Re: Missing Menu Items (LyX vers. 2.0.7)

2014-03-09 Thread Sebastien
> This will replace the complete application by
> the new one. Since all your
> user configuration is placed outside of the
> application you'll not loose
> anything. There is no need to uninstall
> anything. In fact there is no
> "uninstaller" - only the recycle bin has 
> to be used for uninstalling.
> Stephan

Just a quick line to say thanks again for that
quick and helpful reply.
LyX is a great program — keep up the great work!

Re: Missing Menu Items (LyX vers. 2.0.7)

2014-03-09 Thread Sebastien

> Please use instead. The problem you mentioned
> is solved with this patch release.
> Stephan

Thanks for your quick reply, and for confirming that there was an issue.

This will be the first time I've actually had to update LyX to a new version.
Do you have to uninstall the old version first (2.0.7), or do you just go
ahead and install right over the top of the installed version?

Thanks again.


Re: Footnotes in titles

2013-11-10 Thread Sebastien
Enrico Forestieri> writes:

> Try the following line in the preamble:
> \def\  makefnmark{\hbox{\  textsuperscript{\small\  thefnmark}}}

Thanks for the suggestion, but when I put that command in the
preamble all of the footnote marks become much bigger
than they should be.

Re: Footnotes in titles

2013-10-30 Thread Sebastien
> Of course, the documentation is there to show what is possible with
> footmisc, even if it is not recommended. There are other footnote
> packages on CTAN, you could try whether any of them supports the style
> you want to achieve. With a *minimal* LaTeX example that gives the
> desired output, the LyX gurus on this list will certainly help you
> implementing this in LyX.
> Günter

Thanks for your remarks. I'll look into the latex commands to tweak
this and see if there is anything possible. The solution
suggested by Stefano provides a good starting point. The documentation
on this seems slim, though, despite it being what would appear
to be a fairly common occurrence (footnotes in titles).

Re: Footnotes in titles

2013-10-30 Thread Sebastien

Thanks a lot for your help. That's great. It's not perfect, but it does work,
and is good enough to get by for the moment.

Re: Footnotes in titles

2013-10-29 Thread Sebastien
> This is a rather uncommon (but not unreasonable) request. I am quite sure
> there is a way, at least with ERT.
> If I were you, I would try to get this working in LaTeX first, asking at the
> comp.text.tex usenet list. Then I would try to get LyX to generate the
> required LaTeX code.
> Günter

Thanks for that. I did try fiddling with commands in ERT, but none
of them worked. I'll try at the site you mention.

Also, it might be interesting to note that, in his 'footmisc' package
documentation, Robin Fairbanks repeats that it's best to avoid
footnotes in titles — but in the very same document he has
not one, but *two* footnotes before he even gets to the first


Re: Footnotes in titles

2013-10-28 Thread Sebastien
Wolfgang Engelmann> writes:

> >Is there a
> > way to change the formatting of the footnote mark within a title, in
> > order to make the footnote mark less obtrusive at this particular
> > place? I've tried a number of things but none of them work.
> > 
> Did you try a protected return (ctr return) in the footnote to brake the line?
> Wolfgang

Thanks for your quick reply. I tried what you suggested--inserting a protected
return within the footnote itself. Upon output to PDF, there is now an error
message, although the document does compile. The result is that the footnote
mark and the corresponding footnote now disappear completely from the output.

But perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my question: the problem is the format of
the footnote reference mark itself at the end of (or even within) the text of a
section or chapter title. I'm wondering if it's possible to change the format of
the reference mark, so that it doesn't get set in large bold type and stick
out awkwardly.


Re: Bibliographies & hanging indents

2013-10-21 Thread Sebastien
> The bibliography is just set as a list, and all the list parameters can 
> be controlled. But it looks like you are using koma-script, so perhaps 
> someone who is expert on that has ideas. I don't really know that class.
> rh

Thanks again for the tips. I imagined that it would be a case of modifying
some settings in the Koma-script class. But I'm still learning LyX, and
redefining Koma-script parameters is way beyond me at the moment.
If anyone who knows the Koma-script class had any ideas, I'd much
appreciate it.



Re: Bibliographies & hanging indents

2013-10-20 Thread Sebastien
> If you don't need the labels and are just entering reference info, then 
> the easiest thing would be to use the Hanging module, and then select 
> the Hanging paragraph style. Choose that module at Document> Settings> 
> Modules.
> Richard

Thanks indeed for that quick reply.

I hadn't yet used the hanging paragraph environment, and I can see it will
be helpful. I appreciate you pointing it out.

However, in the current situation, I've set up the bibliography using the 
\setbibpreamble & \breakbibliography commands (with help from a kind 
contributor to this list) in order to have preambles and different sections 
within the bibliography. I've just tried what you suggested and the 
"Hanging Paragraph" environment won't work within the "Bibliography" 
environment. So, is it possible to create a hanging paragraph within the 
bibliography while keeping the "Bibliography" environment intact?

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.



Re: Bibliographies with sections and preambles

2013-10-17 Thread Sebastien
Julien Rioux> writes:

> Hi,
> The bibliography preamble is the content of the macro \bibpreamble. It's 
> empty by default, but you can set it using \def\bibpreamble{This text is 
> the preamble.} in ERT. Since you are using Koma-Script, you can use 
> \setbibpreamble{Text} to achieve the same. Koma-Script additionally 
> offers the \BreakBibliography command to insert text fragments (or even 
> section titles) between bibliographic entries. See the attached example 
> and the Koma-Script documentation (scrguien.pdf) for more.
> Cheers,
> Julien
> Attachment (koma-sectioned-bib.lyx): application/lyx, 3059 bytes

A quick word of thanks. To anyone else coming to this post, your solution
works perfectly, as outlined in the attachment.

Re: Bibliographies with sections and preambles

2013-10-16 Thread Sebastien
Csikos Bela> writes:

> Hello:
> You can add bibliography item to your document manually.
> It is described in the "Tame the Beast" document, part 1:
> bcsikos

Thanks for your reply.
The document is in-depth and generally helpful.

Spellchecking suggestion

2006-03-05 Thread Jean-Sebastien Roy


I often use notes in LyX to put random comments about a document, which 
is very handy. Problem is, the spellchecker also checks the notes (which 
are full of non-existent words).

An option to prevent notes from being spellchecked would be very helpful 
(and quite reasonnable, since notes won't be output in the final 
document). I was not able to find such an option if it exists.

Many thanks to the developers for the immensely useful tool that is LyX!



memory problem

2004-11-15 Thread Sebastien Garrigues
exporting to dvi  a .lyx file containing  different "include"  file, I 
have this error message
""TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=70946].
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.""

Could somebody help me ?

Problems with lyx installation on Debian woody

2002-09-26 Thread sebastien hugues


I've just installed the latest debian, also named as woody,  on my 
powerbook lombard and
i have some troubles with lyx installation. I launch lyx and a few 
seconds later,
it crashes with this error : SIGSEGV signal caught ...
I have checked the version of libc, latex and lyx (1.1.6fix4-2) and it 
that everything is ok.
Dos anyone have an idea ?
Thank you in advance.


SIGSEGV signal caught

2002-09-25 Thread sebastien hugues


I've just installed the latest debian, also named as woody,  on my 
powerbook lombard and
i have some troubles with lyx installation. I launch lyx and a few 
seconds later,
it crashes with this error : SIGSEGV signal caught ...
I have checked the version of libc, latex and lyx (1.1.6fix4-2) and it 
that everything is ok.
Dos anyone have an idea ?
Thank you in advance.
