LL:PR: what's on earth matters this week 17/3

2000-03-15 Thread 3CR Staff Email
EARTH MATTERS can be heard on 3CR in Melbourne Sunday 11am, 2XX Canberra Tuesday 10am, 8CCC Alice Springs Sundays between 8-9pm, 2NCR Lismore Friday 10am, 5UV Adelaide Thursday 2pm, 7LTN Launceston Monday 7:30pm, 2VOX Wollongong between 9-10am & much more!! Earth Matters Program 96a Juliet Fox 3

LL:ART: Premier backs death penalty campaign

2000-03-15 Thread alister air
Premier backs death penalty campaign Western Australian Premier Richard Court has backed a campaign by a retired farmer to reintroduce the death penalty in the state. Mr Court said the government would consider holding a referendum if strong public support could be shown for capital punishment

LL:ART: Queue jumpers and other myths

2000-03-15 Thread Trudy Bray
THE AGE http://www.theage.com.au/news/2316/A11339-2000Mar15.html Queue jumpers and other myths By GLENN NICHOLLS Thursday 16 March 2000 WE ARE demonising boat people. It's in our interests, as well as theirs, that we stop it. Fallacy 1: They are illegal immigrants People fleeing persecut

LL:AA: urgent appeal for book donations for East Timor

2000-03-15 Thread Tom Nicholson
Dear leftlink members Nelson De Sousa Carvalho Belo is currently visiting Melbourne as a delegate of the East Timor Student Solidarity Council (ETSSC). ETSSC is a national student organisation which was an important part of the clandestine network working for independence during the Indonesian

LL:DDV: national day of action - nuclear freeways

2000-03-15 Thread Friends of the Earth Fitzroy
National Day of Action - Sunday March 26 GPO 12pm No Nuclear Reactors -No Radioactive Dumps To show solidarity with groups fighting the new nuclear reactor proposed for Sydney and the planned national (possibly international) wastedump in th

LL:DDV: SBSI Indonesia unionists in Melbourne

2000-03-15 Thread AAWL
Meet the Indonesian union comrades from SBSI SBSI is one of the two major independent Indonesian union federations established during the Suharto government. SBSI officials Antie Solaiman, Didik Hendro and Eduard Marpaung are in Melbourne during March 2000 for a training project coordinated by