[IAEP] Desvinculándome del proyecto

2017-11-18 Thread Laura Vargas
Estimada Comunidad,

Por medio de la presente quiero compartir que he decidido retirarme del
proyecto Sugar Labs y por lo tanto reporto las actividades y
responsabilidades que venía asumiendo a la fecha, tales como:

Promoción local de "Sugar" como plataforma de aprendizaje apropiada para
Co-administración de la Lista de Miembros y Comité de Membresía de "Sugar
Co-administración de la Lista de correo "IAEP" y la Lista de Correo
Reestructuración del Proceso de Distribución de Recursos.
Reestructuración del Equipo de Diseño.
Supervisión del Proyecto.

Me despido agradecida de tantos y tan valiosos aprendizajes.

laura AT fuentelibre.org 🐆
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Arbitration request: Caryl Bigenho a first warning for moderation [WAS: Re: Improving our Code of Conduct (was: Re: Code of Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs

2017-11-15 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Community,

I just want to underline to the community that I have accepted Bert's

On October 24 Bert wrote to SLOBs:

"What I would recommend is something like a public statement by the SLOBs
that calls for starting  a civilized, courteous discussion despite all the
personal differences. To prepare that statement, the SLOBs would have to
make peace with each other first - especially Walter and Laura. You folks
will still have differences, but if you don't even try to have a courteous
discussion, you can as well just give up on the project completely. Nobody
wants that, so trying to work with each other even though you may never
agree on some points is the only option.

How does that sound to all of you?

On October 30 me, Laura replied:

"I agree with your advice and I volunteer to start a public statement by
the SLOBs that calls for starting civilized, courteous discussions about Sugar
Labs pending topics.

Still, in my opinion, not until Sugar Labs Oversight Board states clear
definitions of what is considered aggression, harassment, bullying and
discrimination within Sugar Labs public spaces, Sugar Labs will be a
welcoming place for anyone, specially for children and families:"

No other SLOB has make any remarks on this.

I do hope for Sugar Labs to be a friendly community for children and
families and this is my purpose.

Regards and blessings

Laura Vargas

2017-11-03 17:35 GMT-05:00 Bert Freudenberg :

> Dear Laura, Caryl, all.
> I have tried for the past 4 weeks to mediate between you and Caryl, and
> some other outspoken members of the Sugar Labs community.
> Unfortunately, I have failed.
> My decision in this arbitration was to not give Caryl a warning, but to
> call for a more polite tone in the community in general. I also tried to
> make Laura and others aware of how impolite or even aggressive their past
> communication was. Some have admitted to being overly aggressive at times,
> and promised to try better. Others see nothing wrong with their behavior
> and keep pushing aggressively for their goals, no matter the cost. Laura
> has not accepted my decision.
> I am unable to do fulfill my role as Ombudsperson if the community does
> not want to heal the wounds and start over.
> That is why I am resigning. I am very sorry.
> I wish you all the best,
> Bert Freudenberg
> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 5:45 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Dear Ombudsman,
>> On yesterday's meeting
>> <http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2017-10-06T19:00:31>
>> I was publicly remarked by Walter Bender as having made a "charge of
>> harassment" twice:
>> 19:02 walterbender Before we get to the agenda, I just want to
>> report publicly that I am in touch with our ombudsman and he is
>> investigating the charge of harassment.
>> 19:10 walterbender kaametza: we are in the process of arbitrating
>> a charge of harassment issued after your motion, but based upon procedures
>> outlined years ago.
>> *Clearly I haven't present any charge of harassment. I only requested an
>> arbitration process because I felt I was disrespected. *
>> This evidences the lack of objectivity Walter has toward me.
>> *Please, I do request Walter Bender to recuse himself from this
>> arbitration process. *
>> Regards,
>> Laura Victoria
>> 2017-10-06 3:02 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :
>>> Seven years ago back in 2010, the systems labs team in the city of Puno
>>> (by the Titicaca Lake) had implemented a customized Debian distribution
>>> that allow them to have "Two Children Per Computer" by simply adding one
>>> additional Screen and one additional Keyboard.
>>> *Yes, it is true: I do not agree with the premise of "Una Computadora
>>> Por Niño" because I have seen technology to do better than that. *
>>> This way of thinking has brought me many challenges and opposition,
>>> like Caryl's.
>>> With Caryl's communication of October 4, 2017
>>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-October/020292.html>, I
>>> feel I have been disrespected and also has Sebastian.
>>> Although this is not the first time/event where I have received on
>>> behalf of Caryl Beringho words that cause me discomfort, it is with her
>>> October 4, 2017 communication, that Caryl goes beyond the line of what
>>> is "acceptable in our cul

Re: [IAEP] [sugar-sur] Sugar Labs Community Response Team

2017-11-07 Thread Laura Vargas
> Sugar Labs y Free Software tratan respecto a colaboración y trabajo
> conjunto. La colaboración reduce la redundancia del trabajo realizado en el
> mundo del software libre y mejora la calidad del software producido.
> Debería intentar colaborar con otros colaboradores de Sugar, así como con
> todo el ecosistema de Sugar que esté interesado en el trabajo que hace. Su
> trabajo debe realizarse de forma transparente y los parches de Sugar deben
> devolverse a la comunidad cuando estén hechos, no solo cuando se lanza la
> distribución. Si desea trabajar en un nuevo código para proyectos previos
> existentes, al menos mantenga informados de sus ideas y progreso a esos
> proyectos. Puede que no sea posible obtener un consenso de la parte
> superior o incluso de sus colegas sobre la implementación correcta de una
> idea, por lo que no se sienta obligado a tener ese acuerdo antes de
> comenzar, pero al menos mantenga informado al mundo externo sobre su
> trabajo, y publiquelo de una manera que permita a personas externas,
> probarlo, discutir y contribuir a sus esfuerzos.
> Se Flexible
> La comunidad de Sugar Labs y sus miembros provienen de diversos orígenes y
> culturas. Es importante recordar que Sugar Labs es un lugar para educadores
> y desarrolladores; padres, maestros y niños; y hablantes de muchos idiomas
> para trabajar juntos. Intente encontrar el foro apropiado para su tema,
> nivel o experiencia, o idioma. Si se encuentra con una publicación que se
> encuentra en un foro incorrecto, respetuosamente redireccionela al foro
> correspondiente. Sin embargo, un proyecto como Sugar Labs requiere
> comunicación entre grupos e idiomas.
> Cuando no está de acuerdo, consulte a otros
> La comunidad de Sugar no es inmune a los desacuerdos, tanto políticos como
> técnicos. No tratamos de evitar desacuerdos o puntos de vista diferentes,
> pero tratamos de resolverlos de manera constructiva. Diríjase a la
> comunidad y a los procesos comunitarios para buscar asesoramiento y mediar
> y resolver desacuerdos. Los recursos comunitarios incluyen una Junta de
> Supervisión que ayudará a decidir el curso correcto para Sugar Labs,
> equipos de proyecto y líderes de equipo que puedan ayudarlo, y un ombudsman
> que investigará las quejas y, cuando sea posible, las resolverá haciendo
> recomendaciones a la comunidad. Le invitamos a que use el código base de
> Sugar si está decidido a seguir su propio camino; permitiendo a la
> comunidad poner a prueba tus ideas y posiblemente fusionarlas de nuevo en
> la corriente principal.
> Cuando no esté seguro, pida ayuda
> Nadie sabe todo, y nadie se espera que sea perfecto en la comunidad de
> Sugar. Hacer preguntas evita muchos problemas en el futuro, por lo que se
> alientan las preguntas. Aquellos a quienes se les pregunta deben ser
> receptivos y serviciales. Sin embargo, al hacer una pregunta, se debe tener
> cuidado de hacerlo en un foro apropiado.
> Apártense de manera considerada
> Los desarrolladores de cada proyecto van y vienen, y Sugar Labs no es
> diferente. Cuando abandone o se retire del proyecto, en todo o en parte, le
> pedimos que lo haga de una manera que minimice la interrupción del
> proyecto. Esto significa que debe decirle a la gente que se está yendo y
> tomar los pasos adecuados para asegurarse de que otros puedan reanudar
> donde lo dejó.
> Listas de correo y foros web
> Este código de conducta se aplica mucho a su comportamiento en listas de
> correo y foros web.
> 1.  Por favor mida su lenguaje. La comunidad de Sugar es un amigable
> lugar familiar.
> 2.  Por favor utilice una dirección de correo electrónico válida a la
> que se puedan responder directamente.
> 3.  Por favor, evite flamewars, trolling, ataques personales y
> argumentos repetitivos.
> El Código de Conducta de Sugar Labs está basado en el Código de Conducta
> de Ubuntu. Está licenciado bajo la licencia Creative Commons
> Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. Puede volver a utilizarlo para su propio
> proyecto y modificarlo como lo desee, solo permita que otros usen sus
> modificaciones y den crédito al Proyecto Ubuntu.
> Versión en Español
> La versión en español de este documento esta disponible en
> http://co.sugarlabs.org/go/Código_de_Conducta
> --
> 2017-11-05 8:35 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>> On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Laura Vargas 
>> wrote:
>>> [español abajo]
>>> Good day Sugar Labs members,

[IAEP] Sugar Labs Community Response Team

2017-11-03 Thread Laura Vargas
[español abajo]

Good day Sugar Labs members,

As per today's meeting Bert Freudenbergs has declined his Ombudsman
position on Sugar Labs.

It has been discussed in today's meeting the possibility for Sugar Labs to
shape a RESPONSE TEAM composed at least 3 Sugar Labs members (Its has been
suggested at least one female member).

The objective of the RESPONSE TEAM will be to attend and resolve all Code
of Conduct's requests for the Sugar Labs Community.

Please share your comments and if you are interested in be take part of
this new team.

Regards and blessings to all,


Buenos días miembros de Sugar Labs,

Según la reunión de hoy, Bert Freudenbergs ha declinado su posición de
Ombudsman en Sugar Labs.

Se ha discutido en la reunión de hoy la posibilidad de que Sugar Labs forme
un EQUIPO DE RESPUESTA compuesto por al menos 3 miembros de Sugar Labs (se
ha sugerido al menos un miembro femenino).

El objetivo del EQUIPO DE RESPUESTA será atender y resolver todas las
solicitudes relacionadas con el Código de Conducta para la Comunidad de
Sugar Labs.

Por favor, comparta sus comentarios y si está interesado en formar parte de
este nuevo equipo.

Saludos y bendiciones para todos,

Laura Victoria

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Sugar Labs 2017-2019 Oversight Board Election Results

2017-10-20 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-10-19 16:29 GMT-05:00 Lionel Laské :

> Hi all,
> I would like to thanks to everybody who voted for me.
> I owe you for that and I will do my best to ensure that SugarLabs limited
> resources will be used as best as possible to expand our community and keep
> Sugar the #1 free libre learning platform.
> Thanks to all other candidates for their investment in the community and
> many thanks to the Election Committee to organize this election.
> Best regards from France.
> Lionel.

Lionel y Sugarizer team,

I congratulate you and the leadership of the Sugarizer Project.

I am happy we held elections and in my opinion your high score points the
direction of community trust.

Given our governance determines that now it is necessary to select a
liaison with the Software Freedom Conservancy I would like to request on
you to please volunteer on this role.

The reason being that I have a hard time of understanding Adam's style of

The election of Sugar Labs representative is scheduled as the first
decision to make on our next meeting

Looking forward for more Sugarizer desde la Floresta Amazónica :D

Laura Victoria

> 2017-10-16 18:00 GMT+02:00 :
>> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:00:18 -0500
>> From: Laura Vargas 
>> To: iaep ,
>> "sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org" > rg>
>> Cc: sugar-...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> Subject: [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017-2019 Oversight Board Election Results
>> Message-ID:
>> > gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi all, Hola a todos
>> 62 out of 151 Sugar Labs members voted during the Sugar Labs 2017-2019
>> Oversight Board Election.
>> Congratulations to the winners who have been elected for the 2017-2019
>> period <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-can
>> didates>:
>> *1. Walter Bender*
>> *2. Lionel Laské*
>> *3. Sameer Verma *
>> *4. **Adam Holt*
>> Results are available at the following URL:
>> http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_43bce0510f5844e6&rkey=
>> f44b973fcb4a90b2
>> <http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_43bce0510f5844e6&rkey=f44b973fcb4a90b2>
>> For more information about the Condorcet Internet Voting Service, see
>> http://civs.cs.cornell.edu
>> Many thanks to Claudia Urrea, Sean Daly, Sebastian Silva  and Devin
>> Ulibarri, for their candidacies submissions and for their interest to be
>> part of the Sugar Labs Oversight Board.
>> Many thanks to Samson Goddy, who assumed the technical coordination of the
>> Poll.
>> Many thanks to everyone in the Membership and Elections Committee, for all
>> their efforts and time dedicated to maintaining the Sugar Labs member's
>> list.
>> Many thanks to the Wiki and Systems teams for their ongoing support.
>> SLOBs Next meeting
>> Next meeting will take place on IRC sugar-meeting on Friday, 2017-11-03 at
>> 19 UTC.
>> Please email slobs at lists dot sugarlabs dot org to propose a topic queue
>> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board#Next_meeting> to be
>> brought
>> up.
>> Regards and blessings,
>> *Membership and Elections Committee*
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
> sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] CIVS poll created: Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election 2017

2017-10-19 Thread Laura Vargas

Please elaborate what you mean by "being realistic" about Open Badges.

I am integrating IAEP so we can get more ideas on how we can keep active
contributors in Sugar Labs.

We keep loosing contributor's time because they need to be supported

Please share your ideas so that the Board can consider them.

Regards and blessings,

Laura Victoria

2017-10-04 17:11 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> Yes, i agree too.. I feel Ignacio should be supported. It terms stipend.
> Losing him not good for Sugar Labs. But we need to be realistic before
> creating something about Open Badge.
> On Oct 4, 2017 11:08 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>> 2017-10-04 5:26 GMT-05:00 Ignacio Rodríguez :
>>> > I am sorry we have lost Ignacio's contributions because his lack of
>>> time (new job) and I am sorry he has not notice the Committee properly
>>> Having two jobs and a boyfriend is exhausting. I can reply maybe few
>>> times on Facebook and that would be it.
>>> But I have to make money to survive, nobody gifts me anything.
>> Please reconsider coming back to the Free/Libre Software Libre ecosystem
>> :D
>> You don't need to migrate to non-libre sofware if the motivation/need =
>> financial resources.
>> Free/Libre software is about love and passion.
>> I can tell more than a developer you are an artist as you have always
>> been active when we have had art related tasks.
>> I will continue working to find ways so that contributors in need can
>> access the required resources.
>> I still consider Open Badges <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Open_Badges>
>> is an appropriate path so that Sugar Labs can define logical ways to
>> reciprocate valuable contributors.
>> In your case we wouldn't have lost our *Release Manager.*
>> Warm regards,
>> Laura Victoria
>>> Thx,
>>> Ignacio.
>>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017, 00:41 Laura Vargas  wrote:
>>>> Hello Samson,
>>>> Thank you for doing this.
>>>> I am sorry we have lost Ignacio's contributions because his lack of
>>>> time (new job) and I am sorry he has not notice the Committee properly.
>>>> Please do create the Poll at your earliest convenience keeping the url
>>>> key to yourself.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Laura V
>>>> 2017-10-03 21:40 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>> I have tested the CIVS tool and i have successfully tested it, i very
>>>>> familiar with it because it was used in previous election.
>>>>> Two things i have done,
>>>>> i created a page, ready for the election (emails not added yet)
>>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FJCSsZ3JDFy8-D-21H3P
>>>>> p3bSgz-yWEKQsZQqPRCfmwk/edit?usp=sharing
>>>>> This link above is showing all updated emails i put in via Spreadsheet
>>>>> (to be fixed in CIVS). Please confirm the email if it is correct and looks
>>>>> identical, so i can out them in.
>>>>> For transparency issue: Please do not alter any changes (except Dave
>>>>> Crossland), if you wanna add something please, do contact me, ignacio or
>>>>> dave.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 3:32 AM, Condorcet Internet Voting Service <
>>>>> c...@cs.cornell.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> This email acknowledges the creation of a new poll,
>>>>>> Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election 2017. You have been designated as
>>>>>> the supervisor of this
>>>>>> poll. To start and stop the poll, please use the following URL:
>>>>>>   http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/control.pl?id=E_cc40bd9b6
>>>>>> 541c111&key=0145ed67938f505c&akey=b3e7acdff10515da
>>>>>> Save this email and keep it private. If you lose it you will not be
>>>>>> able
>>>>>> to control the poll.
>>>>>> For more information about the Condorcet Internet Voting Service, see
>>>>>>   http://civs.cs.cornell.edu
>>>> --
>>>> Laura V.
>>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>>> Happy Learning!
>>>> #LearningByDoing
>>>> #Projects4good
>>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017-2019 Oversight Board Election Results

2017-10-16 Thread Laura Vargas
Hi all, Hola a todos

62 out of 151 Sugar Labs members voted during the Sugar Labs 2017-2019
Oversight Board Election.

Congratulations to the winners who have been elected for the 2017-2019
period :

*1. Walter Bender*
*2. Lionel Laské*

*3. Sameer Verma *
*4. **Adam Holt*

Results are available at the following URL:

For more information about the Condorcet Internet Voting Service, see

Many thanks to Claudia Urrea, Sean Daly, Sebastian Silva  and Devin
Ulibarri, for their candidacies submissions and for their interest to be
part of the Sugar Labs Oversight Board.

Many thanks to Samson Goddy, who assumed the technical coordination of the

Many thanks to everyone in the Membership and Elections Committee, for all
their efforts and time dedicated to maintaining the Sugar Labs member's

Many thanks to the Wiki and Systems teams for their ongoing support.

SLOBs Next meeting

Next meeting will take place on IRC sugar-meeting on Friday, 2017-11-03 at
19 UTC.

Please email slobs at lists dot sugarlabs dot org to propose a topic queue
 to be brought

Regards and blessings,

*Membership and Elections Committee*
Project Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Arbitration request: Caryl Bigenho a first warning for moderation [WAS: Re: Improving our Code of Conduct (was: Re: Code of Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs

2017-10-07 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Ombudsman,

On yesterday's meeting
<http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2017-10-06T19:00:31> I
was publicly remarked by Walter Bender as having made a "charge of
harassment" twice:

19:02 walterbender Before we get to the agenda, I just want to
report publicly that I am in touch with our ombudsman and he is
investigating the charge of harassment.

19:10 walterbender kaametza: we are in the process of arbitrating a
charge of harassment issued after your motion, but based upon procedures
outlined years ago.

*Clearly I haven't present any charge of harassment. I only requested an
arbitration process because I felt I was disrespected. *
This evidences the lack of objectivity Walter has toward me.

*Please, I do request Walter Bender to recuse himself from this arbitration
process. *

Laura Victoria

2017-10-06 3:02 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :

> Seven years ago back in 2010, the systems labs team in the city of Puno
> (by the Titicaca Lake) had implemented a customized Debian distribution
> that allow them to have "Two Children Per Computer" by simply adding one
> additional Screen and one additional Keyboard.
> *Yes, it is true: I do not agree with the premise of "Una Computadora Por
> Niño" because I have seen technology to do better than that. *
> This way of thinking has brought me many challenges and opposition, like
> Caryl's.
> With Caryl's communication of October 4, 2017
> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-October/020292.html>, I
> feel I have been disrespected and also has Sebastian.
> Although this is not the first time/event where I have received on behalf
> of Caryl Beringho words that cause me discomfort, it is with her October
> 4, 2017 communication, that Caryl goes beyond the line of what is
> "acceptable in our culture" by referring to the behavior that Sebastian and
> / or I must/should have with respect to our mothers.
> In Latin culture, we value deeply the roll of the mother. Not only our
> biological mothers but also our great mother earth. To use or call the name
> of someone's mother to mock or silent a person is extremely rude and
> disrespectful.
> Please see the reference: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tu_madre
> What I interpret in the best of cases is that Caryl's intention was to
> mock and/or ridicule our initiative to upgrade the Code of Conduct.
> As this is a community that depends on the existence, participation and
> well-being of the children we serve:
> I do not approve Caryl's lack of respect to me and Sebastian on her
> October 4, 2017 communication, nor her reluctance to accept this community
> has active children participating.
> I hope for the Board to call for a neutral RESPONSE TEAM to address my
> request, specifically I ask *all board/community members conflicted with
> my statement about the "Una Computadora Por Niño" premise to recuse
> themselves from this RESPONSE TEAM and/or this arbitration process.*
> Back to work now.
> As David Ally recently shared, children of the world need us!
> Laura Victoria
> 2017-10-05 6:22 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 11:00 PM, Laura Vargas 
>> wrote:
>>> Dear SLOBs and community members;
>>> cc Ombusman
>>> We need to clearly state every member when interacting within the Sugar
>>> Labs project channels is expected to serve as an example for children.
>>> This is logical as within Sugar Labs, children make software,
>>> documentation, art, testing, etc.
>>> *I am sad because today, again, me and my family have been mistreated on
>>> a Sugar Labs mailing list by a Sugar Labs member.*
>>> I am sad because our Code of Conduct is not sufficient to deal with
>>> these situations and other than Walter no other SLOB notice me needing the
>>> addition of the anti-harassment Policy earlier.
>>> It is necessary we make a *list of acceptable and unacceptably
>>> behaviors within Sugar Labs communication channels *so we can add that
>>> to the Sugar Labs Code of Conduct.
>>> In this case Caryl might be unaware: in our culture, it is completely
>>> unacceptable to mention someone's mother.
>>> Sebastian's mother is my mother in law, a real person.
>>> So my petition is: to send Caryl a first warning for moderation and a
>>> suggestion to apologize to Sebastian.

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] meeting reminder

2017-10-06 Thread Laura Vargas
Today's meeting log:


Next Meeting Agenda:


Regards and thank you all who participated,

Laura Victoria

2017-10-04 10:14 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> We have a meeting on Friday, 6 October at 1900 UTC. Please join us in
> irc.freenode.net #sugar-meeting (chat.sugarlabs.org) to discuss these
> topics:
>- Code of Conduct
>- i18n contract for Aymara
>- Creation of a SLOB shadow mailing list
>- Discussion of "process" (and "guidelines") for requesting travel
>- Discussion of "guidelines" for external programs such as GCI, GSoC,
>Outreachy, etc.
>- GCI participation (further clarification is needed regarding
>- Discussion of proposal to have motions translated into Spanish (and
>other languages?)
>- SLOB election update
>- Financial report first and second quarters 2017
>- Discussion of process for finding/appointing a finance manager
>- Update/discussion regarding computer-xo icon
> regards.
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> ___
> SLOBs mailing list
> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Arbitration request: Caryl Bigenho a first warning for moderation [WAS: Re: Improving our Code of Conduct (was: Re: Code of Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs

2017-10-06 Thread Laura Vargas
Seven years ago back in 2010, the systems labs team in the city of Puno (by
the Titicaca Lake) had implemented a customized Debian distribution that
allow them to have "Two Children Per Computer" by simply adding one
additional Screen and one additional Keyboard.

*Yes, it is true: I do not agree with the premise of "Una Computadora Por
Niño" because I have seen technology to do better than that. *

This way of thinking has brought me many challenges and opposition, like

With Caryl's communication of October 4, 2017
<http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-October/020292.html>, I feel
I have been disrespected and also has Sebastian.

Although this is not the first time/event where I have received on behalf
of Caryl Beringho words that cause me discomfort, it is with her October 4,
2017 communication, that Caryl goes beyond the line of what is "acceptable
in our culture" by referring to the behavior that Sebastian and / or I
must/should have with respect to our mothers.

In Latin culture, we value deeply the roll of the mother. Not only our
biological mothers but also our great mother earth. To use or call the name
of someone's mother to mock or silent a person is extremely rude and

Please see the reference: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tu_madre

What I interpret in the best of cases is that Caryl's intention was to mock
and/or ridicule our initiative to upgrade the Code of Conduct.

As this is a community that depends on the existence, participation and
well-being of the children we serve:

I do not approve Caryl's lack of respect to me and Sebastian on her October
4, 2017 communication, nor her reluctance to accept this community has
active children participating.

I hope for the Board to call for a neutral RESPONSE TEAM to address my
request, specifically I ask *all board/community members conflicted with my
statement about the "Una Computadora Por Niño" premise to recuse themselves
from this RESPONSE TEAM and/or this arbitration process.*

Back to work now.

As David Ally recently shared, children of the world need us!

Laura Victoria

2017-10-05 6:22 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 11:00 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Dear SLOBs and community members;
>> cc Ombusman
>> We need to clearly state every member when interacting within the Sugar
>> Labs project channels is expected to serve as an example for children.
>> This is logical as within Sugar Labs, children make software,
>> documentation, art, testing, etc.
>> *I am sad because today, again, me and my family have been mistreated on
>> a Sugar Labs mailing list by a Sugar Labs member.*
>> I am sad because our Code of Conduct is not sufficient to deal with these
>> situations and other than Walter no other SLOB notice me needing the
>> addition of the anti-harassment Policy earlier.
>> It is necessary we make a *list of acceptable and unacceptably behaviors
>> within Sugar Labs communication channels *so we can add that to the
>> Sugar Labs Code of Conduct.
>> In this case Caryl might be unaware: in our culture, it is completely
>> unacceptable to mention someone's mother.
>> Sebastian's mother is my mother in law, a real person.
>> So my petition is: to send Caryl a first warning for moderation and a
>> suggestion to apologize to Sebastian.
>> Thank you for your consideration.
>> Regards,
>> Laura V
>> 2017-10-04 19:34 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho :
>>> Sebastian,
>>> In my culture and, possibly in James's culture, accusations such as this
>>> one you are making against James, and the one Laura made against me a few
>>> weeks ago, are considered "harassment"... actually, extreme harassment.
>> Caryl,
>> We are far from understanding what your culture is.
>>> You are denying us the freedom to express our opinions or feelings in a
>>> rational way without fearing reprisals and intimidation as what the two of
>>> you have chosen to do.
>> We are all adults here (at least will be after Samson turns 18 on
>>> Halloween 😊 ). It's time we start acting like adults and stop "running
>>> to Mommie!"
>> In my culture you can be a "Grannie" but it would still be* extremelly
>> rude and disrespectful*l to talk about someone's mother.
>> I may have to make you realize this person you are talking about ac

[IAEP] Arbitration request: Caryl Bigenho a first warning for moderation [WAS: Re: Improving our Code of Conduct (was: Re: Code of Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs)

2017-10-04 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear SLOBs and community members;

cc Ombusman

We need to clearly state every member when interacting within the Sugar
Labs project channels is expected to serve as an example for children.

This is logical as within Sugar Labs, children make software,
documentation, art, testing, etc.

*I am sad because today, again, me and my family have been mistreated on a
Sugar Labs mailing list by a Sugar Labs member.*
I am sad because our Code of Conduct is not sufficient to deal with these
situations and other than Walter no other SLOB notice me needing the
addition of the anti-harassment Policy earlier.

It is necessary we make a *list of acceptable and unacceptably behaviors
within Sugar Labs communication channels *so we can add that to the Sugar
Labs Code of Conduct.

In this case Caryl might be unaware: in our culture, it is completely
unacceptable to mention someone's mother.

Sebastian's mother is my mother in law, a real person.

So my petition is: to send Caryl a first warning for moderation and a
suggestion to apologize to Sebastian.

Thank you for your consideration.


Laura V

2017-10-04 19:34 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho :

> Sebastian,
> In my culture and, possibly in James's culture, accusations such as this
> one you are making against James, and the one Laura made against me a few
> weeks ago, are considered "harassment"... actually, extreme harassment.


We are far from understanding what your culture is.

> You are denying us the freedom to express our opinions or feelings in a
> rational way without fearing reprisals and intimidation as what the two of
> you have chosen to do.
We are all adults here (at least will be after Samson turns 18 on
Halloween 😊 ).
> It's time we start acting like adults and stop "running to Mommie!"
In my culture you can be a "Grannie" but it would still be* extremelly rude
and disrespectful*l to talk about someone's mother.

I may have to make you realize this person you are talking about actually

We are a family.


> --
> *From:* IAEP  on behalf of Sebastian
> Silva 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7:41 PM
> *To:* James Cameron; Laura Vargas
> *Cc:* iaep; SLOBs
> *Subject:* [IAEP] Improving our Code of Conduct (was: Re: Code of Conduct
> Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs)
> Hi,
> I had asked that we discuss changes to our Code of Conduct in a wiki page
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Conduct> I have worked on,
> where I put the result of a lot of research.
> The time I spent, back in January, on this document, is because I myself
> felt not only harassed but threatened. It came as a realization then, that
> perhaps more people have had similar experiences and have abandoned Sugar
> Labs because they were less tenacious than others. Hopefully you'll find
> the references I put there (beyond geek feminism) interesting. They
> represent a broad spectrum of approaches to making a community more
> welcoming.
> I found our current Code of Conduct
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Legal/Code_of_Conduct> was not
> sufficient because (1) it is vague and difficult to evaluate when it's been
> infringed. Cultures vary widely with regard to what is *considerate*,
> *respectful*, *collaborative*, and *flexible*. It would be much better if
> specific acceptable or not acceptable behaviors were listed. (2) There is
> no defined procedure on how to report a problem and what the expected
> outcome, timeline, or response could be. (3) There's no defined solution or
> action such as warning or temporarily moderating a person to signal bad
> behavior.
> James, you insist on victimizing yourself and have a confrontational form
> of writing. Perhaps I'm misreading you. Please improve your tone. I have
> only seen vague complaints on the alleged dispute (*"rate of posting and
> Wiki editing"*, and *"use of many paths to achieve your goals"*).
> If all of this is because I had the audacity to merge an icon, I feel your
> attitude is disproportionate, unfair and itself sufficient for a complaint.
> Trying to flag my github profile seems particularly aggressive and harmful,
> considering the market use of such profiles.
> The trademarked icon has already been reinstated in master branch, but my
> valid concern (that neither Sugar Labs nor downstream distributors have
> permission to use it), has not been resolved. I raised the same question
> openly in 2016, and you responded with sarcasm
> <http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2016-04-01T19:01:31#i_2864254>.
> I don't think this is acceptable.
> At the moment I don&#

Re: [IAEP] Code of Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs

2017-10-03 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-27 13:03 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> FWIW, the current Sugar Labs code of conduct is available in the wiki here:
> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Legal/Code_of_Conduct
> And translated into Spanish here:
> http://co.sugarlabs.org/go/C%C3%B3digo_de_Conducta

Spanish link is broke.

> @Laura, maybe you could explain why you think the current code of conduct
> is insufficient as regards harassment?
> regards.
> -walter
I think current Code of Conduct is insufficient because there is no
procedure to follow in case of Harassment.

Sugar Labs Code of Conduct currently states:

" The Oversight Board will arbitrate in any dispute over the conduct of a
member of the community."

So, what happens in case of Harassment?

Harassment is not a dispute.

The Anti-harassment Policy proposed clearly defines what Community shall
understand as Harassment and what Community member can do about it if
he/she finds in such situation.

Sugar Labs needs to be a place where anyone can speak freely, without fear.

To include a Diversity statement
<https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/diversity> would also help
encourage participation by everyone.


Laura V

> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 12:21 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Hello all, Hola a todos,
>> [Thanks in advance to volunteer translators of this message]
>> I would like to propose a Motion for: "The Sugar Labs Code of Conduct to
>> include the Geek Feminism Community anti-harassment Policy
>> <http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Community_anti-harassment/Policy>
>> and to dispose resources (if needed) for the complete text to be translated
>> to Sugar supported languages. This Policy contemplates the existence of a
>> RESPONSE TEAM and defining a way and procedure to contact them.
>> Hope to hear opinions and feedback from all Sugar Labs members.
>> Hopefully volunteers to integrate the RESPONSE TEAM.
>> According to Geek Feminism
>> <http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Geek_Feminism_Wiki> anti-harassment
>> Policy, harassment includes:
>>- Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and
>>expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness,
>>neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or 
>> religion.
>>- Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and
>>practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and
>>- Deliberate misgendering or use of ‘dead’ or rejected names.
>>- Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behaviour  in spaces where
>>they’re not appropriate.
>>- Physical contact and simulated physical contact (eg, textual
>>descriptions like “*hug*” or “*backrub*”) without consent or after a
>>request to stop.
>>- Threats of violence.
>>- Incitement of violence towards any individual, including
>>encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm.
>>- Deliberate intimidation.
>>- Stalking or following.
>>- Harassing photography or recording, including logging online
>>activity for harassment purposes.
>>- Sustained disruption of discussion.
>>- Unwelcome sexual attention.
>>- Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as
>>requesting/assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others
>>- Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease.
>>- Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without
>>their consent except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from
>>intentional abuse.
>>- Publication of non-harassing private communication.
>> Anti-harassment policy text Shorter version
>> COMMUNITY NAME is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for
>> everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual
>> orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or
>> religion. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.
>> This code of conduct applies to all COMMUNITY NAME spaces, including
>> [list, eg "our mailing lists and IRC channel"], both online and off. Anyone
>> who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these
>> spaces at the discretion of the RESPONSE TEAM.
>> Some COMMUNITY NAME spaces may have additional rules in place, which will
>> be made clearly available to participants. Participants are responsible for
>> knowing and abiding by these rules.
>> Longer 

Re: [IAEP] MOTION: Google Mentor Stipends Distribution To Re: Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget Request

2017-10-02 Thread Laura Vargas

I believe I have good news to you.

I checked the logs and it turns SLOBS did approve mentor's stipends
distribution back on June 2016:

AGREED MOTION 2016-34 Walter Bender, posting motion initially drafted by
Dave Crossland Whereas it is the general policy of Sugar Labs to retain all
GSoC mentoring stipends in the General Fund, if a mentor asks a GSoC Admin
(for example in 2016, Walter or Lionel) to pay a stipend to a mentor, their
share of the stipend amount will be disbursed without further motions to
approve the spending. The share is calculated from the total awarded for
the GSoC slot by Google, minus 10% (as all Sugar Labs income is donated to
Software Freedom Conservancy for organisational services), minus 5%
(retained for Sugar Labs General Funds), divided by the number of mentors
for the project. For example, in a year with 6 slots and 10 mentors at
$500, the total revenue is $3,000; 10% for Conservancy is $300 and 5% for
Sugar Labs is $150, leaving a total of $2,550 or $255 per mentor. (5 votes
for, 1 against, 1 abstain, see



2017-10-02 14:42 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 8:19 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Samson
>> Everyone's time is precious so please understand I am giving you
>> solutions.
>> The Mentor's summit is already US$ 210 over-budget and we haven't
>> considered the the other travelers needs.
>> Do second the motion am proposing so we can vote.
>> If approved you will be entitled to direct Sugar Labs with your
>> correspondent mentor Stipend and other mentors as well.
>> *Motion: To enable each Google Mentor to decide how Sugar Labs should
>> execute (spend/invest) their respective stipend. This will apply
>> retroactively to all Sugar Labs - Google mentors stipends over the years we
>> have participated.*
> Well, i don't agree on this motion.. Maybe someone else can second it.
> I believe we should be *deciding* if mentors can keep the stiped every
> year. Not permanent!!  I don't see any reason to look back (past years). So
> if you would modify the motion to fit in my suggestion, then i can second
> it for voting.
> FYI, i have $2550 approved by SLOBS for travel. All i want is the balance
> from the $2550
> So far, my flight costs are as follows..
> 1. Emirates - $1,279.14
> 2. JetBlue - 161.20
> 3. Arik Air (local flight) - $143
> Totalled $1583.34 - $2550 = $966.66,
> So can SFC give me $966.66 from the budget allocated for me?
> Adam is not here yet to give SFC the approval.
> I don't need any argument again.. Because up till now, i don't have my
> travel advance with me and my flights has been booked.
>> Regards
>> 2017-10-02 13:56 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>>> I hope the SLOBs will see that the right thing to do is provide
>>>>> sufficient funds for Samson to have a safe and productive trip.
>>>> Samson wished to travel via British airways arriving in London and that
>>>> had a Budget approved.
>>>> *SLOB's cannot be pointed as responsible for Samson's decision to
>>>> change his itinerary.*
>>>> If Adam made a suggestions is irrelevant as the end it was Samson who
>>>> decides his itinerary (including the risky delays, etc)
>>>> SLOBs has done all possible within the limited information we have.
>>> Then Laura, can you have SFC send me the $966.66 to cover the ~$1125 as
>>> part of the $2550 approved by SLOBS?
>>> SFC just need someone other than me to confirm this payment. I don't
>>> have time to be arguing with the Board decision, because i find it
>>> pointless, since i am personally attacked given my history for asking for
>>> travel support.
>>> All this argument is pointless, because it is eating up my time
>>> Adam (be the liaison person has been M.I.A for the past 3 days)
>>> So laura, can you tell the SFC to give me $966.66 that was remaining
>>> from the approved $2550?
>>> Do you want to reconside

[IAEP] MOTION: Google Mentor Stipends Distribution To Re: Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget Request

2017-10-02 Thread Laura Vargas

Everyone's time is precious so please understand I am giving you solutions.

The Mentor's summit is already US$ 210 over-budget and we haven't
considered the the other travelers needs.

Do second the motion am proposing so we can vote.

If approved you will be entitled to direct Sugar Labs with your
correspondent mentor Stipend and other mentors as well.

*Motion: To enable each Google Mentor to decide how Sugar Labs should
execute (spend/invest) their respective stipend. This will apply
retroactively to all Sugar Labs - Google mentors stipends over the years we
have participated.*


2017-10-02 13:56 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>>> I hope the SLOBs will see that the right thing to do is provide
>>> sufficient funds for Samson to have a safe and productive trip.
>> Samson wished to travel via British airways arriving in London and that
>> had a Budget approved.
>> *SLOB's cannot be pointed as responsible for Samson's decision to change
>> his itinerary.*
>> If Adam made a suggestions is irrelevant as the end it was Samson who
>> decides his itinerary (including the risky delays, etc)
>> SLOBs has done all possible within the limited information we have.
> Then Laura, can you have SFC send me the $966.66 to cover the ~$1125 as
> part of the $2550 approved by SLOBS?
> SFC just need someone other than me to confirm this payment. I don't have
> time to be arguing with the Board decision, because i find it pointless,
> since i am personally attacked given my history for asking for travel
> support.
> All this argument is pointless, because it is eating up my time
> Adam (be the liaison person has been M.I.A for the past 3 days)
> So laura, can you tell the SFC to give me $966.66 that was remaining from
> the approved $2550?
> Do you want to reconsider your vote for the extra $200($1,166) which i
> have been asking for almost 4 days?
> You need to vote on either one.. And someone should tell SFC to approve
> either so i can get the money this week for crying out loud.
> Thanks in Advance
>> We know 3 Sugar Labs mentor travelers should be registered for the Summit
>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6hUaXucUOs>, still we have not get any
>> other request just Samon's.
>> SFC accountability already required SLOBs to submit the complete Budget
>> but we have no answer for them.
>> I hope this gets resolved soon so that our 3 mentors can enjoy three
>> days of community building and lots of fun.
>> <https://opensource.googleblog.com/2017/09/the-mentors-of-google-summer-of-code.html>
>> Regards
>> Laura
>> Caryl
>>> --
>>> *From:* IAEP  on behalf of Laura
>>> Vargas 
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 2, 2017 10:35:08 AM
>>> *To:* Walter Bender
>>> *Cc:* iaep; SLOBs
>>> *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget
>>> Request
>>> 2017-10-01 15:32 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>>> On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Correction to previous email:
>>>>> *That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
>>>>> expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970 - US$2,000-US$630-US$550] not including
>>>>> yet Traveler No2 needs.*
>>>>> Regards!
>>>>> 2017-10-01 14:18 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :
>>>>>> Dear Google Mentors Summit Program Managers,
>>>>>> It is my understanding you both are co-administrators of the Google
>>>>>> Mentors Summit for Mentors funds.
>>>>>> Lack of a complete Travel Budget may be causing SLOBs not to be able
>>>>>> to make further decisions about the mentor's needs versus the mentor's
>>>>>> Budget..
>>>>>> So far what we (SLOBs) know is:
>>>>>> 01 Google donation [US$ 3,300 - 10% SFC = US$ 2,970] was meant for

Re: [IAEP] Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget Request

2017-10-02 Thread Laura Vargas
> I hope the SLOBs will see that the right thing to do is provide sufficient
> funds for Samson to have a safe and productive trip.

Samson wished to travel via British airways arriving in London and that had
a Budget approved.

*SLOB's cannot be pointed as responsible for Samson's decision to change
his itinerary.*

If Adam made a suggestions is irrelevant as the end it was Samson who
decides his itinerary (including the risky delays, etc)

SLOBs has done all possible within the limited information we have.

We know 3 Sugar Labs mentor travelers should be registered for the Summit
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6hUaXucUOs>, still we have not get any
other request just Samon's.

SFC accountability already required SLOBs to submit the complete Budget but
we have no answer for them.

I hope this gets resolved soon so that our 3 mentors can enjoy three days
of community building and lots of fun.



> ----------
> *From:* IAEP  on behalf of Laura Vargas
> *Sent:* Monday, October 2, 2017 10:35:08 AM
> *To:* Walter Bender
> *Cc:* iaep; SLOBs
> *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget Request
> 2017-10-01 15:32 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>> On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Laura Vargas 
>> wrote:
>>> Correction to previous email:
>>> *That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
>>> expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970 - US$2,000-US$630-US$550] not including
>>> yet Traveler No2 needs.*
>>> Regards!
>>> 2017-10-01 14:18 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :
>>>> Dear Google Mentors Summit Program Managers,
>>>> It is my understanding you both are co-administrators of the Google
>>>> Mentors Summit for Mentors funds.
>>>> Lack of a complete Travel Budget may be causing SLOBs not to be able to
>>>> make further decisions about the mentor's needs versus the mentor's 
>>>> Budget..
>>>> So far what we (SLOBs) know is:
>>>> 01 Google donation [US$ 3,300 - 10% SFC = US$ 2,970] was meant for two
>>>> travelers.
>> This is incorrect. We are sending 3 people to the Summit. One is
>> traveling from Nigeria, one is traveling from France, and one from San
>> Francisco. I don't know what the travel from France entails. The debate
>> over the travel from Nigeria continues. The travel from San Francisco will
>> cost Sugar Labs US$0.
>> 02 There is a reimbursement request for US$630 for paying back money
>>>> advanced to Traveler No1 Samson by one Sugar Labs member.
>>>> 03 Additionally, with decision 2017-17 *SLOBs*
>>>> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions#2017-09-20>*
>>>> approved Samson's traveling plans* for 3 days of Google Summit in the
>>>> City of San Francisco with US$2,000 for an airplane ticket and US$550 as a
>>>> cash advance.
>>>> *That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
>>>> expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970-US$630-US$550] not including yet
>>>> Traveler No2 needs.*
>> Not accounted for in your calculations is the additional $4500 that
>> Google gave to Sugar Labs on behalf of the GSoC mentors. IMHO, it is not at
>> all unreasonable to put some of those discretionary funds towards mentor
>> travel.
> I did not account for the mentor's stipends because historically mentors
> have not been authorized by SLOBS to decide how Sugar Labs should proceed
> with their stipends and therefore Stipends have been sent to Sugar Labs
> general fund.
> I guess the Board could consider a Motion that enables each Google Mentor
> to decide how Sugar Labs should execute (spend/invest) their respective
> stipend. Of course in order to be fair it would need to be a retroactive to
> all Sugar Labs - Google mentors stipends over the years we have
> participated.
> Motion: To enable each Google Mentor to decide how Sugar Labs should
> execute (spend/invest) their respective stipend. This will apply
> retroactively to all Sugar Labs - Google mentors stipends over the years we
> have participated.
> Looking for solutions,
> Laura V
>> regards.

Re: [IAEP] Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget Request

2017-10-02 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-10-01 15:32 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Correction to previous email:
>> *That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
>> expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970 - US$2,000-US$630-US$550] not including
>> yet Traveler No2 needs.*
>> Regards!
>> 2017-10-01 14:18 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :
>>> Dear Google Mentors Summit Program Managers,
>>> It is my understanding you both are co-administrators of the Google
>>> Mentors Summit for Mentors funds.
>>> Lack of a complete Travel Budget may be causing SLOBs not to be able to
>>> make further decisions about the mentor's needs versus the mentor's Budget..
>>> So far what we (SLOBs) know is:
>>> 01 Google donation [US$ 3,300 - 10% SFC = US$ 2,970] was meant for two
>>> travelers.
> This is incorrect. We are sending 3 people to the Summit. One is traveling
> from Nigeria, one is traveling from France, and one from San Francisco. I
> don't know what the travel from France entails. The debate over the travel
> from Nigeria continues. The travel from San Francisco will cost Sugar Labs
> US$0.
> 02 There is a reimbursement request for US$630 for paying back money
>>> advanced to Traveler No1 Samson by one Sugar Labs member.
>>> 03 Additionally, with decision 2017-17 *SLOBs*
>>> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions#2017-09-20>*
>>> approved Samson's traveling plans* for 3 days of Google Summit in the
>>> City of San Francisco with US$2,000 for an airplane ticket and US$550 as a
>>> cash advance.
>>> *That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
>>> expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970-US$630-US$550] not including yet Traveler
>>> No2 needs.*
> Not accounted for in your calculations is the additional $4500 that Google
> gave to Sugar Labs on behalf of the GSoC mentors. IMHO, it is not at all
> unreasonable to put some of those discretionary funds towards mentor travel.

I did not account for the mentor's stipends because historically mentors
have not been authorized by SLOBS to decide how Sugar Labs should proceed
with their stipends and therefore Stipends have been sent to Sugar Labs
general fund.

I guess the Board could consider a Motion that enables each Google Mentor
to decide how Sugar Labs should execute (spend/invest) their respective
stipend. Of course in order to be fair it would need to be a retroactive to
all Sugar Labs - Google mentors stipends over the years we have

Motion: To enable each Google Mentor to decide how Sugar Labs should
execute (spend/invest) their respective stipend. This will apply
retroactively to all Sugar Labs - Google mentors stipends over the years we
have participated.

Looking for solutions,

Laura V

> regards.
> -walter
>>> I hope the 2 mentors can participate and secure a nice experience during
>>> the Summit.
>>> Please do share a complete travel Budget for all the travelers with all
>>> costs associated at your earliest convenience.
>>> Regards and happy Sunday,
>>> --
>>> Laura V.
>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>> Happy Learning!
>>> #LearningByDoing
>>> #Projects4good
>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget Request

2017-10-01 Thread Laura Vargas
Correction to previous email:

*That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970 - US$2,000-US$630-US$550] not including yet
Traveler No2 needs.*


2017-10-01 14:18 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :

> Dear Google Mentors Summit Program Managers,
> It is my understanding you both are co-administrators of the Google
> Mentors Summit for Mentors funds.
> Lack of a complete Travel Budget may be causing SLOBs not to be able to
> make further decisions about the mentor's needs versus the mentor's Budget..
> So far what we (SLOBs) know is:
> 01 Google donation [US$ 3,300 - 10% SFC = US$ 2,970] was meant for two
> travelers.
> 02 There is a reimbursement request for US$630 for paying back money
> advanced to Traveler No1 Samson by one Sugar Labs member.
> 03 Additionally, with decision 2017-17 *SLOBs*
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions#2017-09-20>*
> approved Samson's traveling plans* for 3 days of Google Summit in the
> City of San Francisco with US$2,000 for an airplane ticket and US$550 as a
> cash advance. I
> *That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
> expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970-US$630-US$550] not including yet Traveler
> No2 needs.*
> I hope the 2 mentors can participate and secure a nice experience during
> the Summit.
> Please do share a complete travel Budget for all the travelers with all
> costs associated at your earliest convenience.
> Regards and happy Sunday,
> --
> Laura V.
> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> ~ L. Victoria
> Happy Learning!
> #LearningByDoing
> #Projects4good
> #IDesignATSugarLabs
> #WeCanDoBetter

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Google Mentors Summit Complete Travel Budget Request

2017-10-01 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Google Mentors Summit Program Managers,

It is my understanding you both are co-administrators of the Google Mentors
Summit for Mentors funds.

Lack of a complete Travel Budget may be causing SLOBs not to be able to
make further decisions about the mentor's needs versus the mentor's Budget..

So far what we (SLOBs) know is:

01 Google donation [US$ 3,300 - 10% SFC = US$ 2,970] was meant for two
02 There is a reimbursement request for US$630 for paying back money
advanced to Traveler No1 Samson by one Sugar Labs member.
03 Additionally, with decision 2017-17 *SLOBs*
approved Samson's traveling plans* for 3 days of Google Summit in the City
of San Francisco with US$2,000 for an airplane ticket and US$550 as a cash
advance. I

*That means this year program Google's program Budget has already over
expended** US$ 210 [US$ 2,970-US$630-US$550] not including yet Traveler No2

I hope the 2 mentors can participate and secure a nice experience during
the Summit.

Please do share a complete travel Budget for all the travelers with all
costs associated at your earliest convenience.

Regards and happy Sunday,

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Election's 2017-2019 Stage V #Action Required: To run election using Civs [was:Re: [Systems] #Action Required: Election's 2017-2019 Stage IV Decision on Tool/Platform/server to be used [WAS:Re:

2017-10-01 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Ignacio,

Regarding the tool to be used, the decision has been completed thanks to
all Committee members that gave their vote to clearly define this decision:

Civs now has majority of votes:

Ignacio, Samson
<http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/systems/2017-September/005677.html> and

To read more about Civs: http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/

*To create a Poll at Civs: http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/civs_create.html

*Procedure Notes:*
01 There are eight candidates
<http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020182.html> and 151
voting members <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Members/List>
ratified by the Membership and Elections Committee.
02 According to the calendar, election ends at the end of the day October
15, 2017
03 It would be ideal to have the Poll available in more languages. Please,
if possible, check if there is a setting to have the Poll in multiple

Ignacio, thank you again for doing this and please share with Systems and
the Committee any need/question/report you could have on the way.

Thank you as well to all other Committee members for your time and
dedication to make this election happen. For those of you who have the
technical skills, please be supportive in case Ignacio has any technical
assistance setting the Poll.

Thank you as well to all others who contributed with their time and
experience to mentor our Committee sharing  their perspectives and
experiences. Special thanks to Dave Crossland, James Cameron, Frederick
Groose and Luke Faraone.


Regards and happy election!

Laura Victoria

2017-09-30 7:10 GMT-05:00 Chihurumnaya Ibiam :

> I've been convinced that we should use Civs, so +1 or Civs.
> --
> Ibiam Chihurumnaya 
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 9:16 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Hello all Committee members,
>> As the countdown
>> <https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20171001T00&p0=> for
>> election approaches it has become critical we decide regarding the
>> technical tool we will use so Ignacio can set it up.
>> So far AFAIK we have:
>> 1 vote ( Ibiam
>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/systems/2017-September/005655.html>
>> ) for Loomio and
>> 1 vote (Ignacio
>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/systems/2017-September/005661.html>)
>> for Civs.
>> I recused myself as I don;t have enough technical expertise to take an
>> informed decision.
>> If you guys have made a vote (Hrishi, Pericherla, Samson) and I have miss
>> it please share it again.
>> *In the meanwhile, Ignacio since this is your task and there is no strong
>> opposition to your preferences, please proceed to prepare for sending the
>> elections ballots to the Sugar Labs Members List. Please share details as
>> you go.*
>> There are still memberships request in queue and I thank in advance all
>> Committee members who are helping out attending membership's requests and
>> keeping updated the wiki.
>> Once we have finished processing all memberships requested before the
>> deadline set by SLOBs (September 27, 2017), we will be ready to share and
>> use the updated voting members list with the Community.
>> We are doing a fine team work :D
>> Thank you all.
>> Laura V
>> 2017-09-25 7:20 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>>> Yes, i remember you mention that to me. What are you proposing?
>>> On Sep 25, 2017 1:17 PM, "Ignacio Rodríguez" 
>>> wrote:
>>>> tl;dr guys I don't have time to read everything now (I've got a Job and
>>>> I spend my after job hours in something else).
>>>> So I would prefer if we could use something stable that has been used
>>>> in the past; that doesn't require us "experimenting".
>>>> Thx.
>>>> ‌
>>>> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 5:20 AM, Chihurumnaya Ibiam <
>>>> ibiamchihurumn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I just updated the wiki link, *@Pericherla, @Hrishi*, please edit it
>>>>> and link your name to your user page.
>>>>> *Ibiam Chihurumnaya*

[IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee sharing Member's List Update

2017-09-30 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Sugar Labs Community,

CC to IAEP, Systems, Oversight Board, Dave, Frederick,

*Member's List Update*

Since September 11th's members list publication, 6 members were added to
Sugar Labs member's list:

- Pericherla Seetarama Raju: Membership requested on September 7, 2017
- Hrishi Patel: Membership requested on September 11, 2017
- German Ruiz: Membership requested on September 15, 2017
- Alex Kleider: Membership requested on September 18, 2017
- Williams Campos: Membership requested on September 27, 2017
- Norma Luisa Risco Mora: Membership requested on September 27, 2017

For a new total of *151 Sugar Labs members*

1 Aaron Borden
2 Adam Holt
3 Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
4 Alejandro Gonzalez Barrera
5 Alex Kleider
6 Alexander Dupuy
7 Alfonso de la Guarda
8 Ana Cichero Mildwurf
9 Andreas Gros
10 Andres Aguirre
11 Andrés Ambrois
12 Aneesh Dogra
13 Anish Mangal
14 Anne Gentle
15 Antonio Carlos
16 Anurag Goel
17 Asaf Paris Mandoki
18 Avni Khatri
19 Benjamin Berg
20 Benjamin Mako Hill
21 Bernie Innocenti
22 Bert Freudenberg
23 Bill Bogstad
24 Bob Stepno
25 Carla Gomez Monroy
26 Carol Lerche
27 Carol Ruth Silver
28 Caryl Bigenho
29 Chris Ball
30 Chris Leonard
31 Christoph Derndorfer
32 Claudia Urrea
33 Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
34 Daksh Shah
35 Dan Williams
36 Dan Winship
37 Daniel Castelo
38 Daniel Francis
39 David Van Assche
40 David Wallace
41 Devin Ulibarri
42 Edward Cherlin
43 Eli Heuer
44 Enrique Mayorga González
45 Erik Blankinship
46 Frederick Grose
47 Gary Martin
48 George Hunt
49 Gerald Ardito
50 German Ruiz
51 Greg DeKoenigsberg
52 Greg Smith
53 Guillaume Desmottes
54 Harriet Vidyasagar
55 Henry Hardy
56 Henry Holtzman
57 Hernan Pachas
58 Hilary Naylor
59 Hrishi Patel
60 I. T. Daniher
61 Iain Davidson
62 Ian Bicking
63 Ibiam Chihurumnaya
64 Ifeanyi Mattew
65 Ignacio Rodríguez
66 Irma Couretot
67 James F. Carroll
68 James Simmons
69 Jean Piché
70 Jecel Assumpcao
71 Jhan Carlo Perez Ramirez
72 Jim Gettys
73 John Watlington
74 Jose Antonio Rocha
75 Jose Miguel Garcia
76 Juan Camilo Lema
77 June Kleider
78 Kaif Khan
79 Kevin Cole
80 Kim Rose
81 Laura Victoria Vargas
82 Lionel Laske
83 Luis Patricio Acevedo Jimenez
84 Luke Faraone
85 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
86 Manu Cornet
87 Manusheel Gupta
88 Marc Maurer
89 Marco Pesenti Gritti
90 Marcos Orfila
91 Mariah ELi
92 Martin Abente Lahaye
93 Martin Dengler
94 Martin Langhoff
95 Matt Lee
96 Mel Chua
97 Michael Ohayon
98 Michael Stone
99 Nathanael Lécaudé
100 Neyder Achahuanco
101 Noah Kantrowitz
102 Norma Luisa Risco Mora
103 Olivier Bélanger
104 Pablo Baqués
105 Pablo Flores
106 Pacita Peña
107 Paulo Drummond
108 Pericherla Seetarama Raju
109 Peter Robinson
110 Phil Bordelon
111 Rabi Karmacharya
112 Rafael Cordano
113 Rafael Ortiz
114 Raffael Reichelt
115 Ralph Hyre
116 Raul Hugo
117 Rita Freudenberg
118 Rosamel Ramirez
119 Sam Parkinson
120 Sameer Verma
121 Samson Goddy
122 Samuel (SJ) Klein
123 Samuel Cantero
124 Samuel Greenfeld
125 Sanchit Bansal
126 Sandra Thaxter
127 Sascha Silbe
128 Sayamindu Dasgupta
129 Sean DALY
130 Sebastian Silva
131 Seth Woodworth
132 Sora Edwards
133 Stefan Unterhauser
134 T.K. Kang
135 Tabitha Roder
136 Tariq Badsha
137 Thomas C. Gilliard
138 Tim McNamara
139 Tim Moody
140 Tomeu Vizoso
141 Tony Anderson
142 Tony Forster
143 Torello Querci
144 Tymon Radzik
145 Valerie Taylor
146 Wade Brainerd
147 Walter Bender
148 Williams Campos
149 Yamile Susana Galvis Rizo
150 Yannick Warnier
151 Yoshiki Ohshima

Welcome to all the new members and special thanks to all Membership and
elections Committee for your contributions and hard work!

*Procedure Notes:*

01- The Sugar Labs member's list is kept both on the sugarlabs-vote mailing
list (with emails) and on the Sugar Labs wiki page
 (with out emails).
Additionally, all Sugar Labs Oversight Board members have a copy of the
file containing member's names and emails.

02- There are other memberships request pending to be approved for the
period, still they were made after the September 27 deadline set by the
Board and therefore are not eligible to participate in current elections.


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Technical Service Request - Project: Sugar Network

2017-09-29 Thread Laura Vargas
Thank you very much Sameer!

I have updated the wiki decisions
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions#2017-04-21> page
and hope to schedule the maintenance tasks for Sugar Network implementation
in Perú ASAP.

Achieving sustainability in the future will depend on the implementation
team's capacity to understand, follow and complete the upstreaming process
so that specific design features that have proof to facilitate
collaborative learning on Sugar Network make it to the latest version of
Sugar and therefore expand on more territories.

Regards and thank you once more to all board members that supported this

Laura V

2017-09-28 21:29 GMT-05:00 Sameer Verma :

> Sorry, but I've been traveling, so didn't see this.
> For a one time maintenance, I'll give it a +1. However, this project
> needs to find better ways to sustain.
> Sameer
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 8:35 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 2017-09-26 21:44 GMT-05:00 Chris Leonard :
> >>
> >> top-posting because of thread length.
> >>
> >> 1) The original request was posted 2017-04-02, how urgent can it really
> be
> >> if it has been impossible to find someone to step up and volunteer 20
> >> minutes to do this in the past six months?
> >
> >
> > Unfortunately in Perú we had a +2 months Teacher's Strike after mid-term
> > vacations. Current political climate at Min-Edu is very unstable and
> slowly
> > classes are going back to normal. Now that learners are back to schools,
> > they are back working within Sugar Network.
> >>
> >>
> >> 2) Has any other maintenance been performed on this server in the last
> six
> >> months?  If yes, why has CAPTCHA not been added already?  If no, is this
> >> truly a viable service if no one will maintain it?
> >
> >
> > Samuel and Sebastian have help with the main maintenance of the server
> where
> > it is hosted. Still, the maintenance we need now is on the code and the
> data
> > base.
> >
> >>
> >> 3)  What is the justification for $500 in costs when it takes 7 steps
> and
> >> 20 minutes to implement reCAPTCHA according the developer's own
> estimate.
> >>
> >> https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/reCAPTCHA/index.html#0
> >>
> >
> > I guess we can do with less if necessary but it requires hours described
> in
> > the proposal. The request I made will cover re-creating a development
> > environment, integration of the captcha forms, documentation and of
> course
> > cleaning the Spam.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> 4) Is there any expiration time limit on motions to the SLOBs?   Maybe
> >> after 6 months it should go to a fresh vote as circumstances can
> obviously
> >> change?
> >
> >
> > Yes usually the window for voting is seven days. I am requesting SLOBs to
> > consider Sameer's vote if possible because l have failed to find other
> ways
> > to sponsor this maintenance.
> >
> > Thanks for your interest
> >
> > Laura V
> >
> >>
> >> cjl
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 4:54 PM, Laura Vargas 
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Dear Sameer,
> >>>
> >>> You probably missed this motion as we didn't get your vote.
> >>>
> >>> Today, we are still in need of funding due to recurrent *spam attacks*
> we
> >>> have had during previous months, and given the fact that we are
> serving a
> >>> large group of active users during the local school year, I hope the
> board
> >>> can accept your late vote.
> >>>
> >>> The motion presented by Lionel and Seconded by Samson states:
> >>>
> >>> Motion: Urgent maintenance budget of 500$ for fixing spam attacks on
> >>> Sugar Network. Detail of the tasks to do are described in the Technical
> >>> Service Request provided by Laura. It's an one shot motion to avoid
> >>> interruption of service for Sugar Network users. Further investments on
> >>> Sugar Network will be correlated to discussion about long-term support
> of
> >>> the platform.
> >>>
> >>> So far, we got:
> >>>
> >>> 3 votes on favor (Ignacio, Samson and Lionel)
> >>> 1 vote against (Walter)
> >>> 1 abstain (Adam)
> >>> 1 recuse (Laura)
> >>>
> >>> I know you hope to bring your skills and expertise to cont

[IAEP] Code of Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs

2017-09-27 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello all, Hola a todos,

[Thanks in advance to volunteer translators of this message]

I would like to propose a Motion for: "The Sugar Labs Code of Conduct to
include the Geek Feminism Community anti-harassment Policy
to dispose resources (if needed) for the complete text to be translated to
Sugar supported languages. This Policy contemplates the existence of a
RESPONSE TEAM and defining a way and procedure to contact them.

Hope to hear opinions and feedback from all Sugar Labs members.

Hopefully volunteers to integrate the RESPONSE TEAM.

According to Geek Feminism
Policy, harassment includes:

   - Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression,
   sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality,
   physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.
   - Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and
   practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and
   - Deliberate misgendering or use of ‘dead’ or rejected names.
   - Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behaviour  in spaces where
   they’re not appropriate.
   - Physical contact and simulated physical contact (eg, textual
   descriptions like “*hug*” or “*backrub*”) without consent or after a
   request to stop.
   - Threats of violence.
   - Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a
   person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm.
   - Deliberate intimidation.
   - Stalking or following.
   - Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity
   for harassment purposes.
   - Sustained disruption of discussion.
   - Unwelcome sexual attention.
   - Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming
   inappropriate levels of intimacy with others
   - Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease.
   - Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without their
   consent except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from intentional
   - Publication of non-harassing private communication.

Anti-harassment policy text Shorter version

COMMUNITY NAME is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for
everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual
orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or
religion. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.

This code of conduct applies to all COMMUNITY NAME spaces, including [list,
eg "our mailing lists and IRC channel"], both online and off. Anyone who
violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these
spaces at the discretion of the RESPONSE TEAM.

Some COMMUNITY NAME spaces may have additional rules in place, which will
be made clearly available to participants. Participants are responsible for
knowing and abiding by these rules.
Longer version

COMMUNITY NAME is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for
everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.

This code of conduct applies to all COMMUNITY NAME spaces, including [give
a list of your spaces, eg "our mailing lists and IRC channel"], both online
and off. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or
expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the RESPONSE TEAM.

Some COMMUNITY NAME spaces may have additional rules in place, which will
be made clearly available to participants. Participants are responsible for
knowing and abiding by these rules.

Harassment includes:

   - Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression,
   sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality,
   physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.
   - Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and
   practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and
   - Deliberate misgendering or use of ‘dead’ or rejected names.
   - Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behaviour  in spaces where
   they’re not appropriate.
   - Physical contact and simulated physical contact (eg, textual
   descriptions like “*hug*” or “*backrub*”) without consent or after a
   request to stop.
   - Threats of violence.
   - Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a
   person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm.
   - Deliberate intimidation.
   - Stalking or following.
   - Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity
   for harassment purposes.
   - Sustained disruption of discussion.
   - Unwelcome sexual attention.
   - Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming
   inappropriate levels of intimacy with others
   - Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease.
   - Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a pe

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Technical Service Request - Project: Sugar Network

2017-09-26 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-26 21:44 GMT-05:00 Chris Leonard :

> top-posting because of thread length.
> 1) The original request was posted 2017-04-02, how urgent can it really be
> if it has been impossible to find someone to step up and volunteer 20
> minutes to do this in the past six months?

Unfortunately in Perú we had a +2 months Teacher's Strike
after mid-term vacations. Current political climate at Min-Edu is very
unstable and slowly classes are going back to normal. Now that learners are
back to schools, they are back working within Sugar Network.

> 2) Has any other maintenance been performed on this server in the last six
> months?  If yes, why has CAPTCHA not been added already?  If no, is this
> truly a viable service if no one will maintain it?

Samuel and Sebastian have help with the main maintenance of the server
where it is hosted. Still, the maintenance we need now is on the code and
the data base.

> 3)  What is the justification for $500 in costs when it takes 7 steps and
> 20 minutes to implement reCAPTCHA according the developer's own estimate.
> https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/reCAPTCHA/index.html#0
I guess we can do with less if necessary but it requires hours described in
the proposal. The request I made will cover re-creating a development
environment, integration of the captcha forms, documentation and of course
cleaning the Spam.

> 4) Is there any expiration time limit on motions to the SLOBs?   Maybe
> after 6 months it should go to a fresh vote as circumstances can obviously
> change?

Yes usually the window for voting is seven days. I am requesting SLOBs to
consider Sameer's vote if possible because l have failed to find other ways
to sponsor this maintenance.

Thanks for your interest

Laura V

> cjl
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 4:54 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Dear Sameer,
>> You probably missed this motion as we didn't get your vote.
>> Today, we are still in need of funding due to recurrent *spam attacks* we
>> have had during previous months, and given the fact that we are serving a
>> large group of active users during the local school year, I hope the board
>> can accept your late vote.
>> The motion presented by Lionel and Seconded by Samson states:
>> Motion: Urgent maintenance budget of 500$ for fixing spam attacks on
>> Sugar Network. Detail of the tasks to do are described in the Technical
>> Service Request provided by Laura. It's an one shot motion to avoid
>> interruption of service for Sugar Network users. Further investments on
>> Sugar Network will be correlated to discussion about long-term support
>> of the platform.
>> So far, we got:
>> 3 votes on favor (Ignacio, Samson and Lionel)
>> 1 vote against (Walter)
>> 1 abstain (Adam)
>> 1 recuse (Laura)
>> I know you hope to bring your skills and expertise to contribute to the
>> strategic direction of Sugar the project, and its implementations, so I ask
>> for your support for this implementation serving +40,000 learners.
>> I hope for your positive vote.
>> Regards and blessings from Perú.
>> Laura
>> 2017-04-21 14:54 GMT-05:00 Adam Holt :
>>> I abstain as I see real arguments on both sides, and apologize I am torn.
>>> On Apr 21, 2017 3:49 PM, "Walter Bender" 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> As I have come to understand I, Laura was ineligible to vote according
>>>>> to the Conflict of Interest Policy of Conservancy.
>>>>> So, we had 6 eligible votes with the following results during the
>>>>> voting period by email:
>>>>> 3 votes on favor (Ignacio, Samson and Lionel)
>>>>> 1 vote against (Walter)
>>>>> no votes received from Adam and Sameer (count as abstentions)
>>>> I think we can wait a bit longer for Adam and Sameer to register their
>>>> votes.
>>>> -walter
>>>>> Since a clear majority on favor is required to pass a Motion[1],
>>>>> Motion has failed.
>>>>> Thank you all that supported the motion! We hope we&

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Technical Service Request - Project: Sugar Network

2017-09-26 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Sameer,

You probably missed this motion as we didn't get your vote.

Today, we are still in need of funding due to recurrent *spam attacks* we
have had during previous months, and given the fact that we are serving a
large group of active users during the local school year, I hope the board
can accept your late vote.

The motion presented by Lionel and Seconded by Samson states:

Motion: Urgent maintenance budget of 500$ for fixing spam attacks on Sugar
Network. Detail of the tasks to do are described in the Technical Service
Request provided by Laura. It's an one shot motion to avoid interruption of
service for Sugar Network users. Further investments on Sugar Network will
be correlated to discussion about long-term support of the platform.

So far, we got:

3 votes on favor (Ignacio, Samson and Lionel)
1 vote against (Walter)
1 abstain (Adam)
1 recuse (Laura)

I know you hope to bring your skills and expertise to contribute to the
strategic direction of Sugar the project, and its implementations, so I ask
for your support for this implementation serving +40,000 learners.

I hope for your positive vote.

Regards and blessings from Perú.


2017-04-21 14:54 GMT-05:00 Adam Holt :

> I abstain as I see real arguments on both sides, and apologize I am torn.
> On Apr 21, 2017 3:49 PM, "Walter Bender"  wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Laura Vargas 
>> wrote:
>>> As I have come to understand I, Laura was ineligible to vote according
>>> to the Conflict of Interest Policy of Conservancy.
>>> So, we had 6 eligible votes with the following results during the voting
>>> period by email:
>>> 3 votes on favor (Ignacio, Samson and Lionel)
>>> 1 vote against (Walter)
>>> no votes received from Adam and Sameer (count as abstentions)
>> I think we can wait a bit longer for Adam and Sameer to register their
>> votes.
>> -walter
>>> Since a clear majority on favor is required to pass a Motion[1], Motion
>>> has failed.
>>> Thank you all that supported the motion! We hope we'll find some other
>>> way.
>>> Regards and blessings to all,
>>> Laura V
>>> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Requesting_a_SLOBs_decision
>>> 2017-04-17 10:42 GMT-05:00 Ignacio Rodríguez :
>>>> Well as I said +1.
>>>> Lets hope everything gets resolved ASAP
>>>> On 4/17/17, Walter Bender  wrote:
>>>> > -1 from me. It seems an arbitrary and unscalable request.
>>>> >
>>>> > On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Laura Vargas >>> >
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> Ignacio, I believe you'll need to state your vote again :D
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Since I am the requesting party, my vote will be "abstain".
>>>> >>
>>>> >> For all other slobs that haven't vote yet: Adam, Sameer and Walter,
>>>> >> please
>>>> >> keep in mind motions need to be voted on via email within 7 days of
>>>> >> posting.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> In case any of you slobs require additional information please do
>>>> ask on
>>>> >> time.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Regards,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Laura V
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 2017-04-13 9:07 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> +1 for me.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On Apr 13, 2017 11:25 AM, "Lionel Laské" 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> Motion: Urgent maintenance budget of 500$ for fixing spam attacks
>>>> on
>>>> >>>> Sugar Network. Detail of the tasks to do are described in the
>>>> Technical
>>>> >>>> Service Request provided by Laura. It's an one shot motion to avoid
>>>> >>>> interruption of service for Sugar Network users. Further
>>>> investments on
>>>> >>>> Sugar Network will be correlated to discussion about long-term
>>>> support
>>>> >>>> of
>>>> >>>> the platform.
>>>> >>>>

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] yet another motion regarding Samson's travel

2017-09-26 Thread Laura Vargas
I don't understand why is this Google Program Management putting Samson and
Sugar Labs Community in unnecessary risks, delays and potential stressful

We voted an approve Samson travel Budget specifically for him to represent
Sugar Labs Google in Summer of Code mentor's summit in San Francisco.

No side trips have been approved for Samson to act in representation of
Sugar Labs.


With my vote I specifically requested

"I just want to make sure Samson is not going to be under unnecessary stress
or risks just because of "saving money" in his itinerary."


This is approved: US $2000 SFC prepurchase of an airline ticket and $550
towards local transport

Conservancy is expecting your itinerary within that Budget.

Anyhow, a complete Budget description for the 3 mentor travelers would be
needed to take further decisions.

Laura V

2017-09-25 7:17 GMT-05:00 Ignacio Rodríguez :

> +1 from me.
> Please lets get his flight ASAP.
> Time is essential
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] FOSS survey results 2017

2017-09-26 Thread Laura Vargas
Back on April our Community was invited to take part of the Open Source
Survey 2017.

"The Open Source Survey is an open data project by GitHub and collaborators
from academia, industry, and the broader open source community."

Survey data available for download here: http://opensourcesurvey.org/2017/

This survey was designed by GitHub with valuable input from the research
and open source communities.

I copy and pasted the following findings about the importance of
Documentation is highly valued, but often overlooked

Documentation helps orient newcomers: how to use a project, how to
contribute back, the terms of use and contribution, and the standards of
conduct in a community. Improving that documentation is an impactful way to
contribute back to open source.

   - Incomplete or outdated documentation is a pervasive problem, observed
   by 93% of respondents, yet 60% of contributors say they rarely or never
   contribute to documentation. *When you run into documentation issues,
   help a maintainer out and open a pull request that improves them.*
   - Many people participate in open source on the job, where confidence in
   the terms of use is critical. Unsurprisingly, *licenses are by far the
   most important type of documentation to both users and contributors:*
   64% say an open source license is very important in deciding whether to use
   a project, and 67% say it is very important in deciding whether to
   - *Documentation helps create inclusive communities.* Documentation that
   clearly explains a project's processes, such as contributing guides and
   codes of conduct, is valued more by groups that are underrepresented in
   open source, like women.
   - Nearly a quarter of the open source community reads and writes English
   less than ‘very well.’ *When communicating on a project, use clear and
   accessible language for people who didn’t grow up speaking English, or read

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] ACTION Required: Approval Internal Procedure definition: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"

2017-09-22 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-22 15:30 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Given the problems we have had in maintaining the membership list -- long
>>> standing contributors such as Martin removed -- I don't think it is a
>>> reliable metric for contributor.
>> MEC is working very hard to maintain the membership list in good shape
>> and avoid "problems". It is part of the Committee's regular tasks to
>> "reviews the membership list for currency once per year".
>> Sugar Labs membership is an spacial status and has privileges like the
>> voting participation.
>> It has been expressed by many members it should be our goal to increase
>> this metric
> I would like evidence of this assertion.


   - "9.1. to develop a supporting members list, by making a 'super list'
   with as many possible members as possible, such as from
   <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Special:LastUserLogin> (admins only) and
   mailman and Sugar_Labs/Members/List

Anyhow am giving up my mission to help Sugar Labs define this procedure
> "Cash Advance - Travel Policy Exemption Request". We don't have any
> successful case to study.
>> Not until the reason for Ignacio's cash advance to be denied by
>> Conservancy is shared openly we will have enough information to document
>> this procedure.
> I guess you have not read the repeated emails on this topic that I have
> sent. We have lots of work we can do as members of the oversight board to
> define our internal policies before worrying about the SFC side of the
> equation.

I have read and I agree in many terms.

My concern is that if Ignacio US$350 cash advance request did not get a
positive answer from Conservancy, what needs ot be improved from our side?



> -walter
>> regards.
>> Laura
>> -walter
>>> --
>>> Laura V.
>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>> Happy Learning!
>>> #LearningByDoing
>>> #Projects4good
>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>> --
>>> Walter Bender
>>> Sugar Labs
>>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
>>> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] ACTION Required: Approval Internal Procedure definition: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"

2017-09-22 Thread Laura Vargas
Given the problems we have had in maintaining the membership list -- long
> standing contributors such as Martin removed -- I don't think it is a
> reliable metric for contributor.

MEC is working very hard to maintain the membership list in good shape and
avoid "problems". It is part of the Committee's regular tasks to "reviews
the membership list for currency once per year".

Sugar Labs membership is an spacial status and has privileges like the
voting participation.

It has been expressed by many members it should be our goal to increase
this metric

Anyhow am giving up my mission to help Sugar Labs define this procedure
"Cash Advance - Travel Policy Exemption Request". We don't have any
successful case to study.

Not until the reason for Ignacio's cash advance to be denied by Conservancy
is shared openly we will have enough information to document this procedure.




> --
> Laura V.
> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> ~ L. Victoria
> Happy Learning!
> #LearningByDoing
> #Projects4good
> #IDesignATSugarLabs
> #WeCanDoBetter

> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Re: Sugar Design Meeting/Reunión 21 September at 11 PM UTC IRC Sugar Meeting [DESIGN]

2017-09-22 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-22 12:22 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson :

> Laura
> "Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's
> and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?"
> I would love to see all these teacher's and children's suggestions and
> ideas. Could you please share them with us?


I still don't have the procedure clear.

What happens once the teacher's and children's ideas are shared?

Looks like there is no procedure defined currently.


> Tony
> On 09/22/2017 12:25 PM, Laura Vargas wrote:
> Tony
> The fact that you don't understand the idea/proposal is not relevant.
> Please consider an answer about procedure is expected.
> What happens once we (Sugar Labs Design Team) do get the user requirement?
> Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's
> and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?
> Regards
> 2017-09-22 9:48 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson :
>> ** To be able to download new Activities directly from the User
>> Interface.*
>> I have no idea what you mean by this.  Downloading files from the
>> internet or from a school server is done by a browser (e.g. webkit). In
>> Sugar,
>> this capability is provided by the Browse activity. I think most people
>> would consider launching a browser as a normal part of the user interface
>> of their system.
>> Perhaps it would be helpful if you could describe specifically what you
>> mean by the Sugar user interface and why Browse is not part of it.
>> Tony
>> On 09/22/2017 10:22 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:
>> 2017-09-22 8:37 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson :
>>> On 09/22/2017 07:19 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:
>>>> Let's say for example a teacher on field suggests we should make
>>>> downloading new activities easy and doable from the Sugar User Interface.
>>>> What should the teacher do with his/her idea?
>>> First, we need a way for the teacher to make that request. Perhaps we
>>> need something on the SugarLabs web site that steers a user to a support
>>> forum.
>> Yes Sugar Labs Website is an example of the many ways today we can get
>> the requirements from teachers.
>> That said the solution you suggest (using another activity) doesn't
>> respond to the requirement. The requirement in the example was:
>> ** To be able to download new Activities directly from the User
>> Interface.*
>> This feature requirement needs a *design process to integrate the
>> functionality within the experience and the interface*.
>> Still, the teacher may not have the skills to do all this.
>> What happens once we (Sugar Labs Design Team) do get the user requirement?
>> Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's
>> and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?
>> Moving to IAEP as the topic is relevant to teachers not only developers
>> Regards
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
> --
> Laura V.
> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> ~ L. Victoria
> Happy Learning!
> #LearningByDoing
> #Projects4good
> #IDesignATSugarLabs
> #WeCanDoBetter

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugarlabs Membership apply - German Ruiz

2017-09-22 Thread Laura Vargas
Please consider now it takes 4 votes to add a new member.

I gave my +1 on Sep 18, 2017.

Gracias por tu paciencia y bienvenido a Sugar Labs German!

2017-09-22 10:46 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> Sorry, for the late response German. We have seen your message and will
> add you to the member's list.
> Regards
> Samson
> On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 4:16 PM, German  wrote:
>> Hello
>> I've sent this email 7 days ago, still no response from anybody.
>> Someone on the MEC will reply to your query within 2 business days. If
>> you don't get a reply after a week, please contact committee members
>> individually.
>> I'm copying IAEP list for some MEC.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> German R S
>> 2017-09-15 15:15 GMT-04:00 German :
>> > Hello:
>> >
>> > I don't know if is possible to apply for a membership of Sugarlabs by
>> > this day, if so, I would like to.
>> >
>> > Your name: German Ruiz
>> > Wiki username: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/User:Rxgerman
>> > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Germanrs
>> >
>> > GitHub username: https://github.com/germanrs
>> >
>> > I promote and distribute Sugar, through XO's, I worked with Fundacion
>> > Zamora Teran (Nicaragua) for many years (2009-2015) (40k XO's and
>> > around 150 schools by the end of 2015), and now I live in the
>> > Dominican Republic, here I support a small deployment (6 schools-750
>> > XO's).
>> >
>> > I've been part of many local projects (Fedora, Python workshops with
>> > universities).
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > --
>> > German R S
>> ___
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Re: Sugar Design Meeting/Reunión 21 September at 11 PM UTC IRC Sugar Meeting [DESIGN]

2017-09-22 Thread Laura Vargas

The fact that you don't understand the idea/proposal is not relevant.

Please consider an answer about procedure is expected.

What happens once we (Sugar Labs Design Team) do get the user requirement?

Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's
and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?


2017-09-22 9:48 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson :

> ** To be able to download new Activities directly from the User Interface.*
> I have no idea what you mean by this.  Downloading files from the internet
> or from a school server is done by a browser (e.g. webkit). In Sugar,
> this capability is provided by the Browse activity. I think most people
> would consider launching a browser as a normal part of the user interface
> of their system.
> Perhaps it would be helpful if you could describe specifically what you
> mean by the Sugar user interface and why Browse is not part of it.
> Tony
> On 09/22/2017 10:22 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:
> 2017-09-22 8:37 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson :
>> On 09/22/2017 07:19 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:
>>> Let's say for example a teacher on field suggests we should make
>>> downloading new activities easy and doable from the Sugar User Interface.
>>> What should the teacher do with his/her idea?
>> First, we need a way for the teacher to make that request. Perhaps we
>> need something on the SugarLabs web site that steers a user to a support
>> forum.
> Yes Sugar Labs Website is an example of the many ways today we can get the
> requirements from teachers.
> That said the solution you suggest (using another activity) doesn't
> respond to the requirement. The requirement in the example was:
> ** To be able to download new Activities directly from the User Interface.*
> This feature requirement needs a *design process to integrate the
> functionality within the experience and the interface*.
> Still, the teacher may not have the skills to do all this.
> What happens once we (Sugar Labs Design Team) do get the user requirement?
> Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's
> and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?
> Moving to IAEP as the topic is relevant to teachers not only developers
> Regards
> --
> Laura V.
> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> ~ L. Victoria
> Happy Learning!
> #LearningByDoing
> #Projects4good
> #IDesignATSugarLabs
> #WeCanDoBetter

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Re: Sugar Design Meeting/Reunión 21 September at 11 PM UTC IRC Sugar Meeting [DESIGN]

2017-09-22 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-22 8:37 GMT-05:00 Tony Anderson :

> On 09/22/2017 07:19 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:
>> Let's say for example a teacher on field suggests we should make
>> downloading new activities easy and doable from the Sugar User Interface.
>> What should the teacher do with his/her idea?
> First, we need a way for the teacher to make that request. Perhaps we need
> something on the SugarLabs web site that steers a user to a support forum.

Yes Sugar Labs Website is an example of the many ways today we can get the
requirements from teachers.

That said the solution you suggest (using another activity) doesn't respond
to the requirement. The requirement in the example was:

** To be able to download new Activities directly from the User Interface.*

This feature requirement needs a *design process to integrate the
functionality within the experience and the interface*.

Still, the teacher may not have the skills to do all this.

What happens once we (Sugar Labs Design Team) do get the user requirement?

Shouldn't the Design team have a clear way to process all this teacher's
and children's (users) suggestions/ideas?

Moving to IAEP as the topic is relevant to teachers not only developers


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] [DESIGN] Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar Design Meeting/Reunión 21 September at 11 PM UTC IRC Sugar Meeting [DESIGN]

2017-09-21 Thread Laura Vargas
Good day James,

Thank you for the feedback and the instructions.

2017-09-19 21:04 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :

> For the proposed agenda [1];
> a.  Upgrading Sugar UI; could you please be more specific about what
> you want the design team to do?  This will encourage participation,
> although it looks like one of the design team may be challenged by the
> date you have chosen.

Sugar Labs community has made several efforts to keep Sugar development
packages up to date. Unfortunately (for users) the design of the user
interface (UI) and the care for the user experience (UX) has not been
significantly improved over the years. For 5 years, the Sugar design team
has been dormant.

This is the trend I plan to reverse.

Sugar Labs needs an active Design Team taking care of Sugar UI and UX
aspects of usage).

*My proposal is to reactivate the Sugar Design Team and lead it to an
upgraded Sugar User Interface and Sugar User Experience.*

Our main focus needs to be maximizing Sugar and Sugar Web usability
(understanding usability as the degree to which Sugar can be used to
achieve quantified objectives with effectiveness, efficiency, and
satisfaction in a quantified context of use).

Today's meeting will be a first exploration of who is interested in this
matter and how we can all work together.

I'll try to call for a weekly Sugar Team design meeting.

> b.  Elimination of gender selection [2]; remove this agenda item, as
> it is not a design issue.  There is already reasonable consensus that
> this should be eliminated and left as a GSetting for any deployment
> that needs the feature, so could you please make a pull request for
> code review?  I never did like it myself, but Gonzalo and Walter had a
> customer require it.  That customer no longer uses Sugar.

Where the Sugar User Experience starts is totally part of the Sugar User
Experience design.

Design is not just about eliminating here and there,  we need to rethink
the whole experience from start to end so that children really benefit from
the Sugar and/or Sugar Web experience.

That said for this case, I plan to follow your procedure instructions.

> c.  Modify main icons; remove this agenda item, as it is not a design
> issue.  As a patch already exists, please port it to master branch,
> prepare it as a pull request for review and merging.  Being able to
> change icon shape as well as colour would be a great improvement.

How the Sugar UI looks like is also part of the Sugar Experience design.

I'll keep this one also in the agenda just because we need to be open to
other proposals for the "by default" main icon (s) and/or the logic to
define the initial icon and define curse of action and responsible parties
to make the calls.

> Please also add a [DESIGN] tag to the subject, which is part of our
> mailing list policy for sugar-devel@ [3].  By omitting the tag, some
> design team members may have missed your meeting announcement, and
> this would be unfair to them.
> Thanks.

I did.

Again, thanks for your feedback.

> References:
> 1.  https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Meetings
> 2.  https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar/issues/770
> 3.  http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-20 Thread Laura Vargas
Good day Dave, Adam, Samson,  Bradley, Karen and every one in Sugar Labs
supported mailing Lists <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/>.

*Please suggest a candidate for the Sugar Labs Financial Manager position
at your earliest convenience.*

I'll be in favor of anyone aligned with the Global Development Goals
financial policies to be defined in the light of a global movement of open
access to information #OpenData and #open #communications to communities
involved in their own design, development and appropriation of the contents
and technology models.

Best and wish you always the best,

Laura Victoria Vargas Perez

cc accounting SFC

2017-09-19 8:01 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :

> 2017-09-19 7:52 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 8:44 AM, Laura Vargas 
>> wrote:
>>> 2017-09-18 19:38 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:12 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> 2017-09-18 18:55 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>>>>> I don't recall off hand all of the history. But Robert Fadel, a
>>>>>> professional CPA, was one example. All of this is documented in the
>>>>>> archives of the Sugar Digest. Feel free to look there.
>>>>> I don't recall a Financial Manager ever appointed before at Sugar
>>>>> Labs.
>>>>> Would be nice to have the reference for Robert Fadel's appointment.
>>>>> You mean the IAEP mailing list?
>>>> In the spirit of ask Google, a quick search of the wiki retrieved:
>>>> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Mee
>>>> ting_Minutes-2012-01-03
>>> Yes thank you!
>>> Now I remember that was the first time I was rejected to help out with
>>> finances :D
>> While we are a volunteer organization, we try to bring professional
>> quality to our work. For example, a certified CPA to do our finances and
>> professional designers to do design when we can.
>>> During that meeting
>>> <http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2012-01-03T21:12:16>
>>> you mention:
>>> 21:17 walterbender Yes, Robert brings lots of experience.
>>> 21:18 So I proposed to both of them that Robert be the one to
>>> manage the finances and the SFC relationship and Laura work with him on
>>> strategies for the organization
>>> 21:18 They both seemed comfortable with that
>>> 21:18 Comments? Questons?
>>> Still, I never heard from Robert nor saw any financial report nor
>>> strategies shared by him.
>>> Can you add a reference to the financial reports from Robert?
> Any reference to his Financial reports?
>>> Do you remember, when did Robert quit?
>> Volunteers don't tend to quit, they fade away.
>>> Thank you in advance to help me understand better how did Robert managed
>>> the position so I can learn.
>>> Note: I don't add Robert to copy because I don't have his email.
>>> Regards
>>> Laura
>>>>>> Re removing the reference to the finance committee, why not defer to
>>>>>> whomever is appointed as the finance manager.
>>>>> If we are to keep the Committee, can I join please?
>>>> I suggest we wait until we have the new finance manager engaged before
>>>> we repopulate the committee.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Laura
>>>>>> -walter
>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 7:26 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> 2017-09-15 13:31 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>>>>>>> We appointed a few different FMs ove

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] motion to approve travel advance

2017-09-20 Thread Laura Vargas

I just want to make sure Samson is not going to be under unnecessary stress
or risks just because of "saving money" in his itinerary.

Regards and blessings

Laura V

2017-09-20 10:15 GMT-05:00 Adam Holt :

> Attention SFConservancy, Bradley Kuhn & Martin Michlmayr,
> +1 (my vote) means this will be approved with 4 (or more) of 7 votes Sugar
> Labs Oversight Board -- please proceed to assist Samson's travel planning
> as described below, Thanks!
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Ignacio Rodríguez  > wrote:
>> Same here.
>> +1
>> Please enjoy and make us proud :)
>> ‌
>> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Sameer Verma  wrote:
>>> I'll second the motion.
>>> Sameer
>>> On Sep 19, 2017 7:01 PM, "Walter Bender" 
>>> wrote:
 Alas, we have made no headway on my email regarding our travel advance
 policy [1], but we have an important decision to make as soon as possible

 As you know, we are hoping to send three representatives from Sugar
 Labs to the Google Summer of Code summit. Google has in fact allocated
 $3300 towards travel for this purpose (See [3] below). The plan of record
 was to send Cristina Del Puerto, who will be traveling from San Francisco,
 essentially at no cost, Samson Goddy, who will be traveling from Nigeria,
 and Michaël Ohayon, who will be traveling from France.

 Samson has requested that the SFC prepurchase a ticket for him, as
 detailed in [2]. He has also accrued several hundred US dollars in expenses
 in obtaining his visa, which was money lent to him by community members
 when the SLOB denied his request for a travel advance. He is also asking
 for a cash advance of US $550 to cover local transportation needs in
 Nigeria and the States [4]. It is likely that the total cost of his and
 Michaël's travel will exceed the Google budget by some hundreds of
 dollars. That said, I think it is a worthwhile investment in two dedicated
 community members. So...

 Motion: Approve a travel advance for US $2550 (US $2000 SFC prepurchase
 of an airline ticket and $550 towards local transport) for Samson Goddy's
 travel to the Google Summer of Code mentor's summit.

 Your timely response to this motion much appreciated.



 [1] http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020168.html

 [2] SLOBs,

 As you probably know, Google provides a donation of $2,700 which they
 projects use for travel for mentors and students, ideally for the Mentor

 Samson has asked us to book his flight.  It seems it will probably cost
 around $1,800, but I'm sorting out details with Samson now based on his
 in a private thread.

 I ask that Adam Holt, as Representative to Conservancy from SLOBs,
 communicate immediate approval for up to $2,000 for booking Samson's
 (prices may change by the time you send that approve, so extra budget
 is a good idea).

 Note that the budget constraint by Conservancy's travel policy in this
 is US$2,748.54 for this particular travel, but the Google funding means
 do need to get approval from you, since likely the combined travel for
 -- which includes Samson Goddy, Michaël Ohayon, and Cristina Del Puerto
 will likely, in combination, go above the $2,700 donation for this
 from Google.  Others have not sent their travel details so we don't know
 their travel costs -- if you want to set capped budgets for them as
 please do that immediately too.

 I recommend approval for all this travel -- provided that it follows
 Conservancy's main travel policy -- given the large amount of funds
 Labs has at its disposal already, but it's of course your decision.

 Martin Michlmayr

 [3] Hi GSoC Org Admins --
 As a thank you for your participation in GCI this year we want to give
 you 3 slots for mentors to send to the GSoC Mentor Summit (instead of the
 normal 2).

 We will add an additional $1100 to your GSoC mentor travel stipend
 payment (for a total of $3300 for the mentor travel stipends). Feel free to
 have the third person sign up for the Mentor Summit registration before
 September 5th, the sooner the better so we can get more folks off of the
 wait list early.

 We will of course pay for the 3rd person's room for Friday and Saturday
 nights as well so be sure they sign up for their hotel room at either the
 Sunnyvale Sheraton Hotel  or Aloft Santa Clara Hotel before September 5th.

 It would be great if you sent a mentor that was a mentor for both
 programs as your third person. The person does need to be at least 18 years

 If you have any questi

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election Candidates 2017-2019 - Stage III Closed

2017-09-19 Thread Laura Vargas
Here you can read the current candidates statements:

(Translations to other languages welcome)

Devin Ulibarri

Devin Ulibarri is a musician and an educator who became interested in
free/libre software in 2014 during research for the Center for
Music-in-Education (Boston). Devin pursued research into the implications
for "software libre in education" which led him to believe that free/libre
software is best for teaching and learning. He was soon introduced to
SugarLabs, which both empowers teachers/learners with software freedom as
well as offers tools to exercise those freedoms in a community setting.

Since his introduction to the SugarLabs community, Devin has participated
heavily in the development of Music Blocks, a programming language for
music. Within the SugarLabs community, Devin offers conceptual
recommendations, design ideas, mockups, testing, minor patches, and
community involvement on GitHub and Sugar's IRC. In his local community,
Devin has represented Music Blocks software as a workshop lecturer
(Constructionism Conference in Thailand, Canopy of Somerville) as well as a
class instructor (YMCA Malden).

As an oversight board member, Devin would bring his insight as an
experienced classroom teacher, an artist, and a free/libre software
advocate. Devin has been described as "a very patient person", which he
hopes would be a contribution to the oversight board if elected.

Walter Bender

After a decade of working on Sugar, I am reflecting on how we engage
learners. We provide programming environments (e.g., Turtle and Music
Blocks) and mechanism for debugging, collaboration, expression, and
reflection. Our adherence to the principles of Free/Libre Software provides
scaffolding for personal expression through programming and for surfacing
personal responsibility, a sense of community, and unbounded expectations
of Sugar users turned Sugar developers.

Where have we fallen short? Edtech is become big business: selling Apps and
content is more lucrative and facile than the hard work of engaging teacher
and learners in authentic problem-solving. There is a strong temptation to
make things as simple as possible so as to reach the broadest possible
audience. But some things are inherently complex. Apps might be fun, but
the hard part of “hard fun” is in reaching towards complexity.

We are going where the learners are: Sugar as a Web app, on Android, or on
iOS, (Sugarizer) and, tracking the growth of the Maker Movement, we now
support Sugar on Raspbian. “It is said that the best way to learn something
is to teach it—and perhaps writing a teaching program is better still in
its insistence on forcing one to consider all possible misunderstandings
and mistakes.” — Seymour Papert

I have made mistakes, but as part of a learning community we will do

“Homework is boring. Looking for bugs is fun.” —Ezequiel Pereira

Let's continue to provide the basis for some fun.

Sebastian Silva

The mission of the Sugar Labs Oversight Board is to ensure the community
has clarity of purpose and the means to attain its goals.

Sugar Labs needs to recognize that our community is *diverse*. Therefore,
there are diverse purposes that may be clear and at the same time opposed.

We should provide a *safe and neutral space* for dialogue on the technology
and education that underlies our projects. We need to approve and
enforce a *code
of conduct*.

Finally, the reason for Sugar Labs to exist under the SFC is to *facilitate
the flow of resources* to volunteers with valuable projects. We should
strive to open and fund open calls with funds for development,
infrastructure and end user products.
About Sebastian

Sebastian is father to two precious children that are being homeschooled in
collaboration with his dear wife and co-creator Laura Vargas.

As a child, Sebastian learned to program with Logo and soon outgrew it to
be charmed with Python and raise the flag of Free/Libre Software. He loves
writing Sugar Activities; His latest is a collaborative Python IDE
<http://educa.juegos/#sugarlabs_platform_2017> that he hopes you'll love

Currently he lives with his family in a cabin in the Amazon rainforest and
teaches Karate and videogame programming to the kids in the vicinity,
sustaining a lifestyle seeking harmony with nature and providing services
of software artisanship and systems gardening remotely.

Lionel Laské

Learn more about my background here

Like lot of you I've joined SugarLabs at the beginning of the OLPC project.
As cofounder of OLPC France grassroot <http://olpc-france.org>, I've worked
hard to deploy it on the field and contribute to expand it both in term of
activities and in term of French content. Because the OLPC project and the
XO laptop was declining year after year, I've decided 5 years ago to launch
the Sugarizer <http://sugarizer.org> initiative. My objective was 

[IAEP] Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election Candidates 2017-2019 - Stage III Closed

2017-09-19 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Sugar Labs Community,

Membership and Elections Committee is happy to report we have 8 candidates
for the 4 seats available for the 2017-2019 Sugar Labs Oversight Board

Candidates who completed successfully their wiki submissions on time are:

1. Devin Ulibarri
2. Walter Bender
3. Sebastian Silva
4. Lionel Laské
5. Sameer Verma
6. Sean Daly
7. Adam Holt
8. Claudia Urrea

You can read candidates statements at: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/

Thank you all candidates for publishing your candidacies.

*Stage IV: Elections will take place on October 1-15, 2017. *
We thank in advance to Ignacio Rodríguez
 who will be in charge
 of all
the technical procedures with the assistance of Sugar Labs infrastructure
team: systems AT list.sugarlabs.org

*Remember September 27, 2017
the deadline for new memberships request to participate on 2017-2019
elections! *

Sincerely yours,

*Sugar Labs Membership and Elections Committee*
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-19 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-19 7:52 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 8:44 AM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> 2017-09-18 19:38 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:12 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> 2017-09-18 18:55 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>>>> I don't recall off hand all of the history. But Robert Fadel, a
>>>>> professional CPA, was one example. All of this is documented in the
>>>>> archives of the Sugar Digest. Feel free to look there.
>>>> I don't recall a Financial Manager ever appointed before at Sugar Labs.
>>>> Would be nice to have the reference for Robert Fadel's appointment.
>>>> You mean the IAEP mailing list?
>>> In the spirit of ask Google, a quick search of the wiki retrieved:
>>> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Meeting_Minutes-2012-01-03
>> Yes thank you!
>> Now I remember that was the first time I was rejected to help out with
>> finances :D
> While we are a volunteer organization, we try to bring professional
> quality to our work. For example, a certified CPA to do our finances and
> professional designers to do design when we can.
>> During that meeting
>> <http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2012-01-03T21:12:16>
>> you mention:
>> 21:17 walterbender Yes, Robert brings lots of experience.
>> 21:18 So I proposed to both of them that Robert be the one to
>> manage the finances and the SFC relationship and Laura work with him on
>> strategies for the organization
>> 21:18 They both seemed comfortable with that
>> 21:18 Comments? Questons?
>> Still, I never heard from Robert nor saw any financial report nor
>> strategies shared by him.
>> Can you add a reference to the financial reports from Robert?
Any reference to his Financial reports?

>> Do you remember, when did Robert quit?
> Volunteers don't tend to quit, they fade away.
>> Thank you in advance to help me understand better how did Robert managed
>> the position so I can learn.
>> Note: I don't add Robert to copy because I don't have his email.
>> Regards
>> Laura
>>>>> Re removing the reference to the finance committee, why not defer to
>>>>> whomever is appointed as the finance manager.
>>>> If we are to keep the Committee, can I join please?
>>> I suggest we wait until we have the new finance manager engaged before
>>> we repopulate the committee.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Laura
>>>>> -walter
>>>>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 7:26 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> 2017-09-15 13:31 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>>>>>> We appointed a few different FMs over the years, none of whom panned
>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>> Can you please share any reference to this FMs appointments?
>>>>>> Shall we remove the reference to the existence of a "sugar labs
>>>>>> finance committee" on the wiki then?
>>>>>> Regards and thank you in advance.
>>>>>> Laura
>>>>>>> When Adam became our Liaison to the SFC, as I recall, he took over
>>>>>>> responsibility for financial reports.
>>>>>>> -walter
>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Laura Vargas <
>>>>>>> la...@somosazucar.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Walter,

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-19 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-18 19:38 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:12 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> 2017-09-18 18:55 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>> I don't recall off hand all of the history. But Robert Fadel, a
>>> professional CPA, was one example. All of this is documented in the
>>> archives of the Sugar Digest. Feel free to look there.
>> I don't recall a Financial Manager ever appointed before at Sugar Labs.
>> Would be nice to have the reference for Robert Fadel's appointment.
>> You mean the IAEP mailing list?
> In the spirit of ask Google, a quick search of the wiki retrieved:
> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Meeting_Minutes-2012-01-03

Yes thank you!

Now I remember that was the first time I was rejected to help out with
finances :D

During that meeting
you mention:

21:17 walterbender Yes, Robert brings lots of experience.
21:18 So I proposed to both of them that Robert be the one to
manage the finances and the SFC relationship and Laura work with him on
strategies for the organization
21:18 They both seemed comfortable with that
21:18 Comments? Questons?

Still, I never heard from Robert nor saw any financial report nor
strategies shared by him.

Can you add a reference to the financial reports from Robert?

Do you remember, when did Robert quit?

Thank you in advance to help me understand better how did Robert managed
the position so I can learn.

Note: I don't add Robert to copy because I don't have his email.



>>> Re removing the reference to the finance committee, why not defer to
>>> whomever is appointed as the finance manager.
>> If we are to keep the Committee, can I join please?
> I suggest we wait until we have the new finance manager engaged before we
> repopulate the committee.
>> Regards
>> Laura
>>> -walter
>>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 7:26 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> 2017-09-15 13:31 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>>>> We appointed a few different FMs over the years, none of whom panned
>>>>> out.
>>>> Can you please share any reference to this FMs appointments?
>>>> Shall we remove the reference to the existence of a "sugar labs finance
>>>> committee" on the wiki then?
>>>> Regards and thank you in advance.
>>>> Laura
>>>>> When Adam became our Liaison to the SFC, as I recall, he took over
>>>>> responsibility for financial reports.
>>>>> -walter
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Laura Vargas 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Walter,
>>>>>> Any chance you can clarify this?
>>>>>> Are you as Sugar Labs Finance Committee Liaison
>>>>>> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Committees>
>>>>>> responsible for publishing financial reports to Community?
>>>>>> In the light of a new board been elected it would be a nice gesture
>>>>>> for you to publish the financial reports to date.
>>>>>> If you consider this is Adam's responsibility and not yours please
>>>>>> clarify.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Laura V.
>>>>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>>>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>>>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>>>>> Happy Learning!
>>>>>> #LearningByDoing
>>>>>> #Projects4good
>>>>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>>>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>>>>> ___
>>>>>> SLOBs mailing list
>>>>>> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
>>>>> --
>>>>> Walter Bender
>>>>> Sugar Labs
>>>>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
>>>>> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>
>>>> --
>>>> Laura V.
>>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>>> Happy Learning!
>>>> #LearningByDoing
>>>> #Projects4good
>>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>> --
>>> Walter Bender
>>> Sugar Labs
>>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
>>> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Sugar Design Meeting/Reunión 21 September at 11 PM UTC IRC Sugar Meeting

2017-09-18 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-18 20:40 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 08:30:06PM -0500, Laura Vargas wrote:
> >
> > 2017-09-18 20:22 GMT-05:00 James Cameron <[1]qu...@laptop.org>:
> >
> > G'day Laura,
> >
> > You aren't a member of the design team...
> >
> > Can you please point me to the procedure to become a member?
> No, it was a practice not a procedure.  The practice was for
> the design team to accept a designer after;
> 1.  they had expressed interest,

I had express interest.

> 2.  they had demonstrated their credentials as a designer,

I have demonstrated my credentials as designer with Sugar Labs as well; am
the Designer of the UI of the Sugar Network project, currently deployed on
field in a country scale and with the Ministry of Peru educational offices
good review.

> 3.  the team had met to discuss.

Last meeting according to the wiki was more than 5 years ago. I am calling
interested parties to resuscitate this team.

> A procedure is not required.
> > Last meeting in the wiki for such design team was August 26th 2012.
> >
> > I would say it is an abandoned team.
> It is not abandoned.  I still have occasional communication from
> members of the team, and the [DESIGN] tag continues to be used
> occasionally.

You mean you as OLPC?

> You and Sebastian seem to be trying to gain control of every team you
> can find; board, elections, finance, design

There are many abandoned teams at Sugar Labs. Am trying to reverse that

FYI Sebastian as many others lost hope of Sugar ever evolving, and he
became inactive as many other have. Now that I have managed to inspire him
to become active again I am very happy.

> ... while I can appreciate
> your enthusiasm, it does seem very odd.  You aren't building trust or
> consensus.
Am sorry you feel that way.

> Also, I note you did not respond to the other items in my mail.  You
> have been very selective.

Sorry if I missed anything.

I am tired of explaining why I want to contribute to Sugar Labs.

> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Design Meeting/Reunión 21 September at 11 PM UTC IRC Sugar Meeting

2017-09-18 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-18 20:22 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :

> G'day Laura,
> You aren't a member of the design team...

Can you please point me to the procedure to become a member?

Last meeting in the wiki for such design team was August 26th 2012.

I would say it is an abandoned team.


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-18 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-18 18:55 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> I don't recall off hand all of the history. But Robert Fadel, a
> professional CPA, was one example. All of this is documented in the
> archives of the Sugar Digest. Feel free to look there.

I don't recall a Financial Manager ever appointed before at Sugar Labs.

Would be nice to have the reference for Robert Fadel's appointment.

You mean the IAEP mailing list?

> Re removing the reference to the finance committee, why not defer to
> whomever is appointed as the finance manager.

If we are to keep the Committee, can I join please?



> -walter
> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 7:26 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> 2017-09-15 13:31 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>> We appointed a few different FMs over the years, none of whom panned
>>> out.
>> Can you please share any reference to this FMs appointments?
>> Shall we remove the reference to the existence of a "sugar labs finance
>> committee" on the wiki then?
>> Regards and thank you in advance.
>> Laura
>>> When Adam became our Liaison to the SFC, as I recall, he took over
>>> responsibility for financial reports.
>>> -walter
>>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Walter,
>>>> Any chance you can clarify this?
>>>> Are you as Sugar Labs Finance Committee Liaison
>>>> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Committees>
>>>> responsible for publishing financial reports to Community?
>>>> In the light of a new board been elected it would be a nice gesture for
>>>> you to publish the financial reports to date.
>>>> If you consider this is Adam's responsibility and not yours please
>>>> clarify.
>>>> Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Laura V.
>>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>>> Happy Learning!
>>>> #LearningByDoing
>>>> #Projects4good
>>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>>> ___
>>>> SLOBs mailing list
>>>> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
>>> --
>>> Walter Bender
>>> Sugar Labs
>>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
>>> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-18 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-15 13:31 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> We appointed a few different FMs over the years, none of whom panned out.

Can you please share any reference to this FMs appointments?

Shall we remove the reference to the existence of a "sugar labs finance
committee" on the wiki then?

Regards and thank you in advance.


> When Adam became our Liaison to the SFC, as I recall, he took over
> responsibility for financial reports.
> -walter

> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Walter,
>> Any chance you can clarify this?
>> Are you as Sugar Labs Finance Committee Liaison
>> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Committees>
>> responsible for publishing financial reports to Community?
>> In the light of a new board been elected it would be a nice gesture for
>> you to publish the financial reports to date.
>> If you consider this is Adam's responsibility and not yours please
>> clarify.
>> Regards
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
>> ___
>> SLOBs mailing list
>> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Sugar Design Meeting/Reunión 21 September at 11 PM UTC IRC Sugar Meeting

2017-09-18 Thread Laura Vargas
Hi all, Hola a todos,

Following the proposal to coordinate a Team/Event of contributors
interested in upgrading Sugar UI, and with the purpose of defining this
team/event main lines of action, I invite you all (designers and not
designers) to the 1st Sugar Design Meeting 2017.

It will take place on IRC channel Sugar-Meeting next Thurstan September 21
at 11 pm UTC. Hope to see you all.


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-17 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello Samuel,

Back on 2015, on the historic "Planning for the Future" thread you shared
(Sugar Labs supported mailing list) your concern "that Sugar needed to
ensure it had long-term sponsorship and a long-term user base."

*I agree with you and it was one of the reasons to make Sugar UI
machine-vendor neutral.*
You also mention long term planning for Sugar Labs & OLPC and how they both
need to come up with long-term strategies. From your disclaimer it is not
clear if you were at the time an employee of OLPC.

*We Sugar Labs, as far as I as Board Member since 2017 know, don't have any
contractual relationship with this computer vendor.Sugar Labs needs its
members to urgently disassociate Sugar and Sugar Labs from this computer

It's hurting our neutrality and our capacity to evolve Sugar.


Laura V

2017-09-17 8:13 GMT-05:00 Sebastian Silva :

> "What is legally required, as regards other people’s trademarks, is to *avoid
> using them* in ways which a reader might reasonably understand *as*
> naming or *labeling* *our own* programs or *activities*." [1]
> - citing from the GNU Coding standards, section 2.3 "Trademarks"
> https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Trademarks.html
> Emphasis added by me.
> Regards,
> Sebastian
> On 16/09/17 21:18, Samuel Greenfeld wrote:
> But I intentionally gave the very simple examples...
> While RHEL/CentOS (and many other open source/commercial hybrid projects)
> rebrand their free versions because a complete replacement causes obvious
> confusion, these projects themselves include many products with trademarked
> names.
> Should Sugar refuse to include a Python(tm) editor?  Or change programming
> languages because we proudly say Sugar is written in Python(tm)?
> https://www.python.org/psf/trademarks/
> Do we then go to JavaScript(tm) which is a trademark of Oracle(R)?
> Or be confused with any number of products (shoes, hand lotion, etc.)
> which also have trademarks for the "Python" name?
> Trademarks come into play primarily when there is confusion.  And OLPC
> allegedly muddied the waters early on by allowing their name and logos to
> be used by OLPC France, OLPC SF, etc.
> It's not clear at this point if there is confusion between Sugar Labs and
> OLPC over the logo, except as part of a historical reference which both
> companies have.
> If there was clear proof that OLPC was using the XO logo to promote
> Endless then there might be something.  If OLPC explicitly asked Sugar to
> change the icon, then that would be something to be considered.
> OLPC's website, while updated, still promotes Sugar on XO-1.75's and the
> "XO Laptop Touch" (by specs, likely a XO-4).
> Given we still know people at OLPC, and OLPC people who went to Endless, I
> would have expected to hear something by now if they formally wanted to
> break ties with Sugar.
> On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 9:13 PM, Sebastian Silva <
> sebast...@fuentelibre.org> wrote:
>> On 16/09/17 18:19, Samuel Greenfeld wrote:
>> By this measure, are we implying that Fedora & CentOS cannot be
>> distributed because they contain trademarks owned by Red Hat, and Ubuntu
>> cannot be distributed because it contains the name and logos owned by
>> Canonical?
>> Your questions are spot on. Perhaps your examples will serve to clarify
>> the issue:
>> The point of CentOS is exactly to remove trademarks from Red Hat Linux in
>> order to be able to distribute it legally.
>> Quoting from Wikipedia CentOS article.
>> *`CentOS developers use Red Hat's source code to create a final product
>> very similar to RHEL. Red Hat's **branding and logos are changed**
>> because Red Hat does not allow them to be redistributed.`*
>> And I also know that, while you can distribute Ubuntu, you cannot make a
>> derivative distribution of it and call it anything-like-buntu, or you will
>> have problems with Canonical Inc.
>> Quoting directly from https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/t
>> erms-and-policies/intellectual-property-policy:
>> *`Any redistribution of modified versions of Ubuntu must be approved,
>> certified or provided by Canonical if you are going to associate it with
>> the Trademarks. Otherwise you must** remove and replace the Trademarks**
>> and will need to recompile the source code to create your own binaries.`*
>> As you can see, being this topic such a mess in general, Sugar Labs would
>> serve its community well by staying clear of any Trademarks, as a general
>> policy.
>> Regards,
>> Sebastian
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-16 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-16 7:42 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 10:56 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Walter,
>> I guess my question was not clear. My question is about the procedure to
>> address legal issues to Conservancy.
>> The procedure you (SLOB) follow the first time you want to address
>> Conservancy was to just ask Adam (Sugar Labs rep to SFC) to make a question
>> to Tony.
>> The procedure you (SLOB) follow the second time was to ask SLOBs to
>> approve an answer t (Sugar Labs rep to SFC) to make a question to Tony.
>> I thank in advance to please specify, why do you follow two different
>> procedures for the same process?
> Quite simply, in the second exchange, Tony asked for the oversight board
> to give their opinion. Since it was not apparent that we had consensus, I
> used the motion mechanism to confirm that we had a majority agreeing to our
> answer to his question. In both cases, I asked Adam, our liaison, to handle
> the communication with Tony.

In my opinion, there was a lack of consensus for the first communication
and there should had been.

Happy SFD.

>> Regards,
>> Laura
>> 2017-09-15 15:59 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Walter,  Adam,
>>>> Am confused here. Why did we not need a motion to make the question to
>>>> Tony in the first place?
>>>> Can you please clarify.
>>> Tony asked for the opinion of the oversight board to several questions.
>>> I posted those questions several days ago and while a discussion ensued, no
>>> one (except me) actually answered the questions. I chose to make a motion
>>> in order to focus on the questions that Tony had posed and to move things
>>> along since there are several members of the community who have said that
>>> this issue is urgent.
>>>> Procedure Note: In my opinion such legal related motions should be
>>>> translated to Sugar Labs main users language: Spanish. This takes time but
>>>> needs to be done so that real Sugar users can understand what the Oversight
>>>> is requesting.
>>> We certainly can discuss this. We'd need some mechanism to execute it.
>>> regards.
>>> -walter
>>>> Regards
>>>> 2017-09-15 15:26 GMT-05:00 Martin Dengler :
>>>>> > On 15 Sep 2017, at 14:13, Lionel Laské 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > +1 for the motion.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > @Martin, thanks to wait for all votes or at least the end of voting
>>>>> delay.
>>>>> Sure Lionel - what is the voting delay? I actually was waiting but the
>>>>> wiki had been updated already (not by me) so I figured as the wiki had 
>>>>> been
>>>>> updated and the outcome was not in doubt it was ok to summarize it in an
>>>>> email. I agree the delay should govern in the future.
>>>>> >   Lionel.
>>>>> Martin
>>>>> ___
>>>>> SLOBs mailing list
>>>>> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
>>>> --
>>>> Laura V.
>>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>>> Happy Learning!
>>>> #LearningByDoing
>>>> #Projects4good
>>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>>> ___
>>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>>>> sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
>>> --
>>> Walter Bender
>>> Sugar Labs
>>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
>>> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] ...and today is Software Freedom Day! Celebrate SFD on Saturday 16 September 2017!

2017-09-16 Thread Laura Vargas
*Happy Software Freedom Day Sugar Labs Community!*

Today we celebrate! Hoy estamos celebrando!

It was on September 19, 2009 on a SFD day at Lima (Perú) that I heard the
Free/Libre call for the first time.

Sebastian's talk was called "Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Software for
Liberation". It was truly inspiring and it resonated deeply with many
attendees. I will always be thankful to Kiko Mayorga (from Escuelab) and
Juan Camilo Lema (from Drupal Perú) who organized that gather at the
Universidad San Martin de Porras to spread the Free/Libre Software call.

Today, after 8 years of hard work there is still a long road to assure
quality in Free/Libre Software. Am very happy to share our experience with
others, so more and more users gain understanding and inspiration to assure
the freedom of the software we all use.

Today we celebrate Freedom of Software at the Amazon forest! Find and event
close to you as well:

*About Software Freedom Day *

SFD is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). *Our
goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about the
benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home,
and in business -- in short, everywhere!*
What's Free/Libre Software?

Free/Libre software is software that gives you the user the freedom to
share, study and modify it. We call this free/libre software because the
user is free/libre. To use free/libre software is to make a political and
ethical choice asserting the right to learn, and share what we learn with
Today please take your time to take action! You can encourage your friends,
family and associates to learn more about Software Freedom, and why
software freedom matters, even to non-geeks :) 2017 SFD registration is on!


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Vargas

I guess my question was not clear. My question is about the procedure to
address legal issues to Conservancy.

The procedure you (SLOB) follow the first time you want to address
Conservancy was to just ask Adam (Sugar Labs rep to SFC) to make a question
to Tony.

The procedure you (SLOB) follow the second time was to ask SLOBs to approve
an answer t (Sugar Labs rep to SFC) to make a question to Tony.

I thank in advance to please specify, why do you follow two different
procedures for the same process?



2017-09-15 15:59 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Walter,  Adam,
>> Am confused here. Why did we not need a motion to make the question to
>> Tony in the first place?
>> Can you please clarify.
> Tony asked for the opinion of the oversight board to several questions. I
> posted those questions several days ago and while a discussion ensued, no
> one (except me) actually answered the questions. I chose to make a motion
> in order to focus on the questions that Tony had posed and to move things
> along since there are several members of the community who have said that
> this issue is urgent.
>> Procedure Note: In my opinion such legal related motions should be
>> translated to Sugar Labs main users language: Spanish. This takes time but
>> needs to be done so that real Sugar users can understand what the Oversight
>> is requesting.
> We certainly can discuss this. We'd need some mechanism to execute it.
> regards.
> -walter
>> Regards
>> 2017-09-15 15:26 GMT-05:00 Martin Dengler :
>>> > On 15 Sep 2017, at 14:13, Lionel Laské  wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > +1 for the motion.
>>> >
>>> > @Martin, thanks to wait for all votes or at least the end of voting
>>> delay.
>>> Sure Lionel - what is the voting delay? I actually was waiting but the
>>> wiki had been updated already (not by me) so I figured as the wiki had been
>>> updated and the outcome was not in doubt it was ok to summarize it in an
>>> email. I agree the delay should govern in the future.
>>> >   Lionel.
>>> Martin
>>> ___
>>> SLOBs mailing list
>>> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
>> ___
>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>> sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [Sugar-devel] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Vargas
Walter,  Adam,

Am confused here. Why did we not need a motion to make the question to Tony
in the first place?

Can you please clarify.

Procedure Note: In my opinion such legal related motions should be
translated to Sugar Labs main users language: Spanish. This takes time but
needs to be done so that real Sugar users can understand what the Oversight
is requesting.


2017-09-15 15:26 GMT-05:00 Martin Dengler :

> > On 15 Sep 2017, at 14:13, Lionel Laské  wrote:
> >
> >
> > +1 for the motion.
> >
> > @Martin, thanks to wait for all votes or at least the end of voting
> delay.
> Sure Lionel - what is the voting delay? I actually was waiting but the
> wiki had been updated already (not by me) so I figured as the wiki had been
> updated and the outcome was not in doubt it was ok to summarize it in an
> email. I agree the delay should govern in the future.
> >   Lionel.
> Martin
> ___
> SLOBs mailing list
> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-15 10:24 GMT-05:00 Ignacio Rodríguez :

> +1 from me.
> I know people tend to relate Sugar to OLPC, in fact I still do sometimes
> (it's easier to explain someone that "Sugar" is the thing that runs in the
> XO's).
> But the icon should stay as it was.
> If you want to change the icon for your deployments just change it (wasn't
> that what you guys were trying to say?)


First am glad you have decide to stay in the oversight board. Your
resignation was not clear.

I hope this means you are going dedicate time to the oversight tasks. :D

About the icon-debug, the goal is for the main Sugar branch to be "libre"
of Trademarks> global and future users should be able to modify and
redistribute Sugar as a 100% libre software and that is what we all want,
don;t you?

> Thx
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 12:00 PM Sameer Verma  wrote:
>> +1
>> Sameer
>> On Sep 15, 2017 7:15 AM, "Samson Goddy"  wrote:
>>> On Sep 15, 2017 3:12 PM, "Walter Bender" 
>>> wrote:
>>> The discussion regarding the status of the xo-computer icon seems to be
>>> going around  in circles. In my opinion, this makes it even more imperative
>>> that the Sugar Labs oversight board respond to Tony's questions so that
>>> Tony can proceed with his investigation in to our options.
>>> To state the obvious, this discussion is not about whether or not we can
>>> change the xo-computer icon -- we can do that at any time in consultation
>>> with our design team. The discussion is about whether or not we make that
>>> decision on our own terms or be forced into a change.
>>> Motion: To answer the questions posed by the SFC regarding the
>>> xo-computer icon as follows:
>>> (Q1) Why is the XO logo included in the sugar-artwork repo now -- and
>>> does the SLOBs want to keep it there?
>>> (A1) The xo-computer icon has been part of Sugar since we first
>>> designed and built Sugar (beginning in 2006) and we would like to keep it
>>> there until such time as the design team decides there is a reason to
>>> change it.
>>> (Q2) Assuming the SLOBs want to keep the XO logo in sugar-artwork: what
>>> outcome would the SLOBs *prefer* to see happen?  E.g.,
>>> - Does Sugar want downstream users to be able to redistribute and modify
>>> Sugar's codebase with or without the XO trademark file included in the
>>> program?
>>> - Does the SLOBs want downstream users to be able to modify and
>>> redistribute the XO trademark image itself, or is that less important to
>>> Sugar?
>>> (A2) Sugar Artwork, including the xo-computer icon, is currently
>>> licensed under the GPL and we would like our downstream users to be able to
>>> use all of our artwork under the terms of that license. As far as the use
>>> of any trademark image outside of the context of Sugar, we have no opinion.
>>> I'd appreciate if someone would second this motion and, if it passes,
>>> the results be reported to Tony by Adam, our SFC liaison. Of course, if the
>>> motion does not pass, we will need to continue the discussion.
>>> I second the motion.
>>> regards.
>>> -walter
>>> -- Forwarded message --
>>> From: Walter Bender 
>>> Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:48 PM
>>> Subject: [SLOB] xo-computer icon
>>> To: SLOBs 
>>> Cc: Sugar-dev Devel 
>>> As probably most of you are aware, yesterday one of our community
>>> members unilaterally changed the xo-computer icon in sugar-artwork. The
>>> ensuing discussion about the change is in the github pull request, "Urgent
>>> fix logos", [1]
>>> The gist of his concern is that OLPC has a trademark on the XO artwork
>>> [2] and there was concern that we were infringing and consequently
>>> downstream users would also be infringing.
>>> As Sean Daly points out, this is not the first time that the topic has
>>> come up [3, 4]. "In the past, OLPC was amenable to the use of the xo
>>> logo in Sugar, but asked we not use it in marketing materials without a
>>> formal co-branding licensing agreement."
>>> Personally, I think that OLPC was explicit in making the Sugar artwork
>>> available under a GPL licence and that this is hence moot. But I am not
>>> qualified to make that assessment. Consequently, I asked Adam Holt, our SFC
>>> liaison, to raise the issue with the legal team. Tony asked us to consider
>>> the following questions:
>>> 1) Why is the XO logo included in the sugar-artwork repo now -- and does
>>> the SLOBs want to keep it there?
>>> 2) Assuming the SLOBs want to keep the XO logo in sugar-artwork:  what
>>> outcome would the SLOBs *prefer* to see happen?  E.g.,
>>> - Does Sugar want downstream users to be able to redistribute and modify
>>> Sugar's codebase with or without the XO trademark file included in the
>>> program?
>>> - Does the SLOBs want downstream users to be able to modify and
>>> redistribute the XO trademark image itself, or is that less important to
>>> Sugar?
>>> The answer to the first part of Tony's first question i

Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections 2017-2019 Update

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Vargas

2017-09-14 7:33 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> Yes, add him too. Thanks
> On Sep 14, 2017 1:29 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>> 2017-09-13 15:00 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>>> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:49 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> 2017-09-13 13:35 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho :
>>>>> "Looking on the archives seems Hrishi requested membership on
>>>>> December 18, 2017. I was not in the Membership Committee at the time" .
>>>>> The above date is 3 months in the future! 😊
>>>> Ups!  I meant December 18, 2016.
>>>> Thank you Caryl for the correction.
>>>> Sebastian had announce his Membership and Election's Committee on December
>>>> 2, 2016
>>>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2016-December/019271.html> but
>>>> he looked it up and found Hirish's first application made on December
>>>> 18, 2016.
>>>> Samson can you please check in your records?
>>> Funny enough, I didn't see the email. Quite strange.
>>>> Any reason why you did not add Hirish back on December 2016?
>>> Not really, i didn't see the request.
>>> But can you add him now?, that would be great.
>> OK. Remember you also have privileges to add member's to the list.
>> Also remember point 01 from the meeting was also Pericherla Seetarama
>> Raju membership.
>> Shall I also add Pericherla?
>> Regards
>>>> Regards
>>>> Laura
>>>> *From:* IAEP  on behalf of Samson
>>>>> Goddy 
>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 13, 2017 6:49:25 AM
>>>>> *To:* Laura Vargas
>>>>> *Cc:* Frederick Grose; sugar labs; pericherla seetaramaraju; SLOBs;
>>>>> Dave Crossland; sugar-...@lists.sugarlabs.org; Ibiam Chihurumnaya;
>>>>> iaep
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections
>>>>> 2017-2019 Update
>>>>> On Sep 13, 2017 1:15 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>>>>> 2017-09-13 0:33 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>>>>>> On Sep 13, 2017 2:01 AM, "Laura Vargas" 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sep 11, 2017 4:51 PM, "Laura Vargas" 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Committee and Community members,
>>>>>>> *Topics for discussion*
>>>>>>> 01 Ignacio,
>>>>>>> Your resignation
>>>>>>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020036.html>to
>>>>>>> the board has a direct impact to current elections as *it would
>>>>>>> open a fifth seat for the Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-2019 period.  
>>>>>>> As
>>>>>>> long as you don't make a formal declination of your board seat, the
>>>>>>> Membership and Elections Committee will not consider the seat available 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the 2017-2019 elections.*
>>>>>> Samson,
>>>>>> Can you please share your opinion in this issue as well?
>>>>>> Sorry for replying late, i think Ignacio have not originally declared
>>>>>> himself out yet. So the seat isn't available until the next election.
>>>>> Thanks for your imput. Given the relevance for current elections, l
>>>>> think we should doable-check with the Boar to be sure.
>>>>>> Secondly laura, as you requested

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: [SLOBS] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Vargas

Any chance you can clarify this?

Are you as Sugar Labs Finance Committee Liaison

responsible for publishing financial reports to Community?

In the light of a new board been elected it would be a nice gesture for you
to publish the financial reports to date.

If you consider this is Adam's responsibility and not yours please clarify.


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Design Team Meeting Call Date to be defined

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello all.

In previous days it has been suggested the new Sugar main icon to be
upgraded with Community's feedback.

I support the idea and I have propose to prepare a
*2017 Sugar Design Marathon.*
Am already working on the proposal for dynamics and tasks to be done (as
the new "libre" icon translates into new "libre" learning and communication

It was long time needed to refresh our user interface and hopefully this
clear brand disassociation will inspire more computer vendors to use Sugar.

cc Manuel Quiñones and Gary Martin, Design Team

Please anyone interested in participating of this process state your
availability to coordinate the meeting for next week.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Vargas

Community haven't reach consensus to get the old icon (trademark of OLPC)

2017-09-15 9:15 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> On Sep 15, 2017 3:12 PM, "Walter Bender"  wrote:
> The discussion regarding the status of the xo-computer icon seems to be
> going around  in circles. In my opinion, this makes it even more imperative
> that the Sugar Labs oversight board respond to Tony's questions so that
> Tony can proceed with his investigation in to our options.
> To state the obvious, this discussion is not about whether or not we can
> change the xo-computer icon -- we can do that at any time in consultation
> with our design team. The discussion is about whether or not we make that
> decision on our own terms or be forced into a change.
> Motion: To answer the questions posed by the SFC regarding the xo-computer
> icon as follows:
> (Q1) Why is the XO logo included in the sugar-artwork repo now -- and does
> the SLOBs want to keep it there?
> (A1) The xo-computer icon has been part of Sugar since we first designed
> and built Sugar (beginning in 2006) and we would like to keep it there
> until such time as the design team decides there is a reason to change it.
That answer does not justify the use.

> (Q2) Assuming the SLOBs want to keep the XO logo in sugar-artwork: what
> outcome would the SLOBs *prefer* to see happen?  E.g.,
I propose it needs to say:

" In case SLOBs want to get it back..."

- Does Sugar want downstream users to be able to redistribute and modify
> Sugar's codebase with or without the XO trademark file included in the
> program?
> - Does the SLOBs want downstream users to be able to modify and
> redistribute the XO trademark image itself, or is that less important to
> Sugar?
> (A2) Sugar Artwork, including the xo-computer icon, is currently licensed
> under the GPL and we would like our downstream users to be able to use all
> of our artwork under the terms of that license. As far as the use of any
> trademark image outside of the context of Sugar, we have no opinion.
> I'd appreciate if someone would second this motion and, if it passes, the
> results be reported to Tony by Adam, our SFC liaison. Of course, if the
> motion does not pass, we will need to continue the discussion.
> I second the motion.
> regards.
> -walter
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Walter Bender 
> Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:48 PM
> Subject: [SLOB] xo-computer icon
> To: SLOBs 
> Cc: Sugar-dev Devel 
> As probably most of you are aware, yesterday one of our community members
> unilaterally changed the xo-computer icon in sugar-artwork. The ensuing
> discussion about the change is in the github pull request, "Urgent fix
> logos", [1]
> The gist of his concern is that OLPC has a trademark on the XO artwork [2]
> and there was concern that we were infringing and consequently downstream
> users would also be infringing.
> As Sean Daly points out, this is not the first time that the topic has
> come up [3, 4]. "In the past, OLPC was amenable to the use of the xo logo
> in Sugar, but asked we not use it in marketing materials without a formal
> co-branding licensing agreement."
> Personally, I think that OLPC was explicit in making the Sugar artwork
> available under a GPL licence and that this is hence moot. But I am not
> qualified to make that assessment. Consequently, I asked Adam Holt, our SFC
> liaison, to raise the issue with the legal team. Tony asked us to consider
> the following questions:
> 1) Why is the XO logo included in the sugar-artwork repo now -- and does
> the SLOBs want to keep it there?
> 2) Assuming the SLOBs want to keep the XO logo in sugar-artwork:  what
> outcome would the SLOBs *prefer* to see happen?  E.g.,
> - Does Sugar want downstream users to be able to redistribute and modify
> Sugar's codebase with or without the XO trademark file included in the
> program?
> - Does the SLOBs want downstream users to be able to modify and
> redistribute the XO trademark image itself, or is that less important to
> Sugar?
> The answer to the first part of Tony's first question is that the XO logo
> was part of Sugar from the very beginning -- before Sugar Labs was split
> from OLPC. We've never changed it.
> Regarding the second part: does the SLOBs want to keep it there?  is
> something we  need to discuss. Personally, I think it serves its purpose
> well -- a childcentric interface and it is "iconic" of Sugar. I see no
> reason to change it.
> Regarding Tony's second question, I would want downstream users to have as
> much freedom as possible: to use or not use the XO icon as they choose.
> However, I don't see the need to expand beyond the context of Sugar. If
> someone downstream wants to use the artwork for some other purpose, that is
> not our issue (although I that the GPL license would be the relevant
> determinant.)
> What do others think?
> Note, I think we should defer the discussion of what we would use as
> replace

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: [SLOBS] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-14 Thread Laura Vargas

You might have lost my question about the Finance Committee
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Committees>. Is it
still active?

If you are the Liaison would it be your responsibility to keep the
https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Finance up to date, right?

I would like to understand better and I appreciate your response in advance.



2017-09-11 14:32 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :

> Dear SLOBS,
> It has just come to my attention Sugar Labs has a Finance Committee.
> Walter,
> You are currently referenced as the Sugar Labs Finance Committee Liaison
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Committees> in the
> SL committees wiki page, please confirm if such Committee is active and/or
> if any of this information needs to be deprecated.
> --
Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections 2017-2019 Update

2017-09-14 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-13 15:00 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:49 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> 2017-09-13 13:35 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho :
>>> "Looking on the archives seems Hrishi requested membership on December
>>> 18, 2017. I was not in the Membership Committee at the time" .
>>> The above date is 3 months in the future! 😊
>> Ups!  I meant December 18, 2016.
>> Thank you Caryl for the correction.
>> Sebastian had announce his Membership and Election's Committee on December
>> 2, 2016
>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2016-December/019271.html> but
>> he looked it up and found Hirish's first application made on December
>> 18, 2016.
>> Samson can you please check in your records?
> Funny enough, I didn't see the email. Quite strange.
>> Any reason why you did not add Hirish back on December 2016?
> Not really, i didn't see the request.
> But can you add him now?, that would be great.

OK. Remember you also have privileges to add member's to the list.

Also remember point 01 from the meeting was also Pericherla Seetarama Raju

Shall I also add Pericherla?


>> Regards
>> Laura
>> *From:* IAEP  on behalf of Samson
>>> Goddy 
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 13, 2017 6:49:25 AM
>>> *To:* Laura Vargas
>>> *Cc:* Frederick Grose; sugar labs; pericherla seetaramaraju; SLOBs;
>>> Dave Crossland; sugar-...@lists.sugarlabs.org; Ibiam Chihurumnaya; iaep
>>> *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections
>>> 2017-2019 Update
>>> On Sep 13, 2017 1:15 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>>> 2017-09-13 0:33 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>>>> On Sep 13, 2017 2:01 AM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>>>> On Sep 11, 2017 4:51 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>>>>> Hello Committee and Community members,
>>>>> *Topics for discussion*
>>>>> 01 Ignacio,
>>>>> Your resignation
>>>>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020036.html>to
>>>>> the board has a direct impact to current elections as *it would open
>>>>> a fifth seat for the Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-2019 period.  As long
>>>>> as you don't make a formal declination of your board seat, the Membership
>>>>> and Elections Committee will not consider the seat available for the
>>>>> 2017-2019 elections.*
>>>> Samson,
>>>> Can you please share your opinion in this issue as well?
>>>> Sorry for replying late, i think Ignacio have not originally declared
>>>> himself out yet. So the seat isn't available until the next election.
>>> Thanks for your imput. Given the relevance for current elections, l
>>> think we should doable-check with the Boar to be sure.
>>>> Secondly laura, as you requested Hrishi actually applied for
>>>> membership, he has not gotten any reply or added today the list. I am still
>>>> in Abuja for my visa (Which i got) so i am away from my computer.
>>> Looking on the archives seems Hrishi requested membership on December
>>> 18, 2017. I was not in the Membership Committee at the time,
>>> Can you confirm why you didn't approve the request at the time?
>>> I did see his mail last week.
>>> But he mailed the membership applying for membership September 11th.
>>> Hrishi Patel
>>> IRC name : hrishi
>>> GitHub : hrishi1999
>>> I've been contributing to SL since 2014. I've been part of GCI
>>> 2014,15,16. I was a mentor for 3 projects in GSoC 2017 and has helped for
>>> docs and other projects.
>>> Please look into it.
>>>> Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Laura V.
>>>> *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>>> Happy Learning!
>>>> #LearningByDoing
>>>> #Projects4good
>>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>> --
>>> Laura V.
>>> *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>> Happy Learning!
>>> #LearningByDoing
>>> #Projects4good
>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] Motion: To apply to GCI 2017.

2017-09-14 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-14 6:15 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> +1 from me as well. However, Laura has managed to bypass the issue she
> agreed to address at the last SLOB meeting: draft a process (I'd prefer
> guidelines) by which we make these decisions.

Motion passes!

No need to adress it with GCI program, since GCI has an Open and Clear
process for Community to participate in the program by adding tasks.

Currently I am working on  https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Procedures

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Feet Icon Positive Comments from Gnome Volunteer Julita Inca in SM

2017-09-13 Thread Laura Vargas
First, Julita's Blog:


Julita contributed with feedback to Sugar Network project back in 2011 in a
Sugar Hack Day hosted by Escuelab.

Julita I loved your reaction in SM so am sharing with the Community:


I hope you join Sugar Labs, and hopefully run as a candidate on our 2017-2019

The leadership of the project will certainly benefit from it!!!

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Motion: To apply to GCI 2017.

2017-09-13 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello SLOBs,

Walter has mentioned we as SLOB's should decide whether or not Sugar Labs
will participate in GCI 2017.

I was a Code In mentor back in 2013 and I remember it was a nice experience
with a lot of work but rewarded to see Ignacio winning :D

So, I think we should keep supporting this program.

Motion: Sugar Labs to participate on GCI 2017.

Any second?

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections 2017-2019 Update

2017-09-13 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-13 13:35 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho :

> "Looking on the archives seems Hrishi requested membership on December
> 18, 2017. I was not in the Membership Committee at the time" .
> The above date is 3 months in the future! 😊

Ups!  I meant December 18, 2016.

Thank you Caryl for the correction.

Sebastian had announce his Membership and Election's Committee on December
2, 2016 <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2016-December/019271.html> but
he looked it up and found Hirish's first application made on December 18,

Samson can you please check in your records?

Any reason why you did not add Hirish back on December 2016?



*From:* IAEP  on behalf of Samson Goddy <
> samsongo...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 13, 2017 6:49:25 AM
> *To:* Laura Vargas
> *Cc:* Frederick Grose; sugar labs; pericherla seetaramaraju; SLOBs; Dave
> Crossland; sugar-...@lists.sugarlabs.org; Ibiam Chihurumnaya; iaep
> *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections
> 2017-2019 Update
> On Sep 13, 2017 1:15 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
> 2017-09-13 0:33 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :
>> On Sep 13, 2017 2:01 AM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2017 4:51 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>>> Hello Committee and Community members,
>>> *Topics for discussion*
>>> 01 Ignacio,
>>> Your resignation
>>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020036.html>to
>>> the board has a direct impact to current elections as *it would open a
>>> fifth seat for the Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-2019 period.  As long as
>>> you don't make a formal declination of your board seat, the Membership and
>>> Elections Committee will not consider the seat available for the 2017-2019
>>> elections.*
>> Samson,
>> Can you please share your opinion in this issue as well?
>> Sorry for replying late, i think Ignacio have not originally declared
>> himself out yet. So the seat isn't available until the next election.
> Thanks for your imput. Given the relevance for current elections, l think
> we should doable-check with the Boar to be sure.
>> Secondly laura, as you requested Hrishi actually applied for membership,
>> he has not gotten any reply or added today the list. I am still in Abuja
>> for my visa (Which i got) so i am away from my computer.
> Looking on the archives seems Hrishi requested membership on December 18,
> 2017. I was not in the Membership Committee at the time,
> Can you confirm why you didn't approve the request at the time?
> I did see his mail last week.
> But he mailed the membership applying for membership September 11th.
> Hrishi Patel
> IRC name : hrishi
> GitHub : hrishi1999
> I've been contributing to SL since 2014. I've been part of GCI 2014,15,16.
> I was a mentor for 3 projects in GSoC 2017 and has helped for docs and
> other projects.
> Please look into it.
>> Regards
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
> --
> Laura V.
> *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> ~ L. Victoria
> Happy Learning!
> #LearningByDoing
> #Projects4good
> #IDesignATSugarLabs
> #WeCanDoBetter

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Please Remove all external Trademarks from Sugar Labs Website

2017-09-13 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello Marketing Team:

*Sugar Labs needs to** urgently remove all Trademark icons from Sugar Labs
documentation and communication platforms. Specifically, *the XO logo icon
is a registered trademark  and
therefore we need to change it, in order to protect our users and
downstream distributors from any limitations imposed by the trademark owner.

*The new icon is simple, elegant and fits the purpose of clearly setting
the starting point of the Sugar experience:*

The "feet touching earth" are very powerful concept totally aligned with
the Global Development Goals.

The fact they look like they are about to start walking sets a "resilience
tone" ideal for learners.

This process may take a lot of time, but is important to complete it

I offer to volunteer to help out.

You can see how it looks like on: http://laboratoriosazucar.org/


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections 2017-2019 Update

2017-09-13 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-13 0:33 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> On Sep 13, 2017 2:01 AM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2017 4:51 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
>> Hello Committee and Community members,
>> *Topics for discussion*
>> 01 Ignacio,
>> Your resignation
>> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020036.html>to
>> the board has a direct impact to current elections as *it would open a
>> fifth seat for the Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-2019 period.  As long as
>> you don't make a formal declination of your board seat, the Membership and
>> Elections Committee will not consider the seat available for the 2017-2019
>> elections.*
> Samson,
> Can you please share your opinion in this issue as well?
> Sorry for replying late, i think Ignacio have not originally declared
> himself out yet. So the seat isn't available until the next election.
Thanks for your imput. Given the relevance for current elections, l think
we should doable-check with the Boar to be sure.

> Secondly laura, as you requested Hrishi actually applied for membership,
> he has not gotten any reply or added today the list. I am still in Abuja
> for my visa (Which i got) so i am away from my computer.
Looking on the archives seems Hrishi requested membership on December 18,
2017. I was not in the Membership Committee at the time,

Can you confirm why you didn't approve the request at the time?

Please look into it.
> Regards
> --
> Laura V.
> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> ~ L. Victoria
> Happy Learning!
> #LearningByDoing
> #Projects4good
> #IDesignATSugarLabs
> #WeCanDoBetter

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Sugar Feet Logo #DebuggingUI [WAS: Re: [Sugar-devel] Flat design causes uncertainty]

2017-09-12 Thread Laura Vargas
Thank you Sebastian

2017-09-12 20:31 GMT-05:00 Sebastian Silva :

> Hi Laura,
> :-)
> On 12/09/17 13:34, Laura Vargas wrote:
> My personal preference would be to modify the child centered concept it
> currently has for an icon that represents the concept of *"using
> technology for loving Planet Earth"*.
> Peace, love, Planet Earth and/or the "sustainable development" concept on
> the main icon will resonate easy with a young generation that today witness
> the need for this radical change :D
> While I see where you're coming from, I think you're proposing a radical
> change. The strong idea is to put the learner at the centre of his own
> learning, signified in Sugar by the XO's logo prominence.
> The fact remains that the XO logo icon is a registered trademark
> <http://www.trademarkia.com/xo-78880051.html> and therefore we need to
> change it, in order to protect our users and downstream distributors from
> any limitations imposed by the trademark owner.


> Here's what I have currently merged to solved it for now, and it is
> already in the Github repository, where a discussion is being held. I'm
> sure it can be improved, from the original by Abdo from Noun Project, I
> stretched it sideways. I think it conveys "self" "child" and also has a bit
> of "feet touching earth" which is very powerful. Also, it has a slight
> resemblance to our bigger brother, Gnome, for good reason.
> I hope you like it!
*I love the Feet Logo. Lots of thanks for doing this for Sugar :D*

*The new icon is simple, elegant and fits the purpose of clearly setting
the starting point of the Sugar experience:*

Indeed the "feet touching earth" are very powerful concept totally aligned
with the GDG.

The fact they look like they are about to start walking sets a "resilience
tone" ideal for learners.

Finally, I think it serves well for the purpose of distancing Sugar from
> any particular vendor...
*Yes! Sugar Labs needs to be totally neutral will all hardware vendors.*

I would love to see it on Sugarizer too!


Warm regards,
> Sebastian

* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections 2017-2019 Update

2017-09-12 Thread Laura Vargas
> On Sep 11, 2017 4:51 PM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
> Hello Committee and Community members,
> *Topics for discussion*
> 01 Ignacio,
> Your resignation
> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020036.html>to
> the board has a direct impact to current elections as *it would open a
> fifth seat for the Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-2019 period.  As long as
> you don't make a formal declination of your board seat, the Membership and
> Elections Committee will not consider the seat available for the 2017-2019
> elections.*

Can you please share your opinion in this issue as well?


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Flat design causes uncertainty

2017-09-12 Thread Laura Vargas
> ... do we have official permission to use OLPC's logo in our Home View?
> James?
> Although the intention to put the child at the center is solid design, the
> XO logo has grown to signify a brand, so I think we should change it,
> regardless.
> +1 for updating the main icon.

In my opinion each day more and more countries adopt educational frameworks
aligned with the *Global Development Goals and Sugar Labs should not be
left behind*.

My personal preference would be to modify the child centered concept it
currently has for an icon that represents the concept of *"using technology
for loving Planet Earth"*.

Peace, love, Planet Earth and/or the "sustainable development" concept on
the main icon will resonate easy with a young generation that today witness
the need for this radical change :D

I would like to hear young voices in community for more ideas.


Laura V
Laura V
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Sugar Labs Finance Committee [Was Re: [SLOBS] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: URGENT action needed]]

2017-09-11 Thread Laura Vargas

It has just come to my attention Sugar Labs has a Finance Committee.


You are currently referenced as the Sugar Labs Finance Committee Liaison
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Committees> in the SL
committees wiki page, please confirm if such Committee is active and/or if
any of this information needs to be deprecated.

I any case I had prepared a Statement of Purpose for the Financial Manager
position and hopefully will serve as my application to the Sugar Labs
Finance Committee if it is still active;

*Statement of Purpose to act as Financial Manager [and/or] Sugar Labs
Finance Committe Member for Sugar Labs Global Project*
*by Laura Vargas*

My purpose is to provide Sugar Labs members the *service of keeping the
Sugar Labs financial reports published on two languages Spanish and English
on a timely manner on the Sugar Labs wiki  page*: https://wiki.sugarlabs.

I have estimated it will take me *~20 monthly hours* to perform such task,
taking into consideration that:

* I understand currently the Sugar Labs Project has only one (1) trusted
organization with an agreement in effect: non-profit Software Freedom
Conservancy in the United States.

* Software Freedom Conservancy's reports publication in the Sugar Labs wiki
are due since *February 2016  <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Finance>*(1
year and 2 quarters to catch up).

* To be able to allocate monthly time to the gardening of the Finance wiki
page, I would require Sugar Labs to sponsor the time for providing the
service and learning to use the commands to extract information from the
Ledger file, service that I propose to be provided in the form of a *Fellowship
with an Stipend *[and/or] office expenses, such as Internet connection,
maintenance to work equipment, etc. For reference see SLOB's Budget
allocation AGREED MOTION

I have an *Industrial Engineer* degree from the "Escuela Colombiana de
Ingeniería" and a masters degree in *English for International Business and
Finance*, from the "Universidad del Rosario" in Colombia. I also have a *Film
and TV Producer* degree from the "New York Film Academy" in the United
States thanks to the Ministry of Culture of Colombia and the Fulbright
Scholarship Program back in 2005. I gained large budget management skills
while working in the Film industry.

I have contributed to Free/Libre Software projects, specifically to Sugar
Labs since 2009. On the way I have lead many successful events, projects
and products, like Sugar Camp Lima and the resultant multi-native-languages
OS Image "Hexoquinasa" currently deployed among +40,000 learners on field.

I have many motivations to contribute to the successful execution of the
Sugar Labs project.

*Financial reports publication has become a critical task as currently
there are* no updated numbers <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Finance>.

Defined responsible parties for financial reports publication will benefit
largely the Project Leadership Committe and will hopefully activate more
collaboration in the development of quality "libre" software for children.

Regards and thanks in advance for your consideration.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections 2017-2019 Update

2017-09-11 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello Committee and Community members,

Procedure Note: Decisions are taken by majority of votes during Committee's
email communications which usually take place with cc to the SL systems
list, Dave Crossland (official impartial party) and Frederick Grose (wiki
leader team).

***As per 2017-2019 election calendar next Friday September 15 is the
Candidate's Wiki Submission deadline***

So far we have 145 members and 4 candidates for 4 slots!

As per Committee meetings, Ignacio Rodriguez
officially in charge of all technical procedures for the 2017-2019 Election
with the assistance of the Sugar Labs System team and the impartial
oversight of Dave Crossland.

My task for the upcoming days will be to document on the SL Wiki 2017-2109
Election's discussion Page all decisions and minutes of the Committee
related to the 2017-2019 Election. I (Laura) already started and will
continue to work on this during the week.

Other pending tasks you can help with:

01 Addition of new members to the Sugar Labs member's list. As far as I
know there is only one (1) request pending: Pericherla Seetarama Raju. *#ACTION
needed: *Samson and/or Ignacio please do confirm and update member's list

*Topics for discussion*

01 Ignacio,

Your resignation
to the
board has a direct impact to current elections as *it would open a fifth
seat for the Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-2019 period.  As long as you
don't make a formal declination of your board seat, the Membership and
Elections Committee will not consider the seat available for the 2017-2019

02 Samson,

Your unfounded accusations and temperamental attacks are unacceptable.

When you and/or Ignacio have failed to take actions to make decisions on a
timely manner, the decision has been up-streamed and taken with SLOBs
 like e.g. the
deadline for new members to participate in 2017-2019 elections. Otherwise
everything has been discussed and agreed properly.

03 James, Samson, Ignacio

As Committee member I will follow any course of action properly agreed by
Samson and Ignacio about the tasks derived from the addition of new members
to the Committee.

In the meanwhile I can keep Ibiam and Pericherla on copy. From Hirish I
don't even have the email.

Regards and blessings to all,

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Membership and Elections Committee sharing Member's List Update

2017-09-11 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear community and Membership and Elections Committee,

CC to IAEP, Systems, Board, Dave, Frederick, James

*Member's List Update*

Since June's members list publication, 5 members were added to Sugar Labs
member's list:

- Martin Abente Lahaye: Email verified on July, 2017
- Devin Ulibarri: Membership requested on August 15, 2017
- Samuel Cantero: Membership requested on July 13, 2017
- T.K. Kang: Requested to my personal email> sent to members on August 30,
- Michael Ohayon: Membership requested on August 3, 2017

For a new total of *145 Sugar Labs members*

*Procedure Notes: *

01. All Membership and Elections Committee members have write access to the
Sugar Labs member's list.

02. The Sugar Labs member's list is kept both on the sugarlabs-vote mailing
list (with emails) and on the Sugar Labs wiki page
 (with out emails).
Additionally, all Sugar Labs Oversight Board members have a copy of the
file containing member's names and emails.

03. The sugarlabs-vote mailing list has the purpose of serving the
Membership and Elections Committee to maintain the Sugar Labs member's list
and therefore list configuration should be kept as follows:
Sugarlabs-vote Mailing list Configuration
List's administrator: members AT sugarlabs
*Subscription Require approval* - require list administrator approval for
*Emergency moderation of all list traffic.ON* [currently this is not a list
for communication]
*private_roster* (privacy): Set [list of subscribers is protected by member
or admin password authentication]
*obscure_addresses* (privacy):Set [member email addresses to be transformed
when they are presented on list web pages (both in text and as links), so
they're not trivially recognizable as email addresses. The intention is to
prevent the addresses from being snarfed up by automated web scanners for
use by spammers.]

This procedure was suggested
 by Dave Crossland
and with the configuration set, it fits our requirements for all Committee
members to have write access to the Sugar Labs member's list.

The 145 members in alphabetical order, as follows:

1 Aaron Borden
2 Adam Holt
3 Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
4 Alejandro Gonzalez Barrera
5 Alexander Dupuy
6 Alfonso de la Guarda
7 Ana Cichero Mildwurf
8 Andreas Gros
9 Andres Aguirre
10 Andrés Ambrois
11 Aneesh Dogra
12 Anish Mangal
13 Anne Gentle
14 Antonio Carlos
15 Anurag Goel
16 Asaf Paris Mandoki
17 Avni Khatri
18 Benjamin Berg
19 Benjamin Mako Hill
20 Bernie Innocenti
21 Bert Freudenberg
22 Bill Bogstad
23 Bob Stepno
24 Carla Gomez Monroy
25 Carol Lerche
26 Carol Ruth Silver
27 Caryl Bigenho
28 Chris Ball
29 Chris Leonard
30 Christoph Derndorfer
31 Claudia Urrea
32 Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
33 Daksh Shah
34 Dan Williams
35 Dan Winship
36 Daniel Castelo
37 David Van Assche
38 David Wallace
39 Devin Ulibarri
40 Edward Cherlin
41 Eli Heuer
42 Enrique Mayorga González
43 Erik Blankinship
44 Frederick Grose
45 Gary Martin
46 George Hunt
47 Gerald Ardito
48 Greg DeKoenigsberg
49 Greg Smith
50 Guillaume Desmottes
51 Harriet Vidyasagar
52 Henry Hardy
53 Henry Holtzman
54 Hernan Pachas
55 Hilary Naylor
56 I. T. Daniher
57 Iain Davidson
58 Ian Bicking
59 Ibiam Chihurumnaya
60 Ifeanyi Mattew
61 Ignacio Rodríguez
62 Irma Couretot
63 James F. Carroll
64 James Simmons
65 Jean Piché
66 Jecel Assumpcao
67 Jhan Carlo Perez Ramirez
68 Jim Gettys
69 John Watlington
70 Jose Antonio Rocha
71 Jose Miguel Garcia
72 Juan Camilo Lema
73 June Kleider
74 Kaif Khan
75 Kevin Cole
76 Kim Rose
77 Laura Victoria Vargas
78 Lionel Laske
79 Luis Patricio Acevedo Jimenez
80 Luke Faraone
81 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
82 Manu Cornet
83 Manusheel Gupta
84 Marc Maurer
85 Marco Pesenti Gritti
86 Marcos Orfila
87 Mariah ELi
88 Martin Dengler
89 Martin Abente Lahaye
90 Martin Langhoff
91 Matt Lee
92 Mel Chua
93 Michael Stone
94 Michael Ohayon
95 Nathanael Lécaudé
96 Neyder Achahuanco
97 Noah Kantrowitz
98 Olivier Bélanger
99 Pablo Baqués
100 Pablo Flores
101 Pacita Peña
102 Paulo Drummond
103 Peter Robinson
104 Phil Bordelon
105 Rabi Karmacharya
106 Rafael Cordano
107 Rafael Ortiz
108 Raffael Reichelt
109 Ralph Hyre
110 Raul Hugo
111 Rita Freudenberg
112 Rosamel Ramirez
113 Daniel Francis
114 Sam Parkinson
115 Sameer Verma
116 Samson Goddy
117 Samuel Cantero
118 Samuel (SJ) Klein
119 Samuel Greenfeld
120 Sanchit Bansal
121 Sandra Thaxter
122 Sascha Silbe
123 Sayamindu Dasgupta
124 Sean DALY
125 Sebastian Silva
126 Seth Woodworth
127 Sora Edwards
128 Stefan Unterhauser
129 T.K. Kang
130 Tabitha Roder
131 Tariq Badsha
132 Thomas C. Gilliard
133 Tim McNamara
134 Tim Moody
135 Tomeu Vizoso
136 Tony Anderson
137 Tony Forster
138 Torello Querci
139 Tymon Radzik
140 Valerie Taylor
141 Wade Brainerd
142 Walter Bender
143 Yamile Susana Galvis Rizo
144 Yannick Warnier
145 Yoshiki Ohshima

Thanks to Dave, Systems and the Committee for all your ideas and

Hope you all hav

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Urgent Motion: To add three contributors into the membership/election committee

2017-09-10 Thread Laura Vargas
> ...
> > The motion is controversial as it is a personal closed selection of
> > candidates.
> Sure, it was controversial, that much is clear, but you must accept
> that the motion was agreed, and now you must do these things;


As I feel "forced" to accept new members I have no motivation to perform
all the tasks you list.

Samson and Ignacio will have to do the work derived from their decision.
I'll be sharing all with Community directly.

*I thank Lionel as he has been the only gentleman in the Board to stand to
his principles and underline decisions can not be "forced" upon anyone.*

Motivation is all on a volunteer driven community.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: [SLOBS] URGENT action needed]

2017-09-10 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-10 17:36 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :

> Thanks Laura,

You are welcome James.

> ...

As a result, should the motion pass, you're less useful to Sugar Labs
> (in many ways) because you are conflicted; e.g. you are excluded from
> establishing quorum in a board meeting.

In my opinion Walter has done just fine establishing quorum during board
meetings. The positions it's been vacant since 2016
 and was previously held by him.

The purpose of the service contract shall be clear: to publish quarterly
financial reports on the SL Finance 
wiki page.  The work will be intense as there is more than 1 year and 2
quarters out of date and financial procedures need simplifications and

Next step for the board would be to second the motion and vote.

Regards and blessings from the Amazon forest...

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: [SLOBS] URGENT action needed]

2017-09-09 Thread Laura Vargas
> Council of
> > [questions-answers-feature] Nonprofits
> > www.councilofnonprofits.org
> >         The vast, indeed overwhelming majority, of
> board
> > members of charitable nonprofits are unpaid
> > volunteer members of their boards of
> directors.
> > This is because of the ...
> > Caryl
> >
> > 
> ━━━
> > From: IAEP  on behalf of Laura Vargas
> > 
> > Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 10:32:28 AM
> > To: Adam Holt; SLOBs
> > Cc: iaep; Sugar-dev Devel; Karen Sandler; OLPC para usuarios, docentes,
> > voluntarios y administradores
> > Subject: Re: [IAEP] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar
> Labs
> > Financial Manager [was Re: [SLOBS] URGENT action needed]
> >
> > Adam,
> >
> > I'm OK if you are not willing to mentor me. I'll research and learn as
> well.
> >
> > I have published all the ledger commands here, that I know of to
> hopefully
> > get you started: [4] http://lists.sugarlabs.org/
> archive/iaep/2017-August/
> > 019935.html
> >
> >
> > PS a quarterly financial report makes Far More Sense that monthly
> voodoo /
> > feel-good economics, when most transactions are reported at highly
> > uncertain times many months after the fact.
> >
> > Yes. Approved MOTION 2017-13 Approves the Sugar Labs Financial Manager
> to have
> > a monthly stipend of US$ TBD in exchange for: 1 complete financial
> report per
> > quarter and it's publication on the Sugar Labs Finance Wiki page.
> >
> > 20 hours or anybody's time to repeatedly run the same numbers is an
> > extremely bad use of anybody's time in my opinion, particularly as
> there
> > are many months with no transactions at all.
> >
> > I estimated I would need to dedicate least 20 monthly hours, considering
> that:
> >
> > A) English is not my native language and I have to account time for
> translating
> > and rechecking.
> > B) Reports publication are due since February 2016 (1 year and 2
> quarters to
> > catch up).
> > C) All financial procedures require to be debugged and properly
> published on
> > the SL wiki.
> >
> > Anyhow, if this is what you are requiring please feel free to modify up
> or down
> > the amount of the stipend so we can move on.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > --
> > Laura V.
> > I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org
> >
> > “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
> > ~ L. Victoria
> >
> > Happy Learning!
> > #LearningByDoing
> > #Projects4good
> > #IDesignATSugarLabs
> > #WeCanDoBetter
> >
> > References:
> >
> > [1] https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-
> resources/can-board-members-be-paid
> > [2] https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-
> resources/can-board-members-be-paid
> > [3] https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-
> resources/can-board-members-be-paid
> > [4] http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-August/019935.html
> > ___
> > Sugar-devel mailing list
> > sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> > http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: [SLOBS] URGENT action needed]

2017-09-08 Thread Laura Vargas

I'm OK if you are not willing to mentor me. I'll research and learn as well.

> I have published all the ledger commands here, that I know of to hopefully
> get you started: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-August/
> 019935.html
PS a quarterly financial report makes Far More Sense that monthly voodoo /
> feel-good economics, when most transactions are reported at highly
> uncertain times many months after the fact.

Yes. Approved MOTION 2017-13 Approves the Sugar Labs Financial Manager to
have a monthly stipend of US$ TBD in exchange for: 1 complete financial
report per quarter and it's publication on the Sugar Labs Finance Wiki page.

20 hours or anybody's time to repeatedly run the same numbers is an
> extremely bad use of anybody's time in my opinion, particularly as there
> are many months with no transactions at all.
I estimated I would need to dedicate least 20 monthly hours, considering

A) English is not my native language and I have to account time for
translating and rechecking.
B) Reports publication are due since *February 2016 *(1 year and 2 quarters
to catch up).
C) All financial procedures require to be debugged and properly published
on the SL wiki.

Anyhow, if this is what you are requiring *please feel free to modify up or
down the amount of the stipend so we can move on. *


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: [SLOBS] URGENT action needed]

2017-09-08 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-08 7:39 GMT-05:00 Adam Holt :

> On Sep 8, 2017 7:43 AM, "Laura Vargas"  wrote:
> 2017-08-14 23:51 GMT-05:00 Adam Holt :
>> Thanks Karen for please responding to these 3 emails I sent you when
>> possible:
>> ...
>> - Aug 9 subject line "Samson Goddy asks for visa supporting docs for GSoC
>> visit to USA" [so that his visa is less likely to be denied, as happened
>> around mid-June with the French Embassy]
> Adam,
> Am puzzled.
> If board decision on this motion 2017-08-13
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions#2017-08-13> was
> not to approve the travel,
> You are confusing apples and oranges.
> Apples: The board did not approve a large $627.05 loan/advance to Samson
> for travel within Nigeria to attempt to get a US visa.  This large personal
> loan/advance was denied in no small part because it could disappear, if for
> example the US denies a visa to Samson, similar to what happened in June
> with his failed attempt to get a French visa for a Scratch conference.
> Oranges: Nobody (or nobody in their right mind anyway) is suggesting
> Samson should not travel internationally to attend the GSoC mentor summit
> in the San Francisco Bay Area Oct 13-15, 2017 as soon as the US visa is
> hopefully sorted out soon.  Hopefully Samson can give us an update in the
> coming week.
> why are you making related requests to the Conservancy?
> So that his US visa is less likely to be denied, as happened around
> mid-June with the French Embassy.  Thankfully the SFConservancy has
> assisted Samson here (AFAIK, Samson can hopefully clarify).
> How about Sugar Labs use its talents to move forward instead of
> continually relitigating the past?
> Can we take a pause to consider that for 2018?


*Thanks to your clarification I know understand you are only requiring
documentation and not a transaction and I guess that is OK.*

Although I have been granted access to Sugar Labs ledger file, I still have
no training nor knowledge to use the commands to obtain reports and publish
them properly in the wiki so that community can have access to Sugar Labs
Financial reports.

If you are willing to mentor me in the use of the ledger commands, I may be
able to dedicate weekly time to the Financial Manager position and assume
the responsibility of learning and documenting all the how to's for
publishing Sugar Labs financial reports at the wiki :D

*Motion: To appoint Sugar Labs Oversight Board member Laura Vargas as Sugar
Labs Financial Manager with a monthly stipend of US$ 200 in accordance
with *AGREED MOTION 2017-13*. *

I hope we can work together and publish solid financial reports soon. Feel
free to modify up or down the amount of the stipend. I estimated this task
will require to start at least twenty (20) monthly hours of high
concentration since I have to learn all the procedures.

I also hope to count with anyone interested in making this process
automated from the ledger file to the wiki publication in the mid-short

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] URGENT action needed

2017-09-08 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-08-14 23:51 GMT-05:00 Adam Holt :

> Thanks Karen for please responding to these 3 emails I sent you when
> possible:
> ...
> - Aug 9 subject line "Samson Goddy asks for visa supporting docs for GSoC
> visit to USA" [so that his visa is less likely to be denied, as happened
> around mid-June with the French Embassy]

Am puzzled.

If board decision on this motion 2017-08-13
not to approve the travel, why are you making related requests to the

This looks quite apposite to the board's decision.


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Urgent Motion: To add three contributors into the membership/election committee

2017-09-07 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-07 17:19 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :

> On Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 04:56:49PM -0500, Laura Vargas wrote:
> >
> > 2017-09-07 15:51 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy <[1]samsongo...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > On Thu, 7 Sep 2017 at 9:08 PM Lionel Laské <[2]
> lionel.la...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > -1 for the motion.
> >
> > As James said, I don't think adding more Sugar Labs members will
> give
> > more transparency.
> >
> > Good point to make an open call if there is more volunteer but
> do a
> > motion to "force" new members to the committee is not fair.
> > Plus except if I miss something I didn't seen in this thread a
> clear
> > request from Pericherla, Hirish or Ibiam to be a part of the
> committee
> >
> > the motion passed and second this is not the first time Ibiam showed
> > interest
> > Just that you didnt catch the mail.
> >
> > Samson,
> >
> > Please get used to add reference to your words otherwise you loose
> > and confuse readers.
> I had no trouble with Samson's mail.  Which part did you not
> understand or need a reference for?  Be specific.

*Any reference for the motion candidates expressing their wish to be part
of the Committee *would be in order.

Again Ibiam has expressed constantly and my vote for his inclusion is +1.


> > The motion is controversial as it is a personal closed selection of
> > candidates.
> Sure, it was controversial, that much is clear, but you must accept
> that the motion was agreed, and now you must do these things;
> 1.  ensure that the new committee members Pericherla, Hirish and Ibiam
> are inducted into the committee, with sub-tasks;
> 1. a. add them to the sunjammer:/etc/aliases entry for members@
> 1. b. add them to the mailing lists, in particular the recently
> created mailing list for enumerating Sugar Labs members,
> 1. c. inform them of all prior decisions of the committee,
> 1. d. give them the minutes of all prior meetings of the committee.
> 2.  invite them to the next meeting of the committee.
> If you do not do these things, then you are directly disobeying the
> oversight board.  You wouldn't, would you?  ;-)
> > There is already an Open Call for candidates for adding members to the
> > Committee.
> Your personal open call is fine, and it will be up to the new six
> person committee to respond to any offers.
> > Anyone who has interest or intention to become a volunteer member of
> > the Membership and Elections Committee please attend the Call and
> > send a mail to members AT sugarlabs DOT org cc IAEP if possible.
> Please advise once you have added Pericherla, Hirish and Ibiam to this
> mailing list or alias, otherwise we all know that the mail must be
> sent both to members@ _and_ Pericherla, Hirish and Ibiam.
> I've checked just now, and they are not yet on the list;
> ssh sunjammer grep members /etc/aliases
> > Regards and happy learning ;D
> >
> > Laura
> > SL MEC Liaison
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] ACTION Required: Approval Internal Procedure definition: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"

2017-09-07 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-07 14:59 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> 2017-09-07 14:03 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :
>>> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi SLOBs,
>>>> *To avoid future Sugar Labs travelers to have to request personal loans
>>>> to fulfill their programs expectations* and as it has been discussed
>>>> recently by the Board, Sugar Labs Travel Policy is subject to Software
>>>> Freedom Conservancy Travel Policy and therefore we are required to
>>>> approve a procedure
>>>> <https://github.com/conservancy/policies/blob/master/Travel/conservancy-travel-policy.txt#L220>
>>>> for "Request for Travel Policy exemptions".
>>>> I have documented the following draft on: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org
>>>> /go/Procedures with very limited understanding of Ignacio's US$350
>>>> Cash Advance April 2017 Travel Policy - rejection circumstances.
>>>> Those with more info, please read and give back your constructive
>>>> feedback to enhance the procedure before making a *proper motion to
>>>> approve the procedure.*
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Laura V
>>>> Internal Procedure #01: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"
>>>> >Action 1: Any Sugar Labs member/contributor can request a Cash advance
>>>> - Travel Policy exemption by sending a formal request to slobs AT
>>>> lists.sugarlabs.org detailing the reason for the request, the amount
>>>> of the request, the date needed and any other relevant information.
>>>> Requesting party understands SFC has the final approval for his/her request
>>>> and must make sure to ask with enough anticipation of the need of the Cash
>>>> advance - Travel Policy exemption.
>>>> >Action 2: Sugar Labs Oversight Board members manage project funds, and
>>>> according to available balance on Sugar Labs Accounts at the date of the
>>>> request, they must try to reach consensus in the form of majority of votes
>>>> to approve or disapprove the request. Once the request gets approved or
>>>> disapproved the decision shall be documented on
>>>> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions.
>>>> >Action 3: In case of an approved decision, Sugar Labs representative
>>>> or his/her delegate (e.g. Sugar Labs Financial Manager) will communicate to
>>>> SFC the decision and make in Sugar Labs behalf the correspondent Cash
>>>> Advance - Travel Policy exemption request and follow up the result with the
>>>> Conservancy sharing the results with the Sugar Labs Oversight Board and the
>>>> requesting party.
>>>> --
>>>> Laura V.
>>>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>>>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>>>> ~ L. Victoria
>>>> Happy Learning!
>>>> #LearningByDoing
>>>> #Projects4good
>>>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>>>> #WeCanDoBetter
>>>> ___
>>>> SLOBs mailing list
>>>> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
>>> Laura,
>>> Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this.
>> Your welcome!
>> I undid your changes since *a procedure needs to have Action items
>> clearly identified to be able to track any upgrade required to the proposed
>> procedure*.
> IMHO, my wording was much easier to follow than yours and had a number of
> tweaks, such as removing the requirement that the request be made by a
> "member".

I have no idea or reference of any case. Please explain why a requirement
would be acceptable of it is made to Sugar Labs by a non-member/contributor?

> Perhaps for a non-native speaker of English, adding the word 'Action:" at
> the start of a sentence is helpful? To a native speaker, it is redundant.
> But beyond that detail. you also undid the detailed content of my changes
> as well. Can you explain your reasons? Did you disagree with my edits?

Yes, functionality shall not be sacrificed in the name of Cosmetology :D


Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Urgent Motion: To add three contributors into the membership/election committee

2017-09-07 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-07 15:51 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> On Thu, 7 Sep 2017 at 9:08 PM Lionel Laské  wrote:
>> -1 for the motion.
>> As James said, I don't think adding more Sugar Labs members will give
>> more transparency.
>> Good point to make an open call if there is more volunteer but do a
>> motion to "force" new members to the committee is not fair.
>> Plus except if I miss something I didn't seen in this thread a clear
>> request from Pericherla, Hirish or Ibiam to be a part of the committee
> the motion passed and second this is not the first time Ibiam showed
> interest
> Just that you didnt catch the mail.


Please get used to add reference to your words otherwise you loose and
confuse readers.

*The motion is controversial as it is a personal closed selection of

There is already an Open Call for candidates for adding members to the

Anyone who has interest or intention to become a volunteer member of the
Membership and Elections Committee please attend the Call and send a mail
to members AT sugarlabs DOT org cc IAEP if possible.

Regards and happy learning ;D

*SL MEC Liaison*
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] ACTION Required: Approval Internal Procedure definition: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"

2017-09-07 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-07 14:03 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Hi SLOBs,
>> *To avoid future Sugar Labs travelers to have to request personal loans
>> to fulfill their programs expectations* and as it has been discussed
>> recently by the Board, Sugar Labs Travel Policy is subject to Software
>> Freedom Conservancy Travel Policy and therefore we are required to
>> approve a procedure
>> <https://github.com/conservancy/policies/blob/master/Travel/conservancy-travel-policy.txt#L220>
>> for "Request for Travel Policy exemptions".
>> I have documented the following draft on: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org
>> /go/Procedures with very limited understanding of Ignacio's US$350 Cash
>> Advance April 2017 Travel Policy - rejection circumstances.
>> Those with more info, please read and give back your constructive
>> feedback to enhance the procedure before making a *proper motion to
>> approve the procedure.*
>> Regards,
>> Laura V
>> Internal Procedure #01: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"
>> >Action 1: Any Sugar Labs member/contributor can request a Cash advance -
>> Travel Policy exemption by sending a formal request to slobs AT
>> lists.sugarlabs.org detailing the reason for the request, the amount of
>> the request, the date needed and any other relevant information. Requesting
>> party understands SFC has the final approval for his/her request and must
>> make sure to ask with enough anticipation of the need of the Cash advance -
>> Travel Policy exemption.
>> >Action 2: Sugar Labs Oversight Board members manage project funds, and
>> according to available balance on Sugar Labs Accounts at the date of the
>> request, they must try to reach consensus in the form of majority of votes
>> to approve or disapprove the request. Once the request gets approved or
>> disapproved the decision shall be documented on
>> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions.
>> >Action 3: In case of an approved decision, Sugar Labs representative or
>> his/her delegate (e.g. Sugar Labs Financial Manager) will communicate to
>> SFC the decision and make in Sugar Labs behalf the correspondent Cash
>> Advance - Travel Policy exemption request and follow up the result with the
>> Conservancy sharing the results with the Sugar Labs Oversight Board and the
>> requesting party.
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
>> ___
>> SLOBs mailing list
>> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
> Laura,
> Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this.

Your welcome!

I undid your changes since *a procedure needs to have Action items clearly
identified to be able to track any upgrade required to the proposed

Your inquiry is related to  Action 2 of the proposed procedure:

>Action 2: Sugar Labs Oversight Board members manage project funds, and
according to available balance on Sugar Labs Accounts at the date of the
request, they must try to reach consensus in the form of majority of votes
to approve or disapprove the request. Once the request gets approved or
disapproved the decision shall be documented on

Please be as specific as possible. What else would you like Action 2 to say?

We can add it once we have a better understanding of your suggestion.

Regards and thanks for helping out


> regards.
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] ACTION Required: Approval Internal Procedure definition: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"

2017-09-07 Thread Laura Vargas

*To avoid future Sugar Labs travelers to have to request personal loans to
fulfill their programs expectations* and as it has been discussed recently
by the Board, Sugar Labs Travel Policy is subject to Software Freedom
Conservancy Travel Policy and therefore we are required to approve a

for "Request for Travel Policy exemptions".

I have documented the following draft on:
https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Procedures with very limited understanding of
Ignacio's US$350 Cash Advance April 2017 Travel Policy - rejection

Those with more info, please read and give back your constructive feedback
to enhance the procedure before making a *proper motion to approve the

Laura V
Internal Procedure #01: "Request for Travel Policy exemptions"

>Action 1: Any Sugar Labs member/contributor can request a Cash advance -
Travel Policy exemption by sending a formal request to slobs AT
lists.sugarlabs.org detailing the reason for the request, the amount of the
request, the date needed and any other relevant information. Requesting
party understands SFC has the final approval for his/her request and must
make sure to ask with enough anticipation of the need of the Cash advance -
Travel Policy exemption.

>Action 2: Sugar Labs Oversight Board members manage project funds, and
according to available balance on Sugar Labs Accounts at the date of the
request, they must try to reach consensus in the form of majority of votes
to approve or disapprove the request. Once the request gets approved or
disapproved the decision shall be documented on

>Action 3: In case of an approved decision, Sugar Labs representative or
his/her delegate (e.g. Sugar Labs Financial Manager) will communicate to
SFC the decision and make in Sugar Labs behalf the correspondent Cash
Advance - Travel Policy exemption request and follow up the result with the
Conservancy sharing the results with the Sugar Labs Oversight Board and the
requesting party.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Urgent Motion: To add three contributors into the membership/election committee

2017-09-06 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-06 20:04 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> As I said earlier, I don't think SLOB should be involved in the details of
> who is a member of this committee or that committee.
We should be trusting the community. That said, I agree with James -- we
> need more transparency from the committee. For example, when the "Sugar
> Labs Membership and Elections Committee strongly suggests" something in the
> wiki, it would be nice to have a public link to the meeting notes available
> so that it is clear that it really is the committee that is strongly
> suggesting and not just an individual's opinion.

I fixed the discussion page to reflect my opinion only. Now it reads:

"I strongly suggest candidates to optimize space given and avoid irrelevant
information such as quoting other people's thoughts different from those
thoughts of the candidate him/her self. Instead I suggest candidates to
focus on a simple message to share your motivation, vision and/or
management skills that make you an ideal candidate for the Sugar Labs
Oversight Board."




> regards.
> -walter
> On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:36 PM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> 2017-09-06 19:24 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :
>>> On Wed, Sep 06, 2017 at 07:00:24PM -0500, Laura Vargas wrote:
>>> > In my opinion the motion haven't pass yet as have only 3 valid votes
>>> > in favor: Walter as 1 of the 4 candidates for the 2017-2019
>>> > elections should abstain to avoid any direct interference with the
>>> > current election process he is participating in.
>>> I disagree.  As the motion is only adding members to a committee,
>>> there's no interference in process of the committee.
>>> By your logic above, the only people who could vote for the motion are
>>> those whose slot is not expiring; Samson, Ignacio, and Laura.  And
>>> these three are the committee.  ;-)
>> Not even I should vote on any motion related to the current electoral
>> process until current election calendar terminates on October 15, 2017 as
>> it could be defined as a "Conflict of Interest".
>> At this point, this a polemical motion.
>> I think we need to make allow enough time to set as deadline for the OPEN
>> CALL for volunteers for the Membership and Elections Committee so that ALL
>> members of SUGAR LABS (r) are invited to join the Committee in equal
>> conditions.
>> I want to underline is super important anyone who wants to join the
>> Committee should state it on his/her own during an OPEN CALL.
>> Regards
>> Laura V
>>> --
>>> James Cameron
>>> http://quozl.netrek.org/
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
>> “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> ~ L. Victoria
>> Happy Learning!
>> #LearningByDoing
>> #Projects4good
>> #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> #WeCanDoBetter
>> ___
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Urgent Motion: To add three contributors into the membership/election committee

2017-09-06 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-06 19:24 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :

> On Wed, Sep 06, 2017 at 07:00:24PM -0500, Laura Vargas wrote:
> > In my opinion the motion haven't pass yet as have only 3 valid votes
> > in favor: Walter as 1 of the 4 candidates for the 2017-2019
> > elections should abstain to avoid any direct interference with the
> > current election process he is participating in.
> I disagree.  As the motion is only adding members to a committee,
> there's no interference in process of the committee.
> By your logic above, the only people who could vote for the motion are
> those whose slot is not expiring; Samson, Ignacio, and Laura.  And
> these three are the committee.  ;-)
Not even I should vote on any motion related to the current electoral
process until current election calendar terminates on October 15, 2017 as
it could be defined as a "Conflict of Interest".

At this point, this a polemical motion.

I think we need to make allow enough time to set as deadline for the OPEN
CALL for volunteers for the Membership and Elections Committee so that ALL
members of SUGAR LABS (r) are invited to join the Committee in equal

I want to underline is super important anyone who wants to join the
Committee should state it on his/her own during an OPEN CALL.

Laura V

> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Urgent Motion: To add three contributors into the membership/election committee

2017-09-06 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-09-06 18:09 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> Thank you James,
> The reason we want more members is due to the current members are all
> SLOBS and since we will be having elections it is wise to have some
> non-SLOBS member in, for sake of transparency.
I agree.

Therefore we will complete an *open call for volunteers* and will translate
and communicate giving enough time to all our members on our supported

In my opinion *the motion haven't pass yet *as have only 3 valid votes in
favor: Walter as 1 of the 4 candidates
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-candidates>for the
2017-2019 elections should abstain to avoid any direct interference with
the current election process he is participating in.

Again, *I would support a motion for new members as long as they are Sugar
Labs members in "good standing" and have made a volunteer request to be
part of the Committee on a OPEN, inclusive and transparent way. *.

Regards and blessings in your way,

Laura V
--SL MEC Liaison

> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 12:05 AM, James Cameron  wrote:
>> Good that the motion passed, but I'll comment anyway.  ;-)
>> Pericherla Seetaramaraju and Hirish Patel are not Sugar Labs members
>> yet.  On the other hand, nor am I.
>> My opinion is that it is up to the membership and elections committee
>> who they invite to their meetings and who they collaborate with.  Call
>> them visitors.  Visitors need not be Sugar Labs members.  Visitors
>> could be asked their opinion but their vote on motions could be
>> avoided.
>> I don't see why the committee needs more committee members, apart from
>> Walter's concern that the committee at the moment consists only of
>> the continuing oversight board members.
>> http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2017-09-
>> 01T19:10:08#i_2902795
>> This perhaps is more a function of the level of interest overall; and
>> losing Ignacio is an unfortunate sign of that.
>> On Wed, Sep 06, 2017 at 05:43:31PM -0500, Laura Vargas wrote:
>> > Samson,
>> >
>> > I would support a motion to add Ibiam to the Membership and elections
>> Committee
>> > since Ibiam is a Sugar Labs member.
>> >
>> > Not sure it works for non Sugar Labs members.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> > Laura V
>> > Membership and Elections Committee Liaison
>> >
>> > 2017-09-06 16:02 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy <[1]samsongo...@gmail.com>:
>> >
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I am requesting to SLOB. To add Pericherla Seetaramaraju  (Google
>> Summer of
>> > Code Intern), Hirish Patel (Contributor and Google Summer of Code
>> Mentor)
>> > and Ibiam Chihurumnaya (Member of Sugar Labs). I mentioned at the
>> meeting
>> > that we need more members in the Membership/Election committee.
>> >
>> >
>> > I will appreciate if someone second this motion for voting.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Regards
>> >
>> > Samson Goddy
>> >
>> > --
>> > Laura V.
>> > I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org
>> >
>> > “Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
>> > ~ L. Victoria
>> >
>> > Happy Learning!
>> > #LearningByDoing
>> > #Projects4good
>> > #IDesignATSugarLabs
>> > #WeCanDoBetter
>> >
>> > References:
>> >
>> > [1] mailto:samsongo...@gmail.com
>> > ___
>> > IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> > IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> > http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
>> --
>> James Cameron
>> http://quozl.netrek.org/

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] #OPEN CALL for volunteers for Membership and Election Committee

2017-09-06 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello all,

Sugar Labs Oversight Board is looking for volunteers to join the Membership
and Elections Committee.

If you are interested in helping out with the tasks related please respond
and/or copy members AT sugarlabs DOT org.

Regards and thank you in advance!

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Urgent Motion: To add three contributors into the membership/election committee

2017-09-06 Thread Laura Vargas

I would support a motion to add Ibiam to the Membership and elections
Committee since Ibiam is a Sugar Labs member.

Not sure it works for non Sugar Labs members.


Laura V
Membership and Elections Committee Liaison

2017-09-06 16:02 GMT-05:00 Samson Goddy :

> Hello,
> I am requesting to SLOB. To add Pericherla Seetaramaraju  (Google Summer
> of Code Intern), Hirish Patel (Contributor and Google Summer of Code
> Mentor)
> and Ibiam Chihurumnaya (Member of Sugar Labs). I mentioned at the meeting
> that we need more members in the Membership/Election committee.
> I will appreciate if someone second this motion for voting.
> Regards
> Samson Goddy

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] meeting reminder

2017-08-31 Thread Laura Vargas
*Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-1019 election update:*
Elections are already taking place
candidates have started publishing their wiki entries.

Second call for candidates has been translated and it has been distributed
to Sugar Labs supported mailing lists (1 day of delay from election's
calendar because we made it available in 2 languages: Castellano and
English) .

Any question related to elections can be made openly to members AT
sugarlabs DOT org cc to the IAEP list for all candidates to have equal
access to it.

Regards and blessings,

Laura V

2017-08-31 19:21 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> We have a meeting on Friday, 1 September at 19UTC. Please join us in
> irc.freenode.net #sugar-meeting. Note that one option to connect is via
> chat.sugarlabs.org in your web browser.
> Among other topics of discussion:
> * Summary of GSoC/Outreachy
> * SLOB election
> * Google Code-in
> regards.
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Candidacies Call for Sugar Labs Project Oversight Board Period 2017-2019

2017-08-31 Thread Laura Vargas
Hola a todos! Hello all!

The Sugar Labs Membership and Elections Committee reminds all community
members that from 1 to 15 of October 2017, *elections will be held to
define four (4) members of the Sugar Labs **Oversight** Board for the
period 2017-2019.*

 This *i**s **the** se**cond* *call for candidat**e**s!!! *

*All members of Sugar Labs can be part of the **Sugar Labs **Over**sight**
Board* * and therefore are
invited to submit their candida**cy** for **the** 2017-2019 **period
until September 15, 2017, as follows:*

Each candidate shall create one (1) Entry in the Sugar Labs wiki (1500
characters maximum length) sharing their vision and motivation.
>>To add your candidacy visit:
*https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-candidates *

To request a Sugar Labs Wiki account, please send a user name and email
address to the Systems team: *systems @ lists dot sugarlabs dot org*

Here is the complete Wiki Guide:

Here is the link for the specific case of adding and Entry:

If you are not a member yet or need help in any step of the process, please
send your request to *members @ sugarlabs dot org*

*Deadline for **publi**shing** candida**cies*

*i**n **the* *Sugar Labs **Wiki **is: * *15/Sep/17*

Welcome candidates!

*Membership and Elections Comittee*

*Sugar Labs Project*
Sugar-devel mailing list
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Call for candidacies / Convocatoria de Candidaturas Sugar Labs Elections 2017-2019

2017-08-31 Thread Laura Vargas
Please read in the attachment the procedures and important dates to
participate as candidate in the 2017-2019 Sugar Labs Oversight Board

Favor leer en el adjunto los procedimientos y fechas importantes para
participar como candidato en las Elecciones 2017-2109 de Junta de

Segundo Llamado Elecciones 2017_2019_castellano.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Second Call Elections 2017_2019_English.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Member's List June 2017: 140 verified members

2017-08-29 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-08-29 19:18 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :

> 2017-08-29 18:33 GMT-05:00 Martin Abente Lahaye :
> Martin,
> Email verification request was send to the email you were subscribed with:
> Martin Abente Lahaye
> martin.abente.lah...@gmail.com
> Please check for the verification links.

I see you verified already on July 13.

You will be added to to the July's verified member's list with your gmail
verified account.

Please request to members AT sugarlabs DOT org if you prefer to change your
email address.


Laura V

> Regards,
> Laura V
>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 10:53 AM, Gonzalo Odiard 
>> wrote:
>>> I have been removed from the list.
>>> What was the criteria used to remove old members?
>>> I am not involved in the development right now, but I see people who was
>>> not involved
>>> for a much longer time.
>> I even replied to verification email, but I am not in the list either.
>> Whoever is in charge of maintaining the list, please update it.
>>> Gonzalo Odiard
>>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Samuel Cantero 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 9:18 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Samuel,
>>>>> I just checked and your email is not on the original list, so it would
>>>>> be normal you didn't get either of the verification emails.
>>>>> Are you sure you went trough the new member process? If yes could you
>>>>> re-send to membersATsugarlabs.org the email membership request or a new 
>>>>> one
>>>>> if not?
>>>> I didn't know about a membership process. is that really necessary to
>>>> send another email for it?
>>>>> Will be happy to add you.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Laura V
>>>>> 2017-07-06 10:44 GMT-05:00 Samuel Cantero :
>>>>>> I didn't receive the email (twice). maybe a typo in my email address?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Sam C.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Laura Vargas 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello all, hola a todos!
>>>>>>> I'm happy to report  that after second round of emails verification
>>>>>>> (Thank you Ignacio!), emails corrections and addition of new members
>>>>>>> (Welcome Hilary!), we have a current total 140 members:
>>>>>>> 1 Aaron Borden
>>>>>>> 2 Adam Holt
>>>>>>> 3 Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
>>>>>>> 4 Alejandro Gonzalez Barrera
>>>>>>> 5 Alexander Dupuy
>>>>>>> 6 Alfonso de la Guarda
>>>>>>> 7 Ana Cichero Mildwurf
>>>>>>> 8 Andreas Gros
>>>>>>> 9 Andres Aguirre
>>>>>>> 10 Andrés Ambrois
>>>>>>> 11 Aneesh Dogra
>>>>>>> 12 Anish Mangal
>>>>>>> 13 Anne Gentle
>>>>>>> 14 Antonio Carlos
>>>>>>> 15 Anurag Goel
>>>>>>> 16 Asaf Paris Mandoki
>>>>>>> 17 Avni Khatri
>>>>>>> 18 Benjamin Berg
>>>>>>> 19 Benjamin Mako Hill
>>>>>>> 20 Bernie Innocenti
>>>>>>> 21 Bert Freudenberg
>>>>>>> 22 Bill Bogstad
>>>>>>> 23 Bob Stepno
>>>>>>> 24 Carla Gomez Monroy
>>>>>>> 25 Carol Lerche
>>>>>>> 26 Carol Ruth Silver
>>>>>>> 27 Caryl Bigenho
>>>>>>> 28 Chris Ball
>>>>>>> 29 Chris Leonard
>>>>>>> 30 Christoph Derndorfer
>>>>>>> 31 Claudia Urrea
>>>>>>> 32 Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
>>>>>>> 33 Daksh Shah
>>>>>>> 34 Dan Williams
>>>>>>> 35 Dan Winship
>>>>>>> 36 Daniel Castelo
>>>>>>> 37 David Van Ass

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Member's List June 2017: 140 verified members

2017-08-29 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-08-29 18:33 GMT-05:00 Martin Abente Lahaye :


Email verification request was send to the email you were subscribed with:

Martin Abente Lahaye

Please check for the verification links.

Laura V

> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 10:53 AM, Gonzalo Odiard 
> wrote:
>> I have been removed from the list.
>> What was the criteria used to remove old members?
>> I am not involved in the development right now, but I see people who was
>> not involved
>> for a much longer time.
> I even replied to verification email, but I am not in the list either.
> Whoever is in charge of maintaining the list, please update it.
>> Gonzalo Odiard
>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Samuel Cantero 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 9:18 PM, Laura Vargas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Samuel,
>>>> I just checked and your email is not on the original list, so it would
>>>> be normal you didn't get either of the verification emails.
>>>> Are you sure you went trough the new member process? If yes could you
>>>> re-send to membersATsugarlabs.org the email membership request or a new one
>>>> if not?
>>> I didn't know about a membership process. is that really necessary to
>>> send another email for it?
>>>> Will be happy to add you.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Laura V
>>>> 2017-07-06 10:44 GMT-05:00 Samuel Cantero :
>>>>> I didn't receive the email (twice). maybe a typo in my email address?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Sam C.
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Laura Vargas 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello all, hola a todos!
>>>>>> I'm happy to report  that after second round of emails verification
>>>>>> (Thank you Ignacio!), emails corrections and addition of new members
>>>>>> (Welcome Hilary!), we have a current total 140 members:
>>>>>> 1 Aaron Borden
>>>>>> 2 Adam Holt
>>>>>> 3 Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
>>>>>> 4 Alejandro Gonzalez Barrera
>>>>>> 5 Alexander Dupuy
>>>>>> 6 Alfonso de la Guarda
>>>>>> 7 Ana Cichero Mildwurf
>>>>>> 8 Andreas Gros
>>>>>> 9 Andres Aguirre
>>>>>> 10 Andrés Ambrois
>>>>>> 11 Aneesh Dogra
>>>>>> 12 Anish Mangal
>>>>>> 13 Anne Gentle
>>>>>> 14 Antonio Carlos
>>>>>> 15 Anurag Goel
>>>>>> 16 Asaf Paris Mandoki
>>>>>> 17 Avni Khatri
>>>>>> 18 Benjamin Berg
>>>>>> 19 Benjamin Mako Hill
>>>>>> 20 Bernie Innocenti
>>>>>> 21 Bert Freudenberg
>>>>>> 22 Bill Bogstad
>>>>>> 23 Bob Stepno
>>>>>> 24 Carla Gomez Monroy
>>>>>> 25 Carol Lerche
>>>>>> 26 Carol Ruth Silver
>>>>>> 27 Caryl Bigenho
>>>>>> 28 Chris Ball
>>>>>> 29 Chris Leonard
>>>>>> 30 Christoph Derndorfer
>>>>>> 31 Claudia Urrea
>>>>>> 32 Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
>>>>>> 33 Daksh Shah
>>>>>> 34 Dan Williams
>>>>>> 35 Dan Winship
>>>>>> 36 Daniel Castelo
>>>>>> 37 David Van Assche
>>>>>> 38 David Wallace
>>>>>> 39 Edward Cherlin
>>>>>> 40 Eli Heuer
>>>>>> 41 Enrique Mayorga González
>>>>>> 42 Erik Blankinship
>>>>>> 43 Frederick Grose
>>>>>> 44 Gary Martin
>>>>>> 45 George Hunt
>>>>>> 46 Gerald Ardito
>>>>>> 47 Greg DeKoenigsberg
>>>>>> 48 Greg Smith
>>>>>> 49 Guillaume Desmottes
>>>>>> 50 Harriet Vidyasagar
>>>>>> 51 Henry Hardy
>>>>>> 52 Henry Holtzman
>>>>>> 53 Hernan Pachas
>>>>>> 54 Hilary Naylor
>>>>>> 55 I. T. Daniher
>>>>>> 56 Iain Da

Re: [IAEP] 2017-2019 Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election - Stage I Call for candidates #1

2017-08-29 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello all, Hola a todos!

So far we have no candidates
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-candidates> for
the upcoming board elections in Sugar Labs!

According to the elections calendar <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Events>,
we at the Membership and elections Committee prepare to send the *second
call for candidates next August 30, 2017*.

Please don't hesitate to send any feedback to make the call better,
translate it or share it with the lists supported by the Community so it
reaches all members.

Leading elections at Sugar Labs is big task and we certainly appreciate
everyone's help.

Regards and blessings

Laura V
Memberships and elections Committee

2017-08-15 1:22 GMT-05:00 Laura Vargas :

> Hello all! Hola a todos!
> Sugar Lab's Elections and Membership Committee announces the upcoming 
> *2017-2019
> Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Elections_2017>. *
> *F**our (4) Oversight Board members shall be elected for the Sugar Labs
> Oversight Board project for the 2017-2019 period.**This is the first call
> for candidates: *
> The mission of the oversight board is to ensure that the Sugar Labs
> community has clarity of purpose and the means to collaborate in achieving
> its goals.
> *Members <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Members> can run for
> election to the Oversight Board
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board> and vote in the elections
> for the Oversight Board. Once e*lected, board members are expected to
> participate actively on Sugar Labs decision making processes and join
> Sugar-meeting IRC channel for SLOB's monthly meetings.
> *Candidates Submission:Candidates should create one wiki entry per
> candidate on the Sugar Labs Wiki page Candidates' Wiki submissions
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Elections_2017#Candidates>
> with 1500 characters maximum length, sharing their vision and motivation
> before September 15, 2017. Important dates: Stage I August 15, Announcement
> of election dates  and first call for candidates. (Today)Stage II August
> 30, Reminder of election date and second call for candidates. Stage III
> September 15, Candidates' Wiki submissions
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance/Elections_2017#Candidates>
> deadline. Stage IV October 1-15 Election. *
> Hope to see many candidates this year!
> *Membership and Elections Committee *
> --

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Member's List June 2017: 140 verified members

2017-08-29 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-08-29 14:06 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho :

> And, exactly why were there only 3 candidates for 3 slots?
> Because the committee did not actively recruit other candidates to give us
> a real election! The year before we worked very hard to get a larger number
> of candidates than there were offices (all 7 slots were open). We did this
> by mass emailings and by individually contacting people and encouraging
> them to run. We ended up with 10 or 11 candidates.
> As I said before, last year's election was a sham.

We are all volunteers here!

Ignacio, Samson and I were properly appointed and the process was approved
and over sighted by the board

Dave Crossland kindly acted as an impartial party as well.

I'm copying Conservancy's Staff as your accusations are beyond a "learning
experience" and *I feel harassed by you*.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Member's List June 2017: 140 verified members

2017-08-29 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Gonzalo,

Anticipating 2017-2019 election
Membership and Elections Committee (Samson, Ignacio and Laura) *have been
working intensively to debug the Sugar Labs member list* as has been
appointed and verified by the Sugar Labs Oversight board.

Please note there have been two rounds of email verification and so far we
have been attending all cases.

If you did not receive the verification emails and you are interested in
keeping your membership active,
*please email us to let us know your wishes anytime.*
Regards and have a nice week,

Laura V
Membership and Elections Committee Liaison

2017-08-29 9:53 GMT-05:00 Gonzalo Odiard :

> I have been removed from the list.
> What was the criteria used to remove old members?
> I am not involved in the development right now, but I see people who was
> not involved
> for a much longer time.
> Gonzalo Odiard

> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Laura Vargas 
> wrote:
>> Hello all, hola a todos!
>> I'm happy to report  that after second round of emails verification
>> (Thank you Ignacio!), emails corrections and addition of new members
>> (Welcome Hilary!), we have a current total 140 members:
>> 1 Aaron Borden
>> 2 Adam Holt
>> 3 Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
>> 4 Alejandro Gonzalez Barrera
>> 5 Alexander Dupuy
>> 6 Alfonso de la Guarda
>> 7 Ana Cichero Mildwurf
>> 8 Andreas Gros
>> 9 Andres Aguirre
>> 10 Andrés Ambrois
>> 11 Aneesh Dogra
>> 12 Anish Mangal
>> 13 Anne Gentle
>> 14 Antonio Carlos
>> 15 Anurag Goel
>> 16 Asaf Paris Mandoki
>> 17 Avni Khatri
>> 18 Benjamin Berg
>> 19 Benjamin Mako Hill
>> 20 Bernie Innocenti
>> 21 Bert Freudenberg
>> 22 Bill Bogstad
>> 23 Bob Stepno
>> 24 Carla Gomez Monroy
>> 25 Carol Lerche
>> 26 Carol Ruth Silver
>> 27 Caryl Bigenho
>> 28 Chris Ball
>> 29 Chris Leonard
>> 30 Christoph Derndorfer
>> 31 Claudia Urrea
>> 32 Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
>> 33 Daksh Shah
>> 34 Dan Williams
>> 35 Dan Winship
>> 36 Daniel Castelo
>> 37 David Van Assche
>> 38 David Wallace
>> 39 Edward Cherlin
>> 40 Eli Heuer
>> 41 Enrique Mayorga González
>> 42 Erik Blankinship
>> 43 Frederick Grose
>> 44 Gary Martin
>> 45 George Hunt
>> 46 Gerald Ardito
>> 47 Greg DeKoenigsberg
>> 48 Greg Smith
>> 49 Guillaume Desmottes
>> 50 Harriet Vidyasagar
>> 51 Henry Hardy
>> 52 Henry Holtzman
>> 53 Hernan Pachas
>> 54 Hilary Naylor
>> 55 I. T. Daniher
>> 56 Iain Davidson
>> 57 Ian Bicking
>> 58 Ibiam Chihurumnaya
>> 59 Ifeanyi Mattew
>> 60 Ignacio Rodríguez
>> 61 Irma Couretot
>> 62 James F. Carroll
>> 63 James Simmons
>> 64 Jean Piché
>> 65 Jecel Assumpcao
>> 66 Jhan Carlo Perez Ramirez
>> 67 Jim Gettys
>> 68 John Watlington
>> 69 Jose Antonio Rocha
>> 70 Jose Miguel Garcia
>> 71 Juan Camilo Lema
>> 72 June Kleider
>> 73 Kaif Khan
>> 74 Kevin Cole
>> 75 Kim Rose
>> 76 Laura Victoria Vargas
>> 77 Lionel Laske
>> 78 Luis Patricio Acevedo Jimenez
>> 79 Luke Faraone
>> 80 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
>> 81 Manu Cornet
>> 82 Manusheel Gupta
>> 83 Marc Maurer
>> 84 Marco Pesenti Gritti
>> 85 Marcos Orfila
>> 86 Mariah ELi
>> 87 Martin Dengler
>> 88 Martin Langhoff
>> 89 Matt Lee
>> 90 Mel Chua
>> 91 Michael Stone
>> 92 Nathanael Lécaudé
>> 93 Neyder Achahuanco
>> 94 Noah Kantrowitz
>> 95 Olivier Bélanger
>> 96 Pablo Baqués
>> 97 Pablo Flores
>> 98 Pacita Peña
>> 99 Paulo Drummond
>> 100 Peter Robinson
>> 101 Phil Bordelon
>> 102 Rabi Karmacharya
>> 103 Rafael Cordano
>> 104 Rafael Ortiz
>> 105 Raffael Reichelt
>> 106 Ralph Hyre
>> 107 Raul Hugo
>> 108 Rita Freudenberg
>> 109 Rosamel Ramirez
>> 110 Daniel Francis
>> 111 Sam Parkinson
>> 112 Sameer Verma
>> 113 Samson Goddy
>> 114 Samuel (SJ) Klein
>> 115 Samuel Greenfeld
>> 116 Sanchit Bansal
>> 117 Sandra Thaxter
>> 118 Sascha Silbe
>> 119 Sayamindu Dasgupta
>> 120 Sean DALY
>> 121 Sebastian Silva
>> 122 Seth Woodworth
>> 123 Sora Edwards
>> 124 Stefan Unterhauser
>> 125 Tabitha Roder
>> 126 Tariq Badsha
>> 127 Thomas C. Gilliard
>> 128 Tim McNamara
>> 129 Tim Moody
>> 130 Tomeu Vizoso
>> 131 Tony Anderson
>> 132 Tony Forster
>> 133 Torello Querci
>> 134

[IAEP] Platform for teaching "web-video-game" programming

2017-08-27 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello all,

I'm happy to report that as part of the effort to develop a local-long-term
young programmers team, *past friday we have started our second version of
the Workshop for teaching artisan "web-video-game" programming, *
*with 2 mentors and 4 learners. *
Back in May, Sebastian released the *Jappy** Activity* with many features.
Since then, Jappy has been added to the devel instance of Sugarizer while
development continues testing adding collaborations features.

Sebastian has re-released the implementation to check on educa.juegos

Jappy's team and young learners appreciate in advance community's feedback
on our way to document *basic Jappy Working-Guide's.*

You shall start by opening the "welcome.pyj" example.

Regards and happy learning,

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Systems] 2017-2019 Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election - Stage I Call for candidates #1

2017-08-15 Thread Laura Vargas

Being the Sugar Labs wiki, Sugar Lab's main communication and collaboration
platform *it requires continuous Oversight Board member's editing.*

Ideal board members candidates will have (or will be willing to gain in the
short term)  the necessary
skills for editing the Sugar Labs wiki platform.

To request a Sugar Labs wiki account, candidates please submit a preferred
user name and an email address to:

   - *systems @ lists dot sugarlabs dot org*.

Here is the complete Wiki Guide:

Here is the link for the specific case of adding and Entry:

All community members at the IAEP mailing list are called to provide
support to candidates that could require assistance at any step with their
wiki entry editing process.

Warm regards,

Laura V

2017-08-15 1:42 GMT-05:00 James Cameron :

> Since there are many people who can't seem to edit the Wiki, and I
> don't think that should be a barrier to being a candidate, I offer to
> edit it for them if they post their submission as a public reply to
> the mailing list.  Just say so in your mail.  ;-)
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] 2017-2019 Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election - Stage I Call for candidates #1

2017-08-14 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello all! Hola a todos!

Sugar Lab's Elections and Membership Committee announces the upcoming
Sugar Labs Oversight Board Election
. *

*F**our (4) Oversight Board members shall be elected for the Sugar Labs
Oversight Board project for the 2017-2019 period.**This is the first call
for candidates: *

The mission of the oversight board is to ensure that the Sugar Labs
community has clarity of purpose and the means to collaborate in achieving
its goals.

*Members  can run for
election to the Oversight Board
 and vote in the elections
for the Oversight Board. Once e*lected, board members are expected to
participate actively on Sugar Labs decision making processes and join
Sugar-meeting IRC channel for SLOB's monthly meetings.

*Candidates Submission:Candidates should create one wiki entry per
candidate on the Sugar Labs Wiki page Candidates' Wiki submissions

with 1500 characters maximum length, sharing their vision and motivation
before September 15, 2017. Important dates: Stage I August 15, Announcement
of election dates  and first call for candidates. (Today)Stage II August
30, Reminder of election date and second call for candidates. Stage III
September 15, Candidates' Wiki submissions

deadline. Stage IV October 1-15 Election. *

Hope to see many candidates this year!

*Membership and Elections Committee *
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Voting reminder (3 days for voting on Motion 2017-08-10: Sugar Labs Financial Manager to have a monthly compensation

2017-08-14 Thread Laura Vargas
Motion passes with 4 votes on favor (Samson, Lionel, Adam and Laura).

Next step will be to agree on the value of the stipend. I suggested earlier
we could start the debate with US$100 /month.

keep in mind the deliverables expected are 4 quarterly reports /year (1
complete financial report per quarter and it's publication on the Sugar
Labs Finance Wiki page maximum 30 calendar days after the end of the

Thank you all for voting and please share your ideas about the value of the
stipend suggested.

Laura V


2017-08-14 23:56 GMT-05:00 Adam Holt :

> +1
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Lionel Laské 
> wrote:
>> Sorry. Miss the motion.
>> +1
>>     Lionel.
>> 2017-08-14 19:32 GMT-07:00 Laura Vargas :
>>> Dear Adam and Lionel,
>>> Please share your vote before voting period closes on 2017-08-17. I
>>> changed the word compensation for stipend as James suggested but abstained
>>> from adding the US$100/monthly compensation suggested.
>>> Motion: *Sugar Labs Financial Manager will have a monthly stipend of
>>> US$ TBD* in exchange for:
>>> 1 complete financial report per quarter and it's publication on the
>>> Sugar Labs Finance Wiki page maximum 30 calendar days after the end of the
>>> period. The format to be used should be compatible with the
>>> International Financial Reporting Standards* or it's equivalent in the
>>> U.S..
>>> *see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Financial_Report
>>> ing_Standards
>>> Regards,
>>> Laura V
>>> --
>>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ Laura Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Voting reminder (3 days for voting on Motion 2017-08-10: Sugar Labs Financial Manager to have a monthly compensation

2017-08-14 Thread Laura Vargas
Dear Adam and Lionel,

Please share your vote before voting period closes on 2017-08-17. I changed
the word compensation for stipend as James suggested but abstained from
adding the US$100/monthly compensation suggested.

Motion: *Sugar Labs Financial Manager will have a monthly stipend of US$
TBD* in exchange for:
1 complete financial report per quarter and it's publication on the Sugar
Labs Finance Wiki page maximum 30 calendar days after the end of the
period. The format to be used should be compatible with the International
Financial Reporting Standards* or it's equivalent in the U.S..

*see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Financial_


Laura V
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Request to access to Sugar Labs ledger file

2017-08-14 Thread Laura Vargas
Hello Adam,

As Sugar Labs Oversight Board member I request you grant *access to Sugar
Labs ledger file to all current Sugar Labs Oversight Board members*.

Regards and thanks in advance.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ Laura Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] URGENT action needed

2017-08-14 Thread Laura Vargas
Hi Hilary,

Sugar Labs is a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy, and so
travel funding is subject to the *Software Freedom Conservancy Travel and
Reimbursable Expense Policy.

You can access the policy also via Sugar Labs Wiki Finance page at:


Regards and blessings,

Laura V

2017-08-13 17:43 GMT-05:00 Hilary Naylor :

> dear all,
>Samson is now sponsored for the up-front expenses of his trip to GSoC
> in the amount of $700. His actual expenses are closer to $900 if anyone
> wants to co-sponsor. I understand that SFC is going to reimburse me around
> $630 because that is the amount they allocated for local travel expenses.
> kind regards,
> Hilary
> ---
> Hilary Naylor
> ---fwd---
> Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 09:10:50 -0400
> From: Adam Holt 
> To: Lionel Laske 
> Cc: iaep ,  Sugar-dev Devel
> ,  "OLPC para usuarios, docentes,
> voluntarios y administradores" , SLOBs
> , Tabitha Roder  >
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] URGENT action needed
> Because Samson Goddy is our close friend and clearly should go to San
> Francisco for GSoC, it is tempting to send him a personal loan.
> But for Sugar Labs to provide loans to our personal friends is a dangerous
> precedent frought with moral and ethical hazards.
> As such, personally my conscience forces me to abstain from all such
> matters.
> I strongly encourage others to provide Samson the $627.05 personal loan he
> in fact does need, if Sugar Labs cannot.
> *It will make a gigantic difference, and you will have a friend for life in
> Samson Goddy, who is likely to move forward accomplishing truly incredible
> things in his life.*
> ---
> Hilary Naylor, Ph.D.
> www.a2zed.us
> Oakland CA
> ___
> SLOBs mailing list
> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ Laura Victoria

Happy Learning!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] URGENT action needed

2017-08-13 Thread Laura Vargas
2017-08-13 8:44 GMT-05:00 Walter Bender :

> Really???
> I have to agree with Samson here. What is the existential risk here? How
> does the risk of a travel advance to a well established community member
> (and oversight board member) for a trip sponsored by a reliable funding
> source with whom we have been working for years represent some "dangerous
> precedent"? Regarding your suggestion that we loan the money as
> individuals, the fact that I out almost $2K for money I have loaned to
> community members for travel advances...

For everyone's reference, I believe here it is imperative to clear that:

*Sugar labs board has never approved or endorse any personal loans among
members. This practice would potentially produce long-term distortions
in **democratic
decision making.*


Laura V

makes me much more wary of that approach. It seemingly introduces an
> additional layer of confusion that makes travel reimbursement all the more
> mired within the opaque operations of our parent org.
> -walter
> On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 9:28 AM, Samson Goddy 
> wrote:
>> Thank you Adam for the wonderful reply.
>> On Aug 13, 2017 2:10 PM, "Adam Holt"  wrote:
>> Because Samson Goddy is our close friend and clearly should go to San
>> Francisco for GSoC, it is tempting to send him a personal loan.
>> But for Sugar Labs to provide loans to our personal friends is a
>> dangerous precedent frought with moral and ethical hazards.
>> As such, personally my conscience forces me to abstain from all such
>> matters.
>> A quick question.. I am trying to undertsand some comments on this
>> motion.
>> I believe this is not the first time Google is giving money to Sugar Labs
>> and i am pretty sure i am not the first person from Sugar Labs to attend
>> GSOC summit.
>> Why is this an issue, for SL to approve so SFC can give me travel
>> advance?
>> Dont Google pay for the travels?
>> Why i am asking these questions is because i haven't seen such  comments
>> on previous travels and i certainly dont understand why it is happening
>> now, at least eating up time when i should be scheduling for interview with
>> the US embassy.
>> I strongly encourage others to provide Samson the $627.05 personal loan
>> he in fact does need, if Sugar Labs cannot.
>> *It will make a gigantic difference, and you will have a friend for life
>> in Samson Goddy, who is likely to move forward accomplishing truly
>> incredible things in his life.*
>> Thanks for this note.
>> On Aug 13, 2017 2:54 AM, "Lionel Laské"  wrote:
>> Because Adam is our Financial contact, I would like to hear from him
>> before voting.
>> In the meantime my vote could be considering as "Abstain".
>>  Lionel.
>> 2017-08-12 15:27 GMT-07:00 Tabitha Roder :
>>> I think Sugar Labs should approve the $US 627.05 travel advance for
>>> Samson Goddy.
>>> Tabitha
>>> On Aug 11, 2017 8:44 AM, "Walter Bender" 
>>> wrote:
 I presume we need a motion and a vote on this. Time is of the essence,
 so please respond ASAP.

 Motion: Samson Goddy has been selected as a Sugar Labs representative
 to the Google Summer of Code mentor summit. He has requested a travel
 advance to cover the costs of his visa application. The advance, including
 wire fees comes to $US 627.05. This motion is to approve the travel
 advance. (As additional background, Google will be covering up to $2200 in
 travel expenses for two representatives to attend the summit. Since our
 other representative is local to the SF area, the bulk of that money would
 be available to cover Samson's travel, so the net impact on SL funds will
 be negligible.



 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Accounting at Software Freedom Conservancy <
 Date: Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 4:16 PM
 Subject: URGENT request for Sugar Labs to approve of US$627.05 advance
 for Goddy for GSoC Mentor Summit (was: Is Goddy actually requesting $160 ?)
 To: su...@sfconservancy.org
 Cc: Martin Michlmayr , Samson Goddy <

 Sugar Labs PLC,  please urgently page down to the all caps section


 Samson Goddy wrote at 08:52 (EDT) on Wednesday:
 > it has been 5 days, i already made request to su...@sfconservancy.org
 > funding. Since it takes up to 15 working days(3 weeks) for the
 embassy to
 > accept appointment for interview.
 > I haven't heard anything from both parties.

 Unfortunately, We are waiting for someone from Sugar Labs to reply to
 approve the expense.  I don't know why they haven't replied.

 SUGAR LABS PLC: By my calculation, Samson is asking for this:


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