[LAAMN] Help place Bradley Manning ads in the DC Metro, On the gender issue, Vets for Peace statement

2012-03-05 Thread michael napp


Help place Bradley Manning ads in the DC Metro, On the gender issue, Vets for 
Peace statement. 

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 http://t.ymlp290.net/emyhataeyyqagaywacaeehb/click.php Bradley Manning 
Support Network

Help us place Bradley Manning Ads in the DC Metro! 

Earlier this year, the Bradley Manning Support Network unveiled a billboard 
calling for the release of Bradley Manning in Washington D.C. so as to display 
broad public support and to catch the eye of military decision-makers passing 

Now that Manning’s trial is officially moving to court martial after the 
accused whistleblower and Nobel Peace Prize nominee approaches 650 days in 
prison, we’re launching a new ad campaign in the DC Metro (subway).

Supporters can use their dollars to vote on which design will be used 
http://t.ymlp290.net/emywaoaeyyqaraywaiaeehb/click.php . Here is the current 
ad design with the most votes:


Our goal is to fund 21 DC Metro ads in May, ahead of Bradley's upcoming court 
martial at nearby Ft. Meade, Maryland. Government employees use the DC Metro 
every day -- these ads will grab their attention, letting them know that the 
public demands Pfc. Manning's freedom. 

In order to achieve this level of publicity, our goal is to raise $14,800 by 
April 21st.

Learn more about the ad campaign here, and pledge your support 
http://t.ymlp290.net/emywaoaeyyqaraywaiaeehb/click.php !



Feminist, trans advocates should support Bradley Manning 

By Rainey Reitman, Bradley Manning Support Network Steering Committee. March 1, 
2012. (Originally published in the Washington Blade 
http://t.ymlp290.net/emyqagaeyyqaaaywacaeehb/click.php )

Some thoughtful feminist scholars have recently called on the Bradley Manning 
Support Network to begin referring to the accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower with 
a female pronoun. Emily Manuel’s essay in Global Comment highlighted why many 
of us who strongly support transgender rights are sensitive to the pronouns we 
use when we refer to Manning.

 http://t.ymlp290.net/emyyakaeyyqalaywavaeehb/click.php As an ardent 
supporter of Bradley Manning and a feminist, I have given this issue a great 
deal of thought. Given the unusual and perhaps unprecedented circumstances of 
the situation, I wanted to explain why I’m still calling him Bradley. In so 
doing, I also hope to demonstrate why folks who care passionately about queer 
and transgender rights should come out in support.

First, we should bear in mind the basis upon which some have made suppositions 
about Manning’s preferred gender identity. By and large, we are dealing with 
evidence that has not been established as fact. We can look at some Google 
searches found in forensic evidence, a smattering of late-night private chat 
logs, and potential testimony from those in whom Manning may have privately 

If these materials are to be believed, then it appears that Manning was 
questioning his gender identity. Manning’s lawyers have noted that he had 
sought counseling, but we don’t know if any final decision was ever made. We 
don’t know whether Manning wanted “Breanna” to be a primary identity, or if 
this was an alter ego that was never meant to be indicative of primary gender 
identification. We do know — from our own private conversations with friends 
and family members — that prior to his incarceration, Manning had not asked 
people to refer to him with a female pronoun.

Read the complete article. 


Veterans For Peace demand Bradley Manning’s freedom

By Veterans For Peace. March 1, 2012. 

 http://t.ymlp290.net/ejssafaeyyqacaywafaeehb/click.php A national 
organization representing thousands of military veterans is calling on the US 
Army to abandon court martial proceedings against Private Bradley Manning, the 
accused Wikileaks whistleblower. The young soldier, who has been imprisoned for 
21 months, will be formally arraigned today (Thursday, Feb. 23) at Fort Meade, 
Maryland. Army prosecutors say they will file 22 charges against PFC Manning, 
including “aiding the enemy,” a crime that can be punished by the death penalty 
or life in prison.

“Where is the justice?” asks Gerry Condon, a Board member of Veterans For 
Peace. “The Army is shirking its duty to punish soldiers who have committed 
rape and murder. Yet they are trying to destroy the life of Bradley Manning, 
who has not harmed a hair on a person's head.”

In May 2010, the Army arrested PFC Manning, then 22, in Iraq, where he was 
working as a low level intelligence analyst. He is accused of leaking 
classified information, including an Army video that shows US soldiers in 
Baghdad shooting down unarmed civilians, including two Reuters employees, from 
an Apache helicopter. The video, dubbed “Collateral 

[LAAMN] Naomi Klein: 'If You Take Climate Change Seriously, ...

2012-03-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Naomi Klein: 'If You Take Climate Change Seriously, You Have to Throw Out
the Free-Market Playbook'

Naomi Klein on ideological impediments to addressing climate change and how
to move forward

- Common Dreams staff 
 http://www.commondreams.org/ Common Dreams: February 29, 2012 

In an interview with  http://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/node/1053
Solutions http://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/node/1053 , author and
activist Naomi Klein discusses how market-based solutions are not going to
meet the needs required to address climate change and how ideologies have
hampered both the left and right in climate action. She also states that the
Occupy movement has been a game-changer. There is a way forward, Klein
says, and it involves changing the mix in a mixed economy.


* * *

Throwing Out the Free Market Playbook: An Interview with Naomi Klein

from Solutions http://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/node/1053 

Perhaps one of the most well-known voices for the Left, Canadian Naomi Klein
is an activist and author of several nonfiction works critical of
consumerism and corporate activity, including the best sellers No Logo
(2000) and Shock Doctrine (2007).

In your cover story for the Nation last year, you say that modern
environmentalism successfully advances many of the causes dear to the
political Left, including redistribution of wealth, higher and more
progressive taxes, and greater government intervention and regulation.
Please explain.

The piece came out of my interest and my shock at the fact that belief in
climate change in the United States has plummeted. If you really drill into
the polling data, what you see is that the drop in belief in climate change
is really concentrated on the right of the political spectrum. It's been an
extraordinary and unusual shift in belief in a short time. In 2007, 71
percent of Americans believed in climate change and in 2009 only 51 percent
believed-and now we're at 41 percent. So I started researching the denial
movement and going to conferences and reading the books, and what's clear is
that, on the right, climate change is seen as a threat to the Right's
worldview, and to the neoliberal economic worldview. It's seen as a Marxist
plot. They accuse climate scientists of being watermelons-green on the
outside and red on the inside.

It seems exaggerated, but your piece was about how the Right is in fact

I don't think climate change necessitates a social revolution. This idea is
coming from the right-wing think tanks and not scientific organizations.
They're ideological organizations. Their core reason for being is to defend
what they call free-market ideology. They feel that any government
intervention leads us to serfdom and brings about a socialist world, so
that's what they have to fight off: a socialist world. Increase the power of
the private sector and decrease the public sphere is their ideology.

You can set up carbon markets, consumer markets, and just pretend, but if
you want to get serious about climate change, really serious, in line with
the science, and you want to meet targets like 80 percent emissions cuts by
midcentury in the developed world, then you need to be intervening strongly
in the economy, and you can't do it all with carbon markets and offsetting.
You have to really seriously regulate corporations and invest in the public
sector. And we need to build public transport systems and light rail and
affordable housing along transit lines to lower emissions. The market is not
going to step up to this challenge. We must do more: rebuild levees and
bridges and the public sphere, because we saw in Katrina what happens when
weak infrastructure clashes with heavy weather-it's catastrophe. These
climate deniers aren't crazy-their worldview is under threat. If you take
climate change seriously, you do have to throw out the free-market playbook.

What is the political philosophy that underscores those who accept climate
change versus those who deny it?

The Yale cultural cognition project has looked at cultural worldview and
climate change, and what's clear is that ideology is the main factor in
whether we believe in climate change. If you have an egalitarian and
communitarian worldview, and you tend toward a belief system of pooling
resources and helping the less advantaged, then you believe in climate
change. And the stronger your belief system tends toward a hierarchical or
individual worldview, the greater the chances are that you deny climate
change and the stronger your denial will be. The reason is clear: it's
because people protect their worldviews. We all do this. We develop
intellectual antibodies. Climate change confirms what people on the left
already believe. But the Left must take this confirmation responsibly. It
means that if you are on the left 

[LAAMN] America: The Best Country in the World at Being Last -- How Can We Change That?

2012-03-05 Thread scotpeden

America: The Best Country in the World at Being Last -- How
Can We Change That?

The data is piling up to confirm that we’re Number One, but
in exactly the way we don’t want to be—at the bottom. Where did we go
wrong and what can we do about it?

March 1, 2012  |

Orion Magazine
 / By
James  Gustave Speth

Like you and other Americans, I love my country, its
wonderful people, its boundless energy, its creativity in so many
fields, its natural beauty, its many gifts to the world, and the freedom
 it has given us to express ourselves. So we should all be angry,
profoundly angry, when we consider what has happened to our country and
what that neglect could mean for our children and grandchildren.
How can we gauge what has happened to America in the past few decades
 and where we stand today?
One way is to look at how America now
compares with other countries in key areas.
The group of twenty advanced
 democracies—the major countries of the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD),
including the United Kingdom,
France, Germany, Japan, the Nordic countries, Canada, and others—can be
thought of as our peer nations.
Here’s what we see when we look at these
 countries. To our great shame,
America now has

•   the highest poverty rate, both generally and for children;

•   the greatest inequality of incomes;

•   the lowest social mobility;

•   the lowest score on the UN’s index of “material well-being of children”;

•   the worst score on the UN’s Gender Inequality Index;

•   the highest expenditure on health care as a percentage of GDP, yet all
 this money accompanied by the highest infant mortality rate, the
highest prevalence of mental health problems, the highest obesity rate,
the highest percentage of people going without health care due to cost,
the highest consumption of antidepressants per capita, and the shortest
life expectancy at birth;

•   the next-to-lowest score for student performance in math and middling
performance in science and reading;

•   the highest homicide rate;

•   the largest prison population in absolute terms and per capita;

•   the highest carbon dioxide emissions and the highest water consumption
per capita;

•   the lowest score on Yale’s Environmental Performance Index (except for
 Belgium) and the largest ecological footprint per capita (except for

•   the lowest spending on international development and humanitarian
assistance as a percentage of national income (except for Japan and

•   the highest military spending both in total and as a percentage of GDP; 

•   the largest international arms sales.

Our politicians are constantly invoking America’s superiority and
True, the data is piling up to confirm that we’re Number
but in exactly the way we don’t want to be—at the bottom.

These deplorable consequences are not just the result of economic and
 technological forces over which we have no control. They are the
results of conscious political decisions made over several decades by
both Democrats and Republicans who have had priorities other than
strengthening the well-being of American society and our environment.
Many countries, obviously, took a different path—one that was open to us
 as well.
I wish that were all the bad news. Unfortunately, international
comparisons only give us a glimpse of what we now face. They miss many
of the most important challenges, including in the critical areas of
social conditions, national security, and politics. I will spare you the
 litany of environmental bad news; most of you have already heard it.
When it comes to social conditions, it’s important to recognize that
nearly 50 million Americans now live in poverty—one in six. If you’re in
 poverty in America, you’re living on less than $400 per week for a
family of four. Poverty is the bleeding edge of a more pervasive
American shortcoming—massive economic insecurity. About half of American
 families now live paycheck to paycheck, are financially fragile, and
earn less than needed to cover basic living expenses, let alone save for
 the future.
Back in 1928, right before the Great Depression, the richest 1
percent of Americans received 24 percent of the country’s total income.
Starting with the New Deal, public policy favored greater equality and a
 strong middle class, so that by 1976, the share of the richest 1
percent of households had dropped to 9 percent. But then the great
re-redistribution began in the 1980s, so that by 2007, right before the
Great Recession, the richest 1 percent had regained its 1928
position—with 24 percent of income.
As for national security, the U.S. now spends almost as much on the
military as the rest of the world combined. If one totals military and
other U.S. 

[LAAMN] Chomsky: What Are Iran's Intentions?, Obama to AIPAC: 'Too Much Loose Talk of War'

2012-03-05 Thread Ed Pearl
(This morning's NY Times has extensive coverage of Obama at AIPAC:

Obama to AIPAC: 'Too Much Loose Talk of War'

By Michael Hirsch, National Journal

04 March 12

President Obama told the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC that while containment of a
nuclear Iran was not an option, there was already too much loose talk of

Speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee which began its
annual convention Sunday, Obama told the audience to look at the last three
years of his tenure as President, and his administration's support of

Our military and intelligence cooperation has never been closer. Our joint
exercises and training have never been more robust. Despite a tough budget
environment, our security assistance has increased every year, Obama said.
We are investing in new capabilities. We're providing Israel with more
advanced technology - the type of products and systems that only go to our
closest friends and allies. And make no mistake: we will do what it takes to
preserve Israel's Qualitative Military Edge - because Israel must always
have the ability to defend itself, by itself, against any threat.

President Obama said he preferred to resolve the nuclear crisis with Iran
through diplomatic and economic means. I would ask that we all remember the
weightiness of these issues; the stakes involved for Israel, for America,
and for the world. Already there is too much loose talk of war.

Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday
where Iran will be the focus of discussions.

* * *

What Are Iran's Intentions?

One of Israel's leading strategic analysts, Zeev Maoz, in Defending the
Holy Land, his comprehensive analysis of Israeli security and foreign
policy, concludes that the balance sheet of Israel's nuclear policy is
decidedly negative - harmful to the state's security. He urges instead that
Israel should seek a regional agreement to ban weapons of mass destruction:
a WMD-free zone, called for by a 1974 U.N. General Assembly resolution.

By Noam Chomsky, 

The New York Times Syndicate: 04 March 12

  http://readersupportednews.org/images/stories/alphabet/rsn-T.jpg he
January/February issue of Foreign Affairs featured the article Time to
Attack Iran: Why a Strike Is the Least Bad Option
k-iran , by Matthew Kroenig, along with commentary about other ways to
contain the Iranian threat.

The media resound with warnings about a likely Israeli attack on Iran while
the U.S. hesitates, keeping open the option of aggression - thus again
routinely violating the U.N. Charter, the foundation of international law.

As tensions escalate, eerie echoes of the run-up to the wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq are in the air. Feverish U.S. primary campaign rhetoric adds to the

Concerns about the imminent threat of Iran are often attributed to the
international community - code language for U.S. allies. The people of the
world, however, tend to see matters rather differently.

The nonaligned countries, a movement with 120 member nations, has vigorously
supported Iran's right to enrich uranium - an opinion shared by the majority
of Americans (as surveyed by WorldPublicOpinion.org) before the massive
propaganda onslaught of the past two years.

China and Russia oppose U.S. policy on Iran, as does India, which announced
that it would disregard U.S. sanctions and increase trade with Iran. Turkey
has followed a similar course.

Europeans regard Israel as the greatest threat to world peace. In the Arab
world, Iran is disliked but seen as a threat only by a very small minority.
Rather, Israel and the U.S. are regarded as the pre-eminent threat. A
majority think that the region would be more secure if Iran had nuclear
weapons: In Egypt on the eve of the Arab Spring, 90 percent held this
opinion, according to Brookings Institution/Zogby International polls.

Western commentary has made much of how the Arab dictators allegedly support
the U.S. position on Iran, while ignoring the fact that the vast majority of
the population opposes it - a stance too revealing to require comment.

Concerns about Israel's nuclear arsenal have long been expressed by some
observers in the United States as well. Gen. Lee Butler, former head of the
U.S. Strategic Command, described Israel's nuclear weapons as dangerous in
the extreme. In a U.S. Army journal, Lt. Col. Warner Farr wrote that one
purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but obvious, is their
`use' on the United States - presumably to ensure 

[LAAMN] International Women's Day ~ Women OccupyLA - For the Caring of People The Planet ~ Saturday, March 10th, Gather at 11:00 AM at West Steps of Los Angeles City Hall ~ Speakout Rally at 1:0

2012-03-05 Thread Frank Dorrel
International Women's Day

Women OccupyLA
For the Caring of People  The Planet

End Poverty, War, Separation of Families.
Welfare is our Right. 
A Living Wage for All Our Work Everywhere.

Saturday, March 10th
Gather at 11:00 AM at West Steps of Los Angeles City Hall
Speakout  Rally at 1:00 PM

To mark International Women's Day
The 99% Will Circle City Hall
Followed by Speakout and Rally on the
West Steps of City Hall/Solidarity Park
We refuse to be exploited in any way by the 1% and their thieving friends! 
Every grievance against this system deserves a collective response!
Called by:  DCFS-Give Us Back Our Children; Global Women's Strike (GWS);
KidVillage@OccupyLA; Women's Circle@OccupyLA; Women of Color@GWS. 
Planning group: Alexandria House; Every Mother is a Working Mother Network;
CHIRLA-Household Workers Committee; No2housingcrime.org; Military Families
Speak Out; OccupytheHood LA; Veterans For Peace Chpts 110  067.
Co-sponsors thus far: California Partnership; CALIF (Communities Actively
Living Independent  Free); International Action Center; Long Beach Area
Peace Network; 9to5 Los Angeles, Addicted To War; National Association of
Working Women; Orange County Peace Coalition; Veterans For Peace-LA.
Endorsed by the General Assembly of OccupyLA.

 KPFK Pacifica Radio 90.7FM is the Media Sponsor  

For Info and to Help Plan, Contact: 323-276-9833 -

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[LAAMN] More on the myth of high corporate tax rates

2012-03-05 Thread scotpeden
Corporate Tax Rate and Reality

Citizens for Tax
 March 4, 2012


* Lawrence Rafferty

While we have discussed the fairness of the taxes paid and not paid by
large corporations in the past, the alleged high corporate tax rate is once
again in the news.  It seems that after contraception the Right’s most
consistent accusation is that the corporate tax rate is way too high for
corporations to compete in the world market. The facts seem to differ from
those claims however.

“Corporations are lobbying for lower corporate rates and an exemption for
profits they shift offshore. McIntyre, however, says “Our study provides
proof that too many corporations are already being coddled by our tax
system.” Findings in the report include:
 The average effective tax rate for all 280 companies in the study over
the three year period was 18.5 percent; for the period 2009-2010 it was
17.3 percent, less than half the statutory rate of 35 percent.
 78 of the companies enjoyed at least one year in which their federal
income tax was zero or less.
 30 companies enjoyed a negative income tax rate over the entire three
year period on their combined pre-tax profits of $160 billion.
 Total tax subsidies given to all 280 profitable corporations amounted to
$222.7 billion from 2008-2010.
 Wells Fargo tops the list of 280 U.S. corporations receiving the most in
tax subsidies, getting nearly $18 billion in tax breaks from the U.S.
treasury in the last three years.
 Pepco Holdings had the lowest effective tax rate of all the companies in
the study, at negative 57.6 percent over the three year period.”  Citizens
for Tax Justice

If I understand those numbers correctly, large corporations are paying
about half of the rate that they claim is too high.  Another example of how
little these corporations are paying was recently discussed in a Crooks and
Liars article on General Electric. “General Electric is a prime example of
this trend. Despite being highly profitable and subject to a theoretical
tax rate of 35 percent, GE paid only a 11.3 percent tax
2011. And that number was the most they paid in more than a decade. In
2010, they actually paid no taxes and got a net tax benefit of $3 billion.
For the 10 year period prior to that, their effective average tax rate was
2.3 percent.” Cooks and

Recently, President Obama proposed a reduction in the corporate tax rate to
28 percent for many corporations while claiming to reduce or eliminate many
tax loopholes. “President Obama will ask Congress to scrub the corporate
tax code of dozens of loopholes and subsidies to reduce the top rate to 28
percent, down from 35 percent, while giving preferences to manufacturers
that would set their maximum effective rate at 25 percent, a senior
administration official said on Tuesday.  Mr. Obama also would establish a
minimum tax on multinational corporations’ foreign earnings, the official
said, to discourage “accounting games to shift profits abroad” or actual
relocation of production overseas.”  New York

In light of the low actual rates paid already by these corporations, I
don’t understand why the rate even needs to be reduced.  When General
Electric pays an average of only 2.3% over ten years, what will they pay
under Obama’s proposal?  I think the proposal to set a minimum tax is good
in theory, but the devil is in the details.  I will believe it when I see

When politicians are screaming that corporations are people and should be
allowed to deny their employees any insurance coverage for services that
they have religious objections to, shouldn’t we make sure that they pay tax
rates that Real people pay? How many workers were laid off or terminated
while these profitable companies paid very little, if any, taxes?  What are
your thoughts?
(Disclosure: The author owns a small amount of shares in General Electric

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2012-03-05 Thread Jerry Rubin
 Contact:  Jerry Rubin



 Date:  Sunday, April 1, 2012
 Time:  3:00PM
 Location:  Vidiots
 302 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, 90405

 The one hour PBS Independent Lens documentary film by
 Barbara Multer- Wellin and Jeffrey Abelson is narrated
 by Tom Brokaw.

 The following is from the film's 2006 PBS Home Video DVD liner notes:

 The film celebrates the career of this legendary 3-time
 Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist. Over his remarkable
 50-year career, Conrad has drawn and quartered eleven
 American presidents- from Harry S. Truman to George W. Bush-
 and fearlessly tackled every major social and political issue.
 During his 30-year reign at the Los Angeles Times, Conrad's work
 was controversial and often shocking, but always thought provoking.
 An extraordinary artist and journalist, Conrad epitomizes the fiercely
 independent voice that has been vanishing from American news
 media in recent years.

 Whether loved or hated, agreed with or scoffed at, whether subject
 of glowing awards or winning an honored spot on the White House
 enemies list, it's broadly agreed that Paul Conrad is, in his field of
 editorial cartooning, a genius
 - Shelby Coffey III, former Editor and Executive Vice President
 of the Los Angeles Times

 For further information:
 Call Save Our Sculpture' (S.O.S.) at  310-399-1000 (Att. Jerry Rubin)
 Or E-mail to: jerrypeaceactivistru...@earthlink.net

 Paul Conrad died on September, 4, 2010 of natural causes, surrounded
 by his family at his home in Rancho Palos Verdes.


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[LAAMN] Iran: Khamenei Takes Control, Forbids Nuclear Bomb

2012-03-05 Thread Cort Greene
 http://angryarab.blogspot.com/2012/03/iranian-elections.html Iranian
elections http://angryarab.blogspot.com/2012/03/iranian-elections.html
 So in the Iranian elections, voters are permitted to choose from a group
of clerical fanatics and another group of clerical fanatics.  What a

 Posted by As'ad AbuKhalil

*Khamenei Takes Control, Forbids Nuclear

Posted on 03/04/2012 by Juan

Early returns in Iran’s 9th parliamentary election since the 1979
revolution show that Ahmadinejad’s lay populists have taken a
and that hard line supporters of clerical Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei are
ascendant. Ahmadinejad’s sister, Parvin, who stood for election from their
own hometown of Garmsar, was defeated, a major blow to the president.

Western reporters keep saying that the parliamentary results have no
implication for Iran’s nuclear program. But they only say this because they
either don’t pay attention to what Iranian leaders actually say, or
discount their statements as lies (treating them much less respectfully
than they treated notorious fraud Andrew Breitbart in their fluffy
obituaries last week).

A week and a half ago, Khamenei gave a major foreign policy
speechhttp://www.presstv.ir/detail/228014.htmlin which he said,

““The Iranian nation has never pursued and will never pursue nuclear
weapons. There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries
opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the
Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the
possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of
such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”

Now, you could maintain that Khamenei is lying when he says he holds that
possessing nuclear weapons is a grave sin. (You could also maintain that
the Popes are lying when they say using birth control is a grave matter,
but you’d have to explain why they put their papal authority on the line
for a lie they weren’t forced to utter). But even if you think it is a lie,
you have at least to *report what he says*. I guarantee you that Khamenei’s
speech opposing nukes was not so much as mentioned on any of the major
American news broadcasts.

Khamenei has also repeatedly said that Iran has a ‘no first strike’ policy,
that it will not fire the first shot in any conflict.

And if you hold that Khamenei, as a leading clerical authority, is being
dishonest on this issue, then surely you should offer some proof. Perhaps
he has flip-flopped over time? But no. Here is

““We have said repeatedly that our religious beliefs and principles
prohibit such weapons as they are the symbol of destruction of generations.
And for this reason we do not believe in weapons and atomic bombs and do
not seek them.”

Or 2009, when Khamenei

“They (Western countries) falsely accuse the Islamic republic’s
establishment of producing nuclear weapons. We fundamentally reject nuclear
weapons and prohibit the use and production of nuclear weapons. This is
because of our ideology, not because of politics or fear of arrogant powers
or an onslaught of international propaganda. We stand firm for our

I could go on providing the same sort of quotes going back years.

It seems to me that one implication of pro-Khamenei hard liners dominating
parliament is that the Supreme Leader’s authority has been enhanced. And he
is deploying his authority to forbid the acquisition of a nuclear warhead.

Warmongers attempting to drag the United States into yet another ruinous
(or, rather, infinitely more ruinous) war in the Middle East have typically
focused their propaganda on the person of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The president, now nearing the end of his second and last term, is easy to
ridicule and easy to demonize, because of his quirky personality and
colorful gaffes. He has been called a “Hitler” by Rick Santorum, and the
Neoconservatives depict him as a madman bent on bringing the world to an
end. (Ahmadinejad, unlike most establishment Shiite clerics, thinks that
the Muslim promised one or Mahdi will come soon, and this millenarian
belief has been taken advantage of by Neocons, who inaccurately allege that
the belief could push the president to support apocalyptic policies.) It
has been alleged that Ahmadinejad is a mass-murdering hard liner, seeking
nuclear weapons with which to destroy Israel.

This puzzling emphasis on Ahmadinejad comes despite the president’s
relative lack of power in the Iranian system. The commander in chief of the
armed forces is Supreme Leader 

[LAAMN] how not to get sick in the imperial valley

2012-03-05 Thread David Bacon
By David Bacon
New America Media

SEELEY, CA  (2/20/12) -- Until his knee gave out, Ramon Villa 
Jr. dreamed he'd be a soccer star.  Across Seeley's pitted playing 
field of dirt and grass, he and his friends would chase the ball 
through the desert sunset every day after school.  Seeley's de facto 
town center is that field. With a fire station in one corner, it is 
as much of a downtown as Seeley's ever likely to have.
Across the street on all four sides sit the sun-bleached 
homes of Imperial Valley farm workers.  Seeley, an unincorporated 
community not far from the Mexican border, has only 1700 residents. 
It's not a big place, not even a formal town.
For years the kids would play after school, when the broiling 
daytime temperature dropped, but they'd have to stop when it got 
dark.  Ramon's mom Carolina would point her pickup at the field and 
turn on the headlights, just to give them another half hour of play.
They'd get thirsty-- in the summer the thermometer can top 
110 degrees.  Sweating and out of breath, to get a drink the young 
players would put their heads under the spigot for a garden hose, 
just a few inches off the ground.
So Carolina Villa decided she had to do something.  With her 
sister Liz, she organized town residents to call on the Seeley County 
Water District, which owns the field.  After some discussion, they 
won a few lights on tall aluminum poles.  With the help of the 
planning department, they also got a real water fountain, so the 
players wouldn't get burrs from the grass in their ears when they 

Ramon Villa Jr. shows he can still keep the ball in the air, with the 
field's new lights behind him.

It was not easy for the Villas and other parents to get 
simple amenities for their kids, like light and water, because Seeley 
is one of the many unincorporated communities in rural California 
that lack the most basic services, like sewers, sidewalks and 
streetlights.  According to Policy Link, a foundation promoting 
economic and social equity, Throughout the United States, millions 
of people live outside of central cities on pockets of unincorporated 
land. Predominantly African-American and Latino, and frequently 
low-income, these communities ... have been excluded from city 
Imperial County has ten unincorporated towns the size of 
Seeley and its sister community Heber, and 59 other smaller colonias. 
Three years ago, Policy Link partnered with California Rural Legal 
Assistance to create the Community Equity Initiative, to find legal 
and organizing-based strategies for dealing with the critical 
situations confronting California's unincorporated communities.
CRLA attorneys Phoebe Seaton (who directs the Community 
Equity Initiative) and Ilene Jacobs point to efforts by larger 
neighboring cities to avoid responsibility for unincorporated areas 
and their residents.  Both Seeley and Heber are less than ten miles 
from El Centro, the Imperial County seat.  Local governments, 
desperate to protect their resources, perpetuated the political, 
social and economic isolation of these communities.  The local 
governments, in turn, fail to provide basic services to these 
communities that were intentionally excluded from planning and 
infrastructure investment, the two charged in Advocating for Equity 
In California's Rural Communities.

The graffiti house.

Light and water on the field made it more attractive to kids 
with little to do in this small community.  But basic amenities for 
the town's youth just scratch at the surface of the problems faced by 
Seeley residents.
One alternative pulling at young people is the graffiti 
house, an abandoned home across the street from the elementary 
school.  There the local mota smokers and mainliners get together and 
party, leaving beer bottles and even syringes lying on the empty 
floors.  From partying, the craziness just escalates.  Huge holes 
have been punched through walls covered in graffiti.  Electrical 
conduits have been pulled out and ripped open, in search of copper 
wire to sell for scrap.
Being a teenager in Seeley has its dangers.  But an even 
worse one isn't visible at all.  It's in the air.

Joahn Molena with his dog and his grandmother's chickens.

As Joahn Molena sits in his back yard, hugging his pit bull 
in front of his henhouse, dust coats everything outside his home. 
Molena's proud of his white Honda Civic, with its mag wheels.   It's 
a few years old, but in primo condition.  But of course, he has to 
wash it almost every day because dust in Seeley is everywhere. 
It blows in from the fields that surround the unincorporated 
communities.  In Heber, that dust comes from the empty expanses at 
the edge of town, that used to house 

[LAAMN] General Strike Preparation meeting Tuesday 7:30 at 2003 E. 1st St.

2012-03-05 Thread part2001
The Occupy Los Angeles General Strike Preparation Committee is having a 
critical meeting Tuesday, March 6 at 7:30 PM at Corazon del Pueblo, 2003 E. 
First Street in Boyle Heights (corner Cummings, just east of the I-5 Freeway) 
-- a few blocks east of the Plaza Mariachi station on the Metro Gold Line. This 
is a really important meeting to decide on the Occupy action and messaging on 
May 1st and how to coordinate with other labor and immigrants' actions taking 
place on that day. We need to come up with a clear plan of organizing and 
implementing our efforts to build a community base and nurture alliances so 
that the May 1 General Strike can have the paradigm-shifting impact of the 
original Occupations, and put us in a stronger position organizationally and 
politically to move forward beyond May 1.

The points of unity of the May 1 General Strike call from Occupy LA are:

No work - no school - no commerce - all out in the streets;

For Immigrants' Rights
For Economic, Social and Environmental Justice and Labor Rights
For Peace with Justice
For Civil Liberties - End the Police State
For Housing, Education and Health Care as Human Rights
For Women's Rights, LGBTQ (gay) Rights and Gender Equity

A day without the 99% ... A Day for the 99%

For more information, check www.occupymay1st.org

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[LAAMN] FW: Shining a Light on the Homeless, Katha Pollitt: Obama Stands Up to Bishops. Finally.

2012-03-05 Thread Ed Pearl


From: Ed Pearl [mailto:epear...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 10:56 AM
To: Ed Pearl
Subject: Shining a Light on the Homeless, Katha Pollitt: Obama Stands Up to 
Bishops. Finally. 

Obama Stands Up to Bishops. Finally. 
Katha Pollitt
The Nation: February 20th, 2012 Edition
As if it had finally noticed that women out-
number bishops, the Obama 
tion has decided against permitting religious organizations a broad 
exemption from rules requiring that all methods of contraception be covered, 
with no co-payment, by health insurance plans. Strictly religious 
organizations—churches, missions and such—will be exempt, but not universities, 
hospitals and charities. As a public health matter, this is excellent news: for 
women whose health plans don’t cover birth control, it can be difficult to 
obtain and costs hundreds of dollars a year out of pocket.

As a political matter it is also good news, a welcome departure from December, 
when Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius rejected the 
recommendation of the FDA’s scientists—an unprecedented move—and decided not to 
make Plan B, emergency contraception, available over the counter to all girls 
and women. It’s nice to see someone besides women under the proverbial bus for 
a change. Still, if I had to choose, I would have expanded Plan B access and 
let the bishops have their bottle, because normalizing postcoital 
contraception—yes, indeed, putting it right there in the grocery store next to 
the aspirin—would help far more girls and women than narrowing the religious 
exemption. But no, we had those 11-year-old girls to worry about, the ones who 
would run off to orgies if they could buy EC at CVS.

For some reason, women’s health is never just about women’s health, the 
well-being of the 52 percent of the population that spends around thirty years 
trying not to get pregnant. Someone else is always more important: in December 
it was licentious children; now it’s the anti-contraception clergy. “This 
egregious violation of religious freedom marks the first time in our history 
that the federal government is forcing religious people and groups to ante up 
for services that violate their consciences,” writes Sister Mary Ann Walsh, 
spokeswoman for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, in the Huffington Post. 
According to Walsh, religious freedom is reserved for “anybody but Catholics.” 
Nonsense. Are Quakers, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other pacifists exempt from 
taxes that pay for war and weapons? Can Scientologists, who abhor psychiatry, 
deduct the costs of the National Institute of Mental Health? As an atheist, a 
feminist, a progressive, I ante up for so much stuff that violates my 
conscience, the government should probably pay me damages. Why should the 
bishops be exempt from the costs of living in a pluralistic society? Walsh 
cites the Amish, who are exempt from buying health insurance because they have 
a conscientious objection to it, but the Amish are a self-isolated band of 
would-be nineteenth-century farmers; they don’t try to make others read by 
kerosene lamps or demand the government subsidize their buggies. The Catholic 
church, by contrast, runs institutions that employ, teach and care for millions 
of people, for which it gets oceans of public money. A great many of those 
employed and served aren’t even Catholic: at Jesuit universities, almost half 
the students aren’t in the church; at Notre Dame, almost half the faculty is 
non-Catholic, and that is not unusual. The vast majority of Catholics long ago 
rejected the Vatican’s ban on contraception. Catholic women are as likely to 
use birth control as other women. What about their consciences?

When 98 percent of members of the church reject the official dogma, you have to 
ask: who does the church belong to? Theologian Daniel Maguire, arguing for the 
doctrine of probabilism, says the widespread dissent of theologians from 
“Humanae Vitae,” the 1966 papal bull declaring birth control immoral, frees 
Catholics to follow their conscience. But, he adds, “the bishops have a 
terrific amount of scare power for politicians,” and for the media too. The 
Washington Post has published two editorials against the narrow exemption. 
Columnist E.J. Dionne agrees: “Speaking as a Catholic, I wish the Church would 
be more open on the contraception question. But speaking as an American liberal 
who believes that religious pluralism imposes certain obligations on 
government, I think the Church’s leaders had a right to ask for broader relief 
from a contraception mandate that would require it to act against its own 
teachings.” I wish the Church would be more open on the contraception question? 
Now there’s a ringing defense of women’s health and rights! There is someone 
who really gets the situation of the Georgetown student, profiled in the New 
York Times, who lost an 


2012-03-05 Thread Jerry Rubin
 Contact:  Jerry Rubin


 Date:  Wednesday, April 25, 2012
 Time:  7:00PM  (Refreshments: 6:30PM)
 Location:  Friends Meeting Hall
 1440 Harvard Street, Santa Monica 90404

 Featured Guest Speaker:  Ramona Ripston
 Topic:  Activism and Economic Rights

 Ms. Ripston is executive director emeritus of
 the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern
 California after having served as the group's
 executive director from 1972 until 2011.
 She is a lifelong progressive activist and
 community leader, working over the years for
 civil liberties, women's rights, economic rights
 and social justice. She is one of the most
 respected and outspoken voices on civil rights
 and civil liberties issues ranging from education
 and police reform to privacy, freedom of speech,
 and the rights of immigrants and homeless people.
 In August, 2006, the Los Angeles Times named
 Ms. Ripston as one of the 100 Most Powerful
 People in Southern California.

 The event is free and there is free on-site parking.

 The Activist Support Circle is an ongoing open
 monthly support group for progressive activists that
 started in February, 2005 to help guard against
 activist burnout.

 For further infornation:
 Call:  310-399-1000  (Att. Jerry Rubin)
 E-mail:  activistsupportcir...@earthlink.net
 Web Site:  www.ActivistSupportCircle.org


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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