Re: [OS-BUILD PATCHv3] Export ark infrastructure files

2021-03-17 Thread Don Zickus (via Email Bridge)
From: Don Zickus on Hmm, the dist-kabi check was failing. It was easy to duplicate here. Apparently the empty directory redhat/kabi/kabi-module/ was not being committed to ark-infra though it had a .gitkeep

Re: [OS-BUILD PATCHv3] Export ark infrastructure files

2021-03-17 Thread Thorsten Leemhuis (via Email Bridge)
From: Thorsten Leemhuis on > a spring cleaning From my point of view it needs even more that that, but yeah, it would be a start. :-D Anyway: > When you say the configs are different, can you clarify a bit?

Re: [OS-BUILD PATCHv3] Export ark infrastructure files

2021-03-15 Thread via Email Bridge
From: Ondrej Mosnáček on ([The discussion]( ark/-/commit/691f37398b27a8a10853eb989dbbf92df51522a9#note_529667346) seems to have detached with the rebase, so replying

Re: [OS-BUILD PATCHv3] Export ark infrastructure files

2021-03-15 Thread Don Zickus (via Email Bridge)
From: Don Zickus on Hi @knurd42 - yes you are right NO_CONFIGCHECKS=1 is the correct format. I am not happy having users use NO_CONFIGCHECKS but it gets you going for now. Second - I do feel sad about the