Re: [Matplotlib-users] Fwd: Re: Autonomous display of image/plot/figure

2008-07-10 Thread Ryan May
James K. Gruetzner wrote:
>>>  I'm running Fedora 8, python 2.5.1, and matplotlib 0.91.2-1.fc8  from
>>> the yum repository.   Backend is set to GTKAgg in my matplotlibrc file.
>> (On this list top-posting is frowned upon -- it makes the conversation
>> difficult to follow.)
> I understand.  Sorry.  Each list is different:  I'm new here, and will try 
> remember.  

No problem.  Also, don't forget reply-to-all, so that the whole of the 
list can chime in here. :)

>> Your analysis is correct, the call to show() activates the GUI mainloop
>> and does not return until the window is closed.  Within ipython there is
>> some magic that occurs that runs the mainloop in a separate thread.
>> What do you need to do after the call to show()?
> In my current situation, I need to extract and display data (images) 
> independently from several different files as part of debugging a larger 
> application.  (I'm really not reading a file into the original array, but 
> running some shell commands using os.popen2(...) to eventually populate the 
> array:  that part works.)The upshot is that in the course of a few hours, 
> I may have to display (and kill) a large number of images.  
> The current "hang" means that I have an effective memory leak, and I'd have 
> to 
> keep track of Process IDs and manually kill them every so often.  Were the 
> command to return after closing the window (clicking on the X), 
> then a backgrounded or daemon process should terminate.  But it doesn't.  
> This seems to be the same problem causing Dragan S.'s problem.  
> I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but would assuredly like to find 
> a 
> way to kill the leak.

I'm not sure about the lack of returning after the call show(), though 
it does sound like a bug.  What I *do* know is that multiple calls to 
show() is frowned upon (if not just completely unsupported).  What you 
probably want to look at is the example (in the 
examples/ directory).  Since you're already using GtkAgg, it should be 
*really* easy to adapt the example to fit your needs.  I've personally 
adapted it to do a live data display of a simulation run.  If you *need* 
it to wait for user interaction before continuing, there might be a 
little bit more work, but I don't think it'd be much.  You could 
probably instead look at some of the Matplotlib UI widgets, like in the example.


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma

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[Matplotlib-users] scale a circle properly (not from shapefile)

2008-07-10 Thread KURT PETERS
I am trying to do something similar to the example, but am 
having some problems.

  I would like to project a group of circles onto a map projection.  Below 
is the code I developed, which doesn't work because I get the error:
  File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 127, in 
assert vertices.ndim == 2

m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-180,llcrnrlat=-80,urcrnrlon=180,urcrnrlat=80, 
shp_info = m.readshapefile(r'C:\Documents and Settings\kpeters\My 
ax = plt.gca()
coords = 

for lon1,lat1 in coords:
newverts   = []
circle = Circle((lon1,lat1),radius=10, facecolor='green')
#trans = circle.get_patch_transform()
path = circle.get_path()
#for jj in path.iter_segments():   #looks like the iterator is broken???
for jj in path.vertices:
verts1, verts2 = jj;
print newverts
p = PolyCollection(newverts, facecolor='green', zorder = 10)

Is this a logical/best way to get circles properly projected, or is there a 
better way?

I looked at "transform_vector" but I'm not too sure what the uin and vin do. 
  Is there a transform in basemaps that could be passed to a path like in 
this thread: "Re: [Matplotlib-users] Drawing filled circles (discs)":
"circle = CirclePolygon((x1,y1), r, resolution)
trans = circle.get_patch_transform()
path = circle.get_path()
transpath = path.transformed(trans)"

It should be noted that I also tried:
===code dif===
for lon1,lat1 in coords:
newverts   = []
circle = Circle((lon1,lat1),radius=10, facecolor='green')
path = circle.get_path()
#for jj in path.iter_segments():   #looks like the iterator is broken???
for jj in path.vertices:
verts1, verts2 = jj;
print newverts
#newcircle = Circle(m(lon1,lat1),radius=10, facecolor='green')
p = Polygon(newverts, facecolor='green', zorder = 10)
but that doesn't seem to display anything (I suspect the right radius isn't 
being used).  Note, that the "newcircle" line that is commented out, puts 
circles on the map, they're just not transformed right.


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[Matplotlib-users] legend text vertical alignment

2008-07-10 Thread Robin

I have a problem with legends where the vertical spacing is sometimes
a bit funny (lines don't seem to be evenly spaced).

I am now preparing some figures for publication and this is the last
niggle I'd really like to resolve.

Is there anything I could do to fix this?

A small example is attached (I cropped it to just the legend to reduce
file size).

I am setting the label on the bars I am plotting and then just calling

At the risk of putting two queries in one email the only other problem
I have regularly is that small figures resize themselves when the
mouse rolls over them. I am using TkAgg backend on OS X but I think it
happens on other platforms as well. On mouse over the window jiggles
and resizes slightly. When I am saving figures I have to be careful to
call savefig from the command line without touching the window with
the mouse to ensure they save as the correct size. Just wondered if it
was a known issue...

Apart from these minor things though matplotlib has been performing great!



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] error with text object properties using matplotlib 0.98.1

2008-07-10 Thread Darren Dale
Hi David,

On Thursday 10 July 2008 11:15:37 am David M. Kaplan wrote:
> 2) I have noticed that the font used for the xticklabels and the font
> used for the xlabel and contour labels appears to be different (example
> attached).  One appears to be serif and the other sans-serif.  This
> seems to be due to using tex for text rendering.  I am not sure if this
> also occurred before the update, but I didn't notice it previously.

It has always been this way. We tried a workaround once a couple years back 
and it turned into a real mess.

> Looking at the properties of the different text objects, it isn't
> apparent that there should be a difference - both have font properties
> that indicate sans-serif, but the text of tick labels appears to be
> surrounded by $'s forcing it through the text parser, while that of the
> contour labels is not.  Is this difference normal or expected?  Is there
> a way around this?  In particular, I would like to use sans-serif for
> everything - is this possible while still using tex?

I think there is a package, sansmath or something like that, that will allow 
latex to use sans-serif fonts in math mode. You could try adding it to the 
text.latex.preamble rc setting, but that option is not officially supported.

If you don't like the limitations of latex, you might want to turning off 
usetex and just use matplotlibs mathtext, which recently got a significant 
rewrite and is now quite capable thanks to Mike Droettboom. Here's some 
documentation too:


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] error with text object properties using matplotlib 0.98.1

2008-07-10 Thread Michael Droettboom
David M. Kaplan wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded to matplotlib 0.98.1 on a ubuntu hardy heron system.  I
> have noticed two problems since the upgrade:
> 1) For any plot, if I try to look at the properties of a text object I
> get an error related to FontProperties having no attribute 'items'.  See
> below:
> In [1]: plot(range(10))
> Out[1]: []
> In [2]: xlh=get(gca(),'xticklabels')
> In [3]: get(xlh[0])
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/", line
> 724, in get
> return getp(o, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/", line
> 716, in getp
> print '\n'.join(insp.pprint_getters())
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/", line
> 684, in pprint_getters
> s = str(val)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/",
> line 681, in __str__
> return self.get_fontconfig_pattern()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/",
> line 737, in get_fontconfig_pattern
> return generate_fontconfig_pattern(self)
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/",
> line 164, in generate_fontconfig_pattern
> for key, val in d.items():
> : 'FontProperties' object has no
> attribute 'items'
Thanks for the report.  This is a bug and should now be fixed in SVN.
> 2) I have noticed that the font used for the xticklabels and the font
> used for the xlabel and contour labels appears to be different (example
> attached).  One appears to be serif and the other sans-serif.  This
> seems to be due to using tex for text rendering.  I am not sure if this
> also occurred before the update, but I didn't notice it previously.
> Looking at the properties of the different text objects, it isn't
> apparent that there should be a difference - both have font properties
> that indicate sans-serif, but the text of tick labels appears to be
> surrounded by $'s forcing it through the text parser, while that of the
> contour labels is not.  Is this difference normal or expected?  Is there
> a way around this?  In particular, I would like to use sans-serif for
> everything - is this possible while still using tex?
To clarify -- you've set the rcParam "text.usetex" to True?

If the tick labels are in fact surrounded by $'s, then, yes, TeX will 
render then in a serif font.  This is the default behavior of TeX (math 
is in a serif font) -- though there might be a special package you could 
add to the preamble (the rcParam text.latex.preamble) to change this, 
but that's more of a (La)TeX issue.

Looking at the revision history, it looks like putting $'s around tick 
labels has been done since at least 0.90.1.

Perhaps one of the usetex developers/users has more insight into this 
than I do.


Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Error when running multiple jobs utilizing the Tex utilities in matplotlib

2008-07-10 Thread Darren Dale
On Thursday 10 July 2008 10:48:01 am you wrote:
> Hi Darren,
> I have tried rerunning our code with the change you suggested in the
> make_dvi and make_png functions. I am still noticing failures however. I
> put these at the bottom of this message. Strangely enough, these errors
> don't seem to occur when there are a lot of files in my tex.cache
> directory. For example, I ran the code (consisting of ~40 codes all making
> ~10-20 plots each), successfully 3 times (the OSError wasn't raised at all,
> I used a print statement to check). I realised after this that a lot of
> temp files were in my tex.cache directory, so I emptied it and then I
> noticed that a lot of failures occured when I ran the code the next time
> (the OSError I showed previously was raised as well as the error messages
> shown below). It seems weird that it should run fine when a lot of files
> are left in my temp directory and not when it is empty?

Most of those files are not temporary files, but cached files. The error you 
reported only occurs when a required file does not already exist in the 
cache, and like you said, it appears to be the case that two jobs are trying 
to add the same file to the cache at the same time, and one job is failing 
because the other deletes a temporary file that is being used by both. I 

> Here are the error messages that are occuring now:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/home/spxiwh/ihope/85245-85270/nsbhinj_summary_plots/../executable
>s/plotinspmissed", line 625, in ?
> savePlot( opts, filename, titleText)
>   File
> "/home/spxiwh/ihope/85245-85270/nsbhinj_summary_plots/../executable
>s/plotinspmissed", line 108, in savePlot
> dpi_thumb=opts.figure_resolution)
>   File
> "/home/spxiwh/lscsoft/executables/cbc_s5_1yr_20070129/pylal//lib64/python2.
>4/site-packages/pylal/", line 54, in savefig_pylal
> fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 682, in savefig
> self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 456, in
> print_figure
> self.draw()
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 392, in
> draw
> self.figure.draw(renderer)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 544, in draw
> for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 1063, in draw
> a.draw(renderer)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 595, in draw
> self.label.draw(renderer)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 340, in draw
> bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 187, in _get_layout
> w,h = renderer.get_text_width_height(
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 240, in
> get_text_width_height
> Z = texmanager.get_rgba(s, size, self.dpi.get(), rgb)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 334, in get_rgba
> pngfile = self.make_png(tex, fontsize, dpi, force=False)
>   File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 255, in make_png
> fh = file(outfile)
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/home/spxiwh/.matplotlib/tex.cache/fb2014e54961855bd04020b61190867c.output

That doesnt make any sense to me. file defaults to open a file in append mode, 
it doesnt matter if a file exists or not. Maybe you could try to figure out 
why that fails and report back. 

> And once I noticed:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/home/spxiwh/ihope/85245-85270/allinj_summary_plots/../executables
>/plotinspmissed", line 661, in ?
> dpi_thumb=opts.figure_resolution)
>   File
> "/home/spxiwh/lscsoft/executables/cbc_s5_1yr_20070129/pylal//lib64/python2.
>4/site-packages/pylal/", line 54, in savefig_pylal
> fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 682,
> in savefig
> self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
>   File
> "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/",
> line 456, in print_figure
> self.draw()
>   File
> "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/",
> line 392, in draw
> self.figure.draw(renderer)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 544,
> in draw
> for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 1063,
> in draw
> a.draw(renderer)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 340,
> in draw
> bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 187,
> in _get_layout
> w,h = renderer.get_text_width_height(
>   File
> "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/",
> line 240, in get_text_width_height

[Matplotlib-users] Picker line selection after axes scale change.. possible bug?

2008-07-10 Thread Søren Nielsen
If I do some 2D line plots, I can activate the picker event on each line..
but if I change the scale of the axes using axes.set_xscale('log') /
axes.set_yscale('log') and then try to pick the lines, nothing happens. I
can't select them on the plot with the log scales, but if I click in the
area where they used to be on the linear scale the picker event is triggered

I guess this is a bug?

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Error when running multiple jobs utilizing the Tex utilities in matplotlib

2008-07-10 Thread Ian Harry
Hi Darren,

I have tried rerunning our code with the change you suggested in the
make_dvi and make_png functions. I am still noticing failures however. I put
these at the bottom of this message. Strangely enough, these errors don't
seem to occur when there are a lot of files in my tex.cache directory. For
example, I ran the code (consisting of ~40 codes all making ~10-20 plots
each), successfully 3 times (the OSError wasn't raised at all, I used a
print statement to check). I realised after this that a lot of temp files
were in my tex.cache directory, so I emptied it and then I noticed that a
lot of failures occured when I ran the code the next time (the OSError I
showed previously was raised as well as the error messages shown below). It
seems weird that it should run fine when a lot of files are left in my temp
directory and not when it is empty?

Here are the error messages that are occuring now:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 625, in ?
savePlot( opts, filename, titleText)
line 108, in savePlot
line 54, in savefig_pylal
fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 682, in savefig
self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 456, in
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 392, in
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 544, in draw
for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 1063, in draw
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 595, in draw
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 340, in draw
bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 187, in _get_layout
w,h = renderer.get_text_width_height(
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 240, in
Z = texmanager.get_rgba(s, size, self.dpi.get(), rgb)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 334, in get_rgba
pngfile = self.make_png(tex, fontsize, dpi, force=False)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 255, in make_png
fh = file(outfile)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 569, in ?
'end_time', 'days', opts.time_axis, plot_type = 'linear' )
line 94, in plot_parameter_accuracy
line 54, in savefig_pylal
fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 682, in savefig
self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 456, in
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 392, in
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 544, in draw
for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 1063, in draw
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 561, in draw
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 161, in draw
if self.label1On: self.label1.draw(renderer)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 838, in draw
Text.draw(self, renderer)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 340, in draw
bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 187, in _get_layout
w,h = renderer.get_text_width_height(
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/backends/", line 240, in
Z = texmanager.get_rgba(s, size, self.dpi.get(), rgb)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 334, in get_rgba
pngfile = self.make_png(tex, fontsize, dpi, force=False)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 247, in make_png
dvifile = self.make_dvi(tex, fontsize)
  File "/home/spxiwh/test/matplotlib/", line 223, in make_dvi
fh = file(outfile)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Missing lines after a axes scale change

2008-07-10 Thread Michael Droettboom
Changing the scale shouldn't remove the lines -- but it's possible there 
is a bug that moves them out of the visible area.  Can you provide some 
standalone code that reproduces this problem?


Søren Nielsen wrote:
> Hi,
> When I change the xscale and yscale my plots go missing... i use 
> axes.set_xscale('linear'), axes.set_yscale('liner)  or 
> axes.set_xscale('log'), axes.set_yscale('log') ... I have a button 
> that changes between those two.. but a change removes the 2D lines i 
> have on them... do I need to change something in the line objects too?
> Regards,
> Soren
> -
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Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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[Matplotlib-users] Missing lines after a axes scale change

2008-07-10 Thread Søren Nielsen

When I change the xscale and yscale my plots go missing... i use
axes.set_xscale('linear'), axes.set_yscale('liner)  or
axes.set_xscale('log'), axes.set_yscale('log') ... I have a button that
changes between those two.. but a change removes the 2D lines i have on
them... do I need to change something in the line objects too?

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[Matplotlib-users] Running matplotlib as a separate thread

2008-07-10 Thread dragan savic
Hi everybody!

I am new to matplotlib and I have a question. I am running matplotlib from a 
main program in python as a separate thread. When I first launch matplotlib it 
works fine. On my second try when the main program is still running I try to 
execute it again but the plotting window is shown only for a sec and then it 
disappears. The last command is show(). This show() command should block the 
thread from dying and should unblock, leave the thread to die, when I close the 
matplotlib plotting window. Somehow this doesn't happen. Any clues on how I can 
fix this? Maybe I should be using something else then show() method?

Manny thanks!

Cheers, Dragan.


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Error when running multiple jobs utilizing the Tex utilities in matplotlib

2008-07-10 Thread Darren Dale
Hi Ian,

On Thursday 10 July 2008 06:03:54 am Ian Harry wrote:
> Hi all,
> Myself and my colleagues use, and have used, matplotlib and it's Tex
> capabilities quite extensively to create plots to assist in the
> gravitational wave searches we perform. (and it has been a great tool for
> us
> :-) ). However recently we have been running into problems when we have
> started automating our plot generation by running multiple plotting jobs
> concurrently using the condor scheduler (and dagmans). Many of our plotting
> jobs fail with messages such as the one below:
> ---snip---
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File
> "/home/romain/Projects/
> ligovirgo/s5_2yr_lv_lowcbc_20080625/868815014-868901414/868815014-868901414
>/inj001_summary_plots/../executables/plotinjnum", line 298, in ?
>  File
> "/home/romain/Projects/ligovirgo/s5_2yr_lv_lowcbc_20080625/868815014-868901
> line 119, in plot_found_missed
>fname_thumb = InspiralUtils.savefig_pylal(filename=fname,
> doThumb=True, dpi_thumb=opts.figure_resolution)
>  File
> "/home/romain/codes/s5_2yr_lv_lowcbc_20080625/pylal/lib64/python2.4/site-pa
>ckages/pylal/", line 58, in savefig_pylal
>fig.savefig(filename_thumb, dpi=dpi_thumb)
>  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line
> 259, in make_png
>  OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/home/romain/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ae479c90ff242327b54af004a0846188.output
> ---snip---
> My feeling is that when the code invokes the Tex 'bit' it creates a temp
> file in ~/matplotlib/tex.cache and then deletes it and all other temp tex
> files when it finishes the Tex 'bit'. This would cause problems if another
> job is in the middle of running Tex when the other job deletes it's temp
> files!
> We are running a slightly old version of matplotlib (0.87.7), as we run on
> multiple clusters our sys admins tend to only update software when there is
> a need to and we have had no other problems with matplotlib, I apologize if
> this has been fixed in the meantime (I did do a quick search of the mailing
> list archive but found nothing). All our clusters currently run Fedora Core
> 4 (we're going to move to CentOS 5).
> Currently we are getting around this by forcing condor to retry the failed
> jobs 2/3 times, this catches most of these errors. Another solution would
> be to limit the number of jobs running to 1 BUT as we run dagmen from
> within one 'super' dagman it would prove difficult to limit jobs from
> multiple dagmen.
> Anyway if anyone has any ideas of how to solve this I would appreciate
> this. Also if there are any options where we can set the location of these
> temp tex files and use a different directory  for each job (or stop
> matplotlib deleting other temp files) that would help us.

I'm really hesitant to mess around with the location of the temp files. It was 
a bit painfull trying to get usetex to work across platforms.

Instead, would you try replacing:



try: os.remove(outfile)
except OSError: pass

Let me know if that fixes it, and if you need to wrap any other file 


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Hiding line plots

2008-07-10 Thread Antonio Gonzalez
Søren Nielsen wrote:

> Is there a way I can hide a line plot? I have several line plots, and I 
> want to make a function to enable or disable a plot.. How do I tell each 
> line apart and remove/reinsert them?

Try this in an interactive session, and see if it helps:

ax = figure().add_subplot(111)
a = ax.plot(rand(10), 'k')[0]
b = ax.plot(rand(10), 'r')[0]


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Hiding line plots

2008-07-10 Thread Michael Droettboom
When you create the plot, it returns a list of line objects.  You can 
use this object to remove itself from the axes, and add it back it 
later.  Hope this helps::

In [1]: l1 = plot([1,2,3])

In [2]: l2 = plot([4,5,6])

In [4]: l1
Out[4]: []

# Remove the first plot
In [6]: l1[0].remove()

# Put it back
In [9]: axes().add_line(l1[0])


Søren Nielsen wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way I can hide a line plot? I have several line plots, and 
> I want to make a function to enable or disable a plot.. How do I tell 
> each line apart and remove/reinsert them?
> Anyone tried this? I was seeking for a line ID of somekind in 
> matplotlib.lines... but didn't see any.
> Thanks,
> Soren
> -
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Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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[Matplotlib-users] Hiding line plots

2008-07-10 Thread Søren Nielsen

Is there a way I can hide a line plot? I have several line plots, and I want
to make a function to enable or disable a plot.. How do I tell each line
apart and remove/reinsert them?

Anyone tried this? I was seeking for a line ID of somekind in
matplotlib.lines... but didn't see any.

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] import pylab produces rounding error

2008-07-10 Thread Manuel Metz
Angela Rivera Campos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm quite a newbie on matplotlib.
> I'm trying to get some data from a file. I've got a function that reads 
> the data from the file and stores it in a tuple as a set of floats. When 
> I use this without importing pylab it just go well but when I do it 
> after importing this module there's a rounding and I don't get the 
> proper data:
>  >>> import myModule as m
>  >>> spc = m.Collection()
>  >>> spc.ReadCollection('file')
>  >>> sp = spc.GetCSVBlock('00074')
>  >>> sp.GetDataRecord(0)
> (0.0, 0.10001, 0.0503450001, 616.0, 
> 24.818, 616.0)
> ---
>  >>> import myModule as m
>  >>> from pylab import *
>  >>> spc = m.Collection()
>  >>> spc.ReadCollection('file')
>  >>> sp = spc.GetCSVBlock('00074')
>  >>> sp.GetDataRecord(0)
> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 616.0, 24.0, 616.0)
> What's the problem here? What can I do to avoid it?


   import pylab

instead of

   from pylab import *


> Thanks in advance,
> AR
> -
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> Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,
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[Matplotlib-users] import pylab produces rounding error

2008-07-10 Thread Angela Rivera Campos

I'm quite a newbie on matplotlib.

I'm trying to get some data from a file. I've got a function that reads 
the data from the file and stores it in a tuple as a set of floats. When 
I use this without importing pylab it just go well but when I do it 
after importing this module there's a rounding and I don't get the 
proper data:

 >>> import myModule as m
 >>> spc = m.Collection()
 >>> spc.ReadCollection('file')
 >>> sp = spc.GetCSVBlock('00074')
 >>> sp.GetDataRecord(0)
(0.0, 0.10001, 0.0503450001, 616.0, 
24.818, 616.0)


 >>> import myModule as m
 >>> from pylab import *
 >>> spc = m.Collection()
 >>> spc.ReadCollection('file')
 >>> sp = spc.GetCSVBlock('00074')
 >>> sp.GetDataRecord(0)
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 616.0, 24.0, 616.0)

What's the problem here? What can I do to avoid it?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Questions about 3D plotting

2008-07-10 Thread Bryan Cole
On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 18:40 +0200, anirudh vij wrote:
> > We have been warning that 3D plotting was unsupported and needed someone to
> > volunteer to maintain it for quite a while now. Nobody answered the call, 
> > and
> > 3d capabilities did not survive the transition to the new transforms in
> > mpl-0.98, so it was removed, However...
> >
> hmm. Mayavi2 has a mlab module thats under active development. It aims
> to do the same stuff that matlab 3D plots do. However, svn currently
> crashes for me.

An alterative to mpl/mayavi for 3d is Pyx (see ), although it's
not interactive.


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[Matplotlib-users] Error when running multiple jobs utilizing the Tex utilities in matplotlib

2008-07-10 Thread Ian Harry
Hi all,

Myself and my colleagues use, and have used, matplotlib and it's Tex
capabilities quite extensively to create plots to assist in the
gravitational wave searches we perform. (and it has been a great tool for us
:-) ). However recently we have been running into problems when we have
started automating our plot generation by running multiple plotting jobs
concurrently using the condor scheduler (and dagmans). Many of our plotting
jobs fail with messages such as the one below:


Traceback (most recent call last):
line 298, in ?
line 119, in plot_found_missed
   fname_thumb = InspiralUtils.savefig_pylal(filename=fname,
doThumb=True, dpi_thumb=opts.figure_resolution)
line 58, in savefig_pylal
   fig.savefig(filename_thumb, dpi=dpi_thumb)

 File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line
259, in make_png
 OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:


My feeling is that when the code invokes the Tex 'bit' it creates a temp
file in ~/matplotlib/tex.cache and then deletes it and all other temp tex
files when it finishes the Tex 'bit'. This would cause problems if another
job is in the middle of running Tex when the other job deletes it's temp

We are running a slightly old version of matplotlib (0.87.7), as we run on
multiple clusters our sys admins tend to only update software when there is
a need to and we have had no other problems with matplotlib, I apologize if
this has been fixed in the meantime (I did do a quick search of the mailing
list archive but found nothing). All our clusters currently run Fedora Core
4 (we're going to move to CentOS 5).

Currently we are getting around this by forcing condor to retry the failed
jobs 2/3 times, this catches most of these errors. Another solution would be
to limit the number of jobs running to 1 BUT as we run dagmen from within
one 'super' dagman it would prove difficult to limit jobs from multiple

Anyway if anyone has any ideas of how to solve this I would appreciate this.
Also if there are any options where we can set the location of these temp
tex files and use a different directory  for each job (or stop matplotlib
deleting other temp files) that would help us.

Thanks in advance for any help

Ian Harry

Ian Harry
School of Physics & Astronomy
Queens Buildings, The Parade
Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Phone: (+44) 29 208 75120
Mobile: (+44) 7890 479090
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