Re: [Marxism] David Graeber: manufactured ignorance: the strange case of Juan Cole and the Kurdish freedom movement

2018-02-24 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Louis Proyect asks for a reference for my statement that:  "Turkish-backed 
groups, some of which use the label 'FSA', have attacked Rojava on numerous 

"Turkish-backed groups" include ISIS, which has obviously attacked Rojava.  But 
Louis is probably asking about FSA groups.

Several examples are given in the book "Revolution in Rojava", by Michael 
Knapp, Anja Flack and Ercan Ayboga (Pluto Press, 2016).

Their most detailed account of conflict between the YPG and a section of the 
Free Syrian Army relates to events in Aleppo.  While Aleppo is not part of 
Rojava, the Kurdish areas of Aleppo followed similar policies to those in 
Rojava.  The attacks on the predominantly Kurdish Aleppo neighborhoods of Sex 
Maqsud (Sheikh Maqsoud) and Asrafiye by some Turkish-backed FSA groups reflect 
their hostility towards the Rojava revolution.

"Revolution in Rojava" outlines the conflict as follows:

"Both belligerents - the regime on one hand, and the FSA and other armed 
opposition groups on the other - pressured the YPG to take sides.

"The FSA, flush with money from the Arab-Sunni Gulf states, began 
systematically buying up property in the Kurdish neighborhoodsFSA members 
took to carrying their weapons around outdoors - but the councils [local 
councils established in the Kurdish neighborhoods] took notice and demanded 
that they cease doing so.

"The councils also demanded that the FSA pull out of Sex Maqsud [Sheikh 
Maqsoud] toward Asrafiye.  During Ramadan, on August 19 [2012], more than 3,000 
people demonstrated in support of this demand.  But the FSA didn't withdraw  - 
instead it fired at the residents from buildings.  The YPG fought back, and in 
the hours-long battle, 13 civilians and several FSA fighters were killed...

"But this and other battles drove the FSA out of Sex Maqsud and 
AsrafiyeOver the next months, the FSA kept shooting into the two 
neighborhoods, but now from a distance.

"Since the Kurds had not sided with the regime, the regime forces became 
increasingly brutal.  The army intervened militarily, then began attacking with 
helicopters and planes, each time taking several lives.

"The state shut down the electricityThere was a de facto food embargo

"The Kurds' neutrality angered both sides, the state and the FSA, which 
escalated their attacks

"In the summer and fall of 2013, the YPG defended Aleppo well, pushing back 
attacks by Islamic and other armed opposition groups, as well as parts of the 
FSAIn the spring of 2014, the YPG concluded a ceasefire with the FSA and 
other armed opposition groups.

"Since early 2015, the self-governed parts of Aleppo have repeatedly come under 
attack from jihadists.  The new coalition Jaish Al-Fatah, led by Al-Nusra (Al 
Qaeda) and heavily supported by Turkey, is continually trying to conquer the 
liberated parts of Aleppo, but the people of Sex Maqsud are maintaining their 
self-defence."  (Revolution in Rojava, p. 100- 102)


Here is a brief report on events in Serekaniye, a town on the Turkish border:

"In November 2012, about 3,000 heavily armed jihadists - Al-Nusra and parts of 
the FSA , like the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front (SILF) - slipped over the 
Turkish-Syrian border at Ceylanpinar and attacked Serekaniye.  The goal was to 
push on to Qamislo and bring down the self-government in Cizire.  After four 
days of fighting, they occupied Serekaniye.  The FSA touted the invasion as 
"the FSA's liberation of Ras Al-Ayn."  But the "liberation" took the form of 
massacres, devastation and the radical application of Sharia law 

"In June 2013...the YPG/YPJ liberated Serekaniye and expelled Al-Nusra and the 
FSA."  (Revolution in Rojava, p. 225)

Chris Slee

From: Louis Proyect 
Sent: Friday, 23 February 2018 11:37:38 AM
To: Chris Slee; Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: Re: [Marxism] David Graeber: manufactured ignorance: the strange case 
of Juan Cole and the Kurdish freedom movement

On 2/22/18 7:17 PM, Chris Slee wrote:
> The FSA was never a single united organisation, so we can't speak of "the 
> FSA" doing anything.  But Turkish-backed groups, some of which use the label 
> "FSA", have attacked Rojava on numerous occasions.

Reference, please.

> We prioritise solidarity with the Rojava revolution because of its socially 
> progressive nature - women's rights, ethnic and religious inclusiveness etc.

Waiting to see a single article since 2013 about the brutal siege of
East Ghouta. Maybe if Assad left them alone, they'd have a chance to
organize seminars on Murray Bookchin's writings and see the light.


[Marxism] Top Marx | Review of *Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason* by David Harvey | Joe Gill | The Morning Star

2018-02-24 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread DW via Marxism
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Not dealing with these folks, students from Florida here, I'm dealing with
YOU who supposedly are not brain dead knee jerk liberalsall who should
know better but clearly don't. With these students it's a wholly different
one born from tragedy. It also requires not being condensing jerks to them
as means being honest and discussing all the issues surrounding
*their* demands.

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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation,

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/24/18 9:50 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:

Redneck Revolt is one of several armed leftwing militias growing around the
U.S. It's especially big in the mid-Atlantic states, or so it seems. They
were in Charlettesville during the car attack by the racist far right. They
opened carried their ARs (among other weapons) but also provided the first
on the spot medical care provided by their medic's division. They were
instrumental in getting the 3% Militia to withdraw and, to denounce the KKK
torch parade that was openly racist and fascist. They were the ones that
guarded that Church under threat from the armed right wingers. Not because
they pointed guns at them but because they could speak a common language.
Some even quit the 3% and joined Redneck revolt. GOOD.

They are complete idiots and so are all these recycled White Panthers, 
Young Patriots from the 60s.

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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Right on!

On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 8:49 PM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism
> On this issue of gun control I am most interested in the question of how
> we should respond to the anti-NRA movement among high school students.  Do
> we think this is mainly a reactionary movement?
> If a counter movement develops in the high schools opposed to further
> restrictions, who should be reach out to?  Who should we try to find common
> ground with?
> If we want to find common ground with the anti-NRA young people we should
> probably avoid phrases like “...the anti-gun brain dead liberals…"
> ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation,

2018-02-24 Thread DW via Marxism
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John, this is not about a fantasy world like some young Maoists who revel
in trying to organize the peasantry in the US in some Prolonged People's
War. This is much more down to earth. And it really is political.

Redneck Revolt is one of several armed leftwing militias growing around the
U.S. It's especially big in the mid-Atlantic states, or so it seems. They
were in Charlettesville during the car attack by the racist far right. They
opened carried their ARs (among other weapons) but also provided the first
on the spot medical care provided by their medic's division. They were
instrumental in getting the 3% Militia to withdraw and, to denounce the KKK
torch parade that was openly racist and fascist. They were the ones that
guarded that Church under threat from the armed right wingers. Not because
they pointed guns at them but because they could speak a common language.
Some even quit the 3% and joined Redneck revolt. GOOD.

The issue of workers owning guns has little to do with "The Revolution".
Putting it that way shows you are out of touch with leftwing gun owners and
activists and take a mechanical view of the discussions now under way. On
your comments on Facebook and other places I responded that I support many
of the regulations being asked for by the Florida students who marched this
last week. I am for actually discussing them as well. But I also noted to
that many here, including yourself, are rapidly abandoning long held
positions held by the Socialist Left on gun control. This is, IMO, an
adaptation to liberal gun control advocacy. Liberals and the leaders of
almost every gun control organization that has help organize or supported
the recent student demonstrations are indeed anti-gun and want to ban guns,
full stop. They view every regulation toward doing this as a step in the
direction of a fake "gun free society".

I noted I support them even though it is a concession to the liberals AND
the state...when socialists would rather have the government control *all
the guns* I begin to wonder what is going through people's head. I make
these concessions (I've listed them previously here and on FB) knowing full
well that these ARE concessions. That doing so in FACT makes the state
stronger. Every gun control organization (and the Democrats who benefit the
most from these regulations in a partisan way) has far more faith in the
FBI and ATF than they do in the 99.99% of the people who own guns. I do not
but it IS a concession to this line of thought. It means, ultimately, gun
confiscation. It is in fact telling workers and NOT arm
yourself because *only* organizing mass action (something we of course
prioritize) protests will protect you when you are assaulted by racists and
that we should strengthen the local cops (you know...the ones who are
murdering Black youth left and right) and FBI. No Marxist should *ever*
support that. Do you consider the political consequences of "winning" a ban
on ARs or all weapons for that matter?

Also, unlike everything other country in the world...we have far more guns
of all types in circulation. Including the ARs that everyone on the left
seems bent of banning. Few would ever be turned in and certainly not by the
racist right wing which IS well armed and will stay well armed. These
militias have 10s of thousands of members and there are 100 million gun
owners in the US. Do you believe that banning weapons...which is where this
clearly leading and was demanded by many of the students at the recent
marches...will actually work?

Arming by activists is first and foremost a *political act*. Even when
workers armed in the 1930s (and before) and later when the Decons armed and
Robert F. William, did no point did they serious think that they
would take on the state. Who believed that? No...every act like this puts
the *political onus* on the State that there is a *political price to pay*
if they get into an armed fight with armed citizens. See Wacko, in fact,
more recently. When workers and the oppressed here did so the did it
because there was no choice and not to do so would of jeopardized them.
These are not exceptions but rather the rule when things begin to get
rough. Any gun control measure will generally leave lots of people unarmed.
The people who will remain armed, as the liberals want, are the cops, the
State and the FBI/DEA/ATF. *Because that is what they WANT*. NOT to note
this is irresponsible even if by dint of recent events are forced backward
to support some gun control methods. The actual racists and KKK types will
NEVER disarm. To assume they will is terribly niave. As we discuss this to
ignore the consequences is n

[Marxism] Fwd: NY Times reader comment nails Paul Krugman (excellent in its clarity and simplicity)

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Anyway, one of the issues that came up was the recovery in Europe,
which is real and in some ways a bigger story for the world economy
than the continuation of the Obama expansion here. An obvious
question, which Anil raised, was whether this recovery calls for a
reconsideration by Euroskeptics like myself. And my answer is no and
yes: No, the economics of the euro look about as bad as we expected.
Yes, *we underestimated the political cohesion of the single
currency, the willi***ngness of political elites to suffer enormous
economic pain* *in order to stay in the monetary union.**

  Comment from stewarjt


"...the willingness of political elites to [allow the working class to] 
suffer enormous economic pain in order to stay in the monetary union" 
-P. Krugman

There, fixed it. Dr. Krugman appears to imply that political elites 
suffer economic pain. No, it's the working class, poor and elderly that 
suffer that pain. One would never miss this point if one had a class 
analysis where society is composed of the working class and capitalist 
class. However, Dr. Krugman's neoclassical chimera is just composed of 
economic agents and firms. It makes it easy to ignore real flesh and 
blood suffering. In fact that's the point of that abstraction from reality.

It should be unnecessary to reiterate this point to a Nobel prize winner.

Krugman's column is at

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Re: [Marxism] Debs Blog update (18-04)

2018-02-24 Thread DW via Marxism
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I didn't know that, having only Ray Ginger's biography of him.

The project, John, so you the "Selected Writings". A lot...5
volumes right now, perhaps 6 if Haymarket is open to that. So unless we can
find something by Debs, it will be hard to insert such commentary in the
books outside the introductions. If you have some sources on this I'd
appreciate knowing about them. I sent your message onto Tim Davenport who
is the main editor of this Project. Keep in mind, as a rough guess, there
are enough of Debs writings, in documents, essays and especially newspaper
columns (his real role in society was that of opinion maker, not unlike
H.L. Menken or other famous writers) to fill approx. 30 volumes!

David Walters
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation

2018-02-24 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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When I posed the question originally, I didn't mention the issue of
workers' self defense against the police and the state in general. Those
who raise this issue - and those who claim that "we" need guns to defend
"ourselves" against a repressive state - are simply playing make believe.
No amount of AR 50's and other assault weapons will stand up to the arsenal
that just the local police have, never mind the National Guard. It's like
the Native Americans fighting with bows and arrows against the cavalry with
their Gatling guns. That issue is simply make-believe.

John Reimann

*“How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone
willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause? Such a fine
sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us
thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?” *Sophie Scholl,
executed by the Nazis 2/22/1943. She was 21 years old.
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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DW says, " Black rights were won without guns? Really?"

What I said was,  "Black civil rights and voting rights were won (to the extent 
that they were won) mostly with out guns.”
The word “mostly” is not just a weasel word.  I was aware that guns did play a 
role, for example the Deacons of Defence.
Nevertheless I must concede that DW has cited examples I was unaware of, the 
presence of guns in the headquarters of the SCLC,  and the experience in 
Chattanooga. I am glad to learn something new, even if it I have to do so in a 
very public way.

Does my suggestion that black civil rights and voting rights were won mostly 
without guns survive this new information?  I think there is room for argument.

The young people who sat in at lunch counters, did they carry guns?
The marchers from Selma to Montgomery, did they carry guns?
I am sure that the March on /Washington in 1963 was carried out without guns, 
although I cannot say that none of the demonstrators carried guns on their way 
to the march.  If I were compelled to speculate I’d say that for the most part 
they did not carry guns.  Perhaps someone can correct me on this point.
The three civil rights workers murdered in Mississippi, were they carrying 
guns?  Should they have been?  Would they have survived if they had been 
carrying guns?

On this issue of gun control I am most interested in the question of how we 
should respond to the anti-NRA movement among high school students.  Do we 
think this is mainly a reactionary movement?  
If a counter movement develops in the high schools opposed to further 
restrictions, who should be reach out to?  Who should we try to find common 
ground with?
If we want to find common ground with the anti-NRA young people we should 
probably avoid phrases like “...the anti-gun brain dead liberals…"

ken h

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[Marxism] Fwd: YOU AREN’T A VULCAN, BUT A SQUISHY AND IDEOLOGICAL HUMAN | Cold and Dark Stars on Patreon

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] raoul peck

2018-02-24 Thread michael a. lebowitz via Marxism

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Note that Pirate Bay has his film, Lumumba.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: Bogdan on Davies and Kent, 'The Red Atlas: How the Soviet Union Secretly Mapped the World'

2018-02-24 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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-- Forwarded message --
From: H-Net Staff 
Date: Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 5:58 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-War]: Bogdan on Davies and Kent, 'The Red Atlas:
How the Soviet Union Secretly Mapped the World'

John Davies, Alexander J. Kent.  The Red Atlas: How the Soviet Union
Secretly Mapped the World.  Chicago  University Of Chicago Press,
2017.  Maps. 272 pp.  $35.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-226-38957-8.

Reviewed by Nina Bogdan (University of Arizona)
Published on H-War (February, 2018)
Commissioned by Margaret Sankey

The story of how John Davies and Alexander J. Kent, the authors of
_Red Atlas: How the Soviet Union Secretly Mapped the World_, gained
access to the "secret" Soviet maps showcased in their book is both
familiar and somewhat anticlimactic--as the Soviet Union
disintegrated, pieces of it went up for sale, to include cartographic
productions. The suddenness of the collapse created opportunities to
make a quick ruble (or, more likely, dollar), particularly in places
like the Baltic states, where Soviet rule was thrown off as
expeditiously as possible. Given the culture of secrecy around all
map production and cartography in the Soviet Union throughout its
history, it is no wonder that the individuals who had access to the
maps in bulk (and who coincidentally also needed money) were former
Soviet military personnel. However, as the authors describe, despite
the efforts of various parties to get their hands on them, a huge
number of maps were simply destroyed. For example, Aivars Zvirbulis,
a Latvian orienteer (orienteering is a sport that combines racing and
navigation), negotiated to buy one hundred tons of maps out of _six
thousand tons_ set for destruction as waste paper, but in the end
acquired only two or three tons as "local children" set fire to the
rest (p. 132). The fact that the painstaking work of Soviet
cartographers ended up all over the world in private hands, scholarly
institutions, and museums, then, is something to celebrate, given the
work and craft that went into creating these maps. There is no end to
the irony that Western military forces used Soviet-made maps of
Afghanistan prior to invasion in 2001. Not only were these maps
incredibly accurate but they were also the only such maps available.

The authors have compiled an atlas, which, though it provides some
interesting insights and explanations, raises a host of broader
questions: What was the purpose of creating detailed maps in the
Russian language of places with seemingly little military or
intelligence interest? Was it part of a plan to take over the world?
If so, what does this say about the supposed threat of nuclear
annihilation posed by a perennially aggressive, according to Western
discourse, Soviet state, a threat that led directly to a central
doctrine of US foreign policy during the Cold War: the concept of
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)? Why create maps of places that
theoretically would no longer exist in the event of nuclear
holocaust? Was it because the Soviet government considered a nuclear
exchange survivable? Or did the Soviet political and military
leadership remain convinced that a conventional war was possible and
thus drew up contingency plans that included "mapping the world" to
assist their reconnaissance forces? Or was the global mapping project
simply part of Soviet efforts to maintain domestic full employment?
There are no answers to these questions in the book; instead, the
authors present the maps as curious examples of the focus and
activity of a secretive repressive regime--a seemingly obsessive
attempt between 1950 and 1990 to collect detailed topographic
information literally from everywhere in the world and to create
accurate high-quality maps of those locations. The military purpose
of the mapping is clear and indubitable as the authors point out time
and again: much of the information included in the maps is militarily
oriented. Details such as navigability of rivers, carrying capacity
of bridges, and number of tracks in railroads may interest some
tourist travelers but are not details generally included in tourist
maps or even standard maps for administrative purposes.

The book is divided into four chapters and includes eight appendices,
but, at 234 pages, the text takes second place to the graphics: a
significant portion of the book is dedicated to the maps, which are
reproduced at a high level of quality. In the foreword, James Risen
notes both the beauty and craft of the maps, as well as the mystery
behind their production. And though the authors point to the age of
the maps reproduced to account for problems of quality, the a

[Marxism] Raoul Peck speaks on 'The Young Karl Marx' | BUILDseries via MR Online

2018-02-24 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Corbyn and British imperialism

2018-02-24 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Corbyn may want more schools and hospitals - who doesn't? - but he also
operates entirely within the framework of British imperialism. . .
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Re: [Marxism] Debs Blog update (18-04)

2018-02-24 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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I hope you will consider including Debs relationships with his Gay and Lesbian 

Debs was not hetero.  He was bisexual.

I raised this with the other man working on this book and he responded in a 

all-knowing  attitude that he knew all about  Debs - and this could not be!

He even stupidly said that Debs was married to a woman (and when I gave some

facts - he refused to consider.)   He said Debs had a daughter (who was 
adopted) -

I said Harry Hay had a biological daughter and both Oscar Wilde and Abe Lincoln

also had two sons - so what?

Debs was friends with several openly Gay men - and traveled to spend time with 

James Riley, Horace Traubel and what should be most obvious in his association 

the Altoona PA department store owner.   Debs never met but liked both Jack 

and Oscar Wilde's writings.  Among his Lesbian friends (non-sexual) was Frances 

the then leader of the WCTU).

That Debs at lest showed no hostility to Gays and Lesbians and was not 
supportive of

the religious haters, would be something nice to include .


From: Marxism  on behalf of DW via Marxism 

Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2018 9:22 AM
Subject: [Marxism] Debs Blog update (18-04)

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Got another update of the Debs blog if you wanna skim it...

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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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DRUM's take on Panthers is interesting.  That said...History of when and where 
(Slavery/ radical reconstruction etc.) is really not relevant. Where we are 
today, the concrete shape the call (against NRA , Trump's Tone deaf 
attitude,and Rubio being put on the spot by a student about whether he will 
pledge not to take a penny from NRA) is more relevent. Concrete matters. 
History is good to shed light on it. But history  is not the determinent. The 
concerete---i.e the PRESENT is the determinant.

  From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 To: Saman Sepehri  
 Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2018 3:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?
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On 2/24/18 3:31 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:
> The Black Panthers*ended*  police harassment in Oakland before the NRA
> supported Mulford Act was passed banning such practices (which resulted
> immediately in the OPD harassing young Black men again in the largely Black
> neighborhoods of Oakland).

It was also their fetishizing of weapons that helped lead to their demise.
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Posted this on our RR FB page...

On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 12:31 PM, DW via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Gawd...such one sided bullshit. Black rights were won without guns? Really?
> The fact that the SCLC leadership kept assault rifles in their headquarters
> was...irrelevant? That many Blacks were armed was "without guns". The fact
> is it is hard to prove a negative but I suspect many klan attacks did *not*
> happen because they knew Black people were *armed* often in violation of
> RACIST gun control laws. Ken you should no better than to peddle such crap.
> The Black Panthers *ended* police harassment in Oakland before the NRA
> supported Mulford Act was passed banning such practices (which resulted
> immediately in the OPD harassing young Black men again in the largely Black
> neighborhoods of Oakland). Armed Blacks confronted *regularly* the White
> Leagues and armed Whites throughout Reconstruction. By now, Ken, et al, you
> should of all read about the "Racist Roots of Gun Control". An excellent
> article. [
> 347324-the-racist-origin-of-gun-control-laws
> ]
> is not true that only the Mpls strikes were workers armed.
> Actually they were not armed then. It was afterwards they, and many other
> unions organized such guard groups. The fact is that as a push back against
> armed scabs and the cops, racist mobs, the oppressed *always* armed. How?
> They owned guns to begin with and if the gun control laws were not enacted
> (always against Blacks and the oppressed) they could go out an purchase
> them. The last mass arming of Blacks was in 1980 during the Chattanooga
> riots where armed, Black veterans mostly, formed an ad-hoc militia and
> pushed the white racist sheriffs out of the Black community. Also, all
> petty crime stopped cold during these 3 days. They could not of done this
> without being armed and at that time, with the latest in weapons including
> ARs.
> Second of all, Louis, the anti-gun brain dead liberals that many here are
> adapting too DO want your .30-30 banned. They want ALL guns banned. And
> they are quite open about this. They see every incremental gun control
> measure as a forward step in that direction. THEY have more faith in the
> State to handle weapons than civilians and want more cops, more FBI and ATF
> to take charge. That is "Marxism"? Gawwdd.
> It is not 1936 or 1980. While gun ownership has been fairly constant,
> including the AR-15 (which started as the "Black Rifle" craze during the
> Reagan administration), for almost 3 decades.'s only be the last
> few years that these massacres have taken place. Why is that? Columbine
> occured sans AR-15s (the used pistols and shotguns). The facts are that 97%
> of all the 36,000 () gun deaths are not made by military looking
> AR-type rifles. And that 61% of those 36,000 last year (JAMA) are not from
> violent attacks but from...suicides. The real deaths of children and young
> people come from hand guns. But that is not the emotional push button we
> see...EVER. It's only about these relatively few and particularly ugly
> school massacres.
> I accept that some things ought to be done. I do support raising the age to
> 21 for hand gun or rifle purchases. All firearms. I'm also for actual
> licensing with proof-of-proficiency in safety handling. Lastly I'm for
> better background checks and establishing a "cannot purchase list"
> administered by qualified mental health experts (school counselors,
> psychologists, therapists, etc) but with a right to challenge. This "could"
> reduce but not eliminate such massacres. Nor would banning AR type rifles
> or large capacity magazines. It might help some but with so many such
> firearms in circulation, few would turn them in and fewer still would
> register what they have. And why should they? THEY are not the criminals.
> Disturbed people commit these crimes. And that is where the problem will
> lie:  gun bans ... which is exactly the agenda of the anti-gun crowd.
> All those positions I outlined above are huge fucking concessions to the
> state. They give the government...the FBI and the ATF (the new found lovers
> of the Democrat

[Marxism] Raoul Peck On Karl Marx, James Baldwin And Revolution | Sam Bromer | The Forward

2018-02-24 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Rojova Illusion | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/24/18 3:31 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:

The Black Panthers*ended*  police harassment in Oakland before the NRA
supported Mulford Act was passed banning such practices (which resulted
immediately in the OPD harassing young Black men again in the largely Black
neighborhoods of Oakland).

It was also their fetishizing of weapons that helped lead to their demise.
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread DW via Marxism
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Gawd...such one sided bullshit. Black rights were won without guns? Really?
The fact that the SCLC leadership kept assault rifles in their headquarters
was...irrelevant? That many Blacks were armed was "without guns". The fact
is it is hard to prove a negative but I suspect many klan attacks did *not*
happen because they knew Black people were *armed* often in violation of
RACIST gun control laws. Ken you should no better than to peddle such crap.
The Black Panthers *ended* police harassment in Oakland before the NRA
supported Mulford Act was passed banning such practices (which resulted
immediately in the OPD harassing young Black men again in the largely Black
neighborhoods of Oakland). Armed Blacks confronted *regularly* the White
Leagues and armed Whites throughout Reconstruction. By now, Ken, et al, you
should of all read about the "Racist Roots of Gun Control". An excellent
article. [
] is not true that only the Mpls strikes were workers armed.
Actually they were not armed then. It was afterwards they, and many other
unions organized such guard groups. The fact is that as a push back against
armed scabs and the cops, racist mobs, the oppressed *always* armed. How?
They owned guns to begin with and if the gun control laws were not enacted
(always against Blacks and the oppressed) they could go out an purchase
them. The last mass arming of Blacks was in 1980 during the Chattanooga
riots where armed, Black veterans mostly, formed an ad-hoc militia and
pushed the white racist sheriffs out of the Black community. Also, all
petty crime stopped cold during these 3 days. They could not of done this
without being armed and at that time, with the latest in weapons including

Second of all, Louis, the anti-gun brain dead liberals that many here are
adapting too DO want your .30-30 banned. They want ALL guns banned. And
they are quite open about this. They see every incremental gun control
measure as a forward step in that direction. THEY have more faith in the
State to handle weapons than civilians and want more cops, more FBI and ATF
to take charge. That is "Marxism"? Gawwdd.

It is not 1936 or 1980. While gun ownership has been fairly constant,
including the AR-15 (which started as the "Black Rifle" craze during the
Reagan administration), for almost 3 decades.'s only be the last
few years that these massacres have taken place. Why is that? Columbine
occured sans AR-15s (the used pistols and shotguns). The facts are that 97%
of all the 36,000 () gun deaths are not made by military looking
AR-type rifles. And that 61% of those 36,000 last year (JAMA) are not from
violent attacks but from...suicides. The real deaths of children and young
people come from hand guns. But that is not the emotional push button we
see...EVER. It's only about these relatively few and particularly ugly
school massacres.

I accept that some things ought to be done. I do support raising the age to
21 for hand gun or rifle purchases. All firearms. I'm also for actual
licensing with proof-of-proficiency in safety handling. Lastly I'm for
better background checks and establishing a "cannot purchase list"
administered by qualified mental health experts (school counselors,
psychologists, therapists, etc) but with a right to challenge. This "could"
reduce but not eliminate such massacres. Nor would banning AR type rifles
or large capacity magazines. It might help some but with so many such
firearms in circulation, few would turn them in and fewer still would
register what they have. And why should they? THEY are not the criminals.
Disturbed people commit these crimes. And that is where the problem will
lie:  gun bans ... which is exactly the agenda of the anti-gun crowd.

All those positions I outlined above are huge fucking concessions to the
state. They give the government...the FBI and the ATF (the new found lovers
of the Democratic liberal and gun control crowd) more power, databases and
addresses of gun owners. In this sense, technically, the NRA is 100%
correct: it makes it easier for the State to confiscate any weapon. But I'm
willing to make that concession...and it IS a concession...because of the
current climate. But no socialist should ever support gun confiscation.

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[Marxism] Debs Blog update (18-04)

2018-02-24 Thread DW via Marxism
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Got another update of the Debs blog if you wanna skim it...

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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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One of the arguments around guns is offered by the NRA (and perhaps others).
They say without gun rights we are prey to losing our rights in general.

What is the actual experience?  Black civil rights and voting rights were won 
(to the extent that they were won) mostly with out guns.
Gay rights won were won without guns.

Or take a negative example where rights were lost.  Would Japanese people in 
the  US and Canada have been better able to defend their rights in World War II 
if they had a higher instance of gun ownership?

ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/24/18 10:59 AM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:

Sure, the issue of gun regulations of some sort only touches the surface of
the issue of mass shootings. What really needs to be addressed are the
issues of prevalent violence, alienation, narcissism, and the cheapening of
human life in US society. But given its prominence, we can't afford to
ignore the issue of gun regulation nor have a knee-jerk reaction.
Your thoughts?

John Reimann

For some reason, Trotskyists have had a pat answer to this question 
based on a dogmatic understanding of the need for workers self-defense. 
In reality, the only use of such weapons occurred during the Minneapolis 
strikes when hunting rifles were stored at teamster headquarters. I 
doubt that we'll ever reach a point where a 30-30 is illegal.

Back in the 30s, you didn't have deranged 19 year olds taking a 
semiautomatic weapon to a high school and opening fire on their peers. 
The underlying issue is the mental/societal breakdown taking place 
against a backdrop of economic decline and the glorification of violence 
through video games, TV shows, and the reality of imperial war.

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[Marxism] MIA e-book division: More May Made Me: Additional Elements of an Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in France, By Mitchell Abidor

2018-02-24 Thread DW via Marxism
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FROM THE AUTHOR: Just to let everyone know that a new ebook is available on
MIA, More May Made Me. It's a supplement to my forthcoming oral history of
May 68 in France, May Made Me, which has been published by Pluto Press in
the UK and will be coming out in April from AK Press in the US and Canada.
More Made Me is composed of the interviews that had to be edited out of the
book for space reasons, but contains important conversations with men and
women from all regions of France, providing important insights into how
May-June 68 was lived by those who participated and what they really hoped
for from it. What they have to say does not always match the vision most of
us have of May, which makes it all the more important

Mitch Abidor

24 February 2018: Added to the Paris May ’68 History Archive:

More May Made Me: Additional Elements of an Oral History of the 1968
Uprising in France, By Mitchell Abidor
A supplement to "May Made May Me," published this month by Verso.
Also available in epub and mobi formats.
[Thanks to Mitchell Abidor]
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[Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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I think socialists need to have a serious discussion about this campaign of
the youth in the US against the NRA and against assault weapons.

On the one hand, there are the arguments that the original gun laws were
introduced to take guns away from the newly freed slaves in the South after
the Civil War. And in the 1970s, gun laws in California were tightened up
to at least partially disarm the Black Panther Party. Equally important is
the fact that with up to 8 million assault weapons floating around in the
US, you're never going to get them out of circulation, so what is likely to
happen is that the far right, including fascist groups, would be the ones
who end up with them. In other words, you can't trust the capitalist state
to regulate guns.

Then there's the other arguments:
In the first place, while it's true that you can't trust the capitalist
state, still, we have all sorts of government regulations that we don't
want to see dismantled - environmental regulations, for example. Or who
would advocate eliminating speed limits, even though we know that they're
selectively enforced and used in a racist way? How about driving and auto
ownership - should that be completely deregulated? As for assault weapons:
Aren't there some limits we would advocate? Are we okay with people owning
mortars, bazookas, rpg's? How about owning a batch of sarin gas? If we just
say "no, no, no, no", do we really want to end up sounding exactly like the

Sure, the issue of gun regulations of some sort only touches the surface of
the issue of mass shootings. What really needs to be addressed are the
issues of prevalent violence, alienation, narcissism, and the cheapening of
human life in US society. But given its prominence, we can't afford to
ignore the issue of gun regulation nor have a knee-jerk reaction.
Your thoughts?

John Reimann

*“How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone
willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause? Such a fine
sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us
thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?” *Sophie Scholl,
executed by the Nazis 2/22/1943. She was 21 years old.
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[Marxism] Fwd: What Strategy for the US Left?

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Charlie Post critiques Vivek Chibber. Both of these guys are super-hard 
core Political Marxists so it really makes you wonder if the theory is 
some kind of sine qua non for correct political strategies. That's the 
gist of Robert Brenner's 1977 article that accused Paul Sweezy of 
"neo-Smithian" deviations. Chibber is even more self-assured than Post. 
Unless you agree with him on these obscure postcolonial scholars, you 
will never understand how to make a revolution in India. Seriously?
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[Marxism] Fwd: Stop the Slaughter in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta | The Nation

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Brothers in Arms

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(This article overlaps with my own analysis of how the neo-Nazis in 
Ukraine are realigning with Putin's evolving fascist international.)

Why Russian ultranationalists confronted their own government on the 
battlefields of Ukraine
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[Marxism] Fwd: What went wrong at Newsweek, according to current and former staffers.

2018-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Thorough account of how an important magazine went off the rails.
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[Marxism] On India

2018-02-24 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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India's rising corporate military complex:

India - an emerging economy in the capitalist crisis :

India - how and why the poor don't count:

India - private investment, the god that failed:

The Gates Foundation in India: charity versus liberation:
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