LL:INFO: CPSU members - the right to organise by email

2003-11-24 Thread Alison Thorne
Hi LeftLinkers

Can you please pass this on to any CPSU activists you know?

Alison Thorne

Dear CPSU activists and members

A group of CPSU members in Melbourne were recently
discussing issues which impact on all CPSU members.
One disturbing trend we noticed was increased
restrictions on access by unionists to workplace
e-mail systems for organising.

For example, in Centrelink, there are very strict
rules about 'appropriate' e-mail usage. While e-mail
may be used by delegates for union purposes what
these delegates may circulate is extremely
restricted and is closely monitored. Some CPSU
delegates in Centrelink were not allowed to
circulate a CPSU Bulletin in solidarity with Telstra
CPSU member, Anne-Marie, who faced retrenchment on
the day she returned from maternity leave. Delegates
have been prevented from circulating other material
sent to them by the CPSU including Trades Hall
solidarity bulletins in support of workers involved
in the long-running Geelong Woolcombers dispute and
union Bulletins about the campaign to defend Medicare.

We want the CPSU to take this up as a priority
issue. Our goal is for our union to win the right of
all union members  to be able to use workplace
e-mail systems to communicate and organise without
the dead hand of censorship many of us currently

This is why we have launched the Right to Organise
in Cyberspace Campaign.

We want e-mail organising rights entrenched in EVERY
workplace agreement covering CPSU members.

Our first goal is for the next National Council
meeting of the CPSU, which is scheduled for June
2004, to pass a motion making this a priority issue
for the CPSU in the upcoming period. We hope to
achieve this by having as many CPSU workplace,
delegate and council meetings as possible pass a
motion and forward it to the National Council.

This is what you can do:

(1) Raise a version of this model motion for
discussion and, if it is carried, please send sent
it to the National Council C/- Adrian O'Connell,
National Secretary, CPSU - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send a copy to:
* Terry Costello, CPSU National Councillor -
* Alison Thorne, Right to Organise in Cyberspace
Campaign Coordinator - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Model motion

"This meeting views with alarm the trend within some
public sector agencies towards severely limiting
e-mail usage for union organising. In some
workplaces, only delegates may use e-mail for union
purposes. Material which they may circulate is
limited. For example they may be banned from
circulating discussion of industrial action or even
the circulation of CPSU Bulletins promoting
solidarity with other workers or action around
social concerns.

This meeting calls on the CPSU's National Council to
adopt this as one of its priority issues and to
campaign to win improved access to e-mail for union
organising in its broadest sense for members in all
workplaces covered by the CPSU.

We believe that all union members have the right to
use workplace e-mail for union organising and social

(2) Send us information about access to/restrictions
on e-mail usage for union organising in your
workplace. Share your ideas about the issues.

(3) Pass information abut this campaign on to others
within the CPSU.

(4) Contact us if you would like more background
information about the reasons for this campaign or
our objectives.

Let's get mobilising! The June 2004 National Council
meeting is not far away.

Alison Thorne
Right to Organise in Cyberspace Campaign Coordinator
PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic 3055


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LL:DDV: Socialists in Seattle City elections - lessons for Aust

2003-11-09 Thread Alison Thorne
Radical Women & Freedom Socialist Party joint meeting
Thursday 11 December, 2003, 7 pm
Socialists in the Seattle City Elections: Lessons for Australia

Linda Averill, Freedom Socialist candidate in the recent Seattle 
elections, came in fourth in a field of six candidates, scoring more 
than 10% of the vote! Averill, who is a bus driver and delegate to the 
King County Labor Council for the Amalgamated Transit Union, is a former 
organiser for Seattle Radical Women. Averill and her supporters ran a 
serious socialist feminist campaign which provided a refreshing 
alternative for voters pissed off with a field of candidates who 
routinely do the bidding of big business. Hear a report on the lessons 
from Averill's campaign, and discuss what we in Australia can learn from 
their success as Socialist Alliance plans its first Federal election 
challenge since winning registration.

The meeting will also discuss a report on the exciting upsurge in 
Bolivia where peasants and workers said "no" to the exploitation of the 
country's gas supplies and kicked out the President in the process!

Why not end 2003 with a good dose of revolutionary optimism? Everyone is

Dinner at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. Meeting starts at 7 pm.
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.



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LL:PR: Lyndon LaRouche: Fascism restyled for the new millennium

2003-10-30 Thread Alison Thorne
News Release

Contact: Alison Thorne  03-9386-5065, 03-9388-0062

For release: immediately

Lyndon LaRouche Exposed

In "Lyndon LaRouche: Fascism Restyled for the New Millennium," author 
Helen Gilbert provides a highly revealing look at the background and 
politics of the LaRouche movement, which is sure to stand candidates in 
the upcoming Federal Election under the name Citizens Electoral Council 

Dennis King, whose definitive book on LaRouche was published in 1989, 
calls the new publication, "Highly recommended -- packed with vital 
up-to-date information to refute the egregious deceptions of LaRouche 

This small, well-documented booklet from Red Letter Press reviews 
LaRouche's origins as a one-time socialist who took a turn to the 
far-right in the 1970s. He instigated his followers to physically attack 
left organisations and published hysterical diatribes against women, 
people of color, Jews, and gays.

In the U.S., LaRouchites actively sabotaged labour reformers in 
Teamsters for a Democratic Union and built a multi-million dollar empire 
through political spying and defrauding senior citizens. In Australia 
the CEC scapegoats Aborigines and in 1997 published a pamphlet titled 
"Aboriginal 'Land Rights:' Prince Philip's Racist Plot to Splinter 

As a perennial U.S. presidential candidate LaRouche is now taking a 
milder public tone, but Gilbert finds his essential message the same. 
She has studied current LaRouche publications and found a far-right 
agenda that combines racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic scapegoating 
with extreme hostility toward women and environmentalists.

LaRouche also promotes nuclear power and the banned pesticide DDT. He 
seeks to "save" the free market economy. Gilbert defines fascism as a 
mass movement that aims to preserve capitalism by smashing working class 
gains and eliminating democratic rights. On this basis, she concludes 
that LaRouche is a peculiar variety of 21st century fascist.

The author, a longtime feminist, anti-Nazi activist and socialist, first
became aware of LaRouche in the 1970s when he was actively threatening
radicals and spouting conspiracy theories from the front pages of "New

The 46-page booklet is priced at $7 and is available from Solidarity 
Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056. To order a copy by mail send a 
cheque for $8 payable to the Feminist Education Association, PO Box 266 
West Brunswick Vic 3055.

For more information or to receive a review copy, contact the Feminist
Education Association which distributes Red Letter Press in Australia at 
PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055 or 03-9388-0062. Web:



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LL:DDV - Woman As leader!

2003-10-30 Thread Alison Thorne
-- Socialist Feminist Study Group --
The Feminine Mystique and Its Relevance Today

Thursday 13 November -- Woman as leader!

Join us for a lively discussion of how to vanquish the feminine mystique
once and for all!!

Dinner at 6.30 pm ($6.50 donation) Sessions run from 7 - 8.45 pm

Solidarity Salon. 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. All welcome.

Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women. For more info
call 9386-5065.



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LL:DDV: Wipe the smile off John Howard's Face!

2003-10-28 Thread Alison Thorne
Do you want to wipe the smile off John Howard's face?

Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance invites you to

Curry to Kick Out Howard!
Saturday 8 November, 7 pm
Lazzat Kadah
61 - 63 Sydney Road Coburg
* Tickets $25/$20 * BYO drinks

Enjoy a lively evening with like-minded locals. And, at the same time, 
help launch the fundraising effort for the Wills Socialist Alliance 
Federal election campaign. We need several thousand dollars to run a 
really effective campaign in Wills. Our aim is that every voter in the 
seat of Wills knows our candidate, David Glanz and that Socialist 
Alliance stands for taxing the rich, money for health and education, not 
war, and defeating anti-union laws.

Booking essential! Call Alison on 9386-5065 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Thursday 6 November.



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LL:DDV: The new face of the feminine mystique

2003-10-20 Thread Alison Thorne

-- Socialist Feminist Study Group --
The Feminine Mystique and Its Relevance Today

Thursday 30 October --  The new face of the feminine mystique

Does the feminine mystique still exist today? Discussion based on 
chapter 1, "Blame it on feminism" from Susan Faludi's ground breaking 
book, "Backlash."

Dinner at 6.30 pm ($6.50 donation) Sessions run from 7 - 8.45 pm

Solidarity Salon. 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. All welcome.

Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women. For more info
call 9386-5065.



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LL:PR: Statement: Israel's bombing of Syria is state terrorism

2003-10-13 Thread Alison Thorne
Freedom Socialist Party -- International Executive Committee
* Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick Vic 3056 AUSTRALIA
* Phone/fax: 61-3-9388-0062
* Coordinator, Alison Thorne: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

12 October, 2003

Dear friends around the global

Below is a statement issued by the U.S. section of the Freedom Socialist
Party condemning Israel's bombing of Syria.

Please feel free to publish this or pass it on to others your think may 
be interested. We would welcome your opinions.

For world peace through socialism
Alison Thorne,
coordinator Freedom Socialist Party International Executive Committee

Israel's bombing of Syria: U.S.- approved state terrorism

Israel's startling air strike into Syria on October 5, 2003, was a
dangerous act of terrorism, threatening to inflame and expand the 
unequal war between Israel and Palestine. It was also in perfect harmony 
with U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

The bombing raid, Israel's first air assault inside Syria in 30 years, 
was timed to gain popular support in Israel, or at least coerce 
frightened civilians into silence. It was carried out on the anniversary 
of the start of the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, and on the day after a 
suicide bombing in a Haifa restaurant killed 19 people, both Jews and 
Arabs. The target was Ain Saheb, an alleged "terrorist training camp" 
just a ten-minute bus ride outside Damascus. Actually, say people on the 
spot, the site was an abandoned Palestinian camp consisting of six 
houses and an orchard. It had no connection to the Haifa suicide bombing.

In other words, the Israeli pretext for attacking Syria was as 
fraudulent as U.S. excuses for invading Afghanistan and Iraq.

Creators of terror, directly and indirectly

The U.S. didn't even pretend to be critical of Israel's arrogant
brinkmanship. In fact, it publicly set the stage for it through the 
Syria Accountability Act, pending legislation that would impose 
sanctions on Syria for supposedly supporting terrorism. Throughout the 
week preceding Israel's attack, Syria was accused in Congress of having 
weapons of mass destruction and biological warheads. Lebanon, which is 
under strong Syrian influence, was falsely said to be harboring 
"thousands" of Iranian militants. And for months, Washington has been 
charging Syria with allowing Arab volunteers through its borders to help 
Iraqis resist the U.S. occupation.

How very tidy. Syria, Lebanon and Iran all neatly lined up to get hit,
whenever the U.S. decides to strike. According to White House 
propaganda, these nations are on the "wrong side of the war on 
terrorism" -- just like every other country that disagrees with the U.S.

But who are the chief terrorists?

Israel's 34-year occupation of Palestine, bought and paid for by the 
U.S., is grounded in a strategy that has inflicted unrelenting misery in
Palestine. Its tactics include helicopter missile assassinations of
political leaders; collective punishment; a towering apartheid wall and
barbed-wire fences; endless curfews and dehumanizing checkpoints; home
destructions, land theft, and deprivation of food, water, education and
jobs. This state terror will not stop individual terror through suicide
bombings. On the contrary, it ignites them, just as U.S. savagery
internationally incites attacks on U.S. civilians at home and abroad.

All over the world, the U.S. is inflicting pain and suffering unmatched 
in human history. Most recently, its occupation of Iraq has left 
countless Iraqis dead or injured, along with an unrevealed number of 
U.S. soldiers. As the world superpower swaggering across the globe at 
the service of corporate America, its "war on terror" is either directly 
or indirectly responsible for most of the political violence on planet 

The U.S. is no stranger to real terrorist training camps. Since the 
1940s, its infamous School of the Americas (now the Western Hemisphere 
Institute for Security Cooperation) has educated counter-insurgents in 
the most advanced methods of torture and killing. Today, it is host to 
training operations run by Venezuelan military officers preparing to 
overthrow the left-leaning government of Hugo Chavez.

Their aims and ours

Israel's ruling rightwing Zionists want to be rid of the Palestinians, 
one way or another, no matter the cost in human lives.

This dovetails, for now, with the interests of the U.S., which has in
Israel a convenient base for launching imperialist assaults in the 
Middle East. What the U.S. wants is nothing less than political control 
over the whole region, which contains more than 64 percent of the 
world's known crude oil reserves. It does not matter how many Americans, 
Palestinians, and Israelis die in the process, although the U.S. is 
happy to have Israeli soldiers serve as proxy cannon fodder whenever 

In both Israel and the U.S., workers are growing more and more angry 

LL:PR: Stop Bush's War On Women!

2003-10-13 Thread Alison Thorne
Radical Women
* Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick Vic 3056
* Phone/fax 03-9388-0062 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* www.radicalwomen.org

News release -- 12 October, 2003

From: Radical Women

For more information:
In Melbourne - Debbie Brennan, 9386-3230
In Geelong - Brigitte Ellery, 5241-3901

For immediate release

Stop Bush's War on Women

There's a killer, a dangerous fundamentalist and a
sinister patriarch on his way to Australia. George
W. Bush will arrive on October 22 to promote his
never ending war, advance his free trade agenda and
peddle his conservative social values.

Bush will visit Australia immediately following the
APEC summit to be held on 21 October in Bangkok. He
will address the Federal Parliament on 23 October.

Feminists are among those involved in the "Stop
Bush's War Committee" which is planning a protest at
the State Library in Melbourne at 5 pm on 22
October. The Melbourne action will farewell
protesters travelling overnight to Canberra to make
sure the message is heard loud and clear around the
world that George W. Bush is a war criminal who is
not welcome in Australia.

Radical Women organiser, Debbie Brennan, is planning
to join the Melbourne protest. Brennan, who was born
in the U.S. and identifies with "the other U.S.A --
the queers and feminists, civil rights activists,
unionists, anti-war campaigners and radicals of
every stripe -- is angered by the Bush
administration's cynical attempts to misuse feminism
to try to get women behind its so-called  "war on
terrorism." "Bringing out Laura Bush to stand by her
man and justify the destruction of Afghanistan
because of the Taliban's horrific sexism was a nice
touch, but let=92s be clear that liberating Afghan
women was not the Bush administration's goal. Just
as its goal in Iraq is not to stamp out honour
killings. Bush's war is about oil and profits, not
women's liberation," she argues.

Brigitte Ellery, a grandmother and former Socialist
Alliance candidate for the State seat of Lara,
agrees. She is also critical about Bush's domestic
agenda. Ellery describes Bush as "a warmonger,
union-buster and opponent of civil rights who
prescribes marriage as the economic solution for
women on welfare and who is systematically
dismantling affirmative action and eroding
reproductive rights in the U.S. and around the globe."

Radical Women, a socialist feminist women's
leadership organisation, says that coupled with his
other crimes, George W. Bush is conducting a war on

The group points to the following facts as evidence
of the current U.S. administration's anti-woman
agenda. The Bush administration:
* defunded programs that monitor discrimination
* opposes affirmative action and aims to defund the
Headstart early education program which assists poor
* continues to appoint people who opposes
affirmative action, welfare for single mothers, gay
rights and abortion
* is eroding Title IX, the 1972 law that mandates
equality for women in education
* appointed a doctor to the reproductive Health and
Drugs Advisory Committee of the FDA who refuses to
discuss contraception with unmarried women and
advocates prayer as a treatment for pre-menstrual
* is among only three countries which have refused
to sign the Un Convention on the Elimination of all
forms of discrimination against women
* opposes and defunds family planning and AIDS
prevention programs if they even mention condoms
* declared war on any sex education program which
advocates anything other than abstinence as the way
to prevent pregnancy and avoid STDs
* imposed a gag rule on international family
planning providers, barring them from providing
information about abortion -- even using their own
funds -- if they receive any U.S. funding
* opposes domestic partnership legislation
* is determined to outlaw abortion by reversing Roe
versus Wade and has attacked reproductive rights so
successfully that only 13% of U.S. counties now have
access to abortion services

Radical Women is mobilising feminists to join the
anti-Bush protests. The group is also hosting a
discussion about Bush's War on Women and how it can
be stopped. The meeting titled "Women say NO to the
War on the Homefront" will take place on Tuesday 28
October, 7 pm at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road,
Brunswick. A mouthwatering dinner, with vegetarian
option, will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation.

Radical Women members are available for interviews



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LL:DDV: Brainwashing a generation:Selling the Feminine Mystique

2003-10-09 Thread Alison Thorne
-- Socialist Feminist Study Group --
The Feminine Mystique and Its Relevance Today

Thursday 16 October --  Brainwashing a generation: Selling the Feminine

Discuss the techniques used in the 50s and 60s to try to convince women
domestic slavery was really bliss! Discuss strategies to resist the
contemporary versions of backlash ideology.

Dinner at 6.30 pm ($6.50 donation) Sessions run from 7 - 8.45 pm

Solidarity Salon. 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. All welcome.

Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women. For more info
call 9386-5065.

All reading materials are available for sale at Solidarity Salon, 580
Sydney Road, Brunswick. Solidarity Salon is open Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturday. Call to confirm opening hours on 9388-0062



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LL:DDV: - Leon Trotsy: His life and his ideas

2003-10-09 Thread Alison Thorne
Study group
Starts Tuesday 25 November, then every Tuesday to 9 December
Leon Trotsky: His life and his ideas

Curious about Trotsky? Heard about this Marxist thinker but don't really
know what he stands for? This introductory study group is for you! Helen
Gilbert's lively synopsis, Leon Trotsky: His Life and His Ideas, tells 
the history of Lenin's co-leader of the Russian Revolution, and his 
life-long struggle to preserve the authentic ideas and original gains of 
socialism expressed in his theory of Permanent Revolution.

* Dinner at 6.30 pm ($6.50 donation)
* Sessions 7 - 8.45 pm
* Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
* Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party
* For more info call Peter on 9386-5065



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LL:DDV: Peter Hannaford Art exhibition at Solidarity Salon

2003-10-02 Thread Alison Thorne
Hi Left Linkers

The Sydney Road Shop Stop Art Exhibition, which is part of the Fringe
Festival, is about to commence.

Solidarity Salon is participating this year and we are exhibiting some 
of Peter Hannaford's bold work.

Featured is his anti-Blackshirt pieces as well as a very striking 
sculpture and painting opposing the vent which spews pollution from City 
Link across Richmond.

The art is on display now and will be at the Salon through until 12 
October when Shop Stop Art comes to a close.

So there are two things you can all do:

(1) Pop down to Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road Brunswick, and 
appreciate Peter's wonderful work. The Salon will definitely be open 
Saturday 4 October from 10 - 5 pm, Wednesday 8 October from 12 noon - 7 
pm, Saturday 11 October from 10 - 5 pm and very likely at a host of 
other times.

There is also meet the artist sessions on Thursday 9 October from 6 - 8 
pm. and on Friday 10 October at 2.30pm. Come down and talk to Peter 
about his work.

If you want to confirm we are open at any other time, call on 9388-0062

(2) Be ready to respond and mobilise in the event this art work draws a
response from the ultra-right patriarchs in the Blackshirts.

I hope you can come and enjoy some very fine social comment art.

Alison Thorne



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LL::INFO: Great reading for rebels

2003-09-24 Thread Alison Thorne
Hello LeftLinkers

Red Letter Press has just come out with four new additions to the Red 
Banner Reader series of topical, informative, and affordable booklets. 
Below is a thumbnail description of our latest offerings. Click on the 
links below to get more information or to place an order through our 
website. Or go directly to www.RedLetterPress.org  to check out our full 

All 4 titles, which costs $7 each, are available in Melbourne at 
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Solidarity Salon is open 
Wednesday from noon - 7 pm, Saturday from 10 am - 5 pm and is often open 
other days of the week (call 9388-0062 first to check).

To order by mail (add $1 postage for the first title and 50 cents for 
each additional title) send cheques payable to Feminist Education 
Association [Australian Distributor of RLP titles], PO Box 266 West 
Brunswick 3055.


Alison Thorne


An expose of the bizarre, bigoted program of the LaRouche movement and its
hidden past.
By Helen Gilbert
52 pages, Red Banner Reader #8,


Analyzes how workers' gains from the 1949 revolution are being destroyed 
by massive privatization led by the bureaucracy.
By Dr. Susan Williams
56 pages, Red Banner Reader #7,


Argues for the importance of revolt in the U.S. and recognition of the
radical leadership of women and queers.
By Robert Crisman, Stephen Durham, Monica Hill, and Merle Woo
56 pages, Red Banner Reader #6,


A primer on revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky and his courageous fight
against Stalinism.
By Helen Gilbert
56 pages, Red Banner Reader #5,



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LL:DDV: Goodbye to Freud, functionalism and Margaret Mead

2003-09-21 Thread Alison Thorne
-- Socialist Feminist Study Group --
The Feminine Mystique and Its Relevance Today

Thursday 2 October --  Goodbye to Freud, functionalism and Margaret Mead.

Come and take part in a lively discussion about the collection of
"sceintific" ideas used to convince women in the 50s and 60s that
domesticity and motherhood was their "natural role." Consider what
reactionary ideas which are used to promote "ideal femininity" in 2003.

Dinner at 6.30 pm ($6.50 donation) Sessions run from 7 - 8.45 pm

Solidarity Salon. 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. All welcome.

Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women. For more info 
call 9386-5065.

All reading materials are available for sale at Solidarity Salon, 580 
Sydney Road, Brunswick. Solidarity Salon is open Tuesday, Wednesday, 
Thursday and Saturday. Call to confirm opening hours on 9388-0062



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LL:DDV: CPSU Members First Meeting

2003-09-19 Thread Alison Thorne
Calling all CPSU members! Members First is holding a Melbourne meeting 
on Monday 13 October, 6.30 pm in the Trades Hall Bar.

Members First will contest the election for the position of CPSU 
National President. The ballot will take place in November. This meeting 
will plan the Victorian end of our campaign.

We'll also be discussing plans to defend and extend the right of CPSU
members in all work places to organise using workplace e-mail systems. 
In some work places, such as Centrelink, this is currently severely 

The meeting will also feature a discussion about how to build a 
democratic and activist culture within the CPSU. The discussion will be 
introduced by CPSU National Councillor, Terry Costello, who will 
highlight some of the key ideas in the resolution on building militant 
democratic unions passed at the second national conference of Socialist 

This resolution is included in a new Trade union pamphlet published by
Socialist Alliance which includes articles by CPSU members Judy McVey 
and Alison Thorne. McVey addresses the importance of the union movement
challenging racism and Thorne takes up the importance of resisting 
sexism and campaigning around working women's demands. Contact any of 
the names below to get a copy of this invaluable organising tool for 
just $3.

Come along. Have your say and help build an activist union which can 
tackle the issues of the day.

For more information about this meeting or Members First in Victoria
Terry Costello: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alison Thorne: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For information about Members First in other states contact:



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LL:DDV: Is that all there is?Beyond the Happy Housewife Heroine

2003-09-08 Thread Alison Thorne
Socialist Feminist Study Group "The Feminine Mystique and Its Relevance

Thursday 18 September -- Is that all there is? Beyond the "Happy 
Housewife Heroine."

Recommended reading:

* Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, Chapter 2 "The Happy Housewife
* Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, Chapter 3 "The Crisis in Woman's
* Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, Chapter 4 "The Passionate Journey"

Dinner at 6.30 pm. Session 7 - 8.45 pm at Solidarity Salon. 580 Sydney 
Road, Brunswick. All welcome. For more info call 9386-5065. Sponsored by 
Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women.

All reading materials are available for sale at Solidarity Salon, 580 
Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Solidarity Salon is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Call 
to confirm hours on 9388-0062



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LL:DDV: Oh The Times They Are A Changing

2003-08-27 Thread Alison Thorne
Thursday 4 September =8B  Socialist Feminist Study Group "The Feminine
Mystique and Its Relevance Today." Tonight's topic: Oh the times, they 
are a changing.

Recommended reading:
* Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, Chapter 1 'The Problem The Has 
No Name'
Supplementary reading:
* Sara Evans, Personal Politics: The Roots of Women=B9s Liberation in 
the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left, Chapter 9 'Personal Politics'
* Daniel Horowitz, Betty Friedan and The Feminine Mystique: Labor Union
Radicalism and  Feminism in Cold War America

Dinner at 6.30 pm. Session 7 - 8.45 pm at Solidarity Salon. 580 Sydney 
Road, Brunswick. All welcome. For more info call 9386-5065. Sponsored by 
Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women.

All reading materials are available for sale at Solidarity Salon, 580 
Sydney Road, Brunswick. Solidarity Salon is open Tuesday, Wednesday, 
Thursday and Saturday. Call to confirm hours on 9388-0062



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LL:DDV: Feminine Mystique study group

2003-08-19 Thread Alison Thorne
Socialist Feminist Study Group - starts Thursday 4 September.

The Feminine Mystique and Its Relevance Today!

In 1963 "The Feminine Mystique" by U.S. feminist pioneer, Betty Friedan,
was published. The book was a major inspiration for the second wave of
feminism. Friedan observed how the empty glorification of woman as the
domestic sex symbol is in direct proportion to society's reluctance to
treat her as a complete human being.

This study group will discuss Friedan's ideas and commentary about the
period by Sara Evans from her book "Personal Politics." It will also
examine research by Daniel Horowitz whose recent book, "Betty Friedan and
The Making of the Feminine Mystique: The American Left, the Cold War and
Modern Feminism," argues that Friedan's classic owes more to her
previously hidden radical and labour activism in the '40s than the
experience of suburbia in the '50s.

We'll also discuss the position of women today. Susan Faludi coined the
term "Backlash" to describe the contemporary pressures on women who are
expected to be devoted mother, glamorous wife and full-time worker. And
all this at a time when exploitation at work is intensifying and public
services are being gutted.  And we'll foment resistance by challenging
the negative impact that internalisation of the feminine mystique has on
women's ability to lead.

Solidarity Salon,
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
(Plenty of parking or take a North Coburg tram or Upfield train)

Study group kicks off Thursday 4 September 03
and then every second Thursday until 13 November 03
(Sessions - 4/9, 18/9, 2/10, 16/10, 30/10 & 13/11)

Dinner served at 6.30 ($6.50 donation), sessions 7.00 - 8.45.
* Copies of The Feminine Mystique and other materials available.
* For more information phone Alison or Peter on 9386-5065 or e-mail
* Jointly sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party (www.socialism.com) and
Radical Women (www.radicalwomen.org)



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LL:AA: Action alert - Support Ann-Marie!!

2003-08-06 Thread Alison Thorne
Hi Left Linkers

Please take action today in your workplaces, on campus and by bombarding
Telstra to support CPSU member, Ann-Marie who is fighting gross sexist
discrimination by her employer, Telstra.

Please help by circulate this message and act now.

Alison Thorne
Melbourne Freedom Socialist Party Organiser &
Coordinator CPSU Workplace Organising Committee
Moorabbin Call Centre

I have attached below an article which appeared in the Herald Sun this

It raises serious concerns about Telstra's treatment of women on
maternity leave.

The woman concerned is a CPSU member and deserves the support of fellow
union members.

We'd like Telstra to do the right thing and make sure that Anne Marie 
keeps her job.

Telstra employs nearly 40,000 workers throughout Australia.

They must be able to keep a job for their women workers who go on 
maternity leave.

The message that Telstra is sending to its staff and the community is

Send a message to Anne-Marie's boss to let them know what you think.

Philip Jones
Executive Director, Customer Care
Telstra Business and Government
fax: 02 9230 0113

c.c. a copy of your message to the CPSU on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your support
Stephen Jones
Division Secretary
CPSU Communications
02 8204 6945

By SUSIE O'BRIEN, industrial reporter
Herald Sun Frid 01aug03

A MOTHER so devoted to her Telstra job that she worked until an
hour before giving birth was sacked on her first day back from maternity 

Anne-Marie, 29, lost her job within three hours of returning to
work in July despite her repeated rejection of a redundancy package.
The Donvale mother-of-two, who does not want her last name used
for privacy reasons, claims her manager said she would be burden as a part-
time worker.  She says her male manager also said she:

WOULD be better able to look after her sick kids if she took
SHOULD discuss the redundancy offer with her husband.
HAD experienced a drop in her skills after being on maternity
leave for 12 months.

Anne-Marie was promoted at Telstra from telemarketer to business
analyst over nine years. Backed by the Community and Public Sector 
Union, she is pushing for

"I was at work until one hour before my son was born -- I was in a
lot of pain but stayed to fix problems with the intranet system," 

"When my manager made me redundant he said he didn't think it was
fair but there had to be a staff reduction. He said he was told I hadn't 
there for 12 months and the business had survived without me."

CPSU division secretary Stephen Jones said Telstra's behaviour was
unfair and unacceptable.

"Their own HR policy talks at length about valuing staff and their
families, yet they appear happy to turf out a good worker because she 
had the
temerity to start a family," he said.

Anne-Marie was told on July 23 her redundancy was due to Telstra
reducing her duties from three days a week to four hours a week.

She is pushing Telstra executives for reinstatement.

Anne-Marie has recently received several recommendation letters
from other managers.

A Telstra spokesman said the company stood by its decision to make
Anne-Marie redundant.

"It has nothing to do with maternity leave. It is unfortunate but
her work is not being done any more," he said.

"We tried to find her other work but were not able to do so."



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LL:DDV: Wills SA Branch Meeting

2003-07-17 Thread Alison Thorne
Permanent War

Wills branch of Socialist Alliance invites you to discuss our society 
today, a society of permanent war!


David Glanz - David recently attended the Jakarta Peace Conference. He 
will be talking about the tasks for the anti-war movement in coming months.

Vanessa Hearman - Vanessa will be explaining the background to the
Indonesian army's brutal crack down in the province of Aceh.

Wednesday 23 July, 7 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

All welcome. Licensed bar available and snacks served.

For more information ring 9386-4815 or 9388-0062




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LL:DDV: On the 34th anniversary of Stonewall

2003-06-26 Thread Alison Thorne
Hello LeftLinkers

This Saturday in the 34th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which 
sparked the rise of modern Gay Liberation movement.

Earlier this week Radical Women celebrated this occassion with a meeting
titled "In the Spirit of Stonewall -- Queer Liberation is for Everybody!".

On Saturday, Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party join forces to 
host a special Stonewall Rad Movie Night at Solidarity Salon.

Black Is ... Black Ain't
In his final film, Black Is ... Black Ain't, Marlon Riggs, renowned 
Black gay producer/director, explores African American identity and 
fearlessly challenges homophobia, sexism, patriarchy and racism as it 
exists in Black America. This innovative documentary pushes people of 
all colours to examine the stereotypes that Black equals male and 
heterosexual, while exploring Black feminism.

Dinner will be served at 7 pm and screenings kick off at 7.45 pm
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
* Dinner, movie and popcorn $12 * Movie and popcorn only $6 * Wine, beer 
and soft drinks available

We hope to see you there. Read the statement below from Radical Women 
and the Freedom Socialist Party in the U.S. for 101 good reasons to 
mobilise around the slogan "Stonewall Was a Riot -- Now We Need A 

Alison Thorne
Melbourne Freedom Socialist Party Branch Organiser

Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women Gay Pride Statement
Act Up for Civil Liberties! Resist Macho Militarism at Home and Abroad

Just weeks ago, George W. Bush, sporting a snappy paratrooper jumpsuit
ensemble, strutted his stuff down the runway of an aircraft carrier. 
Camera bulbs flashed as he announced "victory" over Iraq. It is now 
clear, however, that the war is far from over - and that Bush's war on 
terror has unleashed an assault on the right to privacy and freedom of 
association here at home. Just as the public increasingly endorses gay 
and lesbian equality, Bush and Congress are turning up the volume on 
"you're-with-us-or-against-us" jingoism and using it to dismantle 
cherished civil liberties and rights. Thirty-four years after the 1969 
Stonewall Rebellion, McCarthyism and spying on one's neighbors are 
making a comeback. The rights of political and sexual minorities, 
immigrants, women and youth are under attack. It's time to fight back 
before we lose everything we've won.

Rightwing fanaticism in the Capital.

As queers we've faced off against scary people in Washington D.C. 
before. What's different today is how openly and brazenly the government 
promotes religious fundamentalism, monopoly capitalism and macho 
militarism. Attorney General John Ashcroft sermonizes against abortion 
rights and affirmative action, leads daily Bible classes on the job, and 
tried to ban Justice Department employees from holding their annual Gay 
Pride event. He also permits pension-stealing crooks from Enron to go 
free while overseeing drug raids on folks dispensing state-sanctioned
medical marijuana. While governor of Pennsylvania, Homeland Security 
czar Tom Ridge signed a bill banning same-sex marriages and was praised 
by the conservative Commonwealth Foundation as "the most pro-business 
reformer in state history." And now, President Bush is poised to sign a 
bill criminalizing safe abortion procedures and shredding Roe v. Wade.

Funding imperialism with stolen tax dollars.

The money to pay for the rightwing's colonial wars and corporate 
bailouts has to come from "somewhere" - and that somewhere is social 
services. In 2003 alone, the Department of Defense will gobble up $396 
billion tax dollars. The price of just one Stealth bomber - $2.1 billion 
- would cover the annual cost of all essential domestic HIV prevention 
activities. Gay seniors face the erosion of social security and sky-high 
prescription drug costs. Massive blows to education, homeless services, 
and environmental protections are jeopardizing the futures of queer 
youth. Welfare policies now promote "abstinence until marriage" programs 
that discriminate against non-traditional families. For those who think 
electing a Democrat next year will stop these atrocities, don't forget 
it was Bill Clinton who first gave us Don't Ask, Don't Tell, welfare 
"reform," and sent bombers over Belgrade and Baghdad.

Cultural straightjacket.

In promoting their boot camp ethic, Bush and Co. have launched a culture 
war in which lesbians, gays, bis and transgendered folk are easy and 
frequent targets. Artists and entertainers who dare to dissent, even the 
mainstream Dixie Chicks, are subjected to witchhunts orchestrated by 
CD-smashing hatemongers from Fox News and Clear Channel. Congress 
recently passed the controversial "Rave Act," targeting youth and 
circuit parties. And the glorification of warrior violence emboldens 
bashers like those who murdered transgender Lati

LL:DDV: Stonewall Celebration

2003-06-10 Thread Alison Thorne

Celebrate the 34th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots
at a Rad Movie Night at Solidarity Salon

Saturday 28 June - Black Is ... Black Ain't

In his final film, Black Is ... Black Ain't, Marlon Riggs, renowned 
Black gay producer/director, explores African American identity and 
fearlessly challenges homophobia, sexism, patriarchy and racism as it 
exists in Black America. This innovative documentary pushes people of 
all colours to examine the stereotypes that Black equals male and 
heterosexual, while exploring Black feminism.

Dinner will be served at 7 pm and screenings kick off at 7.45 pm
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Dinner, movie and popcorn $12 - Movie and popcorn only $6 - Wine, beer 
and soft drinks available

Phone or e-mail bookings appreciated to assist with planning and catering.
Phone 9386-5065 or e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brought to you by the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women



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LL:DDV: Rad Movie Night shows Oz premier!

2003-05-29 Thread Alison Thorne
Rad Movie Nite @ Solidarity Salon

Saturday 31 May -- Deacons for Defense. This fascinating film, reviewed 
in the current issue of the Freedom Socialist newspaper (see below) is 
an Australian premier. The movie challenges  pacifism with its 
examination of armed defense by Blacks during the civil rights era in 

Dinner will be served at 7 pm and screenings kick off at 7.45 pm
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
* Dinner, movie and popcorn $12 * Movie and popcorn only $6 * Wine, beer
and soft drinks available

Proceeds will benefit the Australian Freedom Socialist Bulletin and
Freedom Socialist $7,500 fund drive which runs from 1 March - 30 June 2003.

Phone or e-mail bookings appreciated to assist with planning and catering.
Phone 9386-5065 or e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark your diary!

Saturday 28 June - Celebrate the anniversary of the Stonewall riots
which sparked the birth of the modern gay liberation movement at a
special screening of Black Is...Black Ain't. In his final film, Marlon
Riggs, renowned Black gay producer/director, explores African American
identity and fearlessly challenges homophobia, sexism, patriarchy and
racism as it exists in Black America. This innovative documentary pushes
people of all colours to examine the stereotypes that Black equals male
and heterosexual, while exploring Black feminism.

Deacons for Defense: True Story of Armed Resistance

by Monica Hill

Teach! That's what Deacons for Defense does best. It teaches
hidden history from the civil rights movement. It shows the
stand-tall results of facing paralyzing fear. It lays out
the political types who are on stage in every struggle for
social change.

In these times of antiwar mobilizing and organizing to save
civil liberties, Showtime's made-for-cable movie, based on a
true profile in courage, is sharply relevant.

The Scene

It is the mid-1960s in Bogalusa, Louisiana, 60 miles
northeast of New Orleans, and the Ku Klux Klan is up in
arms. Literally.

After years of struggle undeterred by billy clubs, fists,
guns and white-supremacist mobs, the civil rights movement
had finally wrung the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act out of
Congress. But there is no evidence of this victory in
Bogalusa. And city politicians, businessmen and their
gun-toting KKK cronies mean to keep it that way.

Relative to the population, the KKK chapter in Bogalusa is
the largest in the country. Bogalusa is a company town, run
by the Seattle-based Crown Zellerbach Company. Both paper
mill and town are fully (and illegally) segregated.

Out-of-state civil rights organizers are showing up, and
Black young people are eager to bring some of Freedom Summer
to town. Pickets and boycotts begin to pepper Bogalusa.

This is the real backdrop for the movie, in which the
protagonist, a composite character called Marcus, is
movingly portrayed by Forest Whitaker. Terrified of Klan
violence, Marcus forbids his daughter to participate in the


Angry at weeks of disruptive protests and boycotts, city
fathers decide to deal with them the "old-fashioned way." As
their rioting cops descend on the demonstrators, Marcus
dashes in and puts a chokehold on one of the cops taking a
swing at his teenage daughter. He is arrested and severely

"See what they did? They beat me like a dog. They gonna do
the same to our kids, and their kids. I got to do

Marcus and his coworkers hold a meeting. (In life, this
meeting occurred not in a church, as the movie places it,
but at the Black labor hall.) It does not take long for
these disciplined union men and war veterans to form an
organization of self-defense that is willing and able to
meet force with force - the Deacons for Defense and Justice.

Ossie Davis, playing a well-meaning liberal minister to the
hilt, urges the men to disavow any kind of violence. He
offers to meet with the mayor and get that worthy to
"guarantee the safety of the Negro people," in return for
which he will see to it that no more rallies take place in
front of City Hall.

No way, the Deacons say. They elect officers and begin
buying citizen band radios for their roving car patrols.
With the help of longshoremen in New Orleans, they also lay
in guns and ammunition.

Pacifism vs. self-defense

A common KKK terror tactic was to send carloads of men
speeding through the Black community and firing guns into
homes. After one of these nightriding attacks, the Deacons
return fire. The Klan speeds away, and that is the end of
nightriding in Bogalusa. Says the minister to Marcus later,
"Fear of the Klan made me less than a man. You freed me,

Armed Deacons regularly guard the local civil rights office.
But two northern white staffers are committed pacifists.
"This movement is nonviolent - that is the essence of the
movement," pleads one of them, played by Jonathan Silverman.
"Don't tell me about the essence of your summer vacation,"
responds Marcus. "Alive is better. "

Protest against segregation 

LL:PR: Victory to the Iraqis over U.S. imperialism

2003-03-24 Thread Alison Thorne

Victory to the Iraqis over U.S. imperialism!
Working people have the power to end the bloodshed

The hope that a U.S.-led war of mass destruction against Iraq could be
averted has evaporated like a water droplet in the Saudi desert. Over 
the protest of millions of people here, in the U.S. and around the 
world, Bush, Blair, Howard and Co. are at this moment murdering their 
way to Baghdad with the intention of imposing a military occupation that 
could last years.

So much for the niceties of multilateralism and UN resolutions. Goodbye 
to the fiction that the Howard Government, pursuing "an independent 
foreign policy," had not made a decision to commit troops to a U.S. led 
war. Gone is the misconception that support for human rights and 
oppressed minorities in the Middle East determine U.S. policy. U.S. 
backing for Israel's war of extermination against Palestinians shows 
exactly how little its supposed concern for Iraqi Kurds means.

The naked truth is that major corporations and their arrogant servants 
in government are not bound by laws or decency to do anything that does 
not please them and serve their interests. And it pleases them now to 
invade Iraq, enslave its people, steal their oil, and set up another 
military outpost in the Middle East -- just as it once pleased them to 
arm Hussein against Islamic revolutionaries in Iran.

So how is it that replacing this former ally through the genocidal 
bombing of Iraq's people has become the most urgent task of the Bush regime?

Bush is spurred by economic necessity. The intractable problem of 
capitalism is the chronic overproduction of goods resulting in 
recession: global markets evaporating, millions of workers unemployed -- 
and profits in jeopardy. For Bush, who believes that even modest 
government support for welfare programs is creeping socialism, war is 
the only solution.

The Iraqi people are being annihilated so that Halliburton, the energy
company Dick Cheney headed, and thousands of other corporations can 
invest profitably in rebuilding Iraq and replacing the immense amount of 
military hardware that will be blown up in this conflagration. Where 
this U.S. drive for world economic and political hegemony will end, no 
one knows. The Syrians, Libyans, North Koreans, Colombians, Ecuadorians, 
or Venezuelans could be next in line.

It violates every notion of sovereignty and self-determination for the 
U.S. government to consider "regime change" as its privilege to impose. 
It is the obligation of antiwar activists around the world to uphold 
Iraq's right to self-defense against the neocolonial army of the U.S. 
and its allies and the right of Iraqis to take care of Hussein 
themselves. The actions of working people -- especially in the U.S., 
Britain and Australia -- through protests and work stoppages -- can and 
will make a difference in the days ahead. "Bring the troops home now!" 
is the rallying cry of those who know this is an unjust war.

Issued by:  Freedom Socialist Party
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick Vic 3056 AUSTRALIA
* www.socialism.com * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 03-9388-0062, 03-9386-5065



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LL:DDV: Wills Socialist Alliance Branch meeting

2003-03-17 Thread Alison Thorne
The next meeting of the Wills branch of Socialist Alliance will take 
place on

Wednesday 2 April, 7 pm
at Solidarity Salon
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

The meeting will feature a talk and discussion on

"Vietnam & Today: Lessons and Debates in the anti-war movement" by 
Socialist Alliance member and veteran campaigner, Dave Holmes.

Guests and potential members are very welcome.

For more information contact Jonathan Sherlock, Convener of Wills 
Socialist Alliance on [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 9383-3147



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LL:DDV: Rad Movie Nights At Solidarity Salon

2003-03-13 Thread Alison Thorne
Hi Left Linkers

After the demonstration against the Blackshirts and attending the DISC
Street Party in Percey Street on 29 March come and enjoy a relaxing 
dinner and movie night at the first of our monthly "Rad Movie Nights At 
Solidarity Salon"

Alison Thorne

Rad Movie Nights At Solidarity Salon

Saturday 29 March: "Australia's Pacific Solution" and "No Way to Forget"

Don't miss this special Film Screening. Australia's Pacific Solution is 
a revealing documentary about the conditions for asylum seekers locked 
in refugee prisons on Nauru. It was made by Melbourne activist Kate 
Durham and BBC journalist Sarah MacDonald, when they visited Nauru 
undercover in June. It has been screened on TV in Britain, but the ABC 
says it's "not interested." This doco will be screened with Richard 
Frankland's compelling short film about Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Dinner will be served at 7 pm and screenings kick off 7.45.

* Dinner, movie and popcorn $12 * Movie and popcorn only $6 * Wine, beer 
and soft drinks available

Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

Phone bookings appreciated to assist with planning and catering. Phone

Mark your diary

Saturday 26 April -- "International Sweethearts of Rhythm," "Tiny & 
Ruby: Hell Divin Women" and "The Women's Circus."

Celebrate women's creativity. The first two films tell the story of
America's hottest, multi-racial, all women jazz bands of the 1940s. At a
time when male musicians were the rule and segregation the law of the 
land, these women defied convention. Plus be dazzled by Melbourne's own 
women's circus on video, plus a few circus surprises!

Saturday 31 May -- "Deacons for Defense"

This fascinating documentary challenges pacifism with it examination of
armed defense by Blacks during the civil rights era in Louisiana.

Saturday 28 June -- Celebrate the anniversary of the Stonewall riots 
which sparked the birth of the modern gay liberation movement at a 
special screening of "Black Is...Black Ain't"

In his final film, Marlon Riggs, renown Black gay producer/director,
explores African American identity and fearlessly challenges homophobia,
sexism, patriarchy and racism as it exists in Black America. This 
innovative documentary pushes people of all colours to examine the 
stereotypes that Black equals male and heterosexual, while exploring 
Black feminism.



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LL:DDV: Coming to the IWD movie night - The Hours this Sunday?

2003-02-24 Thread Alison Thorne
Hi Left Linkers

Are you planning to come to this IWD "The Hours" movie night fundraiser 
next Sunday?

Haven't booked tickets yet?

Well, not to worry! You can just turn up on the night. Be sure to buy 
your tickets from us at the ticket counter in the upstairs foyer at the 
Westgarth Theatre. Tickets will be on sale from 6.45.

BUT . we would appreciate a phone call [9386-5065] to let us know 
you plan on coming so that we can have enough wine and supper for all of 

Kick of the IWD season with a fun evening to get you in the mood for the
action ahead!

Alison Thorne
Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women

IWD action coming up ..

* March 5 - Wills Socialist Alliance IWD public meeting @ Solidarity Salon
* March 8 - IWD anti-war rallies in Melbourne and Geelong
* March 8 - Socialist Alliance IWD fundraiser to benefit the SA western
suburbs council election campaign
* March 11 - Geelong Radical Women IWD anti-war public meeting @ Geelong
Community Radio
* March 25 - Melbourne Radical Women IWD anti-war public meeting @
Solidarity Salon

(e-mail me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you'd like to join us at any of 
the above)

Celebrate International Women's Day with Radical Women and the Freedom
Socialist Party at a Gala Movie Night

Sunday, 2 March, 7.15 pm
Upstairs, Westgarth Theatre, 89 High Street, Northcote

Based on a Pulitzer-prize winning novel by Michael Cunningham, the film
employs as its foundation and inspiration Virginia Woolf's own classic
novel, "Mrs Dalloway," with its central character, Clarissa. Set during
a single day, yet spanning three different eras, the film focuses in the
parallel lives of three women. Nicole Kidman -- wearing a prosthetic
nose -- is virtually unrecognisable as English author Virginia Woolf,
whose battle with mental illness eventually led to her tragic suicide in
1941. Opening at the moment of her suicide, the film regresses to 1923,
and Woolf's life and work as she crafted her most memorable character --
Clarissa Dalloway. In 1950s Californian suburbia, another woman, Laura
Brown (played by Julianne Moore), struggles with alienation and
depression. Trapped by a clinging young son and an adoring husband, who
she does not love, the desperate woman tries to prepare for her
husband's birthday but can't stop reading "Mrs Dalloway." Finally, in
modern day Manhattan, Clarissa Vaughan (played by Meryl Streep), a
lesbian who lives with her lover and daughter, struggles to prepare a
party for her ex-husband, who is dying of AIDS. Beautifully overlapping
editing sews the women's interwoven stories seamlessly together.

This special evening will kick off a four month long $75,000
international fund drive for our two feisty socialist feminist
publications -- the "Freedom Socialist" newspaper and the Australian
"Freedom Socialist Bulletin." So get the International Women's Day
season off to a great start by enjoying a fun night out and helping two
publications which the founder of this day of socialist feminist action,
Clara Zetkin, would enthusiastically support!

Screening followed by a wine and cheese supper in the ornate upstairs

Tickets are $20 solidarity price, $15 regular or $12 concession.
For tickets send a cheque, payable to FSP, PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic
For more information call Alison on 9386-5065 or e-mail
Can't make it? We'd welcome your donation to help us reach our $7,500
local goal!


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LL:DDV: All Power to the Soviets!

2003-02-24 Thread Alison Thorne

Join the Freedom Socialist Party every Thursday evening until the end of
March for a Marxist feminist study group on "Ending war and misery: 
Working class, feminist leadership is key."

This reading circle is studying the failure of capitalism to fulfil the
basic needs of most of the world's people and examining how only the 
working class is equipped to solve the planet's problems.

Thursday 27 February: "All power to the Soviets!" Lessons from the 1917
Russia Revolution

Dinner will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation .

Study group 7 - 8.30 pm

The study group will be held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, 
Brunswick (take the Sydney Road tram or the Upfield train; by car there 
is ample parking at the rear. Enter the salon from Staley Street.

Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party, PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic 

For more information about reading material contact Peter on 9386-5065 



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LL:DDV: Ending war and misery

2003-02-18 Thread Alison Thorne
6 week Marxist feminist study group

Ending war and misery: Working class, feminist leadership is key

Take part in a reading circle looking at the failure of capitalism to 
fulfil the basic needs of most of the world=B9s people and how only the 
working class is equipped to solve the planet's problems. Exploring 
struggles from the past hundred years, the series will discuss the key 
role of socialist feminism in the battles of  the 21st century.

Starts Thursday, 20 February 2003
* Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation * Sessions from 7 - 8.30 pm

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

* 20 February: Permanent Revolution: ending the crisis of capitalist
* 27 February: "All power to the Soviets!" Lessons from the 1917 Russian
* 6 March: Defeat in Shanghai: Trotsky draws lessons from Stalinist betrayal
* 13 March: No need to wait: from China to Cuba, revolts outpace 
capitalist development
* 20 March: Regime change begins at home: revolution needed in 
imperialist heartlands
* 27 March: Socialist feminism and the liberation of the most oppressed
Study materials available at cost.

Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party, PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic
For more information: *  phone 9386-5065 * e-mail: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * www.socialism.com


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LL:REM: Opportunities for Revolt!

2003-02-03 Thread Alison Thorne
See you on Saturday!

Public Forum
Opportunities for Revolt: Socialist feminists organise to rid the planet 
of U.S. Imperialism.
News from the November 2002 Freedom Socialist Party Convention.

This U.S. gathering of socialist feminists from different parts of the 
globe focused on the dramatic changes in the world from the sharp 
intensification of the movement against corporate globalisation to the 
September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre and the "war on 
terrorism." With its open-ended war drive and erasure of civil 
liberties, the U.S. government today eerily brings to mind scenes from 
the George Orwell novel, "1984." And the Howard Government is cravenly 
following in George Bush's footsteps.

Conference participants analysed these developments and discussed how 
the "antiterror" crusade has not stamped out resistance in the U.S. and 
around the world, but is sparking more. They concluded that this 
turbulent period is one of enormous openings for working class fighters 
-- especially women, Indigenous people, immigrants, people of color and 

A panel of three participants will present their perspectives:
* Brenda Hunter -- single mother, environmentalist and activist in the
Geelong Branch of Socialist Alliance
* Peter Murray -- Freedom Socialist Bulletin editorial board and member 
of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union
* Debbie Brennan -- Melbourne Radical Women Organiser and community
campaigner against the patriarchal Blackshirts

Saturday 8 February, 5 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road Brunswick
Solidarity Salon is just north of Blyth Street. Take a North Coburg tram 
for an Upfield Line train. Plenty of parking at the rear. Enter from 
Staley Street. The meeting space is wheel chair accessible but the 
toilets are not.

* Door open 5 pm * Program 5.30 - 7.30 pm * 7.45 luscious summer buffet
dinner served for $8.

Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women
For more information call Alison on 9386-5065



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LL:ART: Decoding Bush's State of the Union Address

2003-02-02 Thread Alison Thorne
Statement to the media from the Freedom Socialist Party
in Australia phone: 03-9388-0062, 03-9386-5065 or e-mail:

Decoding Bush's State of the Union address by Andrea Bauer January 31, 2003

In his January 28 State of the Union address, George W. Bush presented
Congress and the U.S. with a Through-the-Looking-Glass world: Tax cuts 
for the super-wealthy benefit ordinary people! A program to increase 
logging of national forests is a "Healthy Forests Initiative"! And the 
most heavily armed and interventionist military power in the history of 
the planet "fights reluctantly" and "will not permit the triumph of 
violence in the affairs of men."

Out of Bush's hypocritical and demagogic speech, however, one thing at 
least rang true. For the people of the U.S. and the world, decisive days 
lie ahead. Notwithstanding Bush's often repeated willingness to go it 
alone to commit the U.S. to all-out hostilities against Iraq, his 
Tuesday performance was designed to shore up lagging support for his 
policies, especially toward Iraq, at home and abroad. Whether the 
majority of U.S. working people can decipher and resist Bush's con games 
is crucial to what happens next.

So, for antiwar and global-justice activists, a "deconstruction" of 
Bush's promises and threats is in order.

Hitting the notes of "compassionate conservatism"

During his hour-long talk, Bush played first Benevolent Patriarch and 
then Menacing Patriarch. In the first role, he put forward a grab bag of
proposals and programs. These were carefully selected for mention with a
view to generating some favorable public sentiment for Bush's 2004 
budget before he lays out the whole thing on February 3. Notably missing 
was any talk of the inevitable cuts in the budget that will make life 
more difficult for working people and the poor, or of the cost of the 
enormous military buildup and looming war.

So what about the measures Bush means to take to "work for a prosperity 
that is broadly shared"?

* First and foremost, Bush promoted a second round of tax cuts, which 
will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy, as the route to strengthening 
the economy and creating more jobs. We've been down this supply-side,
"trickle-down" road before. The theory is that lowering taxes will spur
investment. But after the Reagan tax cuts of the 1980s, net investment

And the trillion-dollar tax cut George W. pushed through during his 
first year in office did nothing for the economy but drag it back into 
the land of soaring deficits. As for stimulating employment? Something 
like 2.3 million private-sector jobs have disappeared on Bush's watch.

* Faced with a massive crisis of access to healthcare, Bush made the
decision to focus on two things in his speech: the need of seniors for
prescription-drug benefits -- and, ludicrously, the costs of malpractice
suits to the system.

As for the first, very real problem: Bush represented his new initiative 
as offering seniors the ability to choose a healthcare plan that 
provides prescription drugs. However, it seems that the "choice" that 
Bush would give the elderly is a terrible one. Seniors could stay on 
Medicare without prescription benefits, or they could opt for the 
insecurity of healthcare coverage through private HMOs. Bush neglected 
to mention that this proposal is just one feature of his overall drive 
to subject all of people's most basic needs to the untender mercies of 
the "free market" by privatizing healthcare, Social Security, pension 
funds, and everything in sight. He scornfully dismissed a nationalized 
healthcare system.

* Among the components of Bush's energy plan was the promise of $1.2 
billion in research funding so the U.S. can develop non-polluting cars 
powered by hydrogen fuel cells. Practically misty-eyed, he offered up 
the vision of a child born today taking his or her very first car out 
for a hydrogen-powered spin 16 years from now.

Let's ignore for the moment that environmental cleanliness is not the 
only problem with a transportation system based on private cars (whose 
numbers in the U.S. in the past few decades have grown six times faster 
than those of the human population). Until recently, Detroit has refused 
to investigate and implement alternative energy technologies for 
vehicles because research and development costs money and there's no 
guaranteed quick payoff. (So much for the value of capitalism as 
fostering risk-taking and innovation by forward-thinking entrepreneurs.) 
In Japan, however, automakers already have fuel-cell cars on the roads, 
and the U.S. industry cannot afford to once again fall badly behind. 
Thus George Jr. intends to ease their way by letting the government 
assume some of the financial pain of "taking these cars from laboratory 
to showroom" -- while continuing to manfully resist stricter 
anti-pollution standards in the here and now.

* Moving on from his evident compassion for the auto industry, Bush 
singled out three 

LL:DDV: IWD movie night - The Hours

2003-01-19 Thread Alison Thorne
Celebrate International Women's Day with Radical Women and the Freedom
Socialist Party at a Gala Movie Night

Sunday, 2 March, 7.15 pm
Upstairs, Westgarth Theatre, 89 High Street, Northcote

Based on a Pulitzer-prize winning novel by Michael Cunningham, the film
employs as its foundation and inspiration Virginia Woolf's own classic
novel, "Mrs Dalloway," with its central character, Clarissa. Set during 
a single day, yet spanning three different eras, the film focuses in the
parallel lives of three women. Nicole Kidman -- wearing a prosthetic 
nose -- is virtually unrecognisable as English author Virginia Woolf, 
whose battle with mental illness eventually led to her tragic suicide in 
1941. Opening at the moment of her suicide, the film regresses to 1923, 
and Woolf's life and work as she crafted her most memorable character -- 
Clarissa Dalloway. In 1950s Californian suburbia, another woman, Laura 
Brown (played by Julianne Moore), struggles with alienation and 
depression. Trapped by a clinging young son and an adoring husband, who 
she does not love, the desperate woman tries to prepare for her 
husband's birthday but can=B9t stop reading "Mrs Dalloway." Finally, in 
modern day Manhattan, Clarissa Vaughan (played by Meryl Streep), a 
lesbian who lives with her lover and daughter, struggles to prepare a 
party for her ex-husband, who is dying of AIDS. Beautifully overlapping 
editing sews the women's interwoven stories seamlessly together.

This special evening will kick off a four month long $75,000 
international fund drive for our two feisty socialist feminist 
publications -- the "Freedom Socialist" newspaper and the Australian 
"Freedom Socialist Bulletin." So get the International Women's Day 
season off to a great start by enjoying a fun night out and helping two 
publications which the founder of this day of socialist feminist action, 
Clara Zetkin, would enthusiastically support!

Screening followed by a wine and cheese supper in the ornate upstairs foyer.

Tickets are $20 solidarity price, $15 regular or $12 concession.
For tickets send a cheque, payable to FSP, PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic
For more information call Alison on 9386-5065 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't make it? We'd welcome your donation to help us reach our $7,500 
local goal!



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LL:DDV: Opportunities for Revolt

2003-01-12 Thread Alison Thorne
Dear comrades

Happy New Year to all Left Linkers. We have big challenges ahead!

All Left Linkers are cordially invited to a a public forum to report 
back on the recent convention of the Freedom Socialist Party in the 
United States. [many thanks to all of you who bought our raffle tickets 
on M1 and May Day to help get the biggest possible contingent from 
Australia to this event]

Join us for a lively exchange of ideas.

Alison Thorne

Public Forum
Opportunities for Revolt: Socialist feminists organise to rid the planet 
of U.S. Imperialism.
News from the November 2002 Freedom Socialist Party Convention.

This U.S. gathering of socialist feminists from different parts of the 
globe focused on the dramatic changes in the world from the sharp 
intensification of the movement against corporate globalisation to the 
September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre and the "war on 
terrorism." With its open-ended war drive and erasure of civil 
liberties, the U.S. government today eerily brings to mind scenes from 
the George Orwell novel, "1984." And the Howard Government is cravenly 
following in George Bush's footsteps.

Conference participants analysed these developments and discussed how 
the "antiterror" crusade has not stamped out resistance in the U.S. and 
around the world, but is sparking more. They concluded that this 
turbulent period is one of enormous openings for working class fighters 
-- especially women, Indigenous people, immigrants, people of color and 

A panel of three participants will present their perspectives:
* Brenda Hunter -- single mother, environmentalist and activist in the
Geelong Branch of Socialist Alliance
* Peter Murray -- Freedom Socialist Bulletin editorial board and member 
of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union
* Debbie Brennan -- Melbourne Radical Women Organiser and community
campaigner against the patriarchal Blackshirts

Saturday 8 February, 5 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road Brunswick
Solidarity Salon is just north of Blyth Street. Take a North Coburg tram 
for an Upfield Line train. Plenty of parking at the rear. Enter from 
Staley Street. The meeting space is wheel chair accessible but the 
toilets are not.

* Door open 5 pm * Program 5.30 - 7.30 pm * 7.45 luscious summer buffet
dinner served for $8.

Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women
For more information call Alison on 9386-5065



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DDV: Wills Socialist Alliance end of year BBQ

2002-12-12 Thread Alison Thorne
Dear comrades and friends

You are invited to the Wills Socialist Alliance end of year BBQ on 
Thursday 19 December at 6 pm. Why? Well...read on.

2002 is drawing to a close and the Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance 
has had quite a year.

We started the year with our enormously successful run in two wards in 
the Moreland City Council elections. We end the year with our campaign 
as a loud, proud voice for socialism standing Judy McVey as the 
Socialist Alliance candidate for Brunswick.

And in the intervening period, we achieved things too numerous to list 
in full but including:

* support for Moreland Council workers in struggle
* campaigning against the anti-Terror laws
* mobilising again and again against war
* backing efforts to rid our community of the ultra-right patriarchs in 
the Black Shirts
* leading the working class charge against the 22% rate hike
* helping achieve the historic tasks of State electoral registration for SA

Plus MUCH more.

And now it is time to relax, reflect on our achievements and yarn 
informally about what's next.

In lieu of a December Branch meeting Wills SA is holding an end of year 
BBQ and every member and supporter is cordially invited. We want to 
THANK YOU for your work on the recent state election campaign and other 
projects through out the year.

Thursday 19 December, 6 pm Public BBQ at War Park
(the BBQ is behind the War Park Community Centre in DeCarle Street, near 
the corner of Albion Street. It is 1 minutes walk from the Sydney Road 

What you need to bring:
* BBQ able bits of your choice (meat, fish, vegie burgers etc)
* Drinks of your choice
* A folding chair
* Some cash [yes, we'll be having a collection to boost the coffers in
readiness to take on the bourgeoisie in 2003]

What will be provided:
* BBQ tools, cork screw, some card tables etc
* Disposable plates, cutlery, glasses, serviettes, tomato sauce
* A selection of salads
* Some damn fine company with other SA comrades and supporters

If you'd like to offer to bring a salad or other food items to share 
call Alison on 9386-5065 or drop me an e-mail.

Alison Thorne
Convener Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance

PS: Please note that I have given notice that I will be stepping down 
from the branch convenership in 2003 so we'll elect a new convener in 
January. If you think you might be interested in taking on the role and 
would like to discuss what involves, give me a call.



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LL:DDV: Public memorial for Socialist Feminist - Delia Maxwell

2002-12-04 Thread Alison Thorne

Public memorial for

Delia Maxwell
Socialist Feminist,
author & educator,
grassroots union organiser
1932 - 2002

A feisty feminist and lifelong rebel, Delia began campaigning for civil
liberties on campus in the '50s. After raising three children, she 
returned to teaching in the '70s and, influenced by women's liberation, 
became a union activist and champion of the rights of contract and 
sessional teachers. A leader in the local branch of the Australian 
Education Union, she tenaciously fought a vicious union busting campaign 
by mangement. After retiring, Delia went on to organise amongst the 
English exam markers. As a member of Radical Women, she wrote 
extensively, ran classes, campaigned and cooked up a storm. She also 
confronted Nazis, marched for queer liberation, organised for Indigenous 
rights, and joyfully helped shut down the World Economic Forum on S11, 
2000. She eagerly joined the Socialist Alliance, believing passionately 
that socialists must intervene in elections. Delia displayed unflinching 
optimism, inviting everyone, from old friends to new acquaintances, to 
join her in the battle for human emancipation.

Join Delia's family, friends and comrades on the 70th anniversary of her
birth to honour her humanity and bold, creative life. There will be a
program of reminiscences and a Nothing's Too Good for the Working Class
Dinner featuring Delia's favourite dishes.

Saturday 21 December, 5 pm
Delia's home, 20 Lowther Street, Alphington
BYO drinks. RSVP would be appreciated by 14 December for
catering purposes. Phone Nicola 9497-1496 or Debbie 9386-3230

Contributions may be sent to the Delia Maxwell Memorial Fund to assist 
with Radical Women projects dear to Delia's heart. Cheques, payable to 
Radical Women, may be sent to PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic 3055.

Hosted by Delia's family, Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party

For more information or to offer assistance, contact
or phone Debbie on 9386-3230

Some of Delia's journalism can be found at www.socialism.com



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LL:DDV: Video Screening - Paying the Price

2002-10-21 Thread Alison Thorne
Special Screening of John Pilger's documentary

Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq

Before the 1991 Gulf War Iraq had one of the highest standards of living 
in the Middle East. As a result of the war, Iraq's infrastructure has 
been decimated and UNICEF reports that at least 200 children are dying 
every day because of the subsequent UN imposed sanctions.

Pilger's chilling documentary exposes how the sanctions have not 
affected Saddam's brutal reign of terror but only brought misery, 
starvation and death to the population.

Tuesday October 29, 6.30 pm

Solidarity Salon,  580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Drinks available. All welcome!

Presented by Socialist Alliance - Wills Branch
For more information: 0403-802-944, 9386-4815, 9388-0062



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LL:DDV: Origins of the conflict in the Middle East

2002-09-09 Thread Alison Thorne

No War Study Group - Saturday 14 September, 2002

Topic: Origins of the conflict in the Middle East - Palestinian and
anti-Zionist Jewish women fight back!

Lunch will be served at 1.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. The sessions will 
run from 2 - 3.30 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

For more information, call 9386-5065.
Sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
Contact Alison on [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.


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LL:DDV: Israeli Refusnik to speak at Wills SA branch meeting

2002-09-02 Thread Alison Thorne

Hi Left Linkers

The Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance has an exciting guest speaker at 
our branch meeting on Wednesday 4 September, 7 pm, Solidarity Salon, 580 
Sydney Road, Brunswick

Rotem, is a young Israeli Army refusenik. He was jailed after he refused 
to serve in the West Bank. Rotem is visiting Melbourne and will speak 
about the refusenik movement.

Guests are welcome at Socialist Alliance branch meetings.

Alison Thorne
Convener, Wills Socialist Alliance



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LL:DDV: Origins of the Repressive Taliban

2002-09-02 Thread Alison Thorne

No War Study Group - Saturday 7 September, 2002

Topic: Origins of the Repressive Taliban - Afghani & Pakistani women 
fight back!

Lunch will be served at 1.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. The sessions will 
run from 2 - 3.30 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

For more information, call 9386-5065.
Sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
Contact Alison on [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.


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LL:DDV: Road to fascism - the attack on our civil liberties

2002-08-26 Thread Alison Thorne

No War Study Group - Saturday 31 August

Topic: Road to fascism - the attack on our civil liberties

Lunch will be served at 1.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. The sessions will 
run from 2 - 3.30 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

For more information, call 9386-5065.
Sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
Contact Alison on [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.



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LL:DDV: The ABCs of War and the Working Class

2002-08-19 Thread Alison Thorne

No War Study Group - Saturday 24 August

Topic: The ABCs of War and the Working Class

Lunch will be served at 1.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. The sessions will 
run from 2 - 3.30 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

For more information, call 9386-5065.
Sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
Contact Alison on [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.



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LL:DDV: No War Study groups starts 17 August

2002-08-13 Thread Alison Thorne


No War Study Group starts next Saturday

Saturday 17 August
Topic: What is behind George Bush's Dirty War? 

Lunch will be served at 1.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. The sessions will run
from 2 - 3.30 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. 

For more information, call 9386-5065.
Sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party.
Everyone is welcome to participate. 
Contact Alison on [EMAIL PROTECTED] for information about pre-
reading a
copy of the syllabus for the 6 week program. 


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LL:DDV: Bougainville: A struggle undefeated

2002-08-13 Thread Alison Thorne

Thursday, 22 August, 6.30 pm 
Freedom Socialist Party meeting
Bougainville: A struggle undefeated 

Take part in a special tribute to the strong, resourceful and defiant women
and men of Bougainville whose ongoing struggle for independence has not 
defeated despite fierce resistance by both Australian companies and
governments. Learn why socialists unconditionally support the struggle of
oppressed nations to self determination. Be inspired by the egalitarian,
matriarchal nature of this unique culture where women still play a
leadership role, just as they always did before the emergence of private
property and patriarchy. And let=B9s talk about how we can help build a
movement to permanently defeat Australian imperialism!

The video "Evergreen Island," a fascinating and optimistic look at
Bougainville today and the story of their national liberation struggle, will
be shown.

Pacific style dinner will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation.
Vegetarians catered for. The presentation will commence at 7 pm.

Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Phone: 9388-0062


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance Wills Branch coming events

2002-07-15 Thread Alison Thorne

Socialist Alliance Wills Branch coming events

Thursday 8 August, 7 pm
Wills Socialist Alliance Branch meeting
ASU Organiser, Janine Kepert, will talk about the struggle by unionists at
the Brunswick Pool against outsourcing and for pay justice.
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Guests welcome. For more information: 9388-0062,

Saturday 10 August, 10.30 am
Speak out against anti-terror laws!
Join Wills Socialist Alliance and local feminist and immigrant community
organisations to protest the Howard Government's latest attack on our
democratic rights.
Coburg Mall.
To endorse the protest, to organise to speak or for more information call
9388-0062, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This event is part of a Socialist Alliance National weekend of protest
against these dangerous measures.

Alison Thorne
Wills Branch Convener


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LL:DDV: No War study group

2002-07-08 Thread Alison Thorne

6 week Marxist feminist No War study group commences 17 August

Take part in a reading circle about the growing opposition to the global
"war on terror" and the crack down on civil liberties of workers and
immigrants. Explore lessons from past movements against U.S. imperialist
wars for profit and global power and apply history's lessons to today.

* 17 August: What is behind George Bush's dirty war?
* 24 August: The ABCs of war and the working class
* 31 August: Road to fascism - the attack on our civil liberties
* 7 September: Origins of the repressive Taliban - Afghani & Pakistani 
women fight back!
* 14 September: Origins of the conflict in the Middle East - Palestinian 
and anti-Zionist Jewish women fight back!
* 21 September: Putting an end to war once and for all!

Lunch will be served at 1.30 pm for a $6.50 donation (vegetarian option
available). The sessions will run from 2 - 3.30 pm.

The event will be held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
(take the Sydney Road tram or the Upfield train; by car there is ample
parking at the rear). Enter the salon from Staley Street.

  For more information, call 9386-5065 or e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party


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LL:DDV: Education and the state budget

2002-06-19 Thread Alison Thorne

Socialist Alliance Wills Branch meeting

Wednesday 10 July, 7 pm

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

Socialist Alliance member Carlene Wilson is an activist with the Australian
Education Union. She will lead a discussion on how education fared in the
recent state budget.

Guests are welcome! For more information: 9388-0062

Alison Thorne
Convener, Socialist Alliance Wills Branch


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LL:INFO: The New War Order

2002-05-23 Thread Alison Thorne

Just out from Red Letter Press

The New War Order: Notes from the Front Lines of Resistance

Are you starved for some "truth-based" commentary to share with coworkers
and friends? "The New War Order," the fourth title in the Red Banner Reader
series, provides a powerful counterpunch to the propaganda flooding the
airwaves and newspapers. Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party activists
explain the current war madness and propose strategies for stopping it.
Their essays, letters and speeches report on successful organizing efforts
against the war, globalism, and attacks on immigrants, people of color and
civil liberties.

$6.00.  48 pages. Saddlestitched

ISBN 0-932323-16-2

Available from Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick (open every
Saturday from 10 am - 5 pm or call 9388-0062) or my mail (add $1 for postage
and make cheques payable to FSP) PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055/


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LL:DDV: Dinner to Defend Democratic Rights At Home and Abroad

2002-05-21 Thread Alison Thorne

The Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance presents

Dinner to Defend Democratic Rights At Home and Abroad

Saturday 8 June, 7 pm

Lazzat Kadah, Indian and Pakistani cuisine, 63 Sydney Road, Coburg

Since the World Trade Centre attack on September 11, Governments around the 
world have launched a broadside on democratic rights under the guise of 
"fighting terrorism." But in some parts of the world, democratic rights 
were curtailed long before September 11.  In Pakistan, General Musharraf 
seized power in a military coup. In Malaysia, activists such as workers' 
rights advocate, Tian Chua, are jailed under the Internal Security Act. 
Here in Australia, the Howard's anti-terror laws can't be "improved"  to 
make them unproblematic. They must be defeated.

Join the Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance for a dinner of authentic 
Pakistani and Indian Cuisine, hear after dinner speeches from anti-terror 
law campaigner, Damien Lawson, and a representative from Australia Asia 
Workers Links.

You'll also be helping Socialist Alliance kick off fundraising for our 
state election campaign.

Costs $30 (solidarity price), $25 (employed), $20 concession

Booking is essential. To book call Alison on 9386-5065 or e-mail

Menu for meat eaters (vegetarians will also be catered for with a full
vegetarian banquet)

* vegetable pakoras
* seekh kebabs
* chicken pakora
* chicken korma
* lamb madras
* palak paneer
* saffron rice
* salad & yoghurt

Soft drinks provided. BYO alcoholic drinks.


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LL:DDV: Stonewall in Melbourne

2002-05-15 Thread Alison Thorne

Hello Left Linkers

Make a committment to celebrate Stonewall this year. Mark this date in your
diary now! The doco is fascinating

Alison Thorne

Stonewall at Solidarity Salon - Thursday 27 June, 7 pm
Special premier screening of The Gay Pioneers

This 2001 documentary produced by WHYY in Philadelphia is an inspirational
look at the achievements of the women and men who were the pre-Stonewall
pioneers. They held an annual reminder picket from 1965 to 1969 on the 4th
of July outside Philadelphia's Independence Hall. Their demands? Nothing
less than full equality! Their tactics? A highly disciplined team effort.

One participant recollects: "the conservatives damned us to hell ... they
didn't want any part of our uppity tactics". Celebrate Stonewall by
honouring these pioneering achievements and examining what sort of uppity
tactics are needed today in order to achieve the goal of nothing less than
full equality!

The venue is Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Dinner will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. There is no charge
for the program which starts at 7 pm.
Presented by the Freedom Socialist Party. For more information call Alison
on 9386-5065 or 9388-0062. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:DDV: Why a vanguard party?

2002-05-15 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party meeting - Thursday 30 May
Organising for the Final Conflict: Why the Vanguard Party is an essential
tool for struggle in the 21st century
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation, program at 7 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

A hundred years ago the revolutionary socialist movement split over how to 
organise for working class victory in the struggles of the day. Was it 
enough for a party to recruit a broad base of activists loosely connected 
to the organisation? Or was it necessary to build a tightly disciplined 
group of committed revolutionists? The  question was answered decisively 
when just such a party, Lenin's Bolsheviks, led the first successful 
working class revolution in 1917. Find out why the Freedom Socialist Party 
sees itself as a vanguard party, and why we regard this type of 
organisation as the key to working class victory in struggles from 
Palestine to South Korea and resistance to the so-called "War on Terrorism."

For more information contact Peter on 9386-5065, 9388-0062,


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LL:DDV: Wills SA branch meeting

2002-04-23 Thread Alison Thorne

The Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance will hold its next branch meeting

Wednesday 15 May, 7 pm at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

The agenda will include:

* a special report and discussion on the proposed "anti-terror" laws and 
how to defeat them

* discussion and decision about how many and which seats Wills Branch 
will contest at the State Election

* proposal for a branch fundraising dinner on 8 June

* report on membership renewals/recruitment campaign

Be there!

Guests and potential members are welcome.

For more information call Alison on 9388-0062.

Alison Thorne, Convener Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance




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LL:DDV: A salute to the irrepressible working women of Asia

2002-04-15 Thread Alison Thorne

Please note: start time revised to 6.30 pm to be followed by a dinner 
and reception for Irene Xavier and Mabel Au

Freedom Socialist Party May Day Celebration, dinner & reception
Monday 29 April, 6.30 pm, Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
A salute to the irrepressible working women of Asia

Join us from 6.30 - 8.30 pm for a lively panel discussion about how to
strengthen local solidarity with the fighting women workers of Asia.


Karen Moran: internationalist and unionist - Australia Asia Worker Links
Esperanza Acosta: feminist and refugee from El Salvador - Radical Women
Peter Murray: activist Rail, Tram and Bus Union - Freedom Socialist Party

The program will also feature excerpts from Dolls and Dust, a powerful 
film about women workers in Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Korea who face 
the brunt of capitalist globalisation. The personal testimonies and 
struggles of women who labour in toy and doll factories highlight the 
life and death battles to survive in the age of industrial 
restructuring, privatisation, sexual harassment and discrimination.

Followed at 8.30 pm by a dinner and reception for visiting Asian 
organisers, Irene Xavier and Mabel Au.

Irene Xavier is a labour activist who has been working with women 
workers since 1978. She was involved in various struggles to organise 
women workers in theelectronics sector and develop health & safety 
campaigns. In 1987 she was detained under the Internal Security Act for 
355 days. She is currently involved in the women workers movement as 
well as in the stuggle for civil and political rights in Malaysia.

Mabel Au is an activist who has fought for the rights of migrant workers
and sex workers in Hong Kong. She was Vice Chairperson of the Industrial
Relations Institute in Hong Kong. Mabel is currently Program Coordinator 
of the Committee for Asian Women.

An Asian buffet will be served at 8.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. No 
charge for the program which will commence at 6.30 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056
Phone: 9388-0062.
FSP: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.socialism.com




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LL:DDV: A Salute to the Irrepressible Women Workers of Asia

2002-03-31 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party
Calendar May Day 2002

Freedom Socialist Party  May Day Celebration
A salute to the irrepressible working women of Asia

Monday 29 April, 6.30 pm,
Solidarity Salon,
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick (just north of Blyth Street)

Join us for a lively panel discussion about how to strengthen local
solidarity with the fighting women workers of Asia.

* Karen Moran: internationalist and unionist representing Australia Asia
Worker Links
* Esperanza Acosta: feminist and refugee from El Salvador representing
Radical Women
* Peter Murray: unionist in the Rail, Tram and Bus Union representing 
the Freedom Socialist Party

The program will also feature excerpts from "Dolls and Dust," a powerful
film about women workers in Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Korea who face 
the brunt of capitalist globalisation. The personal testimonies and 
struggles of women who labour in toy and doll factories highlight the 
life and death battles to survive in the age of industrial 
restructuring, privatisation, sexual harassment and discrimination.

An Asian buffet will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. No 
charge for the program which will commence at 7 pm.

Everyone is welcome!

*  * * * *

May  Day 2002 - Another world is possible!
Blockade! Picket! Joint the trade union and community UNITY rally!
Wednesday May 1, 7am blockade Casseldon Place, 2 Lonsdale Street.

The Freedom Socialist Party is pleased to join with many organisations
including the M1 Collective, CFMEU, Refugee Action Collective, AMWU, 
Friends of the Earth and Socialist Alliance to support mass action on 
May Day.

Official demands are Stop the war on refugees, Stop the war on the third
world, Stop the war on workers and unions, Stop the war on Indigenous
people, Stop the war on the environment. And, we would also add, Stop 
the war on women!

To participate with the Freedom Socialist Party call Alison on 9386-5065.

Postal address: Freedom Socialist Party, PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055
* Phone: 03-9388-0062 (Solidarity Salon)
* www.socialism.com




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LL:DDV: Young radicals speak out!

2002-03-31 Thread Alison Thorne

Wills Socialist Alliance Branch meeting
Young radicals speak out!
Panel discussing solutions to the key issues facing young people today
Thursday 18 April, 7 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056
Phone: 9388-0062




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LL:DDV: IWD update - Solidarity with the Palestinians

2002-02-28 Thread Alison Thorne

Dear Left Linkers

Plans for the Freedom Socialist Party's International Women's Day
Celebration on March 4 to discuss how we can achieve a just peace in the
Middle East are developing well.

This meeting is part of an international campaign being organised by
feminist peace groups - Bat Shalom and Jerusalem Centre for Women.

On March 8 in Israel - Over 30 foreign consulates and embassies have
responded to requests by campaign organisers to receive delegations of 
women bearing Bat Shalom and the Jerusalem Women's Centre's demands for 
a just peace in the Middle East. Meetings with Ambassadors and/or Consul 
Generals from Argentina, Australia, Bosnia , Canada, Chile, the Ivory 
Coast, Cyprus, Egypt, El Salvador, the European Union, Finland, France, 
Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Jordan, 
Kazakhstan, Norway, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sri 
Lanka, Sweden, Ukraine, the United States, and the Vatican have been 
scheduled for the morning of March 8th.

On March 8 Internationally - The Freedom Socialist Party in Australia is
pleased to be amongst the international friends and allies of Bat Shalom
and Jerusalem Centre for Women to have enthusiastically responded to 
this solidarity campaign. The campaign has activists supporting it in 
Ann Arbor, Michigan; Belgrade; Berkeley, California; Berne, Switzerland; 
Boston; Brandeis University; Brazil; Brunswick, Australia; Brussels; 
Dallas, Texas; Dortmund, Germany; Dundee, Scotland; Italy; Geneva; Los 
Angeles, CA; Madison, Wisconsin; Madrid; New York; San Francisco; 
Seattle; Stockholm; Tokyo; Tucson, AZ; Vermont; Vienna; and Washington, 
DC. These activists are coordinating demonstrations, convening political 
discussion evenings and cultural events, and/or arranging meetings with 
Israeli representatives and their own government officials to ensure 
that demands for a just peace in the Middle East are heard in every 
corner of the globe.

At the Freedom Socialist Party meeting in Melbourne on 4 March
all participants will be invited to sign an IWD Open Letter to 
Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister, Alexander Downer which we will fax 
to him on Friday 8 March.

The feminist peace activists in Israel will also deliver International
Women's Day statements on our behalf to embassies and consulates on 
behalf of their allies which focus on domestic concerns. On 
International Women's Day, they will deliver the following message (see 
below) on our behalf to Australia's diplomatic representatives in Israel.

If you would like to know about this campaign please contact:

In Israel: Jessica by e-mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In Australia: Alison by e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you live in Melbourne,  support this campaign by attending on 4 March
(see below)

Yours in international solidarity
Alison Thorne
for the Freedom Socialist Party

* * * * *

International Women's Day 2002 Message to
The Australian Embassy in Israel

The Australian section of the Freedom Socialist is pleased to be able to
strengthen our international ties by working with Bat Shalom and The
Jerusalem Centre for Women on International Women's Day. We are actively
backing their campaign to achieve a just peace in the Middle East.

Israel is occupied Palestine and there can never be peace until the
Palestinian people achieve justice. Likewise, Australia is also a 
settler state built on occupation, dispossession and theft.

For International Women's Day 2002, feminists are marching around 
Australia to demand an end to the war on women - Indigenous women, 
refugee women, women workers, lesbians, mothers, students, young women, 
immigrant women, older women, women with disabilities, poor women.

Through the Australian Embassy in Israel we call on the Australian
Government to:

* Apologise to the Stolen Generations and negotiate a treaty with 
Indigenous Australians;
* Close the detention centres, free the refugees, open the borders to 
people fleeing war, persecution and poverty;
* Repeal all anti-union laws;
* Provide a guaranteed independent income, including for all women and 
young people;
* Guarantee reproductive freedom for all women - free, safe, legal 
abortion on demand; access for lesbians and single women to IVF 
technology and donor sperm; free, quality 24 hour child care;
* Scrap the proposed "anti-terrorism" laws [Criminal Code Amendment
(Terrorist Bombing Offences) Bill, Criminal Code Amendment (Anti-hoax 
and Other Measures) Bill, Security Legislation (Terrorism) Bill, Customs
Legislation Amendment (Border Security) Bill, Suppression of the 
Financing of Terrorism Bill and other amendments to the 
Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979] which, if passed would 
severely undermine civil liberties and democratic rights;
* Withdraw all support for the U.S. war;
* Cancel the third world debt.

The origins of International Women's Day go back to 18

LL:DDV: IWD 2002 event

2002-02-11 Thread Alison Thorne

Celebrate International Women=B9s Day 2002

Towards a lasting peace in the Middle East
A salute to the bold women of Palestine and their Israeli feminist allies

In January, a 20 year old Palestinian detonated a bomb in Jerusalem - 
she was the first woman suicide bomber. What creates such desperate 
acts? Join us to find out more about the conditions experienced daily by 
Palestinian women. This event is part of an IWD campaign initiated by 
Bat Shalom, a Jerusalem-based feminist peace organisation working to 
achieve a just peace in the Middle East. Discuss what's required to 
achieve lasting peace.

The meeting will feature of special video screening of "Jerusalem: An
Occupation Set In Stone?" Produced by the Palestine Housing Rights 
movement, this documentary is an excellent and moving portrayal of the 
issues at the heart of the Israeli/Palestine conflict. Using interviews 
and gripping footage, this film chronicles the reality of Israeli 'urban 
planning', including the division of Palestinian families and forced 
relocation of households. The video will be introduced by Freedom 
Socialist Party International Executive Committee Coordinator, Alison 

Monday 4 March, 6.30 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Just north of Blyth Street.
Sydney road tram or Upfield railway line. Ample free parking at the rear
(enter from Staley Street)
* A middle Eastern banquet will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation
* Program starts 7 pm, no charge

All welcome

Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party
PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055 =80 Phone: 9388-0062 =80 E-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] =80 www.socialism.com




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LL:DDV: Moreland Free the Refugees Protest

2002-02-11 Thread Alison Thorne

Free the Refugees Protest
Saturday 16 February, 11 am
corner of Sydney Road and Dawson Street, Brunswick

Judy McVey and Jonathan Sherlock, Socialist Alliance Candidates for the
Moreland City Council will be locked in a "mobilie detention centre" in
solidarity with the refugees in Australia's detention camps. If enough
people sign the petition, Judy and Jonathan will be released. Come along 
and help free Jonathan and Judy!

Sponsored by the Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance.
For more information: 9388-0062 or 9386-4815

Alison Thorne
Convenor, Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance




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LL:DDV: Pride 2002 - March with Socialist Alliance

2002-01-09 Thread Alison Thorne

Socialist Alliance invites you to join us and march in the 2002 Pride March.

The march is an opportunity for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, 
transgendered people, intersex people, queers of every stripe AND all 
supporters of gay liberation who want to combat homophobia, to take to 
the streets.

Socialist Alliance has registered a contingent and will be marching to
highlight one of our priority pledges -- ACTIVE opposition to sexism, 
racism and homophobia.

When: Pride 2002 takes place on Sunday January 20.

Time: The march will start at 5 pm precisely. Assembly starts from 3.30 
pm. The Socialist Alliance contingent will assemble at 4.30 pm.

Assembly point: The march assembles at the park on the corner of Fitzroy
Street and Lakeside Gardens in St Kilda. Assembly points will be 
assigned around the perimeter of the park. The Socialist Alliance 
assembly point will be clearly marked.

What to bring/wear: The Pride March places emphasis on contingents 
having a "visual look" [last year the march attracted 45,000 
spectators]. So that our contingent has a bit of a colour theme, please 
dress in your preferred combination of black, red and pink. Bring placards.

Help make the banner: David Glanz will be coordinating the production of 
a new SA banner for Pride. To help contact David on: 

Help build the contingent: Please forward this e-mail on to anyone you 
think might like to join the Socialist Alliance contingent. If you can 
include leaflets promoting the contingent in mail outs or distribute 
them at community events, please contact Alison Thorne on: 

Pride March policy: FYI, Pride March has a policy of not allowing the 
sale of merchandise in the assembly area without prior permission (they 
actively enforce this policy). They will not grant permission on the 
day. Pride March does offer community groups the opportunity to have a 
trestle space at the final concert at the end of the march. The cost is 
$16.50 and stalls can be booked by contacting Pride on 9513-3054.

Help raise the profile of Socialist Alliance in the LGBT community and
promote the understanding that the struggle queer liberation and the
struggle for socialism are inseparable. See you at Pride.




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LL:DDV: A tribute to Colombia's Defiant Unionists, Peasants

2002-01-06 Thread Alison Thorne

Special Freedom Socialist Party meeting

A tribute to Colombia='s defiant unionists, peasants & Indigenous people

- La Madician del Dorado a film about the Colombian Mining Union

- Introduced by special guest Rosemary Jimenez from the Australian
Solidarity Network with Colombia

- Chaired by Debbie Brennan veteran feminist and Latin America 
solidarity activist

Tuesday 5 February
- Latin American dinner at 6.30 pm for $6 - Program at 7 pm

Solidarity Salon
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
(Just north of Blyth Street)

For more information call 9388-0062 or 9386-5065
- www.socialism.com - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:PR: Moreland Council - Socialist Alliance preselects candidates

2001-12-16 Thread Alison Thorne

News Release
15 December, 2001

Socialist Alliance preselects community activists for Moreland Council race

The Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance has preselected local activists
Jonathan Sherlock and Judy McVey as candidates in the 2002 Moreland 
Council elections.

Sherlock, who scored 4.7% of the vote at the recent by-election, will
contest the Hoffman ward again at the March poll.

Sherlock's running mate is Judy McVey, a leader in the Refugee Action
Collection. McVey has been preselected to contest Merri ward.

Sherlock and McVey are both long time local residents in their 
respective wards and active members of the Community and Public Sector 
Union. McVey helped found the local Stop the Chop campaign resisting 
privatization of the CES and other public services. Sherlock was a 
leader in Campaign Against the Nazis building broad community protests 
which drove a fascist bookshop and organising centre out of Moreland.

Socialist Alliance has announced four key areas it will campaign around 
in the upcoming council elections:

- making the City of Moreland a refuge for refugees

- protecting the Merri Creek valley from environmental destruction

- improving public transport through campaigning for its renationalisation

- building a fighting council which takes on State and Federal 
Governments to win the funds needed to provide quality services for 
Moreland residents and good working conditions for council workers

For more information contact:

Judy McVey, Socialist Alliance Candidate for Merri Ward on 0418-347-374
Jonathan Sherlock, Socialist Alliance Candidate for Hoffman Ward on
Alison Thorne, Convener Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance on 9388-0062




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LL:PR: Statement on the U.S. war on Afghanistan from FSP

2001-10-25 Thread Alison Thorne

Statement on the
International Committee

21 October 2001

High-tech murder, as real as the World Trade Center attack and much more 
deadly, is underway in Afghanistan as U.S. bombs continue to fall in the 
third week of President Bush's obscene war on terrorism. However, CNN 
carries no interviews with the victims' families or with the workingclass 
heroes on the ground.  Instead the airwaves are filled with U.S. officials 
issuing orders: Osama bin Laden must be destroyed, domestic opposition is 
unpatriotic, unconditional surrender or else. Welcome to the New World Order!

With the fall of the Soviet Union, U.S. imperialism became the unchallenged 
power in world politics and our planet became a much more dangerous place 
to live. Now another capitalist war for markets, influence and natural 
resources is being unleashed in one of the poorest places on earth.

George Bush wants a change of government in Afghanistan, not because he 
hates terrorism, but because those who put him in office seek to secure a 
gateway to the oil rich regions of the former Soviet Union. He is not the 
first U.S. president to attempt this feat.

In 1985, Ronald Reagan wanted exactly the same thing. Only he praised Osama 
bin Laden and the forces that would become the Taliban as "freedom 
fighters." He directed the CIA to promote the growth of Islamic 
fundamentalism in Central Asia to destabilise the Soviet Union. Between 
1978 and 1982 the U.S. government funneled at least six billion U.S. 
dollars in training and arms into the region to promote rightwing 
fundamentalism. Others, including Saudi Arabia, provided similar levels of 
financial support.

The women and girls of Afghanistan paid a terrible price for Reagan's 
anti-communism and the greed of U.S. oil giants. Once in power, the Taliban 
outlawed female education, prohibited women from employment, and denied 
them basic human and civil rights. Now Bush callously heaps even greater 
misery on the region, by bombing their country and sending U.S. troops to 
kill their sons many of them draftees in the Taliban's army.

It is incumbent upon all those who oppose this war to cooperate in building 
an international antiwar movement to radicalize a new generation of 
fighters against capitalism --an economic system that is bringing the world 
to the edge of chaos and barbarism.


U.S. interest in Afghanistan has always been driven by two factors: oil and 
anti-communism. When a pro-Soviet regime came to power in Afghanistan 
through a popular uprising, the U.S. immediately tried to destabilize it 
and allied itself with right-wingers in the Taliban--men violently opposed 
to the new government's plan to educate all women and girls and to outlaw 
child marriages.

Today the Taliban exists both because the U.S. directly helped create it 
and because capitalism gives rise to the economic and political conditions 
which fuel religious fundamentalism all over the world.  U.S. policy in the 
Middle East involves murdering leftists and stamping out their 
organizations, strangling democratic rights and deliberately 
under-developing a region rich in natural resources in order to maintain 
political hegemony and control of oil reserves.

This Machiavellian U.S. policy leaves the vast majority of people destitute 
and without the means to influence their governments. Thus imperialism 
prepares the soil in which religious fundamentalism flourishes as a 
contradictory expression of anti-imperialist sentiment.

The Taliban, bin Laden, Hamas and all the other religious zealots offer an 
outlet for anger and protest against the "decadent" ways of the Western 
world. At the same time, they promise a return to "traditional" values, 
like the imprisonment of women in the home and a legal system based on 
religion. Because of their essentially conservative and anti-communist 
character, imperialism found these reactionaries vastly preferable to 
leftist and democratic causes before September 11, 2001.

Rank-and-file fighters for Arab liberation have never given up, as shown 
today by the second inspiring Palestinian intifada and by strikes and 
student rebellions in Iran. The first prerequisite for peace in the Middle 
East is for the U.S. to withdraw from the region and allow the people 
themselves to decide their future.


Mass murder is nothing new for the rulers of the U.S. They dropped atomic 
bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima that killed over 100,000 people. They 
installed Pinochet in Chile in 1974 and orchestrated Suharto's massacre of 
more than a million Communists and suspected Communists in Indonesia in 
1965. They trained the murderous military henchman of Central and South 
America and now they are delivering $1.6 billion in military aid to the 
blood-soaked Colombian army 

LL:AA: Support Socialist Alliance Senate Campaigning stalls

2001-10-25 Thread Alison Thorne

Hello to all Left Linkers

The Socialist Alliance Senate campaign is now in full swing. We have 15,000
leaflets as well as posters available to distribute.

It is vital we get this material out, especially to all left networks so
people know HOW they can vote Socialist Alliance in the Senate - Socialist 
Alliance is group Q, ticket Alison Thorne, Sarah Peart and Tony Dewberry.

So, if you can help distribute leaflets and posters in your networks, 
please contact Peter Murray, Socialist Alliance Senate Campaign Coordinator 
on 03-9386-5065.

The Senate campaign has three stalls planned this week end ... so get along 
and help with the outreach/campaigning if you can.

* Friday 26 October: 4 - 6 pm there will be a stall at the Swanston Street 
entrance of Melbourne Central

* Saturday 27 October: 10 - noon there will be a stall at Prahran Market

* Sunday 28 October: 10 - noon there will be a stall at the Fitzroy Street
end of the St Kilda Esplande

Want to participate? Just rock on up. Or you can call Senate campaign 
coordinator, Peter Murray on 9386-5065

Thanks Left Linkers ...
We're counting down ... just 15 days to go.
Let's make the most of every one of them!

Alison Thorne



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LL:PR: Vote No to War and Racism

2001-10-05 Thread Alison Thorne

Hello Left Linkers

Can you help the Socialist Alliance by Networking?

An election is getting very close!

The Socialist Alliance Senate team is available to speak to groups anywhere
around the state. Contact Peter Murray at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call
him on 03-9386-5065

It would be super if you could forward on info about the Alliance to your

The major parties have plenty of money to get their message out. We don't
have money, but Socialist Alliance has energy, committment and a damn good

Please assist voters to be aware of their range of choices this polling 
day, by forwarding this message.

Alison Thorne
Socialist Alliance Senate Candidate

Vote NO to war and racism
Get the Liberals out! Welfare not warfare!

John Howard hopes to ride a wave of anti-refugee racism and pro-war 
hysteria to get the Liberals re-elected in a few weeks time. His government 
is determined for Australia to play a "high level role" in any U.S. 
military action aimed at Osama bin Laden or the Taliban government of 

The government has used the horror of the attack on the World Trade Centre
to whip up more opposition to refugees. Government ministers have suggested
that there is a direct connection between the threat of terrorism in
Australia and asylum seekers arriving by boat. But like the other myths the
government spreads about refugees, there is no evidence at all for such a

Divide and rule
The Howard government is cynically playing the refugee race card to try and 
divert attention away from the GST and the Liberals' appalling record on 
nursing homes, health spending and child care.  The government has been 
more than willing to spend over $110 million dollars for the navy to 
intercept asylum seekers, but it is not prepared to spend even $20 million 
to save 16,000 Ansett jobs. Workers are still waiting for a national scheme 
that will protect all their entitlements when companies go bust. While 
company directors walk away with millions of dollars in bonuses and 
payouts, Ansett workers stand to lose millions of dollars in entitlements.

Labor is boosting Howard's chances
Howard is riding high in the opinion polls, because the Liberals' 
anti-refugee policy and its pro-war hysteria have been totally backed by 
Labor's parliamentary leaders. Rather than take a principled stand, Labor 
has shamefully taken the path of crass electoral opportunism, deserting 
those who still looked to it as the party that would to take up the fight 
to the Coalition.

Labor's electoral strategy has opened the door to the Liberals. Over recent 
months, they supported the Liberals' handing billions to private health 
companies and rich private schools. Nonetheless only a few weeks ago, 
Howard looked dead in the water. Now, with Labor totally supporting Howard 
on refugees and Bush's "war on terrorism", there are real fears that the 
Liberals could get elected for a third term.

That prospect is frightening. The racism that Howard has unleashed over 
refugees will get a renewed lease of life. The war-mongering will escalate. 
Our democratic rights will be cut back on the grounds of "national 
security." Howard has also flagged compulsory work for anyone unemployed 
longer than six months. On top of all this loom the full privatisation of 
Telstra and the airports, and more attacks on the union and working conditions.

Wanted: a fighting alternative
We need a fighting alternative like never before. The basis for a fight 
back is there. Thirty-nine per cent of people oppose any involvement in the 
war. Over 60 per cent say that any retaliation should not be against 
civilian targets. What's needed is organisation to turn this opposition 
into action. Rallies and demonstrations can turn the tables on the Liberals 
and the war-mongers in the Labor Party.

Socialist Alliance members are throwing themselves into the campaign to 
stop Howard and Bush's war. We've consistently fought to free the refugees. 
Socialist Alliance organised national protests on the anniversary of the 
introduction of the GST.

A vote for Socialist Alliance is a vote for welfare NOT warfare. It's a 
vote against racism. It's a vote to tax the rich to fund services. It's a 
vote to put people before profits.


- David Glanz, for Wills - Jackie Lynch, for Batman - Jorge Joquera, for
Gellibrand - Tim Gooden, for Corio - Josephine Cox, for Aston
- Alison Thorne & Sarah Peart, Victorian Senate team

Socialist Alliance, Wills Branch
- 03-9388-0062 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.socialist-alliance.org
Authorised by Peter Murray, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056 Printed by
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056


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LL:DDV: Rescheduled: Anti-semitism: where does it come from?

2001-09-17 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party special meeting
Anti-semitism: where does it come from and how to eradicate it
Now rescheduled to Monday 24 September 7 pm @ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney 
Road, Brunswick.
Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. For more info: 9388-0062.

Our September meeting will explore why Jewish people are oppressed, how Jew 
can be liberated and why Zionism is not the solution. Everyone is welcome.


The meeting has been rescheduled to allow participation in a special 
Socialist Alliance Public meeting Who is to blame - Middle Eastern People 
or U.S.  foreign policy? on Wednesday 19 September.  Speakers include: Ali 
Kazak, Head of the General Palestinian delegation to Australia and 
Palestinian Ambassador to Vanuatu,  Surma Hamid, Political refugee and 
Representative of Worker Communist Party of Iraq and Alison Thorne, 
Socialist Alliance Senate Candidate.  New Council Chambers, Trades Hall at 
7 pm.

Please note: SA public meeting is NOW Wednesday 19 September, NOT Thursday 
20 September as previously advertised.


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DDV: Study seminar - Against Individual Terrorism

2001-09-14 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women present a study seminar on Leon 
Trotsky's "Against Individual Terrorism."

In New York and Washington DC thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of 
working people have lost their lives. This event is tragic. But despite the 
total lack of political context presented in mainstream media commentary, 
these events are not incomprehensible. The policies of the U.S. imperialism 
cause terrorism - a reaction fuelled by despair - to flourish.

The introduction to Russian Revolutionary leader, Leon Trotsky's pamphlet 
titled Against Individual Terrorism describes terrorism as "an attempt to 
substitute the technical feats of a small group with a necessary social 
movement of the masses themselves."

Socialist feminist are implacably opposed to terrorism as a strategy. We 
oppose terrorism as a strategy because it provides a rationale for 
repression at home and abroad. It is used as an excuse to fuel racism and 
curtail civil liberties. What the U.S. Government and its mates Howard and 
Beazley in Canberra will attempt to do is use the tragedy in the U.S as an 
excuse to clamp down on the working class and particularly the growing 
anti-corporate mass movement.

They will crack down, but we won't back down!

Debate about terrorism raged in the movement in Russia in the decades 
leading up to the Russian Revolution. Come to a study seminar which looks 
at the theoretical lessons of last century and applies them to the searing 
reality of the world in 2001.

Sunday 30 September 11.30 am - 3.00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Study guide and pamphlet: $2
Delicious lunch served for a $6 donation

Everyone is welcome to participate in this seminar

Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women, PO Box 266
West Brunswick Vic 3055. For more information call Peter on 9388-0062 or


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LL:PR: Socialist Alliance preselects Victorian Senate ticket

2001-09-10 Thread Alison Thorne

Socialist Alliance
News Release
Sunday 9 September 2001

Socialist Alliance Preselects Victorian Senate Ticket

The 8 September Victorian state conference of the Socialist Alliance has 
preselected a Senate team of two to contest the upcoming Federal Election.

Alison Thorne, Melbourne Organiser for the Freedom Socialist Party, a 
Socialist Alliance affiliate, was preselected for the top position. Thorne 
is a veteran feminist and gay liberationist with lots of experience 
fighting the right wing and standing up for oppressed people. She 
campaigned to rid Fawkner of a Nazi bookshop and has often protested 
against Right To Life moralists who aim to curtail women=B9s right to 
choose. Alison, who lives in Brunswick, works in a telephone call centre 
and is a member of the Community and Public Sector Union.

Thorne's running mate is Sarah Peart. A resident of St Kilda, Sarah is a 
young woman leader in the global anti-corporate movement who helped 
organise the M1 protests earlier this year. She is currently building 
support for a blockade of the Commonwealth Business Forum on October 3. 
Peart is a member of another Socialist Alliance affiliate, the Democratic 
Socialist Party.

The choice of Thorne and Peart to run for the Senate completes Socialist 
Alliance preselection in Victoria. The Alliance, formed by nine socialist 
organisations earlier this year, will stand in five lower house seat as 
well as the Senate. The other preselected candidates are Josephine Cox for 
Aston, David Glanz for Wills, Tim Gooden for Corio, Jorge Joquera for 
Gellibrand and Jackie Lynch for Batman.

Thorne says Socialist Alliance is particularly proud to have preselected 
four strong socialist women amongst its seven Victorian candidates. "The 
ALP still has not reached its modest target of 35% of women candidates in 
winnable seats after several years of claiming to work towards this goal. 
Socialist Alliance has achieved greater than 50% the first time round", 
Thorne said.

"The political voice of the growing anti-corporate movement in Australia" 
is how Peart see Socialist Alliance. "More and more people, especially 
young people, can see that capitalism is simply not working. Socialist 
Alliance will put forward innovative solutions based on human need not 
corporate greed."

Thorne agrees: "The Federal Government has spent billions on corporate 
welfare and tax cuts for big business. Facing almost certain defeat later 
this year, Howard has turned to scapegoating groups such as refugees, 
single women and lesbians in a desperate attempt to divert working people's 
attention away from issues such as the GST, cuts to the public sector and 
privatisation. Socialist Alliance will challenge this cynical incitement of 
racism, homophobia and sexism."

The Socialist Alliance will stand candidates in every state and territory. 
Aboriginal leader, Sam Watson, has been preselected to head the Senate 
ticket in Queensland and refugee rights campaigner, Ian Rintoul, heads the 
ticket in New South Wales.

For more information
Alison Thorne: 03-9386-5065, 0411-080-031
Sarah Peart: 0402-555-591
Peter Murray: 03-9386-5065, 0404-814-197
Linda Waldron: 03-9639-8622


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LL:DDV: Correction to Anti-semitism meeting

2001-08-29 Thread Alison Thorne


Correct date is WEDNESDAY 19 September.

From: Alison Thorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DDV: Anti-semitism: where does it come from and how to eradicate it

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 15:12:00 +1000

Freedom Socialist Party
* Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056 =80 Phone: 9388-0062

Calendar announcement

Freedom Socialist Party special meeting
Anti-semitism: where does it come from and how to eradicate it
Thursday 19 September, 7 pm
@ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056. Phone: 9388-0062

Our September meeting will explore why Jewish people are oppressed, how 
Jews can be liberated and why Zionism is not the solution.

Jewish feminist, Adrienne Weller, presented a paper "The Jewish Question 
and Its Relationship to The Race Question" at the Fourth Plenum of the 
Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women Comrades of Colour Caucus.

Peter Murray will review this paper which charts the origins of 
anti-semitism, shows how racism and anti-semitism are different but closely 
related and concludes freedom for Jews will come from working with people 
of colour and other oppressed people to change the world!

Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. Everyone is welcome.


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LL:DDV: Anti-semitism: where does it come from and how to eradicate it

2001-08-27 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056 =80 Phone: 9388-0062

Calendar announcement

Freedom Socialist Party special meeting
Anti-semitism: where does it come from and how to eradicate it
Thursday 19 September, 7 pm
@ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056. Phone: 9388-0062

Our September meeting will explore why Jewish people are oppressed, how Jew 
can be liberated and why Zionism is not the solution.

Jewish feminist, Adrienne Weller, presented a paper "The Jewish Question 
and Its Relationship to The Race Question" at the Fourth Plenum of the 
Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women Comrades of Colour Caucus.

Peter Murray will review this paper which charts the origins of 
anti-semitism, shows how racism and anti-semitism are different but closely 
related and concludes freedom for Jews will come from working with people 
of colour and other oppressed people to change the world!

Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. Everyone is welcome.


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LL:DDV: Wills SA What sort of rail link do we need to Tullamarine

2001-08-27 Thread Alison Thorne

What sort of rail link do we need to Tullamarine airport?

The Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance will hold a special meeting to 
discuss the proposed rail link to Tullamarine airport. Public transport to 
Tullamarine is woeful. But community concern is running high about a 
proposal to build a rail link to the airport along the Broadmeadows line 
corridor. Come and join in this discussion as Socialist Alliance formulates 
it position.

Special guest speakers:

* Victor Moore: organiser with the Rail, Tram and Bus Union;
* Doug Jordan: former tramways worker and community activist opposed to the 
Broadmeadows option

Plus, meet David Glanz the Socialist Alliance candidate for Wills in the 
upcoming Federal election.

When: Thursday 20 September @ 7 pm
Where: Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
For more information: call Alison Thorne on 9388-0062 or 9386-5065


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DDV: how the Queer Bloc can build the anticapitalist movement

2001-08-13 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party special meeting
Count down to CHOGM: How the Queer Bloc can advance and strengthen
the anticapitalist movement
Thursday 23 August, 7 pm @ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) takes place in 
Brisbane this October. From October 3 - 5, anticapitalist protesters in 
Melbourne will be mobilising against the pre-CHOGM Commonwealth Business 
Forum. Anti-corporate activists are organising to globalise resistance and 
popularise support for the demands: "No new WTO trade round!" "No 
implementation of GATS!" "Cancel the Third World Debt!"

The Freedom Socialist Party will be there. In particular, we are working to 
build the Queer Bloc, which will mobilise the queer community to 
participate in anti-corporate struggle by emphasising the homophobia of 
visiting Commonwealth leaders. Queer Bloc targets will include Britain's 
Tony Blair, who refuses to repeal the anti-gay Section 28 of the Local 
Government Act; Malaysia's Mahathir Mohammed, who uses homophobia as a 
weapon against his political opponents, and, of course, Mr 'family values' 
Howard, who aims to prevent lesbians and single women gaining access to IVF 
services. Queer Bloc participants will also mobilise in solidarity with the 
brave queer organisation, Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe, which refuses to 
be forced into the closet by arch homophobe, Robert Mugabe.

The meeting will feature discussion on what is needed to advance the
anticapitalist movement as well as examining the role the Queer Bloc can

Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. Everyone is welcome.


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LL:REM: Stonewall 32

2001-06-26 Thread Alison Thorne

Radical Women & the Freedom Socialist Party invite you to celebrate the
32nd anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which sparked the modern movement
for gay liberation. Come to a speak out for Queer liberation!

Wednesday 27 June @ 7pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road Brunswick
Entry by gold coin donation - Curry dinner @ 6.15 pm for a $6 donation
Bar service

This event is endorsed by Q.U.E.E.R and UNITE

The gay liberation movement sparked by the Stonewall Riots in June 1969 was 
radical and confronting. Activists mobilised around a thrilling vision of 
freedom, debating strategies for permanently eradicating sexism, racism, 
heterosexism and poverty, and so winning true emancipation for all. But, as 
Michael Warner argues in his biting critique of queer conformity, The 
Trouble with Normal, the movement has been in 'retreat from its history of 
radicalism into a new form of post-liberationist privatisation'. While 
passage of the Relationships Bill is important, it must be built on. We 
don't simply want a world which loves respectable 'picket fence' lesbians 
and upwardly mobile gays with pockets full of pink dollars to spend. We 
want a world which celebrates the queer majority - young and older, 
Indigenous, queers of colour, workers, queers with disabilities - most of 
us poor and none of us attracted to the disappearing practice of life long 

Come hear a diverse panel of speakers talk about the new militancy in the 
queer movement and then have your say!


* Sally Goldner - transgender advocate from BENT TV and TransMission Time 
on JOY FM who last year fought for EO law reform for transgenders.

* Liz Humphrys - an organiser for the queer block at anti-corporate 
protests against CHOGM planned for October and an activist with Q.U.E.E.R.

* Sue Jackel - trade union organiser and a co-convenor of UNITE, the trade 
union movement LGBT caucus.

* Richard Lane - aka Riki Revolutskya, an activist in the Wills Branch of 
Socialist Alliance and supporter of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty.

* Vanessa Nguyen - feminist activist from Monash University and former 
Queer Officer.

* Alison Thorne - founder of Melbourne Radical Women, member of the CPSU 
and gay movement veteran who won a precedent setting 1986 EO case.

* Melissa Venville - young feminist and current National Union of Students 
Queer Officer.

* Graham Willett - author of Living Our Loud, President of the Australian 
Lesbian and Gay Archives and a member of the NTEU.

* Chaired by Peter Murray - Freedom Socialist Party leader and socialist 
feminist critic of biological determinism.

The evening will also feature historic displays and a fundraiser for the 
Wills Socialist Alliance election campaign

For more information call 9388-0062 or 9386-5065 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solidarity Salon is just north of Blyth Street. There is ample free parking 
at the rear (enter from Staley Street). Take the North Coburg tram from 
Elizabeth Street or catch an Upfield train to Brunswick or Anstey Station. 
Venue is wheelchair accessible (but the toilets are not).

Everyone is welcome.


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LL:DDV: Meeting to organise Queer block at CHOGM

2001-06-13 Thread Alison Thorne

Q.U.E.E.R. is having an

Open Organising meeting to discuss a National Queer Block at protests
against the Commonwelth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in October.

Interested lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgendered people and queers are
invited to discuss what CHOGM is, why queer activists should be there and
form form protest should take.

Liz Humphrys and Adrian Makohon

Tuesday 26 June, 6 pm
Evatt Room, 1st floor Trades Hall, Carlton

For more info call Adrian on 0407-420-523 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:DDV: Wills SA Branch meeting

2001-06-04 Thread Alison Thorne

The next Wills Socialist Alliance branch meeting will discuss "Why we 
support teachers striking for increased education funding," 7pm Thursday 14 
June at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. All potential members 
welcome. Details: 9388-0062.


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LL:DDV: Stonewall Celebrations

2001-05-31 Thread Alison Thorne

Radical Women & the Freedom Socialist Party invite you to celebrate the
32nd anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which sparked the modern movement
for gay liberation. Come to a speak out for Queer liberation!

Wednesday 27 June @ 7pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road Brunswick
Entry by gold coin donation
Curry dinner @ 6.15 pm for a $6 donation
Bar service

This event is endorsed by Q.U.E.E.R and UNITE

The gay liberation movement sparked by the Stonewall Riots in June 1969 was 
radical and confronting. Activists mobilised around a thrilling vision of 
freedom, debating strategies for permanently eradicating sexism, racism, 
heterosexism and poverty, and so winning true emancipation for all. But, as 
Michael Warner argues in his biting critique of queer conformity, The 
Trouble with Normal, the movement has been in "retreat from its history of 
radicalism into a new form of post-liberationist privatisation". While 
passage of the Relationships Bill is important, it must be built on. We 
don't simply want a world which loves respectable "picket fence" lesbians 
and upwardly mobile gays with pockets full of pink dollars to spend. We 
want a world which celebrates the queer majority - young and older, 
Indigenous, queers of colour, workers, queers with disabilities - most of 
us poor and none of us attracted to the disappearing practice of life long 

Come hear a diverse panel of speakers talk about the new militancy in the 
queer movement and then have your say!


* Sally Goldner - transgender advocate from BENT TV and TransMission Time 
on JOY FM who last year fought for EO law reform for transgenders.

* Liz Humphrys - an organiser for the queer block at anti-corporate 
protests against CHOGM planned for October and an activist with Q.U.E.E.R.

* Sue Jackel - trade union organiser and a co-convenor of UNITE, the trade 
union movement LGBT caucus.

* Richard Lane - aka Riki Revolutskya, an activist in the Wills Branch of 
Socialist Alliance and supporter of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty.

* Vanessa Nguyen - feminist activist from Monash University and former 
Queer Officer.

* Alison Thorne - founder of Melbourne Radical Women, member of the CPSU 
and gay movement veteran who won a precedent setting 1986 EO case.

* Melissa Venville - young feminist and current National Union of Students 
Queer Officer.

* Graham Willett - author of Living Our Loud, President of the Australian 
Lesbian and Gay Archives and a member of the NTEU.

* Chaired by Peter Murray - Freedom Socialist Party leader and socialist 
feminist critic of biological determinism.

The evening will also feature historic displays and a fundraiser for the 
Wills Socialist Alliance election campaign

For more information call 9388-0062 or 9386-5065 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solidarity Salon is just north of Blyth Street. There is ample free parking 
at the rear (enter from Staley Street). Take the North Coburg tram from 
Elizabeth Street or catch an Upfield train to Brunswick or Anstey Station. 
Venue is wheelchair accessible (but the toilets are not).

Everyone is welcome.


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LL:DDV: Wills Socialist Alliance meeting

2001-05-24 Thread Alison Thorne

Wills/Melbourne North West Branch of Socialist Alliance meeting, Thursday 31
May at 7 pm, Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, West Brunswick. The meeting
will discuss Why thousands of families in Wills face the threat of a Family
Tax Benefit Debt. Prospective members welcome. For more information call


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LL:DDV: Wills Socialist Alliance

2001-05-07 Thread Alison Thorne

Come to the next meeting of the Wills/Melbourne North West Branch of the 
Socialist Alliance.

The meeting will feature a report and discussion around taxation policy - 
we say "Axe the GST and tax big business to fund health, housing, aged 
care, education and child care!"

When: Thursday 17 May @ 7 pm
Where: Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Keep Saturday 2 June free for a Wills Socialist Alliance fundraiser on the 
eve of the National Free the Refugees Day of action.


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LL:DDV: Wills Socialist Alliance meeting

2001-04-30 Thread Alison Thorne

The Wills/Melbourne North West Branch of Socialist Alliance will hold its
next meeting

Thursday 3 May, 7 pm @ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road Brunswick.

Come along and get involved in the growing campaign to finish off Howard AND
build a much needed left alternative to the ALP.

Check out Socialist Alliance at www.socialist-alliance.org


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LL:DDV: Unite Meeting to discuss transgendered worker issues

2001-04-15 Thread Alison Thorne

Calling all unionists, all queers and all queer unionists!

You are invited to the April meeting of UNITE.

UNITE is the lesbian, gay, bi and transgendered committee of the Victorian
Trades Hall Council.

Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001
Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM

This month's special guest is Sharon Menzies, an activist from Trangender 
Victoria who recently won an employment related discrimination case in the 
EOCV (you may have heard about it in the news).

Please note that due to the Comedy Festival having taken over most of 
Trades Hall, the usual venue (the ante room of the Bar) will be unavailable.

The meeting will be held in meeting room #2 at Trades Hall. This room is 
located on the ground floor at the front of the building - near the main 
Lygon Street entrance.

However, you cannot enter from Lygon Street at that time of night.  Please 
use the Victoria Street entrance and follow the signs (dodging the Comedy 
Festival crowds).  You will have to walk through to the courtyard/carpark 
(straight ahead of you after you enter off Victoria Street), then turn left 
and go through the sliding glass door into the main (front) building.

See you all there!

Alison Thorne, CPSU member, for UNITE


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LL:DDV: Relationships Bill Rally

2001-04-02 Thread Alison Thorne

recognition of same-sex couples. . .
too progressive for victoria?

Demonstrate on the opening day of State Parliament, 4.30 - 7 pm, Parliament 

Called by Q.U.E.E.R. (queers united to eradicate economic rationalism)

"We'll fight for you" (remember the Liberal Party advertisement in the 
Midsumma Guide?)

In recognition that 34 laws still discriminate against queers in Victoria, 
the Statute Law Amendment (Relationships) Bill has been introduced into 
parliament.  We are still waiting for the Liberal Party to fight for" us.

The Queer community is uniting to demonstrate our anger at the Liberal 
Party on Tuesday April 3rd from 4:30 til 7pm, on parliament house steps.

In November last year, the Statute Law Amendment (Relationships) Bill was 
introduced into Parliament.

This Bill seeks to amend 44 Victorian Acts which currently discriminate 
against same sex couples.

A new legal category of "domestic partner" will be created which will 
encompass both heterosexual and same sex long-term relationships.

The new term domestic partner will replace de facto spouse in each law.

The areas of the law covered include:
* property rights - same sex couples need to pay up to $15,000 in stamp 
duty when buying a joint property which heterosexual couples are exempt from

* guardianship and administration - same sex couples must prove to a court 
that they are in a relationship before one has the right to care for the 
other in times of sickness or injury

* superannuation payments

* health related legislation - same sex couples may not have hospital 
visitation rights, even if the partner is dying

* employment rights - those in same sex couples may not be entitled to 
bereavement leave if their partner dies

* crime assistance acts - people in same sex partnerships may have 
difficulty filing an intervention order against an abusive partner because 
they are not considered by the law to be in a "relationship"

This bill will not address many issues that queer people deal with on a 
daily basis, yet it has been written off as too "controversial."

These include:
* IVF / artificial insemination - Lesbians and single women's rights to 
these are still obstructed in Victoria, and now Howard's "family values" 
are making access even harder.

* Adoption - Everyone knows queers make the best parents, yet no government 
in Australia has recognised our right to establish our own families, even 
though such laws already exist in other jurisdictions.

* Youth Allowance / social security - young queers are forced to stay at 
home + economically dependent in homophobic environments, unless they can 
prove to Centrelink they have been abused by their parents.

Reform is not enough. The limited amount of equality and tolerance that 
these laws establish is an inadequate response to the homophobia and 
heterosexism in our society.

Society and the family structure are fundamentally based on the institution 
of heterosexuality, which excludes all those who won't conform to the ideal 
of the nuclear family.  Same sex couples, queer families, single mothers, 
and women who choose to live autonomously.

Heterosexual values dominate everything from the law to the church, 
science, medicine, education, the social security system, the mass media 
and our culture as a whole.  This is heterosexism.

On Tuesday the 3rd April, when parliament resumes, the queer community will 
be demanding an end to the Liberal Party's capitalist agenda of

 >homophobia >sexism >racism >exploitation of workers

The Liberal Party is currently blocking the passage of the Fair Employment 
Bill, giving minimum protection to =EDsVictoria 144 000 outworkers, and 
workers in other industries.  The queer community needs to be united in 
linking with the struggles of other oppressed groups.  This is why 
Q.U.E.E.R. is encouraging our community to join in the anti-capitalist 
blockade of the Stock Exchange @ M1

For info about Q.U.E.E.R. contact the Queer Department at Melb Uni 8344 
8159 or RMIT 9925 3707


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LL:INFO: QUEER changes meeting venue

2001-03-06 Thread Alison Thorne

Announcement to LGBT media and relevent e-lists

QUEER (Queers United to Erradicate Economic Rationalism) has changed its
meeting venue.

We will now meet at the Queer Space at RMIT. The easiest way to find the
Queers Space is to enter Bowen Street (which runs through the centre of the
RMIT City Campus) from Franklin Street at the north/Carlton end. Immediately
to your right you will see Building 20 which is also sign posted Lesley
Clucas Lounge. Use this enterance. The Queer Space is on the right next to
the Women's Room.

QUEER meets every second Tuesday at 6 pm. Next meetings 20 March then 3

QUEER is currently organising an action on 15 April, Easter Sunday, to
protest the homophobia of  Archbishop Pell. On 24 April QUEER plans to hold
a debate with some queer capitalists on the topic Can the Pink Dollar Buy Us

For more info about QUEER call Darren or Nina, Melbourne Uni Queer Officers
on 8344-8159.


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LL:INFO: UAW IWD in the city

2001-03-01 Thread Alison Thorne

Hi everyone

More IWD happenings.

From: Sheila Byard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alison Thorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UAW IWD in the city
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 21:37:18 -0500


For some reason the UAW is having difficulty posting to LL at present -
could you please cut & post the following on behalf of the UAW.
Otherwise see you at all those other events coming up


Union of Australian Women invite city workers and students to join them
for their special International Womens Day Lunch at Ross House, Flinders
Lane, 12 to 2 on Thursday March 8th. $10 and $ 8.
Special theme: WOMEN WISE UP report back from the recent NSW conference.
Or be there at 1.15 for the cutting of the cake!


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LL:DDV: Women's fair day and other IWD activities

2001-03-01 Thread Alison Thorne

Hi to all on Left Link

This Women's Fair Day (see below) on Sunday 4 March is kicking off IWD this
year. So get along!

Radical Women will be one of the stall holders, so pop by and say hello and
pick up a copy of the fantastic new Red Banner Reader, Socialism for
Skeptics, by Clara Fraser for just $5.

And don't forget, Saturday March 10 is the annual International Women's
Day rally, march, and festival - 'Women Fighting for Global Justice' 12pm
State Library, Swanston Street.

And that evening come to the IWD launch of Solidarity Salon, the new home of
Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party. It starts at 5 pm, 580 Sydney
Road Brunswick.

Alison, Radical Women
From: leighsue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: women's fair day
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 21:39:46 +1000

Celebrate the start of International Women's Day activities at the
Women's Fair Day. Sunday 4 March 12.30pm-500pm at Footscray Community
Arts Centre, 45 Moreland Rd Footscray.
Entertainment including - Vardos, Lou Bennett, Denise Scott and many
Over 50 stalls
Readings by women writers
Practical workshops - self defence, tai-chi and massage
Children's activities


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LL:PR: Socialist feminists launch new organising centre in Brunswick

2001-02-18 Thread Alison Thorne

Feminist Education Association
Radical Women
Freedom Socialist Party

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056

News release
Monday 19 February 2001

Contact: Alison Thorne, 03-9386-5065, 03-9388-0062
Do not use after 10 March 2001

Socialist feminists launch new organising centre in Brunswick

Three socialist feminist organisations - Radical Women, the Freedom 
Socialist Party and the Feminist Education Association - have teamed up to 
open a new multicultural socialist feminist organising centre in Moreland. 
Solidarity Salon, located at 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick, will be officially 
launched at an International Women's Day Celebration on Saturday 10 March.

Alison Thorne, the organiser for the Melbourne Branch of the Freedom 
Socialist Party, said "International Women's Day is the perfect occasion to 
open Solidarity Salon because IWD, which has been celebrated around the 
world since 1910, was initiated by socialist feminists. The Russian 
Revolution was started by women textile workers who struck on International 
Women's Day and this is the defiant spirit we'll emulate."

Debbie Brennan, who organises the Melbourne chapter of Radical Women said 
the three organisations have moved to the visible Sydney Road shop front, 
because they'd outgrown their previous office and meeting space at the rear 
of a West Brunswick house. "It's a sign of the times," Brennan explained. 
"More and more people are fed up with the human consequences of capitalist 
globalisation. Politicians try to convince us there is no alternative but 
they are dead wrong! Solidarity Salon will be a beacon for everyone who 
wants a world based on human need not corporate greed."

Solidarity Salon will be the venue for regular campaign meetings, political 
talks, skills development sessions and study groups. It features a well 
stocked boo shop with contemporary and classic feminist and Marxist theory 
as well as writings by working class people of colour, women, gays and 
lesbians. From March 10, the centre will welcome visitors every Tuesday and 
Saturday, and at other times by appointment.

Everyone is invited to attend the official opening party. The festive 
evening will feature greetings from across the globe, well wishes from 
local activists, multicultural entertainment, finger food from five 
continents and dancing. Doors open at 5 pm. and the official launch takes 
place at 6 pm.

To arrange an interview call Alison on 9386-5065 or 9388-0062


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LL:PR: Pride, Police - a statement from Q.U.E.E.R

2001-02-11 Thread Alison Thorne

Q.U.E.E.R. members stand by their actions at Pride March

QUEER (Queers United to Eradicate Economic Rationalism) is proud of
the contingent we built at Melbourne's Pride March. Over 100 activists
from QUEER, UNITE, Feminist Avengers, Radical Women and campus queer
groups made a united, lively and political contingent, one of the
largest in the parade. We think this is an important development in
alerting the queer community to the perils of "Pink Dollar" politics.
We have copped some flak because some of our contingent verbally
heckled the Liberal and GALPEN contingents. The Liberals are on the
warpath against working people and we pointed that out - what more
needs to be said? Since then, State Liberal leader Napthine has
attacked the Bracks government for a miserly $25,000 grant for
research into lesbian cancer risks, showing their true colours.
Many of our contingent were at the s11 demonstration and saw, or were
on the bloody end of, the police savagery. It is hard for people who
were not there to understand the deep scars on the psyche (let alone
the body) that this has created. People were demonstrating
non-violently, arms linked. The police removed their number tags,
opened ranks, and poured out hundred of armoured, pumped up, riot
squaddies who mowed down everyone in their path. They left a swathe of
bleeding heads, bruised bodies and cracked bones.
The psychological pain is probably greater. You see, none of those
beaten can strike back. The police have a monopoly on the right to
legally use violence. So the anger becomes internalized unless an
outlet can be found. The GALPEN contingent provided one such outlet
for this completely justified anger to be verbally expressed. The
police actions at s11 were only an extreme example of the main role
they play in society generally - the defence of private property. The
police are not workers like any others. Although they are employees
who have only their ability to work to sell, they have a direct role
in attacking organised workers. They are routinely used to break
workers' picket lines.
When we need police - when violence against women, queers, koories is
happening - they are almost always "too busy" to respond in time.
Domestic violence, rape, queer bashings, racist bashings - these are
all put in the too hard basket. Queers are often treated with
contempt. Worse than that, police have often acted with violence
against queers and other oppressed people - bashings of queers,
koories, young people and women continue.
Attempts to have functioning queer community - police liaison
committees have foundered over the years as the police hierarchy have
not taken the issues seriously. QUEER recognizes that GALPEN members
have challenged the homophobic and sexist institution for which they
work. We know that their members have been victimized for standing up
for the rights of queer police and for being open about their
sexuality. We support the rights of queer police to organise. We
recognize that marching at Pride is an important public statement for
GALPEN members.
We ask for recognition that QUEER supporters who were at s11  also had
an important statement to make about the role of the police.
QUEER is a group of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender activists
from various backgrounds who have united in their fight for
progressive causes.  We encourage all queers to come to our next
fortnightly meeting at 6PM on Tuesday 20th February at Trades Hall.
Alison (03) 9386 5065
Josh (03) 9925 3707
Riki (03) 9387 7819 / 0400 877 819
Adrian 0415 420 523


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LL:DDV: IWD launch of socialist feminist organising centre

2001-02-11 Thread Alison Thorne

International Women's Day 2001
Celebrate a new multi-cultural socialist feminist
organising centre!

Radical Women, Freedom Socialist Party and
the Feminist Education Association invite you to
the official opening of

Solidarity Salon
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Saturday 10 March
Doors open 5 pm
Roasts, toasts & official launch 6 pm
Dancing from 8pm
Finger food from across the globe served throughout the evening

Please bring cheque book or cash to make your donation towards our wheel 
chair accessibility project, our equipment fund and consider making a 
monthly pledge towards our on going costs

Solidarity Salon is located is the heart of multi-cultural working class 
Moreland. The welcoming shop front and organising centre will be the venue 
for regular socialist feminist study groups and organising meetings.

Just north of Blythe Street, there is plentiful free parking in the well 
lit rear car park - enter from Staley Street. Solidarity Salon is 5 minutes 
walk from Anstey Station and located on the Sydney Road tram route. Once 
"officially opened" the bookstore at Solidarity Salon will be open Tuesdays 
and Saturdays from 10 am to 5 pm and other times by appointment. As well as 
a wide range of literature, we also sell our famous range of Proleterian 
Preserves, T-shirts, posters, cards and political CDs. Phone: 03-9388-0062.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056. Phone/fax: 03-9388-0062
Mailing address for Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Women and
the Feminist Education Association is PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055
By email: Radical Women: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freedom Socialist Party - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.socialism.com


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LL:INFO: Socialism for Skeptics

2001-02-11 Thread Alison Thorne

Hey, red readers

Get your copy of "Socialism for Skeptics" by Clara Fraser, the second
booklet in the Red Banner Reader series. "S for S" is a delightful
44-page collection of witty, imaginative and pithy essays that skewer
misconceptions about socialism.  It's a zestful introduction to radical
politics from the perspective that communism is a great idea that CAN

To order, send $6.00 (for booklet and postage) to Red Letter Press, PO Box
266 West Brunswick Vic 3055.


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LL:DDV: Study group IWD - A Day to spark revolution!

2001-01-29 Thread Alison Thorne

Study group: International Women's Day - A day to spark revolution!
Wednesday evenings, 21 February and 28 February 2001

March 8 is celebrated around the world as International Women's Day. Find 
out about the socialist origins of IWD. Be inspired by the women workers 
whose strike on IWD sparked the Russian Revolution! Hear about the ideas of 
feminist trail blazer, Clara Zetkin, whose proposal to a socialist women's 
conference in 1910 put IWD firmly on the calendar. Explore the 
revolutionary nature of demands raised by women's liberationists in the 
1970s. Discuss contemporary debates about  socialist feminism and 
International Women's Day.

Solidarity Salon
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick, phone: 9388-0062

A meal will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. Sessions run from 7  -
8.45 pm. Reading materials and study guide available for $4. Call Alison on
9386-5065 to arrange an advance copy. Everyone is welcome to participate!

Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Women and
the Feminist Education Association


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2000-12-05 Thread Alison Thorne

QUEER (Queers United to Eradicate Economic Rationalism) is holding an end of
year party.

It is on Saturday 16 December from 8 pm.

It's at the home of QUEER activists Nase and Robert, 24 Kipling Street,
North Melbourne. Phone 9348-9187.

All queer and queer friendly lefties are invited to come along and find out
more about QUEER.

Its BYO drinks. Finger food will be provided. We'll also be launching the
first copy of our Queer Zine.

No charge, but a donation to the ongoing work of QUEER would be welcome.


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LL:DDV: Speak Out on World AIDS Day 2000

2000-11-20 Thread Alison Thorne

Speak Out on World AIDS Day 2000 - Activism Matters

Today is WORLD AIDS Day. We demand that global corporations be taxed to 
fund quality education and prevention strategies, health care and provide 
HIV/AIDS drugs to all who need them in every corner of the globe!

In Australia, we demand:

* fund public hospitals not private health insurance!
* access to safe donor sperm for lesbians and single women!
* tighten legislation outlawing discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS!
* increase the Disability Support Pension to a living wage - no imposition 
of "mutual obligation"!
* equality for same sex couples in superannuation law.

Attend the speak out - Friday 1 December, 5.30 pm @ the GPO, corner of 
Bourke Street and Elizabeth Street.

Organised by QUEER (Queers United to Eradicate Economic Rationalism).

Next QUEER meeting, Tuesday 28 November 5.30 pm at NUS office, 1st floor
Victorian Trades Hall Council.
Call Xanthe or Adrian on 8344-8159 or Jonathan on 9925-3707.
Or join the Queers United e-group; [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:PR: Protest Israeli Attacks on Palestinians!

2000-10-24 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party
International Executive Committee - PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055
AUSTRALIA - Phone/fax 61-3-9386-5065  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following statement was originally issued  jointly by the U.S section 
of the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women

Protest Israeli Attacks on Palestinians!

For 50 years, Israeli military forces have had their boots on the necks of 
Palestinians. Palestinians have resisted.  Any "peace agreement" that 
prolongs military occupation and avoids fundamental issues of territory and 
autonomy is just a forced march to nowhere powered by Israeli helicopter 
rockets against Palestinian rocks and rage.

There will be no end to fighting in Palestine as long as the U.S., which 
underwrites Israel's oppressive might, oversees various "summits." 
Washington is hardly impartial as it focuses on ensuring American profits 
from Middle East oil. The U.N., itself a instrument of imperialism, as 
shown by the bombing of Iraq, has been powerlessness to resolve Palestinian 
grievances for over 5 decades. Nor will peace result if political power in 
Israel or Palestine defaults to rightwing religious fundamentalists.

The solution must be found in deliberations of those who have the most to 
gain from a just cessation of hostilities: Israeli and Palestinian workers, 
feminists, intellectuals and the parties that represent them. Arabs and 
Jews--including many survivors of the Holocaust--can and must find a way to 
reside together in the region; they lived harmoniously for centuries and 
can do so again.

The Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women are appalled at the 
hypocritical condemnations of Arab violence by spokespeople for Israel and 
the U.S., two countries which are steeped in violence.  There is a 
difference between the violence of the slave and that of the master.  One 
fights for freedom.  The other to subjugate.

Israeli officials and U.S. media exhibit unmitigated racism in describing 
the deaths of eight Israelis (most of them soldiers) as a barbaric tragedy, 
while minimizing the murders of over one hundred Israeli-Arab and 
Palestinian civilians.

In a war of independence, it often doesn't matter who fires the first 
bullet in a particular battle.  But this current rebellion was clearly 
sparked by rightwing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon's provocative visit to 
Jerusalem accompanied by 1,000 troops. Sharon chose this incendiary action 
to bury the ill-fated peace process in a bid for leadership of the 
rightwing Likud Party.

The Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women support Palestinian statehood 
as a step toward a bilateral socialist, secular state in Palestine, run by 
Arabs and Jews as equals.  For history has taught us that the liberation of 
one oppressed group cannot be won at the expense of another oppressed group.

U.S. out of the Middle East!
Israel out of Gaza and the West Bank!

Issued by: Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women
5018 Rainier Ave S., Seattle, WA 98118 =80 Fax: 1-206-723-7691

FSP Phone: 206-722-2453, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 RW Phone: 1-206-722-6057, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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LL:DDV: Teacher unionists wine fundraiser

2000-10-19 Thread Alison Thorne

Dear Left Linkers

You are invited to support the NMIT Unionists final fling! Help us soak up 
our legal debts by lapping up some fine wines.

No More Intimidation of Teacher Unionists Campaign Committee was organised 
in April 1997 to assist sacked teacher unionists from Northern Melbourne 
Institute of TAFE in their fight for reinstatement. These activists were 
dismissed because they were effective advocates for workers rights at the 
Institute. Over the past three years we=B9ve held rallies, protests and 
petition drives to protest the discriminitory treatment of union activists 
in the TAFE sector. In 1999 we fought a case in the Victorian Civil and 
Administrative Tribunal to win the reinstatment of one of those teackers, 
Alison Thorne.

Although we did not get Alison re-instated to her teaching position at 
NMIT, because the legal system is stacked against complainants,  we did 
chalk up a few victories for other unionists. Firstly, NMIT management, was 
found by a court to have been discriminatory towards union members at NMIT. 
Secondly, protection against victimisation was extended. An employer cannot 
discriminate against a union member who insists on working to her award or 
industrial agreement - which is now considered to be lawful industrial 
action. And the industrial action does not have to be occurring at the very 
moment of victimisation. Employers cannot act against a union member 
because they took industrial action in the past, or might take it in the 
future. Very useful precedents for future victimised unionists!

Now we=B9re winding up the campaign with a final appeal to help pay off 
legal debts. Your solidarity over the past three years has helped 
us  send  a message to all employers: discrimination is wrong, and will be 
opposed. Together, we will defeat union busting and casualisation.

By purchasing from us you=B9ll get to enjoy wine from many of Australia's 
finest wine-growing areas, just in time for summer. Every bottle purchased 
will help us recoup our legal costs. Your wine will be labelled with our 
own distinctive labels, themselves a talking point! Buy up big for the 
summer. Minimum order 3 bottles, but you can mix and match. Team up with a 
comrade or two and share a dozen! Once again, thanks to all who have 
dedicated their time, money and labour to this important campaign since 1997.

Phone or e-mail for a snail mail copy of the wine order form. To get your 
order form call 03-9386-5065.

The last day for orders is 29 November, but the earlier you reply, the better.

Please help publicises this important solidarity effort by forwaring this 
message to friends, including details in newsletters or requesting bulk 
order forms for inclusion in your organisations' mailouts.

Cheers -  and Solidarity Forever!

Peter Murray
Wine fundraising co-ordinator.

NMIT Unionists Campaign Committee.
PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055
Phone/FAX 03-9386-5065.


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LL:DDV: The 80s and 90s greed and reaction sparks new revolt!

2000-10-19 Thread Alison Thorne

Study Group: A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century:
The '80s and 90s - greed and reaction sparks new revolt!

Thursday 26 October @ 7pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation

For more information call (03) 9386-5065
Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party & the Feminist Education


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LL:INFO: A request to LeftLink posters

2000-10-16 Thread Alison Thorne

Dear LeftLink posters

The Freedom Socialist Party values LeftLink greatly as a method of
communication between very diverse left activists and organisations.

We all have a role in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the information
posted. So, if details of an action any of us post change, we have a
responsibility to post the revised details as soon as the changes happen.

On 7 September Arun P posted a notice of a protest to take place in
Melbourne at 5 pm at the GPO on 13 October. The protest, to coincide with
Refugee Week, was called by Resistance and the Federation of Iraqi Refugees
and Immigrants Council.

The organisers subsequently called the protest off, but did not advise the
list. As a result, some people turned up for the canceled rally.

We all have a responsibility to ensure appropriate follow up messages are
posted. E-mail is a great communication boon, lets all work to make sure it
is reliable.

Thank you.
Alison Thorne
Freedom Socialist Party


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: The 60s and 70s - Freedom Now!

2000-10-16 Thread Alison Thorne

Study Group: A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century:
The '60s and '70s =8B Freedom Now!

Thursday 19 October @ 7pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation

For more information call (03) 9386-5065
Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party & the Feminist Education


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Hot war, cold war and irrepressible revolution

2000-10-10 Thread Alison Thorne

Study Group: A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century:
Hot war, cold war and irrepressible revolution

Thursday 12 October @ 7pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation

For more information call (03) 9386-5065
Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party & the Feminist Education


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Stalinism and fascism - how the dream went wrong

2000-10-03 Thread Alison Thorne

Study Group: A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century:
Stalinism and fascism - how the dream went wrong

Thursday 5 October @ 7pm - 8.45 pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation

Required reading:
* Tamara Turner, A Worker's Guide the 20th Century Part 1 - The harvest of
World War 1: revolt, counterrevolution and the seeds of war, Freedom
Socialist, Volume 20 # 2, July - September 1999, pages 4 - 5.

Supplementary reading:
* The Program of the International Revolution or a Program of Socialism in 
One Country?, Leon Trotsky, The Third International After Lenin, pages 3 - 
73 (Pathfinder Press, New York 1970).
* Thermidor in the Family, Leon Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed: What is 
the Soviet Union and Where is It Going?, pages 144 - 159 (Pathfinder Press, 
New York, 5th edition 1972).
* The United Front for Defense: A Letter to a Social Democratic Worker, 
Leon Trotsky, The Struggle Against Fascism in Germany, pages 349 - 369 
(Pathfinder Press, New York 1971).

For more information call (03) 9386-5065
Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party & the Feminist Education


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: The Dream of Socialism Comes Alive

2000-09-23 Thread Alison Thorne

Study Group:
A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century

The dream of socialism comes alive in Russia

Thursday 28 September   @ 7 pm

Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick

Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation

Required reading:

* Peter Murray, "A Worker's Guide the 20th Century Part 1: Amid the carnage
  of World War 1, dream of socialism comes alive in Russia," Freedom
Socialist, Volume 20 # 1, April - June 1999, pages 4 - 5.

Supplementary reading:

* "The 'Plan' for an All-Russian Political Newspaper", V.I. Lenin, What Is
To Be Done?, pages 173 - 195 (Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow

* "Conclusion", Leon Trotsky, The History of the Russian Revolution, pages
344 - 349 (Pathfinder Press/Anchor Foundation, New York 1980).

For further information or to obtain a study guide call (03) 9386-5065
Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party
& the Feminist Education Association
PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic 3055


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: A Better World's In Birth!

2000-09-17 Thread Alison Thorne

Study Group
A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century

Session # 1, Thursday 21 September, from 7 - 8.45 pm
 From the ashes of the old century, a better world=B9s in birth

Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation

For information call 9386-5065

Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party & the Feminist Education


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Crisis and Leadership

2000-09-04 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party meeting
Crisis and leadership lessons for today from the explosive '60s
Wednesday 6 September, 7 pm

Come to the kick-off of the Australian campaign to promote the new Red 
Letter Press book, Crisis and Leadership. Written in 1965 by veteran 
socialists, Clara Fraser and Richard Fraser, the work is an amazingly fresh 
discussion of problems that still bedevil freedom fighters today: racism, 
sexism, and lack of democracy, in society broadly and in the movements; how 
each liberation struggle fits in with the others; and what can be done to 
make a lasting difference.

Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick 3055.
Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation.

For more information phone: 03-9386-5065

To order Crisis and Leadership send a cheque payable to FSP for $22.45
($19.95 + $2.50 postage) to PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055.

Check us out www.socialism.com



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century

2000-08-15 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party Weekly Study Group
A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century

21 September - 26 October 2000, Thursday nights 7 - 8.45 pm

The 20th century ended as it started with crisis in the Balkans threatening 
to develop into world war. Although some may be tempted to wonder if 
humanity has really made progress over the last hundred years, we have! The 
advances have been the work of people whom official history ignores: the 
"trouble makers" who think that society can and should operate in the 
interests of the majority. This 6 week study group will take an optimistic 
Marxist feminist approach to what contemporary rebels can learn from the 
last hundred years.

22 SeptemberFrom the ashes of the old century a better world=B9s in birth

28 SeptemberThe dream of socialism comes alive in Russia

5 October   Stalinism and fascism - how the dream went wrong

12 October  Hot war, Cold War and irrepressible revolution

19 October  The '60s and '70s - Freedom Now!

26 October  The '80s and '90s - greed and reaction sparks new revolt!

Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick
Between Albion Street and Moreland Road
Take a 55 Tram from William Street, City; Stop 38 is a 5 minute walk

Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation
Required reading packet available for $5
Supplementary reading packet available for $10
For information or to obtain a study guide and reading packet, call (03)
Freedom Socialist Party, PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Marxism and Direct Action

2000-08-04 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party meeting - Wednesday 9 August, 7 pm

Marxism and direct action - ideas and tactics to fight capitalist

The current wave of protest against the ravages of globalisation has 
shattered the myth that everyone is happy or that capitalism is accepted as 
the only possible form of society. Within this exciting movement, those 
influenced by the theory of anarchism try to counterpose organisation, 
discussion and debate with =B3direct action.

The whole movement is in favour of action. But action must be clearly 
thought out, have definite aims and objectives and be coordinated by 
leaders who are democratic and accountable. The ideas of Marxism are a 
precise guide to action.This meeting will discuss the fundamental 
differences between Marxism and anarchism and the history of relations 
between adherents of the two competing ideologies. We will also explore the 
importance of Marxists defending anarchists from State persecution and 
working together in united fronts.

Venue: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick.
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation.
For more information phone 03-9386-5065

Check us out at www.socialism.com



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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