Re: On a brighter note

2021-03-28 Thread Clemens Toennies
Thanks Valorie for raising that topic.

There is surely a very important aspect about ownership of hardware and
software and the right to truly change things around as one likes, instead
of just "look, but don't touch (in fear you might break it)", which turns
any sw/hw into a mere "open-core-like" concept at best.

While nothing is perfect, KDE is imo the closest to a truly open
environment/organization that encourages tinkering and experimentation
while seeking standardization among similar projects, as that is a very
good prerequisite to easily change things around for the user, be it in
software or hardware (e.g. cables or batteries).

Let's therefore work on how to attract and grow KDE into an even more
easily accessible community/tech development hub for anyone wanting to join
and engage in such activities.

Greetings, Clemens.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2021, 03:11 Valorie Zimmerman 

> Hello all, I became aware today of Declaration of Digital Autonomy (draft
> 0.1):
> This seems like a good beginning to a general way to frame the issues we
> care about. I'm not about to abandon the phrase "free software" however, we
> need more than free software. We need tech that serves the needs of people
> rather than corporations.
> As an example, System76 leaders recently testified to the US State of
> Colorado in support of a proposed law guaranteeing the "right to repair."
> [1] This is a live issue in the US where major corporations are trying to
> change owners of products into lessees or licensees! And farmers who buy
> seeds too.
> Crazy world we live in, but we are shaping it as we work together.
> Valorie
> 1.
> --
> - pronouns: she/her

Re: Formal request to set up a KDE Discourse instance

2021-03-06 Thread Clemens Toennies
Maybe it's an indication that putting monetary resources into these
infrastructure projects (especially in light of KDE's current job hire
initiative) would be a good idea?

To be clear, this is not to say anything about the imo outstanding jobs of
the current voluntaries.
On Feb 23, 2021 23:53, "Ben Cooksley"  wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 11:26 AM Nate Graham  wrote:
>> Hello faithful Sysadmins (with kde-community and Adam CCd),
> Hi Nate,
>> I would like to formally request that a KDE discourse instance be set up
>> as a testbed for now, with the ultimate goal of replacing the somewhat
>> moribund if people prefer it.
>> Over the years I've seen this suggested multiple times by multiple
>> people, but without much movement. Since then, the Krita people have set
>> up a Discourse instance themselves, outside of KDE infrastructure. Many
>> other FOSS communities already use Discourse, including Debian, Ubuntu,
>> Fedora, Manjaro, GNOME, and Mozilla.
>> I think it's time for us to follow suit and set up an official discourse
>> instance on KDE Infrastructure.
>> Last I heard, there was an objection based on the fact that its
>> deployment mechanism requires Docker. I don't care much for Docker
>> myself, but if it's the only way to set up Discourse, I think it's time
>> to bite the bullet and use it despite reservations, so we can facilitate
>> this longstanding request from the KDE community.
> May I take this as a formal request from yourself that Gitlab CI is
> deprioritised and delayed?
> Based on the extremely frequent requests we get concerning it in
> #kde-sysadmin I am not sure if your request here is in line with general
> community consensus.
> Also, be aware that Sysadmin currently has other infrastructure level
> projects underway needed to get us off Ubuntu 16.04, which are currently
> delayed because we haven't had anyone volunteer to assist us with adding
> support for OAuth2/MyKDE to Reimbursements.
> Based on the above, I assume you are also requesting that we delay this,
> and accept the corresponding security issues that will accompany it when
> Ubuntu 16.04 loses support in the coming months in order to get this
> actioned?
>> Nate
> Regards,
> Ben

Re: Some Nice Things

2020-06-26 Thread Clemens Toennies
Thanks Aniqa for sending these!
And thanks to anyone contributing code or in any other way to KDE software
and community!

Greetings, Clemens.
On Jun 26, 2020 09:49, "Aniqa Khokhar"  wrote:

> Hello KDE Community,
> It is so easy to feel down when you read negative feedback from the users.
> But it is important to remember that, on the whole, more people are happy
> with your work than angry at it. It may not seem like it when you read
> snarky comments on Reddit or listen to rants from disgruntled YouTubers,
> but we all know that most of the people will not say they are happy with
> something. They will just get on with it–whatever "it" maybe.
> What follows are the exceptions to that rule, the posts from people who
> were so happy, they could not contain themselves and had to go to the
> trouble of saying nice ​things on social media.
> Enjoy.
> Aniqa Khokhar
> Marketing Consultant
> The best decision. Plasma has become a beast, the best desktop by far,
> extremely configurable and very low requirements of resources, and more
> modular than ever!
> -- Cristian Ramos, commenting on the news that Ubuntu Studio would be
> migrating to Plasma
> plasma/#comment-4902146921
> Running Manjaro KDE 20 over a week, can't see myself going [back] to
> Windows 10 again, this is simply the best DE I've ever tried. Thank you for
> your hard work!
> -- Amit Matok, on Twitter
> So much usability in this and none of the lock down, privacy problems,
> ownership or advertising.
> -- Adam Dymitruk, commenting on the feature that allows uploading images
> to Imgur
> Holy moly this is super duper nice. Just tried it. Damn.
> -- Archiver_test4, commenting on the feature that allows uploading images
> to Imgur
> uploading_images_to_the_web_made_easy/fpv2jy9/
> KDE Connect is insane. I didn't believe it when I saw a demonstration. But
> now I use it all the time. One of the coolest projects out there.
> --Jasper, commenting on KDE Connect's ability to run random commands
> KDE Connect is such a great piece of software. It always makes me smile,
> when it does its thing.
> --tcberner, commenting on KDE Connect's ability to run random commands
> Hi, I just wanted to say I’m really impressed with the pace at which the
> entire KDE team has been making all your software better over the last few
> years. It’s truly stunning to see such quality and attention to detail from
> free software. In particular, Krita and the Plasma desktop have made it
> possible for me to give up macOS entirely, and I’m so thankful for that.
> -- Vy-let on Mastodon
> You know that feeling of rage when Windows updates try to force themselves
> onto your computer? KDE is like the exact opposite of that. My first
> reaction is "updates? nice!"
> -- pizzystrizzy on Twitter, commenting on the news of the release of
> Plasma 5.19.2
> I love Konqi ❤️
> -- Konqi on Mastodon, not sure of a manifestation of love towards KDE's
> mascot or expressing self-appreciation. Either way, nice sentiment.

Re: Qt, Open Source and corona

2020-04-09 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Apr 9, 2020 11:34, "Jens"  wrote:
> > Hosting of the website also wouldn't be an issue (and if it ends up
> > being high traffic, as long as the content is cacheable we can rely on
> > Cloudflare). People would need to step up to write the content and
> > produce any necessary graphics though :)
> >
> Graphics?
> ... you have my bow / I volonteer as tribute / and other references that
> "I will happily make graphics"

Regarding website/domain/url/graphics:
What potential names would be allowed?
Is anything with "Qt" in it legal or would everything need to be renamed?

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: Finalizing my position as Marketing Contractor

2020-02-19 Thread Clemens Toennies
Thanks Ivana for all the work you've done!
I think you did a great job nevertheless!

Wishing you the best for your new endeavours,
On Feb 19, 2020 11:21, "Ivana Isadora Devcic"  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> hope you're doing well!
> As most of you know, I have been employed by KDE e.V. as a Marketing
> Contractor alongside Paul Brown. Those of you involved in KDE Promo might
> have noticed my absence lately, and the truth is I haven't been actively
> contributing for a while now.
> The reason is that my responsibilities at my day job have increased
> significantly over the last year. I often work long hours and my weekly
> schedule is highly unpredictable. This makes it difficult to contribute to
> KDE in the capacity that is expected of me. This has also unfairly put
> pressure on Paul, who had to work extra to cover for me.
> Therefore, I have decided to step down. As I'm no longer able to support
> the community, I don't want to waste everyone's time and resources. It's
> time to make room for someone new and fresh.
> The KDE e.V. Board has already approved this decision, so I am just
> announcing it now to make it official. I'll use this opportunity to thank
> them for everything - for taking a chance on me in the first place; for
> always being supportive, understanding, and patient; and for being the best
> employers anyone could wish for. :)
> Although I'm sad that I didn't accomplish much in KDE Promo, I'm still
> happy that I played a part in reviving the team. The Promo work is never
> done - we have to keep spreading the good word about KDE and our software.
> I'm confident that those who come after me will do better than I did, and
> that they will make you all proud. Also, I'm not going anywhere, really :).
> I'll still stick around in Promo and try to contribute as much as I can.
> Before I close this email, I'd like to thank everyone in KDE who welcomed
> me and worked with me. I know it sounds corny, but this has really been a
> dream job for me. The whole experience helped me overcome many of my fears,
> allowed me to meet wonderful people from all over the world, and taught me
> valuable lessons about marketing in open source communities. I'll keep
> learning, and I'll never stop striving to become better.
> Thanks for reading! I wish you all the best, and if you ever wanna chat,
> you know where to find me.
> Cheers,
> Ivana Isadora Devcic

Re: Trying to reach out the maintainer of kde-servicemenus-rootactions

2019-12-07 Thread Clemens Toennies
Hi Shinjo,

what imdeed seems to be odd is that it looks like there's no real source
repository for this. Even AUR seems to be using a "clone" git repo where
they put the code:

Maybe one idea is to add a new repo on KDE and continue development /
translations if the current author is on hiatus, then add it back as new
entry to the store with also pointing to the original.

Greetings, Clemens.
On Dec 3, 2019 22:53, "Shinjo Park"  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Recently one of Korean translator had reached me for the upstram inclusion
> of
> Korean translation of root actions servicemenu [1]. Tried to contact the
> author directly but all the known email addresses got bounced back, so
> asked
> me for some help. Even from my sight, I couldn't easily locate the
> repository
> and the author's comment there seems to be stopped in the last year. Can
> anyone help us regarding upstreaming the translation?
> [1]
> Best regards,
> Shinjo

Re: vote invitation sent out for goal voting

2019-08-22 Thread Clemens Toennies

it feels a bit weird to have to choose 10+ answers. 1-3 minimum should be
viable, to not skew results in some form imo.

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: Invent/gitlab, issues and bugzilla

2019-07-04 Thread Clemens Toennies

On 04.07.2019 02:10, Elv1313 . wrote:

So, proposed alternative solution: We make sure that all projects that
want a public-facing bug tracker have a product on bugzilla, and that
they communicate that as the only bug tracker to users for the time being.
Would that work?

Probably not.

1. As Nate points out, the bugzilla UX isn't very friendly to *users*,
but is superior for *maintainers*. The concept of "bug" isn't a thing
to most people. It is a thing only to older software developers and
older users. People have "problems", "issues", "ideas" or "opinions".
*They*, as humans, (hopefully), don't have bugs.

2. As Bhushan points out, it is important for incubation of new
projects. I disagree with Albert on this. "New" developers consider a
well integrated VCS + CI + Issue + Patch (or and pull requests) system
to be the bare minimum of a "good practice" software development
process. Bugzilla+Jenkins+Phab+Git/SVN+Mailing_lists are loosely
integrated. From an Unix point of view, they are different things that
do one thing and do it well. However, from a continuous delivery
pipeline point of view, this is a problem. Tracking a change from its
request (bug report / issue) to its presence on users systems
( / Plasma discover / Neon) and then the feedbacks
(telemetry, drkonqi) should be unified and "bot/tools friendly". With
enough effort, we could find a way to better integrate them. However
"find a way" is currently "complain Ben and wait". I think he has
enough on his shoulder already, so I assume if we never found the
resource to better integrate our components over the year, it wont
magically become a reality tomorrow, or ever. Phab had some
integration, but not much compared to mature (with dev processes)
projects on GitHub or GitLab.

3. This should also not require external tools. As Boudewijn points
out in the "Tipping the apple cart?" thread, new users don't install
Arcanist and it isn't even part of many distributions (or they are
scarred of installing PHP, or they don't know about it). This goes
against the onboarding goals since it makes development experience for
new users inferior to power users by a large margin. Plus, people who
learn software development *now* learn the Agile and GitHub workflow
as the "good practice" and in the same way the older generation learnt
OOP+MVC+SVN or SOA as they "modern way". The worst case is currently
Ubuntu, where, at least recently, it wasn't possible to report a bug
without using Ubuntu (the OS) because the buttons were removed from
Launchpad. So an Ubuntu server or some user "technical friend" could
literally not report problems. This is user and new-developer hostile.
Bugzilla doesn't require external tools per se, but requires to
interact with different systems.

4. Again as Boudewijn points out, a bug tracker is often the wrong
tool. Many users genuinely don't see a difference between
interrogations about how to use a software, a problem with the
software and a review. As the product becomes more popular with the
"general crowd" rather than "geeks", the problem is amplified to the
point Bugzilla becomes a liability.

Given those 4 points, I think it is clear that Bugzilla as an endpoint
for all problems, bugs and project management is clearly an horrible
idea going forward.

* It isn't good for non technical users because well, it isn't for them.
* It isn't good for projects who wish to become part of KDE because
they see this as an outdated workflow lacking tight pipeline
* It doesn't scale to more popular projects because what they need is
a ticket system in front of the "real" issues to avoid large volume or
non-bug "spam" shadowing the real bugs.
* It doesn't work (well) for potential new contributors who have a
patch for their bug because they need to go though 2 different systems
and they wont.
* It is not bad with bots, but it is definitely harder to integrate
bots with 5 different project rather than 1 with a real API "just for
* DrKonqi not being able to talk to GitLab is a technological issue on
our side that favors bugzilla for legacy reasons. Something like a
Cannonical Apport middleware would help.

GitLab isn't perfect and is too large to be under control. It may die,
sold or go into directions we cannot accept. In 5 years it may be a
problem and blah, blah blah. This was discussed before and a decision
was made. However the idea of rejecting half of what makes GitLab good
in order to unify everything under the Bugzilla umbrella is in my
opinion short signed and classical resistance to changes. Sorry if
this feels a bit harsh.

I agree that switching to gitlab and not planning to use it as suite of 
integrated features is imo pointless.
As Albert mentioned, reducing the need for users and devs to look at and 
maintain multiple interfaces/tools in various places should be one of 
the main reason for deciding to go with gitlab in the first place.
This also goes in line with our goal of attracting fresh new blo

Re: KDE at Kirchentag in Dortmund

2019-03-27 Thread Clemens Toennies
Sounds great.
Since it is close to Bielefeld, I like to join but dont neccesarily need

Any more info on which days exactly what is planned and when/where to meet
to help organizing, etc.?

Greetings, Clemens.
On Mar 27, 2019 08:34, "Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer"  wrote:

> Hi,
> the Kirchentag is a German event (19–23 June 2019) with about 100 000
> participants. The event has a Christian background and is attended by
> people
> of many different religious and non-religious viewpoint. It is famous for
> its
> diversity and has a large booth fair where organisations are presenting
> themselves (e.g. church groups, peace activists, environmental
> initiatives,
> LGBT groups, political parties, other civil society, ...).
> I am organising a joint booth there to present free software / open
> content
> initiatives:
> * Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects
> * Free software projects in general (formal partner: Luki e.V. = Linux
> User
> Group for the churches)
> * Offene Bibel (a creative commons Bible translation)
> Are there any other KDE people who are interested in attending and helping
> present KDE and free software in general?
> KDE e.V. is able to support us with booth material (and probably travel
> costs
> if necessary).
> We can book cheap accomodation (either a space for an air mattress in a
> school, or a guest room in private accommodation) if you send Johannes and
> me
> your name and postal address during the next days.
> Best regards, Olaf

Re: FOSS-North

2018-04-25 Thread Clemens Toennies
Thanks Adriaan for the nice wrapup and everyone who run the booth!

On Apr 25, 2018 11:16, "Adriaan de Groot"  wrote:

> Hi KDE Community and e.V.,
> On the weekend of 21-22 april 2018 I traveled to Sweden to the FOSS-North
> conference, in Gothenburg. I went there for two reasons:
>  - to give a talk (submitted via the CfP and accepted)
>  - to run a KDE booth (asked by the conference org)
> The conference had ~150 attendees, 30 speakers, 6 sponsor booths and a KDE
> and
> a GNOME booth.
> # Booth(s)
> Gothenburg is a little bit "GNOME country", so it was good to have both
> desktops there. In the run up I had quite a bit of communication with the
> GNOME booth organizer, since community booths take up a lot of time. We
> agreed
> before hand to take care of each other's stands as needed. Any pictures
> you
> may have seen of us in a fist-fight are, of course, staged (but I beat the
> tar
> outta 'em). The community booths, with T-shirts and some computers showing
> off
> the desktops, did a very small amount of business, but we did have a fair
> amount of people to talk with.
> Bastian, the GNOME guy, was looking at other merchandise options and we
> came
> up with something exquisitely silly, last I saw he was looking at CnC
> milling
> to make that silly idea come true.
> In short, I think the community booths together worked well -- still, you
> get
> people, young people, coming up and going "huh, huh, GNOME and KDE side-by-
> side, when's the fight?" I have *no* idea where this notion of viscious
> rivalry persists.
> # Talk
> I think my talk went well; it was recorded, so you can probably watch it
> somewhere. It was about KDE governance, but mostly "Free Software project
> Governance 101" with an emphasis on figuring out your moral stance as
> expressed by your license choice, contributor agreement choice (if any),
> organization choice, and manifesto, vision and CoC. A bit touchy-feely and
> not
> all that concrete.
> I gave roughly the same talk two weeks earlier at a start-ups gathering,
> so
> I've been holding up KDE as *a* way of doing things. We get a lot of
> things
> right, although the order we did things -- historically -- isn't the order
> I'd
> recommend nowadays.
> # Sales
> We sold 3 T-shirts at 200 SEK each (~19 EUR). Gave out some folders, a
> lanyard, some buttons. We didn't have stickers. This continues, IMO, to be
> a
> real missed opportunity -- stickers are cheap, easy to hand out, colorful,
> etc. I'm seriously envious of the GNOME sticker packs.
> # Booth (2)
> The booth showed Plasma 5.12 running on low-powered ARM hardware. This was
> the
> same theme as at FOSDEM, so if you were there, it was the same set=up with
> blinkenlights and a Pinebook running the latest stuff. This continues the
> narrative of "of course Plasma runs also on low-powered devices, that's
> been
> driving 8 months or so of work on reducing resource use; it really is a
> lean
> environment." That kind of ties in to something else I noticed: people
> seem to
> hang on to grudges for a damn long time. "I used KDE 4/6/30 years ago, and
> it
> was slow". "I once submitted a bug and it was ignored." Bleh.
> Now that I'm writing this down here, I realise I could / should have had
> Nate's this-week articles at hand, to better illustrate what's going on
> and
> what is being improved in the rest of the KDE ecosystem.
> GNOME has a nice release-video that they just left looping -- it shows off
> the
> new stuff, and even if my response to most of the video is "yeah, we had
> that
> 6 months/2 years/30 years ago already" it has movement, it has pizzazz,
> and
> saves the booth staff from talking about some of the basics.
> On the other hand, I had blue blobs and Lays' gource video to talk about
> long-
> term development.
> # Booth Resources
> The plastic IKEA box for booth-stuff (the roll of duct tape, the
> kensington
> locks we didn't have to use, pens, badges, etc.) broke on the flight; I'll
> be
> donating a new one.
> Sune's blue tablecloth is still in my possession; it still has "KDE" on it
> in
> Frozen-brand duct tape (Olaf is so cute!). This could be better.
> Left over T-shirts are now at my house, for whatever conference I go to
> next.
> # Wrap-up
> I'd like to thank Johan for organizing the conference overall, and Bastian
> for
> being a good neighbor in the Free-Desktop space. Thanks Helio for also
> spending a lot of hours running the stand.
> [ade]

Re: do you need write access?

2018-03-08 Thread Clemens Toennies

On 08.03.2018 08:44, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 07:57:27 CET Ben Cooksley wrote:

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 12:42 AM, Boudewijn Rempt  wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 12:31:21 CET Sebastian Kügler wrote:

Hi all,

We have been working on a modernized website and backend for
The new site will do away with the old PHP custom CMS and will run
wordpress instead.

Does that mean we'll lose our history, just like history from
the php times is only in subversion anymore and the wordpress (or
whatever it was) content is completely gone?

The current content of will still remain in Subversion at
the very least.
 From my understanding the plan Sebas has mentioned envisages a
temporary hostname being kept around until a full
migration is completed.

So we _will_ lose proper access to KDE's release history. That's not good.
Pages like and everything it links to
should be kept up in eternity.

As far as i can see they will be all available, as they will be imported:

Re: KDE receives 200,000 USD-donation from the Pineapple Fund

2018-02-19 Thread Clemens Toennies
Absolutely awesome!

Thanks to the KDE community in general and those who made this happen.

Greetings, Clemens.
On Feb 19, 2018 10:36, "Paul Brown"  wrote:

> Hello,
> As you probably know by now, KDE received an incredibly generous donation
> of
> 200K USD from the Pineapple Fund. We have made this public today.
> You can find the dot article here:
> donation-pineapple-fund
> Social Media links are here:
> kde_received_20_from_the_pineapple_fund/
> kde_received_20_from_the_pineapple_fund/
> Please share, upvote, re-t[weet|oot], spread to other communities as you
> see
> fit.
> Thank you
> Paul
> P.S.: If any journalists would like to ask us about this, how this came
> about
> and what we intend to do with the money, Lydia is the person you should
> direct
> them to.
> --
> Promotion & Communication
> www:
> Mastodon:
> Facebook:
> Twitter:

Re: Re: KDE and Google Summer of Code 2018

2018-01-19 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Jan 19, 2018 6:11 PM, "pointedstick"  wrote:
> While we're at it, let's not only re-work existing KCMs, but try to take
the opportunity to simplify and consolidate where possible. For example,
the Launch Feedback KCM consists only of two checkboxes that could easily
be moved elsewhere (the cursor part into the Cursors KCM, and the Task
Manager part into individual Task Manager widgets' settings, perhaps?)

Good points.
The Fx Speed in the compositing kcm could also fit in the Effects kcm.

Greetings, Clemens.

>  On Fri, 19 Jan 2018 09:06:52 -0800 David Edmundson  wrote 
> >
> >
> >On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 4:41 PM, Marco Martin  wrote:
> >On venerdì 19 gennaio 2018 13:42:25 CET David Edmundson wrote:
> > > Note that they'll be finishing GSOC around the same time as 5.14, so
> > > potentially means GSOC work released in 5.15.
> > > We shouldn't pick high priority ones that we want done before then.
> >
> > basing on the priorities recorded in
> > 254/
> >
> > a possible list, among the "medium":
> > * removable devices
> > * printers
> > * spell check
> > * formats
> >
> > among the "high", but we can live if gets delayed a bit:
> > * mouse (can of worms?)
> > * date/time
> > * user manager
> >
> > other suggestions?
> >
> >
> >
> >Mouse is maybe covered by Roman's existing task?
> >Printers isn't part of Plasma, we need to check with the author.
> >
> >
> >
> >But I think all of them are good options.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >They're not the same size, I don't think working on date and time would
take up 3 months.
> >Maybe we can group a few of the simpler ones together?
> >
> >
> >Go for it.
> >You can put me down in the list of mentors.
> >
> >
> >David
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Marco Martin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Please help us push the fundraiser with a blog post about your work in 2017

2017-12-26 Thread Clemens Toennies
I think it has been mentioned before, but the white text on parts of the
background image makes it hardly readable. Is there someone who can fix

Happy holidays, Clemens.

On Dec 26, 2017 04:25, "Lydia Pintscher"  wrote:

Hey folks :)
We're now at 28% of our fundraiser goal. This isn't bad but we could
use another push.
It'd be lovely if you could take the time to write a blog post about
your work around KDE in 2017 and ask people to support KDE's work
through the fundraiser.
I'd love to read more about your work of the past year and I am sure
so would our users and fellow contributors.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE e.V. Board of Directors -

Re: QtWS 2017 update: team rally call; asset prep; Telegram group

2017-08-25 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 21.08.2017 um 10:50 schrieb Eike Hein:
> Hi!
> I decided to start a new thread because no one reads monster threads :)
> Things to talk about:
> (1) QtWS KDE team
> Currently I have gotten responses from:
> * Eike (yes I talk to myself)
> * Helio
> * Rohan
> * Adriaan
> * Aleix
> * Sune
> * Mirko
> * Leinir
> * Boud
> * Bhushan
> * Scarlett
> That's 11 people, which is great. We are confirmed to get to have 15
> people with us this year, so there's still a chance to speak up and join
> to help.


I know I'm late, but if it's of interest I could bring an Odroid C1+ ARM
board and ARM64 Pinebook with latest Plasma for demonstration purposes
at the booth.
Of course I would be able+enjoy to do booth time if wanted/needed.

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-07-06 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 06.07.2017 um 10:09 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> On donderdag 6 juli 2017 01:45:59 CEST Clemens Toennies wrote:
>> Am 05.07.2017 um 22:58 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
>>> On 2017 M07 5, Wed 15:05:26 CEST Clemens Toennies wrote:
>>>> On Jul 5, 2017 13:14, "Sebastian Kügler"  wrote:
>>>> How about Freedom?
>>> The "KDE - Digital Freedom" is one of my favourite T-shirts...
>>> Still, there exists already a software organizatio which has freedom as
>>> its
>>> main goal: GNU.
>> Gnome already builds a "free" desktop, so why should we?
>> Good thing they dont have a monopoly on it 
>> Imo we deliver quite advanced free software that helps people experience
>> freedom like e.g. Krita, Kdenlive and many others that are more
>> practical than comparable organizations like GNU have to offer.
>> So we as KDE should not need to cut down ourself to strive for a smaller
>> subset of "Freedom" (aka Privacy or Android) in our mission (or vision)
>> only because some other organization claims to have the same goal.
> Krita is an excellent example though to demonstrate how well specialization 
> works -- instead of trying to do a photoshop clone, Krita found its niche in 
> natural painting and has quickly become the best in class in that field (as 
> far as I know).
> Having done promotion in KDE for a really long time, I tend to agree that 
> Freedom is too broad and too abstract for many people to understand and be 
> really compelling. We tried to make it less abstract and promote freedom at 
> our core much more (the t-shirt Alex mentioned is one of the assets I made 
> exactly with that purpose, so is the slogan "Be free" that you mentioned, but 
> it hasn't given us the focus we need. From a marketing point of view, KDE 
> needs to find a niche from where it can really shine and break into new new 
> markets, be the best-in-class. 
> I do believe that privacy is a very suitable niche for KDE, it's hugely 
> important nowadays, it's a lot easier to communicate the need for it than the 
> very abstract concept of Freedom, and, most importantly, it really is one of 
> the things that we, diverse as we are, all agree on.

Just that privacy doesnt fit W2L at all.

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-07-06 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 06.07.2017 um 07:30 schrieb Kevin Ottens:
> Hello, > > On Thursday, 6 July 2017 01:19:00 CEST Clemens Toennies wrote: >>
More like "Practical Freedom"? >> The KDE community imo shouldnt be
about "technicalities", thats up to >> how each project tries to
contribute or work towards that ultimate goal >> that is freedom. >>
Wiki2Learn for example really doesnt fit privacy, but can help with >>
Freedom on various levels. > > Sorry, that's still way too broad and
tries to be all encompassing. My point > in this thread is we shouldn't
do that to give a direction.

I like to disagree here.
My thinking was to define an over-arching goal as  common vision/mission
and then focus on particular sub-goal for a limited timeframe that works
towards that goal for some, but maybe not all projects, like e.g. privacy.
But out of curiousity, what direction you think the KDE Community as a
whole should take?

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-07-05 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 05.07.2017 um 22:58 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> On 2017 M07 5, Wed 15:05:26 CEST Clemens Toennies wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 2017 13:14, "Sebastian Kügler"  wrote:
>>> Should we make privacy our main focus for the next 5 years?
>> How about Freedom?
> I think that's too broad for KDE.

Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-07-05 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 05.07.2017 um 22:58 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> On 2017 M07 5, Wed 15:05:26 CEST Clemens Toennies wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 2017 13:14, "Sebastian Kügler"  wrote:
>>> Should we make privacy our main focus for the next 5 years?
>> How about Freedom?
> The "KDE - Digital Freedom" is one of my favourite T-shirts...
> Still, there exists already a software organizatio which has freedom as its 
> main goal: GNU.

Gnome already builds a "free" desktop, so why should we?
Good thing they dont have a monopoly on it :)

Imo we deliver quite advanced free software that helps people experience
freedom like e.g. Krita, Kdenlive and many others that are more
practical than comparable organizations like GNU have to offer.
So we as KDE should not need to cut down ourself to strive for a smaller
subset of "Freedom" (aka Privacy or Android) in our mission (or vision)
only because some other organization claims to have the same goal.

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-07-05 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 05.07.2017 um 16:23 schrieb Kevin Ottens:
> Hello, > > On Wednesday, 5 July 2017 15:05:26 CEST Clemens Toennies wrote: >>
On Jul 5, 2017 13:14, "Sebastian Kügler"  wrote: >>>
Should we make privacy our main focus for the next 5 years? >> >> How
about Freedom? >> Fits "KDE - be free". >> There is also no freedom
without privacy. > > Way too abstract to be actionable IMO. We're
looking at some focus which will > provide a technical direction, just
claiming "Freedom" won't get us there...

More like "Practical Freedom"?
The KDE community imo shouldnt be about "technicalities", thats up to
how each project tries to contribute or work towards that ultimate goal
that is freedom.
Wiki2Learn for example really doesnt fit privacy, but can help with
Freedom on various levels.

> especially since everything we do is Free Software already.

Free Software != Freedom.
Cornelius did a really great talk about that topic last Akademy:

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-07-05 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Jul 5, 2017 13:14, "Sebastian Kügler"  wrote:
> Should we make privacy our main focus for the next 5 years?

How about Freedom?
Fits "KDE - be free".
There is also no freedom without privacy.

Greetings, Clemens.

Re: Kubuntu and other KDE distribution's use of KDE infrastructure

2017-01-16 Thread Clemens Toennies
Blue Systems is not really involved after the shift to Neon.

Re: Mycroft Plasmoid & Request to Join The Community

2017-01-16 Thread Clemens Toennies
Hi Aditya,

great Plasmoid!
Please consider it adding also to the - Plasma 5 Plasmoids:

Btw. Would it also work using KDE's own speech recognition tool "Simon":

Greetings, Clemens.

Am 16.01.2017 um 20:20 schrieb Aditya Mehra:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your quick responses Aleix & Thomas. I have carefully gone
> and read through the KDE Manifesto[1], Commitments of a KDE
> Project[2], Policies[3] and the Incubator page including internal
> links documentation and am open and willing to adhere to all the
> terms, policies and Commitments mentioned and also make the required
> changes to the current plasmoid if required to follow them.
> >From a goals perspective the Mycroft Plasmoid adheres to being and
> remaining an open source project with its goals in line with being
> innovative, end user focused and welcoming for everyone to join and
> participate in its development process with due attribution to all who
> wish to contribute. Although I am only representing the Mycroft
> Plasmoid I have developed with the above goals in mind, I would like
> to add that the Mycroft Ai project towards which this plasmoid has
> been developed for is also an open source end user committed project
> with its development outlook being open towards all developers and the
> different Linux platform communities equally. It also is welcoming and
> supportive of growing in a positive direction along with its users to
> provide them a great virtual assistant experience on the desktop.
> Additionally to the above I do understand I need to find a sponsor
> from the Plasma team who would be willing to mentor and give
> directions towards this and hence have prepared a documentation report
> on the plasmoid and its current workings that also includes the Plan
> for Compliance with the KDE Manifesto which I am attaching a link of
> to this email to gain interest of anyone who is willing to sponsor me.
> I will additionally be marking this email in a separate mail with the
> documentation to the plasma development mailing list to gather their
> interest and ideas on how we can integrate further with a request from
> my side for sponsorship.
> The documentation and plan for Compliance with the manifesto can be
> accessed on this link:
> [1] 
> [2]
> [3]
> I hope for your continued support towards this and also for a positive
> response from the community.   
> Thanks & Regards,
> Aditya Mehra   
> *From:*  on behalf of Aleix Pol
> *Sent:* Monday, January 16, 2017 5:02:31 AM
> *To:* informing about and discussing non-technical community topics;
> Aditya Mehra
> *Subject:* Re: Mycroft Plasmoid & Request to Join The Community
> On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 6:22 AM, Aditya Mehra  wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I recently released the Mycroft Plasmoid for Plasma 5 Desktop. The
> plasmoid
> > is a frontend to Mycroft Ai which could be described as a digital
> desktop
> > assistant. The plasmoid with the core provides users a number of
> skills and
> > widgets which can be interacted with via text and voice input.
> >
> > I am posting this email as I would like the Mycroft Plasmoid project
> to be a
> > part of the KDE community. I have my repository for the plasmoid
> hosted on
> > github where I am currently doing most of the releases. I have
> additionally
> > followed the packaging guidelines / structure of other available C++/QML
> > plasmoids, but as I am quite new to the development process I do not
> have
> > much of an idea on how to go about hosting this on the KDE
> infrastructure
> > and joining the community. I would like to request someone to please
> guide
> > me with this process and how I can contribute to the community.
> >
> > The current hosted git repository can be found at:
> > and the demo of the plasmoid at:
> >
> >
> > Thanks & Regards,
> > Aditya Mehra
> >
> Hi Aditya,
> I'm glad to see you're interested in the project joining KDE. I agree
> it would be interesting.
> It covers areas that will become important soon enough on our systems
> and I'd certainly like to be prepared.
> Besides incubating your project as Thomas suggested, I also think it
> could be interesting to approach directly the Plasma team and discuss
> which ways we could integrate further.
> Good work!
> Aleix

Re: [kde-community] DigitalOcean is now a sponsor!

2016-07-06 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 06.07.2016 um 07:45 schrieb Boudhayan Gupta:
> HI Alexander,
> On 6 July 2016 at 04:27, Alexander Potashev  wrote:
>> 2016-07-05 22:36 GMT+03:00 Boudhayan Gupta :
>>> I'm excited to announce that DigitalOcean is sponsoring the KDE
>>> Community. Under their open source software sponsoring programme [1],
>>> they've very kindly set us up to use computing resources free of
>>> charge.
>> Hi Boudhayan,
>> How many droplets/capacity can we use for free at DO?
> As a matter of policy we never make the specifics of any sponsorship
> public. All I can say is that Sysadmin is delighted with the amount of
> added capacity we have access to.

This is really awesome news!

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] KDE Mission - let's do this!

2016-04-26 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 26.04.2016 um 22:41 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> On Tuesday, April 26, 2016 07:44:03 Martin Graesslin wrote:
> ...
>> And yes from the wider community we don't get the support for such things in
>> Plasma. Rather the opposite. We get pushback for anything leaving the
>> traditional desktop. Constantly. Just like your mail here.
> Sorry, I don't see any "pushback" in my mail. I wrote "I'd love to see it". 
> And that "unfortunately it's not happening". That's my observation, and I'd 
> much prefer to have a different impression.
> What can we do to improve the situation ? Or are we happy with it ?
> Do you have ideas why there is so little use of plasma by others ? Is that 
> actually a goal ?
> Where do you see the target "market" for Plasma Mobile ?

Hi Alex,

Plasma Desktop and Mobile are just two sides from the same medal.

Plasma Mobile is kind of like a "gratis by-product" of our current
Qt-based Plasma Shell and KF5 surrounding technologies.
Just one developer (Bhushan) is working on it (mainly porting the above
technology parts to a containerized more portable base to run on arm
phone or tablet device like nexus5).
Marco is "half" developing for it primarly doing Kirigami, which aims
for portable KDE applications for various platforms (Plasma Desktop,
Android, Windows), again including Plasma Mobile kinda gratis because if
it runs on Plasma [Desktop] technology, Plasma Mobile kinda comes gratis
for any app using Kirigami.
At least from Blue Systems, any one else are working on the "Desktop",
KF5, Wayland or Apps, so the whole Plasma Mobile is more due to fun
seeing our technology work on other devices than the PC because "we can".

Should Mobile paradigms become the new craze and suddenly a game changer
also on the desktop (like converging form factors or mobile OS simply
taking over the classical desktop (Remix OS)), we are well prepared.
If not, any ongoing Plasma Mobile efforts have little to virtual no
extra costs, so we're by no means draining or wasting huge amounts of
resources like other single-handed approaches, e.g. Firefox OS, Jolla.

From this holistic view (more a free byproduct than a coerced effort),
Plasma Mobile is already "constantly happening".
And of course we are being realistic, that at least I don't see Plasma
Mobile's value or success being based on market penetration or any
phones preinstalled, but more like a showcase we can do quite an
impressive free and libre mobile stack with just "1 and a half" men.

Greetings, Clemens.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] KDE Mission - let's do this!

2016-04-24 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 23.04.2016 um 22:36 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> Hi,
> On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 22:43:03 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> now that we've finally agreed on a vision for KDE [1] and have that out of
>> the way, we can fully focus on how we want work towards that vision.
>> Alex has already set up a Wiki page for brainstorming notes [2], so it would
>> be great if everyone who has opinions or ideas about how we can nudge the
>> world towards the one we envision could add them to it.
>> It's really just brainstorming, no ideas are "bad" or anything, everyone and
>> everything is welcome!
>> I'd suggest that we let the brainstorming phase last until Friday and then
>> start discussing the ideas collected on that Wiki page.
>> So now let's focus our brains on the KDE Mission and please fill the wiki
>> page! Thanks,
>> Thomas
> there is somehow not much going here...
> Ideas how do we get this going ?

I would go with the 4 points you mentioned:

  * end-user applications
  * a "classic" UNIX desktop
  * an SDK (currently mainly KF5)
  * a user interface for mobile/embedded Linux systems (currently Plasma

Two suggestions:
How about combining the two points "classic unix desktop" and
"mobile/embedded", to clarify the team working "on the desktop" is
really sharing ~80% of the code via one base (plasma) and people could
use that plasma even in tv, car or aviation systems:
* a modern (unix) shell, that targets the classic desktop and can
converge towards mobile/embedded [somewhat like unity / android /

Also let's mention "end-user webservices" to be included, as subpoint
under "end-user applications" (owncloud or wiki2learn), then this
mission imo would still very focused and clear with our goals laid out
in our vision.

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] user stats for Neon

2016-04-15 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Apr 16, 2016 7:31 AM, "Frederik Schwarzer"  wrote:
>  Anyway, if wee feel the need to do it, I would vote for an opt-in
solution shown in the first install wizard.


Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] KDE e.V. Community Report for 1st Half of 2015

2016-04-08 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Freitag, 8. April 2016 02:47:12 CEST Sandro Andrade wrote:
>> I'm happy to inform you that we have just published the KDE e.V
>> Community Report for 1st half of 2015:

This looks and reads really awesome!
Are there plans to use the design also on the other parts of ?

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] KDE's 20th birthday

2016-03-31 Thread Clemens Toennies
Am 31.03.2016 um 09:22 schrieb Lydia Pintscher:
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 3:49 PM Lydia Pintscher  > wrote:
> Hey folks :)
> Next year in October we will celebrate KDE's 20th birthday. This is
> still quite a bit in the future but we should start brainstorming
> ideas for what to do. I've started a wiki page:
> Please add your ideas.
> Hey folks :)
> I wanted to bring this up again as we need to get going in order to
> make a splash at QtCon about our 20th anniversary this year. Please go
> ahead and add your ideas. Even better: Anyone up for stepping up to
> lead this?

I really like what is already there, especially the points from Alex N.
They make it very clear how we aim to go for the KDE vision, so +1 from me.

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - final version

2016-03-19 Thread Clemens Toennies

Regards, Clemens.
On Mar 16, 2016 1:09 PM, "Sebastian Kügler"  wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 15, 2016 10:53:03 PM David Jarvie wrote:
> > This may read a bit better, although it does slightly alter the emphasis:
> >
> > "A world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys
> > freedom and privacy."
> I love this. It conveys what we want, and brings in a positive angle to the
> freedom and privacy goals.
> --
> sebas
> |
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - second draft for discussion

2016-02-24 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 24, 2016 21:16, "Alexander Neundorf"  wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 22:59:35 Riccardo Iaconelli wrote:
> > On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 07:37:07 PM Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > > "KDE creates technology for a world in which everyone has freedom,
> > > privacy and control over their digital life."
> > >
> > > isn't a conflation of vision and mission. I wondered whether the
> > > vision isn't just the second part, i.e. "a world in which everyone has
> > > freedom, privacy and control over their digital life", and whether
> > > creates technology to enable everyone resp. the users of our
> > > to enjoy or experience this freedom, etc." isn't already part of our
> > > mission. Just wondering (and maybe repeating myself :-)).
> >
> > So:
> >
> > "KDE envisions a world in which everyone has freedom, privacy and
> > over their digital life."
> This one completely avoids stating whether KDE does technology, software,
> or whatever, so no conflict there.
> Maybe "envisions" is a bit passive ? E.g. something like "works for" or
> "fights for" ?
> still my favourite KDE T-shirt is "KDE - digital freedom".

How about:
KDE - Be in control of your digital life.

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

2016-02-12 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 12, 2016 10:10 PM, "Alexander Neundorf"  wrote:
> On Friday, February 12, 2016 21:37:23 Clemens Toennies wrote:
> > On Feb 12, 2016 9:14 PM, "Alexander Neundorf"  wrote:
> > > On Friday, February 12, 2016 21:00:37 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > > ...
> > >
> > > > Maybe what you want is an overarching product vision instead of a
> >
> > community
> >
> > > > vision, after all?
> > >
> > > I think I can answer at least for everybody from the alternative-draft
> >
> > team,
> >
> > > maybe also for the people who want more "direction" in KDE: yes.
> >
> > And you're "overarching (product) vision" to be adopted by all of KDE
> > have to specifically mention "based on Qt"?
> For the applications, I'm not completely sure, but anyway this would be
> my opinion, I asked for the opinions of the others in my other mail
> ("Summary...").

Some thoughts about the possibilities of being "inclusive":

For KDE, a strategy used by the Romans to grow and sustain in size might be

The Romans expanded by allowing people with "different missions" like
religious practices to exist within their empire, provided they accepted
the overall "vision" of basically being a Roman citizen abiding by defined
rules (imo our manifesto) and then gave them benefits like free public
bath, protection, etc.
So imo gtk or webcentric programs would be welcomed additions since they
diversified and expanded _the reach_ of the Empire.

Of course this topic is never black and white.
But maybe that example shows, that being more inclusive is not just
happy-people having an "illusionary, non-real world" vision here.

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

2016-02-12 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 12, 2016 9:56 PM, "Alexander Dymo"  wrote:
> >> Maybe what you want is an overarching product vision instead of a
> >> vision, after all?
> >
> > I think I can answer at least for everybody from the alternative-draft
> > maybe also for the people who want more "direction" in KDE: yes.
> +1
> It's "we do something useful" vs "we're happy and idealistic group of

Sorry to ask:
Is this ironic with regards and respect for the people actually doing the

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

2016-02-12 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 12, 2016 9:58 PM, "Alexander Dymo"  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Clemens Toennies
>  wrote:
> > And you're "overarching (product) vision" to be adopted by all of KDE
> > have to specifically mention "based on Qt"?
> It was actually pushed way down into the last part of the mission

So is there anyone from the "focused" team who wants to see this as
concrete part of the actual "vision"?

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Vision, mission and manifesto - what is their definition and purpose?

2016-02-12 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 12, 2016 9:15 PM, "Alexander Neundorf"  wrote:
> On Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:17:03 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > In a do-ocracy such as KDE, you take part and are able to influence
> > direction, or you stand at the sidelines and watch, but you don't stand
> > the sidelines and watch and dictate through backdoor politics.
> This is what I actually wanted to point out.
> The decision, that we need a "community vision", and not a "product
> was made by the inclusive-draft team, consisting at that time of 5 people
> private discussion, and then presented as only choice to the community.

We no longer have only 1 product, hence 1 product vision doesnt make any
more sense.

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

2016-02-12 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 12, 2016 9:14 PM, "Alexander Neundorf"  wrote:
> On Friday, February 12, 2016 21:00:37 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> ...
> > Maybe what you want is an overarching product vision instead of a
> > vision, after all?
> I think I can answer at least for everybody from the alternative-draft
> maybe also for the people who want more "direction" in KDE: yes.

And you're "overarching (product) vision" to be adopted by all of KDE would
have to specifically mention "based on Qt"?

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

2016-02-10 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 10, 2016 10:01 PM, "Alexander Neundorf"  wrote:
> So let's just assume Inkscape, since it was brought up here by Jos.
Clearly a
> GUI application, cross-platform and free. So far, clearly in. Our draft
> "familiar and consistent KDE user experience [...]. This is reached by
> following common guidelines and using common technologies." For that
part, no
> match.
> Let's assume, they would really want to become "Inkscape by KDE" (so
> sees it), maybe they would actually put some efforts into following KDE
> guidelines so they feel more like a KDE application despite using gtk ?

Inkscape, a KDE project.
Best served with a badge, see bottom here:

They even have a 'k' in it.

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

2016-02-09 Thread Clemens Toennies
On Feb 9, 2016 11:42 PM, "Sebastian Kügler"  wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 09, 2016 23:07:56 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > On Tuesday, February 09, 2016 10:41:07 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > > As Martin said very well already: By defining our goals not in terms
> > > technology but in terms of values and principles, we don't lose the
> > > technology aspect, we are still experts in Qt,
> >
> > sure we'll lose it long-term.
> > If we don't focus at all on Qt,
> Nobody says that we don't focus at all on Qt. Our software is built
around Qt,
> and nobody wants to change that. It's because Qt is an excellent solution
> many of our problems, it just isn't a goal in itself, but a tool.

Provoking thought:
With the recent shift of Gnome to exclusivity (leading to mint x-apps,
ubuntu forks), what if more and more GTK applications would become KDE
projects because of shared values inside an independent, welcoming
Maybe then with everyone working closer together, we would be able to
overcome the rift still dividing the linux enduser technologies when people
start to sit on the same tables?

Greetings, Clemens.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] FOSDEM wrapup

2016-02-03 Thread Clemens Toennies

Am 03.02.2016 um 22:13 schrieb Rohan Garg:


The Frameworks leaflets were really useful to hand out as a means of explaining
"these are libraries that everyone can use in their Qt applications".

While the leaflets are awesome, one of the most obvious questions I
got asked, which was not covered in the leaflet, was, "How do I
get/install these frameworks"

IMHO ideally the next set of leaflets about frameworks should include
a very obvious way of installing Frameworks.

  - major thanks to Rohan and Dave, who seemed to be there all the time and
always smiling.

Thanks :3
And a big thank you to you too for helping out :)

Thumbs up to all of you!

kde-community mailing list