Re: [julia-users] Re: A Very Simple Benchmark for Brutal-force Loops in Several Languages: revised, Julia is fast!

2016-08-03 Thread hustf
Zhong, people chop wood and they play the piano, too. Fill in Julia or Excel where you like. Sisyphuss, VBA show a 4% speed GAIN through making nsamples and y() public variables. Try it out!

Re: [julia-users] Re: A Very Simple Benchmark for Brutal-force Loops in Several Languages: revised, Julia is fast!

2016-07-31 Thread hustf
It is nice to have a little check on speed from time to time. I still use VBA for easy cooperation with less programming savvy colleguaes. Julia 1.17s. VBA (excel alt + f11):12 s. This is a bit unfair to neolithic man Joel Spolsky since no optimization was performed: Sub benchmark()

[julia-users] Re: GUI toolkits for Julia: Gtk vs Tk vs others

2016-03-28 Thread hustf
A better indication of what to go for may be looking at the testable packages which depend on Gtk, Tk & etc. A lot of good work is put into Gtk, but the hours we spend on resolving issues (on Windows and OsX) are not so interesting. I think Gtk needs a base of users who at least reports

Re: [julia-users] Almost at 500 packages!

2016-03-28 Thread hustf
Skimming is pleasantly impossible with 904 registered packages. This smells exponential growth. Is there a tool to simply download the text files in all of the packages? Last time I checked, I wasn't able to do that with github commands. I think it would be impossible to

[julia-users] Re: Coordinates of graph layout algorithms

2016-02-11 Thread hustf
GraphLayout is a nice and useful package which would be a pity to deprecate. Perhaps what is needed is just the courage and enthusiasm to change the interface or delete the less useful or tough to maintain parts?

[julia-users] Re: Coordinates of graph layout algorithms

2016-02-10 Thread hustf
There was an inspiring related thread a little while ago:!searchin/julia-users/graph$20glvisualize/julia-users/ybGrFVKGyDA/KEf6mY0mCwAJ My impression is that this subject is full of heuristics, and for graphs like e.g. the complete Julia package system I

Re: [julia-users] Re: Adding another function to Cairo.jl

2016-01-26 Thread hustf
tirsdag 26. januar 2016 13.29.06 UTC+1 skrev følgende: > > Using github isn't my favourite computer-based activity, but let's see > how it goes. The blue shell background doesn't help much. It scares the willies out of me.

[julia-users] Re: Adding another function to Cairo.jl

2016-01-25 Thread hustf
> > > Isn't this what every package developer hopes for? Useful small additions in line with the original intent. Fork it, improve it and permit the owners to take it in if they like!I wonder sometimes where to put questions like this. Why don't you open an issue? (to be clear, I have nothing

[julia-users] Re: ANN: Julia v0.4.3 released

2016-01-24 Thread hustf
The Julia + Juno Ide Windows 64 bundles are still version 0.4.2. torsdag 14. januar 2016 19.27.48 UTC+1 skrev Tony Kelman følgende: > > Hello all! The latest bugfix release of the Julia 0.4.x line has been > released. Binaries are available from the usual place >

[julia-users] Re: Running a julia script on the web

2016-01-18 Thread hustf
There are many ways to do something like that, and if your users will accept to log in with google accounts, I believe the easiest one may be running everything on This is how well it can be done. Snapshot:

[julia-users] Re: Shell commands in Julia 0.4.2 in Windows 10

2016-01-13 Thread hustf
I for one really miss the shell commands, which disappeared with 0.4.2. Fortunately, cd still works, but that's about it. pwd() inside of Julia is not so bad, but you soon tire of typing readdir() instead of just ;ls. If there are more than a few files in the directory, the output is

Re: [julia-users] How to define methods of rearranged arguments

2016-01-08 Thread hustf
Tom, ask me anything about Visual Basic 6.0. I skipped the last 20 years of new programming languages. But I see your point very clearly, and plan to learn macros too.

Re: [julia-users] How to define methods of rearranged arguments

2016-01-08 Thread hustf
Sorry for such a cursory answer. I believe I can say if-sentences are non-Julian in this case because the final machine code needs one version per possible type. The machine code will be type stable, just very very long and slow if you don`t do the smart thinking for the compiler. I have

Re: [julia-users] How to define methods of rearranged arguments

2016-01-08 Thread hustf
(I bet you spotted the error in the code line above. Good luck.)

Re: [julia-users] How to define methods of rearranged arguments

2016-01-08 Thread hustf
The "if"-sentences look kind of non-Julian, and it's very easy to introduce bugs that way in my humble experience. Makes for very long code, too, generally speaking. Would writing a macro for establishing the alternative sequences be shorter codewise and quicker to run? In a way, that is what

Re: [julia-users] How do you override the new() function?

2016-01-04 Thread hustf
That's right. You would need to delete the current context. Sometimes workspace() can help you out. For a better approach, read this:

[julia-users] Re: What's in your .juliarc.jl file?

2015-12-25 Thread hustf
Based on earlier Julia users threads. This may no longer be compatible with 0.3.11 and may be shortened. println(".juliarc define function: lastfile() ") " Name of last file in current directory " function lastfile() #Name of last file in current directory rd=readdir(pwd())

[julia-users] Re: Windows shell commands, differences 0.4.1. to 0.4.2

2015-12-20 Thread hustf
Cleaning PATH does not really fix this properly. The path to Powershell, for example, is used by packages like BinDeps. Also, PATH seems to grow all by itself when left alone. This pull request contains a partial fix for BinDeps (affecting installation of many packages).

[julia-users] Re: Julia backtraces from C and thread safety in julia runtime.

2015-12-16 Thread hustf
Kristoffer, I poked a bit around on without really diving into it. I've been using Ansys professionally for around fifteen years, but the difference to the performance we're seeing from games and generally 'out there' is hard to explain. I'm basically very unimpressed with what I'm

[julia-users] Re: Windows shell commands, differences 0.4.1. to 0.4.2

2015-12-16 Thread hustf
That's a good way to explaining why most shell commands don't work, and I can adjust accordingly and move on. I seem to be limited to running just the .exe-files in c:\windows\ and ~\system32. Luckily, 'cmd.exe' (and where.exe) is among them, so I can make do by prefixing some commands with

[julia-users] Re: Windows shell commands, differences 0.4.1. to 0.4.2

2015-12-14 Thread hustf
Tony, let me take the opportunity to give thanks for the good work you're putting down in general. I can't wait to get going with Immerse, for one. So there is an embedded copy of git inside of Julia... With a different parameter set, depending on startup context I suppose.. 'Shell', of

[julia-users] Re: Windows shell commands, differences 0.4.1. to 0.4.2

2015-12-14 Thread hustf
Tony, thanks for explaining. Also thanks for the good work you're putting down (I can't wait to get going with Immerse, inspired by the youtube video). 'Shell' is not a clearly defined term and is only misleading when one, like me, assumed that the shell is the parent process of Julia. I have

[julia-users] Windows shell commands, differences 0.4.1. to 0.4.2

2015-12-13 Thread hustf
I suspect this is a bug introduced in 0.4.2, and an issue on Julia language may be the right place for reporting. However, reading up on related issues has got me quite confused and it may already be a known issue. If anybody could briefly point to an explanation of how the shell commands are

[julia-users] Re: General question on indexing

2015-11-16 Thread hustf
Seth, thanks for that, and yes we can move over there, but I need some time to study it before I contribute in the context. I've been looking at GraphLayout - spring.jl, and thinking along the same lines about speed. I'm delaying a commit because the package has a coherent coding style but

[julia-users] Re: General question on indexing

2015-11-16 Thread hustf
Seth, I appreciate that. As a novice programmer I appreciate to have exchanges with you guys who are making this. I'm using commercial software every day that hasn't made progress since the nineties. I worked through something like fifteen types for the adjacency matrix (and, by the way,

[julia-users] Re: General question on indexing

2015-11-14 Thread hustf
I believe this work-in-progress type may be adapted? I wanted to make this faster by using tuples or immutable fixed vectors to store the data or whatnot, but I guess I'm currently stuck. Help wanted. Compared to looping unnecessarily over a full matrix, this speeds things up by around 35%.

[julia-users] Re: Windows woes

2015-10-28 Thread hustf
This just came in: 1seconds Windows 8.1 64 bit 0.4.0 an iMac from 2012, updated OS 3.5 seconds Windows 8.1 64 bit 0.4.0 bootcamp on an iMac from 2012 3.5 seconds Windows 8.1 64 bit 0.4.0 bootcamp on an iMac from 2012 20 seconds Windows 10 32 bit 0.4.0 a brand

[julia-users] Re: Windows woes

2015-10-28 Thread hustf
Tony, I also forgot to mention above. The small notebook has an SSD. It seems to me that 64 bit versus 32 bit is the big factor here, but the 32 bit may have some bloatware virus program from HP.

[julia-users] Re: Windows woes

2015-10-28 Thread hustf
Tony, we can compare Github desktop too. The nominator below represents 32 bit of course. On battery, I should say. I wait until I see processor usage < 5% before clicking and retest Julia too: Github desktop: 32 s / 9 s = 3.5 Julia 0.4.0:20 s / 3.5 s = ~5.7

[julia-users] Re: Finding last modified file in a folder

2015-10-25 Thread hustf
You can see I'm not exactly a group veteran from my formatting skills. I want to direct thanks to Alan Bahm for the general shell open code, and ami for the open last idea.

[julia-users] Re: Finding last modified file in a folder

2015-10-25 Thread hustf
No sorting needed, just maximum. I find the functions below useful when working from REPL. This is my .juliarc file. I tried to add documentation metadata to the function, but it does not work with version checks. println(".juliarc define function: lastfile() ") """ Name of last file

[julia-users] Re: function form of using/import

2015-10-05 Thread hustf
It would be very nice to bring back that flexibility. Compose.jl is currently updated to using the 'Require' strategy. But LibFontConfig doesn't compile on my install because of a missing library. And there I'm stuck in solving yet another dependency Possible, I'm sure, but I just wanted

[julia-users] Nice way to replace 'nothing'?

2015-10-01 Thread hustf
A search in my package folder reveals around 800 instances of 'nothing', which is deprecated in 0.4. My not-so-nice fix, example from Compose.jl: void()=return ver = Pkg.installed(pkg) ver == void() && try # was nothing changed to void() I am not so sure it works in these cases

Re: [julia-users] Nice way to replace 'nothing'?

2015-10-01 Thread hustf
Nothing better! Thanks!