snmpdiskspace.monitor snmpnetdisk.monitor snmpdefroute.monitor Updates

2011-04-25 Thread Nathan Gibbs
And finally, the last of the stuff from the cave.

Same bug fix for all three of these.
Output Cleanup on error conditions.



Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mon mailing list


2009-11-04 Thread Nathan Gibbs
I just posted an update to


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mon mailing list

snmpdiskspace.monitor question?

2009-11-03 Thread Nathan Gibbs
When looking at my dtlog today.
I noticed that snmpdiskspace.monitor, ( the official release, and ours )
dumps the header line instead of the failed hosts into (last_summary) if
-list or -listall was specified.

In the process of fixing that,
What follows applies to our release only.
I found that some of my hosts where not reporting partitions although
all the snmp data was there.
In the process of investigating that,
I found this and wanted to bounce it off the list before releasing it.

In the hostmib processing code right after

# ignore this instance
# and try to move on
# to next we wouldn't
# need this if
# use-dummy-values
# really worked

If I add
$instancenum = $instancenum - 1;

I can recover from the error, and get the data.

What I found is that,
Its not usually the current instance of the dataset that is corrupted.
Usually a previous dataset was incomplete, which skews the instance #'s.
If we decrement the instance #, we can recover the current dataset.

Using that one line fix, however could cause a show stopper.

If the previous incomplete dataset's instance # was numerically right
before the current instance#.
Decrementing would cause code to loop infinitely.

I tested this by setting the Instance# to one that was causing us
problems, instead of decrementing.

Here, decrementing the instance# works fine.
The question is what is the risk of it breaking stuff elsewhere.


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mon mailing list


2009-10-10 Thread Nathan Gibbs
I just posted a slightly improved


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mon mailing list

bash-based snmpdiskspace.monitor

2008-05-08 Thread Jonathan Baxter
I recently installed mon on some opensuse 10.3 machines, but could not 
get the snmpdiskspace.monitor to work. I am not a perl guy, but it 
seems the information coming back from the perl Net::SNMP module is 
not correct, in that it assumes all fields are contiguous when they 
are not. Eg, if I run snmpwalk, I get the following:

# snmpwalk -c public -v 1 -OqUes server hrStorage


hrStorageType.1 hrStorageRam
hrStorageType.3 hrStorageVirtualMemory
hrStorageType.6 hrStorageOther
hrStorageType.7 hrStorageOther
hrStorageType.8 hrStorageOther
hrStorageType.10 hrStorageVirtualMemory
hrStorageType.31 hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.32 hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.33 hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.34 hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.35 hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.36 hrStorageFixedDisk


hrStorageSize.1 3285532
hrStorageSize.3 7494540
hrStorageSize.6 84
hrStorageSize.7 2266336
hrStorageSize.8 0
hrStorageSize.10 4209008
hrStorageSize.31 2581426
hrStorageSize.32 0
hrStorageSize.33 0
hrStorageSize.34 497765
hrStorageSize.35 179832960
hrStorageSize.36 11795894


hrStorageUsed.1 3264448
hrStorageUsed.3 3269336
hrStorageUsed.10 4888
hrStorageUsed.31 625653
hrStorageUsed.32 0
hrStorageUsed.33 0
hrStorageUsed.34 14543
hrStorageUsed.35 106627635
hrStorageUsed.36 8248903

Note that thee hrStorageUsed entries are not in 1-1 coresspondence 
with the hrStorageSize entries. I believe Net::SNMP assumes they are 
(or maybe snmpdiskspace.monitor does), and hences assumes, for 
example, that hrStorageSize.6 is associated with hrStorageUsed.10, 
which leads to erroneous results. 

Anyway, I wrote a quick and dirty bash version of snmpdiskspace, which 
cotrrectly parses the output of snmpwalk. It is very basic but can be 
easily extended: there's no config file and it only looks at fixed 
disks (hrStorageType == hrStorageFixedDisk). You can specify the 
percent free threshold and snmp community on the commandline. 

I've attached the monitor in case others find it useful. 


Jonathan Baxter

Description: application/shellscript
mon mailing list

Re: bash-based snmpdiskspace.monitor

2008-05-08 Thread Jonathan Baxter
 Oh, I remember this one.  One way to fix may be to recompile
 net-snmpd with --with-dummy-values - IIRC the contiguous
 behavior used to be the default, but it turned out to not fully
 conform to the SNMP standard, and when net-snmpd changed its
 default behavior, a number of SNMP client programs stopped working

Recompiling net-snmpd is not really an option: we have a ton of 
machines to keep upgraded so unless it is an absolute must-have 
bugfix, we can't be in the game of rolling our own packages. 

 The latest and greatest snmpdiskspace.monitor in CVS has some
 patches to address this problem:

 Please try that one and see if it works any better for you.

Doesn't seem to be fixed, eg: 

./snmpdiskspace.monitor --config /etc/mon/ --list 
System   Description% UsedFree space 
herndon-db001/ 0.6 % 10026.9 
mb N/A
herndon-db001/sys  0.0 %   -413963.4 
mb N/A
herndon-db001/sys/kernel/debug 0.0 %-32259.5 
mb N/A
herndon-db001/boot 0.2 %   485.3 
mb N/A
herndon-db001/data 0.0 %702469.5 
mb N/A
herndon-db001/data/home0.0 %368589.7 
mb N/A

(Note: negative free space)

Here's the corresponding output from snmpfreespace.monitor (the bash 
script I attached to my last message): 

./snmpfreespace.monitor -p99 herndon-db001
herndon-db001:/ is 25% full - 2,444M used out of 10,080M total
herndon-db001:/boot is 3% full - 14M used out of 486M total
herndon-db001:/data is 59% full - 413,960M used out of 702,472M total

-- Jonathan

mon mailing list

Re: bash-based snmpdiskspace.monitor

2008-05-08 Thread Ed Ravin
On Thu, May 08, 2008 at 12:22:40PM -0400, Jonathan Baxter wrote:
 I recently installed mon on some opensuse 10.3 machines, but could not 
 get the snmpdiskspace.monitor to work. I am not a perl guy, but it 
 seems the information coming back from the perl Net::SNMP module is 
 not correct, in that it assumes all fields are contiguous when they 
 are not.

You're almost right on the money.  snmpdiskspace.monitor isn't using
Net::SNMP, it's using G.S. Marzot's, which is substantially older 
and less wiser.  But that doesn't matter - the problem is as you surmised,
snmpdiskspace.monitor, which assumes there aren't any discontinuities
in the MIB and fails miserably when there are.  I don't think this is
the fault of the SNMP library, it's only doing what it's being asked
to do.

I'm going to try to redo snmpdiskspace.monitor's SNMP fetching so it
will work with discontinuous tables.

-- Ed

mon mailing list

Updates to snmpdiskspace.monitor

2006-03-20 Thread Ed Ravin
I finally got around to updating snmpdiskspace.monitor, and I looked
over Hans's suggestions for changes and implemented most of them:

* added --version option for specifying the SNMP version when
starting the SNMP session.  Default is version 1.

* added --disktypematch option for which disk types in the Host/Perf
mibs will be monitored.  Default is '4' (fixed disk only), change to
things like '[2-4]' to also see memory and swap.  I consider
this syntax a bug, but I didn't have the time to code anything more
sophisticated.  The syntax is documented in the source code.

* added --ucddisktype option.  This controls which disk devices
reported by the UCD MIB (like /dev/ide0, /dev/raid1) will be monitored.
I also added xbd (Xen block device) to the default list of devices.

I didn't implement Hans's solution for the 5% of space reserved for
root problem, since it raises several problems - some sysadmins may
have created their filesystems with a different reservation percentage,
some SNMP agents may report space without including the reserved
area, and most of all, everyone already using snmpdiskspace.monitor
has compensated for this in some way.

Thanks to Hans for the original patches and suggestions.  I believe I've
implemented things in a way that won't break any existing setups - if
folks could try out the attached snmpdiskspace.monitor and see if that
is indeed the case, it would be appreciated.

-- Ed

On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 03:11:57PM +0100, Hans Kinwel wrote:
 As a long time user of the snmpdiskspace.monitor, I was misled everytime 
 an alert went of, as it reported significantly more disk free then 
 Cause was that ext2/ext3 filesystems reserves 5 % for emergencies, ie
 root usage only.  This diskspace is not available to the general user
 (df doesn't see it), but according to SNMP this diskspace is unused
 and hence snmpdiskspace.monitor reports much more disk free then is 
 available in reality.  The problem is of course that recipients of the 
 alert think the amount of diskspace still suffices, while in reality the 
 situation is more urgent than it looks.
 The solution turns out te be really simple: check if the filesystem is
 ext2/ext3 and reduce the total diskspace by 5 % in the
 snmpdiskspace.monitor.  This is indeed the correct calculation for 
 calculating the true numbers.  Alerts now generated correspond with what 
 one sees with df.
#  snmpdiskspace.monitor
#  snmpdiskspace.monitor [--list] [--timeout seconds] [--config filename]
#[--community string] [--free minfree] 
#[--ucddiskmatch regexp] [--disktypematch '(N|N|...)']
#[--version N] [--ifree]
#[--retries retries] [--usemib mibtype] host...
#  This script uses the Host Resources MIB (RFC1514), and optionally
#  the MS Windows NT Performance MIB, or UCD-SNMP extensions
#  (enterprises.ucdavis.dskTable.dskEntry) to monitor diskspace on hosts
#  via SNMP.
#  snmpdiskspace.monitor uses a config file to allow the specification of
#  minimum free space on a per-host and per-partition basis. The config 
#  file allows the use of regular expressions, so it is quite flexible in
#  what it can allow. See the sample config file for more details and
#  syntax.
#  The script tries to check only physical filesystems (i.e. we don't
#  want to check if a CD-ROM is full), and digs into the MIB to see
#  which type the disk is.  If you are using the HOST MIB, use
#  the --disktypematch option to choose which storage types
#  you want to monitor - the default is 4 for FixedDisk.  If you
#  are using the UCD MIB, the script looks at the device the disk is
#  mounted on and compares it against a list of physical disk types.
#  Again, you can use the command line (--uscddiskmatch) to override.
#  The Empire SNMP agent supplies the HOST MIB and works well with
#  this script.

#  The UCD MIB includes inode monitoring, which is important in many
#  applications.  The HOST MIB shows memory, swap, and possibly other
#  filesystem types like floppy disk or RAMdisk that are ignored by
#  the UCD MIB.

#  snmpdiskspace.monitor is intended for use as a monitor for the mon
#  network monitoring package.

#  WARNING - Unix typically reserves 5% of free space on a disk (though
#  this is configurable at filesystem creation time) for the root user,
#  so normal users may see disk full errors even when the disk is 5%
#  free.  You may want to adjust your warning thresholds accordingly. 

#  --community   The SNMP community string to use. Default is public.
#Can also be specified via the COMMUNITY environment var
#  --config  The config file to use. Default is either 
#/etc/mon/ or 
#/usr/lib/mon/mon.d/, in that order.
#  --retries The number of retries to use, if we get

Re: Patch for snmpdiskspace.monitor (ext2/ext3)

2005-11-17 Thread Hans Kinwel

On 16/11/05 20:17, Ed Ravin wrote:

Hans, thanks for posting the two patches!  I hate to look a gift horse
in the mouth, but I have a couple of concerns:

No worry about the gift horse.   I happen to disagree though.  Not that 
its a big issue.

This is not unique to ext2/ext3 filesystems - it's implemented on most
Unix filesystems, and as the OP said, the percentage of reserved space
is configurable.

Well, let he who has another type of filesystem add his own if clause.
And yes, it is configurable.  I've never seen anybody do configure it 
though.  There's no need.  The amount of diskspace you win by 
configuring it, is obsolete in two months when the next generation of 
diskdrives comes out with double the capacity.  It *could* be 
configured, yes, but I'm not here to make life easier for some 
hypothetical person who tweaks a setting that nobody ever tweaks.  I'm 
here to solve my own problems.  And it's keeping me pretty busy at that.

Thus, I recommend that you make the reservation compensation a
configurable option, turned off by default, so that people who upgrade
to the new version aren't surprised by the change in behavior.

Well, they *should* be surprised.  Only 1/2 a :-) here.  They do not 
have as much diskspace available as they thought they had.  If they've 
configured a limit of 5 % they only get an alert when the disk is 100 % 
full.   That's not good behaviour to me.  It actually looks more like a 
bug, though technically it's not.  To me free diskspace is what df 
reports.  But YMMV.

Likewise for the swap space patch - that too should be
an option, perhaps a more generic option like

   --include-filesystems regexp

which would check space on any filesystem whose description matched
the regexp.

Well, apart from the trivial nitpick that swapspace is not a filesystem,
*and* under windows it's called Virtual Memory while under Linux its 
called Swap Space, this could still be called --include-swapspace but 
then again, who wouldn't appreciate the extra, relevant, if not to say 
important information the monitor now reports.  So, if anything, I would 
be in favour of an --exclude-swapspace, to accomodate some hypothetical 
person who would be annoyed by the extra information the monitor is 
giving out.  I'm not overwhelmed.

Come to think of it, it could be as simple as a default setting in

*Swap Space  0%
*Virtual Memory  0%

But it's only a few lines of code.  You can do with it whatever you 
want.  I won't be traumatized if you don't see it fit to use them. 
Neither will I if you decide to surround them with some sort of if 
clause.  These are just two hacks that work for me, and I just posted 
them back to the list.

To me mon is a day-to-day lifesaver, giving me, on an almost daily 
basis, alerts of the most important kind.  I wouldn't know what to do 
without it.  Competing products don't cut it.
Oh, yeah, I also have a file.monitor which monitors (log) files for 
certain strings.  That has come from a rudimentary hack to quite an 
elaborate script.  I'll post it after I've brushed it up.

   |Hans Kinwel

mon mailing list

Patch for snmpdiskspace.monitor (ext2/ext3)

2005-11-16 Thread Hans Kinwel

As a long time user of the snmpdiskspace.monitor, I was misled everytime 
an alert went of, as it reported significantly more disk free then 

Cause was that ext2/ext3 filesystems reserves 5 % for emergencies, ie
root usage only.  This diskspace is not available to the general user
(df doesn't see it), but according to SNMP this diskspace is unused
and hence snmpdiskspace.monitor reports much more disk free then is 
available in reality.  The problem is of course that recipients of the 
alert think the amount of diskspace still suffices, while in reality the 
situation is more urgent than it looks.

The solution turns out te be really simple: check if the filesystem is
ext2/ext3 and reduce the total diskspace by 5 % in the
snmpdiskspace.monitor.  This is indeed the correct calculation for 
calculating the true numbers.  Alerts now generated correspond with what 
one sees with df.

The patch is against Ed's version 1.5 2005/01/13.  Attached is the 
context diff.  It might look impressive, but it's only four lines of code.

Something else, in the new SNMP::Session call I NEED to add a Version 
= 2 parameter.  Else the monitor crashes with could not get SNMP 
info: Unknown user name.  Debugging turns out te be quite obscure. I 
would prefer it if the monitor came with a parameter or comment or 
somesuch that would remind me of its existence.

   |Hans Kinwel

*** snmpdiskspace.monitor.old   2005-11-16 14:38:10.0 +0100
---   2005-11-16 15:07:05.0 +0100
*** 331,337 
  sub get_values {
  my ($host) = @_;
! my 
  my ($v,$s);
--- 331,337 
  sub get_values {
  my ($host) = @_;
! my 
  my ($v,$s);
*** 361,366 
--- 361,367 
+   ['hrFSType'],
*** 372,377 
--- 373,388 
$AllocationUnits= $v-[3]-val;
$Size   = $v-[4]-val;
$Used   = $v-[5]-val;
+   $FSType = $v-[6]-val;
+   # if filesystem == ext2/ext3 then...
+   # ext2/ext3 filesystems reserve 5 % of diskspace for 
+   # Substract from total, and get an outcome much more in line 
+   # what df tells you
+   # . is OID: 
+   if ($FSType eq . {
+   $Size = $Size * 0.95;
+   }
$Freespace = (($Size - $Used) * $AllocationUnits);
print STDERR Found HOST MIB filesystem: Type=$Type, 
Descr=$Descr, AllocationUnits=$AllocationUnits, Size=$Size, Used=$Used\n if 
mon mailing list

Re: Patch for snmpdiskspace.monitor (ext2/ext3)

2005-11-16 Thread Dan Borlovan
Hans Kinwel wrote:

 Cause was that ext2/ext3 filesystems reserves 5 % for emergencies, ie
 root usage only.  This diskspace is not available to the general user

Actually the reserved space can be set to any value (5% is the default in case
you do not specify one an filesystem creation)

To see the actual number of reserved block you may try for example dumpe2fs:

# dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda2|grep Reserved
dumpe2fs 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)
Reserved block count: 192860
Reserved blocks uid:  0 (user root)
Reserved blocks gid:  0 (group root)

Dan Borlovan
Level 7 Software

mon mailing list

Another patch for snmpdiskspace.monitor (swapspace)

2005-11-16 Thread Hans Kinwel

Here's another patch for snmpdiskspace.monitor; this one's even more 
impressive: two lines of code changed.

Yet I consider it quite an important patch myself: with this patch also 
swapspace get monitored for disk full.  I don't know about you guys, 
but when one of my production servers runs out of swapspace it is just 
as bad as any other partition filling up, maybe even more so.

The change is extremely trivial, and reporting and configuration in the 
.cf file works straight out of the box without any extra effort needed.

   |Hans Kinwel
*** snmpdiskspace.monitor.old   2005-11-16 15:36:48.0 +0100
---   2005-11-16 15:43:06.0 +0100
*** 393,399 
# Using the Empire agent, this will eliminate drive types other
# than hard disks. The UCD agent is not as good as determining
# drive types under the HOST mib.
!   next if ($Type !~ /\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.25\.2\.1\.4/);

if ($Size != 0) {
$Percent= ($Used / $Size) * 100.0;
--- 393,402 
# Using the Empire agent, this will eliminate drive types other
# than hard disks. The UCD agent is not as good as determining
# drive types under the HOST mib.
!   # We do not only monitor FixedDevice type (4), but also 
!   # Virtual Memory type (3), as running out of swap is as bad as 
!   # running out of other diskspace.
!   next if ($Type !~ /\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.25\.2\.1\.[34]/);

if ($Size != 0) {
$Percent= ($Used / $Size) * 100.0;
*** 431,437 
while (defined $s-getnext($v)) {
# Make sure we are still in relevant portion of MIB
!   last if ($v-[1]-val !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.25\.2\.1\.4/);
last if ($v-[0]-val =~ /Total/);

$Descr  = ( $v-[0]-val =~ /.*:.*:(\w+:)$/gi)[-1] ;
--- 434,440 
while (defined $s-getnext($v)) {
# Make sure we are still in relevant portion of MIB
!   last if ($v-[1]-val !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.25\.2\.1\.[34]/);
last if ($v-[0]-val =~ /Total/);

$Descr  = ( $v-[0]-val =~ /.*:.*:(\w+:)$/gi)[-1] ;
mon mailing list

Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor

2002-11-13 Thread rsagar
  R Ratnasagar 
   To:  Rafe [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  13/11/2002 09:09 cc:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  AM   Subject: Re: 
snmpdiskspace.monitor(Document link: R Ratnasagar)  

  R Ratnasagar 
   To:  Rafe Slattery 
  12/11/2002 09:05 cc:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  AM   Subject: Re: 
snmpdiskspace.monitor(Document link: R Ratnasagar)  

I found the solution from net-snmp site.
You have to do the following.

If you compile with the host resources mib (--with-mib-modules=host),   
then the hrStorageTable should contain a complete list of devices   
(and snmpdf will use that table instead so its output will be   
better as well).


  Rafe Slattery
  08/11/2002 04:47 Subject:  Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor 

hi there
its been a while since I worked with this stuff ... but from what I
remember you need to specify on the command line that you want the host
resource (HR) mibs included...

basically thats the problem you are having.. those mibs aint in the
system... an you need to rebuild to include them... chances are if you
installed from packages you will need to get the source and build and
install that way...

that was my experience ... well actually the experience of one of my
 underlings at the time :-)



I am using UCD-SNMP 4.2.3 on Intel Solaris 8. When I use
snmpdiskspace.monitor I get Unknown Object Identifier.  Has anybody used
the monitor script successfully

RE: snmpdiskspace.monitor

2002-11-13 Thread Aled Treharne
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:rsagar;]
 Sent: 13 November 2002 14:22
 Subject: Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor
 I found the solution from net-snmp site.
 You have to do the following.
 If you compile with the host resources mib 
 then the hrStorageTable should contain a complete list of 
 (and snmpdf will use that table instead so its output 
 will be   
 better as well).  

However, note that the HOSTmib is in beta at the moment, and is indeed
causing me some *major* headaches, but only on one of my servers. *sigh*

Next job: see if I can use dskTable for this box instead... :)

Aled Treharne - Technical Solutions Advisor - Frontier Internet Services
Tel: 029 2082  Fax: 029 2082 0038
Statements made are at all times subject to Frontier's Terms and
Conditions of Business, which are available upon request.

Description: application/pkcs7-signature

Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor

2002-11-13 Thread kjawahar
  R Ratnasagar 
   To:  Rafe Slattery 
  12/11/2002 09:05 cc:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  AM   Subject: Re: 
snmpdiskspace.monitor(Document link: R Ratnasagar)  

I found the solution from net-snmp site.
You have to do the following.

If you compile with the host resources mib (--with-mib-modules=host),   
then the hrStorageTable should contain a complete list of devices   
(and snmpdf will use that table instead so its output will be   
better as well).


  Rafe Slattery
  08/11/2002 04:47 Subject:  Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor 

hi there
its been a while since I worked with this stuff ... but from what I
remember you need to specify on the command line that you want the host
resource (HR) mibs included...

basically thats the problem you are having.. those mibs aint in the
system... an you need to rebuild to include them... chances are if you
installed from packages you will need to get the source and build and
install that way...

that was my experience ... well actually the experience of one of my
 underlings at the time :-)



I am using UCD-SNMP 4.2.3 on Intel Solaris 8. When I use
snmpdiskspace.monitor I get Unknown Object Identifier.  Has anybody used
the monitor script successfully, please let me know.

TATA Consultancy Services,
Infrastructure Development and Managemnet Group.

mon mailing list

mon mailing list

RE: WINDOWS-NT-PERFORMANCE MIB for snmpdiskspace.monitor

2002-11-11 Thread Aled Treharne
-Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:brian_fender;]
 Sent: 11 November 2002 13:50
 To: Aled Treharne
 Subject: Re: WINDOWS-NT-PERFORMANCE MIB for snmpdiskspace.monitor

Pucker, cheers. :)

Aled Treharne - Technical Solutions Advisor - Frontier Internet Services
Tel: 029 2082  Fax: 029 2082 0038
Statements made are at all times subject to Frontier's Terms and
Conditions of Business, which are available upon request.

Description: application/pkcs7-signature


2002-11-07 Thread rsagar

I am using UCD-SNMP 4.2.3 on Intel Solaris 8. When I use
snmpdiskspace.monitor I get Unknown Object Identifier.  Has anybody used
the monitor script successfully, please let me know.

TATA Consultancy Services,
Infrastructure Development and Managemnet Group.

mon mailing list

Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor

2002-11-01 Thread rsagar

could you please be more elaborate on this. May I am asking you a silly question. I 
installed ucd-snmp successfully. But how do I set up the mibs ? I have got everything 


Jim Trocki 
trockij@trans   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
meta.comcc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor
07:23 PM   

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when I use snmpdiskspace.monitor from command line, I get the following error. Do you
 any clue to this. This I downloaded from CONTRIB.

 could not get SNMP info for hostname: Unknown Object Identifier

your snmp libs couldn't locate the proper mibs on your system.
be sure you have these mibs installed:


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mon mailing list


2002-10-31 Thread rsagar

when I use snmpdiskspace.monitor from command line, I get the following error. Do you 
any clue to this. This I downloaded from CONTRIB.

could not get SNMP info for hostname: Unknown Object Identifier


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Re: snmpdiskspace.monitor segmentation fault

2002-10-04 Thread Matt Simonsen

Problem solved. 

Thanks to an offline tip I updated my ucd-snmp package to the errata
version (which I didn't know existed+I was in a rut thinking the module
was the problem) and all is well now.

Great script, thank to everybody who contributed.


On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 11:25, Matt Simonsen wrote:
 I am running mon, perl-5.6.1-34.99.6 (Stock RedHat 7.3 version), and
 SNMP-4.2.0. Even when running snmpdiskspace.monitor by hand I get only
 the error: Segmentation fault. 
 I have commented out the get_values call on line 149 and while it
 doesn't work without the function I don't get a segmentation fault,
 either. Any help would be greatly appreciated in getting this to work.
 Or if there is another script you would be willing to share which has a
 config file for per server threasholds to monitor disk space via snmp
 I'd also love to see that.
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