1 [] _ =  []
takeList1 _ [] =  []
takeList1 (n : ns) xs  =  h : takeList1 ns t
   where (h, t) = splitAt n xs

and 'takeList4' being your 'partitions', we get:

*Main null $ takeList1 [1] undefined
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
*Main null $ takeList4 [1] undefined
*Main takeList1 [0] []
*Main takeList4 [0] []

I am starting to think that the tricky part in all these functions is
that by using higher order functions from the prelude, you sweep the
failure case under the rug. 

Yes, the reason that more abstract functions are useful is that they
hide irrelevant details, allowing us to spend our limited capacity on
relevant details. If all abstract functions happen to hide details that 
matter, more concrete functions that expose those details can be 
more helpful. 

But even that has to be qualified: for instance, at first I found it easier 
to see the issues with the original 'State' variant in its transformed, 
explicitly recursive version, but after the derivation had convinced 
me that there was no magic going on, I realized that it was just the 
old 'mapM' doesn't stop early issue. So I could have seen the issue 
in the abstract form, but my mind (and apparently other minds, too;-) 
refused to think about the cornercases there until prompted. 

If not for this tendency to ignore details that might be relevant, the 
abstract code would provide an abstract treatment of the failure 
case as well: instead of working out the details by trying to find 
useful tests for the explicit pattern matches, we can just look at

wether the definition uses 'mapM' or 'mapMWithCut', or whether
it uses 'Control.Monad.State' or 'Control.Monad.State.Strict'.

Just exposing all the details all the time isn't going to help, as the
'partition' example demonstrates: we might still ignore the relevant
details, this time not because they are hidden in abstractions, but
because they are hidden in other irrelevant details. There really
isn't a single view of software that will 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-04-04 Thread Thomas Hartman
Thanks Claus,

  Indeed the problem was that I was using the Strict state monad, with
lazy state it does the right thing when run through testP. I will try
and get back to this thread if I manage the derivation which proves
(or at least supports) that the two versions are equivalent.

2009/4/4 Claus Reinke
  takeListSt' = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
    where k m m'    = cutNull $ do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)
          cutNull m = do s-get; if null s then return [] else m

 |Not only is ths not that elegant anymore,
 As I was saying, sequence/mapM with early cutout is common
 enough that one might want it in the libraries, which would return
 this variant into readability again.

 |I think it *still* has a bug, stack overflow against

 That would really surprise me. Not that it is impossible - as I was
 also saying, I haven't replayed the derivation for the modified code.
 However, the modification was arrived at by taking the original
 derivation, seeing where its result deviated from the explicitly
 recursive specification, and spotting the aspect of the implicitly
 recursive version that was responsible for the deviation.
 Of course, the derivation itself could have an error, but equating the
 functions themselves gives me rather more confidence/coverage than any
 finite number of tests could. If I were to enter the derivation
 into a proof checking tool and be successful, that would further raise
 the level of confidence/coverage (leaving bugs in the proof checker).

 Note that I'm not asking whether the original spec did the right
 thing, only whether or not the variations correctly do the same
 thing as the original spec.

 |testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
 |          show $ take 5 $ pf (repeat 0) [1,2,3]
 |          , show $ pf ( take 1000 [3,7..] ) [1..100]
 |          , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ ( take (10^6) [1..])
 |          , show . head . last $ pf (take 1000 $ [3,3..]) [1..10^6]
 |        ]
 |where the first test (with take 5) is new.
 |whereas the version with explicit recursion and pattern matching
 |doesn't suffer from this problem

 I get identical results for 'takeListSt'' and the original 'takeList1'
 (code repeated below).
 It took me a couple of moments to remember that you had been playing with
 Control.Monad.State.Strict instead of the default
 Control.Monad.State(.Lazy). That would invalidate the original derivation
 (different definition of '=', therefore a different end result after
 unfolding '='), let alone the modified code based on it.
 If you replay the derivation, taking the strictness variations into account,
 you should arrive at an explicitly recursive version that
 differs from the spec. Which might make it easier to see what
 the difference is.

 |partitions [] xs = []
 |partitions (n:parts) xs =
 |  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
 |  in  beg : ( case end of
 |               [] - []
 |               xs - partitions parts xs)

 That version cannot be transformed into the original spec, because
 it doesn't define the same function. As I mentioned:

 (btw, both 'takeListSt'' and 'takeListSc'' pass Thomas' 'testP', as does
 his 'partitions', but 'partitions' is not the same function as 'takeList':
 consider 'null $ takeList [1] undefined' and 'takeList [0] []' ;-)

 With the original spec

 takeList1 [] _         =  []
 takeList1 _ []         =  []
 takeList1 (n : ns) xs  =  h : takeList1 ns t
   where (h, t) = splitAt n xs

 and 'takeList4' being your 'partitions', we get:

 *Main null $ takeList1 [1] undefined
 *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
 *Main null $ takeList4 [1] undefined
 *Main takeList1 [0] []
 *Main takeList4 [0] []

 I am starting to think that the tricky part in all these functions is
 that by using higher order functions from the prelude, you sweep the
 failure case under the rug.

 Yes, the reason that more abstract functions are useful is that they
 hide irrelevant details, allowing us to spend our limited capacity on
 relevant details. If all abstract functions happen to hide details that
 matter, more concrete functions that expose those details can be more
 But even that has to be qualified: for instance, at first I found it easier
 to see the issues with the original 'State' variant in its transformed,
 explicitly recursive version, but after the derivation had convinced me that
 there was no magic going on, I realized that it was just the old 'mapM'
 doesn't stop early issue. So I could have seen the issue in the abstract
 form, but my mind (and apparently other minds, too;-) refused to think about
 the cornercases there until prompted.
 If not for this tendency to ignore details that might be relevant, the
 abstract code would provide an abstract treatment of the failure case as
 well: instead of working out the details by trying to find useful tests for
 the explicit pattern matches, we can just look at
 wether the definition uses 'mapM' or 'mapMWithCut', or whether

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-27 Thread Claus Reinke

Continuing our adventures into stylistic and semantic differences:-)

Can you write this analysis on the wiki?

Hmm, we tried that in the past, and I haven't seen any indication
that people search for those things, let alone find them (one particular
example I recalled I still haven't been able to find on the wiki..).

So I'll try a different approach this time: instead of copying emails
to the wiki, I've created a page for collecting and documenting 
examples of equational reasoning in practice. Please add your
favourites!-) Hopefully, the description of the examples will 
provide sufficient search keywords to make this page findable,

and the linked examples from there; there are category links as well.

Over to you, wiki style!-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-26 Thread Colin Adams
2009/3/25 wren ng thornton
  Most of the documentation is in research papers, and a normal
  programmer don't want to read these papers.

 Yes, and no. There is quite a bit of documentation in research papers, and
 mainstream programmers don't read research. However, this is a big part of
 what makes the Haskell community what it is. There are plenty of
 non-academics here, but they have the willingness to read these papers (even
 if it's out of the ordinary) and the desire to learn radical new things
 (because they're out of the ordinary).

BUT ...

when I look up the Haddock-generated documentation for a function, I
DON'T appreciate it if that is in the form of a hyperlink to a
research paper.
And that occurs in several of the libraries shipped with GHC for instance.

A reference to a research paper is fine to show where the ideas came
from, but that is not where the library documentation should be.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-26 Thread Loup Vaillant
2009/3/26 Thomas Hartman
 Beginner list processing code can and often does go awry when presented with 
 infinite lists.

 I didn't mean code that a beginner would write, I mean code that would
 be easy to understand for a beginner to read

For that, in this particular example, a type signature, would make the
function more than readable.

 -- that is, explicit
 pattern matching, explicit recursion, no gratuitous use of state


 What I like about the pattern matching is the totality -- you see all
 the possible inputs, and you see what happens.

What I read here is make the operational semantics more explicit. Do
you mean it? Personally, I see explicit operational semantics as a
last resort, not as a facilitator. Most of the time, I care about what
*is*, not what happens. Pattern matching (compared to function
composition) is not easier for beginners. It is easier for seasoned
imperative programmers, because otherwise, they have to reformat their
brain. In my opinion.

Now imagine you have to write your function as a solution to a math
assignment. Imagine that fold, map, zip, and the like are usual
functions (usual like sinus, exp, ln…). Of course, you have to prove
your solution correct.

Do you prefer a mere composition of four usual functions (possibly in
pointed notation), or do you prefer a recursive definition? Back in
high school, composition of functions (or nested formulaes) was easy.
Recursive definitions were the advanced stuff. If you want the utmost
confidence about the correctness of your function, I think you want to
reason about the function composition.

 With the state version, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes magic, and
 as we've seen, things can go wrong.

Well, about that, I cannot talk (I'm still a beginner).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-26 Thread Claus Reinke

Continuing our adventures into stylistic and semantic differences:-)

Comparing the 'State' and explicit recursion versions

   takeListSt = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

   -- ..with a derivation leading to..

   takeListSt []s = []
   takeListSt (h:t) s = x : takeListSt t s'
 where (x,s') = splitAt h s

instead of

   takeList [] _ =  []
   takeList _ [] =  []
   takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
   where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

we can see some differences, leading to different functions:

   *Main null $ takeListSt [1] undefined
   *Main null $ takeList [1] undefined
   *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
   *Main takeList [0] []
   *Main takeListSt [0] []

and similarly for the 'scanl' version

   takeListSc ns xs = zipWith take ns $ init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

Depending on usage, these differences might not matter, but what if
we want these different styles to lead to the same function, with only
stylistic and no semantic differences, taking the explicit recursion as
our spec?

In the 'State' version, the issue is that 'mapM' does not terminate
early, while the specification requires an empty list whenever 'xs'
(the state) is empty. Following the derivation at

the first step where we have a handle on that is after unfolding

   takeListSt = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
 where k m m' = do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)

If we change that to

   takeListSt' = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
 where k m m'= cutNull $ do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)
   cutNull m = do s-get; if null s then return [] else m

and continue with the modified derivation, we should end up with
the right spec (I haven't done this, so you should check!-). This
isn't all that elegant any more, but support for 'mapM' with early
exit isn't all that uncommon a need, either, so one might expect
a 'mapM' variant that takes a 'cut' parameter to make it into the

For the 'scanl' version, we have a more direct handle on the issue:
we can simply drop the offending extras from the 'scanl' result,
replacing 'init' with 'takeWhile (not.null)':

   takeListSc' ns xs = zipWith take ns $ takeWhile (not.null) $ scanl (flip 
drop) xs ns

A somewhat abbreviated derivation at the end of this message
seems to confirm that this matches the spec (as usual with proofs,
writing them down doesn't mean that they are correct, but that
readers can check whether they are).

(btw, both 'takeListSt'' and 'takeListSc'' pass Thomas' 'testP', as does
his 'partitions', but 'partitions' is not the same function as 'takeList':
consider 'null $ takeList [1] undefined' and 'takeList [0] []' ;-)

Someone suggested using 'mapAccumL' instead of 'State', and
that does indeed work, only that everything is the wrong way round:

   takeListMAL = (snd.) . flip (mapAccumL (((sndfst).).(flip splitAt)))

This is an example where all the cleverness is spent on the
irrelevant details, giving them way too much importance. So one
might prefer a version that more clearly says that this is mostly
'mapAccumL splitAt', with some administratory complications
that might be ignored on cursory inspection:

   takeListMAL' = mapAccumL' splitAt'
 where splitAt' l n   = swap $ splitAt n l
   mapAccumL' f l acc = snd $ mapAccumL f acc l
   swap (x,y) = (y,x)

Of course, this suffers from the does not terminate early issue,
but as this thread encourages us to look at functions we might
not otherwise consider, I thought I'd follow the suggestion, and
perhaps someone might want to modify it with a 'mapAccumL'
with cutoff, and demonstrate whether it matches the spec;-)


-- view transformation: reducing the level of abstraction

takeList ns xs = zipWith take ns $ takeWhile (not.null) $ scanl (flip drop) xs 

-- fetch definitions of 'zipWith', 'takeWhile', and 'scanl'

takeList ns xs = zipWith take ns $ takeWhile (not.null) $ scanl (flip drop) xs 
 where scanl f q ls = q : case  ls of
[] - []
x:xs - scanl f (f q x) xs
   takeWhile _ [] = []
   takeWhile p (x:xs) | p x   = x : takeWhile p xs
  | otherwise = []
   zipWith f (a:as) (b:bs) = f a b : zipWith f as bs
   zipWith _ _  _  = []

-- specialize for 'take', 'not.null', and 'flip drop'

takeList ns xs = zipWith ns $ takeWhile $ scanl xs ns
 where scanl q ls = q : case  ls of
[] - []
x:xs - scanl (drop x q) xs
   takeWhile []= []
   takeWhile (x:xs) | not (null x) = x : takeWhile xs
| otherwise= []
   zipWith (a:as) (b:bs) = take a b : zipWith as bs
   zipWith _  _  = []

-- fuse 'takeWhile' and 'scanl' into 'tws'

takeList ns 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-26 Thread Lutz Donnerhacke
* Claus Reinke wrote:
 Continuing our adventures into stylistic and semantic differences:-)

It's good practice to keep a simple minded version of the code and using
quickcheck to try to find differences between the optimized and trivial
version. It's good practice to even check, that the optimized version is
really faster/smaller than the simple one.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-26 Thread Manlio Perillo

Claus Reinke ha scritto:

Continuing our adventures into stylistic and semantic differences:-)

Can you write this analysis on the wiki?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: mapM as a Space Leak (Was: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart)

2009-03-26 Thread Thomas Hartman
 I wonder if JHC
 or some other compiler might work better with these examples?

Are you saying that different compilers might give different answers?


Too clever indeed!

 On Wed, 25 Mar 2009, Thomas Hartman wrote:

 With the state version, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes magic, and
 as we've seen, things can go wrong.

 Also, the issue isn't infinite lists, but lists that are longer than
 the sum of the partitions provided. The state monad partition version
 goes equally as badly awry if the test is restructured as

 testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
         show . pf ( take 1000 [3,7..] ) $ [1..10]
         , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ ( take (10^6) [1..])
         , show . head . last $ pf (take 1000 $ [3,3..]) [1..10^6]

 This is interesting.  It seems to be the familiar issue that sequence does
 not play as nicely with the GC as one might imagine:

 I suspect this may be a general problem that we will keep encountering when
 using higher-order functions, at least with this compiler.  I wonder if JHC
 or some other compiler might work better with these examples?

 Russell O'Connor                            
 ``All talk about `theft,''' the general counsel of the American Graphophone
 Company wrote, ``is the merest claptrap, for there exists no property in
 ideas musical, literary or artistic, except as defined by statute.''
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

mapM as a Space Leak (Was: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart)

2009-03-26 Thread roconnor

On Wed, 25 Mar 2009, Thomas Hartman wrote:

With the state version, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes magic, and
as we've seen, things can go wrong.

Also, the issue isn't infinite lists, but lists that are longer than
the sum of the partitions provided. The state monad partition version
goes equally as badly awry if the test is restructured as

testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
 show . pf ( take 1000 [3,7..] ) $ [1..10]
 , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ ( take (10^6) [1..])
 , show . head . last $ pf (take 1000 $ [3,3..]) [1..10^6]

This is interesting.  It seems to be the familiar issue that sequence does 
not play as nicely with the GC as one might imagine:

I suspect this may be a general problem that we will keep encountering 
when using higher-order functions, at least with this compiler.  I wonder 
if JHC or some other compiler might work better with these examples?

Russell O'Connor
``All talk about `theft,''' the general counsel of the American Graphophone
Company wrote, ``is the merest claptrap, for there exists no property in
ideas musical, literary or artistic, except as defined by statute.''
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: mapM as a Space Leak (Was: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart)

2009-03-26 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 12:29 -0700, Thomas Hartman wrote:
  I wonder if JHC
  or some other compiler might work better with these examples?
 Are you saying that different compilers might give different answers?
 Too clever indeed!

No, they might produce code with different performance characteristics.

Which is very much what you want; there is no way to compile Haskell
such that reasonable-looking code is

 a) Fast and
 b) Predictably performant.

The idea of Haskell is to abstract away from the predictable performance
of the code by a) using a good compiler, and b) putting absolute
un-questioning faith in your profiler.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: mapM as a Space Leak (Was: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart)

2009-03-26 Thread Thomas Hartman
Well, that's reassuring.

The reason I asked is that the testp function didn't just show poor
performance. The state monad implementation actually gave a different
answer -- nonterminating, where the pattern matching solution

2009/3/26 Jonathan Cast
 On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 12:29 -0700, Thomas Hartman wrote:
  I wonder if JHC
  or some other compiler might work better with these examples?

 Are you saying that different compilers might give different answers?


 Too clever indeed!

 No, they might produce code with different performance characteristics.

 Which is very much what you want; there is no way to compile Haskell
 such that reasonable-looking code is

  a) Fast and
  b) Predictably performant.

 The idea of Haskell is to abstract away from the predictable performance
 of the code by a) using a good compiler, and b) putting absolute
 un-questioning faith in your profiler.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-26 Thread wren ng thornton

Colin Adams wrote:

2009/3/25 wren ng thornton
   Most of the documentation is in research papers, and a normal
   programmer don't want to read these papers.

 Yes, and no. There is quite a bit of documentation in research papers, and
 mainstream programmers don't read research. However, this is a big part of
 what makes the Haskell community what it is. There are plenty of
 non-academics here, but they have the willingness to read these papers (even
 if it's out of the ordinary) and the desire to learn radical new things
 (because they're out of the ordinary).

BUT ...

when I look up the Haddock-generated documentation for a function, I
DON'T appreciate it if that is in the form of a hyperlink to a
research paper.
And that occurs in several of the libraries shipped with GHC for instance.

A reference to a research paper is fine to show where the ideas came
from, but that is not where the library documentation should be.

Yeah, that's bad. 'Documentation' like that should be corrected with 
Extreme Prejudice.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Colin Adams
2009/3/24 Jonathan Cast
 On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 22:33 +0300, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
 Pretty cool once you know what the function does, but I must admit I
 wouldn't immediately guess the purpose of the function when written in
 this way.

 I wouldn't immediately guess the purpose of the function written in any

 I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
 function is

    -- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
    takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]

Thank-you Jonathan.

That's the first message in this thread I've manage to understand.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
What about

import Data.List

partAt n xs =
 let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
 in beg : ( case end of
              [] - []
              xs - partAt n xs)

t = partAt 3 [1..10]

It's tail recursive (I think!) and should be pretty easy to understand
even for a beginner, no?

2009/3/24 Manlio Perillo
 Tim Newsham ha scritto:

 These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
 reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
 start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

 That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
 illegible by Haskell novice.

 I too have this feeling, from time to time.

 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

 When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers
 shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides.

 No, I'm not saying this.

 But, as an example, when you read a function like:

 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _         =  []
 takeList _ []         =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
    where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 I think that there is a problem.

 The buildPartition contains too many blocks.
 And I have read code with even more blocks in one line.

 It may not be a problem for a seasoned Haskell programmer, but when you
 write some code, you should never forget that your code will be read by
 programmers that can not be at your same level.

 I think that many Haskell programmers forget this detail, and IMHO this is

 Haskell provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other
 programming systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to
 express things much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to read
 for people who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.

 The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding code
 that is too much terse...
 Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too many
 blocks I have problems.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
sorry, wrong function.

should be

partitions [] xs = []
partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
   [] - []
   xs - partitions parts xs)

t = partitions [1,2,3] [1..10]

which is not quite as nice, I admit.

2009/3/25 Thomas Hartman
 What about

 import Data.List

 partAt n xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
               [] - []
               xs - partAt n xs)

 t = partAt 3 [1..10]

 It's tail recursive (I think!) and should be pretty easy to understand
 even for a beginner, no?

 2009/3/24 Manlio Perillo
 Tim Newsham ha scritto:

 These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
 reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
 start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

 That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
 illegible by Haskell novice.

 I too have this feeling, from time to time.

 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

 When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers
 shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides.

 No, I'm not saying this.

 But, as an example, when you read a function like:

 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _         =  []
 takeList _ []         =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
    where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 I think that there is a problem.

 The buildPartition contains too many blocks.
 And I have read code with even more blocks in one line.

 It may not be a problem for a seasoned Haskell programmer, but when you
 write some code, you should never forget that your code will be read by
 programmers that can not be at your same level.

 I think that many Haskell programmers forget this detail, and IMHO this is

 Haskell provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other
 programming systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to
 express things much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to read
 for people who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.

 The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding code
 that is too much terse...
 Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too many
 blocks I have problems.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Manlio Perillo

wren ng thornton ha scritto:

Manlio Perillo wrote:
Following directly from the Rule of Least Power, if you can get away 
with foreach then that's what you should use. Why? Because the less 
power the construct has, the fewer corner cases and generalizations a 
reader of the code needs to consider. Now, just because iterators exist 
does not mean that one should never use the more general tool. If you're 
fighting to break out of your chosen straitjacket, then chances are it's 
the wrong one to use in the first place; it'd be clearer to use more 
power and have less fighting.


Note that, as I have already written, I agree with you.
And this is one of the reasons i like Haskell.

The main problem, here, is that:
- recursion and pattern matching are explained in every tutorial about
  functional programming and Haskell.

  This is the reason why I find them more natural.

- high level, Haskell specific, abstractions, are *not* explained in
  normal tutorials or books.
  The libraries where these concepts are implemented, are not well
  Most of the documentation is in research papers, and a normal
  programmer don't want to read these papers.

  Only in the recent Real World Haskell, all these high level
  abstraction have been properly documented

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Claus Reinke

The beauty of functional programming is that there doesn't have
to be a conflict between those who prefer explicit and those
who prefer implicit recursion. Think of them as different views
on the same functions - just as with graphical visualizations,
pick the view best suited to your purpose and use equational
reasoning to transform one view into another, as needed.

Improving your experience in reasoning about code is going to
help at every level of abstraction, and since you've already
paid the price (using a pure language, to make reasoning easier)
you might as well avail yourself of the facilities;-)

While developing, I might prefer abstraction, as fewer details
mean that I can hold more of the problem in my head at any
point, increasing my chances of seeing all the way to a
solution; if optimizing, or when I haven't found the right
abstractions yet, I might have to resort to less abstract code
until I've sorted out those details or until GHC deals with
the more abstract forms as well as with the less abstract ones.

Fine, you say, but I'd never would have thought of abstract
views like splitAt as a state transformer. Okay, before this
thread, I might not have thought of using that, either. But
after this thread, I'd hope for it to become part of my
thinking about Haskell code. And the way I do that is by
taking the abstract code and unfold it (replacing instances
of left-hand sides with instances of right-hand sides of
definitions - the source links in the Haddock documentation
are very useful for that) until I get to some less abstract
code that I might have come up with.

That doesn't mean that I'd have had the insights to play the
derivation backwards, but by breaking the transformation from
less abstract to more abstract view into smaller steps, starting
from the abstract form that incorporates the additional insights
I was missing, I can increase my understanding of what is going
on, and my chances of noticing the opportunities next time. It
also confirms whether or not the two solutions really are the
same (as has been pointed out, that wasn't the case here).

Paraphrasing and tweaking Sjur Gjøstein Karevoll's remark
a little: clever Perl code is what you hope you understood in
the past, when you wrote it; clever Haskell code is what you
hope you'll understand in the future, when you'll write it yourself!-)

The derivation below is best followed by replaying it yourself
in your editor, but I hope you'll find it helpful anyway.


-- view transformation: reducing the level of abstraction
-- by turning implicit to explict recursion

takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

-- unfold 'mapM'

takeList = evalState . sequence . map (State . splitAt)

-- unfold 'sequence'

takeList = evalState . foldr k (return []) . map (State . splitAt)
 where k m m' = do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)
   foldr op n []= n
   foldr op n (h:t) = h `op` foldr op n t

-- specialize 'foldr' for the call paramenters 'k' and 'return []'

takeList = evalState . foldrkn . map (State . splitAt)
 where k m m' = do x-m; xs-m'; return (x:xs)
   foldrkn []= return []
   foldrkn (h:t) = h `k` foldrkn t

-- unfold 'k'

takeList = evalState . foldrkn . map (State . splitAt)
 where foldrkn []= return []
   foldrkn (h:t) = do x-h; xs-foldrkn t; return (x:xs)

-- foldr op n . map f = foldr (op.f) n

takeList = evalState . foldrkn
 where foldrkn []= return []
   foldrkn (h:t) = do x-State (splitAt h); xs-foldrkn t; return (x:xs)

-- unfold 'return' for 'State', eta-expand 'splitAt h'

takeList = evalState . foldrkn
 where foldrkn []= State (\s-([],s))
   foldrkn (h:t) = do x-State (\s-splitAt h s); xs-foldrkn t; State 

-- eta-expand body of 'takeList'

takeList ns xs = evalState (foldrkn ns) xs
 where foldrkn []= State (\s-([],s))
   foldrkn (h:t) = do x-State (\s-splitAt h s); xs-foldrkn t; State 

-- unfold the second '=' for 'State'

takeList ns xs = evalState (foldrkn ns) xs
 where foldrkn []= State (\s-([],s))
   foldrkn (h:t) = do x-State (\s-splitAt h s)
  State (\s-let (xs,s') = runState (foldrkn t) s
 in runState (State (\s-(x:xs,s))) s')

-- runState . State = id

takeList ns xs = evalState (foldrkn ns) xs
 where foldrkn []= State (\s-([],s))
   foldrkn (h:t) = do x-State (\s-splitAt h s)
  State (\s-let (xs,s') = runState (foldrkn t) s
 in (\s-(x:xs,s)) s')

-- beta-reduce

takeList ns xs = evalState (foldrkn ns) xs
 where foldrkn []= State (\s-([],s))
   foldrkn (h:t) = do x-State (\s-splitAt h s)
  State (\s-let (xs,s') = runState (foldrkn t) s
 in (x:xs,s'))

-- unfold the remainign '=' for 'State'

takeList ns xs = evalState (foldrkn ns) xs
 where foldrkn []= State (\s-([],s))
   foldrkn (h:t) = State (\s-let (x,s') = 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Zachary Turner
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:32 PM, wren ng thornton w...@freegeek.orgwrote:

 Both of these conclusions seem quite natural to me, even from before
 learning Haskell. It seems, therefore, that naturality is not the proper
 metric to discuss. It's oft overlooked, but the fact is that expressivity
 comes not from more formal power, but from _less_.

 * Natural language has a limited range of words and syntactic constructs,
 but gives the larger-enough building blocks to enable unconstrained
 communication; whereas a language with a unique word for every utterance
 (arguably simpler) is impossible to learn.

On the other hand, -certain- languages are more expressive than others.  As
an example, I personally find English far more expressive than both
Vietnamese and Japanese, yet English is far more complicated.  Japanese, for
example, has exactly 1 pronunciation for each alphabet letter.  Hence
you'll never find words in English like lead and lead, where the first
means to guide someone or something, or to give direction, and the second is
a chemical element.  Words that are spelled the same in Japanese are
pronounced the same 100% of the time.  Furthermore, I find that you are far
more limited in your choices of how to form ideas into sentences.  In
English there might be 20 different ways to phrase the exact same sentence
for use in a certain context, where the sentences end up being almost
identical with the exception of 1 or 2 words changed or shuffled around.  In
Japanese there would probably be far fewer.  In Vietnamese there's a similar
problem, in that there are not very many synonyms at all, and NO
conjugations.  It is complicated by the fact that it's a tonal language, but
on the other hand the tonality independent of the expressivity in my
experience.  Similar to Chinese, although I can't speak for the expressivity
of Chinese I would not be surprised at all if written Chinese was extremely
expressive, but spoken not so much.

Anyway the point of all this is that in English you have more freedom and
more power, and hence you use (abuse?) the syntax of the language to create
words, sentences, and phrases that express very powerful things.
Furthermore, they are things that almost all English speakers would be able
to grasp the full meaning of what you've said.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Gregg Reynolds
2009/3/25 Zachary Turner

 On the other hand, -certain- languages are more expressive than others.  As
 an example, I personally find English far more expressive than both
 Vietnamese and Japanese, yet English is far more complicated.  Japanese, for

Way off topic, but for what it's worth, you can take it as axiomatic
that all natural languages are equally expressive, qua languages.
They're also equally easy/hard overall.  The areas of difficulty are
just in different places.  Japanese grammar is extraordinarily simple,
but achieving mastery of the spoken language *in Japanese society* is
next to impossible, because usage reflects social constructions.  As
you no doubt know, what is not said is sometimes just as expressive as
what is said in Japanese; very maddening to a logorrheic American,
just as an English speaker's need to explicitly articulate
*everything* is no doubt annoying to Japanese.

Regarding spelling and phonology: the idea that one symbol, one
sound is somehow optimal is the Myth That Will Not Die.  None other
than Chomsky himself argued that English orthography is near-optimal
for the English language.  All writing systems are designed to serve
speakers of the language, and many languages are poorly modeled by a
one symbol, one sound system.

I'm not sure there's a lesson there for formal language designers and
programmers, except maybe that the expressiveness (elegance?) of a
text usually depends to a great extent on the writer more than the

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread wren ng thornton

Thomas Hartman wrote:

sorry, wrong function.

should be

partitions [] xs = []
partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
   [] - []
   xs - partitions parts xs)

It's not tail recursive, FWIW. The recursive expression has (:) as it's 
head before it hits `partitions`. It is however nicely coinductive, 
which has other good properties.

We could make it tail-recursive easily,

  partitions = go id
  go k [] xs = k []
  go k (n:ns) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  k'= k . (beg:)
  in  case end of
  []  - k' []
  xs' - go k' ns xs'

(Note how this version has `go` as the head of the recursive expression.)

...however this version has different strictness properties. In 
particular, let both input lists be infinite (and take a finite portion 
of the result). The original version works fine because it gives a 
little bit of output (beg:) at each step of the recursion ---which is 
all coinductive means. The tail-recursive version hits _|_ however, 
because we've delayed giving any input (k []) until one of the two lists 
hits [] ---we've tried doing induction on co-data and so we hit an 
infinite loop.

This dichotomy between coinduction and tail-recursion is quite common. 
It's another example of the recently discussed problem of defining foldr 
in terms of foldl. Whether the termination differences matter depends on 
how the function is to be used.

Another nice property of coinduction is that it means we can do 
build/fold fusion easily:

  partitions = \ns xs - build (\cons nil - go cons nil ns xs)
  go cons nil = go'
  go' [] xs = nil
  go' (n:ns) xs =
   let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
   in  beg `cons` case end of
  []  - nil
  xs' - go' ns xs'

By using the wrapper the fusion rules will automatically 
apply. The second wrapper, go, is just so that the worker, go', doesn't 
need to pass cons and nil down through the recursion.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Dan Weston

So to be clear with the terminology:

inductive   = good consumer?
coinductive = good producer?

So fusion should be possible (automatically? or do I need a GHC rule?) with
  inductive . coinductive

Or have I bungled it?


wren ng thornton wrote:

Thomas Hartman wrote:

sorry, wrong function.

should be

partitions [] xs = []
partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
   [] - []
   xs - partitions parts xs)

It's not tail recursive, FWIW. The recursive expression has (:) as it's 
head before it hits `partitions`. It is however nicely coinductive, 
which has other good properties.

We could make it tail-recursive easily,

   partitions = go id
   go k [] xs = k []
   go k (n:ns) xs =
   let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
   k'= k . (beg:)
   in  case end of
   []  - k' []
   xs' - go k' ns xs'

(Note how this version has `go` as the head of the recursive expression.)

...however this version has different strictness properties. In 
particular, let both input lists be infinite (and take a finite portion 
of the result). The original version works fine because it gives a 
little bit of output (beg:) at each step of the recursion ---which is 
all coinductive means. The tail-recursive version hits _|_ however, 
because we've delayed giving any input (k []) until one of the two lists 
hits [] ---we've tried doing induction on co-data and so we hit an 
infinite loop.

This dichotomy between coinduction and tail-recursion is quite common. 
It's another example of the recently discussed problem of defining foldr 
in terms of foldl. Whether the termination differences matter depends on 
how the function is to be used.

Another nice property of coinduction is that it means we can do 
build/fold fusion easily:

   partitions = \ns xs - build (\cons nil - go cons nil ns xs)
   go cons nil = go'
   go' [] xs = nil
   go' (n:ns) xs =
let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
in  beg `cons` case end of
   []  - nil
   xs' - go' ns xs'

By using the wrapper the fusion rules will automatically 
apply. The second wrapper, go, is just so that the worker, go', doesn't 
need to pass cons and nil down through the recursion.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the

Yes, there is actually a problem with this implementation.

import Data.List
import Control.Monad.State
import Debug.Trace.Helpers

partitions [] xs = []
partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
   [] - []
   xs - partitions parts xs)

partitionsSimpleStupidGood = partitions

partitionsTooFrickinClever = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
  show . pf [3,7..] $ [1..10]
  , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ [1..]
  , show . head . last $ pf [3,3..] [1..10^6]

*Main testP partitionsSimpleStupidGood
testP partitionsSimpleStupidGood^J[[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]

Now try testP partitionsTooFrickinClever

Now, I am sure there is a fix for whatever is ailing the State monad
version, and we would all learn a lesson from it about strictness,
laziness, and the State monad.

However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.

So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!

2009/3/24 Dan Piponi
 Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
 takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

 However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
 much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
 only one I could just read immediately. The trick is to see that
 evalState and State are just noise for the type inferencer so we just
 need to think about mapM splitAt. This turns a sequence of integers
 into a sequence of splitAts, each one chewing on the leftovers of the
 previous one. *Way* easier than both the zipWith one-liner and the
 explicit version. It says exactly what it means, almost in English.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Dan Weston

 However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
 duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.

 So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!

All you have said is that one building a skyscraper will need 
scaffolding, blueprints, and a good building inspector. The intended 
inhabitants of that skyscraper will not want to stare out at scaffolding 
for the rest of their lives.

Put the simple version in a QuickCheck predicate. That is the ideal 
place for it.

All the better if through this process we all learn a lesson about 
strictness, laziness, and the State monad.


Thomas Hartman wrote:

Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the

Yes, there is actually a problem with this implementation.

import Data.List
import Control.Monad.State
import Debug.Trace.Helpers

partitions [] xs = []
partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
   [] - []
   xs - partitions parts xs)

partitionsSimpleStupidGood = partitions

partitionsTooFrickinClever = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
  show . pf [3,7..] $ [1..10]
  , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ [1..]
  , show . head . last $ pf [3,3..] [1..10^6]

*Main testP partitionsSimpleStupidGood
testP partitionsSimpleStupidGood^J[[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]

Now try testP partitionsTooFrickinClever

Now, I am sure there is a fix for whatever is ailing the State monad
version, and we would all learn a lesson from it about strictness,
laziness, and the State monad.

However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.

So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!

2009/3/24 Dan Piponi

Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:

takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
only one I could just read immediately. The trick is to see that
evalState and State are just noise for the type inferencer so we just
need to think about mapM splitAt. This turns a sequence of integers
into a sequence of splitAts, each one chewing on the leftovers of the
previous one. *Way* easier than both the zipWith one-liner and the
explicit version. It says exactly what it means, almost in English.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 12:48 -0700, Dan Weston wrote:
  However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
   duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.
   So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!
 All you have said is that one building a skyscraper will need 
 scaffolding, blueprints, and a good building inspector. The intended 
 inhabitants of that skyscraper will not want to stare out at scaffolding 
 for the rest of their lives.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
Oh, and incidentally, if you change to Control.Monad.State.Strict

*Main testP partitionsTooFrickinClever
testP partitionsTooFrickinClever^J*** Exception: stack overflow

Don't get me wrong -- I have learned a lot from this thread, and I
think it would be really cool if there was a way to do this that is
clever, that is *right*.

But since the original point was about style, I think this underscores
the point that good style should be newbie friendly *if possible*.
Especially since being a newbie in haskell isn't like in other
languages -- might mean you have been using it for years as a hobby,
but just don't have comfort in certain monads and idioms.

2009/3/25 Thomas Hartman
 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the

 Yes, there is actually a problem with this implementation.

 import Data.List
 import Control.Monad.State
 import Debug.Trace.Helpers

 partitions [] xs = []
 partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
               [] - []
               xs - partitions parts xs)

 partitionsSimpleStupidGood = partitions

 partitionsTooFrickinClever = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

 testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
          show . pf [3,7..] $ [1..10]
          , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ [1..]
          , show . head . last $ pf [3,3..] [1..10^6]

 *Main testP partitionsSimpleStupidGood
 testP partitionsSimpleStupidGood^J[[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]

 Now try testP partitionsTooFrickinClever

 Now, I am sure there is a fix for whatever is ailing the State monad
 version, and we would all learn a lesson from it about strictness,
 laziness, and the State monad.

 However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
 duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.

 So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!

 2009/3/24 Dan Piponi
 Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
 takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

 However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
 much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
 only one I could just read immediately. The trick is to see that
 evalState and State are just noise for the type inferencer so we just
 need to think about mapM splitAt. This turns a sequence of integers
 into a sequence of splitAts, each one chewing on the leftovers of the
 previous one. *Way* easier than both the zipWith one-liner and the
 explicit version. It says exactly what it means, almost in English.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
Since this thread is ostensibly about haskell style, it should also be
about haskell style *today*.

As I think Yitz noted earlier, this is a moving target.

Adoption of haskell by the masses -- moving.
Skill of haskell hordes -- moving.
Abstractions available as part of idiomatic haskell, and correctness
of these abstractions, as the state monad for partitions cockup shows
-- also moving.

2009/3/25 Jonathan Cast
 On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 12:48 -0700, Dan Weston wrote:
  However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
   duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.
   So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!

 All you have said is that one building a skyscraper will need
 scaffolding, blueprints, and a good building inspector. The intended
 inhabitants of that skyscraper will not want to stare out at scaffolding
 for the rest of their lives.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
Not only is your simpler function easier to read, it is also more correct.

partitionsHubris xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

partitionsBeginner :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
partitionsBeginner [] _ =  []
partitionsBeginner _ [] =  []
partitionsBeginner (n : ns) xs  =  head : partitionsBeginner ns tail
   where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

Run both through testP to see why,.

testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
  show . pf [3,7..] $ [1..10]
  , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ [1..]
  , show . head . last $ pf [3,3..] [1..10^6]

Of course, I favor

partitions [] xs = []
partitions (n:parts) xs =
 let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
 in beg : ( case end of
  [] - []
  xs - partitions parts xs)

which to my eyes is even easier to read (and also correct).

Pattern matching is awesome language feature. use it!

2009/3/24 Manlio Perillo
 Tim Newsham ha scritto:

 These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
 reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
 start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

 That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
 illegible by Haskell novice.

 I too have this feeling, from time to time.

 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

 When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers
 shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides.

 No, I'm not saying this.

 But, as an example, when you read a function like:

 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _         =  []
 takeList _ []         =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
    where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 I think that there is a problem.

 The buildPartition contains too many blocks.
 And I have read code with even more blocks in one line.

 It may not be a problem for a seasoned Haskell programmer, but when you
 write some code, you should never forget that your code will be read by
 programmers that can not be at your same level.

 I think that many Haskell programmers forget this detail, and IMHO this is

 Haskell provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other
 programming systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to
 express things much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to read
 for people who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.

 The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding code
 that is too much terse...
 Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too many
 blocks I have problems.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
s/Pattern matching is awesome language feature. use it!
 /Pattern matching is awesome language feature. Don't be ashamed to use it! /


2009/3/25 Thomas Hartman
 Not only is your simpler function easier to read, it is also more correct.

 partitionsHubris xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 partitionsBeginner :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 partitionsBeginner [] _         =  []
 partitionsBeginner _ []         =  []
 partitionsBeginner (n : ns) xs  =  head : partitionsBeginner ns tail
   where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 Run both through testP to see why,.

 testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
          show . pf [3,7..] $ [1..10]
          , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ [1..]
          , show . head . last $ pf [3,3..] [1..10^6]

 Of course, I favor

 partitions [] xs = []
 partitions (n:parts) xs =
  let (beg,end) = splitAt n xs
  in beg : ( case end of
              [] - []
              xs - partitions parts xs)

 which to my eyes is even easier to read (and also correct).

 Pattern matching is awesome language feature. use it!

 2009/3/24 Manlio Perillo
 Tim Newsham ha scritto:

 These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
 reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
 start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

 That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
 illegible by Haskell novice.

 I too have this feeling, from time to time.

 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

 When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers
 shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides.

 No, I'm not saying this.

 But, as an example, when you read a function like:

 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _         =  []
 takeList _ []         =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
    where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 I think that there is a problem.

 The buildPartition contains too many blocks.
 And I have read code with even more blocks in one line.

 It may not be a problem for a seasoned Haskell programmer, but when you
 write some code, you should never forget that your code will be read by
 programmers that can not be at your same level.

 I think that many Haskell programmers forget this detail, and IMHO this is

 Haskell provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other
 programming systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to
 express things much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to read
 for people who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.

 The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding code
 that is too much terse...
 Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too many
 blocks I have problems.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread wren ng thornton

Manlio Perillo wrote:

The main problem, here, is that:
- recursion and pattern matching are explained in every tutorial about
  functional programming and Haskell.

  This is the reason why I find them more natural.

- high level, Haskell specific, abstractions, are *not* explained in
  normal tutorials or books.
  The libraries where these concepts are implemented, are not well

This latter point is indeed the problem. But it may be worth rephrasing 
a bit. The big problem with the Haskell tutorials I've seen is that they 
aim to teach orthodoxy rather than orthopraxy. Or to put it less 
religiously, they teach the nuts and bolts of how the language is 
_constructed_, instead of teaching the idioms and ideas of how the 
language is _used_. It's like learning C from KernighanRitchie ---a 
fine book, don't get me wrong, but it teaches the words of the language 
instead of the community of the speakers. If you've memorized KR you're 
still a novice C programmer.

Given our history, this approach made sense. Haskell's been around for a 
long time, but most of that history has been in academia where it's 
assumed that people will know what to do if only they knew how to do it. 
More recently Haskell has been moving from academic toy to industrial 
tool, and that shift necessitates a similar shift from teaching the 
language as a collection of interesting features to teaching the 
language as a collection of interesting libraries. History hinders this 
transition--- both the internal history of those who know Haskell (and 
thus can teach it but only as they know it), and also the external 
history of the mainstream which understands imperativistic thinking but 
not functional declarative thinking (and thus we must teach the features 
in order to give the understanding necessary for teaching the libraries).

Recently Galois has been focusing on developing the infrastructure 
necessary for having easy access to libraries. To this day CPAN is the 
reason why Perl is one of the best languages out there. Other languages 
have tried emulating that repository, but the only one I've seen that 
has the community necessary to make it fly has been Hackage; and the 
development of Cabal/Hackage is very recent and still very bleeding edge 
(with the scars to prove it). With Galois' support, I think most 
Haskellers are aware of Hackage now, however it still hasn't made it 
into the tutorials in the same way that CPAN is integral to the teaching 
of Perl.

Real World Haskell is another groundbreaking, but recent, development. 
It's a great book in itself and groundbreaking for embracing 
open-development in the publishing industry, but it's also the first of 
this shift from teaching Haskell = Patterns + Recursion + Laziness + 
Class to teaching modern Haskell in a more holistic community-oriented 
way. It's worth reiterating that RWH was not the cause of the shift in 
the community, but is rather a result of the ongoing shift. The 
Typeclassopedia is another drop in this river: excellent, recent.

So I agree that most of the tutorials are lagging behind the modern form 
of Haskell, but I think this is due in part to a very recent change in 
the growth and direction of the community. As always with avoiding 
success at all costs, whether we end up the better for it in the end 
will depend on holding onto enough newcomers who have only ever known 
this modern Haskell, because they are the ones who will have the proper 
perspective to write tutorials and teach the language as if it's always 
been this way. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

  Most of the documentation is in research papers, and a normal
  programmer don't want to read these papers.

Yes, and no. There is quite a bit of documentation in research papers, 
and mainstream programmers don't read research. However, this is a big 
part of what makes the Haskell community what it is. There are plenty of 
non-academics here, but they have the willingness to read these papers 
(even if it's out of the ordinary) and the desire to learn radical new 
things (because they're out of the ordinary). A good deal of the papers 
these days are eminently readable by the laity, moreso than other 
research papers in computer science or programming languages IMO.

This is one of the big things that separates Haskell from the 
mainstream, but it's not something I see going away any time soon. Given 
the recent surge of interest from the mainstream, I think it's finally 
time that we take a more proactive approach in trying to teach this 
aspect as one of the tenants of our community. Presently there's still a 
take it or leave it tenor to these discussions, and that needs to be 
dispelled before it poisons the relations between the old guard and the 
young turks. New tutorials need to find some way of introducing 
non-academics to the idea that the academy is not an ivory tower and 
that part of what makes Haskell cool is the fact that it 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread wren ng thornton

Dan Weston wrote:

So to be clear with the terminology:

inductive   = good consumer?
coinductive = good producer?

So fusion should be possible (automatically? or do I need a GHC rule?) with
  inductive . coinductive

Or have I bungled it?

Not quite. Induction means starting from base cases and building things 
upwards from those. Coinduction is the dual and can be thought of as 
starting from the ceiling and building your way downwards (until you hit 
the base cases, or possibly forever).

So, if you have potentially infinite data (aka co-data) coming in, then 
you need to use coinduction because you may never see the basis but you 
want to make progress anyways. In formal terms, coinduction on co-data 
gives the same progress guarantees as induction on data, though 
termination is no longer a conclusion of progress (since coinduction may 
produce an infinite output from infinite input).

Haskell doesn't distinguish data and co-data, but you can imagine data 
as if all the data constructors are strict, and co-data as if all the 
constructors are lazy. Another way to think of it is that finite lists 
(ala OCaml and SML) are data, but streams are co-data.

For fusion there's the build/fold type and its dual unfold/destroy, 
where build/unfold are producers and fold/destroy are consumers. To 
understand how fusion works, let's look at the types of build and fold.  :: (forall b. (a - b - b) - b - b) - [a]
flip (flip . foldr) :: [a] - ( (a - b - b) - b - b )

Together they give an isomorphism between lists as an ADT [a] and as a 
catamorphism (forall b. (a - b - b) - b - b), aka Church encoding. 
When we have build followed by foldr, we can remove the intermediate 
list and pass the F-algebra down directly:

foldr cons nil (build k) = k cons nil

For unfold/destroy fusion the idea is the same except that we use unfold 
(an anamorphism on the greatest fixed point) instead of fold (a 
catamorphism on the least fixed point). The two fixed points coincide in 

Since Haskell does build/fold fusion, good producer requires that the 
function was written using build, and good consumer requires it's 
written using foldr. Using these functions allows us to apply the rule, 
though it's not sufficient for good fusion. Why the functions have the 
particular types they do and why this is safe has to do with induction 
and coinduction, but the relationship isn't direct.

The reason a coinductive function is easy to make into a good producer 
has to do with that relationship. Take a canonically coinductive 
function like

f [] = []
f (x:xs) = x : f xs

Once we've made one step of recursion, we've generated (x:) and then 
have a thunk for recursing. Most importantly is that no matter how we 
evaluate the rest of the list, the head of the return value is already 
known to be (:) thus we can get to WHNF after one step. Whatever 
function is consuming this output can then take x and do whatever with 
it, and then pull on f xs which then takes a single step and returns 
(x':) along with a thunk f xs'. Because all of those (:) are being 
produced immediately, it's easy to abstract it out as a functional 
argument--- thus we can use build.

Coinduction doesn't need to do 1-to-1 mapping of input to output, there 
just needs to be the guarantee that we only need to read a finite amount 
of input before producing a non-zero finite amount of output. These 
functions are also coinductive:

p []   = []
p [x]  = [x]
p (x:y:ys) = y : x : p ys

q []   = []
q [x]  = []
q (x:y:ys) = y : q ys

r [] = []
r (x:xs) = x : x : r xs

They can also be written using build, though they're chunkier about 
reading input or producing output. These functions are not coinductive 
because there's no finite bound on how long it takes to reach WHNF:

bad [] = []
bad (x:xs) = bad xs

reverse [] = []
reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]

Because build/fold is an isomorphism, we can technically use build for 
writing *any* function that produces a list. However, there's more to 
fusion than just using the build/fold isomorphism. The big idea behind 
it all is that when producers and consumers are in 1-to-1 correlation, 
then we can avoid allocating that 1 (the cons cell) and can just pass 
the arguments of the constructor directly to the consumer. For example:

let buildF [] = []
buildF (x:xs) = x : buildF xs

consumeF [] = 0
consumeF (x:xs) = 1 + consumeF xs
consumeF . buildF
let buildF = \xs - build (f xs)
f [] cons nil = nil
f (x:xs) cons nil = x `cons` f xs cons nil

consumeF = foldr consumeCons consumeNil
consumeNil   = 0
consumeCons x rs = 1 + rs
consumeF . buildF
let f [] cons nil = nil
f (x:xs) cons nil = x `cons` f xs 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Dan Piponi
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Thomas Hartman wrote:
 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the

 Yes, there is actually a problem with this implementation.

 However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
 duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.

Well the problem here isn't that the code does something surprising.
It's author was making assumptions about the type of input that it's
going to get. I think that's an orthogonal issue.

 So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!

Not at all. Beginner list processing code can and often does go awry
when presented with infinite lists.

The moral here has nothing to do with readability by beginners. It's:
if the function you're defining could be extended naturally to
infinite lists, and it would be useful to do so, then make it do so.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-25 Thread Thomas Hartman
 Beginner list processing code can and often does go awry when presented with 
 infinite lists.

I didn't mean code that a beginner would write, I mean code that would
be easy to understand for a beginner to read -- that is, explicit
pattern matching, explicit recursion, no gratuitous use of state

I don't think I necessarily would have written my favored version when
learning haskell, probably something a lot uglier.

What I like about the pattern matching is the totality -- you see all
the possible inputs, and you see what happens.

With the state version, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes magic, and
as we've seen, things can go wrong.

Also, the issue isn't infinite lists, but lists that are longer than
the sum of the partitions provided. The state monad partition version
goes equally as badly awry if the test is restructured as

testP pf = mapM_ putStrLn  [
  show . pf ( take 1000 [3,7..] ) $ [1..10]
  , show . pf [3,7,11,15] $ ( take (10^6) [1..])
  , show . head . last $ pf (take 1000 $ [3,3..]) [1..10^6]

(no infinite lists, just long lists)

2009/3/25 Dan Piponi
 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Thomas Hartman wrote:
 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the

 Yes, there is actually a problem with this implementation.

 However, there is something to be said for code that just looks like a
 duck and quacks like a duck. It's less likely to surprise you.

 Well the problem here isn't that the code does something surprising.
 It's author was making assumptions about the type of input that it's
 going to get. I think that's an orthogonal issue.

 So... I insist... Easy for a beginner to read == better!

 Not at all. Beginner list processing code can and often does go awry
 when presented with infinite lists.

 The moral here has nothing to do with readability by beginners. It's:
 if the function you're defining could be extended naturally to
 infinite lists, and it would be useful to do so, then make it do so.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo


In these days I'm discussing with some friends, that mainly use Python 
as programming language, but know well other languages like Scheme, 
Prolog, C, and so.

These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main 
reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they 
start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally 
illegible by Haskell novice.

I too have this feeling, from time to time.

Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really 
suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Tim Newsham
These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main 
reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they start 
reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally 
illegible by Haskell novice.

I too have this feeling, from time to time.

Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really suggest 
him to take this problem into strong consideration.

When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers 
shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides. Haskell 
provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other programming 
systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to express things 
much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to read for people 
who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.  This can be 
overcome with practice and experience.

I'm not trying to say that code can never get too complex.  Humans have 
some complexity budget and its not too hard to push the limits and blow 
your complexity budget.  But that is true in any language. The ability to 
abstract lets you factor out common patterns that are easy to reuse and 
remember (with practice) and lets you spend your complexity budget 
elsewhere.  As a programmer you still need to use your judgement to 
balance complexity against understandability.

[Obviously if you are writing code that you want to be readable by
people who arent well versed in common Haskell idioms, you'd limit
your use of abstractions.]


Tim Newsham
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Sjur Gjøstein Karevoll
I know what you're saying, in a way. There is much haskell code that's
completely illegible to me. I would say there is a difference between
Haskell and Perl though, in that Perl code is too smart aka. clever,
while Haskell code is usually simply, well, too smart. This means code
written using aspects of covariant generalized applicative combinators
in a closed Hillbert-space like continuous field ring, and other similar

There was a time when monadic parser combinator sounded equally
nonsensical to me. It doesn't anymore, and I'm a better programmer for
it, being able to reduce one of my earliest Haskell programs from 200 to
20 lines using that knowledge alone while making it more comprehensible
and maintainable at the same time.

The difference between Haskell and Perl is that Haskell programmers use
clever ideas while Perl programmers use clever abuse of syntax. Ideas,
at least, you have a hope of understanding sometime in the future.

ty. den 24.03.2009 klokka 18:41 (+0100) skreiv Manlio Perillo:
 In these days I'm discussing with some friends, that mainly use Python 
 as programming language, but know well other languages like Scheme, 
 Prolog, C, and so.
 These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main 
 reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they 
 start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.
 That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally 
 illegible by Haskell novice.
 I too have this feeling, from time to time.
 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really 
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jake McArthur

Hash: SHA1

Manlio Perillo wrote:
| These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
| reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
| start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.
| That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
| illegible by Haskell novice.
| I too have this feeling, from time to time.

I used to think this as well, but have since changed my mind about most
cases. It is simply the case that Haskell code is extremely dense. The
more powerful your abstractions, the more functionality you can cram
into one line of code. This can give the appearance of being overly
clever, since we are accustomed to clever code being unnervingly short
and using lots of short variable names and operators. It is generally
encouraged to use single-letter variable names in Haskell because there
are many cases that you haven't a clue what the type of that variable
might be, again due to Haskell's amazing ability to abstract such things
away. All these factors combined just means that you have to concentrate
just as hard to understand one line of Haskell as you might 10 or 20
lines of other languages. There is 10 or 20 times the amount of information.

- - Jake
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov
Well, I'd say that there is something close to the Perl syndrome, in  
some sense. After all, code IS usually very smart. The difference is  
that in Perl all smartness is about knowing how the computer works, or  
how the interpreter works. In Haskell, instead, the smartness is about  
knowing - or inventing - the general setting in which the problem  
looks less complex.

On 24 Mar 2009, at 20:41, Manlio Perillo wrote:


In these days I'm discussing with some friends, that mainly use  
Python as programming language, but know well other languages like  
Scheme, Prolog, C, and so.

These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the  
main reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that  
when they start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being  
totally illegible by Haskell novice.

I too have this feeling, from time to time.

Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I  
really suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Tim Newsham ha scritto:
These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the 
main reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that 
when they start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally 
illegible by Haskell novice.

I too have this feeling, from time to time.

Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really 
suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers 
shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides. 

No, I'm not saying this.

But, as an example, when you read a function like:

buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
takeList [] _ =  []
takeList _ [] =  []
takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

I think that there is a problem.

The buildPartition contains too many blocks.
And I have read code with even more blocks in one line.

It may not be a problem for a seasoned Haskell programmer, but when 
you write some code, you should never forget that your code will be read 
by programmers that can not be at your same level.

I think that many Haskell programmers forget this detail, and IMHO this 
is wrong.

Haskell provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other 
programming systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to 
express things much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to 
read for people who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.  

The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding 
code that is too much terse...
Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too 
many blocks I have problems.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Jake McArthur ha scritto:

Hash: SHA1

Manlio Perillo wrote:
| These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
| reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
| start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.
| That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
| illegible by Haskell novice.
| I too have this feeling, from time to time.

I used to think this as well, but have since changed my mind about most

The same for me.


All these factors combined just means that you have to concentrate
just as hard to understand one line of Haskell as you might 10 or 20
lines of other languages. There is 10 or 20 times the amount of 

This is right.
The problem is that often (IMHO) a function definition can be rewritten 
so that it is much more readable.

As an example, with the takeList function I posted.

In other cases, you can just break long lines, introducing intermediate 
functions that have a descriptive name *and* a type definition.

Doing this is an art, but a coding style for Haskell should try to 
document this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 19:42 +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
 Tim Newsham ha scritto:
  These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the 
  main reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that 
  when they start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.
  That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally 
  illegible by Haskell novice.
  I too have this feeling, from time to time.
  Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really 
  suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.
  When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers 
  shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides. 
 No, I'm not saying this.
 But, as an example, when you read a function like:
 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns
 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:
 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _ =  []
 takeList _ [] =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
  where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

Huh?  This is ugly and un-readable.  Seriously.

 I think that there is a problem.

Damn straight.  It should be:

 buildPartitions xs ns =
 zipWith take ns $ init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

Or, if you're really worried about blocks/line, you can increase the
line count a bit (I do this regularly):

 buildPartitions xs ns =
 zipWith take ns $   -- Select just the indicated prefix of
each element
 init $  -- Skip the last (empty) element
 scanl (flip drop) xs $  -- Cumulatively remove prefixes of
indicated length

 The buildPartition contains too many blocks.
 And I have read code with even more blocks in one line.
 It may not be a problem for a seasoned Haskell programmer, but when 
 you write some code, you should never forget that your code will be read 
 by programmers that can not be at your same level.

Not if I can help it.

More seriously, beginner code belongs in the first two-three chapters of
Haskell programming textbooks, not anywhere else.  It's like putting Fun
with Dick  Jane-speak in an adult novel.[1]

 I think that many Haskell programmers forget this detail, and IMHO this 
 is wrong.
  Haskell provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other 
  programming systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to 
  express things much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to 
  read for people who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.  
 The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding 
 code that is too much terse...
 Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too 
 many blocks I have problems.


[1] Well, not that bad.  Beginner-level code is useful for teaching the
basics of the language; Fun with Dick  Jane is child abuse.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jake McArthur

Hash: SHA1

Manlio Perillo wrote:
| This is right.
| The problem is that often (IMHO) a function definition can be rewritten
| so that it is much more readable.
| As an example, with the takeList function I posted.

I looked at it, found nothing wrong with the original, and absolutely
hated your fixed version. I might have written it like this, instead:

~buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init . scanl (flip drop)
xs $ ns

I think this way separates the different stages of the function
somewhat better, but it's barely a change. The original was fine.

| In other cases, you can just break long lines, introducing intermediate
| functions that have a descriptive name *and* a type definition.
| Doing this is an art, but a coding style for Haskell should try to
| document this.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Tim Newsham
When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers 
shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides. 

No, I'm not saying this.

But, as an example, when you read a function like:

buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
takeList [] _ =  []
takeList _ [] =  []
takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
   where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

I think this is a perfect example.  Haskell allows you to abstract out the 
concepts of recursion, zipping and iteration.  Your alternative reproduces 
these explicitely and intermixes them.  You are saying that programmers 
should avoid using these higher level abstractions and instead fall back 
to more explicit constructs that are, for you, easier to read.

The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding code 
that is too much terse...
Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too many 
blocks I have problems.

It takes practice to read and to write.  The benefit is more 
expressiveness and more code reuse.


Tim Newsham
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
2009/3/24 Manlio Perillo
 Tim Newsham ha scritto:

 These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
 reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
 start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

 That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
 illegible by Haskell novice.

 I too have this feeling, from time to time.

 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

 When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers
 shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides.

 No, I'm not saying this.

 But, as an example, when you read a function like:

 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

Wow, very cool! And very readable; I actually got the idea of the
function is going to do after reading the scanl (flip drop) and the
rest of the function only convinced me that I was right.

The second version is far worse, because it forces me to think about
what to do if the lists are empty, how to decompose them if they
aren't - all this stuff is 'imperative' and irrelevant to the problem,
and is elegantly omitted in the one-liner.

 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _         =  []
 takeList _ []         =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
    where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 I think that there is a problem.

 The buildPartition contains too many blocks.
 And I have read code with even more blocks in one line.

 It may not be a problem for a seasoned Haskell programmer, but when you
 write some code, you should never forget that your code will be read by
 programmers that can not be at your same level.

 I think that many Haskell programmers forget this detail, and IMHO this is

 Haskell provides the ability to abstract code beyond what many other
 programming systems allow.  This abstraction gives you the ability to
 express things much more tersely.  This makes the code a lot harder to read
 for people who are not familiar with the abstractions being used.

 The problem is that I have still problems at reading and understanding code
 that is too much terse...
 Because I have to assemble in my mind each block, and if there are too many
 blocks I have problems.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

| As an example, with the takeList function I posted.

I looked at it, found nothing wrong with the original, and absolutely
hated your fixed version. I might have written it like this,  

~buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init . scanl (flip  

xs $ ns

Maybe it's just me, but I think that

takeList ns xs = evalState (mapM (State . splitAt) ns) xs

or even

takeList = evalState . map (State . splitAt)

would be much clearer than both versions.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
Pretty cool once you know what the function does, but I must admit I
wouldn't immediately guess the purpose of the function when written in
this way.

2009/3/24 Miguel Mitrofanov
 | As an example, with the takeList function I posted.

 I looked at it, found nothing wrong with the original, and absolutely
 hated your fixed version. I might have written it like this, instead:

 ~    buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init . scanl (flip drop)
 xs $ ns

 Maybe it's just me, but I think that

 takeList ns xs = evalState (mapM (State . splitAt) ns) xs

 or even

 takeList = evalState . map (State . splitAt)

 would be much clearer than both versions.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jake McArthur

Hash: SHA1

Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
| Maybe it's just me, but I think that
| takeList ns xs = evalState (mapM (State . splitAt) ns) xs
| or even
| takeList = evalState . map (State . splitAt)
| would be much clearer than both versions.

Definitely. I stuck with only the functions that were already being used
because I figured the point was to make things readable with a limited
set of building blocks. Thanks for sharing though. That was definitely
not a solution that I was thinking of.

- - Jake
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Jake McArthur ha scritto:

Hash: SHA1

Manlio Perillo wrote:
| This is right.
| The problem is that often (IMHO) a function definition can be rewritten
| so that it is much more readable.
| As an example, with the takeList function I posted.

I looked at it, found nothing wrong with the original, and absolutely
hated your fixed version. 

With the original version, you have to follow 3 separate operations:

Prelude let xs = [1, 2, 3, 4] :: [Int]
Prelude let ns = [3, 1] :: [Int]
Prelude let _1 = scanl (flip drop) xs ns
Prelude let _2 = init _1
Prelude let _3 = zipWith take ns _2

With my function, instead, you only have to follow 1 operation:

Prelude (head, tail) = splitAt n xs


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Manlio Perillo complained about:
 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init . scanl (flip drop) xs $ ns

Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
 takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

Ha! Bravo!

As the author of the offending zipWith/scanl version,
I can say that love those State monad one-liners.
However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

The difference is that zipWith and scanl are classic Haskell
idioms that any Haskell programmer will learn fairly early
on. Whereas State monad one-liners used to be thought of
as new and fancy and esoteric. But now they are becoming
more mainstream, so perhaps I should go back to them.

So the bottom line is that Manlio is right, really. It's just
that Haskell is still very different than what most
programmers are used to. So it does take a while to
get a feeling for what is too smart.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jake McArthur

Hash: SHA1

Manlio Perillo wrote:
| With the original version, you have to follow 3 separate operations:
| Prelude let xs = [1, 2, 3, 4] :: [Int]
| Prelude let ns = [3, 1] :: [Int]
| Prelude let _1 = scanl (flip drop) xs ns
| Prelude let _2 = init _1
| Prelude let _3 = zipWith take ns _2
| With my function, instead, you only have to follow 1 operation:
| Prelude (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

I think you are way oversimplifying your own code.

~takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
~takeList [] _ =  []
~takeList _ [] =  []
~takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
~where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

In order to understand this, I have to look at three different cases, an
uncons, a splitAt, a cons, *and* a recursive call. This is *seven*
different things I have to absorb.

- - Jake
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Jonathan Cast jonathancc...@fastmail.fmwrote:

 On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 19:42 +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
  But, as an example, when you read a function like:
  buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns
  that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:
  takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
  takeList [] _ =  []
  takeList _ [] =  []
  takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
   where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 Huh?  This is ugly and un-readable.  Seriously.

I think this is subjective. Personally I can understand the second
definition immediately, but the first one requires some puzzling. But that
might be because I'm relatively new to Haskell. Of course the usage of head
and tail in the example is unfortunate, one should not use these shadowing

But aren't these two definitions different algoritms? At first sight I think
the second one is more efficient than the first one.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Yitzchak Gale ha scritto:

So the bottom line is that Manlio is right, really. It's just
that Haskell is still very different than what most
programmers are used to. So it does take a while to
get a feeling for what is too smart.

Right, you centered the problem!

The problem is where to place the separation line between normal and 
too smart.

Your function is readable, once I mentally separate each step.
For someone with more experience, this operation may be automatic, and 
the function may appear totally natural.

When writing these dense function, it is important, IMHO, to help the 
reader using comments, or by introducing intermediate functions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Jake McArthur ha scritto:

| With my function, instead, you only have to follow 1 operation:
| Prelude (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

I think you are way oversimplifying your own code.

~takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
~takeList [] _ =  []
~takeList _ [] =  []
~takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
~where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

In order to understand this, I have to look at three different cases, an
uncons, a splitAt, a cons, *and* a recursive call. This is *seven*
different things I have to absorb.

These cases are, IMHO, more natural.

We have a set of equations, pattern matching and recursion.
These are one of the basic building block of Haskell.

The only foreign building block is the splitAt function.

But this may be really a question of personal taste or experience.
What is more natural?

1) pattern matching
2) recursion
1) function composition
2) high level functions



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott
Another helpful strategy for the reader is to get smarter, i.e. to invest
effort in rising to the level of the writer.   Or just choose a different
book if s/he prefers.  - Conal

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Manlio Perillo manlio_peri...@libero.itwrote:

 Yitzchak Gale ha scritto:

 So the bottom line is that Manlio is right, really. It's just
 that Haskell is still very different than what most
 programmers are used to. So it does take a while to
 get a feeling for what is too smart.

 Right, you centered the problem!

 The problem is where to place the separation line between normal and too

 Your function is readable, once I mentally separate each step.
 For someone with more experience, this operation may be automatic, and the
 function may appear totally natural.

 When writing these dense function, it is important, IMHO, to help the
 reader using comments, or by introducing intermediate functions.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott
Recursion is the goto of functional programming.  Also, Do not confuse
what is natural with what is habitual.  - Conal

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Manlio Perillo manlio_peri...@libero.itwrote:

 Jake McArthur ha scritto:

 | With my function, instead, you only have to follow 1 operation:
 | Prelude (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 I think you are way oversimplifying your own code.

 ~takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 ~takeList [] _ =  []
 ~takeList _ [] =  []
 ~takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
 ~where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 In order to understand this, I have to look at three different cases, an
 uncons, a splitAt, a cons, *and* a recursive call. This is *seven*
 different things I have to absorb.

 These cases are, IMHO, more natural.

 We have a set of equations, pattern matching and recursion.
 These are one of the basic building block of Haskell.

 The only foreign building block is the splitAt function.

 But this may be really a question of personal taste or experience.
 What is more natural?

 1) pattern matching
 2) recursion
 1) function composition
 2) high level functions




 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Conal Elliott ha scritto:
Another helpful strategy for the reader is to get smarter, i.e. to 
invest effort in rising to the level of the writer.   Or just choose a 
different book if s/he prefers.  - Conal

This strategy is doomed to failure, unfortunately.
We live in the real world, compromises are necessary.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Sometimes that is very hard when the writer is way smarter than the reader
2009/3/24 Conal Elliott

 Another helpful strategy for the reader is to get smarter, i.e. to invest
 effort in rising to the level of the writer.   Or just choose a different
 book if s/he prefers.  - Conal

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Manlio Perillo 

 Yitzchak Gale ha scritto:

 So the bottom line is that Manlio is right, really. It's just
 that Haskell is still very different than what most
 programmers are used to. So it does take a while to
 get a feeling for what is too smart.

 Right, you centered the problem!

 The problem is where to place the separation line between normal and
 too smart.

 Your function is readable, once I mentally separate each step.
 For someone with more experience, this operation may be automatic, and the
 function may appear totally natural.

 When writing these dense function, it is important, IMHO, to help the
 reader using comments, or by introducing intermediate functions.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Lutz Donnerhacke
* Manlio Perillo wrote:
 But this may be really a question of personal taste or experience.
 What is more natural?

 1) pattern matching
 2) recursion
 1) function composition
 2) high level functions

Composition of library functions is usually much more readable than hand
written recursion, simply because the typical idiom is highlighted instead
of checking yourself, that there is no strange matching against the obvious

Composition of library functions is usually much more efficient and
preferable than hand written recursion, simply because the fine tuned fusion
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott
Hah!  It sure is.  :)

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Peter Verswyvelen bugf...@gmail.comwrote:

 Sometimes that is very hard when the writer is way smarter than the reader
 2009/3/24 Conal Elliott

 Another helpful strategy for the reader is to get smarter, i.e. to invest
 effort in rising to the level of the writer.   Or just choose a different
 book if s/he prefers.  - Conal

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Manlio Perillo

 Yitzchak Gale ha scritto:

 So the bottom line is that Manlio is right, really. It's just
 that Haskell is still very different than what most
 programmers are used to. So it does take a while to
 get a feeling for what is too smart.

 Right, you centered the problem!

 The problem is where to place the separation line between normal and
 too smart.

 Your function is readable, once I mentally separate each step.
 For someone with more experience, this operation may be automatic, and
 the function may appear totally natural.

 When writing these dense function, it is important, IMHO, to help the
 reader using comments, or by introducing intermediate functions.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.  - George Bernard Shaw

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Manlio Perillo manlio_peri...@libero.itwrote:

 Conal Elliott ha scritto:

 Another helpful strategy for the reader is to get smarter, i.e. to invest
 effort in rising to the level of the writer.   Or just choose a different
 book if s/he prefers.  - Conal

 This strategy is doomed to failure, unfortunately.
 We live in the real world, compromises are necessary.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Manlio Perillo

 This strategy is doomed to failure, unfortunately.

So it is the good strategy, because Haskell's slogan is avoid success at
all cost :-)

 We live in the real world, compromises are necessary.

I don't think so. It's just that we have different kinds of people with
different skills. If you try to please the whole world, you please nobody.

As a beginner Haskeller, I just know I need more practice. folding is now
natural to me, but monad transformers and applicative stuff not yet, but
that's a matter of time. I just need to practice practice practice.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Manlio Perillo wrote:

 But, as an example, when you read a function like:

 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _         =  []
 takeList _ []         =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
    where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

 I think that there is a problem.

This crops up all the time even in simple mathematics.  One way to
provide assistance to newcomers is to provide a quasi-English reading
of the notation.  Take as an example a simple set comprehension
expression (using Z email notation,

   { x : Int | 0  x  10 /\ x %e Odd @ 2*x }

That's pretty opaque for beginners until they learn to read | as such
that, %e as member of and @ as generate, so that they can express
the idea in quasi-English:  form a set by taking  all integers x such
that ... and ..., then generate the result by doubling them or the
like.  Or take | as filter and @ as map; the point is it helps to
be able to express it in something like natural language.

Do something similar for your buildPartitions definition and I'll bet
you'll end up with something much more user friendly than takeList.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Bas van Dijk
2009/3/24 Peter Verswyvelen
 But aren't these two definitions different algoritms? At first sight I think
 the second one is more efficient than the first one.

Some performance numbers:


module Main where

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad.State (State(..), evalState)

takeList1, takeList2, takeList3 :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]

takeList1 [] _ =  []
takeList1 _ [] =  []
takeList1 (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList1 ns tail
where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

takeList2 ns xs = zipWith take ns . init . scanl (flip drop) xs $ ns

takeList3 = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

test :: Int - [[Int]]
test n = takeList1 (take n [1..]) [1..]

main :: IO ()
main = print . sum . map sum . test . read . head = getArgs


compile with: ghc --make TakeList.hs -o takeList1 -O2

$ time ./takeList1 5000

sys 0m0.342s

$ time ./takeList2 5000

sys 0m0.348s

$ time ./takeList3 5000

sys 0m0.347s



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Dan Piponi
 Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
 takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

 However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
 much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
only one I could just read immediately. The trick is to see that
evalState and State are just noise for the type inferencer so we just
need to think about mapM splitAt. This turns a sequence of integers
into a sequence of splitAts, each one chewing on the leftovers of the
previous one. *Way* easier than both the zipWith one-liner and the
explicit version. It says exactly what it means, almost in English.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Zachary Turner
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Manlio Perillo manlio_peri...@libero.itwrote:

 Conal Elliott ha scritto:

 Another helpful strategy for the reader is to get smarter, i.e. to invest
 effort in rising to the level of the writer.   Or just choose a different
 book if s/he prefers.  - Conal

 This strategy is doomed to failure, unfortunately.
 We live in the real world, compromises are necessary.

It depends, IMO.  Making changes to the programming style one uses, in
particular ones such as you propose, would ultimate lead to programs in
haskell being less flexible and/or powerful than if they are.  I'm a bit new
to haskell myself, but I do understand that one of the primary uses cases
and/or motivating factors for using Haskell is when you really just NEED
that extra abstraction and power you get from being able to do these types
of things.  Someone once said that simple problems should be simple and
difficult problems should be possible.  That doesn't mean the difficult
problems become EASY.  One of the best uses for haskell is solving difficult
problems.  It's obviously still going to be difficult to solve, and as such
the writer (and hence by extension the reader) is going to have to be smart
as well.

C++ is actually beginning to suffer the complexity problem as well,
especially with C++0x, but I fundamentally disagree with the added
complexity in C++, specifically because it is a language which is supposed
to excel at solving solve all kinds of problems.  Haskell excels at solving
difficult problems, so I don't think the target audience for Haskell
necessarily needs to include people who can't figure out difficult code.
C++ otoh they need to agree on a target audience or set of problems that
it's geared toward, and then either s**t or get off the pot.  It's fine if
they keep adding complexity until the cows come home, but just agree up
front that that's what it is and programmers who aren't cut out for it use a
different language.  With Haskell I think you have that up-front agreement,
so there's no problem.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 22:33 +0300, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
 Pretty cool once you know what the function does, but I must admit I
 wouldn't immediately guess the purpose of the function when written in
 this way.

I wouldn't immediately guess the purpose of the function written in any

I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
function is

-- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
 takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

I wrote:
 However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
 much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

Dan Piponi wrote:
 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
 only one I could just read immediately...
 It says exactly what it means, almost in English.

Yes, I agree. But at a time when the majority
of experienced Haskellers couldn't easily see that because
they weren't comfortable enough with the State monad,
using it would have cost more on average (for debugging,
refactoring, etc.). Whereas now I don't think that's a
problem anymore.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Manlio Perillo wrote:

 I too have this feeling, from time to time.

So do I, because I haven't had the time to learn what I need to learn
in order to read the code smoothly.  I find that when I do work out
the meaning, most often the style reflects conciseness or
expressiveness, not obfuscatory tricks that the language allows.

 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

Rule One of the Haskell Coding Style Handbook:  learn Haskell first,
then worry about style.  After all, nobody in her right mind would
tackle a French style manual without learning French first.  Although
I suppose one could argue that learning Haskell in fact involves
learning various styles.  ;)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Jonathan Cast ha scritto:


I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
function is

-- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]

Note that I was not speaking about the best way to document a function.

I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it may 
help someone who is learning Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
Manlio Perillo wrote:

 I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it may 
 help someone who is learning Haskell.

I've been learning Haskell for about 3 months.

I think its a mistake to write code so that its easy for someone
learning Haskell to read it. Code should be written to be easily
read by other experienced users of the langauge.

Erik de Castro Lopo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Ross Mellgren
As (yet another?) Haskell newbie, with a day job using Java (where  
keep it simple, stupid is not a principle, it's a language enforced  
requirement), I would much prefer the function is implemented in the  
most concise and idiomatic style that the writer is capable of. That  
is, either the zipWith...scanl solution (or its variants) or the state  

I've found that I learn considerably more from functions written this  
way that also have a good documentation comment than from munching on  
the standard pattern matching recursion again and again. If the  
function is well described, and short in purpose and text, I can use  
the fact that with functional programming (with some exception)  
ensures that all I need to understand the behavior should be right in  
front of me and I can spend time learning the patterns.

Just my 2 cents,


On Mar 24, 2009, at 5:43 PM, Manlio Perillo wrote:

Jonathan Cast ha scritto:

I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
function is
   -- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
   takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]

Note that I was not speaking about the best way to document a  

I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it  
may help someone who is learning Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott
I'd love to help newbies get the hang of Haskell without having to jump in
the deep (and smart-infested) end first.  And I'd love for people to keep
writing smart code for non-newbies to enjoy.

Perhaps a practical suggestion would be some wiki pages devoted to pointing
out code with various learning qualities, to help haskellers of all levels
of experience learn effectively.

  - Conal

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Manlio Perillo manlio_peri...@libero.itwrote:

 Jonathan Cast ha scritto:


 I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
 function is

-- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]

 Note that I was not speaking about the best way to document a function.

 I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it may help
 someone who is learning Haskell.



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 22:43 +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
 Jonathan Cast ha scritto:
  I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
  function is
  -- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
  takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 Note that I was not speaking about the best way to document a function.
 I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it may 
 help someone who is learning Haskell.

I've already explicitly rejected the claim that professional Haskell
code should be written to aid beginning users.  Again, that's what
textbooks are for.

And I was explicitly commenting on the claim that it was obvious, from
any version posted thus far, what the function was supposed to do.  Your
suggested code hardly helps make the function's purpose clear; comments
(or, better yet, tests, such as:

prop_length = \ ns xn - sum ns = length xn ==
map length (takeList ns xn) == ns

do a much better job of explaining purpose).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Loup Vaillant
2009/3/24 Manlio Perillo
 Jonathan Cast ha scritto:


 I think, in general, the best way to document the purpose of the
 function is

    -- | Split a function into a sequence of partitions of specified
    takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]

*That* was what I craved for. With the type and a name like
partitions, I would hardly have to look at the code at all. The
comment is almost superfluous.

 Note that I was not speaking about the best way to document a function.

 I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it may help
 someone who is learning Haskell.

Then, the first version plus the documentation above would be perfect.
Instant understanding about the purpose of the function, and insight
about a how to write it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Zachary Turner ha scritto:


 but I do understand that one of the primary uses
cases and/or motivating factors for using Haskell is when you really 
just NEED that extra abstraction and power you get from being able to do 
these types of things.  Someone once said that simple problems should 
be simple and difficult problems should be possible.  That doesn't mean 
the difficult problems become EASY.  One of the best uses for haskell is 
solving difficult problems.  It's obviously still going to be difficult 
to solve, and as such the writer (and hence by extension the reader) is 
going to have to be smart as well. 

I agree with you, and in fact I'm still learning Haskell.
The reason I'm still learning Haskell is because I like its syntax.
And yes, I also like the ability to write efficient function by 
composing other function.

But there is a limit.
In C you have the ability to write assembler code, but one usually think 
twice before doing so, since it will become unreadable to most of the 

If you think that writing low level assembler code is the best solution, 
you should at least document it well, instead of assuming that the 
reader is as smart as you.

As I have written at the begin of the thread, there are people I know 
(*much* more smarter then me), that keep themselves away from Haskell 
because they start to read some code, and they feel something is wrong.

They *think* ah, the author wrote code in this way just to show how 
smart he is; how can I learn a language if most of the available code is 
written in this way?

Note the use of the verb think.
This is only a sensation, and it is wrong; but sensations are important.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Erik de Castro Lopo ha scritto:

Manlio Perillo wrote:

I was speaking about the best way to write a function, so that it may 
help someone who is learning Haskell.

I've been learning Haskell for about 3 months.

I think its a mistake to write code so that its easy for someone
learning Haskell to read it. Code should be written to be easily
read by other experienced users of the langauge.

Note that to write code so that its easy to read, does not mean rewrite 
the code as I did in the example.

It also means to add good comments, in the right places.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Conal Elliott ha scritto:
I'd love to help newbies get the hang of Haskell without having to jump 
in the deep (and smart-infested) end first.  And I'd love for people to 
keep writing smart code for non-newbies to enjoy.

Perhaps a practical suggestion would be some wiki pages devoted to 
pointing out code with various learning qualities, to help haskellers of 
all levels of experience learn effectively.

Yes, this is a good start.

Advices to people learning Haskell about how to learn reading code.
And advices to experienced Haskell programmers about how to document 
their code so that it may help less experienced programmers.

IMHO, this should also go in the future Haskell coding style.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Miguel Mitrofanov miguelim...@yandex.ruwrote:

 takeList ns xs = evalState (mapM (State . splitAt) ns) xs

 or even

 takeList = evalState . map (State . splitAt)

 would be much clearer than both versions.

Brilliant. As a newbie, I knew all these functions, I have used them all.
When I saw both initial implementations, I tried to write what you did, but
failed, I didn't see the pattern, failed to pick the correct functions in my
head, failed to make the puzzle.

I guess that is the real power of Haskell. In imperative languages, the more
you practice, the better you get in avoiding the imperative pitfalls. In
functional languages, more practice really results in more and more
productivity because you recognize the patterns; the design patterns are not
just thoughts but real functions you can reuse.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread John Melesky

On Mar 24, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Manlio Perillo wrote:

But this may be really a question of personal taste or experience.
What is more natural?

1) pattern matching
2) recursion
1) function composition
2) high level functions

I think, actually, that one of the fundamental intuitions of (modern)  
Haskell programming is that recursion should *rarely* be explicit,  
because the majority of places you'd use recursion all fall into a few  
different patterns (hence, the proliferation of maps and folds).

Once you get those recursive operations firmly embedded in your mind,  
then combining them becomes much simply, and you can reason about more  
complex transformations much more easily.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Dan Piponi ha scritto:

Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:

takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
only one I could just read immediately. 

Yes, you understand it immediately once you know what a state monad is.
But how well is introduced, explained and emphasized the state monad in 
current textbooks?

When I started learning Haskell, the first thing I learned was recursion 
and pattern matching.

So, this may be the reason why I find more readable my takeList solution.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jake McArthur

Hash: SHA1

Manlio Perillo wrote:
| But this may be really a question of personal taste or experience.
| What is more natural?
| 1) pattern matching
| 2) recursion
| or
| 1) function composition
| 2) high level functions

Definitely the latter two. They are easier to comprehend (assuming each
of the smaller abstractions are already internalized) and more
efficient. Arguably, this building-block approach is the whole *point*
of Haskell.

- - Jake
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 23:15 +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
 Dan Piponi ha scritto:
  Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
  takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)
  However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
  much the same reason that Manlio is saying.
  Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
  only one I could just read immediately. 
 Yes, you understand it immediately once you know what a state monad is.
 But how well is introduced, explained and emphasized the state monad in 
 current textbooks?
 When I started learning Haskell, the first thing I learned was recursion 
 and pattern matching.

You know, this might actually need to be looked into.

You need to know recursion and pattern-matching to *write* re-usable
higher-order functions, but how appropriate is that as the first thing


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott

 And advices to experienced Haskell programmers about how to document their
 code so that it may help less experienced programmers.

Manlio -- You may be missing the point of my suggestion, which is to help
people *find* code that suits them, rather than changing anyone's coding
style.  Optimizing code for one segment of readers is pessimizing it for
another.  Instead of dumbing down the smart code, I'd like to help your
friends to help each other find dumber code, *and* to help others of us find
smarter code.

  - Conal

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Manlio Perillo manlio_peri...@libero.itwrote:

 Conal Elliott ha scritto:

 I'd love to help newbies get the hang of Haskell without having to jump in
 the deep (and smart-infested) end first.  And I'd love for people to keep
 writing smart code for non-newbies to enjoy.

 Perhaps a practical suggestion would be some wiki pages devoted to
 pointing out code with various learning qualities, to help haskellers of all
 levels of experience learn effectively.

 Yes, this is a good start.

 Advices to people learning Haskell about how to learn reading code.
 And advices to experienced Haskell programmers about how to document their
 code so that it may help less experienced programmers.

 IMHO, this should also go in the future Haskell coding style.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jake McArthur

Hash: SHA1

Jonathan Cast wrote:
| You know, this might actually need to be looked into.
| You need to know recursion and pattern-matching to *write* re-usable
| higher-order functions, but how appropriate is that as the first thing
| taught?

An excellent question!

Coincidentally, I was just having a conversation with my girlfriend
about programming with building blocks. She described her main hurdle
with programming at the moment, which is getting over the fact that she
is used to working with tangible objects that you just put together in
the appropriate way and her mind expects programming to work the same
way, but it doesn't, at least in the languages she has looked at so far.
I hypothesized that a language emphasizing combinators might be more
intuitive to her than a language emphasizing loops and imperative steps
for precisely this reason. I'm not entirely sure that she bought it, but
she seemed to agree that it at least sounds nice in theory.

Now I just have to convince her to become a willing subject in this
experiment. ;)

This question makes me wonder... why is explicit recursion taught first?
I can't help but think now that it may be because those coming from
imperative languages are used to writing loops, and recursion is the
closest to loops that we have.

- - Jake
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott

We live in the age of participation -- of co-education.  Don't worry about
text-books.  Contribute to some wiki pages  blogs today that share these
smart techniques with others.

twocentsLearning/progress is mainly results when people respond to their
own incomprehension by moving into new  challenging ideas, not by banishing
them.  Puzzlement can be met by resistance or by embracing 

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Manlio Perillo manlio_peri...@libero.itwrote:

 Dan Piponi ha scritto:

 Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:

 takeList = evalState . mapM (State . splitAt)

  However, ironically, I stopped using them for pretty
 much the same reason that Manlio is saying.

 Are you saying there's a problem with this implementation? It's the
 only one I could just read immediately.

 Yes, you understand it immediately once you know what a state monad is.
 But how well is introduced, explained and emphasized the state monad in
 current textbooks?

 When I started learning Haskell, the first thing I learned was recursion
 and pattern matching.

 So, this may be the reason why I find more readable my takeList solution.



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Conal Elliott

 This question makes me wonder... why is explicit recursion taught first?

Perhaps also because teachers, being older than their students, are often
mired in outdated thinking.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Jake McArthur wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Jonathan Cast wrote:
 | You know, this might actually need to be looked into.
 | You need to know recursion and pattern-matching to *write* re-usable
 | higher-order functions, but how appropriate is that as the first thing
 | taught?

 An excellent question!

 Coincidentally, I was just having a conversation with my girlfriend
 about programming with building blocks. She described her main hurdle
 with programming at the moment, which is getting over the fact that she
 is used to working with tangible objects that you just put together in
 the appropriate way and her mind expects programming to work the same
 way, but it doesn't, at least in the languages she has looked at so far.
 I hypothesized that a language emphasizing combinators might be more
 intuitive to her than a language emphasizing loops and imperative steps
 for precisely this reason. I'm not entirely sure that she bought it, but
 she seemed to agree that it at least sounds nice in theory.

 Now I just have to convince her to become a willing subject in this
 experiment. ;)

 This question makes me wonder... why is explicit recursion taught first?
 I can't help but think now that it may be because those coming from
 imperative languages are used to writing loops, and recursion is the
 closest to loops that we have.

 - - Jake
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Benja Fallenstein
2009/3/24 Peter Verswyvelen
 This strategy is doomed to failure, unfortunately.

 So it is the good strategy, because Haskell's slogan is avoid success at
 all cost :-)

















Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Conal Elliott ha scritto:


We live in the age of participation -- of co-education.  Don't worry 
about text-books.  Contribute to some wiki pages  blogs today that 
share these smart techniques with others.

When I started learning Haskell (by my initiative), what I did was:

1) Quick reading of the first tutorial I found on the wiki., if i remember correctly

2) Quick reading the Haskell Report

3) Reading another tutorial:

4) Reading again the Haskell Report

5) A lot of time spent finding good tutorials.
   Yet, I did not knew what monads were, I just
   felt that monads were some strange and advanced feature

... A period where I stop looking for Haskell

6) Found some good tutorial about what monads are, but yet I did not
   knew anything about state monads, monad transformers, and so.

... Another period were I stop looking for Haskell

7) The Real Word Haskell book.
   Finally in one book all advanced concepts.

   I read the book online.
   I found the book good, but i think it is too dispersive in some
   I already forgot some of the concepts I read, mostly because in some
   chapter I get annoyed, and started skipping things, or reading it

   I will buying a copy in May, at Pycon Italy
   (were there will be a stand by O'Really), so that I can read it

8) New impetus at learning Haskell.
   I read again the Haskell Report, and the
   A Gentle Introduction to Haskell.

   I finally started to understand how things works

7) Start to write some real code.

   I now I'm able to understand much of the code I read.
   But for some kind of code I still have problems.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Manlio Perillo

Conal Elliott ha scritto:

And advices to experienced Haskell programmers about how to document
their code so that it may help less experienced programmers.

Manlio -- You may be missing the point of my suggestion, 

Ah, sorry.

which is to 
help people *find* code that suits them, rather than changing anyone's 
coding style.  Optimizing code for one segment of readers is pessimizing 
it for another.  Instead of dumbing down the smart code, I'd like to 
help your friends to help each other find dumber code, *and* to help 
others of us find smarter code.

This may be hard to do.

However I already suggested to start reading the Prelude code, from the 
Haskell Report.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Donn Cave
 Manlio -- You may be missing the point of my suggestion, which is to help
 people *find* code that suits them, rather than changing anyone's coding
 style.  Optimizing code for one segment of readers is pessimizing it for
 another.  Instead of dumbing down the smart code, I'd like to help your
 friends to help each other find dumber code, *and* to help others of us find
 smarter code.

If he really intended to promote some dumb code as a better
alternative to some otherwise equivalent smart code, then I must
have missed his point.

For me, when people defend a practice with notions like programmer
needs be smarter/more responsible/better educated, that's like the
institutional equivalent of a code smell.  You see it everywhere,
too.  C/C++ programmers will tell you its storage model is fine, just
programmer needs to be more ...

C's storage model does have its advantages, and smart code is
presumably a good thing too.  But for example, exercises like just
stripping a function of extraneous parameter identifiers doesn't make
it smart, while it may make it harder for someone to understand it
at a glance.  I do it myself, even though I claim to detest it,
which may tell us something about the appeal of exercises like that.

Go ahead and write smart, clearly the benefits outweigh the cost,
but tell us that there's no cost, no problem here if a reader who
knows Haskell has a hard time following?   institution smell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Clive Brettingham-Moore
Code like that is why I love Haskell, while I haven't written a Haskell
program in years it is still a joy to read (much more so than the pretty
good zipWith version).
In reference to later comments: if you don't know Monads, you don't know
Haskell; that goes double for high order functions.
So really the only place where this code may be inappropriate is in a
beginner tutorial (unless you are trying to show why they need to learn

Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:

 takeList ns xs = evalState (mapM (State . splitAt) ns) xs
 or even
 takeList = evalState . map (State . splitAt)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 16:43 -0700, Donn Cave wrote:
 If he really intended to promote some dumb code as a better
 alternative to some otherwise equivalent smart code,

`Smart' is Manlio's term --- or, rather, his characterization of his
friends' reaction upon seeing some inscrutable piece of (apparent)
Haskell golf or (seemingly) pointless code.  The code seems excessively
clever to them; when Manlio's example is merely clear, well-written,
concise, and declarative, rather than operational, in intention.


 Go ahead and write smart, clearly the benefits outweigh the cost,
 but tell us that there's no cost, no problem here if a reader who
 knows Haskell has a hard time following?

What reader who knows Haskell?  We have a programmer who is,
self-confessedly, just learning Haskell, not really proficient; we have
is friends, who, by his statement of the problem do not know Haskell at
all; and we have some un-specified group of other developers who, by
selection, barely know Haskell or do not know it at all --- that is,
developers who are still in the process of learning.  I think your
``reader who knows Haskel'' has no-where to here figured in the


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Perhaps is much easier to create one line compositions of functions in
haskell rather than in C because the type system helps a lot in the process.
However, reusability of source code and maintainability has never been taken
seriously by haskell programmers, simply because there are no industrial
projects in Haskell with dozens of people with different skills that come
and go. Because that, probably the early C programers were far more
exhuberant than the current C++ and Java programmers now. To have a broad
base of users and/or to assure a cheap programmers for your industrial
application has the servitude to the rule of least power. That is another
reason for the lemma: Avoid success at all costs

The rule of least power
written by Tim Berners Lee;. For publishing (and, arguably, for code
reusability) the best language is the least powerful.

This depressing conclusions can be overcomed if we consider that the rule of
least power  favours turing incomplete DSLs, so every industrial development
can be decomposed in two groups wich demands two different skills: 1)
 DSLs  creation  2) DSL programming

2009/3/24 Manlio Perillo

 Zachary Turner ha scritto:


  but I do understand that one of the primary uses

 cases and/or motivating factors for using Haskell is when you really just
 NEED that extra abstraction and power you get from being able to do these
 types of things.  Someone once said that simple problems should be simple
 and difficult problems should be possible.  That doesn't mean the difficult
 problems become EASY.  One of the best uses for haskell is solving difficult
 problems.  It's obviously still going to be difficult to solve, and as such
 the writer (and hence by extension the reader) is going to have to be smart
 as well.

 I agree with you, and in fact I'm still learning Haskell.
 The reason I'm still learning Haskell is because I like its syntax.
 And yes, I also like the ability to write efficient function by composing
 other function.

 But there is a limit.
 In C you have the ability to write assembler code, but one usually think
 twice before doing so, since it will become unreadable to most of the

 If you think that writing low level assembler code is the best solution,
 you should at least document it well, instead of assuming that the reader is
 as smart as you.

 As I have written at the begin of the thread, there are people I know
 (*much* more smarter then me), that keep themselves away from Haskell
 because they start to read some code, and they feel something is wrong.

 They *think* ah, the author wrote code in this way just to show how smart
 he is; how can I learn a language if most of the available code is written
 in this way?

 Note the use of the verb think.
 This is only a sensation, and it is wrong; but sensations are important.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread John Meacham
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:29:55PM +0300, Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
 Maybe it's just me, but I think that

 takeList ns xs = evalState (mapM (State . splitAt) ns) xs

 or even

 takeList = evalState . map (State . splitAt)

 would be much clearer than both versions.

I love it! It wouldn't occur to me to utilize State like this (too used
to thinking of it as a black box rather than whats inside of it). quite
a lot of useful information to learn can be expressed in a line of
haskell. sort of like a zen koan. :)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Richard O'Keefe

May I suggest that the most important thing missing from
all these versions of the function is a comment?
Most of the time I shouldn't *care* how the function works.
(And that, for me, is one of the key benefits of Haskell.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Jake McArthur

Richard O'Keefe wrote:

May I suggest that the most important thing missing from
all these versions of the function is a comment?
Most of the time I shouldn't *care* how the function works.
(And that, for me, is one of the key benefits of Haskell.)

Although in this case, a proper name and type signature is probably 
enough. :)

- Jake
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Gwern Branwen
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Manlio Perillo wrote:
 Tim Newsham ha scritto:

 These friends are very interested in Haskell, but it seems that the main
 reason why they don't start to seriously learning it, is that when they
 start reading some code, they feel the Perl syndrome.

 That is, code written to be too smart, and that end up being totally
 illegible by Haskell novice.

 I too have this feeling, from time to time.

 Since someone is starting to write the Haskell coding style, I really
 suggest him to take this problem into strong consideration.

 When you think about it, what you are saying is that Haskell programmers
 shouldn't take advantage of the extra tools that Haskell provides.

 No, I'm not saying this.

 But, as an example, when you read a function like:

 buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

 that can be rewritten (argument reversed) as:

 takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
 takeList [] _         =  []
 takeList _ []         =  []
 takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
    where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this an example against your
thesis? Your two definitions apparently define different things.

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Test.QuickCheck

test = (\x y - buildPartitions x y == takeList y x)

buildPartitions ::  [a] - [Int] - [[a]]
buildPartitions xs ns = zipWith take ns . init $ scanl (flip drop) xs ns

takeList :: [Int] - [a] - [[a]]
takeList [] _ =  []
takeList _ [] =  []
takeList (n : ns) xs  =  head : takeList ns tail
   where (head, tail) = splitAt n xs

*Main Control.Monad Data.Char Data.List quickCheck test
quickCheck test^J
Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type `()'
 `Eq a' arising from a use of `test' at interactive:1:11-14
 `Arbitrary a'
   arising from a use of `quickCheck' at interactive:1:0-14
 `Show a' arising from a use of `quickCheck' at interactive:1:0-14
In the first argument of `quickCheck', namely `test'
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: it - quickCheck test
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 2 tests):

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
Jake McArthur wrote:

 Richard O'Keefe wrote:
  May I suggest that the most important thing missing from
  all these versions of the function is a comment?
  Most of the time I shouldn't *care* how the function works.
  (And that, for me, is one of the key benefits of Haskell.)
 Although in this case, a proper name and type signature is probably 
 enough. :)

I trust type signatures much more than comments because I
know the compiler actually verifies the type signature.

Erik de Castro Lopo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-24 Thread wren ng thornton

Manlio Perillo wrote:

But this may be really a question of personal taste or experience.
What is more natural?

1) pattern matching
2) recursion
1) function composition
2) high level functions

Which is more natural:
* C-style for-loops (aka assembly while-loops), or
* any modern language's foreach loops (aka iterators)?

Following directly from the Rule of Least Power, if you can get away 
with foreach then that's what you should use. Why? Because the less 
power the construct has, the fewer corner cases and generalizations a 
reader of the code needs to consider. Now, just because iterators exist 
does not mean that one should never use the more general tool. If you're 
fighting to break out of your chosen straitjacket, then chances are it's 
the wrong one to use in the first place; it'd be clearer to use more 
power and have less fighting.

Both of these conclusions seem quite natural to me, even from before 
learning Haskell. It seems, therefore, that naturality is not the 
proper metric to discuss. It's oft overlooked, but the fact is that 
expressivity comes not from more formal power, but from _less_.

* A human's (or any vertebrate's) range of motion is severely crippled 
when compared to that of an amoeba; and yet it is those limitations 
which provide the structure necessary to perform greater tasks such as 
grasping, lifting, jumping, etc.

* Natural language has a limited range of words and syntactic 
constructs, but gives the larger-enough building blocks to enable 
unconstrained communication; whereas a language with a unique word for 
every utterance (arguably simpler) is impossible to learn.

* Regular expressions (and other classes of automata) have severe 
limitations on formal power, and yet these constraints enable poly-time 
algorithms for intersection, union, etc.

* Haskell's type system (sans extensions) is not Turing complete, yet 
this enables us to infer types rather than requiring annotations or proofs.

The contemporary state of scientific research is focused heavily on the 
idea of reductionism (the idea of being able to reduce all biology to 
chemistry, all chemistry to physics, all computer science to 
mathematics, etc). But as any systems theorist will tell you, this 
approach is misguided if the goal is a Theory of Everything. As per the 
famous book: no matter how much you learn about quarks, that tells you 
nothing about jaguars.

At every step of reduction, there is an increase in formal power and a 
concomitant loss of information. Even perfect knowledge of quarks and 
perfect simulation software isn't enough, because you've lost the 
_abstraction_ that is jaguar. You can simulate it, emulate it, model 
it, but you've lost the high-level perspective that says jaguars are 
different and more interesting than an arbitrary simulation of a 
collection of quarks. (And it's doubtful we'll ever have the omniscience 
to get even that far.)

While primitive recursion and case matching are _fundamental_ (that is, 
at the bottom of a reductionist tower), that does not entail that they 
are _central_ (that is, a ubiquitous pattern at every resolution of 
reduction). Church encoding, SKI combinators, Curry-Howard isomorphism, 
and the like are also fundamental topics to teach and understand; but 
they're rarely ones that should be central to a program or library.

Now, many Haskellers (like good scientists) bristle at this fundamental 
nature of things. And in response we're constantly coming up with new 
generalizations which have little-enough structure to be descriptive 
while having big-enough structure to be interesting. If there's too much 
structure, it's boilerplate and therefore unusable; if there's too 
little, it has no generality and is therefore unhelpful. But somewhere 
between those extremes someone has to make a judgment call and decide 
whether some particular pattern measures up to the metric of being 
helpful and usable. If it does, then everyone (whose domain it covers) 
should learn it and use it because it simplifies programming from a 
high-level of design.

Giants. Shoulders. Etc.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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