
2013-02-05 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Users,

I use, a perl program for making index according to the 
Hungarian alphabet. In Lyx I write this command to the place that opens 
with Output/Latex/Custom. When I  use the program with the makeindex 
parameters -c -q then it works but does not differentiate between the 
accented letters and their normal counterparts, that is members of the 
pairs a, á; e, é; u, ü etc. are the same. However, the program is 
allowed to run with the parameters --sort-hu -a as well, which, in 
principle give the full solution to the accented letter problem. In Lyx 
the program runs with these parameters but without making any index. 
Would you help me, please? Many thanks, Gyorgy Pota

Re: Lyx in Fedora 12

2010-01-07 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Manoj,

Unfortunately, I had no time  to contact Fedora packagers. I thought it 
was more important to write to the Lyx users first.



Lyx in Fedora 12

2010-01-06 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Users,

Lyx did not show any eps figures in a freshly installed Fedora 12 
system. Running Lyx in a terminal revealed that "convert" was 
unsuccesful. Finally it turned out that ImageMagick was not installed 
for  Lyx although I installed Lyx via yum, which, in principle, installs 
everything necessary. I was so angry, I almost went back to a well-known 
non-free op. system and to its famous word processor. :-)

I hope this helps some of you.

Gyorgy Pota

theorem environment italic

2009-10-21 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Users,

I tried to use the theorem environment from Lyx and wanted Lyx (Latex) 
to write the Hungarian counterpart "tétel" of the word "theorem"  in the 
document.  Thus, I included this in  the  document preamble  in Lyx:



This works  but now  the text of the theorem appears with upright 
(standing) letters in the output (pdf, dvi) instead of the original 
italic (slanted). How can I achieve italic (slanted) again retaining the 
Hungarian "tétel"? (In Lyx the text of the theorem is written with 
italic letters.)

Many thanks in advance,

Gyorgy Pota


Dr. Gyorgy Pota
associate professor
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, P. O. Box 7,
Tel.: (36) 52-512-90022383
Fax: (36) 52-512-915
private homepage:

Fedora 10 and Lyx

2009-04-01 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Members,

In Fedora 10 the Hungarian hyphenation does not work in Texlive when the 
professional magyar.ldf file is used instead of the old version shipped 
with Texlive. Thus, Lyx, the otherwise excellent program, is momentarily 
useless for a fairly large group of people. I have already tried a 
number of ideas found in the internet. Although this seems to be a Latex 
problem, do you have any special advice?

Fortunately, the Windows Miktex+Lyx still can be applied in Hungarian. 
At least now...

With best wishes,



Dr. Gyorgy Pota
associate professor
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, P. O. Box 7,
Tel.: (36) 52-512-90022383
Fax: (36) 52-512-915
private homepage:


2009-03-09 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Users,

The splash page of the Hungarian homepage of Lyx contains a basically 
correct translation of the original English  text. However, the 
translated Hungarian text is not polished at all, and in its present 
state it is more appropriate to repel the intelligent Hungarian readers 
than to attract them. The translations of the other English pages  are 
much better and do not need a correction at the moment. I tried to 
correct the Hungarian text of the splash page in order to have proper 
Hungarian expressions and sentences. Whom could I sent this to?

With best regards,

György Póta


Dr. Gyorgy Pota
associate professor
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, P. O. Box 7,
Tel.: (36) 52-512-90022383
Fax: (36) 52-512-915
private homepage:

eps figures

2009-01-14 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Users,

I had to change to a Linux machine (Fedora 10). When I read a document, 
made in Windows-Lyx,  into the Lyx in Fedora, everything is allright, 
except the (numerous) eps figures. Their sizes are appropriate 
(correspond to those in Windows-Lyx), but the figures themselves cannot 
be seen within their bounding boxes. When I cancel the "Clip to bounding 
box" condition, the figures can be seen in their original A/4 
environment. What happens here? Could you suggest a Lyx setup which 
preserves the eps figures in Fedora 10-Lyx? Or could you suggest another 
Linux distro with a problem-free Lyx installation?

With many thanks

Gyorgy Pota


Dr. Gyorgy Pota
associate professor
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, P. O. Box 7,
Tel.: (36) 52-512-90022383
Fax: (36) 52-512-915
private homepage:

section labels

2006-08-01 Thread Dr. Gyorgy Pota

Dear Users,

I use the last version of Lyx for Windows. My document consists of a 
main document and included child documents. When I label any section in 
any child document, a number of errors occurs in the conversion by Yap 
but none of the error descriptions refers to  the section label.  When  
the  section label is removed  the  conversion by Yap  takes place 
normally.  If I convert a child document separately, everything is 
allright even if the section label is present.  But in this case I 
cannot see the whole document, e. g. important cross references are  
absent. What is your opinion?

With best wishes,

Gyorgy Pota


Dr. Gyorgy Pota
associate professor
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, P. O. Box 7,
Tel.: (36) 52-512-90022383
Fax: (36) 52-512-915

Lyx Wiki's links do not work (?!)

2005-09-02 Thread Dr Gyorgy Pota

Dear Users,

Help! When I click on any links of the Lyx Wiki page  (including those 
in the navigation table on the right) nothing happens. Only the opening 
page can bee seen.

This is valid for both Firefox and Internet Explorer on the 2nd of 
September at 12.30.

The webpage:

Best wishes,

Gyorgy Pota


Dr. Gyorgy Pota
associate professor
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, P. O. Box 7,
Tel.: (36) 52-512-90022383
Fax: (36) 52-512-915