Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia: Israel Goods in Somalia causes Cancer, warns Saudi Arabia Government

2008-08-26 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
Somalia: Israel Goods that causes Cancer that is used in Somalia

The Government of Saudi Arabia warned Somalia to avoid Foods and Goods from 
Israel that causes cancer.

Dowladda Boqortooyada Saudi Arabia oo ka digtay Raashin laga qaadayo
Cudurka Cancer-ka oo Israa'iil ay u soo dirtay Soomaaliya.

Posted: 8/21/2008 11:08:00 PM

Shabelle: JIDDAH
Sucuudiga ayaa uga digtay Somalia in ladoonayo in lasoo galiyo Badeeco
sumeysan oo laga qaadayo cudurka Cancer-k gudaha dalka taasi oo lagu
soo sameeyay dalka Israa’iil.
ganacsiga ee sucuudiga ayaa maanta sheegtay in Israa’iil ay soo
marsiineyso badeecadahani wadamada Djibouti iyo Yemen si loosoo galiyo
ayaaa waxaa kamid ah Sunta lagula dagaalamo cayayaanka, waxyabo loo
adeegsado bacriminta beeraha, waxyaabaha ay caruurtu kuciyaaraan,
Barafuuno, Sigaar, cabitaano gasacadeysan iyo waxyaabo macmacaan
kasameysan oo dhamantood sababi kara cudurka Cancer-ka.
ay dowlada Sucuudiga kacodsatay ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed inay iska
ilaaliyaan alaabahaasi isla markaana dadkooda ay ka ilaaliyaan
waxyeelada ay geysan karto badeecadaasi.
sare oo u hadlay dowlada dalka israa’iil oo diiday in magaciisa uu
sheego ayaa kutilmaamay hadalka kasoo yeeray Saudi Arabia inuu yahay
mid been abuur ah oo sucuudigu uu doonayo inuu kaga faaideysto xiriir
xumada kala dhaxeysa Israa’iil in dacaayad ay kaga fidiso Israa’iil.
kasoo baxay Wasaaradda Ganacsiga ee wadanka Boqortooyada Saudi Arabia
ayaa kusoo beegmaya xilli dhowaan mas’uuliyiin katirsan dowladda
Federaalka ay fasaxeen raashiin qurmay oo aan u wanaagsaneyn inuu
bani’aadamka isticmaalo kaasi oo laga soo bixiyay dekedda weyn ee
Muqdisho xilli ay horeyna u sheegtay wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka iyo
Dhulka in raashiinkaasi baaritaan lagu sameyn doono oo guddi
loosaarayo, waxaana laga bixiyay dekedda iyadoon wax war ah kasoo bixin

Shebelle Media Network - Source of Somalia News
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and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Saviour of mankind 
the descendent of Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] IPOD with Islamic Encyclopedia

2008-08-26 Thread marina.mlik
ENMAC's new upgraded iPod with Islamic Encyclopedia is now in the
market. With contents like complete Holly Quran with high quality
audio with translation in famous languages of the world, Tafaseer
books, Ahadeeth Books, History Books, universal Qibla direction,
Prayer timings, It also has camera, MP3 and MP4 Player, Video Player
and much more.  Contact us for more details or visit

Bismillah [IslamCity] Excellent islamice websites for non muslims

2008-08-26 Thread fatima jan

 Please if you have your own website,do put the following sites they are 
Excellent for
 non-Muslims and Muslims

fatima khan 

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Reciting Quran while leaning

2008-08-26 Thread Faiz
Aqsa, do you have a good hadith to post?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah* 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:53 AM
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Reciting Quran while leaning

  Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
  Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

  Menstrual Periods  
  Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 6 :: Hadith 296 
  Narrated 'Aisha: 
  The Prophet used to lean on my lap and recite Qur'an while I was in menses. 

  Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)." 

  Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

  Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
  Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me 
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and 
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge 
in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
  Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.



Bismillah [IslamCity] We Salute you

2008-08-26 Thread Khalid Amayreh
  We salute you 
  [ 22/08/2008 - 11:32 PM ]  

  By Khalid Amayreh in al-Khalil (Hebron)

  As I write these words, two boats with some 46   peace activists  from 
many nationalities onboard are sailing from Cyprus to the Gaza Strip in a 
symbolic effort  to break Israel's cruel blockade of the coastal Palestinian 

  The Free Gaza Movement,  the organizer of the bold mission,  includes 
people from various religious and cultural backgrounds who  are united in their 
dedication to  the cause of freedom for the estimated  1.5 million Gazans, 
thoroughly tormented by a nearly  hermetic blockade that has  effectively 
reduced the originally impoverished enclave to a virtual concentration camp.

  Among the people taking part in this  brave endeavor  are an  81-year-old 
Catholic nun and the sister of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair as well 
as Muslim, Jewish and Christian activists. 

  If  all goes well, the  two boats,  "SS Liberty"  and " SS Free Gaza" 
will deliver urgently-needed medicine and other humanitarian aid to the 
children of Gaza.

  Hundreds of Gaza children and other civilians have died due to the acute 
shortage of medicine and food resulting from the year-long  siege. 

  Israel, which is obviously embarrassed by the publicity surrounding the  
humanitarian mission, has threatened to violently prevent the two boats from 
reaching Gaza.

  Some Israeli officials have even hinted at the possibility of using 
violence against the two boats.

  Israel has not stopped telling the world that it  no longer occupies 
Gaza. However, this claim is obviously a scandalous lie since the Israeli 
occupation continues to exercise  tight control over the Gaza Strip's sea, air 
and border crossings. 

  There is no doubt that the continuation of the Gaza siege is a stigma of 
shame on the conscience of humanity as a whole.

  It is  a stigma of shame upon the United States which  shamelessly 
conspires with Israel to savage and torment these  innocent Palestinians  whose 
only "crime" is their audacity to elect a government that rulers of Tel Aviv 
and Washington don't like.

  It is also a stigma of shame upon the states of Europe  who are watching 
passively  a predator state  gang up on helpless civilians very much like the 
Nazi Third Reich did nearly seven decades ago.

  But the greatest shame falls upon Arab countries, especially Egypt, which 
is effectively complementing the Israeli siege of the shut-in Gazans  by 
refusing to open the Rafah border crossing to allow them to buy food and 
medicine as well as travel abroad.

  I really can't understand how we,  Arabs and Muslims,  can blame Israel, 
a cruel and criminal state that would like to see Palestinians wiped off from 
the face of earth, while a so-called brotherly Arab country is closing the 
borders in the face of thousands of desperate Palestinians seeking urgently 
needed health care.

  Indeed, I want to ask the Egyptian leadership  how many Palestinians must 
die before Egypt will listen to the helpless cries of the starving and dying 
Gazans?.  Shame on you.

  We salute you 

  To these  brave men and women onboard "SS Liberty" and "Free Gaza",  I 
would like to say the following.

  I salute you for your  courage, humanness and self-abnegation. You 
undoubtedly  represent a point of light in a world overwhelmed by darkness. 
Your  selfless efforts on behalf of the oppressed  men, women and children of 
Gaza show that there  are still brave men and women in this world who wouldn't 
give in to brut power.

  I salute that elderly nun, Anne Montgomery,  of the religious Order of 
the Sacred Heart,  for her brave determination to take part in this challenging 
and dangerous mission, despite her old age.

  I salute  broadcaster and journalist  Lauren Booth for demonstrating  
that  journalism is not a "morally neutral job" and that true journalists must 
also be true human beings who should take a pro-active stance  for justice.

  I salute  Jeff Halper  the Professor of Anthropology  and Coordinator of 
the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICHAD)  who by taking part in 
this sublime endeavor is making an important  statement, namely that there are 
Jews in this world  who don't support Israel's Nazi-like repression of the 
Palestinian people and that starving and savaging innocent civilians for 
political reasons is incompatible with true Jewish morality.

  I salute Greek MP Tasos Kourakis who has voiced a determination "to break 
the wall of silence surrounding Gaza"  by exposing the scandalous siege of a 
people Israel is trying to crush for wanting to be free.

  I salute Dr. Paul Larudee, a co-founder  of the Free Gaza mission for his 
fearless, unflinching determination to carry out this daunting task despite all 
the threats and intimidation coming from Israel.

  I salu

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Bridegroom needed

2008-08-26 Thread Said Jama
Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu ,
Alhamdulilaahi wa salatu wa salamu ala nabiyana muhammad wa ala alihi wa 
sahbihi wa man walaa.
After this preamble ,
Allah, the Exalted, says: 
"... and whatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knows it well.'' (2:215) 
"And whatever good you do, (be sure) Allah knows it.'' (2:197) 
"So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall 
see it.'' (99:7) 
"Whosoever does a good deed, it is for his ownself...'' (45:15) 
121.  Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) 
said, "Do not belittle any good deed, even meeting your brother (Muslim) with a 
cheerful face".
We should not condemn straight those who are looking for a husband for this 
orphan girl.
There might be practical issues involved , such as knowing this individual 
,which is hard in the case of a foreigner , and they want to be sure that they 
know the one who will marry this orphan .
Let us see the good things in other people's actions , and not call everything 
"haram" , there might be some reason , and i belief that if there is someone "a 
foreigner " known to them because of his "character and good deeds " and he 
asked for her hand they will favour him .
I hope that these people would understand the sincere concerns of brother 
Mahmood Tahir , who wanted not to generalize this issue "everywhere " for it is 
Let us remmember and understand that the issue is helping an orphan , and 
helping her by getting married with someone known to her Wali , who is a muslim 
and of good character and manners (Pious), adult , and able to establish a 
family is the central issue . 
Wallahu waliyu tawfiq ,
wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu ,
your brother in islam ,
Said "Abu Abdallah"

--- On Wed, 8/20/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Bridegroom needed
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" 
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 2:29 PM

As Salaam to you all,
My dear Brothers and Sisters, what has Islam come to when one reads that other 
intentional Muslim bridegrooms from other countries are 'unacceptable' to this 
Muslima and especiall one's who are 'foreigners' ?
It only helps non-believers to say that Islam does not exist except within the 
outward appearance of the individuals. However, is it not a fact that we have 
lost our way since the death of our beloved Prophet (pbuh)?
There are plenty of strong and good Hadith, where the Prophet (pbuh) asked for 
the hand of a Muslima for someone else who may have been ugly or deformed, yet 
they married their daughters to them. How little faith we have today in what is 
right within Islam?
Wa Salaam
Mahmood Tahir 

--- On Fri, 8/17/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] com <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Bridegroom needed
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, August 17, 2007, 11:47 AM

Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 16:09:23 +0600
To: Bashirmahmudellias@
From: Bashir  Mahmud  Ellias 
Subject: Bridegroom  needed

Bridegroom  needed  for  this  orphan  girl


She  lives  with  her  step  father's  family  in  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.

1.  Name-  Shamima  Akter (Seema).  She  has  born  in  a  noble  muslim  
family.  Her  grandfather (still  alive)  Siddiqur  Rahman  Mollah  is  a  
well-known  person  in  the  whole  Daudkandi  Upzilla  &  a  some  kind  of  
landlord..  She  lived  in  the  village  till  S.S.C.  Presently  she  is  
living  at  Dhaka  for  her  graduation.
2.  Father’s  name-  (Late)  Md.  Shafiqur  Rahman  Mollah (tota).  He  was  a  
graduate  &  an  officer  of  Janata  Bank.  He  died  of  jaundice  when  
seema  was  02  yrs  old.  According  to  the  people,  he  was  an  excellent  
guy  both  physically  &  morally.
3.  Mother’s  name- khandaker  Mala  Begum.  Presently  working  as  an  
officer  of  Janata  Bank.
4.  Brothers  &  sisters-  She  is  the  only  child  of  her  late  father  &  
she  had  one  step  brother  &  one  step  sister..
4.  Present  address-  Sanarpar,  Dhaka. (near  Shanir  akhra).  Her  mom  had  
a  two  stored  building  here  &  she  had  written  down  one  floor  for  
5.  Uncle- She  had  six  paternal  uncle,  all  of  them  are  highly  
educated  &  established  in  different  fields  &  also  resided  in  Dhaka.  
Her  three  aunties  also  settled  in  Dhaka.
6.  Birth  place- Vaaor  khola,  Daudkandi,  Comilla.

7.  Religion- Islam (sunni),

8.  nationality- Bangladeshi  by  birth.

9.  age- 25 yrs

10.  Figure- slim,  tall

11.  Educational qualification- B..A.(hons)- islamic studies- 4th  year  
examinee- sep/2008

(Bridegroom  necessarily  should  be  generous,   sympet

Bismillah [IslamCity] [QURAN - Part 3] Easy Method to complete the recitation of the Qur'an in a Month

2008-08-26 Thread Al Islaah Publications
P.O.Box 1106 Kroonstad,South Africa, 9500
Tel no.: 27-56 -2124604  /   Mobile no: 083 477 3786/   Fax no:
086 602 9424
e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]web-site:

 [QURAN - Part 3] Easy Method to complete the recitation of the Qur'an
in a Month
 Ramadhan is the month of the Qura'an.

Do you want to finish reading the Glorious Qur'an this Ramadhan
Insha-Allah ? All one has to do is to read around 4.5 pages after each

4.5 X 5 salaahs a day X 30 days = 604 pages(approximately the number
of pages in the Qur'an )

I never knew it was that easy to read the whole Quran each month, by
spending few minutes after each salaah, AND WHAT AN INVESTMENT !!! and
if one, wants to complete the recitation of the Glorious Qur'an once
every two months, recite just 2 pages after each salaah. Each letter
one reads counts 10 hasanat;

what about a word ??

what about a line ??

what about a page ??

what about a juz???

what about the whole Qur'an ??..??

May we gather courage and strength to increase our recitation of the
Qur'an in the month of Ramadhan. 



Visit our web-site:

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Finally its here! We are now taking orders for Islam Box

2008-08-26 Thread J M

--- On Thu, 8/21/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Finally its here! We are now taking orders for Islam Box
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 5:29 PM

Dear viewer of Islam Box, 

Insha Allah this reaches you all in the best of health and highest Iman. With 
the blessing of Allah (swt), Islam Box has finally been launched in United 
States, Canada and United Kingdom. This gives an opportunity to Muslim Ummah 
living in these countries to fully enjoy the blessed month of Ramadhaan. You 
and your family will be able to watch five daily prayers and traweah prayers 
Live from Masjid AlHaram and Masjid AlNabawee, learn about our beautiful 
religion by listening to lectures of great scholars of our time, ask these 
scholars any question about jurisprudence in Live question and answer sessions, 
sooth yourselves by listening to Quran recitation by top Qarees of the world 
and much more. Basically this is a must have device for every Muslim family!! 

Islam Box is capable to stream unlimited TV and Radio stations to your 
Television Set in your living room, however during the launch period you will 
be able to view 20 Islamic TV stations and over 15 Islamic Radio stations from 
around the world. As you know that Islamic Media is building at a remarkable 
rate mashaAllah and Islam Box is already planning to double the number of 
channels by end of this year. 

We will soon inshaAllah launch the Islam Box for every part of the world. For 
the time being, those other than these three countries should have patience and 
continue to enjoy our web based service. 

Another service we are planning to introduce very soon is Video on demand 
through which you will be able to watch your favorite shows on your TV Set 
through Islam Box in your own time whether it is a Fajr prayer from Masjid 
AlHaram or Masjid AlNabwee, a beautiful documentary about Allah (swt) creation, 
Children's cartoon, youth program or a talk by inspirational speaker, all would 
be available at a touch of a button. 

Ordering Islam Box is easy; sign up at (your old account 
details on won't work), you will receive an activation email 
from us in your mail box, click on an activation link provided in the email, it 
will take you back to Islam Box website, order an appropriate package and we 
will contact you within a day regarding your order. 

We would sincerely like to thank those of you, who have helped us either by 
donating, voluntarily subscribing to Islam Box for our low bandwidth service, 
we also would like to thank those brothers and sisters who promoted this 
platform either by letting people know or by any other way; your support and 
prayers has made it possible to shape this idea into reality. 

May Allah forgive us all during the blessed month of Ramadhaan. 


Islam Box


Bismillah [IslamCity] Welcome O Month of Sha'baan

2008-08-26 Thread PoEtEsS
In the Name of Almighty Allah

Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

"Allahumma Bariek lana Fie Rajab 
wa Sha'baan Wa baliegna Ramadan".

Wa Ba'd:

Ummatal Muslimeen! All Praise and All Glory is due only to Almighty Allah 
Subahanahoo Wata'ala Who created man, and taught him how to speak, and He 
created the sun and the moon with a set purpose, that you may know the number 
of years and the detail of time. And He distinguished certain months over 
others; so He honoured the month of Rajab and Sha'baan, and He caused the month 
of Sha'baan to between the two great months of Rajab and Ramadan.There has been 
a tendency among Muslims to celebrate the 15th of Sha'baan to commemorate the 
revelation of verse 142 of Surah Al-Baqara as well as the night of Almighty 
Allah Subahanahoo Wata'ala's Mercy and Muhabbat that falls on this very special 
night. This is the Night of Destiny - our lives are prolonged or shortened and 
rewards and sustenance from Almighty Allah Subahanahoo Wata'ala are 
distributed. Verse 142 of Surah Al-Baqara speaks about the changing of 
the Qiblah or direction for Salaat from Jerusalem to the Holy Ka'bah in Makkah: 

"The fools among the people will say: What has turned them fom the Qiblah to 
which they were used?  
Say: To Allah belong both the East and the West. He guides whom He will to a 
Way that is straight."

The majority of Muslim historians are of the opinion that this incident took 
place during the month of Sha'baan. At the time in question mainly the Bani 
Isra'il were of the opinion that our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam 
and the religion of Islam would be just another one of the schools within 
Judaism, since he preached a pure monotheism and prayed facing towards 
Jerusalem. But Almighty Allah Subahanahoo Wata'ala willed to put an end to this 
speculation at the appropriate time. Coincidentally, our Beloved Nabee 
Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam had the very strong desire to pray facing towards 
the Ka'bah. The desire for this change was so intense but being a messenger he 
could not pray openly for the change. Knowing what was in his heart and how he 
yearned for this change, Almighty Allah Subahanahoo Wata'ala revealed verse 144 
of Surah Al-Baqara to His Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam:

 "We see thee turning of thy face for guidance to the heavens. Now We shall 
turn thee to a Qiblah  that shall please thee. Turn then thy face in the 
direction of the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you are , turn your faces in that 
direction. The People of the Book know well that that is the truth from their 
Lord.  Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do."

Fa ya Ayyuhal Muslimeen! This beautiful verse itself speaks of this desire of 
our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam for the change which he had not 
expressed to anyone. Yet Almighty Allah Subahanahoo Wata'ala answered his 
wishes. When our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam was praying towards 
Jerusalem it was not to please the Yahood or the Nasara; as a matter of fact, 
he was only obeying the Divine Orders of his Glorious Creator and Sustainer. We 
know from history that Salaat was prescribed during the Makkan period. 
Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin Alayhis Salatu Wasallam came to stipulate the times 
for prayer and to teach our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam how to 
pray. He had to follow the movements of Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin Alayhis Salatu 
Wasallam and the direction that Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin Alayhis Salatu 
Wasallam faced at the time was towards Bayt al-Maqdis in Jerusalem. 

The claim that our Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam only wanted to attract 
followers is unwarranted. If that were the intention he should have faced the 
Ka'bah to meet the wishes of the Quraysh who held the Ka'bah as the most sacred 
place of worship. The great desire of our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi 
Wasallam to pray towards the Ka'bah was manifested in his prayer when he 
positioned the Ka'bah between himself and Bayt al-Maqdis in Jerusalem. But to 
do so after his Hijrah to Madinah al-Munawwara was impossible and he was 
subconsciously probing for some indication to pray in the direction of the 
Ka'bah so Almighty Allah Subahanahoo Wata'ala revealed verse 144 of Surah 
Al-Baqara with the instruction to change the Qiblah. The change of direction 
from Jerusalem to Makkah does not mean in any way whatsoever that Muslims 
should forget Bait al-Maqdis as a sacred place. The Holy and Noble Qur'an 
confirms that Bait al-Maqdis is not to be abandoned for Almighty Allah 
Subahanahoo Wata'ala declares:

 "And never would Allah make your faith of no effect."

O Ummatal Qur'an! When the Qiblah was changed the Muslims thought that the 
prayers of those who died prior to the change would not be accepted so Almighty 
Allah Subahanahoo Wata'ala revealed the verse to assure them that He will 
accept all their prayers.This serves to illustrate the sacredness

Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim sprinter wins Olympic sprint dressed head to toe in hijab

2008-08-26 Thread Shahid

Muslim sprinter wins Olympic sprint dressed head to toe in hijab

By Niall Firth

Sprinters have long been squeezing their muscular frames into the most 
eye-wateringly skimpy, tight and revealing costumes imaginable.

But one female athlete at this year's Olympics is bucking the trend for bulging 
lycra and naked torsos.

In 2004, Bahrain's Ruqaya Al Ghasara, a devout Muslim, was the first athlete to 
ever take part in an Olympics wearing a hijab.

Bahrain's Roqaya Al-Gassra powers to victory in her 200m sprint heat today

Today, Al Ghasara won her heat of the women's 200m sprint at the Bird's Nest 
stadium - despite being clothed head to foot.

Al Ghasara finished first followed by France's Muriel Hurtis-Houairi and Sri 
Lanka's Susanthika Jayasinghe.

Admittedly, Al Ghasara 's hijab is a rather sportier version of the traditional 

Clinging to her body as she powers down the track the hijab completely covers 
her head, arms and legs.

Known as a Hijood - or hijab combined with a sports hood - the costume was 
specially designed for Al Ghasara by an Australian sports clothing company.

It allows Muslim athletes to compete while still adhering to the strict modesty 
required of their faith.

Al-Gassra prays as she celebrates winning her 200m heat

Al Ghasara, who was the Bahrain flag-bearer at last week's opening ceremony, 
jas said the Hijood has improved her performance.

'It's great to finally have a high performance outfit that allows me to combine 
my need for modesty with a design made from breathable, moisture-controlled 
fabric," she said.

'It's definitely helped me to improve my times being able to wear something so 
comfortable and I'm sure it will help me to give my best performance at Beijing.

'I hope that my wearing the hijood sports top will inspire other women to see 
that modesty or religious beliefs don't have to be a barrier to participating 
in competitive sports.'

In 2004 Al Ghasara defied objections from fundamentalists in her village to 
take part in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, running in the 100 metres.

And in 2006 she won the women's 200m final at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, 
making her the first Bahraini-born athlete to win a major international 
athletics gold medal.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Invitation to Houston Masjid Imams to Respect Freedom of Religion Rights

2008-08-26 Thread Curtis Sharif

From: Curtis Sharif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Invitation to Houston Masjid Imams to Stop Forbidding Prayer
To: "Houston Masjid Imams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 5:49 PM

l-Imran (The Family of Imran)

Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is
good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are
the ones to attain felicity.

Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum, Brother Imams,

is an invitation to the Houston Masjid of Al-Islam / Mercy Community
Center Imams to start respecting the Islamic Human Right , and the United 
States Constituional rights of Freedom of Religion.Your continuing practice of 
forbidding prayer at, and  denying equal access to, worship in Allah's
House of Worship is an ongoing oppression of those rights.  These are 
inalienable rights that have been endowed by our Creator, Allah.
Allah Guarantees every individual the right to fully and freely practice their 
religion, free of any barriers or obstacles.  The universal principles and 
practices of Islam throughout the centuries reflect this, as evidenced by the 
Call to Prayer, an open, public invitation to all to join the congregational 

What then is your Islamic justification for repeatedly giving the Call to 
prayer, and then, contrary to the Commands of Allah, blocking worshippers 
access to that very same prayer service?  

This is an invitation to you to permit equal access to the Worship of Allah,  
in the same way it is permitted in Masjid Haram, The Prophet's Mosque, and 
other masajids all over the world.
tomorrow's Jummah, you have the opportunity for you to end, or extend,
according to your will, the Houston Masjid's continuing,  decades long
practices, of dictatorial punishment, banishment and oppression of the
worship of Allah.

 It would be a Mercy for you to relieve the ummah, of the  unnecessary
 burdens of these practices.

These are the same practices used against Prophet Muhammad and his ummah 
(PBUT), by those who oppressed them, and their efforts to Worship Allah in 
Peace, at the Kabbah.
Allah Gives the oppressed the Right to publically protest their oppression, 
when private efforts to end it have been fruitless.  Allah, in the Holy Quran 
says that "Oppression is worst than slaughter".  And the oppression of the 
Worship of Allah is the worst kind of oppression, and a major sin in Islam.

The Commands of Allah in the Holy Quran are clear, the  choice of whose path 
you choose to follow is yours.  I pray for Allah to Guide you on the Right Path.

96 6-19  "Nay!  Indeed, man transgresses all bounds, considers himself
to be self-sufficient, although, surely towards your Rabb is his
return.  Have you seen the one who forbids Our
servant from offering Salah (prayer)?  Have you considered, if he was
on right guidance, or was enjoining true piety, why he would forbid
someone from prayer?  Have you considered, if he denies
the truth and turns away, what will happen?  Does he not know that
Allah is observing all things?  Nay!  Let him know that if he does not
stop, we will drag him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock.  So
let him call his supporters for help, We too shall call the guards of
hell to deal with him.  Nay!  Do not obey him!  Prostrate yourself and
bring yourself closer to your Rabb."   
Sura 2-217 " They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: 
"Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver
is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to
deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its
members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter.

Peace, Brother Curtis Sharif


Bismillah [IslamCity] Migrant Workers Rights : Protection A High priority--Asia Post, Dhaka, editorial dated 22.8.08

2008-08-26 Thread S A Hannan

Migrant Workers Rights : Protection A High priority

Press has reported that a three-day regional dialogue yesterday recommended 
that South Asia should have a mechanism to monitor the state of labor migrants 
both in sending and receiving countries to protect their rights, as migrant 
workers are subjected to exploitation and abuses. South Asian speakers said the 
countries can involve all stakeholders, including international organisations, 
NGOs, independent women's organisations, media agencies, migrant associations 
and civil society organisations, in the process.The region should also adopt a 
regional legal instrument on migration based on international human rights laws 
to uphold migrants' rights, they added.International Organisation for Migration 
(IOM) and United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) jointly organized 
the dialogue on 'Implementation of international instruments on protecting 
rights of migrant workers' on August 18-20 at a city hotel. Government 
representatives from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka as well 
as from international organisations, NGOs, civil society groups and private 
sector took part in the dialogue.Acknowledging that South Asia is a major labor 
sending region and their workers overseas face similar challenges, the speakers 
said the region should have a common strategy to address the challenges of 
labor migration and develop an institutional framework at official level to 
facilitate the process.“Speakers said there could be shared solutions to these 
challenges. Therefore, there is a need for cooperation and collaboration in the 
field of labor migration among these countries,” said IOM regional 
representative in Dhaka at the closing session.
The speakers further noted that women migrant workers are particularly 
vulnerable and they face exploitation of specific forms that emerge from 
discrimination based on their sex, gender and the nature of their work, which 
require a special attention.
The dialogue suggested that South Asian countries should set up institutions 
for capacity building of overseas jobseekers, enabling them to be competitive 
in accessing the global labor market and exchange information and expertise on 
global labor market.

We agree with the main recommendations of the dialogue that there should be a 
mechanism to check the situation of the migrant workers in the receiving as 
well as sending countries. It has to be institutionalized to have long term 
effect. It is also not appropriate to send unskilled women as housemaids, 
whatever be the colorful  name given as governess and such other titles.In fact 
this increases sex crimes and prostitution. It is a different matter for 
educated professional women who can fgo as teachers and doctors.

Bangladesh is facing serious problem now with its migrant workers in the Middle 
East and Malaysia.The trouble in Kuwait and Malaysia require very thorough 
study to determine the problems both at sending and receiving countries and 
then holding discussion with the concerned countries. We should correct our 
policies where needed and to request the host countries to do thir duties where 
thereare problems at their end.

Bismillah [IslamCity] China confiscates Bibles from American Christian Missionaries

2008-08-26 Thread Shahid
These missionaries make trouble where ever they go, with no respect for other 
countries' laws and customs.

China confiscates Bibles from American Christians 
By GILLIAN WONG, Associated Press Writer

Chinese customs officials confiscated more than 300 Bibles on Sunday from four 
American Christians who arrived in a southwestern city with plans to distribute 
them, the group's leader said.

The Bibles were taken from the group's checked luggage after they landed at the 
airport in the city of Kunming, said Pat Klein, head of Vision Beyond Borders. 
The group, based in Sheridan, Wyoming, distributes Bibles and Christian 
teaching materials around the world to "strengthen the persecuted church," 
according to its Web site.

The group arrived in China on Sunday and had intended to distribute the Bibles 
to people in the city, Klein told the AP in a telephone interview while still 
at the airport.

"I heard that there's freedom of religion in China, so why is there a problem 
for us to bring Bibles?" Klein said. "We had over 300 copies and customs took 
all of them from us."

The move comes as China hosts the Olympics in Beijing, where false media 
reports last year claimed Bibles would be banned from the games. The state-run 
China Daily reported last month that 10,000 bilingual copies of the Bible would 
be distributed in the Olympic Village, which houses athletes and media.

Bibles are printed under the supervision of the Communist government. The 
officially atheistic country only allows them to be used in 
government-sanctioned churches and in some big hotels catering to foreigners.

A woman who was on duty at Kunming airport's customs office confirmed over the 
telephone that 315 Bibles were found in the passengers' checked baggage.

The officer, who would only give her last name, Xiao, denied confiscating the 
Bibles. She said authorities were just "taking care" of them and provided no 
further details. She later said she was not authorized to speak to the media 
and referred questions to the national customs headquarters in Beijing, which 
did not answer phones on Sunday.

"We're not selling them; we give them free to the people," Klein said. "We 
didn't come to cause trouble, we just came to bring Bibles to help out the 
Chinese Christians."

The Bibles were printed in Chinese, he said.

Klein said the customs officers had told him that they could each have one 
Bible for personal use and not more than that. He said the officers had 
videotaped them and were insisting that they leave the airport.

"We don't want to go without taking those books. It cost us a lot of money to 
bring them here," Klein said. "They're saying that it's illegal to bring the 
Bibles in and that if we wanted to, we had to apply ahead of time for 

China faces routine criticism for its human rights violations and its 
repression of religious freedom. Religious practice is heavily regulated by the 
Communist Party, with worship allowed only in party-controlled churches, 
temples and mosques, while those gathering outside face harassment, arrest and 
terms in labor camps or prison.

A Chinese Christian activist was detained Aug. 10, the opening weekend of the 
Olympics, on his way to a church service attended by President Bush in Beijing. 
A rights group said later that the activist, Hua Huiqi, a leader of the 
unofficial Protestant church in Beijing, had escaped from police and was in 

Police have denied any involvement in Hua's disappearance.;_ylt=ApWsfI2GO527BGfokyPlpUX9xg8F

Bismillah [IslamCity] 7 yr old Muslim girl: meeting with her father

2008-08-26 Thread Shahid
 Original Message  Subject:   7 yr old Muslim girl: meeting 
with her father
  Date:  Tue, 19 Aug 2008 17:51:31 -0700
  From:  Latifa Aimaq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Recently I wrote to you all requesting funds to pay for a lawyer to make sure 
that custody was awarded to the biological father of a 7 year old girl who has 
been taken by social services and is in foster care.

Finally, the father was able to come to the United States and today saw his 
daughter for the first time in 7 years.  It was a very warm and touching moment 
where he surprised her with toys.  The child received her father very warmly.

However, the visit happened under strict supervision from a social worker who 
has been very prejudiced against Islam and Muslims.  Please make dua that ALLAH 
SWT protects this family.

We want to make sure that we do not fail our part in this case and ALLAH SWT is 
the best of protectors.  The estimated cost is now 8,000-10,000 dollars and we 
have raised 4.5 thousand so far ALHAMDULLILAH.

Please continue to donate and make dua that we win the case.

Jazakom ALLAH Khaire

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic equity fundsBy Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad Friday Feature Courtesy:

2008-08-26 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Islamic equity funds
  By Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad

ISLAMIC finance signifies financial services, mechanisms, practices,
transactions, and instruments that comply with provisions given in the
fundamental Islamic texts. Thus, Islamic finance not only includes banking, but
also capital formation, capital markets and all types of financial

In recent years, Islamic finance has not only increased
in size. It has also become complex as finance professionals compete furiously
to produce new shariah-compliant transactions and instruments. Becoming a
segment within the global financial market, it has gained considerable interest
as an alternative model of financial intermediation.

However, in the 80s
and most of the 90s, Islamic finance did not have much of this dynamism. On the
asset side, activities of Islamic financial institutions mainly involved ijara,
mudaraba, and musharaka. The need for liquidity, portfolio and risk management
tools, and derivative instruments was strongly felt, and there were numerous
calls for the promotion of financial engineering and introduction of new

Along with other developments, this resulted in the
introduction of Islamic equity funds (IEFs). Overall, IEFs have been the most
popular among all Islamic investment funds. According to FTSE, IEF assets are
projected to increase from $15.5 billion to $53.8 billion by 2010. According to
other reports, the assets have already reached $20 billion. The industry is
dominated by Saudi Arabian funds and fund managers, accounting for more than 70
funds out of about 300 IEFs globally.

In fact, Saudi British Bank’s
Amanah GCC Equity Fund was reported as the best performing Islamic equity fund
in 2007. On the other hand, Bahrain is becoming the centre for IEF registrations
because of the Kingdom’s efficient regulatory system. International investment
firms with Islamic divisions are focusing on Dubai.

Islamic Equity Funds
are different from conventional equity funds because they select their
placements on the basis of their compatibility with the shariah. In order for a
stock to be considered sharia-approved, it must satisfy certain requirements set
by Islamic scholars. These standards may differ in different jurisdictions
depending upon how strictly the shariah is interpreted.

However, the
basic condition is the same throughout the Muslim world: an enterprise must not
conduct business activities prohibited by Islamic texts. These include gambling,
alcohol, pornography, etc. Financial ratios (debt-to-equity ratio, cash and
interest bearing securities-to-equity ratio, and cash-to-asset ratio) and
cleansing mechanisms (to purify investments that are tainted by forbidden
activities) are also used by various shariah boards and authorities.

must be mentioned that a country may or may not have a national screening body.
For instance, in Malaysia, it is done by the Securities Commission; whereas, in
the Middle East, financial institutions prepare their own list of
shariah-approved stocks.

One of the factors that gave an immense boost to
IEFs was the introduction of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIM), in 1999,
as a subset of Dow Jones Global Indexes (DJGI). DJIM Indexes intend to measure
investable equities that fulfil shariah requirements. At present, with more than
seventy Islamic indexes (which include regional, country, industry, and
market-cap-based indexes), it is one of the most comprehensive family of Islamic
market indexes. Other conventional index providers have also entered the field.
In 2000, FTSE launched the FTSE Global Islamic Index. Unlike Dow Jones that has
an independent Shariah Supervisory Board, FTSE indexes are evaluated by Yasaar
Research Inc. In 2006, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) introduced the S&P
Shariah Indices, followed by, in 2007, the S&P GCC Shariah Indices and the
S&P Pan Asia Shariah Indices. S&P has contracted with Ratings
Intelligence Partners (RI) to provide the shariah screens and select the stocks
based on these standards.

As reported by the Financial Times, these
indexes do not enjoy complete acceptance by the Muslims. The screening principle
allowing total debt ratios of up to 33 per cent is considered objectionable by
some scholars. They claim that it is akin to declaring a food as halal that has
a small quantity of pork in it. The indexes maintain that their legitimacy comes
from the concerned shariah authorities. In other words, as long as their shariah
supervisors agree with these practices, the indexes need not change

The future of IEFs looks bright. However, Muslim scholars need to
be careful while interpreting and applying the shariah. They need to make sure
that Islamic principles are properly observed and that they don’t present or
accept an un-Islamic idea as Islamic just because there is more profit in

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Palestine Street documentaries

2008-08-26 Thread Shahid
- Original Message -

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Below are a series of short documentaries on Palestine produced by Al Gazeera 
English.  I have not had a chance to view any of them yet but it might be worth 

Al Jazeera.Net
Palestine Street


Watch part one of Palestine Street - The Lost Bride
Watch part two of Palestine Street - The Lost Bride
Watch part three of Palestine Street - The Lost Bride
Watch part four of Palestine Street - The Lost Bride

Watch part one of Palestine Street - The Bride in Exile
Watch part two of Palestine Street - The Bride in Exile
Watch part three of Palestine Street - The Bride in Exile
Watch part four of Palestine Street - The Bride in Exile

Bismillah [IslamCity] Film "Twenty Five Thousand Tents Maybe More" Now Available on DVD

2008-08-26 Thread Zahi Damuni

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
August 21, 2008

Film "Twenty Five Thousand Tents Maybe More" Now Available on DVD

Al-Awda's Media Center is pleased to announce that you can now 
order the film "Twenty Five Thousand Tents Maybe More" on DVD. This documentary 
by Samer Salameh and Ala'a al-Sadi, two young Palestinian film makers from 
Yarmouk Camp in Syria, premiered at the Sixth Annual International Al-Awda 
Convention in May 2008. It powerfully documents the lives of  Palestinians 
currently stranded in al-Tanaf detention camp in a no man's land on the Iraq 
Syria border. It explores the lives of Palestinians who first found refuge in 
Iraq with the Zionist occupation of Palestine and the expulsion of its people 
in 1948. Following the US invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, they have 
been forced to flee and find refuge elsewhere once again. This profoundly 
moving and instructive film gives voice to the suffering and heroism of 
Palestinians as they tell of personal experiences, the hardships they endure, 
what led them to flee Iraq, as well as their aspirations and hopes for the 

For the first time on DVD, this documentary film makes it possible 
for the world to see the effect of Western attempts to conquer West Asia, and 
the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their struggle to survive and 
return to their homeland Palestine.


According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 
(UNHCR), 34,000 Palestinians lived in Iraq before the American invasion in 
2003. Since then, about 19,000 have left the country because of harassment, 
threats of deportation, abuse by the media, arbitrary detention, torture and 
murder. Palestinian neighborhoods such as al-Hurriyya and al-Baladiyyat in 
Baghdad have been bombarded and attacked regularly since 2003. Nearly three 
thousand Palestinians who were forced to flee are now stranded in detention 
camps along the Syria Iraq border. For further information on the current 
situation of these Palestinians, please see this factsheet

Order your copy

To order your copy of this outstanding DVD, simply go to and follow the instructions. Minimum donation 
$20.00 plus $5.00 shipping per copy. All proceeds directed to help alleviate 
the suffering at al-Tanaf.

Until Return
Al-Awda Media Center
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
2734 Loker Avenue West Suite K
Carlsbad, CA 92010, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is 
dedicated to advocacy for the restoration of all Palestinian human, national, 
legal, and historical rights with particular emphasis on the right of 
Palestinians to return to their homes and lands of origin. PRRC is a not for 
profit tax-exempt educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization as defined 
by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America. Under 
IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC are tax-deductible. To donate, please go 
to and follow the instructions.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: *~warsishah1~* Famous Aulia Allah in Pakistan (Part#2)

2008-08-26 Thread Shahzad Warsi

 - - - - - - 
- -
5. Mian Mir - Mir Mohammed Muayyinul Islam, (c. 1550-August 11, 1635) popularly 
known as Mian Mir is a famous Sufi saint who resided in Lahore, specifically in 
the town of Begampura (in present-day Pakistan). He belonged to the Qadiri 
order of Sufism. He is famous for being a spiritual instructor of Dara Shikoh, 
the eldest son of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. He is identified as the founder of 
the Main Khail branch of the Qadiri order.
Mian Mir and Emperor Jahangir Mian Mir was a friend of God-loving people and he 
would shun worldly, selfish men, covetous Emirs and ambitious Nawabs who ran 
after faqirs to get their blessings. To stop such people from coming to see 
him, Mian Mir posted his mureeds (disciples) at the gate of his house.
Once, Jahangir, the Mughal emperor, with all his retinue came to pay homage to 
the great faqir. He came with all the pomp and show that befitted an emperor. 
Mian Mir's sentinels however, stopped the emperor at the gate and requested him 
to wait until their master had given permission to enter. Jahangir felt 
slighted. No one had ever dared delay or question his entry to any place in his 
kingdom. Yet he controlled his temper and composed himself. He waited for 
permission. After a while, he was ushered into Mian Mir's presence. Unable to 
hide his wounded vainity, Jahangir, as soon as he entered, told Mian Mir in 
Persian: Ba dar-e-darvis darbane naa-bayd ("On the doorstep of a faqir, there 
should be no sentry").
Pir Mian Mir, whose mind and soul were one with the Lord, caring little for the 
emperor's angst, replied in Persian: Babayd keh sag-e-dunia na ayad ("They are 
there so that the dogs of the world/selfish men may not 
enter").[citation needed]
The emperor was ashamed and asked for forgiveness. Then, with folded hands, 
Jahangir requested Mian Mir to pray for the success of the campaign which he 
intended to launch for the conquest of the Deccan. Meanwhile, a poor man 
entered and, bowing his head to Mian Mir, made an offering of a rupee before 
him. The Pir asked the devotee to pick up the rupee and give it to the poorest, 
most needy person in the audience. The devotee went from one dervish to another 
but none accepted the rupee. The devotee returned to Mian Mir with the rupee 
saying: "Master, none of the dervishes will accept the rupee. None is in need, 
it seems."
"Go and give this rupee to him," said the faqir, pointing to Jahangir. "He is 
the poorest and most needy of the lot. Not content with a big kingdom, he 
covets the kingdom of the Deccan. For that, he has come all the way from Delhi 
to beg. His hunger is like a fire that burns all the more furiously with more 
wood. It has made him needy, greedy and grim. Go and give the rupee to him."
Mian Mir and Guru Arjan meet Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Sikh Guru, often visited 
Lahore, the birth-place of his father (the fourth Guru, Guru Ram Das) to meet 
his relatives. On the occasion of one of such visit, he called on Mian Mir. The 
two men of God met and became life-long friends. Mian Mir was thirteen years 
older than Guru Arjan.
The foundation-stone of the Harimandir Sahib Guru Arjan was responsible for the 
construction of many tanks and buildings. In 1588, he planned to build a temple 
in the centre of the holy tank called Amritsar or the pool of nectar. As the 
temple was to be thrown open to people of all castes, creeds and climes, he 
invited Mian Mir to lay the foundation stone of the Harmandir Sahib. He came to 
the city of Amritsar wearing a religious mendicant's long cloak made up of 
patches of coarse wool and a cone-shaped cap, with a rose flower on top.
Mian Mir was given one of the warmest welcomes for which Guru Arjan was famous. 
The two holy men embraced each other in sincere love and regard. The purpose of 
the temple was disclosed to the Sufi saint. Mian Mir was delighted at the fine 
objectives the Guru had in mind. The foundation-stone was laid. Hymns were sung 
in praise of God and sweets were distributed among the audience.
Guru Arjan's death In 1606, Guru Arjan was implicated in the affair of Prince 
Khusraw, who had rebelled against his father, Jahangir. He was imprisoned in 
the Lahore fort and tortured. When Mian Mir heard about it, he came to see the 
Guru. He found Guru Arjan calm and serene, having completely resigned himself 
to the will of God. Mian Mir suggested to the Guru whether he should intercede 
with Emperor Jahangir on his behalf. The Guru forbade him saying that God's 
will must have its course unchecked, as it was not proper to interfere with its 
working. He only asked for the saint's blessings for his son, Har Gobind.
Guru Har Gobind A couple of years after the death of Guru Arjan, his son and 
successor Guru Har Gobind, a lad of thirteen, called on Mian Mir at Lahore.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Guru Tegh Bahadur, the son of Guru

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadhan Booklet

2008-08-26 Thread norma lacey
Assalam  mualaikum,
I  am  sorry  to  bring  this  matter  up  to your  attention.
Please  advise  brothers  and  sisters  who  wrote  in to  Islam city in  
English,  have  to  realise  that  worldwide   bros and sisters who visit this  
website  are made  up of  different  races  and  nationalities.
What  good  is  it  to  have  an  article  written  in   attachment  (?that 
 I  cannot  read  nor  knows  what  language it  is)when  the  main  article  
was  written  in  perfect  English!
It  would  be  nice  to have  read this  Booklet  on  Ramadhan  to  know  what  
 in  the   contentsregretably, it  stays  a  mystery.Only  
Allah  S.W.T  knows.  
Insha   Allah, with  Allah's  will,  someone  will be  able  to  translate.  
Wallahu wallam.
Sis Nur

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:06:57 +0300Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Ramadhan Booklet


Please find attached booklet regarding Ramadhan
 Nujum Odayam

Discover the new Windows Vista

Bismillah [IslamCity] Sympathy for the unfortunate

2008-08-26 Thread adil naveed
Sympathy for the unfortunate
Further, the Hadith states that it is the month of sympathy, especially for the 
poor and destitute. Sympathy should be of a practical nature. When ten things 
are placed before us for if'taar, at least two or four of them should be set 
aside for the poor and needy. In fact they should be treated preferentially, if 
not then at least equally. 
They should certainly be remembered. In showing sympathy for the poor, as in 
all other matters, the Sahaabah R.A. were living examples, and in this, it is 
our duty to follow or at least try to follow them. In the matter of sacrifice 
and sympathy only the courageous can emulate the Sahaabah. There are numerous 
instances, if they are cited, will only leave one in astonishment.
Let us see the following example, Abu Jahm (RA) relates that: "During the 
battle of Yarmouk he went in search of his cousins, taking with him a water bag 
to give him to drink and also wash his wounds if he was found alive or wounded. 
He found him lying among the wounded. When I asked him whether he wanted some 
water, he indicated 'yes'. 
At that moment someone near him moaned. My cousin pointed to that person 
indicating that I should first quench the thirst of the neighbour. I went to 
him and found that he too needed water, but just as I was about to give him 
water, a third person groaned near him. 
The second one pointed to this third person meaning that I should give the 
third one to drink first. 
I went to the third person but before he could drink, I found out that he had 
passed away, whereupon I returned to the second one only to find that he too 
had passed away. When I came to my cousin, he too had become a martyr".