[Lift] Re: Help with the eclipse plugin

2009-07-09 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Ellis ellis.whiteh...@gmail.com writes:

 Hi Dan,

 I don't have an answer to your question, but maybe a suggestion.
 Eclipse does not work well with maven/scala/lift, and I really doubt
 it will anytime soon.

I don't know about the Maven part, but Eclipse works with Scala 
Lift. It's not nearly as functional as with Java, but I can edit,
compile and debug without too much trouble. Advanced stuff such as
completion, navigation etc. doesn't seem to work that well and I
sometimes need to do a clean all to get back into a working state

I'm using it daily without major pain, but await the 2.8 plugin (when
Lift moves to 2.8 :-)

I don't like Maven, so only use it to bootstrap the project. These steps works
for me (Eclipse EE 3.5, Scala 2.7.5):

mvn archetype:create -U -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-basic \ 
-DarchetypeVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT \
-DremoteRepositories=http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots \
-DgroupId=demo.helloworld -DartifactId=helloworld -Dversion=1.1-SNAPSHOT 

verify it works: mvn jetty:run
Press Ctrl-C to stop
mvn eclipse:eclipse

In Eclipse:
- If you haven't already: Define M2_REPO classpath var to point to your
local maven repo (~/.m2/repository)
- Import the project you just created above
- Eclipse plugin don't like multiple output folders so modify your
projects build path
  * Remove all existing source folders
  * Add the source folders src/main/scala, src/main/resources,
  src/test/scala  src/test/resources, all with the same output folder
- Clean the project
- You can now launch src/test/RunWebApp as a Scala Application to have
jetty run inside eclipse and you can run debug etc
- Running specs with the Eclipse JUnit runner is possible but requires a
workaround, see the specs site. 


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[Lift] Re: Help with the eclipse plugin

2009-07-09 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Miles Sabin mi...@milessabin.com writes:

 On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 5:45 PM, David
 Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
 But, until Martin's magic brain has yielded code for us, I would recommend
 avoiding Eclipse for Scala and Lift related development.

 Unsurprisingly I disagree.

 Bug reports and more contributions to documentation on using Eclipse
 with Lift and Maven would be much appreciated from the Lift community.
 There's a start here,


 but clearly a great deal more is needed. A little more encouragement
 and a little less FUD wouldn't go amiss.

A major show stopper atm is that Lift, afaik, doesn't work with Scala
2.8 which makes it difficult to actually use the trunk plugin. It is my
(maybe incorrect?) impression that there's not a lot of activity
happening on the 2.7.5 plugin


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[Lift] Typesafe JSON builder?

2009-07-09 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


Has anyone made a typesafe JSON builder? 

Many Javascript libraries provides support for extensive customization,
usually via a JSON object
(eg. http://www.jqplot.com/docs/files/optionsTutorial-txt.html#Options_Tutorial

It would be nice to generate this from Scala which would then give you
type checking, IDE auto completion etc.

Lacking concrete implementations, any ideas on the best way to approach
this. I've seen
which looks like a viable (if a bit verbose) approach.


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[Lift] Re: Help with the eclipse plugin

2009-07-09 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Naftoli Gugenhem naftoli...@gmail.com writes:

 Completion works for me, when there are no basic syntax errors in the file 
 (mismatched bracketd etc.).
 Also, I use lift without running maven from the command line. I create the 
 project with m2eclipse, and I don't recall having to set M2_REPO.

The M2_REPO var is used by the .classpath generated by 
  mvn eclipse:eclipse


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[Lift] Re: NPE Problem with User.current in CRUDify action

2009-07-07 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
Just a normal request from a link in a CRUDify list

Sendt fra min iPhone

Den 07/07/2009 kl. 18.49 skrev David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com 

 Are you doing this as part of an HTTP request or at some other point  
 in the execution of your code (e.g., a background processing thread)?

 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 5:53 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen  
 je...@ingolfs.dk wrote:


 I get an Empty box when using the value of User.current when trying to
 populate the valid select values for use in a CRUDify edit form:

 I have this mapped object which I'm trying to edit using CRUDify:

 class Vehicle extends LongKeyedMapper[Vehicle] with IdPK {
object customCategory extends MappedLongForeignKey(this,  
 CustomCategory) {
  override def validSelectValues = Full(CustomCategory.findMap 
 {cc : CustomCategory = Full(cc.id.is, cc.description.is)})

 I then have this, that uses the current user to populate the valid

 object CustomCategory extends CustomCategory with LongKeyedMetaMapper 
 [CustomCategory] {
  def findMap[T](f: CustomCategory = Box[T]) : List[T] = {
Log.info(User %s, id=%s.format(User.currentUser,  
findMap(By(id, User.currentUser.open_!.account.is))(f)

 When navigating to the edit page for Vehicle, I get this in the log:

 INFO - User Empty, id=Full(2)

 So it seems the user id is stored ok, but the RequestVar is not set.

 Any clues??


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[Lift] Re: MappedDecimal and nulls

2009-07-07 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com writes:

 Done. Hudson should build it and have it in the repo soon.



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[Lift] Re: How to test/TDD lift apps?

2009-07-06 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 6:43 PM, David
Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

 Once I check in some code (in about 20 minutes), if you run Lift in Test
 mode (-Drun.mode=test), forms, etc. will have stable names which makes
 testing easier.

Thanks. I just tried this, and it seem something is not correct.
Here's a form field genrated by CRUDify:

input  name=f01000_a0f86e3b78187b55b8628a66fb3371113ddc295c
type=text maxlength=2 value=DK lift:field_name=vehicle:country

Firefox 3.5 complains about lift:field attribute.

Looking at the changes (and the example above) it seems that the field
name is still some psuedo random number. While this is better than
names changing between each request, I'm wondering if it's stable to
reordering  removing fields (my guess is no). It would be nice not to
change test cases just because we rearrange the form layout.

Moving forward, I'm not sure what the best solution is. I seem able to
specify the id attribute for forms that I create manually, but need
this also on CRUDify and other generated forms (and looking at the
above example, it seems it should be easy to eg. use the field_name).
In general, It would be nice for Lift to handle all this automatically
(as you've already started out to do), but if I have to add some
additional markup to make sure ids/names stay stable, I will prefer
that over test cases breaking if field ordering is changed.


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[Lift] Mapper: How to clone object fields?

2009-07-06 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


What is the best way to copy values from one mapped object to another
(of the same type). The code below seems to work but I was wondering if
there's a better way?

  def insertOrUpdate(v:Vehicle) = Vehicle.find(By(vin, v.vin.is)) match {
  case Full(existing) = {
existing.getSingleton.mappedFields.foreach (f = v.fieldByName(f.name) 
match {
  case Full(field) if (!field.dbPrimaryKey_?) =  
Vehicle]].setFromAny(field.asInstanceOf[MappedField[Any, Vehicle]].is);
  case _ = 
  case _ = v.save; v


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[Lift] How to test/TDD lift apps?

2009-07-02 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


Having taken the first baby steps and gotten a Lift app running, it's
time to bring back some of the old engineering practices to make sure
things keep running when new features are added at a rapid pace :-)

I'm interested in how people are testing their Lift apps, both at the
unit test level (ie. specs/scalatest with no container) and at the
integration test level (running in servlet container). Also, how are you
doing TDD with Lift (if at all).

Specifically, I've run into the following issues:

1) Testing model classes. Many require access to S (ie to read
resources) or other static Lift constructs. How can you mock these?

2) Testing snippets. Same issue with S, but more related to the actual
request, eg. S.param

For in-container testing it seems the practice of generating unique
names for form fields, makes it difficult to use tools like Selenium to
do browser based testing? How do you handle this?

Any input is appreciated


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[Lift] Re: Thoughts on file streaming

2009-06-30 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com writes:

 Well, as usual something that seemed simple at first glance is now looking
 somewhat complex. I'm thinking of reworking the fileUpload handling to allow
 a user to register either a (String, String, Array[Byte]) ⇒ Any or (String,
 String, InputStream) ⇒ Any function, which would then be executed during
 request processing. The issue is that form field processing (ParamHolders)
 takes place in Req, before LiftSession has been set up, and the act of
 parsing the request for form data, particularly for large upload streams
 (the target of these changes) precludes holding on to any data for later
 processing (the servlet container cannot be expected to hold the entire
 request in memory). On the other hand, users should reasonably expect that
 their form handling functions are stateful, so I'm trying to think of some
 way to meet in the middle on form processing. Ideas?

Sounds nice. Will this in some way be able to display any progress of
the upload (which, imho, is needed for large uploads). E.g. something
like this http://wiki.nginx.org//NginxHttpUploadProgressModule


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[Lift] Re: Anyone working on the flot widget?

2009-06-28 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:


 If you want changes made to the flot widgets, please let us know what
 exactly needs changing and we'll get it done. By all means, please don't
 feel you are out in the cold!

Hi Tim,

Personally, I don't feel left out in the cold :-) On the contrary,
people in this community seem very willing to listen to (and
implement) requests for new functionality.

On the other hand, I realize that my issues are not necessarily top
priority for others. So I'm willing to spend some time to fix my
issues (since I need them fixed now) and share the changes back where


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[Lift] Re: Anyone working on the flot widget?

2009-06-27 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

dflemstr david.flemst...@gmail.com writes:

 Hello everyone involved,
 I am having a very annoying problem with the Flot widget: The
 automatically generated legend's auto-sizing feature is broken (it
 grows horizontally to the max allowed space while still adhering to
 the margin values specified, and it's not possible to create an
 external, custom legend) as demonstrated by this screenshot:

 This bug is present in 1.1-M1 as well as 1.1-SNAPSHOT, isn't caused by
 me (since it is present int he demo app) and seems to originate from
 something on the client-side (obviously).

 Does anyone have a solution to this problem, or if not, can I make a
 fork of the widgets module, try to fix the problem, and commit it
 back? This little inconvenience removes much of the visual quality of
 plots, so a solution to it would be very much appreciated.

I haven't looked in detail but: Is this a problem with the widget or the
Flot library? As far as I know, the widget is just a thin wrapper on top
of the Flot JS library. If it's a problem with the JS, you should
probably try to fix this upstream: http://code.google.com/p/flot/


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[Lift] Re: Anyone working on the flot widget?

2009-06-27 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 11:10 AM, dflemstrdavid.flemst...@gmail.com wrote:
 As can be seen here: http://bit.ly/13EEnw , the bug isn't present in
 the vanilla Flot library.

Make sure you're trying to plot the same data with the same plot options.

 I am at a loss to find the bug causing all this. The whole Flot widget
 seems to be very messy (it consists of 30% commented-away code, for
 instance) and I would be happy to help improve it once and for all,
 since I'm in need of the Flot library for a project.

I'm basically in the same boat and will probably clone the
lift-widgets module on github and work from there (I'm not a Lift
committer). I hope Francois will then commit the changes to Lift at
some point :-) I  think we should coordinate the effort to avoid
wasting resources. Let me know what you think


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[Lift] Re: Anyone working on the flot widget?

2009-06-26 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 26 Jun 2009, Peter Robinett wrote:

 Hi flot users,
 I am trying to copy the basic Flot example into my own code. I have no
 compile errors but the graph isn't rendered because /classpath/flot/
 jquery.flot.js isn't found. Since I get no errors with the flot
 methods in my snippet, I assume lift-widgets is loading correctly. Am
 I missing something?

Did you put a call to net.liftweb.widgets.flot.Flot.init in Boot?

This is needed to make the javascript resources available...


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[Lift] Re: Including jars into a liftweb project

2009-06-26 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 26 Jun 2009, fbettag wrote:

 Hey guys,
 i was wondering how (and where) i have to put jars in my liftweb
 project to get them included. i know it's a beginners question, but
 i've been playing around all night and i couldn't get it to work.

Normally, you would put jars in the WEB-INF/lib folder and they will be
picked up by the servlet container

They need to be available at compile time too...


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[Lift] Re: New mapper class: MappedEnumString

2009-06-26 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Oliver Lambert olambo...@gmail.com writes:


 No this isn't what I'm suggesting, I don't think MappedEnum should be made

I know this wasn't your suggestion, but any reason not to make
MappedEnum flexible (if possible and backwards compatibility could be
maintained) ?

 I was thinking perhaps your class could work with EnumWithDescription
 as shown below, which extends Enumeration#Values to include a

This should be simple, but see below

 trait ValueWithDescription  {
 def description: String
 def name: String
 abstract class EnumWithDescription  {
 type Value = enum.Value with ValueWithDescription

 private var _values: List[Value] = Nil
 def values = _values

 // possibly not a good idea using this directly
 val enum = new Enumeration {
 def Value(inName: String, inDescription: String): Value with
 ValueWithDescription = {
 new Val(nextId, inName) with ValueWithDescription {
 def description = inDescription
 def name = inName
 def Value(name: String, description: String): Value = {
 val value = enum.Value(name, description)
 _values = _values ::: List(value)  // build in order
 def Value(name: String): Value = Value(name, name)
 def valueOf(name: String) = values find (_.name == name)
 def nameDescriptionList = values map(x = (x.name, x.description) )

At first I didn't understand why you don't just extend Enumeration like

abstract class EnumWithDescription extends Enumeration {
def Value(inName: String, inDescription: String): Value with 
ValueWithDescription = {
new Val(nextId, inName) with ValueWithDescription {
def description = inDescription
def name = inName

but figure you would then have to cast all the values to
ValueWithDescription. It seems Enumeration miss a type parameter to
describe the types of Values in cases like this. Hmmm I see Enumerations
have changed for 2.8 so maybe this is not impossible

Back to the mapping. The way I see all these different solutions is:

1) We need to define Enumerations to get nice handling of predefined
2) The enumeration values need to be mapped to a database value (numeric
or string)
3) The enumeration values need to be mapped to a display value (from
code our property files)

If the MappedEnum was parameterized on how to achieve 2+3 it seem all
possibilities are open. If MappedEnum worked with ValueWithDescription
values instead of Enumeration#Value, it might? be possible to define an
implicit conversion from Enumeration#Value to ValueWithDescription

I don't have much time in the days that are coming but will try to think
of a solution to this. Input is welcome :-)


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[Lift] Re: Anyone working on the flot widget?

2009-06-26 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.com writes:

 Thanks, Jeppe, that's what I was missing.

 To continue to hijack this thread with my own questions, I'm having a
 problem creating the data List[(Double, Double)] that FlotSerie wants.
 I have:
 override val data = MyModel.findAll(By(MyMode.id, myId), OrderBy
 (MyModel.datetime, Ascending)).map(m = (m.datetime.getTime.toDouble,

If m.temperature is a MappedDouble you probably need m.temperature.is 

The toDouble method converts an Any to a double, not the value of the
current mapped object.


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[Lift] Re: Anyone working on the flot widget?

2009-06-25 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 25 Jun 2009, Francois Bertrand wrote:

 Hi Jeppe
 Great to see you are interested in the flot widget.
 My current to-do list for the flot widget, is:
 - create more Lift JsExp and JsCmd to modify a already displayed flot
 graph.  They should be used in AJAX and Comet applications
 - update to a more recent version of the javascrrit widget

I need this as well, especially since there are some patches that
provides pie charts

 - create the test demo app,
 - make the creation of FlotOptions, FlotLinesOptions, etc, less
 verbose.  I hope that Scala 2.8 Named and Default Arguments will help.

Yeah, this would be nice :-) We probably need some working code within
the next few weeks so probably can't wait for 2.8 though.

 - create a high level mechanism to display Lift's Record
 I appreciate any help.

What's the best way to coordinate this? Just fork the code on github or?


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[Lift] Re: New mapper class: MappedEnumString

2009-06-25 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:12 AM, Oliver Lambert olambo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Looks very nice.

 One thing I'm wondering, what if I wanted the displayed value outside of the 
 mapper, such as TestTypes.Item1.displayValue. Would you use an implicit 
 conversion to provide this or is the
 display value conceptually always part of a mapper object.

Good question :-) I'm still using CRUDify generated views while
prototyping, but will probably need some more sophisticated layouts at
some point. Don't yet know if the display value will come from the
mapper object or the underlying enum.

 I have a rough implementation called EnumWithDescription, that wraps (not 
 extends) an Enumeration
 and provides a description method on the enumeration value without using an 
 implicit. I'm wondering
 if it might be useful to combine your approach and mine?

Sure. It might also be possible to make the original MappedEnum a bit
more flexible instead (as Derek suggested earlier). My class is
basically just a copy with very few modifications to handle the db
value. I just haven't got the Scala knowledge yet to easily see how
the interface should be and I needed to nail the db schema :-)


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[Lift] Re: Best method to protect most menu items?

2009-06-24 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 23 Jun 2009, David Pollak wrote:

 Jeppe, I just checked in code (it'll take 45 minutes to hit the Maven
 repo) that has global LocParams for each SiteMap.  The SiteMap
 constructor is now:
 SiteMap(globalParamFuncs: List[PartialFunction[Box[Req],
 Loc.LocParam]], kids: Menu*)
 You can put your Redirect stuff in like:
 case _ if !User.loggedIn_? = ...

Brilliant! Works nicely. I ended up with this

  val menuDispatch:List[PartialFunction[Box[Req], Loc.LocParam]] = List({
   case Full(Req(profile :: login :: Nil , _, _)) = Hidden
   case Full(Req(profile :: lost_password :: Nil , _, _)) = Hidden
   case Full(Req(_, _, _)) if !User.loggedIn_? = Loc.EarlyResponse(() = 

A couple of questions:

1) Why the need for Box[Req]? When will it be Empty?  

2) In the above I had to use Hidden as a dummy value to signal no
Loc. It might be useful with a Box[Loc.LocParam] as return value?


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[Lift] Anyone working on the flot widget?

2009-06-24 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


We need to do quite a lot of charting in our app and after evaluating
several libraries we've settled on Flot (for now at least :-)

So I was happy to discover there was already some Flot integrations in
Lift. After having looked a bit at this, it seems there are some things
missing that we would need:

1) Better support for barcharts (ie specifying data series as (label, value))

2) Support for pie charts (patches exists for the JS part)

But before diving into this I thought to ask if anybody is already
working on the flot widget (or has other ideas for the Flot stuff)


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[Lift] Re: Best method to protect most menu items?

2009-06-24 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:25 PM, David Pollak
feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

 Oh... I get why you did the Hidden thing... I'd do the following:
 case Full(Req(path, _, _)) if !User.loggedIn_?  path != List(profile, 
 login)  path != path != List(profile, lost_password) = 
 Loc.EarlyResponse(() = 
 If you prefer to do the pattern matching thing, you can return:
  new Loc.LocParam{}
 That's a noop.

Ahh yes (Note to self: Not everything needs to be pattern matched :-)

Thanks for the quick solution!


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[Lift] Re: Modify CRUDify XHTML

2009-06-24 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 24 Jun 2009, Peter Robinett wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm using CRUDify on one of my models and I'd like to display some
 additional data on the view template. I believe that I need to
 override one of the model definitions with some sort of reference to
 my own XHTML file. Which one? _viewTemplate? Or perhaps the
 viewTemplate method?

If you look at the source to CRUDify, you'll see

def viewTemplate(): NodeSeq = pageWrapper(_viewTemplate)


def pageWrapper(body: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
  lift:surround with=default at=content

def _viewTemplate =
table id={viewId} class={viewClass}

So the simplest thing is to override _viewTemplate with something similar
to the above. This should be done on the companion objects where CRUDify
is mixed in


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[Lift] New mapper class: MappedEnumString

2009-06-24 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

A while ago, I asked if it was possible to use something like MappedEnum
and have some sensible values inserted into the database instead of

I got the feeling this was not the case, so I've created MappedEnumString
(attached) which maps Enumerations into string values.

   object TestTypes extends Enumeration {
  val Unknown = new Val(0,??)
  val Item1 = new Val(XX)
  val Item2 = new Val(YY)

  object test extends MappedEnumString(this, TestTypes, 2)

This will store the values, ??, XX or YY in the db. For display
purposes, it will by default lookup the resource values TestTypes.??,
TestTypes.XX, TestTypes.YY

You can also calculate the displayed values:

object test2 extends MappedEnumString(this, TestTypes, 2) {
override def _valueToDisplayString(v:Enumeration#Value) = v match {
case TestTypes.Item1 = Item1Display
case TestTypes.Item2 = Item2Display
case _ = Unknown x ItemDisplay

I'm by no means a Scala/Lift expert so I may have overlooked stuff, so
feel free to comment :-)


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Description: MappedEnumString.scala

[Lift] Best method to protect most menu items?

2009-06-23 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


Our app is private, which means only the signin and related pages are
visible without authentication. I've made this Loc to protect menu

val loggedIn = Loc.EarlyResponse(() = 
Full(RedirectResponse(/profile/login?returnTo=+S.uri)).filter(ignore = 

and while this works, I think there must be a better solution since:

1) It's easy to forget adding this to menu items that should be
protected (ie most in our case)
2) It's not easy to add this to MenuItems generated by Lift,
e.g. CRUDIfy entries.

So, I created this DispatchPF

 LiftRules.dispatch.prepend(NamedPF(Protect) {
case Req(profile :: login :: Nil , , _) = () = Empty
case Req(_, , _) = () = 
Full(RedirectResponse(/profile/login?returnTo=+S.uri)).filter(ignore = 

but it doesn't seem to work since now /profile/login gives a 404. So
basically, I have two questions

1) Is there a way for requests to fall through in the DispatchPF, ie
/profile/login should just be processed as usual

2) Is there a better way to accomplish this? It seems the DispatchPF
method would need to allow requests to javascript, css etc to be handled
without authentication so you would have to maintain this whitelist
(but this is less of a problem than maintaining the protected list)


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[Lift] Re: Best method to protect most menu items?

2009-06-23 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 23 Jun 2009, David Pollak wrote:

 I'll enhance sitemap to support global additions of parameters.

Cool. Looking forward to this :-)

Just out of curiosity: Is it possible to fall through in a DispatchPF,
ie. do the default processing, even if the function is defined at the request?


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[Lift] Best way to create enum-like custom field mapping

2009-06-19 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


Using mapper I have this:

 object FuelTypes extends Enumeration {
  val Diesel = new Val(1, Diesel)
  val Petrol = new Val(2, Benzin)
 object fuelType extends MappedEnum(this, FuelTypes) 

This works, but the database value then becomes a meaningless number

What is the best way to have some kind of enumeration-like values in
the Scala code (ie Diesel  Petrol) and store something sensible in the
DB (ie 'D' and 'P')?


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[Lift] Re: Mapper or Record?

2009-06-16 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 16 Jun 2009, marius d. wrote:

 Lift Record currently is not implemented for DB interaction but it's
 targeted for 1.1 release.

That probably explains why I couldn't find much when looking through the
source :-)
 I'd say to start development using the Mapper and when Record is ready
 migrate to the Record. I would expect to be a fairly easy transition
 from Mapper to Record though.

Ok, sounds good. Will mapper be extended in 1.1 or is it only bug fixing
and all new development will happen in Record?


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[Lift] Re: Difference between running from command line and from Eclipse

2009-06-16 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 16 Jun 2009, ph wrote:

 I've created a test hello-world lift project and it runs fine.
 also I've imported this project to Eclipse (mvn eclipse:eclipse) and
 import from Eclipse. I'm currently using m2eclipse (http://
 m2eclipse.codehaus.org/), but before I tried Eclipse IAM with same
 error in src/test/scala/RunWebApp.scala
 import _root_.org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext = WebAppContext
 is not in webapp
 project still runs from command line and fails in Eclipse
 I tried to create lift projects with maven in eclipse with same result
 - that error
 I'm on Windows

I had the same problems. IIRC, it's a problem with the build path source
folders/multiple output folders generated by the mvn eclipse plugin. 

I fixed this by manually deleting the source folders in eclipse and then

as source folders (using the default output folder)


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[Lift] Re: Difference between running from command line and from Eclipse

2009-06-16 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On 16 Jun 2009, Philippe Kirsanov wrote:

 Thank you for the reply, however I don't think this is the issue (I
 tried and that didn't work).Seems like issue in which version of Jetty
 is used.  Maven generates pom file with jetty version [6.1.16,) and
 this works from command line, in Eclipse however it tries to use
 version 7.0.0.pre5 (I see it in dependencies). Changing jetty to
 version 7.0.0.pre5 in pom forces same error running from command
 line.  The question is how to make maven plugin Eclipse use jetty v6
 and not 7 pre5.

Ahh sorry, didn't read the error message thoroughly :-) Why not just
change jetty to 6.1.16? I went through the same steps some time ago. I'm
not quite sure how I got the stuff info Eclipse, but my Eclipse project
references jetty-6.1.6. Maybe something has changed in the lift plugin
since then. This is from my pom: 



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[Lift] Re: How to remove leading text in Msgs.error

2009-06-07 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 6:05 PM, marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 Committed. Let me know if that works for you.

Works perfectly. Thanks


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[Lift] How to remove leading text in Msgs.error

2009-06-05 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


I'm trying to remove the Notice, Error lead in text that is
displayed when using the Msgs snippet, like this: 

 lift:snippet type=msgs
  lift:notice_msg class=success/lift:notice_msg
  lift:error_msg class=error/lift:error_msg
  lift:warning_msg class=notice/lift:warning_msg

Looking at the code, it seems the default text is used if the specified
text is empty, so I tried putting a nbsp; in there but this also seems
to be swallowed.

Is there anyway to do this (besides changing the default property


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[Lift] Re: Problem with Menu.builder li_path/li_item

2009-06-03 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On  3 Jun 2009, marius d. wrote:

 attribute with the same name but different prefixes should be ok as
 long as the prefixes are bound to namespace URL's.

But the problem here is that the attributes are in an inner template,
which, I presume, will be read before the outer template (with the
namespace URLs). Parsing the inner template fails as shown previously.

On a conceptual level I don't think the li_path, li_item namespaces
should be declared in the resulting page produced by lift. It is used
solely by Lift for the rendering. But it seems these kind of prefixes in
xml fragments are not supported by the Scala XML parser.


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[Lift] Useless error messages if template parsing fails?

2009-06-03 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

I'm curious: Am I the only one getting rather useless error messages in
the browser when Lift fails to parse the templates? Something a long
these lines:

Exception occured while processing /

Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: line 15 does not exist

It may just be my setup (Scala 2.7.4, Lift 1.1-SNAPSHOT, OS X), but I
did a little digging in scala.io.Source and found what seems to be a bug
(more details here, never mind the subject :-)

Running in debug mode I saw that the original exception was '' not
allowed in attrib value which seems much more helpful :-)

Anyway, since I'm new to Scala/Lift I just wanted to verify if I'm the
only one seeing this behaviour.


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[Lift] Re: Problem with Menu.builder li_path/li_item

2009-06-03 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On  3 Jun 2009, David Pollak wrote:

 I've pushed up a fix

Excellent, thanks! When I finally figured out how to use the li_*
attributes I thought it was a very nice way to make the snippets
configurable. Great was the dismay when I found it didn't work :-(


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[Lift] Problem with Menu.builder li_path/li_item

2009-06-02 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Running 1.1-SNAPSHOT, the following construct

 lift:Menu.builder li_path:class=pathclass

Seems to results in an exception when Lift processes the template.

The error seems related to the fact that both li_path  li_item tries to
set the class. If I change one to e.g. li_path:style, everything works.

Is this a bug or is there a good reason why the above shouldn't be


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[Lift] Re: Problem with Menu.builder li_path/li_item

2009-06-02 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On  2 Jun 2009, David Pollak wrote:

 Please post the exception

The code is just the basic archetype with the above template changes and
a new menu item as child of Home to show the path style.

No exception on the console, but I get this in the browser:

Exception occured while processing /

Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: line 61 does not exist














[Lift] Re: Problem with Menu.builder li_path/li_item

2009-06-02 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On  2 Jun 2009, David Pollak wrote:

 This is an XML parsing error.  Something in your XML is non-parsable.
 It's not Lift, but the underlying XML parsing library.

Yes, it would seem so. It looks like a bug/non-implemented feature that
the parser is unable to read two attributes with the same name but in
different name spaces. Not sure if this is because the fragment doesn't
contain any name space decls? 

Unfortunately this renders the Menu.builder less useful since it is not
possible to assign CSS classes to both the path items and the selected
item (which, imho, is an obvious use case). Being a Lift newbie, I'm
wondering if there are other parts of Lift that is influenced by this.

Here's a very small test case that illustrates the problem:

Given this program:

import _root_.net.liftweb.util._
import _root_.java.io._

object ReadXML extends Application {
val xml= PCDataXmlParser(new FileInputStream(test.xml))

This XML fragment fails to parse:
lift:surround with=base at=body
lift:Menu.builder  li_path:class=p li_item:class=i/

But this parses ok (note the slight change in attribute names):
lift:surround with=base at=body
lift:Menu.builder  li_path:class=p li_item:clasz=i/

Accidentally, I think there's a problem with the error reporting when
parsing fails. Looking at the code to scala.io.Source, the original
exception is a double attribute syntax error, but due to what I think
is a bug in Source.getLine, I always get errors reported as
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: line 1 does not exist

Am I the only one seeing this?


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[Lift] Re: Some questions about menu MetaMegaProtoUser

2009-05-24 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 12:45 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dk wrote:
 On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dk wrote:
 On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 4:52 PM, David Pollak
 feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

  Getting the secondary menu items:
    def secondaryMenuItems: Seq[MenuItem] =
    for {
      req - S.request.toList
      line - req.buildMenu.lines
      kid - line.kids
    } yield kid

 While this does get all the current secondary menu items, I need all
 the current secondary menu items as well as their children (and their
 children) since I'll be handling the structure client side. I tried
 various combinations and hacking of the Menu snippet but can't seem to
 render all the children. Part of the problem is probably that I don't
 really know the Menu/MenuItem/Loc structure very well and the
 Scaladocs are.somewhat lacking :-)

 I'll keep trying to decipher the source to come up with something, but
 any further insights will be appreciated

 Each MenuItem has a kids property which is the submenus.  You can recurse
 into the kids on display.  The net.liftweb.http.snippet.Menu.scala code has
 examples of this.

 I'm on it already

 ..and seem stuck. I have the following menu structure


 etc. I can't seem to get all the third level items (M1.1.1, M1.1.2)
 unless the active page is M1.1. Even if I put in lift:Menu.builder
 expandAll=true/, they're only shown if I select M1.1.

 The code above which yields kid, outputs M1.1 and M1.2 when M1 is
 selected. When looking at the data, at seems like the kid.kids for
 M1.1 is empty unless I'm on page M1.1.

 What am I missing?

Got some sleep and did a little more tinkering. The following seems to
give the expected results

 val theKids = for {
  req - S.request.toList
  loc - req.location.toList
  m - loc.menu.kids.toList
  mi - m.makeMenuItem(List(m.loc))
} yield mi


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[Lift] Re: Some questions about menu MetaMegaProtoUser

2009-05-23 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

Thanks for the rapid feedback. A few comments below

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 6:12 PM, David Pollak
feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:


 def onLoginPage: Boolean = S.request.flatMap(_.location.map(_.name ==
 Login)) openOr false

 override def screenWrap: Box[NodeSeq] = Full(if (onLoginPage)
     lift:surround with=login_template at=contentlift:bind
         else lift:surround with=default at=contentlift:bind

Ahh didn't realize screenWrap was dynamically evaluated. Nice.

Being new to Scala I spent some time trying to decode:

def onLoginPage = S.request.flatMap(_.location.map(_.name == Login))
openOr false

Am I correct in that it basically evaluates S.request.location.name ==
Login with proper handling of Empty/Full boxes?
If yes, is there a good rule of thumb when to use flatMap/map or do I
just need more Scala time before this becomes natural?

 2) I would like to have a primary navigation menu at the top, and each
 primary menu item should have some secondary and tertiary menu items
 shown at the left. Only the secondary/tertiary items for the currently
 selected primary menu item should be visible. I believe I can render
 the primary menu items using a LocGroup, but how do I render the
 current subitems on the left sidebar?

 Getting the top level menu items:

 def topMenuItems: List[MenuItem] =

Works like a charm.

 Getting the secondary menu items:
   def secondaryMenuItems: Seq[MenuItem] =
   for {
     req - S.request.toList
     line - req.buildMenu.lines
     kid - line.kids
   } yield kid

While this does get all the current secondary menu items, I need all
the current secondary menu items as well as their children (and their
children) since I'll be handling the structure client side. I tried
various combinations and hacking of the Menu snippet but can't seem to
render all the children. Part of the problem is probably that I don't
really know the Menu/MenuItem/Loc structure very well and the
Scaladocs are.somewhat lacking :-)

I'll keep trying to decipher the source to come up with something, but
any further insights will be appreciated


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[Lift] Problems with redirect after login and protected pages

2009-05-23 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


I want to protect all pages in the app (except login :-) so if you try
to access a page, you get to the login page and after successful
login, you get redirected back to the requested page. I'm combining
the ideas from




I'm running 1.1-SNAPSHOT and extending the basic example with the following:

val entries = Menu(Loc(Home, List(index), Home, Loc.EarlyResponse(
  () = Full(RedirectResponse(/user_mgt/login)).
  filter(ignore = !User.loggedIn_?))) ) :: User.sitemap

And User.scala
 object loginReferer extends SessionVar(/)

  override def homePage = {
var ret = loginReferer.is

  override def login = {
Log.info(Before Logging in S:+S + , loggedIn:+User.loggedIn_?
+  ref:+loginReferer.is+ S.ref: +S.referer)
for (r - S.referer if loginReferer.is == /) loginReferer.set(r)

Here are the issues:
- When I hit http://localhost:8080/ I get to the login page ok, after
login I get the homepage but with an error:
  already logged in. Please logout first.
- If I try to access another page, I always gets redirected to the
home page after login (with the same error)

It seems the problems are caused by an empty referrer as seen in the
logs below. This makes sense since the original request to / doesn't
contain a referer, the redirect doesn't either.

So the question is: is there a better way to capture the original page
the user was requesting? Since the redirect happens in the
EarlyResponse I was wondering if it was possible to just tack it on as
a parameter in the RedirectReponse. But is there a better way?


Navigate to /
INFO - Service request (GET) / took 249 Milliseconds
INFO - Before login - ref:/, S.ref: Empty
INFO - Service request (GET) /user_mgt/login;jsessionid=e7pkao54lhcm
took 156 Milliseconds
INFO - Service request (GET) /images/ajax-loader.gif took 0 Milliseconds
INFO - Service request (GET) /favicon.ico took 0 Milliseconds

Enter login credentials

INFO - Before login - ref:/, S.ref:
INFO - Service request (POST) /user_mgt/login took 172 Milliseconds
INFO - Service request (GET) /user_mgt/login;jsessionid=e7pkao54lhcm
took 0 Milliseconds
INFO - Service request (GET) / took 31 Milliseconds

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[Lift] Re: Problems with redirect after login and protected pages

2009-05-23 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dk wrote:

 I want to protect all pages in the app (except login :-) so if you try
 to access a page, you get to the login page and after successful
 login, you get redirected back to the requested page. I'm combining
 the ideas from

 It seems the problems are caused by an empty referrer as seen in the
 logs below. This makes sense since the original request to / doesn't
 contain a referer, the redirect doesn't either.

 So the question is: is there a better way to capture the original page
 the user was requesting? Since the redirect happens in the
 EarlyResponse I was wondering if it was possible to just tack it on as
 a parameter in the RedirectReponse. But is there a better way?

Reply to self: This seems to work:

 override def login = {
for {r - S.request
 ret - r.param(returnTo) if loginReferer.is == /}

 val loggedIn = Loc.EarlyResponse(
  () =
= !User.loggedIn_?))


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[Lift] Re: Some questions about menu MetaMegaProtoUser

2009-05-23 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dk wrote:
 On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 4:52 PM, David Pollak
 feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

  Getting the secondary menu items:
    def secondaryMenuItems: Seq[MenuItem] =
    for {
      req - S.request.toList
      line - req.buildMenu.lines
      kid - line.kids
    } yield kid

 While this does get all the current secondary menu items, I need all
 the current secondary menu items as well as their children (and their
 children) since I'll be handling the structure client side. I tried
 various combinations and hacking of the Menu snippet but can't seem to
 render all the children. Part of the problem is probably that I don't
 really know the Menu/MenuItem/Loc structure very well and the
 Scaladocs are.somewhat lacking :-)

 I'll keep trying to decipher the source to come up with something, but
 any further insights will be appreciated

 Each MenuItem has a kids property which is the submenus.  You can recurse
 into the kids on display.  The net.liftweb.http.snippet.Menu.scala code has
 examples of this.

 I'm on it already

..and seem stuck. I have the following menu structure


etc. I can't seem to get all the third level items (M1.1.1, M1.1.2)
unless the active page is M1.1. Even if I put in lift:Menu.builder
expandAll=true/, they're only shown if I select M1.1.

The code above which yields kid, outputs M1.1 and M1.2 when M1 is
selected. When looking at the data, at seems like the kid.kids for
M1.1 is empty unless I'm on page M1.1.

What am I missing?


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[Lift] Some questions about menu MetaMegaProtoUser

2009-05-22 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen


A newbie running 1-1-SNAPSHOT with a few questions:

1) The entire app should be protected, so any unauthenticated access
should show the login page. But I don't want the login page to use the
same template as the other user pages. I guess I could override
loginMenuLoc, but it would be nice if screenWrap could somehow be
specified by Loc. Is this possible?

2) I would like to have a primary navigation menu at the top, and each
primary menu item should have some secondary and tertiary menu items
shown at the left. Only the secondary/tertiary items for the currently
selected primary menu item should be visible. I believe I can render
the primary menu items using a LocGroup, but how do I render the
current subitems on the left sidebar?


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[Lift] Is Lift the right tool for us?

2009-04-21 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

I've been lurking on this list for a while and trying out small things with
Lift/Scala but thought I would ask the more experienced people around here
before digging much deeper. First some background:

I've been writing webapps for well over a decade using all kind of
tools/languages ranging from Perl/PHP to ASP/.Net/Java (but never Python or
Ruby in any significant way). The last 5 years I've mostly focused on
Java/JEE. Over time I've, like many of you probably, grown tired of the
verbose java syntax and the xml bloat that seems to be required to get any
kind of real-life system up and running.

I'll soon be starting on a new project where I can choose the entire
technology stack and I'm currently evaulating the options. The app will not
be a new Web 2.0 social platform used by millions, but rather a more boring
business-type app with lots of data entry and interactive reporting  :-) But
it will have to stable, fast, easy to use (ie will probably need lots of
Ajax functionality) as well as integrate with many external parties.

One of the primary parameters for choosing a language/framework is speed of
development. I know Rails excel in this and may be the sweet spot for an app
like ours, but 1) I don't know ruby that well and 2) I've tried RoR and it
never really clicked with me while I can easily see how you can create
something, fast. Python/Django is another option I'll be looking at.

I don't know Lift/Scala either but I've always liked the clean, simple
syntax of SML (did a fair share of SML programming back in the CS classes
:-), so FP is not uncommon to me (but a bit rusty). And I do like the JVM as

So some of the questions I have to the community is this:

- How long time does it take for experienced developers to be 1) Productive
and 2) Be hyperproducive :-) if we assume we'll start from scratch?
- How about new members to a team already knowledgable about Lift/Scala?
It's not likely we'll be able to hire lots of experienced Lift developers in
the near future :-)
- How is the productivity compared to say Rails  Django for database driven
apps requiring lots of Ajax?
- Is Lift ready for production use? While our project is not mission
critical requiring 5+ nines, it is not a consumer product either. Downtime
will hurt. I've read David's statement that he will do a lot to support
production installations, which is a very nice commitment. I know this
depends on the app architecture, but would be nice to get some
- Any input on Mapper/Record vs JPA for persistence?

But basically any experience from using Lift on real, substantial projects
is welcome.


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[Lift] Re: Is Lift the right tool for us?

2009-04-21 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
Thanks for the swift reponse. A few comments inline

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 7:51 PM, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com


 I don't know Lift/Scala either but I've always liked the clean, simple
 syntax of SML (did a fair share of SML programming back in the CS classes
 :-), so FP is not uncommon to me (but a bit rusty). And I do like the JVM as

 So some of the questions I have to the community is this:

 - How long time does it take for experienced developers to be 1)
 Productive and 2) Be hyperproducive :-) if we assume we'll start from

 1 - About a month
 2 - About 3 months

This is encouraging!

 - How about new members to a team already knowledgable about Lift/Scala?
 It's not likely we'll be able to hire lots of experienced Lift developers in
 the near future :-)

 The same as for RoR or DJango.  Your curve will be similar.  New language,
 new framework.  The plus is that you don't have to worry about operations
 because Lift deploys as a WAR file.  Learning Capistrano for Rails is

 - How is the productivity compared to say Rails  Django for database
 driven apps requiring lots of Ajax?

 Better.  Lift's Ajax and JavaScript abstractions are worlds better that
 Rails and Django.  Lift abstracts away the HTTP request/response cycle.
  Rails puts you in the heart of it.  With Lift, you need not define 3
 separate files to handle a single Ajax request.

Yes, the Rails way seem a bit cumbersome (but does provide a quick bang for
the buck out the box). I've yet to fully understand how this works in Lift
(Scala code still doesn't look very clean to me. Maybe that's just an
acquired taste?)


- Any input on Mapper/Record vs JPA for persistence?

 Depends on your app.

Ok, will get back to this when I've got some more details...


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[Lift] Re: Is Lift the right tool for us?

2009-04-21 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:01 PM, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:

 Yeah, it's always nice to get some... :-)

 As a former Rails developer, I'll say this: I don't think I'm yet quite
 as fast in Lift as I was in Rails, but I'm getting there. A lot of this
 has had to do with switching mindset from Ruby to a more Java-ish approach.

Do you think you'll surpass your Rails speed? If yes, can you explain what
elements contribute to this?

 For you, as a Java developer, I think you'll find the reverse true. With
 Scala, you can continue to use the same Java libraries and tools that
 you've used before. I think you'll learn Lift very quickly, and whenever
 you're stuck, you'll have all that Java background to fall back on.

My thoughts exactly :-) I know I will not use Java for this project so I'm
willing to take a small hit initially. But staying on the JVM at least
provides som firm ground wrt to deployment, ops, runtime, tuning etc.

If your project is more than a simple app (as I'm certain it is), I
 would go with JPA. Record is not ready yet, and Mapper is pretty
 limited. For example, AFAIK Mapper doesn't do many-to-many associations.
 I've had a lot of success with JPA/Hibernate, and it's getting pretty
 solid in Lift now -- there are even Maven archetypes for it.

 I've yet to dig into Mapper/Record. What are the main benefits of these
(besides the obvious simplicity you get when not needing to use JPA)?

 Lift is more than ready for production use. I've been using it in
 production for more than six months.

Nice! Any numbers you can share (users, tables, data, transactions etc)?


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