Re: [PATCH] Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-15 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

 PS.  Randy: How do you that stacktrace output that you've
 posted?  Is that using MSVC++, or something else?

Hi Steve,
  I'm using MSVC++ ... When a problem like this occurs,
an offer is made to call up the VC++ debugger, where
the trace is then done.
  In order to get a more useful trace (with symbol
information), I compiled Perl using some patches to
perl-5.8.x/win32/Makefile that ActiveState introduced
This patch enables debug symbols in release builds, and
involves using '-Zi' in $(OPTIMIZE) and '-debug
-opt:ref,icf' for $(LINK_DBG). With this, one gets .pdb
files corresponding to compiled libraries, which hold the
symbol information (I had to manually copy perl58.pdb
[corresponding to perl58.dll] to C:\Perl\bin). The
Apache/2.0.47 sources have this also enabled for the release
build, by default, and building mod_perl as 'perl
Makefile.PL ... MP_DEBUG=1' will enable them in mod_perl as

best regards,

Re: [PATCH] Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-15 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

 I've actually rebuilt Perl and Apache as full debug builds
 so I have all these .pdb files already.  mod_perl gets
 them too because it inherits Perl's debug build mode.

 My question was where in the DevStudio GUI do you get at
 the stacktrace that you posted, or how do you get
 DevStudio to dump it out for you?  All I can find is a
 Context drop-down (in the panel showing variables'
 values) from which I have to manually copy down the
 information (hence I only posted a list of functions!)
 It doesn't look like you've done that!

Hi Steve,
   I see now; that's something I struggled with too,
until Doug pointed this out; try Alt+7 to give a
stacktrace window (look under View - Debug Windows).
And perhaps also to save some grief, if you want to
copy it, select+right-click within that window
doesn't work; you have to select+Edit-Copy.

best regards,

Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:


 Has anybody else got mp2 (CVS) working with recent perl-5.8.1's on Windows?

 I've got it building, but I can't start the Apache server at all.  (It's
 fine without the mod_perl bits in the httpd.conf file.)

 See this thread on p5p for what I'm getting:

 - Steve

I also found a problem, as below:
Perl_safesysmalloc(unsigned int 0x0010) line 70 + 21 bytes
  : perl-5.8.1/util.c

modperl_hash_seed_init(apr_pool_t * 0x0026a7f0) line 44 + 7 bytes
  : modperl-2.0/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c

modperl_hook_pre_config(apr_pool_t * 0x0026a7f0,
 apr_pool_t * 0x00848100, apr_pool_t * 0x0084a108) line 594 + 9 bytes
  : modperl-2.0/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c

ap_run_pre_config(apr_pool_t * 0x00401441, apr_pool_t * 0x0026a7f0,
  apr_pool_t * 0x00848100) line 126 + 49 bytes

main(int 0x00401d82, const char * const * 0x0008) line 575 + 19 bytes

APACHE! mainCRTStartup + 227 bytes

which seems to be related to the safemalloc() call on line
44 of src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c. (by the way, I had to
comment out the fprintf() call at line 66 to get it to
compile, otherwise an error about my_perl being undeclared
was found).

This is with Apache/2.0.47, the current mod_perl 2 cvs, and
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=MSWin32, osvers=4.0, archname=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=undef
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=define usemultiplicity=define
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cl', ccflags ='-nologo -Gf -W3 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -O1 -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE 
optimize='-MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -O1',
ccversion='', gccversion='', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=undef, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=10
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='__int64', lseeksize=8
alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='link', ldflags ='-nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -opt:ref,icf  
-libpath:C:\Perl\lib\CORE  -machine:x86'
libs=  oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib  comdlg32.lib 
advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib  netapi32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib 
mpr.lib winmm.lib  version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib msvcrt.lib
perllibs=  oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib  
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib  netapi32.lib uuid.lib 
wsock32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib  version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib msvcrt.lib
libc=msvcrt.lib, so=dll, useshrplib=yes, libperl=perl58.lib
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_win32.xs, dlext=dll, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-dll -nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -opt:ref,icf  
-libpath:C:\Perl\lib\CORE  -machine:x86'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Locally applied patches:
  Built under MSWin32
  Compiled at Sep 14 2003 14:32:50

best regards,

Re: Can't build Apache::Dispatch on Windows / Perl 5.8.0

2003-09-12 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

 Randy Kobes wrote:
[ .. ]
 Here's a patch against the Apache-Dispatch Makefile.PL to
 allow it to build on Win32
 Your patch does the trick for me, except that I had to
 rebuild mod_perl too.

 The problem is that my installed mod_perl setup (Apache in
 C:\apache, Perl in C:\perl5) didn't contain the
 mod_perl.lib required.  The MODPERL_LIB entry in
 Apache::MyConfig said
 C:/Temp/mod_perl-1.28/src/modules/win32/Release, which is,
 of course, where it was when I was building mod_perl.

 I believe that mod_perl 2 now installs the mod_perl.lib
 somewhere to solve that kind of problem.  Is there an
 option in the mod_perl 1 build process to thave that
 library installed, or could that be added to the next

That's a good suggestion - you're right that mod_perl 2
installs the mod_perl.lib under the Apache2/ tree, and it
would make sense for mod_perl 1 to do the same, with
Apache::MyConfig adjusted to reflect that. I'll look into
putting together something to do that.

best regards,

Re: Can't build Apache::Dispatch on Windows / Perl 5.8.0

2003-09-12 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Steve Hay wrote:
  Stas Bekman wrote:
  Randy Kobes wrote:
  On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:
  I believe that mod_perl 2 now installs the mod_perl.lib
  somewhere to solve that kind of problem.  Is there an
  option in the mod_perl 1 build process to thave that
  library installed, or could that be added to the next
  That's a good suggestion - you're right that mod_perl 2
  installs the mod_perl.lib under the Apache2/ tree, and it
  would make sense for mod_perl 1 to do the same, with
  Apache::MyConfig adjusted to reflect that. I'll look into
  putting together something to do that.
  Does it? According to Apache::Build, it should be installed under the
  apache tree's lib:
  Yes, in my Apache2 setup (the one that I can't get working with Perl
  5.8.1...) I have mod_perl.lib in C:\Apache2\lib.  I didn't change any of
  the installation locations.
  I'd assumed that's what Randy meant, actually - Apache2/lib being under
  the Apache2/ tree :-)

 what is mod_perl.lib? a static library? (I guess an
 equivalent of mod_perl.lo on unix). We don't install it on
 unix yet, but I think that for consistency it should go to
 the same place where is installed to. Which is
 under the Apache tree.

This mod_perl.lib (on Win32) isn't a true static library,
containing all the symbol definitions; from what I
understand, it just contains the minimal information on
symbols needed to allow the application it's being linked
with to find the symbols in the dynamic library (in this

I put it under Apache2/lib/ because that's where the Apache2
libs (eg, apr.lib, libapr.lib, mod_dav.lib) are placed. The
dynamic libraries are placed either under Apache2/modules/,
if it's a module (eg,, or under Apache2/bin/,
such as libapr.dll.

  Having said that, the doesn't actually
  seem to refer to the location that the library has been
  installed into -- like mp1, it refers to the location in
  which it was built! I have:
  in  Wouldn't it be better for that to be

 Nope, it uses this attribute as a source dir in cp from to:

  $install .= 'EOI';
 # install mod_perl.lib

 And as you can see it should install the static lib under
 $(MODPERL_AP_LIBDIR)  (which is under the apache tree)

 purhaps it should be fixed to have a more intuitive name
 BUILD_LOCATION I'd suggest an even more intuitive:
 lib. Purhaps adding a new var MODPERL_STATIC_LIB_LOCATION
 pointing to where the static lib was installed to will be

Having a pointer to where the mod_perl.lib library was
installed would be useful. I'm not sure calling it
MODPERL_STATIC_LIB_LOCATION would be the best thing on
Win32, as it's not a static library as such, but something
could be come up with ...

best regards,

Re: Can't build Apache::Dispatch on Windows / Perl 5.8.0

2003-09-11 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

 Thomas Klausner wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 08:33:31AM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:
 I posted this problem the other day, deep inside a
 thread about something else, and didn't get any replies;
 maybe nobody spotted it?
 Does anybody have Apache::Dispatch working on Windows with Perl 5.8.0?
 Randy posted this some time ago:
 I just made one up, which you can install as
 C:\ ppm install
 Maybe this works for you?
 Sadly, no - that URL is now a 404.  The directory there still exists,
 but there's no Apache-Dispatch.ppd in it.

Sorry about that - that package apparently didn't survive a
disc crash we had. I'll make up a new one and put it up
there tonight. However, this will be for Perl-5.6.1, so
won't be compatible with 5.8.0.

 I would rather be able to build the module myself anyway, rather than
 using a PPM package.

The problem you described before with the missing symbols
can be resolved by linking against the mod_perl.lib built
when you build This can be done by adding in
a LIBS attribute to WriteMakefile() in Makefile.PL with a
value of ' -L/Path/to/mod_perl_lib -lmod_perl'.

best regards,

Re: Can't build Apache::Dispatch on Windows / Perl 5.8.0

2003-09-11 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Geoffrey Young wrote:

  The problem you described before with the missing symbols
  can be resolved by linking against the mod_perl.lib built
  when you build This can be done by adding in
  a LIBS attribute to WriteMakefile() in Makefile.PL with a
  value of ' -L/Path/to/mod_perl_lib -lmod_perl'.

 ah, right.  thanks randy.

 examples of this can be found in Apache::WinBitHack, for
 example, the format of which should probably go in
 Apache::Dispatch (as well as just about all Apache::
 modules to make sure they are Win32 compliant :)

Here's a patch against the Apache-Dispatch Makefile.PL to
allow it to build on Win32 - I've also put up a ppm package
at (for ActivePerl
--- Makefile.PL.origWed Dec 27 09:01:04 2000
+++ Makefile.PL Thu Sep 11 22:16:00 2003
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 use Apache::ExtUtils qw(command_table);
 use Apache::src ();
 use strict;
+use Config;
+my $is_win32 = ($^O =~ /Win32/i);

 require 5.005;

@@ -75,10 +78,26 @@

 command_table([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

+my %config;
+$config{INC} = Apache::src-new-inc;
+if ($is_win32) {
+  require Apache::MyConfig;
+  $config{DEFINE}  = ' -D_WINSOCK2API_ -D_MSWSOCK_ ';
+  $config{DEFINE} .= ' -D_INC_SIGNAL -D_INC_MALLOC '
+if $Config{usemultiplicity};
+  $config{LIBS} =
+qq{ -L$Apache::MyConfig::Setup{APACHE_LIB} -lApacheCore } .
+qq{ -L$Apache::MyConfig::Setup{MODPERL_LIB} -lmod_perl};
   'NAME' = __PACKAGE__,
   'VERSION_FROM' = '',
-  'INC'  = Apache::src-new-inc,
   'PREREQ_PM'= { mod_perl = 1.2401, },
   'clean'= { FILES = '*.xs*' },
+  %config,

best regards,

Re: Portability Question

2003-09-09 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

 Say I want the same code to work under:


   Assume perl 5.6.1 ActiveState on Win2k and perl 5.8.0 on Unix
   Assume = 2.98

 I haven't really had a hard time with this except:
[ ... ] (ActiveState only has GD1.x for 5.6.1 and compile errors for GD2.x
 on 5.8.0)
 XML::Simple (Active State5.6.1 is only at 1.06 missing some critical
 features from the current ~2.05)
[ ... ]
 Text::Aspell ... egad... One of my co-workers has compiled this for
 5.6.1 ActiveState on Win2k/WinXP Pro using MSCV++ 6.0
 if anyone is interested since ActiveState has nothing.

We have the above three packages in our 5.8 repository at

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: porting from mod_perl1 to mod_perl2

2003-09-09 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Bart Terryn wrote:


 Sorry to insist.
 But here I am again...

 Stas wrote:
 Actually I haven't looked, I have tested with your code.
 Thanks a lot for going through the effort...

 Before setting the header I wasn't getting the unicode
 chars you put in the form back in the dump. After setting
 the header it did print out exacly the same unicode

 Well that is strange. I just changed my code and still am
 getting the endash back as code 150 and not as the 8212
 code (the way it went in).

If you're using ppm to install mod_perl, could you try the
latest version at There
were some changes made recently that may affect the above
problem. Note that the version in the mod_perl.ppd hasn't
changed, so you may have to uninstall mod_perl and then
install it to force ppm to upgrade.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Process exiting prematurely

2003-09-03 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Flowers, Jay wrote:
  Do you get this behavior with some particular script or
  just any kind? Does the same script work fine as
  All scripts, work the same.  They work fine under mod_cgi.

 Do normal handlers behave the same way? i.e. if you don't
 use registry but a complete handler:

 If the problem persists, make sure to submit a complete
 problem report here and may be someone on Windows XP will
 be able to help you. For more info see:

Seeing if normal handlers work would be a very good check.
And giving the information described at would also help.
I might also suggest checking that the mod_perl version
you have corresponds to the Apache version it was compiled
against (if you used the most recent ppm, this would be
against Apache 2.0.47) - if in doubt, try resinstalling
it, and make sure the is copied to your
Apache2 modules/ directory. You might also try putting in
a directive
   LoadFile /Path/to/Perl/bin/perl58.dll
before loading

best regards,
randy kobes

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Re: [Mason] Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request

2003-08-25 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, K Old wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I've put HTML::Mason on a few servers now and have had problems with
 Apache::Request and Apache::Test on two of them.  My most recent is
 having the problem and I'm about to go crazy if I don't figure out why
 installs keep having problems.

 Here's my setup:  RH 7.2, Apache 1.3.27, mod_perl 1.26, Perl 5.6.1 - all
 installed from RPM's.

 I did a install HTML::Mason from the CPAN command line and all the
 dependencies were downloaded and some didn't compile.  The two that
 didn't are Apache::Test-1.03 and libapreq-1.2.
[ .. ]
Regarding the failure of the tests in these two packages,
what happens if you unpack, build, and test these as
a non-root user, only becoming root to install them?
There's some subtelties running the tests as root.

best regards,
randy kobes

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Re: [Mason] Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request

2003-08-25 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, K Old wrote:

 On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 00:18, Randy Kobes wrote:
  On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, K Old wrote:
[ ... ]
   I did a install HTML::Mason from the CPAN command
   line and all the dependencies were downloaded and some
   didn't compile.  The two that didn't are
   Apache::Test-1.03 and libapreq-1.2.
  [ .. ]
  Regarding the failure of the tests in these two packages,
  what happens if you unpack, build, and test these as
  a non-root user, only becoming root to install them?
  There's some subtelties running the tests as root.


 Ok, yes, this a point!  I pulled down fresh
 copies of the modules from CPAN, unpacked, build and
 tested with another user.  All tests were successful with
 Apache::Test with the normal user, but I had to go to root
 for the tests for libapreq1.2 as my webserver needed the
 root user to start FrontPage services.

Is it possible to disable FrontPage just to see if the
libapreq tests are OK when run as another user?

 Doing the make test for
 libapreq-1.2 all test fail and I get this in the t/logs/error_log:

 [Mon Aug 25 08:49:12 2003] [error] Can't load
 '/home/admin/libapreq-1.2/blib/arch/auto/Apache/Cookie/' for
 module Apache::Cookie: cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/
 line 206.
[ ... ]
 I've tried to install from CPAN, but it says it's up to

That error message means that, which is required by
Apache::Cookie, couldn't be loaded. Do you have a under /home/admin/libapreq-1.2/blib/? And if so,
does it have the permissions set so that the user under
which the web server is running as can load it?

best regards,

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Re: [mp2] Child process exited

2003-08-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Jean-Sebastien Guay wrote:
  I just checked, and when the Apache crash occurs, nothing gets written
  to access_log. It would seem that the crash happens before the request
  is logged.

 That's possible, but at least you can see that it's not IE
 that generates some followup request that causes the
 crash, but the original one.

 Now you need to get the crash backtrace. You probably need
 to start the server under debugger and get the backtrace
 from there. (don't ask me how to do that on win32 ;)

I'll be back next week, and I could take a look at it
then ... One can get a (mod_perl) backtrace on Win32
by compiling it with MP_DEBUG=1, and when the crash
happens, an option is presented to call up the debugger.

I haven't been able to follow this in detail yet, but
I noticed that Apache::Reload was being used. Does anything
change if this (or any other non-essential modules) aren't
used? In other words, can you pare things down to a working
version, and then start adding things until a crash is

best regards,

RE: Apache::AuthenNTLM module with HP/Apache

2003-08-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Antony Batten wrote:


 Thanks very much for the quick response. Here's the info you wanted (I

 HP-UX_Apache-based_Web_Server/2.0.46 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_09 Perl/v5.6.1
 DAV/2 configured

 Can my career be saved? ;0)

 Thanks again,

 -Original Message-
 From: Shannon Eric Peevey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 13 August 2003 14:41
 To: Antony Batten
 Subject: Re: Apache::AuthenNTLM module with HP/Apache

 Antony Batten wrote:
[ .. ]
 We are trying to use the Apache::AuthenNTLM perl module with HP/Apache
 and mod_perl. We have prevented mod_perl from running our cgi-perl
 scripts (by using Apache directives to only use mod_perl for *PL
 files), as we want to use 5.8 for this, and the HP-supplied mod_perl is
 tied to 5.6.1
 Everything installs ok  the server starts ok. However, we get the
 following errors in the errorlog:
 [Fri Aug 08 13:39:47 2003] [error] failed to resolve handler
 `Apache::AuthenNTLM' [Fri Aug 08 13:39:47 2003] [error] [client] Can't find 'boot_Authen__Smb' symbol in
 /opt/perl5.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/ PA-RISC1.1/auto/Authen/Smb/
 Compilation failed in require at
 /opt/perl5.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/PA-RISC1.1/Apache/ line
 29. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 /opt/perl5.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/PA-RISC1.1/Apache/ line
 29. Compilation failed in require at (eval 5) line 3.

I'm not sure I'm following your setup - is the mod_perl
you're trying to use here compiled under Perl 5.6.1? And
Apache::AuthenNTLM was compiled under Perl 5.8.0? That
combination probably won't work in principle, as 5.6.1
and 5.8.0 are binary incompatible. If you're tied to
mod_perl compiled under 5.6.1, try compiling and using
an Apache::AuthenNTLM compiled under 5.6.1.

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: Apache::AuthenNTLM module with HP/Apache

2003-08-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Antony Batten wrote:

 Have asked the SA chappy to recompile the module as you
 suggested. Not sure if the approach you mention can be
 done though  I think HP don't want us to add anything
 to their mod_perl distribution by adding modules to the
 main location. Can't we compile the module against 5.6.1
 but then put it somewhere else, and add that location to

Sure - that's quite common to do. The details are in
perlfaq8, but basically one compiles things as
  perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/me/perllib \
INSTALLMAN1DIR=/home/me/man/man1 \
and 'make install' will place it under /home/me/perllib.
(make sure 'perl' above is your perl-5.6.1, as Shannon
mentioned). You can then either use the PERL5LIB environment
variable, or within your script or startup file, use
use lib qw(); to point to this location.

best regards,

Re: Trouble with Apache::Request

2003-08-06 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Jie Gao wrote:

 Hi All,

 perl-5.8.0 + mp1.99_10.

 I am having problem trying to get /perl-status work.

 It bombs out in at the following location:

 if (eval {require Apache::Request}) {
 $newQ ||= sub { Apache::Request-new(@_) };
 elsif (eval {require CGI}) {
 $newQ ||= sub { CGI-new; };
 else {
 die Need or Apache::Request to operate;

 But shouldn't Apache::Request be Apache::RequestRec?

Apache::Request is part of the libapreq package, a port of
which to Apache2 is still being developed.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: uwinnipeg site down (ppm installation)?

2003-08-01 Thread Randy Kobes

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Jean-Sebastien Guay wrote:

  Sorry about this - I had a hard disc crash, and am just in
  the process of restoring things. Computers are getting too
  smart - they know when you're vulnerable, and will act
  accordingly ... Hopefully it'll be ready in a day.

 Great job Randy! Got mod_perl installed, so I can now start bashing my
 code to see how much punishment it needs before agreeing to run on it!

I think most things are working now - please let me know
if something major's amiss ... I've copied the ppm packages
also over to, so
they can also be accessed there.

best regards,

Re: Current directory

2003-08-01 Thread Randy Kobes

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Jean-Sebastien Guay wrote:

 Hi Perrin,

 Thanks for both your answers. Indeed, for the other question, I was using
 CGI 2.91 instead of 2.93 (because that one isn't yet available for Perl 5.8
 via PPM). I'll find a way to upgrade it.

One way is to configure the CPAN module:
   C:\ perl -MCPAN -e shell
which, the first time you invoke it, will lead you through
a dialogue. You can accept most of the defaults, except
for the list of CPAN mirrors to use. Then, at the shell prompt, you can say
  cpan install CGI

Before doing this, you'll need Microsoft's nmake utility;
a link on where to get it appears in the Win32 configuration
page at

best regards,

Re: uwinnipeg site down (ppm installation)?

2003-07-31 Thread Randy Kobes

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, Jean-Sebastien Guay wrote:

 Ok, now the site seems to be back up (it responds to pings, whereas it
 didn't before) but trying to add it to ppm gives this:

 ppm rep add Apache Error:
 Unexpected Content-Type '' returned

 Does anyone know of a mirror? please? :-)

Sorry about this - I had a hard disc crash, and am just in
the process of restoring things. Computers are getting too
smart - they know when you're vulnerable, and will act
accordingly ... Hopefully it'll be ready in a day.

best regards,

Re: mod perl , windows/apache problem

2003-07-29 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Erik Browaldh wrote:

 I have written a program that takes argument from html-formula
 and read and write it to a textfile.

 When I tried it with perl mod 2, under windows with apache it
 doesnt work anymore. No new entries are written to the
 log-file.txt Ive tried chmod, especially r/w accesses but that
 doesnt seem to help.
[ ... ]

As Mustafa mentioned in another reply, you might want to
try it without the flock() below [and also perhaps try without
the alarm() call above]. Also, any messages in the error
log would be helpful.

[ ... ]
 open T,log-file.txt || die cant open T for write $!;
 flock T,2; # write lock
[ ... ]
 open (T,log-file.txt) || die Cant open file T for read $!;
 flock T,1;

As Stas explained in another thread today, the directory
in which these files have been opened may not be the one
in which your script resides. Try giving the full path to
any files you're opening.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Apache-print() problem with UTF-8 data in Perl 5.8

2003-07-29 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

 Is anybody going to take a serious look at the problem that I previously
 reported with Apache-print()'s handling of UTF-8 data in Perl 5.8?

 The patch that I sent
 seems to fix it for me on Windows as long as I've got perl #20203
 incorporated.  Does it work on other platforms?

 The #ifdef version-checks need a little work: on Windows (and other
 platforms [-- which ones?] that rely on Perl's to get symbols
 exported from the Perl library) you need perl-5.8.1; on other platforms
 the test for perl-5.8.0 should be fine.  The brokenness of
 Apache-print() under perl-5.8.0 on Windows et al would also need
 documenting somewhere since it can't be fixed properly.

 Maybe it's just easier to change the version-checks to 5.8.1 for all
 platforms, and document the broken behaviour under 5.8.0?

mod_perl 2 makes two special cases for handling systems that use
export files - Win32 and aix ($^O eq 'aix'). So these might
be the only two one has to worry about in this regard. I take
it this is a problem in principle on all platforms running
perl-5.8? If so, what might work is, for all platforms
running 5.8.x, apply the patch, except for Win32 and aix (I'm
not sure of aix), which would require 5.8.1. So something like

#if ( defined(WIN32) || defined(_AIX) )  PERL_SUBVERSION = 1


And then, as you say, document the broken behaviour under
Win32 (and aix?) for 5.8.0.

best regards,

Re: Apache-print() problem with UTF-8 data in Perl 5.8

2003-07-29 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

[ .. ]
 I agree entirely with your sentiment, but shouldn't the logic be more
 like this:

 #if PERL_VERSION = 8  ((!defined(WIN32)  !defined(_AIX)) ||

You're right - thanks.

best regards,

Re: Working directory of script is / !

2003-07-29 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, ColinB wrote:

 Well I commented out the following line in
 like this:

 #*chdir_file = \NOP;

 and added an identical definition to the above in my file
 like this:

 sub ModPerl::RegistryCooker::chdir_file {
 use File::Basename();
 my $file = @_ == 2 ? $_[1] : $_[0]-filename;
 my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($file);
 chdir $dir or die Can't chdir to $dir: $!;

 and then in my httpd.conf I replaced
PerlResponseHandler Apache::Registry
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
 and then re-started the server.

 But the printenv script just displays the working directory as /.

Try the following, instead of ModPerl::RegistryCooker::chdir_file

 sub chdir_file_normal {
 use File::Basename();
 my $file = @_ == 2 ? $_[1] : $_[0]-{FILENAME};
 my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($file);
 chdir $dir or die Can't chdir to $dir: $!;

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Looking for Apache::Dispatch PPD

2003-07-28 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Russell Lundberg wrote:

 Does anyone know where I might find a PPD file for
 Apache::Dispatch? I'm using Perl 5.6.1, Apache 1.3.27, mod_perl
 1.27_01 (From Randy Kobes' perl-win32-bin-0.10.exe binary) on
 Win98. I'm not able to find it on either Active State or Mr.
 Kobes' Theoryx5 PPM repositories.

I just made one up, which you can install as
  C:\ ppm install

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: mod_perl installation problem...

2003-07-24 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Jim Morrison [Mailing-Lists] wrote:
[ .. ]
 Make appeared to be successful yes (afaik)... I did wonder
 about the permissions thing but I tried as root to no avail..

Some people have had problems running the tests as root ... You
might want to try unpacking, building, and testing as some user
other than root, and only su to root when installing.

best regards,

Re: mod_perl installation problem...

2003-07-22 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Jim Morrison [Mailing-Lists] wrote:


 I've just come a cropper trying to reinstall mod_perl, and I'm a little
 desparate! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 (I've 'a' mod_perl/apache running fine, but I can't get Apache::Cookie
 running along with)

 I'm trying to install:
 + mod_perl-1.28

 My config for mod_perl is :
   APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.28/src \

 Though I've tried pretty much every variation on that with the same

 During 'make test' I keep getting:

 modules/request...NOK 1Test header seen more than once!
 modules/request...NOK 2Test header seen more than once!
 modules/request...FAILED tests 1-10
 Failed 10/10 tests, 0.00% okay
 Failed 1/34 test scripts, 97.06% okay. 10/318 subtests failed, 96.86%
 make: *** [run_tests] Error 29

 (also skips cookie, module and api)

 .. Thing is I've got a mod_perl running just fine - What I'm trying to
 do is install Apache::Cookie, but it won't because libapreq (1.2) is

It's strange that it runs modules/request but skips
modules/cookie, as both should be run by a successful install of
libapreq (which supplies Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie).
Might a partial install of libapreq been made? It might be worth
first tracking down the problems you had with libapreq, to see if
resolving those would help with these mod_perl problems.

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: clones and parents (bug report)

2003-07-18 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Marc M. Adkins wrote:

 -8-- Start Bug Report 8--
 1. Problem Description:

 #   Problem:  When I add PerlOptions +Parent I get a segfault.
 #   Breaks with:
 #   Windows 2000 SP2
 #   Apache  2.0.46
 #   ActiveState Perl 5.8.0 (build 804)
 #   mod_perl 1.99.10dev(installed using,
 #   re-installed TODAY to be safe)
 # C:\Apache2\conf\parental.conf
 LoadModule  perl_module modules/
 # Setup for named virtual hosts on port 80:

 NameVirtualHost *:80
 Listen  80


 VirtualHost *:80
   ServerAdmin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   DocumentRoot  C:/Apache2/htdocs
   PerlOptions   +Parent
   PerlSwitches  -wT

Just to verify, I also get this with ActivePerl 806,
Apache/2.0.47, and the current mod_perl cvs version.
Here's some partial debug information:

PERL58! 28083490()
PERL58! 280648b5()
modperl_perl_destruct(interpreter * 0x0089c794):
   line 130 + 9 bytes: modperl_perl.c
modperl_interp_destroy(modperl_interp_t * 0x008a47c8):
   line 128 + 12 bytes: modperl_interp.c
modperl_interp_pool_destroy(void * 0x00869b78):
   line 184 + 12 bytes: modperl_interp.c
run_cleanups(cleanup_t * * 0x0089a7a8):
   line 1980: httpd-2.0.47\srclib\apr\memory\unix\apr_pools.c
apr_pool_destroy(apr_pool_t * 0x00401585):
line 758: httpd-2.0.47\srclib\apr\memory\unix\apr_pools.c
main(int 0x00401d82, const char * const * 0x0001) line 619
APACHE! mainCRTStartup + 227 bytes
KERNEL32! 77e7eb69()

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: modperl2 Apache::HTTP_FORBIDDEN... [long post]

2003-07-17 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:

  Have you imported them?
  use Apache::Const compile -qw(Apache::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
  All the available Apache:: constants are listed here:

 I have included the bare minimum of the code from the module,
 (Apache::AuthenNTLM).  It is still acting as if I have not
 imported the modules, but I have changed require to use,
 moved the use  statements into various places of the module
 to see if they would catch it, and nothing doing...  I am at
 the end of my wits.  If someone would have a minute to see if
 they can see why the Constants within the sub handler would
 not be found, (though they are imported), that would be a great
 thanks and help :)  I am running apache 2.0.46 and mod_perl
 1.99_09, perl 5.6.1 on a Debian machine.

 package Apache::AuthenNTLM ;
[ .. ]
 use constant MP2 = ($mod_perl::VERSION = 1.99);

 # test for the version of mod_perl, and use the appropriate libraries
 if (MP2) {
 require Apache::Const;
 require Apache::Access;
 require Apache::Connection;
 require Apache::Log;
 require Apache::RequestRec;
 require Apache::RequestUtil;
 apache::Const-import(-compile =
This might be a typo, but if you change that to Apache::Const
(upper case 'A'), does that help?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: informational notice in Makefile.PL

2003-07-15 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:

 Here is an example of my Makefile.PL using ModUtils::AutoInstall:
[ ... ]
 I then add the necessary code inside of the .pm file to check
 the version of mod_perl on the machine and perform
 appropriately. (I hope... ;) )  This allows a module to live in
 both worlds, and removes the necessity of supporting two code
 bases.  I think that this type of porting will help authors to
 go ahead and port their modules, expanding the mp2 module base,
 and alleviate fears of jumping off of a cliff and leaving mp1

ExtUtils::AutoInstall is pretty powerful, and flexible. It does
though add an extra external dependency that the end user must
normally install. For some packages (eg, those supplying custom
config directives that must 'use mod_perl;' right within
Makefile.PL to build), this is probably the easiest approach. For
other, less complicated dependencies, though, that still need
something extra beyond the standard ExtUtils::MakeMaker and
friends, Module::Install might be a simpler approach - there's
nothing extra that the user has to install, as the code for any
additional functionality is included within the distribution.

best regards,

Re: Apache dont run

2003-07-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, AROSO Jose Antonio wrote:

 I install the all in one package which contain the modperl 2.0
 and de apache server 2.0.46. But after install when i write in
 command line apache to run the server appears The dynamic
 link library libxml2.dll could not be found. What do i do?

That's because some XML::* modules are being loaded in the
example supplied with the distribution, and it
can't find the needed libxml2.dll. You have several options:
- add C:/Perl/bin (or wherever you installed Perl) to your
PATH environment variable;
- put C:/Perl/bin/libxml2.dll somewhere in the PATH that
Apache uses;
- use a LoadFile directive in httpd.conf to load libxml2.dll;
- if you don't need the XML::* modules, comment out the
relevant lines in

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: informational notice in Makefile.PL

2003-07-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

[ ... ]
 Are you talking about the dependencies list? by 'the current
 state of affairs with mod_perl 2.0', you mean that it's not
 indexed by PAUSE. It's available from CPAN.

 Actually, once it gets indexed by CPAN it'll break all the
 other modules which specify mod_perl (1.0) as a dependency and
 won't work with 2.0.

Perhaps it might be an idea, at this stage, to recommend to
module authors that, if their package is for mod_perl 1 only, to
use a module like Apache::Constants in their PREREQ_PM (ie,
something available only within mod_perl 1), and if it's for
mod_perl 2 only, use something like Apache::Const, or something
available only with mod_perl 2. This won't help existing
packages, but it would at least alert people that a problem is on
the horizon.

To help in this, perhaps it would be worthwhile to promote the
use of Module::Install? A package (Module::Install::mod_perl?)
could be made which would make available a function to test for
the mod_perl version a user has, and then decide if this is
appropriate for the package about to be installed. If the
required mod_perl version isn't present, one could either offer
to add the required version to PREREQ_PM, or else just die, as
automated installs of mod_perl can be tricky. A lot of the code
for this could be extracted from Apache::Test; Stas, you've also
worked through this logic in making packages that include
different versions for different mod_perl versions.  Only the
package author need have Module::Install::* when constructing the
Makefile.PL - the necessary stuff for the added functionality is
added to the distribution, making it transparent to the user.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: mod_perl 2.0 and cookies

2003-07-11 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Jamie Krasnoo wrote:

 So I've decided to dive headlong into 2.0. So far I like it but
 find the documentation lacking and there seems to be a lot
 missing. I tried Apache::Cookie with it, no dice. It gave an
 error to the effect that it didn't know what bootstrap was (I
 think that was it). Apache::Cookie made inserting cookies in
 mod_perl 1.0 so easy which in turn made life easier for
 programming. However I have scoured the documentation on how to
 insert a cookie into the header and the only thing I could come
 up with is that you use a filter to do it. Somehow I don't
 think that this is right and I am completely off. Could someone
 enlighten me as to how cookies work in MP2? If I can get past
 this I can figure out the rest on my own and maybe write a
 little documentation if I can understand it enough to do so.

It wasn't clear to me - are you using the development version of
httpd-apreq-2? The CPAN version of libapreq are for mod_perl 1 -
you'll need httpd-apreq-2 (available via cvs) for Apache 2.

If you are using Apache::Cookie of httpd-apreq-2, at this point,
probably the simplest way to see examples of the basic usage is
to go through the tests, under glue/perl/t/. Documentation
patches would be welcome - it would be easiest to subscribe to
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list and submit them

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: mod_perl 2.0 and cookies

2003-07-11 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Ross Matt-QMR000 wrote:

 I would really like to be removed from this list but the
 un-scribe does not work for me. the problem is the mail address
 that I used way back when has been aliases to different

Try sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for some suggestions.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: FAIL mod_perl-1.28 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread 4.0

2003-07-08 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, DH wrote:

 This distribution has been tested as part of the cpan-testers
 effort to test as many new uploads to CPAN as possible.  See

 Please cc any replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to keep other
 test volunteers informed and to prevent any duplicate effort.
 E:\new\mod_perl-1.28perl Makefile.PL NO_HTTPD=1
 APACHE_SRC=E:\Apache INSTALL_DLL=E:\Apache\modules
[ ... ]
 LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file

Thanks for raising this - the problem was that the drive letters
weren't included in the dsp file. This is fixed in the mod_perl
cvs sources.

best regards,
randy kobes

[win32] mod_perl 1 and ActivePerl 8xx

2003-07-05 Thread Randy Kobes
In the current mod_perl 1 cvs repository there's now a workaround
that allows mod_perl 1 to compile against Win32 ActivePerl 8xx
and Apache/1.3. I've put up a ppm package of this under
which you can access by setting the repository within
the ppm shell to

However, within this same location, there's already a mod_perl
package for mod_perl 2 (associated with mod_perl.ppd), so the
mod_perl 1 package is named mod_perl-1, and corresponding
mod_perl-1.ppd file. Installing this should run a post-install
script to copy the Apache module to your
Apache/modules directory - if this doesn't work, you can grab from
and install it manually to Apache/modules/

In this repository there's also ppm packages of some Apache
modules. Those tied to mod_perl-1 for some reason have a '-1'
appended to their names; currently there's
libapreq-1 (for Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie)
Embperl-1 (based on Embperl-2.0b9)
AxKit-1 (based on AxKit-1.61)
Apache-Template-1 (for Template-Toolkit)
Apache-Filter-1 (the mod_perl 1 version)
Apache-ASP and HTML-Mason, also available in this repository,
don't have the '-1' appended to their name, as they work in
principle with either mod_perl 1 or 2.

All the above packages, including mod_perl-1, either passed
all their supplied tests or failed a handful which didn't look
any worse than the ActivePerl 6xx counterparts. They also worked
with some quick tests on a real server (running Apache/1.3.27 and
WinXP). However, there are some major differences between between
ActivePerl 6xx and 8xx - if you use these packages, and find some
strange behaviour, feel free to ask on this list; for this, it'd
help to have the Perl and Apache versions used, what the error
was, and as brief an example as possible that invokes the

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: [ANNOUNCE] mod_perl-1.28

2003-07-04 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

 Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
 The URL
 has entered CPAN
 I still get the same test failures that I reported before when
 RC2 was announced:

 modules/request...FAILED tests 3-8
 Failed 6/10 tests, 40.00% okay

 Setup: Windows XP, Perl 5.8.0, Apache 1.3.27, Apache-Test 1.03,
 libapreq-1.2 (built/installed *after* mod_perl 1.28).

 I used to have All tests successful under mp-1.27.

This may be a problem with libapreq - the mod_perl
t/modules/request.t tests, among other things, the sizes involved
with file uploads. The error log you posted earlier reported a
difference in these sizes for three (text) files, with a binary
(gif) file apparently OK (interestingly, with a patch I posted
earlier to allow Win32 ActivePerl 8xx to be used with mod_perl 1
(with LARGE_FILES support), I get a failure with the gif file,
but not the text files). Anyway, could you see if the following
helps (applied to the libapreq sources)? For me, this allows all
the mod_perl t/modules/request tests to pass.

Index: Request/Request.xs
RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-apreq/Request/Request.xs,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -r1.36 Request.xs
--- Request/Request.xs  25 Jun 2003 07:59:37 -  1.36
+++ Request/Request.xs  4 Jul 2003 05:32:59 -
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
 if (fd  0)

-if ( !(RETVAL = PerlIO_fdopen(fd, r)) )
+if ( !(RETVAL = PerlIO_fdopen(fd, rb)) )
 if (  ( RETVAL = PerlIO_importFILE(fp,0) ) == NULL  )
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
PerlIO *fp;

fd = PerlLIO_dup(fd);
-   if (!(fp = PerlIO_fdopen(fd, r))) {
+if (!(fp = PerlIO_fdopen(fd, rb))) {
croak(fdopen failed!);

The first r - rb change (which affects the mod_perl tests)
is only relevant for Perl  5.7, which is why this problem didn't
arise on Win32 with Perl-5.6. Also, I think this r - rb
doesn't have any effect on Unix, but I haven't tested this.

best regards,

Re: Please help newbie with Module problem.

2003-07-02 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Matt Corbett wrote:

 Dear List,
 I have got a problem that I can't fix no way, no how.

 I am porting a Linux website to xp pro.
  I need to use the Apache::Request module on a range of
 programs to use POST and GET methods in my HTML to process
 information gathered.

 The port I am using is the Activestate Apache/1.3.27 (Win32)
 mod_ssl/2.8.14 OpenSSL/0.9.7b mod_perl/1.27_01-dev

 I have installed 'Apache::Request with perl -MCPAN -e shell' and
 'install Apache::Request' . and if I try to run the install I get a
 message saying 'Apache::Request is up to date'
  I dont seem to be able to test the module becuase I cannot
 make it with NMAKE.EXE, is this necessary. I use nmake15.exe
 should I be using a later one.

To build the module, you'll need a C compiler (Visual C++ 6, if
you want compatibility with ActivePerl). But since
believes Apache::Request is up to date, you probably have a
working version, in principle. Does
   C:\ perl -MApache::Request -e print 1
produce any error?

 The @INC is c:\perl\lib and c:\perl\site\lib

 The is in /perl/site/lib/apache

 however when I run the following code

 #!c:/perl/bin/perl -w
  use Apache ();
 use Apache::Request ();
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 my $r = Apache::Request-new(shift);
 # my $apr = Apache::Request-new($r);
 print  Content-type:text/html\n\n;
 print Hello, World...\n;
 print $r;
 print @INC;
  I receive the message Can't locate object method new via
 package Apache::Request (perhaps you forgot to load
 Apache::Request?) at c:\apache\cgi-bin\ line 6.

This script ran fine for me under Apache::Registry with
ActivePerl 635 / mod_perl 1.27 / Apache 1.3.27. From where are
you running it? And does a simple Apache::Registry script that
just prints out Hello work from the same location?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: FW: Please help newbie with Module problem.

2003-07-02 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Matt Corbett wrote:

 Yes, mod/perl/html scripts are fine except if I try to use
 Apache::Request. I can even 'use' it but the problem arises
 when I try to utilise it with the 'new' method.

The fact that you can 'use' it (without doing anything with it)
is encouraging, as that means the files are probably in the
expected places, and Apache/mod_perl can use/load them.

Does it help if you put a
   PerlModule Apache::Request
directive in, before the directives defining your registry

best regards,

RE: FW: Please help newbie with Module problem.

2003-07-02 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Matt Corbett wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Kobes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 02 July 2003 19:39
 To: Matt Corbett
 Subject: Re: FW: Please help newbie with Module problem.

 Does it help if you put a
PerlModule Apache::Request
 directive in, before the directives defining your registry location?

 Does'nt seem to make any difference.

Strange  On the off-chance, does stopping completely
the server, then restarting it, plus also clearing the
cache from the browser, do anything?

best regards,

Re: Stupid question of the day...

2003-06-25 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've built and installed a new Apache (2.0.46) with mod_ssl and
 mod_perl... My goal is authentication via NIS, so I have the
 following in an .htaccess file:

 AuthName TEST
 AuthType Basic
 PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenNIS;
 require valid-user

 My efforts, however, have been thwarted by the following error message:

 Wed Jun 25 15:44:54 2003] [error] failed to resolve handler
 `Apache::AuthenNIS;' [Wed Jun 25 15:44:55 2003] [error] [client] Can't locate object method boot via package
 mod_perl::boot at /opt/apache/lib/perl/Apache/
 line 8. Compilation failed in require at
 /opt/apache/lib/perl/Apache/ line 4. BEGIN
 failed--compilation aborted at
 /opt/apache/lib/perl/Apache/ line 4. Compilation
 failed in require at (eval 6) line 1.

Apache::Constants is a mod_perl 1 package, whereas you're using
mod_perl 2 (for Apache 2). If use of Apache::compat isn't enough
to get this working, some porting of the module may be required -
see the discussion of porting Apache Perl modules from mod_perl 1
to 2 at

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Problem building libapreq-1.2

2003-06-25 Thread Randy Kobes

[ adding the apreq-dev list ]

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Chris Pizzo wrote:

 At 04:50 PM 6/24/2003, Chris Pizzo wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to install libapreq-1.2 on my redhat 8.0 system.
[ .. ]
 and when i run make i get a bunch of errors:
 Request.xs:41:22: mod_perl.h: No such file or directory
 Request.xs:87: parse error before SV
 I built mod_perl with the EVERYTHING=1 switch.
[ .. ]
 When I do :
 locate mod_perl.h

 I get:

 http server-info shows the mod_perl module loaded

 I'm not sure why the header files aren't copied.  I checked
 another install I did and they are there.

 I guess I should also say I am building Apache using DSO

I take it that you installed mod_perl from
/home/Chrisp/mod_perl-1.27/ into your system Perl tree,
and are not using it from their (via a PERL5LIB setting,
for example)?

If you did install things into your Perl system tree,
did it try to install the header files? If it did,
but failed, was an error reported?

   bash$ perl -MApache::src -e print Apache::src-new-inc
report one of the directories under which mod_perl.h is

best regards,

Re: win32 + apache2 + mysql

2003-06-25 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Joshua Burley wrote: found here:


 No blib in that path though. The only blib paths I see are:

  C:\Documents and Settings\ben\Local Settings\Temp\mod_perl-764\blib\

 But, no Storables in there either.

 If trying to update Storable, everything reports back as up to
 date. Same with the Apache-Session modules.

 We'll continue to work on it, trying to remove the warning
 about Storable...

 Any other ideas?

I'm not sure this would help, but you might try installing
Apache::Session yourself, rather than via ppm. You'll need nmake,
which is available for free from Microsoft's site. Not all the
tests will pass, but it might be revealing to see the results of

best regards,

Re: [mp1] 1.28 release candidate #2

2003-06-24 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

 Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:

 On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 23:00, Steve Hay wrote:
 Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
 Now bringing you the second mod_perl 1.28 release candidate.
 Windows XP, Apache 1.3.27, Perl 5.8.0:
 Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
 modules/request.t   106  60.00%  3-8
 Is it possible that you have an older version of
 Apache::Request lying around that was not recompiled against
 this new mod_perl ? (hapenned to me more than once)
 I did initially have libapreq-1.1 compiled against mp-1.27.
 I've now tried 1.2 compiled against the new mod_perl, and I
 still get the same result.  (I have Apache-Test 1.03 in place,
 if that's at all relevant.)

Did the libapreq-1.2 tests pass?

Also, what's your 'perl -V'? mod_perl 1 with ActivePerl 8xx
(based on perl-5.8) doesn't build, due to the addition of
LARGE_FILES support, so you must have disabled that.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Problem building libapreq-1.2

2003-06-24 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Chris Pizzo wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am trying to install libapreq-1.2 on my redhat 8.0 system.  I keep
 getting these warnings when i run perl Makefile.PL:

 Warning: -L../blib/arch/auto/libapreq changed to
 Warning: -L../blib/arch/auto/libapreq changed to

These warnings are OK ...

 and when i run make i get a bunch of errors:
 Request.xs:41:22: mod_perl.h: No such file or directory
 Request.xs:87: parse error before SV

Did you install mod_perl after building it?

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: Problem building libapreq-1.2

2003-06-24 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Chris Pizzo wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Kobes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:14 PM
 To: Chris Pizzo
 Subject: Re: Problem building libapreq-1.2

 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Chris Pizzo wrote:
[ .. ]
  and when i run make i get a bunch of errors:
  Request.xs:41:22: mod_perl.h: No such file or directory
  Request.xs:87: parse error before SV

 Did you install mod_perl after building it?
 -End Original Message-

 Yes I did install the mod perl. I even brought up the apache test page
 indicating it was installed.

If you do a
   bash$ locate mod_perl.h
do you see mod_perl.h installed in the Perl tree, and that
Perl corresponds to the same Perl as with which you're
building things with?

best regards,

Re: win32 + apache2 + mysql

2003-06-21 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Joshua Burley wrote:

 Hey all,

   I'm having some trouble with mod_perl and mysql on Win32
 and Apache2 (used the all-in-one package to install).

   Our app stores the user's session data into mysql with
 Apache::Session, with the session id stored as a cookie.
 Standard stuff... When we're testing it with our browsers, it
 seems to run fine. We immediately run into problems when we
 test it under load with flood. Right away the server become
 unresponsive to our browsers, and the apache server goes so far
 as to restart itself!

   I've pasted some of the errors from the logs, below.

   Has anyone seen behavior like this before?

 [Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry:
 Storable binary image v3.3 more recent than I am (v2.6) at
 blib\lib\ (autosplit into
 blib\lib\auto\Storable\ line 358, at
 line 27
 [Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry:
 Object #4618 should have been retrieved already at
 blib\lib\ (autosplit into
 blib\lib\auto\Storable\ line 358, at
 line 27

It might be an idea to address the problem with Storable, to see
if that's ultimately at fault. It sounds like there's a version
conflict there - can you try upgrading Storable
( has a ppm package). You might
then also try reinstalling Apache-Session (it doesn't require a C
compiler to build) to see if that helps.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: win32 + apache2 + mysql

2003-06-21 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Joshua Burley wrote:

 On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Randy Kobes wrote:

  On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Joshua Burley wrote:
   Hey all,
 I'm having some trouble with mod_perl and mysql on Win32
   and Apache2 (used the all-in-one package to install).
 Our app stores the user's session data into mysql with
   Apache::Session, with the session id stored as a cookie.
   Standard stuff... When we're testing it with our browsers, it
   seems to run fine. We immediately run into problems when we
   test it under load with flood. Right away the server become
   unresponsive to our browsers, and the apache server goes so far
   as to restart itself!
 I've pasted some of the errors from the logs, below.
   [Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry:
   Storable binary image v3.3 more recent than I am (v2.6) at
   blib\lib\ (autosplit into
   blib\lib\auto\Storable\ line 358, at
   line 27
   [Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry:
  Object #4618 should have been retrieved already at
   blib\lib\ (autosplit into
   blib\lib\auto\Storable\ line 358, at
   line 27
  It might be an idea to address the problem with Storable, to see
  if that's ultimately at fault. It sounds like there's a version
  conflict there - can you try upgrading Storable
  ( has a ppm package). You might
  then also try reinstalling Apache-Session (it doesn't require a C
  compiler to build) to see if that helps.
 Yeah, that's the very first thing we tried... checking the latest
 from theoryx5, as well as everything we could find from CPAN. From Storable,
 to Apache-Session, to the DBI/DBD modules. :/

 We're trying to move away from the VelociGen perl appserver and thought
 we had it, until this load test.

Do you know where the blib in blib\lib\
from the error log is located? It sounds like it's using
a blib/ subdirectory from some source directory where
something was built - this would be fine if that's
what was intended, but perhaps this is unintentional?

best regards,

Re: Error: Dynamic Link Library libxml2.dll could not be found inthe specified path

2003-06-20 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Lynette Tillner wrote:

 Hi, this is my first post.  I just installed a binary
 distribution for Win32 of Perl 5.8.0 and Apache 2.046 together
 with mod_per-1.99 ( by Randy Kobes, May 29, 2003).

 I installed it on a Windows 98 SE machine first.  The install
 seemed to work fine there were some errors when I was following
 the steps to build the .html files.  But the Apache server
 won't load.  I get the following error when I type apache at
 the d:\apache2\bin window dos prompt:

 d:\apache2\binapache [Fri Jun 20 08:57:22 2003] [error] Can't
 load 'D:/Perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/Common/Common.dll' for
 module XML::LibXML::Common: load_file:One of the library files
 needed to run this application cannot be found at
 d:/Perl/lib/ line 229.
  at D:/Perl/site/lib/XML/ line 11 Complilation failed
 in require at d:/Perl/site/lib/XML/ line 11. BEGIN
 failed--compilation aborted at D:/Perl/site/lib/XML/
 line 11. Complilation failed in require at
 D:/Apache2/conf/ line 18. Complilation failed in
 require at (eval 1) line 1.

 [Fri Jun 20 08:57:22 2003] [error] Can't load Perl file:
 D:/Apache2/conf/ for server localhost:80. exiting...

 Can anyone please help me resolve this?  I haven't found
 anything on the web that addresses this error!  I need to get
 this working so that an offline demo can take place on Tuesday!
 Thanks for any help!

I think this is due to some lines in the sample script
under D:/Apache2/conf/ supplied in the distribution that preload
some XML::* perl modules. If you don't need these modules, just
delete or comment out these lines. If you intend on using these
modules, then either copy libxml2.dll (found under D:/Perl/bin/)
to a place in your PATH environment variable that Apache
recognizes, or else add D:/Perl/bin/ to your PATH.

Hope this helps.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Current directory

2003-06-17 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Oskar wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Thomas Klausner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: Current directory

  On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 02:19:49AM +0200, Oskar wrote:
   when I am executing perl script on Apache it seems that the
   current directory is not the directory where the script is
   located but the directory c:\program files\apache
   group\apache. I need current dir to be the script dir since
   i have some pm in the script directories. I have apache
   1.3.27 and mod_perl 1.
 I already read that article before posted the message here but
 it does not solve the problem: I am running more than one web
 so the adding of each particular directory seems to me little
 bit dumb. Also i dont see the reason why the current dir should
 be changed to the dir different from the script dir. Any other
 suggestion to solve it?

You might try the FindBin module; from the docs,

FindBin - Locate directory of original perl script

 use FindBin;
 use lib $FindBin::Bin/../lib;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
 use lib $Bin/../lib;

However, note the following:

If there are two modules using FindBin from different
directories under the same interpreter, this won't work. Since
FindBin uses BEGIN block, it'll be executed only once, and
only the first caller will get it right. This is a problem under
mod_perl and other persistent Perl environments, where you
shouldn't use this module. Which also means that you should avoid
using FindBin in modules that you plan to put on CPAN. The only
way to make sure that FindBin will work is to force the BEGIN
block to be executed again:

  delete $INC{''};
  require FindBin;

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Need help again

2003-06-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Oskar wrote:

 Hi, Thx for help, finally installing Apache 1.3 put mod_perl to
 work. I have another question.  Now I have Apache configured to
 interpret in perl all files in particular directory. But I want
 perl to be accessible on whole site and just files with
 particular extensions should be interpreted in perl. Is it
 possible to do it? Oskar descibes various
ways of configuring Apache to permit CGI execution.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Help pls

2003-06-13 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Oskar wrote:

 Hi, I have probs with installing mod_perl onto apache server.
 PPM installed the mod_perl without probs so I added the
 LoadModule perl_module modules/ directive into
 http.conf. Now everytime apache is starting it does not start
 and returns error message: Syntax error on line 992 of
 c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/modules/ into
 server: Module was not found. The file is in
 correct location. Spent hours searching web for solution but
 only thing I've found is to add LoadFile
 C:/Perl/bin/perl56.dll into http.conf before the LoadModule
 perl_module modules/ directive but it does not
 work neither. Can someone help me pls? I have xp professional,
 ver. of Apache 2.0.46 and built of perl is 635. Oskar

As is described under,
ActivePerl 6xx doesn't work well with mod_perl 2. If you're
wanting to stick with 6xx, you'll have to get Apache/1.3 and
mod_perl 1. If you want to use Apache/2.0 and mod_perl 2, you'll
have to get ActivePerl 8xx (based on perl-5.8).

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: getting *any* variables out of the server environment

2003-06-09 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Ryan Muldoon wrote:


   Thanks for the explanation.  Unfortunately, I think I am
 still a little unclear as to how to proceed.  If I understand
 you correctly, my first method is completely wrongheaded.  (I
 tried this because it is how the Writing Apache Modules with
 Perl and C does it. p.327)  So it sounds like the second way
 is the appropriate usage for subprocess_env().  But it seems
 like you're saying that I shouldn't be using that at all.
 Specifically, here is what I'd like to get out of the
 environment: SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O and things of
 that nature.  According to mod_ssl's documentation, these are
 put in ENV upon processing of a client certificate.  Ideally,
 I'd like to make which fields to extract configurable, so I
 don't want to hard-code.

 Currently, I have
 in my httpd.conf, but it doesn't seem to make any kind of difference.
 To make sure it isn't just mod_ssl being lame for some reason, I've
 tried it with DOCUMENT_ROOT and other standard ENV variables.  But to no
 avail. :(

Do you have a
   SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
directive inside the relevant location of your httpd.conf?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Trouble with Apache::Request

2003-06-08 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 7 Jun 2003, K Old wrote:
[ .. ]
 Stas, thanks for your reply.  I downloaded the CVS source and
 it still failed all tests.  Below is the output from make test
 and the output from perl -V.  Any help is appreciated!

Another thing that may be worth trying - if you've installed
libapreq, try going back to the mod_perl sources and running
those tests again. Do the modules/request.t and modules/cookie.t
tests pass, or if not, do you receive the same errors?

best regards,

Re: Trouble with Apache::Request

2003-06-08 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, K Old wrote:

 On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 01:50, Randy Kobes wrote:
  On Fri, 7 Jun 2003, K Old wrote:
  [ .. ]
   Stas, thanks for your reply.  I downloaded the CVS source and
   it still failed all tests.  Below is the output from make test
   and the output from perl -V.  Any help is appreciated!
  Another thing that may be worth trying - if you've installed
  libapreq, try going back to the mod_perl sources and running
  those tests again. Do the modules/request.t and modules/cookie.t
  tests pass, or if not, do you receive the same errors?

 Well, I've recompile a fresh version of Perl 5.8.0 (without threads),
 Apache, mod_perl and PHP and still no luckon that box.  I have
 another Mandrake 9.0 box and tried to compile the new libapreq that Stas
 pointed to from CVS and got the following errors  Any suggestions?

 I did:

 perl Makefile.PL -httpd /usr/sbin/httpd  make test

 And got:

 In file included from apache_request.c:59:
 apache_request.h:5:19: httpd.h: No such file or directory
[ .. ]
Is /usr/sbin/httpd is a symbolic link to a real httpd, which
could be something like /usr/local/httpd/bin/httpd? And is this
httpd the one you compiled? If so, try giving the full path to
this httpd as the Makefile.PL argument (there should be a
/usr/local/httpd/include/ directory which has the header (.h)
files that couldn't be found).

best regards,

Re: install upgrade for mod_perl+apache 2.046 onto apache 2.044question

2003-06-08 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Beau E. Cox wrote:

 Hi -
   - Original Message -
   From: dan martin
   Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 11:08 AM
   Subject: install upgrade for mod_perl+apache 2.046 onto apache 2.044 question

 I have apache 2.044 installed on win2k. I want to install the
 mod_perl which comes with apache included (version 2.046).

 What do I need to do with the current 2.044 version before
 installing the new version? Do I uninstall it, stop it, or
 nothing? Once I install the new version what are the steps to
 revert back to the old version if I run into problems?

 This is an active site, so I do not want to figure this out by
 experimentation, if possible.

   It's been a while since I've installed on Windows, but here goes:

   1. Wait 'till the wee hours.
   2. Stop your current server.
   3. Uninstall the service (apache -k uninstall (?)).
   4. Back it up.
   5. If memory serves, Apache 2 is pretty well self contained in one directory;
   C:\Apache2 (?). Rename this directory to something like
   6. Download/install your new Apache2.
   7. Copy your configuration file(s) from old to new - you shouldn't have to make
  any changes between 44 and 46. Don't worry about setting
  up mod_perl yet.
   8 Start your new server and test.
   9. If all is well, install the service (apache -k install (?)) and reboot and
   test again.

   Now you can move on to mod_perl. To revert:

   1. Stop new
   2. Uninstall service.
   3. rename C:\Apache2 to C:\
   4. rename C:\Apache2.old to C:\Apache2.
   5. install service.
   6. start old.

I don't really have much to add to what Beau nicely summarized,
save for, if you're installing the Perl/Apache/mod_perl package
from, you should also back
up your present Perl directory in the same way as you'll do for
Apache2. There's a configuration script that'll be run in this
package which will change some conf files based on your installed
location, so it's easiest to install things to their final
destinations before running this. But before installing this
package, as Beau said, rename your current Apache2 and Perl
directories, so as nothing gets overwritten by the install.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Trouble with Apache::Request

2003-06-06 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, K Old wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I'm having trouble getting Apache::Request installed on my
 Mandrake 9.0 system.  Let me first say that I'm not using the
 Apache that came with Mandrake 9.0.  I downloaded Apache
 1.3.27, mod_perl 1.27 and PHP 4.3.1 sources and compiled and
 installed them.  Everything works fine with Apache, mod_perl
 and PHP, except when I need to use Apache::Request (trying to
 use Alzabo browser interface).  BTW, the version of Perl is

 When trying to build Apache::Request, here's what I get when I
 do the make test.  I can force the install, but the same error
 comes up when I try to load Apache::Request as a PerlModule in
 httpd.conf or when Alzabo calls it.

 I've scoured mailing list, Google groups and books and can't find any

 Any chance I should build perl without the threads?  I've heard that can
 be the cause of a lot of problems.
[ .. ]
 t/httpd -f `pwd`/t/httpd.conf Syntax error on line 31 of
 /root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.1/t/httpd.conf: Can't load
 for module Apache::Request: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory at
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line
  at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/
 line 14
 Compilation failed in require at (eval 16) line 3.

 Any help is greatly appreciated!

If there's more than one Apache on your system, it may be that
libapreq found the wrong one. Does it help any if you specify
explicitly the desired Apache at the 'perl Makefile.PL' stage, as
discussed in the install file of the distribution?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: MOD_PERL 2.0?

2003-05-30 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 29 May 2003, FARRINGTON, RYAN wrote:

 -- I don;t know if the first message was sent but here it is
 again -- just as a test I used the ALL in ONE package to get
 this installed and it works like a champ except for
 Apache::compat errors with something about line 68. =( I don't
 have the error infront of me but it is something like method
 not defined.

It would help to know
- what operating system you're using,
- what minimal script and configuration set off the error,
- what the error was. 

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Mod_Perl 2?

2003-05-30 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 29 May 2003, Ryan Farrington wrote:

 Ok here is the error I get when using the all-in-one install for
 mod_perl 2.0
 Can't locate object method server_root_relative via package Apache
 at e:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 69.
 Compilation failed in require at line 13.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 13.

Are you invoking from the command line:
   C:\Apache2\conf perl
If so, this won't work - it needs to be loaded within
the Apache environnment, upon starting Apache. Does Apache 
start OK with this 

best regards,

Re: Can't use sendmail more than once

2003-05-29 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 29 May 2003, Greg Dutkowski wrote:

 I have migrated my site from IIS and Active State to Apache 1.3
 and mod_perl on a Windows machine. I use the site to send
 emails to registered users using Mail::sendmail through our
 SMTP server (another machine).
 With Apache I can only send emails once after I start the
 Apache server, thereafter it tells me it can't connect to the
 SMTP server. Restarting the Apache server leads to again being
 able to only send emails once.
 Any ideas?

After it sends the mail, can you tell if the connection to the
smtp server is still open? If so, can you explicitly disconnect
from your script? Also, is this a script (or handler) run under
mod_perl? If so, does this occur only under mod_perl, or does the
same thing occur when mod_perl is disabled and an ordinary cgi
script is used? If it is run under mod_perl, are all further
server connections blocked after the first mail is sent, or is it
just the smtp connection that's blocked?

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: [error] Can't locate in @INC

2003-05-29 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 28 May 2003, Brown, Jeffrey wrote:

 Do you mean give the path in my perl script?
 So the line in my code:
 use CGI qw(:standard);
 would be:
 use /usr/libdata/perl5/CGI qw(:standard);

I think what Perrin had in mind was to try, in your CGI
script, something like
   open(FILE, '/usr/libdata/perl5/')
  or die Cannot read $!;
This would test if the user under which the web
server is running under has permission to open

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: [mp2.0] W2000, Apache 2.0.43 + mod_perl 1.99_09 does not start

2003-04-04 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Melchior, Matthijs wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Randy Kobes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 17:59
  On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Melchior, Matthijs wrote:
 We have a problem getting mod_perl to run on a W2000 server.
   It does work on another machine running WinNT4, so I think there are
   no errors in my configuration files.
   176: LoadModule perl_module modules/
   C:\Apache2\bin.\apache -t
   Syntax error on line 176 of C:/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
   Cannot load C:/Apache2/modules/ into server:
The specified procedure could not be found.
   We think there is something missing on the W2000 server, but have run
   out of idea's what that could be.!
  Unfortunately, even if you get this working, you may encounter
  problems with mod_perl 2 with ActivePerl 6xx (based on
  perl-5.6.1), due to some threading issues that have been
  addressed in ActivePerl 8xx (based on perl-5.8.0). Is it possible
  to upgrade to ActivePerl 805?
 This is unfortunate, we are reluctant to upgrade to perl 5.8 before
 this issue is resolved.[Or is this problem more than a
 performance problem and is it impossible to get perl56 and mod_perl 2
 and apache 2 to work together...?]
 We have installed the same software on an other W2000 machine and
 that gives exactly the same results.
 And, since I have not seen any definite report that someone else
 is running this combination on W2000, we even think this Apache-mod_perl
 combination only works on WinNT?
   Can someone conferm or deny this?

The current mod_perl-2 package we have I did test on a W2000
machine (and XP), with an ActivePerl 6xx build - it worked for
some simple things, but seems to run into problems with more
complicated stuff (for some definition of more complicated).  
The fact that you're not even able to start it suggests there may
be an incompatibility between your Apache version (or some other
library) and the one that the mod_perl-2 package was compiled
against, although the versions seemed to match.

But before you put in a lot of effort into resolving this, I'd
encourage considering an upgrade to ActivePerl 8xx. Upgrading is
a major step, but if the main concern is this issue with
mod_perl, then an upgrade will definitely help in general -
perl-5.8 has improved threading support over perl-5.6.1, among
other things, and mod_perl 2 seems to get caught up in some
issues with perl-5.6.1 that have been resolved in perl-5.8. A
major concern with upgrading though is the availability of ppm
packages - ActiveState's 8xx repository isn't as complete as
their 6xx one. They're aware of this problem, and are working on
an automated build system which hopefully will address this soon.

best regards,

Re: [mp2.0] W2000, Apache 2.0.45, mod_perl-2 1.99_09-dev crashes

2003-04-04 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Sebastian Breier wrote:

 I just upgraded Apache to 2.0.45 (from 2.0.44),
 and now most of my perl-generated sites crash.
 They worked perfectly before.
 Server is Apache 2.0.45 on W2000 + mod_perl-2 1.99_09-dev,
 as said in the subject.
 I just checked again with 2.0.44, everything works
 (nothing changed except Apache).
 One script still works with 2.0.45, but it has only a few subs
 that don't do anything.
 Logs always show some error message like these:
 [Fri Apr 04 15:49:29 2003] [notice] Parent: child process exited with 
 status 1073807364 -- Restarting.
 [Fri Apr 04 15:46:53 2003] [notice] Parent: child process exited with 
 status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
 Any ideas? Do I need a recompile of mod_perl-2? (I hope
 somebody makes one, I can't)

From a later message I take it this is with ActivePerl 8xx
(perl-5.8.0)? If not, and you're using ActivePerl 6xx, then it
may be that you're running into a problem that others have also
seen with ActivePerl 6xx and mod_perl 2 on Win32, for which an
upgrade to 8xx would most likely help.

If this is with ActivePerl 8xx, though, then it may be that
there's an incompatibility between modules compiled against
Apache 2.0.44 (which the mod_perl ppm package on our site was
compiled against) and Apache 2.0.45. The Apache group says that,
starting with 2.0.42, they're working at maintaining
configuration and module interface compatibility, so in principle
upgrading from 2.0.44 to 2.0.45 shouldn't be a problem. But with
a combination of Win32 and the relative complexity of mod_perl 2,
this compatibility may not have survived  I've tried
compiling the current cvs mod_perl 2 sources against Apache
2.0.45, but have run into a problem (unrelated to the 2.0.45
upgrade) that hasn't yet been resolved. Given the security fixes
for Win32 present in 2.0.45, if you feel uneasy about reverting
to 2.0.44, I could make available a mod_perl 2 package based on
not-so-current cvs sources compiled against 2.0.45 until the
problem in the current cvs version is fixed.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: [mp2.0] W2000, Apache 2.0.43 + mod_perl 1.99_09 does not start

2003-04-03 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Melchior, Matthijs wrote:

   We have a problem getting mod_perl to run on a W2000 server.
 It does work on another machine running WinNT4, so I think there are
 no errors in my configuration files.
 176: LoadModule perl_module modules/
 C:\Apache2\bin.\apache -t
 Syntax error on line 176 of C:/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
 Cannot load C:/Apache2/modules/ into server:
  The specified procedure could not be found.
 If we refer to some other symbol as module descriptor,
 one that does not exist, the error does not change.
 We have everything installed from binary packages:
  - Apache is installed from 'apache_2.0.43-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi'
as retrieved from one of the apache mirrors.
  - Perl is installed from
  - mod_perl is installed as  mod_perl-2 [1.99_09-dev] with PPM
refering to
 We think there is something missing on the W2000 server, but have run
 out of idea's what that could be.!

Does putting in a directive
   LoadFile /Path/to/Perl/bin/perl56.dll
in httpd.conf help (before loading  Also, when you
installed the mod_perl-2 ppm package, did get copied
properly to your Apache modules/ directory? Sometimes this
doesn't work for some versions of ppm, and you may unknowlingly
be using an old If this didn't install correctly, 
you can extract from mod_perl-2.tar.gz found in

Unfortunately, even if you get this working, you may encounter
problems with mod_perl 2 with ActivePerl 6xx (based on
perl-5.6.1), due to some threading issues that have been
addressed in ActivePerl 8xx (based on perl-5.8.0). Is it possible
to upgrade to ActivePerl 805?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: ENC: [mp2.0] problems when built modperl

2003-03-26 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Mark James wrote:

 Rosane Novello wrote:
  When I try to build I receive the error above. Someone can help me?
  C:\mod_perl-1.99_08perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=C:\Apache
  Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at 
  lib/ModPerl/ line 89, DATA line 18.
 A comment in states MP_AP_PREFIX may not
 contain spaces.

I think having spaces in MP_AP_PREFIX is OK now in the
modperl-2.0 cvs version - you may want to try that. See 
for links on how to obtain that.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Wanted: Experience with EmbPerl on Win2000/Apache HTTPD?

2003-03-06 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Richard Heintze wrote:

 Since I had such a tough time installing mod_perl on
 Win2000, I thought I would solicit for experiences
 getting Hello, World running with EmbPerl on Apache
 HTTPD on Windows2000.
 What URL did you download embperl from? 
 Did you get any errors during installation?
 What is the URL you used for installation
 What is the URL you used for the instructions for
 getting HelloWorld to appear?

This might be more appropriate for the embperl mailing
list ... For basic installation, we have an Embperl
ppm package at
for ActivePerl 6xx builds (and mod_perl-1/Apache-1).
There's still a bit of work needed to get Embperl ported
to ActivePerl 8xx and/or mod_perl-2/Apache-2. For basic
usage, check out

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: SetConsoleMode failed, LastError=|6| at C:/Perl/site/lib/Term/ReadKey.pmline 268, STDIN line 6.

2003-03-05 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Richard Heintze wrote:

 I just downloaded the all-in-one and, as per Randy's
 instructions, abandoned my current installations of
 Apache2 and perl5.8 by uninstalling them.
 I just typed in the perl command and I
 SetConsoleMode failed, LastError=|6| at
 C:/Perl/site/lib/Term/ line 26
 8, STDIN line 6.
 Should I be concerned? Actually, here are all the
 error messages at the end of this email message.
 Apparently most of them are warning messages.

All of them are warnings - the majority are from converting the
pod to html, which can be ignored, and the last one, about
SetConsoleMode, is that the TERM environment variable is either
not set or else set to something that Term::ReadKey doesn't
understand. This can also be ignored, or else you can set the
TERM environment variable to something like 'dumb' to get rid of
the warning.

I thought of having the configure script run in silent mode to
suppress these warnings, but it takes so long for the html
conversion that I thought it might give the impression of being
hung up.
 Also, what is httpd-win.conf for? Which one is being
 used, httpd.conf or httpd-win.conf?

If you start Apache as
   Apache -k start
it'll use httpd.conf by default. You can alter this by using
the -f option - do a 'Apache -h' to get a list of options.
The httpd-win.conf file is the base one included in the
Apache2 distribution.

The supplied httpd.conf included in the distribution includes
some example configuration for a ModPerl::Registry script and for
a simple Hello World content handler, as well as a simple
Apache::ASP and HTML::Mason page (not Embperl yet, as that isn't
quite ready for Win32 Apache2/mod_perl2).

best regards,

Re: Problems installing mod_perl2 on Apache2 on Win200

2003-03-04 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Richard Heintze wrote:

 Apache HTTPD seems to be running fine.
 Do I have the right version of apache and mod_perl?
 I'm unpacking mod_perl2.tar. perl mpinstall does not
 seem to be giving me any errors.

The current mod_perl ppm package was compiled against
Apache 2.0.44, so you should have at least 2.0.43.
To see what version you have, do a
  C:\Path\to\Your\Apache2\bin\Apache.exe -v

 Apache installed itself in the directory program
 files/apache group/apache2 so I think this means I'm
 running apache2.
 What should I do next? Maybe I should build mod_perl
 myself. Which compiler do you recommend for building
 mod_perl on NT4 or Windows 2000?

If you're running ActivePerl, you should use Visual C++ 6,
for binary compatibility. Unfortunately, this isn't free ...
There are free compilers for Win32 (eg, Borland, cygwin),
but to use these you should compile everything (Perl and
Apache2) with it.

best regards,

Re: The procedure entry point for modperl_global_request could otbe located in the dynamic link library

2003-03-04 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Richard Heintze wrote:

 I downloaded
 and ran the perl program. Since I received
 so many errors (see end of this email message) I
 decided to use my existing perl at c:\Perl\bin which
 is a version of 5.8 that is already in my path.

I've snipped the output below, but actually those were
all warnings, not errors - most are due to pod2html
not finding things like a title in the pod, and the
last one was not understanding a TERM environment
variable. These can all safely be ignored,

 When I start apache, I now get the error: The
 procedure entry point for modperl_global_request could
 ot be located in the dynamic link library

That's because the you're using in the Apache2
modules/ directory was compiled with a different Perl
and/or Apache2 than the one in that's being picked up in 
your PATH.
 I've tried everything short of building mod_perl
 myself (including the perl mpinstall, the single line
 ppm command and the repository command for ppm3).
 I'm trying to install Apache2 with mod_perl on perl5.8
 on windows and I'm getting nowhere because I cannot
 seem to get a good copy of mod_perl. What am I doing

I'd suggest, first of all, getting rid of the various
Apache and Perl installations you have, and starting afresh.
If you previously had installed an Apache2 service,
remove it by
   C:\Path\to\Apache2\bin\Apache.exe -n Apache2 -k uninstall
Then, either get the Perl-5.8-win32-bin.exe all-in-one
binary, and install from it the Perl/ subdirectory to
C:\Perl and the Apache2/ subdirectory to C:\Apache2.
Alternatively, get an ActivePerl 8xx binary from
www.activestate,com and an Apache2 binary from
and install these, respectively, to C:\Perl and C:\Apache2.
If you do the latter, then install the mod_perl ppm
package as you've done before.

best regards,

Re: Problems installing mod_perl2 on Apache2 on Win200

2003-03-02 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 2 Mar 2003, Richard Heintze wrote:

 I have followed the instructions at
 I've put the following in my httpd.conf file:
 LoadFile c:/Perl/bin/perl58.dll
 LoadModule mod_perl modules/
 PerlRequire C:/Apache2/conf/

   Does Apache run OK without mod_perl?

   Did you intend to have under
C:/Apache2/conf/, when the rest of the stuff is
under C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/?
It's no problem if you do ...

 I have expanded mod_perl-2.tar and extracted into modules\

And also did the 'ppm install mod_perl' to install
the Perl side?
 I have c:perl\bin in my path. And still I get the
 error below.
  Can someone help me?
 C:\C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache2\bin\Apache.exe -w -f C:\Program Fil
 es\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf -d
 C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apach
 Syntax error on line 135 of C:/Program Files/Apache
 Cannot load C:/Program Files/Apache
 Group/Apache2/modules/ into serve
 r: The specified module could not be found.
 Note the errors or messages above, and press the ESC
 key to exit.  0

Assuming you're using a recent mod_perl 2 ppm package,
is your Apache version at least 2.0.43? Prior versions
may not be compatible with this mod_perl, which was 
compiled against 2.0.44.

Other than that, if at all possible, an idea might be
to install Apache into a directory that doesn't contain
spaces (eg, C:\Apache2). Or if that's not possible, try
using DOS short path names for the directories in httpd.conf.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Can't connect to

2003-03-01 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, Richard Heintze wrote:

 The mod_perl installation works fine on my home
 machine. (I' have not actually tried it yet, but I
 don't get errors about contacting
 The office machine can browse the internet but still
 gives me errors when running perl mpinstall. 
 The office machine connects to the internet via a
 proxy server -- perhaps that is the problem. Is there
 a way for mpinstall to accommodate a proxy server?
 How can I manually fetch the files that mpinstall is
 trying to get and install locally?

The mpinstall script uses the getstore() routine of LWP::Simple,
so if you have to do something special to get getstore() to
work with your settings, you'd have to do the same thing for
the mpinstall script.

To install things manually,
- get mod_perl.ppd from
- get mod_perl.tar.gz from
  and place it in the same directory as mod_perl.ppd
- get from
  and copy it to your Apache2 modules directory (eg, C:\Apache2\modules)
- edit the HREF attribute of the CODEBASE tag in mod_perl.ppd
  to just read HREF=mod_perl.tar.gz
- run, from the directory where you saved mod_perl.ppd,
C:\ ppm install mod_perl.ppd

This is all for ActivePerl build 8xx and Apache 2 / mod_perl 2.

best regards,

Re: Can't connect to

2003-02-28 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Richard Heintze wrote:

 I've searched the archives for connect and could
 find no hints.
 As per the mod_perl installation instructions, I type
 the following command:
 C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\APACHE2\mod_perl-1.99_08ppm install

You don't want to do that - rather, try
 C:\ ppm install
The address
is what you can set the repository to within the ppm shell.
 And I get these errors (see below). I have installed
 Apache 2 and perl 5.8 and I'm trying to install
 Error: No valid repositories: Error: 500 Can't connect to (Bad hostname
 '') at
 D:/Perl/site/lib/PPM/ line 84 Error: 500
 Can't connect to (Bad hostname
 '') at
 D:/Perl/site/lib/PPM/ line 84

There was recent discussion on the perl-win32-users mailing list
(archives at about this. Part of the
problem I think is that isn't running yet.
One recommendation was to use ppm2 for now.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: [MP2] Apache::Reload date bug

2003-02-26 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Ron Savage wrote:

 On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 09:23:39 +1100, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Hi Stas
 Have you tried the current mod_perl cvs?
 No. Being usually a Windows (shudder) user, I wait for Randy to issue
 a build.

The mod_perl 2 ppm package (for ActivePerl 8xx) at is updated 
periodically with a cvs build - as of tonight, it's

best regards,

Re: Building mod-perl 2 for cygwin

2003-02-19 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Steve Baldwin wrote:
  Unfortunately, I get the same (as far as I can see) result.  Here's my
  latest perl -V ...
 You mean, you get a bunch of unresolved symbols, right?
 from your previous report:
 Now, make (of mod-perl) gives the following errors ...
 modperl_env.lo(.text+0x89e):modperl_env.c: variable '_PL_vtbl_env' can't
 be auto-imported. Please read the documentation for ld's
 --enable-auto-import for details.
 Creating library file: libmod_perl.dll.a
 mod_perl.lo(.text+0x2f9):mod_perl.c: undefined reference to
 mod_perl.lo(.text+0x2fe):mod_perl.c: undefined reference to
 mod_perl.lo(.text+0x4e9):mod_perl.c: undefined reference to
 mod_perl.lo(.text+0x52b):mod_perl.c: undefined reference to
 What looks weird is:
 Creating library file: libmod_perl.dll.a
 I'm not a win32 user, but it looks strange to me that dll.a
 thing. Is that a valid thing? I understand that cygwin is unix
 over win32. Though it still builds native win32 dlls, no? So
 may be the problem is that the mod_perl build
   decides to go with unix build when it should really do the win32 build?
 Any developers on cygwin that can help us here? Hopefully Per
 Einar is around and can help.

I have cygwin (for the tools), but haven't looked into compiling
Apache/mod_perl with it. From what I understand, cygwin provides
a C library (a dll) to get a unix-style API; this is to be
contrasted with MinGW, which produces programs that don't rely on
3rd party dlls. cygwin, as well as having the usual .a (static)
and .dll libs, does have a .dll.a type of lib, which is an import
library. So having such a lib isn't unusual - whether that should
be done here is another question ...

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: problem with mod_perl1.27 perl5.8/apa1.3.27

2003-02-18 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Dmitri Dmitrienko wrote:

 Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
 osname=MSWin32, osvers=4.0, archname=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
[ .. ] 
 Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):

Thanks for sending that ... That's strange - Win32 ActivePerl 8xx
doesn't compile with mod_perl-1.27 because USE_LARGE_FILES is
defined at compile-time, but you don't have that. Some time ago I
tried a Win32 Perl-5.8 without USE_LARGE_FILES (just as you have)
with mod_perl-1.27, and didn't see the problem you had with
errno. Although it shouldn't make a difference here, did you use
the stock CPAN sources or the ActiveState sources in compiling
Perl? Also, do you find the same problem using the CVS mod_perl
sources (

best regards,

Re: problem with mod_perl1.27 perl5.8/apa1.3.27

2003-02-18 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Dmitri Dmitrienko wrote:

 It's a big fuzz :)) To get errno defined it was necessary to
 comment out include errno.h. Stupid thing...

I believe this is fixed in the cvs mod_perl sources, in
particular a change to src/modules/perl/apache_inc.h. Try those
to see if that helps.

best regards,

Re: [MP2] Apache::Reload date bug

2003-02-18 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Ron Savage wrote:
  On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 12:56:38 +1100, Stas Bekman wrote:
 perl -le 'warn(foo\n)'
  You got the quotes wrong for MS Windows, so I ran it twice:
  C:\Backupperl -le warn(qq|foo\n|)
  C:\Backupperl -le 'warn(foo\n)'
 well, you've got the idea, right.
 Perhaps someone on win32 can try to debug the behavior that you
 saw. I can't reproduce it on my linux box.

With my ActivePerl 8xx compatible perl-5.8, sticking in a
inside a simple handler that uses Apache::Reload
just output foo in the error log, with no timestamp
nor client reported, as expected. I'm wondering though
if this is coming from one of the custom modules
used - in the log
[Sun Feb 16 23:49:41 2003] -e: Apache::Reload: Can't locate 
the message from Apache::Reload:
   warn(Apache::Reload: Can't locate $file\n), next
  unless defined $mtime amd $mtime;
has a '-e:' in front, suggesting perhaps that another
module is contributing to this entry. Can you make up
a stripped-down version that exhibits this behaviour?

best regards,

Re: problem with mod_perl1.27 perl5.8/apa1.3.27

2003-02-17 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Dmitri Dmitrienko wrote:

 I got following problem when compiled mod_perl 1.27 for Apache
 1.3.27 and perl 5.8 for Win32 platform:
 Constants.xs(158) : error C2065: 'errno' : undeclared identifier
 after few hours of jumping around compiler I realized that
 #include errno.h should be commented out in perl.h. Then
 everything became good.
 Please tell me is anybody experienced anything like I did ?
 Is there any official workaround ?
 BTW, everything was ok with perl 5.6.0...

What's 'perl -V' for you?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Randy Kobe's mod_perl2 all-in-one binary

2003-01-30 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Lee Goddard wrote:

I've just downloaded and installed your godsend
of an all-in-one Apache2/mod_perl2 package - thanks
very much for it!  Server runs nicely.
But is there a simple explanation of why I get
the following message?
  Can't locate loadable object for module ModPerl::Const
  in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl/lib
  C:/Perl/site/lib .) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/
  line 3
Does the whole module not come as part of the package...?

It should be there ... Do you have a PerlModule Apache2  
directive in httpd.conf, or else have a use Apache2; in a
startup file? This loads (under /Perl/site/lib/),
which adjusts @INC to include the /Perl/site/lib/Apache2/
directory. The error about not locating the loadable object for
ModPerl::Const is referring to libraries under

best regards,

Re: [mp2]

2003-01-30 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Lee Goddard wrote:

 I do not understand this, please help:
 isn't this a message generated by
 something other than me?
 Error message:
 Can't locate object method server_root_relative via
 package Apache at C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 68.
 This is Apache 2.0.43, and Perl 5.8.0.

This may be related to the earlier problem you had about
not finding a loadable object for ModPerl::Const - does
a PerlModule Apache2 directive in httpd.conf or a
use Apache2; in a startup file help here?

best regards,

Re: [mp2] POD

2003-01-30 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Lee Goddard wrote:

 Hash: MD5
 Is the pod missing from the mp2 beta, or is it just mine?
 I've looked on, but nothing there for Apache::Const.
 I'm trying to find a replacement for Apache::Request::params()
 on mp2, and struggling furiously since Apache::compat doesn't
 seem to cover it. Hence the POD

For now, the best places for info on mod_perl 2 are and this mailing list (and archives).
Until Apache::Request is ported to mod_perl 2.0, one can use
methods in Apache::compat for dealing with form data - see the
discussion of $r-content at
(these docs are also available in the Win32 perl/apache binary
distribution under /Apache2/manual/mod_perl/).

best regards,

Re: pb with theoryx5 ppms archname

2003-01-29 Thread Randy Kobes
On January 29, 2003 08:45 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 with perl 58 /win32
 I noted that ppm refuses to install
 packages from (the one for 5.8)
 because these packages mention
 ARCHITECTURE NAME=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8
 while perl 580 built without archname (and the one from
 activestate) does not specify 5.8
 but ARCHITECTURE NAME=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread only
 the packages still install after manual donwload and
 change of ppd file

The specification of
  ARCHITECTURE NAME=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8
in the ppd files (which ActiveState also uses for 8xx ppm packages) 
is a result of a change in the behaviour of PPM with ActivePerl 8xx - 
Perl still reports the architecture as MSWin32-x86-multi-thread, but 
PPM (from ActiveState) for builds 8xx will only install ppm packages 
whose architecture in the ppd file has the '-5.8' tacked onto the end. This 
I think was done so that people wouldn't mistakenly install ppm 
packages for builds 6xx, which report the same ARCHITECTURE but 
which are binary incompatable with 8xx.

The repository should work with
ActivePerl 8xx (and also the recent Perl-5.8-win32-bin Perl/Apache
distribution from, but for a
self-compiled perl-5.8 used with the CPAN PPM distribution, a change
in is needed - let me know (off-list) if you'd like a copy of
the needed patch.

best regards,

Re: AW: [mod_perl-2.0] server doesn't start, unable to Apache2?

2003-01-27 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Robert Kehl wrote:

 Hi all!
 Thanks for your thoughts, Randy.
  Are there any helpful messages in the error log
  indicating what's failing?
 No, none.
  Perhaps the first thing to check - does
LoadFile C:/Perl/bin/perl56.dll
LoadModule perl_module modules/
  alone, without any further mod_perl directives, prevent the
  server from starting?
 That works ok, for Perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.0. Surely I can't execute
 any perl then. 

This was just to test that the module was OK,
which apparently it is.

 The browser starts to load a page, but does not
 finish. After several minutes(!) it says 404.

Is this even for a static page? 

You mentioned earlier that without mod_perl, CGI scripts 
execute OK, but are slow ... This might be a more general
problem that should be looked at first 

  If so, then it might be that you're running
  into the fact that mod_perl 2.0 on Win32 has problems with
  perl-5.6.1 (ActivePerl 6xx), and that the solution would be to
  migrate to perl-5.8.0 (ActivePerl 8xx).
 As long as I don't have a DBD-Mysql afterwards, that's not
 possible other than for testing. But it's the same for 5.8.0 -
 crashing, too.

There's a DBD-mysql ppm package for ActivePerl 8xx available
in our repository.

  However, if the server starts OK above, but things like
 PerlModule Apache2
  cause it to crash, then it might be a misconfiguration,
 Ok, but where to configure?
  or faulty installation, or something similar. If this
  is the case, the error log should give a clue about
  what's failing.
 Nope, it doesn't, stays absolutely clear. The only thing
 happens is a small dialogue box popping up saying The
 requested operation has failed. Same happens if I comment
 PerlModule Apache2 and uncomment PerlRequire, if if the
 file to be required consists only of comments!

Does exist on your system (under, eg,
C:\Perl\site\lib)? And does the file you use for PerlRequire have
a '1;' as the last line (ie, return a true value)? If both of
these are OK, then the fact that even these fail indicate
something seriously wrong - these are really basic things.

If the above doesn't help, I'd suggest, first of all, making sure
Apache 2 works OK without mod_perl, including perl cgi scripts
(simple pages and scripts should be served very fast).  When
you're satisfied with that, using Perl 5.8 if possible, remove
existing mod_perl packages (1.0 and 2.0), and then reinstall
mod_perl 2.0, making sure that gets installed into
your Apache2 modules/ directory. Then try loading mod_perl, and
assuming that works, start adding simple things like you were
doing - loading Apache2, and requiring a simple startup file. 

best regards,

Re: [ MP2] startup problem with XML::LibXML

2003-01-26 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 26 Jan 2003, pascal barbedor wrote:

 what version of libxml2 should I use ?
 I tried to compile version 1.52
 against  versions libxml2-2.5.1 precompiled binary from xmlsoft
 test failed with segfault
 t\08findnodes.t   list of failed 6-18
 t\13dtd.tlist of failed 11-12
 if I nmake install nevertheless , apache startup problem remains.

I also found XML::LibXML had problems on Win32 against 

 before that I tried to compile XML::LibXML 1.52 against a
 slightly prior version of libxml2 all test successful but the
 problem with apache startup remains.
[ ... ]

I found that libxml2-2.4.26 worked OK with XML::LibXML's tests,
but not latter versions (eg, 2.4.30). Christian Glahn, in a
recent post on the perl-xml mailing list, also saw such problems,
so it's not a Windows specific thing.

I just tried making up a static XML::LibXML/XML::LibXSLT,
to see if that would help any, but this still causes problems
when used in a startup file.

best regards,

Re: [mod_perl-2.0] server doesn't start, unable to Apache2?

2003-01-26 Thread Randy Kobes
On Sun, 26 Jan 2003, Robert Kehl wrote:

 Hi all,
 if you would be willing to spend a minute on helping me out of
 this: I'm trying to get mod_perl-2 running on Win32. Without
 success, of course. :(
 My box is a Win2k SP3 with 1GB RAM, ActivePerl 5.6.1 build 633,
 mod_perl-2 1.99_09-dev on Apache 2.0.43. Everything is freshly
 loaded and installed. Btw, mod_perl 1.27_01-dev is running
 smoothly on Apache 1.3.27.

[ ... ]

 The hardest thing is, not even this works ok:
   PerlModule Apache2
 The server simply doesn't start, so it can't be a fault in, which indeed is nothing more than a series of
 commented lines atm. Surely *no* perl script gets executed
 using the above configuration. If I do not load mod_perl, CGI
 executes fine. But slow ;)
 So, IMHO, the problem is, that mod_perl-2 doesn't load
 PerlModule Apache2. Doesn't load anything.
 Any ideas despite reinstalling everything? ;)
 Thank you for your attention and for your help,

Are there any helpful messages in the error log
indicating what's failing?

Perhaps the first thing to check - does

  LoadFile C:/Perl/bin/perl56.dll
  LoadModule perl_module modules/

alone, without any further mod_perl directives, prevent the
server from starting? If so, then it might be that you're running
into the fact that mod_perl 2.0 on Win32 has problems with
perl-5.6.1 (ActivePerl 6xx), and that the solution would be to
migrate to perl-5.8.0 (ActivePerl 8xx).

However, if the server starts OK above, but things like
   PerlModule Apache2
cause it to crash, then it might be a misconfiguration,
or faulty installation, or something similar. If this
is the case, the error log should give a clue about
what's failing.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: [MP2] pb with and LibXML

2003-01-22 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, [iso-8859-1] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I have 
 SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/2.0.43 (Win32) mod_perl/1.99_08-dev 
 Perl/v5.8.0 PHP/4.3.0 
 installed from theoryx5 all-in-one archive
 here is the problem I have :
 package testxml;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use XML::LibXML();
 use XML::LibXSLT();
 use Data::Dumper;
 my $base='c:/apache2/mason';
 my $promod=
 print Dumper $promod ;
 the above script runs ok when PERL is run. (outside 
 of any apache environment)
 Dumper prints 
 bless XML::LibXSLT::Stylesheet.. 
 all parsing ok (the stylesheets is simplisssima one tag sheet)
 when it is USEed from (# removed below in startup) 
 it also prints the line 
 bless ... 
 but apache issues a fatal error and refuses to 
 start instruction 0X28027104 memory cant be read !
 here is the
 use Apache2 ();
 use lib 'c:/apache2/mason/lib';
 use ModPerl::Util ();
 use Apache::RequestRec ();
 use Apache::RequestIO ();
 use Apache::RequestUtil ();
 use Apache::Server ();
 use Apache::ServerUtil ();
 use Apache::Connection ();
 use Apache::Log ();
 use Apache::Const -compile = ':common';
 use APR::Const -compile = ':common';
 use APR::Table ();
 use Apache::compat ();
 use ModPerl::Registry ();
 use CGI ();
 use XML::LibXML();
 use XML::LibXSLT();
 #use testxml;
 same thing if  you omit the xslt step in the testxml script
 I pointed out this problem from the early distribution of 
 modperl2, it's not recent.

Is it just when used from the startup file that problems
arise? Does it run OK within Apache as, eg, part of
a registry script? And if not, is it OK within an ordinary
cgi script?

Does adding a
LoadFile /Path/to/libxml2.dll
directive, before pulling in the startup script, help?
(in the distribution from our site, libxml2.dll is in
the Perl/bin/ directory).

best regards,

Re: Re: [MP2] pb with and LibXML

2003-01-22 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, [iso-8859-1] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does adding a
LoadFile /Path/to/libxml2.dll
  directive, before pulling in the startup script, help?
  (in the distribution from our site, libxml2.dll is in
  the Perl/bin/ directory).

 I have no libxml2.dll file from the all-in-one 30 or so MB 
 archive donwloaded from theoryx5

Sorry for the confusion - I got mixed up with distributions.

 i only have libxml.dll in perl/site/lib/auto/xml/libxml

 I do have one libxml2.dll in my path from a separate xmlsoft 
 download... maybe this is the reason of problems ?

That might be  You might try an upgraded LibXML/LibXSLT
package from - this has fixed
a couple of bugs. Both of these require XML-LibXML-Common, which
does contain the libxml2.dll referred to above. The dll is, in
theory, supposed to be installed from a post-install script under
ppm, but this might not work within ppm3 - if one is using ppm3,
one can grab XML-LibXML-Common.tar.gz from and extract libxml2.dll
from there. This dll should go somewhere within the PATH, and is
the one I suggested to load with the LoadFile directive.

 apache issues the segfault (popup window) on every situation : 
 mason modperl, registry or simple cgi. 

 but then it restarts itself immediatly and serves the request 
 (after a rather long restarting delay).

 the segfault sometimes does not happen for two or three times 
 and then again.


best regards,

Re: the perl Script called from perlTranshandler seems to besynchronized

2003-01-21 Thread Randy Kobes
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Db-Doc SP wrote:

  Hello All,
  I am having a peculiar problem it seems that only one request
  can be serviced at a time while using mod_perl
  we are using
  Apache 1.3.26
  It seems as though when I use mod_perl apache can handle only
  one request at a time. If the first request takes say 10
  minutes to get response, during this 10 minutes all other
  requests are blocked, and are handled only after the first
  request is successfully processed and response sent out

Would this happen to be on Win32? If so, you're probably
running into the mod_perl 1.0 multithreading issues - see
and then
for information on installing mod_perl 2.0 to avoid this

best regards,
randy kobes

[win32] upgrading to Apache 2.0.44

2003-01-21 Thread Randy Kobes
Sorry for the (slightly) off-topic post, but if you're
a Win32 user and are looking to upgrade to Apache 2.0.44
due to some security fixes, some people have reported
problems on Win98 with the upgrade. The Apache people
have identified the problem, and most likely a fix will
be released shortly. 

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Apache::Session

2003-01-16 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Carl Holm wrote:

 I am looking for a PPM version of Apache::Session for Perl  (v5.8.0 
 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread)
 and Apache/2.0.43. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
 Carl Holm

I just put one up under
However, some of the tests fail and/or hang under 
ActivePerl 8xx ...

best regards,
randy kobes


2003-01-14 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I try this simple module:
 package My;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Apache::RequestRec ();
 use Apache::RequestIO ();
 use Apache::RequestUtil ();
 use Apache::Const -compile = qw(OK);
 use APR::Table;
 use CGI;
 sub handler
  my $r = shift; 
  my $query=CGI-new();
  print $query-param('id');
 and see that in error.log:
 [Tue Jan 14 13:59:08 2003] [error] Can't locate in @INC
 What I'm doing wrong? How to parse urlecnoded?

Does an upgrade of to the latest version help? Earlier
versions aren't mod_perl 2.0 aware 

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Apache::DBI

2003-01-07 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Paul Simon wrote:

 --- Randy Kobes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are you using the latest versions of DBI and
  If not, does an upgrade help?
 Those modules are - whatever was bundled with your
 first, warmly supplied :), Perl 5.8 + apache2 package
 on theoryx5. Possibly, DBI = 1.30 and DBD::ODBC =

If this is still a problem, you might try an upgrade -
both DBI and DBD::ODBC are at newer versions now. We have
ppm packages (for ActivePerl 8xx builds) of them at

best regards,

Re: perl's system() w/ apache under win2k

2003-01-03 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Terra Info wrote:
  Two things: 1) this is not the list for this question.
  2) a probable answer anyhow-
 If that's a real pitfall and it's doomed to be a recurrent question, can 
 we please document this under win32/? Also, Randy, it seems that there 
 is whole lot of win32 issues which apply to all mod_perl versions (per 
 our faq discussion), so rather than duplicating them in 
 docs/1.0/os/win32 and docs/2.0/os/win32, we should probably have an area 
 for general win32 issues, e.g. docs/general/os/win32 and point to it 
 from both 1.0 and 2.0.

That's a good idea - there are general issues like that.
I'll look into creating this.

best regards,

[win32] large binary distributions

2003-01-03 Thread Randy Kobes
If you have trouble staying connected to get the (large) Win32
all-in-one binary packages, either Perl-5.8-win32-bin.exe
(Perl-5.8.0/Apache-2.0.43/mod_perl-1.99) or perl-win32-bin.exe
(Perl-5.6.1/Apache-1.3.27/mod_perl-1.27), from, there's now corresponding
containing these packages split across multiple files (of around
3 MB each). README.join contains directions for joining these
files back together; alternatively, if you already have Perl on
your system, the distinstall script found in these subdirectories
will fetch the split files and do the joining for you.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: mod_perl.c Not Compatible with Apache

2003-01-03 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Steve Davis wrote:

 Upon successfully compiling mod_perl 2.0, and modifying httpd.conf so
 that it becomes invoked at the start of Apache 2.0.43, the following
 error message is gernerated.  It is httpd failed. The error was:
 Starting httpd: httpd: module mod_perl.c is not compatible with this
 version of Apache.
 Please contact the vendor for the correct version. [FAILED]
 If you would like you, may refer to the previous thread named mod_perl
 make failed: cannot find -lapr for a history of the root of this
 problem-particularly the last post directly before this article.  This
 also shows the detail environment and configuration for the server in
 question.  Else, I would be glad more details to this post.  In brief,
 let me say, the system consists of RH 8.0, apache 2.0.43, and current
 CVS edition of mod_perl 2.0.  It has a date stamp of 1/1/03.
 This is one problem which I don't know how to proceed with.  Is this
 message saying the code in mod_perl's mod_perl.c is using an edition
 of 'C' code that is incompatible with Apache 2.0?  Is the development
 environment for which mod_perl 2.0 is being developed, by its creators,
 using a 'C' compiler that is different than what is found on RH 8.0?
 Does any one have an idea of how I might go about solving this problem?
 Any advance given would be appreciated.  

I think in general the problem
  mod_perl.c is not compatible with this version of Apache.
means that mod_perl was compiled against a different set of
Apache sources than that used to build the server trying to
load the mod_perl module (assuming that the same compiler
is being used in building Perl, Apache, and mod_perl).

Just to clarify what came from where 

- are you using a modperl-2.0 cvs snapshot from
- are you running Apache 2.0.43, compiled from the sources
  httpd-2.0.43.tar.gz from

If so, does modperl-2.0 compile against these apache 2.0 sources

best regards,

RE: mod_perl.c Not Compatible with Apache

2003-01-03 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Steve Davis wrote:

[ .. ]
 To configure Apache:
 ./configure --prefix=/etc/httpd --with-mpm=prefork
 To configure mod_perl:
 perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/etc/httpd MP_APXS=/etc/httpd/bin/apxs
 Also, when I examine /etc/httpd/bin/httpd (the executable),
 /etc/httpd/lib/libarp*, and /etc/module/, all the
 theses files have a creation date that's current (today's
 date).  Plus, /etc/httpd/httpd.conf points to the current file
 locations.  According to the RH 8.0 docs regarding Apache 2.X,
 they suggest modifying httpd.conf to incorporate the use of an
 include statement which invokes /etc/conf.d/perl.conf.  This
 latter file points to /etc/httpd/module/mod_perl.3.0.  I've
 mapped the files and dates.  There doesn't appear to be any
 conflict here.
 However, for good measure, I just completed a search of the
 /etc/* and /usr/* directories for the presence of the httpd
 executable.  And there are two of them on the system.  To be
 expected, the /etc/httpd/bin/httpd executable is present.  
 However, these is also an existence of a httpd executable under
 /usr/sbin.  When I changed the name of /etc/sbin/httpd to
 /etc/sbin/httpd-bu (backup).  The httpd web server wouldn't
 start any longer (I toggled this off and on via the service
 utilility [start - system settings - service]).  
 /etc/sbin/httpd has a footprint of 384.7K where as
 /etc/httpd/bin/httpd is a 2meg file.  I don't know whether
 /etc/sbin/httpd is being used to merely start
 /etc/httpd/bin/httpd or not.  If you can advise further it
 would be helpful.

It sounds like /etc/sbin/httpd and /etc/httpd/bin/httpd are
separate binaries, judging by their different sizes. You
compiled modperl against /etc/httpd/bin/httpd, but your system
is using /etc/sbin/httpd in the services utility to start.
This might explain the problem you were having before - 
/etc/sbin/httpd might be an older apache binary from
before (perhaps the installation), whereas mod_perl was
compiled against the newer /etc/httpd/bin/httpd. It's
hard to tell whether or not the binaries are sharing
the same httpd.conf files.

Did mod_perl's 'make test' pass? When you start the test,
it reports which httpd it's using - is it /etc/httpd/bin/httpd?

One thing you might try - stop the /etc/sbin/httpd service,
and then go to /etc/httpd/bin and issue the command
apachectl start
to start the server associated with /etc/httpd/. This (normally)
will use the httpd.conf under /etc/httpd/conf/, which presumably
is the right one - if not, try starting httpd with the -f switch
to specify the config file - see ./httpd -h for help. 
Alteratively, since you have a backup of /etc/sbin/httpd,
try copying /etc/httpd/bin/httpd to /etc/sbin/httpd, and
start the service.

Do either of these work? If so, what you might do is forget
completely about the httpd stuff under /etc (which sounds like
it's getting mixed up with different versions), and compile
httpd-2.0.43 using a prefix like /usr/local/httpd, and then
compile and install mod_perl against this prefix. With a fresh
install Apache will install a reasonable default httpd.conf.  
You'd then have to figure out how to adjust the service utility
to start /usr/local/httpd/bin/httpd, rather than /etc/sbin/httpd.

best regards,

Re: Apache::DBI

2003-01-02 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Paul Simon wrote:

 Hi all
 I have a feeling this may be [OT], take it to the DBI
 list... But I'm hoping to eliminate as much as
 possible any suspicion that Apache::DBI/mod_perl is
 causing my headache. I'm trying to push this platform
 at work ;) If anyone can shed some light on this then
 I'd be very appreciative, of course. 
 I have what's becoming a reoccuring problem with an
 app running under:
 Apache/2.0.42 (Win32) mod_perl/1.99_08-dev Perl/v5.8.0
 I'm using Apache::compat and Apache::DBI for
 persistent database connections. 
[ ... ]
 For completeness sake, here's the connection string:
 my $DBH  = DBI-connect(DBI:ODBC:$db, $user, $pass,
 { RaiseError = 1, PrintError = 1, AutoCommit = 1 })
 or print( Unable to connect to Database:
 $DBI::errstr\n ) ;
 Finally, the error message I'm getting is:
 DBI-connect(pdb9) failed:
 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
 (SQL-S1000)(DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1) at
 /Apache2/lib/perl/Apache/ line 29 
 This problem goes away if the ORacle server(on it's
 own hardware running windows 2000 pro) is restarted.
 The last time this happened the box Oracle resides on
 needed a cold reboot! So far, I haven't had to restart
 Could Apache::DBI or mod_perl2 cause this behavior?

When you say the problem goes away, does this mean that
things work fine after the restart of the Oracle server?
Or do you periodically have to do this restart?

Are you using the latest versions of DBI and DBD::ODBC?
If not, does an upgrade help?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: mod_perl make failed: cannot find -lapr

2002-12-31 Thread Randy Kobes
On Tue, 31 Dec 2002, Steve Davis wrote:

 Your help will be very much appreciated to resolve the
 following issue. When attempting to make, the make
 script 'almost' makes a touchdown but fails before getting to
 the finishing line.  Now it is time get some help from a coach.  
 Hopefully, with a little help, a touchdown will soon follow.  
 Below, I present was appears to be the problem, but someone
 else will have to direct me to the next set of steps.
[ .. ] 
 This problem 'may' have to do with an issue of a change of
 naming conventions which were adapted by the apr apache group.  
 Confer with Stas Bekman's post on Nov 26, 2002 with a title of
 Problems compiling mod_perl 1.99_07 in RH 8.0.  He provides a
 cvs patch; but, unfortunately, I'm not familiar with using
 that-as least-as of yet. (Look's like I might have learn this
 package real soon.)  Are they any intentions to update the
 mod_perl-1.99_07.tar.gz?  If my conclusion is correct, then
 currently, and according to the on-line instructions, the
 present tar.gz edition is not compatible to the latest edition
 of apache. (2.0.43).  So, 'maybe' the cause of my make failure.  
 It appears as if, only the cvs repository maybe a valid for
 compiling.  If my analysis is correct, and a new edition of the
 respective non-cvs files be acquired somehow.

It might be easier to obtain the whole mod_perl 2.0 sources
via cvs, rather than patching - this is described at
You likely have a cvs client already, so it's a matter of
changing to an appropriate directory and doing

 % cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic login
 % cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic co modperl-2.0

best regards,
randy kobes

[win32] perl-5.8/mod_perl-2 binary

2002-12-27 Thread Randy Kobes
   I've placed a self-extracting archive, Perl-5.8-win32-bin.exe,
at, which contains a Win32
binary distribution of Perl-5.8 and Apache-2.0.43, including
mod_perl-1.99_08. This was built using the sources provided by
ActiveState for build 804, and as such, ppm packages installed
via the included ppm utility from ActiveState's 5.8 repository
can be used.
   Two README files, a short and a long one, describe the
installation. An (experimental) script is included in the Perl
bin/ directory which automates some of the needed configuration
(manual checking is still advised).
  Included in the Apache2 distribution are a sample
ModPerl::Registry script, a simple mod_perl-2 handler, and sample
Apache::ASP and HTML::Mason pages. An Emberl ppm package will be
made when available.
  Please let me know of any problems you encounter in the
installation, especially as related to the configuration. For
questions about mod_perl-2, this list and
are great resources, while for Embperl, Apache::ASP, or
HTML::Mason specifically, see their respective sites and lists.

best regards,
randy kobes

[win32] install mod_perl via ppm

2002-12-21 Thread Randy Kobes
With different combinations of Perl and mod_perl versions, it can
get confusing when installing mod_perl on Win32 via ppm in
figuring out the right one to use. To help alleviate some of
this, I've made up a script - mpinstall, accessible (soon)
through the install docs in the Win32 OS specific sections of This will take you through a dialogue,
based on your configuration info, to determine and then install
the appropriate mod_perl ppm package. It will also get and copy to your relevant Apache modules directory - this is
currently supposed to be done via a post-install script within
ppm, but this functionality appears broken with ppm3.

If you try this, please let me know of any problems.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: modperl 2.0 problems with Apache::Cookie and related modules.

2002-12-19 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, b. ash wrote:

 I am trying to configure a working apache2/modperl2 setup, unfortunately 
 I can not seemt to get a critical module Apache::Cookie to install,  I 
 keep getting this error.
 Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) 
 at Makefile.PL line 27.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 27.
 any ideas what might be going on here.

Apache::Cookie (and Apache::Request) haven't been ported to
mod_perl-2 yet. Until that happens, you can use the mod_perl-2
compatibility mode to do form data, and for cookies, you can use
a CPAN module (eg,

best regards,
randy kobes

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