Now, why is this guy so great?

2011-03-25 Thread Super Biscuit

Re: mplayer video sluggish with Radeon HD 4200

2011-03-25 Thread Scott McEachern

On 03/25/11 19:47, Scott McEachern wrote:


OpenBSD 4.9-current (BLACKSTAFF.MP) #1: Wed Mar 23 23:22:50 EDT 2011

Sorry, I posted the dmesg for a system with POOL_DEBUG disabled.  There 
is no dmesg difference between it and GENERIC.MP, but the diff is below 
anyway.  The problem remains the same.  This is using -current from 
anoncvs as of about two hours ago.

I also forgot to mention I've tried playback with "-framedrop" and yes, 
the video is in sync with the audio, but looks like crap with a bunch of 
frames missing.  Go figure. :)

- Scott

dmesg diff from previous message:  (the iic0 values change on every boot 

< OpenBSD 4.9-current (BLACKSTAFF.MP) #1: Wed Mar 23 23:22:50 EDT 2011

> OpenBSD 4.9-current (GENERIC.MP) #0: Fri Mar 25 20:56:58 EDT 2011

< iic0: addr 0x20 01=19 02=24 03=2e 04=00 05=00 06=00 07=00 08=00 09=00 
0a=10 0b=10 0c=10 0d=10 0e=16 0f=88 10=3d 11=00 12=00 13=00 14=0a 15=0a 
16=2c 17=a0 18=e0 1a=ae 1b=a4 1c=b3 1d=00 1e=0c 1f=01 20=09 21=09 22=09 
23=09 24=bb 3e=03 words 00=ff19 01=1924 02=242e 03=2e00 04= 05= 
06= 07=

> iic0: addr 0x20 01=19 02=24 03=2e 04=00 05=00 06=00 07=00 08=00 09=00 
0a=10 0b=10 0c=10 0d=10 0e=16 0f=88 10=3d 11=00 12=00 13=00 14=0a 15=0a 
16=2b 17=a0 18=e0 1a=ae 1b=a4 1c=b3 1d=00 1e=0c 1f=01 20=09 21=09 22=09 
23=09 24=bb 3e=03 words 00=ff19 01=1924 02=242e 03=2e00 04= 05= 
06= 07=

COMPUTERSYS - Mais de 9000 produtos ? sua escolha e ao melhor PRE?O

2011-03-25 Thread Computersys
O presente e-mail destina-se znica e exclusivamente a informar actuais ou
potenciais clientes e nco deve ser considerado SPAM. Ao abrigo do
Decreto-Lei n.o 7/2004, de 7 de Janeiro, de regulagco do tratamento
automatizado de dados de caracter pessoal, o utilizador podera cancelar
os mesmos. "O e-mail nco podera ser considerado SPAM quando incluir uma
forma do receptor ser removido da lista". Se pretender remover o seu
e-mail, deve efectuar essa anulagco pelo mesmo enderego que se encontra
na nossa base de dados, de outra forma ficaremos impossibilitados de o
eliminar. Se nco pretende continuar a receber este tipo de informagco por
e-mail, Clique Aqui ---

mplayer video sluggish with Radeon HD 4200

2011-03-25 Thread Scott McEachern


I'm having an issue where video playback in mplayer is sluggish in 
full-screen mode with Radeon HD 4200 onboard video.  This applies only 
to -current, with either i386 or amd64.  In 4.8-stable (amd64 or i386), 
Mplayer is perfectly fine in either normal or full-screen mode on the 
same hardware., dmesg, xdpyinfo and xvinfo files are below.

Mplayer is the same version between 4.8 and -current, but the X.Org 
version goes from 1.8.2 to 1.9.3.  Googling for "mplayer + 1.9.3 + 
radeon hd 4200" doesn't yield anything useful, and the archives only 
offer tedu@'s post about using "gl" instead of "x11" for Intel chipsets.

I've tried all "vo=" modes available, including "x11", "xv", "gl" and 
"gl2".  x11 works "best", but video playback appears to be somewhat less 
than 1.00 speed.  All frames appear correctly without any distortion, 
just slower than normal, as if the frame rate was lowered.  Audio is 
fine but out of sync, of course.

Has anyone else experienced similar problems / found solutions?  I can't 
find any setting in the man page that corrects this behaviour, but it's 
worth noting that for full-screen to work, the "zoom=1" setting has to 
be enabled, even for -stable.

I'm out of gas on this.

- Scott

xvinfo for both -current and 4.8-stable only gives:

$ cat xvinfo.output
X-Video Extension version 2.2
screen #0
 no adaptors present


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"

Section "Module"
Load  "dbe"
Load  "dri"
Load  "dri2"
Load  "extmod"
Load  "glx"
Load  "record"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Driver  "kbd"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "wsmouse"
Option  "Device" "/dev/wsmouse"
Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Section "Monitor"
#DisplaySize  450   280 # mm
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "HWP"
ModelName"HP f2105"
HorizSync30.0 - 94.0
VertRefresh  48.0 - 85.0
Option  "DPMS"

Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False",
### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz",
### : "%"
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option "NoAccel"   # []
#Option "SWcursor"  # []
#Option "Dac6Bit"   # []
#Option "Dac8Bit"   # []
#Option "BusType"   # []
#Option "CPPIOMode" # []
#Option "CPusecTimeout" # 
#Option "AGPMode"   # 
#Option "AGPFastWrite"  # []
#Option "AGPSize"   # 
#Option "GARTSize"  # 
#Option "RingSize"  # 
#Option "BufferSize"# 
#Option "EnableDepthMoves"  # []
#Option "EnablePageFlip"# []
#Option "NoBackBuffer"  # []
#Option "DMAForXv"  # []
#Option "FBTexPercent"  # 
#Option "DepthBits" # 
#Option "PCIAPERSize"   # 
#Option "AccelDFS"  # []
#Option "IgnoreEDID"# []
#Option "DisplayPriority"   # []
#Option "PanelSize" # []
#Option "ForceMinDotClock"  # 
#Option "ColorTiling"   # []
#Option "VideoKey"  # 
#Option "RageTheatreCrystal"# 
#Option "RageTheatreTunerPort"  # 
#Option "RageTheatreCompositePort"  # 
#Option "RageTheatreSVideoPort" # 
#Option "TunerType" # 
#Option "RageTheatreMicrocPath" # 
#Option "RageTheatreMicrocType" # 
#Option "ScalerWidth"   # 
#Option "RenderAccel"   # []
#Option "SubPixelOrder" # []
#Option "ShowCache" # []
#Option "DynamicClocks" # []

Re: OBDS vs. NetBSD security

2011-03-25 Thread Bryan Irvine
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:14 AM, johhny_at_poland77
> If i search for the two words: OpenBSD and NetBSD on:
> then i get 17 hits regarding security bugs on OpenBSD, and 8 hits regarding 
> security bugs on NetBSD.
> So what are the differences exactly in the _REALITY_?
> Anybody has any links, that how does NetBSD and OpenBSD audit their code? :O
> I'm not trolling, just want the real security! It's not a flame topic..
> p.s: if i search for FreeBSD... :\ too many hits to count..

JigglyPuffBSD doesn't have anything at all listed on that site. I
might need to switch my firewalls soon.


Oxford PCI-e serial card support?

2011-03-25 Thread Mark Leonard

I've recently purchased a 16-port PCI-e serial card with Oxford UARTs.
OpenBSD 4.8 detects the Oxford chips, but doesn't seem to be able to
use the 'unknown product 0xc308'. This thread implies
that most of the steps to support this card may have already been
taken. What would be required to get official support for this card on
OpenBSD? I'm open to allowing access to a machine with it installed.

Other relevant information:
Chip Number: OXPCIe958 Chip Description: Octo UARTs (as per )


Re: OBDS vs. NetBSD security

2011-03-25 Thread johhny_at_poland77
"I might need to switch my firewalls soon. "

what do you mean? :O

 Be Fri, 25 Mar 2011 13:12:50 -0700 Bryan Irvine  C-rta 

>On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:14 AM, johhny_at_poland77
> wrote:
>> If i search for the two words: OpenBSD and NetBSD on:
>> then i get 17 hits regarding security bugs on OpenBSD, and 8 hits regarding
security bugs on NetBSD.
>> So what are the differences exactly in the _REALITY_?
>> Anybody has any links, that how does NetBSD and OpenBSD audit their code?
>> I'm not trolling, just want the real security! It's not a flame topic..
>> p.s: if i search for FreeBSD... : too many hits to count..
>JigglyPuffBSD doesn't have anything at all listed on that site. I
>might need to switch my firewalls soon.

Re: OpenBSD 4.9 pre-orders

2011-03-25 Thread Frank Bax
Here in Canada there is no standard for clothes that are sold in 
S,M,L,XL,XXL,etc sizes.  Actual size/fit varies by manufacturer.

Theo:  Are hoodies and T-shirts made by same company?

If yes, there is a better chance of knowing in advance if XXL hoodie is 
made in same size as XXL T-shirt.

What size you get/like also depends on how tight you want the fit to be.

On 03/18/11 03:55, Henrik Engmark wrote:

I am kind of uncertain about Canadian clothes sizes.
I am 187 centimetres tall, and I weigh in at about 100 kilos.
In other words, quite the fat bloke.
What size hoodie would you recommend, X, XX or XXX?

On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 15:10:02 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:

I've turned on OpenBSD 4.9 pre-orders. Support us by buying something
please. These sales are a part of keeping the project going.

As for clothing... there's going to be a black hoodie this time.

Negociacion en la Cobranza para una Efectiva Recuperacion de la Cartera en MERIDA - MEX - GDL

2011-03-25 Thread Negociacion en la Cobranza

Negociacion en la Cobranza para una Efectiva Recuperacion de la Cartera

Experto instructor: Lic. Juan Manuel Lopez Vitela )

Duracion: (1 dia) 8 hrs.

 Inversion: $ 4,150 pesos mas IVA

Con este curso los participantes:
Adquiriran una formacisn integral en los documentos que soportan nuestra
gestisn de cobranza. A la vez contempla el desarrollo de habilidades
personales tales como auto motivacisn, perder el miedo a cobrar,
tolerancia a la frustracisn y manejo de emociones que les permita
enfrentar adecuadamente al deudor y llevar a cabo un proceso exitoso de
negociacisn. Aplicando herramientas y ticnicas practicas que desarrollara
en este taller de cobranza.




02 de Abril
Solicite Temario de Click Aqui

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Solicite Temario de Click Aqui

12 de Abril
Solicite Temario de Click Aqui

 Credito y Cobranza


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pfsync & failover issues

2011-03-25 Thread James Chase
I'm using pfsync to keep state between two OpenBSD 4.7 firewalls running 
on soekris devices. The problem is that it seems to work erratically. My 
test is to download a large file via HTTP from a server behind the 
firewalls and then reboot the master firewall and once that comes back 
up, the backup, and repeat. Sometimes the file transfer dies immediately 
on the first reboot and sometimes it survives a full cycle of reboots or 

Is my test faulty? I just want to verify that state sharing is or is not 
working, instead I find it works in an unpredictable manner. I have seen 
the same results in a virtual test environment and with multiple devices 
in different environments.


2011-03-25 Thread R0me0 ***

You sign mac on brigde filter and associate it in pf.conf


on bridge:

pass in on rl0 src aa:bb:cc:dd:ee tag server

on pf.conf

pass in log on rl0 inet proto tcp from tagged server


2011/3/25 Alessandro Baggi 

> Il 25/03/2011 14:28, R0me0 *** ha scritto:
>> here:
>> Is a good point to start your journey
>> Regards,
>> 2011/3/25 Alessandro Baggi >>>
>>Hi list. I'm looking for a software that performs controls based
>>on MAC ACL for access to the network and that possible detects ARP
>>poisoning and block it with pf.
>>There is this software for OpenBSD?
>>Thanks in advance.
>>  thanks, if there are not misunderstanding it is only for filter MAC
> address and this is for bridge. It's possible make association between IP
> and MAC?

Re: OpenBSD 4.9 pre-orders

2011-03-25 Thread Jeremy Chase
Yeah - this is a good question... Normally I get an American XL and that is
fine. How do these compare?

/me has CC out...

Jeremy Chase

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 3:55 AM, Henrik Engmark  wrote:

> I am kind of uncertain about Canadian clothes sizes.
> I am 187 centimetres tall, and I weigh in at about 100 kilos.
> In other words, quite the fat bloke.
> What size hoodie would you recommend, X, XX or XXX?
>  On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 15:10:02 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>>>  I've turned on OpenBSD 4.9 pre-orders.  Support us by buying something
 please.   These sales are a part of keeping the project going.

 As for clothing... there's going to be a black hoodie this time.

Evaluación Gratis de tu Página Web

2011-03-25 Thread ABERIC .COM
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Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2011-03-25, Marian Hettwer  wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 09:24:16 -0300, Kleber Rocha 
> wrote:
>> Thanks all of you, I really don't know how some options of sysctl.conf
>> works, I turn back the option to default values and follow the
>> considerations of [1].
>> I'm using OpenBSD 4.8.
> As some pointed out, they take's articles with scepticism.
> I had a good read of that article and it sounds reasonable to me.
> Question to the OpenBSD network gurus: Can one follow this specific
> article on or not?


> If not, where are the mistakes? :)

The whole premise of the article is wrong. If there were simple
tweaks that could be done blindly that would improve things, they
would be done by default.

Even the simple "bump net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen" so often quoted (which
is indeed useful in some cases) has drawbacks, without even considering
the some of the "exponentially increase your KVM use" settings the
article talks about.

Best advice for a link aggregation setup

2011-03-25 Thread Andres Chavez
Hello misc.. im currently helping a friend  on a link aggregation setup
based on 4.8 with 2 links from the same ISP, so we have followed a bunch of
faqs/how-to's but the fact is that we're in the middle of a bunch  questions
too. So it would be nice if you guys can help us to clear some doubs, take
the right actions if required to.

1) What do we actually need to make sure a link aggregation setup will
work?,  you should know that we got a server HP proliant with only 1 pci
port so the nic is an Intel Dual Gbit port (em0/em1) the nic facing the LAN
is the onboard one and use the bge driver (bge0), and from the same ISP we
got two ADSL links of 2048 mb each

2) Must the two ADSL links support a special feature like bonding or
something like that?



Re: top man page, clarification of interactive command 1

2011-03-25 Thread Ted Unangst
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Glen Anderson  wrote:
> Ultimately I think there should be a note explaining what happens in
> the case of non-identical CPUs but without knowing what top does I'm
> happy with either of the following diffs.
> I'll have a dig through the source to see if I can find out. I'm not

Nothing special.  This is like the third time these mythical
asymmetric MP systems have come up.  I suggest we let the first person
to actually acquire such hardware fret about what's going to happen,
should that day ever occur.


2011-03-25 Thread Alessandro Baggi

Il 25/03/2011 14:28, R0me0 *** ha scritto:


Is a good point to start your journey


2011/3/25 Alessandro Baggi >

Hi list. I'm looking for a software that performs controls based
on MAC ACL for access to the network and that possible detects ARP
poisoning and block it with pf.
There is this software for OpenBSD?

Thanks in advance.

thanks, if there are not misunderstanding it is only for filter MAC 
address and this is for bridge. It's possible make association between 
IP and MAC?

ifstated body executing before init?

2011-03-25 Thread Kapetanakis Giannis


According to ifstated.conf(5)
"The init block is used to initialise the state and is executed each 
time the state is entered."

This should be the first thing to be executed right? In debug I see the 
body executed first.

Isn't the code bellow more reasonable?

--- /tmp/ifstated.c Fri Mar 25 16:32:13 2011
+++ ifstated.c  Fri Mar 25 16:32:24 2011
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@
conf->curstate = conf->nextstate;
conf->nextstate = NULL;
conf->curstate->entered = time(NULL);
+   do_action(conf->curstate->init);
external_evtimer_setup(conf->curstate, IFSD_EVTIMER_ADD);
-   do_action(conf->curstate->init);
return (1);
return (0);

Also one more thing. In the state bellow:
state promoted {
init {
run "ifconfig carp0 advskew 101"
run "ifconfig carp1 advskew 101"
if $net
set-state primary
if ! $net && $peer
set-state backup

Both expressions in the body are evaluated the first time we enter the 
state. Why?
If first expression is true, shouldn't we go directly on primary state 
without evaluating second if?



Re: top man page, clarification of interactive command 1

2011-03-25 Thread Glen Anderson
On 25 March 2011 12:54, Jason McIntyre  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 09:44:33AM +, Glen Anderson wrote:
>> "combined" is ok with me, it doesn't imply anything about how the
>> figures are reached so side-steps the issues I had earlier. In the
>> esoteric case I mentioned people will make their own (probably
>> incorrect) assumptions with either wording. I've included a new diff
>> making it clear that they're combined statistics.
>> Ultimately I think there should be a note explaining what happens in
>> the case of non-identical CPUs but without knowing what top does I'm
>> happy with either of the following diffs.
>> I'll have a dig through the source to see if I can find out. I'm not
>> holding out much hope as "learn C" has been gathering dust on my todo
>> list for a while... A bit of code reading won't do me any harm though.
>> $ diff -u top.1
>> --- top.1 B  B  B  Thu Mar 24 12:39:45 2011
>> +++ B  Fri Mar 25 09:28:16 2011
>> @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
>> B The options are as follows:
>> B .Bl -tag -width Ds
>> B .It Fl 1
>> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
>> +Display combined CPU statistics on a single line instead of individual
>> +statistics on multiple lines.
>> B .It Fl b
>> B Use
>> B .Em batch
>> @@ -282,7 +283,8 @@
>> B .Sq P
>> B interactive command.
>> B .It 1
>> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
>> +Toggle between combined CPU statistics on a single line and individual
>> +statistics on multiple lines.
>> B .It C
>> B Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
>> B .It d Ar count
> ok, i committed a diff, but a little bit different to the one above.
> funny how the simple diffs can make your head hurt most. in this case
> i'm not sure i like the idea of toggling "between" states. i think you
> toggle something on or off. god knows though. anyway i settled on the
> diff below once i got fed up staring at the screen.
> jmc

I'm happy with that diff, and don't think anymore time should be spent
on something that people will very likely be playing with while
reading the man page however I need to put this out there to stop my
head hurting!

I agree that the wording in previous diffs was a bit awkward however
using the same wording as the C, I, S and T commands suggests that CPU
statistics will either be on or off. "Toggle the display of CPU
statistics between the states described in the -1 option." might be

I'm going to drop this now and get back to more important things that
also make my head hurt.

> Index: top.1
> ===
> RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/top/top.1,v
> retrieving revision 1.57
> diff -u -r1.57 top.1
> --- top.1 B  B  B  10 Aug 2010 20:34:16 - B  B  B 1.57
> +++ top.1 B  B  B  25 Mar 2011 12:52:58 -
> @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
> B The options are as follows:
> B .Bl -tag -width Ds
> B .It Fl 1
> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
> +Display combined CPU statistics for all processors on a single line
> +instead of one line per CPU.
> B .It Fl b
> B Use
> B .Em batch
> @@ -282,7 +283,7 @@
> B .Sq P
> B interactive command.
> B .It 1
> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
> +Toggle the display of CPU statistics.
> B .It C
> B Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
> B .It d Ar count


2011-03-25 Thread R0me0 ***

Is a good point to start your journey


2011/3/25 Alessandro Baggi 

> Hi list. I'm looking for a software that performs controls based on MAC ACL
> for access to the network and that possible detects ARP poisoning and block
> it with pf.
> There is this software for OpenBSD?
> Thanks in advance.

Re: top man page, clarification of interactive command 1

2011-03-25 Thread Jason McIntyre
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 01:42:48PM +, Glen Anderson wrote:
> I agree that the wording in previous diffs was a bit awkward however
> using the same wording as the C, I, S and T commands suggests that CPU
> statistics will either be on or off. "Toggle the display of CPU
> statistics between the states described in the -1 option." might be
> better.

i'm aware of that but i think the fact that -1 and `1' are obviously
tied, and the commonsense element (you can just press 1 and see what
happens), means that the very brief description suffices. i guess we can
look at changing it if floods of people suddenly get confused.


Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Paolo Aglialoro
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Henning Brauer wrote:

> * lilit-aibolit  [2011-03-25 11:06]:
> > why so many people hate
> hate? no.
> ditch, because the "recommendations" there are bullshit.

Still the chick there on da homepage is sooo sexy ahahah

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Kleber Rocha
Thanks all of you, I really don't know how some options of sysctl.conf
works, I turn back the option to default values and follow the
considerations of I'm using
OpenBSD 4.8.

Thanks guys

2011/3/25 Marian Hettwer 

> Hi there,
> On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 23:37:08 -0300, Kleber Rocha 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have two openbsd box with pf as firewall, with heavy load I get this
> error
> > on message:
> >
> > Mar 24 19:13:29 fw01 /bsd: WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase
> > kern.maxclusters
> >
> > But, both firewalls crash, How can I fix this?
> >
> By stop fiddling around with the sysctl's in case you're not sure what
> they do.
> Start with defaults!
> Then, if you hit scaling limits, change sysctls if you know what you
> do.
> If not, drop a mail to this list with more details.
> Like a "pfctl -s all", your pf.conf and stuff like that.
> I bet the friendly folks on this list will come up with tips what you
> need to change and more importantly, with an explanation why.
> This way, you know what you do ;-)
> Cheers,
> Marian

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-gzip which had a name 
of pfctl.out.gz]

Re: GENERIC.MP cold reboot at savecore

2011-03-25 Thread Ivo Chutkin

On 25.3.2011 P3. 11:00 Q., iridaoc iribag wrote:

Hello same problem  here on DELL PowerEdge R210.

Starting with OpenBSD 4.8 Release was Ok.

Applying patchs one by one until patch 006_cbc.patch

System cold reboots with this patch.

Back to kernel GENERIC.MP 4.8 release + patchs : 001_bgpd.patch,
002_pci.patch,  003_vr.patch, 004_openssl.patch 005_pf.patch, is Ok.

2011/3/24 Kapetanakis Giannis

I've tested a while ago the GENERIC.MP kernel of 4.8-stable and the system
cold reboots. GENERIC runs fine.

Trying to regenerate the problem I went into single user more and found out
that it reboots when it executes /sbin/savecore /var/crash

I tried ktrace but the dump was empty.
I also tried disabling apm without luck.

Any way to debug this?

Attaching the dmesg.



Also, problem installing 4.8 -stable as of March 06 by PXE on DELL 
1655MC. The server just reboots after it gets ip address.

Installing 4.8 Release without problem.



2011-03-25 Thread Alessandro Baggi
Hi list. I'm looking for a software that performs controls based on MAC 
ACL for access to the network and that possible detects ARP poisoning 
and block it with pf.

There is this software for OpenBSD?

Thanks in advance.

Re: top man page, clarification of interactive command 1

2011-03-25 Thread Jason McIntyre
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 09:44:33AM +, Glen Anderson wrote:
> "combined" is ok with me, it doesn't imply anything about how the
> figures are reached so side-steps the issues I had earlier. In the
> esoteric case I mentioned people will make their own (probably
> incorrect) assumptions with either wording. I've included a new diff
> making it clear that they're combined statistics.
> Ultimately I think there should be a note explaining what happens in
> the case of non-identical CPUs but without knowing what top does I'm
> happy with either of the following diffs.
> I'll have a dig through the source to see if I can find out. I'm not
> holding out much hope as "learn C" has been gathering dust on my todo
> list for a while... A bit of code reading won't do me any harm though.
> $ diff -u top.1
> --- top.1   Thu Mar 24 12:39:45 2011
> +++   Fri Mar 25 09:28:16 2011
> @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
>  The options are as follows:
>  .Bl -tag -width Ds
>  .It Fl 1
> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
> +Display combined CPU statistics on a single line instead of individual CPU
> +statistics on multiple lines.
>  .It Fl b
>  Use
>  .Em batch
> @@ -282,7 +283,8 @@
>  .Sq P
>  interactive command.
>  .It 1
> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
> +Toggle between combined CPU statistics on a single line and individual CPU
> +statistics on multiple lines.
>  .It C
>  Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
>  .It d Ar count

ok, i committed a diff, but a little bit different to the one above.
funny how the simple diffs can make your head hurt most. in this case
i'm not sure i like the idea of toggling "between" states. i think you
toggle something on or off. god knows though. anyway i settled on the
diff below once i got fed up staring at the screen.


Index: top.1
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/top/top.1,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -r1.57 top.1
--- top.1   10 Aug 2010 20:34:16 -  1.57
+++ top.1   25 Mar 2011 12:52:58 -
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
 The options are as follows:
 .Bl -tag -width Ds
 .It Fl 1
-Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
+Display combined CPU statistics for all processors on a single line
+instead of one line per CPU.
 .It Fl b
 .Em batch
@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@
 .Sq P
 interactive command.
 .It 1
-Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
+Toggle the display of CPU statistics.
 .It C
 Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
 .It d Ar count

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Marian Hettwer
On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 09:24:16 -0300, Kleber Rocha 
> Thanks all of you, I really don't know how some options of sysctl.conf
> works, I turn back the option to default values and follow the
> considerations of [1].
> I'm using OpenBSD 4.8.

As some pointed out, they take's articles with scepticism.
I had a good read of that article and it sounds reasonable to me.
Question to the OpenBSD network gurus: Can one follow this specific
article on or not?
If not, where are the mistakes? :)

Hope I'm not asking too much here :)


Re: OBDS vs. NetBSD security

2011-03-25 Thread Tomas Bodzar
Regarding your other posts here on misc@ and around Internet on many
sites you sounds like modern script kittie - give me all info I need
because I don't want to learn anything, I'm just looking for bugs in
concrete apps to start my exploits ;-)

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 11:14 AM, johhny_at_poland77
> If i search for the two words: OpenBSD and NetBSD on:
> then i get 17 hits regarding security bugs on OpenBSD, and 8 hits regarding 
> security bugs on NetBSD.
> So what are the differences exactly in the _REALITY_?
> Anybody has any links, that how does NetBSD and OpenBSD audit their code? :O
> I'm not trolling, just want the real security! It's not a flame topic..
> p.s: if i search for FreeBSD... :\ too many hits to count..
> Thank you in anticipation.

Danimarka, �sve�, Norve� ve Finlandiya olmak �zere t�m Kuzey Avrupa �lkeleri

2011-03-25 Thread MPS Global Express

Danimarka, ]sveg, Norveg ve Finlandiya olmak |zere t|m
Kuzey Avrupa |lkeleri

INTERMEX ve MPS g|g birlipi ile...


G|gl| acenta ap}yla bvlge igerisindeki her noktaya ig nakliye, depolama,
g|mr|kleme hizmetleri saplayan MPS Logistics; Danimarka, Finlandiya ve
Norveg e kurulu~u 14 y}ldan bu yana MPS ile gal}~malar}n} s|rd|rmektedir.

T|rkiye  ]skandinavya hatt}nda kvpr| gvrevi gvren MPS bir gok vnemli
firmaya hizmet vermektedir. ]sveg ve Norvege ula~}m; Bulgaristan,
Slovakya, Polonya |zerinden, Finlandiyaya; Polonya |zerinden Letonya,
Litvanya, Estonya g|zergahlar}ndan deniz yoluyla ve Danimarkaya Polonya
ve Almanya |zerinden gergekle~mektedir.

MPS Logistics komple ve parsiyel ta~}malarda:

  * ]sveg: 6  8 g|n

  * Norveg & Finlandiya: 7  9 g|n

  * Danimarka: 6  7 g|n

transit s|releriyle hizmet vermektedir.

Bu hizmet, g|mr|kl| ve ticari gvnderileri kapsamaktad}r. Firman}z}n
gvnderi hacmi ne olursa olsun, en uygun lojistik gvz|mlerini INTERMEX lde
bulabilirsiniz. Firman}z}n sektvr|ne vzel gvz|mlerden yararlanmak ve
benzersiz fiyat avantaj}ndan faydalanabilmeniz igin l|tfen yukar}daki
k}sa formu eksiksiz doldurun. M|~teri temsilcimiz en k}sa zamanda sizinle
irtibata gegecektir.

Fiyat almak igin l|tfen y|k detaylar}n}z} : adresine


Gok Vzel tan}t}m fiyatlar}m}zdan yararlanmak igin a~ap}daki formu bize
gvndermeniz yeterli olacakt}r.Abonelik ba~vurusu

E-B|lteni almak istemiyorsan}z l|tfen buray} t}klay}n}z.

Capr} Merkezi

 444 0 108


 +90 (212) 444 0 108 (DHL- 120)


 +90 (212) 573 21 84


Web Adresi


Re: top man page, clarification of interactive command 1

2011-03-25 Thread Glen Anderson
On 25 March 2011 09:44, Glen Anderson  wrote:
> Ultimately I think there should be a note explaining what happens in
> the case of non-identical CPUs but without knowing what top does I'm
> happy with either of the following diffs.
> I'll have a dig through the source to see if I can find out. I'm not
> holding out much hope as "learn C" has been gathering dust on my todo
> list for a while... A bit of code reading won't do me any harm though.

Seems like i_cpustates in display.c is taking a mean. I still think
it's best to leave out any mention of it though. Personally I prefer
the first patch but I'm happy with either.

> $ diff -u top.1
> --- top.1 B  B  B  Thu Mar 24 12:39:45 2011
> +++ B  Fri Mar 25 09:28:16 2011
> @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
> B The options are as follows:
> B .Bl -tag -width Ds
> B .It Fl 1
> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
> +Display combined CPU statistics on a single line instead of individual CPU
> +statistics on multiple lines.
> B .It Fl b
> B Use
> B .Em batch
> @@ -282,7 +283,8 @@
> B .Sq P
> B interactive command.
> B .It 1
> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
> +Toggle between combined CPU statistics on a single line and individual CPU
> +statistics on multiple lines.
> B .It C
> B Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
> B .It d Ar count
 $ diff -u top.1
 --- top.1 B  B  B  Thu Mar 24 12:39:45 2011
 +++ B  Thu Mar 24 17:59:30 2011
 @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
 B The options are as follows:
 B .Bl -tag -width Ds
 B .It Fl 1
 -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
 +Display CPU statistics for all processors on a single line instead of
 +line per CPU.
 B .It Fl b
 B Use
 B .Em batch
 @@ -282,7 +283,8 @@
 B .Sq P
 B interactive command.
 B .It 1
 -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
 +Toggle CPU statistics between a single line for all processors and one
 +per CPU.
 B .It C
 B Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
 B .It d Ar count

Re: OBDS vs. NetBSD security

2011-03-25 Thread Benny Lofgren
On 2011-03-25 11.14, johhny_at_poland77 wrote:
> If i search for the two words: OpenBSD and NetBSD on: 
> then i get 17 hits regarding security bugs on OpenBSD, and 8 hits regarding 
> security bugs on NetBSD.
> So what are the differences exactly in the _REALITY_? 
> Anybody has any links, that how does NetBSD and OpenBSD audit their code? :O
> I'm not trolling, just want the real security! It's not a flame topic..
> p.s: if i search for FreeBSD... :\ too many hits to count..

...and I hit "send" too soon. Sorry about that. I'll repeat what I wrote
and add what I meant to say in this mail:

Yes, you are trolling and yes, it's a "flame topic". And you know it.

But I know your English isn't perfect, so I'll give you the benefit of
the doubt.

So I'll bite, just this once.

First of all, I don't know how you've come up with the figures you mention.

When I use the site's search form and choose openbsd or openbsd/x86 (x86
is for some reason separated from the rest of the supported
architectures), and don't enter any search criteria at all, I get three
hits on each category. Six in total, the oldest ones from 2004 and the
newest from 2009. Where are the other eleven you mention? Searching for
Netbsd BTW gives me seven hits, mostly older ones too.

Second, you can't compare security track records just by counting search
hits on some dubious site. You have to weigh each and every entry by
their seriousness, by what kind of vulnerability (DoS, remote
penetration exploit, local exploit, privilege escalation etc) and by the
circumstances around each one. For example, is it the standard system
that has been compromised or is it an application running on it?

Third, *YOU* HAVE GOT TO DO *YOUR* HOMEWORK. We don't want to do it for
you. We don't have the time to spare for ignorant questions. For most of
us, time equals money in some way. You know how to find google, don't
you? This isn't the first silly question you've brought to the OpenBSD
lists lately, have you learned nothing from the responses (or lack of)
that you have received so far?

I'll give you a link. It's all you need to learn about OpenBSD, really:

Click away at the links there. I promise you, behind every one is new
and exciting knowledge, all for free.



-- / work:   +46 8 551 124 80  / "Words must
Benny Lofgren/  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90 /   be weighed,
/   fax:+46 8 551 124 89/not counted."
   /email:  benny -at-

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Marian Hettwer
Hi there,

On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 23:37:08 -0300, Kleber Rocha 
> Hi,
> I have two openbsd box with pf as firewall, with heavy load I get this error
> on message:
> Mar 24 19:13:29 fw01 /bsd: WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase
> kern.maxclusters
> But, both firewalls crash, How can I fix this?
By stop fiddling around with the sysctl's in case you're not sure what
they do.
Start with defaults!
Then, if you hit scaling limits, change sysctls if you know what you
If not, drop a mail to this list with more details.
Like a "pfctl -s all", your pf.conf and stuff like that.
I bet the friendly folks on this list will come up with tips what you
need to change and more importantly, with an explanation why.
This way, you know what you do ;-)


Re: top man page, clarification of interactive command 1

2011-03-25 Thread Glen Anderson
On 25 March 2011 09:15, David Vasek  wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Mar 2011, Jason McIntyre wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 06:02:15PM +, Glen Anderson wrote:
>>> I liked the idea of using an adjective when talking about the combined
>>> statistics however cumulative isn't really an accurate term and while
>>> ostensibly mean seems appropriate I'm unsure how top calculates that
>>> line on machines with CPUs of varying speeds. If it takes a mean of
>>> the percentages it's clearly misleading, if it does something a it
>>> cleverer use of the term mean is wrong. With this in mind I think the
>>> following tweak to Jason's suggestion would be best.
>> i'm fine with this. anyone object?
> I am not in position to object or not. What I meant was to make it clear
> right from the man page that "single line for all processors" is indeed
> *combined* statistics for all CPU's in one set of numbers, not statistics
> for all individual processors somehow condensed to a single line. Perhaps
> word "combined" can be used there?
> Anyway, it was only a suggestion, if you think it is not relevant, simply
> ignore it. Glen's version is good too.

"combined" is ok with me, it doesn't imply anything about how the
figures are reached so side-steps the issues I had earlier. In the
esoteric case I mentioned people will make their own (probably
incorrect) assumptions with either wording. I've included a new diff
making it clear that they're combined statistics.

Ultimately I think there should be a note explaining what happens in
the case of non-identical CPUs but without knowing what top does I'm
happy with either of the following diffs.

I'll have a dig through the source to see if I can find out. I'm not
holding out much hope as "learn C" has been gathering dust on my todo
list for a while... A bit of code reading won't do me any harm though.

$ diff -u top.1
--- top.1   Thu Mar 24 12:39:45 2011
+++   Fri Mar 25 09:28:16 2011
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
 The options are as follows:
 .Bl -tag -width Ds
 .It Fl 1
-Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
+Display combined CPU statistics on a single line instead of individual CPU
+statistics on multiple lines.
 .It Fl b
 .Em batch
@@ -282,7 +283,8 @@
 .Sq P
 interactive command.
 .It 1
-Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
+Toggle between combined CPU statistics on a single line and individual CPU
+statistics on multiple lines.
 .It C
 Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
 .It d Ar count

>>> $ diff -u top.1
>>> --- top.1 B  B  B  Thu Mar 24 12:39:45 2011
>>> +++ B  Thu Mar 24 17:59:30 2011
>>> @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
>>> B The options are as follows:
>>> B .Bl -tag -width Ds
>>> B .It Fl 1
>>> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
>>> +Display CPU statistics for all processors on a single line instead of
>>> one
>>> +line per CPU.
>>> B .It Fl b
>>> B Use
>>> B .Em batch
>>> @@ -282,7 +283,8 @@
>>> B .Sq P
>>> B interactive command.
>>> B .It 1
>>> -Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
>>> +Toggle CPU statistics between a single line for all processors and one
>>> line
>>> +per CPU.
>>> B .It C
>>> B Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
>>> B .It d Ar count

Re: OBDS vs. NetBSD security

2011-03-25 Thread Benny Lofgren
On 2011-03-25 11.14, johhny_at_poland77 wrote:
> If i search for the two words: OpenBSD and NetBSD on: 
> then i get 17 hits regarding security bugs on OpenBSD, and 8 hits regarding 
> security bugs on NetBSD.
> So what are the differences exactly in the _REALITY_? 
> Anybody has any links, that how does NetBSD and OpenBSD audit their code? :O
> I'm not trolling, just want the real security! It's not a flame topic..
> p.s: if i search for FreeBSD... :\ too many hits to count..

Yes, you are trolling and yes, it's a "flame topic". And you know it.

But I know your English isn't perfect, so I'll give you the benefit of
the doubt.

First of all, I don't know how you've come up with the figures you mention.

When I use the site's search form and choose openbsd or openbsd/x86 (x86
is for some reason separated from the rest of the supported
architectures), and don't enter any search criteria at all, I get three
hits on each category. Six in total, the oldest ones from 2004 and the
newest from 2009. Where are the other eleven you mention? Searching for
Netbsd BTW gives me seven hits, mostly older ones too.

-- / work:   +46 8 551 124 80  / "Words must
Benny Lofgren/  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90 /   be weighed,
/   fax:+46 8 551 124 89/not counted."
   /email:  benny -at-

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Henning Brauer
* lilit-aibolit  [2011-03-25 11:06]:
> why so many people hate

hate? no.
ditch, because the "recommendations" there are bullshit.

Henning Brauer,,
BS Web Services,
Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Henning Brauer
* Kleber Rocha  [2011-03-25 04:32]:
> I have two openbsd box with pf as firewall, with heavy load I get this error
> on message:
> Mar 24 19:13:29 fw01 /bsd: WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase
> kern.maxclusters
> But, both firewalls crash, How can I fix this?


1) stopping to push random buttons you obviously don't understand
2) submitting a proper bug report if the problem remains

Henning Brauer,,
BS Web Services,
Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Claudio Jeker
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:37:08PM -0300, Kleber Rocha wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two openbsd box with pf as firewall, with heavy load I get this error
> on message:
> Mar 24 19:13:29 fw01 /bsd: WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase
> kern.maxclusters
> But, both firewalls crash, How can I fix this?
> Thanks
> My sysctl.conf is configured like this:
> kern.maxfiles=65536

Why are you bumping maxfiles on a firewall?

> # Multipath
> net.inet.ip.multipath=1
> # carp
> net.inet.carp.allow=1
> net.inet.carp.log=1
> net.inet.carp.preempt=1
> #net.inet.carp.arpbalance=1
> net.inet.tcp.recvspace=262144
> net.inet.tcp.sendspace=262144
> net.inet.udp.recvspace=262144
> net.inet.udp.sendspace=262144

This is not doing what you think it does. Especially the UDP ones.
> net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=150
> #net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=10
> net.inet.tcp.keepidle=14400
> #net.inet.tcp.keepidle=30
> net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=150
> #net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=30
> net.inet.tcp.rstppslimit=100
> #net.inet.tcp.rstppslimit=400
> net.inet.ip.redirect=1
> #net.inet.ip.redirect=0
> net.inet.ip.maxqueue=300
> #net.inet.ip.maxqueue=1000
> kern.somaxconn=128
> #kern.somaxconn=256

Wow, you're pushing a lot of buttons here that should not be pushed unless
you absolutly know what you are doing.

> net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=256

On fast systems this can normaly increased by factors of 2-4 to improve

> kern.maxclusters=262144

Why do you think that you can increase this value by a factor of over 40?
The warning is:
> Mar 24 19:13:29 fw01 /bsd: WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase
> kern.maxclusters
Increase, it is not multiply! You may double the number maybe
more if the warning happens again but a factor 40 will run your system out
of memory. Also try to figure out where all that memory is going. I bet
into the socketbuffers.

You twiddled your system into death. 
:wq Claudio

OBDS vs. NetBSD security

2011-03-25 Thread johhny_at_poland77
If i search for the two words: OpenBSD and NetBSD on:

then i get 17 hits regarding security bugs on OpenBSD, and 8 hits regarding 
security bugs on NetBSD.

So what are the differences exactly in the _REALITY_? 

Anybody has any links, that how does NetBSD and OpenBSD audit their code? :O

I'm not trolling, just want the real security! It's not a flame topic..

p.s: if i search for FreeBSD... :\ too many hits to count..

Thank you in anticipation.

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread lilit-aibolit

Tomas Bodzar P?P8QP5Q:

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Kleber Rocha  wrote:
And may be of some interest to know where did you get those

recommendations? Smells like or similar


why so many people hate

Re: GENERIC.MP cold reboot at savecore

2011-03-25 Thread iridaoc iribag
Hello same problem  here on DELL PowerEdge R210.

Starting with OpenBSD 4.8 Release was Ok.

Applying patchs one by one until patch 006_cbc.patch

System cold reboots with this patch.

Back to kernel GENERIC.MP 4.8 release + patchs : 001_bgpd.patch,
002_pci.patch,  003_vr.patch, 004_openssl.patch 005_pf.patch, is Ok.

2011/3/24 Kapetanakis Giannis 

> I've tested a while ago the GENERIC.MP kernel of 4.8-stable and the system
> cold reboots. GENERIC runs fine.
> Trying to regenerate the problem I went into single user more and found out
> that it reboots when it executes /sbin/savecore /var/crash
> I tried ktrace but the dump was empty.
> I also tried disabling apm without luck.
> Any way to debug this?
> Attaching the dmesg.
> Thanx
> Giannis

Re: top man page, clarification of interactive command 1

2011-03-25 Thread David Vasek

On Thu, 24 Mar 2011, Jason McIntyre wrote:

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 06:02:15PM +, Glen Anderson wrote:

I liked the idea of using an adjective when talking about the combined
statistics however cumulative isn't really an accurate term and while
ostensibly mean seems appropriate I'm unsure how top calculates that
line on machines with CPUs of varying speeds. If it takes a mean of
the percentages it's clearly misleading, if it does something a it
cleverer use of the term mean is wrong. With this in mind I think the
following tweak to Jason's suggestion would be best.

i'm fine with this. anyone object?

I am not in position to object or not. What I meant was to make it clear 
right from the man page that "single line for all processors" is indeed 
*combined* statistics for all CPU's in one set of numbers, not statistics 
for all individual processors somehow condensed to a single line. Perhaps 
word "combined" can be used there?

Anyway, it was only a suggestion, if you think it is not relevant, simply 
ignore it. Glen's version is good too.

Have a nice day.


$ diff -u top.1
--- top.1   Thu Mar 24 12:39:45 2011
+++   Thu Mar 24 17:59:30 2011
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
 The options are as follows:
 .Bl -tag -width Ds
 .It Fl 1
-Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
+Display CPU statistics for all processors on a single line instead of one
+line per CPU.
 .It Fl b
 .Em batch
@@ -282,7 +283,8 @@
 .Sq P
 interactive command.
 .It 1
-Display CPU statistics on a single line instead of a line per CPU.
+Toggle CPU statistics between a single line for all processors and one line
+per CPU.
 .It C
 Toggle the display of process command line arguments.
 .It d Ar count

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Tomas Bodzar
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Kleber Rocha  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two openbsd box with pf as firewall, with heavy load I get this error
> on message:
> Mar 24 19:13:29 fw01 /bsd: WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase
> kern.maxclusters
> But, both firewalls crash, How can I fix this?
> Thanks
> My sysctl.conf is configured like this:
> kern.maxfiles=65536
> # Multipath
> net.inet.ip.multipath=1
> # carp
> net.inet.carp.allow=1
> net.inet.carp.log=1
> net.inet.carp.preempt=1
> #net.inet.carp.arpbalance=1
> net.inet.tcp.recvspace=262144
> net.inet.tcp.sendspace=262144
> net.inet.udp.recvspace=262144
> net.inet.udp.sendspace=262144
> net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=150
> #net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=10
> net.inet.tcp.keepidle=14400
> #net.inet.tcp.keepidle=30
> net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=150
> #net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=30
> net.inet.tcp.rstppslimit=100
> #net.inet.tcp.rstppslimit=400
> net.inet.ip.redirect=1
> #net.inet.ip.redirect=0
> net.inet.ip.maxqueue=300
> #net.inet.ip.maxqueue=1000
> kern.somaxconn=128
> #kern.somaxconn=256
> net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=256
> kern.maxclusters=262144

And may be of some interest to know where did you get those
recommendations? Smells like or similar

Re: kern.maxcluster

2011-03-25 Thread Tomas Bodzar
What says these commands:

netstat -m
vmstat -m

and default display of systat

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Kleber Rocha  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two openbsd box with pf as firewall, with heavy load I get this error
> on message:
> Mar 24 19:13:29 fw01 /bsd: WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase
> kern.maxclusters
> But, both firewalls crash, How can I fix this?
> Thanks
> My sysctl.conf is configured like this:
> kern.maxfiles=65536
> # Multipath
> net.inet.ip.multipath=1
> # carp
> net.inet.carp.allow=1
> net.inet.carp.log=1
> net.inet.carp.preempt=1
> #net.inet.carp.arpbalance=1
> net.inet.tcp.recvspace=262144
> net.inet.tcp.sendspace=262144
> net.inet.udp.recvspace=262144
> net.inet.udp.sendspace=262144
> net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=150
> #net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=10
> net.inet.tcp.keepidle=14400
> #net.inet.tcp.keepidle=30
> net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=150
> #net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=30
> net.inet.tcp.rstppslimit=100
> #net.inet.tcp.rstppslimit=400
> net.inet.ip.redirect=1
> #net.inet.ip.redirect=0
> net.inet.ip.maxqueue=300
> #net.inet.ip.maxqueue=1000
> kern.somaxconn=128
> #kern.somaxconn=256
> net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=256
> kern.maxclusters=262144