Re: Include a PDF file containing 3D object

2012-06-21 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:32 PM, joaquin  wrote:
> I have a PDF file, containing a 3D object. I try to include this into a LyX
> document.
> How can I include the 3D image?
If the 3D image is already in an existing PDF, likely the easiest
would be to extract that given page from PDF document using pdftk (or
PDFMod or PDF Chain, etc.) and then include it into your LyX document
via 'PDFPages'. See wiki and Help > Embedded Objects > Section 7.1.


> Will it be interactive once I compile the document?
> I need help, thank you so much.

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

Re: cross-references sometimes spill past column boundary

2012-06-21 Thread Justin Wood
Justin Wood> writes:

> At the moment I'm using:
>  \renewcommand{\figureautorefname}{Figure~\negthinspace}
> I've tried replacing '~' with a simple space, with '\,' and '\ ' but it still
> doesn't break between 'Figure' and the ref label. Shouldn't that be possible?

Ahh, found the source of the problem. The thesis template includes

And \mbox prevents line breaks within the reference itself. Removing that
resolves the problem, and even hyphenates 'Figure'. Of course it was no doubt
added for good reason so I'll have to see what other consequences there are...

Re: cross-references sometimes spill past column boundary

2012-06-21 Thread Justin Wood
Guenter Milde> writes:

> It is standard TeX behaviour to let unbreakable words stick into the margin.
> The LaTeX log shows warnings for every such line (often just tiny incursions
> that can be ignored).

Thanks Günter. I've looked through the log and can't find any warnings that
indicate this.
> To find out whether it is a wrapping problem or a problem of the command,
> you might experiment with giving the output of the \cite command directly in
> place of it and see if this wraps well.

Good suggestion. It seems that components of the citation (using \citet) are
broken over the line as one would hope, but individual full words are not
hyphenated. So for example, 'Ramanathan and Feng (2008)' is broken after
Ramanathan, but that word/name itself is not hyphenated and hence spills over
into the margin a little.

I suppose my question is how the cross reference can be specified so that it
breaks between the label and the numerical identifier, which would largely fix
the problem?

At the moment I'm using:

I've tried replacing '~' with a simple space, with '\,' and '\ ' but it still
doesn't break between 'Figure' and the ref label. Shouldn't that be possible?

> > Is this something of a known trap? Any suggestions much appreciated. I
> > realise a sample .lyx file may also help, but these are pretty large and
> > linked to a number of custom modules, plus a parent document, so I haven't
> > attached one (yet). I'm hoping it's more of a general issue...
> Try creating a "minimal working example" from the file, i.e. a test document
> that has everyting that is not needed to reproduce the bug removed. Often
> creating this example already helps towards a solution. In other cases it
> allows interested people to experiment.

Yep, very much understood. I was hoping I could find a solution without having
to go quite that far... :)

Don't make the mistake I made

2012-06-21 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

All of a sudden, my new book's sections stopped being numbered
chapter#.section#, and stopped restarting at the start of each chapter.

Luckily, I'd done only a few things since the problem happened. One was
I messed with the slider in the outline view, but nothing I could do
with the slider could fix the symptom.

The other thing I'd done was to create a new layout and set the book to
that document class. Going into the layout, I noticed the line saying
"Input book.layout" was commented out. So I uncommented it, and bang,
the symptom went away.

If you experience a problem with section numbering on a document class
derived from class Book, make sure the layout file includes "Input



Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

Re: Problem with overlay and beamer

2012-06-21 Thread Paul A . Rubin
As to why the right hand box is so large, I believe it is because Beamer cannot
tell how much vertical space is required. The overprint environments seem to
throw off its space calculation.

One way around this is to make the right hand block a minipage with an
explicitly declared height (75% of slide height seems to work for your example)
and put the overprints inside the minipage. Your test file, suitably modified,
is attached below. As a side note, I had to put a hard space to the right of the
table; otherwise the hfill on that side was ignored.


#LyX 2.0 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 413
\textclass beamer
% or ...

% or whatever (possibly just delete it)
\use_default_options false
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 2
\use_esint 0
\use_mhchem 1
\use_mathdots 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\use_refstyle 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\secnumdepth 2
\tocdepth 2
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false


\begin_layout Title
Title As It Is In the Proceedings

\begin_layout Subtitle
Include Only If Paper Has a Subtitle

\begin_layout Author
\begin_inset space ~

\begin_inset Flex InstituteMark
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_inset space ~

\begin_inset Flex InstituteMark
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_layout Institute
\begin_inset Flex InstituteMark
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout


Department of Computer Science
\begin_inset Newline newline

University of Somewhere
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_inset Flex InstituteMark
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout


Department of Theoretical Philosophy
\begin_inset Newline newline

University of Elsewhere

\begin_layout Date
Conference on Fabulous Presentations, 2003

\begin_layout BeginFrame
The Agents

\begin_layout ColumnsTopAligned


\begin_layout Column

\begin_layout Block
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

emph{Erytenna consputa}}



\begin_layout Itemize
Young Follicle Feeder

\begin_layout Itemize

\begin_layout Itemize

\begin_layout Separator


\begin_layout Block
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

emph{Carposina autologa}}



\begin_layout Itemize
Mature Follicle Feeder

\begin_layout Itemize

\begin_layout Itemize

\begin_layout Column

\begin_layout Block
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_inset Box Frameless
position "t"
hor_pos "c"
has_inner_box 1
inner_pos "t"
use_parbox 0
use_makebox 0
width "100col%"
special "none"
height "0.75in"
height_special "totalheight"
status open

\begin_layout Overprint


\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\lang british

\begin_inset space \hfill{}

\lang english

\begin_inset Graphics
filename Picture_690.png
lyxscale 10
width 4cm
BoundingBox 0bp 0bp 338bp 221bp


\lang british

\begin_inset space \hfill{}


\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status coll

Include a PDF file containing 3D object

2012-06-21 Thread joaquin
I have a PDF file, containing a 3D object. I try to include this into a LyX
How can I include the 3D image?
Will it be interactive once I compile the document?
I need help, thank you so much.

Re: Thank You!

2012-06-21 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Påvel Nicklasson  wrote:
> PDFMod is a very good program to manipulate and split PDF-files. Very useful
> to extract each paper when sending the papers back to authors.
I like PDF Chain [1] for such tasks.



Re: Thank You!

2012-06-21 Thread Les Denham
On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 21:12:22 +0200
Påvel Nicklasson  wrote:

> My wishlist includes an Adobe Distiller type of program for Linux and
> that more printing houses would learn about LaTeX/LyX and offer
> support and advice.


One of my problems has been that most printing companies insist on "if
providing a PDF it must be distilled using Adobe" for PDF files. That's
a quote from, and while they do accept other PDF files for
private printing, if you want it published by them you have to comply.
Other publishers have similar wording.

I have heard that will accept a PostScript file, though they
do not say so on their website.

So if you want to use Linux only for writing a book to be published, you
pretty much have the choice of finding a publisher who will accept
PostScript, or paying for Adobe's online service (I think they accept

Some publishers will accept other graphics files, such as JPEG or PDF
for covers, and if they will do this Scribus is quite good for putting
a cover together (with some of the graphic bits produced by Gimp).

But I certainly join you in wishing for more LaTeX support among
publishers. I don't worry so much about LyX support: if a publisher
will accept LaTeX it is quite easy to generate that from LyX.


Help with command sequence

2012-06-21 Thread Fabio Sobral

I want to create a shortcut for a minipage with a drop shadw box and line
After reading the page about command sequences on the wiki ( I down to this:
"command-sequence box-insert Shadowbox"

I just need to set the box width, from columnwidth to linewidth, is this



Re: Thank You!

2012-06-21 Thread Påvel Nicklasson
2012/6/21 Pavel Sanda 

> P?vel Nicklasson wrote:
> > I want to thank the LyX developers and the users on the list for making a
> > superb program and helping me using it!
> You may want to put it here:
> Cheers,
> Pavel

Yes, that would be very nice and I hope could give some promotion for LyX.
I have produced another book in LyX before and that one could perhaps go
there as well. LyX and the mailing list are of course mentioned in the
acknowledgements in both books.

The books are (mostly) in Swedish but I can write short introductions in

How do I place the books on the page?


Re: Thank You!

2012-06-21 Thread Påvel Nicklasson
2012/6/21 Rainer M Krug 

> Hash: SHA1
>  >
> > The editorial work was done with free software in Linux Kubuntu.
> >
> Very nice - could you possibly elaborate a bit which programs you used for
> what?
Of course he usual suspects:
GIMP for image manipulation, LibreOffice for recieving and communicating
with the authors early on, none of them used LaTeX/LyX. In the humanities
it is common to recieve papers written in 20+ year old word processors and
LibO is very good to open and convert such nasty things. I converted all
files to plain text and imported them to LyX. I tested some conversion
tools from LibO to LaTeX, but I think it is faster to use plain .txt. Of
course this depends on the kind of papers, quality of the text, kind of
publication and so on.

PDFMod is a very good program to manipulate and split PDF-files. Very
useful to extract each paper when sending the papers back to authors.

KDE may be somewhat heavy and perhaps not my favourite desktop environment,
but it has several very useful scripts for Dolphin accessible from the
right click menu. The scripts handle manipulating PDF:s, conversion of
images and textfiles. Very useful things when producing a book and as a
scholar in the humanities I am able to remember just a limited number of
terminal commands. These scripts have saved me many hours and I do
recommend KDE for heavy work.

In the end I had to make a Postscript file and this was the only hickup. I
could not produce the ps file in Linux but everything worked perfectly in
Windows. I still don't know what went wrong in Linux, but I'll have another
look on it now when I have no dead line and send a bug report if

The ps file was converted to PDF in Adobe Distiller (another Windows
victory) with the settings of the printing house.

The printing house had never heard about LaTeX and is heavily entrenched in
Adobes software. Still they accepted my PDF right off and our cooperation
was very smooth. I think that they were surprised and impressed when I told
them that the book had been made in Linux with free software that doesn't
cost a single krona (Swedish coin).

The cover was made by a specialist in InDesign and thus not produced in
Linux. I think it is hard to replace InDesign for this, since the printing
house expects an open InDesign file for final adjustments.

I have typeset several academic books in InDesign before, but I must say
that the process is simpler and with fewer hurdles in LaTeX and especially
in LyX, despite the fact that I am still learning the program. This was my
second book project in LyX. Nowadays I do all my writing in LyX and only
use LibO Writer when I have to submit papers in word processor format.

My wishlist includes an Adobe Distiller type of program for Linux and that
more printing houses would learn about LaTeX/LyX and offer support and

Way to do unsorted multiple bibliography

2012-06-21 Thread julien.babinot

Dear Lyx users,

I am writting my PhD thesis with this great software that is Lyx. 
Compared to a well-known WYSIWYG program, the benefits are just 
However, i have an unsolved problem concerning the bibliography of my 
thesis. I want to make a separate bibliography for each chapter (placed 
at the end of them), without overall bibliography. I want this 
bibliography to be unsorted, i.e. numbered in the order of citation.
Unfortunately, the native package included with Lyx for multiple 
bibliography, bibtopic, does not support unsorted bibliographies.
I had a look on this page to solve my problem:
My knowledge in Latex being very poor, those procedures are perhaps not 
detailled enough for me and i am still not able to buid my multiple 
unsorted bibliography.
First of all, i would like to know if there is one favoured package for 
my purpose between bibunits, chapterbib or biblatex?
Then, do you know where i could find a detailled procedure for the 
installation and use of the best package in Lyx? I tried to use biblatex 
and chapterbib; i used this procedure to build bibtexall:
Is it correct to proceed like this? I placed the as-made bibtexall.exe 
in the .bin folder of MikteX, but i don't know if this first step is 
already not correct or if i am not including the references and 
bibliography correctly (because it is of course not working)...

To summarize, i am totally lost and i would greatly appreciate any help!

Thanks a lot


Why not Windows 2000?

2012-06-21 Thread Oleg Parashchenko

I'd like to use LyX under Windows 2000, but installer says LyX requires
at least Windows XP. Why? Are there any technical issues which enforce
reject of Windows 2000?

Oleg Parashchenko  olpa@  XML, TeX, Python, Mac, Chess

AW: article.cls and others

2012-06-21 Thread Matthias Hunstig
Hello Jakob,

are you working in a network environment? In this case, the problem could be 
related to this and may be solved in the next version:

Apparently, Windows 7 with network users can be configured to either use the 
local profile folders (c:\users\...) or a profile folder on the network. In the 
first case (my current situation), LyX works. In the second (my previous 
situation), you get problems as described. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how 
to change this setting, but you network admins may be able to do that.



Von: [] Im Auftrag von 
Jakob Neitzel
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012 22:20
Betreff: article.cls and others


I am having a problem that seems to have been around in different versions for 
a while. However, I have not been able to get lyx running even after searching 
through the mailing list archives.
For example this :

I installed Lyx 2.0.3 and Miktex 2.9 on a Windows 7 system today and every time 
I open a document I get the error message:

"The selected document class .. requires external files that are not 
available. The class can be used, but not compiled until following 
prerequisites are installed: ... .cls . See Section Class Availability of the 
User's Guide for more information"

I tried all steps of advice from the discussion above and it is still not 
running. I have also tried to re-install lyx in case that was the problem.
Do you have any ideas what I need to do?

Thanks for your help.
Jakob Neitzel

NEU: FreePhone 3-fach-Flat mit kostenlosem Smartphone!
Jetzt informieren:

Re: Thank You!

2012-06-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
P?vel Nicklasson wrote:
> I want to thank the LyX developers and the users on the list for making a
> superb program and helping me using it!

You may want to put it here:


Re: Fwd: Create my own class of documents

2012-06-21 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2012-06-19, Ignacio García wrote:

>> I've suscribed to this list because I've already looked for information
>> about creating class of document for Lyx. I know that there are some of
>> them such as book, article, broadway and so on. But It's not clear what
>> is the proper way to do make a .cls file from scratch without depending
>> on any else of default classes.

> The .cls and .sty files are LaTeX files, they are not LyX files.
> Making LaTeX files from scratch is a difficult task, I think.

Just like making LyX .layout files it requires reading an applying the
documentation. For LaTeX classes and styles the starting point is the
"clsguide" (on modern systems, the command `texdoc clsguide` should open

> The specific LyX files are .layout, .inc or .module. (see you in folder
> /usr/share/lyx/layouts). They allow to use in Lyx the .cls/.sty LaTeX
> files.

Creating LyX suport for custom TeX classes and styles is described in 
Help>Customizing LyX.

>> I'm doing my thesis and It requires some specific parameters for the
>> layout, margins, paper size and other features,

> Possibly, the easiest way to start is trying to write a module.
> All this is explained in detail in the chapter 5 of the Customization
> manual.

The easiest way is a template document with custom settings and latex

Somewhat more generic is a latex preambel in a separate file which the 
documents latex preamble includes with \input{myfinepreamble.tex}.
This way, addings and changes will be used by all existing documents, too.

A custom module extends this to custom Styles and Insets. The advantage of a
module is that you can combine it with several documentclasses.

If you want your settings and styles to be available also for .tex files
outside LyX, the equivalent to the LyX module is a LaTeX package (.sty file).
Creation of these is also described in the "clsguide".


Re: article.cls and others

2012-06-21 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2012-06-20, Jakob Neitzel wrote:

> I am having a problem that seems to have been around in different versions 
> for a while. However, I have not been able to get lyx running even after 
> searching through the mailing list archives. 
> For example this : 

> I installed Lyx 2.0.3 and Miktex 2.9 on a Windows 7 system today and every 
> time I open a document I get the error message:

> "The selected document class .. requires external files that are not 
> available. The class can be used, but not compiled until following 
> prerequisites are installed: ... .cls . See Section Class Availability of 
> the User's Guide for more information"

If this message appears for any of the standard documentclasses (article, book,
report), it shows a general problem with your setup.

 * Try to create a simple sample document, 
 * export to latex (File>Export>pdflatex)
 * compile from the command line (DOS box): pdflatex example.tex

 If this works, latex works but LyX does not know. Reconfigure LyX
 and write again if this does not help.
 If pdflatex fails, write the error message(s).

If this message appears for "exotic" documentclasses only, you may have a
partial lyx installation. MikTeX can, AFAIK, auto-install required packages,
so this may be a warning you can ignore.  


Re: cross-references sometimes spill past column boundary

2012-06-21 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2012-06-21, Justin Wood wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> Hi all. I have a small problem when using the LyX 2 inbuilt thesis
> templates (KOMA-Script scrbook): in some instances, text lines that happen
> to finish with cross-references when paginated (justified text) are
> spilling past the normal column boundary. I've fiddled around with
> \renewcommand used to override the *autorefname, including reverting to
> default, but can't seem to resolve it. Offending cross-references are
> default \ref style, and I have not checked the Document Settings box to use
> refstyle over prettyref. Output is in XeTeX, although it was happening with
> LaTeX and inbuilt fonts as well (I think). Attached is a PDF extract
> showing the problem (second last paragraph).

It is standard TeX behaviour to let unbreakable words stick into the margin.
The LaTeX log shows warnings for every such line (often just tiny incursions
that can be ignored).

To find out whether it is a wrapping problem or a problem of the command,
you might experiment with giving the output of the \cite command directly in
place of it and see if this wraps well.

> Is this something of a known trap? Any suggestions much appreciated. I
> realise a sample .lyx file may also help, but these are pretty large and
> linked to a number of custom modules, plus a parent document, so I haven't
> attached one (yet). I'm hoping it's more of a general issue...

Try creating a "minimal working example" from the file, i.e. a test document
that has everyting that is not needed to reproduce the bug removed. Often
creating this example already helps towards a solution. In other cases it
allows interested people to experiment.


Re: Thank You!

2012-06-21 Thread Rainer M Krug
Hash: SHA1

On 21/06/12 08:51, Påvel Nicklasson wrote:
> Thank You all!
> I have just finished an edited volume on the History of Archaeology in 
> Scandinavia with myself
> and a colleague as editors. I used LyX for the layout (and to write my own 
> contribution of
> course). It was a major project with some 20 papers and the book has nearly 
> 400 pages.

Congratulations - it is always nice to hear that ones favorite programs are 
used for substantially
larger projects then I am using them for.

> The editorial work was done with free software in Linux Kubuntu.

Very nice - could you possibly elaborate a bit which programs you used for what?

> I want to thank the LyX developers and the users on the list for making a 
> superb program and
> helping me using it!

I can only second that - in my case a PhD thesis and some papers.



> Best Regards
> Påvel Nicklasson

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