ejabberd migration

2012-07-19 Thread magic-jabberd2
I have migrated one (hura! :) ) user from ejabberd to jabberd2 with mysql 
backend. I have written a small PHP script which parses some information out 
of an ejabberd dump (ejabberdctl dump foo). It is not complete. The most ugly 
point is that this script does not recover the user passwords. But it's a 

It prints some INSERT statements. Please have a look at the XXX's before 


Re: works from SSH tunnel but not from remote

2012-07-19 Thread magic-jabberd2
Am Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012, 19:56:23 schrieb Julius Schwartzenberg:
> This looks quite old fashioned to me ;)

LOL nice!

> I would expect ::1 and :: instead there. Maybe your client is indeed
> trying to use IPv6?

My ISP is still unable to provide IPv6 :(

But no, it is the gSASL bug.

Re: works from SSH tunnel but not from remote

2012-07-17 Thread magic-jabberd2
Hey guys,
good news: I will go to bed, now. So no further mails for _today_ ;)


I guess this is my problem, isn't it? And kopete is falling back to none-sasl 
authentication if you manually provide a connection server, right?


Am Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012, 23:12:35 schrieb magic-jabbe...@damage.devloop.de:
> Sorry, once again it's me. I noticed that kopete is working if I explicitly
> set the connection server (in my case devloop.de). Setting the connection
> server results on major XML changes. Please note that 'verison="1.0"' in the
> first stream tag of the XML. I don't know much about the XMPP protocol. May
> someone is able to give me a tip about what is going wrong? Is that a
> jabberd2 or a kopete problem?
> thanks
> Daniel
> ---
> without connection server set (not working)
> ---
> http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"; version="1.0"
> xmlns="jabber:client" to="devloop.de">
>  xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' xmlns='jabber:client'
> from='devloop.de' version='1.0'
> id='13ipsmggju6kqcb82rqdmqfny42xtfuujdjbz0sj'>
> http://jabber.org/features/iq-auth"/>
> http://jabber.org/features/iq-register"/>
> cmVhbG09ImRldmxvb3AuZGUiLCBub25jZT0icEFWL3hRZUg5KzUvNEVVX2t0b3dhZz09Ii
> wgcW9wPSJhdXRoIiwgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOCwgYWxnb3JpdGhtPW1kNS1zZXNz
> dXNlcm5hbWU9ImRhbWFnZSIscmVhbG09ImRldmxvb3AuZGUiLG5vbmNlPSWwQVYveFFlSD
> krNS80RVVLa3Rvd2FnPT0iLGNub25jZT0ieEFweU1Hb2ZZRlROR0xKUnRhTHlIekQ0NlJYOHZzeD
> g4T2JobmF4WTMzRT0iLG5jPTAwMDAwMDAxLGRpZ2VzdC11cmk9InhtcHAvZGV2bG9vcC5kZSIscW
> 9wPWF1dGgscmVzcG9uc2U9OWU0NjY0MjQ3MDEzMzYzNDI2Mjg2NGRiNDFlYzAxOWYsY2hhcnNldD
> 11dGYtOA==
> http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"; version="1.0"
> xmlns="jabber:client" to="devloop.de">
> ---
> ---
> with connection server set (working)
> ---
> http://etherx.jabber.org/streams";
> xmlns="jabber:client" to="devloop.de">
>  xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' xmlns='jabber:client'
> from='devloop.de' id='x64pfgs4l4jlb4m6h2lj9t22cfgq9xw641wjhpn2'>
> damage
> damage
> damage
> [Filtered]
> Kopete
> [rosters etc.]
> ---

Re: works from SSH tunnel but not from remote

2012-07-17 Thread magic-jabberd2
Sorry, once again it's me. I noticed that kopete is working if I explicitly 
set the connection server (in my case devloop.de). Setting the connection 
server results on major XML changes. Please note that 'verison="1.0"' in the 
first stream tag of the XML. I don't know much about the XMPP protocol. May 
someone is able to give me a tip about what is going wrong? Is that a jabberd2 
or a kopete problem?


without connection server set (not working)

http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"; version="1.0" 
xmlns="jabber:client" to="devloop.de">





http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"; version="1.0" 
xmlns="jabber:client" to="devloop.de">

with connection server set (working)

xmlns="jabber:client" to="devloop.de">




[rosters etc.]

Am Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012, 22:34:36 schrieb magic-jabbe...@damage.devloop.de:
> Hi again,
> I tried at home from my router with mcabber. Everything worked fine. Then I
> tried from my working machine (which is behind the router) and... guess...
> it worked, too ;)
> Erm, Kopete? What are you doing?
> thanks for your attention
> Daniel
> Am Montag, 16. Juli 2012, 23:51:25 schrieb magic-jabbe...@damage.devloop.de:
> > If I create a tunnel on port 5222 (ssh -L 5222:localhost:5222 devloop.de)
> > and if I set my jabber client to connect to localhost:5222 everything is
> > working fine. Login works, presence message are comming in. This is the
> > log: --
> > Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=49636]
> > connect Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] legacy
> > authentication succeeded: host=devloop.de, username=damage,
> > resource=Kopete
> > Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] requesting session:
> > jid=dam...@devloop.de/Kopete Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/sm[4422]:
> > session started: jid=dam...@devloop.de/Kopete
> > --
> > 
> > But if I try to use the normal "remote" way and try to connect directly to
> > devloop.de:5222 my client is hanging during login. And the log is just:
> > --
> > Jul 16 23:27:28 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=33738]
> > connect
> > --

Re: works from SSH tunnel but not from remote

2012-07-17 Thread magic-jabberd2
Hi again,
I tried at home from my router with mcabber. Everything worked fine. Then I 
tried from my working machine (which is behind the router) and... guess...

it worked, too ;)

Erm, Kopete? What are you doing?

thanks for your attention

Am Montag, 16. Juli 2012, 23:51:25 schrieb magic-jabbe...@damage.devloop.de:
> If I create a tunnel on port 5222 (ssh -L 5222:localhost:5222 devloop.de)
> and if I set my jabber client to connect to localhost:5222 everything is
> working fine. Login works, presence message are comming in. This is the
> log: --
> Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=49636]
> connect Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] legacy
> authentication succeeded: host=devloop.de, username=damage, resource=Kopete
> Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] requesting session:
> jid=dam...@devloop.de/Kopete Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/sm[4422]:
> session started: jid=dam...@devloop.de/Kopete
> --
> But if I try to use the normal "remote" way and try to connect directly to
> devloop.de:5222 my client is hanging during login. And the log is just:
> --
> Jul 16 23:27:28 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=33738]
> connect
> --

works from SSH tunnel but not from remote

2012-07-16 Thread magic-jabberd2
I am going crazy with that:

If I create a tunnel on port 5222 (ssh -L 5222:localhost:5222 devloop.de) and 
if I set my jabber client to connect to localhost:5222 everything is working 
fine. Login works, presence message are comming in. This is the log:
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=49636] connect
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] legacy authentication succeeded: 
host=devloop.de, username=damage, resource=Kopete
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] requesting session: 
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/sm[4422]: session started: 

But if I try to use the normal "remote" way and try to connect directly to 
devloop.de:5222 my client is hanging during login. And the log is just:
Jul 16 23:27:28 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=33738] 

I don't think it is a firewall problem as packets are received by c2s daemon. 
Just one thing I determined:
devloop ~ # ping devloop.de
PING devloop.de ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from devloop.de ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms
My server resolves itself as through /etc/hosts file. But I don't 
think it's a problem because I already tried without that.

Any ideas what's going on there? I can provide XMLs if needed but I really hope 
it's a kind of 'RTFM problem'...

Some infos about my installation:
- version 2.2.4
- mysql storage backend
- sm and router are bound to
- c2s and s2s are bound to
- sm has "auto-create user" enabled

thanks in advance

PS: My client is able to connect to another jabber server.

MySQL Script

2012-07-07 Thread magic-jabberd2
I decided to switch to jabberd2. Erlang and lua are not my favorite languages 
;) I think C is the best on Linux machines.

However, I have seen the MySQL script provided by jabberd2 which you can use 
to create the database used by jabberd2. I noticed alle the TEXT and TINYTEXT 
fields in it. Also there are no table references set (which is not possible 
because of the TEXT fields). Is there a reason for that? Can I just change the 
field types?


Couple of configuration questions.

2009-07-04 Thread jabberd2

I have jabberd2 mostly up and running.

Could somebody please clarify exactly which settings should be set to
completely deny unencrypted client-to-server and client-to-client

Also, what's the simplest way to deny the setting of account passwords
of less than a given length and/or complexity?


To unsubscribe send a mail to jabberd2+unsubscr...@lists.xiaoka.com

Re: Migrating from SILC. Is Jabber capable?

2009-06-21 Thread jabberd2
On 2009-06-21 17:54:42, Tomasz Sterna wrote:
> You probably know that Jabber is a protocol and jabberd2 is one of the
> available Jabber/XMPP server implementations.
> So my answers will be two-fold - for the XMPP itself and jabberd2
> server.


> XMPP uses SASL for authentication. So you may use any authentication
> method that is available with SASL. The most common today is DIGEST-MD5
> which uses challenge-response with username/password pairs and protects
> them on the wire.
> One of available authentication options is SASL EXTERNAL which uses
> X.509 certificates used in TLS encryption for authentication.
> jabberd2 has SASL EXTERNAL implemented, but since nobody uses it, it is
> untested and might be broken.

Is it also undocumented? I can't seem to see any reference to it in the
config files or documentation.

> XMPP specifies RFC 3923 for end-to-end encryption which should suffice.
> It is completely client based and does not need any special server
> support.
> Nevertheless jabberd2 has an option to enforce TLS on client
> connections.


> XEP-0045 describes Multi User Chatrooms that should fit your needs.
> It supports complete control over the room access and persistance.
> jabberd2 does not provide a MUC component. MUC is a separate service
> that works on separate domain (not the server domain).
> Anyway, jabberd2 works great with mu-conference.
> Download links at http://codex.xiaoka.com/wiki/jabberd2:start#download

This is where things seem to fall down a little. Correct me if I'm wrong
but it seems that the muc service connects to the jabber server using only
a cleartext shared secret?

Also, given that muc runs as an external service, when it inevitably
crashes at some point, does that destroy all current rooms?

I'm not familiar with how this stuff works at the protocol level yet, so
it may be a naive question.

> And there are LOADS of jabber clients and client libraries.

Check out the SILC toolkit to see why after some ten years of development,
there are about three clients in existence and all of them are riddled
with crash bugs...

> Well... I propose that you install an evaluation installation and check
> whether Jabber/XMPP suits your needs.

Yeah, I have a jabberd2 server running now.

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Migrating from SILC. Is Jabber capable?

2009-06-20 Thread jabberd2

We've been using SILC for the past couple of years for secure
communication but have finally become tired of the poor client support,
poor server implementation, poor technical support and various other

We're looking at jabber as a replacement for the SILC server and I'm
basically trying to find out if jabber satisfies the requirements we
have. I'm asking this question here as it seems jabberd2 is the most
conspicuous open server implementation and would likely be the server
we'd be using.

We're just using a single, standalone server for SILC. I'd hope to
be doing the same with jabber.

The requirements are:

1. Strong authentication.

  In SILC, every user and server has a public/private keypair. This
  means that in the server configuration file, you can simply specify a
  list of keys that are allowed access to administration functions.
  There's no "by host" or "by name" authentication.

2. Mandatory encryption.

  All communcation between users on the server and all communication on
  channels must be strongly encrypted. On our network, we also require
  all channel messages to be signed.

3. Persistent "channels" or some equivalent.

  The SILC concept of a channel is more or less identical to the IRC
  concept of a channel. Modes can be set such as invite-only, ops-only,
  etc. One feature that we use extensively is the ability to set a
  whitelist of users that are allowed on the channel. The whitelist is a
  simple list of keys (no matching on usernames or hosts - this is

  Currently, due to the complete lack of persistence on the SILC server,
  we have to use a custom "service" that essentially connects and races
  with users to set up channels before somebody else can. It's pretty

4. Client support.

  At first glance, it seems everything that supports SILC also supports
  jabber, so I don't think this'll be a problem.

Any ideas if all of the above are achievable?


To unsubscribe send a mail to jabberd2+unsubscr...@lists.xiaoka.com

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #135: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect

2007-09-28 Thread jabberd2
#135: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect
Reporter:  megerdin  |Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed   
Priority:  major |Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.1.13|   Resolution:  duplicate
Keywords:| Blocking:   
Changes (by DeSnajpa):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => duplicate


 Duplicate of [http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/134 #134].

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/135#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-09-18 Thread jabberd2
#152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  chewblocka  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed 
Priority:  major   |   Component:  Build  
 Version:  2.1.15  |  Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by smoku):

 There are {{{--with-extra-include-path}}} and {{{--with-extra-library-
 path}}} options to ./configure. Please refer comment:ticket:98:3.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/152#comment:3>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-09-18 Thread jabberd2
#152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  chewblocka  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed 
Priority:  major   |   Component:  Build  
 Version:  2.1.15  |  Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:  |  
Changes (by chewblocka):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 Replying to [comment:1 smoku]:
 > Replying to [ticket:152 chewblocka]:
 > > First off, I am quite annoyed that this prerequisite is not mentioned
 anywhere in the installation documentation
 > {{{
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/jabberd2$ cat README
 > README for Jabber Open Source Server (2.1)
 > [...]
 > Required packages:
 >  - expat - XML parsing libraries
 >  http://expat.sourceforge.net/
 >  - Simple Authentication and Security Layer library
 >* GnuSASL (0.2.14 or higher)
 >please see contrib/ subdir for patches
 >* Cyrus SASL -
 > Optional packages:
 > [...]
 > }}}
 > > and that you apparently cannot plugin cyrus-sasl instead of gsasl
 > You can. Use {{{--enable-sasl=cyrus}}}. It's not supported, thus not
 mentioned in ./configure --help.
 > > checking for Libidn version >= 0.3.0... yes
 > > checking gsasl.h usability... yes
 > > checking gsasl.h presence... yes
 > > checking for gsasl.h... yes
 > > checking for gsasl_check_version in -lgsasl... yes
 > > checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 > > configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
 > Aparently, you have gsasl installed, but in version prior to 0.2.14.
 Please check if you have libgsasl in /usr/lib.
 > If not, please attach your {{{config.log}}} file to the ticket.

 It would be nice if the InstallGuide were updated to reflect these
 requirements.  I have libgsasl 0.2.21 installed.  For some reason, the
 configure script is only looking in /usr/lib even though /usr/local/lib is
 in my ld.so.conf so I created symbolic links to the copies in
 /usr/local/lib and it works now.

 It looks like I've had to do this with several other libraries as well.
 Another example was the mysql libraries.  They are located in
 /usr/lib/mysql instead of just /usr/lib/.  In any case, I think I'm
 getting through it now.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/152#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-09-18 Thread jabberd2
#152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  chewblocka  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major   |   Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.15  |  Resolution:   
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by smoku):

 Replying to [ticket:152 chewblocka]:
 > First off, I am quite annoyed that this prerequisite is not mentioned
 anywhere in the installation documentation

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/jabberd2$ cat README
 README for Jabber Open Source Server (2.1)


 Required packages:

  - expat - XML parsing libraries
  - Simple Authentication and Security Layer library
* GnuSASL (0.2.14 or higher)
please see contrib/ subdir for patches
* Cyrus SASL -

 Optional packages:

 > and that you apparently cannot plugin cyrus-sasl instead of gsasl

 You can. Use {{{--enable-sasl=cyrus}}}. It's not supported, thus not
 mentioned in ./configure --help.

 > checking for Libidn version >= 0.3.0... yes
 > checking gsasl.h usability... yes
 > checking gsasl.h presence... yes
 > checking for gsasl.h... yes
 > checking for gsasl_check_version in -lgsasl... yes
 > checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 > configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

 Aparently, you have gsasl installed, but in version prior to 0.2.14.
 Please check if you have libgsasl in /usr/lib.

 If not, please attach your {{{config.log}}} file to the ticket.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/152#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-09-18 Thread jabberd2
#152: configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  chewblocka  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major   |   Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.15  |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:  |  
 I'm trying to install jabberd2 2.1.15 and getting the following error:

 configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

 First off, I am quite annoyed that this prerequisite is not mentioned
 anywhere in the installation documentation and that you apparently cannot
 plugin cyrus-sasl instead of gsasl (--enable-sasl=cyrus-sasl gives error).
 However, I downloaded and installed gsasl and libgsasl 0.2.21.  I can run
 gsasl --version and get 0.2.21 and I have included /usr/local/lib (the
 directory containing the libgsasl.so file) in the ld.so.conf and rebooted
 the server.  However, I'm still getting this error.  Here is the couple
 lines of the configure script before the error.  Please help.

 checking for Libidn version >= 0.3.0... yes
 checking gsasl.h usability... yes
 checking gsasl.h presence... yes
 checking for gsasl.h... yes
 checking for gsasl_check_version in -lgsasl... yes
 checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

 There is no other version of gsasl installed.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/152>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #151: Oracle - authreg_storage uses Mysql?

2007-09-15 Thread jabberd2
#151: Oracle - authreg_storage uses Mysql?
Reporter:  doehrm  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major   |   Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.15  |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:  |  
 Solaris 10
 Sun Studio 11

 CC=cc CXX=CC \
 ./configure \
 --prefix=/opt/jabber \
 --enable-ssl \
 --enable-oracle \
 --disable-mysql \
 --enable-debug \
 --with-oracle-home=/opt/oracle \
 --with-extra-include-path=/opt/openssl/include:/opt/jabber/include \

  cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../sm -I../c2s -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/demo
 -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/public -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/demo
  -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/public -I/opt/jabber/include -I/opt/openssl/include
 -g -c storage_oracle.c  -KPIC -DPIC -o .libs/stor
  cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../sm -I../c2s -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/demo
 -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/public -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/demo
  -I/opt/oracle/rdbms/public -I/opt/jabber/include -I/opt/openssl/include
 -g -c authreg_mysql.c  -KPIC -DPIC -o .libs/authr
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 24: cannot find include file: 
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 32: syntax error before or at: MYSQL
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 40: warning: no explicit type given
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 40: syntax error before or at: *
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 40: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect
 type for: _ar_mysql_get_user_tuple
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 42: undefined symbol: MYSQL
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 42: undefined symbol: conn
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 42: syntax error before or at: =
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 45: undefined symbol: res
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 47: warning: implicit function declaration:
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 55: warning: implicit function declaration:
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 62: warning: implicit function declaration:
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 63: warning: implicit function declaration:
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 67: warning: implicit function declaration:
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 73: warning: implicit function declaration:
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 74: warning: implicit function declaration:
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 78: warning: improper pointer/integer combination:
 op "="
 "authreg_mysql.c", line 79: cannot recover from previous errors

 In storage/Makefile.am I see

 pkglib_LTLIBRARIES += authreg_oracle.la storage_oracle.la
 authreg_oracle_la_SOURCES = authreg_mysql.c
 authreg_oracle_la_CPPFLAGS = $(ORACLE_CPPFLAGS)
 authreg_oracle_la_LIBADD  = $(MODULE_LIBADD) $(ORACLE_LIBS)
 storage_oracle_la_SOURCES = storage_oracle.c
 storage_oracle_la_CPPFLAGS = $(ORACLE_CPPFLAGS)
 storage_oracle_la_LIBADD  = $(MODULE_LIBADD) $(ORACLE_LIBS)

 Why is here authreg_mysql.c used and not authreg_oracle.c?

 Any special reason for this?



Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/151>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #150: Roster limitation

2007-09-13 Thread jabberd2
#150: Roster limitation
Reporter:  kevinjabber  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  task |  Status:  closed   
Priority:  major|   Component:  General  
 Version:  2.0  |  Resolution:  duplicate
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => duplicate


 Duplicate od #149

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/150#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #149: Jabber roster limitation

2007-09-13 Thread jabberd2
#149: Jabber roster limitation
Reporter:  kevinjabber  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  task |  Status:  closed 
Priority:  major|   Component:  General
 Version:  2.0  |  Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 2.0 line is not supported anymore. Please upgrade do 2.1.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/149#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #150: Roster limitation

2007-09-12 Thread jabberd2
#150: Roster limitation
Reporter:  kevinjabber  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  task |  Status:  new
Priority:  major|   Component:  General
 Version:  2.0  |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
 My Jabberd 2.0s3 always crashes when an account roster's exceed certain
 like 120, 160, (sometimes 250 under debug mode), those rosters are added
 directly to the MySql(5.0.27).
 My Linux kernal is 2.6.20-1.2320.fc5smp i686 i686 i386.

 I already tried couple different Clients tools like PSI, Exdous, Pandion.
 and service side tried normal mode, debug mode... all come back as the
 same, if any account's rosters over certain number, the jabberd always

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/150>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #149: Jabber roster limitation

2007-09-12 Thread jabberd2
#149: Jabber roster limitation
Reporter:  kevinjabber  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  task |  Status:  new
Priority:  major|   Component:  General
 Version:  2.0  |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
 My Jabberd 2.0s3 always crashes when an account roster's exceed certain
 like 120, 160, (sometimes 250 under debug mode), those rosters are added
 directly to the MySql(5.0.27).
 My Linux kernal is 2.6.20-1.2320.fc5smp i686 i686 i386.

 I already tried couple different Clients tools like PSI, Exdous, Pandion.
 and service side tried normal mode, debug mode... all come back as the
 same, if any account's rosters over certain number, the jabberd always

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/149>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #148: Migrate berkleydb to mysql (script)

2007-09-07 Thread jabberd2
#148: Migrate berkleydb to mysql (script)
Reporter:  alphaone |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new
Priority:  major|   Component:  storage
 Version:  2.1.6|   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
 When setting up my new server I finally decided to switch to use mysql
 instead of berkleydb for my jabber server. What has kept me at bdb this
 long was purely the lack of any migration script.

 The attached ruby script reads the entries in authreg.db and sm.db and
 populates a mysql database. I have not tested this script extensively, so
 there may be errors!

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/148>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #147: Tool to dump BerkeleyDB sm-storage

2007-09-06 Thread jabberd2
#147: Tool to dump BerkeleyDB sm-storage
Reporter:  harry|   Owner:  smoku
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major|   Component:  sm   
 Version:  2.1.15   |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:   |  
 Attached is a little perl tool to dump an sm-storage, kept in a berkeley
 db to an xml file. If others need this too, it could be added to the
 tools/ dir.

 Also attached is an example XSLT file to transform the dump to a script
 suitable to load a mysql db.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/147>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #106: #items discovery leads to #info result

2007-09-05 Thread jabberd2
#106: #items discovery leads to #info result
Reporter:  elmex   |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed 
Priority:  major   |   Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.8   |  Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by DeSnajpa):

 Btw do any client use disco-publish? If no, I think there is no reason to
 have this module in sm.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/106#comment:4>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #106: #items discovery leads to #info result

2007-09-05 Thread jabberd2
#106: #items discovery leads to #info result
Reporter:  elmex   |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed 
Priority:  major   |   Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.8   |  Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:  |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid
  * tracforge_linkmap:  =>


 It is a correct behavior by disco-publish.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/106#comment:3>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #142: Implement XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services

2007-09-05 Thread jabberd2
#142: Implement XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services
Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|   Component:  sm  
 Version:  2.1.15   |  Resolution:  
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:   |  
Comment (by smoku):

 need to modify {{{sm/mod_help.c}}}

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/142#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #141: Implement XEP-0013: Flexible Offline Message Retrieval

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#141: Implement XEP-0013: Flexible Offline Message Retrieval
Reporter:  DeSnajpa |   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|   Component:  sm  
 Version:  2.1.15   |  Resolution:  
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned
  * version:  2.2 => 2.1.15
  * summary:  Implement Flexible Offline Message Retrieval (XEP-13) =>
  Implement XEP-0013: Flexible Offline Message


 need to modify {{{sm/mod_offline.c}}}

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/141#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #146: Use dlfcn.h with storage modules

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#146: Use dlfcn.h with storage modules
Reporter:  smoku |   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect|  Status:  assigned
Priority:  critical  |   Component:  storage 
 Version:  2.1.15|  Resolution:  
Keywords:|   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/146#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #146: Use dlfcn.h with storage modules

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#146: Use dlfcn.h with storage modules
 Reporter:  smoku |   Owner:  smoku  
 Type:  defect|  Status:  new
 Priority:  critical  |   Component:  storage
  Version:  2.1.15|Keywords: 
 SM module manager ({{{sm/mm.c}}}) uses {{{dlfcn.h}}} to wrap dynamic
 loader and {{{#ifdef _WIN32}}} to wrap Win32 .dll loader. We need to
 change {{{storage/}}} modules usage to behave likewise.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/146>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #145: XEP-0160: Best Practices for Handling Offline Messages compliance

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#145: XEP-0160: Best Practices for Handling Offline Messages compliance
 Reporter:  smoku   |   Owner:  smoku  
 Type:  task|  Status:  new
 Priority:  major   |   Component:  General
  Version:  2.1.15  |Keywords: 
Tracforge_linkmap:  |Blocking: 
 Need to look through mod_offline to check for
 [http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0160.html XEP-0160: Best Practices for
 Handling Offline Messages] compliance.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/145>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #143: Implement XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#143: Implement XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery
Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|   Component:  General 
 Version:  2.1.15   |  Resolution:  
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned
  * type:  defect => enhancement

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/143#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #144: Implement XEP-0202: Entity Time

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#144: Implement XEP-0202: Entity Time
Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|   Component:  General 
 Version:  2.1.15   |  Resolution:  
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * type:  defect => enhancement

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/144#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #144: Implement XEP-0202: Entity Time

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#144: Implement XEP-0202: Entity Time
Reporter:  smoku   |   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major   |   Component:  General 
 Version:  2.1.15  |  Resolution:  
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:  |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned


 XEP-0090 should be replaced ASAP. I see no reason to keep it with
 XEP-0202. It will support quick XEP-0202 adoption.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/144#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #144: Implement XEP-0202: Entity Time

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#144: Implement XEP-0202: Entity Time
 Reporter:  smoku   |   Owner:  smoku  
 Type:  defect  |  Status:  new
 Priority:  major   |   Component:  General
  Version:  2.1.15  |Keywords: 
Tracforge_linkmap:  |Blocking: 
 [http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0202.html XEP-0202: Entity Time] is a
 successor of XEP-0090. Need to replace XEP-0090 implementation with

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/144>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #143: Implement XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#143: Implement XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery
 Reporter:  smoku   |   Owner:  smoku  
 Type:  defect  |  Status:  new
 Priority:  major   |   Component:  General
  Version:  2.1.15  |Keywords: 
Tracforge_linkmap:  |Blocking: 
 [http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0203.html XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery]
 is a successor of XEP-0091. jabberd2 needs to implement it besides
 XEP-0091 support.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/143>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #142: Implement XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#142: Implement XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services
Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|   Component:  sm  
 Version:  2.1.15   |  Resolution:  
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned
  * component:  General => sm

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/142#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #142: Implement XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services

2007-09-04 Thread jabberd2
#142: Implement XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services
 Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku  
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new
 Priority:  major|   Component:  General
  Version:  2.1.15   |Keywords: 
Tracforge_linkmap:   |Blocking: 
 Implement [http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0157.html XEP-0157: Contact
 Addresses for XMPP Services] as sm.xml configurable options. Probably
 mod_contact extension.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/142>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #141: Implement Flexible Offline Message Retrieval (XEP-13)

2007-08-30 Thread jabberd2
#141: Implement Flexible Offline Message Retrieval (XEP-13)
Reporter:  DeSnajpa |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major|   Component:  sm   
 Version:  2.2  |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:   |  
 Implement [http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0013.html XEP-0013] as an
 alternative way to retrieve offline messages.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/141>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #15: ZLIB Compression

2007-08-30 Thread jabberd2
#15: ZLIB Compression
Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku 
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  closed
Priority:  major|   Component:  c2s   
 Version:  2.1  |  Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  assigned => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed
  * blocking:  =>
  * tracforge_linkmap:  =>


 Implemented in [366:368]

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/15#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #140: default c2s virtual config to use for all present sm

2007-08-27 Thread jabberd2
#140: default c2s virtual config to use for all present sm
Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|   Component:  c2s 
 Version:  2.1.15   |  Resolution:  
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/140#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #140: default c2s virtual config to use for all present sm

2007-08-27 Thread jabberd2
#140: default c2s virtual config to use for all present sm
 Reporter:  smoku|   Owner:  smoku
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  major|   Component:  c2s  
  Version:  2.1.15   |Keywords:   
Tracforge_linkmap:   |Blocking:   
 Add a host configuration section to c2s.xml that is used for all domains
 that have SM present, but do not have corresponding C2S config.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/140>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #139: c2s gsasl mio crash

2007-08-26 Thread jabberd2
#139: c2s gsasl mio crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku 
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s   
 Version:  2.1.14  |  Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by smoku):

 It will skip the following two if()s and fail exactly the same way then,
 so the block is unneded.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/139#comment:8>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #139: c2s gsasl mio crash

2007-08-26 Thread jabberd2
#139: c2s gsasl mio crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku 
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s   
 Version:  2.1.14  |  Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by tofu):

 I have not gotten it to fail, which is great! In sasl_gsasl.c you removed
 the following at line 354.

 354 if(ret != GSASL_OK && ret != GSASL_NEEDS_MORE) {
 355 _sx_debug(ZONE, "gsasl_step failed, no sasl
 for this conn; (%d): %s", ret, gsasl_strerror(ret));
 356 _sx_nad_write(s, _sx_sasl_failure(s,
 _sasl_err_MALFORMED_REQUEST), 0);
 357 if(out != NULL) free(out);
 358 if(buf != NULL) free(buf);
 359 return;
 360 }


 I was just wondering why and wouldnt it create problems if gsasl_step did

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/139#comment:7>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #139: c2s gsasl mio crash

2007-08-26 Thread jabberd2
#139: c2s gsasl mio crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku 
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s   
 Version:  2.1.14  |  Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by smoku):

 Could you be more specific? What line are you talking about and how is
 gsasl_step() failing?

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/139#comment:6>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #139: c2s gsasl mio crash

2007-08-26 Thread jabberd2
#139: c2s gsasl mio crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku 
Type:  defect  |  Status:  closed
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s   
 Version:  2.1.14  |  Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by tofu):

 In change 356 in sasl_gsasl.c you take out line 354. I am curious why you
 did that? It seems gsasl_step and still fail or return something we do not
 want it to. Is this not the case?

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/139#comment:5>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #139: c2s gsasl mio crash

2007-08-26 Thread jabberd2
#139: c2s gsasl mio crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect  |  Status:  assigned
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s 
 Version:  2.1.14  |  Resolution:  
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:  
Blocking:  |  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned


 I think it may happen, if the  packet is sent before the 
 packet was sent. Wee need to check for that NULL session descriptor.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/139#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #139: c2s gsasl mio crash

2007-08-24 Thread jabberd2
#139: c2s gsasl mio crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.1.14  |  Resolution:   
Keywords:  |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:  |  
Comment (by jack):

 Note that looking through the stack frame for #2, s and p are both fine.
 p->index is 0, but s->plugin_data[0] is NULL.  It appears that somewhere
 along the way the plugin_data never got set.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/139#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #139: c2s gsasl mio crash

2007-08-24 Thread jabberd2
#139: c2s gsasl mio crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.1.14  |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:  |  
 Another c2s crash.


 Core was generated by `/home/chesspark/production/bin/c2s -c
 Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
 #0  gsasl_step (sctx=0x0,
 input_len=239, output=0xffac5344, output_len=0xffac5338) at xstep.c:57
 57if (sctx->clientp)
 (gdb) backtrace
 #0  gsasl_step (sctx=0x0,
 input_len=239, output=0xffac5344, output_len=0xffac5338) at xstep.c:57
 #1  0x0805a5da in _sx_sasl_client_process (s=0x810fd08, p=0x80889e0,
 sd=0x0, mech=0x0,
 inlen=320) at sasl_gsasl.c:353
 #2  0x0805b028 in _sx_sasl_process (s=0x810fd08, p=0x80889e0,
 nad=0x83b7468) at sasl_gsasl.c:504
 #3  0x08055e9f in _sx_process_read (s=0x810fd08, buf=0x83175f8) at
 #4  0x080563b6 in sx_can_read (s=0x810fd08) at io.c:218
 #5  0x08050c65 in _c2s_client_mio_callback (m=0x8088ef8, a=action_READ,
 fd=0x8159660, data=0x0, arg=0x80f58f0) at c2s.c:436
 #6  0x0805c7d1 in _mio_run (m=0x8088ef8, timeout=5) at mio_impl.h:256
 #7  0x08053225 in main (argc=134658740, argv=0xf7ff24f8) at main.c:645


Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/139>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #138: another c2s crash

2007-08-23 Thread jabberd2
#138: another c2s crash
Reporter:  tofu|   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major   |   Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.1.14  |   Tracforge_linkmap:   
Blocking:  |  
 This seems to be sx related.

 Core was generated by `/home/chesspark/production/bin/c2s -c
 Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
 #0  0xe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
 (gdb) backtrace
 #0  0xe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
 #1  0xf7b7b811 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
 #2  0xf7b7cfb9 in abort () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
 #3  0xf7bb0d3a in __fsetlocking () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
 #4  0xf7bb84dc in mallopt () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
 #5  0xf7bb8672 in free () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
 #6  0xf7c9e566 in XML_ParserFree () from /usr/lib/libexpat.so.1
 #7  0x08059568 in sx_free (s=0x889c658) at sx.c:97
 #8  0x080532fb in main (argc=Cannot access memory at address 0x201c
 ) at main.c:710

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/138>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222

2007-08-21 Thread jabberd2
#125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222
Reporter:  mikiecx  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect   |  Status:  new
Priority:  major|   Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.12   |  Resolution: 
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by mikiecx):

  * version:  2.1.14 => 2.1.12


 i don't think it's a matter of 64bit architecture.
 my jabberd2 runs (or rather doesn't run ;) ) on slackware 11 on AMD 32bit
 platform (Duron).
 so far i tried db and mysql. neither works (but id doesn't lool like it's
 about auth/storage system).
 i agree it could be component can't connect to router, tho.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/125#comment:4>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222

2007-08-21 Thread jabberd2
#125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222
Reporter:  mikiecx  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect   |  Status:  new
Priority:  major|   Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.14   |  Resolution: 
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
Comment (by smoku):

 This looks like the component cannot connect to router, thus does not
 start listening for incoming connections.

 I had a report, that jabberd2 implementation of MD5 hash does not work
 under 64bit architecture. Could you confirm (or maybe fix) that?

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/125#comment:3>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222

2007-08-20 Thread jabberd2
#125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222
Reporter:  mikiecx  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect   |  Status:  new
Priority:  major|   Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.14   |  Resolution: 
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
Comment (by digger):

 2.1.10 does not work, 2.0s11 ''does''.

 I could do some more testing between these versions, if helpful...

 Regards, Steffen

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/125#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222

2007-08-20 Thread jabberd2
#125: c2s doesn't listen on 5222
Reporter:  mikiecx  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect   |  Status:  new
Priority:  major|   Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.14   |  Resolution: 
Keywords:   |   Tracforge_linkmap: 
Blocking:   |  
Changes (by digger):

  * version:  2.1.11 => 2.1.14
  * tracforge_linkmap:  =>


 Exactly the same problem here, after rebooting my server.

 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p5 / amd64

 I'm missing lines like

 "coming online" and
 "[%s, port=%d] listening for connections"

 in the c2s debug log.

 jabberd was running fine on the system for some month -- too bad, I can't
 tell which version it's been. Maybe I'll try a downgrade...

 Regards, Steffen

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/125#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
versatile XMPP server
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #137: can not compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun solaris 8 (Undefined symbol)

2007-08-16 Thread jabberd2
#137: can not compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun solaris 8 (Undefined symbol)
Reporter:  yannick56  |Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect |   Status:  new  
Priority:  major  |Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.14 |   Resolution:   
Keywords: | Blocking:   
Comment (by smoku):

 Please attach your config.log file to the ticket.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/137#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #133: gsasl not found but installed

2007-08-16 Thread jabberd2
#133: gsasl not found but installed
Reporter:  biosoup  |Owner:  smoku 
Type:  defect   |   Status:  closed
Priority:  major|Component:  Build 
 Version:  2.1.14   |   Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:   | Blocking:
Changes (by biosoup):

  * status:  assigned => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed


 Replying to [comment:5 smoku]:
 > Looks like another comment:ticket:98:3. Did you update your
 Ok it was in
 so it look like this now and it works
 and also I needed to run
 Thanks for all help.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/133#comment:6>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #133: gsasl not found but installed

2007-08-16 Thread jabberd2
#133: gsasl not found but installed
Reporter:  biosoup  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect   |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|Component:  Build   
 Version:  2.1.14   |   Resolution:  
Keywords:   | Blocking:  
Comment (by smoku):

 Looks like another comment:ticket:98:3. Did you update your

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/133#comment:5>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #137: can not compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun solaris 8 (Undefined symbol)

2007-08-16 Thread jabberd2
#137: can not compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun solaris 8 (Undefined symbol)
Reporter:  yannick56  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major  |   Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.14 |Blocking:   
 Now, I'm trying to compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun Solaris 8 / Sparc[[BR]]
 and with the tools:[[BR]]
 * gcc-3.4.6[[BR]]
 * gnu make 3.80[[BR]]
 * autoconf 2.60[[BR]]
 * automake 1.10[[BR]]
 * pkgconfig 0.20[[BR]]
 * m4 1.4.7[[BR]]
 * mm 1.4.2[[BR]]
 from www.sunfreeware.com,[[BR]]
 but I can not compile Jabberd2.[[BR]]
 My Jabberd2-2.1.14 sources are patched with : [[BR]]
 http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/changeset/350 [[BR]]
 http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/changeset/351 [[BR]]
 I use this parameters for configure :[[BR]]
 CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc -mtune=ultrasparc " \[[BR]]
 CXXFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc -mtune=ultrasparc " \[[BR]]
 CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/expat-2.0.1/include \[[BR]]
 -I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/libidn-0.6.14/include \[[BR]]
 -I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/gsasl-0.2.15/include \[[BR]]
 -I/usr/include \[[BR]]
 -I/usr/local/include" \[[BR]]
 LDFLAGS="-L/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/expat-2.0.1/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/libidn-0.6.14/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/gsasl-0.2.15/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/usr/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/usr/local/lib" \[[BR]]
 ./configure \[[BR]]
 --prefix=/opt/jabberd-2.1.14 \[[BR]]
 --enable-sasl=gsasl \[[BR]]
 --disable-ssl \[[BR]]
 --disable-mysql \[[BR]]
 --disable-pgsql \[[BR]]
 --disable-sqlite \[[BR]]
 --disable-db \[[BR]]
 --disable-oracle \[[BR]]
 --disable-ldap \[[BR]]
 --disable-pam \[[BR]]
 --disable-pipe \[[BR]]
 --enable-anon \[[BR]]
 --enable-fs \[[BR]]
 --enable-shared --disable-static \[[BR]]
 Compile stop with this error :[[BR]]
 $ - /home/my_user/sources/jabberd2-2.1.14> make[[BR]]
 make  all-recursive[[BR]]
 make[1]: Entering directory `/home/my_user/sources/jabberd2-2.1.14'[[BR]]
 Making all in etc[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 Making all in templates[[BR]]
 make[3]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[3]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.[[BR]]
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in tools[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in man[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in mio[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in subst[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in sx[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.[[BR]]
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in util[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in c2s[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 /bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CC   --mode=link gcc  -O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc
 -mtune=ultrasparc  -export-dynamic
 -L/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/gsasl-0.2.15/lib -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o
 c2s c2s-authreg.o c2s-bind.o c2s-c2s.o c2s-main.o c2s-sm.o ../sx/libsx.la

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #133: gsasl not found but installed

2007-08-16 Thread jabberd2
#133: gsasl not found but installed
Reporter:  biosoup  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect   |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|Component:  Build   
 Version:  2.1.14   |   Resolution:  
Keywords:   | Blocking:  
Comment (by biosoup):

 As I looked in the log file (dont know why I didnt do it before :) ) there
 is this error on line 3343
 ./conftest: error while loading shared libraries: libgsasl.so.7: cannot
 open shared object file: No such file or directory
 but I gave libgsasl.so.7 in the same place as other libgsasl files ...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/lib# ls
 libexpat.a   libexpat.so.1  libgsasl.lalibgsasl.so.7.3.4
 libidn.so  pkgconfig
 libexpat.la  libexpat.so.1.5.2  libgsasl.solibidn.a
 libidn.so.11   python2.4
 libexpat.so  libgsasl.a libgsasl.so.7  libidn.la
 ... so I dont know why it cant load them (it get normally expat files from
 the same location)

 Hope I dont getting it too complicated :)

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/133#comment:4>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #133: gsasl not found but installed

2007-08-16 Thread jabberd2
#133: gsasl not found but installed
Reporter:  biosoup  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect   |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|Component:  Build   
 Version:  2.1.14   |   Resolution:  
Keywords:   | Blocking:  
Comment (by biosoup):

 Replying to [comment:2 smoku]:
 > Please give tha output of command:
 > {{{
 > $ which gsasl
 > }}}
 > and attach your config.log file to the ticket.

 Thanks for interest in my problem.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/jabberd-2.1.14# which gsasl
 Also submitting the log file.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/133#comment:3>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #136: failed loading storage module 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#136: failed loading storage module 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/
Reporter:  megerdin  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect|   Status:  reopened
Priority:  major |Component:  Build   
 Version:  2.1.13|   Resolution:  
Keywords:| Blocking:  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  closed => reopened
  * resolution:  invalid =>
  * component:  storage => Build


 Well... This actually might be a ./configure error.

 Please attach your {{{config.log}}} file to the ticket.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/136#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #133: configuring with debud mode -> gsasl problem

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#133: configuring with debud mode -> gsasl problem
Reporter:  biosoup  |Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect   |   Status:  new  
Priority:  major|Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.14   |   Resolution:   
Keywords:   | Blocking:   
Comment (by DeSnajpa):

 Possibly it is a bug of configure, look at line 11639:
 main ()
 return !(gsasl_check_version("0.2.14"))
   return 0;

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/133#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #134: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#134: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect
Reporter:  megerdin  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major |Component:  c2s
 Version:  2.1.13|   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:| Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 I don't really understand what this ticket is about.

 If you could be more specific, please reopen the ticket with comments.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/134#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #133: gsasl not found but installed

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#133: gsasl not found but installed
Reporter:  biosoup  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect   |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|Component:  Build   
 Version:  2.1.14   |   Resolution:  
Keywords:   | Blocking:  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned
  * summary:  configuring with debud mode -> gsasl problem => gsasl not
  found but installed


 Please give tha output of command:
 $ which gsasl
 and attach your config.log file to the ticket.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/133#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #136: failed loading storage module 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#136: failed loading storage module 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/
Reporter:  megerdin  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major |Component:  storage
 Version:  2.1.13|   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:| Blocking: 
Changes (by DeSnajpa):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 This is not a jabberd-2.x bug. Please discuss the problem on mailing list.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/136#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #136: failed loading storage module 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#136: failed loading storage module 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/
Reporter:  megerdin  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|  Status:  new
Priority:  major |   Component:  storage
 Version:  2.1.13|Blocking: 
 Hi jabberd fan

 I m new at jabberd. and tried to implement jabberd server with
 after configuring when i run /usr/local/bin/jabberd script
 the log file say .


 jabberd/sm[16822]: failed loading storage module 'mysql'
 (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/storage_mysql.so: cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory

 jabberd/c2s[16824]: failed loading authreg module 'mysql'
 (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/authreg_mysql.so: cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory


 I tried to download the storage and authreg file from internet but didn't
 find any file
 I use mysql (mysql-5.0.37-2.fc7) as my database server.

 please help me to solve the problem...please...


 i did it before when i configured . but the result is above mentione code.

 with this code

 ./configure --enable-mysql --enable-ssl --enable-idn \
   --with-extra-include-path=/usr/include/mysql:/usr/include \
 [[BR]]plz anymore help[[BR]]

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/136>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #135: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#135: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect
Reporter:  megerdin  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect|  Status:  new  
Priority:  major |   Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.1.13|Blocking:   
 Aug 14 20:28:09 Server1 jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040]

 Aug 14 20:28:09 Server1 jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040]

 So where should i wrote for this.[[BR]]

 plz any url.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/135>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #134: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#134: abberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] connect
Reporter:  megerdin  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect|  Status:  new  
Priority:  major |   Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.1.13|Blocking:   
 Aug 14 20:28:09 Server1 jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040]

 Aug 14 20:28:09 Server1 jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040]

 So where should i wrote for this.[[BR]]

 plz any url.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/134>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #132: failed loading module storage_mysql.so

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#132: failed loading module  storage_mysql.so
Reporter:  megerdin |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  enhancement  |   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major|Component:  storage
 Version:  2.1.13   |   Resolution:  fixed  
Keywords:   | Blocking: 
Changes (by megerdin):

  * type:  defect => enhancement


 i did it before when configure ..
 but i think the problem is inthe package... or something
 plz help

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/132#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #133: configuring with debud mode -> gsasl problem

2007-08-15 Thread jabberd2
#133: configuring with debud mode -> gsasl problem
Reporter:  biosoup  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect   |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major|   Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.14   |Blocking:   
 ./configure --enable-mysql --enable-idn --enable-ssl --enable-debug
 I got error:
 checking gsasl.h usability... yes
 checking gsasl.h presence... yes
 checking for gsasl.h... yes
 checking for gsasl_check_version in -lgsasl... yes
 checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
 But I have good version of gsasl:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# gsasl --version
 gsasl 0.2.19
 and also I have libgsasl in version 0.2.19 and everything is in their
 usual paths...

 I'm using UBUNTU 2.6.15-28-amd64-xeon and nothing else then needed things
 is installed. This server is dedicated only to jabber so there should be
 no conflicts eith other packages.

 Similar tickets solve problems with old gsasl but none with good gsasl.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/133>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #132: failed loading module storage_mysql.so

2007-08-14 Thread jabberd2
#132: failed loading module  storage_mysql.so
Reporter:  megerdin  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major |Component:  storage
 Version:  2.1.13|   Resolution:  fixed  
Keywords:| Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed


 You need to build with {{{--enable-mysql}}} to have MySQL support.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/132#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #132: failed loading module storage_mysql.so

2007-08-14 Thread jabberd2
#132: failed loading module  storage_mysql.so
Reporter:  megerdin  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|  Status:  new
Priority:  major |   Component:  storage
 Version:  2.1.13|Blocking: 
 Hi jabberd fan [[BR]]

 I  m new at jabberd. and tried to implement jabberd server with
 after configuring when i run /usr/local/bin/jabberd script [[BR]]the log
 file say .


 jabberd/sm[16822]: failed loading storage module 'mysql'
 (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/storage_mysql.so: cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory

 jabberd/c2s[16824]: failed loading authreg module 'mysql'
 (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/authreg_mysql.so: cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory

 I tried to download the storage and authreg file from internet but didn't
 find any file
 I use mysql (mysql-5.0.37-2.fc7) as my database server.

 please help me to solve the problem...please...

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/132>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #131: jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] disconnect

2007-08-14 Thread jabberd2
#131: jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] disconnect
Reporter:  megerdin  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major |Component:  c2s
 Version:  2.0   |   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:| Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 This ticket tracker is for reporting problems with the application itself.

 For deployment help please refer to InstallGuide or mailing list.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/131#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #131: jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] disconnect

2007-08-14 Thread jabberd2
#131: jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040] disconnect
Reporter:  megerdin  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect|  Status:  new  
Priority:  major |   Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.0   |Blocking:   
 hi i m using jabberd-2.0-0.s11.13.fc7.i386
 And trying to implement a IM server. for taht i configure it myself and
 when i tried to connecrt from any client it say[[BR]]


 Aug 14 20:28:09 Server1 jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040]

 Aug 14 20:28:09 Server1 jabberd/c2s[16575]: [7] [, port=39040]


 where is my client PC's IP. what shoudld i do to connect IM

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/131>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #130: jabberd-2.1.14 does not compile with --disable-ssl

2007-08-14 Thread jabberd2
#130: jabberd-2.1.14 does not compile with --disable-ssl
Reporter:  yannick56  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major  |Component:  Build   
 Version:  2.1.14 |   Resolution:  
Keywords: | Blocking:  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned
  * summary:  can not compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun solaris 8 (undeclared
  identifier) => jabberd-2.1.14 does not compile
  with --disable-ssl

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/130#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-08-14 Thread jabberd2
#126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  kt1660  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |   Status:  closed 
Priority:  minor   |Component:  Build  
 Version:  2.1.12  |   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  | Blocking: 
Comment (by yannick56):

 dont't forget to use this parameter with configure if you use gsasl:
 ./configure \
 --enable-sasl=gsasl \

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/126#comment:4>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #130: can not compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun solaris 8 (undeclared identifier)

2007-08-14 Thread jabberd2
#130: can not compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun solaris 8 (undeclared identifier)
Reporter:  yannick56  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major  |   Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.14 |Blocking:   
 Now, I'm trying to compile Jabberd2-2.1.14 on Sun Solaris 8 / Sparc[[BR]]
 and with the tools:[[BR]]
 * gcc-3.4.6[[BR]]
 * gnu make 3.80 [[BR]]
 * autoconf 2.60[[BR]]
 * automake 1.10[[BR]]
 * libtools 1.5[[BR]]
 * pkgconfig 0.20[[BR]]
 * m4 1.4.7[[BR]]
 * mm 1.4.2[[BR]]
 from www.sunfreeware.com,[[BR]]
 but I can not compile Jabberd2.[[BR]]
 I use this parameters for configure :[[BR]]
 CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc -mtune=ultrasparc " \[[BR]]
 CXXFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc -mtune=ultrasparc " \[[BR]]
 CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/expat-2.0.1/include \[[BR]]
 -I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/libidn-0.6.14/include \[[BR]]
 -I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/gsasl-0.2.15/include \[[BR]]
 -I/usr/include \[[BR]]
 -I/usr/local/include" \[[BR]]
 LDFLAGS="-L/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/expat-2.0.1/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/libidn-0.6.14/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/gsasl-0.2.15/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/usr/lib \[[BR]]
 -L/usr/local/lib" \[[BR]]
 ./configure \[[BR]]
 --prefix=/opt/jabberd-2.1.14 \[[BR]]
 --enable-sasl=gsasl \[[BR]]
 --disable-ssl \[[BR]]
 --disable-mysql \[[BR]]
 --disable-pgsql \[[BR]]
 --disable-sqlite \[[BR]]
 --disable-db \[[BR]]
 --disable-oracle \[[BR]]
 --disable-ldap \[[BR]]
 --disable-pam \[[BR]]
 --disable-pipe \[[BR]]
 --enable-anon \[[BR]]
 --enable-fs \[[BR]]
 --enable-shared --disable-static \[[BR]]
 Compile stop with this error :[[BR]]
 $ - /home/my_user/sources/jabberd2-2.1.14> make[[BR]]
 make  all-recursive[[BR]]
 make[1]: Entering directory `/home/my_user/sources/jabberd2-2.1.14'[[BR]]
 Making all in etc[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 Making all in templates[[BR]]
 make[3]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[3]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.[[BR]]
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in tools[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in man[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in mio[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in subst[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.[[BR]]
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 Making all in sx[[BR]]
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Entering directory
 /bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CC   --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.
 -I..   -I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/expat-2.0.1/include
 -I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/gsasl-0.2.15/include -I/usr/include
 -I/usr/local/include  -O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc -mtune=ultrasparc  -MT
 sasl_gsasl.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/sasl_gsasl.Tpo -c -o sasl_gsasl.lo
  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..
 -I/opt/jabberd-2.1.14/lib/gsasl-0.2.15/include -I/usr/include
 -I/usr/local/include -O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc -mtune=ultrasparc -MT
 sasl_gsasl.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/sasl_gsasl.Tpo -c sasl_gsasl.c  -fPIC
 -DPIC -o .libs/sasl_gsasl.o[[BR]]
 sasl_gsasl.c: In function `_sx_sasl_client_process':[[BR]]
 sasl_gsasl.c:324: error: `_sx_ssl_conn_t' undeclared (first use in this
 sasl_gsasl.c:324: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only
 sasl_gsasl.c:324: error: for each function it appears in.)[[BR

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #129: oracle认证模 块

2007-08-13 Thread jabberd2
#129: oracle认证模块
Reporter:  fundy|Owner:  smoku  
Type:  enhancement  |   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major|Component:  storage
 Version:  2.1  |   Resolution:  fixed  
Keywords:   | Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * version:  2.0 => 2.1
  * type:  defect => enhancement

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/129#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #129: oracle认证模 块

2007-08-12 Thread jabberd2
#129: oracle认证模块
Reporter:  fundy   |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new
Priority:  major   |   Component:  storage
 Version:  2.0 |Blocking: 
 添加了oracle认证模块,运行很好,假如有什么问题,可以mail to me.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/129>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)

2007-08-10 Thread jabberd2
#127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)
Reporter:  DeSnajpa |Owner: 
Type:  enhancement  |   Status:  new
Priority:  minor|Component:  sm 
 Version:   |   Resolution: 
Keywords:   | Blocking: 
Changes (by DeSnajpa):

  * owner:  DeSnajpa =>


 So far too hard for me.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/127#comment:3>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #111: jabberd-2.1.9 source distribution contain platform specifi characters and C prototype mismatches

2007-08-10 Thread jabberd2
#111: jabberd-2.1.9 source distribution contain platform specifi characters and 
prototype mismatches
Reporter:  plmogan  |Owner:  smoku 
Type:  defect   |   Status:  closed
Priority:  major|Component:  c2s   
 Version:  2.1.13   |   Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:   | Blocking:
Comment (by smoku):

 If the problem persists, or if there are any other related issues, please
 feel free to reopen the ticket.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/111#comment:13>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #111: jabberd-2.1.9 source distribution contain platform specifi characters and C prototype mismatches

2007-08-10 Thread jabberd2
#111: jabberd-2.1.9 source distribution contain platform specifi characters and 
prototype mismatches
Reporter:  plmogan  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect   |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|Component:  c2s 
 Version:  2.1.13   |   Resolution:  
Keywords:   | Blocking:  
Comment (by smoku):

 The prototype mismatches are only warnings. These are also under GCC.

 The problem is:
 "c2s.c", line 437: operands have incompatible types:
  pointer to const unsigned char ":" pointer to char

 I will commit a fix in a minute.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/111#comment:11>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #111: jabberd-2.1.9 source distribution contain platform specifi characters and C prototype mismatches

2007-08-09 Thread jabberd2
#111: jabberd-2.1.9 source distribution contain platform specifi characters and 
prototype mismatches
Reporter:  plmogan  |Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect   |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major|Component:  c2s 
 Version:  2.1.13   |   Resolution:  
Keywords:   | Blocking:  
Comment (by plmogan):

 Although I am still pressed by project pressure, I decided to stay late at
 work and took another look of the {{{c2s.c}}} compilation problem.  I soon
 reached the conclusion that the SUN Studio 11 compiler doesn't like the
 conditional expression {{{sess->jid?jid_full(sess->jid):"unbound"}}}, so I
 replaced it with an equalent {{{if-else}}} contruct.  Please see the
 following context diff

 # diff -c 2.1.13-c2s.c 2.1.13m-c2s.c
 *** 2.1.13-c2s.cThu Aug  9 15:38:10 2007
 --- 2.1.13m-c2s.c   Thu Aug  9 21:14:31 2007
 *** 442,449 
   case action_CLOSE:
   log_debug(ZONE, "close action on fd %d", fd->fd);

 ! log_write(sess->c2s->log, LOG_NOTICE, "[%d] [%s, port=%d]
 disconnect jid=%s, packets: %i", sess->fd->fd, sess->ip, sess->port,
 sess->jid?jid_full(sess->jid):"unbound", sess->packet_count);
   /* tell the sm to close their session */
 --- 442,455 
   case action_CLOSE:
   log_debug(ZONE, "close action on fd %d", fd->fd);

 ! char *cptr;
 ! if (sess->jid)
 ! cptr = jid_full(sess->jid);
 ! else
 ! cptr = "unbound";
 ! log_write(sess->c2s->log, LOG_NOTICE, "[%d] [%s, port=%d]
 disconnect jid=%s, packets: %i", sess->fd->fd, sess->ip, sess->port, cptr,
   /* tell the sm to close their session */

 Now the entire 2.1.13 distribution builds fine, despite lots of prototype
 mismatch warnings.  I however have not got time to test the build yet.
 But at least this is a small progress. Perhaps someone else who has access
 to SUN Studio compilers (now 12 is available for free download to both
 Solaris and Linux) should give both the modified version and the original
 a try. I have a suspicion that the compiler that we use might have a bug


Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/111#comment:10>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #111: jabberd-2.1.9 source distribution contain platform specifi characters and C prototype mismatches

2007-08-09 Thread jabberd2
ource='c2s.c' object='c2s-c2s.o' libtool=no \
 DEPDIR=.deps depmode=none /bin/bash ../depcomp \
 /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..
 -DCONFIG_DIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -DLIBRARY_DIR=\"/usr/local/lib/jabberd\"
 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/openssl
 -I/usr/local/include/mysql  -xO3 - -c -o c2s-c2s.o `test -f 'c2s.c' ||
 echo './'`c2s.c
 "c2s.c", line 215: warning: argument #2 is incompatible with prototype:
 prototype: pointer to const unsigned char : "../util/util.h", line
 argument : pointer to char
 "c2s.c", line 233: warning: argument #4 is incompatible with prototype:
 prototype: pointer to const unsigned char : "../util/util.h", line
 argument : pointer to char
 "c2s.c", line 274: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype:
 prototype: pointer to const char :
 "/usr/include/iso/string_iso.h", line 69
 argument : pointer to const unsigned char
 "c2s.c", line 274: warning: argument #2 is incompatible with prototype:
 prototype: pointer to const char : "../util/nad.h", line 164
 argument : pointer to const unsigned char
 "c2s.c", line 437: operands have incompatible types:
  pointer to const unsigned char ":" pointer to char
 "c2s.c", line 544: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype:
 prototype: pointer to const char :
 "/usr/include/iso/string_iso.h", line 64
     argument : pointer to unsigned char
 "c2s.c", line 883: warning: argument #2 is incompatible with prototype:
 prototype: pointer to char : "unknown", line 0
 argument : pointer to unsigned char
 "c2s.c", line 933: warning: argument #3 is incompatible with prototype:
 prototype: pointer to const char : "../sx/sx.h", line 172
 argument : pointer to const unsigned char
 cc: acomp failed for c2s.c
 make[2]: *** [c2s-c2s.o] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/src/network/sources/jabberd-2.1.13/c2s'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/src/network/sources/jabberd-2.1.13'
 make: *** [all] Error 2


 Unlike what I initially suspected, the failer is not caused by prototype
 mismatches. According to [http://docs.sun.com/source/819-3688/tguide.html
 Chapter 6 Transition to ISO C], the compiler's -Xa default actually
 accomodates K&R syntaxes (see '''6.1.2''').  So, the problem is caused by
 the newly introduced constructs identified above.

 I hope the above findings can help resolve this ticket.



Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/111#comment:9>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #78: c2s crash

2007-08-08 Thread jabberd2
#78: c2s crash
Reporter:  tofu  |Owner:  smoku 
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed
Priority:  critical  |Component:  c2s   
 Version:  2.1   |   Resolution:  fixed 
Keywords:| Blocking:
Comment (by smoku):

 If it did not actually fix this bug, please reopen the ticket.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/78#comment:20>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)

2007-08-08 Thread jabberd2
#127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)
Reporter:  DeSnajpa |Owner:  DeSnajpa
Type:  enhancement  |   Status:  new 
Priority:  minor|Component:  sm  
 Version:   |   Resolution:  
Keywords:   | Blocking:  
Changes (by DeSnajpa):

  * owner:  smoku => DeSnajpa

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/127#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #128: ERROR: router died. Shutting down server.

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#128: ERROR: router died.  Shutting down server.
Reporter:  Mr_Jocker  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect |   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major  |Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.12 |   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords: | Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 Replying to [ticket:128 Mr_Jocker]:
 > Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: [, port=5347] unable to
 listen (Address already in use)

 router cannot bind to

 Please use {{{netstat}}} command to find out what took the port.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/128#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #128: ERROR: router died. Shutting down server.

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
ing down server.
> JBRD: Got a signal... pass it on.
> JBRD: It was a TERM.  Shut it all down!

New description:

 Please helpme..

 I installed the Jabber, but when I go to start, it presents the following

 --> Prompt:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# jabberd start
 ERROR: router died.  Shutting down server.

 --> /var/log/messages:
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: process id is 4209, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: loaded user table (1 users)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: loaded filters (0 rules)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: [, port=5347] unable to
 listen (Address already in use)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: starting up (interval=60, queue=60,
 keepalive=0, idle=86400)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: process id is 4212, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: process id is 4210, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: attempting connection to
 router at, port=5347
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: attempting connection to router at, port=5347
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32807] connect
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806] connect
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32807]
 authenticated as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: connection to router established
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] set as default route
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] online (bound to, port 32807)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806]
 authenticated as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: connection to router
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806] tried to
 bind 'resolver', but it's already bound
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: shutting down
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: shutting down
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: id: jabber.tecjump.com.br
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: connection to router closed
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: process id is 4213, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: process id is 4211, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32807]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: modules search path:
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: loading 'mysql' storage module
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] default route offline
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: loading 'mysql' authreg module
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: failed loading storage module
 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/storage_mysql.so: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] offline
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: failed loading authreg module
 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/authreg_mysql.so: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: failed to initialise one or more
 storage drivers, aborting

 --> jabber_debug.log
 JBRD: debug on
 JBRD: version(2.1.12)
 JBRD: config_dir(/usr/local/etc)
 JBRD: LaunchJob: router -> /usr/local/bin/router -c
 /usr/local/etc/router.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: resolver -> /usr/local/bin/resolver -c
 /usr/local/etc/resolver.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: sm -> /usr/local/bin/sm -c /usr/local/etc/sm.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: s2s -> /usr/local/bin/s2s -c /usr/local/etc/s2s.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: c2s -> /usr/local/bin/c2s -c /usr/local/etc/c2s.xml -D
 ROUT: WARN: Debugging not enabled.  Ignoring -D.
 ERROR: router died.  Shutting down server.
 JBRD: Got a signal... pass it on.
 JBRD: It was a TERM.  Shut it all down!

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/128#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #128: ERROR: router died. Shutting down server.

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#128: ERROR: router died.  Shutting down server.
Reporter:  Mr_Jocker  |   Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect |  Status:  new
Priority:  major  |   Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.12 |Blocking: 
 Please helpme..

 I installed the Jabber, but when I go to start, it presents the following

 --> Prompt:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# jabberd start
 ERROR: router died.  Shutting down server.

 --> /var/log/messages:

 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: process id is 4209, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: loaded user table (1 users)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: loaded filters (0 rules)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[4209]: [, port=5347] unable to
 listen (Address already in use)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: starting up (interval=60, queue=60,
 keepalive=0, idle=86400)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: process id is 4212, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: process id is 4210, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: attempting connection to
 router at, port=5347
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: attempting connection to router at, port=5347
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32807] connect
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806] connect
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32807]
 authenticated as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: connection to router established
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] set as default route
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] online (bound to, port 32807)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806]
 authenticated as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: connection to router
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806] tried to
 bind 'resolver', but it's already bound
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/resolver[4210]: shutting down
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: shutting down
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: starting up
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32806]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: id: jabber.tecjump.com.br
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/s2s[4212]: connection to router closed
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: process id is 4213, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: process id is 4211, written to
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [, port=32807]
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: modules search path:
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: loading 'mysql' storage module
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] default route offline
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: loading 'mysql' authreg module
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: failed loading storage module
 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/storage_mysql.so: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/router[3879]: [s2s] offline
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/c2s[4213]: failed loading authreg module
 'mysql' (/usr/local/lib/jabberd/authreg_mysql.so: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory)
 Aug  7 14:45:10 mx3 jabberd/sm[4211]: failed to initialise one or more
 storage drivers, aborting

 --> jabber_debug.log

 JBRD: debug on
 JBRD: version(2.1.12)
 JBRD: config_dir(/usr/local/etc)
 JBRD: LaunchJob: router -> /usr/local/bin/router -c
 /usr/local/etc/router.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: resolver -> /usr/local/bin/resolver -c
 /usr/local/etc/resolver.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: sm -> /usr/local/bin/sm -c /usr/local/etc/sm.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: s2s -> /usr/local/bin/s2s -c /usr/local/etc/s2s.xml -D
 JBRD: LaunchJob: c2s -> /usr/local/bin/c2s -c /usr/local/etc/c2s.xml -D
 ROUT: WARN: Debugging not enabled.  Ignoring -D.
 ERROR: router died.  Shutting down server.
 JBRD: Got a signal... pass it on.
 JBRD: It was a TERM.  Shut it all down!

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/128>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)
Reporter:  DeSnajpa |Owner:  smoku
Type:  enhancement  |   Status:  new  
Priority:  minor|Component:  sm   
 Version:   |   Resolution:   
Keywords:   | Blocking:   
Changes (by DeSnajpa):

  * priority:  major => minor
  * version:  2.2 =>

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/127#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#127: Implement Personal Eventing via Pubsub (XEP-163)
Reporter:  DeSnajpa |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major|   Component:  sm   
 Version:  2.2  |Blocking:   
 Implement [http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0163.html PEP] as mod_pep or

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/127>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence
Reporter:  tofu|Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |   Status:  new
Priority:  major   |Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.12  |   Resolution: 
Keywords:  | Blocking: 
Comment (by tofu):

 Just a note, we are using epoll backend and it seems type_CLOSED events
 are being generated. There are some cases where they are not. We have a
 crash when it is called sometimes. #78 is that crash. I can add another
 backtrace for that if you would like.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/124#comment:10>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  kt1660  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |   Status:  closed 
Priority:  minor   |Component:  Build  
 Version:  2.1.12  |   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  | Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * priority:  critical => minor


 You still have lesser version of gsasl installed in system and it takes

 It's your local setup problem. Please report software bugs only via the
 ticket tracker and use mailing list to discuss local setup problems.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/126#comment:3>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  kt1660|Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed 
Priority:  critical  |Component:  Build  
 Version:  2.1.12|   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:| Blocking: 
Changes (by kt1660):

  * priority:  major => critical


 recompile gsasl 0.2.14, but error not resolve
 checking gsasl.h usability... yes
 checking gsasl.h presence... yes
 checking for gsasl.h... yes
 checking for gsasl_check_version in -lgsasl... yes
 checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
 gsasl --version
 gsasl 0.2.14

  ls /usr/local/lib

 libgsasl.a  libgsasl.la  libgsasl.so  libgsasl.so.7  libgsasl.so.7.2.10

 Replying to [comment:1 smoku]:
 > Replying to [ticket:126 kt1660]:
 > > configure error:
 > > {{{
 > >checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 > > }}}
 > > gsasl --version
 > > {{{
 > > gsasl 0.2.9
 > > }}}
 > You need GnuSASL version 0.2.14 or greater.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/126#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  kt1660  |Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major   |Component:  Build  
 Version:  2.1.12  |   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  | Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 Replying to [ticket:126 kt1660]:
 > configure error:
 > {{{
 >checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 > }}}

 > gsasl --version
 > {{{
 > gsasl 0.2.9
 > }}}

 You need GnuSASL version 0.2.14 or greater.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/126#comment:1>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

[Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#126: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  kt1660  |   Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect  |  Status:  new  
Priority:  major   |   Component:  Build
 Version:  2.1.12  |Blocking:   
 ***Here have error on RHEL 4.0

   Linux 2.6.9-42.EL

 configure error:
checking gsasl.h usability... yes
checking gsasl.h presence... yes
checking for gsasl.h... yes
checking for gsasl_check_version in -lgsasl... yes
checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
 gsasl --version

 gsasl 0.2.9
 ls /usr/local/lib/
libgsasl.a  libgsasl.la  libgsasl.so  libgsasl.so.7  libgsasl.so.7.2.10
 libgsasl.so.7.2.5  pkgconfig
 more /etc/ld.so.conf
   include ld.so.conf.d/*.conf
 I compile gsaal, and edit ld.so.conf, but error not resolve...

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/126>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #123: SASL backend available out of: gsasl

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#123: SASL backend available out of: gsasl
Reporter:  hostserver|Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect|   Status:  closed 
Priority:  major |Component:  Build  
 Version:  2.1.12|   Resolution:  invalid
Keywords:  gsasl  configure  | Blocking: 
Changes (by kt1660):

  * keywords:  => gsasl  configure
  * version:  2.1.7 => 2.1.12


 configure error*
 checking gsasl.h usability... yes
 checking gsasl.h presence... yes
 checking for gsasl.h... yes
 checking for gsasl_check_version in -lgsasl... yes
 checking for GnuSASL version >= 0.2.14... no
 configure: error: no SASL backend available out of: gsasl
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] jabberd-2.1.12]# gsasl --version
 gsasl 0.2.9
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] jabberd-2.1.12]# ls /usr/local/lib/
 libgsasl.a  libgsasl.la  libgsasl.so  libgsasl.so.7  libgsasl.so.7.2.10
 libgsasl.so.7.2.5  pkgconfig
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] jabberd-2.1.12]# more /etc/ld.so.conf
 include ld.so.conf.d/*.conf

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/123#comment:2>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence
Reporter:  tofu|Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |   Status:  new
Priority:  major   |Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.12  |   Resolution: 
Keywords:  | Blocking: 
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  assigned => new
  * version:  2.1.11 => 2.1.12

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/124#comment:9>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence

2007-08-07 Thread jabberd2
#124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence
Reporter:  tofu|Owner:  smoku   
Type:  defect  |   Status:  assigned
Priority:  major   |Component:  General 
 Version:  2.1.11  |   Resolution:  
Keywords:  | Blocking:  
Changes (by smoku):

  * status:  new => assigned


 Yes. [313] is a memory leak fix. The removed from epoll fd did never
 generate events for type_CLOSED fd. I do not use other than epoll MIO
 backends, so I didn't find that it breaks things for other backends.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/124#comment:7>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #78: c2s crash

2007-08-06 Thread jabberd2
#78: c2s crash
Reporter:  tofu  |Owner:  smoku
Type:  defect|   Status:  new  
Priority:  critical  |Component:  c2s  
 Version:  2.1   |   Resolution:   
Keywords:| Blocking:   
Comment (by jack):

 We just had another one of these tonight.  This is the only weird thing in
 the log:

 Mon Aug  6 23:07:31 2007 [notice] [98]
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/watch_arbiter] write error: Broken pipe (32)

 Looking at the previous crashes in the logs there is one of these lines
 before every one with this backtrace.  There are other instances of Broken
 pipe errors from regular users, but these don't seem to crash the server.
 A first guess is that this may be related to legacy auth (since our normal
 clients use sasl and the latency tester doesn't).

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/78#comment:18>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence

2007-08-06 Thread jabberd2
#124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence
Reporter:  tofu|Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |   Status:  new
Priority:  major   |Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.11  |   Resolution: 
Keywords:  | Blocking: 
Changes (by jack):

 * cc: jack (added)

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/124#comment:6>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

Re: [Jabberd2] [jabberd2] #124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence

2007-08-06 Thread jabberd2
#124: running jabberd 2.1.12 with electric fence
Reporter:  tofu|Owner:  smoku  
Type:  defect  |   Status:  new
Priority:  major   |Component:  General
 Version:  2.1.11  |   Resolution: 
Keywords:  | Blocking: 
Comment (by jack):

 I also suggest changing the MIO_FREE_FD macro to additionally set the
 pointer to NULL explicitly after free is called.

Ticket URL: <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/ticket/124#comment:5>
jabberd2 <http://jabberd2.xiaoka.com/>
jabberd2 project
Jabberd2 mailing list

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