Re: kdesdk failing to build

2012-06-10 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Montag, 11. Juni 2012, 15:09:46 schrieb Lindsay Mathieson:
 kdesrc-build, truck, latest src and clean build

Latest src is exactly which svn version? (svn info should tell you)
 Keep getting the following:
 [  2%] Building CXX object dolphin-
 Linking CXX shared module ../../lib/
 /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/fileviewsvnplugin.dir/fileviewsvnplugin_automoc.o:
 relocation R_X86_64_32 against `FileViewSvnPlugin::staticMetaObject' can not
 be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
 CMakeFiles/fileviewsvnplugin.dir/fileviewsvnplugin_automoc.o: could not read
 symbols: Bad value
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[2]: *** [lib/] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [dolphin-plugins/svn/CMakeFiles/fileviewsvnplugin.dir/all]
 Error 2
 make: *** [all] Error 2
kde-sdk-devel mailing list

New life in kdesdk-migration-to-git :) (was: Re: [Kde-scm-interest] Layout of lokalize and kompare git repos with plugins integrated (was: Re: Forming repos by plugin type or code domain?))

2012-12-15 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Jeremy  all,

thanks for pushing this more forward! I so look forward to have Okteta sources 
in git :) and have been sorry we got stuck in summer with the migration.

Am Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012, 18:03:07 schrieb Jeremy Whiting:
 Hello all,
 Thanks to some awesome students in Brazil we have most (maybe all) of the
 kdesdk migration rules written.

Have to report that the Okteta rules are not complete yet, a branch is missing 
and the origin of the Okteta lib inside the KHexEdit subtree is missing out as 
well. The latter is quite complicate, at least I had failed when I tried to 
write rules in summer. Would be happy to join the students work and see to 
solve it together.

Where can the current rules be found? And could you please pass this email 
forward to Willian A. Mayan who wrote the Okteta rules, so we can get in 

And a more general question:

I see that last thursday on the wiki page for the migration you turned the 
entry Decide which repos should be created from which submodules from IN 
PROGRESS to DONE. Hm. The very email you used to pick up the discussion 
again was still about how the split up should be done, and by that time it was 
e.g. decided that the po/ts/xlf strigi-analyzers and the po thumbnailer join 
the lokalize repo. So has that and the other pending decisions been reverted 
meanwhile? Or did you miss this discussion, because the Module Splitup 
section looked like it's done (missing any Warning, in discussion)?

This non-straight-forward splitup of kdesdk was effectively what put a stop to 
the migration, as the rules became more complicated...

kde-sdk-devel mailing list

Re: kdelibs/interfaces/khexedit

2013-11-09 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi David,

Am Samstag, 9. November 2013, 00:39:27 schrieb David Faure:
 Hi Friedrich,
 I'm looking at interfaces/khexedit in kdelibs-frameworks, and wondering what
 to do with it.
 Are you still happy with it? Should we bring it into the KF5 world?
 If so, we need to find a place for it.
 It's only header files so it could be installed by any framework without any
 additional cost for the framework.
 The only dependency seems to be on kservicetypetrader.h, so we could move
 the whole set of headers to the KService framework.
 Seems that the only implementor of the service is okteta, and the only user
 of the service is kdevelop. But apart from a direct dependency of kdevelop
 on okteta, or fragile dynamic stuff (invokeMethod etc.), I admit that I
 don't see a better solution.
 Input welcome.

Once upon a time those interfaces were invented to enable KPilot (yes, those 
times) to be able to use the hexedit widget I did then, without having these 
rather specific widget in kdelibs or having kdepim depend on kdeutils (where 
the lib was then living hidden away in a khexedit subdir, while not used by 
khexedit itself).

These days I know of no other user besides KDevelop as well (somewhere in the 
debugging area IIRC).
But it has been proposed to use the Okteta libs directly there, as the Okteta 
libs are already used directly in another place in KDevelop (for the hex 
editing plugin). It just needs someone to do the coding.

So from my point of view, especially given the idea of KF5, I see no more need 
for interfaces/khexedit. Rather do I see the Okteta libs themselves (the core 
ones for simple widget things) one day being added to KF5, now that things are 
modular :)

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: What are the plans with CamelCase includes?

2013-12-29 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Samstag, 28. Dezember 2013, 12:32:43 schrieb Kevin Ottens:
 On Saturday 28 December 2013 11:55:56 David Faure wrote:
  On Friday 27 December 2013 19:01:09 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
   So existing code ported from kdelibs would have to explicitely prefix
   includes, e.g. be changed like
   #include KLocalizedString - #include KI18n/KLocalizedString
  Definitely don't want this.
  See the QtGui/QLabel - QtWidgets/QLabel issue between Qt4 and Qt5, we
  don't want to create the same problems with KDE Frameworks.
  So yeah, I'm definitely in favour of *Targets.cmake files,
  should include the path including the module prefix
 Which is supposed to be the case as discussed in the thread with Aurélien a
 while ago.
 The complete consensus was IIRC:
  - For frameworks with K* prefixed classes, the include line should be
 #include KFoo;
  - For frameworks not using the K* prefix for their classes (and generally
 using namespaces) the include line should be #include Framework/Foo.
 With the forward headers included, if the frameworks doesn't behave like
 that it should be considered a bug.

Another problem with the current macro is that it expects the normal headers 
in a path postfixed with the module name, by always writing the 
CamelCase/forwarding headers like:

  #include \${lowercasemodule}/${lowercaseclassname}.h\\n)

e.g. resulting in [..]/include/KF5/KI18n/KLocalizedString containing
#include ki18n/klocalizedstring.h

Which of course will fail, as currently the plain *.h headers are installed 
directly into the include path, not in a subdirectory named with the module 
name. So possibly something more that needs to be decided on: where should 
plain headers end up?

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: What are the plans with CamelCase includes?

2013-12-29 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2013, 17:39:47 schrieb Kevin Ottens:
 On Sunday 29 December 2013 17:11:36 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  So possibly something more that needs to be decided on: where should
  plain headers end up?
 Consensus was: same place. The camel cased includes and the .h ones were
 planned to live in the same folder.

To have the same pattern like Qt5 uses, I guess? Makes also sense to me.

So by example of KI18n:

Instead of


there should be 

include/KF5/KI18n/kuitmarkup.h   (has KuitSetup class def.)
include/KF5/KI18n/kuitsetup.h(forwards to kuitmarkup.h)

(kuitmarkup.h possibly was not renamed to kuitsetup.h for backward support)

And KF5I18nTargets.cmake should have both:

Now, what to expect for frameworks not using the K* prefix for their classes 
(and generally using namespaces), by example of KParts:

Currently it is:


What should that become?


or rather

KF5PartsTargets.cmake just:

or else ?

More questions:

Q: Really hardcode KF5/ prefix to include path?

The KF5/ part of the include path, does it make sense in all deployments given 
that all headers are already contained in subdirs? IMHO that should be left to 
be defined by the packager/installer. For what reason would we want to enforce 
that? Will there be any files outside of the $MODULENAME/ subdirs?

kdesupport/extra-cmake-modules/kde-modules/KDEInstallDirs.cmake has right now:

include/KF5The install dir for header files)

Q: Add a convenience Module/Module file?

What about adding a convenience include-all file Module/Module, e.g. 
include/KF5/KI18n/KI18n, like there usually is one with each Qt module?

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

KF5 include problems on the

2014-01-04 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

I am currently struggling to have the KF5 port of Okteta not only build 
locally (what it does fine), but also on KDE's build server:
could anybody hint to me why on the build server the file KLocalizedString is 
not found for include on building of the static lib kastencoretestio:

From :

--- 8 ---
fatal error: KLocalizedString: No such file or directory
--- 8 ---

libs/kasten/core/tests/CMakeLists.txt has this:
--- 8 ---
set( kastencoretestio_LIB_SRCS

add_library( kastencoretestio  STATIC ${kastencoretestio_LIB_SRCS} )
target_link_libraries( kastencoretestio LINK_PUBLIC Qt5::Core )
target_link_libraries( kastencoretestio LINK_PRIVATE KF5::I18n KF5::CoreAddons 
Qt5::Core )
--- 8 ---

Locally I see no problem with the problem, and the setup seems proper:
The file KLocalizedString is inside the KI18n include dir as expected, and 
also the KDE4 variant is outside the used includes dirs.

$ ls /home/koder/System/kf5/include/KF5/KI18n
ki18n_export.h  KLocalizedString  klocalizedstring.h  KuitMarkup  kuitmarkup.h  
KuitSetup  kuitsetup.h
$ find /usr/include/ -name KLocalizedString

$ VERBOSE=1 make

[  0%] Building CXX object 
std=c++0x -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long -Wundef -Wcast-align -Wchar-
subscripts -Wall -W -Wpointer-arith -Wformat-security -fno-exceptions -
DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS -fno-check-new -fno-common -Woverloaded-virtual -
Werror=return-type -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -
std=c++0x -fno-rtti -g3 -fno-inline -fPIC -
-I/home/koder/Kode/kdegit/KDE/kdesdk/okteta.kf5/libs/kasten/core/tests -
I/home/koder/Kode/kdegit/KDE/kdesdk/okteta.kf5/libs/kasten/core/entity -
I/home/koder/Kode/kdegit/KDE/kdesdk/okteta.kf5/libs/kasten/core/document -
I/home/koder/Kode/kdegit/KDE/kdesdk/okteta.kf5/libs/kasten/core/io -
-I/home/koder/Kode/kdegit/KDE/kdesdk/okteta.kf5/libs/kasten/core/system -
-I/home/koder/Kode/kdegit/KDE/kdesdk/okteta.kf5/libs/kasten/core/tests/../.. -
I/home/koder/Kode/kdegit/KDE/kdesdk/okteta.kf5/libs/kasten/core/tests/.. -
isystem /home/koder/Kode/qt/qt5/qtbase/include -isystem 
/home/koder/Kode/qt/qt5/qtbase/include/QtCore -isystem 
/home/koder/Kode/qt/qt5/qtbase/mkspecs/linux-g++ -
I/home/koder/System/kf5/include/KF5/KI18n -I/home/koder/System/kf5/include/KF5 
CMakeFiles/kastencoretestio.dir/testdocumentfileloadthread.cpp.o -c 

It is especially strange because with other libs that also include 
KLocalizedString there is no problem before in the same build. E.g. oktetacore 
has in core/CMakeLists.txt:
--- 8 ---
add_library( ${oktetacore_LIB} SHARED ${oktetacore_LIB_OBJS} )
target_link_libraries( ${oktetacore_LIB} LINK_PUBLIC Qt5::Core )
target_link_libraries( ${oktetacore_LIB} LINK_PRIVATE
  KF5::Codecs   #needed for codecs
--- 8 ---

and you can see in the log
--- 8 ---
13:23:20 [ 24%] Built target oktetacore
--- 8 ---

What could be different on the buildserver? What is wrong in the 
CMakeLists.txt perhaps?
And does Okteta (branch: kf5-port) build for you locally?


Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: KF5 include problems on the

2014-01-04 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Samstag, 4. Januar 2014, 15:39:52 schrieb Martin Graesslin:
 On Saturday 04 January 2014 15:04:58 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  I am currently struggling to have the KF5 port of Okteta not only build
  locally (what it does fine), but also on KDE's build server:
  could anybody hint to me why on the build server the file KLocalizedString
  is not found for include on building of the static lib kastencoretestio:
  From :
 What strikes me there is:
 13:22:15 == Build Dependencies:
 13:22:15  kdelibs - Branch frameworks
 That should be the single frameworks I guess, e.g. on kde-workspace it looks
 == Build Dependencies:
  cmake - Branch master
  kparts - Branch master
  kidletime - Branch master
  sonnet - Branch master
  extra-cmake-modules - Branch master
  kwallet-framework - Branch master

Good hint possibly. Though strange that the find_package(KF5 [...]) does not 
fail, it would have guessed some things changed since the frameworks had been 
just a branch in the kdelibs repo.

Ben, could you take a look and see if perhaps the build dependencies of the 
Okteta KF5 build would need an update to match the new framework repos?


Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

KNewStuff3 vs. KNS3 vs. KNewStuff (was: Re: What are the plans with CamelCase includes?)

2014-01-10 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014, 15:30:20 schrieb David Faure:
 On Thursday 02 January 2014 14:06:47 Kevin Ottens wrote:
  On Thursday 02 January 2014 12:25:47 David Faure wrote:
   On Thursday 02 January 2014 11:35:43 David Faure wrote:
See attached patch.
   I forgot to attach the corresponding patch for ECM.
   Tested on KParts too, with the addition of a PREFIX variable.
   MODULE_NAME = KParts or KIOCore .. the include dir under KF5, always
   titlecase PREFIX = KParts or KIO, the subdir inside MODULE_NAME for
   namespaced headers, gets lowercased for lowercase headers.
   Awaiting for green light.
  That would be for the namespaced frameworks only right?
  We still plan to have:
  For the non namespace case?
 where the_thing_to_include can include a prefix (namespaced headers) or not
 (non-namespaced headers).
 I can see how it looks like duplication when the prefix is equal to the
 module name, but since it's not always the case (KIOCore vs KIO) and since
 there isn't always a prefix (non-namespaced headers), I think this makes
 things consistent.

What about KNewStuff3 forward headers?

There the used namespace does not match the module name:
namespace is KNS3, the module name KNewStuff3.
To confuse things, the name of the repo and in the framework is just knewstuff 
or KNewStuff, without the postfix 3, duh.

What about changing the namespace to KNewStuff in the framework, and making 
the KNS3 namespace an alias for it in the kde4support headers? Ah, not 
possible, the namespace is in the signature of some headers, so connections 
with SIGNAL() do pick that up literally, ignoring the namespace alias. Bummer.

So KNS3 or KNewStuff3 for the prefix? I would opt for KNS3 to match the 
namespace, see attached patch. Currently the prefix is lowercase, thus wrong 
anyway :)

Friedrichdiff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 05cd500..f217173 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ ecm_generate_headers(
-  PREFIX knewstuff3
Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 114988: Fix PREFIX parameter to ecm_generate_headers to match namespace KNS3

2014-01-12 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks, Aleix Pol Gonzalez and David Faure.

Repository: knewstuff


Currently the KNewStuff CamelCase forwarding headers are installed in 
Which seems wrong, at least does not follow the pattern seen with the other 
namespaced modules. And breaks all existing #includes if the build does not use 
KDE4Support with its variants of the CamelCase forwarding headers.

Attached patch changes the PREFIX parameter to ecm_generate_headers from 
knewstuff3 to KNS3, so that the prefix matches the namespace of the classes in 
the module.


  src/CMakeLists.txt 05cd500 



Applied and run make install: CamelCase includes are installed in 
[...]/include/KF5/KNewStuff3/KNS3 directory, code which #includes KNS3/* 
without KDE4Support builds.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: KNewStuff3 vs. KNS3 vs. KNewStuff (was: Re: What are the plans with CamelCase includes?)

2014-01-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Montag, 13. Januar 2014, 09:40:57 schrieb David Faure:
 On Saturday 11 January 2014 02:42:20 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  There the used namespace does not match the module name:
  namespace is KNS3, the module name KNewStuff3.
 That's not a problem, the KIOCore module uses namespace (and therefore
 prefix) KIO.
 I just saw this mail, after my reply to reviewboard. It seems that I missed
 one thing: that the actual C++ namespace is KNS3.

(And I missed before that PREFIX is also used for generating the forwarding 
path inside the CamelCase header, tested before only with KNewStuff3 as prefix 
and then did change to KNS3 without e.g. recompiling Okteta, just did make 
install in frameworks/knewstuff and that worked (tm), blame on me :) )

 Then there is indeed the option of making it KNS3/File and kns3/file.h, for
 more consistency (this time with the C++ namespace), at the cost of a
 greater SIC. But you could install knewstuff3/file.h forwarding headers for

Would agree that this option is the more consistent one.

Those knewstuff3/file.h forwarding headers you are proposing, they would be 
installed from KDE4Support, right? To [...]/include/KF5/knewstuff3, with the 
file entry.h contains: #include kns3/entry.h

And all include/KF5/KDE/KNS3/* forwarding headers would be changed from 
#include knewstuff3/file.h to #include kns3/file.h as well.

Would update/prepare RRs for both kde4support and knewstuff modules, if I got 
the proposal right and noone objects.

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 115005: Install forwarding headers for plain knewstuff3 headers

2014-01-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks, David Faure and Jeremy Whiting.

Repository: kde4support


To be seen combined with

Installation prefix was changed from knewtuff3/ to kns3/
Also remove no longer needed CamelCase forwarding headers, because
they are installed again with the old prefix from the KNewStuff module

See also discussion


  src/CMakeLists.txt 241e0c6 
  src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 8781a9a 
  src/includes/KNS3/DownloadDialog dd7ef3a 
  src/includes/KNS3/Entry cb98675 
  src/includes/KNS3/KNewStuffAction 48936eb 
  src/includes/KNS3/KNewStuffButton aa033e1 
  src/knewstuff3/downloaddialog.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/downloadmanager.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/downloadwidget.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/entry.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/knewstuffaction.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/knewstuffbutton.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/uploaddialog.h PRE-CREATION 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 114988: Fix PREFIX parameter to ecm_generate_headers to match namespace KNS3

2014-01-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 13, 2014, 11:39 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks, Aleix Pol Gonzalez, David Faure, and Jeremy 


Improvements as discussed.

Repository: knewstuff

Description (updated)

To be seen combined with

Currently the KNewStuff CamelCase forwarding headers are installed in 
Which seems wrong, at least does not follow the pattern seen with the other 
namespaced modules. And breaks all existing #includes if the build does not use 
KDE4Support with its variants of the CamelCase forwarding headers.

Attached patch changes the PREFIX parameter to ecm_generate_headers from 
knewstuff3 to KNS3, so that the prefix matches the namespace of the classes in 
the module.
This means also a change of the prefix for the normal headers, but as discussed 
in that is 
preferred over the old solution. According new backward kde4-style support is 
proposed in the RR linked above.

Patch also
* removes knewstuffbutton.h, now installed from kdesupport
* removes no longer needed utility include dir cmake code (this could be found 
also in a few other frameworks, so there will be follow-up patches)

Diffs (updated)

  src/CMakeLists.txt 05cd500 
  src/knewstuffbutton.h 931a465 



Applied and run make install: CamelCase includes are installed in 
[...]/include/KF5/KNewStuff3/KNS3 directory, code which #includes KNS3/* 
without KDE4Support builds.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115005: Install forwarding headers for plain knewstuff3 headers

2014-01-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

 On Jan. 14, 2014, 3:30 p.m., David Faure wrote:
  Ship It!

Thanks. To avoid misunderstandings, is that a Ship it for both RRs?
Or for now just this?

Both depend on each other, otherwise will break things :)
(so will have to commit quickly after each other)

- Friedrich W. H.

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Jan. 13, 2014, 11:39 p.m., Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 13, 2014, 11:39 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Frameworks, David Faure and Jeremy Whiting.
 Repository: kde4support
 To be seen combined with
 Installation prefix was changed from knewtuff3/ to kns3/
 Also remove no longer needed CamelCase forwarding headers, because
 they are installed again with the old prefix from the KNewStuff module
 See also discussion
   src/CMakeLists.txt 241e0c6 
   src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 8781a9a 
   src/includes/KNS3/DownloadDialog dd7ef3a 
   src/includes/KNS3/Entry cb98675 
   src/includes/KNS3/KNewStuffAction 48936eb 
   src/includes/KNS3/KNewStuffButton aa033e1 
   src/knewstuff3/downloaddialog.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/knewstuff3/downloadmanager.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/knewstuff3/downloadwidget.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/knewstuff3/entry.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/knewstuff3/knewstuffaction.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/knewstuff3/knewstuffbutton.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/knewstuff3/uploaddialog.h PRE-CREATION 
 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115005: Install forwarding headers for plain knewstuff3 headers

2014-01-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 14, 2014, 6:01 p.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for KDE Frameworks, David Faure and Jeremy Whiting.

Repository: kde4support


To be seen combined with

Installation prefix was changed from knewtuff3/ to kns3/
Also remove no longer needed CamelCase forwarding headers, because
they are installed again with the old prefix from the KNewStuff module

See also discussion


  src/CMakeLists.txt 241e0c6 
  src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 8781a9a 
  src/includes/KNS3/DownloadDialog dd7ef3a 
  src/includes/KNS3/Entry cb98675 
  src/includes/KNS3/KNewStuffAction 48936eb 
  src/includes/KNS3/KNewStuffButton aa033e1 
  src/knewstuff3/downloaddialog.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/downloadmanager.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/downloadwidget.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/entry.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/knewstuffaction.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/knewstuffbutton.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/knewstuff3/uploaddialog.h PRE-CREATION 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115047: Fix substitution order for some KUIT elements with attributes

2014-01-15 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 15, 2014, 9:25 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Chusslove Illich.


Now even with patch duh...

Repository: ki18n


After fixing the DrKonqi dialog texts to use xi18n calls where needed I found 
that for link elements the url and the description text are used in swapped 
order when the link element is substituted. Looking into kuitmarkup.cpp I 
found that...
a) indeed for some elements the value of the attribute was expected to be the 
first argument (%1) on substitution, while for others it was expected to be the 
second (%2) (note, warning, link)
b) for some elements also the attribute name used in the comment was not 
matching the actual attribute name (link, email

Comparing to the old kuitsemantics.cpp that seems a 1:1 porting. Strange that 
it worked with kdelibs4. Did the translations possibly have the order fixed 
where needed? Or had the old SET_PATTERN macro a different handling (did not 
investigate that, only the new)?

In any case, the attached patch fixes the order of attributes where it seemed 
needed (to fix a)) and aligned the comments with the actual attribute names 
where needed (to fix b)).

The result should then match the current tutorial at

Diffs (updated)

  src/kuitmarkup.cpp fa76e5f 



DrKonqi dialogs get proper links with the patch used.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 115047: Fix substitution order for some KUIT elements with attributes

2014-01-15 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Chusslove Illich.

Repository: ki18n


After fixing the DrKonqi dialog texts to use xi18n calls where needed I found 
that for link elements the url and the description text are used in swapped 
order when the link element is substituted. Looking into kuitmarkup.cpp I 
found that...
a) indeed for some elements the value of the attribute was expected to be the 
first argument (%1) on substitution, while for others it was expected to be the 
second (%2) (note, warning, link)
b) for some elements also the attribute name used in the comment was not 
matching the actual attribute name (link, email

Comparing to the old kuitsemantics.cpp that seems a 1:1 porting. Strange that 
it worked with kdelibs4. Did the translations possibly have the order fixed 
where needed? Or had the old SET_PATTERN macro a different handling (did not 
investigate that, only the new)?

In any case, the attached patch fixes the order of attributes where it seemed 
needed (to fix a)) and aligned the comments with the actual attribute names 
where needed (to fix b)).

The result should then match the current tutorial at




DrKonqi dialogs get proper links with the patch used.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Q: Rules on inclusion of own headers? how to provide header inclusion kde4-compat? (was: Re: Extending ecm_generate_headers to create cross-forwarding headers?)

2014-01-16 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014, 12:14:59 schrieb David Faure:
 On Wednesday 15 January 2014 11:01:55 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Guess you already started to tackle that? :) Or should I give it a try
 Go ahead :)

Some questions while I go ahead:

1. How should own headers be included, what is preferred?
#include kparts/part.h
#include part.h

And both the same in the public headers and in the normal sources? Myself I 
also use the second version, but I found a mixture in use, so wonder if one is 
preferred/recommended in the frameworks.

2. How to do KDE4-compatibility for moved header content?

E.g. in event.h for KDE4-compatibility the declarations which have been moved 
to their own headers would need to be pulled in again, at least for builds 
using KDE4Support
Is that done by having includes in the normal file, guarded by a flag, like

// KDE4 compat
#include kparts/guiactivateevent.h
#include kparts/partactivateevent.h
#include kparts/partselectevent.h

If so, which flag?

Or is there another way?

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115047: Fix substitution order for some KUIT elements with attributes

2014-01-16 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 16, 2014, 9:37 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Chusslove Illich.


Extended unit test with more or less the examples for semantic tags found at, 
covering also link/, email/, warning/, note/.
Marked two TODOs for unrelated issues I found adding more tests. Separate 
issues, so not handled in this patch.

Repository: ki18n


After fixing the DrKonqi dialog texts to use xi18n calls where needed I found 
that for link elements the url and the description text are used in swapped 
order when the link element is substituted. Looking into kuitmarkup.cpp I 
found that...
a) indeed for some elements the value of the attribute was expected to be the 
first argument (%1) on substitution, while for others it was expected to be the 
second (%2) (note, warning, link)
b) for some elements also the attribute name used in the comment was not 
matching the actual attribute name (link, email

Comparing to the old kuitsemantics.cpp that seems a 1:1 porting. Strange that 
it worked with kdelibs4. Did the translations possibly have the order fixed 
where needed? Or had the old SET_PATTERN macro a different handling (did not 
investigate that, only the new)?

In any case, the attached patch fixes the order of attributes where it seemed 
needed (to fix a)) and aligned the comments with the actual attribute names 
where needed (to fix b)).

The result should then match the current tutorial at

Diffs (updated)

  autotests/klocalizedstringtest.cpp 30f5bc1 
  src/kuitmarkup.cpp fa76e5f 


Testing (updated)

DrKonqi dialogs get proper links with the patch used.
And all existing and new autotests pass as expected.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115047: Fix substitution order for some KUIT elements with attributes

2014-01-16 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 16, 2014, 11:26 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Chusslove Illich.


Added proposed first-aid fix, worked for me.

Repository: ki18n


After fixing the DrKonqi dialog texts to use xi18n calls where needed I found 
that for link elements the url and the description text are used in swapped 
order when the link element is substituted. Looking into kuitmarkup.cpp I 
found that...
a) indeed for some elements the value of the attribute was expected to be the 
first argument (%1) on substitution, while for others it was expected to be the 
second (%2) (note, warning, link)
b) for some elements also the attribute name used in the comment was not 
matching the actual attribute name (link, email

Comparing to the old kuitsemantics.cpp that seems a 1:1 porting. Strange that 
it worked with kdelibs4. Did the translations possibly have the order fixed 
where needed? Or had the old SET_PATTERN macro a different handling (did not 
investigate that, only the new)?

In any case, the attached patch fixes the order of attributes where it seemed 
needed (to fix a)) and aligned the comments with the actual attribute names 
where needed (to fix b)).

The result should then match the current tutorial at

Diffs (updated)

  autotests/klocalizedstringtest.h 9b663f5 
  autotests/klocalizedstringtest.cpp 30f5bc1 
  src/kuitmarkup.cpp fa76e5f 



DrKonqi dialogs get proper links with the patch used.
And all existing and new autotests pass as expected.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115047: Fix substitution order for some KUIT elements with attributes

2014-01-16 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 16, 2014, 11:39 p.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Chusslove Illich.

Repository: ki18n


After fixing the DrKonqi dialog texts to use xi18n calls where needed I found 
that for link elements the url and the description text are used in swapped 
order when the link element is substituted. Looking into kuitmarkup.cpp I 
found that...
a) indeed for some elements the value of the attribute was expected to be the 
first argument (%1) on substitution, while for others it was expected to be the 
second (%2) (note, warning, link)
b) for some elements also the attribute name used in the comment was not 
matching the actual attribute name (link, email

Comparing to the old kuitsemantics.cpp that seems a 1:1 porting. Strange that 
it worked with kdelibs4. Did the translations possibly have the order fixed 
where needed? Or had the old SET_PATTERN macro a different handling (did not 
investigate that, only the new)?

In any case, the attached patch fixes the order of attributes where it seemed 
needed (to fix a)) and aligned the comments with the actual attribute names 
where needed (to fix b)).

The result should then match the current tutorial at


  autotests/klocalizedstringtest.h 9b663f5 
  autotests/klocalizedstringtest.cpp 30f5bc1 
  src/kuitmarkup.cpp fa76e5f 



DrKonqi dialogs get proper links with the patch used.
And all existing and new autotests pass as expected.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 115097: KParts: Move each class into its own header/source file pair

2014-01-17 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
/partbase.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/partbase.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/partbase_p.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/partmanager.h 624a97c 
  src/partmanager.cpp 7c1f3b0 
  src/partselectevent.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/partselectevent.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/plugin.h b7d130f 
  src/plugin.cpp 344f75b 
  src/readonlypart.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/readonlypart.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/readonlypart_p.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/readwritepart.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/readwritepart.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/readwritepart_p.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/scriptableextension.h 9cec71f 
  src/scriptableextension.cpp d31a558 
  src/scriptableextension_p.h 82808f7 
  src/selectorinterface.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/selectorinterface.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/statusbarextension.h c46fd55 
  src/statusbarextension.cpp 2d8de8a 
  src/textextension.h f8c77e4 
  src/textextension.cpp 3dc5a99 
  src/windowargs.h PRE-CREATION 
  autotests/parttest.cpp 7505948 
  src/CMakeLists.txt d987f46 
  src/browserarguments.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/browserarguments.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/browserextension.h 998f7ac 
  src/browserextension.cpp a367de9 
  src/browserhostextension.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/browserhostextension.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/browserinterface.h cf10499 



kdesrc-build/kf5-qt5-build-include builds fine for me with all the patches.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 115098: Adapt KParts compat-forwarding headers to new one-header-per-class policy in KParts

2014-01-17 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks and David Faure.

Repository: kde4support


Counterpart to:

Main discussion over there, please.


  src/includes/KParts/OpenUrlEvent c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/Part bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/PartActivateEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/PartBase bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/PartManager 2dcfeb3 
  src/includes/KParts/PartSelectEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/Plugin f73168d 
  src/includes/KParts/ReadOnlyPart bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/ReadWritePart bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/StatusBarExtension 8c8a481 
  src/includes/KParts/TextExtension cb73ab5 
  src/includes/KParts/WindowArgs c3e9e59 
  src/kparts/listingextension.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/CMakeLists.txt 23b0d6d 
  src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 2b2130f 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserHostExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserInterface 640f47b 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserRun b63479b 
  src/includes/KParts/Event dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/FileInfoExtension 13c7c41 
  src/includes/KParts/GUIActivateEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/HistoryProvider b8c3fc9 
  src/includes/KParts/HtmlExtension aae280e 
  src/includes/KParts/ListingExtension 38598f9 
  src/includes/KParts/LiveConnectExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/MainWindow 452e115 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115098: Adapt KParts compat-forwarding headers to new one-header-per-class policy in KParts

2014-01-18 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

 On Jan. 18, 2014, 8:58 a.m., David Faure wrote:
  Why does this remove some forwarding headers?

Because they are installed from the KParts module itself already, with the same 
forwarding include path. So no need to duplicate them in KDE4Support, or?

(Only difference is those from KParts have '' around the path, not '' and 
''. This is a small error in ecm_generate_headers still, it needs to add ../ 
in front of the path in case of a prefixed path. Other option would be '' as 
well '', but a relative link seems safer to me)

- Friedrich W. H.

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Jan. 18, 2014, 3:48 a.m., Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 18, 2014, 3:48 a.m.)
 Review request for KDE Frameworks and David Faure.
 Repository: kde4support
 Counterpart to:
 Main discussion over there, please.
   src/includes/KParts/OpenUrlEvent c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/Part bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/PartActivateEvent dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/PartBase bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/PartManager 2dcfeb3 
   src/includes/KParts/PartSelectEvent dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/Plugin f73168d 
   src/includes/KParts/ReadOnlyPart bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/ReadWritePart bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/StatusBarExtension 8c8a481 
   src/includes/KParts/TextExtension cb73ab5 
   src/includes/KParts/WindowArgs c3e9e59 
   src/kparts/listingextension.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/CMakeLists.txt 23b0d6d 
   src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 2b2130f 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserExtension c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserHostExtension c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserInterface 640f47b 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserRun b63479b 
   src/includes/KParts/Event dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/FileInfoExtension 13c7c41 
   src/includes/KParts/GUIActivateEvent dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/HistoryProvider b8c3fc9 
   src/includes/KParts/HtmlExtension aae280e 
   src/includes/KParts/ListingExtension 38598f9 
   src/includes/KParts/LiveConnectExtension c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/MainWindow 452e115 
 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115098: Adapt KParts compat-forwarding headers to new one-header-per-class policy in KParts

2014-01-19 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

 On Jan. 18, 2014, 8:58 a.m., David Faure wrote:
  Why does this remove some forwarding headers?
 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 Because they are installed from the KParts module itself already, with 
 the same forwarding include path. So no need to duplicate them in 
 KDE4Support, or?
 (Only difference is those from KParts have '' around the path, not '' 
 and ''. This is a small error in ecm_generate_headers still, it needs to add 
 ../ in front of the path in case of a prefixed path. Other option would be 
 '' as well '', but a relative link seems safer to me)
 David Faure wrote:
 But this is the case for most of the forwarding headers installed by 
 kde4support. They duplicate the ones installed by the frameworks.
 One reason is that the ones from kde4support go into include/KDE, so they 
 make old-style KDE/KParts/Part work, and the other reason is historical (we 
 had this before we had ecm_generate_header).

Ah, did not think of people using KDE/..., okay (though now I remember there 
was even a case with one of the fixes I prepared for the other programs). In 
that case I will also need to fix-up things for my recent commit to  
kde4support/src/includes/KNS3, as I removed most CamelCase-forwarding headers 
with the same (wrong) reasoning. Will update this patch as well in a few 

- Friedrich W. H.

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Jan. 18, 2014, 3:48 a.m., Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 18, 2014, 3:48 a.m.)
 Review request for KDE Frameworks and David Faure.
 Repository: kde4support
 Counterpart to:
 Main discussion over there, please.
   src/includes/KParts/OpenUrlEvent c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/Part bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/PartActivateEvent dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/PartBase bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/PartManager 2dcfeb3 
   src/includes/KParts/PartSelectEvent dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/Plugin f73168d 
   src/includes/KParts/ReadOnlyPart bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/ReadWritePart bcb6c5e 
   src/includes/KParts/StatusBarExtension 8c8a481 
   src/includes/KParts/TextExtension cb73ab5 
   src/includes/KParts/WindowArgs c3e9e59 
   src/kparts/listingextension.h PRE-CREATION 
   src/CMakeLists.txt 23b0d6d 
   src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 2b2130f 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserExtension c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserHostExtension c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserInterface 640f47b 
   src/includes/KParts/BrowserRun b63479b 
   src/includes/KParts/Event dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/FileInfoExtension 13c7c41 
   src/includes/KParts/GUIActivateEvent dabdd2f 
   src/includes/KParts/HistoryProvider b8c3fc9 
   src/includes/KParts/HtmlExtension aae280e 
   src/includes/KParts/ListingExtension 38598f9 
   src/includes/KParts/LiveConnectExtension c3e9e59 
   src/includes/KParts/MainWindow 452e115 
 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115098: Adapt KParts compat-forwarding headers to new one-header-per-class policy in KParts

2014-01-19 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 19, 2014, 5:30 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks and David Faure.


Updated patch to not remove any of the KDE4Support-installed KPart forwarding 

Repository: kde4support


Counterpart to:

Main discussion over there, please.

Diffs (updated)

  src/includes/KParts/WindowArgs c3e9e59 
  src/kparts/listingextension.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/CMakeLists.txt 23b0d6d 
  src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 2b2130f 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserHostExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/Event dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/GUIActivateEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/HtmlExtension aae280e 
  src/includes/KParts/ListingExtension 38598f9 
  src/includes/KParts/LiveConnectExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/OpenUrlEvent c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/Part bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/PartActivateEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/PartBase bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/PartSelectEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/ReadOnlyPart bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/ReadWritePart bcb6c5e 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 115098: Adapt KParts compat-forwarding headers to new one-header-per-class policy in KParts

2014-01-19 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 19, 2014, 9:55 p.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for KDE Frameworks and David Faure.

Repository: kde4support


Counterpart to:

Main discussion over there, please.


  src/includes/KParts/WindowArgs c3e9e59 
  src/kparts/listingextension.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/CMakeLists.txt 23b0d6d 
  src/includes/CMakeLists.txt 2b2130f 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/BrowserHostExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/Event dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/GUIActivateEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/HtmlExtension aae280e 
  src/includes/KParts/ListingExtension 38598f9 
  src/includes/KParts/LiveConnectExtension c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/OpenUrlEvent c3e9e59 
  src/includes/KParts/Part bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/PartActivateEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/PartBase bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/PartSelectEvent dabdd2f 
  src/includes/KParts/ReadOnlyPart bcb6c5e 
  src/includes/KParts/ReadWritePart bcb6c5e 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

KIO::convertSize(.,.) vs. KFormat::formatByteSize(...)

2014-01-23 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

I see a few overlappings between methods in KFormat (KCoreAddons) and KIO 
(KIOCore), mainly this pair:

namespace KIO
typedef qulonglong filesize_t;
KIOCORE_EXPORT QString convertSize(KIO::filesize_t size);

[[Takes the binary unit dialect to use from a config file given by 
QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String(locale/) + 
QString::fromLatin1(l10n/%1/entry.desktop).arg(countryString), from the 
group KCM Locale. Returns a number with the biggest unit where the exponent 
is not 0.]]


QString formatByteSize(double size,
   int precision = 1,
   KFormat::BinaryUnitDialect dialect =
   KFormat::BinarySizeUnits units =
   KFormat::DefaultBinaryUnits) const;


Q1) What config files can be expected from KF5 modules?
So can KIO::convertSize(...) (which is already KDE4 code) expect such config 
files to exist? Only in a Plasma workspace platform, or? How is platform 
integration done in the KDE frameworks? E.g. in Unity, GNOME Shell, Win, etc. 
I would expect that any matching config data is picked, if there is, otherwise 
a hardcoded default. does not 
mention that yet, but I guess that has been discussed before?

Q2) Should KIO::convertSize(...) not use KFormat::formatByteSize(...) behind 
the scenes? (At least if it is turned into a deprecated method in the future?)
KIOCore currently already depends on KCoreAddons (due to KJob). Would be 
strange if programs built on KF5 display file sizes differently, due to 
different respected settings in the both methods.

Q3) Is double as type of parameter size for KFormat::formatByteSize(...) 
really a good choice?
I would expect the type to be rather qulonglong, like it is with 
KIO::convertSize(...). I have looked at many files with Okteta, but so for not 
seen a file with a fraction byte ;)

There are a few more toString-formatting methods next to 
KIO::convertSize(...), somehow I think those might be rather part of KFormat 
API as well. But first I would like to see those 3 questions resolved.

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: KIO::convertSize(.,.) vs. KFormat::formatByteSize(...)

2014-01-25 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi David, Michael, everyone,

Am Freitag, 24. Januar 2014, 09:40:00 schrieb David Faure:
 On Thursday 23 January 2014 23:43:36 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  I see a few overlappings between methods in KFormat (KCoreAddons) and KIO
  (KIOCore), mainly this pair:
  namespace KIO
  typedef qulonglong filesize_t;
  KIOCORE_EXPORT QString convertSize(KIO::filesize_t size);
  QString formatByteSize(double size,
 int precision = 1,
 KFormat::BinaryUnitDialect dialect =
 KFormat::BinarySizeUnits units =
 KFormat::DefaultBinaryUnits) const;
 I think it makes sense to have two methods, at two different layers.
 The KFormat one is like Qt: the caller of the method decides what they want.
 The KIO one is as we like things in KDE, very often: it takes into account
 the user's preference, for consistency across all KDE applications.
 The KF5/Qt5 trend is to make that happen automatically behind the scenes of
 the lowlevel (e.g. Qt) API, but that doesn't work for a method that is so
 low-level that it actually takes the settings as parameters :)

Now, KFormat::formatByteSize(...) takes as default values 
KFormat::DefaultBinaryDialect and KFormat::DefaultBinaryUnits. Both settings 
mean that something should be chosen that is default. So from an API point of 
KFormat::formatByteSize( byteSize )
KIO::convertSize( byteSize )
should behave and look the same, right? :)
(Currently just the used defaults are/can be different)

You say consistency across all KDE applications:
As a user I would like consistency across all my apps :) I do not (want to) 
care what programming language and toolkit the developers preferred to know 
what to expect in the UI. Programs should simply adapt to the system settings.
And the system is: the environment the program is running in, either something 
fixed when creating the binary/package (Android, Sailfish, BB, Windows, OSX) 
or something less fixed (Plasma Workspace, LXDE/Razor, GNOME Shell, Unity, 
Enlightenment, XFCE).

So for systems where the default of a certain parameter is an option, I expect 
the code to read that option in, and where it is not, I expect it to be 
hardcoded to what makes sense on the system. For fixed systems that could be 
compiled in hard, for less fixed this needs some runtime switching, either by 
plugin or if-else code.

In a Plasma Workspace I expect the bytesize parameter defaults to be 
configurable, like it used to be. And any program which wants to properly 
integrate into that environment should pick these defaults up. Like I expect 
the position of the Cancel/Ok buttons to be picked up :)
Possibly Plasma Workspace might be the only one where it is configurable, but 
fine. That is one of the added-value of it :) (LXDE/Razor might be interested 
to have it as well)

Or what is the direction? Maybe I misunderstood the intention of KF5, but I 
thought it should be more nice Qt5 extension and not depend on lots of the 
typical KDE runtime, unless useful for integration in a Plasma workspace (or 
any other environment from KDE).

  Q1) What config files can be expected from KF5 modules?
  So can KIO::convertSize(...) (which is already KDE4 code) expect such
  config files to exist? Only in a Plasma workspace platform, or? How is
  platform integration done in the KDE frameworks? E.g. in Unity, GNOME
  Shell, Win, etc. I would expect that any matching config data is picked,
  if there is, otherwise a hardcoded default. does not mention that yet,
  but I guess that has been discussed before?
 Well, does a setting exist for how to format byte sizes (including the
 choice between GB and GiB) in all these frameworks? I seriously doubt
 that So it seems to me that picking this from a KConfig file for which
 we have a KCM is the only solution?

... for which we have...: well, we have it in Plasma Workspace. There we 
should use it, sure.
But we have not in Sailfish or on Android (or would you think it makes sense 
to have a tuning app for all programs which use KF5? I do not.). And I doubt 
people interested in KF5 would like their code to still reach out for all 
those config files on those platforms as well. Especially as their apps are 
additional apps, that IMHO should integrate smoothly with what is already 
there and not suddenly start to show different formattings for file sizes, 
dates etc. Or?

Now, KCoreAddons is a Functional Qt Addon in tier 1, KIO is a Solution in 
tier 3. Hm. I wonder if that means anything for platform/system integration. 
For comparison, QtCore is expected to integrate

Re: KIO::convertSize(.,.) vs. KFormat::formatByteSize(...)

2014-01-25 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Samstag, 25. Januar 2014, 21:20:25 schrieb Michael Pyne:
 On Sun, January 26, 2014 00:20:02 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  In a Plasma Workspace I expect the bytesize parameter defaults to be
  configurable, like it used to be. And any program which wants to properly
  integrate into that environment should pick these defaults up. Like I
  expect the position of the Cancel/Ok buttons to be picked up :)
  Possibly Plasma Workspace might be the only one where it is configurable,
  but fine. That is one of the added-value of it :) (LXDE/Razor might be
  interested to have it as well)
 If it helps (and might also answer a quasi-question of David's), this
 setting is configurable in the Other tab of the 'language' KCM (the
 Locale button in KDE 4's System Settings).
 I'm not sure where that was put in KF5/PW2 yet.

Hm, that was not my point :)
I was not wondering where in the UI of a Plasma (or perhaps Razor) environment 
a certain setting can be configured.
Instead I was wondering what I if I wear the hat of a developer who considers 
using next to Qt5 also KF5 should expect in non-Plasma(/Razor) environments. 

And IMHO we (KDE hat on) should with KF5 also target/embrace those who look at 
Qt5 as the option to reach a lot of platforms in one go (even those less 
preferred by us, such is life).
And IMHO KF5 code should integrate as much as possible in other 
platforms/system. And things which can not be configured in those systems 
should be hardcoded there to sensible values.

Otherwise I fear KF5 will continue to be considered rather bloatware by so far 
Qt-only using devs because it pulls in all things needed for the rich 
configurability also in non-Plasma environments.

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Which package will provide the common KDE library version number ?

2012-02-18 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Freitag, 17. Februar 2012, 19:48:33 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
 right now the common version number for libraries in kdelibs/KDE is defined
 in KDE4Defaults.cmake:
 # define the generic version of the libraries here
 # this makes it easy to advance it when the next KDE release comes
 # Use this version number for libraries which are at version n in KDE
 # version n
 # Use this version number for libraries which are already at version n+1
 # in KDE version n
 So whichever package wants to have a common version number with the rest of
 KDE, uses this.

(rest of KDE is what?)

Which is somehow broken anyway for packages outside of kdelibs. E.g. compile a 
package from KDE SC 4.7 against kdelibs 4.8, that one gets the version number 
of kdelibs 4.8. Now compile the same package from KDE SC 4.8 against kdelibs 
4.8 as well, same version number as before.
Not sure if this does not provide the base for some problems.

IMHO each package should have its own GENERIC_LIB_* vars, for some saneness. 
Otherwise those GENERIC_LIB* vars could also be set to those of Qt or whatever 
other base lib. What reason would there be to have them versioned in the same 
way the current kdelibs is versioned?

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 120024: Prevent some false positive critical warnings for KStandardActions

2014-08-31 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kxmlgui


In combination with, please read that 
one first.

This part of the patch does:
* make KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts() invokable per 
QMetaObject::invokeMethod, so KStandardAction::create(...) can access it
* make sure that setDefaultShortcuts is also called for KStandardActions 
created in the non-default-name addAction variant
* add a new constructor to KHelpMenu to allow passing an KActionCollection in, 
so all standardactions can be created from the beginning as items in the 
actioncollection, including setup with setDefaultShortcuts

Follow-up for KHelpMenu in KParts is


  src/kactioncollection.h 5dbc3c2 
  src/kactioncollection.cpp 6c7af0f 
  src/khelpmenu.h df820f2 
  src/khelpmenu.cpp 53397cc 
  src/kxmlguifactory.cpp c4ad97b 
  src/kxmlguiwindow.cpp bd89279 



With this and the other patches, I can see no more of those warnings for 
standard actions, both KWrite and Okteta.
Also all unit tests still work.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 120025: Have KStandardAction::create(...) call KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts()

2014-08-31 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kconfigwidgets


As e.g. reported in (False 
positive critical warnings for KStandardActions) currently 
KXMLGUIFactoryPrivate::saveDefaultActionProperties complains about lots of 
actions that have been created properly via KStandardActions with a 
KActionCollection as parent. Just grep the log of your favourite XMLGUI-based 
KF5-ported program to see yourself.

I have not yet completely grasped the concept of the default shortcuts and why 
they are set only explicitely via KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts. But 
to me it makes some sense to have this automatically called for all 
standardactions which are created directly with a KActionCollection as parent.
I decided not to change KActionCollection::addAction because I had even less 
idea what all might be affected by that.

So this is what this patch does:
* add a call to KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts if there is a standard 
shortcut (via QMetaObject::invokeMethod, like done for 
* also move code which only should be done in case of a created action into 
one, same branch

Needs to make 
KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts() invokable.


  src/kstandardaction.cpp a18527b 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 120026: Pass KActionCollection to KHelpMenu for KParts::MainWindow

2014-08-31 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kparts


See, to be committed after that one.


  src/mainwindow.cpp 7e2ad9c 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 120026: Pass KActionCollection to KHelpMenu for KParts::MainWindow

2014-08-31 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Aug. 31, 2014, 4:37 nachm.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kparts


See, to be committed after that one.


  src/mainwindow.cpp 7e2ad9c 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 120025: Have KStandardAction::create(...) call KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts()

2014-08-31 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Aug. 31, 2014, 4:38 nachm.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kconfigwidgets


As e.g. reported in (False 
positive critical warnings for KStandardActions) currently 
KXMLGUIFactoryPrivate::saveDefaultActionProperties complains about lots of 
actions that have been created properly via KStandardActions with a 
KActionCollection as parent. Just grep the log of your favourite XMLGUI-based 
KF5-ported program to see yourself.

I have not yet completely grasped the concept of the default shortcuts and why 
they are set only explicitely via KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts. But 
to me it makes some sense to have this automatically called for all 
standardactions which are created directly with a KActionCollection as parent.
I decided not to change KActionCollection::addAction because I had even less 
idea what all might be affected by that.

So this is what this patch does:
* add a call to KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts if there is a standard 
shortcut (via QMetaObject::invokeMethod, like done for 
* also move code which only should be done in case of a created action into 
one, same branch

Needs to make 
KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts() invokable.


  src/kstandardaction.cpp a18527b 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 120025: Have KStandardAction::create(...) call KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts()

2014-08-31 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Aug. 31, 2014, 4:40 nachm.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Bugs: 338222

Repository: kconfigwidgets


As e.g. reported in (False 
positive critical warnings for KStandardActions) currently 
KXMLGUIFactoryPrivate::saveDefaultActionProperties complains about lots of 
actions that have been created properly via KStandardActions with a 
KActionCollection as parent. Just grep the log of your favourite XMLGUI-based 
KF5-ported program to see yourself.

I have not yet completely grasped the concept of the default shortcuts and why 
they are set only explicitely via KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts. But 
to me it makes some sense to have this automatically called for all 
standardactions which are created directly with a KActionCollection as parent.
I decided not to change KActionCollection::addAction because I had even less 
idea what all might be affected by that.

So this is what this patch does:
* add a call to KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts if there is a standard 
shortcut (via QMetaObject::invokeMethod, like done for 
* also move code which only should be done in case of a created action into 
one, same branch

Needs to make 
KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts() invokable.


  src/kstandardaction.cpp a18527b 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 120025: Have KStandardAction::create(...) call KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts()

2014-09-05 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

 On Sept. 1, 2014, 7:55 vorm., David Faure wrote:
  You wrote: I have not yet completely grasped the concept of the default 
  shortcuts and why they are set only explicitely via 
  I think the concept is simple. QAction only knows the current shortcuts, 
  those that will trigger the action. Now imagine that the user configures 
  the shortcut for the quit action (default Ctrl+Q) to use something else 
  instead (Ctrl+E for exit, whatever). QAction will then only know about 
  Ctrl+E, the actual active shortcut. But the shortcut configuration dialog 
  needs to know that the default shortcut was Ctrl+Q, so that we can offer 
  revert to default, for instance (and to show that the shortcut was 
  manually modified).
  This information API is in KActionCollection because, well, there's no 
  KAction anymore, and it stores the default shortcut into the QAction as a 
  dynamic property.
  Well, this means another solution could be to just set the dynamic property 
  in KStandardAction, without going through KActionCollection via 
  invokeMethod. That would probably more robust,
  including the case of creating an action without a collection as parent, 
  and then putting it into a collection later on.
  Good thing I wrote the explanation, it made me realize that there is a 
  better solution :-)

Ah, so KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts is from KAction, and might not 
just have found a better place? I see. When looking at the implementation I was 
puzzled why it is not a static method, given that it does not use the 
KActionCollection object itself for anything. So not really done by original 
Putting the property already directly in KStandardAction seems an option as 
well. Creates an informal dependency, as the property id used has to be kept in 
sync, but might be okay.
I am not sure though if the property should be set also if there is no 
KActionCollection given as parent, because that would mean that people using 
KConfigWidgets, but not KXMLGUI, still will get a payload of that extra 
property on every standard action they create. Instinctively I would say No to 
that, but perhaps others are more pragmatic and do not do byte-counting?

- Friedrich W. H.

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Aug. 31, 2014, 4:40 nachm., Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Aug. 31, 2014, 4:40 nachm.)
 Review request for KDE Frameworks.
 Bugs: 338222
 Repository: kconfigwidgets
 As e.g. reported in (False 
 positive critical warnings for KStandardActions) currently 
 KXMLGUIFactoryPrivate::saveDefaultActionProperties complains about lots of 
 actions that have been created properly via KStandardActions with a 
 KActionCollection as parent. Just grep the log of your favourite XMLGUI-based 
 KF5-ported program to see yourself.
 I have not yet completely grasped the concept of the default shortcuts and 
 why they are set only explicitely via KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts. 
 But to me it makes some sense to have this automatically called for all 
 standardactions which are created directly with a KActionCollection as parent.
 I decided not to change KActionCollection::addAction because I had even less 
 idea what all might be affected by that.
 So this is what this patch does:
 * add a call to KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts if there is a standard 
 shortcut (via QMetaObject::invokeMethod, like done for 
 * also move code which only should be done in case of a created action into 
 one, same branch
 Needs to make 
 KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts() invokable.
   src/kstandardaction.cpp a18527b 
 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 120025: Have KStandardAction::create(...) call KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts()

2014-09-07 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Sept. 7, 2014, 6 nachm.)


This change has been discarded.

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Bugs: 338222

Repository: kconfigwidgets


As e.g. reported in (False 
positive critical warnings for KStandardActions) currently 
KXMLGUIFactoryPrivate::saveDefaultActionProperties complains about lots of 
actions that have been created properly via KStandardActions with a 
KActionCollection as parent. Just grep the log of your favourite XMLGUI-based 
KF5-ported program to see yourself.

I have not yet completely grasped the concept of the default shortcuts and why 
they are set only explicitely via KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts. But 
to me it makes some sense to have this automatically called for all 
standardactions which are created directly with a KActionCollection as parent.
I decided not to change KActionCollection::addAction because I had even less 
idea what all might be affected by that.

So this is what this patch does:
* add a call to KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts if there is a standard 
shortcut (via QMetaObject::invokeMethod, like done for 
* also move code which only should be done in case of a created action into 
one, same branch

Needs to make 
KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts() invokable.


  src/kstandardaction.cpp a18527b 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 120024: Prevent some false positive critical warnings for KStandardActions

2014-09-07 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Sept. 7, 2014, 6:03 nachm.)


This change has been discarded.

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kxmlgui


In combination with, please read that 
one first.

This part of the patch does:
* make KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcuts() invokable per 
QMetaObject::invokeMethod, so KStandardAction::create(...) can access it
* make sure that setDefaultShortcuts is also called for KStandardActions 
created in the non-default-name addAction variant
* add a new constructor to KHelpMenu to allow passing an KActionCollection in, 
so all standardactions can be created from the beginning as items in the 
actioncollection, including setup with setDefaultShortcuts

Follow-up for KHelpMenu in KParts is


  src/kactioncollection.h 5dbc3c2 
  src/kactioncollection.cpp 6c7af0f 
  src/khelpmenu.h df820f2 
  src/khelpmenu.cpp 53397cc 
  src/kxmlguifactory.cpp c4ad97b 
  src/kxmlguiwindow.cpp bd89279 



With this and the other patches, I can see no more of those warnings for 
standard actions, both KWrite and Okteta.
Also all unit tests still work.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: Review Request 120026: Pass KActionCollection to KHelpMenu for KParts::MainWindow

2014-09-07 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Sept. 7, 2014, 6:03 nachm.)


This change has been discarded.

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kparts


See, to be committed after that one.


  src/mainwindow.cpp 7e2ad9c 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Detailed dependencies of frameworks on external resources like icons

2014-09-17 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

are there any plans to document which external resources like icons are 
exactly needed by the individual framework modules?

Imagine a developer planning to use KDE frameworks to write a program for a 
platform with no proper package system, so all deps of the program need to be 
co-packaged with the program.
How can that developer know which icons (and in which sizes) need to be 
packaged as well, given the frameworks used by the program?

Simply saying all of oxygen icons might not be the best, if you look e.g. at 
the sizes of openSUSE's Tubleweed packages of the Oxygen icons:
 oxygen-icon-theme-4.13.3-4.1.noarch.rpm  PNG, no 128x128 9.7M
 oxygen-icon-theme-large-4.13.3-4.1.noarch.rpmPNG, all 128x128   19M
 oxygen-icon-theme-scalable-4.13.3-4.1.noarch.rpm SVG   234M
With high resolutions getting fancy, this will blow up the size of the package 
to rather non-acceptable sizes.

Partial solution in Calligra:
Two years ago, to fight the number of unknown icons appearing in the UI and 
reducing duplicated icons in the Calligra repo itself, some macros have been 
introduced in Calligra, to tag all icon name ids being used in the program, so 
automatic extraction and processing is possible, using gettext:

Using these macros needs discipline, because nothing (as in: compiler) 
enforces the use of them. But so far it worked out, unkwown icons are seldomly 
seen now, and lots of icons duplicated from the Oxygen iconset could be 
removed. The script for checking duplicates, unused or unknown icons is

Just, this did not help with finding those icons used directly from kdelibs. 
So the single installer Windows packages created for Krita have been larger 
then needed, due to playing safe and shipping more or less also the complete 
Oxygen icons.

For mobile platforms with limited resources in bandwith and storage size not 
really acceptable.

Has this been discussed before? What would you propose how to deal with this 
problem? Would such macros make sense for frameworks for the described 
problem? How to collect the info which sizes of the icons might be only 

While talking about that at Akademy, Patrick von Reth had the good idea that 
this macro could also be used to alternatively resolve to qrc:/ resource 
links, to automatically support program variants where icons are stored 
internally, without a need to rewrite any reference. So someone packaging an 
app X could compile the used and co-packaged frameworks with some proper flag 
to tune the macro resolution to what would be needed.

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Review Request 121265: Make modified flag work for KMainWindow::setCaption(QString, bool)

2014-11-26 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kxmlgui


The API dox of KMainWindow::setCaption(const QString caption, bool modified) 
claims that the flag modified specifies whether the document is modified. This 
displays an additional sign in the title bar, usually *.

Currently that is not true. Instead a warning is shown on the console:
QWidgetPrivate::setWindowModified_helper: QWidget::setWindowModified: The 
window title does not contain a '[*]' placeholder

When 'KDialog::setCaption(QString, bool)' was moved to 
'KMainWindow::setCaption(QString, bool)' for kf5, it was dumped that the old 
code also called ' makeStandardCaption(...)' which would add a custom 
[modified] string if the 'modified' flag was set. See

Now KMainWindow uses the 'windowModified' property of 'QWidget', and if doing 
so, the windowtitle needs a placeholder where to put the modified marker, by 
the form of [*]. See

This patch proposes to comply to the API and to add that placeholder, so the 
method behaves as expected. It does not use [modified] flag like the kde4libs 
variant of the code did, but by using the Qt placeholder perhaps can even 
integrate better into the platform (not sure if there is a hook yet).


  src/kmainwindow.cpp 9562318 



Modified is now properly marked to Off or On in the window title, when 
'KMainWindow::setCaption(QString,bool)' is used. Tested with Okteta.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

Re: proposal: remove KTextEditor interface from kdelibs repository

2011-02-01 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 16:43, Maksim Orlovich a écrit:
  erf; two dependencies in kdelibs on KTextEditor. ok, that makes it a no
  go then ... hm.. looking at it, only khtml has a build-time dependency
  on it. if
  the texteditor part isn't available (or the source of the crash even? :)
  does the debugger do at that point?
 Pop up an error message and abort execution, as it expects it to be
 part of kdelibs.
 Which is coincidentally very similar to what KTextEditor tutorials
 suggest --- see
 (except it needs katepart in specific)

Uh, that is old-fashioned. Should instead ask the user whether she wants to 
install the proper text editor module. Isn't there some simple standard api 
for that these days?

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -

Re: proposal: remove KTextEditor interface from kdelibs repository

2011-02-01 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 18:53, Sune Vuorela a écrit:
 On 2011-02-01, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Uh, that is old-fashioned. Should instead ask the user whether she wants
  to install the proper text editor module. Isn't there some simple
  standard api for that these days?
 A simple standard api for what? installations of scripts and wallpapers
 and stuff, sure. there is the ghns things.
 For isntallation of compiled stuff, no.

Not something related to packagekit or similar? Eh, IMHO there should be 
something like that if there isn't. With OBS and Co. compiled stuff is not 
that much different, you just get a variant tailored to your (hardware) 
profil. Can someone please empty my TODO list? :)

 And I'm not sure there should be
 such a thing.

Hm. You don't agree that a user experience like
Sorry, missing X to do Y. Would you like to get X now for that?
is better than one à la
Na, no way to do Y.?

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -

Installing specific packages on demand (was: Re: proposal: remove KTextEditor interface from kdelibs repository)

2011-02-01 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 19:39, Sune Vuorela a écrit:
 On 2011-02-01, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  And I'm not sure there should be
  such a thing.
  Hm. You don't agree that a user experience like
  Sorry, missing X to do Y. Would you like to get X now for that?
  is better than one à la
  Na, no way to do Y.?
 Yes. since we can't assume the user has the right to install to the
 system directory,

We can't assume for all, but in many installations the user does. Like the 
ususal private computer.
For administrated systems, there could be a substitute which instead of 
allowing to install rather aids the user to file a request to the admin, for 
convenience and getting things done.

 and we shouldn't set up a complete development
 environment for him.

I was thinking of interfacing to the normal packaging system of the system. 
He, something like DrKonqi installing the debug info packages on request. So 
something like that is existing already, just needs to be generalized perhaps.

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -

Re: proposal: remove KTextEditor interface from kdelibs repository

2011-02-01 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 19:42, Alexander Neundorf a écrit:
 On Tuesday 01 February 2011, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 18:53, Sune Vuorela a écrit:
   On 2011-02-01, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
Uh, that is old-fashioned. Should instead ask the user whether she
wants to install the proper text editor module. Isn't there some
simple standard api for that these days?
   A simple standard api for what? installations of scripts and wallpapers
   and stuff, sure. there is the ghns things.
   For isntallation of compiled stuff, no.
  Not something related to packagekit or similar? Eh, IMHO there should be
  something like that if there isn't. With OBS and Co. compiled stuff is
  not that much different, you just get a variant tailored to your
  (hardware) profil. Can someone please empty my TODO list? :)
   And I'm not sure there should be
   such a thing.
  Hm. You don't agree that a user experience like
  Sorry, missing X to do Y. Would you like to get X now for that?
  is better than one à la
  Na, no way to do Y.?
 I think Lubos proposed something like this recently, i.e. at some point
 last year here on this list.

Others have done now and then as well, e.g., ahem, me ;) here a few years ago:

Oh, how cheap talk is :P

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -

Re: Installing specific packages on demand

2011-02-01 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 20:10, Sune Vuorela a écrit:
 On 2011-02-01, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  We can't assume for all, but in many installations the user does. Like
  the ususal private computer.
  For administrated systems, there could be a substitute which instead of
  allowing to install rather aids the user to file a request to the admin,
  for convenience and getting things done.
  and we shouldn't set up a complete development
  environment for him.
  I was thinking of interfacing to the normal packaging system of the
  system. He, something like DrKonqi installing the debug info packages on
  request. So something like that is existing already, just needs to be
  generalized perhaps.
 Basically, a piece of software than have three relations:
 1) Required things
 2) Optional things that should be availably by default
 3) optional things that doesn't need to be available by default
 Packagers should assure that 1) is around. Packagers should try hard to
 make 2) available for all not uncommon installations.
 if 1) is missing, file bugs at the distribution.
 if 2) is missing, file bugs at the distribution or alternatively tell
 the user you broke your system, you get to keep the pieces.
 And then there is the handling of 3).
 Well.. let's not make it a bigger issue than it actually is.

Ah, Sune, guess we were missing each other :) I was talking of currently not 
installed optional things. And not speaking of optional things not existing as 

E.g. imagine someone installing some program over an expensive/slow connection 
(think mobile). She just installs the required things, to keep the needed 
bandwith low. Then hits a feature which is more useful with some optional 
thing X. Ideally the feature's code would be able to offer the action Trigger 
install of optional thing X to pimp doing Y.

Does this help to understand what I am looking forward to?

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -

Re: proposal: remove KTextEditor interface from kdelibs repository

2011-02-01 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 20:14, Alexander Neundorf a écrit:
 On Tuesday 01 February 2011, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 19:42, Alexander Neundorf a écrit:
   On Tuesday 01 February 2011, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
Mardi, le 1 février 2011, à 18:53, Sune Vuorela a écrit:
 On 2011-02-01, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Uh, that is old-fashioned. Should instead ask the user whether
  she wants to install the proper text editor module. Isn't there
  some simple standard api for that these days?
 A simple standard api for what? installations of scripts and
 wallpapers and stuff, sure. there is the ghns things.
 For isntallation of compiled stuff, no.

Not something related to packagekit or similar? Eh, IMHO there should
be something like that if there isn't. With OBS and Co. compiled
stuff is not that much different, you just get a variant tailored to
your (hardware) profil. Can someone please empty my TODO list? :)

 And I'm not sure there should be
 such a thing.

Hm. You don't agree that a user experience like

Sorry, missing X to do Y. Would you like to get X now for 

is better than one à la

Na, no way to do Y.?
   I think Lubos proposed something like this recently, i.e. at some
   point last year here on this list.
  Others have done now and then as well, e.g., ahem, me ;) here a few years
  Oh, how cheap talk is :P
 I think this might be related:

Oh, nice, missed that before, thanks for the pointer, Alex :)

Indeed, that is pretty related. Hm, might be an interesting GSoC task to merge 
this with DrKonqi's debug packages loading, Phonon's new codec pulling and all 
the other GHNS/OCS related stuff... so at some not to distant time the 
KTextEditor example can be changed to code with a better user experience :)

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -

Re: Request: Inclusion of kio-upnp-ms to kde-runtime KIO slaves

2011-05-09 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Lundi, le 9 mai 2011, à 10:12, Nikhil Marathe a écrit:
 On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  * Needed in toplevel CMakeLists.txt so FindHUpnp.cmake is found (might
  stop people giving it a try):
 FindHUpnp.cmake is already in kdelibs/cmake. So I don't think this is

Well, this was for the current repo, not for when included in kde-runtime :)
kdelibs does not install FindHUpnp.cmake, so when I ran cmake to test kio-
upnp-ms after I git clone'd the repo cmake complained:
--- 8 ---
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:10 (find_package):
  Could not find module FindHUpnp.cmake or a configuration file for package
--- 8 ---
You might have installed FindHUpnp.cmake yourself sometime, or have some env 
variable setup properly, that maybe why you did not see that.

  * As there is no docu yet, this line should be removed in
  * upnptypes.h better is renamed to upnp-ms-types.h or similar

  * renamed upnptypes.h also would be added to kdelibs, as kde-runtime
  should not be a compile-time dep. And then ideally merged into
  kio/udsentry.h, like e.g. the Nepomuk ones are already
 How should I approach this? Should I create a separate review request
 for the UDSEntry addition
 later, or should I do it now?

Now, I think, as the kio-slave depends on it when compiled, so it should get 
in first, so when people test your merge request for the inclusion of kio-
upns-ms to kde-runtime, they can (well, have to) compile it with the lastest 

 Will this break binary compatibility?

Break binary compatibility of what? If you just add some more entries to the 
enum StandardFieldTypes, starting with 29 or whatever the lastest number used 
(+1) before UDS_EXTRA is in the list, this should not affect 

Or do you mean programs using kio-upnp-ms already (like Amarok?)? Ah, true. 
Tricky. Would not work then, okay. So it would stay just a separate header, 
with the old enumeration.

 The compile time dependency is only for programs which will treat UPnP
 as special, and not normal kioslave users who use them via the Job

Yes, but AFAIK this would be the first header installed from kde-runtime. And 
as it is just a header, it should be fine in kdelibs.

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -

Re: Request: Inclusion of kio-upnp-ms to kde-runtime KIO slaves

2011-05-11 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Nikhil,

you know that today, April 12th, is already Hard Feature Freeze?! Would be 
really sad if your upnp-ms kio-slave misses the deadline now!

Mardi, le 26 avril 2011, à 14:53, Nikhil Marathe a écrit:
 KDE SC 4.7 soft feature freeze is close, and I would like to propose
 the UPnP MediaServer KIO slave
 ( be
 included into the set of kio slaves shipped with kde-runtime. The
 slave was created as part of GSoC 2010 - Amarok and KDE UPnP support
 and it was decided that it should be merged into kde-runtime at some
 A couple of reasons I believe the slave is now ready for standard release
 is: 1) HUpnp ( - the Qt based UPnP library used
 by the slave has a stable API and ABI with the release of 1.0.0 about 3
 weeks ago.
 2) The slave has been considerably simplified and single threaded, and
 stable now.
 3) The slave is independent and can be conditionally compiled and
 installed if HUpnp is installed. kdelibs already contains a
 FindHUpnp.cmake to find the HUpnp library.
 4) The Solid UPnP backend (enabled in 4.7, again if HUpnp is found)
 automatically launches UPnP media servers in the file manager with the

Works nicely*. And given that, the Solid UPnP backend + showing up the devices 
are completely/almost useless if there is no UPnP MediaServer kio-slave to 
access them, so please let's see to have this kio-slave available with the 
next SC release.

*Besides, why isn't e.g. for images not the largest possible size delivered? 
Guess similar for audio/video streams only some medium quality is fetched per 
default? I think following what e.g. the MediaTomb web UI does, giving the 
best possible quality, would be better here.
Also could deliver a little bit more data, like Mimetype and Timestamps?

 My exams get over this week and I can ensure that krazy checks pass
 and the code is cleaned up some more.
 There is inline documentation where required, and the search and
 browse API documentation exists. There is no user
 manual since it is a slave.

Had a short look at the code, could not see any big flaws. And it works, so 
nothing which should stop the inclusion in kde-runtime
(Beware, I have no clue of HUPnP, so could not stop any misuse of its API, and 
have no idea how to talk exactly to a MediaServer)

But there are a few possibilites for optimisation:
* no use of QLatin1String,  should be QString(), ' should be (QLatin1)Char
* QString::replace( bla, ) used instead of QString::remove()
* QHash::contains()/QHash::operator[] used instead of it=QHash::find/it!=0/it
* toAscii() used instead of toLatin1()

* the global QRegExp searchCriteria should made const and static
* the strings used to calculate the expression should be defines, so the 
preprocessor does the string calculation already
* the timeout 35000 should be turned into a static const int at the begin of 
the file, so it can be easily found (could be even turned into a build time 
* ControlPointThread::slotEmitSearchEntry: signal listEntry emitted before 
state is finalized
* Parser::parseResource: use Resource::insert(Key, Value) instead of r[k]=v;

* ObjectCache::attemptIdToPathResolution: m_idToPathRequestsInProgress = 
false; should be before emit

* some magic values, better as const static ints at begin: 
m_delay = 1000;
m_timer-start( 5000 );

* isn't that a busy loop in the end? 
while( m_statBusy )

Also think that instead of connect and disconnect of signal and slot with 
ControlPointThread you should rather use some good'ol'fashioned callback 
functions and some other way to exchange data with the worker thread.

 If there is no objection I would like to request a merge into
 kde-runtime. I will edit the 4.7 feature plan for the same.

I would think this is already a request ;) But if there is not enough time now 
and others would like to do their own review before it gets into kde-runtime, 
as there has not been an official merge request yet via, let's at least do the trick to still be part 
of the next release wave by upgrading the repo from playground to 
Extragear/Base as fast as possible.

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -


2011-05-26 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for kdelibs.


QTEST_KDEMAIN_WITH_COMPONENTNAME already has QLatin1String/QString::fromLatin1 
wrappers, but QTEST_KDEMAIN_CORE_WITH_COMPONENTNAME was still missing them.
Should not do any harm to add QLatin1String wrappers in the macro, but I am 
tired and might miss something, so up for review :)


  kdecore/util/qtest_kde.h 29f08e5 



My test programs using QTEST_KDEMAIN_CORE( TestName ) now compile with 


Friedrich W. H.

FindKActivities.cmake missing from kdelibs KDE/4.7 ?

2011-10-17 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

kde-workspace trunk is supposed to be compiled against kdelibs KDE/4.7, right?

For me it seems that FindKActivities.cmake is missing then in kdelibs KDE/4.7 
or kde-workspace trunk. Because kde-workspace/CMakeLists.txt has the line
find_package(KActivities REQUIRED)

But there is nowhere a FindKActivities.cmake for me:

koder@kleks: ~/Kode/kdegit/KDE$ find kdelibs -name FindKActivities.cmake
koder@kleks: ~/Kode/kdegit/KDE$ find kde-workspace -name FindKActivities.cmake
koder@kleks: ~/Kode/kdegit/KDE$

Is something wrong with my setup? Or does just everyone have some stale 
FindKActivities.cmake in their install files from recent experiments with 
other branches, so cmake can pick it up?

Searched the webs and found a FindKActivities.cmake *, put that in the cmake 
install modules dir and finally kde-workspace build fine for me.

Did not follow all recent threads, so I may have missed something. So is this 
a bug, shall I provide a patch (unless someone beats me to it)? For kdelibs?


Re: FindKActivities.cmake missing from kdelibs KDE/4.7 ?

2011-10-17 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Lundi, le 17 octobre 2011, à 19:35, Alex Merry a écrit:
 On 17/10/11 18:10, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  kde-workspace trunk is supposed to be compiled against kdelibs KDE/4.7,
  For me it seems that FindKActivities.cmake is missing then in kdelibs
  KDE/4.7 or kde-workspace trunk. Because kde-workspace/CMakeLists.txt has
  the line find_package(KActivities REQUIRED)
  But there is nowhere a FindKActivities.cmake for me:
 FindKActivities is provided by libkactivities (the kactivities module on  If you don't have it, there won't be such a file.

Hm, but kdelibs KDE/4.7 has (and builds+installs for me by default) 
experimental/libkactivities, isn't that the official version of 
libkactivities to use?

 This, I believe, is how cmake is meant to work.  A package can provide
 its own Find*.cmake file, and find_package will fail if either the
 Find*.cmake file was not found or running the cmake script in said file
 reports that the package could not be found.

I understood it the other way round:
that code which relies on some other modul has to have it's own Find*.cmake 
for that modul (unless it is that common that cmake has it installed by 
default). All the Find*.cmake in all the KDE modules at least always supported 
me in this understanding :) So turns out I am wrong?


RFC: Herding your program’s icons, how?

2012-04-26 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

(cc: to kde-bindings for heads-up, follow-ups please only on kde-core-devel)

How to get all icon-ids in your codebase?

Just blogged* about this, but then more something for this ml.


When seeing for the icon-ids used in Calligra, I have used a simple approach 
to get at least most of them, doing a grep for lines with “KIcon(“. That gave 
me more than 1000 lines for Calligra, and almost all also directly used an 
icon-id, so there was chance to do a check and create a report for these.

Now this is quite unsatisfying to not be able to easily get a list of _all_ 
the icon resources used in your codebase, and having to do manually extraction 
is not nice. How do you deal with this in your project?


Ideally icon-ids would be kind-of tagged when used, so like gettext is able to 
extract all strings which need a translation, some geticon would be able to 
extract all icon-ids. The result could then be used to check the icon-ids 
against the icons available from the icon themes and the icons installed from 
the project itself, ideally automatically (as doing that manually is… pretty 
boring, time-consuming and error-prone).

I could imagine that there could be some macros




which would resolve to

KIcon(QLatin1String(some-icon))  // kicon(...) is even more readable



and would enable to automatically extract these icon-ids (with metadata like 
file, line, etc). It should be backward-compatible, as it is just some mark-up 
which resolves to what there was before. And while there is nothing to enforce 
that all icon-ids are marked up, the same problem exists with i18n, so 
something we are okay with.

With that markup IDEs might be even able to check the validness of icon-ids or 
offer code-completion, perhaps even with preview of the actual icon :) 


What about icons used in UI files, will they still pass KIconLoader or 
whatever makes the icon being picked from the usual places?

Are there other usages of icon-ids which might not be catchable this way?

Would something similar work for non-C++ languages?

What could be better keywords for the macros?

What do you think in general? Comments, other/better proposals welcome!


Moving scheck from kdesdk to tags/unmaintained/4/scheck ?

2012-05-16 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

in preparation of the migration of kdesk to git I found that scheck in 
kdesdk is currently excluded from the build, because it has been never 
completely ported to Qt4/KDE4. And it seems noone has missed it for 4 years, 
perhaps accel conflicts  Co. are no longer a big problem?

Thus I will move kdesdk/scheck to tags/unmaintained/4/scheck next 
Sunday, May 20th, in the European evening, unless anyone objects.

Also blogged for a new maintainer of scheck, perhaps somebody likes to pick 
the scheck style up:

Any way, being in unmaintained soon does not prevent it to become migrated to 
a git repo later as well, if ported.


Deleting kdepalettes from kdesdk

2012-05-18 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Mosfet once put palettes for both the Gimp and Xpaint that match the KDE 
standard color palette into kdesdk/kdepalettes *.  But that was at KDE3 
times, so these palettes are outdated, not Oxygen-like. And noone updated them 
in the last 4 years, so seems noone uses these.


Besides, these days a GIMP-style palette is offered at
like also linked from

So in preparation for the migration of kdesdk to git I will be simply removing 
kdesdk/kdepalettes, next Sunday, May 20th, in the European evening, unless 
anyone objects.


Re: Deleting kdepalettes from kdesdk

2012-05-19 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Samstag, 19. Mai 2012, 10:14:26 schrieb Eike Hein:
 On 05/18/2012 03:23 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  So in preparation for the migration of kdesdk to git I will be simply
  removing kdesdk/kdepalettes, next Sunday, May 20th, in the European
  evening, unless anyone objects.
 I'm curious about the connection between these two. Where will the
 history of the palettes be available in the converted git reposito-

Good question. So far nowhere.

kdesdk/kdepalettes is a one-time-commit/dump of the palettes without any 
further changes, so there is no real history besides the commit log Initial 
import of the palettes and the date (actually Sun Jan 3 1999, so even the 
palette of KDE1 times), the only other commit, a move, was due to the 
introduction of /trunk/KDE.

The kdesdk module will be split over multiple repos, and none so far has 
kdepalettes included (but then plans for splitting are not completed yet). 
Just, none of the candidates is related to palettes, so who would search the 
history/files of kdepalettes there?

Would moving to tags/unmaintained/1 (or 2?) in svn be a way to secure the 
history to a degree? Initially I thought they are not unmaintained, but simply 
outdated (and kind-of continued in another place, at least the GIMP-style 
version, without any connection), so that is why I proposed to simply delete 

So? Instead of remove do a move to tags/unmaintained/2 ?


Review Request: Remove image/x-wmf and image/x-xfig from image thumbnailer's supported mimetypes

2012-06-27 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Runtime.


The declared-as-supported mimetypes of the image thumbnailer are quite broad, 
assuming a lot of QImageIOPlugin existing and installed. But at least for x-fig 
and wmf there are no such plugins known, by what I can tell. So the claim of 
support is wrong.

Worse: There is no safe way to install an own, better thumbnailer, that one 
would be only chosen by pure luck. Reason is that the thumbnail creation 
invoking code just greps the first in the list of found thumbnail plugins, see 
the code in kde-runtime/kioslave/thumbnail/thumbnail.cpp:

QString ThumbnailProtocol::pluginForMimeType(const QString mimeType) {
KService::List offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()-query( mimeType, 
if (!offers.isEmpty()) {
KService::Ptr serv;
serv = offers.first();
return serv-library();

E.g. trying to install an own xfig thumbnailer failed for me.

While changing the above code to use KMimeTypeTrader::preferredService(...) 
surely might be also good to do, I have no idea about the impact.
For now I just would like to have those two wrong claims removed.

Okay to backport to 4.9 (and 4.8)?


  kioslave/thumbnail/imagethumbnail.desktop 53c9a33 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Re: Using userbase for manuals

2012-07-01 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Am Sonntag, 1. Juli 2012, 09:21:08 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
 El Diumenge, 1 de juliol de 2012, a les 08:02:28, Boudewijn Rempt va 
  In any case, Ingo Malchow said in his blog
  We have a great but developers don’t use it that much,
  nor is there any links from applications towards Userbase.
  Well, actually we have. I replaced the offline help documentation in Krita
  with a link to the manual on userbase. I have done this for two reasons:
  * I couldn't maintain the offline manual anyway after the change to 2.0
  * this way the user gets sent right to the place where they can contribute
  to the manual (and I've got users contributing to it now)
  I'm not concerned that users cannot access the help when they are
  That's a vanishingly rare situation these days
 I disagree, as a matter of fact, I don't have internet connection in the
 room in my hostel, so if i had a need to use krita I'd need to read its
 manual (since my painting/drawing skills are null) and i'd be not happy to
 discover I can't read the manual.


There are lot of nice places on this planet where there is no (good or cheap) 
internet connection. Which is fine in one way (gives you a break without 
needing to find excuses :) ) but bad for dependency on on-line stuff.

You preinstall most of your application as well, and do not apt-get them on-
demand (modulo web apps), right? :)

So at least being able to get snapshots of the stuff in userbase (as packages) 
would be really needed.

Otherwise I agree. The strange duplication between userbase and manuals 
ideally finds an end in the near future, and with the current efforts on 
translation support another show stopper has been removed.

Next on my wishlist would be a proper consistent structure on userbase, so 
documentation for different versions of a program is supported. After all 
there are usually versions of a program in use out there, and you do not want 
to disappoint those which can not update or do not want to update.


Re: Review Request: Remove image/x-wmf and image/x-xfig from image thumbnailer's supported mimetypes

2012-07-11 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

 On July 11, 2012, 12:36 p.m., David Faure wrote:
  KMimeTypeTrader::query honours the sorting, so InitialPreference=10 should 
  have been enough in your thumbnailer.
  preferredService() basically calls first() ;)
  Patch is OK however.

IIRC I tried InitialPreference=10 but to no effect (but then we all fail 

But I did not inspect preferredService(), just looked at the name it seems :)
So the sorting by preference is already done when creating the cache I learn by 
your comment?

For KDELIBS NG I wonder if a thumbnail control should be added to the File 
Association settings, so the user can control which plugin stamps the 
thumbnail, if any. At least Calligra 2.6 will signal support for quite a lot of 
file types (due to the filter system there can be many), so overlapping of 
thumbnailers might happen more often.

- Friedrich W. H.

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On June 28, 2012, 5:39 a.m., Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated June 28, 2012, 5:39 a.m.)
 Review request for KDE Runtime.
 The declared-as-supported mimetypes of the image thumbnailer are quite broad, 
 assuming a lot of QImageIOPlugin existing and installed. But at least for 
 x-fig and wmf there are no such plugins known, by what I can tell. So the 
 claim of support is wrong.
 Worse: There is no safe way to install an own, better thumbnailer, that one 
 would be only chosen by pure luck. Reason is that the thumbnail creation 
 invoking code just greps the first in the list of found thumbnail plugins, 
 see the code in kde-runtime/kioslave/thumbnail/thumbnail.cpp:
 QString ThumbnailProtocol::pluginForMimeType(const QString mimeType) {
 KService::List offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()-query( mimeType, 
 if (!offers.isEmpty()) {
 KService::Ptr serv;
 serv = offers.first();
 return serv-library();
 E.g. trying to install an own xfig thumbnailer failed for me.
 While changing the above code to use KMimeTypeTrader::preferredService(...) 
 surely might be also good to do, I have no idea about the impact.
 For now I just would like to have those two wrong claims removed.
 Okay to backport to 4.9 (and 4.8)?
   kioslave/thumbnail/imagethumbnail.desktop 53c9a33 
 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Review Request: add note about Oxygen Icons to README.packagers

2012-08-21 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Runtime and Release Team.


As discussed in the thread The misterious case of oxygen-icons there is an 
undocumented (de-facto) run-time depedency of kdelibs and kde-runtime on the 
Oxygen Icons 
( Which 
should be better officially documented.

This patch adds a note about the run-time need for Oxygen Icons to 

Okay to commit both to master and 4.9 branch?


  README.packagers 67705c7 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Re: Google Drive KIOSlave

2012-09-27 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Andrius,

Am Donnerstag, 27. September 2012, 08:23:46 schrieb Andrius da Costa Ribas:
 2. Google drive allows identical filenames.
 -files have a unique id, but can have the very same filename. It would not
 be practical to use the id in the kio url, but using the filename may lead
 to conflicts. Google drive windows syncing program renames the second file
 (e.g. file.txt and file (2).txt) but only in the syncing folder,
 however I don't think this is a clean solution for a kioslave.

You can prevent the conflicts by using the field UDS_DISPLAY_NAME in the 
UDSEntry object you create for a file. Set that field to the filename. In the 
url you better use the id, does not look pretty, but usually people only look 
at the names of the items in the currently selected folder.


(In a perfect world the breadcrumbbar would also use the display name data for 
the display if not in url mode, no idea if it does, if not file a bug :) )

Only problem here will be that programs which get a file passed from your kio-
slave will see the id name, not the nice display name, as that information 
gets dropped. This is a problem your kio-slave will share with all others that 

Have a look at other kio-slaves using it:

 3. It apparently has no character restriction on filenames.
 -windows syncing app replaces unsupported characters with underscores. I
 think percent encoding would be a better solution.

In theory linux file systems (at least the oldschool ones) also have no 
character restriction, they are just strings of bytes, interpretation left to 
user/programs. No idea how the KIO system handles copying of files between 
filesystems with different character restrictions.
Still I think nothing you have to care about in your kio slave, that is left 
to the parts of KIO which get a file from your kio slave, e.g. if copying, and 
have more restrictions.


Kdelibs Coding Style vs. preparations for Qt5

2012-12-28 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

what about adapting the Kdelibs Coding Style to the upcoming preparations for 
the porting to Qt5? A lot of (KDE) projects follow that kdelibs one, but there 
is (at least?) one rule which seems to conflict with the recommendations for 
the preparations:

--- 8 ---
Qt Includes 

If you add #includes for Qt classes, use both the module and class name. This 
allows library code to be used by applications without excessive compiler 
include paths. 

// wrong
#include QString
// correct
#include QtCore/QString
--- 8 ---

Of course the current Qt Coding Style, which is the base of the kdelibs one, 
does not mention anything about that, given that its about their own headers.

Now the Porting from Qt 4 to Qt 5 guide from KDAB recommends this:
--- 8 ---
Fixing up includes


Or more portably (Which works in Qt 4 and Qt 5):
#include QWidget
--- 8 ---

So what to do about this?

Will kde-frameworks be Qt5-only, so not need to support both Qt4 and Qt5 and 
thus to use module-less Qt includes? Or will the includes be if-def'ed?
So will projects which refer to the Kdelibs Coding Style need to add an 
exception to their rules for the includes, if they want to prepare for Qt5?

Or does the rule need adaption?


Crashes with libQtUiTools.a if linked multiple times into the same process (with Bsymbolic-functions flag)

2013-05-11 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

tl;dr how to avoid crashes if libQtUiTools.a is linked multiple times into a 

You use at least one of kross, kjsembed, or plasma in your 
application/lib/module and possibly also directly libQtUiTools yourself?

Then shows that chances are that you have seen crashes with this 
in the backtrace:
#6  0xb5320313 in 
QMetaObject const*, QFormInternal::DomProperty const*) () from XXX 

where XXX could be libplasma, libkjsembed, krossmoduleforms or your own 

For historic reasons libQtUiTools is a static lib, not a shared, and there has 
been no work to change that, compare

A few days ago I looked into Kross scripts in Calligra the first time, only to 
ran into this problem, as reported to my distri here:

As can be read in that report, I saw in my backtrace that QFormInternal 
methods are once called in, once in in 
the very same call stack, while they surely should be only done in a single 
place. And Hrvoje Senjan found that linking libQtUiTools.a into the own code 
without Bsymbolic-functions flag seems to avoid the crashes.

So, anyone with more clue than me WRT symbols from static libs and the 
Bsymbolic-functions linker flag who could tell if that indeed should fix such 
problems if code from the same static lib is arriving multiple times in the 
same process via different libs/modules?

If so, should all the places where ${QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY} is linked in 
kdelibs and elsewhere get a blocker to the Bsymbolic-functions flag?
How would that be done, to force this flag to be unset?

What about other non-GCC platforms/compilers, is there a similar problem?


Re: Crashes with libQtUiTools.a if linked multiple times into the same process (with Bsymbolic-functions flag)

2013-05-12 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Sune,

Am Samstag, 11. Mai 2013, 20:23:15 schrieb Sune Vuorela:
 On 2013-05-11, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  So, anyone with more clue than me WRT symbols from static libs and the
  Bsymbolic-functions linker flag who could tell if that indeed should fix
  such problems if code from the same static lib is arriving multiple times
  in the same process via different libs/modules?
 It most likely will help on such a case.
 -Bsymbolic-functions ensures that functiotns are first resolved in the
 library/plugin itself before resolving it from outside the library.
 What happens, I think, is that it is sometimes using the functions from
 one of the static libs, other times from some of the other.
 I'm not sure we want libraries linking QtTools to be built with
 -Bsymbolic-functions because it breaks debugging and other magic using
 function overriding with LD_PRELOAD tricks, because they rely on being
 chosen first over the 'internal' functions.

Bsymbolic-functions seems default for all qt/kde libs these days, no? So it 
would need to be removed everywhere if following your answers.

In the meantime downstream (openSUSE KDE maintainers) have created a different 
patch which instead simply tells the linker to exclude libQtUiTools.a when 
generating the public symbols, by calling in all relevant places
+   # Do not export QtUiTools internal symbols
+   set_target_properties(krossmoduleforms PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS -Wl,--
exclude-libs -Wl,libQtUiTools.a)

See request

Hopefully that will soon make it upstream if it proves to be the right fix 


Re: Crashes with libQtUiTools.a if linked multiple times into the same process (with Bsymbolic-functions flag)

2013-05-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Thiago,

Am Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013, 14:21:10 schrieb Thiago Macieira:
 On domingo, 12 de maio de 2013 22.47.35, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  +   # Do not export QtUiTools internal symbols
  +   set_target_properties(krossmoduleforms PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS
  -Wl,-- exclude-libs -Wl,libQtUiTools.a)
 It seems the correct fix would be to compile libQtUiTools.a with -
 fvisibility=hidden in Qt. It's already the case in Qt 5, so it should not be
 a problem anymore.
 For Qt 4, I could investigate, but does it help if it only applies to Qt
 4.8.5 or 4.8.6?

Depends if one could assume that some people out there are relying on these 
symbols being public. Who can know? Seems so far noone was really bitten by it 
(or at least has found out, like we now have for our KDE software, though then 
this problem should be with us since years potentially, no?), so perhaps 
better to keep things as they are.

If asked I would simply add a warning somewhere that this lib exposes all 
symbols as is. But not change the ABI, given that there is still the other 
solution for users of the lib, hiding that lib's symbols oneself with the 
exclude-libs flag.

Interesting problem still: so any public symbol from a static lib can 
potentially appear multiple times in a process, if coming with different 
libs/modules, and then the first instance of that symbol shadows all other 
instances, possibly even of incompatible versions? Evil trap...

So, our problem: Qt 4.8.5 is not out yet. KDE SC 4.10.4 might be out before, 
so ideally the fix goes out with that, to get it to users as soon as possible.

Question now is how to fix this in our code. Is exclude-libs supported 
outside gnu ld and gold? And for all platforms?

What other options are there, for platforms where visibility is not supported 
in any way? Can symbols from static libs be prefixed somehow on linking, to 
avoid clashes?


Re: Crashes with libQtUiTools.a if linked multiple times into the same process (with Bsymbolic-functions flag)

2013-05-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Montag, 13. Mai 2013, 10:06:59 schrieb Thiago Macieira:
 On segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2013 17.41.58, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau 
  Interesting problem still: so any public symbol from a static lib can
  potentially appear multiple times in a process, if coming with different
  libs/modules, and then the first instance of that symbol shadows all other
  instances, possibly even of incompatible versions? Evil trap...
 This is the same old problem of conflicting symbols. It's nothing new.
 In fact, it still exists *because* it's missing the latest innovation, from
 2005: hidden symbols.

Never hit this problem with _static_ libs in all the years so far, so new for 
me ;)

((I somehow would have assumed that symbols from static libs are namespaced on 
linking, especially as noone seems to have guarded such linking in any other 
way, also did not catch my attention elsewhere yet. Possibly because people 
were not aware that libQtUiTools is a static and not a shared lib, this fact 
being hidden behind the var ${QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY}))

So, still wondering what the (most) platform-independent fix can be from our 
side to this problem?


Re: Review Request 110563: Crash fix: hide symbols from static lib QtUitools.a (generically by new macro KDE4_HIDE_SYMBOLS_FROM_STATIC_LIBS)

2013-05-22 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated May 22, 2013, 11:19 a.m.)

Review request for Build System, kdelibs, Alexander Neundorf, and Thiago 


Put Crash keyword in title, to get more attention.
Also set Alex and Thiago explicitely as reviewers.

Want to get this in ASAP, before 4.10.4

Summary (updated)

Crash fix: hide symbols from static lib QtUitools.a (generically by new macro 


Like discussed in the thread Crashes with libQtUiTools.a if linked multiple 
times into the same process (with Bsymbolic-functions flag) on kde-core-devel 
( ) symbols from QtUitools.a 
are not hidden by default in Qt4 and thus will be added to the public symbols 
of the module/shared lib they are linked to. And thus can appear multiple times 
in the same process, resulting in symbol clashes and leading to problems at 
least with the Bsymbolic-functions flag or when being possibly incompatible 

Attached patch sees to solve that problem, by adding a macro 
KDE4_HIDE_SYMBOLS_FROM_STATIC_LIBS which should add any needed linker flags 
depending on the platform/linker used. 

Only issue is that instead of some variable I had to use QtUiTools.a as I 
found no variable which would resolve to that. E.g. ${QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY} 
resolves to Qt4::QtUiTools for me. Any idea what to use there, in case 
another platform needs another name/prefix here?

Patch is against 4.10 branch, so I hope to get this in 4.10.4 
shows that there are some more places where the symbols need hiding, but I 
first want feedback on the proposed approach.


  cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake cb63285 
  cmake/modules/KDE4Macros.cmake 3db4e24 
  kjsembed/kjsembed/CMakeLists.txt d70f260 
  kross/modules/CMakeLists.txt d245fd8 
  kross/qts/CMakeLists.txt d8cb4a5 
  plasma/CMakeLists.txt 674550d 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Re: Review Request 110563: Crash fix: hide symbols from static lib QtUitools.a (generically by new macro KDE4_HIDE_SYMBOLS_FROM_STATIC_LIBS)

2013-05-27 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

 On May 22, 2013, 6:28 p.m., Alexander Neundorf wrote:
  The documentation for the macro should be at the top of 
  FindKDE4Internal.cmake, where all the documentation is.
  For the technical side: this flag is new to me. Is it the only possible 
  solution ? Thiago ?
 Thomas Lübking wrote:
  For the technical side: this flag is new to me.
 I wasn't aware it's used and grepping the Makefiles of kdelibs, workspace 
 and runtime didn't show it here, btw.
 What it does:
 My 2¢
 There're various issues with it and i dare to claim that you more or less 
 want to use it alongside --dynamic-list only.
 Alternatively one would use 
 __attribute__((visibility([hidden|protected]))) or the -version-script 
 switch to protect/accelerate *certain* funtion/calls. (protected visibility 
 is afair gcc only, though)
 If downstream applies it, i'd frankly tell downstream to rtfm and not 
 just push everything claimed to make it fasta!!!
 This is by no means sth. one should apply uninformed since it has 
 impact on the runtime behavior that the developer needs to know about 
 (whoops, my trick to shadow friend qt_foo() to gain access to 
 protected/private d-bar only works sometiems - yes, one should not hack, 
 but one should also be aware that this hack can legally fail and not wonder 
 why it works here and on distro X but fails on distro Y)

Now the KDE packages for OpenSUSE are said to have been created with that flag 
already for a while, given Hrvoje Senjan saying we are using it 4 years 
already, this is first known issue it's caused so far 
( says: Use 
-Bsymbolic-functions for your shared libraries., more or less, with no big 
warnings. (Please note your warnings there, to have more downstream rtfm :) )

Surely -Bsymbolic-functions should be used with care.

Still, we have the problem that QtUitools.a exposes all its symbols on Linux  
similar. Which means symbol clashes if loaded multiple times in the same 
process. With and without -Bsymbolic-functions. One could fix QtUitools.a for 
4.8.future. Or see to do on our side what can be done, i.e. explicitely hide 
those symbols when linking the now existing versions of the static lib 
QtUitools.a into our code, so any of our code does not even try to lookup its 
symbols in the wrong place.

Which is what the proposed patch does, offer the option to mark an extern 
static library to be linked without exposing its symbols, on those platform 
where it is needed.

What other solution would there be?

- Friedrich W. H.

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On May 22, 2013, 6:45 p.m., Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated May 22, 2013, 6:45 p.m.)
 Review request for Build System, kdelibs, Alexander Neundorf, and Thiago 
 Like discussed in the thread Crashes with libQtUiTools.a if linked multiple 
 times into the same process (with Bsymbolic-functions flag) on 
 kde-core-devel ( ) symbols 
 from QtUitools.a are not hidden by default in Qt4 and thus will be added to 
 the public symbols of the module/shared lib they are linked to. And thus can 
 appear multiple times in the same process, resulting in symbol clashes and 
 leading to problems at least with the Bsymbolic-functions flag or when being 
 possibly incompatible versions.
 Attached patch sees to solve that problem, by adding a macro 
 KDE4_HIDE_SYMBOLS_FROM_STATIC_LIBS which should add any needed linker flags 
 depending on the platform/linker used. 
 Only issue is that instead of some variable I had to use QtUiTools.a as I 
 found no variable which would resolve to that. E.g. ${QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY} 
 resolves to Qt4::QtUiTools for me. Any idea what to use there, in case 
 another platform needs another name/prefix here?
 Patch is against 4.10 branch, so I hope to get this in 4.10.4
  shows that there are some more places where the symbols need hiding, but I 
 first want feedback on the proposed approach.
   cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake cb63285 
   cmake/modules/KDE4Macros.cmake 3db4e24 
   kjsembed/kjsembed/CMakeLists.txt d70f260 
   kross/modules/CMakeLists.txt d245fd8 
   kross/qts/CMakeLists.txt d8cb4a5 
   plasma/CMakeLists.txt 674550d 

Re: Review Request 113965: Possible fix for bug 321100

2013-11-22 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

 On Nov. 20, 2013, 6:02 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  I don't see why this should fix anything. Do you think anyone in the bug 
  can provide a valgrind trace to better understand why it's crashing?
 Christoph Feck wrote:
 See also which has some 
 discussion and links to related bugs.
 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 Why is it related? Who is modifying the entries variable? It's used in 4 
 places in the file, and actually there's no way to remove stuff from it, so I 
 don't see how it is related to the bug you point.
 Christoph Feck wrote:
 They are only related because replacing qDeleteAll() with manual deletion 
 fixed the crash for Boudewijn. Since my understanding ended there, I 
 suggested to post a review request.
 Thomas Lübking wrote:
 Qt 4.8 changed qDeleteAll to rely on the container being immutable.
 The patch detaches the container, what allows safe operation despite - 
 what's likely happening as it seemed the core issue back than - the container 
 is altered by the deletion of one or more of its items (eg. the items 
 deconstructor delists itself)
 An alternative solution would be to pass the to-be-deleted objects class 
 a static member flag to skip self delisting and set that around qDeleteAll() 
 (which would be followed by an erase())
 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 Please look at the code and tell us where the item deconstructor delists 
 itself from the list.
 Thomas Lübking wrote:
 I said that it seemed the core issue back then, not that it happens here 
 (for sure) or would be the only trigger.
 Briefly looking at KArchive, i'd rather bet on a recursion (entries 
 containing a KArchiveEntry being or ultimately pointing down to the same  
 Just a wild guess, though - but testable if one can reproduce the bug 
 (unless you can assure that cannot be the case)
 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
 I haven't been able to reproduce it myself on Linux. On Windows it was a 
 lot easier, but there I use an old and completely hacked-up version of 
 kdelibs. However, when I was giving a workshop at LGM, pretty much half of 
 the Linux users present (most of them *buntu) users had to disable autosave 
 to prevent this crash from happening.
 I'm puzzled... And I would love a better fix than mine, but that will 
 have to come from someone who understands karchive -- which I don't, not 
 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
 I do not have a better fix yet, but I think I found the root of the 
 in case of a duplicated name for an entry in KZip::doPrepareWriting() the 
 old entry is removed from d-m_fileList, but not from the parentDir directory 
 holding it:
 Thus on destruction of that dir the qDeleteAll will try to delete an 
 entry that is already deleted. Seems that triggers not always a crash, 
 perhaps because the memory might still be available?
 Sadly I do not have a kdelibs development environment setup currently and 
 also short of disk space, so cannot come up with a patch/unittest. Anyone? 
 But so far I already see the problem that KArchiveDirectory has a method 
 addEntry( KArchiveEntry* ) (which currently in case of adding an entry with 
 the same name qwarns about that, and ignores the new entry), but not some 
 removeEntry( KArchiveEntry* ). This needs some more thinking what the 
 proper behaviour should be and how to solve that. Perhaps addEntry( 
 KArchiveEntry* ) should just overwrite the old entry, that would at least 
 match the behaviour in KZip::doPrepareWriting()...
 Any takers?

Took it myself ;)

Please see  review for a proposal 
how to fix that problem in KZip::doPrepareWriting().

- Friedrich W. H.

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Nov. 20, 2013, 9:40 a.m., Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Nov. 20, 2013, 9:40 a.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs.
 Bugs: 321100
 Repository: kdelibs
 While I haven't been able to reproduce the issue on Linux, many Krita users 
 encounter a crash in the destructor of  KArchiveDirectoryPrivate, where all 
 entries are removed with qDeleteAll.
 This patch removes the use of qDeleteAll.
 I'm not 100% sure

Re: Review Request 114048: fix crash in KZip on overwriting existing entries (+ unit test)

2013-11-27 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Nov. 28, 2013, 1:05 a.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for kdelibs and David Faure.

Bugs: 321100

Repository: kdelibs



In case of writing a file to a KZip object with a name for which there already 
exists an entry with the same name, the following will happen in 
when the existing entry in d-m_fileList is found, it is removed from 
d-m_fileList and deleted.

The problem is that each entry is also listed in the KArchiveDirectory it is 
contained in by the path derived from its name. And KArchiveDirectory is the 
one which does the lifetime handling of the entries, by a qDeleteAll(entries) 
in the private data destructor.
But in the above point it is forgotten to remove the entry from the 
KArchiveDirectory it was listed in. So KArchiveDirectory keeps a pointer to a 
no-longer existing entry. Which should result in a crash on that qDeleteAll. 
But in many situations something accidentally prevents that, see soon.

So after the old entry was removed and deleted, a new KZipFileEntry is created, 
then added both to d-m_fileList and the parentDir, by calling addEntry(...) on 
that. Now KArchiveDirectory::addEntry(...) checks if there is already an entry 
with such a name listed, and if so, simply emits a warning and returns without 
doing anything. In our case it will do so, because the old entry, with the same 
name, was not removed, so the new entry will not be added.

Means, we have a pointer to a non-existing entry and an entry which will not be 
cleaned up. Strange enough for users of KZip like Krita, which happened to 
accidentally write the same entry two times, a crash was not always 
experienced. Adding some debug output shows why: the new KZipFileEntry often 
gets exactly the memory assigned which was before assigned to the old entry 
that was just deleted.
  // first write of file
  KZip::doPrepareWriting: created 0x1cfbc20
  KArchiveDirectory::addEntry: entry= 0x1cfbc20 name= samefile
  // second write of file
  KZip::doPrepareWriting: deleting 0x1cfbc20
  KZip::doPrepareWriting: created 0x1cfbc20
  KArchiveDirectory::addEntry: entry= 0x1cfbc20 name= samefile
  KArchiveDirectory::addEntry: directory  / has entry samefile already 
  KArchiveDirectory::~KArchiveDirectory: /

So the old entry in KArchiveDirectory was pointing to the new entry again, thus 
not resulting in any problem.

But often enough that does not happen, so is assumed to lead to because, as said before, Krita 
happened to accidentally write the same entry two times into the zip on saving 
.kra files.

Attached patch fixes that by removing the old entry also properly from the 
KArchiveDirectory it is registered with before deleting it. The retrieval of 
the parent dir has been removed before the duplication check for that reason, 
so that the parent directory object is available when needed.

There is also a small unit test which tests behaviour on writing the same file 
two times into a zip.


If okayed, to which branches should that be applied? master, KDE/4.11, KDE/4.12?
Who could care to get this into KF5?


  kdecore/io/karchive.h 7cd7c0c 
  kdecore/io/karchive.cpp 88e1de0 
  kdecore/io/kzip.cpp d5b0146 
  kdecore/tests/karchivetest.h 29dc791 
  kdecore/tests/karchivetest.cpp 8a5b9f3 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Review Request 114889: Fix KIO::convertSize(...) returning string with (I18N_ARGUMENT_MISSING) inside

2014-01-06 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for kdelibs.

Repository: kio


Seems the code behind i18n() in kf5 does not like %-placeholders without any 
arguments passed in the i18n call. And thus inserts the warning.
(Effect can be seen e.g. in Okteta's File Info tool).

Attached patch fixes that, by delaying the argument substitution as proposed in


  src/core/global.cpp 42f453b 



Results of KIO::convertSize(...) displays fine in Okteta with the patch.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Re: Review Request 114889: Fix KIO::convertSize(...) returning string with (I18N_ARGUMENT_MISSING) inside

2014-01-07 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 7, 2014, 4:24 p.m.)

Review request for kdelibs.


Updated patch to follow Chusslove's proposal for runtime performance 

Repository: kio

Description (updated)

Seems the code behind i18n() in kf5 does not like %-placeholders without any 
arguments passed in the i18n call. And thus inserts the warning.
(Effect can be seen e.g. in Okteta's File Info tool).

Attached patch fixes that, by passing as argument a string with an argument 
placeholder again.

Diffs (updated)

  src/core/global.cpp 42f453b 



Results of KIO::convertSize(...) displays fine in Okteta with the patch.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Re: Review Request 114889: Fix KIO::convertSize(...) returning string with (I18N_ARGUMENT_MISSING) inside

2014-01-08 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 8, 2014, 10:43 a.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for kdelibs.

Repository: kio


Seems the code behind i18n() in kf5 does not like %-placeholders without any 
arguments passed in the i18n call. And thus inserts the warning.
(Effect can be seen e.g. in Okteta's File Info tool).

Attached patch fixes that, by passing as argument a string with an argument 
placeholder again.


  src/core/global.cpp 42f453b 



Results of KIO::convertSize(...) displays fine in Okteta with the patch.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Re: Review Request 110563: Crash fix: hide symbols from static lib QtUitools.a (generically by new macro KDE4_HIDE_SYMBOLS_FROM_STATIC_LIBS)

2014-09-17 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Sept. 17, 2014, 7:36 nachm.)


This change has been discarded.

Review request for Build System, kdelibs, Alexander Neundorf, and Thiago 

Repository: kdelibs


Like discussed in the thread Crashes with libQtUiTools.a if linked multiple 
times into the same process (with Bsymbolic-functions flag) on kde-core-devel 
( ) symbols from QtUitools.a 
are not hidden by default in Qt4 and thus will be added to the public symbols 
of the module/shared lib they are linked to. And thus can appear multiple times 
in the same process, resulting in symbol clashes and leading to problems at 
least with the Bsymbolic-functions flag or when being possibly incompatible 

Attached patch sees to solve that problem, by adding a macro 
KDE4_HIDE_SYMBOLS_FROM_STATIC_LIBS which should add any needed linker flags 
depending on the platform/linker used. 

Only issue is that instead of some variable I had to use QtUiTools.a as I 
found no variable which would resolve to that. E.g. ${QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY} 
resolves to Qt4::QtUiTools for me. Any idea what to use there, in case 
another platform needs another name/prefix here?

Patch is against 4.10 branch, so I hope to get this in 4.10.4 
shows that there are some more places where the symbols need hiding, but I 
first want feedback on the proposed approach.


  cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake cb63285 
  cmake/modules/KDE4Macros.cmake 3db4e24 
  kjsembed/kjsembed/CMakeLists.txt d70f260 
  kross/modules/CMakeLists.txt d245fd8 
  kross/qts/CMakeLists.txt d8cb4a5 
  plasma/CMakeLists.txt 674550d 




Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Re: okteta 4.5.4 fails to build

2010-12-28 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Erik,

Dimanche, le 26 december 2010, à 22:25, Erik a écrit:
 2010-12-24 03:11, Erik skrev:
  steps to reproduce:
  1. tar jxvf /usr/portage/distfiles/kdeutils-4.5.4.tar.bz2
  2. cd kdeutils-4.5.4
  3. mkdir build
  4. cd build
  5. cmake -DKDE4_ENABLE_FINAL=ON ..
  6. make okteta
  actual result:
  In file included from
  cpp:49: fel: omdefinition av struct
  torcontroller.cpp:52: fel: föregående definition av struct
 Seems like simply removing the line(s)
 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Kasten::AbstractModelDataGenerator*) (and #include
 QtCore/QMimeData) from
 rcontroller.cpp fixes this build error so that the target
 ollers_final_cpp.o can be built (other build errors remain in the target
 okteta/gui/CMakeFiles/oktetagui.dir/oktetagui_final_cpp.o though).

Sure, but would only for DKDE4_ENABLE_FINAL ;)

Will fix this now, 4.5, 4.6 and trunk, using define guards (or put that 
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE into own headers, like Bille proposed recently here:

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Re: Improving onscreen keyboard features 4 disabled

2011-04-15 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Kyle,

Vrendredi, le 15 avril 2011, à 22:03, Kyle Pablo a écrit:
 Hello All,
  Can we implement a word completion feature for a new onscreen
  The accessibility tools are limited and having an onscreen keyboard
 that is
 similar to Windows 7's in features and design would be beneficial for
 those who have
 difficulty typing (I have muscular dystrophy). Tapping each key is time
  I currently use an onscreen keyboard, xvkbd which is archaic. Ideas
 and suggestions
 welcomed...I've been a Linux user for 12 years.

My suggestion would be to try Maliit [M], a cross graphical user interface 
toolkit input method framework (comes with a virtual keyboard reference 
implementation). Within the Maliit framework, error correction/prediction 
engines can be implemented as plugins.

While currently basically developed for MeeGo it is usable in other GNU/Linux 
distributions as well, there are packages referenced at [P]. Maliit already 
has connectors to the input method systems of Qt as well as GTK, so e.g. the 
same virtual keyboard is coming up for programs using any of these toolkits. 
See also the blog of one of my co-workers at Openismus, Michael [B] :)


Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -
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Re: Failed compilation of KDevelop

2011-04-25 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Lundi, le 25 avril 2011, à 15:27, Riccardo Bellini a écrit:
 Hi Friedrich, thank you for reply.
 Unfortunately it doesn't skip the compilation of the okteta plugin, on the
 contrary during the cmake stage okteta and kasten library are found, so
 there's no way to skip the compilation of okteta plugin.
 Maybe some variables to bet set manually when giving the cmake command will

Hm, just tried to compile KDevelop myself (while rest of the family takes a 
post-lunch nap :) ), but for me Okteta/Kasten libs are listed in could NOT be 
located section, as it should be. And so the build just skips the Okteta 
plugin and completes.

Could it be you have an older CMakeCache.txt file around in the KDevelop build 
toplevel dir which still caches the Found values from before the changes in 
the Okteta/Kasten libs versioning, as happened in the last weeks? Could you 
try to rm that cache file (or rm the related entries) and run cmake again?

Desktop Summit 2011 - Berlin, Germany - August 6-12th -
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Re: Several new utilities for KDE: KLook and StackFolder

2012-05-03 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Denis,

Am Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012, 13:46:27 schrieb Denis Koryavov:
 Hello developers!
 Let me introduce itself. I'm Denis Koryavov - the head of UI development
 department in ROSA, Russia. We work on our distro based on KDE and created
 several utilities for KDE which we want to submit for your consideration.
 We'll be happy if you will found them useable.
[snip content=StackFolder  KLook/]

 Both of these utilities are included in our distro and were well tested by
 many users. It is time to present them for you. We have resources to work
 on them and later, and if you will decide that that they are worthy of KDE,
 we would be happy to work on them in KDE project.

Did not yet look at the videos, but what you describe sounds interesting and 
might indeed make a large group of users happy if that would be integrated and 
available by default.

In case you are interested to have this integrated already in KDE Workspaces 
4.9 or KDE Apps 4.9 (whereever it matches better, perhaps also could become 
part of extragear section) make sure to add it to today.

As today, May 3rd, is the day of the soft feature freeze, that is, only 
features listed in the feature plan for 4.9 are allowed after this day to be 
added to what will become 4.9.

As for Dolphin ( Konqueror) integration of KLook make sure to ping the 
maintainers of both programs directly (Peter Penz  David Faure, see the About 
dialogs), to make sure they get notified. Or ideally write to the mailinglist 
kfm-devel, see , they surely 
read the mailing list.

For StackFolder integration please best contact directly the mailinglist 
Plasma-devel, see


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Re: Activity API

2012-06-08 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Freitag, 8. Juni 2012, 13:42:15 schrieb David Narvaez:
 On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
  Are there any api's a developer can use to add Activity awareness to an
 You mean like Acitivies Library? It isn't even hard to find.

Well, it's hard to find here where I would have searched for the API:
As in, I could not find it at all. Thus filed a bug now, see


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Re: kdesdk failing to build

2012-06-10 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Montag, 11. Juni 2012, 15:09:46 schrieb Lindsay Mathieson:
 kdesrc-build, truck, latest src and clean build

Latest src is exactly which svn version? (svn info should tell you)
 Keep getting the following:
 [  2%] Building CXX object dolphin-
 Linking CXX shared module ../../lib/
 /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/fileviewsvnplugin.dir/fileviewsvnplugin_automoc.o:
 relocation R_X86_64_32 against `FileViewSvnPlugin::staticMetaObject' can not
 be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
 CMakeFiles/fileviewsvnplugin.dir/fileviewsvnplugin_automoc.o: could not read
 symbols: Bad value
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[2]: *** [lib/] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [dolphin-plugins/svn/CMakeFiles/fileviewsvnplugin.dir/all]
 Error 2
 make: *** [all] Error 2

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Strange ambiguousity with ENABLE_FINAL and Qt::TextInteractionFlags

2012-06-11 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

compiling Okteta with KDE4_ENABLE_FINAL I have hit a strange error which
left me clueless so far. The line 

mLocationLabel-setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::TextSelectableByMouse|
Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard );

which compiles flawlessly in a normal build results in this error:

[ 62%] Building CXX object 

In file included from 
In constructor 
error: conversion from ‘int’ to ‘Qt::TextInteractionFlags {aka 
QFlagsQt::TextInteractionFlag}’ is ambiguous
note: candidates are:
/usr/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:2285:29: note: 
QFlagsEnum::QFlags(QFlagsEnum::Zero) [with Enum = Qt::TextInteractionFlag, 
QFlagsEnum::Zero = void**] near match
/usr/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:2285:29: note:   no known conversion for 
argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘void**’
/usr/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:2284:29: note: QFlagsEnum::QFlags(Enum) [with 
Enum = Qt::TextInteractionFlag] near match
/usr/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:2284:29: note:   no known conversion for 
argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘Qt::TextInteractionFlag’
/usr/include/QtGui/qlabel.h:113:10: error:   initializing argument 1 of ‘void 

I could fix it by wrapping the | operation with Qt::TextInteractionFlags(...),
but would prefer to know why the compiler suddenly sees that ambiguousity.

Anyone experienced a similar problem before and/or has a clue?


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How to process/update Mimetype= entries in .desktop files on install?

2012-10-21 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

(follow-ups please only to kde-devel)

I am looking for a way to deal with the issue that the list of supported 
mimetypes for some programs depends on the installed i/o plugins. E,g, Marble 
and most Calligra programs have this problem.

Simply hardcoding all possibly supported mimetypes only leaves bad 
impressions if a program is started for a file after e.g. a click on the file 
in the file manager, but then gives an error message after starting that it 
cannot read the file.

It is not only about the i/o plugins created at build time. But some 
distributions also tend to put single i/o plugins in different packages, so 
just updating the Mimetype= entry in the .desktop file on build-time (by 
generating another .desktop file) before it is installed will not work for 

So how can this problem be solved?

Is it possible to update the installed desktop file of a programs on install 
of another package, like another input plugin?
How would this need to be noted in our sources, so it would happen 
automatically, or that packagers know they have to add something to the post-
install part of the input plugin package?


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[SOLVED] Re: How to process/update Mimetype= entries in .desktop files on install?

2012-10-22 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Am Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012, 18:49:04 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
 El Diumenge, 21 d'octubre de 2012, a les 18:15:49, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
  (follow-ups please only to kde-devel)
  I am looking for a way to deal with the issue that the list of supported
  mimetypes for some programs depends on the installed i/o plugins. E,g,
  Marble and most Calligra programs have this problem.
  Simply hardcoding all possibly supported mimetypes only leaves bad
  impressions if a program is started for a file after e.g. a click on the
  file in the file manager, but then gives an error message after starting
  that it cannot read the file.
  It is not only about the i/o plugins created at build time. But some
  distributions also tend to put single i/o plugins in different packages,
  just updating the Mimetype= entry in the .desktop file on build-time (by
  generating another .desktop file) before it is installed will not work for
  So how can this problem be solved?
 Do what okular does (i.e. one desktop per plugin)

Thanks, Albert. Works also at least for Marble (not yet commited, but 
preparing review request right now, then going to apply solution for Calligra 
as well).


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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] KDE/kdelibs/solid/tests

2010-02-24 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Jeudi, le 25 février 2010, à 00:03, Andreas Hartmetz a écrit:
 SVN commit 1095733 by ahartmetz:
 Fix the build (with tests).
 I've been waiting for a situation to apply the #define private public hack
 for years :)

Kevin knew this, and so he let me commit the change which broke the test, just 
to make you happy ;) At least I assume that.

But now he ordered me to make that method public again. After all, I had just 
asked about the need for keeping it virtual. And commited without trying the 
tests, ahem... Will also undo your hack, now that you could finally apply it. 
Just waiting for the tests to build and run.

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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] KDE/kdelibs/solid/solid

2010-02-25 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Jeudi, le 25 février 2010, à 09:40, Alex Fiestas a écrit:
 On Thursday 25 February 2010 02:02:15 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  First additional backend, now that Kevin made it already possible,
  beating the Bluetooth metalworkers :) (Kevin knows how to motivate).
 Pse, ours will be better ._.!

And might even be of use, other than mine ;)

Because currently there is not anything you can do with the Solid devices from 
the KUPnP backend, besides getting them listed in solidhardwarebrowser. But 
it's a start and might inspire other people to join efforts...

 Good work!

Thanks :)

Will do a wrap-up about how to create a backend on TechBase the next days, you 
might add your experience there, too, will ping you here once it's done.


PS: Now all UPnP devices are listed (but most as unknown), even with their 
hierarchy, in case you tried the code already last night. Work in progess :)
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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] [GSoC] Preliminary UPnP support proposal

2010-03-29 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Samedi, le 27 mars 2010, à 19:30, Nikhil Marathe a écrit:
 On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  As for the UPnP spec, I think that Solid should export a generic UPnP
  device system,
  What do you mean by this? Solid objects which implement a special
  UPnPInterface interface?
   Wouldn't it be better if we could hide implementation details as much as
  possible? Like one does not scare if it is a IDE or SATA hard disk, they
  are all wrapped behind a neutral interface at the next level.
 Well I'm not sure if the exact situation applies. IDE and SATA might
 have different capabilities, but they aren't user/application level

It was meant as an example for abstraction, independent of the layer :)

 UPnP on the other hand is quite different from other

Is it? It's just a bigger bundle of specs for more things than usually, like 
both discovery, device access and device implementation. These could (and 
should) be treated independently.

Just compare the detection and interaction of UPnP MediaServer with Zeroconf + 
DAAP (besides DAAP being proprietary und not yet reverse-engineered).
Is there really a fundamental difference in the architecture?

 and in this case applications are interested in the unique
 features of a UPnP device, so I think it should be offered by Solid.
 That way Solid could directly give an app the exact UDN of a device
 based on Does a device support media server 3 capabilities or

For sure that is possible. But it also means a direct dependency to that 
specific technology, both in API, terms and thinking. And it also breaks the 
logic: Why do you want to wrap UPnP stuff in Solid to only keep on using UPnP 
stuff on both sides of the Solid layer? A dedidated specific lib would after 
all be much more suited, then.

As I said, IMHO we should at least try to hide as much as possible behind 
generic interfaces, so application code does not need to be rewritten if one 
day another alternative technology arises which could be mapped to the same 

On the other hand I agree with you that for a quick start there could be a 
dedicated interface which could be used to query all the infos available about 
a UPnP device. But later on it should be tried to emerge all that into (new) 
generic interfaces.
But let's first get some use-cases together to see which kind of data needs to 
be made available at all :)

  For the protocol prefix, well I think upnp:/ makes more sense because
  we are 'browsing UPnP devices'. Then for certain device types, we can
  have upnp-type slaves.
  Why would you want to do a kio-slave to browse just UPnP devices (on the
  discovery level)? The network:/ kio-slave does that already. Where would
  you need that?
  Do you think the user cares for this implementation/technique detail and
  says, hey, let's browse just my UPnP devices? ;)
 Well we let the network:/ slave handle discovery, but when a user
 selects a device, we invoke the upnp:/ Actually is it possible to
 spawn a slave from another slave? that would simplify stuff a lot. The
 user would keep seeing network:/ but apps could use the exact slave
 they require.

Would do you mean exactly with spawning?

If I guessed it correctly: The way it's currently done is that a (meta-)kio-
slave sets the property UDS_TARGET_URL [1] for those items in a listing which 
are to be handled by another kio-slave for that item-specific protocol.


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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] Solid UPnP GSoC idea

2010-04-07 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mercredi, le 7 avril 2010, à 04:24, Nikhil Marathe a écrit:
 2010/4/7 Kevin Ottens
  On Tuesday 6 April 2010 13:46:02 Bart Cerneels wrote:
  This proposal focuses on the Solid detection side
  Which is already half there thanks to Friedrich work (if we stick to
  Coherence). It would need to be redone for a HUPnP based one though.

Well, no longer (hopefully). As written in the other email I have done a 
prototype for a SSDP cache/proxy named Cagibi and also a port of the Solid 
UPnP backend to it.

So HUPnP is an option IMHO.

 I would really like Friedrich's opinion on the framework since he has
 some work done already and I wouldn't like to drop all that unless
 there are technical merits to do so.

Wouldn't welcome that, too ;)

 The reason I am sticking to HUPnP
 while experimenting is that it provides a much more Qt like API rather
 than interpreting DBus output. There are of course certain edge cases
 and special devices which might be handled better in Coherence, since
 they have been actively working on this. It is stated explicitly on
 their homepage about support for devices which don't comply completely
 to the spec, but I haven't looked at their code so much except for the
 D-BUS part.

From my (very limited) point of view I see more value in using HUPnP (or a 
similar Qt-based lib, talking generally :) ) in the long run, so there is not 
much duplication on disk and memory (Qt/KDE libs vs. Python stuff for the same 
problems like network access etc.). And compiled code might be faster. 
Coherence might be a good solution now as it seems be hardened by real life 
exposure. So: we can learn from their code :)
But remember I do not really have much practical knowledge about UPnP (usage), 
my background is more the general device/service listing (as in the network: 

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[Kde-hardware-devel] RFC: Integration of Cagibi, a SSDP cache/proxy daemon (proposed part of UPnP support)

2010-04-08 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

(followups please only on kde-core-devel)

you may know that there has been some activity to open the world of UPnP to 
KDEs software. Stuff in the UPnP world, that may be services like MediaServers 
for most of you, serving collections of media files (see [MS] for a list).

Recently support to both Solid and the network:/ kio-slave has been added in 
trunk to list also list UPnP devices/services (see [US]). This was done by 
code connecting to Coherence [CP] via D-Bus, thus introducing an optional 
runtime dependency. Just, Coherence has a big footprint (10,7 MiB unshared 
memory shown in System Activity), which is for sure too much for the simple 
thing it is currently used for by both the Solid backend and the network:/ 
kio-slave, namely a SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) cache/proxy 
Compare this to avahi-daemon with just 176 kiB unshared memory, doing 
something similar.

So I hacked up a little Qt-only daemon named Cagibi [CA] for that purpose, to 
be interfaced with D-Bus. Not perfect with 424 kiB unshared memory, but a 
start. It's now up to a first release 0.1 and works nicely for the local ports 
of the Solid backend and the network:/ kio-slave I have done.

While it still is under discussion if Cagibi is a proper part of the KDE 
Platform's wrapping of the UPnP world, I think it is and would like to get 
things done and improved. The GSoC candidate to work on an UPnP MediaServer 
kio-slave is interested, too.
So I would like to move Cagibi to kdesupport, as it might be interesting also 
to software built on other frameworks (like Avahi is to all). And also do 
releases from there, so I could commit the ports of the Solid backend and the 
network:/ kio-slave.
Would I have to pass kdereview? I guess no. Who is in charge of kdesupport? Or 
would I just move the code over from playground?

Comments, flames, chocolate?


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[Kde-hardware-devel] UPnP support on OS X/Windows

2010-04-08 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Armijn and all,

once upon a time you gave principal UPnP support in the KDE platform that more 
and more famous draft:

With Cagibi*, the SSDP cache/proxy daemon I'm hacking on,  there is now 
something like that broker you envisioned in that draft arising, D-Bus 
interface developed in an agile style.
HUPnP might serve as the base for the UPnP profile specific client 
libraries/modules, like the MediaServer kio-slave.
No real idea about the eventing yet.

But with kdelibs trying multi-platform I wonder:
Can you tell how UPnP support on Windows and OS X is done? Both UI wise and 
API wise? Is this part of the platform or offered by a favourite add-on? How 
would we connect to that?

I heard UPnP devices are listed in the Windows Explorer. On click it opens a 
browser pointing to the presentation url. Is this only done with the root 
device, or also for all embedded ones (which can have presentation urls, too)?


* First release of Cagibi is in the door, see separate email.

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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] [GSoC] Preliminary UPnP support proposal

2010-04-09 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Vendredi, le 9 avril 2010, à 03:15, Tuomo Penttinen a écrit:
 Hello all,
 On Wed, April 7, 2010 3:09 pm, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Hi all (and Tuomo),
  Mardi, le 6 avril 2010, à 23:41, Kevin Ottens a écrit:
  On Wednesday 31 March 2010 14:42:03 Tuomo Penttinen wrote:
   I agree. The UPnP discovery protocol is lightweight enough that I
   wouldn't worry about it in most environments.
  Emphasis on _most_ environments ;)
 Indeed. ;)

And add today ;)

  Actually I like numbers. :-)
  My worry lies in the fact that we're going for the full game of having
  it in libsolid, which means that such a discovery will be triggered by
  any apps which starts and ask for a StorageAccess (which means at least
  anything which spawns a file dialog).
  And slightly worse. Any SSDP message coming in will wake up all of the
  processes which listen for these, just to find out if it is interesting
  to them or not. Minor case, but still burns ressources (think of mobile
  uses) and should be avoided as a standard pattern.
 So you would replace the aforementioned wakeup of all with some type of
 central registration mechanism? This system would enable processes to tell
 the registrar which messages / resources they are interested of and in
 turn the registrar would inform them upon reception of desired message

Exactly. I could also envision a trigger system to have the central system 
(like Cagibi) additionally start dedicated handlers if certain devices show up 
or disappear.

 Fair enough, but to me it would seem that maintaining and using such a
 registry comes up with a price, which justification still isn't so clear
 to me. Of course, it doesn't have to be, but I find this interesting
 enough to comment. :-)
 First, it's not entirely straightforward to pull numbers in this matter to
 show that the registration mechanism is so much more efficient that more
 complex code and a dependency to an external service are warranted.

I don't think the code is that more complex. Old and known patterns, did it in 
a few days ;)
External service: yes. But the KDE platform is full with these, so one more is 
not really a problem per se.

 Second, in the worst case the registrar would have to inform every
 registrant upon receiving a SSDP message via some IPC mechanism anyway.

Yes, but just the worst case (really, what kind of registrants would be 
interested in all devices besides device browsers?).

 Third, UPnP discovery is lightweight compared to the description phase,
 action invocation and eventing, so I'm not sure caching the results of
 discovery alone will have any meaningful impact on a large scale. I say
 this because if an application is interested in SSDP messages it is
 probably interested of UPnP in general, which includes action invocation
 and eventing. You can't really cache these and incidentally these two are
 potentially far worse resource consumers.

This doesn't stop SSDP from being outsourced to a central process with some 

  Though HAL/Solid isn't any better here, both also don't offer any kind of
  active search/query (cmp. view in database), if I looked correctly
  (DeviceNotifier reports simply about all devices), so wake up all of the
  Still no numbers. And these might be small. But all those small numbers
 add up :)
 Indeed they do and I'm not saying that you shouldn't consider the little
 details. I'm just not sure if devising a cache mechanism for UPnP
 discovery will provide any true benefit.
 In any case, here's some numbers and background information about the UPnP
 discovery for the interested.
 To discover all UPnP devices on a network a control point usually sends
 1-3 UDP messages to the multicast address. A single
 message is enough, but more may be sent due to the unreliable nature of
 UDP. Each UPnP root device in turn should respond *directly* to the
 control point with 3+2d+k UDP messages, where 'd' is the number of
 embedded devices and 'k' is the number of distinct service types within a
 device tree. Often UPnP devices do not have any embedded devices and
 contain only a few services. But again, the datagrams may be sent more
 than once due to the unreliable nature of the protocol.

Does it really have to be 3+2d+k UDP messages? For Cagibi I just query for all 
urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:upnp:rootdevice:1, listen to the 
answers/notifications, read the device description from the given location and 
should have a complete view of everything, no?

At least I remember someone once teached me that UPnP devices are static in 
their setup, so only whole UPnP (root) devices come and go, not also embedded 
devices and services individually. Is that wrong?

 On the other hand, a UPnP device has to announce itself to the network
 using the said multicast address when it becomes online. After that it has
 to repeat the announcements periodically before they expire until it goes
 offline, which it also has

Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] [GSoC] Preliminary UPnP support proposal

2010-04-26 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Dimanche, le 11 avril 2010, à 19:08, Tuomo Penttinen a écrit:
 Hello all,
 On Fri, April 9, 2010 4:20 pm, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Vendredi, le 9 avril 2010, à 03:15, Tuomo Penttinen a écrit:
  On Wed, April 7, 2010 3:09 pm, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
   Mardi, le 6 avril 2010, à 23:41, Kevin Ottens a écrit:
   On Wednesday 31 March 2010 14:42:03 Tuomo Penttinen wrote:
I agree. The UPnP discovery protocol is lightweight enough that I
wouldn't worry about it in most environments.
   Emphasis on _most_ environments ;)
  Indeed. ;)
  And add today ;)
 Well, if it isn't a problem today, I'd say it's less likely to be a
 problem tomorrow, right? ;)

With more and more mobile devices and especially in the same local networks, 
I'd say, well, wrong :)
  Second, in the worst case the registrar would have to inform every
  registrant upon receiving a SSDP message via some IPC mechanism anyway.
  Yes, but just the worst case (really, what kind of registrants would be
  interested in all devices besides device browsers?).
 And registrants who just don't care or want more control and want to make
 the decisions by themselves.

Registrants like what? 

 Device sniffers and validators probably
 belong to this category as well.

Special cases, no?

  Third, UPnP discovery is lightweight compared to the description phase,
  action invocation and eventing, so I'm not sure caching the results of
  discovery alone will have any meaningful impact on a large scale. I say
  this because if an application is interested in SSDP messages it is
  probably interested of UPnP in general, which includes action invocation
  and eventing. You can't really cache these and incidentally these two
  are potentially far worse resource consumers.
  This doesn't stop SSDP from being outsourced to a central process with
  some gain.
 No, but my point was that optimizations are best targeted to issues that
 measurably matter. Inlining a call to a function that performs a
 bubblesort doesn't change the fact that the algorithm is still quadratic.

Sure, but here UPnP = bubblesort, and Cagibi approach = inlining, no? So let's 
replace UPnP ;)

[snip content=some useful info about SSDP]

In my opinion, even the description
phase doesn't add that much of network load that I'd want to pay
the price of added complexity, which the inter-process caching
solution introduces.
   Fair enough, let's avoid premature optimization. And it's all buried
   in the backend anyway so it's not like we're going to break BC later
   on if we introduce complexity for the optimizations.
  My thoughts exactly.
  Well, having done some work already in this area I don't think this is
  premature now. Remember Solid is linked to almost every KDE program.
  Which means the backend to integrate UPnP stuff is active in many
  processes, even those not interested in UPnP devices. And for the UPnP
  backend to work I have to have a complete cache of all UPnP devices
  there.  When I played with Cagibi as a lib for the Solid UPnP backend I
  had to link Solid also to QtNetwork. With Cagibid as a daemon I don't.
  And I also do not need to maintain a local cache, just like the HAL
  backend on demand relays requests to the HAL daemon the Cagibi backend
  relays requests to the Cagibi daemon. The code has become even smaller
  compared to before. Also for the network:/ kio-slave this is all that is
  needed. It just cares for the description and the presentation url,
  never interacts with the devices itself. The overhead for UPnP listing
  this way is just around a hundred lines of code altogether.
 Unfortunately I can't really comment this due to my lack of understanding
 of Solid. Although I must say that I don't like a situation either where a
 process *completely* uninterested of UPnP has a link time dependency to a
 UPnP library. That should be avoided if at all possible.

Disclaimer: I am not yet a real Solid expert.
Solid as we discuss it here is basically one single hardware abstraction 
abstraction library (tm). It wraps the operatingsystem specific hardware 
access libraries with a common Qt-style API, to achieve the code once, 
compile everywhere.
So e.g. if you are interested in the status of the network (like KMail or 
Konqueror) you use and link to the Solid lib.
Or if you want to list the attached storage devices (like indirectly all 
programs using a filedialog, so almost all), you query and link to Solid for 
these devices.

So, unless Kevin or someone else implements loading of backends on-demand-only 
doing the UPnP backend for Solid with a full UPnP library means indeed almost 
all programs would link against that.

   Currently KDE software basically will be a client to services from
   UPnP devices (being control point in UPnP terms). So if there is a
   convenience lib one should be just for client stuff IMHO. Server stuff
   should be handled by a different lib. I

Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] GSoC 2010 - Solid UPnP integration project: I'm in! :D

2010-05-11 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Le Freitag, 7. Mai 2010, à 12:06, Kevin Ottens a écrit:
 On Wednesday 28 April 2010 01:19:27 Paulo Rômulo wrote:
  My name is Paulo, I'm a masters student from Brazil and was with much joy
  that I received the awesome news that I've got selected on GSoC 2010 to
  work with the UPnP integration on KDE through Solid. :)
 Congrats again and welcome among the metalworkers! ;-)
 (For those who wonder I did that privately already)
  At first I would to thank all of people that supported the proposal,
  especially Kevin (my mentor) and Bart, that have helped me in the
 Rereading this part, it made me wonder:
 Friedrich, I really think you should be considered co-mentor on this one as
 you started the work on the UPnP side, been discussing with the HUPnP
 people etc. Would be cool if you could hang around on the #solid channel,
 Paulo being kind of active there (when there's no IRC trouble in the way
 like this week).
 I think it's particularly important to make sure you don't end up with
 someone stepping on your toes and that both of you are on the same track
 for the main technical decisions. In particular regarding the use of
 Cagibi, what to do if it's not available (I think we need a fallback in
 this case), etc.

I hope that at the end of the week I have again a working computer setup, 
currently is just a mess, sorry.

BTW: Just commited the change to the network kio-slave to use Cagibi for SC 

For the current Solid UPnP backend I could commit the patch, too, but then I 
think the backend as a whole should be just disabled for SC 4.5, as the UPnP 
backend is of no use and just adds weight to all programs using Solid.

Would be glad if someone else could do the disabling (just comment out the 
proper lines in the libsolid CMakeLists.txt), as I have no working setup.

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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] GSoC 2010 - Solid UPnP integration project: I'm in! :D

2010-05-18 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Mercredi, le 12 mai 2010, à 10:42, Kevin Ottens a écrit:
 On Tuesday 11 May 2010 23:10:26 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Would be glad if someone else could do the disabling (just comment out
  the proper lines in the libsolid CMakeLists.txt), as I have no working
 My plan is basically to get it disabled just before 4.5 gets branched. As
 indeed we don't want it in production code yet, but that's fine to have it
 active in trunk.

Hm, if you think so (better disable it in the betas/rcs, too). But what 
about me commiting the patch to also turn to Cagibi then, now that the 
network kio-slave uses it instead of Coherence?

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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] cagibi questions

2010-07-31 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Jonathan,

Jeudi, le 29 juillet 2010, à 15:00, Jonathan Riddell a écrit:
 I'm packaging cagibi for Kubuntu

Fine, thanks.

 I had to make this change to
 cagibi/daemon/org.kde.Cagibi.service.cmake else the service file
 points to /usr/cagibid which isn't right

Ouch. How did that slip me? Seems my test environment needs to be cleaned up.
Will use Kevin's proposal to fix this, thanks.
 Can I recommend making a homepage for Cagibi?  Just an entry on would be sufficient. An FTP server gives little context.

Good idea. Will try to add something to tonight and update the 
lsm. Also need to add an entry to

 Poking the dbus interface in qdbusviewer I get Unable to find method
 allDevices on path /org/kde/Cagibi in interface org.kde.Cagibi is
 that right?

Perhaps introspection is not yet completely supported, as all D-Bus support is 
hand-crafted. Need perhaps to add a macro to the adaptor class. Will consider. 
Could also be a bug in qdbusviewer.

 After installing I browsed to network:/ in dolphin but it doesn't show
 anything, uPNP is turned on in my router but I don't know enough about
 uPNP to know if anything should be appearing in network:/.  What
 should I look out for?

You need to restart kded, because the kded-module used by the network:/ kio-
slave only tries to connect to the cagibi daemon on start. It doesn't detect 
that cagibi service got installed.
Also does not yet try to reconnect if cagibid disappears (well, should not 
disappear :), never crashed, for me).

Any idea how one can detect that a D-Bus service is installed which only gets 
activated trough the D-Bus call and the service file? Does D-Bus also signal  
a new available service, started on demand?

 When I have cagibi installed I find that plasma-desktop freezes after
 a few minutes.  This makes no sense to be but it stops happening when
 I uninstall cagibi.  Am I imagining this problem?

No idea how this can be related. In theory Cagibi is just a standalone qt-only 
daemon program, accessed via D-Bus from the kded module networkwatcher. This 
module is queried by the network: kio-slave. No idea how plasma-desktop could 
be frozen by that. Could just be that networkwatcher freezes kded if talking 
to cagibid, and this freezes plasma-desktop. But I have never seen 
networkwatcher to freeze.
Can you try to query kded by qdbus on the commandline when plasma-desktop is 

Will tarball and start the release of 0.1.1 around sunday noon.

Thanks for the feedback
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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] cagibi questions

2010-08-02 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Kevin,

Jeudi, le 29 juillet 2010, à 15:47, Kevin Krammer a écrit:
 On Thursday, 2010-07-29, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
  I'm packaging cagibi for Kubuntu
  I had to make this change to
  cagibi/daemon/org.kde.Cagibi.service.cmake else the service file
  points to /usr/cagibid which isn't right
 Or maybe even:

Just that ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR} seems some custom variable, at least in the 
Akonadi sources it gets created before used :)
So I went with the patch Jonathan gave.

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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] cagibi questions

2010-08-02 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Samedi, le 31 juillet 2010, à 18:05, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau a écrit:
 Will tarball and start the release of 0.1.1 around sunday noon.

I didn't say which sunday, ha ;) Could not make it yesterday, also found that 
a bug has creeped into the calling of a not-yet running cagibi daemon in the 
network:/ kio-slaves kded module, so cagibi won't work anyway with SC 4.5.0 as 
intended. Will do a fix for 4.5.1 and do a better tested tarball for Cagibi 
0.1.1 as soon as I have time.

Thanks for taking the pain of being first adaptor of the tarball and helping 
find out what needs to be fixed, Jonathan. 

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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] cagibi questions

2010-08-11 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Lundi, le 2 août 2010, à 11:23, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau a écrit:
 Samedi, le 31 juillet 2010, à 18:05, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau a écrit:
  Will tarball and start the release of 0.1.1 around sunday noon.
 I didn't say which sunday, ha ;) Could not make it yesterday, also found
 that a bug has creeped into the calling of a not-yet running cagibi daemon
 in the network:/ kio-slaves kded module, so cagibi won't work anyway with
 SC 4.5.0 as intended. Will do a fix for 4.5.1 and do a better tested
 tarball for Cagibi 0.1.1 as soon as I have time.

FTR: Done now.

Please also see

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[Kde-hardware-devel] Re: Request: Inclusion of kio-upnp-ms to kde-runtime KIO slaves

2011-05-22 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Hi Nikhil,

Jeudi, le 12. mai 2011, à 01:38, Nikhil Marathe a écrit:
 On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
  Hi Nikhil,
  you know that today, April 12th, is already Hard Feature Freeze?! Would
  be really sad if your upnp-ms kio-slave misses the deadline now!
 Hi Fredrik,
 I have been moving halfway across the world the last 4-5 days and so I
 couldn't really do anything.

For starting on a job, I guess? So congrats for that, wish you much joy! :)

 I am at work, and don't have access to my laptop right now, but I'll
 ensure your changes are in by tonight.
 Aren't there circumstances under which certain features get some
 leeway in being merged even after hard feature
 freeze due to exceptional reasons? Any chance we can do this for the
 slave, since the code itself has been pretty
 well tested already.

I would think there is a chance, if you can list the reasons:
Do you know of distris which have the upnp-ms kio-slave in use?
Which versions of Amarok make use of it/depend on it?
And what ever else you think makes the release-team and others confident the 
inclusion now will be still okay and worth an exception.

From what grep tells me, there are only three strings to be translated (and 
some more in the tests, but I do think you can/should remove i18n from there, 
testers usually don't need/want translated strings), and only for errors, so 
translators (and users) might be okay with an exception here.

snipped content=comments on code optimizations /

  If there is no objection I would like to request a merge into
  kde-runtime. I will edit the 4.7 feature plan for the same.
  I would think this is already a request ;) But if there is not enough
  time now and others would like to do their own review before it gets
  into kde-runtime, as there has not been an official merge request yet
  via, let's at least do the trick to still be
  part of the next release wave by upgrading the repo from playground to
  Extragear/Base as fast as possible.
 Do you mean I should abandon the inclusion in 4.7 and instead aim for 4.8?
 I really think this should go in 4.7.

So do I, and surely do Kevin and the metalworkers (because e.g. the Places 
integration would be useless otherwise). But you must push for it yourself, 
you are the maintainer. Or ask somebody else to do that in-place for you if 
life currently has swamped you with even more important tasks :) I would be 
willing to do so, if you want.

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Re: [Kde-hardware-devel] upnp backends, what to do with them?

2012-10-09 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Am Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2012, 19:35:04 schrieb Alex Fiestas:
 For some weeks/months now the upnp backend as not been building with this
 stSocketE]+0xe8): undefined reference to `QAbstractSocket::writeData(char
 const*, long long)'
 I remember that we were super close to have it working but we failed to
 finish the last mile :/
 So I can't stop wondering what to do with those backends.
 kupnp is already disabled in cmake, what's its status?

KUPnP was a small wrapper around the Cagibi SSDP daemon and only could report 
which devices are available and their static properties, but not interact with 
them to e.g. query dynamic states or even invoke actions.

That is why the solid plugin was redone with Hupnp, from what I understood. I 
was not involved and have no clue about Hupnp.

 upnp is not working, but I'm quite sure we almost got it working at some
 point. Is anyone willing to step up and try to gix it?
 Paulo, Kossebau, do you feel like giving this another try ?

As I still do not own a single device where I need UPnP to work (like 
mediaservers as the most important application) I am sorry but must say that 
this stuff moved pretty low on my overcrowded TODO list, so nothing to expect 
here from me the next months.

The only thing I might have interest to fix is that the latest Cagibi does not 
correctly work on the system D-Bus, but I never had enough of feedback to fix 
it properly. Possibly the Amarok UPnP plugin might also still rely partly on 
Cagibi and thus does not work with the latest version.
As well as the network:/ kio-slave for UPnP devices, which relies for that on 
Cagibi as well and currently just lists zeroconf ones.

So if anyone needs Cagibi working and is seeing into fixing it, I can and will 

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