Re: Request for contribution: font demonstration examples

2019-01-31 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 31.01.19 um 09:47 schrieb Urs Liska: * Classical "score" (e.g. an initial system of a Haydn symphony) Some measures of the 1st movement of Dvořák’s 9th symphony (copied from

Re: Request for contribution: font demonstration examples

2019-01-31 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 31.01.19 um 11:42 schrieb Urs Liska: Hi Malte, thank you, that looks like a good example. I will have to see if I can reasonably manage the indent in the infrastructure (because by default some instrument names are cut off). And (maybe trickier) I will have to find a way to use

Re: Horizontal shifting of chords

2019-02-04 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 04.02.19 um 08:59 schrieb Robert Blackstone: Hi All, I have been transcribing a  piano piece in \time 4/2, that ends with a chord \breve. The penultimate bar ends with the same chord half note. What LilyPond does here I find rather ugly : both chords need more space, and I would like to

Re: rest + fermata

2019-04-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 14.04.19 um 13:38 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen: Hi, This is strange: %%% start of tiny example \version "2.19.83" {   r1\fermata   R1\fermata } %%% end of tiny example r1\fermata works fine, R1\fermata doesn't. No fermata sign is printed. Is this a bug? That’s the third time in a few

Re: Part name going off screen

2019-06-07 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 07.06.19 um 05:36 schrieb branden marbaugh: So I am using Frescobaldi and used the setup wizard for a 4-voice project. The first line of the 4 voices is good but in the 2nd line, the instrument name goes off screen. Hi Branden, you have to set short-indent (default 0) in a layout or

Re: Vertical spacing of numeric time signature

2019-05-09 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 09.05.19 um 16:53 schrieb Is there any simple way to modify the vertical spacing between numerator and denominator in a numeric time signature? Not really simple. But it can be done by redefining the stencil: \version "2.21.0" #(define (fraction-with-gap gap)

Re: How to write notes for drums?

2019-05-12 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 12.05.19 um 07:53 schrieb Данил Костенков: Hello everybody! I want to write notes for drums. But I don’t know how it do. Give me some advices and instructions about this. Thank you in advance. Hi Danil, have a look at the “Percussion” section of the Notation Reference:

Re: The "let vibrate" tie

2019-05-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 14.05.19 um 01:57 schrieb Vicente Sanches: Hi everyone, How can I input that l.v. ("let vibrate") tie used generally with timpani and mallets such as vibraphone em marimba? Hi Vicente, try \laissezVibrer. See also

Re: Barcheck with full measure rests

2019-05-21 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 21.05.19 um 12:51 schrieb Michael Gerdau: the following MWE triggers a barcheck failure. Is that intended or a bug? And if it is intended I'd like to understand the rationale. % \version "2.21.0" { R1*3/4 s4 | } % Hi Michael, that’s intended: R is used for

Re: Barcheck with full measure rests

2019-05-21 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 21.05.19 um 13:08 schrieb J Martin Rushton: The notation reference for 2.18.2 doesn't seem to mention using fractions with multi-measure rests. Using just {R1*3/4} generates programming errors and no rest is output. The fraction is not the problem: { \time 3/4 R1*3/4 } This works

Re: \transposedQuoteDuring

2019-05-01 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 01.05.19 um 15:53 schrieb Pierre-Luc Gauthier: Hi there, Is there a way to transpose a quotation, say, an octave higher ? I used the following code some years ago. IIRC you can call \color-music-if-point-and-click f. e. in a \layout { \context { \Voice … } } block to get grey quotes.

Re: how to restore the override to it default.

2019-05-07 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 07.05.19 um 21:30 schrieb MING TSANG: Lilyponders, The override take effect for bar 2 to bar 4. I try to use \remove , but not working. The correct command is \revert: \revert or \revert Stem.transparent ___ lilypond-user

Re: scheme-question about accumulating lists of lists

2019-04-19 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 19.04.19 um 16:35 schrieb Thomas Morley: I could do (cons '(a b c) (list (car (list-pair)) (cdr (list-pair and to get the last list: (last ...) Looksy clumsy, though. Any better method? I’m not sure what you want to do here. But maybe it would be easier to convert the pair of lists

Re: move rehearsal marks

2019-05-05 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 05.05.19 um 07:48 schrieb Gianmaria Lari: How I can move a bit on the left the rehearsal mark "A" to make it taking less vertical space? I’d use X-offset: \override Score.RehearsalMark.X-offset = 1 ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Aesthetics question -- how would you typeset this?

2019-07-02 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 03.07.19 um 06:36 schrieb Evan Driscoll: It's for cello, and just the part, no score. Is that playable? I sadly haven’t touched my cello for a few months now and it’s 350 km away so I can’t try but I think I couldn’t play that passage despite having long fingers … It's a transcription

Re: tabstaff minimumfret behaving badly

2019-07-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 14.07.19 um 12:42 schrieb Immanuel Litzroth: Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to fix this? minimum-fret allows open strings because you don’t need the left hand for them. You can disallow that behaviour: \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t

vertical position of OttavaBracket

2019-07-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi list, I’m currently working on a patch that would make the default ottavation texts/markups (currently "8va"/"15ma" and "8vb"/"15mb") changeable by the user without having to \set Staff.ottavation after each \ottava, see the following code and attached picture:

Re: Aesthetics question -- how would you typeset this?

2019-07-02 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 03.07.19 um 05:54 schrieb Evan Driscoll: I've got a couple measures that I'm struggling to even figure out what I want the result from Lilypond to be. I've pasted the snippet below. As picky connoisseurs of good notation, I'm wondering what other people would do or like to see. :-) I'm

Re: More font ligatures

2019-07-08 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 06.07.19 um 03:38 schrieb Vaughan McAlley: Elam Rotam, of Early Music Sources fame, has created a font that recreates 16th century typesetting. It could be useful for doing quick, good looking incipits:

Re: vertical position of OttavaBracket

2019-07-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 14.07.19 um 16:21 schrieb Robin Bannister: Malte Meyn wrote: How can this made be top- or bottom-aligned (or aligned depending according to the 'direction property)? Inside a #(define-markup-command (command-name layout props arg1 arg2 …) you can collect 'direction as follows:   (let

Re: vertical position of OttavaBracket

2019-07-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 14.07.19 um 13:15 schrieb Andrew Bernard: Provide the mechanism, sure, but don't prescribe a single appearance. I don't even think there is a default that would suit everybody, that's the point. Of course I wouldn’t change LilyPond’s default. The markups I showed would be only an

Re: vertical position of OttavaBracket

2019-07-15 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 15.07.19 um 08:12 schrieb Robin Bannister: It is normal 'automagic' for    \box { "X" "Y" "Z"} to be mapped into    { \box "X" \box "Y" \box "Z" } giving you 3 boxes in a markup list to which \concat can be applied. Seems like that magic happens only for LilyPond syntax markups. The

Re: Key Signature consisting of 7 naturals?

2019-04-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 22.04.19 um 19:06 schrieb Malte Meyn: {   \set Staff.keyAlterations =   #`((3 . ,NATURAL) (0 . ,NATURAL) (4 . ,NATURAL) (1 . ,NATURAL) (5 . ,NATURAL) (2 . ,NATURAL) (6 . ,NATURAL))   c' } That’s in the order they would appear after cancelling 6

Re: Key Signature consisting of 7 naturals?

2019-04-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 22.04.19 um 18:44 schrieb Stefano Troncaro: I looked in the documentation and it states how to create synthetic key signatures, but it doesn't seem to tell how to make the naturals explicit. It can be done the same way as with sharps and flats: \version "2.21.0" { \set

Re: Tools for harmonic analysis (Riemann style)

2019-04-26 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi Urs, Lukas, and everybody, Am 26.04.19 um 14:45 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser: And @Malte, am I wrong if I remember that I saw some work on functional analysis symbols done by you? that’s true. For my thesis I needed such symbols for use both in LaTeX and LilyPond. I had made a LilyPond

Re: Melisma breaking converting from 2.18 to 2.19

2019-08-27 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 27.08.19 um 04:40 schrieb Vaughan McAlley: I’m trying to convert a large choral project to 2.19. When I compile with 2.19, melismas don't work at all. For example: c'4 \melisma d' e' \melismaEnd f puts a note on every syllable. […] Does this ring a bell with anyone? Yes, it does.

Re: Suppress Volta Starting Repeat

2019-08-26 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 26.08.19 um 03:22 schrieb keith Luke: Is it possible to suppress the a volta starting repeat? Yes, that should be possible. The following code generates a repeat in front of the g1. No, it doesn’t. Please always give a minimal *working* (i. e. compilable) example. Which LilyPond

Re: Horizontal spacing algorithm

2019-08-26 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 26.08.19 um 09:56 schrieb Michael Gerdau: Anyway, have you actualliy tried the provided spacing examples given in the (old?) article with a current version of lilypond? Find attached my tests with the current (2 weeks old) git version. For those who don’t want to compile from git

Re: Melisma breaking converting from 2.18 to 2.19

2019-08-27 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 27.08.19 um 10:56 schrieb Malte Meyn: Yes, it does. The following two scores look the same in 2.18.2 and different in 2.19.83: This changed somewhere between 2.19.13 and 2.19.14. Without testing it looks like commit df3457d8 “Allow \addlyrics to work with arbitrary contexts” could

Re: A periodic enquiry re 2.20

2019-09-17 Thread Malte Meyn
Probable background of Urs’ question: Am 17.09.19 um 09:10 schrieb Urs Liska: To be a bit more specific: is there any chance for a release by mid-January? Am 17. September 2019 02:42:26 MESZ schrieb Andrew Bernard :

Re: Global chord modifications for multiple scores

2019-09-05 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 05.09.19 um 09:27 schrieb Witold Uchman: Hi all! Is there a way to globally modify chord properties in multiple scores contained in one file? I would like all the chords to be \germanChords with chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t, but I could not find a way to put it in the \layout block...

Fwd: Re: drinking song symbols

2019-09-18 Thread Malte Meyn
Forgot the list … Am 17.09.19 um 22:01 schrieb As an idea a saw somewhere, I made a little wineglass symbol where in the song you are to take a drink, as in bar 14 in: source code in

Re: Sacred Harp Repeats

2019-09-11 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 11.09.19 um 15:46 schrieb Anzick: Hello, I have been able to get the sacred harp style repeats to

Re: Problem with merging whole measure rests

2019-07-21 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi David, if I understand correctly you see a problem with the Merge_rests_engraver (your attached file That engraver didn’t merge MultiMeasureRests until 2.19.65 and does so since 2.19.80 (the first prerelease for 2.20.0, hence the version number jump from 65 to 80). However,

Re: Colored box behind a single note

2019-07-25 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 25.07.19 um 15:26 schrieb David Kastrup: So how do you distinguish a nested bracket starting and ending at the same musical moment to ending one bracket and starting the next at the same musical moment? Good question. Slightly off-topic: Currently it’s not possible to end one bracket and

break-align-symbols for MetronomeMark/RehearsalMark

2019-07-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi list, I’m unsure whether that’s a bug, poorly documented or my error: To me it looks like some break-align-symbols work for some grobs and others for others. The following code gives output that is highly inconsistent IMO. Any idea what I’m doing or expecting wrong? Cheers, Malte

Re: transpose for baritone sax

2019-09-27 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 27.09.19 um 02:33 schrieb Francesco Petrogalli: I understand that the correct way of doing this is first write the notes in the tonality of the instrument, and _then_ use \transposition to get the correct pitches in the midi, but I already have the notes in the ly file with the orchestral

Re: Metronome marks above piano staff of vocal score?

2019-07-09 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 09.07.19 um 18:52 schrieb Steven Smith: Is there a a way to have the metronome mark created by "\tempo 4=80" appear next to the piano staff as well as above the top staff of a SATB/Piano score? My research indicates that this placement is fairly common in choral pieces. Also, some

\RemoveAllEmptyStaves, TabStaff and \set commands [was: TabStaff.keepAliveInterfaces]

2019-11-02 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 02.11.19 um 09:39 schrieb Malte Meyn: Seems like the \set TabStaff… partly revives the TabStaff from being hidden. I just realized that other \set commands (not involving keepAliveInterfaces) show the same problem: \version "2.19.83" bla = { \repeat unfold 100 e'4 } git


2019-11-02 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi list, what am I (or what is LilyPond) doing wrong here? %%% \version "2.19.83" bla = { \repeat unfold 100 e'4 } git = { \set TabStaff.keepAliveInterfaces = #'() R1*10 \repeat unfold 60 c'4 } << \new Staff \bla \new Staff \with {

Re: Notation in Soprano Clef

2019-11-02 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 02.11.19 um 00:19 schrieb David Kastrup: Afterwards you use Frescobaldi's transpose function to transpose your input to the actual original key, proofread with soprano clef and finally reprint with treble clef. Even better: Frescobaldi does modal transpose too so you just can input

Re: Why is the notehead shifted?

2019-11-09 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 09.11.19 um 13:16 schrieb Peter Toye:  In this MWE the first  a is shifted to the left of the stem but the second one isn't. OK, it's a bit cramped, but I thought that the noteheads were scaled to the size of the staff to avoid this. Oddly, if the local staff size is changed to a

Re: 'Compressing' a 1 bar full bar rest

2019-11-06 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 06.11.19 um 09:38 schrieb Jacques Menu: Hello folks, I’d like to show that explicitly with a number, i.e. to have a ‘1’ above measure 2 in this example: \version "2.19.83" {   \time 4/4   \compressFullBarRests   R1*2 |   R1*1 |   c' | } How can that be achieved? Thanks for your

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 204, Issue 61

2019-11-13 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 13.11.19 um 20:43 schrieb bill wolf: Is there another way that avoids the fiddly adjustments--or even using two voices? You’ll need the two voices because of the opposite stem directions in the second half of the measure. However you can save some typing by using { } \\ { } instead of

Re: \epsfile

2019-11-15 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 15.11.19 um 10:47 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen: I am experimenting with the \epsfile command to include various pictures in my score. describes:  \epsfile axis (number) size (number) file-name (string)     Inline an

Re: drawing a range reguardless of transposition

2019-11-15 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 14.11.19 um 18:09 schrieb Aaron Hill: On 2019-11-14 8:53 am, Sandro Santilli wrote: In order to determine if I'm writing something that can be played by an instrument, is there a way to display on the score the supported range by that instrument ? I'd like to have something that doesn't

Re: How to color objects that cause collision

2019-11-15 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 15.11.19 um 01:50 schrieb Paolo Prete: I think that a very useful function would be a way to highlight or change the color for all the objects that are causing a collision. Is there already some code for that? Look for example at the two slurs in the following snippet: […] When there

Re: m7.5- transposed to sus#4 b3 ??

2019-11-12 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 12.11.19 um 09:56 schrieb Sandro Santilli: On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 10:08:07PM +0100, Thomas Morley wrote: Am Mo., 11. Nov. 2019 um 21:38 Uhr schrieb Sandro Santilli : I transcribed an A major song with this chords snippet: ees:m7.5- | aes:7 | aes:m7.5- | des:7 | When transposing it

Re: m7.5- transposed to sus#4 b3 ??

2019-11-11 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 11.11.19 um 21:38 schrieb Sandro Santilli: I transcribed an A major song with this chords snippet: ees:m7.5- | aes:7 | aes:m7.5- | des:7 | Are you sure you want those chords instead of dis:m7.5- gis:7 gis:m7.5- cis:7 ? Who wants to read a a-flat half-diminished chord (a-flat c-flat

Re: Markup problem

2019-12-04 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 04.12.19 um 10:19 schrieb Jacques Menu: Hello folks, In the following example, the markup doesn’t show up in the score, one only gets: Removing the \book around the \score avoids this problem, though. I’ve missed something it seems... Shouldn’t the \markup live inside the \book too?

Re: Piano Staves equidistant from Middle C?

2019-12-04 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 04.12.19 um 14:46 schrieb Kale Good: Hello, I'm trying to get my piano staves equidistant from middle C, with precisely the width of one staff-space between middle C and the top line of the bass clef and the bottom line of the treble. I’m not sure why setting values for

Re: Merge_rests_engraver bug with whole measure rest?

2019-12-10 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 10.12.19 um 10:57 schrieb Thomas Morley: Am Di., 10. Dez. 2019 um 10:42 Uhr schrieb Jens Gyldenkærne Jensen : The example from the manual regarding merging of rests ( show a strange difference between

Re: How can I apply default automatic beam logic for 4/4 meter to a piece written in 2/2 meter

2019-10-19 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 19.10.19 um 13:56 schrieb 田村 淳 via lilypond-user: If I set "\time 4/4” then the automatic beam works almost perfectly. Very little manual tweaking is required. Maybe then the easiest way is to use \time 4/4 and \set timeSignatureFraction = 2/2.

Re: Double clefs (or even triple)

2019-10-19 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 19.10.19 um 14:56 schrieb Alexandre Ficagna: Hi as Lilypond now have double G clefs with the \clef GG I'm wondering why there's no \clef FF or even more like \clef GGG and \clef FFF for 15a and 15b Hi Alexandre, I’ve never seen that, when are such clefs used? Cheers, Malte Still, I

Re: Easy way of suppessing tuplet numbers?

2019-10-19 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 19.10.19 um 13:23 schrieb Peter Toye: Is there an easy way to suppress tuplet numbers? When there's a long passage of triplets it gets too fussy having a "3" every time. I know it can be done with c*2/3 d*2/3 e*2/3 etc. but this takes ages to type, and is very inflexible if I decide to

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-18 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 18.10.19 um 14:29 schrieb foxfanfare: David Kastrup wrote So you need to put basically anything after the assignment to "num" before calling the \include statement. Thanks for your answer David, but I'm sorry I'm not following you here. What should I call before the include statement

Re: midi instrument for ChordNames

2019-10-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 22.10.19 um 09:54 schrieb Sandro Santilli: On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 12:15:47PM +0200, Thomas Morley wrote: please always provide a MWE, with the lily-version in it. What's MWE ? A minimal working example, see for why and how to create one.

Re: MIDI, rests and end-of-track

2019-10-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi Cam, please start a new thread for a new topic. (You replied to a thread about double clefs. You changed the subject but the information that it’s a reply to that thread is still there so it will be shown as part of that thread.) Am 22.10.19 um 17:06 schrieb Cam: \version "2.18.2" […]

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 23.10.19 um 21:59 schrieb Michael Wagner: I am seeing some behavior I don’t understand. I have ended the music for “Silver Bells” into lilypond, and I am seeing a puzzling error. The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 beats - I get a bar check failed and

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 23.10.19 um 23:09 schrieb Carl Sorensen: As you have identified, you can use “r2.” to get a ¾ note rest.  This rest will appear in the same note column as the first quarter note in the measure.  You can also use “R1*3/4” or “R2.” in ¾ time to get a ¾ note (whole measure) rest. This rest

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 23.10.19 um 23:38 schrieb Michael Gerdau: Lilypond is right, r1 is 4 beats long. What you probably want is r1*3/4 or most likely (and better) R1*3/4 instead of r1. More like R2. What is the difference between R2. and R1*3/4 apart from the obvious difference in the source file?

Re: \repeat percent not working for chordmode ?

2019-11-20 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 20.11.19 um 15:22 schrieb Sandro Santilli: I'd like to use percent signs for chord repeats but in a \chordmode block the repeats seem to end up being just not rendered (nothing printed for the repetition measures). Is there a way to get those percent signs ? Yes, you’ll need to include

Re: Full measure rests does not display in partial measure

2019-11-19 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 19.11.19 um 18:34 schrieb Павел Буданов: <<    { \partial 4*3 b b b b b b b }    \\    { R1*3/4 R1 } How to solve subject problem? I did not find the answer in the archive. A partial measure is partial, not full, so why do you want a full measure rest? In 4/4 time the rest

Re: Availability of music notation font in LibreOffice

2019-11-26 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 26.11.19 um 12:45 schrieb Peter Toye: I want to write some editorial notes which will be mostly free-form test but will include some musical symbols (dynamics, notes). A word processor (I use Libre office) is easiest for the text, but how do I include the musical symbols? Is the Feta

Re: Availability of music notation font in LibreOffice (Malte Meyn)

2019-11-27 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 27.11.19 um 12:58 schrieb Peter Toye: Bravura sounds like a good idea, except that I'm trying to work out how to get it. It seems that I have to download something (but the readme file doesn't exactly say what) from github and then install it using a proprietary installer which I've had

Re: Availability of music notation font in LibreOffice (Malte Meyn)

2019-11-27 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 27.11.19 um 13:52 schrieb Malte Meyn: Am 27.11.19 um 12:58 schrieb Peter Toye: Bravura sounds like a good idea, except that I'm trying to work out how to get it. It seems that I have to download something (but the readme file doesn't exactly say what) from github and then install

Re: 8va superscript

2019-11-28 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi Martin, AFAIK all of this can be done, yes. However, it’s a bit hacky and will be much easier in the not yet published 2.21.0 which will have improved ottava brackets. Am 28.11.19 um 10:36 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen: - 8va above the staff with the "va" superscripted like in the attached

Re: Macro with

2019-11-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 14.11.19 um 10:02 schrieb David Menéndez Hurtado: I am transcribing a piece that is filled with the rhythmic motif "8. 16 8" at different pitches. Being a LaTeX user, I want to write a macro like \myrithm{c a g}. Maybe or

Re: Disabling beamExceptions and beatStructure

2019-10-03 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 03.10.19 um 10:51 schrieb Leo Correia de Verdier: Dear list! I am working on a piece with constantly changing meters and it got me wondering if there is a way to set beamExceptions to #’() and beat structure to a suitably long sequence of ones for all time signatures in the whole piece

Re: Separating note names into pitch and accidentals

2019-12-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 22.12.19 um 10:51 schrieb Hans Åberg: To simplify the writing of note input names, they might be separated into separate parts for pitch and accidentals (or intervals). Testing this, I made C++ code where one first reads the longest pitch name available in a table, and then proceeds for

Re: A suggestion - add rf to built-in dynamics

2019-12-21 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 21.12.19 um 13:42 schrieb Peter Toye: May I suggest adding 'rf' to the built-in dynamics? Beethoven and Brahms used it quite a lot, even if it is synonymous with 'rfz' (pedants might disagree). As did some other, lesser, composers (one of whose music I am currently engraving). A far as

Re: A suggestion - add rf to built-in dynamics

2019-12-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 22.12.19 um 13:23 schrieb Peter Toye: I agree about \sp and \spp - what on earth are they meant to mean - a sudden quiet note in the middle of louder ones? Not a common musical gesture. Maybe they mean “subito piano” and “subito pianissimo”? Then they would not be for only a single not

Re: Double Parenthesis

2020-02-09 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 09.02.20 um 15:02 schrieb Freeman Gilmore: This is taken from the "Scheme Book". Question why double parenthesis for let ((rand (random 100))) ? A let expression can have several definitions, f. e. (let ( (rand (random 100)) (notrand (* 6 7)) ) […] )

Re: hide Stuff

2020-01-13 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 13.01.20 um 16:02 schrieb bb: I need the Stuff only for midi output and want to hide it from the pdf. Is it possible? regards Yes, you can use several \score blocks or the \tag command.

Re: hide Stuff

2020-01-14 Thread Malte Meyn
Please keep all conversation on the list. Am 14.01.20 um 11:36 schrieb bb: Thanks for reply. Works only partially. 1st there stays a Staff artefact This is because you tagged only the music inside the staff, not the staff itself. 2nd ther is no midi sound for the hidden notes I need the

Re: positioning a natural

2020-01-02 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 03.01.20 um 06:55 schrieb Mark Stephen Mrotek: Hello All, In the following the natural should be associated with the a4. Any suggestions/corrections welcome. How about this? \version "2.19.83" \relative c'' { << { ais8 ([b]) } \\ { \once \override

Re: align aftergraces

2020-01-04 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 04.01.20 um 17:38 schrieb Mark Stephen Mrotek: Hello all, In the following, the two aftergraces do not align. The 15/16 in \afterGrace 15/16 … is not a duration but a fraction of the duration of the following note. In the upper staff you have a half note, in the lower staff a quarter

Re: Output file extension

2019-12-23 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 23.12.19 um 10:19 schrieb Malte Meyn: might have something to do with Scheme modules The reason for this guess: I copied and changed the definition for output-preview-framework and it didn’t work as expected. So I looked where this function is called and found the file lily/paper

Re: Output file extension

2019-12-23 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 23.12.19 um 03:31 schrieb Paolo Prete: is it possible, in some way (without an external script) to override the extension for the output file? I need that output.svg is renamed as output.html Yes, that’s possible. The extension .svg as well as .preview.svg, .cropped.svg and

Re: Frescobaldi Quick key for Lily button

2019-12-29 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 29.12.19 um 16:44 schrieb Freeman Gilmore: In Frescobaldi is there a quick key that can be used in place of the Lily button? Yes, it’s Ctrl+M.    And one that will also clear the Music View or better one that would do both?    The problem is that the old view may not be updated when

Re: named strings in TABs

2020-01-05 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 05.01.20 um 10:55 schrieb bb: I named the strings in my TABs successfully as long as I use natural note names. If I use flats and sharps I get an error. How do I gat flats and sharps? How did you input the sharps? #, ♯, or \sharp? The character # is special in LilyPond, you’d have to

Re: Strange gap-behaviour with whole-note tremolo Beams

2020-03-27 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 27.03.20 um 12:23 schrieb Thomas Morley: I have no clue why this happens and where those added values came from. Any insights? Wild guess, to be tested: ll. 558 ff. of

Re: strange time changes - req help

2020-03-28 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 28.03.20 um 15:30 schrieb Aaron Hill: Would something like this work? \version "2.20.0" {   \time 4/4   \partial 8*7 | b'2 4. \bar "||" You don’t need this \partial 8*7. In fact it’s better to omit it for correct autobeaming and bar checks. (Your code gives a bar check

Re: version 2.18.2 - incorrect bar numbers with full measure rests

2020-03-18 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 18.03.20 um 17:44 schrieb Eby Mani: With 4/2 time, Bar numbers are incorrectly printed when using full measure rests. Even printing bar numbers for each measure is numbered incorrectly(attached sample). \context {\Score \override BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible } Is there a

Re: raise markup

2020-03-22 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 22.03.20 um 09:06 schrieb I've created a markup, simplified to 'X' in my example, and I would like to move it up partway into the staff. I can move it down with a negative number but it won't move higher than '0' in \translate. There must be a way to do this.

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