Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-11-06 Thread wren ng thornton

On 11/5/10 7:54 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

We already know that there are noncommutative modules/vectorspaces of
interest (e.g., modules over quaternions and modules over graph paths),
why not support them from the beginning? It seems like you're going out
of your way to exclude things that would be trivial to include. This is
exactly why this is my standard complaint against the various proposals
out there for new numeric hierarchies. People who are used to only using
R^n think the proposals are just fine, but none of the proposals capture
the structures I work with daily. Which means the new proposals are no
better than the Prelude for me.

Could you tell what data structures do you use? It's difficult to think
about them without concrete examples.

Data structures? That varies a lot depending on the task: Data.Map, 
Data.Set, Data.IntMap, Data.IntSet, Data.Trie, Data.ByteString...

A lot of my concrete examples of semirings and modules come from natural 
language processing tasks. One example I already mentioned is the 
semiring of a collection of paths over a graph (so something like 
Data.Set (Data.Seq Arc)). Path collections show up, for example, when 
dealing with Markov chains and HMMs where the goal is to maximize or sum 
the weights over all paths.

To make it clearer, a Markov chain is a probabilistic version of a 
finite state automaton, so you have some set of nodes, and the arcs for 
transitioning from one node to another have probabilistic weights on 
them. An HMM is an extension of a Markov chain into a probabilistic 
version of a Moore machine, so in addition to the probabilistic 
transitions from state to state, we also have for each state a 
probability distribution over emitted symbols.

An interesting problem for HMMs is this: given some observed sequence of 
emitted symbols, reconstruct the most likely path of states which would 
cause the symbol sequence to be emitted. A nearly identical problem is: 
given some observed sequence of symbols, determine the total probability 
of all state sequences which could have generated it.

In addition to the perspective of HMMs as probabilistic Moore machines, 
there are two other perspectives which are helpful. One is the graphical 
model perspective where we have something that looks a bit like this (in 
fixed-width font):

Q0 -> Q1 -> Q2 -> ... -> Qn
  | ||
  v vv
  S1S2   Sn

Each Sk and Qk are random variables. The random variables Qk represent 
being in some particular state q at time k, and the choice of which 
state is drawn from a probability distribution based on the state 
Q(k-1). The random variables Sk represent emitting some particular 
symbol s at time k, and the choice of which symbol is drawn from a 
distribution based on the state Qk.

The third perspective, which is the most helpful one for solving our two 
problems, is if we take this graphical model and unfold it into a 
trellis graph (ignoring the Sk variables for now). Each node in the 
trellis represents an assignment of particular values to each of the 
random variables. So if Q1 could take on values qA, qB, and qC then we'd 
have three nodes for each of Q1=qA, Q1=qB, and Q1=qC. The arcs in the 
trellis are weighted with the probability of transitioning from one node 
to the next; so an arc Q1=q1 -> Q2=q2 has weight Pr(Q2=q2 | Q1=q1). A 
path through the trellis represents a variable assignment, which is to 
say a sequence of states in the Markov chain; and the weight of the path 
is the probability of the Markov chain taking that path.

There is a general algorithm for solving the two problems I mentioned, 
and ultimately they're the same algorithm except with different 
semirings. Note that a collection of paths between two points on a graph 
forms a semiring[1] where sum is the union of path collections and 
product is the extension of paths[2], so the answers we want can be 
gotten by semiring homomorphisms from the collection of paths to some 
other domain. To get the probability of all state sequences which could 
give rise to a given symbol sequence we can use the probability 
semiring[3] ---which we can simplify to the metric space [0..1] with (+) 
and (*), since the algorithm ensures that all events are disjoint. This 
version is called the "forward algorithm". To get the probability the 
most likely state sequence we can use the semiring [0..1] with max and 
(+), which is called the "Viterbi algorithm". In practice we tend to use 
the log version of these semirings in order to prevent underflow. 
There's also a variant of the Viterbi algorithm which stores 
backpointers to the most likely previous state, which makes it easier to 
recover the most likely state sequence instead of just the 
(log)probability of the sequence. The Viterbi algorithm with back 
pointers is also a semiring: Maybe(Prob, Maybe State) with Nothing as 
zero, Just(1,Nothing) as one, argmax as sum: mx<+>my =

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-11-05 Thread Alexey Khudyakov

We already know that there are noncommutative modules/vectorspaces of
interest (e.g., modules over quaternions and modules over graph paths),
why not support them from the beginning? It seems like you're going out
of your way to exclude things that would be trivial to include. This is
exactly why this is my standard complaint against the various proposals
out there for new numeric hierarchies. People who are used to only using
R^n think the proposals are just fine, but none of the proposals capture
the structures I work with daily. Which means the new proposals are no
better than the Prelude for me.

Could you tell what data structures do you use? It's difficult to think 
about them without concrete examples.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-11-04 Thread Daniel Fischer
On Thursday 04 November 2010 15:33:09, Jacques Carette wrote:
> On 02/11/2010 8:16 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:
> > > Vector (Complex a) is a vector with respect to both 'a' and 'Complex
> > > a'.
> >
> > Even worse, () is a vector w.r.t. *every* scalar type.
> Why is this bad?

It's bad for making a type class with a "Scalar" type family (or FunDeps).

instance VectorSpace () where
type Scalar () = ???

> () is the canonical 0-dimensional vector space.
> 0-dimensional vector spaces are very useful because they allow quite a
> number of linear algebra algorithms to be stated ``inductively'' with no
> funny special cases.
> Jacques

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-11-04 Thread Jacques Carette

On 02/11/2010 8:16 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

> Vector (Complex a) is a vector with respect to both 'a' and 'Complex a'.

Even worse, () is a vector w.r.t. *every* scalar type.

Why is this bad?  () is the canonical 0-dimensional vector space.  
0-dimensional vector spaces are very useful because they allow quite a 
number of linear algebra algorithms to be stated ``inductively'' with no 
funny special cases.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-11-02 Thread Conal Elliott
> Vector (Complex a) is a vector with respect to both 'a' and 'Complex a'.

Even worse, () is a vector w.r.t. *every* scalar type.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 3:07 AM, Henning Thielemann <> wrote:

> wren ng thornton schrieb:
> > On 10/22/10 8:46 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
> >> Hello everyone!
> >>
> >> It's well known that Num & Co type classes are not adequate for vectors
> >> (I don't mean arrays). I have an idea how to address this problem.
> >>
> >> Conal Elliott wrote very nice set of type classes for vectors.
> >> (Definition below). I used them for some time and quite pleased. Code is
> >> concise and readable.
> >>
> >>  > class AdditiveGroup v where
> >>  > zeroV :: v
> >>  > (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
> >>  > negateV :: v -> v
> >> [...]
> >> I'd like to know opinion of haskellers on this and specifically opinion
> >> of Conal Eliott as author and maintainer (I CC'ed him)
> Looks like you are about to re-implement numeric-prelude. :-)
> > Just my standard complaint: lack of support for semirings, modules, and
> > other simple/general structures. How come everyone's in such a hurry to
> > run off towards Euclidean spaces et al.?
> >
> > I'd rather see,
> >
> > class Additive v where -- or AdditiveMonoid, if preferred
> > zeroV :: v
> > (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
> >
> > class Additive v => AdditiveGroup v where
> > negateV :: v -> v
> >
> > type family Scalar :: * -> *
> Vector (Complex a) is a vector with respect to both 'a' and 'Complex a'.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-31 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/31/10 6:36 PM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:53 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:

Is there any good reason for forcing them together? Why not, use the
hierarchy I proposed earlier?

Main reason is that it complicate creation of instances for types for which
multiplication is associative and commutative more complicated.
Programmer must write three instances instead of one and they must
satisfy some law. It leads to code which more difficult to understand and
contain more bug (mostly dumb).

Regardless of the class API instances must obey the law (or else have 
buggy results), so the law is uninteresting. We implicitly use such laws 
all the time, but usually we do so without having a class constraint to 
make our assumptions explicit. Isn't making assumptions explicit part of 
the reason for using a strongly typed language?

And as I mentioned previously, the burden of implementation is 2 or 3 
*lines* of code. Talking about the number of class instances people must 
write is obfuscating the fact that it's trivial to add two lines of 
code. And this is code that gets written once, in a library.

This is tradeoff between usability and generality.

Your proposal, like so many I've seen before, is unusable because it 
lacks the necessary generality. The complexity of my proposal is 
insignificant: it requires only 2~3 lines of code, and an acknowledgment 
that there are structures other than vectorspaces.

Modules are much less
frequent and much less known than vector space.

Modules are more frequent than vector spaces, by definition, because 
every vector space is a module. Since you're not requiring 
Fractional(Scalar v), there isn't even any difference between them in 
the class API.

Your claim is like saying that we shouldn't have support for Applicative 
because Monads are more common. Again, there are more applicative 
functors than monads, the only cognitive overhead of having the 
Applicative class is acknowledging that there are structures other than 
monads, and adding Applicative enables a helpful style of programming 
which there is no reason to exclude.

One possibility is to add separate type classes for left and right modules
and require that is type is has both Module and LeftModule instances
(*^^) == (*^)

   class Module v where
 (^*) :: v ->  Scalar v ->  v
 (*^) :: Scalar v ->  v ->  v

Of course code that is written to work with left/right modules wont work with
associative modules.

Which my proposal fixes by making associative modules a subclass of both 
left- and right-modules.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-31 Thread Alexey Khudyakov
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:53 AM, wren ng thornton  wrote:
> On 10/26/10 8:51 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
>> On 24.10.2010 03:38, wren ng thornton wrote:
>>> I don't care much about the name of the class, I'd just like support for
>>> monoids, semirings,... when they lack a group, ring,... structure.
>> Then what about following type class hierarchy? I think it supports
>> those structures. Only restriction is that it forces one to have both
>> left and right modules. It's possible to split them but I think it will
>> be to painful for vector spaces over R and C.
>> class Module v where
>> type Scalar v :: *
>> (*^) :: Scalar v → v → v
>> (^*) :: v → Scalar v → v
>> (^*) = flip (*^)
> Is there any good reason for forcing them together? Why not, use the
> hierarchy I proposed earlier? If you want to reduce the clutter in type
> signatures for real and complex vector spaces then just add to my previous
>    -- Or just call it "Module" if preferred.
>    class (LeftModule v, RightModule v) => AssociativeModule v where
>        -- Law: (^*) == flip (*^)
> This way, when (not if) people want nonassociative modules the classes are
> already there. The additional overhead in defining an associative module is
> only three lines when using default implementation; two lines otherwise:
>    type instance Scalar Foo = Bar
>    instance AssociativeModule Foo where
>    instance RightModule Foo where
>        (^*) = flip (^*)
>    instance LeftModule Foo where
>        (*^) = ...
> vs
>    instance Module Foo where
>        type Scalar Foo = Bar
>        (*^) = ...
> And once it's defined, the usage is the same: just require AssociativeModule
> and you'll pull in both (*^) and (^*).
Main reason is that it complicate creation of instances for types for which
multiplication is associative and commutative more complicated.
Programmer must write three instances instead of one and they must
satisfy some law. It leads to code which more difficult to understand and
contain more bug (mostly dumb).

This is tradeoff between usability and generality. Modules are much less
frequent and much less known than vector space. I for example didn't known
about their existence before. I think difficulties should be pushed on
the people
who define instances for non associative modules.

One possibility is to add separate type classes for left and right modules
and require that is type is has both Module and LeftModule instances
(*^^) == (*^)

  class Module v where
(^*) :: v -> Scalar v -> v
(*^) :: Scalar v -> v -> v

Of course code that is written to work with left/right modules wont work with
associative modules.

> We already know that there are noncommutative modules/vectorspaces of
> interest (e.g., modules over quaternions and modules over graph paths), why
> not support them from the beginning? It seems like you're going out of your
> way to exclude things that would be trivial to include. This is exactly why
> this is my standard complaint against the various proposals out there for
> new numeric hierarchies. People who are used to only using R^n think the
> proposals are just fine, but none of the proposals capture the structures I
> work with daily. Which means the new proposals are no better than the
> Prelude for me.
I have to admit that I with R^n and therefore mostly care about this use
case. I think good set of type classes should be small enough (IMHO five or so).
It should not require to write unnecessary code in common cases. Probably this
is case when rule "one size doesn't fit all" applies.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-31 Thread Alexey Khudyakov
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Henning Thielemann
> wren ng thornton schrieb:
>> On 10/22/10 8:46 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> It's well known that Num & Co type classes are not adequate for vectors
>>> (I don't mean arrays). I have an idea how to address this problem.
>>> Conal Elliott wrote very nice set of type classes for vectors.
>>> (Definition below). I used them for some time and quite pleased. Code is
>>> concise and readable.
>>>  > class AdditiveGroup v where
>>>  > zeroV :: v
>>>  > (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
>>>  > negateV :: v -> v
>>> [...]
>>> I'd like to know opinion of haskellers on this and specifically opinion
>>> of Conal Eliott as author and maintainer (I CC'ed him)
> Looks like you are about to re-implement numeric-prelude. :-)
Only limited subset. Very limited. Everything is too big to be implemented

> Vector (Complex a) is a vector with respect to both 'a' and 'Complex a'.
It is but it's difficult to encode this. Type class below allows to have
multiple scalars. But then type checker cannot infer type of 2 in expression
`2 *^ vector' and so type signature must be added which is hardly usable

class Module v s where
  (*^) :: s -> v -> v

I think one is forced to convert real number to complex or use some
operations specific to data type.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-30 Thread Stephen Tetley
On 30 October 2010 11:07, Henning Thielemann

> Looks like you are about to re-implement numeric-prelude. :-)

Ah, but Numeric-Prelude is huge though[*].

DavidA complains in the recent Cafe thread "Decoupling type classes
(e.g. Applicative)?" that the Num hierarchy can't be replaced due to
inertia. My own feeling is it can't be replaced because no-one can
define an acceptable middle ground between the two extremes:

miminal - Haskell currently (for discussion, we'll elide some of the
"problems" such as the Show superclass constriant).

huge - numeric-prelude or a "mathematics" system such as Aldor.

[*] This is not a criticism - just an observation.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-30 Thread Henning Thielemann
wren ng thornton schrieb:
> On 10/22/10 8:46 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> It's well known that Num & Co type classes are not adequate for vectors
>> (I don't mean arrays). I have an idea how to address this problem.
>> Conal Elliott wrote very nice set of type classes for vectors.
>> (Definition below). I used them for some time and quite pleased. Code is
>> concise and readable.
>>  > class AdditiveGroup v where
>>  > zeroV :: v
>>  > (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
>>  > negateV :: v -> v
>> [...]
>> I'd like to know opinion of haskellers on this and specifically opinion
>> of Conal Eliott as author and maintainer (I CC'ed him)

Looks like you are about to re-implement numeric-prelude. :-)

> Just my standard complaint: lack of support for semirings, modules, and
> other simple/general structures. How come everyone's in such a hurry to
> run off towards Euclidean spaces et al.?
> I'd rather see,
> class Additive v where -- or AdditiveMonoid, if preferred
> zeroV :: v
> (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
> class Additive v => AdditiveGroup v where
> negateV :: v -> v
> type family Scalar :: * -> *

Vector (Complex a) is a vector with respect to both 'a' and 'Complex a'.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-26 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/26/10 8:51 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

On 24.10.2010 03:38, wren ng thornton wrote:

I don't care much about the name of the class, I'd just like support for
monoids, semirings,... when they lack a group, ring,... structure.

Then what about following type class hierarchy? I think it supports
those structures. Only restriction is that it forces one to have both
left and right modules. It's possible to split them but I think it will
be to painful for vector spaces over R and C.

class Module v where
type Scalar v :: *
(*^) :: Scalar v → v → v
(^*) :: v → Scalar v → v
(^*) = flip (*^)

Is there any good reason for forcing them together? Why not, use the 
hierarchy I proposed earlier? If you want to reduce the clutter in type 
signatures for real and complex vector spaces then just add to my previous

-- Or just call it "Module" if preferred.
class (LeftModule v, RightModule v) => AssociativeModule v where
-- Law: (^*) == flip (*^)

This way, when (not if) people want nonassociative modules the classes 
are already there. The additional overhead in defining an associative 
module is only three lines when using default implementation; two lines 

type instance Scalar Foo = Bar
instance AssociativeModule Foo where
instance RightModule Foo where
(^*) = flip (^*)
instance LeftModule Foo where
(*^) = ...


instance Module Foo where
type Scalar Foo = Bar
(*^) = ...

And once it's defined, the usage is the same: just require 
AssociativeModule and you'll pull in both (*^) and (^*).

We already know that there are noncommutative modules/vectorspaces of 
interest (e.g., modules over quaternions and modules over graph paths), 
why not support them from the beginning? It seems like you're going out 
of your way to exclude things that would be trivial to include. This is 
exactly why this is my standard complaint against the various proposals 
out there for new numeric hierarchies. People who are used to only using 
R^n think the proposals are just fine, but none of the proposals capture 
the structures I work with daily. Which means the new proposals are no 
better than the Prelude for me.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-26 Thread Alexey Khudyakov

On 24.10.2010 03:38, wren ng thornton wrote:

On 10/23/10 4:53 PM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

On 23.10.2010 05:11, wren ng thornton wrote:

I'd rather see,

class Additive v where -- or AdditiveMonoid, if preferred
zeroV :: v
(^+^) :: v -> v -> v

class Additive v => AdditiveGroup v where
negateV :: v -> v

Seems good for me. One more instance declaration to write and no changes
in usage.

However when written this way it becomes obvious that
`zeroV' == `mempty' and ^+^ = mappend. Is Additive really needed then?

It depends on the usage, since we don't have a nice way of having
multiple Monoid instances in scope with different identifiers for their
respective mzero/mappend. For example, in Edward Kmett's monoids[1]
library he reuses Monoid for additive monoids and adds a new
Multiplicative class for multiplicative monoids; that way you can use
operators for a semiring without needing newtype wrappers everywhere in
order to distinguish the two structures on the same type.

When dealing with modules and vector spaces we have three or four
different monoids in play: the additive and multiplicative monoids of
the underlying semiring/ring/field, and the additive and multiplicative
monoids of the module/vectorspace. Lacking the aforementioned feature,
that means there are good reasons to have duplicate classes (i.e.,
they're all monoids) so long as they are documented as capturing
different notions (e.g., distinguishing "scalar" and "vectorial" uses).

I don't care much about the name of the class, I'd just like support for
monoids, semirings,... when they lack a group, ring,... structure.

Then what about following type class hierarchy? I think it supports 
those structures. Only restriction is that it forces one to have both 
left and right modules. It's possible to split them but I think it will 
be to painful for vector spaces over R and C.

class AdditiveMonoid v where
  (^+^) :: v → v → v
  zeroV :: v

class AdditiveMonoid ⇒ AdditiveGroup v where
  negateV :: v → v
  -- For performance sake
  (^-^) :: v → v → v
  v ^-^ u = v ^+^ negateV u

class Module v where
  type Scalar v :: *
  (*^) :: Scalar v → v → v
  (^*) :: v → Scalar v → v
  (^*) = flip (*^)

class (AdditiveGroup v, Module v) ⇒ VectorSpace v

class VectorSpace v ⇒ InnerSpace v where
  (<.>) :: v → v → Scalar v

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Oct 24, 2010, at 8:52 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:

But then, how should we decide whether the additive or  
multiplicative structure is more "neutral"?

On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:08 AM, Jacques Carette wrote:

People usually use additive notation for commutative monoids, and  
multiplicative notation for generic monoids.  It's a convention,  
nothing else.

I recently used

class Monoid m where
  one :: m
  (*) :: m -> m -> m

class CommutativeMonoid m where
  zero :: m
  (+)  :: m -> m -> m

   class (Monoid s, CommutativeMonoid s) => Semiring s

(The `Semiring` class only serves as a contract for additional laws.)

Considering the convention Jaques mentions and my wish for splitting  
the two monoids underlying a semiring into separate classes, it seemed  
natural to use multiplicative notation for the "neutral" case.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/23/10 7:52 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

I'd argue that neither usage is "primary", and therefore the best
solution is actually to have three classes (neutral, additive, and
multiplicative) with two functors (additive->neutral,
multiplicative->neutral) to connect them[1].[...]

[1] the Exp/Log isomorphism between additive and multiplicative are not
considered here, as there are good arguments both for using newtypes and
for not using them.

Of course, I mean "functor" in the category theoretic sense (monoid 
homomorphisms, in this case). Not in the type class sense, per se 
(though all newtypes are/can be Functors).

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/23/10 5:19 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why do you (and many others I've seen with similar
proposals) talk about additive monoids? are they somehow fundamentally
different from multiplicative monoids? Or is it just a matter of notation?
When I was playing with building an algebraic hierarchy, I picked a
"neutral" operator for my monoids (I actually started at magma, but it's the
same thing) and then introduced the addition and multiplication distinction
at semirings, as it seemed pointless to distinguish them until you have a
notion of a distributive law between the two.

Mathematically speaking, of course you're right about the distinction 
only mattering once you get to semirings et al. But problems arise re 
the type class system and how to use it.

For example, in many contexts we just want a monoid and we don't care 
what kind it is (e.g., fun with fingertrees). For these, it's fine to 
use a neutral monoid with newtype wrappers to capture the multiple 
monoidal structures on certain types.

But in many other contexts we want to have multiple monoids in scope at 
once (e.g., when dealing with semirings,...). For these, the newtype 
approach is a nightmare of illegibility, so we should have (at least) 
two classes ((+),0) and ((*),1).

The question then becomes: which of these is the "primary" situation? If 
neutral monoids are (as H98 and H2010 assume), then one of the two 
classes for semirings could be the same as the neutral class (as in Ed's 
monads). But then, how should we decide whether the additive or 
multiplicative structure is more "neutral"? And why should there be this 
syntactic imbalance when, mathematically, there isn't?

I'd argue that neither usage is "primary", and therefore the best 
solution is actually to have three classes (neutral, additive, and 
multiplicative) with two functors (additive->neutral, 
multiplicative->neutral) to connect them[1]. In addition to removing the 
need to argue for primacy, it also removes the need to remember which 
monoid is considered the "neutral" one, as well as removing the 
syntactic imbalance between them. Both multiplicative and additive 
monoids would be on the base type, whereas the two neutral monoids would 
be newtypes.

[1] the Exp/Log isomorphism between additive and multiplicative are not 
considered here, as there are good arguments both for using newtypes and 
for not using them.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/23/10 4:53 PM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

On 23.10.2010 05:11, wren ng thornton wrote:

I'd rather see,

class Additive v where -- or AdditiveMonoid, if preferred
zeroV :: v
(^+^) :: v -> v -> v

class Additive v => AdditiveGroup v where
negateV :: v -> v

Seems good for me. One more instance declaration to write and no changes
in usage.

However when written this way it becomes obvious that
`zeroV' == `mempty' and ^+^ = mappend. Is Additive really needed then?

It depends on the usage, since we don't have a nice way of having 
multiple Monoid instances in scope with different identifiers for their 
respective mzero/mappend. For example, in Edward Kmett's monoids[1] 
library he reuses Monoid for additive monoids and adds a new 
Multiplicative class for multiplicative monoids; that way you can use 
operators for a semiring without needing newtype wrappers everywhere in 
order to distinguish the two structures on the same type.

When dealing with modules and vector spaces we have three or four 
different monoids in play: the additive and multiplicative monoids of 
the underlying semiring/ring/field, and the additive and multiplicative 
monoids of the module/vectorspace. Lacking the aforementioned feature, 
that means there are good reasons to have duplicate classes (i.e., 
they're all monoids) so long as they are documented as capturing 
different notions (e.g., distinguishing "scalar" and "vectorial" uses).

I don't care much about the name of the class, I'd just like support for 
monoids, semirings,... when they lack a group, ring,... structure.


type family Scalar :: * -> *

class Additive v => LeftModule v where
(*^) :: Scalar v -> v -> v

class Additive v => RightModule v where
(^*) :: v -> Scalar v -> v

Could you give some example of data type for which (*^) ≠ flip (^*)?
I couldn't imagine one.

Choose any underlying semiring/ring/field with non-commutative 
multiplication. For a simple one, consider collections of paths over a 
graph. Addition is choice, so union in the collection. Multiplication is 
concatenation, mapping over the collection. While xs+ys == ys+xs because 
union is commutative, xs*ys /= ys*xs because (*ys) adds ys to the end of 
the paths whereas (ys*) adds ys to the beginning of the path.

As Daniel Fischer mentions, quaternions are another common example.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Jacques Carette

 On 23/10/2010 5:19 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why do you (and many others I've seen with 
similar proposals) talk about additive monoids? are they somehow 
fundamentally different from multiplicative monoids? 

People usually use additive notation for commutative monoids, and 
multiplicative notation for generic monoids.  It's a convention, nothing 
else.  Otherwise, of course they are isomorphic.

When I was playing with building an algebraic hierarchy, I picked a 
"neutral" operator for my monoids (I actually started at magma, but 
it's the same thing) and then introduced the addition and 
multiplication distinction at semirings, as it seemed pointless to 
distinguish them until you have a notion of a distributive law between 
the two.

How you do this really depends on what features you have for 
naming/renaming, how notions of inheritance/subtyping work, etc.

Having multiple names for structures which are, in fact, isomorphic, 
turns out to be really convenient when you want to combine the 
structures without duplicating declarations.  Let me stress that again: 
'really convenient'.  Not required, manditory, or anything else like that.

Of course, all we really require is any Turing complete language.  So if 
'require' is the main criterion, we should all still be programming in 
assembler.  There really is a reason we're having this discussion on the 
Haskell-cafe mailing list...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Alexey Khudyakov

On 24.10.2010 01:19, Daniel Peebles wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why do you (and many others I've seen with
similar proposals) talk about additive monoids? are they somehow
fundamentally different from multiplicative monoids? Or is it just a
matter of notation? When I was playing with building an algebraic
hierarchy, I picked a "neutral" operator for my monoids (I actually
started at magma, but it's the same thing) and then introduced the
addition and multiplication distinction at semirings, as it seemed
pointless to distinguish them until you have a notion of a distributive
law between the two.

I'm not sure that I understood your question completely. But I think it 
happens naturally. Authors of such proposals just don't think about 
monoids and abstract algebra. They think about R^n. It appears quite 
frequently (well it depends on domain) and Num&Co is useless. Proposals 
are born out of that frustration.

Probably people who do care about distinction between additive and 
multiplicative monoids don't face that problem or it's

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Daniel Peebles
Just out of curiosity, why do you (and many others I've seen with similar
proposals) talk about additive monoids? are they somehow fundamentally
different from multiplicative monoids? Or is it just a matter of notation?
When I was playing with building an algebraic hierarchy, I picked a
"neutral" operator for my monoids (I actually started at magma, but it's the
same thing) and then introduced the addition and multiplication distinction
at semirings, as it seemed pointless to distinguish them until you have a
notion of a distributive law between the two.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 9:11 PM, wren ng thornton  wrote:

> On 10/22/10 8:46 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> It's well known that Num & Co type classes are not adequate for vectors
>> (I don't mean arrays). I have an idea how to address this problem.
>> Conal Elliott wrote very nice set of type classes for vectors.
>> (Definition below). I used them for some time and quite pleased. Code is
>> concise and readable.
>>  > class AdditiveGroup v where
>>  > zeroV :: v
>>  > (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
>>  > negateV :: v -> v
>> [...]
>> I'd like to know opinion of haskellers on this and specifically opinion
>> of Conal Eliott as author and maintainer (I CC'ed him)
> Just my standard complaint: lack of support for semirings, modules, and
> other simple/general structures. How come everyone's in such a hurry to run
> off towards Euclidean spaces et al.?
> I'd rather see,
>class Additive v where -- or AdditiveMonoid, if preferred
>zeroV :: v
>(^+^) :: v -> v -> v
>class Additive v => AdditiveGroup v where
>negateV :: v -> v
>type family Scalar :: * -> *
>class Additive v => LeftModule v where
>(*^) :: Scalar v -> v -> v
>class Additive v => RightModule v where
>(^*) :: v -> Scalar v -> v
> Though I don't know how much that'd affect the niceness properties you
> mentioned.
> --
> Live well,
> ~wren
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Daniel Fischer
On Saturday 23 October 2010 22:53:32, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
> > type family Scalar :: * -> *
> >
> > class Additive v => LeftModule v where
> >   (*^) :: Scalar v -> v -> v
> >
> > class Additive v => RightModule v where
> >   (^*) :: v -> Scalar v -> v
> Could you give some example of data type for which (*^) ≠ flip (^*)?
> I couldn't imagine one.

Take any noncommutative ring R (quaternions for example) and consider the 
space R^n as a) a left R-module and b) a right R-module.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Gregory Collins
Alexey Khudyakov  writes:

> However when written this way it becomes obvious that
> `zeroV' == `mempty' and ^+^ = mappend. Is Additive really needed then?

If your type is a ring, you have two monoids; how would you choose?

Gregory Collins 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Alexey Khudyakov

On 23.10.2010 05:11, wren ng thornton wrote:

On 10/22/10 8:46 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

Hello everyone!

It's well known that Num & Co type classes are not adequate for vectors
(I don't mean arrays). I have an idea how to address this problem.

Conal Elliott wrote very nice set of type classes for vectors.
(Definition below). I used them for some time and quite pleased. Code is
concise and readable.

> class AdditiveGroup v where
> zeroV :: v
> (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
> negateV :: v -> v
I'd like to know opinion of haskellers on this and specifically opinion
of Conal Eliott as author and maintainer (I CC'ed him)

Just my standard complaint: lack of support for semirings, modules, and
other simple/general structures. How come everyone's in such a hurry to
run off towards Euclidean spaces et al.?

They give familiar warm fuzzy feeling. It's same as monads and 
applicative functors (-:

I'd rather see,

class Additive v where -- or AdditiveMonoid, if preferred
  zeroV :: v
  (^+^) :: v -> v -> v

class Additive v => AdditiveGroup v where
  negateV :: v -> v

Seems good for me. One more instance declaration to write and no changes 
in usage.

However when written this way it becomes obvious that
`zeroV' == `mempty' and ^+^ = mappend. Is Additive really needed then?

type family Scalar :: * -> *

class Additive v => LeftModule v where
  (*^) :: Scalar v -> v -> v

class Additive v => RightModule v where
  (^*) :: v -> Scalar v -> v

Could you give some example of data type for which (*^) ≠ flip (^*)?
I couldn't imagine one.


Though I don't know how much that'd affect the niceness properties you

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-22 Thread wren ng thornton

On 10/22/10 8:46 AM, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:

Hello everyone!

It's well known that Num & Co type classes are not adequate for vectors
(I don't mean arrays). I have an idea how to address this problem.

Conal Elliott wrote very nice set of type classes for vectors.
(Definition below). I used them for some time and quite pleased. Code is
concise and readable.

 > class AdditiveGroup v where
 > zeroV :: v
 > (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
 > negateV :: v -> v
I'd like to know opinion of haskellers on this and specifically opinion
of Conal Eliott as author and maintainer (I CC'ed him)

Just my standard complaint: lack of support for semirings, modules, and 
other simple/general structures. How come everyone's in such a hurry to 
run off towards Euclidean spaces et al.?

I'd rather see,

class Additive v where -- or AdditiveMonoid, if preferred
zeroV :: v
(^+^) :: v -> v -> v

class Additive v => AdditiveGroup v where
negateV :: v -> v

type family Scalar :: * -> *

class Additive v => LeftModule v where
(*^) :: Scalar v -> v -> v

class Additive v => RightModule v where
(^*) :: v -> Scalar v -> v


Though I don't know how much that'd affect the niceness properties you 

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-22 Thread Alexey Khudyakov

Hello everyone!

It's well known that Num & Co type classes are not adequate for vectors 
(I don't mean arrays). I have an idea how to address this problem.

Conal Elliott wrote very nice set of type classes for vectors. 
(Definition below). I used them for some time and quite pleased. Code is 
concise and readable.

> class AdditiveGroup v where
>   zeroV :: v
>   (^+^) :: v -> v -> v
>   negateV :: v -> v
> class AdditiveGroup v => VectorSpace v where
>   type Scalar v :: *
>   (*^) :: Scalar v -> v -> v
> class VectorSpace v => InnerSpace v where
>   (<.>) :: v -> v -> Scalar v

There are few problems though. Fisrt one is inlining. Functions are not 
inlined so if client code uses uses stream fusion it breaks. Second is 
dependecies. Vector-space doesn't have big chain of dependencies. People 
may be reluctant to use vector-spaces just for API for small packages.

My proposal is to split type classes above into separate package which 
provide only type classes, doesn't have any dependencies.
Second point is to lean more on performance side in performance vs 
elegance. Add INLINE pragmas everywhere (unfortunate feature of stream 
fusion), move ^-^ to AdditiveGroup with default implementation.

I'd like to know opinion of haskellers on this and specifically opinion 
of Conal Eliott as author and maintainer (I CC'ed him)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list