Re: [julia-users] inner constructor returning an object of a different type

2016-06-11 Thread Rafael Fourquet
In the pre-jb/functions era, where higher-order functions where suboptimal (because function calls would not specialize on them), there was a trick using the feature you noticed to overcome this limitation, i.e. make it fast. Cf the discussion at

Re: [julia-users] Re: Uniform syntax

2016-06-05 Thread Rafael Fourquet
I think the OP's question is not about the difference between a macro and a function, but rather about the syntactic way of defining a macro: if a macro can be seen as a function taking an expression and returning another one, why can't we just define a macro with the standard function syntax

Re: [julia-users] Lack of an explicit return in Julia, heartache or happiness?

2016-05-26 Thread Rafael Fourquet
And indeed, as Scott points, a function can switch from using the short form to the long form only because the number of characters grows a bit, which is uncorelated to the functionalness. Having the short form and long form disagree on the "default" returned value would increase the risk to

Re: [julia-users] Lack of an explicit return in Julia, heartache or happiness?

2016-05-26 Thread Rafael Fourquet
I would be sorry to see this so elegant functional aspect of Julia return to the void. It fits well with the expression-rather-than-statement feel of Julia. Regarding the annoyance of having to explicitly "return nothing" for "procedures" (functions which are called only for side-effects): I would

Re: [julia-users] How to change REPL mode on startup?

2016-05-15 Thread Rafael Fourquet
John, I tried your branch which works as expected, thank you. I found that there has been a PR at related to REPL hooks, not sure how much this overlaps with your solution. In any case, I hope to see this functionality merged.

Re: [julia-users] How to change REPL mode on startup?

2016-04-19 Thread Rafael Fourquet
> Again, I don't know if there is any demand for adding a general > facility for this. If you have in mind to make a PR, I would be a client for such a facility. IIUC, this would e.g. allow me to change automatically the prompt by calling a function from .juliarc.jl ? (which I do manually now

Re: [julia-users] Newbie Question : Averaging neighbours for every element

2016-02-01 Thread Rafael Fourquet
This in-preparation blogpost may be relevant?

Re: [julia-users] randperm run time is slow

2016-01-23 Thread Rafael Fourquet
The problem I think came essentially from the repeated creation of RangeGenerator objects, cf.

Re: [julia-users] randperm run time is slow

2016-01-22 Thread Rafael Fourquet
> Let's capture this as a Julia performance issue on github, > if we can't figure out an easy way to speed this up right away. I think I remember having identified a potentially sub-optimal implementation of this function few weeks back (perhaps no more than what Tim suggested) and had planned to

Re: [julia-users] Make a Copy of an Immutable with Specific Fields Changed

2014-09-18 Thread Rafael Fourquet
I think the idiomatic way remains to be designed:

Re: [julia-users] Does Julia have something similar to Python's documentation string?

2014-09-15 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Docile.jl looks great, but I think that the API should be made into comments. One of Julia's goals is to have a simple syntax that even people who are not acquainted with programming can easily understand. Python, despite using docstrings, is a great example of a language having a simple

Re: [julia-users] Does Julia have something similar to Python's documentation string?

2014-09-13 Thread Rafael Fourquet
To me the only difference is that I ` really don't want to write @doc commentary function ... whereas I already write things along the lines of # commentary function ... doc function doc function ... is already better, and then let's get rid of even the doc keyword. It would be

Re: [julia-users] Copy a BigFloat?

2014-09-13 Thread Rafael Fourquet
BigFloats are indeed immutable in spirit but not really: julia BigFloat.mutable == isimmutable(big(0.1)) true So copy is a no-op (returns its argument as for every number), and deepopy returns a new instance (deepcopy(a) === a is false), but then there is no public API to mutate a or its copy.

Re: [julia-users] why sum(abs(A)) is very slow

2014-08-23 Thread Rafael Fourquet
There's a complicated limit to when you want to fuse loops – at some point multiple iterations becomes better than fused loops and it all depends on how much and what kind of work you're doing. In general doing things lazily does not cut down on allocation since you have to allocate the

Re: [julia-users] why sum(abs(A)) is very slow

2014-08-22 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Obviously it would be even nicer not to have to do that :-) My naive answer is then why not make vectorized functions lazy (like iabs above, plus dimensions information) by default? Do you have links to relevant discussions?

Re: [julia-users] why sum(abs(A)) is very slow

2014-08-22 Thread Rafael Fourquet
If that was the way things worked, would sum(abs(A)) do the computation right away or just wait until you ask for the result? In other words, should sum also be lazy if we're doing all vectorized computations that way? sum(abs(A)) returns a scalar, so lazy would buy nothing here (in most

Re: [julia-users] why sum(abs(A)) is very slow

2014-08-22 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Could you please explain why the iterator version is so much faster? Is it simply from avoiding temporary array allocation? That's what I understand, and maybe marginally because there is only one pass over the data.

Re: [julia-users] Re: We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-20 Thread Rafael Fourquet
'Traditional' Julia: you can pass a function f as an argument to another function g. Rafael's functors: instead you create new type F whose constructor is f, and then you make g a parametric function with a parameter F instead of an argument f. A typo here, the constructor of type F is F,

Re: [julia-users] We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-19 Thread Rafael Fourquet
This is a really cool family of tricks. Time for me to start replacing some ::Function specifiers in my argument lists... I saw in julia base that `Base.Callable`, an alias for Union(Function, DataType), is used in argument lists. I'm starting to consider replacing most normal functions by

Re: [julia-users] We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-18 Thread Rafael Fourquet
I'm glad to report that the general and beautifully functional solution sum( imap(sinc_plus_x, x)) is in fact as efficient as the devectorized hand-written one! It turns out I made the mistake to forget to forward an expression like {Type{F}} to the imap iterator constructor (cf. code below),

Re: [julia-users] We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-17 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Love it! I get your point much better now. I'll be using it in the future :). :) Yes I was probably a bit succint. Re Iterators, yes, your guess is spot on---it's those pesky tuples (which are way better than they used to be, see In high

Re: [julia-users] We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-15 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Oh, and by the way functions specialized on values can be emulated, e.g. type plusN{N} plusN(x) = x+N end plus{10}(1) And writing a constrained function can be slightly simpler than in my previous post: # constrained function: f{F:BinaryFunctor}(::Type{F}, x) = F(x, x) f(plus, 1) Or, as a

Re: [julia-users] We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-15 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Hi Rafael, I recently posted an example of using function types, see: Thanks Adrian, but I couldn't see how it helps to make a function specialize on its (higher-order) function parameter (and possibly inline it).

Re: [julia-users] We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-15 Thread Rafael Fourquet
I've not used NumericFuctors so I can't comment on your main question. If it's of any use, there's an entirely different approach (more of a dirty trick, really) to inlining functions passed in as arguments. Here's a gist that shows the trick:

Re: [julia-users] Equivalent of c++ functor objects, std::bind, and lambdas

2014-08-15 Thread Rafael Fourquet
If the function copy is implemented for z: z = ... newfun = let zz = copy(z); (x, y) - f(zz, x, y) end I think I understood that lambdas are less efficient than functions so this may be faster: let zz = copy(z) global newfun newfun(x, y) = f(zz, x, y) end

Re: [julia-users] Equivalent of c++ functor objects, std::bind, and lambdas

2014-08-15 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Ok thanks. I guess the heart of the question is overcoming Julia's builtin pass-by-reference behavior. I would be fine using an explicit copy function, but is there any way I can avoid defining a copy function for all my types, which would be annoying? OK, it seems that deepcopy corresponds

[julia-users] We have typed functions, don't we?

2014-08-14 Thread Rafael Fourquet
Hi Julia users, As this is my first post, I must say I'm extremely impressed by julia, met 2 weeks ago. For many months I've meant to clean-up a C++/python lib of mine, for public consumption. I couldn't help but procrastinate, as the maintenance cost is so high a tax (eg. too clever hacks,