Re: No VIEW->DVI in LyX Win32

2006-03-13 Thread Stephen Harris

- Original Message - 
From: "Enrico Forestieri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: No VIEW->DVI in LyX Win32


Enrico:  most probably your tetex installation is corrupted. Try 
reinstalling it.

In the meantime I've got a fast connection and tried to install again the
cygwin tetex packages. I can confirm that everything works fine with all
cygwin tools, but I had to put the following .bat files in ~\LyX\bin

SH: I did a fresh install of Cygwin because latex wasn't working and
I wanted to test the Cygwin Lyx installer that you uploaded. So this
time xpdf, xdvi(k), and latex work from the bash shell. Also I got


[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive/c/cygwin
$ latex test.ltx
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
file:line:error style messages enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
bahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, 

estonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, norsk,
polish, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish,
swedish, turkish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.

ThisIsLaTeX2e )
No pages of output.
Transcript written on test.log.


SH: So it seems to be working. The good news is that lyx-x11 works
pretty well. It displays Tex Information whereas lyx-winbin does not.
lyx-x11 also uses xpdf and xdvi(k) Ok. A Postscript file seems to be
made and the correct output quickly flashes on the screen but then
quits with the error message: winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler -
ERROR: BadWindow 
I can use Windows ghostview, however.

EF:If you have the cygwin X-server and want to have fun, launch the
X11 version of LyX (lyx-x11). Then, in a terminal window, type lyxclient
and hit the Enter key. Now, in the terminal window from which you
launched lyxclient (you do not have a prompt), try typing "file-open"
without the quotes...
To quit lyxclient type "BYE:" in the terminal window.

SH: That was fun and worked. ^

@echo off
sh.exe -c 'latex %*'

@echo off
sh.exe -c 'pdflatex %*'

@echo off
sh.exe -c 'python %*'

@echo off
set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
sh.exe -c 'xdvi %*'

Everything works like a charm. The first time I tried View->Dvi I had
the impression that LyX was hanging, but then I realized that I had
just installed tetex and it was simply busy in generating all the needed
fonts. So, the first time it took almost forever but then xdvi popped up
showing me the dvi.

In conclusion, cygwin helper apps can be used with the native version
of LyX but some of them must be called through a wrapper script. This
happens when either they are symlinks to the real apps or they are shell
scripts, or they need some environment variables to be set (like in the
xdvi case which both is a shell script and needs DISPLAY to be set).

I think I can say that if there is a problem using cygwin apps, this is
due to either a broken installation or misconfiguration.


I can't use any Cygwin helper apps with lyx-winbin. They fail
with a 'can't open display' whether I have started Xwin or not.
I don't know if one of those batfiles written as a script would help.

Nor does lyx-1.3.7_win32_setup_v2 (which Chuck is using)
work with any Cygwin apps, with or without batfiles, with or
without startx for Cygwin. It works with Windows apps, as
expected, but what is the use of using Cygwin for LyX then?
I have them installed in C:\lyxcyg\bin

It was rather clever how you got the LyX installation files
and Aiksaurus to show up in the Cygwin setup, install from
directory. LyX installation is actually quite short if you start
with a working Cygwin installation. I'm going to stick with
the lyx-x11 startup. You must have spent a lot of time on
this and it is the best ever Cygwin installer for Windows.

Time for a vacation,

Re: Beamer TOC invisible

2006-03-13 Thread Georg Baum
Ernesto Posse wrote:

>   Basically the problem is that the table of contents doesn't seem to
> work at all for beamer documents that I create, but strangely enough,
> it does seem to work with the templates included in the beamer class.
>   I'm attaching a sample file with the problem.
>   Any clues? Am I missing something?

This is probably this bug:



to the layout file.


Re: Custom .layout files in LyX 1.4

2006-03-13 Thread Georg Baum
Maria Gouskova wrote:

> I just installed LyX 1.4 on Mac OS 10.4.5 and am having a problem with
> custom-made .layout files. When I try to change the document class to
> a custom document class, an error message appears saying the document
> could not be converted to that format. This happens whether the
> .layout file is in LyX's own layouts directory or in
> Library/Application Support/LyX/layouts. LyX can clearly find the
> .layout file, since it appears in the list of available document
> classes. The problem disappears in LyX 1.3.7 on the same computer with
> the same .layout file. I checked the syntax of the .layout file, and
> it does not seem to be different from the files that LyX 1.4 ships
> with.

The syntax changed slightly from 1.3 to 1.4. You may need to add


to the layou file. Read the section "Upgrading old layout files" of the
Customization Guide for details.

> Is this a bug?

Maybe. Can you send a problematic layout file? Then we could have a look.


Re: Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread Richard Heck

The answers to a lot of these questions can be found in /The LaTeX
Companion/ or /A Guide to LaTeX/. All of these are LaTeX issues and have
nothing much to do with Lyx. How LaTeX typesets things is controlled by
the class and style files you load, and it uses complicated algorithms
to decide where to put things and how to format pages. To change the
kinds of things you want to change, you will need either to load
packages that allow you to do it, in such cases as there are such
packages, or else to redefine the LaTeX commands that control
formatting. That is to say: You'll have to learn some LaTeX to do this.
Lyx won't do it, because it doesn't provide access to every package that
is available for LaTeX, let alone to LaTeX internals.
> 1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a 
> double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b) 
> need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.
Try the tocloft package. That will probably do what you need. If not,
you'll need to redefine commands like [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
are in whatever class file you are using, book.cls, or whatever.
> 4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.
Try resetting \widowpenalty and \clubpenalty, e.g.:

\widowpenalty = 1000
\clubpenalty = 1000

That should go in the preamble.
> 5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break needs 
> to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?
Try \clearpage. Otherwise, just \pagebreak should do.
> 6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text (not 
> the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to change 
> it.
In book.cls, this is controlled by setting the length \belowcaptionskip,
if I understand what you're asking. So you could reset it in your
preamble, e.g.: \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{1ex}.
> 7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section (or 
> subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily place 
> triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.
You can try the titlesec package. Otherwise, you will need to redefine
\section and \subsection. Look at the class file in question (e.g.,
book.cls) to see what the old definitions are. These are all defined in
terms of [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm not presently remembering exactly how this
command works, but I believe the space before the heading is controlled
by the fourth argument, which is a "rubber length": LaTeX is allowed to
stretch or shrink the space. You could try just:

{-2.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -.5ex \minus -.2ex}%
{-2.25ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -.5ex \minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] .2ex}%

to make the space smaller. These are just modified from the book.cls
definition. If you're not using book.cls, then you won't want these, but
they might work as a guide.
> 8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page heading and 
> the first listed reference.  I need to change to double space but see no way 
> to do this.
The References heading is probably produced as a \chapter*. That's
certainly how it's done in book.cls. So you'll either need to redefine
\chapter, though you may not want to do so for the entire document (you
could do so right before yo do the bibliography, though), or else you'll
need to redefine the thebibliography environment not to use \chapter*.
As you'll see if you look at book.cls, though, that would not be
entirely easy, since the definition of \chapter is very complex.

If you're using the Koma-script book format, then you just need to
redefine \chapterheadendvskip right before creating the bibliography.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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Re: Beamer TOC invisible

2006-03-13 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Ernesto Posse wrote:
> Basically the problem is that the table of contents doesn't seem to
> work at all for beamer documents that I create, but strangely enough,
> it does seem to work with the templates included in the beamer class.
>   I'm attaching a sample file with the problem.
>   Any clues? Am I missing something?

Yes. Change the value in Layout->Document->Numbering->TOC from -1 to 1.


FYI: Lyx recently added to Fedora Core 4 Extras

2006-03-13 Thread John Pye
In case people hadn't noticed, Lyx 1.4 was recently added to the Fedora
Core 4 Extras repository. So, if you are running on Fedora Core 4, you
can easily update to the latest Lyx using 'yum update', provided you
have your repositories set up correctly.

Further info here:


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread John Pye

John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> On 3/14/06, Nate Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2.  I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make
>> the font really small (too small).  I need to enlarge the font, but would
>> you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple
>> pages or b) make the columns narrower?
> How can you make the columns narrower without reducing the font size?
I had this problem as well. It's covered in the User's Manual under
section 4.4.4 (the chapter on tables).


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Changes to updated subfiles not being included in main dvi.

2006-03-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
Currently, when I update a inputted LyX subfile, and go to the main
file and go "View DVI" (Or ps or pdf...), the changes in the subfile
are not included in the main DVI.

I think this problem only started recently, and it only occurs with
the document I am working on (e.g. I does not occur with small test
Documents which only input a single file)

Any ideas as to what is causing this, or how to fix it?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Re: Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On 3/14/06, Nate Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a
> double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b)
> need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.

I'm not sure, I think this is the default for Book(koma-script).
Generally Book (koma-script) is the best choice for Theses.

> 2.  I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make
> the font really small (too small).  I need to enlarge the font, but would
> you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple
> pages or b) make the columns narrower?

How can you make the columns narrower without reducing the font size?

> 3.  Page bottom margins are set to 1" but on some pages, the text goes
> below 1" (to about 0.75").  I don't understand why--seems to be a bug.

I am not sure why this is happening, but...

By default, LaTeX puts the header and footer inside the margins. For
some reason LyX doesn't let you set the "head" or "foot" options in
the geometry package or the "includehead" and "includefoot" options. I
have manually added:


to my Layout->Document->preamble. This may help. (change the margins
to what you want ofcourse, i.e. replace some of the "2cm" with "1in").

> 4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.

what is this?

> 5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break
> needs to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?

I am using 1.3.7, which doesn't give these options. I would say just
use which ever looks right when you output pdf.

> 6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text
> (not the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to
> change it.

I don't know, I just use the defaults.

> 7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section
> (or subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily
> place triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.

This sounds like something that LaTeX does automatically because it
thinks it is in some sense correct.

You can manually remove a bit of space by starting a Evil Red Text
(i.e. press Cntl-L).

in this ERT, you can type

this will remove vertical space equal to twice the height of the "M" character.

> 8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page
> heading and the first listed reference.  I need to change to double
> space but see no way to do this.

I use the default, which LaTeX thinks is correct. If it is a
requirement to remove this text... it would be nice if universities
gave sample .tex files demonstrating the approved formatting.

Perhaps other people will be able to help you more.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread Nate Mullins

My name is Nate Mullins and I am a graduate student at the University of
Utah.  I have written my Master's thesis in Lyx but am experiencing some
formatting issues that neither my academic advisor nor I have been able to

1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a
double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b)
need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.

2.  I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make
the font really small (too small).  I need to enlarge the font, but would
you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple
pages or b) make the columns narrower?

3.  Page bottom margins are set to 1" but on some pages, the text goes
below 1" (to about 0.75").  I don't understand why--seems to be a bug.

4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.

5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break
needs to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?

6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text
(not the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to
change it.

7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section (or
subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily place
triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.

8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page heading
and the first listed reference.  I need to change to double space but see
no way to do this.

I will greatly appreciate any help.


Is it possible to create pull-outs when working with 2 or more columns?

2006-03-13 Thread Tim Vaughan
Hi list,

I'm trying to decide how usable LyX is for creating magazine articles.
 One feature I would need would be the ability to create pull-outs.  A
pull-out is a short quote, often in a larger font, that sits between
two columns.  It is useful for adding emphasis to a short chunk of
Any tips on how I might do this?



Beamer TOC invisible

2006-03-13 Thread Ernesto Posse
Hi. I seem to have a strange problem with the Beamer class. I have
looked for information on this but I haven't found anything.

  Basically the problem is that the table of contents doesn't seem to
work at all for beamer documents that I create, but strangely enough,
it does seem to work with the templates included in the beamer class.

  I'm attaching a sample file with the problem.

  Any clues? Am I missing something?


Ernesto Posse

Description: application/lyx

Re: Uwe's installer

2006-03-13 Thread Uwe Stöhr

H. Peter Gumm wrote:

I am following the discussion on the new shiny Lyx 1.4 with
great anticipation, but previous pains have taught me to
better wait for Uwe's WinInstaller to be released. Any
idea when this will be ?

Hello LyXers,

I was busy last week and the release of LyX 1.4 came too close for me to 
prepare an installer right in time. I hope I can start to work on this 
the next days. LyX 1.4 comes with a lot of new features that require 
changes in calling third party programs (for example aspell) so I cannot 
tell when the installer will be ready; I hope within the next two weeks.

(In the meantime you can still use a very stable LyX 1.3.7 ;-). )

best regards Uwe

Re: Lyx 1.4.0 Win32 binaries

2006-03-13 Thread Stacia Hartleben
I wouldn't really recommend this pre version to anyone, because
Instant Preview doesn't seem to work and there is some kind of bug
with people who have several drives..Just a warning. Still waiting for
the final release...

On 3/13/06, Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Girotra, Karan wrote:
> > Any windows binaries for Lyx/1.4.0 out as yet? I can't find anything on
> > the main FTP server- Should I be looking some place else?
> >
> >
> >
> > KG
> >
> >
> >
> >
> A prerelease version of Angus Leeming's installer (LyX only) is on the
> Wiki at
>   AFAIK Uwe's omnibus installer (LyX and all related packages) is not
> yet out for 1.4.0.
> Fair warning: there are problems with spellchecking in 1.4.0 on Windows.
>   As I understand it, LyX 1.4.0 is hardcoded to use Aspell 0.6 (whereas
> 1.3.7 used Aspell 0.5), so you need to install newer dictionaries and
> some pieces of the Aspell 0.6 package.  See
> /Paul

Re: Nice Feature to Have in LyX: Multicolumn View of Documents

2006-03-13 Thread Nicolas Carranza

Bo Peng wrote:

I think this sounds like a good idea too. It would be cool to actually
see the effects of the multicol package in action! Post it on the
bugzilla site!

A vertical-split view that allows me to view/copy/paste different
parts of the same long article or two articles is what I would love to



Yes! vertical and horizontal splitting. And to support multicolumn view, 
the horizontal splitting (bar) must have an option to "synchronize"  the 
scrollbars of both sides so that if we scroll on one side then the other 
side scrolls automatically to  where the view ends (or begins).

Custom .layout files in LyX 1.4

2006-03-13 Thread Maria Gouskova
I just installed LyX 1.4 on Mac OS 10.4.5 and am having a problem with
custom-made .layout files. When I try to change the document class to
a custom document class, an error message appears saying the document
could not be converted to that format. This happens whether the
.layout file is in LyX's own layouts directory or in
Library/Application Support/LyX/layouts. LyX can clearly find the
.layout file, since it appears in the list of available document
classes. The problem disappears in LyX 1.3.7 on the same computer with
the same .layout file. I checked the syntax of the .layout file, and
it does not seem to be different from the files that LyX 1.4 ships

Is this a bug?

Maria Gouskova

Re: New Cygwin LyX install

2006-03-13 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The installation appeared to go smoothly.
> But LyX wouldn't start, I typed lyx from
> the cygwin bash shell, and it returned
> "The application has failed to start because
> cygaspell-15.dll was not found."
> So I download the libaspell15 package
> and that appears to make everything work.
> I think libaspell15 needs to be added to the 
> readme. I'm just now experimenting with Lyx.

Thank you for spotting this one, Stephen. I'll update the readme for
the next release. However, it is more appropriate to install the aspell
package as it pulls in both libaspell15 and aspell-en which is the
english dictionary.

If you have the cygwin X-server and want to have fun, launch the X11
version of LyX (lyx-x11). Then, in a terminal window, type lyxclient
and hit the Enter key. Now, in the terminal window from which you
launched lyxclient (you do not have a prompt), try typing "file-open"
without the quotes...
To quit lyxclient type "BYE:" in the terminal window.

This trick does not currently work with the native Qt graphics version
(lyx-win). I'll have a look at the Qt sources, which are probably crippled
when not using X11. However, I must find some time first, so don't hold
your breath ;-)


Re: Lyx 1.4.0 Win32 binaries

2006-03-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Girotra, Karan wrote:

Any windows binaries for Lyx/1.4.0 out as yet? I can't find anything on
the main FTP server- Should I be looking some place else?




A prerelease version of Angus Leeming's installer (LyX only) is on the 
Wiki at 

 AFAIK Uwe's omnibus installer (LyX and all related packages) is not 
yet out for 1.4.0.

Fair warning: there are problems with spellchecking in 1.4.0 on Windows. 
 As I understand it, LyX 1.4.0 is hardcoded to use Aspell 0.6 (whereas 
1.3.7 used Aspell 0.5), so you need to install newer dictionaries and 
some pieces of the Aspell 0.6 package.  See


Re: No VIEW->DVI in LyX Win32

2006-03-13 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have disinstalled the cygwin tetex packages as I use MikTeX and now
> > I don't have a fast internet connection to try it personally. Perhaps
> > you can help me in solving this problem? Please, put the following 5 lines
> > in a file named test.ltx and then run the cygwin latex.exe on it
> > (/bin/latex test.ltx):
> >
> > \nonstopmode\makeatletter
> > \ifx\undefined\documentclass\else
> >  \message{ThisIsLaTeX2e}
> > \fi
> > \end
> >
> > After you have done it, please paste the output in your reply, such that
> > I can have a look at it.
> >
> Same result from Cygwin shell or Dos shell:
> Stephen  Primary /usr/share/texmf
> $ /bin/latex test.ltx
> This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
> kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
> /usr/bin/mktexfmt: line 333: /texconfig/tcfmgr: No such file or directory
> fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
> I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!


most probably your tetex installation is corrupted. Try reinstalling it.
In the meantime I've got a fast connection and tried to install again the
cygwin tetex packages. I can confirm that everything works fine with all
cygwin tools, but I had to put the following .bat files in ~\LyX\bin

@echo off
sh.exe -c 'latex %*'

@echo off
sh.exe -c 'pdflatex %*'

@echo off
sh.exe -c 'python %*'

@echo off
set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
sh.exe -c 'xdvi %*'

Everything works like a charm. The first time I tried View->Dvi I had
the impression that LyX was hanging, but then I realized that I had
just installed tetex and it was simply busy in generating all the needed
fonts. So, the first time it took almost forever but then xdvi popped up
showing me the dvi.

In conclusion, cygwin helper apps can be used with the native version
of LyX but some of them must be called through a wrapper script. This
happens when either they are symlinks to the real apps or they are shell
scripts, or they need some environment variables to be set (like in the
xdvi case which both is a shell script and needs DISPLAY to be set).

I think I can say that if there is a problem using cygwin apps, this is
due to either a broken installation or misconfiguration.


Re: Update LyX

2006-03-13 Thread Paul Smith
On 3/13/06, Jordi Espasa Clofent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Create the rpm yourself seems to be the best policy for you. You could
> > try to install the i586 rpm for Suse 9.3, but it is not guaranteed
> > that it will work fine.
> Yes, but the problem is I haven't the required time to do it; more over, I
> think my technical skills aren't apt for that.
> A possible (and obvius) solution would be to erase the actual rpm installed in
> my box and after try to install the newest version from sources.

If you know how to install LyX from the source, then it is not
difficult to create the rpm if you use checkinstall. In fact, it is


Re: Update LyX

2006-03-13 Thread Jordi Espasa Clofent
> Create the rpm yourself seems to be the best policy for you. You could
> try to install the i586 rpm for Suse 9.3, but it is not guaranteed
> that it will work fine.

Yes, but the problem is I haven't the required time to do it; more over, I 
think my technical skills aren't apt for that.

A possible (and obvius) solution would be to erase the actual rpm installed in 
my box and after try to install the newest version from sources. 

Jordi Espasa

Description: PGP signature

Re: Update LyX

2006-03-13 Thread Paul Smith
On 3/13/06, Jordi Espasa Clofent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see the comments of the users are favourables about the LyX new version;
> nowadays I use the 1.3.7 version in my SUSE desktop-production box an I'm
> asking myself about the update is recommended.
> I've seen there are two packets for SUSE distro in /bin subdirectory of
> primary ftp LyX public server: 1.4.0 (Qt) for i586 machines and 9.2 and 9.3
> and 1.4.0 (Qt too) for x86_64 machines and 10 SUSE versions.
> My box mounts SUSE 10.0 and it's i586 architecture, so ¿How do I make the
> update?

Create the rpm yourself seems to be the best policy for you. You could
try to install the i586 rpm for Suse 9.3, but it is not guaranteed
that it will work fine.


Re: Lyx 1.4.0-1 and FC4 installation

2006-03-13 Thread Rex Dieter
FYI, I pushed lyx-1.4.0-4 to Fedora Extras/4 today.  Should be appearing 
soon in repo/mirror near you.

-- Rex

Re: Lyx 1.4.0-1 and FC4 installation

2006-03-13 Thread Jose' Matos
On Monday 13 March 2006 13:57, Rex Dieter wrote:
> FYI, One probably shouldn't be installing fedora-devel pkgs on fc4,
> unless you *really* know what you're doing.

  I agree, if you have access to net the best way to handle the updates is to 
use the system software, yum in this case. This will deal with dependencies 
and all the packages come from official places instead of applying them from 
random places.

> -- Rex

José Abílio

Re: Lyx 1.4.0-1 and FC4 installation

2006-03-13 Thread Rex Dieter

Stephen Harris wrote:

I use rpmfind for instance with Google, I put
libAiksaurus and rpmfind in the search window and get

FYI, One probably shouldn't be installing fedora-devel pkgs on fc4, 
unless you *really* know what you're doing.

-- Rex

Re: Importing a text file with German accented characters

2006-03-13 Thread Helge Hafting

Jon Riding wrote:

First of all I should like to add my thanks to the LyX developers for 
such a useful program. I'm still on 1.3 but I'm guessing the problem 
below applies to 1.4.0 as well:

I have a related problem with UTF-8 characters which judging from this 
discussion may not be achievable in LyX. I need to include text in my 
documents taken from data in Bantu and Nilotic group languages. Some 
of these include accented vowels and other characters that are not 
present in the European character sets (yes, the world really is 
bigger that N America and Europe).

It sure is.  And it is the responsibility of people who want support for 

favourite writing system to help add it. :-)

My data is all in UTF-8 and I'm guessing that LyX simply won't handle 
this unless I convert it all to ASCII and bodge the missing characters 
into a font below 255. I would then need to find a way of getting LyX 
to use this font at the appropriate points in the document.

Have I understood this correctly? Is there (please!) some easier way?

If LyX really can't handle Unicode data does anyone know if their are 
plans to fix this?

Yes, there is a plan.  Unicode support is planned for lyx 1.5. 
Development of lyx 1.5 started at the same time lyx 1.4.0 was released.

Until this is done, you have to use one of the encodings lyx support.
Note that there are quite a few accented vowels in the various latin
encodings. Take a look at the user guide, section 6.8.3 "Character Tables".
There you see everything lyx 1.3 and 1.4 can display today.

Switching to a special font can be done with ERT commands.  That
will be cumbersome.  If you have lots of this, consider making a small 

that converts from UTF-8 to whatever commands you need.

Helge Hafting

New Cygwin LyX install

2006-03-13 Thread Stephen Harris

The installation appeared to go smoothly.
But LyX wouldn't start, I typed lyx from
the cygwin bash shell, and it returned
"The application has failed to start because
cygaspell-15.dll was not found."

So I download the libaspell15 package
and that appears to make everything work.
I think libaspell15 needs to be added to the 
readme. I'm just now experimenting with Lyx.


Re: Possible feature enhancement?

2006-03-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Nicholas" == Nicholas Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nicholas> I am surprised that Lyx can generate invalid latex output. I
Nicholas> would have thought that it could make sure the user did not
Nicholas> create invalid documents. For example, if I am in a section
Nicholas> header and I insert a table then this makes no sense so why
Nicholas> isn't the insert table menu item greyed out?

I am not sure inserting a table does not make sense :)

I'd be interested to find out what does not work.

Nicholas> The errors that come back from latex can be confusing for
Nicholas> users so it would be really helpful if Lyx could prevent
Nicholas> this in the first place and let the user know in a high
Nicholas> level way why an operation can't be performed.

We try hard to do it.


Re: LyX 1.4 packages for Debian Unstable Amd64

2006-03-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Charles" == Charles de Miramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Charles> I've added a binary for i386 (Debian Unstable)

Charles> to install them, download them in a directory and in a
Charles> console, as root, type dpkg -i -R *.deb

Charles> First remove the official lyx program with apt-get remove lyx
They are in now.

Thanks Charles.


Re: bug when inserting graphics in 1.4

2006-03-13 Thread Georg Baum
Martin A. Hansen wrote:

> inserting a piece of graphics, setting scale etc - and press apply ->
> graphic is inserted ok.
> adjusting the scale and press apply again, and the graphics is inserted
> again on top of the first one. correct behaviour would be to replace it.

It is importatnt that you don't close the dialog after the first apply. This
happens only for freshly inserted graphics.

> can someone confirm this?

Yes. -> bugzilla, please.


bug when inserting graphics in 1.4

2006-03-13 Thread Martin A. Hansen
inserting a piece of graphics, setting scale etc - and press apply ->
graphic is inserted ok.

adjusting the scale and press apply again, and the graphics is inserted
again on top of the first one. correct behaviour would be to replace it.

can someone confirm this?


Re: Importing a text file with German accented characters

2006-03-13 Thread Jon Riding


Thanks for the response.

UTF-8 file attached. This example includes Unicode codepoints (decimal):

0227 a-tilde
0245 o-tilde
0297 i-tilde
0331 Latin Small Letter ENG
0361 u-tilde
0596 Latin Small Letter OPEN O
0603 Latin Small Letter OPEN E
0617 Latin Small Letter IOTA
0651 Latin Small Letter V WITH HOOK
7869 Latin Small Letter E WITH TILDE

If you want to see the glyphs you will need a suitable font: 
will serve.

This example covers the needs of only one vernacular language. There are 
hundreds of others many of which will require 'extra' characters beyond the 
standard sets. Some may require custom glyphs placed in the Unicode PUA. You can 
probably understand my reluctance to start hacking 8-bit fonts to cover all these.

Jon Riding

Charles de Miramon wrote:

Jon Riding wrote:

I have a related problem with UTF-8 characters which judging from this
discussion may not be achievable in LyX. I need to include text in my
documents taken from data in Bantu and Nilotic group languages. Some of
these include accented vowels and other characters that are not present in
the European character sets (yes, the world really is bigger that N
America and Europe).

Could you show some examples of these special vowels and characters.

Processing Log:
Sun Mar 05 19:36:54 GMT 2006

Alphabet = '-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~ãõĩŋũɔɛɩʋẽ
~   [126]   86  0.007974038 2.0446251E-4
ã  [227]   1   9.272137E-5 2.377471E-6
õ  [245]   1   9.272137E-5 2.377471E-6
Ä©  [297]   39165   3.6314325   0.09311366
ŋ  [331]   16  0.00148354193.8039536E-5
Å©  [361]   25589   2.3726473   0.06083711
ɔ  [596]   2   1.8544274E-44.754942E-6
ɛ  [603]   1   9.272137E-5 2.377471E-6
É©  [617]   1   9.272137E-5 2.377471E-6
ʋ  [651]   1   9.272137E-5 2.377471E-6
ẽ [7869]  1   9.272137E-5 2.377471E-6

lyx-1.4.0 to Mandriva 2005 don't work in Mandriva 2006

2006-03-13 Thread icebna

Hello to all :

The rpm to Mandriva 2005 LE, don't work in Mandriva 2006. During the 
installation don't give nothing error, but then don't start !!.

Someone can help me, or built de rpm lyx -1.4.0 to Mandriva 2006.0.
Thanks advanced

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Update LyX

2006-03-13 Thread Jordi Espasa Clofent

I see the comments of the users are favourables about the LyX new version; 
nowadays I use the 1.3.7 version in my SUSE desktop-production box an I'm 
asking myself about the update is recommended.

I've seen there are two packets for SUSE distro in /bin subdirectory of 
primary ftp LyX public server: 1.4.0 (Qt) for i586 machines and 9.2 and 9.3 
and 1.4.0 (Qt too) for x86_64 machines and 10 SUSE versions.

My box mounts SUSE 10.0 and it's i586 architecture, so ¿How do I make the 


Jordi Espasa

Description: PGP signature