Dear Mike,
I looks like your suggestion did the trick. With the following lines in
the "relations" file I get the desired display of routes in my overlay map:
# bicycle routes
{set route='${route}';set
HI Bernard,
I can’t see why bicycle routes should be displaying in the wrong order, but if
an MTB route runs along a bicycle route and its relation is processed after the
bicycle one, I think the route value will be changed from bicycle to mtb. I
suggest using add instead of set on the relat
Hi Bernard,
I think the problem is in the block
type=route & route=bicycle & network=icn{apply {set route_icn=yes;}}
type=route & route=bicycle & network=ncn{apply {set route_ncn=yes;}}
type=route & route=bicycle & network=rcn{apply {set route_rcn=yes;}}