Re: [JBoss-user] problem accessing an inner class from an MBean

2003-06-25 Thread Scott M Stark
Run the attached ListJar on the ear in question. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC George Icriverzi wrote: The CService is packaged in a sar archive along with the jboss-service.xml descriptor. The sar is put in a jar, and

Re: [JBoss-user] HttpSession access from LoginModule JBoss 3.0.7

2003-06-25 Thread Scott M Stark
No, as the login modules are not context sensitive. You could pass this information using a thread local and a filter to valve. If you could specify an extension or replacement for the default JAAS callback handler to allow your login module to propagate info via text callbacks how you would us

Re: [JBoss-user] flushAuthenticationCache in JBoss 3.0.7

2003-06-25 Thread Scott M Stark
There is no way to update the auth cache short of populating it with a valid authentication. The password change operation should be invalidating the session and then reestablishing it as part of the password change form to refresh the auth cache/session and update the ldap store. -- x

Re: [JBoss-user] How can I restrict access from .jspp page extensions?

2003-06-25 Thread Scott M Stark
Use a web.xml security-constraint like the following: Whatever I'm securing *.jspp GET POST ... Role1 ... -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Greg Roll wrote:

Re: [JBoss-user] jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24 & jsp compilation errorson AIX

2003-06-25 Thread Scott M Stark
The classpath passed to the jsp compiler is every jar visible from the war classloader through its parent, and there is no way to override it. The jasper classpath element is not used. You could precompile the jsps as one workaround. You could also move the tmp directory location by setting the

Re: [JBoss-user] flushAuthenticationCache in JBoss 3.0.7

2003-06-25 Thread Scott M Stark
Previously I said there was no way short of performing an authentication to place an entry in the auth cache. This is true of the default cache, but you can install your own org.jboss.util.CachePolicy instance for use by the security manager and this would allow you to directly manipulate the c

Re: [JBoss-user] problem accessing an inner class from an MBean

2003-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark
I need to see the packaging as illustrated by the attached ListJar class as indicated previously. The only way I know of to involved 2 class loaders in a deployment is for an ear to include a war that is accessing the common class in question. If you post the output of the ListJar program I can

Re: [JBoss-user] Netboot

2003-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark
Yes that is currently required, and no such a configuration does not exist. This could be handled in the netboot server via filter that compressed any unpackaged deployments automatically. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC

Re: [JBoss-user] method security fails

2003-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark
That is correct, the 3.0.8 release version does not include the change to support validation of the custom role representing the unchecked permission. The 3.0.9 release will. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Sebastian Haue

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss 3.2 and MQSeries trouble

2003-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark
Nothing should be placed into $JBOSS_HOME/lib as this contains only specific jars used by the bootstrap code, and only these jars are loaded. $JBOSS_HOME/server/xxx/lib is the correct place for library jars. This is described in detail in the admin/devel guide. -- Scott

Re: [JBoss-user] JAAS login - updating the SRP cache

2003-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark
A multi-domain auth service requires something like Liberty, and that is a fair amount of work, but on my todo list. In terms of a logical or of login modules, this is supported out of the box by JAAS and is the purpose of the Sufficient control flag: Sufficient - The LoginModule is not required

Re: [JBoss-user] Read-Ahead Cache & Supports

2003-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark
Apparently someone got overzealous in trying to avoid the worst case performance that results when you ask for the read-ahead optimization and do not execute with a transaction to take advantage of the cached data. File a bug report on SF. -- Scott Stark Chief Technolog

Re: [JBoss-user] JAAS login - updating the SRP cache

2003-06-27 Thread Scott M Stark
Then it may not be unless you can order the RolesLoginModule ahead of the authentication modules, which may not be possible. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Sebastian Hauer wrote: Hi Scott, In terms of a logical or of l

Re: [JBoss-user] 3.2.1 Hanging at Start, Usually Works Fine

2003-06-27 Thread Scott M Stark
HSQLDB -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Hunter Hillegas wrote: I just started 3.2.1 this morning and it hangs with this output: 12:34:27,834 INFO [JMSProviderLoader] Creating 12:34:27,836 INFO [JMSProviderLoader] Created

Re: [JBoss-user] problem accessing an inner class from an MBean

2003-06-27 Thread Scott M Stark
So obviously the war is not doing anything here. The name of the class is not important. To be seeing a LinkageError or IllegalAccess error the same fully qualified type is being access by two different class loaders. You have two threads running inside the service and somehow they are using di

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR Classloader Scope: spec?

2003-06-27 Thread Scott M Stark
No, the spec only talks about Class-Path references. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Peter Luttrell wrote: In jboss2.4x+jetty, if one jar depended on another jar, you needed to specify the dependency in the manifest file

Re: [JBoss-user] jboss-service.xml

2003-06-27 Thread Scott M Stark
jboss.home.dir is the correct system property, but we do not currently resolve property references in arguments to mbean constructors. We do resolve property references in attribute values, so this will not work: ${jboss.home.dir} -- Sc

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss 4 does not start..

2003-06-27 Thread Scott M Stark
You will have to wait for the DR2 release due out next week for this to be fixed. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Christian Neuroth wrote: Hi guys, I need your help with JBoss 4. Has somebody installed jboss4.0+tomcat w

Re: [JBoss-user] Converting to 3.2.1 - javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:comp not bound

2003-06-28 Thread Scott M Stark
I would say you have a file in one of the jars that is interfering with the java:comp context setup. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Guy Rouillier wrote: I've initiated the process of converting our 2.4.3

Re: [JBoss-user] Converting to 3.2.1 - javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:comp not bound

2003-06-28 Thread Scott M Stark
. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Guy Rouillier wrote: Scott M Stark wrote: I would say you have a file in one of the jars that is interfering with the java:comp context setup. Scott, thanks for the reply

Re: [JBoss-user] Converting to 3.2.1 - javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:comp not bound

2003-06-29 Thread Scott M Stark
Use: java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Guy Rouillier wrote: Scott M Stark wrote: The significance of the ordering of the java.naming.factory.url.pkgs is

Re: [JBoss-user] Services and Folders in Real Time environment.

2003-06-30 Thread Scott M Stark
No, just do it. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Muraly R wrote: Hi Gurus, I have some doubts regarding the removal of some service and folders of JBoss-3.0.7 from the real time environment. i) How can I remove the

Re: [JBoss-user] problem accessing an inner class from an MBean

2003-06-30 Thread Scott M Stark
Thanks for the trace log output. The source of the issue is that there are two independent deployments that have the class: deploy/eupki-ca-archive.jar deploy/eupki-ca.ear/eupki-ca.sar The eupki-ca-archive.jar has precedence over the eupki-ca.ear/

Re: [JBoss-user] 3.2.1: Persistence for SystemPropertiesService?

2003-06-30 Thread Scott M Stark
XMBeans support persistence and are in 3.2. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Barlow, Dustin wrote: Has anyone added persistence to the SystemPropertiesService? IE, I want the changes made to system/global level properties

Re: [JBoss-user] jms diagnostics?

2003-06-30 Thread Scott M Stark
Setting and categories to trace level logging will give you all that is available, depending on which layer you need to get information from. The most performant and best monitored IL layer is the UIL2 protocol so think about switching to that as well. -- x

Re: [JBoss-user] jms diagnostics?

2003-06-30 Thread Scott M Stark
UIL is less performant than OIL so don't go there. UIL2 first showed up in the 3.0.7 release. Trace is a custom log4j level so the syntax is: -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Eric J Kaplan wrote: Thanks Scott.

Re: [JBoss-user] tomcat instead of jetty: where is my Servlet ?

2003-06-30 Thread Scott M Stark
You should define a servlet-mapping in your web.xml to define what the correct URL is, since this works for all engines and ensures you are not using a web container sepcific URL. Otherwise, edit the jbossweb-tomcat.sar/web.xml and uncomment the following section: and then you can use the

Re: [JBoss-user] Integrating Tomcat in JBoss

2003-07-01 Thread Scott M Stark
Just add these jars/features to the existing jbossweb-tomcat.sar or follow the proceedure used to build this sar. See the tomcat41 module of the source tree for the details. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Ittay Dror wrot

Re: [JBoss-user] Problem binding RMI to particular interface

2003-07-01 Thread Scott M Stark
You would have to specify an java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory instance that allowed for binding on a specific interface: MyRMIServerSocketFactory We should probably just be installing an implementation that used the BindAddress setting if specified. I'll make that change. -- x

Re: [JBoss-user] Insufficient method permissions

2003-07-01 Thread Scott M Stark
Our default login mechanism is not through the JNDI InitialContext. If (Byou want to do that you need to use the ( (B (B Properties env = new Properties(); (B // Try with a login that should succeed (B env.setProperty(Context.

Re: [JBoss-user] 3.2.1: Persistence for SystemPropertiesService?

2003-07-03 Thread Scott M Stark
Last months subscription updated included a draft edition of the 3.2.1 docs that described XMBeans in some detail with examples of persistence, custom security and custom detached invokers. The 3.2.1 release version was updated and given to component source last Friday so it should be available

Re: [JBoss-user] Castor, can I remove it?

2003-07-04 Thread Scott M Stark
Castor is not used by JBoss so this file can be removed and the jar is being removed from the dists since it is not used. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Brian Wallis wrote: Is castor used in jboss (3.0.7 and 3.2.x)? We

Re: [JBoss-user] JMS exception in Web Start application

2003-07-04 Thread Scott M Stark
Patches should be submitted to sourceforge: -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Anthony Mowers wrote: Hi All, I get an exception when trying to run a JMS subscriber f

Re: [JBoss-user] DR2 Released

2003-07-04 Thread Scott M Stark
The user was the primary reasoning for switching to the defacto standard web container, tomcat. There has been insufficient attention on tomcat integration issues raised by users and the decision was made to make tomcat the default web container to improvde this situation. Availability of Jetty

Re: [JBoss-user] Adding to Tomcat configuration under 3.2.1/4.1.24

2003-07-04 Thread Scott M Stark
Support has been added for static external contexts to Tomcat in 3.2 for the 3.2.2RC2 release. Can you give me more info on the vfs usecase so I can better see how to support incorporation of external context into specific wars deployed through the deploy directory? --

Re: [JBoss-user] jboss 3.0.8 tomcat bundle

2003-07-04 Thread Scott M Stark
Sorry I did not see this email earlier. The zip package is incorrect while the tgz package was. I have fixed the zip bundle to contain the Tomcat dist. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Jure Lodrant wrote: Hi, I download

Re: [JBoss-user] where to purchase 3.x docs

2003-07-07 Thread Scott M Stark
Use this direct link: -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Erik Price wrote: Hi, Following the link from the web site to purchse

Re: [JBoss-user] where to purchase 3.x docs

2003-07-08 Thread Scott M Stark
Apparently they are only allowing purchases through our web site. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Erik Price wrote: Scott M Stark wrote: Use this direct link:

Re: [JBoss-user] constraining session bean pool

2003-07-08 Thread Scott M Stark
You can't define such a minimal container configuration without extending an existing one. Use: Stateful Session Bean MasteringEJB ... -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Erik Price wrote: I've read t

Re: [JBoss-user] JAAS login failure logging in JBoss/Tomcat?

2003-07-08 Thread Scott M Stark
This information is logged at trace level by the realm. You would need to either use a custom subclass of the JAAS login module currently used to log this, or add a new login module that logged the username if its abort method was called to indicate the login did not succeed and chain this will t

Re: [JBoss-user] Module jms missing from jboss-head

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
The jms code is in the jboss-head/messaging directory obtained from the checkout of the jboss-head module. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Alwyn Schoeman wrote: Hi, I couldn't confirm this with viewcvs as jboss-head is not

Re: [JBoss-user] Linkage error

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
3.2 allows for control of the class loading behavior at the ejb-jar, war, sar and ear levels and this is defined in the various dtds in the dist under docs/dtds. The META-INF/jboss.xml config for the ejb-jar would be something like:";> jbos

Re: [JBoss-user] constraining session bean pool

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
This is only working for stateless beans and mdbs currently. Its a known issue as there is a unit test which fails because of this. Its on my todo to fix for the 3.2.2RC2 release. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Erik Price w

Re: [JBoss-user] Q. on size of data marshalled!!!

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
This means that an array element being read from the stream is not of the type of the array. Attempting to read an Integer into a String[] would cause this for example. It could also be class loader issue due which seems to exist as seen by the IllegalAccess error. -- Scott

Re: [JBoss-user] Release schedule for 3.2.2?

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
3.2.2RC2 next week, 3.2.2 towards the end of the month. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Gavin Matthews wrote: Hi, I'm in the process of upgrading to 3.2.2 but I need to get fixes that went in after 3.2.2RC1. I looked aroun

Re: [JBoss-user] Module jms missing from jboss-head

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
The jms module is the next generation of messaging and is being built in jboss-head. You probably need a fresh checkout of jboss-head to pickup its content definition as these are not retrieved by an update. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC x

Re: [JBoss-user] Services Binding Management

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
Attribute values of the form: ${OPENCI.MAXCONS} are already expanded by default. Nested references within an attribute value that are not Text elements like this are not: ${OPENCI.HOST} ${OPENCI.PORT} ${OPENCI.SYSTEM} ${OPENCI.USE

Re: [JBoss-user] JAAS login failure logging in JBoss/Tomcat?

2003-07-09 Thread Scott M Stark
Override the validatePassword method to log any validation failure. The internet address is not available to the login module so this has to be handled in a filter or valve. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Ricardo Argüello w

Re: [JBoss-user] synchronize on a bean

2003-07-10 Thread Scott M Stark
If only one thread and one transaction can be active in an entity bean, which is what the default pessimistic locking does, you obtain the behavior you want. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Ittay Dror wrote: i know about

Re: [JBoss-user] Q. on size of data marshalled!!!

2003-07-10 Thread Scott M Stark
See the the explanation of IllegalAccessErrors in the class loading docs available from sourceforge under the docs tab. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Muraly R wrote: Scott, then regarding the second error you me

Re: [JBoss-user] How to get reference to XMBean

2003-07-10 Thread Scott M Stark
Querying the MBeanRegistry should work: import; import; import; import; Object[] args = {xmbeanName}; String[] sig = {ObjectName.class.getName()}

Re: [JBoss-user] Update to JBoss 3.2.1 documentation

2003-07-10 Thread Scott M Stark
Figure 5-8 i only shows the instance-pool and container-pool-conf elements. You have to go through all of the Container configuration information to cover all of the elements shown in the Listing 5-8 example. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC x

Re: [JBoss-user] ServiceMBean with initial state of STOPPED

2003-07-10 Thread Scott M Stark
No. Such a service should be fronted by a StateMachineService that brings the contained/managed services to whatever state is approriate. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Eric Jain wrote: Is it possible to have a ServiceMBea

Re: [JBoss-user] JMS behind a firewall.

2003-07-11 Thread Scott M Stark
The previous message shown an exception due to the jms destination being shutdown due undeployment of the destination service descriptor. This cannot be triggered by the close of the jms connection so how is that coming about? Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss G

Re: [JBoss-user] JMS behind a firewall.

2003-07-11 Thread Scott M Stark
This simply means that the local address/port you want to bind the client socket to is already in use. If the connections are being created too quickly then the os may not be cleaning up the local address for reuse or there is an unclean close that is leaving the local socket in a fin wait state a

Re: [JBoss-user] new jmx authentication problem

2003-07-11 Thread Scott M Stark
Remove all of the unsecured RMI based JMX connectors: deploy/jmx-ejb-* deploy/jmx-invoker-adaptor-server.sar deploy/jmx-rmi-adaptor.sar -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC manish sharan wrote: Hi, I am using jboss 3.0.7 and I

Re: [JBoss-user] question about 3.2.x docs

2003-07-11 Thread Scott M Stark
You are not reading this correctly. There is the 2.3 web.xml descriptor resource-ref which allows a res-type and there is the jboss-web.xml descriptor resource-ref which only allows either the jndi-name or res-url. The section talking about the res-type is on the standard descriptors, ejb-jar.xml a

Re: [JBoss-user] Single instance entity bean

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
You can't add a another column to have a primary key? -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Martin Vilcans wrote: Hi! A simple question: How do I create a CMP entity bean with only one instance? I need an entity bean that hold

Re: [JBoss-user] what is the MBean used to initialize JMS ConnectionFactory?

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
Put a dependency on the queue/topic you are using:,name=MyQueueOrTopicName -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi all, i am trying to deploy a standalone M

Re: [JBoss-user] what is the MBean used to initialize JMS ConnectionFactory?/ 2

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
Also, this xmbean has none of the JBoss service life-cycle operations, create, start, stop and destroy so it will not work with the dependency mechanism. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi all,

Re: [JBoss-user] Hot Deploy in JBoss

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
No, you would have to write your own session manager implementation that was an mbean service deployed outside of the war so that sessions had a scope beyond that of the war deployment. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Reg

Re: [JBoss-user] what is the MBean used to initialize JMS ConnectionFactory?/ 2

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
An xmbean defines it management interface solely through the xml descriptor and you have not defined any service operations. Read the getting started guide. You are looking up the jms connection in your xmbean constructor. This is in violation of the service life-cycle contract as it circuments an

Re: [JBoss-user] what is the MBean used to initialize JMS ConnectionFactory?/ 2

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
This will not start your service until there is a binding of the ConnectionFactory for the OIL invoker so presumably you are not waiting until start to perform the lookup. Show the full stack trace of the exception so we can see what point in the startup this is occurring. The JBoss service lif

Re: [JBoss-user] Jetty - static files removed from tmp dir

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
You have a cron job removing these files. Override the location jetty uses for its temp storage by setting the property to point to the jboss server/x/tmp directory for example. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC xx

Re: [JBoss-user] [EJB] holding data for StatelessBean

2003-07-12 Thread Scott M Stark
An mbean that bound a map into JNDI would be one way. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Michał Drozd wrote: Hi, I wonder what is the best practise to hold application-wide data for one SessionBean (stateless). Here is the si

Re: [JBoss-user] what is the MBean.../apologies

2003-07-13 Thread Scott M Stark
No, that is not correct. JBoss is trying to call start but your initialization of your DynamicMBean metadata is not being done correctly and so when getMBeanInfo is called, this ends up having no operations defined. Check your bean in the jmx-console and you will see that you have no attributes

Re: [JBoss-user] EJB Stats in web-console

2003-07-13 Thread Scott M Stark
Yes, there should be no difference. I don't know if its the jsr77 layer or the web console that is not hooking up the stats correctly. What does the jmx-consol e show for the bean in question? -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC x

Re: [JBoss-user] Error debugging 3.2.0

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
What does the JNDI namespace show in terms of bound jms factories? What does the jms invocation layer service associated with XAConnectionFactory show in terms of starting up? -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: [JBoss-user] NoSuchObjectException: Could not activate; failedto recover session

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
Show the full stacktrace of this error to demonstrate that the request is in fact going through an HA capable proxy. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Joao Clemente wrote: I debugged further to understand the problem and I'

Re: Solved?!? (Re: [JBoss-user] [Cluster test app] fails to recoverejb session?)

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
That does not make sense because the user does not have a direct reference to the RMI stub. They should have an HA proxy that will failover when a request made to the underlying RMI stub when a transport related exception occurs. The NoSuchObjectException is a transport exception. Show the full

Re: [JBoss-user] JAAS,Setting alternate Security domain

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
You don't have to assign the security domain globally for all beans. It can be specified for individual beans using a custom container configuration so that you have mix of secure/unsecure beans. This will preclude interaction between the beans of course. -- Scott Stark

Re: [JBoss-user] Error debugging 3.2.0

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
Then the likely problem is that the ObjectFactory for the java: namespace, which is implemented as a singleton via a static class variable is not working in your debug environment because the class is being loaded through another class loader and thus creating a seperate java: namespace that con

Re: [JBoss-user] configure JBoss for Postgres

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
Chapter 7 on the JCA layer as well as the datasource config excerpt on sourceforge. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Erik Price wrote: Hi, I have deployed the simple BMP entity bean from "Mastering EJB" on JBoss 3.2.1, an

Re: [JBoss-user] configure JBoss for Postgres

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
resDS" -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Erik Price wrote: Scott M Stark wrote: Chapter 7 on the JCA layer as well as the datasource config excerpt on sourceforge. Scott, thanks for the pointer. After reading the JCA chapter, I ha

Re: [JBoss-user] Error debugging 3.2.0

2003-07-14 Thread Scott M Stark
I'm going to have to see a trace log of the class loading layer when this occurs to try to see where this is coming from. It could be this JDK bug showing up since java.lang.NumberFormatException cannot be causing cicularity problem:

Re: [JBoss-user] Error connecting to remote Context

2003-07-15 Thread Scott M Stark
The remote host most likely does not have its hostname set correctly and the RMI layer is encoding the proxy stub address based on a hostname that is mapping to the localhost address. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Rene

Re: [JBoss-user] Multiple Classloaders .. Bug?

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
Yes, one for the Class-Path which associates the jar with the referencing deployment and one since its a stand alone deployment. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Brian Wallis wrote: On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 15:58, Brian Wallis

Re: [JBoss-user] Multiple Classloaders

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
Every deployment has its own class loader. Think of hot deployment. Read the class loader docs available on sourceforge docs section for more details. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Brian Wallis wrote: On Wed, 16 Jul 200

Re: [JBoss-user] Maximum length of class name/package?

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
There is no JBoss max length. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Robert HALL wrote: I seem to recall running into an issue of this sort with Weblogic. Is there a known upper length limit on a fully qualified class name in

Re: [JBoss-user] cvs naming convention

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
See the cvs admin doc here: -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Eric J Kaplan wrote: Can anyone tell me what the current naming conventi

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: ObjectName[] property editor

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
Submit it as a patch to sourceforge. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Eric Jain wrote: Is there any way to directly specify ObjectName[] attributes in jboss-service.xml configuration files? I ended up writing a simple Obj

Re: [JBoss-user] NoSuchObjectException: Could not activate; failedto recover session

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
and reference to the stateful session bean being maintained across the server restart? -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Joao Clemente wrote: - Original Message - From: "Scott M Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [JBoss-user] No Class Loaders deploying simple MBean

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
A jar in server/x/lib, or a sar in deploy are the standard mechanisms for deploying the classes. You must not be encoding the classes with the correct fully qualified class names? What version of JBoss is this as well? Quite a while back services without a package (the default package) where not

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: Multiple Classloaders .. Bug?

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
Brian Wallis wrote: I don't think it is consistent either. If I have two jars test1.jar and test2.jar where test1.jar has a Class-Path: test2.jar then - if test1 is deployed first I get two class loaders for test2 - if test2 is deployed first I get only one class loader for test2, when test1

Re: [JBoss-user] application.xml

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
It appears that there is already a /crunk web application context deployed. If this is on redeployment there was an issue that was corrected post DR2. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Bryan Liles wrote: I'm curious to why I

Re: [JBoss-user] Transaction Isolation levels

2003-07-16 Thread Scott M Stark
Yes it is using the ManagedConnectionFactoryProperties config-property: TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED See the jboss-3.0.7/docs/examples/jca/oracle-xa-service.xml for example. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Michael Sta

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss 3.2 with tomcat by default ?

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
Because we found most users asking for better tomcat integration, undoubtedly due to the fact that it is the default web container of choice and so widely used standalone. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Sebastian Hauer w

Re: [JBoss-user] AbstractInstanceCache deadlock

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
It can be disabled by a large number that will cause overflow of the 2^31 value when converted from seconds to milliseconds as this will result in a negative period. For example: 214748364 -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC

Re: [JBoss-user] NoSuchObjectException: Could not activate; failedtorecover session

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
It should be fine and there is no problem with collocation here as the call is getting into the container. The issue is with the initialization of the stateful session cache and this will have to be investigated. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC x

Re: [JBoss-user] Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
JDK1.4.2 is working fine with jboss-3.2.2RC1_tomcat-4.1.24 on an XPsp1 box: C:\cvs\Releases\jboss-3.2.2RC1_tomcat-4.1.24\bin>set JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/Java/j2sdk1.4.2 C:\cvs\Releases\jboss-3.2.2RC1_tomcat-4.1.24\bin>run =

Re: [JBoss-user] No ManagedConnections Available!

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
This says you are exceeding the default connection pool size of 20. Add a max-pool-size element: -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Magesh Prabhu wrote: Hi Guys, In order to test the concurrency in my system, I created

Re: [JBoss-user] Specifying TopicConnectionFactory names...

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
Connection factories are defined indepdendent of the destinations and are already defined in the jms/jbossmq-service.xml descriptor which is setup by default with all of the jms invokers. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC S

Re: [JBoss-user] How many EJBs are active??

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
This info is available in the jmx-console if you can find the name of the ejb container in question. It will be under the jboss.j2ee section and the container name will be like: jndiName=your-jndi-home-name,service=EJB and the ejb pool will be like: jndiName=your-jndi-home-name,plugin=pool,serv

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR deployments and DeploymentSorter

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
No, the application.xml + jboss-app.xml order of the modules should determine the deployment ordering as this is the only content that is deployed. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Brian Wallis wrote: Is the deployment sort

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR deployments and DeploymentSorter

2003-07-17 Thread Scott M Stark
Yes, you are correct there. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: No, the application.xml + jboss-app.xml order of the modules should determine the deployment ordering as this is the only content that i

Re: [JBoss-user] Scheduler MBean

2003-07-18 Thread Scott M Stark
This will work, but you do get drift, there is no correction for daylight savings, leap year, support for holidays, etc. Our scheduler is a trivial interval based service that is not approriate for cron like or more sophisticated requirements. You might look at quartz and improving its integrat

Re: [JBoss-user] Official position of the JBoss Group (or CDN) onthe LGPL?

2003-07-18 Thread Scott M Stark
Legal decisions are for lawyers. That being said the update at the start of the comment on the indicated link seems clear: Update: 07/18 02:44 GMT by CN: The FSF's Executive Director, Brad Kuhn adds "LGPL's S. 6 allows you to make new works that link with the LGPL'ed code, and license them any

Re: [JBoss-user] Official position of the JBoss Group (or CDN) onthe LGPL?

2003-07-18 Thread Scott M Stark
If you want certainly talk to your licensing lawyer. Ours will cost you at least $250/hr + minimum. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Kevin Duffey wrote: That said, I want to be sure I understand that this means I could tak

Re: [JBoss-user] Any update on 3.2.2RC2?

2003-07-22 Thread Scott M Stark
Today or tomorrow 3.2.2RC2 will be out. -- Scott Stark Chief Technology Officer JBoss Group, LLC Gavin Matthews wrote: Hi, Is there any update on when JBoss 3.2.2RC2 will be available? (Is there any page where I can track this - couldn't find any

Re: [JBoss-user] Database JNDI Name Not Found

2003-07-22 Thread Scott M Stark
I would say your ds is not deploying due to changes in service names on which the ds depends. Post your oracle-service.xml or switch to the oracle-ds.xml format which removes the need to know JBoss internal services. See the docs/examples/jca/oracle-ds.xml for an example. --

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