
2018-02-12 Thread Uwe Ade

Re: Searchable PDF documents --> Solution: Problem with Mac standard Program

2017-01-14 Thread Uwe Ade
.. news! 

It seems the  problem is a MacOS-Problem. If i use the OSX-Standard-Program 
Preview (in German Vorschau) theres a problem to save the with Lyx generated 
Files searchable. 
After the Compilation preview starts and the PDF-file in Preview is searchable. 
After saving the file with „Save As“ the saved file is not searchable.

If i use PDF Expert to show the lyx pdf-output and to save it, the pdf-file is 

Perhaps someone can use this Information. My Configuration: macOS Sierra 
Version 10.12.1 Preview (Vorschau) Version 9.0 ( 909.12)

Re: Searchable PDF documents

2017-01-14 Thread Uwe Ade

sorry! Your all right!! Very Strange Situation here. The File I generated last 
November are not searchable. 

After all this replies  i Generate a new one from the sorucefiles. The new 
files i compiled all searchable. 

Thanks for the helpfull hints.


> Am 14.01.2017 um 19:09 schrieb John White :
> On Saturday, January 14, 2017 11:22:19 AM Richard Heck wrote:
>> On 01/14/2017 10:57 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
>>> On Sat, 14 Jan 2017, Uwe Ade wrote:
>>>> For the preparation of my lecture notes I use Lyx and latex. Students
>>>> will
>>>> receive a PDF document for the lecture. However, the PDF documents
>>>> produced are not searchable for texts in the document. Can I create Lyx,
>>>> Beamer and Latex searchable pdFs? What is to be observed?
>>>  Can they use pdfgrep <https://pdfgrep.org/>? It works well for me (on
>>> linux) but may not be available for all platforms.
>> This is puzzling to me. All the PDFs I produce using LyX are searchable.
>> Though
>> I notice that, with Beamer, the headers are not searchable, though the
>> text is.
>> Richard
> I generally use article class on my debian box and my lyx pdfs are always 
> searchable in Dolphin.
> John

Searchable PDF documents

2017-01-14 Thread Uwe Ade

Hello ,

For the preparation of my lecture notes I use Lyx and latex. Students will 
receive a PDF document for the lecture. However, the PDF documents produced are 
not searchable for texts in the document. Can I create Lyx, Beamer and Latex 
searchable pdFs? What is to be observed?



Different font size with theme Warsaw for Content and Toc

2016-11-21 Thread Uwe Ade

I use the Beamer Theme Warshaw. is it possible to use different font size for 
the Content on the slide an the generated Toc in the top of the side?

For the content i want use a bigger font and for the Toc on the top i smaller 



Using xcolor with Option dvipsnames

2016-10-12 Thread Uwe Ade

in Beamer I want use the package xcolor with the Options dvipsnames. 

 I didtn´t who. I found some hints in the web like

who can i set this options with Lyx?



Is "Schlichter Rahmen" with normal-Beamer-Footline possible

2015-05-24 Thread Uwe Ade

on some of my Beamer slide i use the slide-Frame „Schlichter Rahmen“ to have 
much more space. But however I wished to have the footline which have in my 
Presentations the information for example of the slide number. 

Is this possible? 


 <> <>

Pictuers in a Beamer presentation

2015-04-14 Thread Uwe Ade

 I use a lot of pictures in my presentation  but i found it very difficult to 
put the pictures on the right position on the frame. Perhaps there´s something 
it didn´t who do this. The very good Lyx-Beamer-helps unfortunately does´t 
cover this point.  Im searching a document which describes who to put pictures 
in a presentation…...



Table of content with dots and shrink distance between entrys

2014-12-11 Thread Uwe Ade

for a book i use coma-script-buch.

 My table of contens look like

top1  1
top2  4
top3  12

I want a table of contents that look like

top2…. .. 4
top3. …..12

I this possible ?How does this work?

Second question. Is it possible to shrink the distance between the items in the 
table of content. 



Book with Documentclasse koma-script book

2014-12-07 Thread Uwe Ade

I´am trying to write a book with the Documentclass koma-script book. after my 
first experiences and googles searches i have some questions

For the content-table i want use the standard-headlines with numbers, wich are 
automatically appears in the table of  content. There are also Headlines 
without numbers. They didn´t appear in the table of content. I wished to 
configure some of this headlines without numbers to appear in the table of 
content. Is this possible

In mein Text there are a lot of counted lines. Than theres text and other 
counted lines, that schould follow up the first one. With automatic 
numberbullets this will not work. Is it possible to set the start-point bei the 
later number lines?


1. lll
2. lll
3. lll


5 .lll

and so on….

Thanks for the support...

i wanna make a paperbook with lynx

2014-12-05 Thread Uwe Ade

all the years a make my lectures with lynx-beamer. In this time there where 
never the need to make a longer document with lyx.

Now  I have a lot of text and want make a book.

If ist finished it should be a Paperbook 19 cm high 13 cm wide. Im very 
insecure how to make this with lyx. 
Wich is the best Documentclass ?
In dies Book there are a lot of numbered  text  (like a poem or better text in 
the holy bible) 

Are there somewhere an introduction 

 who to do that. 

All help are welcome..



Literature-directorie in beamer slides

2014-11-03 Thread Uwe Ade

i have a master document with several include documents for my lectures. Now i 
want use a literatur-direcorie in each part document. 
Would this work?
Can i put the literature-frame every in the persentation i want or is it only 
possible to put this slides on the End of every part?



Reduce size of the pdf-Document

2014-10-13 Thread Uwe Ade
I use Lyx with beamer to make my slides for lectures. Are there any Option 
build in Lyx I can set to reduce the Size to the final-pdf? 



Combination from allowframebreaks and \addtocounter{framenumber}{-1} with beamer

2014-01-18 Thread Uwe Ade

in my beamer presentation in some slide should not decrease the page number 
counter. With a tipp from the Mailinglist i have learned, this works with the 
ERT-Tag \addtocounter{framenumber}{-1}. 
The solution woks well for slides that fit on one Page. Several Slide are made 
with the option „allowfamebreaks“. 

My first test show that these both functions does not work automatically 
together. If the Options „allowframebreaks" formate the slide so, that there 
are two slides only one is not counted if i also set the option 

Therefore i had to set the option "addtocounter{framenumber}{-1}“ twice in the 
text or increase {-1} to {-2}.

Is this the only way? Or there a way, that this two option works automatically 
together ? Perhaps addtocounter{framenumber}{-1} is put on an special place on 
the Slide. My trials with some places generate always Lyx errors.

Re: Are there problems with lyx-ftp-server?

2014-01-16 Thread Uwe Ade

me again. Sorry for the disagreeability. I have the problem with safari und 
Pathfinder on my mac. The Download doesn’t work. As I read the tip from Anders  
i installed Firefox and the download and the installation of lyx  works fine.

In Future i will try to give more and clear descriptions. 

Thanks for the help an this Mailinglist. For me it´s great!!


Am 16.01.2014 um 17:18 schrieb Scott Kostyshak :

> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Stephan Witt  wrote:
>> Am 16.01.2014 um 15:46 schrieb Scott Kostyshak :
>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Anders Ekberg  wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 4:08 AM, Anders Ekberg  wrote:
>> Try paste the link in Firefox address field and download with Firefox.
>> This works fine for me. (Could probably work also with other web
>> browsers,
>> but I haven¹t tried that).
>> All the best!
>> Anders
>>> Hello,
>>> to test lyx 2.1.0 beta2 i tried several times download the program from
>>> ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/lyx-2.1/lyx-2.1.0beta2
> Note that this is not a link to the file to download. This folder
> gives the links to download. Can you see the links? Go there with your
> browser. If you can see the links, does it work with wget (on Linux or
> Mac)? e.g.
> wget
> ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/lyx-2.1/lyx-2.1.0beta2/lyx-2.1.0beta2.tar.
> gz
> Scott
 OK, maybe I was unclear: The upper link will give you a page where you
 will see all the downloadable files. Click on the LyX suitable for your
 needs and it should download (at least did for me).
>>> Thanks Anders. Your report of strange behavior is still difficult for
>>> others to try to reproduce. I'm not trying to be pedantic here, but
>>> when you report something like this you want to give as much
>>> information as possible. For example, "Click on the LyX suitable for
>>> your need" is different for you (Windows?) than for me (Linux). So we
>>> would be clicking on different links! To see if I can reproduce the
>>> problem, we want to click on the same link, using the same OS (if
>>> possible) using the same browser (if possible). Otherwise you will get
>>> a lot of responses of "works for me" because we are using different
>>> applications to do it. That will not help you. Well, actually it will
>>> if you're able to change OS or change browsers, etc., but it won't
>>> help us figure out if it's a problem on our side or your side.
>>> Which link are you clicking on? With which browser? With which OS?
>>> Have you tried using a different browser? If so, which one? Have you
>>> tried using a different computer? Did it work there?
>>> Thanks for the report. If users can't download the installation file
>>> for LyX, that's definitely a problem and hopefully we can get to the
>>> root cause of it.
>> Hi Scott,
>> sorry for chiming in… it was Uwe who had the problem and Anders proposed
>> an alternate solution.
> Hi Stephan,
> Thanks for pointing out my mistake. My apologies to Anders.
> Uwe, more information would be helpful.
> Best,
> Scott

Are there problems with lyx-ftp-server?

2014-01-15 Thread Uwe Ade

to test lyx 2.1.0 beta2 i tried several times download the program from


Everytime there comes a Login screen. I chose login as guest. When i tried to 
download the mac-Version the connection break down. 

Perhaps I´m doing something wrong? But I don’t know. 

Any ideas?


beamer Slides without counting pagenumbers in branches

2014-01-14 Thread Uwe Ade

my presentation have several slides which are add-ons for me but not necessary 
for students . The add-on slides are put in branches. 
Is it possible to avoid that the pages in the branches are not counted for 
slide numbers?

for example

Slide 1 Pagenumber 1
Slide 2 Pagenumber 2
Slide 3 Pagenumber 3
Slide 4 No Pagenumber
Slide 5 No Pagenumber
Banche end
Slide 6 Pagenumber 4
Slide 7 Pagenumber 5

and so an ..



Compiling Masterdocument cause an Error

2014-01-04 Thread Uwe Ade

i have a master document in wich I’ve include my part-documents. At the moments 
there are seven included parts. 
In the last days i worked on the  fifth part. To control the result im always 
compiled only this part to a pdf document. Today i want make a version of the 
complete document an i started to compile the master-Document.
But it doesn´t work. There is an Errormessage:

„Die eingebundene Datei  '~/onwcloud/Vorlesung_2013_2014/00_Vorlesung 
Einfuherung/0_Einfuehrung des Themas_piece.lyx‘ wurde nicht korrekt exportiert. 
Vorsicht die Ausgabe ist vermutlich lückenhaft“

I click ok and then there´s a messages

LaTeX Error: \begin{frame} on input line 89 ended by \end{document}

and as explanation theres:

Your command was ignored.
Type I   to replace it with another command,
or  to continue without it.

Frist: I don´t remember, that i have make any canges in this Document since im 
compiled it the last time successfully. But, perhaps my mind is peforated.

So,  I check the Document "0_Einfuehrung des Themas_piece.lyx“. from the 
beginning to the end several times without see an Error.

Any Ideas?



Re: Error bei beamer Allowframebreaks + image

2013-11-13 Thread Uwe Ade
Hallo Jürgen,

the solution works fin.  Thanks for the help on this list ;-)


Am 13.11.2013 um 08:28 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller :

> 2013/11/13 Uwe Ade
> Hello,
> in my Presentation with beamer  I use the Option „allowframebreaks“ .  if I 
> only use Text for the slide title this works well. In my presentation some 
> slides are add-on. They have Information i will tell but vor the students 
> this slides are not relevant for there exame. To mark this clear i want to 
> take a small Grafik „ADDON“ in the title. And there are the problems. In 
> Combination mit „allowframebreaks“ i get an error messages
> „Missing $ inserted“. 
> Are there any solution to put a grafik in Beamer title an using 
> „allowframebreaks"
> Try this:
> In preamble:
> \pgfdeclareimage[width=5em]{addon}{/Users/uwe/ownCloud/Vorlesung_2013_2014/0_Vorlesung_fundamente/Bilder/Addon}
> And then in the frametitle, where you want to have the image:
> \pgfuseimage{addon}
> Jürgen

Error bei beamer Allowframebreaks + image

2013-11-12 Thread Uwe Ade
Hello,in my Presentation with beamer  I use the Option „allowframebreaks“ .  if I only use Text for the slide title this works well. In my presentation some slides are add-on. They have Information i will tell but vor the students this slides are not relevant for there exame. To mark this clear i want to take a small Grafik „ADDON“ in the title. And there are the problems. In Combination mit „allowframebreaks“ i get an error messages„Missing $ inserted“. Are there any solution to put a grafik in Beamer title an using „allowframebreaks"This little example shows the problem. 

allow framebreak with imag.lyx
Description: Binary data
<>Thanks uwe 

Re: Trying to unterstand Beamer overlay-Prinzip

2013-11-11 Thread Uwe Ade
Hello Jürgen,

Thanks, the Idea with overprint ("Überdruck“) works fine for me


Am 08.11.2013 um 08:48 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller :

> Am Donnerstag 07 November 2013, 19:51:47 schrieb Uwe Ade:
>> My aim: I want show a lot of different Pictures. The slide (s)  should
>> always have the same Title and the Pictutre (without Text) Coverd the hole
>> slide.
>> Can I Realize this with slide overlays ?
> I would use overprint ("Überdruck") for this purpose.
> Jürgen

Trying to unterstand Beamer overlay-Prinzip

2013-11-07 Thread Uwe Ade

i read the very good Lyx-Beamer help-files and try to unterstand the 

My aim: I want show a lot of different Pictures. The slide (s)  should always 
have the same Title and the Pictutre (without Text) Coverd the hole slide.

Can I Realize this with slide overlays ?



Trying to unterstand Beamer overlay-Prinzip

2013-11-07 Thread Uwe Ade

i read the very good Lyx-Beamer help-files and try to unterstand the 

My aim: I want show a lot of different Pictures. The slide (s)  should always 
have the same Title and the Pictutre (without Text) Coverd the hole slide.

Can I Realize this with slide overlays ?



Change Slide positions in Beamer branches with lyx2.1beta

2013-11-04 Thread Uwe Ade
Hello,im working with lyx2.1beta and want change the positions from slides in the document. This normally works very well with „Ansicht“ „Gliederung des Dokuments“.But if the slides in a Branche. It does´t work. Is this correct? Theres an example with to slide outside the branch, witch can moved up and down. And a Branche with slides, where I am not able to use this nice lyx-feature. I have to move the slides with cut and paste.Thanksuwe 

Description: Binary data

Perhabs Bug with beamer in Version 2.1beta

2013-10-31 Thread Uwe Ade

im working with Lyx 2.1beta1 from 3. Juli. 

I open an existing lyx file with a beamer-presentatin and generating a pdf-File 
and this works fine.

No i startet to add some new slides in the existing file  and generate a new 
pdf-file. The old slides works well, the added slides look not gut. They are 
put of a lot of sides.

I look for the reason an i found out, that in lyx the  old slides has red 
brackets on the left sides.The new slide in default has no brackets. I have to 
tab each item manual to get the bracket.

I think if Lyx needs this brackets to put the items on one side, they had to be 
per default as i write a new item

The two example show the situation.

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data


Re: Grafik in Beamer slides

2013-10-26 Thread Uwe Ade

sorry Iam no native englisch speaker. I don´t understand „put in a float“ . Are 
there a german speaking reader, who can say which menu this in the german 
version is?


Am 26.10.2013 um 20:40 schrieb Liviu Andronic :

> On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>> Hello
>> im using Beamer to show my work. Presenting Text and getting a Toc works 
>> wonderful. But i had some problems to put pictures in my slides. I Searched 
>> with google but i found no good solution. Are there a good (right) way to 
>> put pictures in Beamerslides? Is there anywhere a good Instruction i have 
>> not found?
> It's quite simple: just put in a float, within it a graphic, as you
> usually do in LyX. Doesn't this work for you? If not, please provide a
> _minimal_ example displaying the issue.
> Liviu
>> Thanks
>> uwe
> -- 
> Do you know how to read?
> http://www.alienetworks.com/srtest.cfm
> http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/xfce4-dict#speed-reader
> Do you know how to write?
> http://garbl.home.comcast.net/~garbl/stylemanual/e.htm#e-mail

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Grafik in Beamer slides

2013-10-26 Thread Uwe Ade

im using Beamer to show my work. Presenting Text and getting a Toc works 
wonderful. But i had some problems to put pictures in my slides. I Searched 
with google but i found no good solution. Are there a good (right) way to put 
pictures in Beamerslides? Is there anywhere a good Instruction i have not found?



Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

different watermarks for branches

2013-10-14 Thread Uwe Ade

i have a document witch different Branches. Are there a way to put different 
Watermarks in each branch?
The idea is
branche1 (no watermark)
branche 2 (supplement)
branche 3 (informations

So students can see on the watermark to which category the slide he actually 
sees belong to.



Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: Info for used branches in slide

2013-06-09 Thread Uwe Ade
Hello,on my way  I reached  partial success:I put \usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos}\useoutertheme{infolines}\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}\newcommand\FrameText[1]{% \begin{textblock*}{\paperwidth}(0pt,\textheight)\raggedleft #1\hspace{.10em}  \end{textblock*}} in the preamble and with the ERT-TAG\FrameText{folie}in the Beamer-Hedline, the word "Folie" appears on every slide on the left down corner.  So i´d like zu change the color of this word, but i found no working solution. To get color work i put \usepackage{color,xcolor,ucs}\usepackage{graphicx}in preamble but\colorbox{red}{\FrameText{folie}}  (%Favorite solution)neither{\textcolor{red}{\FrameText{folie}}works. I got an Error while compiling the documentTheres on small example-file

Description: Binary data
I think i made a very simply fault, but I´am not able to see it. Any ideas?uwe Am 06.06.2013 um 19:38 schrieb Uwe Ade <uwe@gmx.de>:Hello I uses beamer for a presentation with to differnent branches. One Branche is the presentation which the Students gets as handouts. It´s the smaller one.The second is my tutor version which more infos. its the bigger one.So the question: Is it possible to put an information in the footnote to whicht branch the shown slide belong (teacherslide or studentslide) ? If this idea doesn´t work are there other opportunities to show to which branche the slide belong, as water mark or something else?thanks uwe 

Info for used branches in slide

2013-06-06 Thread Uwe Ade

I uses beamer for a presentation with to differnent branches. 

One Branche is the presentation which the Students gets as handouts. It´s the 
smaller one.

The second is my tutor version which more infos. its the bigger one.

So the question: Is it possible to put an information in the footnote to whicht 
branch the shown slide belong (teacherslide or studentslide) ? If this idea 
doesn´t work are there other opportunities to show to which branche the slide 
belong, as water mark or something else?



Re: comments with beamer on mac

2013-04-27 Thread Uwe Ade
Hey Scott,


describe a Way to get Notes as part of the PDF-Dokument.


Am 25.04.2013 um 12:09 schrieb Scott Kostyshak :

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I use beamer form my lecturers. Now i want put my teacher comments on the 
>> side of the screen which is not shown an the Screen. Has someone  an idea 
>> how this works with lyx. With google I only find solutions with native latex 
>> and not with lyx
> What are the solutions with LaTeX? Can you send an example that has
> worked for you with LaTeX?
> Scott

comments with beamer on mac

2013-04-23 Thread Uwe Ade

I use beamer form my lecturers. Now i want put my teacher comments on the side 
of the screen which is not shown an the Screen. Has someone  an idea how this 
works with lyx. With google I only find solutions with native latex and not 
with lyx



Re: Activate/Deactivate Banches from Masterdokument

2013-03-22 Thread Uwe Ade

i make some test and it works great as you said Jürgen…
So i can start my work now



Am 19.03.2013 um 12:00 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller :

> 2013/3/19 Guenter Milde:
>> On 2013-03-18, Uwe Ade wrote:
>>> Hallo Jürgen,
>>> hmm, I didn´t get the branches to work. I define the branches in den
>>> the masters. In Dokument/Einstellungen/Unterdokumente they are a
>>> listed. No I make a branch called "Zusatzinfo" in the Mastedocument.  I
>>> found no way, to make this branch visible in the Child-Document.
>> You need to create the branches in both, master and child. If the name is
>> the same, they are "linked":
> Actually, you do not need to do this. If you define a branch in the
> master, it is inherited by the child (also its "state"). You need to
> set the master in the child, though (Document > Settings > Class >
> Default Master).
> Jürgen

Re: How to embed video

2013-03-19 Thread Uwe Ade

for me it works mit Mac OS (Mountain Lion)


Am 19.03.2013 um 09:00 schrieb Liviu Andronic :

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>> Hey Marc,
>> as Scott wrote in his reply, we discussed this Problems a few days ago. 
>> After our thread i worked on to get a solution. Usind Lyx, Texlive 
>> 2012 64 bit i am able to build pdf with movies (and sound) in it. The files 
>> below works on my system. Perhabs it will help you to answer your question
> Out of curiosity, once you successfully embed videos in a PDF, how do
> you actually view the PDF and view the video? And on what platform.
> I'm still to find a Linux-based solution for that.
> Liviu
>> uwe
>> Am 17.03.2013 um 15:14 schrieb Marc Wijnand :
>>> Hello
>>> I am using Lyx 1.6.9 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and I would like to embed videos in 
>>> a presentation. The video format could be anything (avi, mov, ...). I tried 
>>> a lot of things such as using the movie15 package.
>>> I found out that you have to be careful with the video's location (full 
>>> path), in order to successfully compile the pdf presentation, but I don't 
>>> see anything in the location where the video should be.
>>> Where could I find more (correct) information about this problem?
>>> Yours sincerely,
>>> Marc Wijnand
> -- 
> Do you know how to read?
> http://www.alienetworks.com/srtest.cfm
> http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/xfce4-dict#speed-reader
> Do you know how to write?
> http://garbl.home.comcast.net/~garbl/stylemanual/e.htm#e-mail

Re: How to embed video

2013-03-19 Thread Uwe Ade
Hey Marc,

as Scott wrote in his reply, we discussed this Problems a few days ago. After 
our thread i worked on to get a solution. Usind Lyx, Texlive 2012 64 
bit i am able to build pdf with movies (and sound) in it. The files below works 
on my system. Perhabs it will help you to answer your question

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data


Am 17.03.2013 um 15:14 schrieb Marc Wijnand :

> Hello
> I am using Lyx 1.6.9 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and I would like to embed videos in a 
> presentation. The video format could be anything (avi, mov, ...). I tried a 
> lot of things such as using the movie15 package.
> I found out that you have to be careful with the video's location (full 
> path), in order to successfully compile the pdf presentation, but I don't see 
> anything in the location where the video should be.
> Where could I find more (correct) information about this problem?
> Yours sincerely,
> Marc Wijnand

Re: Activate/Deactivate Banches from Masterdokument

2013-03-18 Thread Uwe Ade
Hallo Jürgen,

hmm, I didn´t get the branches to work. I define the branches in den the 
masters. In Dokument/Einstellungen/Unterdokumente they are a listed.
No I make a branch called "Zusatzinfo" in the Mastedocument.  I found no way, 
to make this branch visible in the Child-Document. 



Am 17.03.2013 um 09:15 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller :

> Am Sonntag 17 März 2013, 07:34:56 schrieb Uwe Ade:
>> I use Lyx to make a presentation with one Master-document and several
>> separate Documents. In the Documents i use Branches.  If i make my finale
>> PDF a starter the Process in the Master-document and  I get the wished PDF.
>> Is it possible to activate or deactivate the Branches in the Documents from
>> the Master-document? Or has i open every Document and Activate or
>> deactivate the Branches?
> You can toggle the branches from the master, if they are defined in the 
> master 
> (Document > Settings > Branches from the master). Note that it also makes 
> sense to have branches which are only defined in the child (the master then 
> treats them as "inactive").
> Jürgen

Activate/Deactivate Banches from Masterdokument

2013-03-16 Thread Uwe Ade

I use Lyx to make a presentation with one Master-document and several separate 
Documents. In the Documents i use Branches. 
If i make my finale PDF a starter the Process in the Master-document and  I get 
the wished PDF.
Is it possible to activate or deactivate the Branches in the Documents from the 
Master-document? Or has i open every Document and Activate or deactivate the 



Re: Problem with movies in Pdfs with media9

2013-03-02 Thread Uwe Ade
Hi Scott

after reinstalling tex-live 2012 and reconfigure lyx, every thing works without 
errors. Now i hope i can test the function. Thanks for your support and patience


Am 02.03.2013 um 11:21 schrieb Scott Kostyshak :

> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 4:22 AM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> hm, I´m very confused. I tested the file on an available tux-PC with sidux 
>> --> and voila: It works. I must have a problem with my lyx/latex- 
>> configuration on my macbook.
>> Thanks for your help. I try to found the problem with the installation!
> OK, good luck!
> Scott

Re: Problem with movies in Pdfs with media9

2013-03-02 Thread Uwe Ade

hm, I´m very confused. I tested the file on an available tux-PC with sidux --> 
and voila: It works. I must have a problem with my lyx/latex- configuration on 
my macbook. 
Thanks for your help. I try to found the problem with the installation!


Am 02.03.2013 um 09:28 schrieb Scott Kostyshak :

> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 3:21 AM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>> Hi
>> with your version test_media9.lyx i got the same three Errormessages.
>> if i make sudo tlmgr info media9
>> theres the output:
>> package: media9
>> category:Package
>> shortdesc:   Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X 
>> compatibility.
>> longdesc:The package provides an interface to embed interactive Flash 
>> (SWF) and 3D objects (Adobe U3D & PRC), as well as video and sound files or 
>> streams in the popular MP4, FLV and MP3 formats into PDF documents with 
>> Acrobat-9/X compatibility. Playback of multimedia files uses the built-in 
>> Flash Player of Adobe Reader and does, therefore, not depend on external 
>> plug-ins. Flash Player supports the efficient H.264 codec for video 
>> compression. The package is based on the RichMedia Annotation, an Adobe 
>> addition to the PDF specification. It replaces the now obsolete movie15 
>> package.
>> installed:   Yes
>> revision:29192
>> cat-version: 0.24
>> cat-date:2013-02-21 10:49:40 +0100
>> cat-license: lppl1.3
>> collection:  collection-latexextra
>> I can see, that the package is installed.
> I'm out of ideas then. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with TeX Live 2012 and
> LyX 2.0.x (latest stable).
> Scott

Re: Problem with movies in Pdfs with media9

2013-03-02 Thread Uwe Ade

with your version test_media9.lyx i got the same three Errormessages. 

if i make sudo tlmgr info media9

theres the output:

package: media9
shortdesc:   Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility.
longdesc:The package provides an interface to embed interactive Flash (SWF) 
and 3D objects (Adobe U3D & PRC), as well as video and sound files or streams 
in the popular MP4, FLV and MP3 formats into PDF documents with Acrobat-9/X 
compatibility. Playback of multimedia files uses the built-in Flash Player of 
Adobe Reader and does, therefore, not depend on external plug-ins. Flash Player 
supports the efficient H.264 codec for video compression. The package is based 
on the RichMedia Annotation, an Adobe addition to the PDF specification. It 
replaces the now obsolete movie15 package.
installed:   Yes
cat-version: 0.24
cat-date:2013-02-21 10:49:40 +0100
cat-license: lppl1.3
collection:  collection-latexextra

I can see, that the package is installed. 

Hm, very strange!!!


Am 02.03.2013 um 09:06 schrieb Scott Kostyshak :

> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 2:43 AM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> unfortunately not. I changed the Latex Preamble as suggested. After 
>> recompiling there are three Errormessages
>> undefined control sequence
>> }
>> The control sequence at the end of the top line
>> of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
>> misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
>> spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
>> and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
>> Latex Error: Missing:\beginn{document}
>> }
>> You're in trouble here. Try typing  to proceed.
>> If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.
>> undefined control sequence
>> \lyxframeend
>> {}
>> The control sequence at the end of the top line
>> of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
>> misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
>> spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
>> and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
>> some specs: I am working on a macbook, with lx 2.0.4 with TexLive-2012 intel 
>> 64.
> Maybe you have to install the package?
> The following LyX file works for me (all I did was add that line to
> the preamble):
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/3mudb8pt2yj2j01/test_media9.lyx
> Scott

Re: Problem with movies in Pdfs with media9

2013-03-01 Thread Uwe Ade
Hi Scott,

unfortunately not. I changed the Latex Preamble as suggested. After recompiling 
there are three Errormessages

undefined control sequence

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Latex Error: Missing:\beginn{document}
You're in trouble here. Try typing  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.

undefined control sequence

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

some specs: I am working on a macbook, with lx 2.0.4 with TexLive-2012 intel 


Am 02.03.2013 um 04:37 schrieb Scott Kostyshak :

> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> sorry for the adverse conditions. I put i lyx and an example to my dropbox
>> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vibdgtovk4wq916/06cixlXWZZ
>> Copy everything in a directory and try it again.
> Hi Uwe,
> Thanks for the updated example. I can reproduce your error. The ERT
> you use needs you to also load a package. To do this, go to Document >
> Settings > LaTeX Preamble and paste in there the following line:
> \usepackage{media9}
> After that, it compiles for me without error. When I view the pdf I
> can't confirm that the video plays because I don't have the required
> software.
> Does that work?
> Best,
> Scott

Problem with movies in Pdfs with media9

2013-03-01 Thread Uwe Ade

with lyx  I will create a (beamer-)pdf with an include movie. 

I use the package media 9
The last to days I´m not able to get a pdf-document. Every times i compile the 
lyx-file, i get  some Error-Messages.

Have someone no the list experience with this idea

If I compile the file which send with this mail, the following Errors appears

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Description: Binary data

Every help or example are welcome


Re: Using Mac Lion Dictate

2013-01-01 Thread Uwe Ade
Hey Anna

I sometimes use Mac Lion Dictate with Lyx and it works direkt out of the box. I 
work with Lyx 2.04. Its nessecary that the focus is on lyx, that mean, the 
Cursor has to be in the Document in witch you want dictate.



Am 31.12.2012 um 14:28 schrieb Anna Maria Obertacke :

> Hallo,
> I use Lyx for years with Mac for my study.
> Is it planned to support Mac OS Lion build-in dictation?
> http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5449
> Or is it a bug, that it does not work?
> I can start dictation by pressing Fn twice, but after speaking no text is 
> inserted. 
> Other writing applications work well, but I want to use only Lyx.
> Best regards, 
> Anna

Beamer slides without side number and not count by the number of page side

2012-11-16 Thread Uwe Ade

i use beamer for my lecture. I want change some thing .
in the presentation i want use slides without numbers and this slide should not 
be count.

Like this Way:

Slide one
Slide two
example slide
Slide three
Slide four 
example slide
example slide
slide five

and so on..

Is this possible ?

Change between beamer slides and article

2012-04-08 Thread Uwe Ade

for my lecture i use beamer slides. For the handout i want expand some aspects 
with additional informations. Therefore I search a possibility to change 
between beamer slides and text (perhaps article).

A possible sequenze are


Is this possible with beamer and lyx?


Lyx und svn (or git)

2012-02-11 Thread Uwe Ade

I thing about the problem to manage the Lyx-files from my lectures. I heard 
that is possible to use svn or git to manage the lyx documente direct from Lyx. 
The last two evenings i searched with google to find a good describtion who 
this works but im not succesfull. Some on the list how know a good link?



pdf in beamer - to portrait and back to landscape

2011-11-14 Thread Uwe Ade

i want put a pdf- file in my beamer presentation. this works with including the 
following ERT

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=}
\includepdf[pages=1-4,landscape=false] {pdf/test.pdf}

it works in the way i want. the four pdf sides in portrait-mode. At the end of 
the pdf document the following beamer slides also in portrait- mode. 

are there any command to bring the beamer slides back in landscape mode?



pdf in beamer - from portrait and back zu landscape

2011-11-14 Thread Uwe Ade

i want put a pdf- file in my beamer presentation. this works with including the 
following ERT

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=}
\includepdf[pages=1-4,landscape=flase] {pdf/test.pdf}

it works in the way i want. the four pdf sides in portrait-mode. At the end of 
the pdf document the following beamer slides also in portrait- mode. 

are there any command to bring the beamer slides back in landscape mode?



Presentation with beamer with PDF-Inside

2011-11-06 Thread Uwe Ade

for my lecture I us persentation which i have made with Lyx and Beamer. The 
Students get a copy of the Beamer Presentation. They don´t like a 
beamer-articel-Version of the Slides.

To put some addional Informations in the Presentations i would like integrate 
some PDF Dokuments in the way

Beamer- slide

Is this possible with Beamer and Lyx?



Dudensoftware for spellschecking

2011-08-27 Thread Uwe Ade

in Germany is a Organisation called Duden the highest Instution for correct 
Grammar and writing form Words. They sell a Software wich can be used with for 
example Libre office. Is there a way to integrate this software in Lyx for 
checking the right way of writing.



Re: Strange border appear on my beamer slides

2011-02-26 Thread Uwe Ade

that´s it. Thanks for the help. PÜroblem solved..

Am 25.02.2011 um 15:16 schrieb Liviu Andronic:

> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Liviu Andronic  
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Uwe Ade  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> i make a hugh  präsentation with beamer. There is one main document witch 
>>> includes six documents. I worked an this  präsentations for some weeks and 
>>> this morning i want check the result, strange borders appear an all slides.
>>> I have do nothing to let them appear, i only edit text. The slides look 
>>> very ugly with this borders.
>>> Very strang: If i print the slides, the borders are not printed.
>> Perhaps it's only a PDF viewer issue? Have you tried with a different one?
> OK, I see them in acroread,  but not in Evince. I think it's this
> annoying behaviour regarding frames around links. Have you played with
> Document > Settings > PDF Properties > Hyperlinks > No frames around
> links. If not, experiment.
> Regards
> Liviu

template für cd-cover

2011-02-22 Thread Uwe Ade

is there a template for a cd-cover in Lyx? I have do print several covers with 
texts and pictures an searching an easy way to make. 



frametitlenumber with Beamer

2011-02-15 Thread Uwe Ade

I use Beamer for a Presentation. Some Topics ar to big to fit to on one frame 
so i use [allowframebreaks]. Sometimes there are three or four Frames to one 
Is it possible to get an automatic number for the frametitle. The way like:

Like this 1

Like this 2


Like this 3




Beamer question: Addional infos for Teacher

2010-03-20 Thread Uwe Ade

im looking for a solution to make two different types of presentations  with 
beamer from one Source-document:

The first one is a normal Handout for the students.

The second one is a special handout for the teacher. The second one has 
additional informations for the teacher (examples, discussion points, facts 
that are necessary for teaching.

Is it possible to make this kind of Documents with latex beamer? Who does it 

Thanks for every idea.
