crazy golf

2001-06-14 Thread Chris Heathcote

Beware, it's in Flash (or Shockwave)

Hole 17 is a bugger

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Re: tape changes

2001-06-06 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 5/6/01 10:31 am, Robin Szemeti wrote:

> hmm .. we're trying to justify a move to 5gb a month .. at which point
> Nildram sounds like a cheaper option. ... is Aylesbury nice?

No :)

But hopefully you wouldn't need to go there that often (just when the root
password expires ho hum).

I think there best selling point is shown in one of their newsgroups
nildram.service - you've got Adrian, the MD, telling customers to complain
more, and telling off ex-Nildram staffers for justifying when things go

(8.2gb a month and rising)
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Re: tape changes

2001-06-05 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 4/6/01 11:29 pm, Chris Benson wrote:

> OTOH It makes Nildram's gbp2000 p.a. including 15mins of technician/day to
> do whatever you need seem very good value.

I have one of those. Nildram couldn't be more helpful. I've even had to
visit my box on occasion (ok, so they're in Aylesbury, but it's only an hour
away from London by train). As long as you've got a reasonable request,
they're happy to fulfill it.

When I had an FM server at Easynet, tape changing was considered part of the
package as well.

15 quid a shot sounds expensive to me - 15 quid a week is sort of
justifiable if it is a dirt-cheap host.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Windows Perl - how?

2001-05-31 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 31/5/01 12:37 pm, Mark Fowler wrote:

> I seem to remember downloading an .exe last week (which I no longer have
> and no longer seems to be where it was on thier site.)  Are they randomly
> switching between MSI and .exe and haven't bothered to upload the
> installer when they switched back.

I have vague memories that MSI is a new MS installation format, that needs a
new Windows installer - prolly Win98...

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: bad greg

2001-05-30 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 30/5/01 9:59 am, will wrote:

> I have heard good reports about but have not yet had a
> chance to try them out.

I've used them many a time, v good basic service.

Anyone got a similar registrar for .co.uks?

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Laziest way of selling stuph on line?

2001-05-25 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 25/5/01 10:17 am, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

> Is there any easier way of flogging stuff on line than using Amazon
> Z-shops? They settle quickly, commission isn't horrendous and they do
> some inventory management.

I think Yahoo do a similar deal.

Not necessarily much better tho'.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Election Manifestos

2001-05-22 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 22/5/01 5:26 pm, Robin Szemeti wrote:

>> Errr... no PR yet for general elections!
> really .. are you sure ? .. I'm certain this lot said they were going
> to do something about that ... how odd.

It was part of the buttering-up in case of a need for a Lib-Lab pact. It's
certainly been pushed on the back burner.

I feel more strongly about this than any particular party...

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Election Manifestos

2001-05-22 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 22/5/01 4:46 pm, Simon Wistow wrote:

> Simon Cozens wrote:
>> I've yet to hear a Labour MP talk eloquently about anything at all. Anyone
>> ever talked - sorry, tried talking - to their MP about RIP?
> Harriet Harman tried to tell me that I didn't really know about
> computers or the Internet.

There's a current trend towards minority-interest voting websites (e.g. what
does every MP think about gay rights, plus voting record, same for electoral
reform, green issues etc. etc.). Is there a computer/privacy/Internet
(or: is doing one? ;) )

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Election Manifestos

2001-05-22 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 22/5/01 4:19 pm, Robin Szemeti wrote:

> thank goodness for
> proportioanl representation, it should make the next parliament a lot
> more representative of what people actually want, ratehr than a choice
> between 2 (and a half ) evils.

Errr... no PR yet for general elections!

Slight aside, but the Electoral Reform Society urgently needs new members...
see for details of how to join.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Election Manifestos

2001-05-22 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 22/5/01 4:02 pm, Simon Wistow wrote:

> the Tory's want to repeal IR35, make RIPA less strict and speed up Local
> Loop unbundling, whereas Labour want to introduce laws meaning that if
> you pretend to be a teenager on the Net you can be jailed for 5 years
> (bad luck bK).

It seems that every promise in the Tory manifesto is based on hearsay and
rumour about things that people don't like at the moment. From
air-conditioned tubes, thru to RIPA, to cheap petrol, it's
bandwagon-jumping. Even if you agree with some, it's unlikely you'll agree
with a majority.

I have yet to see a Conservative talk eloquently and knowledgably about the
subjects they're making promises on. Which is fucking scary. You sort of
have to admire their bravado though, in some ghoulish way.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

OT: Eiswein

2001-05-22 Thread Chris Heathcote

(because people were talking about it)

ROME, May 21 (Reuters) - Canada has won the right to compete with Germany
and Austria in supplying Europeans with "Icewine," a sugary dessert wine
made from grapes harested in freezing temperatures.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Politics (was RE: BOFHs requiring license)

2001-05-14 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 14/5/01 9:24 pm, Robin Szemeti wrote:

> What the hell happened to the youth that did amusing things with steam
> engines, collected stamps and had a chemistry set? .. give a 16 year old
> a chemistry set today and they'd try and inject it.

They seem to have taken anything remotely fun out of chemistry sets these

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: (OT) constrained walk

2001-05-11 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 11/5/01 4:35 pm, Paul Mison wrote:

> This time, the constraint is the route; we'll be trying to walk around
> the Circle line, either trying to follow it as closely as possible or
> just walking between the stations. (We're deciding that on crisps, when
> it works.)

Has anyone got a proper lundun map with tube lines indicated... that would
be just chops.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: cocktails

2001-05-03 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 3/5/01 12:48 pm, Robin Houston wrote:

> The ICA bar is certainly open on Sunday afternoon, but will be
> serving more coffee than cocktails. I suppose they'd make you
> cocktails if you asked, but I wonder how expertly...

They always have one person on who tends to know what they're doing...

(who "helped" train them when the bar re-opened, by asking for awkward
drinks, and getting them v cheap)
 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: cocktails

2001-05-03 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 3/5/01 11:36 am, alex wrote:

> it should be open on a sunday afternoon by the way :)  for those
> interested in coming along, it will probably start about early afternoon.

How expensive?

Off the top of my head:
ICA bar, Match (Noho/Farringdon/Sosho), lab (on Old Compton St.), aka...
also heard about Smiths of Smithfield, but never been there.

Dunno about Sun afternoon opening on all those...

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Good Accountants

2001-04-27 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 27/4/01 11:08 am, Rob Partington wrote:

>> about all things Manc on a list?!
> Given the number of people I've seen from Manchester Uni at the
> technical meetings, probably not...

Y'see I was a Salford problem kid...

 every day, computers are making people easier to use


2001-04-25 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 25/4/01 5:25 pm, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> If you read
> the small print they threaten to disconnect service if whois info isn't
> accurate. Pity you have to supply perfect info for spammers.

I think that's fair, like accepting mail to postmaster@, hostmaster@,
webmaster@ etc. It's not like email addresses are in short supply.

Apparently, NS are currently releasing domain names 3 months after they run

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Company Name

2001-04-25 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 25/4/01 9:02 am, Robert Shiels wrote:

> I will
> mainly be doing SAP work, but hope to get other IT work too, so don't want
> SAP in the name.

I came up with Diatom Consulting for an ex of mine (mainly a SAP sysadmin).

Old chemistry and physics books are good starters, as are other languages.
Get something that sounds nice :)

Also check to see it (and anything similar) hasn't

Mega-Shiels 2001 Ltd.

(who has ruined many an expensive brand consultant's day)
 every day, computers are making people easier to use


2001-04-25 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 25/4/01 10:04 am, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> Anyway, if anyone wants it I can re-obtain it on the cheap.
> sucks.

This week I am mostly liking ...

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: next social meeting vs tube strike

2001-04-19 Thread Chris Heathcote

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 18:03:20 +0100 (BST), Mike Wyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Nope. All very respectable, sadly. No bonobos at all, and all the other
>apes and monkeys were very well behaved.

Last time I went, the prarie dogs had gone. I was not amused.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Crazy Idea

2001-04-04 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 4/4/01 11:27 am, Simon Wilcox wrote:

> Luckily it only did minor damage to the backstage area.

I bought a supply of various flashes and explosions, but did not have a
firing box. 

Using the switch on a 4 way extension block (with a number of mains plugs to
croc clips) is probably not the safest way to fire them.

(who also used to cut live mains cables with secateurs, for fun)
 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Hello?

2001-03-28 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 28/3/01 5:47 pm, Chris Heathcote wrote:


bugger wrong list ...

can we copy with *two* Perl lists? ;)

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Hello?

2001-03-28 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 28/3/01 5:20 pm, Michael G Schwern wrote:

>> My vote for this years shirt is"Perl DeBuggered!"
> Sign me up for two!

Heh, I'd like them to say PERL DEBUGGER ;)

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: white wine

2001-03-27 Thread Chris Heathcote

> According to the critics, it is 'acceptable if not great' but fuck it,
> *I* liked it.

Remember a lot of wine suffers from the holiday effect, and doesn't seem
quite as nice on a wet blustery Thursday night.

> Lachryma Christi del Vesuvio, in case anyone is interested.

Ah, I have heard of it (my Italian knowledge is very limited), so I guess it
wouldn't be too hard to come by. Of course, the Internet is crap for this
sort of thing.

> Also (being half  Hungarian) am rather fond of  Tokai .. 5 Putonyos of
> course. Quite a different taste to most other things.

I haven't seen it mentioned, but a few weeks ago Tokai was in danger because
of flooding - it was only an inch or two away from flooding the entire
cellars :(

> Anyone know a decent London win merchant who stocks a good range of German
> or Austrian wines. Not just the desert wines, but the lighter ones too. I've
> only ever seen eiswine for sale in a small number of restaurants, usually at
> 10UKPS / glass +

There's one that advertises in Wine magazine as a German specialist. I
remember when I was hunting down mythical German Reds (in the end I went to
Germany and bought some myself).

Wine magazine is probably a good place to find Italian specialists as well.
You can always hide it in a brown paper bag ;)

(too young to really believe he's having this conversation)

Re: originality

2001-03-27 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 26/3/01 10:04 pm, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> The problem of course with London ( is that
> every activity we can think of is drink related.

Well we do have a river here ya know ;)

Other ideas:

taking over a London Eye pod
hiring a room in the V&A, Science Museum or Nat Hist Museum
Sunday morning Perl advocacy at Speaker's Corner
Walking round London with a PERL SALE board

i'll get me coat
 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Mailbox co-lo - honest opinions

2001-02-09 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 9/2/01 4:23 pm, David Cantrell wrote:

> That's why I recommend Nildram...  They're
> expensive, but it's worth it.

Indeed. Real people to talk to. Real people to help out when things
inevitably go pear shaped. Real people to plug things in and unplug them.

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-23 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 22/1/01 6:34 pm, Piers Cawley wrote:

> One of the things that I love about the iterative approach of XP is
> that during the process the client begins to learn exactly what she
> wants, and is taught to express that by the team. The idea is to
> create genuine collaboration.

and a complete look of horror on the faces of clients when they realise they
just don't have a clue :)

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: copious free time

2001-01-05 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 5/1/01 1:14 pm, dcross - David Cross wrote:

> Er... no. Paul was... um... 'saved' yesterday as well :(

Bah. Some companies have no sense :(

 every day, computers are making people easier to use


2001-01-04 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 4/1/01 1:11 pm, Neil Ford wrote:

> What even the one of Shaftsbury Avenue? That was still there late last year.

Got my 2-for-1 McChicken sandwich from there today!
> Of course they all pale into insugnificance next to their US counterparts

Wendys UK suffered from some of the most surly service I have ever seen,
even in  Britain...

 every day, computers are making people easier to use


2001-01-04 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 4/1/01 11:03 am, David Hodgkinson wrote:

> Anyone fancy dim sum shortly?

What, when McDonalds are doing 2-for-1? ;)

 every day, computers are making people easier to use

Re: Perl::Flash

2000-12-30 Thread Chris Heathcote

on 30/12/00 2:22 am, Mark Fowler wrote:

> See Leon, I told you that unlimited bandwidth option was a good idea.

It has always struck me that the best way to do a really evil Denial of
Service is to suck a little bandwidth all the time many people pay per
byte, and bankrupting them is an eviller option than taking down a server
for a few days...

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