Re: Lyx open buffered copy

2011-02-03 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 04.02.2011 um 08:17 schrieb Manveru:

> 2011/1/18 Christian Wilhelmsen :
>> I juse LyX and Dropbox in collaboration with my team mates, and the problem
>> is that when you have opened a file, another user edits it and sync it
>> through
>> dropbox, LyX wont open the new version, it opens a buffered copy or
>> something.
>> We have to close LyX each time we want to open an updated document, or else
>> you just get the copy that is stored in memory... Tried removing
>> auto-backup, if that was the problem, but no.
>> Anyone knows how we can get past this problem?
> I think your problem lies in Dropbox itself and the file locking
> mechanics (I understand you are working on Windows). Dropbox cannot
> update (write to) file currently open by any application for reading,
> Windows permission system does not allow that. I do not know whether
> LyX keep file opened or locked anyhow (should for NFS purpose),
> however while Dropbox > 1.0 is able to read and sync files to the
> server (it do that with my opened Excel sheets) it is not able to
> write anything while file is opened.

You are wild guessing? AFAICS, LyX doesn't lock the files and - 
at least on Unix (Linux and Mac) - it doesn't keep the original
file open. I never tested this on windows. You may try to copy 
an elder version of a file over the original while LyX has the
document on screen to try it out.

> When you close the LyX all locks are removed, Dropbox quickly updates
> your file from the server, then when you reopen LyX you see new
> version.

Did you try to use "Revert to saved..."? If you don't edit the file
and no change to the file happened externally this menu item is
disabled. If one of these conditions is true - you can reload the
original from disk with "Revert to saved...".

> I think LyX should operate at Dropbox API level to handle
> properly that case you expect.

I don't think that this is needed - and cannot imagine it should happen.

> I think it won't happen fast if at all.
> Forst it need good "merge" feature - I do not know if is finished or
> not.

If merge features are needed - I'd suggest to use a real revision control
system like SVN. It's designed for collaboration. LyX is able to handle
locking with SVN, warns you if a merge is needed etc. See the LyX docs.
Of course you need a SVN repository somewhere with access for all co-workers...


Re: newcommand or command in caption of figure?

2011-02-03 Thread Christoph Mayer

On Feb 3, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

> On 02/03/2011 09:15 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:
>> Thanks a lot, rh, 
>> unfortunately I need as well circled letters, which are not included in the 
>> package afair. I will have another glimpse on it. 
> I'm guessing that the problem here has to do with the use of tikzpix in 
> moving arguments. Perhaps a different version of \mycirc would solve the 
> problem, say, one that just printed the argument over a circle. I'm 
> forgetting at the moment how to do that in a size-agnostic way. I guess by 
> making boxes, figuring out how big they are, and then using \kern to move 
> back just the right amount.
> Richard

Thank you for your help, I managed it with the initial command, just a 
\protect\mycirc{1}  was enough to make the job! 
P.S. Sorry for messing up the order in the answer tree here, I'm not yet used 
to mailing lists. 


>>> On 02/03/2011 08:37 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:
 Dear all, 
 I have a graph which i need to explain in the caption. Unfortunately I 
 need numbers and letters with a circle around in order to explain it 
 (which is a scanned image). Therefore, I defined a new command in the 
 preamble of the main document  
 \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {#1};
 and here the preview of the latex-code, I inserted the command via ERT:
 \noindent \begin{centering}
 \caption{ diagram displaying the corrosion
 \mycirc{1}\label{fig:1} }
 I cannot compile it, even when I insert the command directly into the 
 caption, like
 \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(C.base)] \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) 
 {1}; \end{tikzpicture}
 it only produces errors, while both possible ways work outside the caption 
 in standard environment. 
 Could anybody help me to get around that problem inside the caption 
 thanks a lot and all the best! 
>>> pifont provides circled numbers. So \usepackage{pifont} and then: 
>>> \ding{172} for a circled `1'. See 
>>> for the codepoints.
>>> rh

Re: Lyx open buffered copy

2011-02-03 Thread Manveru
2011/1/18 Christian Wilhelmsen :
> I juse LyX and Dropbox in collaboration with my team mates, and the problem
> is that when you have opened a file, another user edits it and sync it
> through
> dropbox, LyX wont open the new version, it opens a buffered copy or
> something.
> We have to close LyX each time we want to open an updated document, or else
> you just get the copy that is stored in memory... Tried removing
> auto-backup, if that was the problem, but no.
> Anyone knows how we can get past this problem?

I think your problem lies in Dropbox itself and the file locking
mechanics (I understand you are working on Windows). Dropbox cannot
update (write to) file currently open by any application for reading,
Windows permission system does not allow that. I do not know whether
LyX keep file opened or locked anyhow (should for NFS purpose),
however while Dropbox > 1.0 is able to read and sync files to the
server (it do that with my opened Excel sheets) it is not able to
write anything while file is opened.

When you close the LyX all locks are removed, Dropbox quickly updates
your file from the server, then when you reopen LyX you see new
version. I think LyX should operate at Dropbox API level to handle
properly that case you expect. I think it won't happen fast if at all.
Forst it need good "merge" feature - I do not know if is finished or

     gg: 1624001

how to add text in LOF

2011-02-03 Thread Waluyo Adi Siswanto
I using book(koma-script).
The List of Figure that I want:
List of Figures

Fig No.TitlePage
  1.1  Title1
  1.2  Title40

How can I add "Fig No.TitlePage" appeared in LOF

Best regards

Re: [WINDOWS] Python scripts fail

2011-02-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 02/03/2011 03:12 PM, Gabriel Kniffin wrote:
I did View > PDF (pdflatex) then checked the temporary directory. It 
has all the EPS files with name changes as well as copies of the EPS 
files with .pdf extensions. There is an EPS -> PDF converter. It's 
ps2pdf and the converter line matches what you have.

Just as a check I tried View > PDF (ps2pdf) and it generated a .pdf, 
but after opening it Adobe Reader crashed. Not sure why, but I opened 
another .pdf that I didn't just make with LyX and it crashed too, so I 
figured it was an Adobe Reader problem. I rebooted and tried again and 
it worked! I then tried View > PDF (pdflatex) and it works too. I'm 
not sure what changed, but I hope it stays fixed.
Doesn't sound as if you changed anything, but if View > PDF (pdflatex) 
was creating PDFs in the temp directory (and if they were not 0 byte 
files), then you _should_ have been getting images in the PDF output 
file.  So this is still a mystery.

One more thing, I still get errors if I go to Document > Settings... > 
PDF Properties and click Use hyperref support. Can you use the 
hyperref package this way or is there a better way?
That works (and is the designated way to do it), provided that you don't 
separately load hyperref in the preamble.  If hyperref gets loaded 
twice, it usually crabs about conflicting settings.  Some document 
classes may load hyperref automatically (I think maybe beamer does), so 
this can get tricky.


Re: How to make frontmatter appear in italics in ToC?

2011-02-03 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/03/2011 01:59 PM, Stig Rognes wrote:

Thanks Richard, but either I misunderstood your instructions or else 
it didn't work. I put


in an ERT at the start of the document, and


in an ERT after the Contents, before the first chapter. But in the pdf 
everything went blank, and later: Cannot view file: File does not exist.

DVI generates empty output.





in the preamble, which is stolen from the LaTeX declaration. I actually 
tested that, and it works.


Re: [WINDOWS] Python scripts fail

2011-02-03 Thread Gabriel Kniffin
I did View > PDF (pdflatex) then checked the temporary directory. It has all
the EPS files with name changes as well as copies of the EPS files with .pdf
extensions. There is an EPS -> PDF converter. It's ps2pdf and the converter
line matches what you have.

Just as a check I tried View > PDF (ps2pdf) and it generated a .pdf, but
after opening it Adobe Reader crashed. Not sure why, but I opened another
.pdf that I didn't just make with LyX and it crashed too, so I figured it
was an Adobe Reader problem. I rebooted and tried again and it worked! I
then tried View > PDF (pdflatex) and it works too. I'm not sure what
changed, but I hope it stays fixed.

One more thing, I still get errors if I go to Document > Settings... > PDF
Properties and click Use hyperref support. Can you use the hyperref package
this way or is there a better way?

Thanks for all your help!

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 6:50 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:

> On 2/2/2011 9:35 PM, Gabriel Kniffin wrote:
>> Unfortunately I'm still getting the same "...cannot determine size of
>> graphic in..." errors when trying to build a .pdf.
>>  You mentioned in a previous message that the images are all EPS files,
> and IIRC you said that they show up in DVI and PS output but not in PDF
> output.  That suggests that LyX is failing to convert them to a preferred
> format for PDF output.  (EPS images go directly into PS output without
> format change, and I believe that's also true of DVI output.)
> First check:  View > PDF and, with LyX still open, peek into the temporary
> directory and see if the EPS files were copied there (with name changes) and
> if there are copies with the same file names but .pdf extensions.  My guess
> is the answers will be yes and no in that order.
> Next, go to Tools > Preferences... > File Handling > Converters and confirm
> that there is at least one converter defined from EPS to PDF, and that the
> converter line reads 'epstopdf --outfile=$$o $$i'.  On my Windows box, the
> converter is from EPS to PDF (ps2pdf) rather than to PDF (pdflatex), but
> that does not seem to matter -- when I run View PDF (pdflatex), LyX runs
> epstopdf.
> Finally, open a command shell and run 'kpsewhich epstopdf.exe'.  If MiKTeX
> is correctly installed, it should return the path to epstopdf.exe.
> /Paul

Gabriel Kniffin
Research Assistant
Northwest Electromagnetics and Acoustics Research Laboratory (NEAR-Lab)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
Portland State University
(503) 725-3813 Lab
(360) 521-8772 Mobile

Re: How to make frontmatter appear in italics in ToC?

2011-02-03 Thread Stig Rognes
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:

> On 02/01/2011 08:58 PM, Stig Rognes wrote:
>> Hello LyX-users,
>> I'm using book class (Memoir) and would like to have the frontmatter
>> (abstract, acknowledgments (unnumbered chapter), nom, lof, lot, and toc
>> itself) appear in emphasized/italics font on  the Contents page. I don't
>> want the actual chapter titles appear in italics, just in the ToC.
>> I've tried the following hack, which kinda works, first removing LyX's own
>> List of tables, then inserting two TeX-boxes, first a non-contents-listed
>> lot, and then one adding it manually right after:
>> \listoftables*
>> \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\emph{List of tables}}
>> This isn't good enough though, as it messes up the pdf-bookmarks page
>> numbering and doesn't work with LyX's own List of Tables, Nomenclature, or
>> whatever list. And I haven't found any hack for getting the Contents-insert
>> itself in the ToC appear in italics/emphasis.
>> Any ideas would be highly appreciated!
>>  Well, it's a wild guess, but what if you temporarily redefine
> \addcontentsline at the start of the frontmatter and then restore it at the
> end? E.g.:
> \let\oldaddcl=\addcontentsline
> \renewcommand\addcontentsline[3]{\oldaddcl{#1}{#2}{\emph{#3}}
> ...
> \let\addcontentsline=\oldaddcl
> Something like that ought to have the right effect.
> rh
>  Stig
Thanks Richard, but either I misunderstood your instructions or else it
didn't work. I put


in an ERT at the start of the document, and


in an ERT after the Contents, before the first chapter. But in the pdf
everything went blank, and later: Cannot view file: File does not exist.
DVI generates empty output.


Re: Removing figure numbers

2011-02-03 Thread Steve Litt
On Thursday 03 February 2011 09:27:31 Kristoffer Lawson wrote:

> I think you are missing the point: then I don't have any caption at all. I
>  guess I could always just insert some standard text and fiddle around with
>  the options and font options it until it looks like a caption, but that to
>  me seems like a very un-LyX-like way to do it?

You could just define a couple environments to house the graphic and the 
caption, or perhaps define an environment for the graphic, and that 
environment prints variable mycaption, and mycaption is set by a character 
style that doesn't print its content. I do this for my Warnings boxes.

I think the most LyXically correct way to do it is to use an environment with 
a label, but I'm not sure how those work.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: A "slash o" ?? Cannot get it...

2011-02-03 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Julien Rioux wrote:
> I'm curious... how does {} affect the kerning?

Because TeX does not treat the two characters as a pair for proper kerning.

> Is one of {\o} or \o{} preferable?


> The space is problematic when processed by bibtex:
> "J. N. Br\o nsted" will become "nsted, J. N. B."

Try {Br\o nsted}


Re: A "slash o" ?? Cannot get it...

2011-02-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 03/02/2011 3:12 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Also sprach Kenward Vaughan:

The space worked fine.  Should that always be done with ERT?

To terminate a command, if no other termination is done. In your case, LaTeX
thought you meant the command \onsted (which could very well be meant), and
failed, because no such command existed. If another command follows (Br\o\ss),
not termination is needed. You can also terminate by braces (Br{\o}nsted or
Br\o{}nsted), but this affects the kerning, so the space is suggested.


I'm curious... how does {} affect the kerning?
Is one of {\o} or \o{} preferable?

The space is problematic when processed by bibtex:
"J. N. Br\o nsted" will become "nsted, J. N. B."


Re: Hide parts of the document

2011-02-03 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/03/2011 11:15 AM, fffred wrote:

Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez  writes:


I've just installed LyX 1.4.3 since I worked a lot of time with 1.3.4.

Now I wonder, if when working with the lyx file, some parts of the
document can be easily hidden, for me to read the document more clear.
For example, I am viewing a section, so if it is possible to hid a
subsecion fast and easily, because maybe I want to see only sections
2.1 and 2.3, but section 2.2 is very long and I can not see the
relations between 2.1 and 2.3.

Of course, the output should include all sections.

Has there been any improvement from this suggestion ? I can't find something
similar in 2.0.0, but such a nice feature would be very useful.

It could even go even further: the "maketitle" part of the document could also
be folded. Same thing about appendices, etc.

Is there any plan ?

No one has stepped forward to do this, and it is not trivial. But you 
can get much the same effect by putting the material you want folded 
into a branch. I always do with the math macros I have at the top.


Re: Hide parts of the document

2011-02-03 Thread fffred
Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez  writes:

> Hi,
> I've just installed LyX 1.4.3 since I worked a lot of time with 1.3.4.
> Now I wonder, if when working with the lyx file, some parts of the 
> document can be easily hidden, for me to read the document more clear. 
> For example, I am viewing a section, so if it is possible to hid a 
> subsecion fast and easily, because maybe I want to see only sections 
> 2.1 and 2.3, but section 2.2 is very long and I can not see the 
> relations between 2.1 and 2.3.
> Of course, the output should include all sections.
> Thanks.
> Horacio.

Has there been any improvement from this suggestion ? I can't find something
similar in 2.0.0, but such a nice feature would be very useful.

It could even go even further: the "maketitle" part of the document could also
be folded. Same thing about appendices, etc.

Is there any plan ?


Re: Removing figure numbers

2011-02-03 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/03/2011 09:27 AM, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:

On 3 Feb 2011, at 15:07, Richard Heck wrote:

On 02/03/2011 05:54 AM, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:

Hi there, I am writing a report about a project I was running (in my signature for those 
curious :) and I would like to have captions for my images. By using directly inserted 
graphics there seems to be no way to do this. I tried using floated graphics but here the 
problem is that each caption gets the text "Figure 1:" to it. This is something 
I don't want as the images are there just to liven up the story, and I do not refer to 

I found a hack to remove the figure number, but the "Figure :" text still 
remains. Am I missing some really obvious option?

In LyX, just delete the caption inset: the thing that says "Figure 1".

I think you are missing the point: then I don't have any caption at all. I 
guess I could always just insert some standard text and fiddle around with the 
options and font options it until it looks like a caption, but that to me seems 
like a very un-LyX-like way to do it?

Oh, sorry, I didn't see that you want the caption but not the label.

If that's what you want, then you will have to do something like 
redefine the \@makecaption macro that is used to set the caption. I 
tried redefining \fnum@figure to do nothing, but that leaves the ":" in 
front of the caption. Here's the definition from article.cls:

  \sbox\@tempboxa{#1: #2}%
  \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
#1: #2\par
\global \@minipagefalse

#1 is what you don't want. If you never want it, then you can just 
replace "#1: #2" with "#2" and be done with it. If you want it in some 
cases but not others, that is more complicated.


Re: [WINDOWS] Python scripts fail

2011-02-03 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 2/2/2011 9:35 PM, Gabriel Kniffin wrote:

Unfortunately I'm still getting the same "...cannot determine size of 
graphic in..." errors when trying to build a .pdf.

You mentioned in a previous message that the images are all EPS files, 
and IIRC you said that they show up in DVI and PS output but not in PDF 
output.  That suggests that LyX is failing to convert them to a 
preferred format for PDF output.  (EPS images go directly into PS output 
without format change, and I believe that's also true of DVI output.)

First check:  View > PDF and, with LyX still open, peek into the 
temporary directory and see if the EPS files were copied there (with 
name changes) and if there are copies with the same file names but .pdf 
extensions.  My guess is the answers will be yes and no in that order.

Next, go to Tools > Preferences... > File Handling > Converters and 
confirm that there is at least one converter defined from EPS to PDF, 
and that the converter line reads 'epstopdf --outfile=$$o $$i'.  On my 
Windows box, the converter is from EPS to PDF (ps2pdf) rather than to 
PDF (pdflatex), but that does not seem to matter -- when I run View PDF 
(pdflatex), LyX runs epstopdf.

Finally, open a command shell and run 'kpsewhich epstopdf.exe'.  If 
MiKTeX is correctly installed, it should return the path to epstopdf.exe.


Re: Removing figure numbers

2011-02-03 Thread Kristoffer Lawson

On 3 Feb 2011, at 15:07, Richard Heck wrote:

> On 02/03/2011 05:54 AM, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:
>> Hi there, I am writing a report about a project I was running (in my 
>> signature for those curious :) and I would like to have captions for my 
>> images. By using directly inserted graphics there seems to be no way to do 
>> this. I tried using floated graphics but here the problem is that each 
>> caption gets the text "Figure 1:" to it. This is something I don't want as 
>> the images are there just to liven up the story, and I do not refer to them.
>> I found a hack to remove the figure number, but the "Figure :" text still 
>> remains. Am I missing some really obvious option?
> In LyX, just delete the caption inset: the thing that says "Figure 1".

I think you are missing the point: then I don't have any caption at all. I 
guess I could always just insert some standard text and fiddle around with the 
options and font options it until it looks like a caption, but that to me seems 
like a very un-LyX-like way to do it?

Kristoffer Lawson, Co-Founder, Scred // - 1km & The world's most arctic startups

Re: newcommand or command in caption of figure?

2011-02-03 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/03/2011 09:15 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:

Thanks a lot, rh,

unfortunately I need as well circled letters, which are not included 
in the package afair. I will have another glimpse on it.

I'm guessing that the problem here has to do with the use of tikzpix in 
moving arguments. Perhaps a different version of \mycirc would solve the 
problem, say, one that just printed the argument over a circle. I'm 
forgetting at the moment how to do that in a size-agnostic way. I guess 
by making boxes, figuring out how big they are, and then using \kern to 
move back just the right amount.


On 02/03/2011 08:37 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:

Dear all,

I have a graph which i need to explain in the caption. Unfortunately I need 
numbers and letters with a circle around in order to explain it (which is a 
scanned image). Therefore, I defined a new command in the preamble of the main 

\node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {#1};

and here the preview of the latex-code, I inserted the command via ERT:

\noindent \begin{centering}
\caption{ diagram displaying the corrosion
\mycirc{1}\label{fig:1} }

I cannot compile it, even when I insert the command directly into the caption, 

\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(C.base)] \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {1}; 

it only produces errors, while both possible ways work outside the caption in 
standard environment.

Could anybody help me to get around that problem inside the caption environment?
thanks a lot and all the best!

pifont provides circled numbers. So \usepackage{pifont} and then: 
\ding{172} for a circled `1'. See
// for the codepoints.


Re: newcommand or command in caption of figure?

2011-02-03 Thread Christoph Mayer
Thanks a lot, rh, 

unfortunately I need as well circled letters, which are not included in the 
package afair. I will have another glimpse on it. 

On Feb 3, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

> On 02/03/2011 08:37 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:
>> Dear all, 
>> I have a graph which i need to explain in the caption. Unfortunately I need 
>> numbers and letters with a circle around in order to explain it (which is a 
>> scanned image). Therefore, I defined a new command in the preamble of the 
>> main document  
>> \usepackage{tikz}
>> \newcommand*\mycirc[1]{%
>> \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(C.base)]
>> \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {#1};
>> \end{tikzpicture}}
>> and here the preview of the latex-code, I inserted the command via ERT:
>> \begin{figure}
>> \noindent \begin{centering}
>> \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{\string"../Pics/Chapter/1_\string".png}
>> \par\end{centering}
>> \caption{ diagram displaying the corrosion
>> \mycirc{1}\label{fig:1} }
>> \end{figure}
>> I cannot compile it, even when I insert the command directly into the 
>> caption, like
>> \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(C.base)] \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) 
>> {1}; \end{tikzpicture}
>> it only produces errors, while both possible ways work outside the caption 
>> in standard environment. 
>> Could anybody help me to get around that problem inside the caption 
>> environment? 
>> thanks a lot and all the best! 
> pifont provides circled numbers. So \usepackage{pifont} and then: \ding{172} 
> for a circled `1'. See 
> for the codepoints.
> rh

Re: newcommand or command in caption of figure?

2011-02-03 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/03/2011 08:37 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:

Dear all,

I have a graph which i need to explain in the caption. Unfortunately I need 
numbers and letters with a circle around in order to explain it (which is a 
scanned image). Therefore, I defined a new command in the preamble of the main 

\node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {#1};

and here the preview of the latex-code, I inserted the command via ERT:

\noindent \begin{centering}
\caption{ diagram displaying the corrosion
\mycirc{1}\label{fig:1} }

I cannot compile it, even when I insert the command directly into the caption, 

\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(C.base)] \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {1}; 

it only produces errors, while both possible ways work outside the caption in 
standard environment.

Could anybody help me to get around that problem inside the caption environment?
thanks a lot and all the best!

pifont provides circled numbers. So \usepackage{pifont} and then: 
\ding{172} for a circled `1'. See
// for the codepoints.


newcommand or command in caption of figure?

2011-02-03 Thread Christoph Mayer
Dear all, 

I have a graph which i need to explain in the caption. Unfortunately I need 
numbers and letters with a circle around in order to explain it (which is a 
scanned image). Therefore, I defined a new command in the preamble of the main 

\node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {#1};

and here the preview of the latex-code, I inserted the command via ERT:

\noindent \begin{centering}
\caption{ diagram displaying the corrosion
\mycirc{1}\label{fig:1} }

I cannot compile it, even when I insert the command directly into the caption, 

\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(C.base)] \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {1}; 

it only produces errors, while both possible ways work outside the caption in 
standard environment. 

Could anybody help me to get around that problem inside the caption 
thanks a lot and all the best! 


Re: Removing figure numbers

2011-02-03 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/03/2011 05:54 AM, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:

Hi there, I am writing a report about a project I was running (in my signature for those 
curious :) and I would like to have captions for my images. By using directly inserted 
graphics there seems to be no way to do this. I tried using floated graphics but here the 
problem is that each caption gets the text "Figure 1:" to it. This is something 
I don't want as the images are there just to liven up the story, and I do not refer to 

I found a hack to remove the figure number, but the "Figure :" text still 
remains. Am I missing some really obvious option?

In LyX, just delete the caption inset: the thing that says "Figure 1".


Re: Ann: rtf2latex2e 2.0.1 released

2011-02-03 Thread Wilfried
Wilfried wrote:

> Hello all,
> a major update for the rtf2latex2e converter is available at

Sorry, I also should mention that the executable is now named rtf2latex
(without the "2e")

Wilfried Hennings

Re: xetex use stix fonts?

2011-02-03 Thread Neal Becker
Guenter Milde wrote:

> On 2011-02-02, Neal Becker wrote:
>> Any easy way to switch to all stix fonts (lyx > 2.0)?
> What for (Text/Math/both)?
> I recommend using XITS (a re-packed STIX font) and the unicode-math
> package.
> Günter

Assuming I can find XITS (I'm using fedora linux - stix is a standard (set) of 
packages available on fedora), then what is the procedure?  Go to document/ 
settings/fonts, choose non-tex fonts, then what?

a problem with beta 3 on linux (Kubuntu) 10.10

2011-02-03 Thread Adriano Bassignana
If I load a file with this name:


The Lyx load and seve it without problems, but when I try to display it the 
program try to convert with e different file name:


and the display subroutine apparently stop without explicit message. I think 
the problem my be due to the filtering the "(" ")" chars from the file name. I 
think this is e big problem with Linux O.S. because is normal to insert this 
char in file name. I do not try with other chars, for exaple òàèìù, but i 
notice same problem to load this files.

Best regards,

Adriano Bassignana
Via San Francesco, 16
Albano S. Alessandro (BG)


Removing figure numbers

2011-02-03 Thread Kristoffer Lawson
Hi there, I am writing a report about a project I was running (in my signature 
for those curious :) and I would like to have captions for my images. By using 
directly inserted graphics there seems to be no way to do this. I tried using 
floated graphics but here the problem is that each caption gets the text 
"Figure 1:" to it. This is something I don't want as the images are there just 
to liven up the story, and I do not refer to them.

I found a hack to remove the figure number, but the "Figure :" text still 
remains. Am I missing some really obvious option?

Kristoffer Lawson, Co-Founder, Scred // - 1km & The world's most arctic startups

Re: A "slash o" ?? Cannot get it...

2011-02-03 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Also sprach Kenward Vaughan:
> The space worked fine.  Should that always be done with ERT?

To terminate a command, if no other termination is done. In your case, LaTeX 
thought you meant the command \onsted (which could very well be meant), and 
failed, because no such command existed. If another command follows (Br\o\ss), 
not termination is needed. You can also terminate by braces (Br{\o}nsted or 
Br\o{}nsted), but this affects the kerning, so the space is suggested.
