ietf 915MHz network connectivity

1999-11-07 Thread Randy Bush
from my laptop to the first hop 64 bytes from icmp_seq=108 ttl=255 time=5.842 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=109 ttl=255 time=5.844 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=110 ttl=255 time=5.950 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=111 ttl=255 time=5.848 ms 64 bytes

world unreachable?

1999-11-10 Thread Randy Bush ping PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=53.508 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=14.806 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=19.954 ms ^C ---

Re: IP network address assignments/allocations information?

1999-11-26 Thread Randy Bush It does not cover specific /16 /24 delegations, it just looks at all of the SOA entries. Still, it does give a representation of how much space is delegated. uh, as these data appear to be the statistics of an attempt to walk the dns

Re: IP network address assignments/allocations information?

1999-11-26 Thread Randy Bush
All I know is that we have thousands of sites using private address space, which completely falsifies any real data and makes it impossible to attach any real meaning to concepts such as "running out of addresses". the original question was not whether address panic was justified. it asked

Re: To address or NAT to address?

1999-12-02 Thread Randy Bush
Are you claiming that because the DNS has been used to pound other things, it is no longer any good for hammering (IP address) nails? hypothesis: the net dns traffic is not significantly more than the email traffic about the dns. g randy

Re: correcting a media article on Raven/IPv6

1999-12-04 Thread Randy Bush
Editor's Note: Press reports of the ACLU's action confused two separate issues. The first was a discussion (not a plan) of what should be the IETF's policy regarding supporting wiretapping for IETF protocols. This had nothing to do with IPv6. The issue was aired at the IETF's November

Re: IP network address assignments/allocations information?

1999-12-07 Thread Randy Bush
the idea is that IPv6 site renumbering will be so much easier than for IPv4 that renumbering will be *less* painful than NATting. this needs to be reconciled with the *much* more conservative statements on v6 renumber-ability coming from respected v6 folk such as deering et alia. randy

Re: IP network address assignments/allocations information?

1999-12-07 Thread Randy Bush
I'm not sure we're there yet in the support technology for renumbering. We have good ideas but we haven't pushed them totally out the door yet. However, we do have good ideas. [ flame, not directed at you personally but at this thread ] this is not the internet marketing task force. get

Re: IP network address assignments/allocations information?

1999-12-07 Thread Randy Bush
memory is cheap now, so lets loosen those thumb screws ;-) i think we need an automaton to post a few things every few hours to this and the nanog list. it's not the memory. it's the processing power required which is quite non-linear. it's not the memory for the /24s in old b space, it's

Re: IP network address assignments/allocations information?

1999-12-09 Thread Randy Bush
Ok, so it seems like there is a 1-1 mapping of TLAs to AS numbers -- in reality, with the current ipv6 allocation policy of the registries, all asns are using the same single tla. it's one of those theory and practice things. randy

RE: Email messages: How large is too large?

1999-12-16 Thread Randy Bush
What's the SOLUTION? : * ^Subject:.*How large is too large /dev/null procmail is your friend randy

Re: Back to the drawing board, was Re: Last Call: Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP) Version 1.1.0 to Informational

2000-01-05 Thread Randy Bush
2. The proposed RFC is not what should be used: this is not relevant to the publication of *this* rfc, the intent of which is to document what IS used not what SHOULD BE used. randy

Re: Telemetry Protocols?

2000-01-23 Thread Randy Bush
there is a nascent bof on getting location from wireless. mailing list is [EMAIL PROTECTED] randy

Re: Internet SYN Flooding, spoofing attacks

2000-02-11 Thread Randy Bush
Regarding the recent TCP SYN Flooding attacks, why aren't ALL ISPs required to put filtering on their networks that PREVENTS packets with invalid source addresses ever entering their infrastructure? maybe you want to be reading the nanog mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED], where the problems

Re: Plugging in Down Under

2000-03-05 Thread Randy Bush
is it the goofy british plug they use in HongKong? flipped pairs like hongkong? no. it is unique

Re: WaveLAN Bronze and IETF wireless?

2000-03-27 Thread Randy Bush
I brought with me to IETF 47 a WaveLAN Turbo Bronze wireless card which I use daily in my office at home, but it doesn't appear to work with the WaveLAN-Silver-based wireless net here (the LEDs flash briefly as though it's not finding the named network). as far as a bunch of us can tell, the

Re: WaveLAN Bronze and IETF wireless?

2000-03-27 Thread Randy Bush
I had the identical problem with my bronze card (flash briefly). I got one of the silver cards and plugged it in, and it just worked with my existing Bronze 4.0 driver and application. I didn't need to update either the silver card firmware or the driver SW. This is on NT 4.0. a number

Re: rfc-editor?

2000-04-11 Thread Randy Bush
I have a question: so ~who~ is the RFC-Editor these days given that The RFC-Editor (aka Jon Postel) has passed on? I've groveled thru the and the pages and can't see who all is presently acting in this role, but perhaps I simply missed it. brought to you by

eating our own dogfood

2000-04-12 Thread Randy Bush nslookup Server: Address: *** No address (A) records available for ns Default Server: Address: Server:

Re: draft-ietf-nat-protocol-complications-02.txt

2000-04-23 Thread Randy Bush
Most users are not networking geeks. They like NAT because NAT boxes make what they want to do so easy. presumably they don't realize that the NATs are making it hard to do other things that they might want to do. I many of these folks really want network address

RE: Privacy (RE: Should IETF do more to fight computer crime?)

2000-05-25 Thread Randy Bush
Is there a GRIP online email archive ?? details about all ietf wgs are on the ietf web site, grip's in particular is randy


2000-06-14 Thread Randy Bush
Forgive this spam, but I am looking for 7 CCIE's for locations in London, Silicon Valley, California and Tokyo. i can not find an rfc for "CCIE." what is one, some kind of can opener? randy

RE: CCIE - I still don't know

2000-06-14 Thread Randy Bush
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certified to spam

Re: IP over MIME (was Re: WAP Is A Trap -- Reject WAP)

2000-06-21 Thread Randy Bush
WAP's goal is not to replace IP, but mediate between non-IP wireless devices, and existing IP based wire line applications. So then obvious the Right Thing is to put an IP stack on each of those devices. Then such "mediation" is unnecessary. but there may not be enough room in the 640k

Re: Seeking Open Mobile Messaging Protocols -- Efficient E-Mail

2000-06-26 Thread Randy Bush
Existing SMTP/IMAP/TCP technology is not well suited for mobile and wireless environments where bandwidth and capacity are always limited and precious. ahhh yes. that 640k video buffer again. historically every time we have made a large kludge to save bits we have looked very stupid in far

Re: Bluetooth is a flaucipaucinihilipilification...

2000-06-28 Thread Randy Bush
no. but a email thread on bluetooth is just scsi without copper might be interesting:-) but don't newer scsi busses have a larger address space?

RE: Bluetooth

2000-06-29 Thread Randy Bush
I will bite regarding one issue near and dear to IETF hearts -- which is the seeming need to buy yet another 802.11 card for each IETF meeting. btw, those daze are over, at least for the moment. from the current version of draft-ymbk-termroom-op-03.txt, 2.5 Wireless LAN ...

RE: IETF Wireless LAN history

2000-06-29 Thread Randy Bush
OK, we have come to use and like the 802.11 nets at the IETF meeting. What will happen if many attendees also turn up BlueTooth devices? AFAIK, they operate on the same frequency band, and the BT devices emit enough noise to seriously hamper 802.11 operation! simple, we take them out and

RE: Is WAP mobile Internet??

2000-07-05 Thread Randy Bush
if i have a device which can only send and receive email, am i "on the internet?" if i have a device that lets me send and receive messages to/from internet users, am i "on the internet" note that sms with a gateway satisfies the last one. my point is not to push sms or whatever. but that by

Re: draft-ietf-nat-protocol-complications-02.txt

2000-07-10 Thread Randy Bush
I would go further - first to define by exclusion, secondly to define a new class of providers (according tro common uisage) so that discussion can proceed My intention is to provide a semi permanent definition as an Informational RFC. It is important to make the definition protected

Re: draft-ietf-nat-protocol-complications-02.txt

2000-07-10 Thread Randy Bush
of course you will exuse the providers if we continue to be perverse and find new business models. not bloody likely. some things are inexcusable. munging data in transit is one of them. the fact that you may have a business model that says you can make money doing something that is

Re: novel use of URL space

2000-07-27 Thread Randy Bush (try for any rfc) operationally, useably, ... how is this more useful than putting the rfc after the slash, e.g. what's it get me, other than less dns hits? ramdu

Re: Complaint to Dept of Commerce on abuse of users by ICANN

2000-07-30 Thread Randy Bush
I sent the following to Becky Burr a few minutes ago as a formal complaint about the ICANN abuse of users some of us want to do work and not play in the snake pit. please remove me, ietf, ... from your list of teh diseas-laden. thanks. randy


2000-08-02 Thread Randy Bush
apologies to the community for pollution of not s/ietf/iesg/. it's a bad week. randy apologies, but ... randy From: Bernard Aboba [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: draft-ietf-aaa-na-reqts-05.txt Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 00:51:28 -0700 (PDT)


2000-08-02 Thread Randy Bush
apologies, but ... randy From: Bernard Aboba [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: draft-ietf-aaa-na-reqts-05.txt Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 00:51:28 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would like to request that this draft be withdrawn from the RFC editor

Re: Non-USA countries and improvement in networks?

2000-08-05 Thread Randy Bush
The USA is the best networked country in the world oh really?

Re: An Internet Draft as reference material

2000-09-22 Thread Randy Bush
I have always heard that the RFC Editor will not publish any document as an RFC if it tries to reference an Internet-Draft. ^ normatively

Re: An Internet Draft as reference material

2000-09-25 Thread Randy Bush
PS - is no one else alarmed by the re-publishing of material submitted under an explicit agreement for 'removal after 6 mos'? I also share this concern. as do i, though i understand the ipr motivation. randy

Re: Recruiter spams nomcom volunteer list. Film at 11

2000-09-27 Thread Randy Bush
Dave Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED], on behalf of "Nexsi Corporation", has sent unsolicited job-recruitment spam to addresses apparently gleaned from the posted IETF Nomcom volunteer list. actually, it must have been a wider list, as i was included as a victim. i foolishly presume folk on the

Re: Recruiter ....

2000-09-28 Thread Randy Bush
If that were the case, well Randy, I'll forward you a message or two from head hunters "on behalf of Verio", or Cisco, or Juniper, or pretty much any other company you can name. most of the time they are lying and if i know my friend mary is looking, and i incidentally get a call from a

Re: Bake-off as trademark

2000-11-06 Thread Randy Bush
There isn't much overlap between the markets for baked goods and network protocols. the main intersection is in the doughnut area of high fat, too much sugar, and too little nutritional value. randy

Re: Will Language Wars Balkanize the Web?

2000-12-03 Thread Randy Bush
But the Internet is not the postal system nor the phone system. We already have the postal system and the phone system. They may be slower, but does that mean they should be replaced or that the Internet must duplicate what these systems do? i am sorry, but i can not understand the above.

Re: Will Language Wars Balkanize the Web?

2000-12-03 Thread Randy Bush
"I'm sorry, I'm not going to be able to figure out how to type that email address on my keyboard, could you please send me a message, and I'll just hit reply". if the app-presentation - internal coding - dns request mapping is not one:one and reversable on the other end, even this is not sure

Re: Will Language Wars Balkanize the Web?

2000-12-05 Thread Randy Bush
Really big post offices have special places to handle things such as incomplete addresses. Nothing guaranteed, but if you are lucky, you may even successfully send a letter from an arbitrary place to anywhere in the world using local addressing, at least if you don't forget the country name

Re: guidance (re: social event politeness)

2000-12-13 Thread Randy Bush
my wife, a preschool teacher was in oslo. she said that she had never conceived that so many add (attention deficit) people could be in one place. our population has an overly high proportion of people who think that they are more 'important' than everyone else, the kind of folk who cut in

Re: Terminal room lost and found

2000-12-14 Thread Randy Bush
small two button usb mouse and sony usb cable in black bag? actually left in plenary last night? randy

Re: NATs *ARE* evil!

2000-12-18 Thread Randy Bush
Excellent. We've agreed that IPv6's problems are a subset of IPv4's. unfortunately, we have not shown it is a proper subset. e.g. the larger address space may exacerbate issues already causing problems in v4, such as the increasing number of routes. and i am not 'taunting' but trying to see

Re: IETF logistics

2000-12-19 Thread Randy Bush
I would suggest that chairs try setting the agenda around issues, not around drafts themselves. The main point of the face-to-face meetings is to resolve issues that cannot be resolved by mail. Put those on the agenda, and let the combatants present as much tutorial information as they

Re: IETF logistics

2000-12-19 Thread Randy Bush
How about a first step: In WG sessions that I chair, there are going to be no more presentations. From now on, one week before the IETF meeting, document editors will be required to send me a list of outstanding issues they wish to discuss in the WG session for their particular drafts. I

Re: IETF logistics

2000-12-20 Thread Randy Bush
Frank was a good AD and managed WGs as well as any of us (and better than many) as a wg chair who served in frank's area, i will second and third that. randy

Re: Welcoming newcomers

2000-12-21 Thread Randy Bush
Few ideas are really bad. Most are either pre or post mature. thanks for the quotes file entry!

Re: Denial of Service by Spamware?

2000-12-26 Thread Randy Bush
actually, if it is a delivery failure notification, 1123 5.3.3 would seem to apply. mail bounces are to be sent to the MAIL FROM: not the original sender. or even if they were sent to the from: we would not see them. this bleep has been designed to be max annoying. get the word out. tell

scum suckers (was Re: Bottom feeders:-)

2000-12-26 Thread Randy Bush
as no one has mentioned this approach, i figured to add to the non- productive confusion as follows: nanog had an analogous crowding issue. the organizers looked at the problem and said the goal is not to become large, the goal is to maintain quality but one does not want to

Re: scum suckers (was Re: Bottom feeders:-)

2000-12-27 Thread Randy Bush
I hate to argue with Randy's common sense but I don't think this works. There are always people who can't get travel authorisation until very late, or whatever, among those who are absolutely needed (i.e. document authors etc.). So we would need rules about who gets in regardless of the

Re: Denial of Service by Spamware?

2000-12-28 Thread Randy Bush
Anyone who has posted to the IETF list in the last week or two has gotten literally dozens of "out of office notification" messages from Microsoft Exchange clients. You would think the largest application software provider in the world would understand the difference between envelope and

Re: Zone transfer

2001-01-12 Thread Randy Bush
Is there a way to still do zone-transfers? No, I don't want .com, just .edu. None of the root servers seem to allow it. from rfc 2780 2.7 Root servers SHOULD NOT answer AXFR, or other zone transfer, queries from clients other than other root servers. This restriction is

Re: Net police

2001-01-25 Thread Randy Bush
| I hear that people aren't passing prefixes longer than /20. Is this | true, and how broadly is this being implemented? If I wanted to advertise | my own IP space (say a /24) instead of space provided by my ISP, would many | ISP's not pass my route because of prefix length? I am

Re: To whom is ICANN answerable?

2001-02-08 Thread Randy Bush
I found this news report of some concern glad to hear it. but it does not seem to be an internet ENGINEERING issue. randy

Re: To whom is ICANN answerable?

2001-02-08 Thread Randy Bush
I found this news report of some concern glad to hear it. but it does not seem to be an internet ENGINEERING issue. So, who's issue is it then? first, i don't know whose issue grape juice is either. i just know it's not an ietf issue. the ietf is not the internet's default garbage can.

Re: john klensin evaluates ICANN

2001-02-08 Thread Randy Bush
you have a new email address for me to add to the sociopath filter, eh? randy

Re: [midcom] WG scope/deliverables

2001-02-15 Thread Randy Bush
It's our collective job to ensure that IPv6 doesn't leave any of the motivations to do NAT intact. i suggest that, for most of us, there are more useful and concrete major direct goals of ipv6 than anti-nat religion. randy

Re: [midcom] WG scope/deliverables

2001-02-15 Thread Randy Bush
i suggest that, for most of us, there are more useful and concrete major direct goals of ipv6 than anti-nat religion. to the extent that anti-NAT is a religion it is because NAT is a religion no, it's a market reality. we may not like it, but we'd be fools to deny it. randy

RE: [midcom] WG scope/deliverables

2001-02-15 Thread Randy Bush
i suggest that, for most of us, there are more useful and concrete major direct goals of ipv6 than anti-nat religion. And in fact, the anti-NAT religion hurts deployment of IPv6 because it is hard to get customers to throw away things they have already bought. I would also suggest that

Re: [midcom] WG scope/deliverables

2001-02-15 Thread Randy Bush
Given the penetration of NAT, particularly in the business world, I suspect B2B applications that do not work with NAT will not exist too long. from the little i have seen, because b2b usually wants authentication, authorization, and encryption, a lot of that stuff goes through gateways/

Re: Writing Internet Drafts on a Macintosh

2001-02-22 Thread Randy Bush
Also, why isn't HTML an accepted format for Internet Drafts just a sec. traditionally, we have this discussion every six months. it has not been six months yet. randy

Re: note from the operational side of the house

2001-03-03 Thread Randy Bush
I wonder if the future's most effective denial-of-service attacks will simply trigger semiautomatic "your customer XYZ isn't doing enough to protect our intellectual property, so disconnect them, or we'll increase your legal bills alot" claims from publishing houses and the like. This

Re: What is the differents between Switch and Router?

2001-03-17 Thread Randy Bush
A router decrements the IP TTL field. It should also not propagate broadcast IP packets (subnet or all 1's). for a non-attached subnet, what is a broadcast packet?

Re: What is the differents between Switch and Router?

2001-03-17 Thread Randy Bush
A router decrements the IP TTL field. It should also not propagate broadcast IP packets (subnet or all 1's). for a non-attached subnet, what is a broadcast packet? Maybe he meant directed broadcast as in ? i guess i was too suble. from here, i do not know that is

Re: Deja Vu

2001-03-28 Thread Randy Bush
As long as about 2/3 of the IETF attendees are from North America, 2/3 of the meetings should be in North America. similar logic might apply to havana. or, as long as 2/3 of the meetings are held in north america, 2/3 of the attendees will be from north america. randy

Re: Deja Vu

2001-03-29 Thread Randy Bush
when will you be hosting? I've done it 1.5 times myself. How about you? 2002, i believe. working on it now. randy

Re: hello see this (DRP)

2001-10-04 Thread Randy Bush
This is appalling. How can this be STOPPED? un sub scribe

RE: in memoriam

2001-10-19 Thread Randy Bush
To: 'Jim Fleming' [EMAIL PROTECTED] please do not feed the trolls. they do not digest the food and just puke on the public floor randy

Re: Why is IPv6 a must?

2001-11-11 Thread Randy Bush
There is a school of thought that seems to believe that IPv6 is a failure because it only solves a quite narrow although extremely important problem -- specifically address space exhaustion. The fact that it does not solve the global routing table meltdown is, according to such people, an

Re: Proposal for a revised procedure-making process for the IETF

2001-10-12 Thread Randy Bush
though i appreciate the intent. i would appreciate a separate mailing list for process issues as opposed to technical stuff. it is my job to work on the technical stuff at some depth. the process discussions often get a bit too detailed g. randy

Re: Proposal for a revised procedure-making process for the IETF

2001-10-15 Thread Randy Bush
You see, it is not within the purview of POISSON to decide by itself, without approval from the IESG, that any process related document is fair game to be opened, reviewed, and revised whenever POISSON decides it should be done. this statement seems unnecessarily polarizing. the problem

in memoriam

2001-10-16 Thread Randy Bush
lest we forget on whose shoulders we stand, jon postel died three years ago today. randy

Re: Why IPv6 is a must?

2001-11-30 Thread Randy Bush
RIRs allocate TLAs (or sub-TLAs) to TLA Registries. there are no longer such things as TLAs randy

Re: Attention wireless lan congestion issues

2001-12-11 Thread Randy Bush
Is this the reason why multicast seems to have stopped? it stopped because i disabled pim to wireless. someone less harried can explain why, or you can read draft-ymbk-termroom-op-06.txt randy

Re: Blue Sheet Etiquette

2001-12-15 Thread Randy Bush
after a BOF that I chair, I generally get the blue sheet from the Secretariat and make sure the email addresses are on the relevant mailer. it has long been generally held that adding people to mailing lists without their consent is quite impolite. randy

Re: comments on Friday scheduling (was Plenaries at IETF 53)

2002-01-17 Thread Randy Bush
I've known several folks who have Sunday booked solid with business/design-team/etc meetings weeks before the actual IETF begins. I would personally prefer extending into Friday... aol me too /aol randy

Re: comments on Friday scheduling, etc.

2002-01-18 Thread Randy Bush
I have a feeling we are going to have t think VERY hard about the entire schedule for the 54th meeting oin Yokohama given 80% of folks there wil be on severe sleep deprivation... i know the japanese are said to be workaholic. but will they be more tired than the 20% of us who fly? /

Re: Dynamic DNS at the 53rd IETF

2002-02-27 Thread Randy Bush
If configured on your laptop and at your home name server, this will enable you to get a dynamically allocated address which has your own domain name both in the forward zone and in the reverse zone. Fantastic. My laptop's DNS name is Please arrange for the records for

Re: Dynamic DNS at the 53rd IETF

2002-02-27 Thread Randy Bush
What? No DNSSEC? ;) if you *read* the web page, you will find a setion labeled Updating Signed Zones in the 5. Limitations and Possible Complications section. this stuff is not yet made simple. it's been enough fun to make it work reliably. folk will probably actually have to read the doc.

Re: Dynamic DNS at the 53rd IETF

2002-02-27 Thread Randy Bush
what jakob's message was saying is that the and zones will be correctly configured to work with the ietf net's correctly configured dhcp server. I appreciate the effort that has been made to set this up, and I'll look forward to seeing whether it really does make a

Re: Dynamic DNS at the 53rd IETF

2002-02-27 Thread Randy Bush
What about people who have zero intention to run either IPv4 or DHCP? sorry, if you READ THE DOCUMENT, you will see that this is a dhcp-dns experiment. if you don't run dhcp, or don't run dns, sorry. randy

Re: Dynamic DNS at the 53rd IETF

2002-02-28 Thread Randy Bush
i use it so that hosts at home can run scripts such as scp foo laptop: randy

Re: utility of dynamic DNS

2002-02-28 Thread Randy Bush
It's also quite clear to me that stable DNS names are not an adequate substitute for stable IP addresses, and that the existence of a service that can be used to update DNS names when IP addresses change should not be taken as an indication (for example) that it's okay for providers to

Re: utility of dynamic DNS

2002-02-28 Thread Randy Bush
we eagerly look forward to you providing this technology, and maybe even having an isp lynching or effigy burning at yokohama or do we need to be more patient? patience helps one person can only do so much i figured i would help, probably be the lynchee randy

Re: utility of dynamic DNS

2002-03-01 Thread Randy Bush
it's really nice to see the NSRG and MIP folk working their issues in this more public space. it's a whole lot better than some pathetic idiot flaming about his drivel being filtered, and the hundreds of folk who feel a need to reply. but, just to remind folk, if you want to try the dynamic dns

Re: residential ISP technical best practices ?

2002-03-04 Thread Randy Bush
re: nanog list luckily, there are no clueless flames, stupidity, or knee-jerk reactions on this list randy

Re: Proprietary IP Protocol Type

2002-03-04 Thread Randy Bush
Those of us who have been doing this for a while sometimes forget that there are things that are not obvious to those just joining us Protocol number assignments are at http://wwwianaorg/numbershtml; Application procedures are at wwwianaorg IP Protocol numbers are at

Re: Wireless LAN @ 53rd IETF

2002-03-05 Thread Randy Bush
i believe one will be able to rent wireless cards there will be a wireless lan randy

Re: MPLS issues spam

2002-03-08 Thread Randy Bush
Would the idiot who spammed every IETF mailing list with a subscription solicitation for a Yahoo MPLS mailing list kindly identify itself? s/spammed/attempted to spam/ some are configured responsibly for the sad but modern age. and it is most likely that they just scraped the ietf web pages

Re: MPLS issues spam

2002-03-08 Thread Randy Bush
s/spammed/attempted to spam/ some are configured responsibly for the sad but modern age. They also nailed the linux-ipv6 list, so it's not IETF-only. probably

Re: MPLS issues spam

2002-03-08 Thread Randy Bush
i wonder if we know how to get the attention of a grown-up at yahoo and just get this whole mess completely nuked. it should be a bit of an embarrassment to yahoo that someone can use them to perp this form of net abuse. randy

Re: Netmeeting - NAT issue

2002-03-12 Thread Randy Bush
Net meeting by Microsoft is not suppoted by NAT . this is the major problem you may not have noticed that o there is no ietf standards track document for net meeting o there is no ietf standards track document for nat hence no one here is surprised. caveat emptor. we design and

Re: [idn] WG last call summary

2002-03-15 Thread Randy Bush
dan, for those of us out here who are mono-lingual honkeys, easily confused when we cross a county line, blah blah blan, could you give one *simple* *concrete* example of the failure mode you fear? and try not to use adjectives. thanks. randy

Re: [idn] WG last call summary

2002-03-15 Thread Randy Bush
It's possible to eliminate the interoperability failures by upgrading _everything_, or by ugprading _nothing_. The problem is the transition. so, it sounds like the problem is not the proposed standard in question, but the lack of a transition plan without holes. shades of ipv6! so it sounds

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-etal-ietf-analysis-00.txt

2002-04-13 Thread Randy Bush
Another, very different reaction to the disparity between promise and accomplishment is to ensure that working groups meet their milestones. and if they don't we reduce their salaries, right?

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-etal-ietf-analysis-00.txt

2002-04-13 Thread Randy Bush
of course. but making milestones, especially in a culture reknown for poor estimation, seems to be a rather minor aspect of producing quality. and i believe the latter to be far more important, and to be more difficult to judge, motivate, guide, ... high quality that misses its market

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