2001-08-17 Thread danch

Bill Burke wrote:

> Man you crack me up sometimes :)
> We used to have a running joke about support calls for O2K.  "I'm sorry, but
> you're just too stupid to use our product.  Please cd to /usr/local and
> rm -rf o2k."
> Bill

I think we've _all_ wanted to say that one time or another!


Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-16 Thread Peter Antman

On 16 Aug, Till: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1. JBoss should begin by focusing on the specs publishes by the java
>community process, such as:
> JAXM (XML messaging)
> JAXR (XML registry)

Just for the record:


67  Java APIs for XML Messaging 1.0 (public review with ea software)

93 Java API for XML Registries 1.0 (public review)

110 Java APIs for WSDL  (no released spec)

111 Java  APIs for XML RPC (no
released spec)

Jobba hos oss:

Peter Antman Technology in Media, Box 34105 100 26 Stockholm
Systems ArchitectWWW:
Phone: +46-(0)8-506 381 11 Mobile: 070-675 3942 

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-16 Thread Juha-P Lindfors

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Dan - Blue Lotus Software wrote:
> My opinion of it back 5 months ago was that it was not really even close to
> usable yet.  Have things changed radically since then?

Well, I think the emergence of UDDI/WSDL gave them a boost to speed
up, and all the core specs seem to have gained at least 1.0 status now.

I don't know if anyone has the full platform implemented yet (I think it's
unlikely), but there are parts of it being implemented - prototype ebXML
registries set up, and so forth. Sun has released an ebXML registry for
J2EE (iPlanet) that is available here:

but I haven't ever tried it.

They're also taking ebXML into consideration when designing the Java XML
Registry and Java XML Messaging API's which should allow you to interface
with ebXML by using a correct service implementation, approach similar to
JNDI I think.

> I know IBM have a UDDI implementation in beta.  Any chance we can convince
> them to donate it to Apache, Jakarta, or JBoss (I figure it's more likely
> they would open-source it to one of the first two, given their currently
> relationship with Apache)?

There are open source UDDI implementations in the works, for example and pUDDIng (

> What needs to be added to provide WSDL support?  Maybe I'm missing
> something, but it seems like it's merely a "description language" for
> services--a file you might retrieve from a UDDI registry that describes a
> SOAP service.  In this case, what is needed to provide support for WSDL?
> Anything?

Conversion tools from existing interfaces (ejb?) to the WSDL XML schema,
I suppose. I've always pictured WSDL as an XML IDL (but not 'human
readable' IDL, anyone who says WSDL is more readable than IDL is nuts ;-).
I guess WSDL supports a more webby definition of an interface. And its
XML, which is verry verry important :p

-- Juha

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-16 Thread Peter Fagerlund

on 1-08-16 09.58, Peter Antman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> my dream is a XML based routing messaging infrastructure build
> around or into JBoss and JBossMQ.

I been thinking of implementing a module that is enabling the managment of a
distributed colocated execution area, in effect a "routing infrastructure",
the module has pluggable services, the services has plugable (live swap code
fragments) algorithms, these plugable algorithms is managed by the service
provider, so the service is highly intrument'able ...

On top or inside of that module, one could build a service that for ex. is
using "asyncrounous (XML) messaging" for it's task's. Services ex.
- a ping service that attempts to messure and graph network latency
- a JSR-77 auto probe bus - collecting b2b statistics
- ?

if I did not misinterpreted the need's, former mIT is welcome to sponsor,
this experimental module, that scales uniform to the amount of users and
services attached.

Meanwhile I will 'stub' the ping service that attempts to messure and graph
network latency inbetween JBoss instances ...


Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-16 Thread Peter Antman

I just have to give my 2 cent on this (but it IS just 2 cents).

First a question: is there any one doing any work in this area among
JBoss developers? I have seen nothing on dev or in cvs on it (except the
old Zoap support).

I have been waiting on the JAXM spec for some time, wanting to have a
XML messaging API for JBoss. It is now out and I have been tryning to
grasp it the last couple of days.

>From my exceptience of that I would say the following:

1. JBoss should begin by focusing on the specs publishes by the java
   community process, such as:

JAXM (XML messaging)
JAXR (XML registry)

2. These specs are aming at pluggability. That means that they may be
   compatible with both ebXML and other specs such as UDDI, WSDL or XP.

3. I just read the ebXML architecture and messaging spec, and a warning
   is ringing in my ears. This seems like a mega spec, the feeling is
   almost the same as reading the corba component model spec or
   something like that: woaw this is realy thought through but verry,
   verry complex. 

   And as with all verry, verry complex specs, they will be used by few

4. My guess is that ebXML was to early out and that it in many areas
   will be superseeded by other specs, most notably from w3c.

5. The core of the ebXML (namely defining a bussinesprocess) is too
   complicated to be used easilly, but since XML is so easy to cook up
   your self, most developers will do that.

6. What do they need then?

7. They need the Java infrastructure to make it easy to build there

8. They need a simple way to describe their interface (WSDL).

9. They need to register it (UDDI - JAXR)

10. They need a way to send XML messages to each other (JAXM - ebXML,
XP or a JMS based XML).

I have to admit that my focus is to integrate JBossMQ with JAXM,
actually my dream is a XML based routing messaging infrastructure build
around or into JBoss and JBossMQ. I do think this could prove a workable
way to introduce the new XML infrastructure into JBoss.

(And I do think that asyncrounous (XML) messaging will have to be a core
feature in the future WebOS - but that's another story)


Is any one else working on this.

On 15 Aug, Dan - Blue Lotus Software wrote:
> Thanks for the excellent response.  It was very informative.  I was close
> (when I compared ebXML to SOAP, I meant to compare it to SOAP, WSDL, &
> UDDI).
> My opinion of it back 5 months ago was that it was not really even close to
> usable yet.  Have things changed radically since then?  Was I mistaken?
> I know IBM have a UDDI implementation in beta.  Any chance we can convince
> them to donate it to Apache, Jakarta, or JBoss (I figure it's more likely
> they would open-source it to one of the first two, given their currently
> relationship with Apache)?
> What needs to be added to provide WSDL support?  Maybe I'm missing
> something, but it seems like it's merely a "description language" for
> services--a file you might retrieve from a UDDI registry that describes a
> SOAP service.  In this case, what is needed to provide support for WSDL?
> Anything?
> Sorry to ask all these questions at once.  I had written off ebXML for the
> near future--if I need to take another look at it, I want to know!
> Thanks, guys.  The knowledge & expertise on these lists is remarkable, and I
> learn new stuff daily.
> -dan
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Juha-P Lindfors
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:33 PM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Dan - Blue Lotus Software wrote:
>> Just a quick question.  Is the preference to use ebXML for web services
>> instead of SOAP?
> No, ebXML uses SOAP as its transport.
>> The reason I ask is that I saw a technical demonstration of ebXML and the
>> XML-One conference in London about 5 months ago, and it looked seriously
>> undercooked.  As in, it looked like the demo was held together by
> bubblegum
>> and duct tape.  I had since written it off as the non-MS solution to
> compete
>> with SOAP
> It's more like a non-MS solution to the MS BizTalk servers.
> It is really a platform for building b2b applications that support a whole
> lot of features, including the transport (SOAP), messaging (sort of JMS
> like), registry (UDDI competes here), Business Service Interfaces (I guess
> competes with WSDL) also something called Collaboration Protocol Profiles
> and Collaboration Protocol Agreements that allows the parties to negotiate
> how the messages are being sent back and forth between the trading
> partners. They also go to some leng


2001-08-15 Thread Jason Dillon

> back to being the wizard of oz... I think you are the lion, rickard was the
> tin-man, Scott is dorothy... I am the small bald guy hiding behind the
> curtain making all that big noise...

"scott is dorothy"... *chuckle* =)  Where is toto or the straw man?


Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Peter Fagerlund

on 1-08-16 00.58, Juha-P Lindfors at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> And I would like to state for the record that just because it is XML
> doesn't necessarily mean its "human readable"  ;-)

The big Woow here as i seen it is that XML is machine read'able
This in effect means ??? !!! -heh void() description from Me ! ...

Good thoughts from

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Bill Burke

Man you crack me up sometimes :)

We used to have a running joke about support calls for O2K.  "I'm sorry, but
you're just too stupid to use our product.  Please cd to /usr/local and
rm -rf o2k."


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of marc
> fleury
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 7:20 PM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
> no listen at least this time we can communicate about the wheel, did you
> ever try explaining CORBA to your mama? well *you* probably did,
> being an ex
> ORBIX2000 developer and all, but she just listened out of love.  This time
> around she will actually think you are doing something important she will
> tell her friends about :)
> Never underestimate the power of technology as grasped by your mama...
> marcf
> |-Original Message-
> |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill
> |Burke
> |Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 7:13 PM
> |Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
> |
> |
> |It's just sad that the industry is reinventing the wheel over and over
> |again.  I just wish I could wake up and it would be February 3rd.
> |
> |Bill
> |
> |> -Original Message-
> |> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of marc
> |> fleury
> |> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 6:50 PM
> |> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
> |>
> |>
> |> |Isn't SOAP nothing more than human readable IIOP?  Or is it more?
> |>
> |> yes but not everybody lives in the "we see technology for what it
> |> really is"
> |> sphere.
> |>
> |> Along these lines XML for me is just "ASCII externalized tree
> |> structures" I
> |> am serious... we are seriously hype resistent because of that "tough"
> |> skin... what is our strength, the capacity to fully understand
> technology
> |> and where it fits in this commercial world, is also our
> weakness and is a
> |> bit of a rare profile in this day and age, space monkeys and
> dark ages...
> |>
> |> he he... but you know... for the marketing angle, it is much much
> |> ***much***
> |> more.
> |>
> |> I think that is what I like about web services (seriously now) is
> |> that it is
> |> a common-speak between dumb technologists (us) and smart
> decision makers
> |> (them) :))) the cocktail is explosive.
> |>
> |> Resonance of spin orientation is something that doesn't exist
> |today in the
> |> software world and WS is bubble gum enough to be grasped by
> *everyone* at
> |> once.  We all resonate at once in the same direction, uber
> |> powerful order...
> |>
> |> But yes we can all go back to being arrogant bastards and expose
> |> technology
> |> for what it really is, nothing
> |>
> |> back to being the wizard of oz... I think you are the lion,
> |> rickard was the
> |> tin-man, Scott is dorothy... I am the small bald guy hiding behind the
> |> curtain making all that big noise...
> |>
> |> marcf
> |>
> |>
> |>
> |> ___
> |> Jboss-development mailing list
> |>
> |>
> |
> |
> |
> |___
> |Jboss-development mailing list
> |
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread marc fleury

no listen at least this time we can communicate about the wheel, did you
ever try explaining CORBA to your mama? well *you* probably did, being an ex
ORBIX2000 developer and all, but she just listened out of love.  This time
around she will actually think you are doing something important she will
tell her friends about :)

Never underestimate the power of technology as grasped by your mama...


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill
|Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 7:13 PM
|Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
|It's just sad that the industry is reinventing the wheel over and over
|again.  I just wish I could wake up and it would be February 3rd.
|> -Original Message-
|> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of marc
|> fleury
|> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 6:50 PM
|> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
|> |Isn't SOAP nothing more than human readable IIOP?  Or is it more?
|> yes but not everybody lives in the "we see technology for what it
|> really is"
|> sphere.
|> Along these lines XML for me is just "ASCII externalized tree
|> structures" I
|> am serious... we are seriously hype resistent because of that "tough"
|> skin... what is our strength, the capacity to fully understand technology
|> and where it fits in this commercial world, is also our weakness and is a
|> bit of a rare profile in this day and age, space monkeys and dark ages...
|> he he... but you know... for the marketing angle, it is much much
|> ***much***
|> more.
|> I think that is what I like about web services (seriously now) is
|> that it is
|> a common-speak between dumb technologists (us) and smart decision makers
|> (them) :))) the cocktail is explosive.
|> Resonance of spin orientation is something that doesn't exist
|today in the
|> software world and WS is bubble gum enough to be grasped by *everyone* at
|> once.  We all resonate at once in the same direction, uber
|> powerful order...
|> But yes we can all go back to being arrogant bastards and expose
|> technology
|> for what it really is, nothing
|> back to being the wizard of oz... I think you are the lion,
|> rickard was the
|> tin-man, Scott is dorothy... I am the small bald guy hiding behind the
|> curtain making all that big noise...
|> marcf
|> ___
|> Jboss-development mailing list
|Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Bill Burke

It's just sad that the industry is reinventing the wheel over and over
again.  I just wish I could wake up and it would be February 3rd.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of marc
> fleury
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 6:50 PM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
> |Isn't SOAP nothing more than human readable IIOP?  Or is it more?
> yes but not everybody lives in the "we see technology for what it
> really is"
> sphere.
> Along these lines XML for me is just "ASCII externalized tree
> structures" I
> am serious... we are seriously hype resistent because of that "tough"
> skin... what is our strength, the capacity to fully understand technology
> and where it fits in this commercial world, is also our weakness and is a
> bit of a rare profile in this day and age, space monkeys and dark ages...
> he he... but you know... for the marketing angle, it is much much
> ***much***
> more.
> I think that is what I like about web services (seriously now) is
> that it is
> a common-speak between dumb technologists (us) and smart decision makers
> (them) :))) the cocktail is explosive.
> Resonance of spin orientation is something that doesn't exist today in the
> software world and WS is bubble gum enough to be grasped by *everyone* at
> once.  We all resonate at once in the same direction, uber
> powerful order...
> But yes we can all go back to being arrogant bastards and expose
> technology
> for what it really is, nothing
> back to being the wizard of oz... I think you are the lion,
> rickard was the
> tin-man, Scott is dorothy... I am the small bald guy hiding behind the
> curtain making all that big noise...
> marcf
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread marc fleury

|And I would like to state for the record that just because it is XML
|doesn't necessarily mean its "human readable"  ;-)

sure does :)  

I can read XML in the flesh, everyone can... come on now.


|-- Juha
|Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Juha-P Lindfors

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, marc fleury wrote:

> |Isn't SOAP nothing more than human readable IIOP?  Or is it more?
> yes but not everybody lives in the "we see technology for what it really is"
> sphere.

And I would like to state for the record that just because it is XML
doesn't necessarily mean its "human readable"  ;-)

-- Juha

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Dan - Blue Lotus Software

Thanks for the excellent response.  It was very informative.  I was close
(when I compared ebXML to SOAP, I meant to compare it to SOAP, WSDL, &

My opinion of it back 5 months ago was that it was not really even close to
usable yet.  Have things changed radically since then?  Was I mistaken?

I know IBM have a UDDI implementation in beta.  Any chance we can convince
them to donate it to Apache, Jakarta, or JBoss (I figure it's more likely
they would open-source it to one of the first two, given their currently
relationship with Apache)?

What needs to be added to provide WSDL support?  Maybe I'm missing
something, but it seems like it's merely a "description language" for
services--a file you might retrieve from a UDDI registry that describes a
SOAP service.  In this case, what is needed to provide support for WSDL?

Sorry to ask all these questions at once.  I had written off ebXML for the
near future--if I need to take another look at it, I want to know!

Thanks, guys.  The knowledge & expertise on these lists is remarkable, and I
learn new stuff daily.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Juha-P Lindfors
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:33 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Dan - Blue Lotus Software wrote:

> Just a quick question.  Is the preference to use ebXML for web services
> instead of SOAP?

No, ebXML uses SOAP as its transport.

> The reason I ask is that I saw a technical demonstration of ebXML and the
> XML-One conference in London about 5 months ago, and it looked seriously
> undercooked.  As in, it looked like the demo was held together by
> and duct tape.  I had since written it off as the non-MS solution to
> with SOAP

It's more like a non-MS solution to the MS BizTalk servers.

It is really a platform for building b2b applications that support a whole
lot of features, including the transport (SOAP), messaging (sort of JMS
like), registry (UDDI competes here), Business Service Interfaces (I guess
competes with WSDL) also something called Collaboration Protocol Profiles
and Collaboration Protocol Agreements that allows the parties to negotiate
how the messages are being sent back and forth between the trading
partners. They also go to some length describing how the business
processes should be exposed in the ebXML registry.

It is really a big big spec :)  It goes beyond what the UDDI/WSDL define

There was overlap in the transport layer before but the ebxml spec writers
made the transition to SOAP, I think after SOAP 1.1 came out and
addressed some of the issues they had with it. There's still overlap in
the registry, UDDI and ebXML registries do have some differences in (I
can't remember how fundamental on the top of my head), there's been talk
about merging that too but don't know if any progress is made there.

-- Juha

Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread marc fleury

|Isn't SOAP nothing more than human readable IIOP?  Or is it more?

yes but not everybody lives in the "we see technology for what it really is"

Along these lines XML for me is just "ASCII externalized tree structures" I
am serious... we are seriously hype resistent because of that "tough"
skin... what is our strength, the capacity to fully understand technology
and where it fits in this commercial world, is also our weakness and is a
bit of a rare profile in this day and age, space monkeys and dark ages...

he he... but you know... for the marketing angle, it is much much ***much***

I think that is what I like about web services (seriously now) is that it is
a common-speak between dumb technologists (us) and smart decision makers
(them) :))) the cocktail is explosive.

Resonance of spin orientation is something that doesn't exist today in the
software world and WS is bubble gum enough to be grasped by *everyone* at
once.  We all resonate at once in the same direction, uber powerful order...

But yes we can all go back to being arrogant bastards and expose technology
for what it really is, nothing

back to being the wizard of oz... I think you are the lion, rickard was the
tin-man, Scott is dorothy... I am the small bald guy hiding behind the
curtain making all that big noise...


Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Dan - Blue Lotus Software


You've got the right concept, yes.  It adds a little bit more structure for
offering IIOP-like functionality within a services framework.  That is, the
resulting services can be described by WSDL.  I would think doing the same
with raw IIOP or XML-RPC would require some disciplined programming.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:26 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML

Isn't SOAP nothing more than human readable IIOP?  Or is it more?


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan -
> Blue Lotus Software
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 5:53 PM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
> Just a quick question.  Is the preference to use ebXML for web services
> instead of SOAP?  In addition to SOAP?  What about the efforts to wrap
> IBM/Apache's SOAP stuff in MBeans?
> The reason I ask is that I saw a technical demonstration of ebXML and the
> XML-One conference in London about 5 months ago, and it looked seriously
> undercooked.  As in, it looked like the demo was held together by
> bubblegum
> and duct tape.  I had since written it off as the non-MS solution
> to compete
> with SOAP (yes, I know ebXML has many features that are EDI-like, in
> addition to the services side ebXML offers).  Furthermore, with
> IBM throwing
> their weight behind SOAP, and Sun claiming they will "fully
> support" SOAP in
> the future, it seemed to me that WSDL/UDDI/SOAP made more sense.
> Of course,
> if the plan is to have both, then never mind
> -dan
> -Original Message-
> ...
> ...
> > marcf
> >
> >
> > _
> > Marc Fleury, Ph.D
> > _
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Juha-P Lindfors

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Dan - Blue Lotus Software wrote:

> Just a quick question.  Is the preference to use ebXML for web services
> instead of SOAP?

No, ebXML uses SOAP as its transport.

> The reason I ask is that I saw a technical demonstration of ebXML and the
> XML-One conference in London about 5 months ago, and it looked seriously
> undercooked.  As in, it looked like the demo was held together by bubblegum
> and duct tape.  I had since written it off as the non-MS solution to compete
> with SOAP

It's more like a non-MS solution to the MS BizTalk servers.

It is really a platform for building b2b applications that support a whole
lot of features, including the transport (SOAP), messaging (sort of JMS
like), registry (UDDI competes here), Business Service Interfaces (I guess
competes with WSDL) also something called Collaboration Protocol Profiles
and Collaboration Protocol Agreements that allows the parties to negotiate
how the messages are being sent back and forth between the trading
partners. They also go to some length describing how the business
processes should be exposed in the ebXML registry.

It is really a big big spec :)  It goes beyond what the UDDI/WSDL define

There was overlap in the transport layer before but the ebxml spec writers
made the transition to SOAP, I think after SOAP 1.1 came out and
addressed some of the issues they had with it. There's still overlap in
the registry, UDDI and ebXML registries do have some differences in (I
can't remember how fundamental on the top of my head), there's been talk
about merging that too but don't know if any progress is made there.

-- Juha

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Bill Burke

Isn't SOAP nothing more than human readable IIOP?  Or is it more?


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan -
> Blue Lotus Software
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 5:53 PM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] URGENCY? WSDL/UDDI/ebXML
> Just a quick question.  Is the preference to use ebXML for web services
> instead of SOAP?  In addition to SOAP?  What about the efforts to wrap
> IBM/Apache's SOAP stuff in MBeans?
> The reason I ask is that I saw a technical demonstration of ebXML and the
> XML-One conference in London about 5 months ago, and it looked seriously
> undercooked.  As in, it looked like the demo was held together by 
> bubblegum
> and duct tape.  I had since written it off as the non-MS solution 
> to compete
> with SOAP (yes, I know ebXML has many features that are EDI-like, in
> addition to the services side ebXML offers).  Furthermore, with 
> IBM throwing
> their weight behind SOAP, and Sun claiming they will "fully 
> support" SOAP in
> the future, it seemed to me that WSDL/UDDI/SOAP made more sense.  
> Of course,
> if the plan is to have both, then never mind
> -dan
> -Original Message-
> ...
> ...
> > marcf
> >
> >
> > _
> > Marc Fleury, Ph.D
> > _
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list


2001-08-15 Thread Dan - Blue Lotus Software

Just a quick question.  Is the preference to use ebXML for web services
instead of SOAP?  In addition to SOAP?  What about the efforts to wrap
IBM/Apache's SOAP stuff in MBeans?

The reason I ask is that I saw a technical demonstration of ebXML and the
XML-One conference in London about 5 months ago, and it looked seriously
undercooked.  As in, it looked like the demo was held together by bubblegum
and duct tape.  I had since written it off as the non-MS solution to compete
with SOAP (yes, I know ebXML has many features that are EDI-like, in
addition to the services side ebXML offers).  Furthermore, with IBM throwing
their weight behind SOAP, and Sun claiming they will "fully support" SOAP in
the future, it seemed to me that WSDL/UDDI/SOAP made more sense.  Of course,
if the plan is to have both, then never mind


-Original Message-




> marcf
> _
> Marc Fleury, Ph.D
> _

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