[Marxism] Media Reports on Major Event in Solidarity with Kashmir

2019-09-04 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] Michael Heinrich on RTP Bolivia

2019-09-04 Thread Angelus Novus via Marxism
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Discussing the complete edition of Marx's London notebooks of 1851.

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Re: [Marxism] Navigating the Zeitgeist | Socialist Review

2019-09-04 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Louis Proyect wrote

One important point to make about Helena Sheehan’s political odyssey — 
from a conservative Catholic upbringing through the radicalism of the US 
left in the 1960s and early 70s, on to Official Sinn Fein and the 
Communist Party of Ireland, and then into the Irish Labour Party — is 
that it demonstrates with crystal clarity the importance of the theory 
of state capitalism for revolutionary politics.

full: http://socialistreview.org.uk/449/navigating-zeitgeist

Helena Sheehan's earlier book "Marxism and the Philosophy of Science: A 
Critical History" is a must-read by a remarkable person, a chronicling 
of the dialectics of nature debate, beginning with Engels and Marx's 
ideas on the developmental history and the structure of natural science. 
Sheehan describes their impact on 20th century historians and 
philosophers of human and other natural sciences. She has chapters on 
the Marxism of the 2d International, that of Russian Marxism and 
pre-revolutionary debates, the debate that took place in the period 
following the October Revolution, and the Dialectics of Nature debate 
during the Comintern period. In the 2017 afterword, when this book 
originally published in 1985 was republished by Verso, among other 
things she discusses the crucial role of Bukharin in the shaping of the 
debates, in works that have subsequently come to light, and Bukharin's 
cri de couer for socialist humanism. Sheehan writes with much feeling 
for Marx's view of science in a "more contextual, sociohistorical" 
context, probing into the role of ideology in relation to science and 
the philosophy of science. She has informative profiles of the major 
discussants in this debate, including not only Engels and materialism 
and dialectics but Liebnecht, Kautsky, Max Adler, the Polish Marxists, 
the Russian Machists , Plekhanov, Lenin, Trotsky, Pavlov, Lysenko, 
Lukacs, Korsch and the neo-Hegelian revival, Gramsci, Bernal, JBS 
Haldane, Joseph Needham, Maurice Cornforth, and most interestingly, the 
brilliant flash of intuition and intense study on the part of the 
ill-fated Christopher Caudwell, killed in his first battle encounter in 
Spain, then the Frankfort School, Lefebvre, Brecht, Reich, Hook, Eastman 
and Hermann Muller. A fascinating read, and one which among other things 
prompted in me a new appreciation of the need to jettison the linear in 
favor of a dialectical approach to our most important 
theoretical/practical problems, and not only in science - an immense but 
essential task.

In her new book among other topics she tells the story about writing 
this book and the political climate in which she conducted her research 
in the International Lenin School in Moscow.

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[Marxism] Nationalism, Borders, and the State – The Brooklyn Rail

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Making life better for migrant workers would thus come at the expense of 
“[making] everybody in America poorer,” in Sanders’s view. Corbyn, his 
counterpart across the pond, evidently concurred with this view. Asked 
what a “Jobs First Brexit” would look like, in terms of free movement, 
the Labour leader replied: “What there wouldn’t be is wholesale 
importation of underpaid workers from Central Europe in order to destroy 
[working] conditions, particularly in the construction industry.”11 
Hence the campaign slogan to “Build it in Britain,” with its complaints 
about international capital and cheap foreign labor.12 It would be too 
much to equate this with the recycling of the old fascist slogan of 
“British jobs for British workers” by Gordon Brown, Corbyn’s 
predecessor, but it is not far off.13

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[Marxism] The Death Blow Is Coming for Syrian Democracy

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, Sept. 4, 2019
The Death Blow Is Coming for Syrian Democracy
By Leila Al-Shami.

The Syrian regime is determined to reconquer all of the territory it has 
lost. Aided by Russian bombers and Iranian troops, and emboldened by its 
success in terrorizing the populations of Ghouta and Daraa into 
submission, President Bashar al-Assad’s government is now preparing to 
attack Idlib, the last remaining province outside of his control. Idlib 
is home to some three million people, about half of them displaced, or 
forcibly evacuated, to the province from elsewhere. Many are crowded 
into unsanitary camps or sleeping in the open.

In recent days, regime troops have massed on Idlib’s border and leaflets 
have been dropped on residential areas calling on Syrians to accept 
“reconciliation” or face the consequences. Meanwhile, Russia has been 
sending reinforcements to its naval base in Tartus.

The Syrian troika — Russia, Iran and Turkey — designated Idlib a 
“de-escalation zone” last year. But what happens there next could 
potentially undermine the so-far mutually beneficial agreement among the 
three countries.

De-escalation in Idlib genuinely serves Turkey’s interests: It keeps 
both the Syrian Kurds and the Assad regime away from the border, it 
preserves Turkey’s relevance to a long-term settlement, and it houses 
Syrians who would otherwise try to join the 3.5 million refugees already 
in Turkey. Turkey has shown its commitment by setting up observation 
posts around the province and by establishing the National Liberation 
Front, an amalgam of Free Army and Islamist militias that follow Turkish 
orders. Russia and Iran, on the other hand, have always seen the 
de-escalation zones as tactical and temporary. Just as Daraa and Ghouta 
were abandoned, so (they hope) Idlib will be returned to Mr. Assad’s 

The Syrian regime and its allies justify their coming attack on Idlib by 
saying that they want to root out jihadists. Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham, 
which is led by the Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, dominates some 60 percent 
of the province and has an estimated 10,000 fighters, according to the 
United Nations special envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura. The repeated 
descriptions of Idlib as a “terrorist hotbed” support the regime’s 
narrative that all opposition to its rule consists of terrorist groups; 
it also absolves the international community of any responsibility to 
protect civilians.

But this characterization of the province is inaccurate. The people of 
Idlib have been at the forefront of the struggle against Hay’at Tahrir 
Al Sham, or H.T.S. Since Idlib’s liberation from the regime — partially 
in 2012 and then fully in 2015 — many of its citizens worked to build a 
free society that reflected the values of the revolution. According to 
researchers, more than 150 local councils have been established to 
administer basic services in the province; many held the first free 
elections in decades. Long-repressed civil society witnessed a rebirth. 
Independent news media, like the popular Radio Fresh, were set up to 
challenge the regime’s monopoly on information. Women’s centers grew, 
empowering women to participate in politics and the economy.

H.T.S. has threatened these hard-won achievements. The group has tried 
to embed itself within the local population. Since the fall of Aleppo in 
2016, it has intensified its attempts to impose its ideology by taking 
over local institutions and establishing Shariah courts. It’s been 
ruthless with its perceived opponents. In December, it arrested four 
prominent activists displaced to Idlib from Madaya, ostensibly on 
charges of “media work against H.T.S.” Raed Fares, one of the founders 
of Radio Fresh, survived an assassination attempt, as did Ghalya Rahal, 
who established the Mazaya Organization, which runs eight women’s 
centers. Fighting between H.T.S. and other rebel groups has left many 
civilians dead, and a spate of assassinations and kidnappings for ransom 
has left the local population fearful and angry.

Syrians did not risk their lives and rise up against Mr. Assad’s 
dictatorship to replace it with another. Many local councils issued 
statements rejecting H.T.S.’s authority in local governance or declaring 
their neutrality in fighting between rebel groups. Hundreds of local 
activists coordinated opposition to H.T.S.’s control and called for 
demilitarization of their communities through media campaigns and public 
demonstrations. Courageously, they replaced the black jihadist flag with 
the flag of the revolution. In April, medical workers held protests 
against infighting and kidnapping. Women organized ag

[Marxism] Aerial footage shows total devastation in Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian - The Washington Post

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Four Points on the Hong Kong Protests

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] bellingcat - The “Hardcore” Russian Neo-Nazi Group That Calls Ukraine Home - bellingcat

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Educated Working Class – The Brooklyn Rail

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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For the first half of the 20th century, a college education was largely 
reserved for the wealthy, but the post-war boom brought changes to 
American higher education. Government assistance programs like the GI 
Bill and federal student loan programs allowed for a great expansion of 
college enrollment. A college degree was seen as a ticket to a 
good-paying job and a rise in social standing. Things changed again, 
though, as the post-war economic boom came to an end. By the 1970s the 
trajectory of upward mobility was no longer guaranteed by the possession 
of a degree and by the 1980s the era of the educated underclass had begun.
In The Educated Underclass: Students and the Promise of Social Mobility, 
Gary Roth leads us through this history and, with thorough research, 
exposes the numerous myths and misconceptions that abound in the 
connections between education, class, and upward mobility. His goal is 
to show that a recreation of the working class is taking place as 
expanded numbers of college students enter into the world of work.


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[Marxism] Answering some questions about Robert Brenner | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Recently a dissertation student in Brazil asked me I’d be willing to 
answer some questions he had about Robert Brenner. I replied that I 
would be happy to but would like to do so on my blog since others might 
be interested in my replies.

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[Marxism] MR Press book on Global Value Chains and Imperialism

2019-09-04 Thread Michael Yates via Marxism
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Monthly Review Press is pleased to announce the publication of Intan Suwandi's 
Value Chains: The New Economic Imperialism. This is a first-rate study, clearly 
written and with concrete examples, of modern imperialism. Intan shows a deep 
familiarity with the relevant literature, buttressed by her on-the-ground 
research in her native Indonesia. The book has won the Paul M. Sweezy - Paul A. 
Baran Memorial Award.

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[Marxism] The Paradox of Syria’s Reconstruction - Carnegie Middle East Center - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Joseph Daher.

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Re: [Marxism] Fascism--What Is It Anyway?

2019-09-04 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Quite a critical review. I wonder if Roberto has responded anywhere?

Amith R. Gupta

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 8:51 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> Review of:
> The Coming of the American Behemoth
> The Origins of Fascism in the United States, 1920-1940
> By Michael Joseph Roberto
> Monthly Review Press, 2018, 413 pages plus 33 pages of notes, $20
> paperback.
> https://solidarity-us.org/atc/202/what-is-fascism/
> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: In the mafia, there is a name for what Pence and Barr did

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(From a friend.)

FYI: I learned a new vocabulary item today: Kicking up.
In case you haven't seen this already:

From the opening paragraph: "As a federal organized crime prosecutor, I 
learned that the mafia uses a practice known as "kicking up" or "paying 
tribute" to the boss. Essentially, all members of a mafia family must 
make sure that some of their earnings end up in the boss' pocket."

In the mafia, there is a name for what Pence and Barr did

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-CivWar]: Levy on Broomall, 'Private Confederacies: The Emotional Worlds of Southern Men as Citizens and Soldiers'

2019-09-04 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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Begin forwarded message:

> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
> Date: September 3, 2019 at 12:47:19 PM EDT
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Cc: H-Net Staff 
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-CivWar]:  Levy on Broomall, 'Private Confederacies: 
> The Emotional Worlds of Southern Men as Citizens and Soldiers'
> Reply-To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> James J. Broomall.  Private Confederacies: The Emotional Worlds of 
> Southern Men as Citizens and Soldiers.  Chapel Hill  University of 
> North Carolina Press, 2019.  240 pp.  $29.95 (paper), ISBN 
> 978-1-4696-5198-9; $90.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-4696-4975-7.
> Reviewed by Carolyn Levy (Pennsylvania State University)
> Published on H-CivWar (September, 2019)
> Commissioned by G. David Schieffler
> James J. Broomall brings a new form of analysis to Civil War 
> historiography by drawing on methodologies of emotions history and 
> gender history in order to better understand the mentalities and 
> experiences of Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War. 
> _Private Confederacies: The Emotional Worlds of Southern Men as 
> Citizens and Soldiers _details how Confederate men, raised in the 
> culture of the antebellum South that demanded men control their 
> emotions and restrain themselves, struggled to comprehend the 
> overwhelming emotional experiences of the Civil War. Broomhall argues 
> that Confederate soldiers learned to cope with difficult wartime 
> experiences through the creation of "emotional communities" of fellow 
> soldiers on whom they could rely for support (p. 2). When the war 
> ended with the defeat of the Confederacy, these Southern men 
> recreated the emotional communities they had forged during the war 
> through veteran reunions and paramilitary groups. Broomhall contends 
> that Confederate veterans' emotional responses to the Confederacy's 
> loss--their anger and resentment toward the Union victory and their 
> nostalgia for the past--fueled their desire to restore a Southern 
> social order that would reinforce white supremacy. 
> Chapter 1, "Words," begins before the onset of the Civil War in order 
> to establish how Southern men expressed their emotions and thoughts 
> during the antebellum era. Broomhall relies heavily on diaries as a 
> means of understanding the feelings and identities of his subjects. 
> He contends that diaries are an important source for this research 
> because they provided Southern men an avenue for free thought and 
> expression. However, some readers may find Broomhall's reliance on 
> diaries problematic due to his assumptions about the honesty of 
> expression in these writings. Broomhall does acknowledge some of the 
> shortcomings of his source base, and the examples he provides are 
> compelling. Ultimately, the first chapter does an excellent job of 
> setting up the narrative of the monograph.  
> Chapter 2, "Soldiers," discusses the new environments Southern men 
> faced when the war began. Broomhall argues that few historians have 
> paid proper attention to the relationship between soldiers and their 
> uniforms; he also argues that scholars have not fully considered the 
> effects of the camps and fields on soldiers' mentalities. He contends 
> that uniforms, camps, and new living quarters all affected the 
> emotions and identities of Confederate soldiers. The shared 
> experiences of messes and regimental companies bonded soldiers, 
> helping to create the emotional communities that would help Southern 
> men survive the challenges of camps and battles.  
> Chapter 3," details how Confederate soldiers responded to the battles 
> of the war. There was no universal Confederate response to the 
> horrors seen on the battlefield. Records of soldiers' responses to 
> battle, injury, and death demonstrate a mix of depression, anxiety, 
> and uncertainty mixed with expressions of duty, honor, and ideology. 
> This chapter provides numerous examples that demonstrate soldiers' 
> various attempts to capture the details of their experience. 
> Broomhall highlights how some took on a detached tone to try to 
> explain situations, while others expressed the impossibility of 
> explaining what they had witnessed. As one soldier wrote, "You cannot 
> imagine my feelings" (p. 83). Broomhall argues that historians have 
> paid far more attention to soldiers' behavior as a means of 
> understanding how they reacted to battle, but he believes that more 
> attention needs to be paid to expressions of emotion.  
> Chapter 4, "Demobilization," and c

[Marxism] ISIS exerting its influence in camps in NE Syria

2019-09-04 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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While we rightly keep in mind the rise of fascist and far right forces in
the US and Europe, there is also the continued threat of fascism in the
Islamic world. I'm referring to the Islamic State. Here's one example of
how it's a ticking time bomb. From the article:

Half a year after the territorial defeat of the Islamic State, the vast
sprawl of tents at the al-Hol camp is becoming a cauldron of
radicalization. About 20,000 women and 50,000 children who had lived under
the caliphate are held in dire conditions at the camp, which is operated
and guarded by 400 U.S.-supported Kurdish troops. With the men of ISIS
imprisoned elsewhere, the women inside the fences of al-Hol are reimposing
the militant group’s strictures, enforcing them upon those deemed impious
with beatings and other brutality and extending what residents and camp
authorities call a reign of fear.

Several guards have been stabbed by women who concealed kitchen knives in
the folds of their robes. Women are threatened for being in contact with
lawyers who might get them out of the camp or for speaking with other
outsiders. A pregnant Indonesian woman was murdered, medical officials say,
apparently after speaking to a Western media organization. Images of her
body suggest she might have been whipped.

“It’s happening at night and it’s happening in the shadows, but no one
informs on who did it,” said a senior member of the camp’s intelligence
department. “They’re afraid of each other here.”

Kurdish security officials, affiliated with the U.S.-allied Syrian
Democratic Forces (SDF), say they have the troops to guard the facility but
do little else. “We can contain the women, but we can’t control their
ideology,” the intelligence official said. “There are many types of people
here, but some of them were princesses among ISIS. There are spaces inside
the camp that are like an academy for them now.”

Nor is this growing menace confined to al-Hol. Aid workers from the smaller
al-Roj camp, an hour’s drive away, describe frequent disputes between Iraqi
and other foreign residents: In one instance, an Iraqi woman was barred
from communicating with her neighbors after she removed her veil. In
another, the children of alleged Islamic State fighters tried to bury a
young Iraqi boy alive.

As conditions deteriorate, the inhabitants remain in limbo. Some of the
women want to return to their home countries, but few foreign governments
are eager to take them back, fearing in part the risk that unrepentant ISIS
adherents might pose and that evidence against them might not hold up in
court. The SDF says it cannot be counted on to hold the camp residents
indefinitely. But neither the United States — which ultimately holds sway
in this corner of Syria — nor European and Arab allies have advanced a
workable solution.

“Given that ISIS had women’s units and also taught them how they should
still spread the idea and ideals of the caliphate once they are back in
their countries of origins, they are a serious risk to the society, so
their children could be also,” said an Arab intelligence official

In a video posted online in July, several women, fully veiled and holding
the Islamic State’s black-and-white banner, said they were delivering a
message from al-Hol. “Brothers,” one urges, “light the fire of jihad and
free us from these prisons.”
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Apartheid Had Always Been the Plan - CounterPunch.org

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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What do wealthy capitalists do in response to the ever present threat of 
nuclear annihilation or a biosphere teetering on the edge of collapse? 
Why they build enormous, fortified bunkers deep underground, of course. 
Here they can live like the descendants of the mammals that survived the 
extinction of the dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous and early Paleocene 
around 65 to 100 million years ago. The long deceased necrolestes 
patagonensis, whose shockingly appropriate meaning for this comparison 
is “grave robber,” are the descendants of the cronopio who narrowly 
escaped the dinosaurs’ fate by burrowing deep under the earth’s soil.

But these modern day mammals will apparently live in far greater luxury 
than these furry predecessors when the planet suffers from the next 
cataclysmic event. Several of these soon to be denizens of the lavish 
underworld are showcased in a recent article by Julie Turkewitz in the 
New York Times entitled “A Boom Time for the Bunker Business and 
Doomsday Capitalists.” And their lairs, while devoid of anything 
remotely tasteful, are bedecked in the latest technological conveniences 
and comforts, including movie theatres, swimming pools and yoga studios. 
What would it feel like to be doing a hatha stretch beneath a deadened 


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[Marxism] Bring down the government | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Twittering Machine V: We Are All Liars | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Stop Killer Cops: Police Brutality, Mass Incarceration, and the Liberal Establishment | Editors | AAIHS

2019-09-04 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] The Gospel of Oil | Boston Review

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Oil’s grip on U.S. society is as much religious as economic, a new 
history shows.

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[Marxism] Competition, Inequality

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Kim Moody reviews:

Persistent Inequalities:
Wage Disparity Under Capitalist Competition
By Howard Botwinick
Haymarket Books, 2018, 370 pages, $28 paper.

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[Marxism] Fascism--What Is It Anyway?

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Review of:

The Coming of the American Behemoth
The Origins of Fascism in the United States, 1920-1940
By Michael Joseph Roberto
Monthly Review Press, 2018, 413 pages plus 33 pages of notes, $20 paperback.

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[Marxism] Top Interior official who pushed to expand drilling in Alaska to join oil company there

2019-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Washington Post, September 4, 2019
Top Interior official who pushed to expand drilling in Alaska to join 
oil company there

By Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson

Last summer, Scott Pruitt left his job heading the Environmental 
Protection Agency and within a few months had started consulting for 
coal magnate Joseph W. Craft III. Three weeks after leaving the Interior 
Department, energy counselor Vincent DeVito joined Cox Oil Offshore, 
which operates in the Gulf of Mexico, as its executive vice president 
and general counsel. Now, Joe Balash — who oversaw oil and gas drilling 
on federal lands before resigning from Interior on Friday — is joining a 
foreign oil company that’s expanding operations on Alaska’s North Slope.

Balash, who had served as the Interior Department’s assistant secretary 
for Land and Minerals Management for nearly two years, confirmed in a 
phone interview Tuesday night that he will begin working for the Papua 
New Guinea-based Oil Search, which is developing one of Alaska’s largest 
oil prospects in years.

The company is drilling on state lands that lie nearby — but not inside 
— two federal reserves where the Trump administration is pushing to 
increase oil and gas development: the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 
and the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. During his time at Interior, 
Balash oversaw the department’s work to hold lease sales on the coastal 
plain of the 19.3 million-acre refuge and to expand drilling on the 22.8 
million-acre reserve to the west of the refuge. Both sites are home to 
large numbers of migratory birds as well as caribou, polar bears and 
other wildlife.

Balash declined to disclose his specific role and said that while he 
would oversee employees who would work with the federal government on 
energy policy, he would abide by the Trump ethics pledge barring 
appointees from lobbying their former agencies for five years.

“I’ll supervise those who do,” he said, referring to Oil Search staffers 
with business before the federal government, “but I have a ton of 
restrictions dealing with the Department of Interior. Most of Oil 
Search’s properties are state lands. There isn’t really the federal nexus.”

Oil Search has been expanding aggressively in Alaska, where it says it 
has acquired more than 700 million barrels of crude reserves. In May, 
the company received the go-ahead from the Army Corps of Engineers and 
it plans to ramp up production operations this year and over the winter.

Balash noted that Interior “was not even a cooperating agency” in the 
decision to grant Oil Search the recent permit under the Clean Water Act.

Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government 
Oversight, said in an interview that the fact that Balash has been 
working to make more land available for exploration near Oil Search’s 
ongoing development raises concerns.

“If this ends up being legal, it’s further confirmation to me that our 
laws are simply inadequate,” Brian said. “It is hard to have confidence 
that decisions he was making while he was working for the taxpayers were 
not impacted by his aspirations or hopes to go work for a company that 
was materially affected by his work.”

[After the high life at EPA, Scott Pruitt embarks on a job hunt]

Asked about Balash’s job plans last week, neither Oil Search nor 
Interior would comment on the matter.

“As a matter of policy, I’m unable to comment on business rumors,” Oil 
Search spokeswoman Amy Burnett said in an email.

Balash has extensive experience in Alaska state politics. He served as 
the deputy commissioner for Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources and 
ran the agency on an acting basis for just over a year, before becoming 
chief of staff for Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska). He joined Interior in 
December 2017.

Earlier, Balash served in the governor’s office as a special assistant 
on energy and natural resource development. And prior to that, he worked 
on the joint legislative budget and audit committee and served as chief 
of staff to the state Senate president. Balash also attended high school 
in Fairbanks.

Ethics experts said that regardless of the Alaskan’s job description, 
his decision to join an oil company raises potential conflict of 
interest issues, although part of it would depend on the nature of his 
negotiations with the firm before he left public office.

Under 18 U.S. Code Section 208, a federal official is barred “from 
participating personally and substantially in a particular Government 
matter that will affect his own financial interests, as well as the 
financial interests of” his spouse, children and “a person with whom he 

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