Re: [julia-users] Re: MYSQL/MARIADB Big INSERT

2016-07-04 Thread Ivar Nesje
If you want to use prepared statements (for safely inserting strings) you will get a huge speedup if you wrap the insert queries in a transaction.

Re: [julia-users] PSA: new ~/.julia_history format

2015-06-29 Thread Ivar Nesje
Open Terminal Type rm ~/.julia_history

[julia-users] How to insert new row/ egsisitng vector into array ?

2015-06-28 Thread Ivar Nesje
No, array size for Array{T, N} where N 1 is immutable. I think I have read somewhere that this is to make it easier to have automatic bounds check hoisting in loop, but I don't think we have that yet.

[julia-users] Performance variability - can we expect Julia to be the fastest (best) language?

2015-04-30 Thread Ivar Nesje
That was lots of questions. I'll answer one. I know to get the best speed, 0.4 is needed. Still, (for the above) what are the problems for 0.3? Have most of the fixed speed issues been backported? Is Compat.jl needed (or have anything to do with speed?) I think slicing and threads stuff (and

[julia-users] Re: Do julia's profiling capabilities extend to the use of external code with ccall?

2015-03-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
Julia will not track memory allocations in c programs, but there is a keyword argument to Profile.print that you might try: Profile.print(C=true) Ivar onsdag 25. mars 2015

[julia-users] Re: What's the difference between @assert and @test?

2015-03-25 Thread Ivar Nesje
Good question! In 0.4 the printing for @test has been improved quite significantly to display the values of variables. julia a,b = 1,2 julia @test a==b ERROR: test failed: (1 == 2) in expression: a == b in error at error.jl:19 in default_handler at test.jl:27 in do_test at test.jl:50

[julia-users] Re: Does it make sence to use Uint8 instead of Int64 on x64 OS?

2015-03-25 Thread Ivar Nesje
If you store millions of them, you can use only 1/8 of the space, and get better memory efficiency. onsdag 25. mars 2015 21.11.05 UTC+1 skrev Boris Kheyfets følgende: The question says it all. I wonder if on would get any benefits of keeping small things in small containers: Uint8 instead of

Re: [julia-users] Symbol to string

2015-03-24 Thread Ivar Nesje
]) # throws error Best Wishes. On Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 1:49:50 PM UTC-5, Ivar Nesje wrote: And more generally, for all types that makes sense to convert between, you can use the convert function convert(String, :blah) (or maybe better, to avoid type instability issues) convert

[julia-users] Re: Simple dispatch question

2015-03-16 Thread Ivar Nesje
If you have a signature function commonprefix(str_arr::Array{AbstractString,1}) It means that it should only work on Arrays with element type AbstractString. If you call it with Array{UTF8String,1}, you can't push! a reference to a ASCIIString onto the array (without conversion), so the

[julia-users] Re: Uint8 arrays and deprecations in 0.4

2015-03-16 Thread Ivar Nesje
That depends on what you want to understand. Unsigned types is usually used as a generic collection of bits, and it is much easier to see bit patterns when it is shown as hex. It is also nice to make them visually distinguished.

[julia-users] Re: Copy a directory inclusive subfolders and keeping any symlinks.

2015-03-15 Thread Ivar Nesje
Just for further reference when people find this thread through search: #10506 (sorry for bumping the thread for everyone who will read this) fredag 13. mars 2015 00.29.23 UTC+1 skrev Julia User følgende: hi! Is there an ready or prefered way

Re: [julia-users] Different ways to create a vector of strings in Julia

2015-03-12 Thread Ivar Nesje
So, what you would want to do is `Array{String,1}()`. That ought to construct a array of strings with dimension 1 but doesn't. But in 0.4 you can use Array{String,1}(0) to create a 1d array with 0 elements. Note that you have to provide the size of the array, and 0 is not default (, but

[julia-users] Re: Something equivalent to Python's xrange()?

2015-03-12 Thread Ivar Nesje
Python learned that lesson in moving from python 2 to python 3, so Julia creates lazy ranges by default. With the focus Julia has on performance, this would probably an obvious choice anyway. For the ideom you present, we actually don't even create a range (because of inlining), but generate

[julia-users] Question: Variable Names lenght / speed

2015-03-12 Thread Ivar Nesje
There seems to be a limit on 524,288 bytes. (See Naturally we use a little bit more memory for long variable names when parsing, but I highly doubt that it is measurable. At runtime the length of variable name does not affect the speed.

Re: [julia-users] Saving timing results from @time

2015-03-11 Thread Ivar Nesje
The is true, and that is also what I wanted to do. When using @elapsed, should I then be worried about garbage collection affecting my times? When making benchmarks you should worry about everything!, and make efforts to ensure that your synthetic results actually extrapolates to the code

[julia-users] Re: Informal Call for a Julia π - day challenge

2015-03-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
*julia **big(pi)* *3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286198e+00 with 256 bits of precision* lørdag 7. mars 2015 18.59.47 UTC+1 skrev Alan Edelman følgende: With about a week left, I'd love to find out how many digits of π we can get only from

Re: [julia-users] Pkg.generate reads git with commas

2015-03-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
We're looking forward to merge your pull request on github when you have time. Even the small fixes needs to be done, and the more people that feels comfortable with the contribution process, the fewer bugs we'll have. Anyway's great to get feedback early so that annoying issues like that,

[julia-users] Re: Print(char(0x08))

2015-03-06 Thread Ivar Nesje
I don't think the backspace character will be interpreted as you want it by a web browser. It doesn't really make sense in a stored format like HTML. fredag 6. mars 2015 19.46.28 UTC+1 skrev DP følgende: I am using juliabox (v0.3.6) On Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 12:10:16 AM UTC+5:30, Ivar

[julia-users] Re: Print(char(0x08))

2015-03-06 Thread Ivar Nesje
It works for me in the standard OSX terminal with a recent 0.4 version. What kind of system (and julia version) are you on? (versioninfo() tells us everything we need). fredag 6. mars 2015 19.27.48 UTC+1 skrev DP følgende: print(123,char(0x08),567) println() print(123,char(0x09),567)

[julia-users] Re: Bad julia performance on aligned memory accesses

2015-03-05 Thread Ivar Nesje
Benchmarks like this is kind of useless because you're doing a meaningless task, that one of the systems optimize away, but the other faithfully does in the inefficient manner you prescribed. This is because Octave (and Matlab) uses copy on write (COW) semantics and has spent huge efforts to

[julia-users] Re: Confused about parametrization type

2015-03-05 Thread Ivar Nesje
1. Make sure that your code is correct for the inputs you allow. There is no need to accept BigFloat (nor Float16) if you end up converting to Float64 for the calculation anyway (the user of your code can do that himself). If you don't care enough about different precisions to

Re: [julia-users] Re: Getting people to switch to Julia - tales of no(?) success

2015-03-05 Thread Ivar Nesje
I'd also like a REPL command which prints out a list of all of the objects currently in memory space (like 'whos' in Octave) I'd recommend you try the obscurely named whos() in Julia :) torsdag 5. mars 2015 14.38.05 UTC+1 skrev David Higgins følgende: Oh, and an IDE is the other

[julia-users] Exponential function approximation

2015-03-04 Thread Ivar Nesje
Casting is called reinterpret in Julia.

[julia-users] Re: Repmat speed

2015-03-02 Thread Ivar Nesje
don't think keyword arguments alone explain this. But it looks like there is some type instability inside repeat because it creates arrays where the number of dimensions can't be inferred. Simon On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 5:35:15 AM UTC-5, Ivar Nesje wrote: The speed difference

[julia-users] Re: Repmat speed

2015-03-02 Thread Ivar Nesje
The speed difference is because Julia doesn't specialize for specific types for keyword arguments, and type unstable code creates really slow loops in Julia. Thanks for reporting, I'll work on a fix. mandag 2. mars 2015 09.09.04 UTC+1 skrev antony schutz følgende: Hi Steven, Thanks for

Re: [julia-users] Re: pmap not respecting srand set seed settings

2015-02-28 Thread Ivar Nesje
If you find evidence that there is anything wrong with the first N random numbers in the standard Random Number Generator (RNG) in Julia, we would consider that a bug, fix it, and release a new point release faster than a Lenovo CTO is able to arrange a meeting with someone who understands the

[julia-users] Re: building Julia could not allocate pools

2015-02-27 Thread Ivar Nesje
Thanks for reporting The error seems to be coming from /src/gc.c#L482, which was added in #8699 which was merged 24 Ja

[julia-users] Is it safe to take a pointer to a temporary array?

2015-02-27 Thread Ivar Nesje
No, pointer doesn't keep a reference to the original array. See The second call can be written safely as ccall((:fun, :lib), Void, (Ptr{Int64},), [1,2])

[julia-users] pmap not respecting srand set seed settings

2015-02-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
No, that is not possible with pmap.

[julia-users] pmap not respecting srand set seed settings

2015-02-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
I think something like @everywhere srand(seed) would partially work, but you'd still suffer from non determinism in the scheduler that might run different portions of the array in different processes depending on the current load on your computer.

[julia-users] Is it OK (stylistically) to override missing Base functionality in a package?

2015-02-25 Thread Ivar Nesje
We have seen quite a few instances where Base functions were extended with methods without restriction to non-Base types, and it caused problems when Julia was updated. Is randomly breaking in new versions of Julia your style?

Re: [julia-users] Re: World of Julia

2015-02-23 Thread Ivar Nesje
Strange that GitHub excludes merge commits on their site, but not in their API. mandag 23. februar 2015 19.57.19 UTC+1 skrev Jiahao Chen følgende: Fair enough, but that would mean actually parsing the commit history :) Thanks, Jiahao Chen Staff Research Scientist MIT Computer Science and

Re: [julia-users] computing speed of log

2015-02-18 Thread Ivar Nesje
Also log will throw a DomainErrror in Julia if you give it a negative argument. That is another check and might prevent some optimizations. onsdag 18. februar 2015 21.36.12 UTC+1 skrev Stefan Karpinski følgende: What system are you on? And what libm are you using? On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at

Re: [julia-users] Re: -1 days old master

2015-02-18 Thread Ivar Nesje
Git stores committer time with timezone, and we ask git for a UNIX timestamp and compare to the current system unix timestamp on startup, so I'm pretty sure we do things correctly. If the system clock is wrong, there is not much we can do.

[julia-users] Re: pcre-8.31 checksum failure

2015-02-18 Thread Ivar Nesje
Nothing seems to have changed with regards to pcre the last 9 months, and I just tried to download it and it worked. It might have been some intermittent error with the server, so delete the file and try again. onsdag 18. februar 2015 12.04.26 UTC+1 skrev Patrick Sanan følgende: I'm getting

Re: [julia-users] Re: -1 days old master

2015-02-17 Thread Ivar Nesje
Definitely possible. The code is at

Re: [julia-users] Re: -1 days old master

2015-02-17 Thread Ivar Nesje
Nice, I'm glad my code didn't crash when given unexpected input. Maybe we should check the system clock against a online time server when you run make test. We just use the timestamp git adds when committing, so other than that, there doesn't seem like there is much new can do.

Re: [julia-users] Various questions about Int(), int(), and 0.4

2015-02-09 Thread Ivar Nesje
Array{Int}(A) Should probably also work soon.

Re: [julia-users] Various questions about Int(), int(), and 0.4

2015-02-09 Thread Ivar Nesje
I definitely agree that the info message has some confusing aspects. Please open an issue (or a PR) with Lint.jl so that the info reads something like. INFO: In 0.4, replace int() with Int(), or some of the other explicit rounding functions. (round, trunc, etc...)

Re: [julia-users] Colour blind friendly defaults for plotting?

2015-02-08 Thread Ivar Nesje
Thanks for bringing up this important issue. There was some previous discussion in that might interest you.

Re: [julia-users] Define `similar` function for a custom array

2015-02-06 Thread Ivar Nesje
Please don't tell him to use +1 and -1 to manipulate UTF8String indexes. Use nextind and prevind.

[julia-users] Re: Utility / purpose of Pair() in 0.4?

2015-02-04 Thread Ivar Nesje
Pair is defined as immutable Pair{A,B} first::A second::B end , so it is type specialized with two parameters A and B. Pair has its own syntax key = value and is used extensively with dicts. Ivar onsdag 4. februar 2015 19.58.42 UTC+1 skrev Seth følgende: I stumbled across Pair by

[julia-users] Re: Types with keywords as field names

2015-02-03 Thread Ivar Nesje
I would imagine that symbol(try) and @eval does make this possible, but as the syntax for using the type will also use the same thrick, you will get pretty incomprehensible code.

Re: [julia-users] Symbol to string

2015-02-01 Thread Ivar Nesje
And more generally, for all types that makes sense to convert between, you can use the convert function convert(String, :blah) (or maybe better, to avoid type instability issues) convert(ASCIIString, :blah) convert(UTF8String, :blah) In 0.4 the default constructor for all types will fallback

[julia-users] Re: select! with range creating a memory allocation

2015-02-01 Thread Ivar Nesje
This issue will fix itself when `a[r]` returns a subarray with 0.4 (this hasn't landed in master yet, and reminds me that the pending change will require a huge documentation effort that change affect APIs). The improved garbage collection that was merged in master recently will likely greatly

[julia-users] Re: Data structure with variable length outputs

2015-02-01 Thread Ivar Nesje
As you probably realized vcat makes a copy of the vector, so it is inefficient when you use it repeatedly. Julia provides the push! and append! functions so that you can efficiently add elements to the end of a vector. There is also a sizehint! function if you know how many elements there will

[julia-users] Re: select! with range creating a memory allocation

2015-02-01 Thread Ivar Nesje
Yes, if you are on windows, the nightly installer is the easiest way. Be sure to keep the old downloads, and remember what versions you use so that you can revert if a new change causes trouble with your setup. (How careful you must be, depends on how acceptable it is for you to have a broken

Re: [julia-users] short circuit list comprehension

2015-01-30 Thread Ivar Nesje
any() is short-circuiting if the length of array is more than 16. That seems like dubious semantics to me. Ivar fredag 30. januar 2015 09.39.28 UTC+1 skrev Mike Innes følgende: Ok, I now see that `all` isn't short-circuiting, which is kind of surprising/annoying. Anyone know why that is?

[julia-users] Re: Creating an array of arrays

2015-01-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
This behaviour is intended and as I understand it a relic from Matlab (where you can't have arrays of arrays). It is the basis for a convenient array construction from a range (eg, [1:5] gives [1,2,3,4,5] instead of an array with a Range object), so there are more to it than you might think.

[julia-users] Re: Help grokking a certain unsupported or misplaced expression

2015-01-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
You need to use ()([true,true], [true,false],[false,true]) I think this is because is used as a special character in ccall. I have seen this raised a few times, but I don't know what to search for to find the previous discussions. Regards Ivar mandag 26. januar 2015 15.33.06 UTC+1 skrev

[julia-users] Looking for suggsetions to speed up function calls that have @cpp ccall()

2015-01-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
Did you time your function twice? The first time you call a function it needs to be compiled, and for very small tests, that process will dominate.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Almost at 500 packages!

2015-01-25 Thread Ivar Nesje
Currently we bundle loads of binary dependencies in order to include batteries for common cases. There will always be some tension about what to include, so creating different distributions seems to be the way to please everyone. See also

[julia-users] Are there macros that expand to file name, function name and line numbers like in C?

2015-01-24 Thread Ivar Nesje
There is, but the others are not yet implemented.

[julia-users] Re: How do I print the name of the passed argument in a macro when it is an anonymous function

2015-01-23 Thread Ivar Nesje
No, using eval inside a macro is (almost) never what you want. A macro is a function that transform one expression to another expression. You should return an expression that print the string version of the input, not print directly in the macro.

[julia-users] Re: Why are macro's arguments treated as tuples despite having no parentheses around them?

2015-01-23 Thread Ivar Nesje
See also @test(1, 2, 3, 4)

[julia-users] convincing Julia that a function call (via a variable) has a stable return type

2015-01-20 Thread Ivar Nesje
Originally posted at

[julia-users] julia array type?

2015-01-19 Thread Ivar Nesje
The problem here is a parsing ambiguity, because tuples support indexing. I believe there is an issue on github for this, but I can't figure out what to search for. It might be more obvious that (Float64, Int)[2] is ambiguous.

[julia-users] Re: How to find if a variable is empty or not?

2015-01-18 Thread Ivar Nesje
but this is uggly And it will change in 0.4 (I think)

Re: [julia-users] disable @inbounds in tests?

2015-01-18 Thread Ivar Nesje
Pretty much anything. Compiler bugs are certainly possible, but also bugs in the standard library. Generally pure Julia code shouldn't segfault, unless you're using ccall or the unsafe_ family. If you can post a link to a reasonably short segfaulting example here, there is a good chance that

[julia-users] Re: Error: zeros(UTF8String, 5)

2015-01-18 Thread Ivar Nesje
And why isn't this most frequently asked question covered in our FAQ?

Re: [julia-users] Error: zeros(UTF8String, 5)

2015-01-16 Thread Ivar Nesje
I think there might have been a package that defined something like this once. Do you get this error from a package?

[julia-users] Re: Julia cannot compute factorial(21) while Octave can

2015-01-15 Thread Ivar Nesje
Currently *OverflowError* doesn't have a message field, so to do this, you have to either let showerror check the backtrace to look for *factoria*l or add a text field, so that factorial can

[julia-users] Re: Constructors for types containing other types

2015-01-12 Thread Ivar Nesje
I can see two solutions. Either you define an outer constructor for MyOtherType, MyOtherType(i::Int) = MyOtherType(MyType(i)) or you can consider MyType equivalent to an Int, so that you define convert convert(::Type{MyType}, i::Int) = MyType(i) Ivar tirsdag 13. januar 2015 07.24.25 UTC+1

Re: [julia-users] Julia cannot compute factorial(21) while Octave can

2015-01-12 Thread Ivar Nesje
Octave uses Float64 numbers by default, so factorial(20) in octave is equivalent to factorial(20.0) in Julia.

[julia-users] Later methods definition replaces the previous one?

2015-01-12 Thread Ivar Nesje
New method definitions will replace the previous definition. If you put the function in a module and bring them into you scope with using/importall, you'll run into, which can be considered either a bug or a missing feature.

[julia-users] Re: Naming of functions advice

2015-01-12 Thread Ivar Nesje
Also, it's faster as multiple dispatch allows to call the function directly, instead of determining which code to execute via if/else. It is only faster to use a type (and dispatch), if the type can be inferred at compile time.

[julia-users] Re: how to input array or convert string to array?

2015-01-11 Thread Ivar Nesje
Note that there might be a security issue, because whoever inputs data to your program also get the ability to run arbitrary code on the computer. In a local setting where everyone who input data, also have access to changing the code, this isn't an issue, but be careful if you plan to take

Re: [julia-users] Re: Where is documentation on { } notation for creating an Array(Any,1) ??

2015-01-09 Thread Ivar Nesje
Yes, but he is looking at the 0.4 documentation, so naturally he won't find it there. Try the 0.3 documentation.

Re: [julia-users] How to define help text for a module function so that it displays in REPL

2015-01-09 Thread Ivar Nesje
Compat.jl doesn't have doc, but there is a package that is reported to do this for 0.3. I think it was Doctile.jl, but I might remember wrong.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Where is documentation on { } notation for creating an Array(Any,1) ??

2015-01-09 Thread Ivar Nesje

[julia-users] Weird type behaviour when creating an array of arrays from list comprehensions

2015-01-08 Thread Ivar Nesje
Unfortunately yes, this is (currently) expected. The problem is that B is a global variable and currently we can't analyze the code in the comprehension to ensure that it doesn't change the type of B. Various suggestions has come up about how to fix this, but currently your options is to make

Re: [julia-users] Re: Nullable use cases / expected behavior?

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
Forgot to say Base.== returns bool, so this now makes == type unstable. Type stable (in the context of Julia) means that the return type can be statically inferred from the argument types. This means that + is type stable, even though it returns a Float64 if the arguments are Float64 and

Re: [julia-users] How can I achieve C-like ## in Julia

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
May I ask why $ is needed before symbol()? The same reason why you need $ in front of x. The function expression needs a symbol as its name, and you want to dynamically generate that symbol at macro evaluation time, in order to have access to the x variable.

[julia-users] Re: Why does string('a') work but convert(ASCIIString,'a') does not?

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
I can't see any argument for why it would be wrong to add the requested method. Please open an issue (or better yet a Pull request) on github, so that we can have more opinions on the matter. The implementation could be as simple as *convert{T:AbstractString}(::Type{T}, c::Char) = convert(T,

Re: [julia-users] How can I achieve C-like ## in Julia

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
The problem is where we should stop adding methods to allow symbols to work as strings. * might be fine though, so please submit your code as a pull request, so we can get more opinions on the matter. (Be sure to link to this discussion and to post a link to the PR here)

[julia-users] Re: How do you change the default location for package installation in Windows?

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
I wander why 0.2 (meaning not 0.3.4)? Probably because this is a really old thread.

Re: [julia-users] How can I achieve C-like ## in Julia

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
The implementation will naturally also use string intermediaries, so you won't get much better performance.

Re: [julia-users] How can I achieve C-like ## in Julia

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
I like $(symbol(gen_$x)) better than $(:gen_ * x), and others might agree. There is also an issue about implementing too much of the string API for symbols, because they have different performance characteristics.

[julia-users] Unexpected performance drop when passing functions

2015-01-07 Thread Ivar Nesje
Yes, this is the current situation. Don't call functions in this way in a hot inner loop where you care about performance (yet). There are lots of things that can be done to improve this situation, but it hasn't reached the top of anyone's todo list yet. The best current workaround is to use a

Re: [julia-users] [ANN] Blink.jl – Web-based GUIs for Julia

2015-01-05 Thread Ivar Nesje
Have you seen

[julia-users] Constructing Expr from s-expressions

2015-01-04 Thread Ivar Nesje
Not directly related to your question, but dump takes a optional parameter to change the output limitation. Eg: dump(ex, 100) prints a deeper version of the AST than dump(ex)

[julia-users] Re: How to heapify and array?

2015-01-03 Thread Ivar Nesje
*Collections.heapify!(x)* kl. 11:22:24 UTC+1 lørdag 3. januar 2015 skrev Rodolfo Santana følgende: Let's say I have an array x=rand(10) . How do I use the heapify! function to heapify x? Thanks! -Rodolfo

Re: [julia-users] Re: bug in jacobisymbol Combinatorics.jl

2015-01-03 Thread Ivar Nesje
The issue tracker is off for Github forks. If the package has moved and is maintained at @jiahao's fork, he should break the fork relation. kl. 19:11:19 UTC+1 lørdag 3. januar 2015 skrev Jiahao Chen følgende: Thanks for the report and the fix. I've updated the code and strengthened the test;

[julia-users] Re: What does (1,2,(3,4)...) mean?

2015-01-03 Thread Ivar Nesje
See kl. 19:19:26 UTC+1 lørdag 3. januar 2015 skrev René Donner følgende: Hi, I wanted to append the tuple (3,4) to the tuple (1,2), expecting (1,2,3,4) as output: julia a = (1,2,(3,4)...) (1,2,(3,4)...) It turns out I have to use

Re: [julia-users] Is this behaviour caused by a hygiene issue? If not. What causes it?

2015-01-02 Thread Ivar Nesje
Usually, they get merged within days, and often backported to the 0.3 version of the manual as well. It's an oversight if documentation improvements doesn't get backported (if it is not documenting new features in 0.4-dev). Please bump the relevant pull requests so that we can fix that.

Re: [julia-users] Dan Luu's critique of Julia: needs commented code, better testing, error handling, and bugs fixed.

2015-01-01 Thread Ivar Nesje
Yes, Git allows for many different models for development. As Julia is a pretty small project (compared to the linux kernel), we have a much simpler structure. Julia is also in a early phase so we are exploring different options, and we need a branch to distribute and try out new ideas. We

[julia-users] Re: in-place copying mutable vs immutable

2014-12-30 Thread Ivar Nesje
If you also want to look at the implementation of a function, the @less and @edit macros is very time saving alternatives to @which. kl. 15:34:56 UTC+1 tirsdag 30. desember 2014 skrev Steven G. Johnson følgende: Note that the PriorityQueue type in Base may do what you want.

[julia-users] Re: Julia documentation is ready for translation/internationalization on Transifex!

2014-12-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
This is great! transifex looks good, and I wish you the best of luck. I'm no use in Spanish or German, but if I see a great (updated) manual in a few languages in 6 month time, I might look into translating to Norwegian. I just want to give a word of warning that the Julia documentation isn't

[julia-users] Re: Revision release notes

2014-12-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
No, the release-0.3 branch (that we tag 0.3.x releases from) only receives bug fixes that (hopefully) doesn't break backward compatibility. Everything is captured in the Numerous bugfixes bullet. You can look at the list of commits

[julia-users] Re: Can't round Rational{Int} using new rounding functions

2014-12-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
I think this have to be fixed in Compat, so that's probably the right place to open an issue (or preferably a PR). You also don't need @compat, because (currently) Compat just generically defines the new functions

[julia-users] Re: Can't round Rational{Int} using new rounding functions

2014-12-26 Thread Ivar Nesje
If it can't be fixed in Compat, we might consider it a bug in Julia 0.3 and fix it in a new 0.3.5 point release. Ivar kl. 23:03:51 UTC+1 fredag 26. desember 2014 skrev Ivar Nesje følgende: I think this have to be fixed in Compat, so that's probably the right place to open an issue

[julia-users] Re: make errors and git version issues

2014-12-23 Thread Ivar Nesje
: On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Ivar Nesje javascript: wrote: 3 days old version: This looks really weird, and I can't really see how this can happen. The first I would check is that you are actually running the julia you just built, rather than a a 3 days old

[julia-users] Re: make errors and git version issues

2014-12-22 Thread Ivar Nesje
This is two separate issues, so I'll try to answer them separately. 3 days old version: This looks really weird, and I can't really see how this can happen. The first I would check is that you are actually running the julia you just built, rather than a a 3 days old julia from another

[julia-users] Re: home page content

2014-12-19 Thread Ivar Nesje
kl. 13:01:36 UTC+1 fredag 19. desember 2014 skrev Bas Dirks følgende: Where do I send my technical (front-end) suggestions? For simple changes a Pull Request at would be great. For more drastic changes it's probably a good idea to open an

[julia-users] Can't Define New Functors Using Numeric Extensions 0.6.2 in Julia 0.3.3

2014-12-19 Thread Ivar Nesje
Please don't double post your questions without linking between them. It's really annoying to answer a question, just to find out that it was answered 1 hour ago another place.

[julia-users] Re: Can't Define New Functors Using Numeric Extensions 0.6.2 in Julia 0.3.3

2014-12-19 Thread Ivar Nesje
Yes, everything is fine now. I noticed only 5 people were following NumericExtensions.jl, so it's probably better to ask here. The error seems really strange. Do you load some code from a file, or do you paste everything directly in the REPL? Have you defined the type multiple times in the

Re: [julia-users] THANKS to Julia core developers!

2014-12-18 Thread Ivar Nesje
Will be exciting to see how fast Julia 0.3 dies down when we start recommending 0.4 by default. kl. 15:27:45 UTC+1 torsdag 18. desember 2014 skrev Stefan Karpinski følgende: Compatibility is tough and we've really just barely started to deal with it, but I think so far it's going pretty

[julia-users] writedlm deletes leading zeros

2014-12-17 Thread Ivar Nesje
Can you post the exact code you use? There are many ways to print numbers in Julia, and they give different representations.

[julia-users] Re: [ANN: IPNets] Memory-efficient types for IP network representation

2014-12-16 Thread Ivar Nesje
Great! When you feel confident about the new package, you should register this with METADATA.jl so that others will be able to start using it with Pkg.add(IPNets). kl. 18:02:05 UTC+1 tirsdag 16. desember 2014 skrev Seth følgende: Hi all, I'm pleased

[julia-users] Re: overview questions about new doc changes (coming with v 0.4)

2014-12-16 Thread Ivar Nesje
Hi, Hello. Looks like exciting doc changes are afoot with Julia! I'd like to get some more understanding of what's coming. Had a look at some of the github issues tagged doc, but I'm still missing some basics (note, I'm still quite new to Julia). Questions: * Is code from Docile.jl,

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