Removing noChordSymbol - N.C

2012-06-22 Thread Anders Eriksson


I have just started using Lilypond and I must say it exceeds all my 

I trying to add Chords to a melody using \chordmode and I have most 
things working.
One thing that I would like to do is sometimes I don't want any chord, 
usually in Pickup Measures. If I put a rest (r1) I get a N.C.

Is there someway to make a rest without getting a no chord symbol?

// Anders

Computer says No!

lilypond-user mailing list

Why can't I post?

2012-06-22 Thread Anders Eriksson

I have just become a member of the lilypond-user list. 
I have tried to send some questions but nothing has arrived!

Is there some waiting period or something else that makes 
my postings not reaching 
the list?

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

functions in include file

2012-06-22 Thread Anders Eriksson


I have just started using Lilypond and I have found some functions on 
the net

which I would like to put in an include file. But I can't figure out how!?

One of these function is Mr. John Mandereaus Diatonic/modal transposition

I have put the code in a file (diatonic-transpose.lyi) and is calling it 


%% Start of file
\version 2.14.2

\include diatonic-transpose.lyi

notes = \relative c' {
  c d e f g a b c

\score {
  \new Staff { \clef G
   \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes
  \layout {}
  \midi {}
%% EOF

When I compile it I get:
Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.14.2 []...
Processing `C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/'
C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/ error:
unknown escaped string: `\diatonicTranspose'

   \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes

error: syntax

error, unexpected STRING

   \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes

C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/ error: 

found, ignoring music expression


error: failed files: C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/test-dia-
Exited with return code 1.

So WHY can't it find \diatonicTranspose ???

// Anders

Here is diatonic-transpose.lyi

%% Start of file diatonic-transpose.lyi

#(define (true-quotient n d)
  Return the one true quotient in integer division of n by d, i.e.
return the integer q so that there is a unique integer r that
satisfies  n = qd + r  and  0 = r  |d|
  (if (= n 0)
   (quotient n d)
   (- (quotient n d) 1)))

#(define (ly-pitch-modal-pitch ly-pitch scale tonic-c-diff)
  Convert ly-pitch to a list (octave degree depresentation) which 

the modal pitch in scale, with tonic-c-diff as the pitch diff from tonic to
middle C.  scale should be a notename-alteration alist of length 7 which
represents the alteration of each note with C as first pitch of the scale.
  (let* ((normalized-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose ly-pitch tonic-c-diff))
 (notename (ly:pitch-notename normalized-pitch)))
(ly:pitch-octave normalized-pitch) ;; octave
notename ;; degree
;; alteration
(- (ly:pitch-alteration normalized-pitch) (ly:assoc-get notename 

#(define (degree-transpose modal-pitch degree-delta scale-length)
Transpose modal-pitch (octave degree alteration) by degree-delta assuming
  (let* ((octave (car modal-pitch))
 (degree (cadr modal-pitch))
 (alteration (caddr modal-pitch))
 (relative-new-degree (+ degree degree-delta)))
(+ octave (true-quotient relative-new-degree scale-length))
(modulo relative-new-degree scale-length)

#(define (modal-pitch-ly-pitch modal-pitch scale c-tonic-diff)
  Convert modal-pitch -- a list (octave degree alteration) -- to a
standard pitch using scale and pitch diff from middle C to tonic.
scale should be a notename-alteration alist of length 7 which represents
the alteration of each note with C as first pitch of the scale.
  (let* ((octave (car modal-pitch))
 (degree (min 6 (cadr modal-pitch)))
 (alteration (caddr modal-pitch))
 (abs-alteration (+ alteration (ly:assoc-get degree scale
(ly:make-pitch octave degree abs-alteration)

#(define (lookup-music-property event type)
  Return the first music property of the given type found in event,
or #f is no such property is found.  event should be music or a list
of music.
  (if (null? event)
   (if (list? event)
 (lookup-music-property (car event) type)
 (lookup-music-property (cdr event) type))
(let ((p (ly:music-property event 'pitch)))
 (if (not (null? p))
  (let* ((e (ly:music-property event 'element))
 (es (ly:music-property event 'elements))
 (p2 (if (null? e)
  (lookup-music-property e type
   (if (not (null? p2))
(lookup-music-property es type

#(define (mode-transpose
  pitch-note1 scale1 degree-delta pitch-note2 scale2 music)
  (let ((tonic-diff1 (ly:pitch-diff
  (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0)
  (lookup-music-property pitch-note1 'pitch)))
(tonic-diff2 (ly:pitch-diff
  (lookup-music-property pitch-note2 'pitch)
  (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0
(lambda (event)
 (let ((p (ly:music-property event 'pitch)))
  (if (ly:pitch? p)
  (ly-pitch-modal-pitch p scale1 tonic-diff1)
  (length scale1))

modeTranspose =

Re: functions in include file

2012-06-22 Thread Anders Eriksson

Hello Nick,

Yes the include file is in the same directory as the main.
I tested compiling using Lilypond directly and it worked!
I'm using Frescobaldi so the error is in this program not in Lilypond...

Must be some configuration...

Thanks for your input!

// Anders

On 2012-06-22 23:18, Nick Payne wrote:

On 22/06/12 22:38, Anders Eriksson wrote:


I have just started using Lilypond and I have found some functions on 
the net
which I would like to put in an include file. But I can't figure out 

One of these function is Mr. John Mandereaus Diatonic/modal 


I have put the code in a file (diatonic-transpose.lyi) and is calling 
it like


%% Start of file
\version 2.14.2

\include diatonic-transpose.lyi

notes = \relative c' {
  c d e f g a b c

\score {
  \new Staff { \clef G
   \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes
  \layout {}
  \midi {}
%% EOF

When I compile it I get:
Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.14.2 []...
Processing `C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/'

unknown escaped string: `\diatonicTranspose'

   \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes

error: syntax

error, unexpected STRING

   \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes

error: errors

found, ignoring music expression


error: failed files: C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/test-dia-
Exited with return code 1.

So WHY can't it find \diatonicTranspose ???

It works fine for me when I create the same files with the same code 
on my machine.

Is the include file in the same directory as the main file?


lilypond-user mailing list

Computer says No!

lilypond-user mailing list

warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns

2012-06-23 Thread Anders Eriksson
English is not my first language and I have some trouble understanding 
what this means

If notes from two voices with stems in the same direction are placed at 
the same position, and both voices have no shift or the same shift 
specified, the error message warning: ignoring too many clashing note 
columns will appear when compiling the LilyPond file.

I understand how to suppress the warnings, but I also would like to 
understand why!

// Anders

Computer says No!

lilypond-user mailing list

Changing key after line break

2012-06-23 Thread Anders Eriksson

I'm trying to study Music Theory and Lilypond is a really good tool!

I want to create a sheet with all the diatonic chords in all Major 
scales, and I'm almost there.

The goal is to have each key on a separate line. My problem is that the 
new key signature starts at the last bar on the previous line!

How do I fix this?

here is the code: ( I have only entered the Sharp Keys)
%% Start of file
\version 2.14.2

\header {

title = Diatonic Chords in Major keys


chordNames = \chordmode {

c4 d:m e:m f g a:m b:dim c' | \break


\score {

\new ChordNames { \chordNames

\key g \major \transpose c g {\chordNames}

\key d \major \transpose c d {\chordNames}

\key a \major \transpose c a {\chordNames}

\key e \major \transpose c e {\chordNames}

\key b \major \transpose c b {\chordNames}

\key fis \major \transpose c fis {\chordNames}

\key cis \major \transpose c cis {\chordNames}


\new Staff { \key c \major \chordNames

\key g \major \transpose c g {\chordNames}

\key d \major \transpose c d {\chordNames}

\key a \major \transpose c a {\chordNames}

\key e \major \transpose c e {\chordNames}

\key b \major \transpose c b {\chordNames}

\key fis \major \transpose c fis {\chordNames}

\key cis \major \transpose c cis {\chordNames}


\layout { }

\midi { }


%% End of file

// Anders

Computer says No!

lilypond-user mailing list

Why don't I get my own mail?

2012-06-23 Thread Anders Eriksson
I have configured so that it says that I should get my own mail, but I 


// Anders

Computer says No!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: note names as solmisation printed as markup automagically?

2016-05-30 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-05-30 13:45, bart deruyter wrote:

So I was wondering, would there be a way to print the names of the 
notes as markup, in an automated way? I know how to print them with a 
markup command, but it's a heck of a task to add manually with so much 
notes :-) .

Do you use Fixed do or Movable do?

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: note names as solmisation printed as markup automagically?

2016-05-31 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-05-31 00:28, ming wrote:

Can this code be modified for movable do?

I will try, but since I'm a beginner at programming Lilypond it may take 
some time. So no guarantees

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: note names as solmisation printed as markup automagically?

2016-05-30 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-05-30 20:50, bart deruyter wrote:


it would only be for my students. I would alter my guitar course for 
next year. They are the only target audience actually. And here we 
only use Fixed do (using si for the B) as far as I know.

Here is a quick hack that will do what you want (Hopefully)

There is probably many improvements you can do to the code, but it is a 

I have not tested on 2.18 (as I don't have it installed)

// Anders

% Code ==
\version "2.19.42"

\header {
  title = "Test of SolfageNoteNames"
solfege-names =
("c" . "do")
("d" . "re")
("e" . "mi")
("f" . "fa")
("g" . "sol")
("a" . "la")
("b" . "si")

("ces" . "do")
("des" . "re")
("ees" . "mi")
("fes" . "fa")
("ges" . "sol")
("aes" . "la")
("bes" . "si")

("cis" . "do")
("dis" . "re")
("eis" . "mi")
("fis" . "fa")
("gis" . "sol")
("ais" . "la")
("bis" . "si")

solfegeFixedNames =
#(lambda (grob)
   (let* (
   ;; bindings
   (default-name (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
   (new-name (assoc-get default-name solfege-names))
 ;; body
 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text new-name)
 (ly:text-interface::print grob)


global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key a \major
  \tempo 4=100

melody = \relative c'' {
  a4 a e' e %
  fis fis e2 %
  d4 d cis cis %
  b b a2


\score {

\context NoteNames \with {
  \override NoteName #'stencil = #solfegeFixedNames
}{ \melody }
\new Staff { \melody }
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

% ===

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ukulele chords entered using < > syntax

2016-06-18 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-06-18 21:00, Richard Shann wrote:

With this code I get an error and the lowest (re-entrant) string is not used

\version "2.18.0"
\include ""
%\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table  #ukulele-tuning 
\new FretBoards {
\set Staff.stringTunings = #ukulele-tuning


by uncommenting the line I get the fret diagram wanted.

Am I missing something, or do I need to define all the needed chords in
this way if I am to avoid using \cbordmode for entering the chords?

Lilypond doesn't handle re-entrant strings! so you need to tell Lilypond 
which string to use for each note (well, in just this case you only need 
to enter string 4 and 1 and it will figure out the rest. But I find it 
more logical to enter all strings...)

Strings are entered as \n where n is the string number counted from the 
"highest" string which usually are the one lowest down when you play.

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

convert-ly in 2.19.36-1

2016-02-14 Thread Anders Eriksson

I have just updated to version 2.19.36-1.

When I take an old .ly file, with version \version "2.19.15", and run 
convert-ly I get \version "2.19.32"

Have I done something wrong or is there a "bug"?

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly in 2.19.36-1

2016-02-15 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-02-15 08:50, Malte Meyn wrote:

Am 15.02.2016 um 08:01 schrieb Anders Eriksson:

When I take an old .ly file, with version \version "2.19.15", and run
convert-ly I get \version "2.19.32"

Have I done something wrong or is there a "bug"?

This means that there are no syntax changes between 2.19.32 and 
2.19.36/no convert-ly rules after 2.19.32. Everything ok ;)

OK, I didn't realize that there were difference between program version 
and syntax version.

Thank for enlightening me!

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: midi2ly dll error

2016-04-04 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-04-04 11:03, Gianmaria Lari wrote:

Ciao Federico,

regarding [configure Frescobaldi to reference a specific phyton 
compiler] you wrote:

You must add it to the path in system preferences, as explained here:

Yes, I can change the system path but this is something I wanted to 
avoid. I have other software that refer to "c:\Python27" and changing 
the system path will make them stop to working. I thought it was 
possible to specify the python compiler to use only for Frescobaldi.

Do you have PYTHONPATH environment variable defined?
If you do, remove it (you may want to save the value).

Do Lilypond work?
Do the other python27 programs work?

It works for me!

// Anders
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is this MIDI file correct?

2017-01-28 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2017-01-28 11:04, Simon Albrecht wrote:

Hello everybody,

I’m having some trouble with MIDI right now and would like to verify 
if the problem lies with playback. Could someone tell me whether the 
attached MIDI file has any issues?

On Windows 10 and Windows Media Player I can hear a Piano playing.
So no Issues, unless there should be more voices...

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond hogging a processor and slowing down

2017-02-15 Thread Anders Eriksson

One thing that can take a lot of time is building Font database.

There seems to be a "bug" in Lilypond on Windows so that the font 
database is created every time!

A workaround is to delete the directory

%homepath%\ .lilypond-fonts.cache-2

The first time you Engrave it create the font database, but the next 
time it's already done...

NB! If you're using multiple versions of Lilypond you need to do this 
every time you change version:

// Anders

On 2017-02-15 15:38, Peter Toye wrote:

Re: Lilypond hogging a processor and slowing down Phil,

You're right - I should have said.

Windows 7. LP 2.19.52

Best regards,


Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 1:15:38 PM, you wrote:

Lilypond version?  Operating system?

Phil Holmes

- Original Message -
*From: *Peter Toye 
*To: * 
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 15, 2017 12:50 PM
*Subject:* Lilypond hogging a processor and slowing down

In the last few days LP has slowed right down when using Frescobaldi - 
engraving a one-bar snippet took 25 seconds! And it was completely 
hogging one processor - 24.9% utilisation on a 4-processor machine.

The only thing that I can think of is that inadvertently I 
double-clicked on the LP icon rather than the Frescobaldi one at some 
stage before the slowup happened, but that just produced the standard 
test file output.

I've tried uninstalling and re-installing LP, but that didn't change 

Any ideas?


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Version 2.18 vs.2.19 speed and W10

2016-09-14 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-09-14 12:07, Phil Holmes wrote:
- Original Message - From: "Anders Eriksson" 
To: "Knut Petersen" <>; "lilypond-user" 

Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: Version 2.18 vs.2.19 speed and W10

I've tried to reproduce this on my Windows 10 machine using Process 
Monitor to check file operations.  I get an initial slow run with both 
.42 and .43 (I didn't time .42, but .43 was 10.8 seconds).  My second 
run with .42 was 0.8 seconds, and 0.4 s with .43.  So I can't help 
much further unless I can reproduce the problem.  My Windows version 
in 10.0.14393 - what version is the problem appearing on?  Do you have 
files in c:\users\yourusername\.lilypond-fonts.cache-2 ?  Do they 
update every time LilyPond is run?

After deleting all the files in the .lilypond-fonts.cache-2 directory it 
works like normal! Takes a bit longer the first time but not in later runs.

One thing that I noticed was that the latest files where called

The were two files called exactly the same minus the .NEW also in the 

Thanks for helping!

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Version 2.18 vs.2.19 speed and W10

2016-09-08 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-09-08 19:03, Michael Rivers wrote:

I'm not sure it's due to a change between v2.19.46 and 47. For most of the
summer, I had been running an older development version and an older version
of Frescobaldi for a while, and they were running fine. I hadn't run
Lilypond in a few weeks, and in the meantime Windows 10 updated to the
"Anniversary edition". When I ran Lilypond again two days ago, it was 20
times slower. Trying to fix that, I updated Lilypond and Frescobaldi to the
newest versions, but that didn't help.

So, while I can't tell exactly what caused the extreme reduction in speed, I
can confirm that Lilypond on the current version of Windows runs
dramatically slower with versions somewhat older than 2.19.47.

I also have noticed the the reduction in speed and one thing I have 
noticed is that every time I compile a .ly file Lilypond will build the 

Initializing FontConfig...

Adding fontconfig configuration file: 

Adding fontconfig configuration file: 

Adding fontconfig configuration file: 

Adding font directory: 

Building font database

and in the version

Initializing FontConfig...

Adding fontconfig configuration file: 

Adding fontconfig configuration file: 

Adding fontconfig configuration file: 

Adding font directory: 

Building font database...

I'm running Windows 10 Anniversary Update

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Version 2.18 vs.2.19 speed and W10

2016-09-11 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-09-11 11:38, Knut Petersen wrote:   4.7   29.8

Don't know how to proceed...

Do you use downloaded versions or do you build lilypond from the 
source code?

I downloaded from

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Version 2.18 vs.2.19 speed and W10

2016-09-11 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-09-10 22:16, tisimst wrote:

Just thought I'd add my two cents. I'm using Windows 8 and I only see a small
speed increase between older versions and 2.19.47.


\repeat unfold 200 { \tuplet 5/4 { c'4 d' e' f' g' } }

and compiling in "publish" mode (i.e., no point-and-click links) I get the
following results:

2.18.2 - 6.5 seconds
2.19.36 - 2.7 seconds
2.19.47 - 3.0 seconds

I have now tested (with the same code) some versions of Lilypond on my 
Windows 10 Anniversary and found this:

Version Seconds 6.7   7.0   4.0   4.5   4.2   4.7   29.8   27.9   28.2   28.0

So the problem begins with 2.19.43.

Don't know how to proceed...

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dynamics & simultaneous notes yield "programming error"

2016-08-28 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-08-28 17:52, Joel C. Salomon wrote:

Compiling the attached file yields errors of the sort

programming error: asked to compute volume at +1.00 for dynamic span of 
duration 1.00 starting at 1
continuing, cross fingers

Don't know why but the error occurs when the midi is created!

MIDI output to `programming_error.mid'...Track...



programming error: asked to compute volume at +1.00 for dynamic span 
of duration 1.00 starting at 1

continuing, cross fingers

programming error: asked to compute volume at +1.00 for dynamic span 
of duration 1.00 starting at 1

continuing, cross fingers


// Anders
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Font cache issues on Windows 10

2016-11-15 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-11-07 21:27, Gianmaria Lari wrote:

[Lilypond 2.19.49 slow compilation time and font cache]

But the solution seems
to be to simply delete the cache, prompting a rebuild, so it's not
a big deal for most of us.

Just updated to 2.19.50 and now the  cache directory has to be deleted 
after each reboot!

So it seem like it got worse...

How do Lilypond decide if the cache should be built or not?

// Anders
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: #4975 [Windows] Grace notes cause staff to protrude into the margin

2016-11-18 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-11-19 02:51, Ralph Palmer wrote:

Greetings -

I'm running LY 2.19.40 under Windows 7 SP1.

I ran into a situation that appears to be related to #4975.

On Windows 10 and Lilypond 2.19.50 I get:


Interpreting music...

Preprocessing graphical objects...

programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.221141

continuing, cross fingers

programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.221141

continuing, cross fingers

// Anders
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly oddities

2016-12-18 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-12-18 12:54, Peter Toye wrote:
convert-ly oddities I've just installed 2.19.52 and put it into 
Frescobaldi. On converting two of my files I got 2 oddities:

1) (fairly serious) It converted to 2.19.49, not .52 - I changed the 
version number by hand, but I'd have thought that this should be 
automatic. The message at the bottom of the file is:

%{ (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.52 Processing `'...
Applying conversion: 2.19.2, 2.19.7, 2.19.11, 2.19.16, 2.19.22,
2.19.24, 2.19.28, 2.19.29, 2.19.32, 2.19.40, 2.19.46, 2.19.49

This means that there hasn't been any syntax changes between .49 and .52


I have been recommended that I manually change the \version to the 
current one AFTER running convert-ly

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly oddities

2016-12-18 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2016-12-18 12:54, Peter Toye wrote:
convert-ly oddities I've just installed 2.19.52 and put it into 
Frescobaldi. On converting two of my files I got 2 oddities:

2) (annoying) It inserted a blank line between each of the original 
lines in the file. Could this be because I'm using Windows and the 
CR-LF newline is confusing it? This would appear to be a bug.

Just installed 2.19.52 and running from Frescobaldi convert-ly on file 
with version 2.18.2 there is no blank lines inserted

I'm using Windows 10.

// Anders
lilypond-user mailing list

addChordShape shape-definition

2017-03-19 Thread Anders Eriksson
I'm trying to create my own predefined chords and I'm wondering about 
the shape definition

In there is this

\addChordShape #'f #guitar-tuning #"1-1-(;3-3;3-4;2-2;1-1;1-1-);"

This shape-definition doesn't follow the 
|\fret-diagram|definition-stringspecification, and I can't find any 
specification for the adChordShape shape-definition.

Would someone please give me a link to where this spec is, or explain 
how it works?

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: install lilypond v2.19.57

2017-03-22 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2017-03-21 23:25, MING TSANG wrote:
 I download and install lilypond v2.19.57; but when I try to make 
lilypond version to use in Lilypound Preference of Frecobaldi v3.0.0 
and I got the following error.

Is any one download lilypond v2.19.57 have any problem?  I am running 
with window 10

It works for  me with Windows 10, Frescobaldi 2.20

A stupid question: Is Lilypond installed in the directory you have given 
in Frescobaldi?

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond v 2.19.59 Windows - Avast indicates Virus!

2017-04-10 Thread Anders Eriksson
I just downloaded and installed version 2.19.59 and during installation 
Avast Antivirus (Free) says that there are some Viruses in the installation.

The indicated  files are


both are detected with TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen
Which Avast describes like

The term 'TR' denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, 
violate your privacy, or perform unwanted modifications to the system.

A generic detection routine designed to detect common family 
characteristics shared in several variants. This special detection 
routine was developed in order to detect unknown variants and will be 
enhanced continuously.

I'm pretty sure that there isn't any virus or trojan in the Windows 
installation program, but better save than sorry. So Please check this!

// Anders

I'm running Windows 10 and Avast Free Antivirus

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fw: Exited with return code -1073741819.

2017-03-08 Thread Anders Eriksson
Not knowing anything about the particulars of the version and the .ly 
file. I would assume that when you ran Lilypond with UAC disabled it 
wrote something in a place where UAC normally stops you from and now 
after you have enabled UAC again it just reads from this place.

This place can be a file or the Registry...

// Anders

On 2017-03-08 15:28, David Nalesnik wrote:

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 8:10 AM, David Nalesnik  wrote:

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 7:55 AM, David Nalesnik  wrote:

OK, Seems I fixed it for my system.

After I run lilypond with the file in the ordinary windows "Command Prompt,"


I found the error:

echo %errorlevel%


net helpmsg 255

The extended attributes are inconsistent.

Googling this super unhelpful error message leads me here:

Do what it says, and *restart*

Hope that works for you and others!

Note:  I can't say what the consequences of shutting off UAC are.  If
there is a better way to get extended privileges for LilyPond, please
let me know.

Now here's the odd thing.

I decided that shutting UAC off was not a great idea, since it's
protecting me from threats unknown!  So I followed the steps again,
put things back to "Windows Default".  Restarted.  Expected the file
not to compile, but the file (with the one-line-too-many) compiles on
the command line just fine.

I had thought that a better way was to elevate the user privileges of
lilypond.exe, but maybe all it takes to fix the problem is to follow
the solution at the link, then go back to the previous setting?


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Re: OT!?

2017-06-30 Thread Anders Eriksson
The link goes to YouTube video manager, not to the video, and since we 
don't have any rights to manage Marios videos we end up in our own 
manager (if we have an YouTube account, or an error message if not).

Resend with the link to the video.

// Anders

On 2017-06-30 07:53, Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote:

Hello Mario,

Sorry I can’t see your example, I dont have any Google account.


Le 30 juin 2017 à 02:55, Mario Moles  a écrit :

Arranged with Lilypond/Frescobaldi!

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Re: OT!?

2017-06-30 Thread Anders Eriksson

This is the link to the video

// Anders

On 2017-06-30 08:07, Anders Eriksson wrote:
The link goes to YouTube video manager, not to the video, and since we 
don't have any rights to manage Marios videos we end up in our own 
manager (if we have an YouTube account, or an error message if not).

Resend with the link to the video.

// Anders

On 2017-06-30 07:53, Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote:

Hello Mario,

Sorry I can’t see your example, I dont have any Google account.


Le 30 juin 2017 à 02:55, Mario Moles <> a 
écrit :

Arranged with Lilypond/Frescobaldi!

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Re: Windows 10 and Dropbox

2017-08-05 Thread Anders Eriksson
Using the same versions of Windows and Dropbox and opening the file with 
Frescobaldi there is no problem to create the output files

.mid, .pdf is created in the dropbox.

// Anders

On 2017-08-05 17:55, wrote:

With a .ly file in Dropbox (local file but connected to the cloud) and with the
OS Windows 10, I have never been successful in compiling it. The log stops at
"Drawing systems..." and no .pdf or .ps file appears, however long I wait.

If the OS is Windows 7, there is no problem. Also if the .ly file is outside
Dropbox, there is no problem even with Windows 10.

Has this happened to anyone else?  Is there a cure (except for abandoning 

My current Windows 10 is Pro Ver. 1703 Build 15063.483, and Dropbox is Ver.
31.4.25, but this has been happening for at least half a year and at least on
another machine with Windows 10 Home, so I don't think this is

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Re: lilypond crashes on translation of the attached file

2017-08-22 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2017-08-22 19:01, skolnik wrote:

When I translate the attached file lilypond crashes. Command output:

PS I am running on windows with version 2.18.2.

I can't reproduce the problem on Windows 10 with 2.18.2 or 2.19.65. Both 

if you if you compile with Verbose output you might get some more 
indication of what is wrong.

|-V, --verbose|

   Be verbose: show full paths of all files read, and give timing

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Interactive PDF Link to Notes in Preview

2018-07-05 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2018-07-05 18:30, Federico Bruni wrote:

If I type lilypond and then hit TAB, it's not in the available commands

ON windows the Tab completion only "sees" programs in the current 
directory or if you already have entered a path, the directory the path 
is pointing to.

So if you don't get an completion then there isn't any program that 
begins with 'lilypond' in the directory

// Anders

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Frescobaldi] convert-ly don't work in 3.0.1 in Windows

2018-09-11 Thread Anders Eriksson

Importing MusicXML also does nothing!

Is there a log somewhere, nothing is displayed in the log window...

// Anders

On 2018-09-11 16:24, Urs Liska wrote:

Am 11.09.2018 um 02:06 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 10.09.2018 um 19:07 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 10. September 2018 18:29:32 MESZ schrieb Federico Bruni 


OK, I have put my hands on the code that calls convert-ly 

It turns out that indeed Frescobaldi just invokes 'convert-ly' (with 
the absolute path, according to the current LilyPond version) without 
any notion of Python2/Python3.

On Linux this is a shell script that explicitly starts the Python 
bundled with LilyPond,

I don't know what exactly happens with this on Windows, but I think 
it *should* work, since it relies on what is bundled with LilyPond, 
not the Python3 from Frescobaldi.

I think I'd need more information to give a better opinion.

One question: IIUC this should not only affect convert-ly, but also 
importing MusicXML, MIDI or ABC. Could someone check that, please?


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Re: Frescobaldi Log Error -1073741819 on Windows10

2018-09-27 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2018-09-27 13:09, Peter Gentry wrote:

In the last couple of days both Desktop and Laptop machines have 
stopped compiling files and producing one line in the log.


*Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.81 

*Exited with return code -1073741819.*

The Error code c005 is the code for an *access violation
*-1073741819**is the decimal representation of the hexadecimal c005.

If you turn on Verbose output (in Layout Control Options in Frescobaldi) 
you will get more information and there might be a clue on what Lilypond 
can't access.

Probably some access rights that is not allowing read or write...

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: conver-ly using frecobaldi 3.0.1

2019-06-21 Thread Anders Eriksson


There is a bug in Frescobaldi 3.0.1 on Windows that makes running the not work!

See this thread at Frescobaldi's support site!msg/frescobaldi/9BN23eKkxws/ZgnUKBzBBgAJ

Running from the command line works of cause!

// Anders

On 2019-06-21 12:37, MING TSANG wrote:

Hi, all

At frecobaldi I try to do convert-ly and it seems not working

Three steps taken:
1. I run the LSR=619 with lily v2.18 -- it works
2. I change version to 2.19.83 and run and I gor the following error

Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.83 [Untitled (5)]...



error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here


(ly:parser-set-note-names parser dodecaPitchNames)

Interpreting music...[8][16]

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Finding the ideal number of pages...

Fitting music on 1 page...

Drawing systems...

Layout output to `./tmp-lilypond-jVJdoZ'...

Converting to `document.pdf'...

Deleting `./tmp-lilypond-jVJdoZ'...

Unbound variable: parser

fatal error: failed files: 

Exited with return code 1.

3. THEN I try to use frecobaldi v3.0.1 to do convert-ly and it is not 

    I select "tools" -> "updates with convert-ly..."
          it did nothing. I then hit Run Again" and nothing happened.
Inline image

How to set up frecobaladi v3.0.1 so that the tools - convert-ly works?


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Re: conver-ly using frecobaldi 3.0.1

2019-06-21 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2019-06-21 17:01, MING TSANG wrote:
Anders:  Thank you for the info about convert-ly in frecobaldi. I will 
wait for the new version.
David: The LSR 619 do not contain \version statement. So I added to it 
and run and it's OK.. Then I change the \version to "2.19.83" and 
compile - error occurs.  Then I try to use frecobaldi to do the 
convert-ly and it fails.

I have not run command line convert-ly ever. Please send me the 
command synthetic and steps of executing it. Thanks.


Documentation for

// Anders
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LP-set songbook released

2019-04-29 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2019-04-28 22:34, Christopher R. Maden wrote:

On 4/27/19 4:59 AM, J Martin Rushton wrote:

A very creditable production.  Don't worry about the letter/A4 issue,
it printed out perfectly on my A4 system.  There is one problem
though, the tempo marks have all printed as odd line shapes: steps,
symbols like pi or just vertical bars.  The display in Firefox is
correct however.

That’s really interesting!  This was done with LP 2.18.2, with no 
special modifications to the defaults; the tempi are just things like:

    \tempo 2. = 60

What software are you using that shows problems?  The MediaWiki 
thumbnails (made with ImageMagick, I believe) came out fine, and Atril 
and Evince show it fine.  I have not tested the output in Adobe Reader 
or Okular.

Works perfectly with Adobe Reader 2019.010.20099 on Windows 10

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: if procedure

2019-11-27 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2019-11-27 14:20, Freeman Gilmore wrote:

 From Extending Lilypond:

guile> (define a 3)
guile> (define b 5)
guile> (if (> a b) "a is greater than b" "a is not greater than b")
"a is not greater than b"

Note missing ")".

No, it's not missing any ")"

In Frescobaldi i tried:

\version "2.19.83"
#(define a 3)
#(define b 5)
#(display (if (> a b) "a is greater than b" "a is not greater than b")
"a is not greater than b"))

What is the code suppose to do?
You define two variables, a and b, and give them a value.
You then compare a and b and if a is greater than b then you write out a 
text "a is greater than b" if not then you write out a different text "a 
is not greater than b".

Scheme is a Lisp based language and uses parentheses to group statements.
The number of left parentheses should be the same as the number of right 

Your problem is the line

#(display (if (> a b) "a is greater than b" "a is not greater than b")

It has 3 left parentheses and 2 right parentheses.
Frescobaldi is helpful and shows the matched parentheses when you put 
the cursor on a a parentheses.
Using this help you soon will find the the first left parentheses has no 
right parentheses.

The error will disappear if you add a right parentheses last on the line
#(display (if (> a b) "a is greater than b" "a is not greater than b"))

// Anders

Re: Convert-ly adds line breaks

2020-03-15 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2020-03-15 20:18, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:


Thank you for your reply.

I have not used “command line” to run

Can you provide a process?

Thank you,


Hello Mark,

1.    Start a command Window (cmd)
2.    change the current directory to directory>\usr\bin

3.    type  -e 
(4    Press enter )

The original file will be renamed ~

The converted file will get the original name.

// Anders

[] *On Behalf 
Of *Anders Eriksson

*Sent:* Sunday, March 15, 2020 11:02 AM
*Subject:* Re: Convert-ly adds line breaks

On 2020-03-15 18:48, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:


The same happened when I used


[] *On
Behalf Of *Mark Mathias
*Sent:* Sunday, March 15, 2020 3:26 AM
*To:* lilypond-usermailinglist 
*Subject:* Convert-ly adds line breaks

Running Frescobaldi 3.1.1 "Update with convert-ly" from LilyPond
2.18.2 to 2.20.0 added an extra line break to every line of the
.ly file (Windows10). I can strip them out of course, but is there
a way to avoid this? Couldn't find anything in Frescobaldi
preferences that covers this.

Thank you,


Running directly from command line works!
Windows 10
Lilypond 2.20.0

But not from Frescobaldi 3.1

// Anders

Re: Convert-ly adds line breaks

2020-03-15 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2020-03-15 18:48, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:


The same happened when I used


[] *On Behalf 
Of *Mark Mathias

*Sent:* Sunday, March 15, 2020 3:26 AM
*To:* lilypond-usermailinglist 
*Subject:* Convert-ly adds line breaks

Running Frescobaldi 3.1.1 "Update with convert-ly" from LilyPond 
2.18.2 to 2.20.0 added an extra line break to every line of the .ly 
file (Windows10). I can strip them out of course, but is there a way 
to avoid this? Couldn't find anything in Frescobaldi preferences that 
covers this.

Thank you,


Running directly from command line works!
Windows 10
Lilypond 2.20.0

But not from Frescobaldi 3.1

// Anders

Re: Untraceable error message: procedure ly:trampoline

2020-03-31 Thread Anders Eriksson


I get the same error when compiling for preview or publish, but if I 
compile for Layout Control and have Verbose output checked then I get no 

Just an observation!

// Anders
Running Frescobaldi 3.1 on Windows 10.

On 2020-03-31 19:07, gunnarfm wrote:

Hi - I'm trying to compile my orchestral score in Frescobaldi but keep
getting the below error message (note that it seems to compile fine in

Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.20.0 []...
Processing `C:/Users/mollg/OneDrive/Desktop/'
Interpreting music...[8][16]ERROR: In procedure ly:trampoline:
ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 3 (expecting Translator): #
Exited with return code 1.

I'm not sure what is wrong.  I only get this error message when I try adding
to the clarinet line in my score.  If I try to add any notes, articulations,
rests, etc, I get that error message.  I've attached my score for reference.
Is this a memory issue?  Can anyone help? 

Sent from:

Re: Untraceable error message: procedure ly:trampoline

2020-03-31 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2020-03-31 21:39, gunnarfm wrote:

Ignore my previous reply - it worked!!

Do you happen to know why it compiles when doing it this way?

Not really, but if you run lilypond from the command line there is no 


*It creates test.pdf

So it looks like Frescobaldi adds something that makes it not work...

// Anders

Re: How to run Lilypond programatically from Python instead of calling the Lilypond executable to generate sheet music?

2020-10-09 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2020-10-09 18:00, Matthew Moisen wrote:


The normal way to run Lilypond is to create a text file and then call 
the lilypond executable to convert it into a PDF.

Is it possible to instead from python programmatically call Lilypond 
APIs to generate PDFs? I know that I can make a system call to the 
lilypond executable, but I was hoping to do this via APIs instead.

Try Abjad

Re: lilypond-windows.exe does nothing

2020-10-03 Thread Anders Eriksson
Just FYI, I'm running Windows 10 and Lilypond 2.20 (and 2.21) and 
lilypond-windows -h does nothing as you say. But if I call

lilypond-windows then it creates test.pdf

Also running it via Frescobaldi v3.1.2 works perfectly.
I tried to change lilypond-windows.exe to lilypond.exe in Frescobaldi 
and that worked also...

// Anders

On 2020-10-03 09:20, Paul McKay wrote:
I'm trying to upgrade from 2.19 to 2.20 on a laptop running Win 10. 
Uninstalled lilypond and Frescobaldi. Reinstalled 2.20. Loaded .ly file.
Asked to engrave it. It worked but there were errors in the .ly file. 
Fixed them. Asked to engrave it. Nothing happened. Repeatedly … No 
other files would engrave. Uninstalled Frescobaldi. Manually deleted 
all references to it from the registry. Reinstalled it. No change. 
Tried to run lilypond manually. (Lilypond and Lilypond/usr/bin are in 
my path.) /lilypond -h/ works fine and gives me the output I expect. 
/lilypond-windows -h/ does nothing. I uninstalled lilypond. Manually 
removed most mentions in the registry. Downloaded it again and 
reinstalled. It still does nothing whenever Frescobaldi or I try run it.

Any suggestions as to what to try next would be appreciated.
Paul McKay

Re: Version 2.22.1 problem

2021-11-21 Thread Anders Eriksson
One thing that I do that might help is NOT letting Lilypond install 
under Program files (x86), whichis default. I always change this to 


Windows has special security rules for the Program files (86) directory. 
Which teoretically would be satisfied by running as Administrator, but I 
had problems so I installed in the root instead...

// Anders
PS! I looks like there is a space before bin in the path...

On 2021-11-21 18:52, Leonid Hrabovsky wrote:

Ok, I will check. My Windows version is 8. The errors are:

"Error opening file for writing:

C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\ bin\libexpat-1.dll

Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file."

"Error opening file for writing:

C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\ bin\libffi-6.dll

Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file."

/*Lеонід - Leonid*/

On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 12:37 PM Jean Abou Samra  

Le 21/11/2021 à 18:33, Leonid Hrabovsky a écrit :
> Hi colleagues, - who of you, if anybody, uses Windows version
2.22.1 ?
> There are two .dll missing and install fails so far.

I run Ubuntu and cannot test anything either. Could you paste
the precise error message though? That could give a clue.
Also, what is your version of Windows?


Re: Version 2.22.1 problem

2021-11-21 Thread Anders Eriksson

I also have 2.22.1 installed and working

I would look at the ant-virus software and if it blocks the dll's

// Anders

On 2021-11-21 18:46, Hans Aikema wrote:
I just installed it in my window (32 bit, Windows 10) without any 
issue. So must be something specific to your environment that makes it 

There’s no DLL missing in the installer, at least not for my install.

On 21 Nov 2021, at 18:33, Leonid Hrabovsky  wrote:

Hi colleagues, - who of you, if anybody, uses Windows version 2.22.1 
? There are two .dll missing and install fails so far.

/*Леонід - Leonid

On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 12:10 PM Thomas Morley 

Am So., 21. Nov. 2021 um 17:15 Uhr schrieb Leonid Hrabovsky
> Thomas and colleagues,
> my attempt to download new version for Windows failed - two
.dll files missing (nrs. 1 & 6) and the install cannot continue.
Your advices?
> Леонід - Leonid

No clue, I'm on Linux


Re: Version 2.22.1 problem

2021-11-23 Thread Anders Eriksson


I'm sorry but I have not the possibility to connect remotely!

The error message say that you (the installation program) has gotten a 
write error when it tries to write these files to the disk.

The probable cause is that some other program has opened the files and 
locked them.

Anti-virus is one of these programs. But you tried to disable you 
anti-virus and got the same error.
Do you have any other programs that scans files e.g. for malware, or 

Try to start Windows in safe mode and install lilypond.

// Anders

On 2021-11-23 17:27, Leonid Hrabovsky wrote:
Hello gentlemen, who of you has the good will to help me remotely 
(through AnyDesk) with installing on Windows-8 version 2.22.1? All my 
own attempts failed - the error is /libexpat-1.dll & libffi-6.dll/ 
files missing.

/*Леонід - Leonid

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 1:25 PM Brian Barker 

At 11:54 22/11/2021 -0500, you wrote:
>Brian, in fact, I added "an" only in my letter, for "run as
>administrator" is real text.

Good-oh! The distinction I was making is that sometimes, even if you
are logged in with an administrator account, you also need to use the
"Run as administrator" facility to make everything work properly.

Brian Barker

Notes not under/over each other

2022-03-16 Thread Anders Eriksson


If I have a chord and the notes are one pitch apart, e. g. f g
is it standard that they are not shown in a vertical line but in zig zag

Is there anything I can do about it, or is it how it should?

// Anders

Re: LilyPond 2.23.7 released

2022-03-27 Thread Anders Eriksson

Just tested with 2.23.6 and there it works!

One thing that is different between 2.23.6 and 2.23.7 is that in 2.23.6 
there is a lilypond-windows.exe but not in 2.23.7

I tried both lilypond-windows.exe and lilypond.exe and both works for 2.23.6

Also there is an installation program in 2.23.6, but just a zip for 2.23.7

// Anders

Re: LilyPond 2.23.7 released

2022-03-27 Thread Anders Eriksson

On 2022-03-27 16:28, Michael Gerdau wrote:

Can you compile this test file and report back?

\version "2.23.7"

#(debug-enable 'backtrace)

#(display (current-time))

#(display (localtime (current-time)))

#(display (strftime "%d.%m.%Y" (localtime (current-time

Starte lilypond.exe 2.23.7 [Ohne Titel]...
wird verarbeitet

Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen Fehler für den hier beginnenden 

 (display (localtime (current-time)))

Invalid argument
Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen Fehler für den hier beginnenden 

 (display (strftime "%d.%m.%Y" (localtime (current-time

Invalid argument

I get the same error. Win 10 English US

// Anders