Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-24 Thread sandeep .
Mr. WL,

You try to write about ''complex issues'' but that doesn't mean you Marxist
Leninist. You give revisionist line always and this kind of things have been
exposed so many time by our great teachers and revolutionary forces after
them. I'm not going to argue with you over these. You can keep writing this
*** as long as u want. I just gave my advice to moderators and I still stick
to that.


Though I would definitely discuss anything which would not be re and yes if
you use Marxist tools to explain anythinggive Marxist point of view these
kind of things have been replied so many time by revolutionary forces and
our great teachers also

On 21 January 2011 23:31, wrote:

 Weigh in with an opinion.

 I understand we write about complex issues, but surely you have an opinion
 for your position.


 In a message dated 1/21/2011 10:43:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
 _sandeep.samwad@gmail.com_ (  writes:

 Dear Comrades,

 Why don't we discard the membership of such revisionists from this list?
 Moderators should consider this option.


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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-21 Thread frankenstein580
 conception of history, 
and there is no ifs and buts about it.   The productive forces leads the 
way.    BUT,  here is a BUT on a parallel matter... the Imperialist order 
is destructive and moribund.  

Marx and Engels, and Lenin, and Stalin, and the experience of socialism, and 
the significance of the dictatorship of the proletariat,  demonstrates that it 
takes a seizure of the State, the center of the superstructure, a revolution in 
the RELATIONS, in that the fetters of capitalism be abolished and  the release 
of the new productive forces be effective in serving the people.   Machines are 
nevertheless a TOOL in the hands of the proletariat or its State.

The new class thesis propagates much of this understanding, above, to its 
merit but it commits a grave error in that it over emphasizes these 
productive forces aspect of the contradiction between it and the RELATIONS OF 
PRODUCTION to the exclusion of the Marxist revolutionary class, and invents a 
new one which it claims has NO connection whatsoever to capitalism yet does so 
to the ROBOTIC means of production in  so much that  the new class  does not 
labor and must be sustain according to the communist principle: to each 
according to their needs, OMITTING the first part of that phrase: FROM EACH 

Nevertheless, the ostracism of the Marxist revolutionary working class is 
revisionism of a very vile and new type.  And world events prove otherwise. 

The time will come, here in America, USA, when the working class will assume 
socialism again,  like Engels predicted of the bourgeoisified workers of 
England, and so  confounding elements  and unbelievers will come again 
scrambling behind the working class begging forgiveness and  nonchalantly and 
casually redefining their revisionism to meet the new demands of the time 
and again they will be judged by the revolutionary class

Labor will become man's prime want 
Marx;  when the working class is emancipated.

Something not understood by the new class advocates.


--- On Thu, 1/20/11, Nikogda Nichevo wrote:

From: Nikogda Nichevo
Subject: Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin
To: For the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 6:17 PM

Greetings on Day 4 of the Tunisian revolt! These youth are like our 
own youth from the '60s -- they fear nothing and no-one. Outside the 
country the situation looks very murky and unreadable but the 
repeated turnout of the people into the streets every time the 
caretaker transition government tries to pull another piece of wool 
over the people's eyes is a pretty good indicator that nothing's 
going to calm down until the people see a government shorn of agents 
of the Old Guard. And every day the movement returns to the streets 
the other Arab reactionary governments shiver and shake further in 
their boots. Many more things are starting to come out, like the fact 
that Ghaddafi offered the fleeing Ben Ali refuge before the latter 
decided he preferred the relative safety and protected obscurity of a 
palace in under the protection of the Saud royal house. The US seems 
utterly flummoxed at the moment and France, the real neocolonial 
power there is also at their wits' end.

I raise this ...

1. because the Tunisian revolt from below  is a development that 
seems bound to further stir the movements in the Arab world at the 
expense of the established oligarchies;

2. because it is the deed of the masses themselves from below in 
which the youth seem to have lost all fear of the repressive powers 
still in the hands of the state [although temporarily somewhat cowed 
by the mass scale that they are expected somehow to contain]; and

3. because it seems to illustrate a very essential truth we all need 
to remember in here that if one is revolutionary but not necessarily 
or yet Marxist, matters can still progress, whereas if one is 
[book-]Marxist but not revolutionary or revolutionary-minded, any 
movement will become quickly co-opted. It took the U.S. authorities 
some time to exhaust and co-opt the rebellious youth of the 1960s and 
many of those who were revolutionary and became Marxist at that time 
remained in motion for decades since, down to this day, whereas those 
who were Marxist but revolutionary not-so-much drifted off or 
joined the State one way or another.

Matters will be settled in Tunisia when the working masses of town 
and country can come together and put their stamp on things. 
Apparently the Tunisian CP's return from exile and removed from the 
stigma of illegality is widely mooted to be happening soon.

The U.S. imperialist state has always been as murderous as they come 
so literally thousands of  activists suffered at their hands, yet 
even among these comrades, those who took up M-L and were not 
exterminated in prison riots

[MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread Waistline2
Capital does not consist in the fact that accumulated labor serves living  
labor as a means for new production. It consists in the fact that living 
labor  serves accumulated labor as the means of preserving and multiplying its 
exchange  value. 
The Communist society thesis. 
Communism society as an economic system, a complex of production and  
distribution or a mode of production, is the anti-thesis of capital. Communist  
society is accumulated labor serving living labor as the means of 
multiplying  productive forces and the cultural life of our species. 
Communism is a sovereign birth right - social contract, that guarantees  
socially necessary means of life to the individual at birth, as they exist 
in  real time or without a prior demand and surrender of a quantum of labor. 
The degree of development of means of production, define the magnitude of  
socially necessary means of life delivered to the individual at birth and  
without a prior surrender of a quantum of labor. 
Capital is the dominated of living labor by dead - accumulated labor.  
Capital demands a surrender of a quantum of labor - work, as the  
economic-political basis of the social contract, and means to acquire 
necessary means of life. One acquires socially necessary means of life with  
which in turn is acquired by a paycheck received from being paid wages.  
Communism is the anti-thesis of the bourgeois social contract. 
The degree to which socially necessary means of life can be delivered to  
the individual is ultimately bound up with the degree of development of means 
of  production. 

We are born into an existing state of development of means of production,  
mode of distribution, political superstructure, ritual culture and the  
underlying division of labor buttressing our species life activity. No society  
is sustained by its working population, living labor. Rather accumulated 
labor -  dead labor, is the platform on which society reproduction takes place. 
Ones  actual state of development of productive forces is the measure for 
making a  general determination of what is requires for the continuous 
reproduction of  socially necessary means of life. 
Economic communism and communism as system is a vision of a society based  
on public ownership of means of production and a mode of distribution based 
on  the prevailing productive forces. The productive forces in existence on 
earth,  and most certainly in America - since that is where many of us live, 
can be  measured to determine what is possible. 
Stalin's old formula of what constitutes economic communism in its first  
and higher phase cannot be applied to America because it is based on a  
specific state of development of productive forces in the 1930's - 1950's 
Actually, only Marx general outline is applicable today. 

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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread Nikigda Nichevo
WL writes

Stalin's old formula of what constitutes economic communism in its first
and higher phase cannot be applied to America because it is based on a
specific state of development of productive forces in the 1930's - 
1950's Soviet

Actually, only Marx general outline is applicable today.

NN comments:

And here I thought we were in a list for the reaffirmation of 
Marxism-Leninism! WL = Earl Browder, in retirement. Earl Browder also 
liked to pigeonhole Soviet socialist construction as something 
without meaning or application in the USA, meanwhile insisting that 
communism is 20th century Americanism. Obviously 21st century 
anything anywheres on the one hand, and specific material conditions 
of the Soviet Union at some other point in time on the other, cannot 
be compared in the specificity of their details. BUT THE *UNDERLYING 
MANDATORY MINIMUM for all those working classes engaged in socialist 
construction anywhere since.

But first things first: when the U.S. working class has disposed of 
the power of the US imperialist bourgeoisie - and not before -they 
will decide how things go from there...

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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread Mark Scott
Comrade Nikogda,
You are most correct, it is only a THOUGHT that we are on a list for the 
reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism as it appears we are on a list of 200+ 
members with only 3 that oppose Melvin's revisionisn whil the other 197+ accept 
it and allow it to flourish.  In this light it is worthless to oppose 
opportunism because the moderators allow it and castigate those of us who do 
oppose it therefore it stands to reason that the list no longer reaffirms 
Marxism-Leninism but rather tolerates revisionism.
Mark Scott

--- On Thu, 1/20/11, Nikigda Nichevo wrote:

From: Nikigda Nichevo
Subject: Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin
To: For the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 4:43 PM

WL writes

Stalin's old formula of what constitutes economic communism in its first
and higher phase cannot be applied to America because it is based on a
specific state of development of productive forces in the 1930's - 
1950's Soviet

Actually, only Marx general outline is applicable today.

NN comments:

And here I thought we were in a list for the reaffirmation of 
Marxism-Leninism! WL = Earl Browder, in retirement. Earl Browder also 
liked to pigeonhole Soviet socialist construction as something 
without meaning or application in the USA, meanwhile insisting that 
communism is 20th century Americanism. Obviously 21st century 
anything anywheres on the one hand, and specific material conditions 
of the Soviet Union at some other point in time on the other, cannot 
be compared in the specificity of their details. BUT THE *UNDERLYING 
MANDATORY MINIMUM for all those working classes engaged in socialist 
construction anywhere since.

But first things first: when the U.S. working class has disposed of 
the power of the US imperialist bourgeoisie - and not before -they 
will decide how things go from there...

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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread George G
Dear Comrade Mark,

I do not know why you think that the other 197+ people on the list accept 
revisionism. It may be that we just as well that they think that you are doing 
a good job at opposing this revisionism.

Please note that my comment many weeks ago asking that the three of you not 
engage in personal invective was not a note from a moderator, bus simply a 
request by one of the members of the list.

It is true that I have generally not had time to engage with the various topics 
on the list. I am sure that the discussion is worthwhile but many of us are 
involved in other activities off list, and cannot always take the time to deal 
with the issues. My personal apologies for not having been able to take the 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Mark Scott 
  To: For the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism 
  Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 12:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

  Comrade Nikogda,

  You are most correct, it is only a THOUGHT that we are on a list for the 
reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism as it appears we are on a list of 200+ 
members with only 3 that oppose Melvin's revisionisn whil the other 197+ accept 
it and allow it to flourish. In this light it is worthless to oppose 
opportunism because the moderators allow it and castigate those of us who do 
oppose it therefore it stands to reason that the list no longer reaffirms 
Marxism-Leninism but rather tolerates revisionism.


  Mark Scott

  --- On Thu, 1/20/11, Nikigda Nichevo wrote:

  From: Nikigda Nichevo
  Subject: Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin
  To: For the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism
  Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 4:43 PM

  WL writes

  Stalin's old formula of what constitutes economic communism in its first
  and higher phase cannot be applied to America because it is based on a
  specific state of development of productive forces in the 1930's - 
  1950's Soviet

  Actually, only Marx general outline is applicable today.

  NN comments:

  And here I thought we were in a list for the reaffirmation of 
  Marxism-Leninism! WL = Earl Browder, in retirement. Earl Browder also 
  liked to pigeonhole Soviet socialist construction as something 
  without meaning or application in the USA, meanwhile insisting that 
  communism is 20th century Americanism. Obviously 21st century 
  anything anywheres on the one hand, and specific material conditions 
  of the Soviet Union at some other point in time on the other, cannot 
  be compared in the specificity of their details. BUT THE *UNDERLYING 
  MANDATORY MINIMUM for all those working classes engaged in socialist 
  construction anywhere since.

  But first things first: when the U.S. working class has disposed of 
  the power of the US imperialist bourgeoisie - and not before -they 
  will decide how things go from there...

  Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 1/20/2011 12:38:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_georgeg@micronetix.net_ (  writes: 
Dear Comrade Mark, 
I do not know why you think that the other 197+ people on the list accept  
revisionism. It may be that we just as well that they think that you are 
doing a  good job at opposing this revisionism. 
Please note that my comment many weeks ago asking that the three of you not 
 engage in personal invective was not a note from a moderator, bus simply a 
 request by one of the members of the list. 
If one person show in plain language where I have revised Marx on communist 
 society I will leave the list. 
Not two . . .one person.  One. Stalin's he who does not work shall  not 
eat is unacceptable in modern America. Further, under communist society  
labor contribution is not work or a job. A job and work is just so much  
bourgeois ideology. 
I challenge anyone to defend this proposition. 
I challenge any Marxist to oppose the proposition that under communist  
society there is NO demand for a prior contribution of labor to be   the means 
to access to socially necessary means of life. 
Reread Marx . . . for real. 

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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread frankenstein580
The un-mentionable is a rabid revisionist, not only because he seems to enjoy 
creating schisms among the class, thus, in the real world, contributing to the 
old USA sectarianism which he seems so very much a part of, but  because he has 
contempt for the very revolutionary class which Marxism rises to the 
challenge.  To the new class theorist, a worker is revolutionary  only in so 
far as he is replaced by the new means of production i.e robots.   In the state 
that the working class is now, that is, as the anti- thesis of the capitalist 
class,  or otherwise, that aspect in constant contradiction with the 
bourgeoisie throughout the economic mode of production know as capitalism, it 
finds itself in a mere symbiotic relationship with the bourgeoisie and remains 
so until it becomes external to capitalism , like the new class theorist 
utter, meaning: not employed.   This  new class must be sustained not according 
to work, but according to need,
 thus satisfying a warped interpretation of communist society here amidst 
capitalism.   Even the  marginal or  part time workers are considered 
revolutionary only in so far as they approach the external to capitalism 
stage of decay as gauged by the destitute proletariat.

This is not Marxism but revisionism and quite reactionary, from the working 
class' point of view; and the working class condemns such insolent display of 

It is not the first time that this type thesis arises.  It is a variation of 
the old Lumpen as vanguard of the revolution line of the 60's and 70's here in 
the USA.  

History and current events witnesses the leading role of the working class as 
that class capable of sealing the capitalist coffin, although we've witnessed 
that in the era of Imperialism, the bourgeoisie can reposes power;  and hence 
the need for an effective dictatorship of the proletariat.  Applying a bold 
revolutionary method to Marxism Leninism, based on the revolutionary working 
class in all its contingents,  is the difference between why proletarian 
revolutions of later days succeeded and the petty pinko attempts of nowadays 
don't. a thesis, of mine.

Other classes beside the proletariat will contribute to the revolution,  and it 
shall be so noted by the fair and just wisdom of the creators of value whom do 
not exploit.   Any class can initiate a revolution or uprising, but only the 
working class can culminate it.  Not because I say so, but because that's what 
it is, and as Marx understood and predicted.  

What the revisionists, in this case, choose not to accept, is that the working 
class and capitalism become that LAST economic relations where one class 
exploits the other, and hence, for the first time in history, a class to negate 
all classes comes into being.  A Messiah, so to speak.. perhaps 
Christianity did get a gist of the concept.  


--- On Thu, 1/20/11, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 9:49 AM

In a message dated 1/20/2011 12:38:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_georgeg@micronetix.net_ (  writes: 
Dear Comrade Mark, 
I do not know why you think that the other 197+ people on the list accept  
revisionism. It may be that we just as well that they think that you are 
doing a  good job at opposing this revisionism. 
Please note that my comment many weeks ago asking that the three of you not 
 engage in personal invective was not a note from a moderator, bus simply a 
 request by one of the members of the list. 
If one person show in plain language where I have revised Marx on communist 
 society I will leave the list. 
Not two . . .one person.  One. Stalin's he who does not work shall  not 
eat is unacceptable in modern America. Further, under communist society  
labor contribution is not work or a job. A job and work is just so much  
bourgeois ideology. 
I challenge anyone to defend this proposition. 
I challenge any Marxist to oppose the proposition that under communist  
society there is NO demand for a prior contribution of labor to be   the means 
to access to socially necessary means of life. 
Reread Marx . . . for real. 

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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread Mark Scott
Your entire political line is a revisionism of Marxism and like a true 
trotskyist you will only continue in your opportunism and will pay no heed to 
one person let alone 200+ if they were to challenge your opportunism.  You have 
clearly shown yourself a revisionist and deserve to be treated as such.  You 
are destable scum and refute any and all criticism so it makes no difference 
how many confront you.  You are a true example of modern-day revisionism and it 
is about time you payed the price for it.
Mark Scott

--- On Thu, 1/20/11, wrote:

Subject: Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 5:49 PM

In a message dated 1/20/2011 12:38:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_georgeg@micronetix.net_ (  writes: 

Dear Comrade Mark, 

I do not know why you think that the other 197+ people on the list accept  
revisionism. It may be that we just as well that they think that you are 
doing a  good job at opposing this revisionism. 

Please note that my comment many weeks ago asking that the three of you not 
engage in personal invective was not a note from a moderator, bus simply a 
request by one of the members of the list. 


If one person show in plain language where I have revised Marx on communist 
society I will leave the list. 

Not two . . .one person.  One. Stalin's he who does not work shall  not 
eat is unacceptable in modern America. Further, under communist society  
labor contribution is not work or a job. A job and work is just so much  
bourgeois ideology. 

I challenge anyone to defend this proposition. 

I challenge any Marxist to oppose the proposition that under communist  
society there is NO demand for a prior contribution of labor to be   the means 
to access to socially necessary means of life. 

Reread Marx . . . for real. 


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Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread Nikogda Nichevo
Greetings on Day 4 of the Tunisian revolt! These youth are like our 
own youth from the '60s -- they fear nothing and no-one. Outside the 
country the situation looks very murky and unreadable but the 
repeated turnout of the people into the streets every time the 
caretaker transition government tries to pull another piece of wool 
over the people's eyes is a pretty good indicator that nothing's 
going to calm down until the people see a government shorn of agents 
of the Old Guard. And every day the movement returns to the streets 
the other Arab reactionary governments shiver and shake further in 
their boots. Many more things are starting to come out, like the fact 
that Ghaddafi offered the fleeing Ben Ali refuge before the latter 
decided he preferred the relative safety and protected obscurity of a 
palace in under the protection of the Saud royal house. The US seems 
utterly flummoxed at the moment and France, the real neocolonial 
power there is also at their wits' end.

I raise this ...

1. because the Tunisian revolt from below  is a development that 
seems bound to further stir the movements in the Arab world at the 
expense of the established oligarchies;

2. because it is the deed of the masses themselves from below in 
which the youth seem to have lost all fear of the repressive powers 
still in the hands of the state [although temporarily somewhat cowed 
by the mass scale that they are expected somehow to contain]; and

3. because it seems to illustrate a very essential truth we all need 
to remember in here that if one is revolutionary but not necessarily 
or yet Marxist, matters can still progress, whereas if one is 
[book-]Marxist but not revolutionary or revolutionary-minded, any 
movement will become quickly co-opted. It took the U.S. authorities 
some time to exhaust and co-opt the rebellious youth of the 1960s and 
many of those who were revolutionary and became Marxist at that time 
remained in motion for decades since, down to this day, whereas those 
who were Marxist but revolutionary not-so-much drifted off or 
joined the State one way or another.

Matters will be settled in Tunisia when the working masses of town 
and country can come together and put their stamp on things. 
Apparently the Tunisian CP's return from exile and removed from the 
stigma of illegality is widely mooted to be happening soon.

The U.S. imperialist state has always been as murderous as they come 
so literally thousands of  activists suffered at their hands, yet 
even among these comrades, those who took up M-L and were not 
exterminated in prison riots or rigged-up assassinations were able 
by and large to come to terms with the experience of state repression 
and use it a source of lessons for the future.

The working class did not lead the mass movement in the '60s but many 
of its best activists recognised the temporary vanguard role played 
for a short while by the youth, students, African-American community 
etc. in re-stoking the spirit of rebellion that had been repressed 
among the workers. The workers across the U.S. and Canada have been 
playing a much bigger role in the antiwar movements of the last 
decade than at any time in the preceding 40 years.

So... the revolutionary instinct and the class instinct eventually 
find each other and hook up but whether they accomplish much depends 
on how consciously they make use of their collective experiences of 
struggle and for this the telescope and microscope of dialectical and 
historical materialism are indispensable as is the accumulated 
political wisdom and lessons of the movement organised and led first 
by V.I Lenin and then by J.V. Stalin.

It is quite glorious to be alive and active at a time when this 
spirit seems to be unfolding in the Arab world, and not necessarily 
in antagonistic contradiction with Islam but on the basis of working 
with all those whose thirst for social justice prepares them to stand 
the gaffe and ready themselves for unprecedented sacrifice for the 
collective goal of social and national liberation.

Cdces here will have note that I allude from time to time to 
Browderite revisionism. It really did untold damage to the movement 
of the U.S. workers because it seriously proposed that the workers 
should give up the independent politics of the revolutionary 
proletariat and reduce Marxism-Leninism to the work of an educational 
society. Longer-term veterans of the movement than me can point out 
that such stuff is meaningless because the movement today doesn't 
have any hangovers from that negative experience. However, here I 
would have to disagree and pretty militantly, because the fact is the 
US communists themselves did not put paid to Browder's legacy 
themselves, and confined themselves to affirming the Cominform's 
condemnation, as though that ended matters. Lenin's article about 
The Heritage We Renounce provides a guideline that I wish the 
communist worker comrades in the U.S. would reflect on and find 

Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin

2011-01-20 Thread Waistline2

Name calling is not a convincing argument. 
All that is required is for one single person to show, based on what Marx  
wrote, my revision of Marx presentation on this question of communist 
Not two people but  . . . .1.

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