Re: Subtitles

2006-06-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Steve Litt wrote:
> If you notice, most modern books have two lines to their title, as in:
> ===
> Guide to LaTeX
> Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting
> ===

Try this one. Basically it means redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] like this
(notice using [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is per default [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

and now we fill [EMAIL PROTECTED] with some stuff (if desired):

The redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to the Preamble section of Title 
and definition of \subtitle into Preamble section of Subtitle style. Size
of the font can be changed in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this what you want?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
This message has been composed of recycled electrons. None of
these electrons has been harmed or injured in the creation and
transmission of this message but they have been shamelessly
exploited for this use.
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article (like from groff)}
# $Id:,v 1.1 2006/06/06 18:55:44 matej Exp matej $

# General textclass parameters
Input article.layout

   Other "11pt"



% rcssimple.sty -- local version
\def\RCS$#1: #2 ${\expandafter\def\csname RCS#1\endcsname{#2}}


% protect content from TTH

% make url.sty work
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@hyp{\do\-}

% setting some basic LaTeX variables






\newcommand{\fixme}[1]{\textsc{{[}FIXME: #1{]}}}

% apply rcssimple

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[L]{\scriptsize{rev. \RCSRevision{}}}




# Title style definition
Style Title
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName title
  ParSkip   0.4
  ItemSep   0
  BottomSep 1
  Align Center
  AlignPossible Center
  LabelType No_Label
\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

  # standard font definition


Style Subtitle
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName subtitle
  ParSkip   0
  ItemSep   0

Re: File with png graphics hangs lyx

2006-07-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> However, I never noticed that I have to close the last display
>> of a pdf in Acrobat to be able to view the new one (I get the
>> message "I can't write on foo.pdf" until I close foo.pdf.

> You might want to look at
> Being too
> absent-minded to reliably close AR each time, I've found this 
> quite valuable.

Adobe Acrobat has long (really long -- since version 1.0) bug, 
that it opens files both for reading and writing (instead of 
opening it read-only as good viewer should; it is probably 
residuum from from Adobe Acrobat not-only-Reader, which could 
write to PDF. So you have two options:

a) either do terrible tricks described in the above link,
b) use better PDF viewer -- GSView 
( opens file RO 
and it is able to do the same trick as DVI Viewers -- 
actualizing view when PDF file changes.



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
The function of the expert is not to be more right than other
people, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
-- Dr. David Butler, British psephologist

tex4ht just doesn't work for me ...

2006-08-03 Thread Matej Cepl

couple of people mentioned htlatex as tool for conversion from LaTeX to
HTML. I have long history (at least 2 years) of not being able to convert
even quite simple LaTeX to HTML with tex4ht stuff. Using Debian/testing, I
have tex4ht 20060619-1 and when I tried to convert my dissertation
proposal, I got just garbage -- certainly not correct HTML. You can see
record of my attempts on . Could anybody explain
me what's wrong with me, please?

Thanks a lot,

GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

Re: Scaling an A4 doc to 2-up Landscape on A4

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
john wrote:
> I have tried: cat | psbook | psnup -2 | lp -d printer

Aside from honoring you with Useless Use of Cat Award
( psnup has really
weird syntax -- the parameter is really -2up (don't ask me why). So this
should read:

psbook | psnup -2up > # BE GREEN - check with gs first
 # and only then print



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: access privileges of new files

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
pol wrote:
> It appears LyX always creates new files with privileges   -rw-r--r--
> Is that a bug?

umask(1) is your friend.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
He is not only dull himself, he is the cause of dullness in
  -- Samuel Johnson

Re: Copying and pasting

2006-08-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Pupeno wrote:
> My wife is doing some work in which she pastes lots of text from mails and
> other places, most of the on UTF-8 and pastes it on Lyx, but Lyx uses
> Latin-1, so she ends up with a lot of weird characters. Any ideas how to
> solve the problem ? something that is agile ?

What's your platform? I could help with KDE (and klipper), where it should
be trivial to make a script which would convert between encodings in
clipboard. Anything else is beyond my ability.

> If upgrading to 4.0 is needed, I'll consider it, we are currently running
> 1.3.7, but the last time I tried 4.0, it didn't seem to be have UTF-8
> support.

No, it doesn't help -- current LyX doesn't support UTF-8. Period.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying
I approved of it.
  -- Mark Twain

Re: Copying and pasting

2006-08-15 Thread Matej Cepl
Pupeno wrote:
> Yes, this is KDE (Kubuntu to be precise).

Actually, for me inserting text from clipboard in UTF-8 works well (I have
UTF-8 locale though, maybe that's the difference) -- it comes to LyX in

However, character conversion of clipboard in KDE are really trivial:

prelozeno=$(dcop klipper klipper getClipboardContents \
| iconv -f utf8 -t iso-8859-2)
dcop klipper klipper setClipboardContents $prelozeno

(you may need to use -s and -c -- iconv(1) is your friend)

Play with it, make script out of it and attach the script to some key
shortcut in KDE (Control Center/Regional & Accessibility/Keyboard
shortcuts). You may also need to set correctly IFS variable (read in
bash(1) about that one; maybe unsetting is what's needed? -- just in case
your multi-line and multi-paragraph texts get mangled).


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebears, but
by diligent hard work, he overcame them.
  -- James Reston
 (about Richard Nixon)

Re: Aspell and language de_CH

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
david wrote:
> How can I get aspell to use the language German Switzerland (de_CH)?

It is weird -- I tried to find out what is the status of support of de_CH in
LaTeX, but it seems to be pretty nonexistent (be aware, that I don't speak
German at all, so I know nearly nothing about this subtleties). Neither in
$TEXMF/tex/generic/babel/ nor in /usr/share/lyx/languages I found anything
mentioned about swiss. Try to ask here

> If I chose "Deutsch (neue Rechtschreibung)" in the document properties
> (format/document) I get an error message:
> The file /usr/lib/aspell/ngerman could not be opened for reading.

The best language seems to me to be NGerman, but why aspell makes troubles I
don't know -- /usr/share/lyx/languages clearly indicates that the language
should be de_DE and if you have correctly installed aspell-de than its
dictionary should be present. What do you get when running

ls /usr/lib/aspell/swiss* /usr/lib/aspell/de*



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in a light
Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue.

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Martin A. Hansen wrote:
> what can i do?

Install dvipost ( or from your


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
Home is where ~/.bashrc is.
   -- from Usenet

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> And dvipost.sty is in the tex search path?

I.e., what do you get with

kpsewhich dvipost.sty


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with
great pleasure.
  -- Clarence Darrow

Re: Bibtex or bibitem?

2006-08-27 Thread Matej Cepl
Miki Dovrat wrote:
> Is there a way to "translate" entries from a bibtex file to a specific
> format and then reinclude them as items in the bibliography? Nice or dirty
> solutions are welcome.

That's what *.bbl file is about. Paste it into ERT to your document, and you
are all set.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

Re: book koma-script options explained?

2006-09-01 Thread Matej Cepl
tom poe wrote:
> Is there a discussion of the options, e.g., backtitle, uppertitleback,
> lowertitleback, extratitle, etc. that would help me prepare for book
> layout? Tom

Well, what about manual to koma-script ?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: Ligature problem

2006-09-03 Thread Matej Cepl
Reinhard Mayr aka Czerwinski wrote:
> Can somebody please tell me what to tweak to make all ligatures (ff, fi,
> ffi, fl, ffl) work?

What fonts do you use? TeX cannot more than what is available in the fonts.
The best coverage (of course) is in Knuth's Computer Modern fonts. So, if
you use ae fonts (in Document settings), then you should all ligatures TeX
is able to support.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259
The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse
every time Congress meets
-- Will Rogers

Re: adding hollywood TeX class

2006-09-06 Thread Matej Cepl
> Where can I find the hollywood TeX class, and how do I install it so that
> Lyx will find it?

It is usually part of the LyX package (lyx-common in Debian to be exact).
What is your distribution/operating system?



23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review
   of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl
> /usr/share/lyx/tex/hollywood.cls
> /usr/share/lyx/bind/hollywood.bind
> /usr/share/lyx/layouts/hollywood.layout
> /usr/share/lyx/templates/hollywood.lyx

Sorry, you need also (before running texhash) make this symlink:

mkdir /usr/share/texmf-var/tex/latex/hollywood/
ln -sf /usr/share/lyx/tex/hollywood.cls 

Then run texhash.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time
reading it.
  -- Moses Hadas

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl
> Thanks for the help.  Matej's suggested changes along with the Reconfigure
> did the trick.  For whatever reason, texhash was not working with the
> modifications.

BTW, you should really file a bug report to Slackware LyX maintainers -- not
making the proper symlink/copy is IMNHO bug and it should be fixed.
Actually, Debian just doesn't install *.cls files into /usr/share/lyx/ tree
but to its proper place in $TEXMF tree in the first place.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
That distinction is reflected in the apocryphal remark made by a
French diplomat to his British counterpart: "This is all very
well in practice, but will it work in theory?".

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:

> I was wondering... How do you guys navigate around in large files?

I am not sure about screenplays and their structure, but about conveniently
named menu Navigate? Does it work?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Economics is the only discipline where two people can win a Nobel
Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing!
-- Eamonn Butler of Adam Smith Institute
   on Nobel Prize awards for year 2001

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-09 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:
> There are no sections and chapters in this document. Just the title
> page and scenes.

I would say, that it is a bug in the LaTeX document structure then -- just a
wild idea, cannot you contact developer of the LaTeX class to fix it?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
There are lies, damned lies, and quotes from literary icons.

Failed to generate PDF?

2017-03-03 Thread Matej Cepl

my wife returned after many years to the academic work (after having
kids returning back to finishing her PhD) and so she started to write
some documents in LyX. However, when she tried to generate PDF for the
attached .lyx file (with .bib file generated by LyZ from Zotero
bibliography), the result was error. See also /tmp/lyx_tmpbuf0
directory on

Using lyx-2.1.4-7.el7.x86_64 with TeXLive svn30088.0-14.20140525_r34255
on RHEL-7.

Anybody any ideas, what do I do wrong, please?

Thank you,

--, Jabber:
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

One reason that life is complex is that it has a real part and an
imaginary part.
-- Andrew König


	address = {Praha},
	edition = {Lingvistika},
	title = {Akademick{\'a} p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ka {\v c}esk{\'e}ho jazyka},
	isbn = {978-80-200-2327-8},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Internetovou jazykovou p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ku kolektivu autor{\r u} {\'U}stavu pro jazyk {\v c}esk{\'y} AV {\v C}R vyu{\v z}ilo b{\v e}hem prvn{\'i}ch t{\v r}{\'i} let od jej{\'i}ho zp{\v r}{\'i}stupn{\v e}n{\'i} v{\'i}ce ne{\v z} milion u{\v z}ivatel{\r u}. Jej{\'i} v{\'y}kladov{\'a} {\v c}{\'a}st nyn{\'i} vych{\'a}z{\'i} poprv{\'e} kni{\v z}n{\v e}. Najdete zde obecn{\'a} pou{\v c}en{\'i} o {\v c}esk{\'e}m jazyce, zejm{\'e}na o pravopisu, tvaroslov{\'i} a n{\v e}kter{\'y}ch syntaktick{\'y}ch jevech. Ve v{\'y}kladech se uv{\'a}d{\v e}j{\'i} i rozpory v {\'u}daj{\'i}ch, kter{\'e} jednotliv{\'e} jazykov{\'e} p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ky p{\v r}in{\'a}{\v s}ej{\'i}, nebo rozd{\'i}ly mezi kodifikac{\'i} a spisovn{\'y}m {\'u}zem, a to s hodnot{\'i}c{\'i}m koment{\'a}{\v r}em a doporu{\v c}en{\'y}m {\v r}e{\v s}en{\'i}m. Kniha je ur{\v c}ena jak {\v s}irok{\'e} ve{\v r}ejnosti, tak profesion{\'a}ln{\'i}m u{\v z}ivatel{\r u}m, zvl{\'a}{\v s}t{\v e} u{\v c}itel{\r u}m a student{\r u}m.},
	language = {{\v c}esky},
	urldate = {2017-03-03},
	publisher = {Academia},
	editor = {Pravdov{\'a}, Mark{\'e}ta and Svobodov{\'a}, Ivana},
	year = {2014},
	file = {Snapshot:/home/marketa/.mozilla/firefox/1oo173o1.test/zotero/storage/66V892C8/akademicka-prirucka-ceskeho-jazyka.html:text/html}

Description: application/lyx

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

subscript package?

2017-04-01 Thread Matej Cepl

another problem with my wife’s switching to LyX: with the attached test
document, I get LyX complaining about the missing package subscript (the
same happens when I try to process the generated LaTeX file, also attached).

When I look at it seems to indicate, that
it should be completely unnecessary. Not even package fixltx2e
 (recommended by seems to
be required these days.

So, I have removed in $EDITOR line \usepackage{subscript} from the .tex
file and run xelatex over it. And yes, everything was fine, subscript is
correctly displayed.

How to make LyX not to add that subscript requirement? Known bug (using



--, Jabber:
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
Of course I'm respectable. I'm old. Politicians, ugly buildings,
and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.
  --John Huston in "Chinatown."

Description: application/lyx
%% LyX 2.2.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
 breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},pdfborderstyle={},backref=section,colorlinks=false]

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts

\urlstyle{same}  % don't use monospace font for urls
}{% else
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em}  % prevent overfull lines

% Redefines (sub)paragraphs to behave more like sections


match XP\textsubscript{syntax} XP\textsubscript{lexical}| superset
principle | readings

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Evince as default viewer

2017-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
On 25/08/17 18:00, Julio Rojas wrote:
> I have installed qpdfview and although system-wide Evince is the default
> PDF viewer, Lyx preferes qpdfview. Is there a way to tell Lyx to select
> Evince? I have uninstalled qpdfview and the pdflatex option is grayed out.

Tools / Preferences / File Handling / File Formats / Viewer ?


--, Jabber:
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

I am a Roman Catholic, so that I do not expect `history' to be
anything but a `long defeat' -- though it contains (and in
a legend may contain more clearly and movingly) some samples or
glimpses of final victory.
  -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: pdf output

2000-08-10 Thread Matej Cepl

On 5 Aug 00, at 21:35, Steffen Evers wrote:

> > \usepackage{pslatex}
> > \usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={Your Document
> > Title},urlcolor=blue,linktocpage,letterpaper,colorlinks=true]{hyperref}
> > 
> > And then use Export->Postscript and from the shell program ps2pdf
> > 
> > or print-menu and output to a ps-file and than ps2pdf .

> Wow, that's great!
> I didn't know that you are able to produce so good pdf documents with LyX.
> Thanks a lot Herbert!


even better result you get by using PDFLaTeX. The only change 
necessary is to use pdftex is to use pdftex as a driver (i.e., instead 
of ps2pdf), export LaTeX instead of PostScript and use (maybe, 
more than once and bibtex) pdflatex instead of regular latex. 
PDFLaTeX should be part of all regular TeX distributions (certainly, it 
is in tetex for Linux as well as in miktex for Win32)

I personally use slightly more complicated construct, see below:

% for use with PDFLaTeX
\newif \ifpdf
\ifx \pdfoutput \undefined

\pdfinfo { /Author (your name and e-mail address)
   /Title  (official title -- i.e., title element)
   /Subject (one line description of the document)
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseNone)
  % /OpenAction (fitbh)

and whenever I want something which should be only in PDF, I use 
\ifpdf .

Happy TeXing

    Matej Cepl

Re: pdf output

2000-08-11 Thread Matej Cepl

On 11 Aug 00, at 3:25, Steffen Evers wrote:

> Yes, I would also prefer pdflatex as this driver is able to break
> hyperlinks longer than one line in several parts, but two problems has
> come up:
> 1. pdflatex complains about my eps and ps figures:

PDFLaTeX cannot work with .eps files at all. You have to convert 
them into .pdf (yes, there are even small PDF files with just a 
picture) using an utility eps2pdf (or something like it -- it's a part of 
tetex). Then refer to them without an extension (i.e., 
\includegraphics{project-roles2}). Each type of latex (regular one 
and pdflatex) will take its own -- either .eps (regular latex or dvips) 
or .pdf.  

> 2. Something is wrong with the font (looks ugly). When using the ps2pdf
> driver this can be corrected by using the pslatex package, but this
> doesn't work with pdflatex.

pslatex works for me even with pdflatex. Try \usepackage{times} 
instead of \usepackage{pslatex} and tell me, what are the results. 
The file should be bigger, but otherwise it should be OK (check via 
File/Info/Fonts menu in Acrobat Reader).

Have a nice day


Footnotes in letters???

2000-08-20 Thread Matej Cepl


I would like to create footnotes in letters (these are not strictly 
business letters, but rather substantial epistoles :-), but it seems to 
me, that LyX doesn't allow it although standard LaTeX class letter is 
perfectly happy with footnotes. What should I change to allow them?

Thanks and have a nice day

    Matej Cepl

Re: Title, abstract

2000-08-20 Thread Matej Cepl

On 11 Aug 00, at 9:40, William Burrow wrote:

> The report class is based on chapters, whereas my report has at the most
> sections.  Unless you have a hint to reduce the maximal section level from
> chapters to sections in the report class. :)

OK, when you want to have article with titlepage, it's enough (with 
all standard classes) to include titlepage among document's options.

In LyX, you should put it in other document options in Layout / 
Document. The other variant (document without title page in 
document class, which has title page implicit) is made by notitlepage.

This and other options may be find in very instructive LaTeX2e 
manual (by Lamport et al.), which is part of my TeTeX distribution 
at /usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/latex2e.dvi .

Have a nice day


Re: Support for ncurses-LyX

2000-08-21 Thread Matej Cepl

On 16 Aug 00, at 10:48, Raffael Herzog wrote:

> I think emacs is a great front-end to LaTeX on the console. OK, using
> Emacs, You'll need to know LaTeX, but just take a look at the code LyX
> produces! It's quite simple.

> How would you show the different environments on the console? The best I
> could imagine would be: show the LaTeX code, because there are too many
> environments to format them uniquely on the console. And that's exactly
> what Emacs does.


I would strongly disagree. The problem for me is not, that I would 
not be _able_ to learn LaTeX, but rather that I do not _want_ to. I 
perfectly know the LaTeX syntax (I have written couple of 
documents using AUCTeX), but I do not want to be bothered by all 
the codes, but I prefer clean text, which I can better concentrate on.

Another point is that I do not want to waste my time by looking up 
all syntax stuff (all these questions for not-so-obvious issues -- "How 
to make text blue?").

And concerning showing different environments -- many of them can 
be shown directly (lists, sections etc.) and for the rest different 
colours are perfectly OK. Have you ever had WordPerfect 5.1 for 
DOS in your hands? Yes, I have no idea, how to show equations via 
ncurses (is it possible to display some pictures via SVGAlib on 
konsole?), but for most of my documents (I am a lawyer) it should 
be perfectly sufficient.

Your opinion?

Have a nice day

    Matej Cepl

Re: access to template

2000-08-22 Thread Matej Cepl

On 19 Aug 00, at 19:30, thomas schönhoff wrote:

> Hello Kayvan,
> thanks for quick response, I just tried to
> reconfigure Lyx, starting it again. But no way,
> only the templates in /usr/share/lyx/templates are
> displayed ! The newly created file keeps hidden.
> BTW, I can't imagine that this causes the problem,
> because during the initial installation Lyx is as
> .lyx established. The problem that Lyx might only
> read directory without a (.)remains.

I am not sure, but shouldn't it be in ~/.lyx/templates ?


Re: Support for ncurses-LyX

2000-08-23 Thread Matej Cepl

On 22 Aug 00, at 9:30, Paul Lussier wrote:

> Though, with things like the iPaq/Itsy coming out and capable of running a
> full fledged Linux system with X in 32MBs of RAM, kind of makes this a
> moot point :)

Well, there are other things, which may be interesting. What about 
LyX for M$-DOS (via DJGPP and ported ncurses)? There are many 
small computers around (my wife is now leaving for scholarship to 
USA with our beloved 386SX/25MHz/4MB RAM/170MB HDD notebook 
- Compaq Contura :-)...

Have a nice day

        Matej Cepl

Re: Footnotes in letters???

2000-08-23 Thread Matej Cepl

On 20 Aug 00, at 22:10, Herbert Voss wrote:

> have you tried this?
> no problem for me to write footnotes in every letter.class

I am very sorry, it is the one of the problems being found in older 
versions of LyX. I had to done something stupid, that it didn't work in 
the new one. Yes, of course, now after carefull cheking it perfectly 
works. Again, I am sorry for waste of bandwith.


Two letters questions

2000-08-24 Thread Matej Cepl

OK, my last question concerning footnotes in letters was senseless, 
but now I really do not know, what's on. Here are two my questions:

1) How to write letters with scrlettr.cls (KOMA-Script letter class) in 
LyX? There is no template available (lyx 1.1.5fix1) and neither 
documentation in LyX (Extended.lyx) nor KOMA-Script (I do not read 
German) helped to make anything workable in LyX. Would anybody 
be so kind and send me example letter prepared KOMA-Script and 
LyX, please? Thanks.

2) Using standard letter.cls I tried a footnote and the first one is 
numbered as the second?! (see example) I have not found anything 
suspicious in .tex file either. What's up?



#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass letter
\language czech
\inputencoding latin2
\fontscheme palatino
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize Default
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout My Address

Matěj Cepl
Mexická 4
101 00 Praha 10
\layout Send To Address

Jana Kusáková
Dědinova 1985
148 00 Praha 4
\layout Signature

\layout Opening

Ahoj, Jano
\layout Standard

tak jsem se konečně pustil do toho psaní odpovědi pro Tebe.
 Můj dopis (alespoň doufám!) nebude tak obsáhlý jako moje dopisy minulé,
 chtěl bych se jenom zastavit nad některými Tvými výroky a napsat, co mě
 nad nima napadalo.
\layout Standard

Tak nejprve k Tvé
\begin_inset Quotes gld

duchovní opilosti
\begin_inset Quotes grd

 Samozřejmě, ľe musím uznat (a dělám to rád), ľe s Tebou za poslední dva
 roky něco velice pozitivního stalo.
 Existují samozřejmě, ľe existují i jiná vysvětlení (např.
 dospělost, která se paradoxně můľe projevovat právě osvobozením a uvolněním,
 které můľe vést k nezávaznému nadąení), ale musím se přiznat, ľe kdyľ Tě
 tak sleduji mám zcela nezadrľitelný pocit, ľe se jedná o skutečnost povahy
 spíąe duchovní neľli duąevní a navíc o skutečnost neobyčejně pozitivní.
\layout Standard

Nějak si to sice nějak dokáľu theologicky zařadit, ale to je asi docela
 Znám totiľ také situace, kdy jakoby zcela niterně proľívám
\begin_inset Quotes gld

nebe na zemi
\begin_inset Quotes grd

, situace, kdy je mi Pán Bůh tak neuvěřitelně a
\emph on
\emph default
 blízko, kdy mi tak pevně drľí ve své dlani, ľe se nemohu ani hnout, ani
 nadechnout, neľli mi to umoľní.
 A kdy je mi tak neuvěřitelně krásně, ľe bych takovou chvíli neměnil ani
 za nic na světě.
 Sám pro sebe si takové situace zařazuji jako opakované
\noun on
naplňování Duchem
\noun default
 (viz např.
 Sk\SpecialChar ~
4.31, Sk\SpecialChar ~
13.9, Ef\SpecialChar ~
\begin_float footnote
\layout Standard

Nová smlouva překládá dokonce jako
\begin_inset Quotes gld

naplňujte se Duchem
\begin_inset Quotes grd

, není v tom sama -- některé anglické překlady také mají aktivum, nikoli
, )
\layout Closing

S Pánem Bohem

booktabs -- please, comment

2000-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl


while looking for something I have found LaTeX 
package booktabs. Reading its documentation (I 
have it at 
/usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/..??../booktabs ) 
make me confused. The author seems to be rather 
radical and quite strange to my taste. Would be 
willing and ready knowingly comment on his two 

1) You should NEVER (literarily) use vertical 
rules in a table.

2) You should NEVER (nearly) use double rules in 
a table.

The second issue doesn't bother me, but the 
first one seems to me quite strange. What about 
following table?

 |head head2  head3
1st item | datadata2  data3
2nd item | datadata2  data3
3rd item | datadata2  data3
4th item | datadata2  data3



Re: endnotes

2000-08-30 Thread Matej Cepl

On 27 Aug 00, at 17:55, German Poo Caaman~o wrote:

> thomas schönhoff wrote:
> > I desperately trying to insert endnotes in my
> > document, doing it like this:

Just a question (not only to you, but rather to more general public
on the list :-):

What are the endnotes for in the first place? I am certain that there
must be a reason for them, but it is very unclear to me -- I always
hate when I have to browse repeatedly through a book just to read
what could be easily placed (in the time of DTP or even LaTeX) in
the bottom of the page, where it could be read instantly without any

I am certain, that I must be wrong in my hate of endnotes
(especially, the ones in the end of chapter -- these are the worst)
when all those page-designers knowing much better than myself
their job (I have just downloaded package kluwer from Kluwer
Academic Publishers, which expressly forbids using footnotes at all --
 everything should into endnotes), but I am totally confused,
because I cannot see any clever reason for such policy.

Any thoughts?


Re: Document versions

2000-08-30 Thread Matej Cepl

Let me transfer a discussion from lyx-docs. I think, that it may be 
much more interesting here.

On Tue, 18 May 1999 08:39:17 -0700 Amir Karger wrote on lyx-
docs list:

> > I was just thinking about comparing two documents and seeing
> > additions/deletions, like diff does for text file.
> > 

> This sounds Hard. Do tools like this exist for, say, HTML? If so,
> we could probably steal them. 

I would like to give an info about ndiff (from Python 1.5.2 distribution 
-- see attached). Does it make any sense to you (IMJAL - I am just a 
lawyer, no programmer)?

> - word wrap. I did some work on a perl diff (Algorithm::Diff in
> CPAN). We had talked about the possibility of a "word-based" diff.
> In fact, I think someone (Jean-Marc?) said a wdiff already exists.
> Alternatively, we could make all paragraphs into one line and then
> run the diff. If you want to display the differences as a LyX

or to divide whole document into one-word-per-line format and then 
compare by regular diff.

> - character formatting. Ouch. This is actually several problems.
> (1) add an italicized word to a regular paragraph. (2) add a word
> (in italics) to an italicized paragraph. (3) change a word from
> regular print to italics. Um, I suppose you could remove all
> character formatting and just compare text, which would be better
> than nothing.

In my experience fromatting is not so important as a content 
(actually, I am glad, checking differences in formatting is now 
optional in Word).

> Ah. I've been thinking of doing the diff outside of LyX, of some
> version of a diff on the text of a LyX file. To do it within LyX
> has a different set of problems. For example, you have character
> formatting information on each character, making comparison easier.
> But you'll need to steal the GNUdiff algorithm and put it into LyX.
> Ugh. 

Much better IMHO than making diffs on two files is some kind of 
mechanism, which records revisions while they are made. Actually, I 
almost never use "Compare versions" feauture in Word (I am sorry 
for talking so much about Word -- I really prefer LyX and real 
programms to toys, honestly!), or I am using it only when necessary 
(= our client is stupid and I haven't been successfull in explaining 
what are the revisions about).

I know that it is much more work for LyX programmers (than just 
throwing something in diff), but I am afraid that diff is The Bad 
Thing for everything other than computer programs and silmilar 

Any comments?


#! /usr/bin/env python

# Module ndiff version 1.4.0
# Released to the public domain 27-Mar-1999,
# by Tim Peters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

# Provided as-is; use at your own risk; no warranty; no promises; enjoy!

"""ndiff [-q] file1 file2
ndiff (-r1 | -r2) < ndiff_output > file1_or_file2

Print a human-friendly file difference report to stdout.  Both inter-
and intra-line differences are noted.  In the second form, recreate file1
(-r1) or file2 (-r2) on stdout, from an ndiff report on stdin.

In the first form, if -q ("quiet") is not specified, the first two lines
of output are

-: file1
+: file2

Each remaining line begins with a two-letter code:

"- "line unique to file1
"+ "line unique to file2
"  "line common to both files
"? "line not present in either input file

Lines beginning with "? " attempt to guide the eye to intraline
differences, and were not present in either input file.  These lines can
be confusing if the source files contain tab characters.

The first file can be recovered by retaining only lines that begin with
"  " or "- ", and deleting those 2-character prefixes; use ndiff with -r1.

The second file can be recovered similarly, but by retaining only "  "
and "+ " lines; use ndiff with -r2; or, on Unix, the second file can be
recovered by piping the output through

sed -n '/^[+ ] /s/^..//p'

See module comments for details and programmatic interface.

__version__ = 1, 4, 0

# SequenceMatcher tries to compute a "human-friendly diff" between
# two sequences (chiefly picturing a file as a sequence of lines,
# and a line as a sequence of characters, here).  Unlike e.g. UNIX(tm)
# diff, the fundamental notion is the longest *contiguous* & junk-free
# matching subsequence.  That's what catches peoples' eyes.  The
# Windows(tm) windiff has another interesting notion, pairing up elements
# that appear uniquely in each sequence.  That, and the method here,
# appear to yield more intuitive difference reports than does diff.  This
# method appears to be the least vulnerable to synching up on blocks
# of "junk lines", though (like blank lines in ordinary text files,
# or maybe "" lines in HTML files).  That may be because this is
# the only method of the 3 that has a *concept* of "junk" .
# Note that ndiff makes no claim to produce a *minimal* diff.  To the
# contrary, minimal diffs are often counter-intuitive, because they
# synch up anywhere p

Re: endnotes

2000-09-01 Thread Matej Cepl

On 30 Aug 00, at 9:11, thomas schönhoff wrote:

> I don't know if there is a general answer to your
> question, anyhow I was in need of them for writing
> an epidemiological review. In those reviews you
> need them because of prevailing conventions in the
> field of sciences (like medcine and so on). If
> more deeply interested have look at the journals !


no, I have nothing against or about against writing endnotes in this
specific context. I have been just curious about the issue, which still
puzzles me.

Have a nice day



2000-09-06 Thread Matej Cepl


just a thought: what about translating comments in LyX files (via 
Insert/Comment) into LaTeX comments and back? It would greatly 
help in collaboration between LyX and LaTeX users. And IMHO 
(IAJAL -- I am just a lawyer) it should be not so difficult to 
implement it.

Have a nice day


Preprocessing .tex file

2000-09-10 Thread Matej Cepl


I am a Czech. And we have a problem in the Czech typography -- 
one letter prepositions. According to the Czech typographical rules, 
one-letter preposition cannot be the last word on a line. Therefore, 
some Czechs prepared program vlnka (see for further reference), 
which replaces space after one-letter preposition by tilde (~). How 
to include such preprocessor to work in the LyX-driven process of 

Have a nice day

Matej Cepl

KLyX revival?

2000-09-13 Thread Matej Cepl

Are there any signs of it?

Couple of complaints

2000-09-14 Thread Matej Cepl


I am very happy user of LyX (only because of it I have left lout, 
although I think that it is fairly superior to lout), but nevertheless 
there are some things which doesn't work as I would like them:

1) There is something screwed up with LinuxDoc support (I know, 
that I should use DocBook instead, but do I have to; documentation 
doesn't say, that the support for linuxdoc was terminated, wasn't 
it?). I am working on translation of the article by Frederic Bastiat 
"The Law" (BTW, it is really beautiful thing, if you are interested in 
politics and libertarianism). In order to have things as platform-
independent as possible I would love to have it in Linuxdoc rather 
than in pure LaTeX (RTF, etc.). And I think that SGML is the ideal of 
all WYSIWYM systems, isn't it?

Original text is HTML, which I have transformed by hand into 
linuxdoc-SGML (checked via sgmlcheck -- sgml-tools-1.0.9-2 w/ 
Czech support) and then imported via sgml2latex and reLyX into 
LyX. Everything seems to be OK, the format of document is fairly 
simple anyway.

When I have exported the document in SGML via 
File/Export/LinuxDoc, sgmlcheck did not like the result. OK, maybe 
that I should not use any additional packages (indentfirst in this 
case), maybe that I should not use parametrs to classes 
(pointednumbers), but first LyX should do something with stupid 
things I made (I thought that it is the raison d'etre of LyX -- to make 
things working for stupid users :-) and even more, there are yet 
other troubles which I should not be blamed for. I mean, that there 
is something screwed up with  and  elements 
and [ and ] entities.

Example of my LyX document, exported SGML one, output of stderr 
of sgmlcheck, and version information of sgml-tools can be found on (I am bit afraid to 
send 50k into the list).

2) Well, the only part of LyX which I really do not like is its 
international keyboard support (for example the issue of inserting 
non-alphanumeric characters, like \{} -- necessary when using ERT; 
Pause doesn't work for me as a switcher and I really hate "intuitive" 
combination of M-k,x for US keyboard and M-x,1 for Czech keyboard 

I understand, that LyX has been initiated in the time when there was 
not support for international keyboards at all, so LyX has been built 
to work even on "empty railway-station" as my brother characterize 
programs working without any support from operating environment. 
But (thanks God) such awfull times are gone and bot GNOME as well 
as KDE (which counts for 90% of all LyX's users, IMHO) have 
excellent international keyboard support and you could rely on it. Or 
at least (if the number of plain X-Window users is bigger) you could 
at least make use of LyX's own support optional, couldn't you?

I hoped, that it is what \override_x_deadkeys in lyxrc makes, but 
unfortunately, it makes my LyX only totally inept and unable to insert 
any non-US character.

Is there any hope for better times for me (for example, when KLyX 
will revive -- which could eliminate all this stuff completely)?

3) The third complaint is not so much complaint as a wish to the 
LyX's wishlist. When we have finally came to the multilingual 
documents (thanks!), would not it be possible to do something with 
spellchecker, so that it would be able to check such multilingual 
documents correctly?

Have a nice day


Re: *.lyx ---> *.pdf ??

2000-09-14 Thread Matej Cepl

I do not know anything about math-fonts, but using 
\usepackage{pslatex} (available via Layout/Document/Font) makes 
things working for me very well (no Type3 fonts).

Have a nice day


On 13 Sep 00, at 10:15, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, John Culleton wrote:
> > You can convert ps documents to pdf using ps2pdf. I find this the surest
> Yes, but the fonts (at least for math) will be bitmapped, which means that
> they look ugly with acroread and don't work at all with xpdf. It will be
> fine with gv, though.
> It is probably better to use pdftex/pdflatex, which works fine as long as
> you don't have pictures (althought you might need to modify the tex file
> produced by lyx). The problem is just the pictures, pdftex will not accept
> eps files (afaik). You need to convert them to pdf or something else.

Re: Using a new class

2000-09-17 Thread Matej Cepl

On 16 Sep 00, at 17:04, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Frederic Leymarie wrote:

> > I have tried input this file from my preamble in LyX but that does not
> > do the trick.
> > 
> > What do I need to do to make this class features available in my LyX
> > (article) document? e.g., the command \institute is defined in there.

Am I stupid or what? When installed llncs package, so that it is 
found by kpsewhich (texhash makes the trick), and then run 
Options/Configure, I have special type of document 
article(springler), and that's it. Having LyX 1.1.5patch1

Or I am not with you?


Re: Couple of complaints

2000-09-17 Thread Matej Cepl

> On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 07:45:01PM +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:
> You can import Linuxdoc files directly from LyX (using the sgml2lyx
> command).

Unfortunately my sgml2lyx doesn't work with footnotes. And I am 
lawyer, so that a footnote is probably most used thing in my 
documents :-) See mentioned archive on

> > 2) Well, the only part of LyX which I really do not like is its 
> > international keyboard support (for example the issue of inserting
> > non-alphanumeric characters, like \{} -- necessary when using ERT; 
> I can't understand what is the problem here. Please explain more
> verbosely.

Try to switch your keyboard to the Czech layout, for example, and 
write \ . So easy! In place of the top-right key on my keyboard we 
have the deadkey and instead of characters {} we have /( .

> > Pause doesn't work for me as a switcher and I really hate "intuitive"
> > combination of M-k,x for US keyboard and M-x,1 for Czech keyboard :-).
> I'm not sure what you meant here, but you can define your own bindings for
> changing between keymaps.

I tried using Pause as a switcher and it doesn't switch anything. 
Probably, there is something screwed up with my keyboard. But it is 
fairly standard Windows95 PC keyboard (Chicony KB-2961, 101keys, 
small Backspace and tall Enter). When looking through xkeycaps, 
then Pause is where it should be (actually, Pause works as a 
switcher in GNOME).

> Why using an external keymap program is better ?

Because it works. And because no-one should reinvent the wheel, 
and yet more it is stupid, when the new wheel is worse than the old 

Have a nice day


Re: Quick formatting question... no time to read help

2000-10-25 Thread Matej Cepl

> The fact that a sequence of underscore looks like a line is not
> a very interesting feature, IMO. If you want a line, request a
> line. Of course, LyX should have some built-in support for
> this, so that you do not have to resort to raw TeX commands.

Format / Paragraph / Line {above, below}.


Contract package for LyX

2000-10-25 Thread Matej Cepl


I have created a basis for a new class for contract writing
(style is according to the Czech tradition, I am not sure how to
write American contracts). It will be available on*.tar.gz when template
will be created (without it is close to useless). For now it is
attached to this message.

However, I have some things which I am not able to create in
order to put them in footer:

-- filename of the document (either .lyx one or .ps)
-- some formatting of date (I would love to have something like
 25.10.2000, 22:35 -- which is today; oh, well, it was
 yesterday :-).

May anybody help me?

Matej Cepl

Re: Contract package for LyX

2000-10-27 Thread Matej Cepl

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 22:01:18 +0200 Philipp Lehman wrote:
> >-- filename of the document (either .lyx one or .ps)
> Or Latex? Try "\jobname".

Yes, that's perfect. Thank you.

> >-- some formatting of date (I would love to have something like
> > 25.10.2000, 22:35 -- which is today; oh, well, it was
> > yesterday :-).

> There are several packages for time and date formating. Head over
> to and try a keyword search.

After getting such answer (well, I expected it :-) I have browse
through my ${TEXMF}/tex/latex files once again and I have found
two very interesting parts of KOMA-Script package -- scrtime.sty
and scrdate.sty. Both are highly relevant for me.

Thanks for a help


P.S.: There are some more infromation about package available in
the .sty file.

Re: problems with .eps-files

2000-10-30 Thread Matej Cepl

> IIRC gs adjust the bbox when you convert eps -> eps. Try
> gs -dBATCH -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=new.eps old.eps

What about this?

# eps2eps -- in order to correct bounding box
# $Id: eps2eps,v 1.3 2000/10/29 23:38:18 matej Exp $
# $Log: eps2eps,v $
# Revision 1.3  2000/10/29 23:38:18  matej
# TMP setting in true side of if.
# Revision 1.2  2000/10/29 23:35:34  matej
# Correction of if command -- shit!
# Revision 1.1  2000/10/29 23:28:59  matej
# Initial revision

if [ -z $2 ]
 TMP=` mktemp /tmp/eps2eps.XX `
 cp $1 $TMP
gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=$OUTPUT $INPUT
trap "rm $TMP* 2>/dev/null" 0

$$OutName in \custom_export_command

2000-11-06 Thread Matej Cepl


I know that it is probably VFA (very frequent answer), but may
you tell, whether the variable $$OutName is set during
\custom_export_command as it is set with \html_command?



ANNOUNCE - l2h update (v. 1.8)

2000-11-06 Thread Matej Cepl


just to inform you, that I have finished l2h
( (3.9k) or
l2h-1.8.tar.gz (2.3k) in the same directory) to the state where
it is suitable to be included in LyX via \html_command.
Certainly, that it is NOT a replacement of tth (or LaTeX2HTML
etc.), but it is only shell for tth to prepare some parametrs
and postprocess result to be better HTML (so that not everybody
see on first glimpse, that it was originally LaTeX; just on the
second one :-).

Have a nice day


Re: Removing the word "References" from a Bibliography section

2000-11-07 Thread Matej Cepl

> try
> \renewcommand\bibname{}

Used \renewcommand\bibname{Seznam literatury}

LaTeX Error: \bibname undefined.

BiBTeX troubles -- Want anybody know, what's wrong?

2000-11-07 Thread Matej Cepl

I am certain, that entry drobak:FNI-1997 is present, but BibTeX
cannot find it. What's wrong? And what's even more surprising,
that everything is OK in DVI output.


This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.3)
The top-level auxiliary file: cztrst04.aux
The style file: siam.bst
Database file #1: trust.bib
A bad cross reference---entry "north:FNI-1997-3"
refers to entry "drobak:FNI-1997", which doesn't exist
A bad cross reference---entry "fogel:FNI-1997-13"
refers to entry "drobak:FNI-1997", which doesn't exist
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "drobak:FNI-1997"
Warning--empty booktitle in fogel:FNI-1997-13
Warning--empty publisher in fogel:FNI-1997-13
Warning--empty year in fogel:FNI-1997-13
Warning--empty booktitle in north:FNI-1997-3
Warning--empty publisher in north:FNI-1997-3
Warning--empty year in north:FNI-1997-3
(There were 2 error messages)

  author =	 {Ronald H. Coase},
  booktitle =	 {The Law, the Firm and the Market},
  title =	 {The Nature of the Firm},
  publisher =	 {University of Chicago Press},
  year =	 1998,
  type =	 {article},
  address =	 {Chicago},
  pages =	 {1-99},
  note =	 {First published in \textit{Economica} 6

  author =	 {James S. Coleman},
  title =	 {Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital},
  journal =	 {American Journal of Sociology},
  year =	 1988,
  volume =	 94,
  number =	 {Supplement},
  pages =	 {S95-S120}

  editor =	 {John N. Drobak and John V. C. Nye},
  title =	 {The Frontiers of the New Institutional Economics},
  publisher =	 {Academic Press},
  year =	 1997,
  address =	 {San Diego},
  edition =	 {First}

  author =	 {Chaim Fershtman and Uri Gneezy},
  title =	 {Trust and Discrimination in a Segmented Society: An
  Experimental Approach},
  institution =	 {University of Haifa},
  year =	 1999,
  month =	 {February}

  author =	 {Robert William Fogel},
  title =	 {Douglass {C}. {N}orth and Economic Theory},
  crossref =	 {drobak:FNI-1997},
  pages =	 {13-28},

  author =	 {Francis Fukuyama},
  title =	 {Social Capital and Civil Society},
  institution =	 {International Monetary Fund},
  year =	 2000,
  type =	 {Working Paper},
  number =	 {WP/00/74},
  address =	 {Washington, D. C.},
  month =	 {April},
  keywords =	 {institutions, social capital, economic policy,
  second generation reforms},
  class =	 {Z13},
  email =	 {[EMAIL PROTECTED]}

  author =	 {Francis Fukuyama},
  title =	 {Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of
  publisher =	 {Free Press},
  year =	 1995,
  address =	 {New York},
  edition =	 {First}

  author =	 {Edward L. Glaesar and David Laibson and Jose
  A. Scheinkman and Christine L. Soutter},
  title =	 {What is social capital?: The Determination of trust
  and trustworthiness},
  institution =	 {National Bureau of Economic Research Inc.},
  year =	 1999,
  type =	 {Working Paper},
  number =	 {WP 72176}

  author =	 {Mark Granovetter},
  title =	 {Economic Action and Structure: The Problem of
  journal =	 {American Journal of Sociology},
  year =	 1985,
  volume =	 91,
  number =	 3,
  pages =	 {481-510},
  month =	 {November}

  author =	 {Avner Greif},
  title =	 {On the Interrelations and Economic Implications of
  Economic, Social, Political, and Normative Factors:
  Reflections from Two Late Medieval Soceities},
  crossref =	 {drobak:FNI-1997},
  pages =	 {57-94},
  publisher =	 {Academic Press},
  year =	 1997,
  chapter =	 {IV.}

  author =	 {Mark Lorenzen},
  title =	 {Information cost, learning and trust: Lessons from
  cooperation and higher-order capabilities amongst
  geographically proximate firms},
  institution =	 {Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics},
  year =	 1998,
  key =		 {trust, governance, information costs, organizational
  learning, industrial districts},
  type =	 {DRUID Working Paper},
  number =	 {98-21},
  address =	 {Departement of Industrial Economics and Strategy,
  Copenhagen Business School, Nansengade 19, 6}

  author =	 {Ivo Mo\v{z}n\'y},
  title =	 {\foreignlanguage{czech}{Pro\v{c} tak snadno \dots,
  n\v{e}kter\'e rodinn\'e d\accent23{u}vody sametov\'e
  revoluce} {[}\foreignlanguage{english}{Why so easy
  \ldots some family reasons of the velvet
  publisher =	 {Sociologick\'e nakladatelstv\'{\i}},
  year =	 1991,
  address =	 {Prague, Czech republic}

WISH: Information on overfull \hboxes

2000-11-08 Thread Matej Cepl


just a thought -- would it be possible to add to the status line
of LyX after succesfull processing of document via
LaTeX instead mere "Done." aslo an information about the biggest
overfull \hbox? So, that user can just check, whether something
serious happened or there are only some microscopic things.

I would hope, that such change would require only some simple
parsing of .log file, so it should not be too difficult to be
accomplished. And later someone may extended to the equivalent
of TeX-debug-bad-boxes in AUCTeX :-)

I certainly do not want to establish "A committee on
advising somebody other how to code" (or how it was called
by Alan Cox) -- just a thought to wish-list. And no, I am a
lawyer, so I will not code it myself.

Have a nice day


Re: Trouble with a newly created document

2000-11-12 Thread Matej Cepl

> One stupid question (maybe the good one :)) : where did you
> save your document ? With Lyx, the default directory is
> /home/user. If you created a specific directory for your Lyx
> files, you have to specify that directory in your /.lyx/.lyxrc
> file.

No, it is not (I mean good question). Of course, that you can
save your LyX file wherever you want (with necessary rights of
course) and everythings should work correctly. \document_path is
only what is told in description: _default_ path to your
documents, nothing more.


Overword package

2000-11-15 Thread Matej Cepl


trying to get up camel package, but it needs overword package,
which should be but it is not available on CTAN (there is a
broken link in CTAN Catalogue).

Would anybody have an idea, where to find it?


English thesaurus?

2000-11-15 Thread Matej Cepl

Does anybody know about something like %subj% for Linux? If
there already is such animal, are there plans for its linking to
LyX (in similar manner as [ia]spell is)?



Re: outside paragraph

2000-11-18 Thread Matej Cepl

Dne So, 18 lis 2000 Herbert Voss ve zprave Re: outside paragraph napsal(a):

> you can try something like this "some\-times". often
> latex doesn't find a hyphenation for a word. \- must
> be in tex (red) or choose 
> layout->special character->hyphen

I am afraid that this is too simplified answer. :-)

The issue (not problem, it is The Right Thing) is that TeX is
not created for casual use by such animals as lawyers (I am the
one :-). The intent of Donald Knuth was (quoting him) to spread
a tool for people "to go forth and create masterpieces of the
publishing art". Masterpieces -- not something casual.
Everything was targeted to this very intent (which is the reason
why so many best typographers use TeX) and everything other was
sacrificed (not everything but a lot). Unfortunately (or
fortunately), TeX is now used by everybody, not only folks who
need it for the masterpieces, even by people who really do not
care for typography and beauty. But it's different story about
ugliness in our life.

Because of the intent, there are some limits in TeX which does
not allow it to create things which are ugly. One of the most
ugly things possible
is too  make   too wide  space between  words (like  on this line).
Therefore, TeX will never allow you to do it (unless very
forcibly persuaded). TeX tries really hard to put words in a
pragraph (much harder that any commercial DTP system with one
exception), but when it is really not able to do it correctly,
it gives up and will let superfluous text on the line to
overflow to right margin of the text and it will tell you that
there is a problem by:

a) saying it in standard output (hidden by LyX as TeX is run in
background, but you can see it via Edit/View LaTeX log file --
when it says "Overfull \hbox"), and

b) putting ugly black box to the end of the line
(unfortunately, again, this is switched off by default in
LaTeX; put draft in Extra parameters in Format/Document to see

When these things happen it is a sign (on plain TeX rather loud
sign) to user, that he is to do something with the line
(rephrase, put some hyphentaion command \- in word, etc.). To
make things more simple for all of us, TeX can very well divide
words (according to dictionary, how words should be divided).
Unfortunately all words are in that dictionary (e. g., names),
which may cause a trouble. There are three ways how to deal with
such things (exclude the most simple one -- to rephrase a

a) to edit hyphenation dictionary directly (not for us, normal

b) to use a commnad \hyphenation in your preamble (Format/LaTeX
preamble; see excerpt from manual below). It is best for
frequently used names in a document (for example, I am writing a
paper on book of Francis Fukuyama "Trust" -- therefore I have
\hyphenation{Fu-ku-ya-ma} in the preamble).

c) to use \- command (which is Control-- in LyX, no ERT needed;
be aware, that key for - follows localization, therefore I have
to press key used on English keyboards for %/= with Czech
keyboard switched on).

When all this fails, there is even a last way (not very good
one, IMHO) -- to put evil paragraph in the environment sloppy
(put \begin{sloppy} and \end{sloppy} around a paragraph and mark
them as ERT).

Read all about this and much more in
"The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e" (in tetex available
on file:/usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi ).
Individual commands can be found in "Hypertext Help with LaTeX"
(available on

Have a nice day



The \hyphenation command declares allowed hyphenation points,
where words is a list of words, separated by spaces, in which
each hyphenation point is indicated by a - character. For


indicates that "fortran" cannot be hyphenated and indicates
allowed hyphenation points for "ergonomic". 

This argument to this command should contain words composed
only of normal letters. To suggest hyphenation points for
strings containing nonletters or accented letters, use the \-
command in the input text.

This command is normally given in the preamble. 

LyX for gnuplot?

2000-11-24 Thread Matej Cepl


I am doing some graphs to my paper and I am using gnuplot.
However, I feel lilke working with plainTeX -- results are
excellent but user-interface terrible. I feel strong need of
some "LyX for gnuplot" -- superstructure allowing WYSIWYM work
with gnuplot. Do you know about something like it?


Ordinal numerals

2000-11-25 Thread Matej Cepl


just a question from typohgraphy -- how much binding is use of
superscript of {st,nd,th} of ordinal numerals (in name of
century for example)? Or is it better to use normal-size fonts? I
have already prepared \noth macro


but I am now not sure, whether it is right to use it all. May
anybody help me?


Matej Cepl

Re: LyX commands (boring newbie stuff)

2000-11-28 Thread Matej Cepl

Dne Po, 27 lis 2000 Bradley, Peter ve zprave LyX commands (boring newbie stuff) 
> Hi.
> This is probably a very naive question, but how do I issue a command in LyX?
> What I want to do is add some diacritics - the umlaut in this case.  The
> documentation says to do an emacs style M-x and then type "command-umlaut"
> and similar command-* thingies for other diacritics.

If you have only few diacritics, then it is probably more simple
to use ERT. For example u with umlaut you can write as \"u
(where \" is marked as latex style). The result is more portable
and simpler to write. Therefore, when I needed (only once in a
text) write something about grunder period of Czech history, I
have written gr\"under period and everything is OK.

Otherwise, you really much better with german keyboard

BTW, you have to write typewriter doublequotes as Ctrl-" or
Ctrl-q (in order to prevent automatic translation into curly

Have a nice day



#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass scrartcl
\language czech
\inputencoding latin2
\fontscheme palatino
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 

Section with line (slightly off-topic)

2000-11-30 Thread Matej Cepl


trying to create sectino with line. What I mean is something
like this

Section title___ (to the right edge)

Even though I persuade both titlesec and sectsty very
forcefully, neither of them seems to be of any help. The best
what I can get is the line BELOW the section title not on the
same line by this definition in preamble:



Other unwanted result is by this: 


which makes line in beginning of the line not in its end.

I am counting my penalty points for off-topic question, but I
have not been really able to find answer anywhere else.


Matej Cepl

Buena Vista Social Club

2000-12-05 Thread Matej Cepl

Pokud nekdo mate radi Kubu, spanelstinu, svoji manzelku,
karibskou hudbu (nebo jakoukoli dobrou hudbu), potrebujete
trochu radosti do zivota, nebo mate druhy den advokatske
zkousky, tak Vam velmi vrele doporucuji abyste sli na film "Buena
Vista Social Club". Dost dobry (ale hodne sileny).


Patch between patch1 and patch2??

2000-12-05 Thread Matej Cepl

See %subj% -- is there anythinling like this?


Is it bug?

2000-12-07 Thread Matej Cepl

Search/Replace dialog box in my LyX (1.1.5patch2) does not close
itself on Esc press, although other dialog boxen (esp. Spell)
do. Is it a bug or feature?

Matej Cepl

Off-topic: CVS support

2000-12-08 Thread Matej Cepl


I have problems with RCS/CVS support. In order to be able to
read my data from Windows, I store all my working documents (and
appropriate PS/PDF outputs) on vfat partitions. However, I have
problems with that:

- I am not able to persuade RCS by any RCSINIT which I was able
to develop to work on vfat drive; it always crashes on unability
to create filename with ,v in the end; I tried empty -x but with
no success; I would prefer (if able to use it), as I needn't
anything more complicated, than what RCS offers,

- OK, RCS doesn't work, so I tried CVS; it use seems to me to be
more complicated (for example, I was not able to get one file
(*.lyx) from many in directory under CVS control, by other means
than by removing whole directory to some fake name while letting
*.lyx file in the old directory, getting it into CVS and then
compiling all other files back); other point is that because on
vfat (see following one line from /etc/fstab), CVS shout some
error messages about unability to change ownership rights and
owner/group of the file. However, despite all these errors,
everything finishes well.

/dev/hda6   /mnt/efko   vfat\
0 0

Because of these error-messages, LyX refuses to work with CVS,
so I have to use CVS only from command-line or emacs.

Is there anybody able to give some advice, please?

Thank you


Why is there buffer-typeset at all?

2000-12-08 Thread Matej Cepl


maybe that this is really a silly question and stupid idea, but
let me try it and please explain me, why I am a fool:

I have more than once mistakenly pressed Ctrl-D so that I
created two instances of kdvi (one minimized so not seen).
Therefore, I had to think about the reason why there is
Ctrl-Shift-D function at all (buffer-typeset). After all,
computers are here to remember, so why should I remember that
there is one iconified instance of kdvi. Computers are here to
remember, so that they should know whether I had already started
my dvi-previewer or whether they should run one.

Who needs buffer-typeset function after all? Of course, if there
is such person, this elimination may be made optional and

Have a nice day


How to avoid fontenc?

2000-12-10 Thread Matej Cepl

In my distribution (tetex), there are no EC Type1 fonts.
Therefore, when I use "default" option in Format/Document/Font,
PostScript on output is with Type3 fonts (which are ugly in
Acrobat). OK, I know, that I could (and maybe should) use
pslatex/times/palatino/whatever packages and options, but let's
suppose, that I do not want (for example, because I prefer
Computer Modern fonts).

OK, I have found, that I have bakoma fonts available so I would
like to get them into document. Most simple is to erase fontenc
package from my preamble. However, it seems to be not possible
to do it in LyX. Or is it?


Thin space

2000-12-10 Thread Matej Cepl


some questions about thin space (created by \, in ERT).

First of all -- is there any hotkey combination (like Ctrl-space
for hard space ~)?

Another issue is one wish to TODO: would it be possible to
create thin spaces in WYSIWYM manner? I mean, that thin space
would be put in between two numbers (like in 100\,000) and
between number and percent sign (like 100\,%), where, I hope,
are thin spaces appropriate?



Netiquette question

2000-12-10 Thread Matej Cepl


just a question: what is better when answering to answer given
on the list? Should I reply to the list (as I do all the time) or
sending answer to originator of the question with kind reminder,
so that he should send a summary (as his "payment" to the public
for getting advice for free) to the list? Or we are too small,
that volume of mails is not an issue, and I should not bother?


Re: Lots of LaTeX errors...

2000-12-10 Thread Matej Cepl

Dne So, 09 pro 2000 Wilbert Berendsen ve zprave Re: Lots of LaTeX errors... napsal(a):
> Today at 1:08pm, Wilbert Berendsen said:
> > Hi, everybody,
> > 
> > I'm new to the list. I've a strange problem. Suddenly I can't print/export
> > anymore, because there are many errors during the run, in documents that
> > always were ok.
> > 
> > All errors say something like:
> > 
> > LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
> > \begin{document}
> > 
> > You're in trouble here. (...)

You certainly are, but it is usually not so bad as it seems to
be. Did not you by chance imported the document from LaTeX (via
reLyX)? If yes, than it may happen (and it really often
happens), that reLyX puts a lot of unnecessary stuff into your
LaTeX preamble. The best way how to deal with this is to open
Format/LaTeX preamble and delete everything (if you do not know,
what to do better) from it. Than it should work correctly and
whatever remains to be tuned, should be done via LyX menus (or
by correcting Preamble if really necessary).


P.S.: BTW, this answer was answered on the list not long ago.
But do not worry, I forget to search list all the time too.

Wouldn't be there a possibility of search list via e-mail?

Support for floatflt in LyX?

2000-12-10 Thread Matej Cepl


I have borrowed book on LaTeX (Czech "Guide for beginners" --
wonderfull book) and it gave so curious, that I have tried to
get on with floatflt package. Unfortunately, I have not been
able to get it working with LyX. I have attached my testing LyX
file as well .tex corrected as to work.

Any help?


P.S.: Gosh, I am dilligent today! :-)

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout LaTeX



\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
 First item.
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
 Second item.
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
 Third item.
\layout LaTeX


end{minipage} }

\layout Standard

Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.
 Text around.


\item First item.
\item Second item.
\item Third item.
\end{minipage} }

Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text
around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around.
Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text
around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around.
Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text
around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around.
Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text
around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around.
Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text
around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around. Text around.
Text around.

Re: twoside margin shifting

2000-12-15 Thread Matej Cepl

Dne Èt, 14 pro 2000 Nick DeClario ve zprave Re: twoside margin shifting napsal(a):
> Thanks for your help :)  I got the section information into my
> headers:)  Is there any really good resources, besides this
> mailing list, I can find LyX/LaTeX information?  I spent a
> couple hours trying to find this information yesterday to no
> avail :(

Well, there are two main sources:

-- books - some of them are _really_ good (LaTeX Companion, one
 Czech book :-) and if you want to use LaTeX all day, they
 may be really helpfull;

-- LaTeX navigator -- take a look at

-- many other sources in $TEXMF/doc -- I have never so many
 documentation for any program as LaTeX (and, unfortunately,
 not a program so in need of one :-(.

Have a nice day


KLyX [Was: Re: Hyphenation problem]

2000-12-28 Thread Matej Cepl

At 10:06 PM 12/25/2000 +0100, Javier Nieto Esteban wrote:
> I'm an Spanish newbie user of Lyx (really, I use Klyx in my 
> Mandrake Linux).

I have read something about re-emergence of KLyX in LDN, but I did not 
understood it well. Are there signs of KLyX's life? I would be very 
interested (using KDE on my RedHat).


Re: \(\bullet\) not appearing

2000-12-30 Thread Matej Cepl

"Dr. Jon R. Fox" wrote:
> When I run lyx (1.1.15-fix2-1) on an itemize list LyX puts nice > graphical bullets 
>in the gui but nothing in the dvi or ps output... > unless I switch from \bullet\ to 
>\(\circ\). What's going on here?

I am not with you. When using itemize in LyX I get only small and
simple stars instead of bullets, which show in both dvi as well
as in PS.


Re: KLyX [Was: Re: Hyphenation problem]

2000-12-30 Thread Matej Cepl

John Levon wrote:
> Several developers are working towards GUI independence of the LyX core
> code. What this means is that the parts that control the GUI (xforms,
> gnome, or kde) are localised, which makes it easier to port. I, with some
> help from the other developers, am working on the KDE 1 frontend. This wil
> enable a KLyX style frontend to LyX. In time, a KDE 2 frontend will also
> exist.

Wonderfull, I still use KDE 1 and I do not think about switch (I
have been told, that KDE 2 is useless without at least 64MB RAM
-- I have 32MB and I have left M$ Windows among other reasons
because I did not want to be pushed by the Bill to buy new
computer every two years :-(. So, when do you think, that new
KLyX would be available (approx.)?


Re: Picture alignment

2001-01-11 Thread Matej Cepl

On 9 Jan 01, at 16:22, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:

> > When I insert pictures into a file (say two pictures in one "wide figure
> > float") the pictures seem to be nicely in their place in the LyX window
> > but when I actually compile the file and view the dvi, the pictures are
> > at top of the page rather than where I want them to be.
> This is default behavior for LaTeX. However, you can try to control the
> placement by putting '!h' (without the quotes) in the float placement box
> of the Layout->Document dialog. 'h' means: here; '!h' means: try really
> really hard to place this float here.

Before cursing LaTeX as the most stupid typesetting program at all, 
try to consider, that there is another target which LaTeX tries to hit 
(as usuall). Which is the optimal placement of the picture (or table) 
in the output. When you have a huge rectangle in the text, things 
are getting extremely complicated for the typesetter, unless it is 
allowed to float figures freely.

Therefore, I would recommend NOT to use !h option, but rather to 
be prepared, that my figure (or table) may be placed somewhere 
else and refer to it only indirectly ("see table 4"). Than you need not 
it being placed directly after the particular paragraph and reader can 
easily find where it best fit for typesetter.

More could be find in one very old article in TUGBOAT by Phillip 
Taylor (big article -- something about book typesetting). 

Matej Cepl

Have a nice day

Re: reading text out of ps/pdf

2001-01-13 Thread Matej Cepl

Christopher Jones wrote:
> So my question is: is there any software out there which attempts to look at
> bitmaps and guess what the ascii would be-- something like those programs which
> read books through a scanner and try to match font characters to the image. And
> I say this question is a reach, because I know that those programs which I have
> heard about are either very expensive or very innacurate.

I am afraid, that you have not much choice, than try any of these
programs. Some of them are now much better, than they used to be.
Try to find anybody with scanner - most of these programs should
be able to scan documents from the external file. I am afraid,
that there is nothing better to offer you.


Re: Newbie -- Numbering of Sections

2003-01-13 Thread Matej Cepl
U n d e r a c h i e v e r wrote:
> sorry to ask another question, but, (1) what is an ERT and how do I
> insert one? (2) the example file doesn't work, new sections start 0.1,
> 0.2 etc.

ERT -- Evil Red Text (direct inclusion of LaTeX code into LyX
document), available through Ctrl-L with CUA keybindings (don't
know what it is with the Emacs one).


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
My point was simply that such tax proposals [for Pigovian taxes
compensating for the transaction costs] are the stuff that dreams
are made of. In my youth it was said, that what was too silly to
be said may be sung. In modern economics it may be put into
-- Ronald Coase
   Notes on the Problem of Social Cost

Re: Prerelease #2 of LyX 1.3.0

2003-01-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Lars Gullik Bj?nnes wrote:
> I have just uploaded the tarball and the rpms to

What is the status of ispell support in the this release? I do
not have aspell here (and do not want to have; support for Czech
is still very bleak under Debian).


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The function of the expert is not to be more right than other
people, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
-- Dr. David Butler, British psephologist

Description: PGP signature

Re: indenting

2003-01-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Herbert Voss wrote:
> >>>   I have a paragraph I want to tweak the indentations on, but
> >>>   the 'more' and 'extra' buttons the Tips page (below)
> >>>   mentions don't exist. Is this broken in 1.2.1? Is there an
> >>>   ERT workaround?
> yes, this was not a good idea that there is now no button for
> a paragraph indentation

I believe, it was GREAT idea -- whatevery leads to more WYSIWYM
is good. 


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review
   of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Re: Sobig worm

2003-01-14 Thread Matej Cepl
robin wrote:
> Indeed, any attachments other than .lyx or .tex.  We had a discussion 

and .pdf, .ps, .layout, .sty, and .cls.


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
..every Man has a Property in his own Person. This no Body has
any Right to but himself. The Labour of his Body, and the Work of
his Hands, we may say, are properly his.  The great and chief
end therefore, of Mens uniting into Commonwealths, and putting
themselves under Government, is the Preservation of their
-- John Locke, "A Treatise Concerning Civil Government"

Re: Prerelease #2 of LyX 1.3.0

2003-01-14 Thread Matej Cepl
John Levon wrote:
> I don't know a reason why it wouldn't work

Somebody mentioned, that LyX from 1.3.0 will support aspell only.


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in
a lightbulb?
Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue.

Re: Prerelease #2 of LyX 1.3.0

2003-01-14 Thread Matej Cepl
John Levon wrote:
> who ? what changed ?

Well, I have mentioned in message,
that it was in LDN, but I cannot find it there now.


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
See, when the GOVERNMENT spends money, it creates jobs; whereas
when the money is left in the hands of TAXPAYERS, God only knows
what they do with it. Bake it into pies, probably. Anything to
avoid creating jobs.
-- Dave Barry

Re: Prerelease #2 of LyX 1.3.0

2003-01-14 Thread Matej Cepl
John Levon wrote:
> > Well, I have mentioned in message
> >,
> > that it was in LDN, but I cannot find it there now.
> that's because I never wrote anything like that

I am glad to hear it then.


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
See, when the GOVERNMENT spends money, it creates jobs; whereas
when the money is left in the hands of TAXPAYERS, God only knows
what they do with it. Bake it into pies, probably. Anything to
avoid creating jobs.
-- Dave Barry

Re: 1.1 to 1.2.3

2003-01-16 Thread Matej Cepl
Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> I have a file writen in LyX 1.1.0 and now I'm working in LyX 1.2.3. When
> I open the old file my tables appear in LaTeX code, of course they're
> still tables and I'm able to produce a nice ps file, but I'm not able to
> use the LyX facilities to format then.

There should be script lyx2lyx somewhere around,
which should help.


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Economics is the only discipline where two people can win a Nobel
Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing!
-- Eamonn Butler of Adam Smith Institute
   on Nobel Prize awards for year 2001

Re: "Book size S5"

2003-01-16 Thread Matej Cepl
Christian Ridderström wrote:
> I'm writing my thesis, and I've set the size after measuring the size 
> of our thesis. I came up with 138x238 mm, but just now I tried searching 
> for S5-format and found several sizes:170x240, 165x238, 170x238
> Does anybody know what the actual size really is? (I have a hard time 
> believing the S5-format varies...).

There is sometimes a difference between what is measures of the
sheet to be printed and printing layout (because in commercial
printing there is some space resereved for cutting, binding,
trimming paper etc.), so the official size of A4 is either
215x305 mm (untrimmed) or 210x297 (trimmed; which is the size of
the sheet of paper you usually buy in a store). For more info see .

   Have a nice day,


Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they
fly by.
-- Douglas Adams

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-20 Thread Matej Cepl
Oscar López wrote:
> No information for converting from 0 to eps

Does adding 0 to Edit/Preferences/Converters/File Format/EPS


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the
greatest violence.
-- Hebrew Proverb

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-20 Thread Matej Cepl
Oscar López wrote:
> This foo.# is an almost eps file. In fact if someone tries to view
> this eps using gv an error is triggered. Only latex when this file
> is included using \includegraphics knows how to proceed

You can make it into an adult EPS file by adding command


to the begin of the Metapost source code.

   Have a nice day,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very
thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.
-- Frederick Bastiat

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-21 Thread Matej Cepl
Oscar López wrote:
> to see what I mean. The first figure is generated using
> prologues:=1; and the second one doesn't have the prologues:=1;
> In the first figure the \lambda is missing in the ylabel and
> the text of labels are text fonts. However in the second one,
> all labels are math fonts. I really need this feature of
> metapost files.

Well, \lambda is OK on my computer, because I have configured
properly GhostScript (see pdf file on Unpack the attached
tarball (of course, I assume that you are with real operating
system which supports links not M$ crap), and then set up an
environment variable GS_LIB to point to that directory (in
~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshenv, /etc/profile, etc. --
check with set | less, that it is really set). Then open your
file with

   gs 2>&1 | tee foo.log

in xterm and you should see messages of ghostscript loading
appropriate fonts. If there is anything wrong, send me foo.log.

   Have a nice day,

  Matej Cepl

Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
We are told that [St. Anthony] once fell into dejection, finding
uninterrupted contemplation above his strength; but was taught to
apply himself at intervals to manual labour by a vision of an
angel who appeared platting mats of palm-tree leaves, then rising
to pray, and after some time sitting down again to work; and who
at length said to him, "Do thus, and thou shalt be saved."
-- Life of St. Anthony

Description: Binary data

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Oscar López wrote:
> 1. The definition of GS_LIB does not conflict with the default
> GS_LIB just in the case that it existe before?

If it did (check with set | less), than you should add new path
to the old one (find, where the old variable is set and then add
it there using colon as a delimiter).

> 2. The links are pointing to files that actually exists in my
> distribution why they weren't found by latex/dvips? I suppose
> that the point is in the definition of $GS_LIB

The problem is not with finding files by latex/dvips, but
ghostscript who was not told about existence of these files.

> 3 Several messages complaingin of dvips are:
> This is dvips(k) 5.86e Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software
> ( ' TeX output 2003.01.21:1843' ->
> dvips: Font cmr10 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is
> not in the mapping file.  dvips: Font cmmi10 used in file
> /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in the mapping file.
> dvips: Font cmmi7 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is
> not in the mapping file.  dvips: Font cmsy10 used in file
> /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in the mapping file.
> . [1]
> Are they important?

They are, but I have no idea, why they are there. Could you
please send me a Metpost-produced EPS file (using prologues :=

> 4. This means that I must generate every metapost file to be
> included in lyx by menas of:
> mpost '\prologues :=1; input' in order to ensure that
> they have a prologues :=1; line mustn't I?

No, just put
prologues := 1;
in the beginning of your Metapost source file (.mp).

   Have a nice day,

  Matej Cepl

Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Give your heartache to him. (1Pt 5,7; Mt 11:28-30)

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-23 Thread Matej Cepl
Oscar López wrote:
> I meant that in order to produce a more automatic solution. The
> problem is I produce metapost files from several applications,
> mainly xfig, gnuplot, and metagraf. Most of the times it is not

Why do you go through MetaPost then? Both xfig and gnuplot can
produce excellent EPS files. As for lambda and similar things,
there are some drivers based on LaTeX picture environment.

And yes, your solution (with prologues:=1; on command line)
should work too.


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
There's a long-standing bug relating to the x86 architecture that
allows you to install Windows.
-- Matthew D. Fuller

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-23 Thread Matej Cepl
Oscar López wrote:
> >They are, but I have no idea, why they are there. Could you
> >please send me a Metpost-produced EPS file (using prologues :=
> >1)?
> Attached the eps produced using prologues:=1;

EPS files seems OK to me -- no paths included. Weird... 


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Why should I travel, when I'm already there?
-- Bostonian lady, when being asked why she never visited
other places than Boston

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-23 Thread Matej Cepl
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Oscar López wrote:
> * How do you show incrementally a graphic during a presentation? Afaik 
> only using ppower and multiinclude metapost files as layers. Please 
> check this presentation

OK, I have to admitt I have never seen anything like that. That's
really great!


Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-24 Thread Matej Cepl
Oscar López wrote:
> In the past I experienced a lot of problems because using
> ps2pdf introduced type 3 bitmaps fonts in the graphics with
> math fonts. I asked for help in several lists and documents and
> at the end I followed the metapost approach. For sure things
> could be better now, so I'll have a look.

Problems with Type3 fonts were with older ghostscripts. Version
6.53 (which is quite old -- Aladdin released version 8.00)
supports Type1 very well.

Have a nice day,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
I believe in the power of prayer. It's been said: "I would rather
stand against the cannons of the wicked than against the prayers
of the righteous." The prayers of a friend are one of life's most
gracious gifts.
-- George W. Bush at the 2001 National Prayer Breakfast

Re: komascript letter class

2003-01-24 Thread Matej Cepl
Kari Ruohonen wrote:
> Hi - I'd like to develop my own letter layout and took a look
> at komascript letter class in lyx. However, I am totally stuck
> and the documentation in the Extended Lyx Features does not
> seem to be of much help. I don't simply understand how to build
> the document. Can somebody send me an example lyx file to use
> as a starting point?
> I tried to define "letter" environment etc. but all I got when
> latexing the file are errors like "missing \begin{document}".
> According to the documentation "letter" environment implicitly
> defines a new letter. What am I missing here?

Unfortunately, letter class is probably the most complicated
standard class you can find. However, if you want to dwelve into
that get some LaTeX info and for making LyX layout I would begin
with stanadard LaTeX letter class (not Koma-Script) -- it is much
more simple.


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
I know of no country in which there is so little independence of
mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.
-- Alexis de Tocqueville

lyx-qt -- Czech doesn't work again

2003-01-24 Thread Matej Cepl

I have downloaded .deb package by Nicolas Boos (thanks for it!)
of lyx-qt (1.3.0-pre2) and it seems to work pretty well on my
Debian/woody (with KDE 2.2.2, Qt 2.3.1, XFree 4.1.0-16).
Unfortunately, one think which does not seem to work again is
inserting Czech (8859-2) characters from keyboard directly (I
have no .kmap file activated). It worked with 1.2.1 and of course
it works with another KDE applications.

Any help?



Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they
can bribe the people with their own money.
-- Alexis de Tocqueville

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-24 Thread Matej Cepl
Dekel Tsur wrote:
> A problem with this method is that you cannot send the Postscript file
> to other people (though you can convert it to PDF with ps2pdf).

That's true -- but I believe that one should send only PDFs


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
To err is human, to purr feline.

Re: infos in pdf

2003-01-27 Thread Matej Cepl
Holger Zebner wrote:
> I have some specific questions about generating a pdf-file from lyx:
> How do I get links to webpages in a pdf-file as hyperlinks?
> How can I also edit/write the properties of an pdf-file?
> Can I generate bookmarks which show the table of contents in a pdf?

You have to do it by hand in LaTeX preamble. Read
$TEXMF/doc/latex/hyperrref/manual.pdf.gz and
$TEXMF/doc/pdftex/base/pdftexman.pdf.gz and
$TEXMF/doc/pdftex/base/pdfTeX-FAQ.pdf.gz ($TEXMF is usually
/usr/share/texmf on Linux).

Have a nice day,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Courage is resistance of fear, mastery of fear, not absence of

Re: lyx-qt -- Czech doesn't work again

2003-01-27 Thread Matej Cepl
Dekel Tsur wrote:
> Try setting the LANG env. variable to cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2

This is of course set (courtesy of great Debian installation
packages), but I forgott to recall my question, when after
restart of X everything works well. No idea, what was the reason.

Thanks anyway and sorry for not stopping the discussion,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
There's a long-standing bug relating to the x86 architecture that
allows you to install Windows.
-- Matthew D. Fuller

Re: Help: Avant Garde as the default font

2003-01-28 Thread Matej Cepl
Pep Roca wrote:
> \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\avant}
> \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{\avant}

Where have you defined macro \avant? The value of \*default
should be NFSS name of the font family. Read fntguide (available
in $TEXMF/latex/base/ directory as DVI) and you will understand,
that the proper value of \rmdefault (or \sfdefault -- depends on
what you want) should be pag.

   Have a nice day


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they
can bribe the people with their own money.
-- Alexis de Tocqueville

Re: lyx on cygwin

2003-01-29 Thread Matej Cepl
Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > Can anyone give me advice on which one I should fix?  Should
> > I fix the tetex package comes with cygwin? If so, how do
> > I fix that error: "tex capacity exceeded".  If the other
> > one is better, anyone had experience with that pfTex?
> teTeX is not bad, I've never used pfTeX, so _I_ would try to
> fix teTeX.

It is called fpTeX and it is just a native port of tetex to
Windows. I would strongly recommend to use it instead of cygwin
tetex. However, it is probably correct, that the problem is not
in the TeX distribution (all of them are capable of processing
basically any document these days) but in your document.


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
If Patrick Henry thought that taxation without representation was
bad, he should see how bad it is with representation.

Re: what is "native" about native windows programs?

2003-01-30 Thread Matej Cepl
David A.  Case wrote:
> Is this distinction between "cygwin" and "native" a meaningful
> one?  Is it just a matter of path syntax ( /home/green vs.
> C:\home\green )?  A matter of personal taste and familiarity?
> Or are there other differences that argue in favor of one form
> of LyX and latex over another?

Please, more knowledgeable people on the list correct me, but let
me add some thoughts on the issue. If I understand cygwin
correctly, than it is more or less one huge pile of code creating
effectively Unix on the top of Windows (path syntax is just that
one percent tip of the iceberg, there is for example whole huge
cygwin32.dll etc.). It makes porting to Windows much more simple,
but the results tend to be much more bulky, slower,
non-compatible with the rest of Windows etc. (probably, not so
bad, but kind of similar to different Windows for Unix
environments -- wine, WABI, or MacWindows).

More knowledgeable critique of cygwin (I am not a programmer, but
just a humble social science PhD student) can be found around
people working on competing projects like MinGW and gnuwin32.

   Have a nice day,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
I know of no country in which there is so little independence of
mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.
-- Alexis de Tocqueville

Re: Bug: lyx-qt 1.3.0pre3 cannot use ISO-8859-15

2003-01-30 Thread Matej Cepl
John Levon wrote:
> > The problem in 1.3.0pre2 when used with Qt has not been
> > solved in the pre-realease 3. My locale variable is
> > correctely set but I can type ? (euro) and ? (oe) in the
> > minibuffer, but I cannot type them in the text.
> This is not likely to be fixed (it's extremely non-obvious what
> to do about it). Instead, you must modify "languages" in your
> lyx dir so tha the relevant languages listed use iso-8859-15
> instead of -1

Well, /usr/share/lyx/languages has correctly iso-8859-2 for
Czech, but the symptoms are exactly the same (and it worked in
xforms-based lyx 1.2.1): Czech in minibuffer but not in text
(which is much worse than the opposite in the xforms-based LyX
where I could not write Czech letters in dialogs :-).


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they
can bribe the people with their own money.
-- Alexis de Tocqueville

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