Placing an image in the sheet

2009-09-01 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi all:

I'm working with the Book (Koma-script) class, ant I want to put an image
just on the rigth side of the chapter title. Is possible?



Re: About the position of footnotes and page numbers

2009-08-16 Thread Antonio Díaz
OK, I didn't uderstand how I can do that. I'm only interested in create a
text with the footnotes a the side of the body, but it seem imposible.
Anyone have done that? Is possible to do this with a command in the

About the position of the page numbers, I've read the manual of fancyhdr,
and try it, but i can't do that. Is there a preamble command to do that?



Re: About the position of footnotes and page numbers

2009-08-14 Thread Antonio Díaz
 Hi all:

*try defining some LaTeX command that looks like a footnote, but acts like a
margin note. Very roughly:


Then, if you don't want footnotes at all:


This will not always work, I expect, but it ought to get you started.*

I'm sorry, but I didn't understand. Your propose is to insert the footnotes
with that Latex command, but, where do I write the content of the footnote?
Maybe is easier to change the place of footnotes in the template, but I dont
know how can I do that.

About the Fancyhdr package it can change the position of the page numbers.


About the position of footnotes and page numbers

2009-08-13 Thread Antonio Díaz
I'm writing and designing a text. The style is *Book Koma-script*

First question: the text have a lot of footnotes, and I want it to appear on
the side of the body of the text, as same as the margin notes. Is it

Second question: Is possible to change the position of the page numbers?
How? My text is 20 cm. high x 30 cm. width, horizontal format. The margins
are 3 cm. inside an 7 cm. outside. Is possible to make that the footnotes
and the page numbers appears out of this margins? (with a margin of 3 cm.
outside for both of them).



Re: Biblatex and filters

2009-07-22 Thread Antonio Díaz
And if I use:

\defbibfilter{general}{\( \keyword{General} \) \and \type{book} \and \not
\defbibfilter{online}{\( \keyword{General} \) \and \not \type{book}}

It works. It is because in the keyword general, I only have books and
electronics, and in the second appears all that are not books, accidentally
electronics. But if I put there a thesis, it would appear in the
bibliography online with this comand. And I don't want this…

Can anyone help me?

Re: Biblatex and filters

2009-07-22 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi all:

First question:

If I write:

\defbibfilter{general}{\( \keyword{General} \) \and \type{electronic} \and
\not \type{book}}

It works fine, but if I write

\defbibfilter{general}{\keyword{General} \and \not \type{electronic}}

It includes the type electronic. I can use the first command, but I don't
know why I can't use the second —is more easy to use—.

The second question:

I have two filters in preamble:

\defbibfilter{general}{\( \keyword{General} \) \and \type{book} \and \not
\defbibfilter{online}{\( \keyword{General} \) \and \type{electronic} \and
\not \type{book}

The first works, the second not. Why?  I don't know…


Biblatex and filters

2009-07-21 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi all:

I'm trying to define a filter for a bibliography, but I can't do it right.
In the *Biblatex* manual, in *3.5.8 Bibliography filters*, appears this
**\defbibfilter{example}{% *
*\( \type{book} \or \type{inbook} \) *
*\and \keyword{abc} *
*\and \not \keyword{xyz}} *

And —I'm not sure— I supose it's just like

*\defbibfilter{example}{\( \type{book} \or \type{inbook} \) \and
\keyword{abc} \and \not \keyword{xyz}} *

I want to create a filter like "write in this bibliography all the
references with the keyword *General*, but only those without the type *
\defbibfilter{General}{\keyword{General} \and \not \type{electronic}} *

And later, where I want the bibliography


Am I writing it correctly?



Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
Ok, at this point I can try the filters and other possibilities of biblatex.
It works and now I can play with it!

If somebody wants to read an abstract in Spanish language about my problem
with multiples bibliographies in LyX I'm going to write it in this page:

Best regards

Antonio Díaz

Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
Some questions related:

   - When I want to use this system in the final text, composed by parts,
   chapters (they have the bibilographies), sections and subsections, Lyx gives
   an erorr in the output:

*Use of \...@chapter doesn't match its definition.

If you say, e.g., `\def\a1{...}', then you must always
put `1' after `\a', since control sequence names are
made up of letters only. The macro here has not been
followed by the required stuff, so I'm ignoring it.*

   - How can I delete the word *Bibliografía*? I used to write the
   *, but here doesn't works.

   - If I add the \nocite command to a bibliography, ¿how knows LyX wich
   .bib file must he use to extract all the references? That's because I have
   one .bib file by chapter, and one chapter by artist I'm writing about, and
   there must be a lot of references, and only som of them cited on the text.

Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
What can I say… I works!

only one question… In the bibilographies appears the works cited. ¿Is
possible to make it to appear all the works contained in the .bib file? e.g.
in the bibliography of the first chapter must appears all the works of the
first file, independent of if they are cited or not.

Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
Yes, here is the output!

*Last login: Mon Jul 20 16:18:52 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
ordenador-de-monicreque:~ monicreque$
bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)'
bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)1-blx
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)1-blx'
bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)2-blx
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)2-blx'
bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)'
bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)1-blx
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)1-blx'
bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)2-blx
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)2-blx'


Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
I think not. When I try it says this:
**ordenador-de-monicreque:/Applications monicreque$ Lyx*
*-bash: Lyx: command not found*


Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz

I'm sorry. When I make

*ordenador-de-monicreque:/Applications monicreque$ open *

—I'm working in a mac— the terminal open the program. I open
*Text(2).lyx*in LyX and try a pdflatex. But the console say nothing!

Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi Jürgen:

Mmmm, OK. Now, when I make a *which bibtexall*, the terminal say
/usr/local/bin/bibtexall. I think it isn't OK, because the warning persist.
I've done a  *sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/bibtexall *to make it executable
for all users, and texhash to make it locatable.

Iv'e tried with some of the paths you said, but doesn't works… The warnings
persist in the log file.


Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi Jürgen:

Bibtexall is in /Users/monicreque/Library/texmf/bibtexall. If I do *which
bibtexall* in the console, it says:

* no bibtexall in /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin
/usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/texbin*

And if I do *bibtexall* says:

* bibtexall: command not found

*Maybe I must put bibtexall in another path?*


Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz

"What does "kpsewhich Informe.bib" and "kpsewhich Informe2.bib" on the
command line reveal?"



These are the places where I put the bib files.

"now if you run LyX from the console and try to view PDF, which messages do
you get on the console?"
"does the LaTeX log file contain any biblatex warning messages?"

Mmm, really, when in the console I do a *open* it open LyX in the
normal way. I can take the register of the Latex, and there are some warning

   - Package biblatex Warning: 'babel' detected but 'csquotes' missing.
   Loading 'csquotes' is strongly recommended.
   - LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/cmss/bx/sc' undefined.  using
   `T1/cmss/bx/n' instead on input line 61.
   - Class scrbook Warning: \fl...@addtolists detected!
   - *LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
   Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run BibTeX on the file(s):
   (biblatex)and rerun LaTeX afterwards.*

I think the important is the last one. Maybe it refers that the script
doesn't works appropriately, but I'm not sure. The whole log file atacched.

Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
Im sorry Jürgen, I send here the correct file…

Description: Binary data

Re: One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-20 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi Jünger:

"Look at the preamble: you will have to adapt the paths in the \bibliography
command to point to the locations of your *.bib files. In your original
you used non-valid paths, which was probably the reason it did not work for

OK, I've just correct the path to the bibliographies in the preamble and in
the bibliography inserted into the text. The .bib files are are into the
folder texmf/bibtex/bib and I've run texhash. Also the script is in the same
folder and the latex command is now bibtexall.

But, when I make an output by pdflatex, the bibliographies doesn't appears!.

What happens?



One bibliography each chapter with biblatex (verbose-trad2 style)

2009-07-19 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi all:

I'm trying to create a text with diferent chapters, each chapter with a
bibliography, and each bibliography with all the references of an .bib file.
Some of the references of the .bib file are citted in the chapter, but
anothers not. Anycase in the bibilography appears all the cites of the file.

I use biblatex with verbose-trad2 style, and i've read the manual of
biblatex. The problem is that I have a great trouble with the way to create
a text lke this, I don't understand anything.

I can't use chapterbib or another package because are incompatible with
biblatex —makes an error in the outputs like "incompatible package…"—

Is neccesary to make something with the .aux and .bbl files or LyX manage it

Is neccesary make a LyX file for each chapter an a master one with the
"child document" system or not?

I'm trying to know how resolve this problem, because I'm writing a catalog,
and I can post the solution in spanish here:



Biblatex and multiple bibliographies

2009-07-13 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi all:

I'm writing a text about some artists i've working on. The structure is like
a catalog, a lot of chapters, each one with an artist. I want one
bibliography at the end of each chapter, but i'm using the bibliography
stile verbose-trad2 of biblatex package, because I need to use "Ibid." or
"Op. cit." when I repeat a citation.
The problem: i don't know how do that. There is a lot of packages like
bibunit or multibib, but I cant do it works.

Someone knows how can i do the multiple bibliographies with the biblatex



Re: Installyng BibLatex in Mac

2009-05-29 Thread Antonio Díaz
Hi, thank you for the response:

On Mac, BibLaTeX should go in ~/Library/texmf/ (Make sure you put
the biblatex.bst file in the bibtex/bst/ directory, and everything
else in the tex/latex/ directory

Ok, everything was where you say.

Biblatex.module was in the ~/application support/Lyx�C1.6/Layouts

All the files of the latex directory of the packet I've downloaded was in
the  ~/tex/latex/biblatex directory

biblatex.bst was in ~/Library/Texmf/Bibtex/bst

At this point, in the Readme of Biblatex say

"[…] and the file in the 'bibtex' directory [it refers to biblatex.bst] to

 I just create this directory and put the biblatex.bst there. Now I hace two
biblatex.bst, one in ~/Library/Texmf/Bibtex/bst and another
in ~/Library/Texmf/Bibtex/bst/biblatex

"Make sure you do texhash (not "rehash" as you say above);

I'm sorry!. I did sudo texhash, but I wrote rehash in the post. Was an error
while writing…

I've done texhash and reconfigure, but the module doesnt appears in the D

It doesn't work because I have two biblatex.module files or two

Now I'm making the references manually ―make a footnote and write the whole
reference. Copy it into the biliography append, and its OK. And I can put
Ibíd or Op. cit.!― Works very fine and whithout downloading anything!.
Really, I need to make the references automatically, I'm typing a lot of
them, but i don't know what happens with my Lyx.

