Difficulties when running ion on place

2009-03-01 Thread Daniel Clemente

 Hi, I tried to compile and run ion3 without installing it and I took 
apparently the painful way.
 I ended up copying most .lua and configuration files to ~/.ion3/lib just 
because ion3 was looking for them there and otherwise couldn't find them. (Why 
can't it try also in the current directory?).

 Then I found that ion started with a „segmentation fault“ error (more info 
below). Much later I discovered the cause: there was a file I couldn't copy to 
~/.ion3/lib because it wasn't in ion's source. It is look.lua and is created in 
the etc/Makefile as a symlink to look_newviolet.lua.

 My request is: instead of creating a link to it at install time, can ion 
really have a look.lua file which refers (like in #include) look_newviolet.lua? 
In this way the file doesn't need a special installation step; it is just 
copied like the others.
 If not, maybe the defaulting to look_newviolet.lua can be included in the C 
code, so that if it doesn't find look.lua at least it doesn't crash with a 
segmentation fault.
 I would even find better if ion stopped with an useful error message when it 
can't find look.lua.

-- Daniel

(gdb) run  
Starting program: /Werkstatt/ion-3-20090110/ion/ion3 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 0xb7d79a70 (LWP 13761)]
>> Unable to find 'look' on search path.
>> drawing engines loaded, trying "de".
>> Unable to find brush for style 'frame-unknown'.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0xb7d79a70 (LWP 13761)]
0x in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x in ?? ()
#1  0x0806e4a7 in grbrush_set_window_shape (brush=0x0, rough=1, n=0, rects=0x0) 
at gr.c:594

Re: Keyboard focus lost in Swing applications (ex: Netbeans) after changing to window

2009-03-01 Thread Daniel Clemente

  Sorry for the long wait; I had other compilation problems (I inform briefly 
about that).

> You could, again, try reversing the order of the
> finalise_focus and
> sendmsg in the TAKE_FOCUS branch of the clientwin focus
> function.

  That didn't work; with JDK 1.7 it still fails. It must be due to something 
new of JDK 1.7 since earlier versions work now.
  Your patch fixed the focus loss in Java 1.6 but makes Java 1.7 applications 
not receive focus; it is a bug for a bug but I think Java 1.6 apps are more 
important right now; so I will start using it.

-- Daniel