Re: color text in markup

2024-06-10 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-06-10 11:11 am, Aaron Hill wrote: Oops. I attached the wrong image. Sorry about that. -- Aaron Hill

Re: color text in markup

2024-06-10 Thread Aaron Hill
ricRed #red-text } { #normal-text } } #}) %% Testing with automation. \markup { \redden Sanc tus } \relative { \key f \major bes'2 c4( a) | bes1 \fine } \addlyrics { %% Testing with automation. \redden Glo "" -- ri -- a. } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Regular Polygons

2024-06-08 Thread Aaron Hill
a consistently flat top and bottom without any optical adjustments. Mind you, I could just be overthinking things. Nothing would stop me from sampling all uppercase letters and averaging them. Regardless, you both have given me plenty to think about. -- Aaron Hill

Regular Polygons

2024-06-06 Thread Aaron Hill
. I wish optional parameters existed for markup commands. If they did, then a user could just specify the number of sides and omit the size. The default size would be something that matches the font height, so the shape would naturally fit in with the surrounding text. -- Aaron Hill

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-04 Thread Aaron Hill
lyPond. I must also apologize for them. Hopefully, no LilyPond devs take them too harshly. Again, this code was never really intended for public reveal. I would have cleaned up such comments and written them with more tact if given the chance. -- Aaron Hill\version "2.25.13" %% Firs

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-03 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-06-03 10:39 am, Paolo Prete wrote: On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 7:33 PM Aaron Hill wrote: so feel free to reach out if this is not your area of expertise. That's what I just did ;-) cheers I must admit I have not followed this thread super closely. Do you have a drawing o

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-03 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-06-03 10:33 am, Aaron Hill wrote: But pretty much, once you are in a \markup context, the world's your oyster. Start with the more primitive drawing commands and build up your own shapes. Turn those into reusable markup-commands of your own. Some of this may require some Scheme

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-03 Thread Aaron Hill
t with the more primitive drawing commands and build up your own shapes. Turn those into reusable markup-commands of your own. Some of this may require some Scheme code to achieve, so feel free to reach out if this is not your area of expertise. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Graphical markup between objects?

2024-05-29 Thread Aaron Hill
like? Spent some time working on your "fork" scenario. Not sure if I got it entirely correct. Attached is the source. Hope this either gives you something you can use directly, or at a minimum gives you something to work from. -- Aaron Hill\version "2.25.13" #(defin

Re: Graphical markup between objects?

2024-05-28 Thread Aaron Hill
rself, have you looked at what LilyPond supports [1]? There are built-in options to change the style of the FingerGlideSpanner. Your "V"-bend shape probably could be added as a new style. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill
.). -- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-05-27 5:54 pm, Jean-Christophe Énée wrote: could you reply to the list please for my list filter I guess I can, but what is stopping you sending your own mail? This is a highly irregular request. -- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill
ort hacklily". You can type code into hacklily or copy and paste it. hacklily lets you save your work to Github if you like. Back in the day, hacklily had primitive cloud storage with Base64 URI codes. Looks like much has changed with the online tool. I had assumed it was abandoned. -- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill
ough GitHub now, so you need to have a GitHub account with a public repository. Then you could share your "sheet-music" repo. In general, it is often easier pasting the LY code in your email. This makes it searchable and more accessible. -- Aaron Hill

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Aaron Hill
erpreted the clef and key signature differently when trying to recreate the image. You did manage to the squeeze in the forte, which I did not. -- Aaron Hill

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Aaron Hill
<\tweak duration-log 2 d, d a>2 <\tweak duration-log 2 d a f'>2 <\tweak duration-log 2 e, c e>2 \fermata } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Cry for help - lost plot ....

2024-05-18 Thread Aaron Hill
>> \layout { } \midi { } } \score { { ...sequential music... } \layout { } \midi { } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Problems hiding clef using \omit

2024-05-17 Thread Aaron Hill
if you need help with identifying grobs, the visual index [1] should be your first place to check. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: \omit TupletBracket

2024-05-16 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-05-16 7:54 pm, wrote: Aaron, Thank you for the instruction yet how does it apply to my notation? It is simply a fairly common mistake we see post on the mailing list. For instance, new users are often tempted to put the square brackets *around* the notes

Re: \omit TupletBracket

2024-05-16 Thread Aaron Hill
clearly indicates beaming beginning with the 16th note and ending with the 8th. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Rehearsal mark on right side of measure?

2024-05-05 Thread Aaron Hill
} \tweak break-visibility #end-of-line-visible \tweak self-alignment-X #RIGHT \mark \default \break \repeat unfold 3 { b'4 4 2 } 1 \fine } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Tunable Context Properties

2024-05-04 Thread Aaron Hill
you could take automation even further to reduce typing: lyricsWithAutoStanzaOrdinal = #(define-music-function (lyrics) (ly:music?) #{ \new Lyrics \with \autoStanza \ordinal \lyricsto mel $lyrics #}) %% . . . \lyricsWithAutoStanzaOrdinal \verseII -- Aaron Hill

Re: parenthesis around dot only (note value indication)

2024-05-01 Thread Aaron Hill
rride Staff.DotColumn.padding = #1 4. } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Transparent box around notes

2024-04-30 Thread Aaron Hill
LSR appears to be running 2.24.x at the moment. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Issue with durations and roman numeral analysis tool

2024-04-30 Thread Aaron Hill
  \new Lyrics \with {      } \lyricsto "pedal" { \analysis }    >>  >>} It appears you are using \lyricsto which ignores the durations specified and instead associates each syllable with a note in the named voice. You should just reference the lyrics variable directly: \new Lyrics { \analysis } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Fw: Frescobaldi ... panic alternatives?

2024-04-30 Thread Aaron Hill
is software development activity appears reduced after a health crisis in 2021. Can relate to that. Had open heart surgery myself last year and still recovering, in and out of hospital. Wishing all the best to him and his family. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Conditional markup? UP|DOWN

2024-04-29 Thread Aaron Hill
nless \is-directional \pad-around #0.25 * } \layout { indent = 0 } \asdf { b'4-\asdf 4_\asdf 2^\asdf } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Note names are causing text marks to be duplicated

2024-04-26 Thread Aaron Hill
g textMark \etc melody = { b'4 4 \textMark "Hey!" 2 } << \withTextMarks \melody \\ \withoutTextMarks \melody >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: Note names are causing text marks to be duplicated

2024-04-25 Thread Aaron Hill
variable, which gets used three times. The same behavior occurs without NoteNames: \version "2.24.3" melody = { b'4 4 \textMark Hey 2 } << \melody \\ \melody >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lyrics and Barchecks

2024-04-25 Thread Aaron Hill
r handles. This was done so that the user could input lyric bar checks using the same symbol as for normal music but get the unique behavior. Not sure if this transparent approach is best, as it could be seen as surprising to some users. -- Aaron Hill\version "2.25.13" #(define-event

Re: Highlighting lyric words

2024-04-24 Thread Aaron Hill
repeat unfold 3 { b'4 4 2 } } \addlyrics { no high -- light \myHighlight high -- \tweak font-family #'sans \tweak font-series #'bold light -- er \undo \myHighlight none \once \myHighlight once done } -- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill
expect there are coding mistakes and/or inefficiencies. My apologies. -- Aaron Hill\version "2.24.3" %% %% Bow_pressure_engraver #(define-event-class 'bow-pressure-event 'span-event) #(define custom-music-descriptio

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-04-16 12:46 pm, Dimitri Sykias wrote: Is it possible to make the text italic? I tried \tweak text \italic “x” and it didn’t work. You need to specify \markup: \tweak text \markup \italic x -- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-04-16 4:03 am, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2024-04-16 3:59 am, Aaron Hill wrote: What you are looking for, however, can be done with horizontal/analysis brackets: \version "2.25.13" \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver } { b'4 -\tweak layer 0 -\

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-04-16 3:59 am, Aaron Hill wrote: What you are looking for, however, can be done with horizontal/analysis brackets: \version "2.25.13" \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver } { b'4 -\tweak layer 0 -\tweak direction #UP -\tweak bracket

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill
0.5 -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.text \markup \whiteout \pad-around #0.5 "9\"" -\startGroup 4 2\stopGroup } -- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-15 Thread Aaron Hill
ndication. One would probably want all of these pressure indicators to vertically line up with each other, so I was thinking the Dynamics context would be the eventual home. -- Aaron Hill

Re: make-music?

2024-04-13 Thread Aaron Hill
her approach: \version "2.25.13" #(define anAList '((aVariable . aSymbol))) aSymbol = { cis' } { #(module-ref (current-module) (cdr (assoc 'aVariable anAList))) } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Overriding default text of \f, \p, etc.

2024-04-12 Thread Aaron Hill
e you been hoarding other tricks? /s -- Aaron Hill

Re: Overriding default text of \f, \p, etc.

2024-04-12 Thread Aaron Hill
\markup \circle f \f { b'4 4 2\f } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Installing 2.24.1

2024-04-11 Thread Aaron Hill
e was to my user's Downloads folder from which I had been running LilyPond during testing. 12) Back in a normal command prompt from the Desktop folder... 13) Ran "" to verify file association and compilation. No issues. 14) Double-clicked "" from my Desktop. No issues. -- Aaron Hill

Re: doesn't always work as expected

2024-04-09 Thread Aaron Hill
omplaining about an unattached SustainEvent. Is this a bug? Does the empty chord construct help? <>\sustainOff (I'm away from my normal environment, so I cannot test this locally to confirm.) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lead sheets: Maj. 7 chords

2024-04-09 Thread Aaron Hill
You need to adjust the majorSevenSymbol [1]. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: \quoteDuring #'("piccolo" "fluteI" "fluteII" "oboeI") {o_O!}

2024-04-05 Thread Aaron Hill
x27;'4} \addQuote "fluteII" {e'''4} \addQuote "oboeI" {c'''4} \new Voice { \ottava 1 \quoteDuring #'("piccolo" "fluteI" "fluteII" "oboeI") { s4 } } NOTE: The modified \quoteDurring above produces a nested music expression, as if you had written: \quoteDuring "oboeI" \quoteDuring "fluteII" \quoteDuring "fluteI" \quoteDuring "piccolo" { s4 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: organizing shared libraries

2024-04-04 Thread Aaron Hill
nd to vary independently. -- Aaron Hill

Re: define-public

2024-03-29 Thread Aaron Hill
strings: -e '(define-public part '\''cello)' #### Not sure why the double-quoted string would have failed, though. -- Aaron Hill

Re: remove key change at end of line

2024-03-25 Thread Aaron Hill
t out. Shouldn't it be nothing more than setting break-visibility to 'end-of-line-invisible? -- Aaron Hill

Re: nested \set ?

2024-03-25 Thread Aaron Hill
##t`. The property argument would need to become a `key-list?` with the appropriate handling to redirect to another named context. -- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond 2.25.14

2024-03-24 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-03-24 3:45 am, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: On Sun, 2024-03-24 at 03:20 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote: Based on the email thread you linked, perhaps I should nuke all my WSL distros at this point and start from scratch with the latest Ubuntu (22, I gather). Not sure if Alma is an option for WSL

Re: LilyPond 2.25.14

2024-03-24 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-03-24 1:23 am, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: On Sat, 2024-03-23 at 18:18 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2024-03-23 6:25 am, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: > We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.25.14. This is > termed a development release, but these are usually reliable for > te

Re: LilyPond 2.25.14

2024-03-23 Thread Aaron Hill
-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /opt/lilypond/2.25.14/bin/lilypond) Something changed from .13 to .14? I'm presuming my system is just out-of-date, and this might be expected. -- Aaron Hill

Re: multipart choral music - disable barlines between staves when using GrandStaff within ChoirStaff

2024-03-23 Thread Aaron Hill
rtInstrumentName = "II" } \notes >> >> NOTE: If you do need to use a GrandStaff (or PianoStaff), you can remove the Span_bar_engraver similar to what the ChoirStaff already does: \new PianoStaff \with { \remove Span_bar_engraver } { . . . } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Dynamics collide with span bar

2024-03-22 Thread Aaron Hill
not break how people expect it to work. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Dynamics collide with span bar (was Re: Chord names collide with span bar)

2024-03-22 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-03-22 4:08 pm, Michael Bret wrote: Dear Werner, Aaron and Knute, (it is y first time attempting to contribute to such lilypond discussion so I don’t dare cc-ing the whole mailing list) (Adding the mailing list for visibility...) Regardless of your experience or comfort level, it is

Re: Tie an afterGrace note produces warning

2024-03-22 Thread Aaron Hill
qpjmjp/ <0>: warning: unterminated tie \afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 c ~ } c4 Is there any way around this, as I need this for my current project? \version "2.25.13" \relative { \afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 \set tieWaitForNote = ##t c~ } c4 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: How to use define-music-function?

2024-03-20 Thread Aaron Hill
uot; { b'4 4 2 } \make-score "۲" "2" { b'4 4 2 } \make-score "3" "3" { b'4 4 2 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Wanting to parenthesize (b5) superscript

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill
prepend to existing exceptions. chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions) theMusic = \chordmode { \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions cis1:5- des1:5- } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \new ChordNames { \theMusic } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Footer text from header

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-03-19 1:50 pm, Johannes Roeßler wrote: thx again Aaron, I tried it with %%%  \line  {\fromproperty #'header:composer " - "  \as-string \fromproperty #'header:title } %%% - then the title (in the footnote) was empty. But you gave so many valuable insights, that I&

Re: Footer text from header

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill
lexibility is necessary. The advanced exercise involves showing "Edited by" only when the editor field is defined without moving such text to the field itself. Of course, consider your own real-world scenario. Are you the editor for all of your scores? If so, there may be no need to add complexity where it is otherwise wasted effort.) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Footer text from header

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill
the default values are for these markup paper variables. Copy-and-paste the default definitions and adjust to your needs. NOTE: These are the sort of things that are best put into include files, so you can reuse them and easily standardize your formatting across many scores. -- Aaron Hill

Re: B.A.C.H. motif

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill
align #X #CENTER \vcenter \rotate #90 \score { { \clef treble \accLeft \noNH h'! 1 } } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: coloring notes with more voices in a staff

2024-03-18 Thread Aaron Hill
earing-voices [2]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Best way to center beam between upper/lower staff?

2024-03-07 Thread Aaron Hill
ation/notation/automatic-beams -- Aaron Hill

Re: search and replace on all included files on compile

2024-03-06 Thread Aaron Hill
ents for text markup: \paper { #(add-text-replacements! '(("1↑" . "1"))) } -- Aaron Hill

Re: warning

2024-03-05 Thread Aaron Hill
blind guesses. But the most likely cause for a context not being found is that it was not kept alive. Please review the information here [1] and see if that helps in your situation. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: How to align second repeat verse against second voice

2024-02-24 Thread Aaron Hill
\new Lyrics \lyricsto melody { a i u o } \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody { % a i u e u o % ↑ │ ↑ │ We switch voices one syllable earlier. % └─┘ └─┘ a \set associatedVoice = alt i u e \unset associatedVoice u o } >> -- Aaron Hill

Rousseau's boustrophedon notation

2024-02-23 Thread Aaron Hill
on is to mirror image all symbols in the right-to-left systems. Does anyone have more details about this? -- Aaron Hill

Re: define-music-function with afterGrace and {}

2024-02-23 Thread Aaron Hill
Code 1. You will need to include whitespace between #endtone and the closing brace that follows. -- Aaron Hill

Re: markup for circular bowing

2024-02-14 Thread Aaron Hill
ral-align #X #0.2 \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } { c''1^\circular-bow } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Skipping syllables from lyrics

2024-02-13 Thread Aaron Hill
staff } \lyricsto soprano { \keepWithTag soprano \words } \new Lyrics \lyricsto alto { \keepWithTag alto \words } >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: Compute \tempo from variables

2024-02-01 Thread Aaron Hill
thing such as global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \tempo \myTempoBase = \myTempo } I'd expect it to resolve to \tempo 4 = 80. The above code however fails on 2.24.1. Any ideas? myTempoBase = ##{ 4 #} That seems to work. Otherwise, myTempoBase is just a number and not

Re: In 2.24, EADG string tuning for bass guitar tablature?

2024-01-30 Thread Aaron Hill
\2[ g8\3] r8 c,8\4 ds8\4[ g8\3] f4\3 f'8\1 r8 } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber } { \clef "bass_8" \riff } \new TabStaff \with { stringTunings = #bass-tuning } { \riff } >> } (StaffGroup will also get you that nice bracket out front.) -- Aaron Hill

Re: In 2.24, EADG string tuning for bass guitar tablature?

2024-01-30 Thread Aaron Hill
le to imagine a lefty getting a true left-handed bass but still wanting an upside-down or nearly upside-down layout.) Are you able to provide a link to the source score? If it shows both the tablature as well as standard notation, it should be pretty easy to verify the intended tuning. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Piece, to be centered and \Large

2024-01-28 Thread Aaron Hill
y #'header:opus } } } Just apply the changes to the \fill-line section as you need. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Piece, to be centered and \Large

2024-01-28 Thread Aaron Hill
27;header:piece } } } } Oh, and in your original question you mentioned wanting to adjust font size, so you can do that too: \larger \fromproperty #'header:piece -- Aaron Hill

Re: Piece, to be centered and \Large

2024-01-28 Thread Aaron Hill
customized scoreTitleMarkup in your \paper that applies the header fields how you wish. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Include all files in a folder

2024-01-21 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
ill be relevant. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Two novice questions

2024-01-17 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
er to that one too! It may be something that could go in Frescobaldi, if you use that editor. What about LSR 82? -- Aaron Hill

Re: Including input files via command line

2024-01-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
% NOTE: All of the above is documented in the first sections of the Usage manual. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting the emoji font

2024-01-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
ame override. Some fonts include as part of their family name what appears to be a style, and this has been known to cause problems. Adding a trailing comma seems to help, e.g. use "Times New Roman," instead of "Times New Roman". -- Aaron Hill

Re: Can I define custom bar lengths in LilyPond?

2024-01-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
quot;fat" measure, and one after. For more information, see: NR 4.5.2 - New Spacing Section If you are talking about something else entirely, please see about providing a brief example of what you have tried. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Error with \layout and \context

2024-01-12 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
\consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver } } } You need to do your mods in separate \context sections. See above. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Transpose from major to minor key

2024-01-10 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
On 2024-01-10 6:30 pm, Freeman Gilmore wrote: Aaron Does LP have that?That would be a trick for modes other than between major and minor and that may not work well. Thank you, ƒg Sorry for not linking the docs directly.

Re: Transpose from major to minor key

2024-01-10 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
o use \modalTranspose to achieve what you want. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Question about \include options

2024-01-08 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
indicating that the relative-includes setting can be freely changed during input processing as needed. So when you go to \include something, it is the current setting that will affect where LilyPond will search for the file in question. -- Aaron Hill

Re: remove extra line in outside staff notes

2023-12-29 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
ount = #1 \remove "Ledger_line_engraver" % or % \omit LedgerLineSpanner } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Help with music function

2023-12-18 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
n... { \rel-rest b'4. } However, this feels like more typing than just using the \rest post-event, apart from being prefixed. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Can't call some functions from translation-functions

2023-12-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
On 2023-12-16 5:27 am, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2023-12-16 5:20 am, Sebastian Käppler wrote: Hello Aaron, thanks for your response. I tried use-modules and got " no code for module (scm display-lily)". If that is of interest, I use Frescobaldi on Windows with lilypond 2.24.1. Oh, wh

Re: Can't call some functions from translation-functions

2023-12-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion
pts of scheme... Odd. A function like note-name->lily-string is exported from define-music-display-methods.scm. Have you tried adding an explicit... (use-modules (scm display-lily)) your source file? -- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2023-12-12 1:04 pm, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: #(define (add-midi-to-score score) (define (has-midi? score) (any (lambda (x) (ly:output-def-lookup x 'is-midi)) Wouldn't that need to be (ly:output-def-lookup x 'is-midi #f) ? The default is to ret

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2023-12-12 12:06 pm, Stefano Antonelli wrote: On Tue, 2023-12-12 at 02:31 -0800, Aaron Hill wrote: Would this not work? #(define (add-midi-to-score score) #{ \score { $score \midi {} } #}) toplevel-score-handler = #(lambda (score) (collect-scores-for-book (add-midi-to-score

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill
. Would this not work? #(define (add-midi-to-score score) #{ \score { $score \midi {} } #}) toplevel-score-handler = #(lambda (score) (collect-scores-for-book (add-midi-to-score score))) -- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-11 Thread Aaron Hill
ote that I have never used ly2video before, so I am commenting mainly as an outside observer to this use case. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lyricmode and fonts

2023-12-06 Thread Aaron Hill
cmode { nor -- mal text \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic i -- tal -- ic text \revert LyricText.font-shape nor -- mal text a -- gain } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Pickup measure

2023-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill
the dotted quarter to beat three, which leads to all the other alignment errors. -- Aaron Hill

Clipping of ornamentation glyphs (was: what is the musical ornament...)

2023-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill -- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting line-width for individual lines

2023-10-16 Thread Aaron Hill
-4? I know about ragged-right, but I don't like the look of the ragged edge and would rather have the power to specify just how wide I want each line to be. Perhaps something like \pseudoIndents from LSR 1098 [1] would be helpful. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond 'not recognized'

2023-09-28 Thread Aaron Hill
ists. You can run "where lilypond" to verify not only that it is being found but also the locations of all matches if there are multiple. (* By "classic", I mean the old-school cmd.exe shell. If you are running an alternate shell such as PowerShell, then you will need to consult its documentation.) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Initial rests in MIDI not included?

2023-09-27 Thread Aaron Hill
lost totally: 0 Loads into a sequencer as expected, so the MIDI file itself seems fine. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Voice synthesis

2023-04-25 Thread Aaron Hill
/file-format-specifications/standard-midi-files/smf-lyric-meta-event-definition -- Aaron Hill

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