[Marxism] Doug Henwood radio shows

2009-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
BEHIND THE NEWS with Doug Henwood Best Music on an Economics Politics Radio Show Village Voice Best of NYC 2005 podcast: http://shout.lbo-talk.org/lbo/radio-feed.php iTunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=73801817 or http://tinyurl.com/3bsaqb opening

Re: [Marxism] Anita O'Day documentary

2009-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect
ricardostar...@aol.com wrote: In a message dated 7/29/2009 12:03:03 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, sartes...@earthlink.net writes: Remember her performance of Sweet Georgia Brown at Newport? Unbelievable. Yes, I do remember it. Mostly because, if memory serves, it was included in

Re: [Marxism] Iran: Whose Side Are You On?

2009-07-30 Thread Louis Proyect
Mehmet Cagatay wrote: I suspect that Jake guy might be Louis as well, intending to discredit the proponents of MZine position by employing scandalous expressions such as (self-identified) Iranian Marxists. No, it was me posing as another contributor named lidia who kept accusing me of

Re: [Marxism] Iran: Whose Side Are You On?

2009-07-30 Thread Louis Proyect
jlev...@earthlink.net wrote: It's understandable that you want to change the subject. Thanks for re-posting my earlier comments; I stand by them Stand by whatever you want, but you clearly had no business citing me, especially when it comes to the Ukraine. That was exactly one of those

Re: [Marxism] Iran: Whose Side Are You On?

2009-07-30 Thread Louis Proyect
S. Artesian wrote: Is that true, Lou? I spent my time arguing with Lidia whom I thought was a first-class unreconstructed moron suitable for KGB employment, when all the time it was you? Geez I guess on the internet nobody does know if you're a dog or not. Didn't know you had a bit of

[Marxism] Report by a survivor of Kahrizak

2009-07-30 Thread Louis Proyect
Dear Editors, Below please find a link to a translation of a report by one of the survivors of Camp Kahrizak, which was just ordered closed by Khamenei, presumably due to the national and international attention it was getting and due to the word spreading regarding its horrific reputation as

Re: [Marxism] Monthly Review's past articles on Iran

2009-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Mark Lause wrote: Since World War II, isolationism has bee the standard imperialist change against anyone who disagrees with U.S. foreign policy on any level. There are no isolationists among internationalists. To the contrary, an internationalist support for Iranian Leftists should

Re: [Marxism] post Totalitarianism

2009-08-03 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.since1865.com/doc/19820227/sontag This is a link to a symposium on Communism and the left held by the Nation Magazine in 1998 that touches on these questions. It was in response to Susan Sontag's claim: All this is obvious, or almost, when one uses the word fascist to describe the

[Marxism] Third Bush administration plows ahead

2009-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, August 4, 2009 Firm Stance on Illegal Immigrants Remains Policy By JULIA PRESTON After early pledges by President Obama that he would moderate the Bush administration’s tough policy on immigration enforcement, his administration is pursuing an aggressive strategy for an

Re: [Marxism] The political consequences of social change in Iran

2009-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect
Shawn Redden wrote: What shit reporting: Judy Miller, but dumber. God I hate the NY Times. Down with the NED! Don't waste Marxmail with this kind of rant in the future. If you think that there are obvious falsehoods in the article, spell them out. For example, what makes you think that

[Marxism] Latest anti-Empire report from William Blum

2009-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect
http://killinghope.org/bblum6/aer72.html YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] Faulkner in context

2009-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect
Ted Atkinson. Faulkner and the Great Depression: Aesthetics, Ideology, and Cultural Politics. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2005. 288 pp. $39.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8203-2750-1. Reviewed by David A. Davis (Mercer University) Published on H-Southern-Lit (July, 2009) Commissioned by Lisa

[Marxism] Red Army and rape

2009-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2002/may/01/news.features11 'They raped every German female from eight to 80' Antony Beevor, author of the acclaimed new book about the fall of Berlin, on a massive war crime committed by the victorious Red Army. * Antony Beevor * The Guardian,

[Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
1. A number of comrades are overposting. The limit is 5 posts per day. Please keep track. 2. Comrades are beginning to become abusive. This is the main reason that I try to steer conversations away from anything having to do with the USSR. 3. I urge you to write one last thing on the Red

[Marxism] Book announcement

2009-08-05 Thread Louis Proyect
7/30/09 Sisters and brothers, There are two pieces of good news regarding 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis Edited by Lenni Brenner 1 - The hard cover edition, 3,300 copies, has completely sold out, showing that there is a lot of interest in the topic. 2 - A new trade

Re: [Marxism] Violence

2009-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Dogan Gocmen wrote: The most explicit analysis of violence in Marxist tradition is in Engels’ *Anti-Dühring*. Dogan, can you point me to a chapter that spells this out? The work is online at: http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1877/anti-duhring/index.htm

Re: [Marxism] G.A. Cohen died this morning

2009-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect
tarr...@aol.com wrote: GA Cohen was a brilliant philosopher, with a great deal of precision, and he had a very subtle sense of humor. I met him a few times and wrote my phd on his relation to Marxism. Yet it must be acknowledged that he played a strong role in attempting to weaken Marxism

Re: [Marxism] R

2009-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Fred Feldman wrote: Louis is right about that. Let me note a rather astonishing violation of list rules that I accepted passively -- the repeated use of my name in a series of posts. When I or others violate this rule, the next post is usually from Les pointing out the error and asking that

[Marxism] Yanomami science wars

2009-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Jacques Lizot’s critique There is a cinematic quality between the clash of Napoleon Chagnon and Jacques Lizot. Chagnon, the blustering American who like to fire pistols to intimidate the Yanomami, could have been played by the young John Wayne. Lizot, the gay French disciple of structuralist

[Marxism] Forwarded post on India labor struggles

2009-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect
(Amit Singh, a new subscriber, had problems posting this to the list.) Hi all, This is my first post on this list. IIT Kanpur is an elite Science Technology institute in India. For many years the institute has been violating the labor rights and has completely failed to ensure the 'minimum

[Marxism] Cause and effect

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
The New York Times December 4, 2008 Thursday Endowment Nose-Dives At Harvard By GERALDINE FABRIKANT In a sign of the economic times, Harvard has sent a letter to its deans saying that the university's $36.9 billion endowment fund lost 22 percent of its value in the last four months and could

[Marxism] John Conyers: Obama's health care proposal is crap

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Conyers: “There is no one more disappointed than I am in Barack Obama.” By Glen Ford The nation's senior Black congressman fears Barack Obama is in danger of becoming a one-term president. Obama's health care proposal is “crap,” says Detroit's John Conyers, and Obama loses whether it passes or

Re: [Marxism] Request to the moderator

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
S. Artesian wrote: 2. Heads: I believe the moderator should ban in perpetuity this sort of discussion from the list. Well, I didn't quite have that in mind when I asked for the thread to end. But I would remind everybody who has kept posting on it that they risk losing their posting

[Marxism] Tampa town meeting on health care erupts in violence

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/06/tampa-town-hall-on-health_n_253478.html YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] Request to the moderator

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Jeff wrote: If no one agrees with that, then this is my last post on the subject. If someone DOES agree with that, then we really have a problem. Jeff loses his posting privileges until September 1. YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when

Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Dogan Gocmen wrote: Jscotlive loses his posting privileges until September 1. I protest emphatically as he has the right to defend against dishonest claims and falsifications. The debate was coming to its end any way. The post by Sartesian has provoked these responses. He simply could have

[Marxism] Has China de-industrialised other developing countries?

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/3819 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] China's wild west

2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
China’s wild west With July’s violence in Urumqi following last year’s riots in Tibet, is China under threat in its frontier provinces? Xinjiang’s minorities, the Muslim Uyghurs in particular, face discrimination. Though their dislocation is more social and cultural than religious, without


2009-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Helen (my wife) and I had trepidations about going to Israel. Mainly because we knew of pro-Palestinian political activists who were not let into Israel and summarily deported, sometimes after humiliating strip-searches and rummaging through luggage. Some were detained for hours and finally

[Marxism] Did Goldman Sachs consider suing Matt Taibbi?

2009-08-08 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.businessinsider.com/did-goldman-discuss-suing-taibbi-2009-8 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] John Hughes

2009-08-08 Thread Louis Proyect
http://dennisperrin.blogspot.com/ Permanent Vacation John Hughes died while strolling through Manhattan. Not to seem insensitive, but that's a great way to go -- at least to diehard New Yorkers like me. I'll be in the city in a couple of weeks, so if I croak while cruising Central Park or Ave.

Re: [Marxism] Great Patriotic War

2009-08-08 Thread Louis Proyect
Mark Lause wrote: The surrender of Paris to the Germans certainly fueled the Paris Commune. The problem here is less the rhetorical appeal to patriotism than when it is used to dehumanize people who happen to be subjects of the government with which you are at war. This is skirting the same

[Marxism] Harvey Kurtzman

2009-08-09 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/09/books/review/Heller-t.html NY Times Book Review, August 9, 2009 Visuals The Art of Rebellion By STEVEN HELLER If not for Mad magazine, there might never have been (in no particular order) 1960s youth culture, underground comics, Wacky Packs, “Laugh-In,”

[Marxism] Paris Hilton building $325k house for her dogs

2009-08-09 Thread Louis Proyect
(hat tip to Doug Henwood) The Huffington Post August 9, 2009 by Cameron Sinclair Co-founder of Architecture for Humanity and the Open Architecture Network I thought it was a joke. You know, now twitter has recovered from its Thursday trauma some pranksters start spreading rumors that Paris

[Marxism] In the Loop; Hurt Locker

2009-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Two idiotic movies inspired by the war in Iraq. http://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2009/08/11/in-the-loop-hurt-locker/ YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your

Re: [Marxism] Clinton: behind the scenes, we were doing a lot

2009-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Shawn Redden wrote: For the life of me, I cannot understand your pathological and disproportionate obsession with the unfairness of the Iranian electoral system and the meanness of the Iranian political state at a time when such criticism dovetails exquisitely with the line espoused by the US

Re: [Marxism] Clinton: behind the scenes, we were doing a lot

2009-08-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Shawn Redden wrote: You insist there's only one protest movement in Iran, and I think it's more nuanced than that. Don't you read your own bullshit? Where's the nuance in this saliva-flecked rant? http://article.gmane.org/gmane.politics.marxism.marxmail/120575/match=iran What I see is a

[Marxism] Swine flu query

2009-08-12 Thread Louis Proyect
Please, does anyone in this list know where I could find materials about political and economical aspects of swine flu? It seems that pork business, pig farms and pharmaceutical companies, as well as governments are to blame. It seems that mass farming of pigs and reduction of sanitation costs

[Marxism] Beeswax

2009-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect
A Mumblecore movie: http://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2009/08/14/beeswax/ YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] Zeitoun

2009-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect
The New York Times August 16, 2009 After the Deluge By TIMOTHY EGAN ZEITOUN By Dave Eggers Illustrated. 351 pp. McSweeney’s Books. $24 Imagine Charles Dickens, his sentimentality in check but his journalistic eyes wide open, roaming New Orleans after it was buried by Hurricane Katrina. He

[Marxism] The New American Dream: Renting

2009-08-17 Thread Louis Proyect
The Wall Street Journal LIFE STYLE AUGUST 15, 2009, 8:20 P.M. ET The New American Dream: Renting It's time to accept that home ownership is not a realistic goal for many people and to curtail the enormous government programs fueling this ambition. By Thomas J. Sugrue 'A man is not a whole and

[Marxism] Engels as angel

2009-08-17 Thread Louis Proyect
(A surprisingly sympathetic article from the Economist.) http://www.economist.com/books/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14209490 A biography of Friedrich Engels A very special business angel Aug 13th 2009 Marx’s General: The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels. By Tristram Hunt. Metropolitan

[Marxism] District 9

2009-08-17 Thread Louis Proyect
I have not seen this movie yet, but two of my colleagues in NYFCO did not care for it very much. Prairie Miller, a hard-core leftist like me, wrote: Relentlessly clunky and grating in the extreme, District 9 takes its cue from Cloverfield's contrived artsy vertigo to situate the futuristic

[Marxism] Fallout from Whole Foods CEO lining up with Republicans

2009-08-17 Thread Louis Proyect
http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/17/whole-foods-fight/ YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] European recovery explained

2009-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect
http://chronicle.com/blogPost/What-Does-Europe-Have-That-We/7705/ August 17, 2009, 10:00 AM ET What Does Europe Have That We Don't? By Teresa Ghilarducci France, Germany, and most European nations are pulling out of the global recession faster than the U.S. Euro-zone GDP is down 0.4 percent:

[Marxism] Alexander Cockburn RIP

2009-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect
This is not an easy post for me to write. I have been reading Alexander Cockburn for over two decades. He was unlike most progressive writers in that he took the time to critique American liberalism, although always with a tint of a European leftover from the '68 siege on Paris. And like in

[Marxism] Ahmadinejad's 3 female cabinet appointees

2009-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/aug/17/iran-cabinet-women Hardline women won't help Iran I wish I could feel proud about the proposal for female cabinet members in Iran – but they will do nothing for equal rights by Massoumeh Torfeh It is difficult to know how to react to the

[Marxism] Frankfurt on the Hudson

2009-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.tabletmag.com/arts-and-culture/books/13644/frankfurt-on-the-hudson/ Frankfurt on the Hudson How the fathers of Critical Theory found their way to America By Adam Kirsch | 7:00 am August 18, 2009 It would be hard to overstate the importance of the Frankfurt School in recent American

[Marxism] Rashid Khalidi interview

2009-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect
http://harpers.org/archive/2009/05/hbc-90005060 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] Uber Haschich

2009-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect
Max Clark wrote: Just picked up Walter Benjamin's On Hashish and am already utterly enthralled by it. Which leads me to pose the question of what ever the hell happened to hashish? In the early 60s I used to pay $75 for a lump about the size of a bottle cap that would last me for months. And

Re: [Marxism] Guess What? He's a Terrible President

2009-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect
Marv Gandall wrote: === It's remarkable how rapidly and with such depth of passion Obama's liberal base is melting away. We haven't seen such outpouring of anger since the Sixties. Question is: where will all those still interested in politics go? There are no longer

[Marxism] Glenn Greenwald on the Democrats and health care

2009-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/08/19/obama/index.html YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] Trailor for Michael Moore's new film

2009-08-21 Thread Louis Proyect
sandia wrote: CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhydyxRjujUfeature=player_embedded It'll be interesting to see Moore's take on Obama in this flick. There is a hint in the trailer that the 2-party system is the enemy. Honestly, if Moore had the gumption to run for

Re: [Marxism] Words (was 'Alexander Cockburn RIP'

2009-08-21 Thread Louis Proyect
Would eugenics have a legitimate place in a communust society? Jim F. I am afraid that Trotsky's musings on eugenics was the tip of the iceberg. There was far too much scientism in his writings and an insensitivity to ecological questions. Somebody (can't remember who) wrote a crude

[Marxism] Liberal discontent with Obama growing

2009-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect
Health Care Reform Drawing More Criticism From Left By Dan Balz Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, August 22, 2009 12:52 PM Through most of the summer, opposition to President Obama and his health-care initiative has come almost entirely from the right. In the past week, however, the

[Marxism] Tom Daschle: point man for health care scam

2009-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, August 23, 2009 Daschle Has Ear of White House and Health Industry By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK WASHINGTON — Six months have passed since the morning when Tom Daschle, a former Senate Democratic leader, under fire for not paying certain taxes, called President Obama in his study off the

Re: [Marxism] Words (was 'Alexander Cockburn RIP'

2009-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect
Jim Farmelant wrote: Perhaps, either you or Lou can do us the favor of explaining what you mean by scientism. Whenever, I hear people using that term (without explaining what they mean by it), I am tempted to reach for my revolver, which is quite inconvenient for me since I don't own one.

Re: [Marxism] Alexander Cockburn RIP

2009-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect
Jim Farmelant wrote: So once again I will raise the question as to what role would eugenics, voluntary or not, have in a communist society? The main contribution communist society could make toward eugenics is making sure that every baby had access to the food, housing, health and

Re: [Marxism] Words (was 'Alexander Cockburn RIP'

2009-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect
I of course was referring to Deutscher's bio below. This is the sort of thing I had in mind. Trotsky's remarks on the Dnieper Dam are cited in Trotsky's bio: In the south the Dnieper runs its course through the wealthiest industrial lands; and it is wasting the prodigious weight of its

[Marxism] Feminism and imperialism

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Clare Midgley. Feminism and Empire: Women Activists in Imperial Britain, 1790-1865. London: Routledge, 2007. X, 206 S. $120.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-415-25014-6; $32.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-415-25015-3; (cloth), ISBN 978-0-203-08949-1. Reviewed by Michelle Tusan Published on H-Soz-u-Kult (May,

[Marxism] Silone biography

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
(Silone does not come across as a very admirable character here, especially serving as a fascist snitch, but Bread and Wine is one of the finest leftwing novels I have ever read.) NY Times Book Review, August 23, 2009 Bread, Wine, Politics By GEOFFREY WHEATCROFT BITTER SPRING A Life of Ignazio

[Marxism] Barack Obama and Adam Smith

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times Book Review, August 23, 2009 Crossroads Theory and Morality in the New Economy By DAVID LEONHARDT The indispensable economist of the moment is clearly John Maynard Keynes. Keynes’s prescription for financial crises — aggressive government action and, by definition, big budget deficits

Re: [Marxism] Silone biography

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Shane Mage wrote: Why this slander? Wheatcroft wrote It does seem that Silone had at least some contact with the police, who had arrested his one surviving brother, Romolo (who would die in prison at the hands of his captors), but it’s hard to see evidence of any great betrayal. New

Re: [Marxism] Silone biography

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Shane Mage wrote: On Aug 23, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Louis Proyect wrote: (Silone does not come across as a very admirable character here, especially serving as a fascist snitch... Why this slander? Wheatcroft wrote It does seem that Silone had at least some contact with the police, who had

Re: [Marxism] On Food...

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
nada wrote: It is pretty easy to get into a centrifugal discussion about food. Before Greg was thrown off the list this morning (I would of *warned* him about this, he's simply bouncing silly rumors he picked up from the wsws.org, before throwing him off) he did post a comment I think that

Re: [Marxism] the truth about James Hansen of the SWP

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
gregoryabut...@aol.com wrote: I do apologize for one little error - in my haste to make a post last night, I relied on my memory rather than double checking the original source. I attacked a George Hansen of the Socialist Workers Party as being an [alleged] NKVD and FBI asset. I

[Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Greg Butler has been unsubbed. YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at: http://lists.econ.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/archive%40mail-archive.com

Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Bill Quimby wrote: Whatsa apst, please? alt.politics.socialism.trotsky, a newsgroup for the criminally insane that David Walters and Einde O'Callaghan still inexplicably post to. It has daily doses of anti-Semitism, conspiracy mongering, xenophobia, etc. It is like drinking out of a

Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Baba Aye wrote: This I suggest with the view of assuaging any latent view of the implementation of these being an arbitrary dictatorship of the moderator. This is an excellent idea. I am finally getting ready to build a new website for Marxmail and will incorporate this.

[Marxism] Swans Release: August 24, 2009

2009-08-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Swans Commentary http://www.swans.com/ August 24, 2009 *** Many thanks to Don Durivan for his generous contribution. People, you need to SUPPORT US FINANCIALLY. We keep at it on a bi-weekly basis. All original content, which brings you thoughts and thoroughly researched facts to help you

Re: [Marxism] Cockburn has a defender

2009-08-24 Thread Louis Proyect
Dennis Brasky wrote: On 8/23/09, Jewbonic wordpr...@maxajl.com wrote: Jewbonics has posted a new item, 'Alex Cockburn RIP? Naa' I come back from vacation, and what’s the latest? Apparently, Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn is dead. According to mailing lists, leftist bloggers, and

[Marxism] Fallout over Israeli's call to boycott Israel

2009-08-24 Thread Louis Proyect
latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-gordon20-2009aug20,0,1126906.story Opinion Boycott Israel An Israeli comes to the painful conclusion that it's the only way to save his country. By Neve Gordon August 20, 2009 Israeli newspapers this summer are filled with angry articles about the

[Marxism] Chomsky responds to Ian Williams on Kosovo

2009-08-24 Thread Louis Proyect
(Go to url below for embedded links.) http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/6363 Kosovo, East Timor, R2P, and Ian Williams Noam Chomsky | August 17, 2009 Editor: John Feffer In a discussion of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in Foreign Policy In Focus, Ian Williams vehemently denies my

[Marxism] Paul Krugman versus Niall Ferguson

2009-08-24 Thread Louis Proyect
http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/17/black-cats/ August 17, 2009, 8:48 pm Black cats I really had no intention of writing more about Niall Ferguson. Regular readers may recall that he wrote an article in the Financial Times that began, President Barack Obama reminds me of Felix the

[Marxism] More on Niall Ferguson from James Fallows (Atlantic Monthly editor)

2009-08-24 Thread Louis Proyect
http://jamesfallows.theatlantic.com/archives/2009/08/ferguson_obama_and_felix_the_c.php Ferguson, Obama, Felix the Cat -- and Pluto 17 Aug 2009 11:28 pm Let me tell this one in order: On August 11, last Tuesday, Niall Ferguson wrote an op-ed in the Financial Times whose theme was that Barack

[Marxism] The Racist Red-Baiting of Obama is About More than Race Alone

2009-08-24 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.zcommunications.org/znet/viewArticle/22419 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] Big bands on youtube (swing)

2009-08-24 Thread Louis Proyect
http://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2009/08/24/big-bands-on-youtube-swing/ YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] The myth of the Obama movement

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.harpers.org/archive/2009/08/hbc-90005592 The Myth of the Obama Movement By Ken Silverstein “Grass-Roots Battle Tests The Obama Movement,” ran a headline in the Washington Post yesterday atop an article that looked at why health care reform has bogged down. The story examined the

[Marxism] Hugo Chavez and the private media

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.zcommunications.org/znet/viewArticle/22427 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] Lockerbie issue moves Obama to extradite Posada to Venezuela

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect
Pat Costello wrote: Well, shut my mouth and burn my britches! Lockerbie outrage moves Obama to extradite long-wanted CIA-terrorist Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela... Did Carl Davidson get invited up to Martha's Vineyard? Hmmm. YOU

Re: [Marxism] James Petras strikes again :-(

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect
Jeff wrote: At 21:00 24/08/09 +0200, Nasir Khan wrote: [see [Marxism] The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization] [full text: http://dissidentvoice.org/2009/08/the-us-war-against-iraq/] by James Petras, Dissident Voice, August 21, 2009 The US seven-year war and occupation

[Marxism] The Mafia and academia

2009-08-26 Thread Louis Proyect
(Well over 10 years ago, a friend who had a tenure-track position in Columbia University's sociology department did not have his contract renewed after Charles Tilly took over the department and began putting his own people into the newly vacated positions. My friend was totally outraged and

[Marxism] Thomas Frank

2009-08-26 Thread Louis Proyect
Here's Thomas Frank of What's the Matter with Kansas fame giving Obama advice that he should be more like Harry Truman: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203706604574373000964995482.html In response to the article, I wrote him: Whatever happened to the Baffler radicalism? Giving

[Marxism] Another reason not to buy Microsoft products

2009-08-26 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/26/microsofts-ad-in-poland-p_n_269366.html YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] College Football and American Culture in the Cold War Era

2009-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2009/08/27/football 'College Football and American Culture in the Cold War Era' August 27, 2009 Are you ready for some football? Or, given that football season is still over a week away, at least ready to read about it? Kurt Edward Kepmer, an associate

[Marxism] Nathanael West and the writing of 'The Day of the Locust'

2009-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect
(A nice appreciation of one of the great writers from the 1930s but unfortunately does not mention his membership in the CPUSA nor his defiance of the party's proletarian novel diktats.) http://www.latimes.com/features/books/la-caw-paperback-writers16-2009aug16,0,70316.story Nathanael West and

[Marxism] Wikipedia takes Washington's side against Honduran democracy

2009-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect
http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/27/a-war-of-words-over-wikipedias-spanish-version/ August 27, 2009, 6:45 am A War of Words Over Wikipedia’s Spanish Version By Noam Cohen When Wikipedia held its annual Wikimania conferences in Egypt and Taiwan, the locations presented obvious political

[Marxism] Kennedy's Sins Against Labor

2009-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect
Counterpunch Weekend Edition August 28-30, 2009 Growls From the Wake in Massachusetts Kennedy's Sins Against Labor By STEVE EARLY I was raised, like most Irish-Catholics, not to speak ill of the dead—at least while the wake is still underway. Of course, the affliction known as “Irish

[Marxism] Radical environmentalist to challenge Lula's successor

2009-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, August 29, 2009 The Saturday Profile A Child of the Amazon Shakes Up a Nation’s Politics By ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO BRASÍLIA FOR Marina Silva, life began in the heart of the Amazon. From the age of 11, she walked nine miles a day helping her father collect rubber from trees. These days,

[Marxism] The Cove; Crude

2009-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect
If you are looking for socially relevant movies featuring likable heroes and heroines in dramatically exciting situations, your only recourse nowadays is the documentary. Fortunately, two of the better documentaries, both involving environmental activism, can be seen in New York City

Re: [Marxism] inquiry on documentary films

2009-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect
sandia wrote: Hello, Some friends and I are starting a socialist film and lecture series on campus. We want to show documentaries and films that will both entertain students and stimulate discussion. We want to show things like With Babies and Banners and Sir No Sir, etc. -- films that

[Marxism] American Casino; The Most Dangerous Man in America

2009-09-02 Thread Louis Proyect
This month has been a very good one for leftist documentaries. Joining “The Cove” and “Crude” are two more films at the Film Forum. The first is “American Casino”, which opens today. Directed by Andrew Cockburn (Alexander’s brother) and his wife Leslie, this amounts to a film version of Matt

[Marxism] Noam Chomsky on crisis and hope

2009-09-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Boston Review SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2009 Crisis and Hope Theirs and ours by Noam Chomsky Perhaps I may begin with a few words about the title. There is too much nuance and variety to make such sharp distinctions as theirs-and-ours, them-and-us. And neither I nor anyone can presume to speak for

[Marxism] [Fwd: re:Invasion of the (Israeli or Jewish) body snatchers]

2009-09-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Original Message Subject: re:Invasion of the (Israeli or Jewish) body snatchers Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 07:27:13 -0700 (PDT) From: sebastian tarazona sebs...@yahoo.se To: l...@panix.com Here is an interview and a debate from al-jazeera with Donald Boström

[Marxism] Mariategui

2009-09-03 Thread Louis Proyect
In preparing reading material for an Introduction to Marxism mailing list on Yahoo, I scanned in a chapter of Jose Carlos Mariategui’s “Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality”. One thing led to another and before long I had scanned in all seven essays which were then added to the

[Marxism] Phil Gasper on Iran

2009-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.isreview.org/issues/67/critthink-iran.shtml ISR Issue 67, September–October 2009 CRITICAL THINKING by PHIL GASPER Which side are you on? Why are some U.S. leftists siding with the repressive Iranian regime against pro-democracy protesters? At the beginning of August, the government

[Marxism] Interesting China article

2009-09-04 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/22515 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] The Boston Globe on radical films

2009-09-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Jim Farmelant wrote: LA CHINOISE and WEEKEND (1967) 4 Fists With these two landmark works of agit-art, Jean-Luc Godard announced that narrative was a bourgeois contrivance and the cinema a weapon of revolution. “Chinoise’’ features actors playing students discussing radical theory;

Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet, not commendable in Argentina Re: China's high speed rail plans

2009-09-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Néstor Gorojovsky wrote: The day you overcome your liberal-progressive worship of those national movements that, in fact, seek to destroy larger national movements that tend to supersede imperialist domination, that day, you will begin to understand something in this terrain. In the

[Marxism] Life insurance now being bundled like subprime mortgages

2009-09-06 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, September 6, 2009 Back to Business Wall Street Pursues Profit in Bundles of Life Insurance By JENNY ANDERSON After the mortgage business imploded last year, Wall Street investment banks began searching for another big idea to make money. They think they may have found one. The

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