Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-07-06 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Sorry for the late reply.

Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. said on Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 06:09:00PM -0400,:

  private and personal  use. Who would bring such  a lawsuit, and how
  would the suit get past a motion to dismiss?

How about a dictatorship?

Consider a tech-savvy dissident, who modified his legally acquired
copy of software. 

The typical, contractual, acceptance-required _license_ does not allow
him to  do that  though. The dictatorship  raids the  dissident's den,
finds nothing  incriminating; his  hard disk is  clean ...  except for
this modification prevented by the EULA. 

The  Dictator  can  hand  over  the  dissident  to  the  BSA  (or  its
equivalent),  who  will   initiate  proceedings  for  infringement  of


   Do you say the law prevents me from taking a legal copy of a copyrighted
   work, which is a program, and privately modifying that program for my 
  own use?
  John Cowan says yes:
  Dan Bernstein says no:

 Mahesh T. Pai
Distribute Free Software -- Help stamp out Software Hoarding!
license-discuss archive is at

RE: the provide, license verbs

2004-07-06 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.
...Not the real world example that I was looking for but, admittedly, the
hypo works. In fact, the USA Patriot Act might mean the hypo need not
reference a dictatorship. Today, even in a democracy, lawful entry into a
tech-savvy dissident's home by the government is possible under the
circumstances and in the manner as the hypothetical.

-Original Message-
From: Mahesh T. Pai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mahesh T. Pai
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: the provide, license verbs

Sorry for the late reply.

Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. said on Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 06:09:00PM -0400,:

  private and personal  use. Who would bring such  a lawsuit, and how
  would the suit get past a motion to dismiss?

How about a dictatorship?

Consider a tech-savvy dissident, who modified his legally acquired
copy of software. 

The typical, contractual, acceptance-required _license_ does not allow
him to  do that  though. The dictatorship  raids the  dissident's den,
finds nothing  incriminating; his  hard disk is  clean ...  except for
this modification prevented by the EULA. 

The  Dictator  can  hand  over  the  dissident  to  the  BSA  (or  its
equivalent),  who  will   initiate  proceedings  for  infringement  of


   Do you say the law prevents me from taking a legal copy of a
   work, which is a program, and privately modifying that program for my 
  own use?
  John Cowan says yes:
  Dan Bernstein says no:

 Mahesh T. Pai
Distribute Free Software -- Help stamp out Software Hoarding!
license-discuss archive is at

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.
Hmm... I would not uncritically accept the principle that no matter what a 
licensor says in her license,  a licensee must follow the restriction 
because of an assumption that it is legally enforceable.  The rub -- no 
doubt -- is that one must be careful not to ignore the terms of a license 
at the same time as one is aware of  the tension created between this 
default rule and the subjectivity involved in choosing not to follow terms 
that seem unworkable. For example, most end-users, who never bothered to 
read their software license in the first place, were said to routinely 
violate proprietary license terms in the early 1990's that prohibited 
making a second copy of the program disk of a software application (for 
backup, archive, or any other purpose).  I never read that anyone of those 
end-users, including myself, became defendants in a legal dispute brought 
by the licensor.  Hence, my point that some aspect of our discussion is 
purely academic.


Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

.. Original Message ...
On Wed,  9 Jun 2004 22:32:52 -0400 No Spam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It's not entirely academic what do you with your legal copy of a program 
in the darkness of your room... :-) after all, what if you were legal 
corporation or entity, using it for your private use and making money 
from it?

The GPL doesn't care.

The QPL, reflecting Trolltech's concerns, does. Look at 4c and especially 
6c. Obviously they are concerned about companies getting a legal albeit 
free copy, making changes and/or incorporating into their own proprietary 
products and neither releasing the code nor paying them, essentially 
defeating their revenue model.

Glen Low, Pixelglow Software

license-discuss archive is at

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Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread Chris F Clark
The problem is that corporations like to define their coproprate
self, including all those that they hire or sub-contract from as a
single entity, just like the end user you (which may by the same
extension be a family all sharing one computer).

Now, traditionally, companies have not tracked down individual users
of copyrighted materials and tried to enforce non-infringement clauses
upon them.  However, traditionally, the mechanism for making quality
duplication of originals was by itself prohibitively expensive.  So,
if I took out my cassette deck and recorded a song that was playing on
the radio, it wasn't much harm to their profits--I would probably
eventually buy the same material (on an LP record or a 45) to get a
durable copy of decent quality.  Equally importantly, if some money
making concern, say a dentists office wanted to play the music,
companies *would* charge them for individual use--e.g. Muzak.

Now, in constrast, things have changed.  Everyone can make high
qualtiy copies with an effectively infinite life-span.  The music and
movie industries have started suing individual users.  It isn't a far
stretch to see the same things applying to software.

As a result, I think at some point someone will sue someone over the
fact that the party being sued internally distributed software
violating the suing party's license which had requirements on
distribution that the party being sued did not meet.


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread Chris F Clark
Sorry to follow-up to myself, but
 As a result, I think at some point someone will sue someone over the
 fact that the party being sued internally distributed software
 violating the suing party's license which had requirements on
 distribution that the party being sued did not meet.

I think that someone will also sue over making a private derivative
version too.  However, I don't know if such a suit is possible under
an open source license as I believe all current open source licenses
reserve the right to make derivatives to the recipient, and I believe
further that to be OSI-compatible they must do so.

I have often contemplated writing an open source license that requires
derivatives to be made publicly available (either by publishing or
by sending back to the author who can then publish).  However, working
with a lawyer to get such a license drafted is an expensive
proposition and would only result in yet-one-more-incompatible open
source license, which is not a good thing in my eyes.


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Chris F Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The problem is that corporations like to define their coproprate
 self, including all those that they hire or sub-contract from as a
 single entity, just like the end user you (which may by the same
 extension be a family all sharing one computer).

As someone else said, the only opinion that matter, in such cases, are
His Honour's.

 I think that someone will also sue over making a private derivative
 version too.  However, I don't know if such a suit is possible under
 an open source license as I believe all current open source licenses
 reserve the right to make derivatives to the recipient, and I believe
 further that to be OSI-compatible they must do so.

Correct.  (I think you mean convey, not reserve.)

 I have often contemplated writing an open source license that requires
 derivatives to be made publicly available (either by publishing or
 by sending back to the author who can then publish).  

An earlier version of the Apple Public Source License (currently at 2.0) 
contained such a provision.  It was judged OSD-compliant (because, well,
it _was_ OSD-compliant), occasioning some mildly unpleasant spats between
commentators who found the provision reasonable and others (e.g., Stallman) 
who considered it to infringe privacy rights nobody had previously
considered in that context.

 However, working with a lawyer to get such a license drafted is an
 expensive proposition and would only result in
 yet-one-more-incompatible open source license, which is not a good
 thing in my eyes.

Thank you.  Too few people worry about gratuitous licence
incompatibility and other related problems.

Relevant to that, here's a off-list e-mail I sent to someone whose
company is currently involved in OSI licence certification (but will go
nameless).  About my sketch of stepwise corporate follies, he says

Would OSI consider trying to do something about its Web site's tendency
to promote creation of basically pointless new open-source licences?
I'd be glad to help.

 Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 17:38:41 -0700
 From: Rick Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: [omitted]

Quoting [omitted]:

 Yes, we have this lawyering problem here.  At our last
 meeting with our attorney we complained that much bigger
 companies than ours can use the Common Public License,
 why can't we.  Still have no clear answer.  It may be in
 the best interest of the OSI to dig in and declare a
 moratorium on new licenses, except they appear to be
 in the business of reviewing and approving licenses, so...

I wish they would.  In that sense, they're in a tarpit of their own
devising:  If you tell the corporate world Here are the hoops you must
jump through to get your very own MyOwnDamnedLicence OSI approved
without giving them a strong disincentive against doing so needlessly, 
it's predictable that vast numbers of them will do so.

The approved list at doesn't even
say the most important thing:  

   With rare exceptions, if you use a licence other than BSD (new or
   old), MIT/X, GPL, LGPL, MPL, CPL, AFL, OSL, you're probably dooming 
   your project to gratuitous and pointless licence incompatibility with 
   third-party codebases and ensuring that it will be ignored by the 
   very developers you're trying to reach by adopting open source.
   Most of the other licences on this list are traps for the unwary, 
   since their use tends to marginalise any codebase put under them.
   If you secure for your project(s) OSI approval for yet another 
   new licence without an extremely compelling (to outside developers) 
   reason for its existence, you might as well not bother, because,
   in a year or two, you'll either be relicensing everything to one of 
   the main licences or (if you're slow on the uptake) sitting around 
   wondering why open source didn't work.

Meanwhile, Russ Nelson typically has to plead with the mailing list's
regulars to review new candidate licences, since, statistically, the
latter are almost all pointless.

What might be useful would be an OSI-blessed licence taxonomy covering
the major choices, and a pointedly-worded notice that submitters of new
licences should explain why none of the majors sufficed and what's
innovative in the candidate text.

Unfortunately, firms tend to do the following:

1.  CEO finally decides that open source is worth a try.  Issues
vague mandate.
2.  Matter is judged to involve legal matters, and so is referred to 
corporate counsel.
3.  Corporate counsel notes OSI approval process, crafts
MyOwnDamnedLicence in some eccentric fashion to fit.
4.  Technical flunkie is delegated to shepherd MyOwnDanmedLicence
through OSI approval process.  Flunkie has no other authority, and
is merely charged with jumping the hoops.  Thus, complaints from
OSI land that the initiative is ill-conceived fall on deaf ears,
since the only parties who could change things are the 
corporate counsel (who doesn't 

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread jcowan
Rick Moen scripsit:

With rare exceptions, if you use a licence other than BSD (new or
old), MIT/X, GPL, LGPL, MPL, CPL, AFL, OSL, you're probably dooming 
your project to gratuitous and pointless licence incompatibility with 
third-party codebases and ensuring that it will be ignored by the 
very developers you're trying to reach by adopting open source.

I did a little research at Sourceforge and Freshmeat, looking at licenses
(excluding the non-FLOSS ones at Sourceforge).  First of all, the GPL has
about 70% of the projects, so let's leave it out so that the contrasts
between other licenses become clearer.  

Averaging the two sites together, we get the following:

32% LGPL
31% BSD (old or new)
5% MIT/X
5% MPL
2% CPL or IBM
1% OSL
1% AFL

Licenses you didn't mention:

8% Artistic or Perl
5% Apache (any version)
1% Qt
1% zlib/libpng
8% all others (none more than 1% individually)

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
continent, a part of the main.  If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
manor of thy friends or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for
whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.  --John Donne
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs - numbers

2004-06-10 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya john

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Rick Moen scripsit:
 With rare exceptions, if you use a licence other than BSD (new or
 old), MIT/X, GPL, LGPL, MPL, CPL, AFL, OSL, you're probably dooming 
 your project to gratuitous and pointless licence incompatibility with 
 third-party codebases and ensuring that it will be ignored by the 
 very developers you're trying to reach by adopting open source.
 I did a little research at Sourceforge and Freshmeat, looking at licenses
 (excluding the non-FLOSS ones at Sourceforge).  First of all, the GPL has
 about 70% of the projects, so let's leave it out so that the contrasts
 between other licenses become clearer.  
 Averaging the two sites together, we get the following:
   32% LGPL
   31% BSD (old or new)
   5% MIT/X
   5% MPL
   2% CPL or IBM
   1% OSL
   1% AFL

i'd be curious why there's a big differences in your average vs 
david wheeler's averages

i'd assume you mean lgpl relative to *bsd ?? ( leaving out gpl )

i think the numbers would be more meaningful to include the averages
with GPL as part of the average figures
 Licenses you didn't mention:
   8% Artistic or Perl
   5% Apache (any version)
   1% Qt
   1% zlib/libpng
   8% all others (none more than 1% individually)

?? sendmail ??
?? dns ??
c ya

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread Rick Moen

 I did a little research at Sourceforge and Freshmeat, looking at licenses
 (excluding the non-FLOSS ones at Sourceforge).

Thanks!  Interesting and worthwhile, as usual.

 Licenses you didn't mention:
   8% Artistic or Perl
   5% Apache (any version)
   1% Qt
   1% zlib/libpng
   8% all others (none more than 1% individually)

Apache-licensed code would be one of those rare exceptions I cited,
being either intended to be part of an ASF-issued codebase or to work
very closely with it (e.g., Apache httpd DSOs).  Same for Perl Artistic
Licence (various versions).

Cheers,Ceterum censeo, Caldera delenda est.
Rick Moen
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs (was: Dual licensing)

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Marius Amado Alves ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Sam Barnett-Cormack wrote:

 The author gives me a copy of the software...
 Under no license?

Marius, if you receive a piece of software encumbered by copyright (as
essentially all useful software is), you have the implied right to use
and (if needed) compile the software -- as provided by copyright
statute.  Other rights such as the right of redistribution, and the
creation and distribution of derivative works, are by default reserved
to the copyright holder.

So, if you (lawfully) acquire a piece of software, you have a bundle of
rights by statutory action, by default.  Upon acquiring it, you might
find a licence grant from the copyright holder that is contingent on a
stated set of obligations.  If the obligations don't appeal to you,
nothing requires you to accept the licence, but then you possess only
the rights conveyed by statute (e.g., no right of redistribution).

Copyright owners who don't want recipients to have that option often
resort to clipwrap agreements (an intended instrument of contract law),
instead.  (There are other reasons some authors prefer such instruments,
but that's a different discussion.)

Cheers,Rehab is for quitters.
Rick Moen
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs (was: Dual licensing)

2004-06-09 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.
I essentially agree with Rick's comment, but it may be somewhat misleading. 
I suspect a copyright holder who issues a license would argue that the 
license changes everything. As such, if you are in lawful possession of 
software that is accompanied by a license, you are restricted to accepting 
the terms of the license or rejecting them. That's it. On the other hand, 
the  default rules Rick mentions would apply to a work like a book, which 
is not customarily distributed with a license.


Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

.. Original Message ...
On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 08:33:15 -0700 Rick Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoting Marius Amado Alves ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Sam Barnett-Cormack wrote:

 The author gives me a copy of the software...
 Under no license?

Marius, if you receive a piece of software encumbered by copyright (as
essentially all useful software is), you have the implied right to use
and (if needed) compile the software -- as provided by copyright
statute.  Other rights such as the right of redistribution, and the
creation and distribution of derivative works, are by default reserved
to the copyright holder.

So, if you (lawfully) acquire a piece of software, you have a bundle of
rights by statutory action, by default.  Upon acquiring it, you might
find a licence grant from the copyright holder that is contingent on a
stated set of obligations.  If the obligations don't appeal to you,
nothing requires you to accept the licence, but then you possess only
the rights conveyed by statute (e.g., no right of redistribution).

Copyright owners who don't want recipients to have that option often
resort to clipwrap agreements (an intended instrument of contract law),
instead.  (There are other reasons some authors prefer such instruments,
but that's a different discussion.)

Cheers,Rehab is for quitters.
Rick Moen
license-discuss archive is at

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs (was: Dual licensing)

2004-06-09 Thread jcowan
Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. scripsit:

 I suspect a copyright holder who issues a license would argue that the 
 license changes everything. As such, if you are in lawful possession of 
 software that is accompanied by a license, you are restricted to accepting 
 the terms of the license or rejecting them. That's it. 

I think there is room to at least doubt it.  
software companies uniformly take the view that because the software has not
been sold to you (it says so right on the shrink-wrap), you have
neither ownership nor possession but at best natural detention of it,
and the only thing separating you (who have plonked down  for it)
from an outright thief is the license.  (I suppose your ownership of
the *medium* is undisputed, but that's a different matter.)  Therefore,
you have no rights except what the license gives you, and in particular
the first-sale rule does not apply (since there has been no sale at all).

They would hardly bother with this machinery if the mere act of providing
a license were enough.  No, they have to deny you the iure proprietatis

 the default rules Rick mentions would apply to a work like a book, which 
 is not customarily distributed with a license.

But it is customarily sold.

Then lands were fairly portioned;
Then spoils were fairly sold:
The Romans were like brothers
In the brave days of old.

Now Roman is to Roman
More hateful than a foe,
And the Tribunes beard the high,
And the Fathers grind the low.

--Macaulay, _Lays of Ancient Rome_

[W]hen I wrote it I was more than a little  John Cowan
febrile with foodpoisoning from an antique carrot   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
that I foolishly ate out of an illjudged faith
in the benignancy of vegetables.  --And Rosta
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Marius Amado Alves ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I know all this. But can you give an open source software without a

Think of it this way:  There's a default licence (absent an explicit
licence statement) that is implicit in copyright law.  Copyright law
grants to lawful recipients the right to compile and the right to use --
but not the right to create derivative works or redistribute.[1]

Because the rights to create derivative works and redistribute are an
important core concept of what we mean by open source, works under
such terms are classified as proprietary.  For example, most software
produced by Daniel J. Bernstein was released in that state -- as a
deliberate choice, since Bernstein happens to like the resulting rights

In the mailing list thread, the querent asked how it was possible to
give someone a software codebase under no licence.  That was the
question I asked.  The querent didn't ask if the resulting software
would be proprietary.  Had he asked that question, my answer would have
been yes.

[1] I'm speaking of copyright statutes in countries that are signatory
to the Berne Convention on Copyrights.  This covers almost all
countries; it's possible that some of the exceptions have significantly
different copyright regimes, though I doubt it.

Cheers,I've been suffering death by PowerPoint, recently.
Rick Moen -- Huw Davies
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Stephen C. North
Think of it this way:  There's a default licence (absent an explicit
licence statement) that is implicit in copyright law.  Copyright law
grants to lawful recipients the right to compile and the right to use --
but not the right to create derivative works or redistribute.[1]

Do you say the law prevents me from taking a legal copy of a copyrighted
work, which is a program, and privately modifying that program for my own use?

Wouldn't that be a bit like owning a legal copy of copyrighted music,
but not having the right to change any of the notes?  Or buying a magazine
but having the right to remove any of the pages or to add it to a scrapbook?

Is software treated specially in copyright law?


Stephen North

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs (was: Dual licensing)

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I essentially agree with Rick's comment, but it may be somewhat misleading. 
 I suspect a copyright holder who issues a license would argue that the 
 license changes everything. As such, if you are in lawful possession of 
 software that is accompanied by a license, you are restricted to accepting 
 the terms of the license or rejecting them. That's it.

I suppose it might depend on the facts of the case.  I had in mind the
sort of situation where you download a source tarball, unpack it, and
find source code with a copyright notice and (say) a GPLv2 COPYING
file, which states as clause 5:

   You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
   signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
   distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
   prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
   modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
   Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
   all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
   the Program or works based on it.  

Of course, the GPL authors' surmise about how licensing works may be
mistaken, and I imagine a judge would look at the facts of the case to
determine the intent of the parties.

Cheers,Ceterum censeo, Caldera delenda est.
Rick Moen
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Stephen C. North ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Do you say the law prevents me from taking a legal copy of a copyrighted
 work, which is a program, and privately modifying that program for my own use?

John Cowan says yes:
Dan Bernstein says no:

When you get that resolved, please let me know.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
 Rick Moen scripsit:
  When you get that resolved, please let me know.
 Resolved how?

I was looking forward to seeing Stephen C. North make the attempt -- but
then, I always did have a deplorably low sense of humour. 

Cheers,   This is Unix.  Stop acting so helpless.
Rick Moen   -- D.J. Bernstein
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Stephen C. North
I was looking forward to seeing Stephen C. North make the attempt -- but
then, I always did have a deplorably low sense of humour. 

As with most matters raised here, it's been resolved - in the imagination
of the writer.

This is license-discuss, not license-reality so, all's well.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Stephen C. North ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 As with most matters raised here, it's been resolved - in the imagination
 of the writer.

To be serious for a moment, I don't have a definitive answer to your
question.  Sorry.

On a prior occasion (elsewhere) when the question came up, I referred
querents to John Cowan's opinion and analysis on the matter -- which
then drew personal abuse (towards _me_) from Prof. Bernstein.

The intended humour (such as it was) in my reply this time lay in my
making a somewhat more determined effort to not get caught in the middle

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs (was: Dual licensing)

2004-06-09 Thread Sam Barnett-Cormack
On Wed, 9 Jun 2004, Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. wrote:

 I essentially agree with Rick's comment, but it may be somewhat misleading.
 I suspect a copyright holder who issues a license would argue that the
 license changes everything. As such, if you are in lawful possession of
 software that is accompanied by a license, you are restricted to accepting
 the terms of the license or rejecting them. That's it. On the other hand,
 the  default rules Rick mentions would apply to a work like a book, which
 is not customarily distributed with a license.

The authors of the GPL seem to disagree.

 . Original Message ...
 On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 08:33:15 -0700 Rick Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Marius Amado Alves ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Sam Barnett-Cormack wrote:
  The author gives me a copy of the software...
  Under no license?
 Marius, if you receive a piece of software encumbered by copyright (as
 essentially all useful software is), you have the implied right to use
 and (if needed) compile the software -- as provided by copyright
 statute.  Other rights such as the right of redistribution, and the
 creation and distribution of derivative works, are by default reserved
 to the copyright holder.
 So, if you (lawfully) acquire a piece of software, you have a bundle of
 rights by statutory action, by default.  Upon acquiring it, you might
 find a licence grant from the copyright holder that is contingent on a
 stated set of obligations.  If the obligations don't appeal to you,
 nothing requires you to accept the licence, but then you possess only
 the rights conveyed by statute (e.g., no right of redistribution).
 Copyright owners who don't want recipients to have that option often
 resort to clipwrap agreements (an intended instrument of contract law),
 instead.  (There are other reasons some authors prefer such instruments,
 but that's a different discussion.)
 Cheers,Rehab is for quitters.
 Rick Moen
 license-discuss archive is at

 license-discuss archive is at


Sam Barnett-Cormack
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.
Now, that is a genuine academic argument. I am sure the issue will never be 
resolved to everyone's satisfaction...primarily because no one cares enough 
about what you do to software you lawfully possess and want to hack for 
private and personal use. Who would bring such a lawsuit, and how would the 
suit get past a motion to dismiss?


Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

.. Original Message ...
On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 11:29:14 -0700 Rick Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoting Stephen C. North ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Do you say the law prevents me from taking a legal copy of a copyrighted
 work, which is a program, and privately modifying that program for my 
own use?

John Cowan says yes:
Dan Bernstein says no:

When you get that resolved, please let me know.

license-discuss archive is at

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Now, that is a genuine academic argument. I am sure the issue will never be 
 resolved to everyone's satisfaction...primarily because no one cares enough 
 about what you do to software you lawfully possess and want to hack for 
 private and personal use. Who would bring such a lawsuit, and how would the 
 suit get past a motion to dismiss?

Thank you for making that point.  (I was thinking that.  I was also
thinking:  In general, how is the copyright holder even going to find
out, let alone care?)

There are any number of legal issues people are curious about that will 
probably never be adjudicated because nobody cares enough to pay for the
legal costs -- and this seems like a classic.

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Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread No Spam
It's not entirely academic what do you with your legal copy of a program in the 
darkness of your room... :-) after all, what if you were legal corporation or 
entity, using it for your private use and making money from it?

The GPL doesn't care.

The QPL, reflecting Trolltech's concerns, does. Look at 4c and especially 6c. 
Obviously they are concerned about companies getting a legal albeit free copy, making 
changes and/or incorporating into their own proprietary products and neither releasing 
the code nor paying them, essentially defeating their revenue model.

Glen Low, Pixelglow Software

license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting No Spam ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The QPL, reflecting Trolltech's concerns, does [care what you do with
 code in private]. Look at 4c...

  4. You may distribute machine-executable forms of the Software or
  machine-executable forms of modified versions of the Software,
  provided that you meet these restrictions:


  c. You must ensure that all modifications included in the
  machine-executable forms are available under the terms of this

This has nothing to do with private usage.  It states that if you
distribute modified executables, you must make the source available 
under QPL terms.

 and especially 6c. 

  6. You may develop application programs, reusable components and
  other software items that link with the original or modified
  versions of the Software. These items, _when distributed_, are 
  subject to the following requirements:


  c. If the items are not available to the general public, and the
  initial developer of the Software requests a copy of the items, 
  then you must supply one. 

This doesn't, either.  (Emphasis added.)

 Obviously they are concerned about companies getting a legal albeit
 free copy, making changes and/or incorporating into their own
 proprietary products and neither releasing the code nor paying them,
 essentially defeating their revenue model.

If so, neither of the licence provisions you point to reflects that

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Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread No Spam
All, esp. Rick:

It depends on what you mean by distribute.

If distribute here means offer or give to the public (i.e. anyone who is not you) 
then QPL 6c doesn't make any sense, since by definition then the item is available to 
the general public.

If distribute here means offer to give to a subset of the public (or perhaps your own 
subsidiaries or divisions, see Trolltech's FAQ on the GPL), then this would violate 
OSD #5, although perhaps Trolltech means to include proprietary software that links to 
their stuff in this group. Even so, then invoking clause 6c, the limited distributor 
would have to give Trolltech an executable at least, and then by clause 6a and 6b, the 
distributor would have to give Trolltech the source and a license to use it.

I would have favored the QPL over the GPL in my thoughts about relicensing macstl, 
since it seems simpler and slightly stronger, except for:

1. It is a company-specific license and rewiring it for Pixelglow Software would 
necessarily mean resubmission to OSI.

2. The network effect of GPL, there's simply more GPL stuff out there, despite my 
(minor) worries about its suitability for a dual-licensing scheme.

Glen Low, Pixelglow Software
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-09 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting No Spam ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 If distribute here means offer or give to the public (i.e. anyone who
 is not you) then QPL 6c doesn't make any sense, since by definition
 then the item is available to the general public.

Not my reading.  It seems to me to say If you distribute this outside
your personal world (e.g., intracompany) at all, then you must make your
work available directly to the original developer (us) upon request,
rather than obliging us to hunt it down.

Trolltech wants to be able to say We hear you provided a modified Qt
toolkit to an external coder in Outer Mongolia.  We don't want to have
to seek out some guy in Ulan Bator, so kindly file-attach your changes
to return e-mail immediately, in accordance with QPL clause 6c.

Cheers, The Viking's Reminder:
Rick Moen   Pillage first, _then_ burn.
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