Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread john whelan
Can this be packaged up in a format that cynical OSM mappers can absorb? I'm thinking not glossy with smiling faces but a note in their OSM diary that we can draw to the attention of OSMWEEKLY. Possibly through a post on the osmtalk titled something like "local mapping after HOT"? Compose it in

Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread Pete Masters
Apologies for going back to an earlier point, but i think yes there are examples. The OSM Bangladesh crew, while not without original, local catalysts, had a resurgence after a HOT project with MSF. While the project was very successful (and has had impact in terms of medical care in deprived areas

Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Walker, There is a renewed effort that I think has a good chance of success at building a tool into the iD editor where it is most needed. I am not sure a stand alone editor is a good idea for a couple of reasons and think integrating a tool into the iD editor is by far the best solution. If

Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread Nate Smith
If anyone would like to join the Tech Working Group meeting here in 10 mins, we can add this as a topic for discussion. I think it would be worthwhile to also revisit discussions about integrating it into the iD editor. Tech WG meeting details: *15:00 UTC via Slack #hot_irc_channel* or through IRC

Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread Walker Bradley
Dear All, There has been a lot of back and forth regarding the utility of a specialized building editor in iD editor. Many have mentioned how they would like it, but lack the skills in designing it. How much would it cost to hire someone to program this, How would it be integrated with the e

Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread john whelan
A specialised buildings editor idea has a lot of merit. Less to train, fewer options to go wrong. Background upload after each building or set time. The problem with Bjorn's idea is unfortunately anyone can lead a maperthon. The HOT Training group meets regularly and at least one of the members

Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread Bjoern Hassler
Dear friends, I do think that quality assurance is important. That doesn't mean just assuring how objects are mapped, but also quality assuring training and mapathons. From my perspective (specialising in adult education) I'd say there's a fair few things that could be done to improve outcomes fro

Re: [HOT] Buildings and HOT's reputation in OSM

2017-12-12 Thread Rory McCann
It seems like there is a need for a specialized "buildings editor". Yes JOSM building_tools beats iD now, but how about making a new web based editor that addresses the problems you highlight: * Can only enter buildings * Uploads (& downloads) frequently. Potlatch used to upload as soon as you

[HOT] JOSM: Learn about relations and learn about the scripting plugin [practice projects in JOSM]

2017-12-12 Thread Bjoern Hassler
Dear friends, Want to build your JOSM skills? Following up on the earlier email on "practice projects": With the help of an intrepid mapper (Puxan) we've ironed out some issues regarding documentation for the practice projects. So now, with improved instructions: if you want to learn about the *