Re: [homenet] Paul Wouters' Discuss on draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation-18: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

2022-11-01 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Juliusz, please go read RFC2026. You are completely out of order.
> Proposed standards do not need *ANY* interoperable implementations.

   Usually, neither implementation nor operational experience is
   required for the designation of a specification as a Proposed
   Standard.  However, such experience is highly desirable, and will
   usually represent a strong argument in favor of a Proposed Standard

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Paul Wouters' Discuss on draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation-18: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

2022-11-01 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Removing the IESG from CC.

> I propose you start mentioning what you believe are unspecified gaps
> that could lead to interoperability issues.

With all due respect, Daniel, I'm a little surprised by this development.
In this WG, we did spend a lot of effort ensuring that all of our
specifications have at least two independent implementations.  This
allowed us to claim with assurance that our protocols are not only
implementable, but actually described clearly enough to allow independent
reimplementation.  (Which didn't prevent a small minority of IESG members
from blocking progress for months, but that's a different story, and one
that's well documented in RFC 3774.)

>From your mail, it would appear that the burden of proof has changed
sides: it is apparently no longer the people who propose a protocol who
need to prove that it is implementable, but the people who have tried but
failed to understand how to implement a draft who need to prove that the
draft is incoplete.

When did that happen?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Lars Eggert's Abstain on draft-ietf-homenet-naming-architecture-dhc-options-22: (with COMMENT)

2022-10-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> this document tries to describe would see adoption, it's become very
>> clear that dynamic DNS services as described in Section 4 have won out
>> here. These services are far from perfect, but at least some of the
>> limitations in Section 4 have been addressed, and others are arguably a
>> feature and not a limitation.

> so, perhaps you could explain to me how to use some service to host my IPv6
> reverse DNS then.

RFC 4620?

homenet mailing list

[homenet] A few comments about draft-lemon-stub-networks-02

2021-09-01 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
I haven't been following Ted's work on stub networks, and I've only just
taken some time to read through the latest draft.  Sorry if I repeat
things that have already been said, I haven't caught up yet with my
Homenet mail.

A few quick comments while I think it over.

1. There's a lack of definitions

The draft speaks about "stub networks", but I couldn't find where the term
is defined.  Is a stub network a single layer-2 link, or can it be a layer
3 mesh ?  Is a stub network connected through a single router, or can it
be connected through multiple ones?  If there are multiple stub routers,
do they need to be connected to the same infrastructure link, or can they
be connected to distinct links?  To different providers (think BCP 38)?

I think the draft could be usefully improved if the terms were more
clearly defined.

2. There's a lack of a problem statement

I couldn't work out what problem the draft is aiming to solve.  In Section
3.2, it appears to be about client tethering, but in Section 3.5, it would
appear to be about some sort of DMZ, that makes services available to the
rest of the homenet.

I think the draft would be improved if it were circuscribed by a clear
problem statement.

3. NAT64 is controversial

The draft recommends NAT64 as the IPv4 connectivity technique.  I'm
certainly not alone in this group in disliking NAT64, which combines all
the problems of NAT with all the problems of split-horizon DNS.  (See also
RFCs 7368 and 9080, both products of this WG, which clearly discourage the
use of NAT.)

I think that the draft would be less contentious if the part about NAT64
were removed.

Hope this helps,

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Looking for a Homenet co-chair

2021-08-27 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> FWIW, I think there's further work after stub networks for HomeNet to do. We
> now have Babel and Source-Specific routing, but I suspect that setting it up
> will involve some innovation, and that ought to be documented.

That would be RFC 9080.  It's fully implemented in both hnetd and shncpd.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] naming drafts

2021-06-08 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

> I didn't find any clear definition of how DDNS works in that email.

> What's the Performance Specification that describes this process?  Yes,
> I know where the vendor specific documentation is.

As far as I'm aware, all the REST-like DDNS protocols are vendor-specific.
However, they are widely deployed.  To give a data point, the ISP-provided
CPE I'm using right now implements no less than three distinct vendor
protocols for name registration (disabled by default, thankfully).

Michael, it would probably take you 20 minutes to write up an I-D
describing a reasonable REST-based DDNS protocol, another 5 minutes to
write a client implementation in Javascript, and one hour to write
a robust server that is well integrated with Bind.

> Second, how are the credentials for that communication established?
> [...]  What name does your NAS pick?  [...] Once the 14 year old in the
> house does this, how does the parent find out about the name that was
> used?


> If the device renumbers, or experiences a flash renumbering, how does it
> know to re-register?

All of these are interesting issues.  However, I don't see how they depend
on whether the update is carried over HTTPS or AXFR.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] naming drafts

2021-06-05 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Hi Michael,

>> Stephen and Juliusz expressed that they're still not convinced that
>> DDNS isn't a good enough solution for the use case.

> Well, I'd be happy to discuss with this them again, but they'd have to
> actually tell us what "DDNS" really is for them.

> In particular, I'd like to know if it's okay with them if an arbitrary device
> in their home automatically signs up with a DDNS provider, disclosing their
> IPv6 address to the world.

No; unless the user has explicitly requested that a device be accessible
from the Global Internet, it has no business publishing its IP address.
I've tried to be very clear on that specific point in the mail linked above.

Hope that clarifies things,

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] I-D Action: draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation-15.txt

2021-05-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> #5 The arguments why this is better than DDNS don't convince
> me, except for the last one (new RR types).  Given that DDNS is
> deployed, what's the chances that this would also get traction?

I think that's an important point.  I actually asked the very same
question back in 2014:

The authors integrated the discussion as Section 1.2 of the draft, which
is what you are referring to.  I'm not sure if I'm convinced by their
arguments, I suspect that there's some unstated requirement that I don't

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] biggest L2 domain

2019-12-17 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I thought that we wrote somewhere in RFC7368 that the Homenet router should
> collect as many ports as possible together into a single L2 zone.

Section 3.3.2?

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-22 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> AFAICS there's certainly enough room for me to experiment with patches to
> i) reduce MTU to avoid problems arising from L2 MTU mismatches and
> ii) to reduce the amount of fragments (at the expense of more UDP packets)
> without any tweaking of the standards.

In case you're interested, here's the code that decides whether to
aggregate or to ship out in shncpd:

In short -- we try to limit our payload to 1412 bytes whenever possible,
within the constraints of not being able to fragment large TLVs.  (This
should depend on the outgoing interface's MTU, as in Babel, but I decided
I'm lazy and just hardwired the constant.)

> My reason for investigating ii) is to potentially reduce the impact of
> the loss of an individual frame on a lossy link (we would lose 1 node
> status TLV from 1 device rather than multiple TLV's related to multiple
> devices).

Recall, however, that 802.11 has absolutely horrific per-frame overhead.
Recall further that HNCP does flooding, so that if there are parallel
lossy and lossless links, packet loss on the lossy link doesn't matter as
long as the data gets correctly flooded over the lossless link.

In short, there is a non-trivial tradeoff here.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>>> 1) DNCP allows an option of whether a network state TLV contains optional
>>> nested payload (HNCP) TLV's or not.

>> I'm pretty sure that's not the case.  RFC 7787 Section 7.2.2.

> A OK so you're saying this is already covered in (Section 4.4 of) 7787


>   state hash.  The Node State TLVs SHOULD NOT contain the optional
>   node data part to avoid redundant transmission of node data,
>   unless explicitly specified in the DNCP profile.

> So what I was suggesting was merely additional clarification of that.

Careful here.  There is no optional part in the *network*-state TLV - this
TLV's payload is just the network state hash.  The optional payload is for
the *node*-state TLVs.

>> The replying node MUST reply to all node state queries.  However, it is up
>> to the replying node whether these replies are sent in a single packet or
>> split into multiple packets.

> So requesting multiple node status TLV's in one packet could lead to an
> oversized UDP reply packet.

Yes, this was discussed back in July 2015.  Here's what I said back then:

It should also say that a node MUST NOT send a datagram with a larger
payload, and that it MUST silently drop any larger datagrams (optionally
log to system management, etc.).  If this is not done, persistent state
desynchronisation may occur.

This is what Markus replied:

I am not sure I want to cripple use in non-crippled networks, just provide
guaranteed base value which works everywhere and *RED ALERT* light should
light up on crippledbox if it encounters this

Since nobody supported my position at the time, I had to agree to the

  - Section 3 of RFC 778 says that "Each node MUST be able to receive (and
potentially reassemble) UDP datagrams with a payload of at least
4000 bytes."

  - there is no limit on the size of the packets that a node may send.

> So if I understand you correctly, you're saying this is the problem of the
> sender of the response to ensure UDP fragmentation doesn't break,

I'm not sure what you mean.  We certainly assume that the network obeys
RFCs 2460 and 4443.

> and that multiple long UDP replies can be generated from a single query
> packet (potential amplification).

Let's please discuss security at some other time, I'd like the current
discussion to come to a conclusion first.

> If there's multiple UDP replies required for a single query, would you expect
> sending of these individual packets to also be rate limited by trickle?

Let's please discuss congestion control at some other time, I'd like the
current discussion to come to a conclusion first.

> What behavior would we expect from the requester during this time?

The requester parses each top-level TLV in turn, and acts upon it.

> Wait for all outstanding replies to arrive?

No.  The requester parses each top-level TLV and acts upon it as soon as
it arrives.

> Re-transmit a node TLV request for missing / dropped replies? 

How would the receiving node detect missing replies?

If some node-state TLVs are missing, then the receiving node's state might
not get updated correctly, which will cause the network hash to mismatch,
which will be detected when it receives a new network-state TLV
(trickle-driven, worst-case 17s).

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> 1) DNCP allows an option of whether a network state TLV contains optional
> nested payload (HNCP) TLV's or not.

I'm pretty sure that's not the case.  RFC 7787 Section 7.2.2.

The Network-State TLV only contains the network state hash, short
Node-State TLVs are separate top-level TLVs.  An implementation may choose
to send them in the same packet, but they're independent TLVs and can be
sent in different packets.

> 2) The node requesting a node status TLV doesn't know in advance how big a
> reply packet will be generated.

> DNCP states that nodes MUST reply to all node status TLV queries.

The replying node MUST reply to all node state queries.  However, it is up
to the replying node whether these replies are sent in a single packet or
split into multiple packets.

In other words, the only constraint is that every single node state TLV
must be sent in its entirety within a single packet.  As described in
a previous mail, this does bound the amount of data that a single node can
publish, but no bounds on the total size of the network.

> So requesting multiple node status TLV's in one packet could lead to an
> oversized UDP reply packet.

The replying node's behaviour has nothing to do with whether the requests
are aggregated in a single packet or not.  The replying node processes
each request independently, whether it finds them in a single packet or in
multiple packets.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> The reason for the 64k limit is clear (due to the design choice of relying on
> UDP fragmentation).

> What's still unclear to me is why the packet contains all the nodes' TLV's.

Because HNCP allows aggregating multiple TLVs in a single packet, to the
implementation's discretion.  Section 4.2 of RFC 7787.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> HNCP is a standards track protocol, and there's nobody left who's
>> willing and competent to work on a new revision.

> Yes, of course. We can never change a standards track protocol. That
> would be wrong. :)

My wording was perhaps badly chosen.  Sorry for that.

I meant to say that I don't currently see anyone who would be both willing
and able to (1) change the HNCP spec to add application-layer
fragmentation, (2) update the hnetd implementation to obey the new
protocol, and (3) go through the somewhat time- and energy-consuming
process required to publish a new Standards Track protocol.

(To be clear -- as far as I'm concerned, I declare myself incompetent on
all three points above.  The most I could conceivably do would be to review
a new spec and update shncpd so it interoperates with a new revision of hnetd.)

> What I’m trying to understand is how bad a problem this is.

My understanding is that while HNCP should have no trouble scaling to
large networks, it is not designed to carry large amounts of per-node data.

This could cause trouble in the following cases:

  - if a single node has hundreds of HNCP neighbours (e.g. because it is
connected to a large switch or serves as a tunnel server);

  - if a single node announces large numbers (dozens) of external
connections; or

  - if a protocol extension dumps large binary blobs into HNCP.
-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I notice in the current Openwrt code that the max UDP packet size is set at 
> 9000 octets with the comment:

> /* Very arbitrary. On some implementations, I have seen some issues
>  * with 10+kb frames so we use this for now. It MUST be significantly
>  * more than 4k, due to how code is written at the moment. */

> With current code (without expanding the TLV data set), and my sample
> test routers, that sets a current maximum network size of approx. 12
> nodes.

I don't think that the limit applies to the total network size, it applies to
the maximum size of a single NODE-STATE TLV.  If memory serves, HNCP is
able to send each NODE-STATE in a separate datagram, so the network can
grow without bound; it's the amount of data published by a single node
that is limited to slightly less than 9kB.

However, I agree that this could prove problematic if you build a very
dense network (a single node with a lot of neighbours) or if you have
large numbers of external connections terminating at a single node.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> This still doesn’t address the problem that the HNCP packet needs to be
> fragmented.  Fragmented Multicast doesn’t scale well.

HNCP doesn't fragment multicast, it only uses fragmentation for (link-local)
unicast.  This is way less severe than what you incorrectly claim.

At any rate, the right time to discuss that was 2015, not now.  HNCP is
a standards track protocol, and there's nobody left who's willing and
competent to work on a new revision.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> If you have a discontinuous L2 MTU, you do not need fragmented packets
> to see packets disappear.

Ah, I see.

> No fragmentation of any sort involved, just incorrectly set up L2 segments.

Right.  It's an incorrect network setup.

To fix that, it should be enough to point the tunnel directly at a Homenet
router rather than relying on bridging.  (A good idea in any case, since
Babel is able to make better routing decisions if the tunnel is directly
visible to it.)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> The problem is, how’d the packet get so big that it was fragmented?

HNCP relies on network-layer fragmentation: it uses UDP and has no
application-layer mechanism for fragmenting large TLVs.  See Section 4.2
and Appendix B.2 of RFC 7787.

(I seem to recall that an earlier version of DNCP included provisions for
application-layer fragmentation of TLVs, but that was removed at some
point.  I don't remember why.)

Let's please come back to my question.  RFC 4443 paragraph 3.2 says

   A Packet Too Big MUST be sent by a router in response to a packet
   that it cannot forward because the packet is larger than the MTU of
   the outgoing link.

If your tunnelling software violates this, how is it not buggy?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] DNCP/HNCP Revisited

2019-09-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> The L2TPv3 tunnel has a lower MTU than the local LAN, and does not report ICMP
> PTB, so HNCP packets in one direction get through, but replies get dropped.

Is that not a bug?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] IPv6 & firewall config in a home net

2019-09-04 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Question: do PCP messages always go to the default route?

Yes, at least according to 6887.

> I re-read 6887 and that was unclear.

Section 8.1:

   the default router list (for IPv4 and IPv6) is used as the list of
   PCP server(s).


   For the purposes of this document, only a single PCP server address
   is supported.  Should future specifications define configuration
   methods that provide a longer list of PCP server addresses, those
   specifications will define how clients select one or more addresses
   from that list.

> RFC7488 did not clarify for me.

Yeah, I'm not quite sure what it's about.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] [babel] Éric Vyncke's Discuss on draft-ietf-babel-applicability-07: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

2019-08-08 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Hmm, so do you think it's possible that HOMENET could land in the "uses
> secure link layers" bucket?

No opinion on the above.  I'll only state that HNCP supports running over
DTLS (this is implemented in hnetd, the reference implementation of HNCP).
Section 8.3 of RFC 7787 describes a distributed algorithm for
semi-autonomously choosing a set of trusted DTLS keys.

> (It sounds like it's also possibl e it would use babel-hmac or babel-dtls.)

If Homenet ends up running HNCP in a secure mode, then it could be used as
a trust anchor for Babel.  We could do either of the following:

  - use HNCP to elect a single Babel-HMAC key for the network;
  - generate random Babel-DTLS keypairs and flood the public part
over HNCP;
  - reuse HNCP keypairs in Babel-DTLS.

Of course, if HNCP runs insecure, then it would be somewhat doubtful to
use it for key distribution.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] [Babel-users] althea presentation on isp in a box at nanog 76

2019-06-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Interesting stuff - wireguard, fq_codel/sch_cake, babel with new
> metric that allows for cryptocurrency traffic billing.

Justin, could you please document the private TLVs that you're using and
register them with IANA?  (I'm currently under pressure to make the TLV
allocation more onerous, and yours is a good example of why requiring an
RFC for every Babel extension is a bad idea.)

You're running Wireguard over Babel or the other way around?  Any issues
with that?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] securing zone transfer

2019-06-13 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> No, we are assuming that there are one or more homenet routers that either
> come with a delegated domain from the manufacturer (probably a very ugly
> one), or which that CPE's ISP will delegate via DHCPv6. (or both)

I see.  (I still disagree with the technical choices, especially that of
binding the domain with either the manufacturer or the ISP, but now I see
a little better where you're coming from.)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] securing zone transfer

2019-06-12 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> Your turn now.  Could you please describe the UI that you envision?

> The list of names (from the internal mDNS/DNS-SD, as well as DHCP hostnames)
> is presented to the house owner, they click on the ones that the want to
> be publically visible.

Are you assuming here there's a central Homenet controller that presents
a web interface where the "house owner" can choose which names get

Daniel's original draft used the term "CPE" for the hidden primary.  At
the time, I pointed out two things:

  - there's no single CPE in Homenet, there's zero, one or more edge
routers which might or might not be ISP-controlled devices;
  - no Homenet service should be bound to an ISP-controlled device.

I believe that these requirements still reflect WG consensus.

Assuming that I'm right, I can only see two ways to provide global naming
without giving up on the properties above:

  - we avoid relying on a central controller (hidden primary with web
  - we define a way to elect the central controller (hidden primary)
in a way that doesn't bind the election to an ISP-controlled device.

(Am I missing a third option?)

The protocol that I have outlined is certainly not perfect, but it has the
virtue of avoiding the need for a central controller in the Homenet by
outsourcing naming using an end-to-end protocol between the host being
named and an external DNS primary.

I'm probably missing something, Michael, so please explain if you agree
with the analysis above, whether you're assuming a central controller,
and, if so, where is the central controller located in a network that has
multiple edge routers.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] securing zone transfer

2019-06-12 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> It would seem your objection can be summarized as "we don't need this". 
> Correct me if I'm wrong.

No, my objection is that I cannot see how that can work in a decentralised
manner -- with no central Homenet controller.

> To me is like saying we don't need a new routing protocol like BABEL, because 
> we have loads of routing protocols already.
> [for the record I strongly supported incorporating BABEL into Homenet, 
> because to me it was the best choice]

When we argued between Babel and IS-IS, we were deciding between two
decentralised protocols.  In some sense, we were having an argument among
friends -- had someone suggested we use a central SDN controller instead
of a distributed routing protocol, we'd probably have ganged on the culprit.

If that's okay, I'll give a more detailed description of my objection as
a followup to MCR's comment, since the two of you are saying very roughly
the same thing.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] securing zone transfer

2019-06-11 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Actually, it's fatal, because you can't get a certificate for "boombox.local"
> so you can't secure it that way.  So you always have to use the FQDN.

That sucks, of course, but the problem is completely unrelated to being
published in the global DNS -- the very same problem applies to names that
only appear in local MDNS.

>> I think that's our main disagreement.

>> For some reason, you guys seem to be assuming that the average user will
>> want to publish hundreds of names in the global DNS.

> Hundreds?  How about two.
> My son wants to publish his desktop's name so that his friend can reach his
> system directly for minecraft.  I want the same.

Your son clicks "publish name" in the Minecraft server's UI, at which
point he faces the following dialog box:

  Hostname: minecraft-7ac8

The young man considers that default values are for noobz, and edits as

  Hostname: better-server-than-dads

After the name is published (which takes half a second), the Minecraft UI
displays a "share" icon, so that your son can publish the server's name
over UUCP, or whatever it is that them youngsters use nowadays for chatting.

Your turn now.  Could you please describe the UI that you envision?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] securing zone transfer

2019-06-11 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Dear Michael,

>> Please see my unanswered e-mail of 21 November 2018.


Thank you for your detailed reply.  I'm glad we're finally having
a discussion about my objections to Daniel's proposal.

> We strongly believe that the HNA needs to know the list of names in
> order to be able to answer for those names when there is unstable (or
> no) Internet connectivity.

> Otherwise, applications and people have to know two different names for the
> service. (A public one for when away, and the .local one)

That's a good point.  While I happen to believe that it's reasonable to
have a service known as "boombox.local" from home, and
"" from the Internet, this might be inconvenient
for e.g. smartphone users.

>o  the credentials for the dynamic DNS server need to be securely
>   transferred to the hosts that wish to use it.  This is not a
>   problem for a technical user to do with one or two hosts, but it
>   does not scale to multiple hosts and becomes a problem for non-
>   technical users.

I think that's our main disagreement.

For some reason, you guys seem to be assuming that the average user will
want to publish hundreds of names in the global DNS.

However, none of the end-user services that I know use incoming
connections require a name in the global DNS to function (WebRTC, Skype,
online games, BitTorrent, remote desktops, BTSync/Resilio, syncthing).
Thus, my assumption is that the typical user will want to publish exactly
0 public names, and that only the extreme geek will publish up to 3 or 4
(music server, NAS, game server, web server with family photographs).

Richard, Daniel -- please be so kind as to explain why you think my
assumption is wrong.  How many names do you envision wanting to publish in
the public DNS, and for what purpose?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] securing zone transfer

2019-06-11 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> The front end naming architecture uses a primary and a secondary dns server to
> synchronize a zone.

People will recall that the need for a hidden primary hasn't been
established yet.  Please see my unanswered e-mail of 21 November 2018.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] wifi broadcast domain - Mikael Abrahamsson's comments

2019-04-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> If there is a more complex HNCP network, then we could probably simulate
>> the L2 scenario with VXLAN, configured by HNCP.

> If memory serves, VXLAN requires support for multicast, which HNCP+Babel
> doesn't provide.  There's a set of IBM (?) extensions to VXLAN that avoid
> the use of multicast, I'm not a fan.

Another issue is that since VXLAN emulates a layer 2 network, it doesn't
have any means to regulate MTU; hence, it requires either network-layer
fragmentation or the use of jumbograms.

Not a fan, sorry.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] wifi broadcast domain - Mikael Abrahamsson's comments

2019-04-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> If there is a more complex HNCP network, then we could probably simulate
> the L2 scenario with VXLAN, configured by HNCP.

If memory serves, VXLAN requires support for multicast, which HNCP+Babel
doesn't provide.  There's a set of IBM (?) extensions to VXLAN that avoid
the use of multicast, I'm not a fan.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] wifi broadcast domain - Mikael Abrahamsson's comments

2019-04-02 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> prplMesh solves the wifi broadcast domain issue.

>From their website: « prplMesh is an open-source, carrier-grade and
certifiable implementation of the WiFi Alliance’s Multi-AP specification. »

That's a purely layer 2 solution that relies on a central controller.
It depends on IEEE 1905:

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-14 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> PIE [...] lends itself better for implementation in existing hardware,
> or hardware with small modification.

Could one of you please explain why?

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-08 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> I think that this work should be stalled until we have an implementation
>> to play with and make some in vivo experiments. 

> I'm not sure if by "stalled" you mean sticking with the plan above, or
> something else

I'm concerned about two things:

  - if you're not implementing yourself, everything seems easy, and you
end up with an overly complex design;
  - once you've spent a lot of time on a paper protocol, you're unwilling
to change things even when the implementation work indicates they're
broken, so you end up with a design that is not only overly complex,
but doesn't work very well.

I think this protocol has reached the point where any further paper work
will be counter-productive until somebody tries their hand at implementing

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-08 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Hi Stephen,

Sorry if I'm repeating myself -- I've already expressed the opinions
below, both at the mike and on the list.

> (a) work on simple naming

I think that this work should be stalled until we have an implementation
to play with and make some in vivo experiments.  (Experience shows that
the best way to break a protocol is to give an implementation to Dave.)

> (b) the drafts on handling names with help from your ISP.

I fear that these drafts are a bad case of complexity for the sake of
complexity (or perhaps a case of involving the ISP for the sake of
involving the ISP).  I still haven't seen a compelling argument that they
do solve a problem that a trivial end-to-end protocol wouldn't solve.
Back in July 2018, I wrote the following:

This is a question that I've been asking since July 2014, and I still
haven't received an answer I could understand.

Please see the thread starting on 18 July 2018:

> (We also have a chartered work item [4] on security that has seen no
> progress but you can comment on that as item (c) if you like;-)

Some pointers for the rare people who don't spend most of their leisure
time reading Internet-Drafts:

  - HNCP is based on DNCP, which includes a security mechanism designed to
provide authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of the HNCP data:

RFC 7525 Section 8

I believe that this is implemented in hnetd.  (Yeah, Markus and
Stephen did some remarkable work.)

  - Babel has two security mechanisms:

There appear to be no standards-track key distribution and rotation
protocols for either of OSPF, IS-IS, BGP or BFD (static keying seems
to be the norm), so a natural question is whether HNCP could serve
this purpose, or whether it would be better to use a dedicated key
distribution and rotation mechanism.

  - RFC 3971 Section 6 says the following:

   To protect Router Discovery, SEND requires that routers be
   authorized to act as routers.  This authorization is provisioned in
   both routers and hosts.

Since hosts don't participate in HNCP, it is not clear if HNCP can be
used as a SEND trust anchor.  I believe there's the same issue with
securing access the DNS stub resolver (DNSCrypt, DNS over TLS, etc.).

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Both HNCP and Babel carry their control traffic over link-local IPv6, but
> they support both IPv4 and IPv6 with almost equal functionality.

> (The only significant difference is the treatment of border routers, which
> are assumed to be doing NAT in IPv4 and stateless routing in IPv6.)

> Does that equality mean that I can route from a device in one home to a device
> in another over v4.

You'll need something like ICE (RFC 8445), or at least STUN (of which ICE
is a superset).  PCP (or NAT-PMP) should in principle work too, but
I haven't actually tried getting it to work over multiple hops.

You'll need ICE STUN or PCP even for IPv6, since people appear to be
intent on putting stateful IPv6 firewalls on their edge routers.

> Won’t they both have rfc 1918 addresses (possibly the same ones).

ICE is fine with that.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I do remember that talk. CS grad students are not our target market.

First year undergrad, Ted.  Eighteen year-old lass with no previous
networking experience.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> It should be an easy fix, feel free to go ahead.

> The point of soliciting participation at hackathon is for us to gain
> collective experience on the easy or difficulty of deploying homenet in
> practice.

Oh, that's different, and not at all the motivation you give in your
previous mail.  Experience shows that the best way to make something
happen is to organise it oneself, and therefore you should feel free to
organise a Homenet tutorial yourself, just like you should feel free to
fix yourself the issues you're having with hnetd.

I'm not sure that you'll find much of an audience, though -- as you
rightly point out, there doesn't appear to be much excitement left around
Homenet, and the main contributors appear to have moved on with their
lives.  It's been six years, after all.  (For my part, my IETF funding
runs out in September.)

On that subject, you might remember the talk I gave about HNCP deployment
back in 2016.  The conclusions were that a first year student who had
never done any networking before was able to deploy an HNCP+Babel mesh
network in two weeks, and most of that time was spent learning to reflash
off-the-shelf routers from scratch.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-02 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> Both HNCP and Babel carry their control traffic over link-local IPv6, but
>> they support both IPv4 and IPv6 with almost equal functionality.
>> (The only significant difference is the treatment of border routers, which
>> are assumed to be doing NAT in IPv4 and stateless routing in IPv6.)

> Oh, I thought the charter was for v6 only.  Did that change, or am
> I misremembering?

Yeah, I never understood that.  The charter is pretty much v6-only, but
I don't recall anyone ever suggesting that we should omit IPv4 support
(but then, I only got involved around the summer of 2014).  RFC 7788 says:

   While RFC 7368 sets no requirements for IPv4 support, HNCP aims to
   support the dual-stack mode of operation, and therefore the
   functionality is designed with that in mind.

while the Babel profile for Homenet says:

   REQ3: a Homenet implementation of Babel SHOULD implement the IPv4
   subset of the protocol

The implementation status is pretty solid:

  - both implementations of HNCP (hnetd and shncpd) have good support for
IPv4 and DHCPv4;
  - of the six implementations of Babel known to me, four support IPv4
(babeld, BIRD, FRR and David's Top Secret Implementation).

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-02 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Both HNCP and Babel carry their control traffic over link-local IPv6, but
> they support both IPv4 and IPv6 with almost equal functionality.

> in fact while what you are saying is technically true, in practice IPv4
> _is_ treated like a second-class citizen in the sense that if your
> ISP-provided public IP address ever goes away, all of your RFC1918
> addresses on the homenet also go away.

That's an property of the hnetd implementation, not a feature of the
protocol (and it doesn't apply to shncpd).  See RFC 7788 Section 6.5.

> This is one of the reasons that I would like us to get together and hack on
> this at the hackathon:

It should be an easy fix, feel free to go ahead.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet: what now? ... next?

2019-03-02 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> What I meant is that homenet router protocols are v6 only.

No, they're not.

Both HNCP and Babel carry their control traffic over link-local IPv6, but
they support both IPv4 and IPv6 with almost equal functionality.

(The only significant difference is the treatment of border routers, which
are assumed to be doing NAT in IPv4 and stateless routing in IPv6.)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation

2018-11-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Thanks for your reply, Daniel.

> If I understand correctly the question is why do we have a Homenet Naming
> Authority responsible to outsource the Homenet Zone to the Public 
> Authoritative
> Servers ( Front End architecture) instead of having each device updating their
> data directly to the Public Authoritative Servers (End to end architecture) ?

Yes, that's a good summary.

> * The End to end architecture does not seem to be scalable in term of
> management

I don't think that this argument is relevant to Homenet.

I'd expect most devices in a home network to have no externally visible
name.  The number of externally named devices is 0 for the typical user,
and just 3 for a rather extreme geek (NAS, boom box, and game server).

I'm sure we can agree that the end-to-end architecture scales well beyond
3 devices.

> The architecture where all devices directly update their data to the Public
> Authoritative Servers requires these devices being configured appropriately
> with authentication credentials,

This is also the case with the proxying architecture: devices are by
default not announced to the global DNS, and per-device configuration is
needed for devices that want to be named globally.

> With the architecture proposed, all this information is centralized to the HNA
> and easier to secure.

The devices that need to have globally visible names are the secure ones
(the NAS, the music collection, the game server).  The insecure devices
are exactly the ones that should not have a global name.

Or are you assuming that I'll want to publish each lightbulb in the global DNS?

> * End-to-end Architecture does not provide internal and external views.

I don't see how.  The end-to-end protocol only publishes names of devices
that have been explicitly configured to do so, just like the proxying

> In addition its design imply that everything is published to the
> Internet, and the naming within the homenet hardly work without
> connectivity.

I don't see how.  Homenet-local naming is not impacted by how we publish
externelly-visible names.

> * End-to-end architecture is hard to get adopted.

> DNS update seems the only standard way to update DNS data.

There's no reason why DNS updates couldn't happen end-to-end.  I am not
discussing the exact encoding here, what I'm discussing is the need for
a proxy.

> Currently most homenet architectures have a CPE that assigns ip addresses to
> devices.

This statement is in clear contradiction with the Homenet architecture.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation

2018-11-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Dear Daniel,

> I am planning to update the front end naming delegation draft [1] in the next
> weeks. Before revisiting the draft, I am collecting comments that need to be
> addressed. 

After your talk at IETF-102, I asked what is the purpose of this rather
complex protocol, and why it is preferable to a trivial end-to-end
protocol.  As instructed during the meeting, I carried my question to the
list, in a message dated 18 July 2018.

A number of people participated in the ensuing discussion, however, none
provided a definitive answer to my question.  I may have missed something,
but as far as I know you did not participate in this discussion.

Daniel, please explain why proxying through a hidden master is needed, and
what problem this protocol solves that could not be solved with a trivial
end-to-end protocol.

Thanks for your understanding,

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] writeup of my 2018 homenet experience on openwrt

2018-11-08 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Markus, I tried to be really clear about what I was communicating on the
> slide about implementations, but probably failed.


A number of your comments about Markus' code were entirely unnecessary.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] writeup of my 2018 homenet experience on openwrt

2018-11-08 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Anyway, getting back to topic of Ted's passionate speech about bad HNCP
> implementations, I'd love to see him (or someone else) provide better one :-)

Ted is busy working on his implementation of Simple Naming.  Please leave
him in peace, it's important that he convince us that Simple Naming is as
simple as he claims.

(Not that we don't trust him, but obviously nobody in this WG would ever
seriously listen to a person without an implementation.)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] writeup of my 2018 homenet experience on openwrt

2018-11-08 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> From a user perspective, there are a few problems:

> When an interface goes down and then up again, it's renumbered. This
> includes reboots.

That shouldn't happen as long as there remains at least one Homenet router
to maintain the prefix (see Section 4.1 point 3 of RFC 7695).

I believe that hnetd (but not shncpd) additionally supports some mechanism
to handle the case where there are no routers left to maintain the prefix,
but I'm less sure.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] (no subject)

2018-07-24 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Juliusz is saying that he wants a nearly stateless homenet;

No, I'm not.

> for him, putting the public/primary functional block in the cloud makes
> sense

No, it doesn't.

Ted, please don't put words into my mouth.  It's unpleasant, and it's

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] (no subject)

2018-07-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> if the homenet loses its memory, it can simply refresh it from the cloud.


homenet mailing list

[homenet] (no subject)

2018-07-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> neither SIP, nor Skype, nor BitTorrent, nor syncthing, nor anything
>> else that normal people run in their home relies on the DNS for
>> locating remote peers.

> If publishing things into global DNS worked reliably and automatically,
> and we had IPv6 everywhere, such designs would not be needed...

That's arguable, but we can probably agree that Daniel's draft does not
provide a useful service for these applications.  For example, if I'm
using Skype, I want to be globally findable even if I'm at an IETF meeting
in Bangkok -- whereas Daniel's draft only allows me to publish my address
if I'm in my Homenet.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Why? What is wrong with the owner of the network selecting which devices
> / services he/she wants globally reachable

I don't think this is about global reachability (which is hopefully managed
by PCP), it's about exporting names into the global DNS.  We ought to
distinguish the two -- you can be remotely reachable without publishing
your name in the DNS.

> without each device/service having to implement (and be configured for)
> an external naming provider?

Roughly 100% of Homenet devices don't need a name in the global DNS --
neither SIP, nor Skype, nor BitTorrent, nor syncthing, nor anything else
that normal people run in their home relies on the DNS for locating remote

In the rare case where a device needs to be in the global DNS (and the
only case I can see is that of a web server), I'd much rather configure
that on the device itself than on the buggy web interface of my
ISP-provided CPE (or, even worse, "in the cloud").

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Apparently my comment was clear as mud. I meant this:

Quote, "YANG-based JSON that describes a Thing", unquote.  61 pages.
Revision 25, and still a draft.  I wish you a lot of fun implementing that.

> Having a public/private zone pair where the public zone is an image of
> the private zone that is constructed following rules, the default rule
> being "don't copy," seems very straightforward to me. It's not clear to
> me in what sense it's brittle.

It's brittle because you have state in the network.  (You know, end-to-end
argument and so on.)

More concretely:

  - what happens when the current hidden master loses an election?  Is the
state magically transferred?
  - what happens when the current hidden master crashes/is unplugged/is retired?

 let alone the issue of electing the hidden master in the first place,
which I believe Daniel hasn't addressed at all.

> To me, the difference between what you are proposing, Juliusz, and what
> Daniel is proposing, is where the control point is. For you, the control
> point is the device.

That's right.

> For Daniel, the control point is the resolver.

Which resolver?  (I could be wrong, but I don't think that the Homenet
architecture has a central resolver.)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> By using DynDns are you proposing to remove the requirement of having
> a naming resolution mechanism internally in the homenet ?

No.  Naming *internal* to the Homenet needs another mechanism, perhaps
what Ted is designing (and implementing), perhaps something else.

Exporting names from the Homenet into the global namespace, on the other
hand, should be done by the hosts, with no involvement of any third party
(neither the ISP nor the Homenet itself).  This is where I argue for some
form of end-to-end, secured, dynamic DNS update.

> But considering that we need an internal dns to serve internal requests
> (regardless of an ISP connection) and that we also need an outsourced
> one for external resolution, isn't it simpler to make them synchronize
> in a primary / secondary fashion ?  Wouldn't it be an extra work to
> manage (update/add/delete) multiple records through dyndns ?

I claim it isn't.  Synchronising with the external DNS provider is no more
work than synchronising with the hidden master, and it avoids the hairy
issue of electing the hidden master.

> From my understanding dyndns would solve just a small part of the whole
> problem being tackled here which is: providing internal/external name
> resolution and manage the synchronization of an entire zone, rather than
> updating a single record continuously.

It solves the issue of exporting names into the public namespace.  This
has nothing to do with name resolution internal to the Homenet.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> One way to automate this would be using mud.

A bright light shines from the heavens, bathing you in its warm glow.  An
enormous, white temple stands to the north, taking most of your view.

In order to enter the Temple of Homenet Naming, you must travel up the
large staircase that stands in front of you.

Exits: North, West, East, South.

(Perhaps you had something else in mind when you said MUD?)

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> On the other hand same thing using nsupdate (using TSIG and dynamic
> dns) is one command line + input file for nsupdate:


Whichever end-to-end (host to DNS provider with no intermediate proxying)
encrypted and authentified protocol you pick, I'm with you.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> And it's literally four lines of shell:

> vs

> while true; do
> (omitted for brevity)

You're doing end-to-end dynamic update over DNS, which is fine with me.
The exact transport we end up using doesn't matter that much.

You're not doing the proxying through a hidden master mandated by Daniel's
draft, which is what I find complex and fragile.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I am not speaking about discovery within the Homenet. I am speaking about
> exporting names into the global DNS, which is what Daniel's draft is
> about.

> Yes, but the problem is that you are treating this as if these are two
> separate problems, but they are not.

These are two completely different problems, with different default
behaviours and different failure modes.

The default behaviour for the local zone is that devices should be
discoverable.  The default behaviour for the public DNS is that a device
should not be published unless it takes explicit action.

It makes a lot of sense to have two different protocols, rather than
essentially leaking a local zone into the ISP's DNS servers.

> I'm not following your reasoning here -- why does the zone being tied to
> the ISP imply that we must use a more complex protocol?

> Doing this transaction over HTTP means another service that the ISP has
> to operate,

Not the ISP, a third-party DNS provider.  That's the whole point.

> and another service that the HNR has to connect to.

Not the HNR, the end host.  That's the whole point.

And it's literally four lines of shell:

while true; do
wget --post-data '' \
sleep $((24 * 3600))

> Quite the opposite. In the trivial update protocol, the update is
> end-to-end, encrypted, and only the host and the DNS provider see the
> data.

> You've published a record in a public zone. It doesn't matter that the
> protocol you used to publish it is privacy-protecting, because the
> publication of the name immediately negated that.

With delegation through an ISP-controlled hidden master, the ISP gets
a database of all the names published by all of its users.

With an encrypted connection to a DNS provider, the ISP needs to troll all
of the DNS providers in order to build such a database.

> I actually share your concern that what he's got written down right now
> is more complicated than it needs to be, and this is partly because it
> was originally motivated by his work at an ISP.


-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] In-network connectivity and HNCP: IPv6 ULA

2018-07-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I think the local ULA should be used for all intra-ULA connections. We had a
> debate about this about four years ago, and apparently the text in the HNCP
> spec reflects the outcome of that discussion, but I think we understand the
> problem better now and we should fix this.


homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] In-network connectivity and HNCP: IPv6 ULA

2018-07-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
I've re-read Section 6.5 of 7788, and it looks like I was wrong.  Sorry,
I should not be writing technical mails in the middle of the night.

As far as I can tell from the wording of 6.5:

  - creating ULA is SHOULD if there's no global IPv6, MUST NOT otherwise;
  - creating private IPv4 is MAY if there's no global IPv4, MUST NOT otherwise.

If my reading is correct, that sucks.  I don't see how the MAY can be
implemented, since there's no obvious way to distinguish global from local
IPv4, and if you don't implement the MAY, then you'll lose local IPv4
whenever your IPv4 provider has a glitch, as you described.

> if you have a connection over IPv4 and suddenly your IPv4 network is
> deconfigured, your connection will hang.

The point Brian and I are trying to make is that you should have no
intra-Homenet IPv4 traffic -- your applications should prefer IPv6 to
IPv4, and and there should always be IPv6 in your Homenet.

Unfortunately, our point is made moot by the first MUST NOT above, since
the ULA becomes deprecated whenever there's global IPv6.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> In order for services to be discoverable on the homenet, they have to
> publish their contact info on the homenet. The protocol that everyone
> uses for this is DNSSD. This is how you find your printer when you want
> to print to it. Nobody uses the ad-hoc DynDNS protocol for this.

I am not speaking about discovery within the Homenet.  I am speaking about
exporting names into the global DNS, which is what Daniel's draft is about.

> It's certainly true that we could use an HTTPS-based protocol for setting up
> delegations for the forward mapping zone. This makes a great deal of sense,


> The reverse mapping zone has to be delegated by the ISP, so we might as
> well do it in a prefix delegation transaction.

I'm not following your reasoning here -- why does the zone being tied to
the ISP imply that we must use a more complex protocol?

> So if you are advocating this second thing, that makes sense, and we should
> definitely talk about whether it makes sense to do it this way.


> Also, think of the privacy implications if all of the services on the
> homenet had to be discovered from a shared zone like

Quite the opposite.  In the trivial update protocol, the update is
end-to-end, encrypted, and only the host and the DNS provider see the
data.  Every Homenet, every host, heck, even every application can use
a different DNS provider, and each DNS provider only sees the data that
was explicitly sent to it.

In Daniel's protocol, the data goes from host to hidden primary to DNS
provider.  The hidden primary is probably controlled by the ISP, which is
convenient if you happen to be a privacy-violating ISP.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] In-network connectivity and HNCP: IPv6 ULA

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> But if we want homenet to be widely adopted, I do not think this is the
>> correct default behavior: it violates the principle of least surprise.

> There's no surprise, it just works.  RFC 6724, Section 6, Rule 8.

Er, no.  ULAs have global scope.  My bad.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] In-network connectivity and HNCP: IPv6 ULA

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> In order for IPv6 to be useful, you need naming to work.

No argument here.

> But if we want homenet to be widely adopted, I do not think this is the
> correct default behavior: it violates the principle of least surprise.

There's no surprise, it just works.  RFC 6724, Section 6, Rule 8.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> All of this can be done in the DNS without resorting to any other protocol.


So what technical reasons are there to prefer the complexity of
draft...front-end-naming-delegation over a trivial update protocol,
whether encapsulated in HTTPS or DNS?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

[homenet] In-network connectivity and HNCP: IPv6 ULA

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
During his talk, Ted claimed that he lost all connectivity when his uplink
went down.  This should not happen -- HNCP normally maintains an IPv6 ULA
that remains stable no matter what happens to DHCPv6 prefix delegations or
DHCPv4 leases.  This is described in Section 6.5 of RFC 7788, and it is
the default behaviour of hnetd.

Either Ted had tweaked the configuration of hnetd (which one should not
do -- hnetd does the right thing out of the box), or he was using software
that doesn't speak IPv6 or ignores ULAs.  At any rate, HNCP does not have
the issue that Ted described.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

[homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation vs. DynDNS

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Dear all,

Since the 1990s, people have been putting their dynamically allocated IPv4
addresses into global DNS by using a family of gratuitiously incompatible
trivial protocols.  The technique doesn't have an official name (let alone
a specification), and is usually referred to as DDNS, DynDNS or Dynamic DNS.

The basic idea is as follows:

  - the client is configured with its DynDNS provider;
  - whenever its public IP changes, the client makes an HTTP request to
register the name directly with the provider.

Usually, but not always, there's some form of garbage collection -- if the
client fails to refresh its name within some timeframe, the entry is
deleted.  Security can be achieved either by using HTTPS with a plaintext
password, or by using clear HTTP and a cryptographic challenge mechanism.

This kind of protocol has a number of desirable features:

  - the client side can be implemented in roughly 4 lines of Python;
  - it's end-to-end, so no privacy issues (if using HTTPS);
  - it's end-to-end, so it doesn't depend on any local infrastructure;
  - it's end-to-end, so it can be used in a foreign network (e.g. you can
use it to advertise the address of the game server you run on your
laptop during IETF meetings).

DynDNS has been widely deployed for 20 years or so, and would appear to
solve the problem of name outsourcing quite nicely.  What technical
problem is draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation solving that is
not adequately solved by a DynDNS-style solution?

This is a question that I've been asking since July 2014:

and I still haven't received an answer I could understand.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

[homenet] About Babel security

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
For people who have missed the Babel meeting, both David and I have done
our best to write self-contained slides.  They're here:

The protocols have two independent implementations each.  HMAC has already
demonstrated interoperability, DTLS hasn't.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-06: (with COMMENT)

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>REQ5: a Homenet implementation of Babel MUST use metrics that are of
>a similar magnitude to the values suggested in Appendix A of
>RFC 6126bis.

> "MUST" and "similar magnitude" are not a great pairing.

Fixed.  This is now "must", the exact values are still SHOULD.

> I agree with the secdir reviewer that the link classification is
> important, and would suggest a that SHOULD become MUST for "if it is
> unable to determine whether a link is wired or wireless, it MUST
> make the worst-case hypothesis".

I most humbly disagree.  Babel is sufficiently robust to survive
misassignment, the consequence will be sub-optimal routing, and only if
mis-assignment happens on both ends of a wireless link, and only in
non-trivial topologies.

I think the consequences are sufficiently benign for us to afford leaving
some latitude to implementers.

> Section 4

> I always worry a little bit about the ability to classify links as
> "trusted", but there are probably cases where it's valid to do so.

I agree that HNCP edge detection is not satisfactory, but that's the best
we've got right now, and it's time we moved forward.  Hopefully the
security work will progress so that we can make crypto the default at some
point, thus making this issue moot, but I request that this document
should not be held up waiting for the security work to complete.

> I do wonder whether it's worth enumerating the "upper-layer security
> protocol"s that HNCP and Babel support, as there are tradeoffs among
> the PSK/PKI/TOFU options that the implementor may need to consider.

Since this document is intended for standards track, I worry that an
enumeration will be taken as exhaustive, and limit the choices of the WG.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Ben Campbell's No Objection on draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-06: (with COMMENT)

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> §2.1, REQ5: I agree with Benjamin Kaduk that " MUST use metrics that are of
>a similar magnitude" is a bit vague to be used with a MUST.

This is now "must".  Exact values are still SHOULD.

> §1.1: Please consider using the 8174 boilerplate. There is at least one
> instance of a lower case keyword.

Done, sorry.

> §2.2 and others: I find the term "non-requirements" confusing here. Please
> consider "Optional Requirements".

This is now "Optional features".  Thanks for the suggestion.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Alvaro Retana's No Objection on draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-06: (with COMMENT)

2018-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I do have some non-blocking comments:

Thank you very much, Alvaro.

> (1) I think that this document walks a fine line when Normatively
> referring to Appendix A in rfc6126bis given that it is an informative
> appendix.

Fixed to use non-normative language, as you suggested.

> (2) This reminds me; please use rfc8174 template (for Normative language).

Done, sorry.

> (3) The Non-requirements sections (2.2/3.2) are confusing to me.  Maybe it's
> the "negative logic"...

I've renamed "non-requirements" to "optional features" -- NR1 is now OPT1.

> NR2, for example, is worded as a requirement that was considered, and
> the rationale explains why not: an "implementation of Babel MAY include
> support for other extensions"


> (3.3.1) NR3 -- The text says that the requirement not considered
> (non-requirement) is such that "an HNCP node that receives a DHCPv6
> prefix delegation MAY announce a non-specific IPv6 default route", but
> the rationale says that "announcing an additional non-specific route is
> allowed".  I'm confused.  Is announcing the additional route ok, or not?
> Is it ok to assume that optionally advertising the additional route is
> ok?  If it's allowed, then why is this a non-requirement?

This is hopefully clear now -- announcing the non-specific route is an
optional feature.

> (3.3.2) For NR4, is the non-requirement, i.e. one that was not
> considered, that the source-specific route SHOULD NOT be announced?
> This piece is also confusing to me because the rationale says (at least
> the way I read it) that it may be ok to advertise.  It seems to me that
> the text is saying that in fact the route SHOULD NOT (or even MUST NOT
> be announced)...which brings me to the question: what is the requirement
> that was not considered?  What am I missing?

I've re-read the section, and I think I'm going to leave the current
wording.  The intent is:

  - we don't recommend you do it, since it makes your network more
complex with no benefits we can see;
  - however, it won't break your network, so if you've got a good reason
we didn't foresee, it's not forbidden.

It is my understanding that this fits pretty well the meaning of SHOULD

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet agenda update

2018-07-10 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> - draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-06 waiting on Juliusz for updated draft

My current draft of -07 is here:

It addresses all of Tim Chown's Opsdir review, almost all of Stewart
Bryant's Genart review, and almost all of the IESG's comments.  I've
allowed myself to disregard one of Stewart Bryan's comments, and only
partially followed Alvaro's suggestion to remove normative language from
the optional section.  Stewart, Alvaro, please let me know if you feel
strongly about that.

Plan is to listen for any comments during the Montréal session (which I'll
be attending remotely), and publish -07 as soon as the server reopens.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

[homenet] A summary of Babel cryptographic extensions

2018-07-07 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Hi, and sorry for the massive cross-posting.  I suggest followups should
go to babel@ietf.

The mails that I'm receiving indicate that we (Babel@IETF) have confused
some people with our crypto plans.  Thanks to all for your questions, and
let me please try to clarify things publicly.

Considering security, I am concerned by the tension between simple,
auditable protocols and excessive complexity due to additional features.
Of course, we could just design a simple protocol and say that extra
features are out of scope, but many of the feature requests are actually
legitimate (confidentiality, asymmetric keying, pairwise keying, ASN.1, etc..).

So we're currently pushing for having two protocols for Babel:

  - HMAC for Babel [1,2,3], which is simple, understandable,
implementable, and has almost no dependencies, but requires minimal
changes to Babel, but has minimal features (static symmetric keying
only, no pairwise keying);
  - Babel over DTLS [4], which pushes the crypto down to DTLS, and
therefore has all the creepy features of your DTLS implementation --
at the cost of depending on a DTLS library, which some feel is overkill.


(References draft-ovsienko and draft-do are two competing protocols, both
based on RFC 7298; I'm supporting draft-do or something based on it.)

Both protocols have implementations [5,6], and independent reimplementations
are in progress or at least being considered.  Details are likely to
change, but the implementations are mature enough for experimentation.

[5] branch unicast-dtls
[6] branch hmac-challenge

What I'd like to see eventually is:

  - both protocols published as RFCs;
  - one of the protocols being the recommended protocol (I'm kibbitzing
for HMAC);
  - all publicly available implementations of Babel supporting the
recommended protocol, at least as a compile-time option.

Concerning Homenet -- Homenet will need at some point to decide what HNCP
security looks like, and decide how it interacts with Babel security.  My
personal opinion at this early stage is that HNCP should perform key
negociation and distribute symmetric keys to Babel-HMAC, but I know that
at least one prominent visionary in the Homenet community feels rather
strongly about asymmetric or pairwise keying.  Given that HMAC security is
probably going to depend on DTLS anyhow, it's not unreasonable to require
Babel-DTLS in Homenet.

We'll try to arrange for presentations on the subject at IETF Montréal,
but all the parties involved are rather busy, so it's not a given.

I hope this clarifies things,

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] I-D Action: draft-ietf-homenet-simple-naming-02.txt

2018-07-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> My biggest problem is that I don't have a very clear idea of how this all fits
> together.

Same here.

As I mentioned at the microphone in London, there's a lot of moving pieces
here, and everybody would feel much more comfortable if

  1. we could have a look at Ted's implementation; and
  2. somebody could produce an independent reimplementation.

That's what we did for HNCP back then (Markus, Steven and Pierre published
their implementation, and then I did an independent reimplementation), and
I believe it helped to put everyone at ease.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] [babel] about Babel security (questions for Juliusz Chroboczek)

2018-06-29 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> The draft lives here: 

> As far as the commit history goes, the file was first added to the
> repository above on 25 June 2018 (four days ago), then it was updated
> three times on 27 June 2018 and two times on 29 June 2018 (today, last
> time about three hours ago).

This is partly my fault.  Antonin is a full-time student, and I have been
recommending that he follow his classes and pass his exams in priority to
doing IETF work.  I stand by this advice, and remain convinced that this
was the right thing to do.

> I have studied the document and I find it difficult to discuss right
> now, to be honest.

Please let us know what it is that you didn't understand.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] [babel] about Babel security (questions for Juliusz Chroboczek)

2018-06-29 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Dear Denis,

Thank you very much for your kind mail.

Unfortunately, I think there might be some confusion:

  - DTLS is Stenberg-style security;
  - HMAC is Ovsienko-style security,
  - it has four variants (7298, 7298bis, DKC, Stenberg)
  - two of which have fatal flaws (7298 and 7298bis).

I am really sorry for causing confusion by using both DTLS and
Stenberg-style for what is the same thing, and for furthering this
confusion for using "Stenberg variant" for one variant of the HMAC

> Another fact is, in early 2016 you were promoting the pre-IETF Babel
> work before and at the Babel BoF and claimed that besides the HMAC (then
> RFC 7298) approach to Babel security there was another viable
> alternative, namely, "Stenberg-style security". You were promoting the
> idea that the Babel WG should evaluate both mechanisms and choose the
> best.

> * Q1: Do you acknowledge these two facts and do you agree they are
>   directly related? (yes/no, please explain if "no")

Yes, besides HMAC I have been advocating DTLS, also known as
Stenberg-style security.  Markus Stenberg is a competent security
expert, and I always try to listen to his advice.

> The specification of "Stenberg-style security" for Babel was never
> published. It is June 2018 and I have never seen it, although I asked
> to.

It was presented at IETF 101 in March 2018 (at which you were present).
The draft lives here:

I am not an author.  Please ask the authors, not me, about why it hasn't
been published yet.

> * Q2: In 2016 did you know "Stenberg-style security" for Babel did not
>   exist as a workable WG item in the first place? (yes/no)

DTLS, also known as Stenberg-style security, has been implemented by
Antonin Décimo and independently reimplemented by David Schinazi during
the spring of 2018.  It took somewhat longer than expected, for various
reasons that are none of your business (such as Antonin wanting to pass
his exams).

> * Q3: Why were you promoting a WG option that either you didn't verify
>   exists in the first place (if "no" above) or you definitely knew does
>   not exist (if "yes" above)? Please explain.

I knew it didn't exist at the time.  I was confident we could make it
happen.  Antonin and David have made it happen, which shows that I was

> At some point between 2016 and 2017 you stopped mentioning
> "Stenberg-style security" and began to promote DTLS for Babel
> security. The first "running code" prototypes (not implementations)

The two are the same thing.  Sorry again for the confusion.

> * Q4: In 2016-2018 did you know a specification for the "DTLS" Babel
>   security did not exist as a workable WG item? (yes/no)

Stenberg-style security and DTLS are the same thing, so my answer to Q2

> * Q5: same as Q3

Stenberg-style security and DTLS are the same thing, so my answer to Q3

> * Q6: Do you agree your long-time presenting effort had created and
>   maintained an impression that the "alternative" security option was
>   viable and workable by the Babel WG, regardless of its actual status
>   at the time? (yes/no, please explain if "no")

Yes, I did believe that DTLS was viable, and did my best to communicate
this fact to the list.  As explained in my answer to Q2 above, I maintain
that I was right.

> * Q7: If "yes" to Q6, was this impression what you intentionally were
>   trying to achieve? (yes/no, please explain if "no")


> * Q8: If "yes" to Q6, do you agree this impression has been influencing
>   decision making in both Babel and Homenet WGs? (yes/no, please explain
>   if "no")

I do not know.  Please ask the WG participants.

> * Q9: Do you agree the end effect was that the work on HMAC Babel
>   security was held back in the Babel WG? (yes/no, please explain if
>   "no")

No.  I have been actively promoting the HMAC work ("Ovsienko-style"), just
as I have been promoting the DTLS work ("Stenberg-style").

The HMAC work has been held up because 7298bis had fatal flaws.

> * Q10: After the WG decision about HMAC (which was in line with your
>   latest position at the time) are you still maintaining that choosing
>   between HMAC and DTLS would benefit the Babel WG? (yes/no, please
>   explain if "yes")

I would like see both HMAC and DTLS published as Standards Track
documents.  It will be a lot of work, but I am confident that we will
manage it.

I would prefer that we didn't choose between the two -- I want to have
both.  As stated publicly at the microphone at IETF 101 in London, should
we be forced to choose, I would support HMAC.  Of course, I may change my
opinion in the future, it depends on how HMAC and DTLS will develop.

> * Q11: If "no", could you explain why did not you denounce the idea on
>   the mailing list with appropriate comments?

I do not understand the question.  It is not my role to "denounce"
anything or anyone, I merely express my opinions, just like any o

Re: [homenet] Introduction to draft-ietf-homenet-simple-naming

2018-05-30 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Well, let me invent something. I throw together my network and it
> names the printers as printer1 and printer2. Being a stickler,
> I decide to rename them as Printer 1 and Printer 2. I mess around
> and find a config file somewhere and manually edit it.

Let me rephrase it:

« For her birthday, I bought my girlfriend the nice printer she's been
  wanting.  The network named it "Printer7839cf31".  Since I love my
  girlfriend, I renamed it to "Mathilda's printer".  Now she can no longer
  print. »

> It would be good if you could come up with a real example. This isn't
> going to happen in practice,


-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Martin Vigoureux's No Objection on draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-06: (with COMMENT)

2018-05-07 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Perhaps he refers to the RFC8174 update to the boilerplate:

Ah, thanks.  Will do.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Martin Vigoureux's No Objection on draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-06: (with COMMENT)

2018-05-07 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> you should refer to 8174.

Perhaps you could kindly justify your advice?  Non-capitalised "must" is
used just once in this document, and I don't see any opportunity for

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-05

2018-02-22 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
After much thought, I have settled on the following:

  Rationale: support for wireless transit links is a distinguishing
  feature of Homenet, and one that is requested by our users.  In
  the absence of dynamically computed metrics, the routing protocol
  attempts to minimise the number of links crossed by a route, and
  therefore prefers long, lossy links to shorter, lossless ones.  In
  wireless networks, "hop-count routing is worst-path routing".

I find the previous version clearer and more informative, but I've read
ISO/IEC 10589, and therefore understand that the author of a Standard
should aim to sound professional rather than indulging in such amateurish
endeavours as being clear or informative.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-05

2018-02-22 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> we are writing a standards document, not a 19th century romance novel

It is a truth generally acknowledged that a single man in possession of
a good fortune must be in want of a home network.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-05

2018-02-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> This is not the notion that I tried to express, probably badly.  It's not
>> necessarily the important feature, it's the one that will make people
>> implement and deploy the protocol stack in the first place.

> Suggestion for '"killer feature" of Homenet': driver for using Homenet

That's good.

>> If you find a sufficiently stately term that covers all of the above,
>> I'll take it.  (My thesaurus suggests "chieftain", but I tend to favour
>> "foreman".)

> Suggestion for "our bosses": decision makers

"easy to explain to the decision makers"?  It's okay, but sounds somewhat
cold and corporate to my (admittedly foreign) ears.  I'll wait a little
while in case somebody has a better idea.

(Since we all seem to be in a chatty mood -- on Tuesday last, I was
teaching virtual memory allocation techniques, and needed a translation
for "eager allocation" as opposed to "lazy".  One student proposed
"allocation zélée".  I'm loving it.)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-05

2018-02-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I too think the rationale is important but the phrasing may be confusing. 
> Being
> a native speaker of U.S. English (and almost fluent in Southern Californiaese
> ;-) I found the colloquialisms confusing.

Being myself a native speaker of an Eastern-European dialect with way too
many postalveolar fricatives, I will be grateful for additional guidance.

> Perhaps I could suggest something in the vein of "very important" or
> "much desired feature"

This is not the notion that I tried to express, probably badly.  It's not
necessarily the important feature, it's the one that will make people
implement and deploy the protocol stack in the first place.

Long-term, the important feature of Homenet is having a clean architecture
for multi-link IPv6 networks.  From the point of view of the end-user,
however, multiple layers of NAT work just as well, so it's not a "killer"

Short-term, the two visible features are support for multiple uplinks and
support for wireless transit.  No other protocol stack can do either of
these without manual intervention, so these are Homenet's "killer"

I agree that the term might not be familiar to everyone, and I would be
sincerely grateful for help with expressing this notion concisely and
without undue colloquialisms.

> I found the term "bosses" leaving much to interpretation

This happens to be deliberate.  I am trying to avoid implying too much
about the organisational structure to which the reader belongs -- the
"boss" here could be the CIO, but it could be the leader of an Academic
project, it could be the supervisor of the intern who's implementing
Homenet, or it could be the Benevolent Dictator for Life of a Free
Software project.

If you find a sufficiently stately term that covers all of the above, I'll
take it.  (My thesaurus suggests "chieftain", but I tend to favour "foreman".)

> or perhaps even "Corporate" used instead.

Now you're trying to pick a fight ;-)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-05

2018-02-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft.

Thanks for your comments, Stewart.

>   if implementations use conflicting route selection policies,
>   persistent oscillations might occur.
SB> Is this consistent with the statement earlier in the para that
SB> " Distinct
SB> implementations of RFC 6126bis Babel will interoperate, in the
SB> sense that they will maintain a set of loop-free forwarding paths"?

Yes, it is consistent.  Please see Section 3.6 of rfc6126bis.

In short, Babel guarantees that the forwarding graph remains loop-free
at all times (which is somewhat weaker than what you'd expect -- in
particular, it does not entail that a packet will never pass the same
router more than once).  It does not make any guarantees about the
stability of the forwarding graph if the route selection policy is
completely crazy.

As far as I am aware, the problem of defining the class of non-crazy route
selection policies is an open research problem.  The best we can do, to
the best of my knowledge, is give examples of policies that do not cause

This is not unlike BGP, which does an excellent job avoiding loops, but
does not prevent persisten oscillations in the presence of crazy policies.
Interestingly enough, a numbre of papers indicate that this is not
a problem in the Internet, and that router operators are pretty good at
defining reasonable BGP policies.  I believe the same is true of Babel.

>  Since IPv6 has some
>   features that make implementations somewhat simpler and more
>   reliable (notably link-local addresses), we require carrying
>   control data over IPv6.
SB> Earlier you said that IPv4 also had Link Local addresses, so how
SB> can link local addresses be the deciding selection criteria? Is there
SB> something technically better about IPv6 LL?

No, I didn't -- I'm trying to be consistent, and use LL to mean fe80::/64.
I believe the issue is in Section 1, where I say

   traffic is carried over either link-local IPv6 or IPv4

where what I mean is

   either link-local IPv6 carries traffic, or IPv4 carries traffic.

I'm not a native speaker, and I'll be grateful if you can suggest a better

> Minor issues:

>   Rationale: support for wireless transit links is a "killer
>   feature" of Homenet, something that is requested by our users and
>   easy to explain to our bosses.  In the absence of dynamically

SB> Not sure explicability to your boss counts for much as a basis for
SB> a feature an international standard.

I think this paragraph is helpful for implementors -- it helps people
explain to their bosses why we're bothering with link-quality estimation
when we've done routing protocols with no link-quality estimation for the
last fifty years or so.  (The Fuzzball LSI-11 router had link-quality
estimation, but that was in the 1980s.)  Still, if you find the tone too
informal, I'm open to reformulating.

> Abstract

>This document defines the subset of the Babel routing protocol and
>its extensions that a Homenet router must implement, as well as the
>interactions between HNCP and Babel.

SB> HNCP needs to be expanded Both need a reference, but the reference
SB> needs to be expanded i.e. RFC7788 not [RFC7788]

Is this consistent with the last sentence of RFC 7322 Section 4.3?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] security work items - what do we want to do?

2018-01-31 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>  the AmazonEcho/GoogleHome/Mycroft/etc. devices seem like ideal platforms
>  to be the root of a secure network.


-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] security work items - what do we want to do?

2018-01-24 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I do agree we'd need to know e.g. whether Babel implementations would
> plan to support what flavours of DTLS (e.g. pre-shared keys vs.  bare
> public keys vs. certs if they do plan to use DTLS),

I'm not worried about Babel.  I am worried about HNCP, since I fear
there's nobody who's both able and willing to work on HNCP extensions for

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] I-D Action: draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-04.txt

2018-01-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>   Filename: draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-04.txt

Barbara has pointed out that I had some minor changes in my git repository
that I hadn't submitted yet.  Barbara also requested that I upgrade this
draft to Standards Track before I quit.

I couldn't possibly bring myself to refuse a request from Barbara.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

[homenet] I quit as editor of draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile

2018-01-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Dear Barbara, dear Stephen,

After re-reading the comments I have received on the mailing list, and
re-reading my slides from 2017-03-27, I have decided that this has taken
way too long.

I hereby quit as editor of draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile.  Should you
be able to find a new editor, I expect to remain a co-author.


-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet-babel-profile: determining link type

2017-11-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> Should we really only suggest that the router dynamically probe the
>> quality of wireless links? Or would it make sense to suggest dynamic
>> probing of all links, because assuming the entire path between 2
>> routers uses a single physical layer technology may not be a good
>> assumption?

> I agree that is should probe all interfaces!

Then you need to define suitable algorithms for non-WiFi interfaces.

I'm open to collaboration, of course, since dynamically computed metrics
is something that's close to my heart.  (Somebody promised to send me some hardware at some point, but they must have forgotten.)

> Some wires might be better than others; assume use of random joiners between
> cat3,cat5,cat6 and chicken wire in the home.

Babeld's wireless link quality estimation triggers around 5% packet loss;
on WiFi, it only works because we're careful to send frames that are not
protected by ARQ -- after ARQ, the loss rate is way below that, even on
dodgy links.

You're not going to get loss rates that over chicken wire (unless you've
got really bad quality chicken wire).

> (a booth at N+I back in ~2000 or something had a very nice GbE over
> barbed wire demo)

Somewhat charged politically ;-)

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet-babel-profile: determining link type

2017-11-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>REQ6: a Homenet implementation of Babel SHOULD distinguish between
>wired and wireless links ; if it is unable to determine whether a link
>is wired or wireless, it SHOULD make the worst-case hypothesis that
>the link is wireless.  It SHOULD dynamically probe the quality of
>wireless links and derive a suitable metric from its quality
>estimation.  The algorithm described in Appendix A of RFC 6126 MAY be

> Some older powerline technologies perform worse than Wi-Fi. But since
> powerline is "wired", this requirement suggests it would be preferred.

Do you have a suggestion for better wording?  I guess we could say
"lossless wired links" and "potentially lossy links".  I'll think about it.

> Also, it's not uncommon to use Wi-Fi to Ethernet or powerline bridges in
> home networks. A router attached to Ethernet that is subsequently
> bridged to Wi-Fi would look to the router like a wired link.

Yes, that's a problem for Babel in general, not just for Homenet.  It is
impossible to reliably determine the layer-2 topology.

There are two factors that mitigate the issue:

 1. usually, there is a wireless bridge on just one side of a link; if the
link is being treated as wireless on the other side, we still end up
with a reasonable metric;
 2. powerline links are not usually laid up in places where they are
redundant; if there's a powerline, it's the only path, and so the
metric doesn't matter in the first place.

> Should we really only suggest that the router dynamically probe the
> quality of wireless links?

We only have implementation experience with three categories of links --
lossless, wireless, and tunnels.  If we are to suggest a strategy for
powerline, we need to do more research.  We also need evidence that it
makes a difference.

> Or would it make sense to suggest dynamic probing of all links, because
> assuming the entire path between 2 routers uses a single physical layer
> technology may not be a good assumption?

Link-quality estimation slows down convergence, so I think we should only
suggest it where it makes a difference.  For it to make a difference, you
need to satisfy two conditions: (1) variable quality links that can be
measured and (2) sufficiently diverse paths so that the metric can make
you choose different paths.  It's easy to get the two to happen with
wireless links, much more difficult with powerline.

If you have evidence otherwise, I'm interested.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet-babel-profile: status experimental?

2017-11-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Currently the draft has intended status of "Experimental".

That's what Mark told me to do.

> Given the intended status of 6126bis is Standards Track (and HNCP (RFC
> 7788) is also Standards Track), would it make sense to make
> homenet-babel-profile Standards Track as well?

Yes, I think so.

> This question does depend on which Babel spec homenet-babel-profile will
> reference (6126 or 6126bis). [I sent a separate email with comments
> related to references.] If homenet-babel-profile is going to use 6126 as
> its spec reference, then Experimental probably would make more sense.

It's going to use 6126bis.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet-babel-profile: references

2017-11-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> draft-chouasne-babel-tos-specific-00 may also cause issues, even though
>> it is just informational. You may want to consider removing the
>> reference so it doesn't create issues.

> Ok.

Does the same apply to [BABEL-Z]?

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] homenet-babel-profile: references

2017-11-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Thanks, Barbara.

> The first 4 references to the "Babel routing protocol" spec are to
> [RFC6126bis]. All subsequent mentions are to RFC 6126.

Changed to 6126bis throughout.  Since Homenet depends on source-specific,
and source-specific depends on mandatory bits, Homenet cannot be
implemented with just 6126.

> If 6126bis, then I suggest changing the reference name from [RFC6126bis]
> to something like [BABEL-PROTOCOL].


> If you choose to go with a friendly name for the 6126(bis) reference,
> consider also friendly-naming RFC 7788 to something like [HNCP] and RFC
> 7298 to [BABEL-HMAC].

I've previously been chastised for the opposite (using friendly names
instead of the RFC numbers), so I'm leaving it as it is right now.  If
you're sure of yourself, I'll be glad to change to friendly names.

> draft-chouasne-babel-tos-specific-00 may also cause issues, even though
> it is just informational. You may want to consider removing the
> reference so it doesn't create issues.


-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] comments on babel-profile-03

2017-11-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I re-read babel-profile-03 and have a few comments (below)
> offered as a WG participant (i.e. chair hat off) as part of

Thanks, this is appreciated.

> - Req5: Is "MUST be... of a similar magnitude..." clear enough?

Yes.  Minor tweaks to metrics don't cause suboptimal routing -- if one
router vendor chooses 64 as the cose of a wired link, and another uses 96,
then one hop is still preferred to two hops, which is what matters at the

On the other hand, if one router vendor picks a cost of 1 and another one
chooses 256, then bad routing will occur.  Here, the costs are not of
similar magnitude.

The reason we don't want to be too precise here is that we want to
encourage vendors to experiment with smarter out-of-the-box metrics.  For
example, a vendor that cares about powerline ethernet should be allowed to
do something smart to prefer Ethernet to powerline.

> - 2.2: I'm not sure this entire section is useful. If there is
> something specific we'd like to avoid (at a MUST NOT or NOT
> RECOMMENDED level), it'd be better to say exactly what.

"Non-recommendations" are just MAYs.  Perhaps the term is badly chosen, if
you have a better suggestion, I'm listening.

What this section says is basically "if you want to be smart, that's cool,
but if you're in a rush, don't bother, it's not expected to be
particularly useful in a home network".  Let me know if you have
suggestions to make it clearer.

> - NR2: I don't see the point of that. If

See above.  The point here is the rationale -- we're explaining why the
smarter metric computation algorithms are not going to matter in a home

> - section 3: "...using the existing redistribution mechanisms"
> could maybe do with a reference for seme well known OS.

I think redistribution is a standard term -- it's used by Quagga and by
Cisco, at least.

> - NR3: I don't see what is not required here, that seems like a
> straightforward 2119 MAY statement

Yes.  See above.

> - section 4: "only susceptible" seems like overstatment.  If
> babel picks up routes from the OS and then annouces those,


> - section 4: "secured at a lower layer" includes links with no
> security (in reality), is that right?


> - section 4: "trusted X" is not a good term unless you say
> who/what is trusting whom/what for what. So, s/trusted
> links/links/ would be better.


> - section 4: The security properties here seem to be directly
> and wholly dependent on nodes being able to safely identify
> interfaces into the categories in 5.1 of 7788. I need to do
> some more reading to convince myself that that's a good thing
> to assume.


> If there are weaknesses in that assumption, then it'd be better to call
> those out here,


> - section 4: I dislike the plan of assuming lower layer security


You're right on all counts, as usual.  However, this document is called
"Homenet Babel Profile", it's not called "Security Considerations for the
Homenet Protocol Suite".

I think the right thing to do would be to replace all of Section 4 with
a single sentence that says

  "This document describes the profile of Babel that is implement in
  Homenet implementations and the interaction between HNCP and Babel.  It
  does not in any way change the security properties of those two protocols."

and let somebody competent write another document, called "Security
Considerations for the Homenet Protocol Suite".  Is that a plan?

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

[homenet] About draft-homenet-babel-profile

2017-11-16 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Cross-posting between Babel and Homenet.

At this morning's Babel meeting, Barbara asked whether the work going on
in Babel on security means that homenet-babel-profile should be delayed.

I said no.  Please, no.  I beg you, Barbara, no.

I started working on this document in early autumn of 2016.  I've done
a lot of work on it, listened to a fair amount of feedback, and it's
reached a state where it's concise, accurate and understandable.

After over a year, my enthusiasm for this document is starting to wane.
I now still have enough energy to go through IESG review, I cannot promise
that it'll still be the case if it is delayed by a few months, or,
Eris forbid, years.

Let's please advance this document, and use the energy we'll save this way
to improve the security of both Babel and Homenet.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] support for HNCP in IPv6 CE routers

2017-10-27 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> I think you're underestimating normal people, James.

> Bear with me please.

With you -- always.

> It's worth noting that in the vast majority of cases like you describe,
> the CE router provided by the ISP is only serviceable by the provider, or
> if it *is* serviceable by the subscriber, the serviceability is
> ridiculously tortuous and very limited.

Uh-huh.  But there's just one single uplink behind which there's a local
network with multiple hosts -- unlike the one uplink-one host topology you
were describing in your earlier mail.

>> At least over here, there definitely is a market for non-trivial home
>> networks

> Indeed, and I think there is definitely a case for IETF establishing
> standards for how to use Internet protocols in them, as HOMENET is
> doing. What I don't think is helpful is gating our development of those
> standards on the predicate that ISPs should have anything to do with
> it.

Agreed, as long as we don't assume normal people want one uplink per host.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] support for HNCP in IPv6 CE routers

2017-10-27 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> The protocols we are developing here in HOMENET are for the tiny minority
> of people who prefer to build their own home networks instead of just
> plumbing their ISP directly up to every device in their home.

I think you're underestimating normal people, James.

I do not remember the last time I've been in a flat that didn't have:

  - an ISP-provided CPE;
  - a network-connected media playback device (either a Windows machine or
a gaming console connected to a large);
  - a WiFi network with a password that's shared with the guests.

When people learn I'm a network person, they ask me suprisingly technical
questions.  Youtube stutters when I'm in the kitchen, how do I improve the
WiFi coverage without any new wires.  My wife uses a Mac, can I stream her
music to my android phone, I found an app for that but it didn't work
well.  What's the title of the movie you told me about, no, don't bother,
I'll find it on BitTorrent.

At least over here, there definitely is a market for non-trivial home networks:

  - flats in the 19th century areas of Paris, where WiFi has trouble
crossing the thick walls and so you cannot easily put new cabling;
  - shared flats (students and young professionals), where each tenant
wants good Internet access in their room, there's a shared media
playback device and a shared NAS full of music;
  - student halls (a whole story in themselves);
  - people who need to provide WiFi access to others (small cafes, doctor
waiting rooms, airBNB).

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] support for HNCP in IPv6 CE routers

2017-10-26 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> I find the model of "there is a CPE, and behind that CPE, I connect
> another router to get homenet functionality" a bit unsatisfactory.

I think there are two possible deployment models.

1. The « My Friendly ISP » model

Every ISP-provided CPE participates in HNCP.  Each ISP has access to all
the information flooded into the Homenet, including information about
External Links announced by other ISPs.

2. The « My Home, my Castle » model

HNCP ends at the Edge Home Router (EHR).  The CPE is outside the Homenet,
and the link between the CPE and the EHR is treated as External (untrusted)
by HNCP.  Information between the CPE and the Homenet is communicated over
non-Homenet protocols such as DHCPv6-PD.  The CPE has no topology
information about the Homenet, and doesn't even know that the Homenet is
connected to multiple CPEs.

Note that the « My Home, my Castle » model is more general, since it can
implement the « My Friendly ISP » model by co-locating the EHR and the
CPE.  I don't think the opposite is true -- once you've leaked HNCP data
to the ISP, there's no way to unleak it.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-lemon-homenet-babel-security-latest-00.txt

2017-10-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> That makes perfect sense to me. I don't think the DTLS implementation would be
> that hard—is there any chance that anyone would be interested in working on
> this during the hackathon in Singapore?

A student of mine (Antonin, whom you might remember from Berlin) has been
working on that.  Unfortunately, it turned out a little bit more difficult
than expected, and so he ran out of summer.

He'll come back to it, I believe, but certainly not before the January
exam session is over.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-lemon-homenet-babel-security-latest-00.txt

2017-10-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
[Added babel@ietf to CC.]

Thanks, Ted.


I'm not a security specialist, so just a few comments:

1.  You're using a TLV, which means that the TLV parser runs before auth.
Is this good practice?  What about using the packet trailer ?

2. A number of security mechanisms are being considered for Babel.
There's Denis' RFC 7557, which you're aware of.  The other technique that
we're working on is the use of DTLS.  See point 3.

3. The main improvement of RFC6126bis over 6126 is the ability to run Babel
over unicast with no multicast except for discovery (and no multicast at
all if discovery is done out of band).  This makes it possible to use DTLS
and/or dynamically keyed IPsec to secure Babel.  At least some of the
participants of the Babel WG are in favour of such an approach.

4. It is my understanding that there is consensus in the Babel WG that we
don't adopt before there is an implementation.  That's not to diminish
your input, just the statement of an (IMHO happy) state of affairs.

Dinnertime for me.  Be hearing from you later.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile: please review Security Considerations

2017-10-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Please, please, please take the time to read the Security Considerations
> and tell me if there's anything I need to change.


This is now

I believe this answers at least some of the concerns that Leif Johansson
expressed in his early review of 10 August 2017.  I believe this is the
best that we can do without further protocol work, but I would love to be
proved wrong.

Barbara, Stephen -- should I write up an answer to Leif's security review?


-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

[homenet] draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile: please review Security Considerations

2017-10-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Dear all,

This is just to remind you that I'm going to request Last Call for
draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile.  I'll be submitting a very slightly
amended (editorial changes only) version in the next days.

Please, please, please take the time to read the Security Considerations
and tell me if there's anything I need to change.

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC7788 (5113)

2017-09-13 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Confirmed, this is consistent with both known implementations of HNCP, as
well as with the tcpdump parser.  This was also confirmed by Markus Stenberg
in a mail dated 9 June 2016 to myself and the former Homenet chairs.

  Message-Id: <>

-- Juliusz

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] Status of draft-tldm-simple-homenet-naming CFA

2017-08-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> If the fast connection's DNS server replies after a delay or not at all,
>> and the slow connection's DNS server replies in a timely manner, using
>> a smart resolver across all the available DNS servers will improve latenc

> Yes, but if your fast connection is lossy, it's not fast. Lossy looks like
> congestion, so TCP slows down.

I never said the fast connection was lossy.  The scenario I'm envisioning
is one in which the DNS server behind the fast link is laggy.

Ted, DNS latency is a significant part of what the web people call "time
to first byte".  DNS resolvers make serious efforts to minimise that
latency by keeping RTT and loss statistics and picking the best resolver.
I don't know if you agree, but I suspect that any protocol that causes web
latency to increase is not going to get deployed easily.

-- Juliusz

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