[LAAMN] Privatizing Money

2011-12-22 Thread scotpeden
WHAT THE EUROPEAN BANKS GOT FOR CHRISTMAS. Yesterday, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that it will hand out $645,000,000,000 in three-year loans to European banks. Which the ECB printed out of thin air, like Monopoly money! The interest rate will be one percent per year. The ECB will

[LAAMN] How to decorate your local Obama campaign office for Christmas [1 Attachment]]

2011-12-24 Thread scotpeden
(Ah yes, it's what they do, not the sweet 'nothings' they whisper in our ears at sElection time, that matters - Scott) How to decorate your local Obama campaign office for Christmas http://warisacrime.org/content/how-decorate-your-local-obama-campaign-office-christmas SOURCE h/t Coleen Rowley

Re: [LAAMN] THE CHRISTMAS TRUCE, and a short piece about it.

2011-12-25 Thread scotpeden
Reading more on this recently (My Grandfather was in one of those Christmas Truces) I note that universally, it was the Germans who asked for the Christmas Truce, it was the Germans who offered the first gifts. So much for demonizing a people, for following their leaders, whoa re following the

[LAAMN] Charleston Voice: Israel Caught Selling 69 US Patriot Missiles to Red China NEWS THAT PROBABLY WON'T BE SEEN BY AMERICANS]

2011-12-26 Thread scotpeden
All the news that fit to go worldwide (but not in the USA). This is just over 3 days old as I send it Dec 26th, 2011. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/12/23/breaking-patriot-missiles-seized-sold-to-china-by-israel/

Re: [LAAMN] Re: [actionla] KPFK Programming Stinks!

2011-12-28 Thread scotpeden
No problem with this though? today's edition of Deadline L.A. Scott Don't fully understand exactly what the entire complaint is since there are so many great and diverse progressive programs on KPFK all week long. And fundraising is a REAL necessity. We need to support KPFK and Pacifica

Re: [LAAMN] Re: [actionla] KPFK Programming Stinks!

2011-12-28 Thread scotpeden
These are the same complaints over the last 4-6 years I get from people who've supported their stations in Berkley and New York. NPR is now known a National Propaganda Radio. That progression was accomplished in GWB's first term. Corporate funding for our public voices has brought it to the same

[LAAMN] CRONYISM: Great graphics

2011-12-30 Thread scotpeden
Here are a list of names that anyone who follows the money, should never lose. You wonder why such terrible legislation is continually passed for We the Taxpayers, and Corporate Welfare abounds? Well who in the public sector is telling you this? Some of these names will look very familiar to

Re: [LAAMN] Ron Paul - STORMFRONT (videos of Ron Paul at Events)

2011-12-31 Thread scotpeden
I was sure this was an alternate media site, not a reinforcement of the Fascist system we presently live in. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/laamn/ I'm definable not a Ron Paul supporter myself. he is though, in his agenda, a supporter of most of the things alternate media and those who


2011-12-31 Thread scotpeden
I was sure this was an alternate media site, not a reinforcement of the Fascist system we presently live in. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/laamn/ I'm definable not a Ron Paul supporter myself. he is though, in his agenda, a supporter of most of the things alternate media and those who

Re: [LAAMN] Ron Paul Lies About Lack Of Involvement With White Nationalists

2011-12-31 Thread scotpeden
I was sure this was an alternate media site, not a reinforcement of the Fascist system we presently live in. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/laamn/ I'm definable not a Ron Paul supporter myself. he is though, in his agenda, a supporter of most of the things alternate media and those who

Re: [LAAMN] Please Read This! ~ Obama Signs the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 1540) ~ The NDAA Authorizes the Arbitrary Indefinite Military Detention of American Citizens ~ THE INAUG

2012-01-02 Thread scotpeden
And the Bastard signs it on New Years eve, being upset that he can't have more say so as to whether you and I are sent to a Civilian or Military prison. Is there any doubt that this man like his predecessor considers our Constitution just a god dammed piece of paper, and has no respect for the

[LAAMN] Sin! Spin! SPIN!!!!

2012-01-02 Thread scotpeden
Round and round and round we go. Depends on what you definition of Spin is, eh? Bottom of page three has a rather nice summary. http://www.ironictimes.com/0590-p3.html --- LAAMN: Los

[LAAMN] Rose Parade

2012-01-02 Thread scotpeden
Thousands of us are waiting to see video coverage for the OWS at the end of the Rose Parade. There wasn't anything on the Main Stream 1% Corporate Media, (Duh) and I'm seeing editors all over the place asking for links and such, as they aren't finding anything. Anyone here who can send some links


2012-01-04 Thread scotpeden
Sorta knocks the myth of the two opposition party system, and exposes the 2 Corporate party system, doesn't it? Geez, there isn't even a place far enough left for Republicans, to be republicans anymore with their intent of being the supporters and defenders of the American Business's after

[LAAMN] Unhappy Jan 2nd to you!

2012-01-04 Thread scotpeden
Another infamous day in the history of our Nation. Gack! The more 'complete history' I learn, (verses the cherry picked stuff of Public K-12 propaganda, it does make for loyal at all cost citizens though) the more I wonder why I didn't spend a life time of reflex vomiting when i hear the words

[LAAMN] The Politics of Lowered Expectations. Nader

2012-01-04 Thread scotpeden
Let's face it, if today's Republicans are the most craven, greedy, ignorant, anti-worker, anti-patient, anti-consumer, anti-environment and coddlers of corporate crime in the party's history, why aren't the Democrats landsliding them? http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/01/03-10

[LAAMN] I am a Conservative/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist, are you?

2012-01-05 Thread scotpeden
It's hard to have a conversation about Politics or Economics or the Law, when the definitions of all operational words, are 180 degrees from the original meanings, isn't it? I don't suppose that was done by accident either. To take this a step further, and not take into account the Orwellian

[LAAMN] Obama and Faith Based Democrat Party Voting Values

2012-01-11 Thread scotpeden
As you read this, can you recall the number of times we've been told, The Republicans are Evil, they are worse. Well if they are. why would we vote for either of them? For those who blindly follow the Democrat Party, these are your values spelled out easily for you to see how your

[LAAMN] YES BUT THE REPUBLICANS ARE MORE EVIL!!!!!!!! AAAAAHAHAHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, it's Corporate Candidate sElection Season, I just had to say it before it was rammed

2012-01-11 Thread scotpeden
YES BUT THE REPUBLICANS ARE MORE EVIL AHAHAAHAHAHHAA! (Sorry, it's Corporate Candidate sElection Season, I just had to say it before it was rammed down my throat again by the Bush Policy Supporters.) Scott *** Is Obama the Trojan Horse, A

[LAAMN] Obama's attack on US civil liberties is par for the course in capitalism

2012-01-12 Thread scotpeden
Obama versus civil liberties Posted on January 8, 2012 by dandelionsalad Dandelion Salad Editorial SocialistWorker.org Jan. 4, 2012 Far from being the exception, the undermining of constitutional rights is standard operating procedure under capitalism, regardless of which politicians are in

[LAAMN] Survey: Should Leftists Support Obama?

2012-01-15 Thread scotpeden
Interesting survey! My answers are below the link, I suggest you add yours. Reading this, I can tell who is financing it, and they won't take my comments into consideration. Scott Survey Should Leftists Support Obama? LA Progressive - - 14 Jan 12: Obama and Progressives Walter Moss's recent LA

[LAAMN] Jan. 12, the 100th Anniversary of the Bread and Roses IWW strike in Lawrence, MA]

2012-01-15 Thread scotpeden
(1) Bread and Roses Strike: One of the Great Silences in the School Curriculum One of the great silences in the mainstream school curriculum is the role that social movements have played in making this a more fair, more peaceful, more democratic world. Students learn little about the collective

[LAAMN] [Fwd: [libertyundergroundtalk] Today at 5 p.m.]

2012-01-19 Thread scotpeden
Original Message Subject: [libertyundergroundtalk] Today at 5 p.m. From:LUV jackdot...@cox.net Date:Thu, 19 January, 2012 12:38 pm To: Group Talk Liberty Underground libertyundergroundt...@yahoogroups.com

[LAAMN] [Fwd: [libertyunderground] Today's LUV News: 20 January, 2012]

2012-01-20 Thread scotpeden
Original Message Subject: [libertyunderground] Today's LUV News: 20 January, 2012 From:LUV jackdot...@cox.net Date:Fri, 20 January, 2012 5:05 am To: libertyundergro...@yahoogroups.com

[LAAMN] The Great Pipeline Scam: When Will Environmentalists Wake Up?]

2012-01-20 Thread scotpeden
He who dares not offend cannot be honest - Thomas Paine Oh, we just love a good magic show, every 2/4 years, dob't we, Listen to the sound bytes! Admire the practiced fluent misdirection which they've worked hard on to be able to hold our interests and keep our attentions directed only where

[LAAMN] Kucinich Announces Constitutional Amendment to Publicly Finance Federal Elections]

2012-01-20 Thread scotpeden
If you are unable to view this email message or are using a mobile device click here to view in your web browser. To ensure that you will continue to receive our messages, please add i...@nationofchange.org to your address books. » Do you have friends that would like this? Click here to share

[LAAMN] We just renamed the Supreme Court to 'the Supreme Koch.'

2012-01-20 Thread scotpeden
Humm, I just noticed, a lot of good stuff is coming through today. Friday, the day that the worst things Congress and the Senate have to do to We The people, are passed as this is the day of the work week the fewest people pay attention to what is happening in the news. So in that case, pretend

[LAAMN] Book Review of Project Censored's Censored 2012 volume, by Paul W. Rea.]

2012-01-21 Thread scotpeden
A SOURCEBOOK FOR THE MEDIA REVOLUTION- Book Review of Project Censored's Censored 2012 volume, by Paul W. Rea. Huff, Mickey and Project Censored, Eds. Censored 2012: Sourcebook for the Media Revolution. New York: Seven Stories Press, October 2011. $19.95. For ordering details:

[LAAMN] Israel says ... Iran isn't building a nuclear weapon - CSMonitor.com] [1 Attachment]]

2012-01-21 Thread scotpeden
http://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/print/content/view/print/452210 By Dan Murphy, Staff writer posted January 19, 2012 at 11:57 am EST The war drums on Iran continue to beat onward. Hawkish editorials and opinion pieces adopt the style and content of articles from a decade ago, in which a

[LAAMN] A Simple, Overlooked Reason SOPA and PIPA Have Appeared, Like a Cancer]

2012-01-21 Thread scotpeden
A Simple, Overlooked Reason SOPA and PIPA Have Appeared, Like a Cancer By anonymous anonymous this anonymous posting has a lot of wisdom. There is a very simple, and we think overlooked, reason why the abominations of SOPA and PIPA have appeared like cancerous growths in the House and

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-01-22 Thread scotpeden
The abuse of buying and selling votes crept in and money began to play an important part in determining elections. Later on, this process of corruption spread to the law courts. And then to the army, and finally the Republic was subjected to the rule of emperors Plutarch - Historian of the

[LAAMN] I Forgot to Mention the Hit Man

2012-01-27 Thread scotpeden
The Columbus Day Parade. Cleveland, 1978. Yesterday, I told you how Dennis Kucinich single-handedly saved Cleveland?s public utility from a takeover by the banks. Even though it cost him a job he loved, being Mayor of Cleveland. But I neglected to mention that Dennis?s courage could have cost

[LAAMN] “Don’t Get Angry, Get Even”]

2012-01-27 Thread scotpeden
I received this from Professor Acuna of the California State University of Northridge (CSUN), and with his permission am forwarding it along. I feel this is a well written bit on the dumbing down of America which results in more profit for the elite of the world. Those uneducated that don't

[LAAMN] October 2011 movement, Police Crackdown

2012-01-27 Thread scotpeden
I found the included web site address really informative, and more educating them many of the occupy articles I've read recently. Scott *Police may try to crackdown at Freedom Plaza at noon on Monday * * http://october2011.org/blogs/kevin-zeese/police-threaten-two-dc-occupy-encampment* *This

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 29 January, 2012

2012-01-29 Thread scotpeden
*OCCUPY LUV NEWS * ** *Lots of Occupy news this morning, and we start with Occupy DC http://october2011.org/blogs/kevin-zeese/police-threaten-two-dc-occupy-encampment, because of its symbolism in representing the movement in the nation's capitol. Today there will be a protest at the White

[LAAMN] Occupy Oakland on the ground continual footage

2012-02-01 Thread scotpeden
How odd, 32 minutes of on the ground footage at the Oakland Occupy protest (condensed in this video, but with a link to the unedited version as well as other video's) only shows that the time line has been manipulated and that the facts distorted to illegally arrest people. The Police

[LAAMN] Online help requested with Fri. Feb. 3 Nationwide NDAA Congressional Protest

2012-02-01 Thread scotpeden
Please Post to as many Occupy Wall Street Facebooks as you can (by city or town.) 2 posts: FIRST POST IS: Help needed from Occupiers for Fri. Feb. 3 Nationwide NDAA Congressional Protest, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/335643799778967/ Many first-time protesters asking where their

[LAAMN] Visible Resistance: Civil Rights Photographs

2012-02-01 Thread scotpeden
Change always occurs in our Political system. Are you a changer, or are you simply one who will go along with who ever had the power to take more of what you have and give you less in return for your daily efforts? 4 Men sat at a counter, didn't even seem radical to me, it seemed dangerous, even

[LAAMN] To My Old Master (from a man previously a slave) Priceless!!!]

2012-02-01 Thread scotpeden
To all us wage slaves, I think Jourdan puts this in very fine words, how we are treated, and how justice only applies to those who have the money to get it. Scott This letter is priceless, simply priceless. In other words, the old massa wants to reenslave the writer of this letter. William A.

[LAAMN] Who's winning in 2012?

2012-02-02 Thread scotpeden
I noted during Obama's campaign, where talking heads completely reversed what he stood for as evidence by his voting record, and his no votes and abstaining on issues We The People needed REPRESENTATION on, that one news source pointed out that the media had made as much in that sElection alone,

[LAAMN] Follow the money

2012-02-02 Thread scotpeden
Here are the forces that control our political system, that control our economy, and all those terrible decisions you've seen Congress, the Senate and the Presidents of the last 30-50 years make? Well they weren't bad for those, who we owe money to. Well, this explains it rather well, and it's

[LAAMN] The Threat of Not Having Future Wars

2012-02-04 Thread scotpeden
If the 'enemy' is armed, it really cuts down the options for terrorists choice methods of attack. Imagine, one might not be safe waging terrorism/war on another if they could protect themselves, much less might retaliate. Of course in an idea world, disarmament would be better, but in the real

[LAAMN] Truck Drivers Shut Down Port of Seattle, MSM Ignores It

2012-02-07 Thread scotpeden
Another expose of Propaganda Central, the MSM, not being the 'information and investigative resource' they've sold the masses that they are, as their self appointed protectors from things going wrong in our world, and instead work exclusively for those who are anti a general population Social

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 10 February, 2012]

2012-02-10 Thread scotpeden
*GENERAL STRIKE IN EGYPT * ** *The /Egypt Revolutionaries' Alliance/, a coalition of over 50 political groups, has called for a general strike in Egypt http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/02/09-9 starting tomorrow. The protests are set to continue spontaneously until May, activists say,

[LAAMN] Israel and terrorism

2012-02-16 Thread scotpeden
Posted by permission from the author, I find this one of the better summaries of what we should expect for this sElection Season amongst the war mongers/terrorists for perpetual profit. Scott -- After several years of fake

[LAAMN] Viewpoint - The Ruse of The Fourth Estate

2012-02-16 Thread scotpeden
I get about one of these mailed to me each week. This is a veiwpoint always denied via the US Media, and often enough, hard enough to find from our now filtered International media searches, all of which the large agencies are simply parts of the US media or visa versa. And of course these views

[LAAMN] The integrity of N Korean News

2012-02-18 Thread scotpeden
#65 Chapter 7, Page 1, as it reads better on the web site. The page may change in a day or two. This particular page isn't adult in nature, unless you work for a certain news agency, though some folks sensibilities might be offended. http://leth.smackjeeves.com/ [Non-text portions of this

[LAAMN] Supreme Court

2012-02-20 Thread scotpeden
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network ---

[LAAMN] Occupy Presidents' Day in Van Nuys, CA

2012-02-20 Thread scotpeden

[LAAMN] Bush-Obama legacy

2012-02-20 Thread scotpeden
This is quite educational. http://www.obamatheconservative.com/ Hope was sold. What changed? We have grown up knowing that if a Politicians lips are moving, that they are probably lying, unless they belong to our party.. It's what THEY DO not what THE SAY, or the Hope the talking heads

[LAAMN] Israeli-U.S. Iranian Saber Rattling

2012-02-21 Thread scotpeden
February 21, 2012 As the Israeli-U.S. Iranian saber rattling reaches fever pitch, it is important for everyone to remember a few basic recent historical facts. As President Harry Truman was about to leave office, the Dulles brothers approached him with their plan to overthrow the democratically

[LAAMN] Illusion of Choice

2012-02-21 Thread scotpeden
http://www.nationofchange.org/illusion-choice-1329843747 Illusion of Choice NationofChange / Infographic Published: Tuesday 21 February 2012 “Media has never been more consolidated. 6 media giants now control a staggering 90% of what we read, watch or listen to.” *** This is an easy

[LAAMN] Review of Retirement Heist -- How Companies Plunder and Profit From the Nest Eggs of American Workers By Ellen E. Schultz [1 Attachment]]

2012-02-23 Thread scotpeden
-- This decline, starts with Government loosening the rules for Corporate Greed, to access money you and I were forced to take out of our Pay Checks. Those in Government that did this, are the congress, the Senate, and the

[LAAMN] 10 Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran]

2012-02-23 Thread scotpeden
TruthTheory.comTruth Theory.orgDocumentaries- Politics — 22 February 2012 By leading anti-war activist David Swanson, author of Day Break and War Is A Lie, who runs the websites DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. by David Swanson 1. Iran has threatened to fight back if attacked, and that's

[LAAMN] Fifteen Reasons Why I Voted Tea Party Republican -by a Proud Tea Party Republican

2012-02-26 Thread scotpeden
Fifteen Reasons Why I Voted Tea Party Republican -by a Proud Tea Party Republican 1. I voted Tea Party Republican because you can blame problems on poor people instead of the rich ones who actually run things. 2. I voted Tea Party Republican because firefighters and teachers are scum-sucking

[LAAMN] How to delete your Google Browsing History before new policy on March 1st]

2012-02-29 Thread scotpeden
Why should you aide these people in gathering information about yourself, that they then sell? -- How to delete your Google Browsing History before new policy _http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/320137_

[LAAMN] [Fwd: Check out LA Progressive]

2012-02-29 Thread scotpeden
Are these coming from this group? If so, would the person sending me 5-7 invites back to back each time they send an invite, please e-mail me or reply via this group? Scott Original Message Subject: Check out LA Progressive From:LA

[LAAMN] What happened to Obama's Big Oil windfall tax?

2012-03-01 Thread scotpeden
What happened to Obama's Big Oil windfall tax? By Glenn Thrush Politico March 1, 2012 Republicans are slamming the White House for rising gas prices and Democrats have been whining about them doing that. So, BuzzFeed put together a list of new fewer than six instances where then Sen. Obama

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 2 March, 2012

2012-03-02 Thread scotpeden
-- *OUTING THE NUCLEAR MAFIA * ** */Huffington Post/ has a good short piece http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/01/companies-profiting-from-war_n_1313392.html#s744979title=1_Lockheed_Martin with a slide show about the

[LAAMN] America: The Best Country in the World at Being Last -- How Can We Change That?

2012-03-05 Thread scotpeden
America: The Best Country in the World at Being Last -- How Can We Change That? The data is piling up to confirm that we’re Number One, but in exactly the way we don’t want to be—at the bottom. Where did we go wrong and what can we do about it?

[LAAMN] More on the myth of high corporate tax rates

2012-03-05 Thread scotpeden
Corporate Tax Rate and Reality Citizens for Tax Justicehttp://www.ctj.org/corporatetaxdodgers/CorporateTaxDodgersPR.pdf http://jonathanturley.org/2012/03/04/corporate-tax-rate-and-reality/#more-46226 March 4, 2012 http://jonathanturley.org/2012/03/04/corporate-tax-rate-and-reality/#comments * *

[LAAMN] Thoughts To Ponder

2012-03-11 Thread scotpeden
The general public are viewed as no more than ignorant and meddlesome outsiders, a bewildered herd. And it's the responsible men who have to make decisions and to protect society from the trampling and rage of the bewildered herd. Now since it's a democracy they - the herd, that is - are

[LAAMN] Obama admin approves sale of high tech weapons to israel, a FIRST in the USA.]

2012-03-11 Thread scotpeden
Anyone Missing George Bush, who refused to sell our highest technology weapons of mass destruction to Israel? I sure miss when the Liberals helped us Progressives in stopping the march or the Neo Cons, instead of the Liberals being gate guards when the Dems are worse then the Republicans in

[LAAMN] Thoughts To Ponder too

2012-03-15 Thread scotpeden
It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms.-- John Stockwell, former CIA official and author Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.

[LAAMN] Do as I say, not as I do, Rush

2012-03-15 Thread scotpeden
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network ---

[LAAMN] Non Sequitur for Friday March 9, 2012

2012-03-15 Thread scotpeden
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network ---

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-03-15 Thread scotpeden
Capitalism attacks and destroys all the finer sentiments of the human heart; it ruthlessly sweeps away old traditions and ideas opposed to its progress, and it exploits and corrupts those things once held sacred. - Daniel De Leon We have a world to conquer...one person at a


2012-03-15 Thread scotpeden
One more note about certain trouble makers. No memory of the conversation before their reply, is rather common, and a great asset, when the object is to make people leave a group, go no mail, or at the very least befuddled and toe the line of the paid propagandists. I've seen a good number of

[LAAMN] Psy Ops or simply ignorant trouble makers?

2012-03-15 Thread scotpeden
In the last week I hve had a good dozen 'partyline defenders' appear out of nowhere after a long silence form the last sEletion process, on the nearly score of groups I use to regularly participate in. Here are some observations, some based from training I've had in past employment. I'll get

[LAAMN] Yemen says U.S. attack killed 64 people        I LOSE COUNT OF AMERICAN WAR S]

2012-03-16 Thread scotpeden
Nope, nothing to look at here folks, just keep on moving along..The US is ending it's only 2 wars and is not interested in more... just ask the MIC who owns most of the politicians and the Two headed Party http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30788.htm [Non-text

[LAAMN] The Selective Compassion of the Media Human Rights Establishment]

2012-03-16 Thread scotpeden
Nope, nothing to see in Columbia, no wars or death squads going on there. how about a nice ride in an antique plane kept going even though there aren't replacement parts made for them anymore? I've now seen 4 articles on them in the last 2 months, and nothing in the main stream media about

[LAAMN] Goldman Sachs

2012-03-16 Thread scotpeden
http://www.borowitzreport.com/2012/03/14/a-response-from-goldman-sachs/ -- Having trouble reading this email? Click here to view online. MARCH 14, 2012 A Response from Goldman Sachs From Chairman Lloyd Blankfein NEW YORK

[LAAMN] Welcome to the 1% Recovery: America parties like it's 1931!

2012-03-16 Thread scotpeden
http://www.truth-out.org/welcome-1-percent-recovery/1331396893 Welcome to the One Percent Recovery Saturday 10 March 2012 by: Mike Konczal, New Deal 2.0 | News Analysis As the 1% reap 93 percent of the income gains from the recovery, we’re rapidly returning to pre-New Deal levels of

[LAAMN] What if Bush had done that? by Josh Gerstein/politico.com 3/13/12

2012-03-16 Thread scotpeden
snip “A little bit of consistency from the media would be appreciated — and from the left-wing groups,” Snip Some of Obama's practices, particularly in the war on terror, are supported by Republicans even as they cringe at the unanimity. End of Snips What if Bush had done that? by Josh Gerstein

[LAAMN] Kucinich/Hedges/Wright/ScheerTruthdig Retreat in Santa Fe -- Discount Ends Tomorrow]

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
Drilling beneath the headlines DAILY. Dear Truthdig Supporter, I'm writing to remind you that the early bird discount for our upcoming event is about to expire. Reserve your spot by 11:59 PM PDT on Thursday to save on our first-ever Truthdig Retreat, which will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico

[LAAMN] Thoughts To Ponder

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
You made your rulers mighty, gave them guards, So now you groan 'neath slavery's heavy rod. - Solon -- (c.638 BC-558 BC) Athenian statesman, lawmaker. Government, in its last analysis, is organized force. - Woodrow Wilson - (1856-1924) 28th US President But what is tyranny? Or how can a free

[LAAMN] Quote from ICH

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
We need to take our country back from the avaricious corporatocracy that feeds on the War Economy. The War Machine has our leadership , our Media and our very lives in its pocket. Everywhere health care, education, and fundamental human rights have suffered . We , as Americans and as members

[LAAMN] Obama, The War President, by Helen Thomas

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
If nothing changes, then nothing changes. And the NO CHANGE, cost the Dems heavily in the 2010 election. It's unforeseen what will happen in this one. Can the Republicans run someone so scary the Republicans can't get votes? My bet is the Convention will put Jeb Bush in, to pull their blind

[LAAMN] Obama The Most Pro-War President In History

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
Obama The Most Pro-War President In History http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAjH2VFH8lwfeature=endscreenNR=1 See comment below video. Sad isn't quite the word that describes how this makes me feel. Why does the Democratic base tolerate this stuff? If this was from RWers it would be full of

[LAAMN] The KONY Scam / Farewell Kucinich / Racist Empire / Obama Role Model? - BAR March 14]

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
snip a video that was immediately picked up and promoted by every corporate news and entertainment outlet till it went viral. snip This alone is a major red flag, the Media only supports/promotes what makes the .01% money and power, and or distracts us from all other things of importance. If


2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet, it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields

[LAAMN] More Quotes from ICH

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
What have we allowed ourselves to become? Are we no longer a nation of laws? Have we become instead a nation of men who make secret arrests? Are secret prisons now simply another tool of the federal government law enforcement? Ron Paul Campaigns don't change politics and a president doesn't

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 16 March, 2012

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
*THE AMERICAN SPRING BEGINS IN TWO WEEKS * ** *Kevin Zeese sent us the latest on events http://nowdc.org/content/american-spring-time-occupy-blossom starting in Washington DC on the 30th of March to begin the next phase of the Occupy Movement. /Common Dreams/ has a report this morning

[LAAMN] MUST READ! ‘Total Information Awareness’ surveillance program ret urns , bigger than ever | BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING AND LISTE NING SEE BELOW]

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
Well well. Anything beat down in Congress and the Senate that is oppressive to the peoples of the planet will keep rearing it's head. While this was fought and stopped (or so we and the legislators thought) Bush's TIA program comes back under Obama. I'd ask why is the the worst things of one

[LAAMN] Why the Puerto Rico GOP primary matters

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
At first I couldn't understand this, you know, why do territories get delegates to the Demopublican conventions. Then I realized, this has nothing to do with actually casting a vote, and I was trying to figure this out as to how why it was good for the people of the US territories. It has

[LAAMN] AARP is at it again

2012-03-17 Thread scotpeden
Done, and shared too. Here is what my note said: NO LONGER an AARP Member. You've worked against all non corporate health care since the beginning, and each additional action gets thousands more knowing what your doing. Scott I left them over their doing the hit ads against single payer, and

[LAAMN] LUV News Sun 18 March 2012

2012-03-19 Thread scotpeden
** ***EVERYBODY’S A TARGET* * * *If you're not doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide.” Every time I hear people utter this colossally stupid statement, I want to send them back to 5th grade Civics. Does the concept of principle mean nothing? I despise the National Security State

[LAAMN] FOG - The Forces of Greed

2012-03-19 Thread scotpeden
Jack Balkwill is the first guest in this 1-hour ClearingTheFog radio program. The inaugural show [ClearingTheFog] where Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers learn how to use the equipment. Featured guests are *Jack Balkwill of Liberty* *Underground Virginia News* and Tarak Kauff of the Veterans for

[LAAMN] Obama Offers to Cut Social Security, Medicare

2012-03-20 Thread scotpeden
In action, President Obama has repeatedly made it clear, cutting military spending is NOT on the table, even though it is now over 50% of the US budget and is one of the 2 causes of our Financial Crises aka, Recession/Depression(depending on where your personal finances are at). Scott GRAPHIC:

[LAAMN] heartfelt prayer

2012-03-20 Thread scotpeden
Dear Lord: I know that I don't talk to you that much, but you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress, Farah Fawcett, and my favorite singers, Whitney Houston and Waylon Jennings. I just wanted to let you know that my favorite radio announcer is Rush Limbaugh.

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-03-20 Thread scotpeden
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. - Alvin Toffler Without general elections, without unrestricted freedom of press and assembly, without a free struggle of opinion, life dies out in every

[LAAMN] Greenwald-the defeat of Kucinich+the elite definition of sanity

2012-03-21 Thread scotpeden
http://www.salon.com/2012/03/09/the_authoritarian_mind/ SATURDAY, MAR 10, 2012 5:40 AM EDT Dennis http://www.salon.com/2012/03/10/dennis_kucinich_and_wackiness/singleton Kucinich and wackiness BY http://politics.salon.com/writer/glenn_greenwald/ GLENN GREENWALD AP100317120499-460x307.jpg

[LAAMN] Obama Proposes to Raise Rent on Some of the Nation's Poorest Households

2012-03-21 Thread scotpeden
So, this is what the Liberal Faux Media offers us as The Only Viable Choices a Party that would even consider raising rent on the poor while talking with the opposition about how got get 800 Billion stimulus for not raising taxes and making all off shore profits of said corporations to be non

[LAAMN] Mark Morford: Calling all kinkster hippie sluts

2012-03-22 Thread scotpeden
If you are sniped from articleNimble minded, fluxive in spirit, refusing to be duped by the narrow and rigid, the bishop or the radio blowhard or the sweater-vested idiot. You think for yourself, act for others, love without regard for church or country or sad conformist dogma. then this is an

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 21 March, 2012

2012-03-22 Thread scotpeden
*LIES STILL BEING PUSHED FOR WAR WITH IRAN * ** *Yesterday, on the Persian new year, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that if the USA or Israel should attack Iran, they can expect a counterattack http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/03/20-3. * *Last month, US mass media

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-03-22 Thread scotpeden
It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners. - Albert Camus Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. - Albert Einstein In this war - as in others - I am less interested in honoring the dead than in preventing the dead. - Butler Shaffer

[LAAMN] End of Growth?

2012-03-22 Thread scotpeden
*The Paradox of Leisure* In large part, the history of technology is the history of labor-saving devices. A diesel backhoe can do the work of five hundred men with shovels. A bulldozer can do the work of five hundred lumberjacks with axes. A computer can do the work of five hundred old-time

[LAAMN] Obama continues to show his real stripes......................

2012-03-22 Thread scotpeden
Martial Law by Executive Order : 03/21/2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jim-garrison/martial-law-under-another_b_1370819.html?view=printcomm_ref=false President Obama's National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16 does to the country as a whole what the 2012 National

[LAAMN] A Personal Thank You from Dennis Kucinich (Please Forward)

2012-03-22 Thread scotpeden
Dear Friend, Thank you. Thank you for support throughout the primary election and the redistricting period which preceded it. Thanks to each and every one of you for your assistance in the campaign, your contributions, your endorsements, your volunteer work, your sacrifices, your

[LAAMN] Thoughts To Ponder

2012-03-22 Thread scotpeden
Washington...has become an alien city-state that rules America, and much of the rest of the world, in the way that Rome ruled the Roman Empire. - Richard Maybury When [men] go to war, what they want is to impose on their enemies the victor's will and call it peace. - St. Augustine War has

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